#deepest and sincerest gratitude to those who have
arcdeanrys · 2 years
I want to start off by saying that I have spoken to and apologized to Maharaja, and am again apologizing to Maharaja, and also apologizing to anyone who has been hurt by my action and my inaction over the last week, which came from my moving across state lines and not by any willful wish to cause harm. I am deeply sorry for the pain and hurt that I have caused. There’s no excuse for that.
The truth is that I was ignorant of my comments surrounding Daenerys’s mad queen arc. I said the arc itself was sexist, therefore implying that anyone who decided to write or re-write that arc was sexist. I was ignorant of the subject and was given advice and education on how to correct it. As a woman who struggles with mental illness, I never wanted to stigmatize or cause harm in how I went about describing the exclusion of the mad queen arc in my portrayal. My voicing of this was in no way meant to undermine or attack Maharaja’s portrayal of Daenerys, but I know now that it was extremely poorly worded and harmful in how it was phrased. I see how it was not only hurtful to them, but to others who chose to include this plot point in their writing. The wording was not only harmful to women who struggle with mental illness but to the women of color who participated in that arc of the show. I acknowledge how deeply problematic my initial behavior and inaction was and am incredibly grateful for those who came forward to educate me.
Going forward, the harmful phrasing that I used on my blog has been permanently removed and will not appear again, and I will continue to educate myself on this topic and all topics similar and coinciding in the future. Maharaja and I have come to an agreement and are going forward on good terms, and I thank them again for having the patience to educate me on why my phrasing was harmful.
In conjunction with this, I also want to state that I was not involved with the DNI that was recently added to another writer’s blog. I did not want to be a part of it in any way. I, however, did like a dash post that was made about it. I did so without reviewing the docs, assuming that someone who had been very genuinely harmful to the community had been added vs. someone they had a personal vendetta against. I was not aware of the scope of this issue until very recently. When I was made aware, I reached out and explained this to Maharaja. I want to thank them for listening to me and for again, educating me. I do not and will never support anyone who classifies the education of others against harmful topics as being a bully. I have since unfollowed the individual who posted the DNI.
I want to reiterate that I was not being bullied by anyone, but that I was being educated on something I did that was harmful, and I listened to that criticism. I have removed the harmful things from my blog and will continue to educate myself as I grow as a person.
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mlmshipbracket · 7 months
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After weeks of waiting, planning, and organizing The Fourth MLM Ship Bracket is finally here! This is one of the biggest brackets I have ever (and will ever) organize. I want to thank everyone who submitted ships and propaganda. I also wish to extend my deepest and sincerest gratitude to @theshipwars for helping with advice on creating a graphic for this tournament bracket.
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN on Saturday, March 2nd and will last until Saturday, March 8th. Polls will be posted in three waves. At 12:00 AM (PST), 6:00 AM (PST), and 12:00 PM (PST) in order to not overwhelm. Happy voting!
Find the polls [HERE]
Tagging for visibility! No pressure to reblog. Let me know if you would like to be untagged.
@tournament-announcer @tournamentdirectory @theshipwars @badass-queer-couples-battle @age-gap-ship-tournament @smashorpassgilf @immortal-x-mortal-tourney @guess-that-ship
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls will include submitted propaganda (with edits). Feel free to include your own propaganda in the reblogs or submitted via 'ask'. Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well! If you do add propaganda please make sure to tag it as such so I can reblog, I do my best to keep an eye on reblogs/tags and asks.
I will link propaganda to ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those as we progress week by week.
I have done my best to make sure non-official content submitted was linked and/or credited. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or incorrect information when it comes to links, credits, propaganda, names, tags, etc. as 56 polls are a lot to look over.
You might notice I added 4 more ships, this was done to make things a little more even.
Remember to get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round Two!
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7grandmel · 10 months
Todays rip: 17/11/2023
Beyond the Floating Isles
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: Summer​-​Colored Smiles ~ The SiIvaSummer All​-​Star Festival Collection
Ripped by redoxwarfare
Due to the absolute volume of rips per each album, a lot of my time listening to SiIvaGunner is done so rather passively. I'll chuckle with a joke I recognize, add tracks to "Banger" and "Vibes" playlists if I'm enjoying them, and continue with my day. Its only when I decide to just listen to those playlists in particular that my brain starts getting into gear again. Like...what *is* Beyond the Floating Isles even from? I knew it was an absolute vibe of a rip, yet knew nothing else about it. That was when my journey started - and my sudden, adoring infatuation with the band "Crying".
I only just recently turned 22 years old, and for a long part of that life, I didn't really...listen to music. I enjoyed looking up my favorite video game music, and Minecraft music videos were of course part of the collective childhood of my generation...yet the act of just listening to music for music's sake, the appeal of the creative medium, was somehow lost on me. There's likely something deep-rooted in my neurodivergent mind that explains this, but SiIvaGunner has as a result been a way for me to find bands and albums that I truly connect with - through the shared passion of video game music, I've been able to grow that emotional attachment to bands that I otherwise wholly felt like I lacked. The most prominent example of that is of course Maroon 5 thanks to channel creator Chaze the Chat's enduring passion for the band in the channel's first four Seasons: I've discussed in posts like Moves Like K.K. just how much that passion reflected back onto me, and its far from the only band I've gone through this with. It may sound silly to say, but these video game mashups and arrangements and meme edits have genuinely helped me grow attached to vocals and melodies and themes from the wider music industry that I never would've otherwise.
Which brings us to my most recent experience with this - Beyond the Floating Isles, and Patriot by Crying. After making more of an initiative for myself to listen to more non-VGM this year, and after having this rip sit in my playlists for years on end, I decided it was finally time to do my due digging. What I found was a band I'd never heard of before, with only one true album release, and a lack of any real activity over the last six years. Beyond the Fleeting Gales sits at just shy of 150 thousand views on YouTube - less than SEVERAL of the rips I've covered here on this blog, yet is one of my new all-time favorite albums yet released. Patriot may be the song covered in today's rip and the one I'm the most emotionally attached to, but the album in its entirety exudes a similar vibe that I'm absolutely enamored with - a vibe that redoxwarfare did an incredible job distilling into a rip. Float Islands was an excellent choice for a song to use for such an atmospheric, uplifting song as Patriot - the two themes have little in common in terms of joke-material, but its clear to me that Beyond the Floating Isles was not made with comedy as its main intent.
I have no connection to redoxwarfare - never spoken, not sure of which rips they've made prior, and no true image of their interests and goals as a ripper. Yet Beyond the Floating Isles speaks with so much intent and love - love for a band that feels destined to be forgotten, yet is adored by the few in the masses who have found them. And I extend my deepest, sincerest gratitude toward redoxwarfare for succesfully introducing me to Crying - even if its three years after the fact, I now finally see the Fleeting Gales, and beyond.
(no but seriously go listen to Crying i will break traditional post formatting just to give you easy access to it theyre SO GOOD)
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collymore · 10 months
Benjamin Zephaniah: A man with principles and a strong commitment to effectively inculcate them!
By Stanley Collymore     An inspirational and honest man   who spoke from the heart and   his communities experience;   someone, who sought positive change   and fearlessly, confronted the bigoted   norm! Similarly a great man who very   courageously, and clearly undeniably   with really full conviction, of actually   what he was doing quite confidently   spoke truth to power: essentially so   characteristic elements crucially of   his Barbadian heritage and equally   actually likewise rather confidently   lifted a mirror to Conservative and   racist Britain so the viewers could   sensibly have a good truthful look   undeniably, at their own reflection   and thus see who they truly were!     (C) Stanley V. Collymore   7 December 2023.     Author's Remarks:       To proudly quote the late, equally great and evidently iconic figure Jimmy Hendrix: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace!" And therefore, quite unquestionably in my undoubtedly, evidently honest summation of him Benjamin Zephaniah generally did fulfil all these essential attributes that are so indispensable to humanity.     To me, as he always will be, this distinctly culturally and similarly biologically Bajan and Afro-Caribbean icon was a man with principles. A beautiful man both inside as well as outside. Someone possessed of a splendid mind who showed kindness to all those he encountered, in tandem too with being a stupendously creative individual who wrote magical poetry.     How I earnestly wish that we essentially had more people like Benjamin in Britain today, for if we did the United Kingdom for certainty would be a far better place. And as we Bajans immensely entrenched in our obviously devout Christian principles do on these kind of situations say: "Farewell, not goodbye, my dearest friend until we happily meet again in the next life!" Now rest eternally my Black brother Benjamin Zephaniah in Paradise now that your work and presence here on Earth are over; doing so, fully ensconced in the everlasting blessing of God Almighty. And my sincerest thanks and gratitude to you for all the good you've done!       Additionally, my deepest condolences to the family members and close friends of Benjamin Zephaniah for your undeniably sad loss. My thoughts are thoroughly and sympathetically with you.     Benjamin Zephaniah: Born 15 April 1958, died 7 December 2023; age 65 years!
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linkeduniverse · 4 years
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Timeline talk1
<< Previous                            Next>> Based on these guys] [#LinkedUniverse ] [Archive]  
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photogirl894 · 2 years
I want to extend my deepest and sincerest thanks to so many of you regarding recent events. (Long post ahead)
Some of you may know and some of you may not, but over the last two days, another well-known Tumblr user who is no longer on this platform (I will be civil and not name them by name unless asked, but plenty of you know who it was) was trying to cause drama between her and me here on Tumblr. If you want the entirety of the story, then I will gladly share privately, but I will spare you the long explanation. I owe it to people who don’t know or didn’t understand what happened at least the long story short.
We had a falling out about a month ago and she hadn’t spoken to me in weeks. Then, through a series of events that I will admit I could have handled a little better in the beginning, it led to her getting people to send me anon hate and then trying to slander me with posts claiming all sorts of lies about me and tagging people in them to get them to turn against me. First, with the anons, I was flooded with an onslaught of support from my friends and followers that far outweighed the anons, and then with the callout post, I chose to be the bigger person and ignored it. I only private messaged people who had been tagged to explain and asked them to not publicly engage. After that, though, it seems that other people handled the situation for me. I know there were a couple people who sent messages to the other person defending me and others asking to never be tagged in such posts like that ever again. I don’t know the exact repercussions that happened, but it resulted in the post being taken down and subsequently the person’s blog being deactivated entirely. She had tried to start a war, but retreated when things turned on her and realized she didn't have the support she wanted.
I received so many messages from people telling me they didn’t believe anything that was said about me for a multitude of reasons and showing me their love and gratitude for being who I am. I honestly cannot express enough how grateful I am that most people were able to trust me and believe in me in such a situation. Sadly, there were a couple friends who did believe those false things and have blocked me, which saddens me a lot, but overall, I have come to learn that I have the best and most loyal friends and followers here on Tumblr! I had some that helped me keep a level head when the callout post came to light, because I was more than ready to respond and tear the argument apart; I was furious, but my friends helped me stay calm and helped me be logical. There were even some people who didn’t know me that well that stood behind me through the whole ordeal based on their opinions of me and/or their opinions of the other person.
Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every one of you that have stood by me, been there for me and were a rock in the storm for me. Sometimes I feel that being a good person is a weakness because it’s led to me being hurt several times by people who were once my friends and took advantage of my kindness, but it’s times like this that I’m reminded that no, it isn’t. Being who I am has brought people into my life like all of you who are loyal and true in the face of a difficult situation. I seriously am blessed! It was a tough and emotionally draining last couple of days, but so many of you helped me get through it and I'm thankful that I didn't lose a lot of my friends in this. I apologize for the drama that took place and the effects it might've had on some of you, but really, thank you! Thank you all so much! 🥺😭💜
(Sorry for the long post!)
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songofwizardry · 4 years
In honour of this week’s Critical Role episode, here are some Beau Moments, mostly about Thoreau and institutions and abuse of power, that have stuck with me really hard. Mostly because I wanted to go back through and compile these moments, because I just really fucking love Beau. 
C2E004 2:15:39
Dairon: “Your dislike for authority is not a bad thing. It can keep you alive. Authority should always be questioned. Those with more power than you should be held to a higher standard.”
[Training montage]
Beau: “Why are you doing this? Why me?”
Dairon: “Because a long time ago, I was a wayward girl with no direction, was angry, and fighting at the world. And someone did this for me.”
Beau: “I don't really believe in systems or being a part of them, let alone a system that takes down other systems. Seems almost hypocritical.”
Dairon: “Perhaps. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll find the corruption inside our own.”
C2E024 1:14:31
Beau: “I don't know, I just grew to hate the town that I was in and the system that my father was a part of and so everything--”
Nott: “Is he a bad person?”
Beau: “He wasn't a bad person. I think he just had bad direction. I don't know, he could've been a good dad. He was a shitty dad and a good businessman.”
Nott: “Wait, this was not by choice? You were abducted by monks?! ... Are you okay?”
Beau: “Sure. Great.”
Nott: “Was it hard?”
Beau: “Yeah. I mean, there were elements that were hard, but everyone has had hardships, right? What's it matter? Besides, he sent me off to the monks. I think he was hoping that they were going to beat my indiscretions out of me. Instead, I think all of the things that my father saw in me that he hated, the monks saw as a potential advantage. So, in a weird way, I think it might've been the nicest thing he ever did for me. ... I mean, I still never really want to see him again, and I don't think he wants to see me again, either. In fact, he told that he didn't want to see me again. So it's good. Yeah.”
C2E092 1:35:50
Beau: “I feel like I've found my family with The Mighty Nein. I don't like looking at my past, because it doesn't have The Mighty Nein in it, and I think I put off the inevitable, because I'm going to-- I'm afraid it's going to be like my past.”
Fjord: “I don't think one contaminates the other. You've got good, solid footing here. I mean, shit, if we want to run, we run. If we want to kick his ass, we'll kick his ass.”
Beau: “Yeah... I kind of want to kick his ass, and I don't want to run.”
Fjord: “Could I ask you, in your wildest dreams, and feel free to say you don't want to tell me, what would you have happen when we go there?”
Beau: “I think I've worked so hard because I scripted this day, in my inevitable future that I would go back to him, successful woman, respectable member of society, Cobalt Soul, an Expositor, the thing he threw me away to, and I embraced. And then, I would get mad at myself, because I felt like I was doing exactly what he was doing to me my entire life, scripting me to be something else. And I'm still doing it. I haven't seen him in three years, and I'm still trying to be... something. And I think what's scary is that I like this, and what I've found, and I don't think it was until Nott started talking about having to go home and go away that it truly started terrifying me. Because for the first time, I'm happy. And what if that goes away?”
C2E092 3:41:30
Thoreau: “Look, I know you-- I know we've had our  differences. And I've not-- I've not been the pinnacle of a father, in the same way that you've not been a pinnacle of a daughter. I accept my responsibilities in the things that I've, maybe been a bit harsh on. But look what you've become.”
Beau: “It feels like a weird justification of your behaviours, but I'd like to hope that what I became had nothing to fucking do with you, but maybe I'd be lying to myself.”
Beau: “Yeah, I was difficult... but I thought a Dad was supposed to stay by their kid when they're having a fucking hard time.”
C2E125 02:54:15
Yudala Fon: “First, let me say, thank you for being honest about your experience with the Expositor, and aiding us in finding this link and exposing a very serious seed of corruption within our very... sorry... group. Let me please extend my sincerest apologies.”
Beau: “Um... thank you. Sorry, I’m really taken aback by all of this. ... It’s odd, looking at one of the most traumatic moments of my life and on another side, feeling a sense of thanks and gratitude that it happened. Because it did set me on this path.”
Yudala: “We would like to think that you would have found your way here regardless. And it should always have been your choice. And I know we cannot make that up to you, but I want to extend my – our – deepest apologies. 
Beau: “Um. Thank you. Thank you for taking these matters so seriously. Didn’t expect it. I guess you get... used to cruelty being handed down as the norm.”
Yudala: “We are not a body of government, we are not a religious group, we are a people who want to protect people who cannot protect themselves from abuses of power. And you’ve been abused by someone in power. We will see that they are properly punished.”
[A little later]
Caleb: “Are you... all right?”
Beau: “Do you know that feeling where... you didn’t realise something was wrong until someone told you, and you just lived with it this whole time, and... I’m relieved, but I’m also, kind of reckoning with it at the same time? I don’t know. Yeah, I’m good. I’m okay.”
Bonus: C2E110 03:35:31
Beau: “I... am so fucking tired of manipulative assholes... I don't know why so many people have gone through such great lengths to try and convince us all that they're responsible for our success. ... If I hear one more person try and claim that pain is the only way to make a resilient person—what a shitty excuse.”
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chixibrown · 4 years
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Upon finishing the Stardew Valley comic
Since the Stardew Valley comic has been released by Fangamer, I am now able to write about what I had been doing in secret for one long year.
■ Gratitude
First of all, to the original creator Eric-san who entrusted the task in my hands, to Kari-san who helped me from early development all the way to printing, to Ryan-san, to Steven-san who did the translations, to Kari-san's mother who assisted in the creation of the envelope, to Erica-san for product photography -- And last but not least, everyone at Fangamer and FangamerJP.
It's thanks to the support of many people that I was able to finish the comic, and I wish to extend my sincerest gratitude towards everyone involved.
■ Chronology
"Chihiro! Big News! Let's create a new merch together!" was a request that I received around autumn of 2018. At first I was wondering if I was going to be asked to design a T-shirt, but turned out to be an invitation to draw a comic book!
At that time, I was posting comics on Twitter at random. Not even in my wildest dreams have I thought that my little comics would be appreciated so, and thus I immediately burst into tears.
I'm very honored and thankful for the opportunity to pen Fangamer's very first comic.
■ Contents
I'll try not to spoil anything about the story in this section.
The content requested by the original creator Eric-san for the comic was: "The story before the farmer comes to the farm" "With focus on the community center and Joja" "And the protagonist should have no set characteristics"
These were really the ONLY information that we received from Eric-san throughout the whole process (whyyy).
I was definitely worried. In reality, for around six months when I did my preliminary research, I played Stardew Valley every day, took countless pictures, and absorbed myself in collecting materials.
I I ended up taking a little over 20 thousand screenshots total (lol).
I wholeheartedly agree with Eric-san's guideline not to give the protagonist any set characteristics. I think one of the keypoints of this game is that "Anyone can be the protagonist".
The story is set from a few years before the prologue of game, so I was rather careful not to show my own personal interpretation. In principle, the actions of the characters were mostly taken from their in-game dialogue where they mention having done something in the past (For example, the reason Sam got in trouble lmao).
It took a lot of effort outlining the story, which involved things such as "Which characters would be in contact with each other?" and "Which characters may not be present at the valley at the time?". This is the reason why the preliminary research took around six months.
By the way, I was the one who proposed to include a "letter" with the comic, both as a bonus and major spoiler, in a way. But uh, many fellow Japanese may not be able to read it, so... I'll secretly tell you the what's actually written on the letter:
It's the handwritten version of THE letter you receive in the English version of the game's prologue. It's in your hands now. So in conclusion, it's probably exactly what you think it was.
I was quite adamant about how the letter needs to be handwritten. And as who wrote it... I shall keep it a secret here.
The reason why the comic had little to no dialogue is because it was the style I had back from the time I was drawing Stardew Valley fan art. Since Stardew Valley is a media not originally from Japan, that style serves to fulfill my two wishes: "I want people all over the world to be able to read my work" and "I want to cherish the feelings of each individual player" -- That sort of idea, really.
To summarize,
"I want people all over the world to be able to read my work"
"I want to preserve the unique interpretations each individual player might have"
"Anyone can become a Stardew Valley protagonist"
I drew the comic with these concepts in mind.
■ About me
I would like to talk about my experiences throughout the development of the comic.
My name is Chihiro Sakaida (a.k.a. Brown Junimo), I was already working for a game company, so I took advantage of that experience to work on game design and illustration.
Of course, while I was working on the Stardew Valley comic, I was a freelancer and had other jobs to worry about as well, so I ended up spending a lot of time working on the comic at night after work. I also studied digital art for a month for the sake of the comic, and I think it helped improved my work efficiency.
Those were truly, very fun days for me. The only thing that did bother me was the fact that even though I was working on my favorite Stardew Valley content day after day, I couldn't really share it with anyone.
I didn't want to take the risk of accidentally running my mouth on Twitter, and I no longer had the time to draw and post online like I used to -- So I had to resort to posting only low-risk tweets, so to speak, and to be honest, it was quite disheartening.
As such, I felt truly supported by the trusted individuals who knew about the comic. Tori-san, Aki-san, Kari-san, and Ryan-san, thank you so, so much.
■ Those who supported me
Tori-san is my partner, and also a person I respect as a novelist and screenwriter. She kindly and carefully reviewed and summarized my messy story.
Aki-san knew about the comic existed, but also knew next to nothing about it. Because of that, I think it was more than a handful to support me. It must've been really hard on Aki-san, who didn't know the contents of the book and thus had no way to accidentally spoiling the surprise, but whom also probably held even more feelings of shame than I did in regards to social media... I'm sorry that you've had to put up with so much. I was very proud to have you be the first reader of the finished book.
Kari-san is the illustrator of the Official Stardew Valley Guide Book, and I respect her a whole lot.
Both her work are her personality are very kind and easy-going. Together with her partner Ryan-san, she's managed to assist and encourage me many, many times.
No matter what I drew, I was sure to be greeted with her "Chihiro, you're so great!" or "Chihiro, you really did your best!" (Even my own mother have never praise me this much!) Overall, she feels just like an older sister I've always longed for, and it makes me very happy.
No matter what merch was in the process of being created, she would say "Let's make a brown one!!", solely because it's my signature color. It makes me very happy, although probably a tiny bit embarrassed as well to have her value my one schtick this much. She's even came to Japan many times, and listened to me talk all day long. After all, I wouldn't have been able to get this job to begin with if it wasn't for Kari-san, so she's a real lifesaver.
I didn't get to talk directly with Eric-san, the original creator and developer of Stardew Valley. Obviously I received some feedback via Fangamer, but I was refraining from being in contact with him as much as possible. I didn't think I could convey my full sincerity towards him before the comic was completed. I strived to be able to earnestly understand the feelings he wanted to convey via his own words -- Whether it was the game dialogues, his words on the developer blog and interviews, etc.
There was, by the way, no revision whatsoever to the comic. Eric-san did, however, carefully check all of my ideas and always provided words of appreciation; which made me happier than anything else. Those words became my motivation to live, in a sense, which in turn allowed me to freely and happily work on the comic.
■ Going Forward
While I've been talking about how proud I am to have finished the comic, I also would like to talk about what's coming next. While I certainly plan to continue working with Fangamer for the foreseeable future, at the same time, I have also decided to work for another game development company, and I plan to devote my time working on game development for at least the next year.
It has been my dream for the past 15 years to work for this particular company, and I'm elated to see it come true.
However, as a result I think I will have less exposure to social media. I don't think it's going to be easy to recreate that warm and wondrous time where I could interact with people regularly, but my memory of that time is something I will treasure for the rest of my life.
I'm really sorry that I have absolutely nothing to give back, but I sincerely hope the comic has brought a smile to everyone who's read or even merely noticed it.
■ Finally
I'm such a fortunate person -- I've come this far due to everyone's support, and for that, I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude. Thank you so much, for everything, always.
It would delight me if all of you could stay with me from this point on.
As I try to polish my skills and improve myself as a whole.
PS: Thanks to my best friend Ryou-chan for translating this!
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platinum-happy · 6 years
Announcement Regarding Eve & Graduation Letters for Willow
To all of our supporters, thank you for your ongoing support of Platinum Happy! While we’re hard at work behind the scenes on new releases and hope to have something new for you all to enjoy soon, we must announce with mixed emotions that Generation 1 member, Eve, has graduated from Platinum Happy to focus on her personal life. Eve has been an asset to Platinum Happy and has contributed so much to us since starting off in our first generation, and we would like to express our gratitude to Eve for everything she has done for us and the joy she has brought to the group! Below, you will find letters from current members to Eve, as well as graduation letters for former Generation 2 member, Willow, who graduated from the group in 2018.
Graduation Letters for Eve
Dear Iibu,
The things you create are truly wonderful, thank you for taking some time to create things with us over the years! You’ve introduced me to so many cool idol groups and songs, and our mutual love of rilakkuma and other cute stuff was always fun~
I appreciate your calming presence, and I’m super grateful I got to meet you, Eve!! If there’s ever anything you need me for, never hesitate to message me. I hope your future will be full of excitement and happiness!
I legit cried when I read you were graduating. You’ve been one of my favorite Purappi members from the BEGINNING. From the start, I fangirled over your voice, style and personality. You’re very talented but kind at the same time. An Idol with a heart as gold as your image color.
I know you’re off to bigger and brighter things, but I hope you’ll stop by to chat sometimes. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say Platinum Happy won’t be the same without you! (T_T) Please don’t be a stranger! ♥ ♥
Love, Bea
Dear Eve,
I’m not EVEn sure where to begin here, and I don’t think a letter like this can succinctly describe the way I’m feeling, but the biggest sentiments I want to express to you are THANK YOU and YOU ARE AMAZING!
You’ve always been the kind of person who is quietly talented – rather than flaunting your crazy skills right up front, you’ve been weaving something grand with your talents in your own way until suddenly you’ve burst onto the scene, and everyone’s like, “This is amazing!” And it’s TRUE. Your music, your art, your ideas, and everything that you put your heart into turns out to be a masterpiece. You’ve done so much for Purappi, and I can’t thank you enough for being here with us and sharing your talents with the world alongside everyone here. You’ve been a cherished member and a cherished friend to us, and you’ve truly left a sort of golden touch on the group that we’ll never forget. We owe you so much!
On a personal note, thank you for being there to fangirl with me about CY8ER and alternative and tattooed idols and electronic J-pop and all of these fun things! You’ve always been so sweet and thoughtful – and always were at the ready to share exciting idol news (whether through fangirly messages between us or on PuraRadio)! After your graduation, I hope we continue to talk about these things!
I wish you nothing but the best, and I know your talents will take you so, so far. Good luck Eve, we will miss you so much!
Love, Bonnie
Hey Eve,
Honestly I’m at a loss as to what to write because I’m worried that it will turn into “noooo, please don’t leave.”
When gen one first came together, you were one of the only people I already knew. We kind of paired off because of that and because we have similar tastes in idols and are kind of awkward nerds, and I really do think of you as one of my closest friends. I’m so glad that we got to meet so many times and I really hope you come to Japan again soon because you are so fun to hang out with.
I think that it’s because of you that I was able to really do anything at all in Purappi. Having you around was what encouraged me to break out of my shell with both the other members behind the scenes and be more of the weirdo in front of the camera, too. Because you were there to share ideas with me I was able to come up with my own and try them out. And of course you were always my partner in crime for PuraRadio and PuraStreaming. You’ve always been a huge part of the group to me, and I’m sure that goes for the other members as well.
And you honestly have had such a big impact on us. After all, “Platinum de Somete” is something you gave us! I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you so much for being a part of Platinum Happy with me.
Of course I can still talk to you whenever and I will, don’t you doubt that! Seriously. BFFs. That us.
I love you come to Japan and fight me by which I mean give me a hug and hang out with me,
Hellohellohello Eve, Iibu, Eevee, Eveveveveve,
I know what you might be thinking. I sound like I’m hyper right now. If that’s your train of thought, you might be right. The world will never know. Not really anyway.🤫🤫
I know I’m the somewhat formal type. I’ve rarely ever called anyone by their given nicknames. (If anything, I’ve often given my own nickname for everyone else, haha.) But by the end of this letter that’s gonna change!!!
We’ve been together as gen members for what… FOUR YEARS? Time passes!!! We’ve been in a few subgroup songs together like Love like Candyfloss and Because Happiness which is great but a bit sad that we won’t get a Team Nomimono cover in the future… 🤐 Maybe a reunion could happen in a hopeful future, right コーヒーブ ☺️
But like I’ve said to Willow, it doesn’t mean it’s the end! It doesn’t mean you’re not onto bigger and better things!!!! Flex positivity!!!! I believe in you in all your future endeavors!!!!!!!!! (# P O S I T I V I T Y 2 K 1 9 ! ! ! ! 😤 😤 😤)
We’ll miss you, Iibu. But you know exactly where to find us so don’t forget to send us some life updates!!! 😤😤😤
From the probably-hyper-but-the-world-will-never-know
ジュース 😘
Iibu! When I found out you wanted to graduate, I was devastated. You have this quiet, amazing, yet powerful energy that I LOVE! You’ve graced us with your presence since the beginning of Purappi, and for that, I am very thankful. Between your voice, art, lyrics, videos, and overall creative prowess, you’ve definitely made a large and incomparable positive impact on our little group. One of my favorite things was when you’d quietly sneak into the group chat and drop something amazing at our feet! I’m very sad to see you go, but I know wherever you end up in life, you will flourish. Good luck and full speed ahead!!!
IIBUU, I’m really gonna miss you! Before I joined, you were always one of my favorite members, so I’m glad I got to meet you and talk with you! You are super sweet and the most knowledgeable and passionate person about idols I know! I definitely wouldn’t have learned about Wasuta or Gang Parade if it wasn’t for you. <3
So much of Purappi’s identity is thanks to you, Eve! You’re incredibly talented and I know those talents will take you far! I wish you the best, take care of yourself and check in from time to time. <3
Love, Sadie <33333
Graduation Letters for Willow
Dear Ui,
OH MAN HOW ARE WE GONNA LIVE WITHOUT YOUR GOD-TIER MIXES AND ENERGY AROUND???? Actually at this point, it’s been a while since you’ve graduated and I’m glad that we still chat every now and then! It seems like you’re doing well and working on lots of fun projects! I hope you still think of me as a friend the way I do you. ♡
Dear Willow,
I was so sad to see you graduate! You were such a talented singer (and rapper!) who brought a lot to the Purrapi family. I remember hearing you in Silly Boy and becoming an instant fan! ♥
I’m definitely going to miss having you and your grand knowledge of idols around. I always felt like I learned something new whenever you spoke up. Also, I’ll forever be wishing we had gotten a chance to sing together while you were in the group. Maybe one day our paths will cross and allow it. But for now, keep doing your thing and chasing your dreams! Remember to keep in touch too!
Love, Bea
Dear Willow,
Miss Willow~ while I’m, of course, sad to see you go, I have nothing but positive thoughts for your future! With your talents, abilities, and confidence, you can pretty much take on the world, which I am totally down for!
Thank you for the time you spent with us in Purappi! Your gorgeous voice blended so well with Generation 2 and brought so much depth to our songs. Whenever I was color-coding lyrics and figuring out who should sing a certain line, I always knew I could count on you to absolutely nail whatever I gave you! One of my favorite Willow memories is your rapping in “deal,” because that was INSANELY cool and absolutely made me fangirl you!
I want to wish you the best of luck for your future. Keep in touch with us, okay! We’ll always be wota pals!
Love, Bonnie
Hi Uiui,
Okay, I kind of procrastinate with graduation letters in the first place because I don’t want anyone to graduate but like… I really procrastinated with this one. I was just really shocked when you told us because you were one of the last members I was expecting to announce that. You just are always so in place with us that it feels so weird?
Honestly I’m so blessed to have gotten to meet you and I’m so, so glad that we had this group in common that helped two people born on opposite sides of the planet meet and go to a maid cafe together not once, but like three times. You’re always a blast to hang out with which, of course, you’re just such a chill person who is also just so funny and interesting and please if you come back to Japan while I still haven’t been kicked out, hit me up let’s do karaoke again!!
Good luck with your studies and your future! I know you’re a super hard worker, so you will definitely succeed with anything you put yourself towards. Don’t be a stranger because we love you so much.
To the one and only Willow,
Hello uwu
It’s sad to see your departure from Purappi but that doesn’t mean you aren’t onto bigger and better things, right?!! (#POSITIVITY2K19!!!!! 😤😤) We’re still proud of you!!!!!!!!!
The songs are gonna have one more voice to miss from now on but it won’t be too bad, I’m sure. I think the new generation will do a splendid job in your stead. We’ll miss you, your voice, and your mixing, though. I hope you still get to meet up with our wonderful Calla and the other members every once in a while. Remember to keep in touch!! You know where to find us. 😚
Meep-meep (aka Mepp the Red Leaf uwu)
My precious UiUi!! Since we’ve been knowing each other for such a long time, I was elated when you auditioned for Purappi! It was a no brainer to accept you; someone who has a sweet solid voice, the ability to spit fire raps, a fun loving personality, AND a great mixer?! My dear, you are a catch of an idol! You’ll always be our sexy UiUi here in Purappi Land. I’m sad you’re leaving us, but I know you will do Great Things on your own. I look forward to gushing about Hello!Project idols with you soon! Much love!!
Dear UI! I just want to say it’s been a pleasure being a fellow 2nd gen member with you! I’m always pretty bad at these graduation letters, but I just want you to know I appreciated you and everything you did for our group! Its sad that you’re leaving/left, but I know you’re doing great things in life and so I’m happy I got to meet you! Good luck in your current ventures! I know you’ll become the best sexy UIUI you can be. <3  
I really miss you,
Love, Sadie
P.S., I’m gonna miss sharing lines with you 😮 lol
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
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By  Willow,
I'm sure you are feeling the veil between worlds thinning as Samhain approaches. This is the perfect time to work with spirits and travel between realms. This ritual is designed to open the doors between our realm and the realm of our ancestors to communicate with them this Samhain.
What You'll Need
Pomegranate (sliced open)
Black Candle
White Candles
Hot Plate (for charcoal)
What to Do
Begin by cleansing your working area with the method of your choice. For this ritual, I chose to use cedar because it works to remove negativity but also invites good spirits. This step is very important this time as you will be inviting spirits into your sacred space and its only proper (and smart) to invite them into a clean home. After you are certain your sacred space is cleansed, feel free to call quarters and cast a magical circle. I encourage you to take the necessary precautions and protect yourself in whatever way you see fit during this ritual.
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After you are certain your space is clean, charge the obsidian with your intent. Hold it in your hand, close your eyes and say,
"I charge this obsidian to bridge the gap between our realm and those of my ancestors. May it act as a conduit so my ancestors may speak their truth on this night. May it act as a door and a guiding light for those I seek. Aid in my message so they may understand me and that I may understand them in return."
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Put the black obsidian directly in front of you or hold it during the ritual. Extract three pomegranate seeds and eat them while saying,
"Fruit of the Underworld and blood of my ancestors, help bridge this realm with the Land of the Dead. May the living and deceased freely communicate this night."
Next, place the black candle on the left of your altar or work surface, the white candle on the right, and the remaining pomegranate halves in between them (black candle, pomegranate, white candle). Light the charcoal and when the coal is hot, place some mugwort on it. Then light the black candle and the white candle. Move the black candle to the right of the white candle while saying,
"On this Samhain night, when the veil is thin and the spirits come forth, I call upon my ancestors. I seek guidance as the Wheel of the Year comes full circle and the Earth rests. I call to thee, the honored and well-intended ancestors of my family line, to join me here and now at my altar to guide me on my path. Accept this offering of fruit along with my love and deepest gratitude. May it please you."
Bow your head and allow them to partake in the offering. Sit quietly and listen for any messages they may have for you. You can do this by closing your eyes or staring into the flame of the black candle. Write down anything you see or hear during this time. Some things may not make sense right now, but write them down anyway.
To close the ritual, thank your ancestors for coming and ask them to leave by saying,
"Thank you, ancestors, who came to commune with me this Samhain night. I offer my sincerest thanks and hope the offering was to your liking. You may depart and return to your resting places. Do not linger. Obsidian, black as night, guide the souls who were called today back home. This Rite is now closed."
Snuff out the candles and leave the offering on your altar overnight. The following morning place the pomegranate outside for the wildlife. They will appreciate your gift. You may feel exhausted after this ritual. Ground and center yourself and eat something before taking a shower. Dead spirits often leave behind a "heaviness" that should be washed away. Cleanse your space with your preferred method then shower to remove anything remaining on your person. After our shower or bath, spend some time analyzing what you wrote down during the ritual.
Why You Did It
Understanding the why's of a ritual are just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own.
Let's start with the first step, the obsidian. Obsidian is a volcanic glass that has cooled so quickly crystallization is unable to occur. It has a long and rich history throughout a number of cultures around the world, but one thing it has in common is its association with the Underworld. Because of its shiny appearance which reflects the shadows of the objects and people that stand before it, the peoples of ancient Mexico named it
after the god Tezcatlipoca ("smoking mirror"), believing the shadowy reflections were connected to the afterlife and second sight. Furthermore, it originates from magma deep within the Earth, further connecting it to the Underworld. Because of these features, obsidian is the perfect crystal to act as a bridge between our realm and the Land of the Dead, as it is naturally and magically connected to the Underworld. To add to this, obsidian is also associated with protection. Historically, obsidian was used as spearheads and arrowheads as it is relatively brittle and therefore easy to shape. And being black, a color traditionally associated with protection, grounding, and banishment, adds to its use in this ritual as the obsidian is not only used to pull spirits to our realm, but also to banish them back to their's at the end of the ritual. All in all, it is the perfect crystal for the job!
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Next, we come to the star of the show from which this ritual is named, the pomegranate. It doesn't play a super big part in this ritual, but it is essential as it helps open you to receive messages. You are probably aware of the story of Persephone and Hades, but if you are not, I encourage you to go read it. To give you a brief summary, Hades steals Persephone away to the Underworld where he finally convinces her to eat some pomegranate seeds. This binds her to the Underworld until Zeus is able to strike a deal between Hades and Demeter, Persephone's mother so that Persephone will spend half the year with her mother and half the year with Hades. As a result, pomegranates are strongly associated with being the fruit of the Underworld, and eating them is said to connect you to that realm and aid in spirit communication. They are also associated with blood and therefore death because the fruit "bleeds" when you cut into it. In general, it makes for an excellent offering to the dead as well. Mugwort is a traditional herb associated with spirit communication. The smoke is a mild entheogen and helps induce a trance-like state. As such, it's the perfect herbal incense to use during spirit communication and won't cause a traditional "high" that could make communication difficult. Furthermore, smoke is associated with air and communication so that your messages can travel to your ancestors and their messages to you.
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The black and white candles represent the Underworld (black) and our world (white). This is a symbolic representation as black is associated with death and white with life. When you move the black candle to the right of the white candle, you are pulling the Land of the Dead to the present realm and bridging that connection. Looking to break this spell? Unfortunately, this isn't a spell to be broken. There is nothing to break. However, if spirits linger, ask them to leave and cleanse the space again. Remember to record this ritual on your ritual/spell worksheet and have a wonderful Samhain! How do you plan to celebrate this year?
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mame-bean · 3 years
When it comes to most topics in conversation, I have a very limited vocabulary, consisting mostly of the words “oh” “yeah” and “oof.”
But if someone dares to bring up (or worse yet, ask me about) a topic that I’m super into, be prepared for me to launch us into freakin space with the amount of words I have to say…
Paragraphs, text walls, endless minutes and constant gushing about the topic anytime something reminds me of it… I forget how to shut up especially if it’s a new interest that I’ve poured my soul into.
My deepest apologies to everyone who has had to deal with this from me, and my sincerest gratitude to those who stick around and put up with my obsessive tendencies. 😅❤️
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archivesdecreole · 3 years
"Do not be afraid of failing, as long as you keep learning, you keep dreaming!"
Dear parents, Beloved teachers, Fellow Classmates/ Schoolmates,
As I am standing here behind this Big Screen I cannot help but remember all the other times I have been given the privilege to speak on behalf of my batch.
I was standing there at the Screen and did not know to whom I shall turn my head whenever I greeted the teacher. So young and naive. Now, I am yet again having an exceptional chance to share my insights, personally express my gratefulness, and of course, speak on behalf of you, my fellow graduates. Our journey in our Senior High School life it's not easy at all because of the pandemic. It was like a roller coaster ride – not because we had our fair share of ups and downs but because of the plot twists we experienced all throughout these years.
As we have come to end of our Senior High School journey, let us not forget to acknowledge the values of gratitude we’ve inculcated and humility coupled with our faith in our Almighty Creator.
To our classmates for giving us treasure-worthy experiences, for all the uphill battles we’ve overcome together.
To our teachers and advisers who inspire us a lot as they themselves continue to demonstrate integrity in what they do and for being so extra in making this graduation ceremony as perfect as it can be, for extending beyond their working hours just to prepare everything , and personally, I would like to thank them all for bestowing upon us their trust and confidence, for believing in our capabilities.
More importantly, I would like to express my deepest and sincerest gratitude to my family for not pushing me too hard, for their encouragement, and for being sensitive with and understanding of what I feel; to my mother who knows me so well, for standing by my side and defending me in times of need..
Everyone fails but not all who fail is a failure for failures are only for those who did not have the courage to stand up after they fall. We will fail… but, we will never give up.
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Letter to Hyacinthe
It happens that a letter at last makes it way to a certain individual, written on clean parchment that -- to those with a keen nose or just the mind to notice -- carries with it a lingering, floral fragrance.  The white wax seal that keeps it closed is nothing more than an unremarkable circle, as it has been with every letter written by this particular sender beforehand.
To Master Hyacinthe Aubeheraut, Squire in service to House Haillenarte, may this letter be delivered, and with it the warm greetings of its sender, Gwenneth Ledigne, and the hope of a joyously passed Starlight and now Heavensturn, as written on this First Sun of the First Astral Moon.
I must ask your forgiveness for my writing directly when we have met but once, and for so brief a time that I could not possibly expect you to remember, but I feel it only right of me to do so.  My husband has spoken of you on more than one occasion, and yet I have not had the privilege to meet you as the man who is now my landlord. For the delay in this, I again offer my apologies.
I write, however, not only for the sake of introduction, but to offer you my deepest, sincerest gratitude for the kindness you have bestowed on us through your generosity. Though this house in which I now sit and write is yours by right of the law, that you would choose to allow Lord Rosaire to maintain his residence here means more to me than you could imagine. The weight of the memories in these walls is a precious thing, and given the circumstances at the time, I am sure have become more valuable since.
I will spare you, though, from my further sentimentalities.  If you will take it, I would like to extend to you an invitation to tea that you may inspect the house in its current condition, and that I may have the honor of speaking with you in person.      
I understand it that you are man born of Coerthas, and assure you that I am no highborn lady, but a woman of those once-green hills and dells.  As such, I will offer neither pressure to accept, nor the threat of my being slighted should you decline, but instead put forward the humble hope that your answer might be the former.
Until then, may the winds be at your back, and warmly.
Yours sincerely,
Gwenneth Ledigne
Delivered along with this letter (and thankfully not destroyed in transit by any carelessness from the carrier) is a small bouquet of wildflowers, as humble as the sender’s hopes: the vivid blue of flax heads peeking out from the ring of white bell-flower stalks that surrounds them, all bow-tied up with twine.
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9/11/2001- A day our nation was wounded, our security was infringed upon and many of our loved ones vanished from our lives. It was a painful day, a day we must never forget. With all its pain, in spite of our differences, as a nation we came together as one. We were united. Altruism permeated our existence. People helped each other, spoke to each other, sheltered each other and sincerely wanted the best outcome for each other. I worked in the area and recall having to flee for my life on the NJ ferry, and being rescued in the comfort of a co-worker’s home. A day later when I returned home I distinctly recall listening to my answering machine, and hearing the trembling and sobbing voice of an elderly woman saying “I found the wallet of Joylynn, it has some personal items in it. I hope she is ok. I live in queens, please call me. I hope she made it home safely...” I remember when I returned that phone call, the joy and euphoria expressed by that kind lady. Our nationality, color, race or creed did not matter. We talked, we laughed, we cried and we made plans to meet so I can collect my items. When we met, our union was beyond what we were, it signified who we are - humans with far more in common than our differences. We were united human-beings. 9/11/2001 should never be forgotten. I pray that the same qualities, values, unity and compassion will be reignited in our nation today. I extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to my friends and family, and my deepest condolences to those who suffered the loss of loved ones on that day. May you always keep their spirits alive forever. May God continue to bless America! Have a bless day! 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢 STRICTLY POSITIVE VIBES #thequickqualityprofessional #taxandrealestateguru #beyou #inspiretoaspire #knowledgeispower #payitforward#dad#perseverance #mutifadcetedprofessional #lovinglife #livinglife #audacious #uplift #positivemindset #courage #phenomenal #Realeastate #tax #finance #businessvibes #realtor #keepmovingforward #achieve #positive#2020 #commitment #JustBYou #9/11/2001 #beatcovid19 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAQ3p7jDgm/?igshid=kt1qtq0b7djo
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and releasing themes of loss
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TGIWednesday News
What are themes of loss?  They can be hang-ups and pieces of your life that are holding you back from making progress and/or some form of glorious phoenix like splendor. If you’re crying about the past loss of a loved one, a job, finances or even a pet or something else.  This month I planned our monthly Zoom event with this theme because we MUST clear these icky themes and replace them with thankfulness, completed tasks, gains, new and improved exercise routines.  You get the idea.  Whenever a client tells me they’re still hung-up on a lost loved one, a marriage, job or that new car that got stolen, I always clear “themes of loss” . How many can you think of right now?  .....Exactly.  Join us tonight!
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MySwitchWorks Live Zoom Event TONIGHT August 26th 7:30-8pm ET 30 minutes live, includes replay Registration is $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/august-switches-event  August: Themes of Loss: Have you recently suffered a loss of work, a loved one or pet in spirit, lost innocence, lost health, lost youth and vitality? Sad about your current situation?  Feeling stuck?  Can’t get ahead?  Stuck in the past? Still sad over lost relationship or lost love?  Would of, should of, could of? Looking back with regrets of moments not seized? Let’s have this one be about what you feel you’ve lost and what you’d like to reclaim!   Could be items about you personally... regaining employment, peace, restored zest for life etc... , or items about friends and family that never get resolved? World stage: themes about Covid-19, politics, the economy, fires, hurricanes, etc You get the idea, let’s clear out all these icky themes of loss. 
*Send in your Top 3 to [email protected] by 3pm Eastern!
Sign Up Here - $22
TGIWednesday Download
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~ THEMES OF LOSS  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I have experienced enough emotional loss. I am ready, willing and able to release myself from stuck, circular patterns of reoccurring losses. I know, when, where, how and why to move on, release the past, remain steadfast in this moment and lean into a promising future. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.    
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*I've recently experienced the loss of my own black Kitty, it's unknown what happened to him still and as I continue to pray for his return and peace in my heart, I have chosen to move on and heal and can now introduce you to Lily our tiny new, playful, loving, kitten who has already found a place in our hearts (and our bookshelves ;)
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Thursday September 10th at 2pm ET/11am PT Straight Talk for the Soul with host Cari Murphy You're invited to Season 16 as we launch into highly progressive, transformational, light-Fueled discussion on her Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series!  Register Here to Catch the Full Series  Thursday Sept. 23rd - The Global Gathering
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with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.    Join Us and Watch Online! 
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack AUGUST 26th "Today I will realize how important my nutrition is and how important my words are. I will realize how powerful my words and actions can be. I will experiment with myself by eating different foods and trying out different things. I will explore the unusual and I will improve my life." 
From the Fish Box
"Jimmy, I meant to send this yesterday, I just want to wish you the very happiest birthday and send you my sincerest gratitude. It was last summer when I first heard you on some different telesummits. In September on Darius’ show I first connected with you live for a healing when I crashed on my bike. "I bought that abundance package and had a reading with you and have been hooked ever since. I probably have close to a dozen MP3’s now between the MBW audios and the switches calls. I listen to them all regularly and you know I’m now a regular caller on your healing show.   I’m listening to the GPS morning track now and it’s always lovely to start my day off with you. My deepest gratitude for all the gifts you bring to the world and the generosity with which you do it.  Thank you for being so accessible and generous with your healing. Wanting to let you know you how much I appreciate you and thank you for all the positive blessings you have brought into my life and all the healing you have facilitated. All my best."  - Kim
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.  Visit her Facebook page UPCOMING GUESTS: September 1st Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com   September 8th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden   September 15th Gosia Lorenz| Clearing negative entities and intuitive readings www.gosialorenz.com   September 22nd Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page  
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and releasing themes of loss
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TGIWednesday News
What are themes of loss?  They can be hang-ups and pieces of your life that are holding you back from making progress and/or some form of glorious phoenix like splendor. If you’re crying about the past loss of a loved one, a job, finances or even a pet or something else.  This month I planned our monthly Zoom event with this theme because we MUST clear these icky themes and replace them with thankfulness, completed tasks, gains, new and improved exercise routines.  You get the idea.  Whenever a client tells me they’re still hung-up on a lost loved one, a marriage, job or that new car that got stolen, I always clear “themes of loss” . How many can you think of right now?  .....Exactly.  Join us tonight!
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MySwitchWorks Live Zoom Event TONIGHT August 26th 7:30-8pm ET 30 minutes live, includes replay Registration is $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/august-switches-event  August: Themes of Loss: Have you recently suffered a loss of work, a loved one or pet in spirit, lost innocence, lost health, lost youth and vitality? Sad about your current situation?  Feeling stuck?  Can’t get ahead?  Stuck in the past? Still sad over lost relationship or lost love?  Would of, should of, could of? Looking back with regrets of moments not seized? Let’s have this one be about what you feel you’ve lost and what you’d like to reclaim!   Could be items about you personally... regaining employment, peace, restored zest for life etc... , or items about friends and family that never get resolved? World stage: themes about Covid-19, politics, the economy, fires, hurricanes, etc You get the idea, let’s clear out all these icky themes of loss. 
*Send in your Top 3 to [email protected] by 3pm Eastern!
Sign Up Here - $22
TGIWednesday Download
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~ THEMES OF LOSS  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I have experienced enough emotional loss. I am ready, willing and able to release myself from stuck, circular patterns of reoccurring losses. I know, when, where, how and why to move on, release the past, remain steadfast in this moment and lean into a promising future. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.    
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*I've recently experienced the loss of my own black Kitty, it's unknown what happened to him still and as I continue to pray for his return and peace in my heart, I have chosen to move on and heal and can now introduce you to Lily our tiny new, playful, loving, kitten who has already found a place in our hearts (and our bookshelves ;)
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Thursday September 10th at 2pm ET/11am PT Straight Talk for the Soul with host Cari Murphy You're invited to Season 16 as we launch into highly progressive, transformational, light-Fueled discussion on her Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series!  Register Here to Catch the Full Series  Thursday Sept. 23rd - The Global Gathering
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with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.    Join Us and Watch Online! 
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack AUGUST 26th "Today I will realize how important my nutrition is and how important my words are. I will realize how powerful my words and actions can be. I will experiment with myself by eating different foods and trying out different things. I will explore the unusual and I will improve my life." 
From the Fish Box
"Jimmy, I meant to send this yesterday, I just want to wish you the very happiest birthday and send you my sincerest gratitude. It was last summer when I first heard you on some different telesummits. In September on Darius’ show I first connected with you live for a healing when I crashed on my bike. "I bought that abundance package and had a reading with you and have been hooked ever since. I probably have close to a dozen MP3’s now between the MBW audios and the switches calls. I listen to them all regularly and you know I’m now a regular caller on your healing show.   I’m listening to the GPS morning track now and it’s always lovely to start my day off with you. My deepest gratitude for all the gifts you bring to the world and the generosity with which you do it.  Thank you for being so accessible and generous with your healing. Wanting to let you know you how much I appreciate you and thank you for all the positive blessings you have brought into my life and all the healing you have facilitated. All my best."  - Kim
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier  Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.  Visit her Facebook page UPCOMING GUESTS: September 1st Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com   September 8th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden   September 15th Gosia Lorenz| Clearing negative entities and intuitive readings www.gosialorenz.com   September 22nd Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page  
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes