#def let me know if u pick one up and what u think of it
pikkish · 2 years
@dwellerinroots videogame exchange list for you! A handful of my favorite open world/open world adjacent games.
Hollow Knight - 2D metroidvania platformer. Metroidvanias are like, basically open world games, right? right? It’s still centered on exploration, so I’m gonna say it counts. Anyway, Hollow Knight is a very special game in that it is one of two games where, partway through, I stopped and thought, “I did not pay nearly enough for this game.”  You play as a strange little bug creature known only as the knight or the little ghost, and explore the ruins of a forgotten underground city that long fell to a mysterious disease. Very little lore is directly given to you, and not much of that given to you makes sense until much later, but the game is an excellent example, and should be a role model, of “show, don’t tell” and environmental storytelling. Beautiful art, haunting soundtrack, compelling characters, a huge map to explore, tons of secrets to find, a lore rich story, and a fast and tight combat system. It does have a reputation for being very difficult, both for combat and platforming, but less “this is a poorly designed game” and more it just has a steep learning curve. Well worth the challenge, though; the game will rip out your heart in the best way possible. I cried about at least two of the endings.
Subnautica - probably one of the crown jewels of open world exploration, tbh. Your ship crashes on an aquatic planet, and you have to survive, find out what crashed your ship, and build a rocket to escape. The world is beautifully alien, vibrantly alive, and the entire thing being underwater lends map design a unique sense of verticality that most normal-landscape open world games don’t have. There are, iirc, two timed events that happen, but otherwise you are free to ignore everything plot-related and explore as you please. I’d recommend playing in a dark room with good headphones for the full atmospheric effect. *(Due note though that Subnautica is... a little broken in some places. Reviews say it’s partially a horror game, but the scariest thing that happened to me was when one of the giant fish that wants to eat you pulled a Bethesda on me and clipped straight through a mountain to come get me. It’s a bit unpolished in areas, some mechanics don’t work quite as well as they were intended, and I suspect some areas might’ve been a victim of scope creep. There’s apparently been an update recently that supposedly fixed a lot of these, but based on my experience, it doesn’t quite feel like a complete game, and I’d definitely wait for it to go on sale before buying.)
Dying Light - This one is a bit more populated and quest heavy, but it has neat maps and fun gameplay. There’s been an outbreak of a zombie virus, and you’re a secret agent dropped into the quarantine zone to find some research on a cure. You must work with the survivors set up in the quarantined city both to accomplish your goal, and just to stay alive. The core gameplay is parkouring across the city to escape the zombie hordes, some of which are just as good at climbing as you are. Said parkour mechanics are very fast and fluid, and running around the city, chased by zombies, on a quest, or just for fun, is downright exhilarating. I did have some stuttering issues I couldn’t quite figure out how to fix, which is... a little bit of a problem when the gameplay is all about how fast and smooth you can move, but otherwise a great experience.
Rain World - ‘nother metroidvania platformer. I actually didn’t get too far in this one on account of the controls being a bit more -heh- sluggish, but that’s more of a personal preference thing than an actual problem with gameplay. You play as a little creature known as a slugcat. Separated from your family and stuck within the decaying corpse of an ancient machine, you must scavenge food to fill your belly, avoid other creatures that very much want to fill their bellies with you, and seek shelter at the end of each cycle to avoid drowning in each night’s torrential downpours. Very large map, wonderfully designed environments, and an achingly melancholic feel to the entire thing. I know there’s some pretty deep lore from watching a friend who was far better at the game play it, but if my own experiences are anything to go by, you are entirely able to scurry around and do your own thing for hours without paying the slightest bit of attention to lore.
Noita - This one’s a roguelike, but I feel like it deserves an honorable mention as an open world game, just for how dang big it is, both in actual map size, and in how much content there is crammed into that map. It’s apparently very heavily based in Finnish folklore, but it doesn’t really tell you any of that, it just kinda goes “Here’s how you move, here’s how you shoot, ok have fun!! :)”  and then just throws you into the game. Its combat system centers about building your own magic wands with different spells on them, and combining spells in different ways can have wildly different results.For as deep as the wand mechanics are, though, the real selling point is the world simulation: every individual pixel is simulated, and everything interacts with everything else. You can burn things, break things, crumble things, shatter things, melt things, freeze things, and probably do a whole lot of other things I don’t even know about. Expect to die a lot, and expect to accidentally kill yourself a lot.
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mooooonnnzz · 2 months
I saw your earlier post on Platonic fics and Im a sucker for them so here u go : father figure stanford headcannons maybe takes place after he comes back from the portal, reader is an adventurous spirit that works at the shack and maybe secretly helped stan get his brother back? Idk im just throwing things here lol
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You Know I Love You Still
Stanford x daughter!reader
💗 stanford dad hc!!
💗 i literally saw the request it and started writing and got a lil carried away 😭 its like half story half hc? if that makes sense
💗 requests r so open rn! i def dont have any fav requests… (anything platonic or familial will be the first ones i write i LOVE those types of requests)
💗 the age of the reader is young like 16/17? ik that lowkey contradicts with the time line but wtv STANFORD DAD HC!!
💗 it’s a little bit of everything? like it’s not only just reader and stanford, the twins r also included in some scenarios and also stan
💗 a big happy family 😭
💗 fem reader gulp i completely didnt realize until i was done that i used she/her when referring to the reader
💗 next fic will use gender neutral pronouns I SWUEAR!!
💗2k words
💗 i apologize for rhe misspell and mistakes i didnt catch in advance
Working together with your Uncle Stan to build the portal to bring your dad back to the right dimension was tiresome. Nights were sleepless and many of them were spent in the underground lab, where you and Stan did everything possible to assemble the portal. Trying to keep such a secret away from the twins and Soos was unexpectedly hard. The knowledge of hiding someone so vital to you and to your Uncle Stan was weighing down on you and him. Then came the day where his awaited arrival was promised. You could barely sleep that night. You thought of so many different possibilities and scenarios of how you would greet him. Would he remember you? Did he ever miss you? Does he even love you?!
The next day came in like a tornado and before you knew it, you were protectively standing in front of the button; trying your absolute hardest to prevent the twins from pressing the button.
“Why do you guys want to stop the portal so badly!” You yelled over the loud swirling wind that emitted from the portal. “Because it’s dangerous!” Dipper retorted, using his arm to shield him from the debris whizzing past him. “G-Grunkle Stan isn’t who he says he is!” Dipper said, stepping closer to you.
“Whatever you guys saw or heard isn’t what you think it is! Please, you need to believe me.” You begged, your eyes brimming with tears. You’ve worked so hard to get this portal up and running and you weren’t going to let Dipper or anyone stop you from being able to see your dad.
Soos came up from behind and wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry, dude.” He picked you up and took you away from the button. “Soos, no!” You thrashed around his hold. You pound your fists against his arms, hoping it’ll loosen his grip on you but nothing you did worked. No matter how much you begged and fought against him, he didn’t budge. He just held you closer to him, muttering ‘I’m Sorry’ under his breath.
“This all stops now!” Dipper raised his hand, palm flattened out, ready to push the button when Stan appeared at the doorway. “Don’t touch that button!”
He’s hunched forward, hand leaning on the frame of the doorway as he pants. Relief washes over you upon seeing Stan. Silence fills the room for a minute and all you can hear is your heart hammer against your ribcage. Stan walks towards Dipper, beckoning him to not press the button.
“If you just let me explain—“ He’s cut off by his watch repeatedly beeping. Suddenly the ground begins to shake.
The portal powers up and the circle enlarges. The electricity spazzes and travels throughout the room, creating streaks of electrical power. Your feet lift off the ground and soon everyone’s floating up in the air. The wind is fierce and it’s whipping through every direction, pushing you towards the wall.
Dipper yells at Mable to turn off the portal before it causes anymore damage. She tugs herself closer to the button using a stray cable and while she wraps herself around the neck holding up the button, Stan is begging her to listen to him and to not press the button. He’s soon tackled by Soos who pushes him away from Mable. They all fight with each other and you’re watching with a bated breath.
The portal pulses with power, sending you back first into the wall. Stan and Dipper bicker back and forth and Mable is torn with the decision of either believing her brother or her Grunkle. She lowers her hand, eyes closed and you're almost convinced she’s going to press the button when she lets go of the button. She floats up with her arms raised. “Grunkle Stan, I believe you.” She says.
“Mable, are you crazy?! We’re all gonna—!”
The world flashes white and you're immediately knocked out. You awaken to yourself plummeting face first down to the floor. You groan, pushing yourself up with one hand and the other wiping off the dust on your face. Looking around you can see your family scattered around the room, each of them slowly waking up from whatever happened and stumbling back to their feet.
Your head quickly whips towards the portal and your heart lurches into your throat upon seeing a figure step out of it. He stands still, staring straight ahead as he takes off his hood and goggles. And what hid behind them was your father.
After the initial shock of meeting the one behind the three books and the reveal of him being related to Stan was pushed aside, you presented yourself with the help of Stan. “H-Hi, Dad.” You awkwardly greet yourself.
His eyes stop on you and he freezes, eyes blown wide and mouth slightly ajar. He takes a minute to process the absurdity of the situation before he’s snapping back to consciousness. He blinks once, his mouth stuttering as he finds the right words to say. He then blinks again, stepping a cautious step towards you. Your name softly spills out of his mouth and your heart soars hearing your Dad finally utter your name again.
You take a step forward and then another and another until you’re face to face with him. Being closer to him allowed you to see how much he has aged since the last time you saw him. “Dad…” You whisper, throwing yourself into him.
A light wheeze escapes his mouth from the sudden impact of your body crashing on him. Once he recovers, his arms are quickly wrapped around you, hugging you with so much warmth and love you almost sobbed right then and there.
He snuggled his face against your hair, breathing in your familiar scent he missed so dearly while he was away. “We have so much to catch up on.” You say so quietly that he almost lost your words if it wasn’t for you being directly near his ear. He hums in affirmation, cherishing the long awaited reunion with his daughter.
“I feel like this is another part where one of us faints again.” Mable says in utter disbelief at the scene that unfolded in front of her. “Ohoh!” Soos laughed out. “I’m so on it, dudes.” As if on command his eyes roll to the back of his head and he faints flat on his back.
• You weren’t really expecting to talk to him much due to Stan wanting to talk to his brother, but after their fight, he came looking for you. When he found you, you were sitting on the couch that was outside on the porch. You were reading a book you recently purchased from the bookstore. Nose deep in your book, you failed to realize Ford standing beside you. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his trench coat. Quietly he asked, “Is there room for one more?”
• The night was spent with the two of you getting to know each other. From your favorite color to your favorite show, what food you like to eat and so on. Ford wanted to fully understand and know you as a person. He wanted to make up all the years he lost with you.
• The next day, you awoke to the smell of your favorite breakfast food being cooked. With haste you pushed your blanket off of you and slipped on your slippers and sped off into the kitchen where Ford was buttering the pan. He looked over to you and flashed you a smile. “I made you your favorite.” He said, motioning over to the table where he laid out your breakfast. “You didn’t have to do this.” You scratched your cheek, a small laugh of surprise leaving you. “I’m just doing what I always dreamed of doing.” He shoveled out his breakfast onto his plate using a spatula. “How’s the food, kiddo?” He asks, placing the pan and spatula on the dirty side of the sink. “Actually pretty good for someone who hasn't been in this dimension for over a decade!” You jest, taking another delicious bite from your breakfast. Ford jokingly rolled his eyes, ruffling your hair as he walked past you and sat down on his chair. “Already poking fun at me.” He said, shaking his head.
• Stanford knew he had to focus on his projects, he had so many things he left unfinished that he'd been dying to get his hands on the minute he stepped foot into his dimension. But he couldn’t seem to pull himself away from you. He loved seeing you interact with the twins, he loved watching how pieces of his personality shone through you. Like the way you’re so meticulous with where you put things, or how you were forever curious about the things around you, and even the abundance of questions you’d mutter to yourself as you discovered something new. That’s all of him right there, in front of him and he couldn’t grasp such a thought that you were his!
• He finds himself gazing upon baby photos Stan took of you when you were younger. Even if he’s angry at his twin currently, he’s forever grateful that he documented such beautiful memories in a scrapbook. “Y’know, I used to tell stories about you to her.” A shriek leaves Ford. He jumps forward, the scrapbook tumbling down his lap and onto the floor. “You idiot! Be careful.” Stan sneered, kneeling down to the floor to pick up the scrapbook. “Stanley!” Ford leans his head back, trying to regain his composure. “You scared me!” He says. “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Stan waves him off, grabbing the scrapbook and tucking it in between his arms. They stand in awkward silence, eyes darting around the place uneasily. “Did…” Ford starts, shattering the silence. “Did she like the stories you told of me?” Stan smiles fondly, nodding his head. “She loved them. She thought you were some stupid amazing superhero, no matter what I told her.” Ford furrowed his brows. “Wait, what do you mean by no matter what you told her?” Stan nervously laughed. “Hey, why don’t you keep looking at these photos! Wait here, look at this one. Haha! She’s trying to eat her toes, isn’t that adorable?” “Stanley.”
• Outings between the two of you were very common. He loved being tugged around the town of Gravity Falls by you as you pointed at various different shops and locations. You told him the reasons why you hated them or loved them, and some were tied to stories that happened within the summer. He seriously questioned how you and the twins survived so many times where you were just so close to death. The mall was a place where you and him resided the most. With the money he took from Stan, he paid for almost everything you wanted. Entering the shack with so many bags was a shock to everyone. “Woah! Did you buy the whole mall?” Mable jokes, grabbing one of the bags to help you with the load. “Basically,” you laughed, instructing Mable to rally Soos and Dipper to have a little haul of what you bought. Stan watched with a raised brow as you stumbled into the living room with Mable following closely behind. “Where did you get all the money to buy her all of that?” Stan asks. “Just stole some money from some hobo.” Ford said, walking into the living room to join in on the haul. Stan didn’t understand what he said and opened the cash register. When he saw all the money he had stored the day before gone, it all clicked.
• Adventures out in the woods is a must. Gathering the twins and your dad, all four of you venture out into the woods in hopes to find something new. “Why couldn’t Grunkle Stan tag along with us?” Mable asked as she kneeled down to pluck a flower from the dirt. “Because he’s being a wet towel.” Dipper muttered, scribbling down a rough drawing of the flower Mable was picking in a book you bought him. “So what kind of anomalies you three stumbled upon?” Ford questioned. You and the twins began to dump everything onto him, from when you started seeing them to when Dipper and Mable came. Ford couldn’t truly focus on what they were saying, mostly because it was a jumbled excited mess of words, but partially because he was astonished with the trio in front of him. They went through so much and yet they’re still so headstrong. He could definitely see a little bit of him in Dipper and Mable.
• Stan would find you and Ford fallen asleep on the couch or in his lab, all huddled up together and completely knocked out. Snores filled the room and he found it amusing that you and him both snores the same. Videos and photos were definitely taken by Mable.
• Ford would tell stories of his adventures in another dimension to you. Stemming from how he started from the ground up to him getting banned from many other dimensions for stealing parts. “You’re not so different from Uncle Stan,” You laughed, shaking your head. “What! It was only a few…hundred dimensions.”
• There’s times where you’d wake up in a cold sweat, afraid that your Dad finally coming back was just a painful dream your brain played on you. But when you would get ready to find him, you’d step on his stomach or back. “Ough!” Ford groaned out in pain. Being suddenly woken up from his sleep, he sat up, looking around confused. “What are you doing sleeping on the floor?” You sat back down on your bed, pulling the blankets over you. “Is there a problem with me sleeping on the floor?” Ford asks, looking at you with squinted eyes. “No, no.” You laid back down on your bed. “Go back to sleep. I’m better now,” You say, somewhat amused with Ford sleeping on the floor beside your bed. “Goodnight, I love you.” You brush your fingers playfully across his face to annoy him. He shoves your fingers away from his face, huffing out. “Goodnight,” He shuffles to his side, looking up to you with a small smile. “I love you more, kiddo.”
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bruisedboys · 2 years
Eddie loves his shy girl so much, he’ll always call her “my girl” or “the wife” “the mrs” around others just to watch how red she gets 🥹🥹 but soon he finds that calling her the wife feels natural and right, he realizes she’s the only girl he ever wants
he totally does omg. bro def calls you his wife with absolutely no shame. thank u for the ask angel!!
summary: eddie calls shy!you a lot of names. all of them make you flustered beyond belief
shy!fem!reader 1k words
Steve’s invited you all to drinks to celebrate him and Robin finally copping a job that isn’t slinging ice cream or sitting behind a video store counter all day. Eddie’s helping you pick out an outfit. It’s taking longer than you’d expected. Something about posing for Eddie makes you so nervous you can barely walk.
“Are you done yet?” Eddie’s voice on the other side of the door is far from impatient, even though it should be by now.
You grumble something incoherent instead of answering. Eddie heard you and laughs.
“Y/N,” he says seriously. The effect is ruined because you can hear his smile in the way he says your name. “We’re gonna be late, baby. Come out and show me the dress. I bet this is the one.”
You stare at yourself in the mirror for a few seconds. It is a nice dress. It’s a good length and makes your chest look nice, the colour looks pretty on your skin. Still, you’re embarrassed. You don’t like dressing up. It feels attention-seeking.
You scrub your face with both hands and take a big breath. “Alright, fine.”
You turn away from the mirror before you can stop yourself and yank the bathroom door open. Eddie’s waiting for you on your bed, sitting pretty, if a little slouched. He has bad posture. But his back goes rigid when he sees you — he sits up straight and lets his jaw drop.
“Babe,” he half-whispers, totally in awe, his eyes blown wide. He’s definitely laying it on thick but you can sense the genuineness underneath it all. His eyes traverse a path down your body and back up again, leaving your skin burning. And he hasn’t even touched you yet. “Baby. Honey. Darling. You look amazing.”
You flush all over despite yourself. “Eddie,” you say, chiding.
Eddie pretends to look offended. “What?” He leaps off the bed and gets one hand around your waist, the fabric of your dress shushing under his touch. “I’m serious, Y/N. You’re a real stunner, you know that?”
His other hand finds your elbow and pushes all the way up to your bicep, his fingers pressing into your skin. You burn like a furnace where he touches you. You knew this part was coming.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say, genuine underneath all the shyness.
Eddie looks like he’s about to say something more but you’re saved from his doting by the phone next to your bed ringing loudly. You make to get it but Eddie beats you to it.
“Hello?” He says into the phone, sounding half-annoyed. “Oh. Hi, Steve. Yeah, no, we’re coming. The Mrs is just getting ready.” A pause in which Eddie meets your eye and winks. You flush even worse than you already were. Eddie goes back to talking to Steve. “Uh-huh. Yeah, we’ll be there in ten. Bye, Harrington.”
Eddie puts the phone back and you try to compose yourself. The Mrs, he’d called you. You feel like you could die.
Meanwhile Eddie’s grabbing his jacket from the bedpost and shrugging it on. “He’s badgering us about being late,” he says, pushing his arms through the sleeves. “We better get going, dove.” He looks up at you, half in his jacket. “Do you need me to carry anything for you?”
My heart? You think. Then maybe your chest wouldn’t hurt so much. You shake your head.
“No, um. That’s okay.” You push your hair behind your ears and try not to show how much he’s undone you with his antics. “I’ll just grab my purse.”
Eddie smiles at you. “Okay. I’ll meet you in the car?”
You nod. “Yeah.”
Ten minutes later you’ve arrived at the bar and Eddie’s leading you inside with a hand at the small of your back. He smells good, like the cologne you’d bought him forever ago that he wears basically every day.
You step inside the semi-crowded bar and Eddie spots your friend group before you do.
“They’re over there, by the window,” he says, pointing. “C’mon.”
He takes your hand and pulls you in the direction of your friends. You let him guide you and he pleases, his hand a warm weight in yours. You stare at the back of his head until you arrive at the table. Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan are all here.
“Munson!” Robin cheers. Your eyes zero in on the drink in her hand and you think she’s maybe already a bit tipsy. Then she spots you and beams. “Y/N!”
You smile back. “Hi, Robs. Hi, everyone, sorry we’re late.” You give a sheepish laugh and glance at Eddie. “My fault.”
“It was worth it though, right?” Eddie says enthusiastically, to the group at whole. He throws an arm around your shoulder and jostles you gently. “Doesn’t my girl look great?”
My girl. Your face burns. There’s a chorus of agreement from around the table — it makes you feel better but not better enough that you’re not still flushing furiously.
“Eddie,” you mumble, avoiding everyone’s eyes and staring at the tabletop instead. You elbow him in the side, too gentle for what you feel he deserves.
Eddie laughs loudly. “What?” He asks, even though he knows exactly what.
You huff and wish the floor would swallow you up. When it doesn’t, you let Eddie pull you into the booth next to Robin. It’s a tight squeeze and Eddie’s thigh presses into yours, his jeans warm and rough on your skin where your dress rides up your thighs.
You think Eddie notices this too because he lets his hand fall to your lap instead of his own, spreading his hand over your thigh, his fingers grazing your bare skin. He squeezes you and you try not to show how much he affects you.
“Drinks?” He asks you, like everything is completely normal and you’re not a nervous, flustered wreck right now.
“Okay,” you say, unable to get more than one word out.
Eddie grins wolfishly. You think he’s probably planning on being like this all night. You don’t mind as much as you should.
“Okay,” you say, unable to get more than one word out.
Eddie grins wolfishly. You think he’s probably planning on being like this all night. You don’t mind as much as you should.
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struwberrii · 2 months
Hello, I like your haikyu headcanons and was wondering if you could do tendou headcanons?:)
tendou headcanons ₊˚⊹♡
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thank u for the request!! i feel like tendou doesn’t get a lot of love nowadays so this one is for all the tendou fans (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
he def just makes up songs randomly and sings them for you (usually just to make you laugh)
his shoes usually aren’t tied and he never noticed until someone points it out
imagine tendou with a snaggletooth (i saw someone on tiktok say this and CANNOT STOP THINKING ABT IT it so cute)
constantly does impersonations of characters (he’s actually kind of decent)
little trinket collector
chronically picks at his lips and always ends up bleeding
also picks at his nails/fingers
always celebrates your small little wins with you (yaaayyyy!!)
always comes up with silly games to play when you guys are bored
randomly drops lore on you
makes scary faces at kids if they’re staring for too long
i feel like he’d lowkey listen to tommy heavenly6
hates calling during the day but will have a full convo with you through voice messages
does not let anyone pick on you AT ALL like he’ll get super protective and use his ‘scary’ looks to his advantage to freak people out
encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things
some days social anxiety is scared of him, then the next day he’s too anxious to even go outside
constantly begging you to let him do your makeup even if you don’t wear it (he botched you)
but he still gets insecure sometimes and needs to hear praises and reassurance
let’s you style/cut his hair for him
probably had a random pet growing up, like he found a frog or turtle outside and kept it as a pet
draws on his arms and legs when he gets bored
always scares you, like he waits around the corner for you then jumps out and scares you
has a HUGE sweet tooth
i feel like he would have a really bad memory but keeps all important dates written down, don’t ask him what he ate for dinner because he doesn’t remember
sits in the shower
playful teasing as a love language
watches mukbang videos while he eats
genuinely has a hard time voicing how he feels about people so he uses humor to mask his emotions and now nobody takes him seriously
shockingly the best guy to go to when you need to cheer up, and not because he’d make you laugh but he just knows what to say?? if that makes sense
like he tells you what he wishes someone told him when he was in middle school
always makes sure nobody is left out in a group activity
has the craziest diet, like i feel like he’d eat like a toddler
average tendou meal consists of a yoohoo chocolate milk, a pizza lunchable and a handful of grapes and that’s enough to hold him over for the day
sports garfield pajama pants ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
i feel like he’d also listen to alice in chains
but i also feel like he’d listen to gorillaz
his knees are always bruised (prob from volleyball)
has an impressive figure collection of his favorite manga character :3
sorry guys this is like 30% me projecting 70% tendou hcs 😭
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | park jay
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❝ come with me to the canteen, i’ll pay for whatever you want ❞
heeseung | JAY | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | jungwon | ni-ki
honestly, jay usually just keeps to himself
sooooooo campus crush.
someone play message in a bottle by taylor swift
he only goes crazy when he’s with his friends but like tbh i don’t see him going around and socializing in the classroom 😭
he usually waits for his classmates to come to him ykwim
he’s also def a morning person
arrives to school like a whole HOUR before class starts
his parents probably drive him to school and drop him off on the way to work
he’ll just be sitting in his seat in the middle
minding his own business .. doing last minute homework .. on his phone
jay is annoying bc he’s the natural smart type
like he’ll just know random shit
he’s the type to mumble the answers under his breath during oral recitation
TO HELP !!!! TO HELP !!!!
you only have a few memories with the boy and the most prominent is just so silly
you had one of those by-three quiz bee type of activity in school where u had to write ur answers on a small whiteboard and raise them
jay’s group was seated in front of you
and he’d just notice you leaning forward and trying to copy off them bc ur team is hopeless 😭😭😭😭
SO he angles his whiteboard while answering so you can see better
to the point where when the teacher looks back he just shoves it in ur face right away
ur teams laughed so hard
but yah !!!! just a funny memory to remember him by
you don’t realize you live in the same neighborhood until you commute back home together once
insert spider-man meme here
“you also live here?”
“yeah, i do”
so, on the occasion that his parents pick him up from school in their fancy car, he lets you ride with them back home
and when commuting, he always makes sure to guarantee you a seat if that’s like a train or bus
also stands in front of you so strangers can’t be weird and creepy
since then, you always ride with him home whether that’s in their family car or commuting
it’s a silent agreement
and he gets so used to it to the point that he WAITS for you sometimes…
you’d be caught up in your club meeting and just see jay hovering outside the classroom???
he’s on his phone, totally unaware of you heading towards his direction
“hey, you done?,” he’ll say, backpack swung behind him as he reaches to take yours
“you didn’t have to wait for me,” you’d reply shyly
“but we always go home together, don’t we? besides, it’s getting late and it’s not safe for you to commute back home at night”
JAYYYYYYY… the man that you are
when he gets comfortable, he starts talking to u in class too
like not just casual conversation
he’d full on sit next to you and gossip
which surprises u bc you’ve never seen him willingly get off his seat to gossip with someone
NOW important thing to note is that your canteen is like three buildings away from your classroom so it’s a long walk
this mf always asks you to come to the canteen with him during free period or when the teacher doesn’t show up to class
“let’s go to the canteen”
“no, it’s tiringgg”
“i’ll get you whatever you want”
“ok let’s go!”
he’s balling 😭😭😭😭
jay just lets you get whatever you want in the canteen
true to his word, he pays for all of it
it’s kind of being his secret tactic to manipulating you to come with him to things
but who’s rly winning??? you get FREE things and u hang out with THE pretty jay
he thinks he wins tho😕😕 bc he likes u and loves spending time with u
so when that “no” forms on ur lips, he knows exactly what to do to force you to come with him
THO u do pay for his food sometimes or the fare for commuting back home bc u feel bad for taking his money
oh jay also gives me the one who offers to have practice over at their house
you are a frequent visitor in his house
his parents know u… the housekeepers… everyone just knows you at this point
you even go to some of their family dinners together when u hang out and his dad suddenly wants to eat out
“bring (name)” PLSSSSSS
they’d be interrogating u and getting to know u and ur family lots
jay’s the one that gets embarrassed and tells them to stop !!!!!!!
sometimes his mom would let him bring food for u in school
“this is (name)’s favorite, right??”
his parents LOVE you
u just become part of their family 😭
to the point that they say “about time” when jay finally asks you to be his girlfriend
“finally!!! she was basically already my daughter anyway!!!” his parents would say
How does he ask u to be his gf
i have a story for U !!!!!!!!
it’s one of ur school events and u’re one of the people going around taking photos for the paper or so u could post it on the school page
you would stumble upon him during his contest
he would give you a quick smile before going back to Concentration Mode
THEN u kind of get tired walking around the whole campus so u hang by ur room where all ur other classmates with no contests are
you don’t know how to play the guitar
you jokingly get it and put it on your lap just as jay walks into the room
his eyes light up and he’s stumbling to sit next to you, asking if you know how to play
you don’t 💔💔💔💔💔
so he teaches you BYE
he helps you learn some basic chords and some strumming patterns
would whisper a few words of praise even at the smallest things that you get right
jay is SOOOOO encouraging that it’s painful
would make so much accidental eye contacts at ur close proximity
anyways this school event lasts a few days
SO at the last day .. during awarding .. he asks if you’re busy and if you could meet him at ur classroom
it’s empty obv bc everyone is at the court for the awarding
Yes just like that. jay confesses to u.
it’s so clear he’s nervous bc of his foot tapping and his fumbling hands and how he can’t make eye contact all of a sudden
ofc u say YES
when you go to upload the photos for the school event .. u find some pictures of u taken by him 🥹
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sukirichi · 3 months
queen if u would indulge me what are the dtd princes like in bed 🙏🏻
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atsumu is a virgin killer. i can’t say he has a specific type or kink, since he enjoys sex and all forms of it. he sleeps around the most but he would only do so with people he already knows. he doesn’t have one night stands with strangers out of fear they might babytrap him or worse, brag that a prince fucked them. he hates it when people use him for clout. next to being a menace would be osamu, but he’s more like that because he’s competitive. he and tsumu has this weird challenge on who can have a higher body count (tsumu does), but osamu upped the game on who the ladies like better (osamu wins this one.) osamu takes his time and is a king at foreplay, so he’s the preferred partner, but atsumu is your bet if you want to be fucked hard and fast + atsumu is the most open minded to trying out different things. osamu is a lil vanilla
tooru, surprisingly enough, is very awkward in bed. he doesn’t do well with intimacy, or vulnerability in general. he covers up his emotions with jokes and humor, but he can’t do that in bed so his anxiety and clumsiness shows. tooru is more on sloppy kisses, and constant questions of “is this okay? am i doing it right?” def fumbles a lot but would ensure you come first + once he becomes more confident in his skills, he’s insatiable <3 rintaro, on the other hand, he’s more of a switch. he loves it when you dominate him and make him feel powerless, because a part of him thinks he’s just making you believe you can actually overpower him (you can, lol) he’ll never say it out loud, but he prefers when you take the lead. it makes him feel like he’s wanted, and to see you lose control with your need for him is very validating + he’s kinda lazy, so he appreciates just having to lay back and let you do the work
kiyoomi is a passionate lover. he likes to fuck you hard and deep, with tantalizing slow strokes. he wants you to feel every inch of him, the way he pulses inside your heat, and watch the way your eyes roll back when he drags himself in and out, inch by delicious inch. he also has the fattest cock, so he preps you for what seems like forever. you’ve come on his tongue and fingers for like three times now and you’re in tears, but omi just shushes you with a soft kiss + praise king !! he loves telling you how beautiful you are, and he even picked up painting because he thought the face you make when cumming is erotic, and maybe the most stunning you’d ever been. so he tries and paints that but doesn’t finish it after getting hard in his breeches each time he recalls your heated moments. also has a massive breeding kink!
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angelicdanvers · 9 months
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, levizmiller, dior.n.goodjohn, and others
y/n — australia’s my new fav country
tagged | levizmiller
levizmiller i’m challenging you to another round of pool tonight ↳ y/n bet
iamcharliebushnell when’d you go to australia? 😭 ↳ y/n when u didn’t show up for acai bowls >:( ↳ iamcharliebushnell im sowwy ↳ y/n DONT YOU DARE ↳ iamcharliebushnell okok sorry but thought you'd be in london ↳ y/n soon, yeah :')
levizmiller y/n im gonna poke you ↳ y/n okayy hi ↳ levizmiller let’s get boba ↳ y/n YES
dior.n.goodjohn I MISS U COME BACK TO ME ↳ y/n once my australian chronicles are over i promise i will <3 ↳ dior.n.goodjohn WOOOO
walker.scobell youre pretty! ↳ y/n thanks lil dude!
i.am.andrewalvarez AUSSIEEE ↳ y/n THE SWEET ESCAPE FR
dailymail Y/n and Levi? ;)
user omg bf reveal happening??
user2 ive never held my breath this much
“GALILEO’S GALS” — 5 notifications!
chanel’s enemy Y/N
lee lee Y/N
dr dre why am i in this gc
chanel’s enemy because u are
lee lee we’re getting off topic Y/NNN CMERE
↳ hiiiii?
chanel’s enemy HIIII HRU ILY
chanel’s enemy WE GOOD WE HAVE SOME ?’s THO
↳ oh?
↳ nooooo
chanel’s enemy that’s a very interesting no
↳ we’re not but idk
chanel’s enemy what
lee lee girl wdym
↳ we’re not dating but i think he likes me? idk
dr dre do you like him back though???
↳ eh he’s very sweet but i’ve always seen him as a best friend, i don’t think we could be more
lee lee do you want to be more??
↳ i mean, i’d give him a chance if he asked? but it’s not anything i’m particularly into or wanting
chanel’s enemy okay that helps
↳ uhhh why
dr dre well if my sleepy ass remembers correctly, everyone and their mother are wondering if you’re dating
↳ nah that aint possible
lee lee it is, stupid dailymail picked up on it first 💀
↳ my manager’s asleep, no wonder she hasn’t updated me lol oh well idgaf they can think what they want
chanel’s enemy but even walker and charlie are 😭
↳ they’re gonna forget it in t-minus four secs it’s fine
dr dre whatever you say, ma’am but are you sure that ‘cryptic’ caption won’t cause any issues??
↳ uhh andrew you’re scaring me
dr dre what if someone likes you? like like-likes you and knows you and gets hella jealous or doubtful? and not saying charlie does but he was raving about how he might finally get to hang out with you, ONE ON ONE. what if he thinks he can't because he thinks you two are dating?
↳ bro first off ik you don’t like me, neither does aryan and i know its DEFINITELY not walker
lee lee girl he had a celeb crush on you a few years ago dont tell him i told u that
chanel’s enemy LMFAOOOO but no andrew has a point how come you didn’t mention charlie? 🤨
dr dre yeah i was just aboutta say 🤨 especially after my little analysis?
↳ SECONDLY, guys, charlie doesn’t. not one bit and that’s obvious, like he isn’t even in considerations. i understand what he may feel but he has nothing to worry about. he knows i won't ditch him or anything lol (right?) but if anything the only person that’d be a little confused or whatnot is william
lee lee huh 😃
↳ we dated for a month back when we were 15 or so and realized we were way better off as friends
lee lee why ?
↳ idk i think i was just jealous of lily 😭 but anyways we’ve been just friends since and i’m completely happy with that. i don't see him romantically anymore, yeah he’s hot but like nah. but yeah if he was confused, it's probably because i was best friends with levi when we dated too and might question if he was the cause of our split?? AGAIN THATS IF HE OVERTHINKS IT
dr dre i feel like i’m reading an autobiographical analysis you definitely are fond towards “millers”
↳ ur welcome <333 and NO i am not
chanel’s enemy okok so we got several people who’d be jealous
lee lee ain’t no way you’re ignoring charlie
dr dre but there could be a possibility? just don’t rule him out
↳ bro he doesn't like me 😭 but yeah trust me everything’s gonna be okay again i dont like anyone and no one likes me, and we'll make sure it's obvious i'm single in case anyone does though that may take a while... ANYWAYS
lee lee suuuuure you should hang out with charlie btw
↳ idk why but im scared to 😭
lee lee but you need to he misses you a lot yk
↳ doesn’t change the fact that im SCARED
dr dre sure you and levi hang out and are sweet and shit but BRO the teeth rotting sugar is you and charlie in your damn COMMENTS
chanel’s enemy i think u like charlie, miss girl
↳ NO
dr dre nah, they’d be cute together, even charlie said so himself
chanel’s enemy you dumbass
dr dre uhhh ANYWAYS said too much im gonna sleep again love youse
lee lee BRO yeah night babes <3
chanel’s enemy LOVE U BAE GN
↳ what the duck STUPID AUTOCORRECT WHAT THE FUCK AINT NO WAY YALL JUST DIPPED fine ily guys too </3 BUT DONT THINK IM LETTING THAT GO EASILY ugh what do you guys mean 😭 aint no way thats true OKOK YK WHAT BYE!! FOR REAL THIS TIME
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @gcidrvsh @idontevencare1223 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan @rinisfruity14 @chasebeth @auttumnsayshi @prettygirlformula @alwayswndr @balletfilmss @kestisvrse @1forthemoney2forthekish @eissaaaa @emelia07 @toffytaste @soulaires @bearwon @happy-mushrooms @simrah1012 @blimp-blimp @obxstiles @yuminako @hopexcroc @mackycat11 @knowugetdejavu @0puddleofgender0
thank you so much for all your love and support, it really means the world to me. y/n's beginning to find out certain things, wonder where things will go from here 🤔
as always, i will continue updating the taglist :)
i love you and am so proud of you, stay safe and drink water <3
359 notes · View notes
cemeteryvalentine · 6 days
astro observations part 4 !!! ^____^
(specifically based off my family :3 pleaseee don't get offended at anything that doesn't resonate)
🗝️: one thing about a sag placement, they are gonna hang up FIRST !!! i swear, if anyone misses flip phones, it's a sag placement/dominant. i just know they miss snapping that phone shut in a petty manner LOL. my mom is a sag moon AND rising, and she'd call me and demand me to do something in such a bitchy tone and then hang up on me like girl who tf do u think u areee 😭😭😭😭 LMFAO. but honestly good for her, i love being petty like her.
like i swear i take after my mom because everytime she does that annoying hang up before i can respond thing, i call her again just to say a snarky remark, and hang up on her back!
🐇: i swear, virgo placements have no problem being the grossest people alive, but suddenly it's a problem when someone else does it :/// it's really annoying. my brother has a pigsty of a bedroom, doesn't wash his hand when he pisses unless i make him, and leaves his trash everywhere, but constantly gets on my sister for the same things 😭. like the calls coming from inside the house !!! i think basically, (some) virgos are like picky(?) with what areas they'd want clean. like they're only really comfortable with THEIR mess and no one else's.
🗝️: i love how pisces mercury communicate because it's like what the hel are u awn about 😭 in the NICEST way though :3 they're so kewl and interesting to talk to, plus they're so nice and understanding. maybe because they're water mercuries after all. speaking of, my favorite artist ever kurt cobain was a pisces mercury and it SHOWSSS. a lot of nirvana lyrics feel artistic and metaphoric, or just realllyyyy silly. liiike "angel left wing, right wing, broken wing. lack of iron and or sleeping" from milk it, one of my nirvana faves. and "i vomit C*M and DIARRHEA". like girl whatever that means !!!! (song, mexican seafood)
🐇: mars influence on the asc makes for prominent features. especially eyebrows. my brother has an aries rising and he has such a bad case of RBF. i swear he never looks happy 😭 his virgo sun and cap moon definitely don't help at all either. then im a mars rising and i have big eyebrows like my brother. like we're the only ones with big eyebrows, while our parents brows look invisible LOL. also i'm a virgo rising !! and ppl are always saying i look mad which honestly pisses me off :P so in conclusion, mars influence + virgo placements = major rbf
🗝️: i HATE to add on to the cancer hate train since i'm one myself and i loveee being one + we get soo much hate, but i feel a (unevolvled) cancer makes for the worst pick me girl ever !!!! this def doesn't apply to all cancers, but the few cancer women i know can be so mean to other women so unprovoked. especially my mom, it gives me the ick when she calls random women b*tches or makes fun of them to me for their features or success or soemthing. i used to be a pick me too up until i was like 13 (im soooo happy i grew out of that mess QUICK!). i would constantly strive for male attention, it was embarrassing 😭. ik another girl who values her shitty boyfriend over her (girl) friends and i haaate it. like ive only known a few cancer women, but a lot of them are like the meanest pick me bitch ever, or such a sweeet, caring soul :). i feel like being a pick me stems from cancers being feminine AND traditional. yk? i pray i make sense, but yk how it's traditional for girls to be perfect for her man, and value him no matter the circumstance ?? and cancer/moon being **traditional** ? yeahhh 😭
anywayzzz that's all :3 tyyy for reading !! i had sm making a new observations, considering it's been a year since my last LMFAOO. and again, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. ty bye ^__^
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yongbokology · 1 year
part dos of ‘don’t accidentally beat your dick to your best friend’
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part one
black coded reader <3
warnings; smut
an: you asked, i delivered 🧞‍♀️
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eren is a mess. a complete utter mess.
after realizing he’s been jerking it to you for the past few months, he becomes a nervous wreck around. oh it was bad.
his first encounter with you after the realization, literally happens the day after.
you were running late for work and your car was currently in the shop so you sent a rather urgent text to him with multiple crying emojis, asking him to take you to work.
without even seeing the message, he begins to panic just seeing your name pop up.
did you somehow use your woman tuition and found out he was fucking himself to you? it plagued eren’s mind for a few seconds, his hands clammy as he grasps his phone.
he lets out a sigh of relief once he reads the message and instantly responds.
‘yeah ofc, see u in a bit’
‘thx ren, you’re the best!’
oh eren feels like shit.
he felt like a pervert. like he wasn’t supposed to see you in your nakedness, pleasuring yourself for thousands to see.
“.. ren, are you okay? you’re awfully quiet today.. i’m sorry if you were busy-”
he immediately shakes his head “no! i wasn’t doing anything. i don’t mind at all.. just a bit distracted is all.” he clears his throat, eyes fixated on the road. not sparing you a single glance.
you stare at the side of his face, picking him apart in your brain. all these years the two of you had the pleasure of knowing each other, you knew eren’s mannerisms, his nervous ticks and more.
something was definitely up.
“god not this again. connie could you maybe not be so open about the porn you indulge in.” reiner is fed up with the porn talk, just trying to enjoy this sunday afternoon with his friends.
“okay but bro i’m telling you, this girl is fire. i’d def buy her only fans if she had one.”
eren isn’t too interested in the conversation. his head’s in the clouds. lately he’s been fantasizing about you. a lot actually.
breaking you in half. fucking your brains out in every setting possible. this was new to say the least. before, eren hadn’t had such thoughts about you.
i mean yeah he did sometimes think about what it’d be like if the two of you were together. would the two of you be good partners as you are friends? but he never thought about you in such obscene ways.
it is this next part that has eren almost falling out of his chair.
“[your user]. never heard of her?”
both jean and reiner shake their heads.
eren on the other hand feels his skin run cold, eyes bulging out his head at the username. it was your username.
connie is now pulling out his phone and eren quickly catches on that he is about to pull up your page. with frantic eyes and haste, eren waits for connie to unlock his phone and in the split second that connie rotated his screen towards the three men, eren yanks it from his grasp and dramatically let’s connie’s phone fall face down on the concrete.
“yo what the fuck man?!” connie yells, mouth ajar as he looks between eren and his phone that is definitely not working when he picks it up.
“i-i um. i’m sorry.. it slipped..”
both reiner and jean silently blink, throwing glances at each other.
“oh it fucking slipped? my five year old nephew could put on a better fucking performance.”
“i’m really sorry man. i get paid tomorrow, i’ll pay for it. i swear.”
“i really needed this, thanks for hanging out with me ren. karina has been more bitchy than usual.” it was no secret you hated your boss. you often ranted about her to eren, so much so that he hated her as well and doesn’t even know what she looks like.
“of course. you want some more popcorn? bowl’s almost empty.”
you nod and eren gets up from his spot on his bed and retreats to the kitchen to refill the bowl.
you shift your eyes to the tv, ‘bad boys’ currently at it’s thirty minute mark.
you feel a buzz under your butt.
with furrowed brows you shift and pull out eren’s phone that you had no idea you were sitting on.
his phone screen comes to life, him and armin in the background of the notifications that fill the screen.
there were a few from twitter and growing curious as to what eren’s twitter feed looked liked, you unlocked his phone and hit refresh.
your jaw unhinges when you pop up on his screen. fingers knuckle deep in your cunt.
you’re in shock like you literally didn’t film this a few hours ago and hit post. you just weren’t expecting to see yourself on your best friend’s timeline.
you stare at yourself, at first unsure how to react to this knowledge but then the thought of eren touching himself to you skates across your mind and suddenly you’re clenching your thighs, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
the thought arouses you.
eren comes back with the bowl filled to the brim and his smile is wiped off his face once he sees his phone in your hands.
“eren,” you start. your voice is low but sweet. “is there something you want to tell me?”
he sucks in a breath, pupils shaking as you lay the phone on the bed. he sees what you were looking at clear as day.
“y/n.. i-i can explain.”
your plump lips turn upwards into a grin. mischief writes all over them.
“come here.”
it’s a command that has him hesitantly obeying.
he sits down on the bed, farther than where he originally was.
you sigh and close the proximity by climbing into lap, the popcorn bowl being discarded to the side.
eren feels hell fire creeping up his neck. his mouth his dry and he can suddenly hear the thrumming of his blood.
“how many times have you fucked yourself to me. hm?”
his lips tremble. “a few times..” it almost comes out as a mumble.
your smirk widens at his blatant lie.
“oh eren, you and i both know that’s not true.”
you push him until his back is flat on the bed, your thighs on either side of his hips. you splay your hands on his chest and fully plant your clothes pussy on his crotch.
he could literally just cum right then and there.
“you know what i hate more than liars?”
once eren realizes you actually want him to respond he shakes his head.
you lean forward until your lips are grazing against his ear. your tits mushed against his chest.
“i hate disobedient boys,” you lean back up and eren looks dazed. aware but dazed. “are you a disobedient boy eren?”
needless to say, he’s not. he listens to your every command which is why he was currently whimpering, hands pressed against his chest, trying his very best not to touch you.
your mouth works wonders on his cock, it weeps in all it’s 8inch glory, precum finding it’s way onto your tongue.
you pull him out of your mouth with a lewd ‘pop’, eyeing eren as you pump his aching length. “you close?”
tears form in eren’s eyes. everything feels fuzzy. his brain is scattered but he still manages to give a slight nod. he looked so fucked out and god what a sight it was.
“you gonna cum for me pretty boy?”
the nickname makes eren whine.
“eren, answer me or you don’t get to cum.” you grit, your free hand taking hold on his throat, clenching your dainty yet powerful fingers around it.
“y-yes! yes. m’gonna c-cum.” he chokes out. his pupils becoming dilated as you speed up your hand around his cock.
you smile at this. “i want you to come in my mouth ‘kay? and you can touch me now.” your mouth is instantly on his cock after finishing your sentence.
eren props himself up on his elbows, the iron grip you still have on his neck combined with you sucking the everlasting life out of him has eren cumming in no time with a cracked moan.
“fuh-fuckkk.” tears are streaming down his face now, jaw unhinged as you lap up the messy head on his cock.
“got anymore for me?” you don’t expect him to answer, instead you squeeze on his balls and one last spurt of cum falls onto your shiny lips.
this has eren falling back flat on his back, panting heavily like he’d just finished running a marathon.
you lick at your lips and hum at the taste of him. salty, as expected but not overbearing.
“you did so good for me ren.” you smile, crawling up beside him. resting a hand on his naked chest.
eren lazily turns his head towards you, his cheeks tear stained. he looks utterly broken and it ignites something within you.
“this stays between us ‘kay?” he nods slowly at that, too tired to speak.
what in the world did he just get himself into?
tag list: @hellavile @animeloverzx @starlightmid @gobblethiskitty
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happeehippie · 6 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his fiancée evie as they go through his football career.
* face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 873,190 others
evie: did some cowgirl shit
view all 2,739 comments…
millyg: yee frickin haw
> evie: bitches 🤠
user: i was hoping this thing would get called off
joeyb_9: guess i better saddle up.
> evie: i’m coming home to you cowboy. 😉
user: no wait this is so cute
user: not ev in her cowgirl era
> evie: i fear it may be permanent
user: i cannot comprehend that you guys are so in love your getting married….
> user: wym you can’t comprehend it?? they’ve been together for like 7 years and are clearly very happy?
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liked by bengals, bose, and 912,054 others
joeyb_9: locked in #TeamBose
view all 5,108 comments…
user: this hairstyle is the best
user: ev is so lucky
> evie: like it truly doesn’t get better than this.
user: this is giving major top gun vibes
evie: i’m locked in on you. 🤪💗
> joeyb_9: 🌽
user: yalllll this man!
used: if you need consoling after this tough season hit my line
> evie: aw. i might take you up on that offer
> user: if there’s one things ev is going to do it’s make sure errrrrbody know joe is HER man
> user: no like its giving *insecure*
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 910,002 others
evie: my mood for the foreseeable future..
view all 3,107 comments…
user: angel girl
user: she’s a stunnnnna
lahjay10_: if joe ain’t bring some of those cookies tomorrow we may have a problem
> evie: only the best for you jay
user: a ray of sunshine
joeyb_9: photo by me, socks from my closet, cookies homemade, your smile out of this world.
> evie: the man that you are…
user: i don’t know if im rooting for you or not
user: this doesn’t seem like lifestyles of the rich and famous
> evie: you’re looking in the wrong place for that content
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liked by bengals, evie, and 816,901 others
joeyb_9: my hands don’t look small here
view all 6,738 comments…
user: delete this my girl has ig
bengals: caption 🤌
user: you remember what them haters had to say
evie: let’s put them to good use. 😉
> user: EV! it’s too early to be spicy in the comments!
> user: nooo she’s getting some of that BDJ 🤣
user: i wasn’t prepared for this today
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 520,091 others
evie: why is it always so cold in seattle?
view all 6,194 comments…
user: you’re giving pick me vibes
> evie: next time you’re looking for something to comment on, please, don’t pick me. (:
user: seattle is nice when it isn’t raining
user: period !!!
millyg: a moment for YOU 💗
> evie: i luv u.
user: these pics make seattle look bad
joeyb_9: the fit goes HARD
> evie: you can borrow it anytime 🤪
> joeyb_9: game day fit?
> evie: would def be top 5 of the season.
user: why are joe and ev always so goofy in the comments, and yall think they aren’t made for each other????
> user: no bc SAME! i don’t get why people think they aren’t a good fit. they’re obsessed with each other.
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 730,726 others
joeyb_9: Dark Knight
view all 5,720 comments…
user: that’s my QB
joemainmixon: 🐐
user: you ain’t him
lahjay10_: (TOP 2) DAM SURE AINT 2! 🐐
> evie: TELL EM JAY
user: smash
evie: i think i need a hero… 🥵
> joeyb_9: i’ll be your knight in black shoulder pads.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 820,092 others
evie: big week 😳
view all 5,118 comments…
user: my favorite wag
user: if y’all actually are getting married im sick.
user: are you going to share what’s happening?
user: you look STUNNING
user: wym??
user: not prepared for what’s about to go down. i have a feeling.
joeyb_9: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
> user: oh shit
user: not joe about to ruin his life if speculation is true
> user: wow everyone is supportive until you realize he really isn’t ever going to leave her for you. this is crazy behavior!
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 1,737,026 others
evie: i think i like this little life.. 🤍
view all 15,829 comments…
millyg: and that’s MRS. Evangeline Burrow!
> user: not me just now finding out ev’s full name
> user: Evangeline??? Excuse me, that’s beautiful.
user: she doesn’t deserve it.
lahjay10_: we was TURNT TF UP!
user: i am sick with jealousy
bengals: The King and his Queen, congratulations!
user: only ring he will ever get but congrats
> user: marrying the love of your life is a bigger dub than the sb ever will be.
user: congrats!
sam_hubbard_: Finally!!
user: i knew it was coming and somehow i convinced myself he was smarter than this..
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liked by bengals, millyg, and 1,290,001 others
joeyb_9: Mr. & Mrs.
view all 8,628 comments…
lahjay10_: congratulations brudda!
user: most overrated player in the nfl
> user: bro can’t you let him enjoy his wedding?
user: congrats, now go get that other ring!
user: i give it a few months before they are done with each other.
> user: considering they’ve been together for almost a decade, i don’t see that happening
user: we all wish we were ev rn!
bengals: that’s our QB, you lucky boy!
user: another thing to distract him from winning the super bowl
user: not fair
millyg: i’m not crying, you are. jk i am crying. i’ve been crying all day.
user: he’s too famous for this, he will get sick of her.
evies ig stories:
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piastri-lover · 1 year
who would have guessed; alex albon
summary: in which you and alex are dropping hints about your relationship, and yet no one seems to be getting the hint
pairing: alex albon x celeb!reader
author's note: i fucking love alex albon and this prompt!! icl i dont know he's so underrated but i enjoyed making this sm xx
yourusername 📍tulum, mexico
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liked by pierregasly, zendaya and 17293057 yourusername summer time x view comments
user1 i love y/n so fucking much
user2 wife
user3 are u kidding i was lit in mexico two days ago and NOW the queen is here -user4 lit flew out this morning i could have met my wife
zendaya having fun? ;)) -yourusername don't know what u mean by that --zendaya ill keep my mouth shut
user5 after 3 months of oppenheimer filming y/n prob needs a break -user6 she slayed as jean though --user5 100%
user7 mexico is my country and i'm so glad u love it liked by yourusername -user7 omg y/n liked my comment im done
user8 whos she with -user9 idk but someone def took that 3rd photo
user10 why is pierre in the queen y/n's likes?? -user11 i bet he forgot to switch accounts and liked without thinking --user12 ariana what are u doing here
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yourusername 📍tulum, mexico
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liked by sydney_sweeney, landonorris and 32017295 others yourusername thank u for the restuarant reccomendation, we loved it xx view comments
user13 mother is mothering
user14 she's so fit -user15 that scene in oppenheimer changed me as a person
user16 THERES A BOY -user17 omg omg omg this is not a drill
sydney_sweeney y/n... -yourusername ill call u later and fill u in babe
user18 first pierre, now lando -user19 the entire grid is simping for y/n and tbh i don't blame them
user20 the soft launch is beginning -user21 im so ready to analyse every screenshot to try and work this out first
user22 i need that dress
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alex_albon replied to your story:
alex_albon ur fans are going wild on twt rn
yourusername really?? i haven't checked
alex_albon mhmm like they havent stopped speculating for hours im sure i saw someone ship u with fucking lando
yourusername he is kinda cute...
alex_albon oy
yourusername im kidding we still going out for dinner tonight??
alex_albon yup its me and you, george and carmen and lando lol
yourusername all good
alex_albon pick u up at 8?
yourusername counting down the minutes baby love u x
alex_albon love u more x
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 4103549 others landonorris my fave couples (im so alone) view comments
user23 umm
user24 lando babe i dont feel like u were supposed to post this
georgerussell63 he's passed out and i dont know his password idk what to do -user25 george are y/n and alex dating??? --georgerussell63 no lando was just feeling a bit silly
user26 george trying to defend alex and y/n when we obv know they're dating
alex_albon i let him take one photo and ofc he does this -yourusername at least we look cute --alex_albon we always look cute baby
user27 i wasnt sure about alex but look they're so wholesome
user28 im j wondering how tf alexander albon pulled the y/n -user29 me too --user30 like nothing against him but y/n is... well y/n
landonorris wait i thought this was my private
landonorris so so sorry -yourusername ur buying me a drink when we next go out --landonorris done and done ---alex_albon my girl has expensive taste lando u have completely shot urself in the foot
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tagged: alex_albon liked by zendaya, pierregasly and 51294856 othersyourusername lando ruined my softlaunch(🖕🖕) but anyway i kinda love him so be nice xx view comments
user31 no bc theyre acc cute
user32 i hate to have to share my wife but it would be with him
landonorris ive apologised 1000 times idk what more to do -alex_albon she had the entire thing all planned out but no lando norris had to intervene --yourusername honestly im heartbroken i might need another bottle of champagne... ---landonorris fuck off y/n the last bottle was like £1000
alex_albon leng -yourusername appreciate it bro
alex_albon the last photo❤️❤️❤️-yourusername love u big man
user33 omg i hope we get to see her at a grand prix soon -yourusername im def coming to spa and we'll see after that
williamsracing already saving a seat for u -yourusername i cant wait xx
user34 dont know whether i want to be alex or her
user35 bi awakening -user36 fr
user37 sleeping on the highway tonight -landonorris ill be joining u --user38 landos so real for that
763 notes · View notes
eternal-ascensionism · 3 months
@circle-with-me you have inspired me w/ the post abt Noah’s room decor I’m weeping in italics
Bestie!Noah is def the type to get a lil weak in the knees when he sees his pretty goth bff and he stumbles over a word or two whenever they ask how he’s doing and he feels like he’s blushing when they give him a hug as a greeting or a farewell and don’t even get me started on if they were to give him little trinkets like crystals or smth he’d call them his little crow ANYWAYYYYYS
So like, imagine begging him to let you decorate his space for Halloween/his birthday and he relents (read: you asked one time and he immediately was on board cause he’s kinda soft for u) so you show up at his door with multiple black plastic bags in hand and a big grin. He’s looking at you like you’re insane because “why on earth would you need that much shit to decorate one room???” And you’re like hush mister I am scheming 😡 So he heads to the kitchen to make you guys dinner while you work your magic and he returns with two plates and a look of utter disbelief
You are stood on the bed, balancing on one foot as you loop a set of skull-shaped string lights onto a small hook you’d attached near the top of the wall. Similar hooks were placed all around the perimeter of the ceiling. Additionally, you’d placed removable spooky-themed wall clingers around various spots in the room. A delicate glass figurine of a black cat wearing a witch’s hat sat next to his PC. In place of his usual white cobwebs, you’d opted for some purple webbing with plastic spiders tangled in between. You even picked up some creepy portraits and black candles.
“Don’t be mad, they’re command strips. I can peel em off when you want me to!” You pretend to dust off your hands and stand back to admire your handiwork. Noah just sets down the plates and makes a beeline to where you’re at, scooping you off the bed as you squeal in surprise. “What was that for?” You ask in between giggles
“Can’t believe I let you turn my room into the back of a Spirit Halloween for my birthday.” He rolls his eyes as you feign offense, a loud gasp ringing out while you clutch your chest.
“I’ll have you know Spirit could NEVER think up such a creative and original display.”
“You literally taped up some cobwebs and string lights, I don’t know how original that would-“
You cut him off with a scoff. “Want me to take it down?”
“No!” He replies, a bit too fast. “To do that you’d have to escape me. I’m not done with you. First, we will be having a word about that vial of glitter I see in that bag.”
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dollcherray · 6 months
Apologies for tumblr being hungry and eating requests </3 ! Just resending mine! I wanna ask for Yandere!Miss Sasha hc’s please ! but if I may specify, with a reader who’s a very shy and timid teacher
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୨୧ SHAPE OF U ✮⋆˙
Yandere miss sasha x shy and timid reader
A/N: Miss sasha is such a cutie! same scenario: you are a teacher in this, Now all I need is Miss Circle to complete the list of characters I want to write about (def not a cry for someone to request about yandere Miss Circle).
TW:Yandere topics, gaslighting, delusion, does someone make shrines of you counts as a trigger? remember: Yanderes are not hot, they can be extremely dangerous always stay away from individuals like this.
Type: Angst/fluff, romantic, HCS
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୨୧ right off the bat: Sasha finds you adorable!! she likes how u can get flustered so easily, thats one of the main characteristics she likes about you, so obviously she will comment how adorable you are in her eyes.
୨୧ she would NOT be happy if someone made fun of how you act, she wouldnt hurt that person, but would make their school life hell at least in her subject, no one will make fun of you, not in her watch.
୨୧ Of course, as a yandere, she uses your timid nature to her advantage, but not in a nitid way to not risk you actually catching up on her unhealthy obsession crush towards you, she would be embarrassed to bits if you found out that she has a silly crush on you.
୨୧ She draws you at any chance she gets, some she gives you as a gift, others she keeps to herself... she probably has a shrine of arts and doodles of you that she drew, she probably featured herself in 50% of these drawings.
୨୧ she would make poetic love letters who would always compliment you or your work as a teacher, you bet that the letters has lots of drawings of you in chibi version in the corners and lots of hearts drawed in it.
୨୧ She would definitely call you a "work of art" and that you could be easily sculptured in a statue, all that cheesy art things, also, she would probably use that van gogh pick lines like "i love you like van gogh loved the stars" (was it van gogh? idfk)
୨୧ Sasha is obsessive, manipulative, delusional, harmless (in a "kill someone" way) and a very smart type of yandere, she would probably one of the less dangerous yanderes to have in the school, if someone tried to take you away from her, she would only manipulate you to get away from the person by inventing lies about them or maybe setting up a false situation that proves her false point.
୨୧ I think Sasha would be delusional because she wouldnt see that what she is doing is unhealthy and possibly harmful for the darling's mental health, she genuinely thinks she is just experiencing love.
୨୧ Sasha would probably be very dumb founded if you finally letted go from your shy manner and tried to leave her, she thought she was doing everything right, what do you mean she was gaslighting you into staying away from everyone you met? she was only protecting you!
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୨୧ Sasha would beg for you not to leave her, i mean, you made her feel more alive than art did! you were her everything! she wont know what to do if you leave her, she might lose her sparkle and she doesnt want that, so please, please stay with her.
୨୧ "Come on darling... your not going to actually leave me.. right?"
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kangshxrtie · 15 days
ch. 22 ⤍ PICK ME
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you started your stream with your usual energetic greeting, glancing at the chat as it started to flood in with messages. you leaned back in your chair, smiling, ready to dive into the updates.
"so earlier today, i filmed this video with leeseo and wonyoung," you began, trying not to laugh too hard at the memory. "first of all, never let wonyoung behind the wheel—she scares me. she couldn't keep her hands on the wheel because she freaked out every time the car moved even a little. now, leeseo? that kid is wild. for some reason, she's actually good at driving." you paused for effect. "like, way too good for her age."
user1 idk who even let wonyoung behind the wheel. she's literally scared of driving.
you nodded, laughing softly. "i was wondering the same damn thing," you replied, shaking your head.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ when do i get to drive you? 😏
you raised an eyebrow at the comment. "you driving? should i be scared?" you teased.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ of course not. i'm a great driver!
"i don't know... should i let zuha drive me around?" you asked your chat, knowing exactly how they'd react.
user2 hell no
user3 run yn
user4 ur def not making it out of that one
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i love being a mod. there's so much power here.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i'm banning everybody who said i can't drive!
you couldn't help but laugh at her response. "you can't just ban my whole chat, zuha!"
reinyourheart wait how is kazuha a mod b4 me? i've known u longer
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ 🤷🏻‍♀️ i'm just good like that.
🗡️_yujin_an damn imagine not being a mod
reinyourheart even yujin
reinyourheart she prob doesn't even use it
🗡️_yujin_an actually 🤓☝️ i use my mod powers all the time to run polls. i'm also an og y/n sub so i got mod
reinyourheart y/n plz mod me since apparently you're just giving mod to anybody these days
"i don't trust you enough to give you those privileges."
reinyourheart but u trust yujin???
"well, not really, but she's our leader," you joked.
reinyourheart banning u from my chat now
"that's fine, i never watch your streams anyways," you quipped, earning a playful gasp from your chat.
reinyourheart 😮 fake
"i'm joking. please don't actually ban me," you said, breaking into laughter. as your giggles faded, your eyes caught an interesting question in the chat.
user1 what type of person do u want to date?
the question made you pause for a moment. "i've actually been thinking about this a lot recently," you admitted.
you leaned forward, ready to dive into your answer. "so, first of all, i like someone with a cool and relaxed personality, but they also need to be bright enough to make me laugh—even with the corniest jokes." as you said this, your thoughts drifted toward someone in particular.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i feel like i can satisfy those requirements
you chuckled softly but kept going. "i also want to date a morning person, so they can help me fix my sleep schedule."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i hate sleeping in
"i really hope they can speak japanese too, 'cause i wanna visit japan so badly."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ me
you grinned, ignoring her comments for now. "another odd requirement—i want them to be good at ballet. it's a talent i just really admire."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ me 🙋🏻‍♀️
"oh, and if they look like bae suzy, that's a huge bonus," you added with a nostalgic smile. "she was my ideal type when i was younger."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ pick me! choose mee!
"and another weird one—they need to randomly start stretching or doing squats whenever they feel like it. bonus points if they have abs. that's just..." you sighed dramatically. "so hot."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i literally fit all the requirements
you finally broke, laughing as you read her string of comments. "i don't know if anybody can really line up to all these standards," you shrugged playfully.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ am i even here rn 😞
"y'all, if you know someone who meets all these standards, let me know," you told your chat, laughing at how many people were either playing along or just laughing at the interaction.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ chat suggest me #ynxzuha
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ imma start banning ppl that type any other name
"you can't threaten my chat like that, zuha," you chuckled, reading her messages aloud.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ chat she noticed me
you shook your head, smiling. "but since you're here, what do you think of all these suggestions?"
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ idk but i think that kazuha girl is pretty cool. i think u wld like her
you pursed your lips in thought. "hmm... i don't really know. i'll have to think about that one."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ trust
"i guess i'll trust you," you said, playing along. "but what are you doing right now? you should join me."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i cant im filming leniverse rn
you gasped. "what do you mean? stop watching me and go film!" you teased, mock-scolding her.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ we good. they're not rdy yet
"alright, just don't get into trouble because of me."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ talking to u is more important tho :/
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ nobody tell chaewon i said that
"there's a reason i act the way i do—it's because she says stuff like this," you said with an exaggerated sigh.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i miss u lets hang out soon
"we literally hung out yesterday," you reminded her, laughing.
user5 u did?
user6 i miss when y/n updated us
you nodded, leaning into the camera. "yeah, because we filmed the collab!" you added, catching yourself before revealing too much. "when will that be posted, zuha?"
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ shld be posted next week
"okay, tell your team to edit me well," you said with a grin.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i will.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i hv to film now talk l8r
"bye, zuha!" you waved dramatically, just as you got a perfectly timed message from yujin that she was almost ready.
"so, today we'll be playing games with yujin, who should be here soon," you announced to your chat. no sooner had you said it, you heard the familiar ping, signaling that yujin had joined the call.
"y/n, why didn't you warn me?" yujin exclaimed, her voice full of exasperation.
you blinked. "what do you mean?"
"leeseo just showed me what you all did in the video today."
"oh, that! yeah, she's crazy with it," you laughed, remembering the madness.
"she was all like, 'you wanna see what i learned?' and i'm thinking, sure, why not—'cause i'm actually curious about what y'all filmed. next thing i know, she reverses fast and does a freaking j-turn. i've never been so scared in my life."
"she did it first try, too. i was just sitting there, in shock."
"i just wish i had talked to wonyoung first," yujin muttered.
"i'm so glad you're the driver in the group. no way we'd be alive if wonyoung was behind the wheel."
"oh, absolutely," yujin agreed quickly. you both laughed before getting connected to the game, ready for the chaos that would follow.
zuhasgf connected
as soon as yujin's character appeared in the game lobby, you rolled your eyes, and immediately opened the menu, kicking her out without hesitation.
"alright, i'm in the game," she announced, unaware of what you'd just done.
"huh? y/n, did you just kick me out?" yujin's voice sounded confused.
you tried to act innocent. "wait, why'd you disconnect?"
yujin groaned, realizing. "you literally just kicked me."
"i think you need a new username," you replied.
"i can't get back in—did you ban me?" yujin chuckled.
"don't blame me because you can't get in the game," you said.
zuhasgf connected.
you immediately kicked her out again, this time banning her completely.
"y/n!" yujin yelled in disbelief.
"i told you to make a new username. i'm not accepting this one," you said firmly.
"just unban me!" yujin demanded, still laughing.
"are you trying to join with the same character?" you asked.
"yeah, did you unban me?"
"...of course," you lied smoothly.
once yujin finally decides to change her name back to normal, you two load into the game, the screen fades in, revealing your pirates standing confidently on a dock, the vast ocean stretching behind them, with a rugged ship rocking gently in the harbor.
"i don't have a shovel, so you're gonna have to do all the digging," yujin lazily announced.
"yujin, if you don't put some type of work in, i might actually fight you," you shot back.
you walk off in the opposite direction when you spot something off in the distance. "there's a ship here," you inform yujin.
she started her pirate roleplay. "arghh! i'm on my way!" yujin replied in a raspy pirate accent, rushing toward the ship with exaggerated enthusiasm.
suddenly, your screen started shaking violently. "what was that?" you muttered, trying to steady your view.
on the other end, you could hear yujin losing her mind, screaming incoherently. there were no actual words, just pure panic as she mashed buttons in a futile attempt to do... something.
while yujin flailed, you spotted an ocean crawler emerging from the sand. remaining calm, you casually pulled out your gun and shot it. meanwhile, yujin continued screaming in terror about something you couldn't even see.
then, out of nowhere, yujin set off an explosion—right next to you. the entire screen flashed red as both you and the surrounding enemies were blasted back.
"oh my god, yujin! what the fuck!" you yelled, your health bar dangerously low as you quickly ate some food to recover.
"you're welcome!" yujin chirped, completely ignoring the fact that she had almost killed you along with the monsters.
the battle ended, and you both wandered around the island, eventually stumbling upon a mysterious shipwreck. a spectral pirate appeared out of thin air, launching into an overly dramatic speech about ancient pirate lore.
"this is actually the longest speech i've ever heard. argh," yujin groaned.
you decided to pull out a ukelele from your inventory. yujin, never one to be outdone, joined in with her singing about finding the pirate captain, her voice cracking from the strain of trying to stay in character.
later, while you were still outside playing music, yujin's shrill voice pierced the calm.
"three ghost ships!" she shouted.
"let's go. we must go on an adventure!" you replied, dramatically diving into the water, heading for the ghost ship, determination in your heart.
however, as you swam, the tide came in, forcefully pushing your character back. you struggled against the current, while yujin, oblivious, had already made it onto your ship and was sailing away.
"yujin! get your ass back here!" you screamed, frantically swimming after the ship. "i'm literally sinking!"
after what felt like an eternity, yujin finally circled back for you. gasping for breath, you managed to pull yourself up onto the deck.
relieved to be back on board, you stood at the front of the ship, surveying the ocean ahead. you felt the wind in your face, the waves crashing against the hull. surely, yujin could be trusted to steer the ship... right?
but then you noticed something alarming. "yujin... we're gonna crash into this rock!" you said, your voice tense.
"anchor!" yujin screamed, but it was far too late. the ship slammed into the rock.
"we're gonna die on this ship. not even from the battles, it'll be from your terrible driving," you groaned.
"naww, we're good," yujin said confidently, somehow managing to reverse the ship and sail around the obstacle, acting like nothing had happened.
you decided to climb up to the ship's bowsprit, balancing precariously on the beam as the ship cut through the waves. "is standing up here a good idea?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"argh! of course it is!" yujin replied without hesitation.
"is playing music as we go into battle a bad idea?" she asked, joining you upfront with her accordian, strumming an out-of-tune melody.
you pulled out your ukulele from the inventory, matching her energy, and for a moment, it was peaceful—just two pirates making music.
then, without warning, the water around you started to churn. from the depths of the ocean, a massive kraken emerged, its tentacles towering above your ship.
both you and yujin screamed in unison as chaos ensued. you were flung into the water but somehow kept playing your ukulele, refusing to let the music die.
"it's sucking us in!" yujin shouted, her voice on the verge of panic. "load the cannons! we gotta fight this off!"
"can we even fight this thing?" you asked through fits of laughter, doubting your chances.
you quickly switched to the cannonballs, aiming at the monstrous tentacles, firing off shots as fast as you could. you felt like you were making progress, but then you noticed the ship was being dragged deeper into the abyss.
your screen flickered and went dark with a red outline. "what is even happening?" you groaned as your character faded into the ghostly realm.
as a spirit, you wandered aimlessly, spotting another figure. thinking it was yujin, you approached, only to realize it was a random player—a man who's character gave you a casual nod.
"later, dude," he said, disappearing into the void.
you eventually respawned back with yujin, both of you standing on the remains of your ship, now just floating debris in the ocean.
"well, that was a great sea of thieves adventure. we lost everything," yujin said, pulling out her accordion.
you pulled out your ukulele, shaking your head but smiling. "yeah, it was great."
"the fucking kraken..." yujin muttered.
"literally right before the pirate ship, too," you said.
"literally the most random shit," she added, laughing.
"crazy," you agreed, both of you still basking in the aftermath of the chaos.
"anyway, i guess we have to end here," yujin said, the energy winding down.
"yeah, we do," you agreed, starting the stream wrap-up.
you exited the call with yujin, turning your attention to chat. "alright, chat, it's about that time," you said, leaning back in your chair with a relaxed smile. "i'll be live tomorrow for some more games, maybe with a few friends, but i haven't locked anything in yet."
you glanced at the chat as messages rolled in, then continued. "also, keep an eye out—our channel's dropping a new video soon, so make sure to check that out when it's up. but yeah, that's all for today!"
you gave a casual wave. "thanks for hanging out, and i'll see you next time." with a final smile, you ended the stream.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
hello! this is like a really weird request so I’m not sure if it’ll even make sense but can u do averyjameson hcs when they are in like public or like during interviews together or smth. Idk if that even makes sense…
averyjameson in public/during an interview head canons
of course! its most def not weird and i think ik what you mean. sorry it took so long for me to make this. i apologize if this is short. im trying to finish my requests before july 9th bc i wont really be able to do any for like a month after that (ill do some here and there but it def won't be often). i'll separate these into two categories (interviews and in public) and ill do a few for each. anyways, i hope you like these <3.
in public:
jameson constantly has to have his hands on her when they're out (in a pg-13 way obviously). 1. bc his love language is physical touch 2. bc he feels like if he's holding her in his arms she won't get hurt if someone tries to hurt her and 3. he wants everybody to know he's hers.
there are tons of pictures online of jameson giving avery her jacket bc she's freezing. her stylists sometimes complain when avery puts a coat on after dressing her up bc it 'ruins the outfit' (in this case, im not talking about a jacket, im talking about a huge winter coat that hides her outfit and isn't used as some sort of accessory. bc avery's a people pleaser, she always ends up listening and doesn't put on a coat (even though she gets cold really easily) so jameson always ends up giving her his coat (even though he also gets cold easily).
whenever jameson sees paparazzi taking a picture of them, he kisses her cheek. 1. bc avery gets flustered 2. they both love physical touch (avery only likes it if its jameson) and 3. bc fans eat it up.
most of the pictures that are taken of them in public are of them in a restaurant or just eating food. they love trying out new stuff which is why they're always seen eating.
jameson hates leaving avery alone (even if she's with her security guards). he's always accompanying her everywhere, and, if he can't, he gets on his brothers to go with her bc he trusts them. he literally won't even let her go to the bathroom alone (he obviously doesn't go inside the bathroom, he stays outside but still). he also does this bc he knows that avery gets uncomfortable when paparazzi try to talk to her when she's alone, and he doesn't want her to end up in a situation like that.
i didn't really know where to include this one bc it technically happens after an interview (but not during the interview itself which is why i put it here) but jameson and avery are always seen getting a coffee (or just any other drink) after an interview before heading home. sometimes they head home directly and sometimes they sit on a bench somewhere and talk to one another. (obviously people take pictures of them doing this)
they really like stopping and taking pictures with fans and stuff. sometimes, jameson films tiktok dances with them and avery is seen in the background of them judging jameson's dancing skills so hard.
this isn't necessarily them in public but more about their socials and stuff. jameson and avery post a pic of them in each country they visit with a cute caption. they usually post it once they're gone so people won't start looking for them in that country.
during an interview:
jameson is constantly finding ways to express how much he loves avery. the interviewer will ask him a question like 'how was it like growing up with your grandfather?' and, somewhere along the way, as he's answering the question, jameson starts talking about how much avery means to him and how he has no idea where he'd be right now if she wasn't in his life.
sometimes, avery gets nervous during interviews bc she hates speaking to strangers. she'll start shaking, picking at her nails, and stuff. jameson usually grabs her hands when this happens and starts stroking his thumb over her knuckles to ground her. sometimes, when avery is really panicking and can't bring herself to speak, jameson will take the lead and start answering her questions (he somehow makes it seem normal and it doesn't turn into a scandal like 'avery having a panic attack during an interview' bc.. he's a hawthorne)
this hc is about planning the interview and not the interview itself. alisa mostly asks jameson to accompany avery during her interviews bc she only truly smiles (like not a fake smile) when he's there and the interviews flow more smoothly (she's more comfortable answering questions and her answers are more genuine). also, fans eat up the averyjameson content. she obviously still does interviews with the other brothers but not as much.
jameson loves coming up with ways to fluster avery during interviews. sometimes he'll bring up something he loves about her, things he wants to do for her in the future, or brags about how lucky he is. avery gets shy bc of all of the attention and can't look him in the eye for the rest of the day. jameson always ends up proud of himself.
jameson is really good a recognizing questions that he knows will make avery uncomfortable (but aren't 'no' questions as landon would say) but she'll answer anyways bc she's a people pleaser. sometimes he'll deflect by doing or saying smth funny (or simply saying smth he knows the public will love), and, sometimes, he'll squeeze her hand or her thigh to reassure her that she doesn't have to answer questions that she doesn't want to.
sometimes, interviewers ask avery and jameson (especially avery) really inappropriate questions about their relationship. jameson rarely gets mad, but he either tells the interviewer that they will not be answering the question (in a way that scares the shit out of the interviewer and makes them ask them smth else) or he just stands up and tells everyone that the interview is over (he only really does this when the interview is being recorded and isn't live) (ik this one is cheesy but idc)
if the interview is live and there's an audience, jameson always sits on the side closest to the audience bc he thinks that its a little safer for her to sit on the other side. that way people cant throw stuff at her and she's not as visible to the crowd.
avery and jameson have this special code thing (10 consecutive taps on the other's thigh) that indicates that they want to leave immediately. usually avery is the one using the code bc interviewers put her in uncomfortable situations quite often. jameson ends the interview no questions asked and they usually head home directly to watch a show cuddled up in blankets together to comfort the person who used the code.
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doughliciousfrosting · 10 months
What was it like for your Transfem Leo to come out to her family?
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Oh my god I love this question. I LOVE ANY QUESTION ACTUALLY. Personally I've been debating on whether Leo would come out as transfem before or after Splinter's death. I've decided before for the simple reason that I really want Splinter to have a nice moment with her as her daughter yk? I guess I'd have to start off with how Leo realized she was transfem. I'm gonna be honest prior to this ask I hadn't given it much thought so I'll try my best to figure it out here right now!! If my initial headcanon for this changes I'll make an update post on it later.
Leo realizes she's transfem:
I'd imagine the turtles themselves don't really have a strong sense of gender, since not only are they turtles, they've also spent the first 15 years of their life in social isolation in the sewers. The only idea of gender they really percieve stems from Splinter, and from their perspective I imagine they kind of just interpret Splinter as a ninja and nothing else. So I think Leo initially tries her best to mimic Splinter and his behaviors. I think Leo's view on herself completely shifted when they met April, because she was an entirely new person. I think Leo at first didn't think much of it because April was human, but then when they met Casey she didn't feel the same kind of envy YKWIM?? Like Leo took one look at April and was like "idk what that is but I wanna be that." I feel like this internal dialogue came to a climax when she went to visit the tea girl from S1. I headcanon she still visits and they have cute lil tea parties lol. So the little girl says she wants to give Leo a makeover, and at first Leo is like "haha no." And the girl is INSISTENT she's like "if you don't let me I'm going to scream and get my dad over here" and Leo caves finally, she's like "OKAY OKAY 😰😰" so the girl dresses her up with what she can (obviously the little girls clothes wouldn't fit Leo who has a huge ass shell on her back LMAO) and she tries to do Leo's makeup. Leo looks in the mirror and thinks like wow.. something abt this just clicks for me. And it kind of makes Leo realize like, this is what she had been wanting since she realized there were genders outside of her rat dad LMAO.
Coming out:
With this in mind, I think that Leo wouldn't exactly have a word for what she is? And frankly I don't think she'd immediately take action either. I think she'd go to April for help, and after telling April what she felt, April would be able to explain what Leo is experiencing. So I guess unintentionally, she came out to April first LMAO 😭 and after Leo realizes she might be trans she's kind of like ermrmmm what do I do abt it now.... So I imagine April gives Leo help on where to start! I think she'd recommend Leo come out to her family members one at a time (if that's what she wanted). So Leo thinks on it for a couple of days or weeks.. (Let's be honest, months). And after finally mustering the courage, she picks a sibling to talk to.
I don't know if this is surprising to some people or not, but I feel like Leo would come out to Donnie first. Mainly because Donnie wouldn't yell (Raph) and would be less likely to accidentally tell other people (sorry Mikey..) Since the 2012 turtles aren't as in touch with emotions as the ROTTMNT turtles, I think that it would definitely be very awkward, but Leo would try to approach it as scientifically as possible. Which serves a double purpose of not being confusing and also being a little more devoid of emotion. I think Leo would start like "you know how gender is a social construct and etc.." And then after blabbing over her words Donnie would be like "hold on are you trying to tell me you're trans?" And Leo would be like "erm.. Yas? Unless u think it's weird because then no.." I think Donnie would know what trans means bcuz Donnie studies human society and stuff. I don't think he'd know how to respond, but I think he'd def question Leo on it out of curiousity, not malice. So after a thorough interview so Donnie can collect data LMAO Donnie kicks leo out the lab is like "cool thanks sis," and that's the end of it.
I think Leo would go to Mikey next because I dont think Mikey would care much BAHAHA. I imagine it's just Leo pulling up next to Mikey (whos doing something like hanging out with I.C.K. or practicing skateboarding) and I imagine the convo goes somewhat like this:
Leo: "Mikey?"
Mikey: "Yeah bro?"
Leo: "uhh I'm not ur bro, I'm ur sister it'd be cool if u could call me that from now on"
Mikey: "cool sis."
Mikey and Leo: "...."
Mikey: "do I still call u Leo orrrr?-"
Leo: "Leo is fine! I have to go train now so uhh bye?"
Mikey: "k bye Leo!"
Mikey would be so unbothered I think LMAO
I think Raph would be last, why? Because any sort of convo with Raph regarding emotions tends to be very heavy for Leo and Raph together lmao. I think Leo would STRESS OUT, after telling Mikey she 100% has to tell Raph soon before someone else says something. I think Leo would ask to speak to Raph while Raph's in his room. After knocking and being allowed inside, Leo would sit on raphs bed completely silent and withdrawn. Raph would realize the serious atmosphere and give Leo his full attention. After a little awkward silence, raph would get over it and I think the convo would go something like:
Raph: "Whats up leo? You kinda just made urself cozy in my room. "
Leo: "I..... need to talk to u abt something"
Raph: "well yeah I figured that much"
Leo: "right...."
- more silence -
Raph: "so?? -"
Leo: "Raph. Do you hate girls"
Raph: "WHAT???"
Raph: "are u asking me if I'm gay???"
Raph: ".... Are *YOU* gay???"
Leo: " WAIT NO.."
Raph: "cuz it's fine if u are this is just a rlly weird way to say it"
Leo: *sighs*
Leo: "okay I like girls right?.. But I dont just LIKE girls, I also like um.. BEING a girl."
Raph: "huh???"
Raph: "wait so.. youre saying that youreeeee a girl?...." (Brain processing)
Leo: "yes...."
Raph: "....so are you gonna like wear dresses and tiaras now?"
Leo: "dude. Have u ever been around a girl?? U don't see April walking around in dresses and tiaras!"
Raph: "I was just asking jeez!!"
Leo: "well don't ask dumb questions!! And to answer ur dumb question no, I will not. I'm a ninja first, I don't think doing flips and Parkour around the city in a big poofy dress is very practical.."
Raph: "righttt.... so when are you gonna tell everyone else?"
Leo: *cringes* "emm I kind of already told everybody else besides splinter? ":)"
Raph: ".........."
-- end scene LOL --
I don't exactly have dialogue for this one, but I think it would definitely be the hardest one for Leo to do. I think Leo would feel like shes ruining splinters expectations of her or something yk?? So she starts off on this big ramble about how she'll always be splinters kid and she hopes this doesn't change anything. I think she'd come off as kind of hysterical so splinter would shut her down and straight up ask what's wrong. So Leo would blurt it out and splinter would 100% be accepting. I think splinter would tell Leo that back when he first named them, he assumed them all to be boys bcuz he didn't want another daughter at the time since he was still mourning Miwa and didn't want to feel like he was replacing her. Splinter would tell Leo he's honored to have her as a daughter now, and then ask if she wants another name that suits her. I personally think Leo would decline, I think she'd want to keep it because it's the one splinter gave her and she doesn't have a problem being called leonardo lolol
Firstly, this was a long read so if ur still here thank u for listening to my word vomit!! Secondly, I'd like to give a disclaimer here.. **I AM NOT A WRITER** HELPMEAHSLAH I don't know if thats clear or not. I have a vague idea on how these events would go, but I can't always articulate them correctly. I hope this was somewhat comprehensible. And lastly, to the person who sent the message thank u for the asking!! This was very fun to answer and it made me give thought to something I hadn't before!
Edit: WAIT LAST THING I FORGOT TO ADD. I AM NOT TRANS!!!! So if the way I describe this experience for Leo doesn't seem right please let me know 😭😭
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