applemangoluna · 5 years
@tos Defara Kinantiさん()フォローありがとうございます February 12, 2020 at 05:38PM https://t.co/uCrCl7yZUU #相互フォロー #フォロバ #相互支援 #followback #followme
@tos Defara Kinantiさん()フォローありがとうございます February 12, 2020 at 05:38PM https://t.co/uCrCl7yZUU #相互フォロー #フォロバ #相互支援 #followback #followme
— Luna Otohara 音原瑠菜 (@applemango) February 12, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/applemango February 12, 2020 at 05:38PM
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All the things and all the places
Up early to cook, clean, and compost. 
Then over to M&D to fix Dad’s tire, but he doesn’t have tire levers, so made another stop at home and then back.
Then biked with Dad to the hospital to check on Mom, who has been there since Friday night, but seems in good spirits despite being in a hospital. (where you have to rent a TV!?)
Also, have you ever seen an elevator with floors missing other than skipping #13?
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Then to the beach for a moment of zen. I want to know what the point of a smoking ban is if no one is going to enforce it (so much for zen). Within the circle of families set up around me, I counted five people smoking within one hour. Give me a ticket book and I can quit my job.
I stopped in a russian supermarket, which is basically a store that sells things I have been looking for. The fake Pims chocolate covered raspberry jelly soft cookies, turkish delight, halvah, Werthers, etc. And these, of course. Actually interested to know why the blue container isn’t the salted one. I don’t know what marketing scheme skewed my thinking, but I think of blue when I think of salted. Butter is like that, for one.
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Back to the house, with an ambitious stop for a slice of DeFara’s pizza. The line was only 5 deep, so that seemed very doable, until I waited over 25 minutes with no appearance of a slice. Sure, it would have been delicious. But fuck it - I don’t have time to wait 30 minutes for a $5 slice of pizza. 
And that’s it. Another weekend in the books. 
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hometowndruck · 7 years
Remembering Omie Janie Martin Dockery, Glenda Anthony Hall, Robert "Jerry" Jerome Hammond, Sr., DeFarae K. Hodges and Phillip Hugh Williams
Remembering Omie Janie Martin Dockery, Glenda Anthony Hall, Robert “Jerry” Jerome Hammond, Sr., DeFarae K. Hodges and Phillip Hugh Williams
Mrs. Omie Janie Martin Dockery, age 77, of Cedartown, formerly of Rome, passed away Thursday, June 1, 2017, at her residence.
Mrs. Dockery was born in Bartow County on March 27, 1940, daughter of the late Hubert and Inez Allen Martin.  She was also preceded in death by her husband, Clarence William Dockery, by a sister, Evelyn McClure, and by 2 brothers, Wayne and Dane Martin.  Prior to her…
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insomniabsurd · 7 years
(Katanya) Apalah arti sebuah nama?
Pernah gak ? nama lu “diperkosa” sede-acak-acakan rupa sampai-sampai arti berkesan penuh makna harfiah amanah dari orang tua’ melenceng semelencengnya dan seakan-akan menjadi seonggok sebutan tak bernilai.
Jika ada setiap sebutan nama baru itu harus melalui proses aqiqah tiap pelontarannya, maka mungkin jatah daging kambing dunia 8 tahun kedepan mungkin akan musnah cuma buat peresmian nama gue.
Gue menderita kutukan ini sejak lahir, nama gue yang sebegitu simple sebutan panggilannya terdiri dari 4 huruf “F-A-I-Z” Zayn Malik, Sebegitu susah diucapkan oleh segelintir orang. Bahkan kalangan terdekat gue sekalipun. Keluarga.
I mean sesusah apa sih nama gue “ ANDI FAIZ DEVARA NOVIAR MANTOVANI” Itu disebutkan utuh sempurna dibandingkan nama-nama orang Rusia yang huruf matinya dempet-dempetan kadang sampai 3 baris, 5 lusin, 3 hektar.
Wojciech Szczęsny, Rozhdestvenskij, Siroezhkin (mampus, putus dah tu lidah)
Ada yang manggil Pais, Fais, kelewatan alay nulis Vais, guru Bahasa Inggris manggil Jaiz karna dulu katanya beliau punya anak murid namanya itu jadi mirip (yakali bu), Kalis (lah emang gue adonan?). Rais ( tinggal ditambahin huruf A gue nyanyi lagu “Serba Salah” trus pacaran sama Hamis nih), Muis, Faizal, Dewantara, Defara, Deborah, Dewara, Denara, Diandra.
Dan sekelumit sebutan yang gak kepikiran sama sekali tolong jangan di tambahkan lagi, qhuw menderitaa. Khususnya teman SD gue, temen SMP gue, temen SMA gue yang udah nyebut nama gue pake di gawl-gawlin segala gue sumpahin nanti di ijazah atau piagam penghargaan yang lu dapat penulis nama lu jadi typo dan nulis “Beraque Cepiritz Dyjhambane”.
Gak ngerti lagi deh gue, kuku gue udah habis garuk-garuk tanah, lutut gue lecet akibat kebanyakan bersimpuh karna takdir problematika hidup begitu berat yang harus gue tanggung ini. UH. Ya Allah bantu Faiz Ya Allah.
Wahai kalian insan di luar sana yang sering berkata “Apalah Arti Sebuah Nama” emang lu mau nama lu bagus-bagus Armando dipanggil Tukimin ? atau Adelia trus dipanggil sama temen lu dengan suara melengking disebuah party pas depan gebetan lu dengan sebutan… Woy WAGINAH !! (Waahh Gigi Naga), gak mau kan?.
Tolong ngertiin posisi gue.
Peluk Sayang
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applemangoluna · 5 years
@tos Defara Kinantiさん()フォローありがとうございます February 03, 2020 at 05:01PM https://t.co/uCrCl7yZUU #相互フォロー #フォロバ #相互支援 #followback #followme
@tos Defara Kinantiさん()フォローありがとうございます February 03, 2020 at 05:01PM https://t.co/uCrCl7yZUU #相互フォロー #フォロバ #相互支援 #followback #followme
— Luna Otohara 音原瑠菜 (@applemango) February 3, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/applemango February 03, 2020 at 05:01PM
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applemangoluna · 5 years
@tos Defara Kinantiさん()フォローありがとうございます January 27, 2020 at 05:10PM https://t.co/uCrCl7yZUU #相互フォロー #フォロバ #相互支援 #followback #followme
@tos Defara Kinantiさん()フォローありがとうございます January 27, 2020 at 05:10PM https://t.co/uCrCl7yZUU #相互フォロー #フォロバ #相互支援 #followback #followme
— Luna Otohara 音原瑠菜 (@applemango) January 27, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/applemango January 27, 2020 at 05:10PM
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