#definitely some things i want to improve but im so tired rn
wavetapper · 5 months
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shes done... my first blender model
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plutoons · 2 months
Can you do a tutorial on how your art process is done I’m about to quit on Art everything I make fucking sucks .
hey anon !! My art process is almost non existent cause i haven’t been able to stick to One definitive way and i don’t want to cause i think its limiting. I still have a long way to go for improving my skills and learning new things and figuring out different styles !!
Heres a quickk drawing showing what my “main” process is
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This is something i generally have stuck to for most of my posted drawings (i can post things specific to some drawings on a separate reblog ^^ im just to lazy to get pictures of em for examples rn)
Doodle !! I cant visualize shit, and usually have a very vague idea of what id like to draw Or just nothing at all. So I doodle messily with expressive gestures till’ i find something that sticks
choose one final concept/sketch and clean it up a lil so i have a way better idea of what im getting myself into
Base colors cause i hate doing lineart. So i just go straight into colors casue its fun and i like fun!! Right on top or on a diff layer it doesnt matter. I color pick with my eyes and put base colors or anything i think it would be cool. No pressure and it can messy cause I’ll clean it up and figure shit out later
fuck around and find out (rendering ig)—> i cant explain it super well or definitively. I just layer and throw colors on top till im satisfied or Done with it. I flip my canvas a bunch or check my values to make sure the results come out to look more coherent regardless of the mess of color
Im just a simple person and cant handle something that requires too many steps or things that havta be done Just right so this works for me atm. This may not be your jam but finding a process in that works for you through trial an error is just a part of art. Do what works for you!! I think experimenting is so important even if it sucks in the end
(more Words / “advice ?” under cut)
I have so many shitty drawings and sketches and even colored things that outweigh the tiny bits of art i decide to show off
I totally get that creating art can get really discouraging at times; not getting the results you want when you want them no matter how much effort you put in just sucks, but it won’t always be that way :] even if it takes you 10 years to find your groove and see improvement or 2 years, it’ll happen. I find that i’ve only improved when i actively didn’t give a fuck about how my art looks and only cared that i was having fun through it all, and thats hard cause perfectionism is a bitch and its hard to get rid of. You could improve with studies and daily practice for sure but moving towards improvement can be as fun and light n breezy as you want to make it, like taking a break to explore different hobbies or changing up mediums or fucking around and experimenting with it can help !!! Allow ur art to be bad; cause fuck it, at least you made something and thats really really cool. Once you cut urself some slack it’ll be easier to improve upon your skillset and slowly but surely get to where you want
Sorry im a bit tired idk if this is coherent so heres a more direct thing i’d like to say:
Maybe ur art isn’t where you want it to be rn and ik it can kill ur motivation to keep going at it (i’ve experienced this feeling a lot and im sure so have many others). But you gotta ease up on urself and stop worrying about results so you can allow yourself to experiment and have fun!! And its hard getting into that mindset but you gotta keep trying and you’ll find it getting easier
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phightinghottakes · 4 months
I see a lot of people saying that phighting story is bad bc the devs keep adding new stuff instead of expanding the pre existing lore, and while I do agree that having not a lot of lore available can be frustrating, u guys need to understand that phighting is in ALPHA. A lot of the world-building/characters are gonna be underdone at the moment because of this. The current plan from what I’ve read is to finish making 26 phighters before starting on story mode, which should reveal most if not all the lore. On top of this, soda is writing a comic to reveal a lot of other lore related things that won’t be relevant in game. Another thing is that last I checked (correct me if im wrong), phighting currently only has 3 DEVS working on the ENTIRE GAME. I think that’s crazy!!!!!!! the dedication to make a whole ass game with 3 people of this quality without getting paid just for funsies is insane!!!!!!
It’s ok to point out the worldbuilding flaws but I think it’s kinda annoying to point them out when a lot of the worldbuilding isn’t actually there. That’s like critiquing a half baked pie. It’s not finished yet!!!! And, personally I think it’s really cool and actually a good thing that they’re prioritizing the actual game instead of the lore. They’re adding new characters to make the game better, and the lore for all of them will be expanded eventually. Also also, if they were to finalize the lore now, they wouldn’t be able to add new stuff at all!!! Adding new characters is kinda the best thing they can do until they start on story mode. I think it makes perfect sense esp from a game developing stand point. Rushing them or telling them to work on lore is just kinda redundant and unhelpful. They’ll get to it eventually and I’d rather have a good game than sooner lore reveals. I think it speaks to the integrity of the devs (game development wise, ik soda defended a groomer 💀) for them to continuously put the quality of the game over the lore for it. Not saying you can’t have both but again, if they started finalizing and honing in on lore rn they wouldn’t be able to add new stuff later. also like,,,not trying to say u can’t criticize the game but at the end of the day this is their project, they can take their time with it and write the story however they want, and some of y’all need to sit the phuck down cuz I’m tired of seeing lectures attacking the devs for honestly good design choices. At the end of the day phighting is currently a pvp game, not a story game, so the lore shouldn’t be their first priority at all anyways?? And really, I hate when ppl say that bc I think we all know how much the writing can make or break a game and how important it is, but u guys are being way too serious about this, esp since the devs already plan on adding more lore. This level of criticism is srsly unjustified imo. Even if they gave up development all together (it is a passion project afterall), I still think they would’ve made a great game and it definitely wouldn’t have fallen into the issue of adding too many new features without expanding upon the main stuff. Everything added so far seems to just be improvements. This even applies to choices outside of the lore. ok this rant was long lol oops ily take care
Hate to break it to you but they canned story mode sorry
Now we have to get all the lore from my least favorite character (Broker)
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6loodlvstt · 7 months
Unfortunately I never heard of gul but I checked the plot and it’s interesting! I’ll definitely check it out when I have some free time. I don’t mind listening to summaries when I do other things. I enjoy to keep me busy reading/writing most of the time. Rn I’m trying to finish fear and hunger and I get angry every time I die lol. It’s so annoying but I love the vibes of that game. It was inspired by silent hill, berserk and amnesia. Sorry I info-dump a bit too much lol.
I’m glad you had a nice day! How was shopping? I also went out. Well I go out all days but I went to my fav bookstore and fetched a new book so I’m extra happy. And I love hades, I started it some weeks ago. Mythology is such an interesting world and I’m up for it.
I like to draw in my free time but it’s exhausting to work for game class projects. I can’t wait to finish off all this and focus on other projects. Piano is just a tool for be able to write lyrics in the future, or whatever I want. I get easily distracted when I play it but I’m confident that at some point my technique will improve.
The movie came out on February, from what I saw it wasn’t really popular but 100% recommended if you like 80s vibes. It’s an absurdist gothic horror..? Somewhere in the between. Heathers it’s a chef’s kiss. Probably one of my favs too. This reminded me of Little sister (2016), I seriously need watch it. It’s been on my watchlist since forever but I keep forgetting about it. I’m so forgetful.
Also sorry if I replied just now but at the end I decided to go to sleep at 3 am, my head was hurting -🩹
gul is super cool and not a lot of people actually know about it since it was basically lost media for a long long time
i dont sither! i normally play games while i listen yo things or while im working ill turn on some video essays and just listen to that while i work when music gets to be too much ^^
ough i heard fear and hunger was hard, rn im trying to beat dead space again and its not going well for me either lol
shopping was fine me and my mom just went and got groceries and that was it ^^ id love to go to a bookstore again theyre so fun to look around in
ive got like 300 hours in hades all together atp and its been a blast i love it very much and i could never get tired of it, plus greek mythologys always been a super big interest of mine! i love all of it so much and its so fascinating to learn
i used to draw a lot when i was in school since i always sucked at education, being dyslexic and autistic and having adhd really all just pilied and piled on to it so drawing was a giod escape and made me look like i was working on whatever they gave me, and if it wasnt on paper than id just play on my phone to pass the time, i also just used to read manga durong class if i couldnt be on my phone
violin and guitar and really. any. of the instruments i know how to play were for that reason to, i wanted to be a musician for a long long time till my grandmother decided to be a dick to me and i never played anything again :(
ooo it sounds interesting, i think when i have the time to sit and watch something ill check it out :D
its okay i just woke up and its like 11am rn
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ramuoto · 4 years
if anything good came out of 2020, it’s my discovery of manhwas. 
well, it’s not like i’ve never read a single manhwa in the past 15+ years but tbh, the ratio of manhwa:manga i consume on a weekly basis has jumped exponentially this year. previously it was like 1:99 and now it’s like 90:10 LMAO. 
so, just to remind myself that the world is still full of good things, i had to make this list. which i will probably edit in the future, if i can be bothered to. :) 
anyhow, this list was not made in any particular order, just whichever came into mind. it’s loooong so be prepared! (I’ve read way more titles than mentioned but just included the ones worth checking out)
for whoever stumbles across this list, i hope some of these resonate with you and i hope they make you as happy as they made me. 
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pic credits: https://geekculture.co/geeks-guide-to-transmigration-novels-avoid-death-at-all-costs/
1. Ebony
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Bahahah omg he looks evil there! But our dearest archduke is hardly that aww. Soz, I just ripped off the covers of the manhwa cos I can’t find a panel I liked more than another. I mean, this manhwa is a GEM. I can’t even begin to describe this because everything about it blew me away. This is not something you read when you are craving for fluff, or just wanna have something brainless after a hard day at work or if you just wanna have some eye candy lol. This is something you pick up on a weekend, when you have time, because you need those hours to digest, appreciate, clutch your chest, tear a little because you find yourself falling in love with these characters. It doesn’t have any of that cliche isekai, romance, revenge themes going on. It has a solid plot, backed by incredible characters, beautifully woven by the authors and artist with incredible pacing that keeps you on your toes and keeps you looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I would have been happier if I found it after it was completed lol. HAVE I CONVINCED YOU ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANNA READ IT?! like, idk, just go. JUST GO READ IT GDI. 
p.s. it says there romance but naaaaaaah, dont go in with that expectation. :) this story is so much more than that. 
2. Bring the love
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This...this!!! THIS MANHWA NEEDS MORE LOVE. If you need a lot of fluff, a little, ok maybe quite a bit of sadness and tragedy, sweet sweet romance, cutie pies, please, look no further!!! Again, pacing, character development are so important to me and this manhwa aces it. I love the 2 MCs very much. And the side characters too. :)
3.  A Stepmother's Märchen
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When I first read this, i fucking cried. like please don’t ask me why. it’s not like its an absolute tragedy but I was just rooting for the MC so much and I really want for everything to go her way. That’s how much I adore this MC!!! I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU DO NORA! HAHAHHA. okay soz. I need to keep this spoiler-free.
Anyhoo, there is nothing typical about this time travel plot. Sure, she goes back to try to undo the stuff that went wrong but phew, she certainly changed things so much everything that comes her way have made it so her previous experiences can hardly help aaaaaaand that’s what makes it fun! I sometimes wish the pacing could be a little more consistent, and there could be more characters I could love a little more wholeheartedly (so i wont have to be in so much despair when i read this sometimes lol) but omg the art, isn’t it pretty?! I’ve re-read this soooooo many times but the art blows me away all the time. And have I already mentioned how much I love her?! I LOVE YOU SHULI! AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!
4.  Lady Baby
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I literally LOL-ed when I saw this cover. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY. WHAT LADY BABY?! ehehehe. okay anyway, uhm, this is already incredibly popular. im not sure if i need to elaborate but yes, it’s adorbs!!! i dont think i like the MC as much as i love her family lol. and everyone else who adores her. im looking forward to when they get older. :) actually not really. please stay cute for as long as yall can! but yeah, i do wish the plot can move a lil faster. i want to see more character development in the other kids too COME ON! 
5.  Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess
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am i allowed to reveal how shallow i am rn? like the previous choices were all like ‘wow-deep-plot’, ‘wow-character-development’ and this one i just included cos of AESTHETICS ALONE?! the novel covers are breathtaking!!! the manhwa art is amazing as well. and the harem is great! LOL. as for plot... uhm... it’s alright. it’s pretty engaging and i quite like the MC, she’s smart and independent and i love how she views them all antagonistically at all times HAHAHHA. her past is kinda... weird though and i do wish they’d stop referencing it. cos... girl why do you wanna go back to reality!!! stay here! it’s way more exciting! 
i love the whole isekai/reincarnate/transmigration theme and this is honestly one of the better, not-so-cliche or cheesy ones HA.
6.  Beware of the Villainess!
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do you already see the whole villainess theme?! am i suppose to start feeling embarrassed about my choices?! NO! cos this one is AWESOME!
again, another wildly popular title. for good reasons. it’s hilarious, our MC is as real and candid as it gets and LOOK AT THAT BLUE HAIRED BEAUTY. DO YOU SEE HIM?! IMPLANT HIM INTO YOUR MEMORY NOW!
it’s highly entertaining and breaks all isekai-reincarnation-villainess plot stereotypes. definitely one of the titles i look forward to every week.
7.  Who Made Me a Princess
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what? why did i choose this?
BECAUSE OF CLAUDE OF COURSE. ahahaha. okay aside from the amaaaaaaazing art and the beautiful people, the plot is not too bad. a little extreme at times but it’s interesting enough to keep me going. it’s currently on hiatus though and i was highly annoyed by how the first season ended. (YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? NOTHING.)
i hope the plot can move faster in the next season! and that our dearest MC athanasia can you know, finally be a little more useful... like omg just tell lucas already!!! and tbh girl, no matter which guy you choose, i approve. :D 
8.  The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud
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i featured this before, mostly out of frustration HAHAHA. do you see why i chose this cover?! yeah, i support this (unpopular) pairing okay! the other one is doomed!!! no matter what the author is trying to do now!! I DONT SUPPORT IT!!! lol.
anyway, i had to feature this cos the art is unique! and the story is great. :) and i looooooove listening to the ost while i read it. it starts out kinda slow but as the pace picks up, you won’t be able to stop. and you find yourself conflicted at various points. it did win an award for a reason. 
no matter what, i still think dowun is best for her okay. it’s dowun or nothing. he’s devoted to her, we all know that! he just needs to ditch that annoying female guard!!! ok yknw what, maybe nothing is better. :/ *cries*
9.  Solo Leveling
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why do i even bother? this manhwa is popular enough. 
the art is great. the MC is great. i use him and his gang as my wallpaper. 
im just not sure i like how this season’s plot is progressing. :/ but i guess it brings us nearer to solving the mystery in the first leg of the manhwa. i just enjoyed the whole part of him leveling up and now that he isn’t really leveling up anymore... idk. am i hoping for more plot shit like bleach (oh wow now u quincy?)... idk man. anywho, no regrets starting on this series and marathon-ing it to death. 
cross fingers the plot picks up and doesnt get too complicated for its own good.
10.  The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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okay, tbh, by the time i reached 10, i still have like 15 other series i was considering LMAO. i even considered lengthening this top 10 to top 15. but that would just be more of me and my nonsense. so... why did i choose this?
COS I LOVE THE 2 MCs!!! they’re adorable. the plot is again, kinda far-fetched at times (i literally laugh my head off at some parts) but it’s isekai-reincarnation okay! anything is possible in whatever magical crap country you end up in! lol. and i like how straightforward it is... in the sense there’s no 2nd lead. like okay i mean they are there but we all know they have no chance. oops. sorry!
and cos i can’t give up on the other titles i have, imma just list them down, without pictures... cos im tired. HA. 
11. Doctor Elise 
Kudos to the huge improvement in art style lmao. The good... lovable MCs, engaging plot. The bad... sometimes lengthy, incredulous medical moments (i work in the medical field so i... idk. sometimes this borders on iryu LMAO and i need to remind myself this is romance) otherwise, this is a highly highly entertaining read.
12.  Seduce the Villain's Father
This is another of my ‘father-love’ whims. MC is adorable and ML is handsome. enough said.
13.  The Villainess Lives Twice
This is like a lesser version of Ebony and Bring the Love combined HAHAHA. The plot and premise is great and it’s awesome to marathon! I don’t find myself loving the MC as much as I should but the ML is a darling! I just find her a little toooooooo gloomy. Like come on girl, be more spunky! 
14.  The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady
I dont know why I like this so much HAHAHAHA. It hardly has a plot. I just find the MC and ML amusing i guess lol. 
15.  I'm Stanning the Prince
Sometimes I wonder if I should be ranking this higher but I kinda feel this manhwa is trying to achieve too much with an underpowered MC. I love her... but I just don’t like how she’s just a pawn of everyone else and I dont know how she can change this situation of hers. It’s cute though. the MC and ML.  and the ML reminds me so much of american/jap Mackenyu. 
16.  The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
I HAD TO. the art is so pretty! but girl, dont use the hour glass so much! you look a little too old! i would appreciate it if MC stops basing too much of her moves on the “past” tho like idk you are gonna sound unoriginal soooooon like develop your own thoughts soon okay? <3
17. Inso's Law
ANOTHER ONE. omg. im a lil on the fence regarding this but i like MC too much. and her harem LOL. i dont see where the plot is going either but i just hope for a happy end... ):
18.  Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
HAHAHA. this is sooooo sooooooo cute, i would have ranked it top 15 if it wasnt licensed by tapas tho cos they are a joke. WHY NOT TAPPY GDI. 
19.  Miss Not-So Sidekick
Uh-oh. Is this a top-20 list now? anyway, the MC for this series is GOLD. im not liking where it’s currently heading tho thus the lower ranking.
20.  IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone
omg IVE NEGLECTED THIS FOR TOO LONG. lemme go buy more chapters hahahaha. it’s a tad too lengthy... otherwise i like the MC and yummy ML!
still not enough?
Special Mentions - Okay, these will be unranked cos I don’t think these are that good but probably still worth a read.
I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - this is new, im looking forward to how it progresses wheeeee.
Lady to Queen - It’s a ruthless manhwa. There was a point i started reading all sorts of sadistic content (i was running out of content i swear) and this was one of the better ones. I appreciate the MC very much. the plot now is a little weird and im a bit wary of the MC’s sister... hopefully the ML can be more useful. he’s pitiful though. but dude come on, dont rely on the wrong gal.
Goodbye, In-law - I’m not sure if i like the current progress buuuuuuut MC and ML are cute so who cares.
The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - plot is still engaging. MC and ML are cute. i dont know where the plot is heading towards though. 
A Falling Cohabitation - this is interesting and fun but a lil lengthy.
Light and Shadow - the sequel is out!!! i highly enjoyed this entire series!!! i would have probably ranked it a lil higher if i did this post earlier but too many series have overtaken this in my heart lol.
This Girl Is a Little Wild - is the hiatus ending yet? i would add it back to top 20 if it came back LOL. it’s highly entertaining tho. ML is adorable.
The Duchess With an Empty Soul  - pretty nice. MC and ML are a little boring. i think it can end soon. LMAO.
A Capable Maid - it’s amusing how she gets her powers for all sorts of situations lol. the prince is creepy tbh. and im secretly rooting for the other king hehe.
Beware of the Brothers! - it’s cute and heart-wrenching at the same time! not too sure im digging the latest plot development but okay... i’ll take it. they’re all cuties.
Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - hehehe. it’s cute. duke is kinda silly but the latest chapter made me squeal!!!
The Evil Lady's Hero  - idk where the plot is going but MC and ML are adorable!!!
The Dragon Next Door - HAHAHA. it’s hilarious.
The Youngest Princess - she’s growing uppppp noooooooooooo
Virtues of the Villainess - ginger is hilarious. i dont see where the plot is going tho... and cant say i like the ML yet. i dont even get to see him much, hello?!
The Justice of Villainous Woman - pretty wholesome... i like the MC! (the ML is fine. no one else to contend with so...) can u end already?! lol.
Amina of the Lamp - hey, what happened to this? it’s pretty inconsistent but i do like the MC and ML... and the art...
The Villain's Savior - this is some sadistic shit. i reserve it for when i feel sadistic. i pretty much wanna see MC happy but idk if she’s making the right choices. :/
I Don't Want to Be Empress! - HAHAHAHA uhm it’s getting interesting. i just want ML to step up more... 
La dolce vita di Adelaide - I FINISHED THIS! and it’s wholesome, feel-good and cute. some parts felt a lil extra but ah whatever.
The Black Haired Princess - plot. move. faster!!! otherwise the MC and ML are pretty cute.
The Abandoned Empress - im a lil on the fence but i know how popular this series is. it started out HORRIBLE. i hated the ML so much. and then i found the green hair boy creepy. like MC, you need better taste in boys. it’s certainly getting more interesting now though. so please, continue to make my money’s worth!!!
Lucia - i. am. not. guilty. of. anything. *smut warning* anyway go read the novel. it’s better. hehehe.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim - i do not need to elaborate any further. 
Past loves 
I created this section just to remind myself, that what i could like one day, i could hate the next LOL.
The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - I know this is wildly popular. but i lost interest in it once she grew up. i dont think she’s particularly lovable. soz.
Survive as the Hero's Wife - another popular choice. I find the plot kinda boring now. MC and ML are cute though. 
Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - another popular one. again, boring plot. like cant it end yet? oh you mean we need to wait for the real female lead to show up? dont need luh.
I Am a Child of This House - wow. the plot is shit now. and i do not support the MC and her guard. soz. she’s OVERPOWERED tbh. 
This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - idk what happened but my enthusiasm for this died.
Charlotte and Her 5 Disciples - i don’t get it. i dont get their obsession for her. 
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semblanche · 4 years
ty ty! might fuck around and do these for two characters i haven’t formally introduced in terras town, but play huge roles nonetheless as lev’s best friends from home :)
meet asya & matty!
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full name anastasia vasilieva
she’s a lesbian, actively practicing. aka she’s been involved with pretty much with every girl into girls in st. epan’s - and half a dozen more who didn’t know until they met her fjkdk. this isn’t to say one night stands, although asya can have those too - im talking actual committed relationships that have each lasted about. two to three weeks. maybe a month
asya is so incredibly liked. even when she breaks up with you, as she inevitably will, it’s so clearly never your fault - or even hers. it’s just the way things are. you can’t hold it against her, and she wouldn’t even fault you for it if you did.
she’s friends with all her exes
she’s actual friends with lev - another one of her exes, but remarkable in the way that lev was the first person to leave her instead of the other way around. the two of them are very close
she plays the violin! her training is rigorous, but she excels 😌👋
when she found out matty’s feelings, she strung him along a while. when lev told her to stop, she did. when matty insisted, she ditched him entirely
there’s something a bit... distant about her. something a bit cold. her smiles are too tested to be true, her every move practiced and perfect. everyone loves asya, but asya doesn’t really love any of them in return - lev knows this, and asya letting her know it is pretty much the proof for how real their friendship is after all
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full name matias morales
go crazy! go feral! aaaaa
the epitome of a bad influence. hey, dare you to chug all four bottles at once. dude, it’d be so funny, come on. hey, dare you to swan dive off the pier- come on, it’s not that high! dare you to put this lightbulb in your mouth, i read online that you can’t get it out again-
matty’s the type of person to tell the girl you like that you like her, and then say ‘wait are you actually mad rn?? i know you wouldn’t say anything so tbh i was doing it for you!! it was a FAVOR’ (he’s actually done this)
‘wait, are you actually mad rn’ is sort of his catch phrase
he got feelings for asya when they were around 15, and did everything in his power to make the feeling mutual. actually ended up being kind of a simp for a while, showering her in gifts and all that - which asya didn’t ever turn down until she grew tired and just. cut him off.
matty isn’t a bad kid, honestly. he’s just a good time- and kind of a lot to deal with if you don’t want one. after a certain point, when asya had left him and lev started trying to improve herself, he started souring. both distancing himself and clinging - distancing himself in the way of going out to get shitfaced, and clinging in the way of calling lev to pick him up. he never could really let people grow up, and nothing in his eyes was ever really his fault
he’s definitely had a pet opossum at some point that lev named rocket
he’s the one who started calling lev lev
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rigelmejo · 4 years
march 3/15/2021
im trying to read through tae kim’s grammar guide right now because i’m officially further in the nukemarine LLJ  memrise decks (there’s tae kim grammar guide sections in there) than i am in actually reading the grammar guide. And obviously these example sentences in the memrise deck would teach me more if i CLEARLY understood why they’re like how they are. which i... need to read the grammar guide section to understand lol.
my goal rn with japanese is? to get further in the nukemarine LLJ decks than i did last time. I’ve already mildly accomplished that (have done officially MORE of the tae kim section than before, have NOT redone the 190 common words i did last time i did this though). there are about 400 more cards in this tae kim section (LLJ 4) and then 1000ish cards in the common word section (LLJ 5). I would love to get them done. 
it would be sweet if i could get them done before April 22?/24? whenever Nier Replicant comes out because then I could play that baby in english and japanese! Then Nier Automata! ToT The Entire thing that kicked me back into wanting to study japanese was my old love for certain video games and desperately wanting to know what their stories/characters are like before translation/localization. So it would be cool if I could play them a little ;-; or at least check out lets plays. 
(which, checking out the kh2 lets play has been going pretty well so far... also that part where namine says “we aren’t meant to exist” and roxas says “how could you say such a thing? even if it were true” he says in japanese like “thats brutal/harsh to say. even if its true.” ...great to know that line is equally raw and heartbreaking in japanese lol. KH2′s localization did real good on like equal vibe to original just like ‘less nuanced’ if that makes sense. also thanks to the chinese hanzi i know now watching the KH2 lets play means i can figure out a lot of noun’s writing even though i don’t catch the pronunciation... also i’m catching a lot of words that mean like ‘beautiful/good’ as in like ‘great move’ and ‘dang’ lol.)
i had to stop myself from redoing the chinese flashcards i’ve done in the past! because i get ‘into a zone’ lol. And i really don’t need to waste time redoing those 2000 cards. i also needed to stop myself from doing the hsk 5-6 cards. because realistically? i know half of them, i should just set a lot to ‘ignore’ on the computer but im too lazy, and i’m learning a lot of vocab from reading right now. i don’t need hsk words to pass any test. The words i’m learning right now in reading are a lot more applicable to the actual shows i watch/things i listen to/things i read. its more useful to me to keep reading. and also to not sidetrack my japanese lol. i have read... 39 chapters this month... this month is only half over! hanshe is truly motivating ToT it also helps the story CONSTANTLY ends on cliffhangers so i keep clicking next chapter. who knows, maybe hanshe will help me kick up my reading speed. it already shaved off 10 minutes per 20 pages - now my 20 pages are down to 30 minutes to read, which is better than a few months ago. hanshe has 155 chapters so i HOPE it speeds up my reading lol.
hanshe is increasing my vocab though, its definitely noticeable over time. and hanshe has really good repetition of vocab which helps with learning and later the payoff means i never have to look up the word in future once its learned while it remains useful to me and i keep being reminded of it. after i get bored of hanshe OR i finish it, whichever comes first, its either back to a priest novel or into another pingxie fanfic written by hanshe’s author. The author did one fanfic that’s only 33 chapters so that would be NICE to do after this one lol ToT
summary of what’s turned out to be my studying methods this month:
reading through grammar guides (the one yue-muffin made and tae kim’s). so just grammar explanation reading.
doing nukemarine LLJ decks (in the ACTUAL order they are in the deck to completion - last time i did like 3 per time and never finished any lol. this is bolded because it’s the primary activity i’m prioritizing). so SRS flashcards. it’s working well right now because i can just put this activity in anytime i have downtime, like when i pause shows (since we know me i gotta take a break from a show every 20 minutes lol). i am bafflingly in a flashcard mood and i’m trying to take advantage of it while i got it. 
*when i feel like it: watching kh2 lets play. so some immersion where i look up words. (and when Nier Replicant remaster releases next month I’m likely to at least a tiny bit try to play it in japanese ToT lol we’ll see)
so grammar reading, srs flashcards covering some grammar/listening/reading/vocab, and some optional immersion.
(a note: i gave up on the japaneseaudiolessons for now because i got bored. its a great resource! i just don’t feel like it right now. and from an efficiency perspective, nukemarine LLJ decks cover vocab, grammar, audio, reading - so I don’t need another resource for that right now).
reading through hanshe. so immersion reading, intensive reading looking up unknown words. (unknown words are happening less so its getting less ‘intense’ lol)
listening to Chinese Spoonfed Audio. so listening to audio flashcards. for building up listening comprehension/repetition to pick up some more common words. (i’ve been doing this during daily walks making it much easier for me to consistently do, doing it mainly to supplement the Reading Heavy study i’m doing, i can drop this and pick it up later if i want since its mostly easy background listening)
*I am slowly rereading the grammar guide on www.chinese-grammar.com for explicit grammar clarification. but this is not a high priority, since I sort of implicitly understand a lot of this and i’m not working on fixing production mistakes yet. i just... miss knowing wtf is going on in the grammar lol.
*when i feel like it: Listening Reading The Glass Maiden/Love and Redemption Novel. I’ve done 2-3 hours of it this past week, but i don’t know when or if I’ll just stop. Thankfully l-r is beneficial somewhat even if i switch up books later. i WANT to L-R you have no idea (to Silent Reading and Guardian REALLY badly lol). But its so time intensive, and requires a lot of focus, and i have to really plan to do it for an hour at a time usually. I am so bad at doing stuff for that long consistently. I was in the mood earlier this week! ToT 
*when i feel like it: watching chinese shows raw. I was super in the mood this month because Word of Honor came out, and Killer and Healer came out, and Rattan came out, and I didn’t want to wait for subs. As a result I watched a LOT of raw episodes this month. However, english subs have caught up and since I’m lazy I’m inclined to just watch the subs - especially since youku ITSELF just put english subs on their most-ahead viewing schedule version of the eps on youku vip. so guess who’s buying youuku vip today? -3-)/ That said... even if I stop for a while, if Rattan subs move too slow I’ll probably watch those raw. And as SOON as 2ha’s drama Immortality drops I am highly likely to watch the raws for that since I likely won’t be able to wait. Watching shows is pretty highly dependent on how much I want to watch something and if subs take a while lol. 
so reading, and listening. and a little listening-reading method too. mainly just working on reading, listening, vocab acquisition. chinese is going good - for a few months now i’ve just had the plan ‘read often while looking up unknown words, and add some listening study activity when i have time.’ It’s simple, and its been working well.  later on down the road i’ll need some explicit grammar clarification again, but this is bare bones enough of a study plan at the moment. i’m clearly picking up words and phrases and hanzi at a reasonable pace. its not the Fastest obviously, but it is causing improvement over time and since i’m enjoying it i see no reason to change it up.
ending things
...who knows WHY i am so well focused this month with so much energy... tbh... i track how many chapters i read a month/audio i listen to/show episodes i watch etc, and this month is like as much as 3 other of my usual months combined. also my japanese has been basically ‘dabbling only’ prior to this month.
 although... maybe in part its how i’ve gotten better at reading hanshe? Reading being easier certainly motivates me TO read more. And watching shows was MUCH easier this month (still not ‘easy’ but following the main plot is) which definitely makes me Want to watch more. Also i am... unbelievably motivated by a challenge. I think i got it in my head that i ‘really want to do more of Nukemarine’s LLJ courses and see how much i understand after them’ and now... i really want them DONE. so maybe the current things motivating me will hold out for a while. 
(On the listening-reading front meanwhile, that activity takes SO much concentration its hard to do if i’m tired, BUT i have so many TRANSLATED novels i want to read recently and honestly its fun hearing the chinese narration and audiobook actors so like... i very much Want to do l-r so i can hear them as i read the translation... immovable object of me tired versus how much i’m interested in them lol ToT).
also thank u thank u @a-whump-muffin for sending me those lets plays because honestly it got me so excited again and its so cool to see them!!! <3 <3 and its so much easier to watch them versus committing to playing a whole game myself just yet ToT 
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spacejew · 5 years
oops accidental personal post I guess
It's weird that I almost feel the need to go here to personal blog again because of a handful of irl friends following what was supposed to be a private personal Twitter in theory, just for like, idk, internet strangers and friends I made online not those imported from meatspace. Also those character limits... Suffocating.
Anyways yeah things are kinda stable but dissapointing lifewise? I'm definitely in a rut and stuck somewhere I'm desperately trying to get out of. Also like. idk. Gender shit. I think I really fucked myself over hard when I made the decision a few years back to conviously bottle up all my dysphoria and trans feelings and bury them and repress them hard and just live as a very gay and feminine bi boy and like. hm. I think I've been happy since? But im thinking now that maybe. Because that's still a part of my psyche that haunts me every day. I might actually have been mildly depressed this whole time and like, still struggling to make important life decisions because of the anxiety of that. Idk. Maybe if I got a therapist and realistic attention to that all those years ago and it turned out to be very real n legit and i got to make tough choices and live my truth, I would be equipped now to actually be joyful and able to fully focus on hard work and taking risks and putting myself out there and being successful and shit. Idk idk idk. I just have to wonder if all this time I've actually been quite unhappy and filling the void with dumb shit and a good deal of dissociation and complacency. Idk. what I'm saying is maybe I made a big mistake there lmao and could've started transitioning, if that's right for me, 4-7 years ago maybe, who knows. Haha so fun. Fuck me. Big Regrets, lads. But also I still don't know if that's right. Which probs means it is who am I kidding. Oof. But it's ok life is a journey I'm full of wise shit and I know it's not the end of the world. It just kinda. Makes me so sad on behalf of the old me who would cry so much because of dysphoria and living in this body in this life. She knew. I don't know why I buried her alive like that. Anyways.
I spent all year struggling to make an animated short (which ended up being kinda long tbh like 10 minutes?) by myself mostly, just me and my mental blocks and executive dysfunction and shit, but I was v passionate about it and worked hard and got to actually bring a whole vision to life, with basically nobody to tell me what to do, just give me feedback that I wasn't obligated to follow. It came out pretty nice and I'm very happy that I got to tell exactly the story I wanted and try a cool new look and I just wish I gave myself more time to work on the actual animation part but I put my heart and endless weeks and months of refinement into the storyboarding and script and every little detail and I really feel accomplished and like it paid off -- and I even got to do a private screening at my summer camp job that I was called in to do one more time at the last minute right when I finished my film, it was a miracle and so perfect, everyone cried and truly loved it and felt touched by it. And then I went to animation festivals! And all this cool shit! But... I haven't been able to figure out a public screening thing yet. And I feel like all my excitement is gone now. And I really wanted to polish the look and some backgrounds a little, just some very quick rerendering and comp, but. I feel like too much time has passed, i just feel dissapointed. I haven't put it online yet cause I haven't done my public screening, cause of my stupid anxiety about little details and overall idk imposter syndrome I guwss I feel more ashamed of it than proud of it even tho it's probably good, and like I feel that everyone was excited to support me but probably nobody cares anymore.
Basically I had all the wind taken out of my sails. Oh and right when I was trying to get it off the ground I guess and push through, my grandma died. I'm so heartbroken I loved her so fucking much and. She never got to see the film cause of my stupid bullshit. I feel so bad about that. So so bad. Ugh. And it's a film very very hilariously blatantly directly based on me and my feelings and my real family history, ultimately besides other main themes it's about talking to your grandparents and family about the past and your current feelings. And in it the main character, a girl, cough cough even though it's basically me, cough cough go figure, gender shit, anyways the climax is her going back in time to talk to her great grandma, and it's very emotional and my best friend of like almost 10 years now composed and recording a music for that scene for me. And now when I eventually screen this, my entire family and also myself is gonna get torn to shreds by this scene more than intended because my own fucking grandma, who I was excited to show this film to more than anyone on earth, passed so unexpectedly without seeing it. Fuck. Why didn't I send it to her when she was in the hospital? Obviously cause if I did that that would make it real and she wouldn't get better and all I do is live in denial. Ugh. Anyways yeah. The point is I'm stagnant and in a rut right now and just want to move forward and focus on making new work and just get a real career relevant job already. Tough year hit a well needed high and now petering off back into misery. Not to be dramatic. I'm ok tbh I have a part time I'm slowly getting sick of and a loving supportive partner and some very good friends, tho not as many as I used to see regularly and that's kinda sad too. That's your 20s babey.
I just need to move on and make big changes. My pattern rn is like. Work fri-sun, if I'm lucky I get to hang out with friends or lovers, usually at least with my partner. on monday I recover from working. on tuesday I have dnd and usually get some stuff done but honestly just catch up on warframe with my clan friends. wednesday my partner and I got to the park and library for half the day and eat and draw and talk. on thursday I mentally prepare for work again and usually we go out to play another roleplaying game with her roommates friends. a lot of that free time that's been left unmentioned is spent being over at bae's sometimes so I don't have the ability to get much work done. Lately I've spent most of my time planning a dnd campaign which is fun but also too stressful on account of obviously I'm not playing it yet so like what's the point, sorry friends who have patiently waited for months for me to be ready to start the game for them. And also like. Yeah idk. just sad and confused and resting my weary heart and body after a very rough month after my grandma passed. But! I did accomplish a very crazy deep cleaning of my room. I threw out 14 bags of shit at the least. I wish I weighed it all, it was a lot. I feel so much more organized and cleansed from that. For the record I didn't have any trash in my room, nor was it every a mess. Just every single cabinet and drawer was crammed full of stuff and I guess I hoarded a lot of shit. I was able to throw away a lot of things I held on to be cause of sentimentality and I'm proud of myself for growing that way. So like. Idk. It's not all bad, baby steps. I still feel like I'm constantly improving as a person! I'm positive, optimistic. Just tired, anxious, and feel bad.
Also I finally got a new phone and because of my hubris I dropped it without a case and it shattered only two weeks in. The day I was gonna buy a case. But it's ok. Story of my life I guess. I can't keep everything pristine and polished forever, one day shit falls and breaks but it's still usable. It has character.
I wasn't expecting to dump everything like this, sorry yall. Thanks for reading I guess. Also I forgot how to do a read more on mobile lol sorry
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moonchildhcs · 6 years
parkjin headcanons!!
Tumblr media
ur honestly both in awe at how ur in a relationship with each other because neither of u give urselves enough credit !!!! u r both sweethearts and visual gods
hyunjin: “wow ur so cute i cant believe ur dating me” parker: “no!! thats me @ u” god: “p l e a s e ur both cute babies and u deserve each other”
i digress
this bb is friends with some clingy ass mofos !!! like daehwi !!! ur getting the hugs u deserve and u will get no complaints from him abt ur affections either because hes just sitting their with you like o//w//o
dont believe this boys dangerous stage presence he is a softie through and through he will get you flowers and chocolates and everything you could possibly imagine !!! angel baby sweetie pie ur pumpy umpy umpkin !!!
he would absolutely love dancing with you !! he loves ur passion and drive to perform and is always willing to practice with u even when hes tired :( bb boy !! hes much nicer than chan tho lol but hes still a pretty strict teacher so expect some dramatic improvement under him
(also whenever you pull off a move properly he gives u a sweet s m o o c h so it encourages you to do even better for more opportunities to kiss ur bf)
bc hes an idol !! yall cant go out publicly for dates all the time so a typical date is yall goofing off at home, watching movies and shows on netflix, a romantic dinner if yall have the energy but generally takeout, blasting music and dancing around, etc etc he just loves being with you
but when its been a while he will absolutely take you out on cute dates!! sometimes cute elaborate picnics, sometimes a spontaneous trip around the city at night, but always without a fail fun and exciting, especially with your boyfie by ur side :^)
also initially he is SO shy with you !! like remember how shy he was around jinyoung ??? during the survival show??? multiply that by a MILLION this boy was so shy he blushed the deepest shade of red just by h*lding ur h*nd !!! he gains more confidence as the relationship progresses but pls be easy on this bb boys heart
also (wiggles eyebrows) yall can have some spicy kisses !! some intense makeout sessions !! but nothing further lol he is a SHY BOY and also very much 18 he is awkward and is not abt that life rn lol
like ur gonna be shocked at the duality because at the beginning of the relationship hes like “c-can i h*ld ur h*nd? and ur like “how did u censor that out loud” but now hes like “makeout with me” and ur like bitch WHAT but also okay lol
this boy is a solid eight inches taller than you lol if you think he wont even lightly tease you about the height difference you are wrong !! ur just chillin and hes like “hey :) hows the weather down there” and ur like “i will END you” and he blows a kiss ur direction and ur like “okay maybe not ur kinda cute. but comment on my height again and u will receive no mercy”
DUDE he is at the perfect height where he can rest his chin on ur head!! and give u forehead kisses !!!! he just loves u so much man !!! sure kissing u on the lips is great and all but kissing ur forehead?? CUTE
also so many of his shirts and hoodies disappeared and he was like ?????????? what !!! and then he saw you just DROWNING in his hoodie because he too loves oversized stuff and hes like. im fine with this (he takes photos and sets them as his home and lockscreen when they arent promoting) (this boy is GOOD at not getting caught)
dude when the Boiis found out u two were dating they LOST IT !!! interrogated then welcomed !! hyunjin was exposed by them a lot lol they exposed ALL the juicy stories and u were like :^)
dont worry tho ya girl laramie exposed u in kind so then hyunjin was like :^)
truly a bonding experience for the both of you
yall are both visual gods so sometimes u both will just. try on even the most ridiculous outfits and have a fashion show in the living room of ur technically shared apartment
yall take photos on ur phones in a super exaggerated manner in order to mimic the paparazzi and photographers and shout encouragements like “YES KING GET THAT BREAD” and “OH YES WORK IT”
willing to nerd out with you at a l l times !!!
oh my god him sleeping over when he can when hes not promoting and u waking up to him spooning u and just. big cuddle hours: activated
soft kisses before jokingly going “u have morning breath” and just the resounding GROAN before he threatens to leave u cold in the bed and ur like no wait-
hes trying to be frugal with his money as he hasnt been an idol for that long but he definitely buys you gifts from time to time when hes reminded of u
“babe i got this red panda plushie for u” (insert parkers unintelligible  shrieking here)
hes not the most jealous boyfriend actually !! he trusts you a lot and is okay with you being friends with whomever u please but sometimes he sees u fangiring over his seniors or smth and hes like >:( im a good performer too love me !!!! pls !! he just wants ur love smooch his cheeks and ull be good
also to get him flustered? peck his cheeks or (gasp) his NOSE he gets so flustered bc its so innocent but so intimate at the same time so he just gets so RED and stutters and ur just like :^) ah how the turn tables
this boy is a ROMANTIC through and through hes not old fashioned but he likes doing cheesy things like opening the door for you, giving you flowers, pulling out the chair for you, etc etc
he just wants to LOOOOOOOOOOVE you !!!!!
he doesnt go for too many pet names but babe and princess are what he leans towards !!
he practices his english on u and u practice ur korean on him (hint, ur better at korean than he is at english)
but he tries so hard and hes so cute !!! his english is so cute!! appreciate this baby pl s
him: “my hands are big so i can hold the world” u: “worm?” him: (holds ur cheeks) u: (choked) “w-worm?”
u guys r so cheesy but its so cute !! he just wants whats best for you
also you guys are no strangers to having deep and highly emotional talks because ur both very empathetic and vulnerable people
youve talked about ur insecurities and so has he!!! uve also both confronted the whole “ur not dating me because of my visuals/because im an idol right” and ur like “um?? no ur a sweetheart and a dedicated boii and performer and-” and then u go on a half hour long rant about all the things u love abt him and hes just like :’) i love you
whenever hes away for one reason or another, esp stuff like tours, he leaves a bunch of his clothes that smell like him so you wont feel as lonely !!! because the sad reality is is that on tours when hes not on stage hes practicing practicing practicing so keeping in touch is kinda hard
but he does his best !! he sends letters and text messages and voice messages and everything !! and when he can he facetimes you !!
we have ALL seen the boys instagram he will take a burst of 10000000 selfies on ur phone, plague u with the “ur icloud storage is almost full” messages, and it takes u 12239632485 years to delete them all (after making sure they are safely backed up into ur google photos)
yall are SO CUTE and take so many couple photos !!! yall are that iconic couple and u generally post these on ur super exclusive finsta but sometimes u sneak in a blurry pic of him on ur main or even a censored pic of him and ur like “do u ever just have the cutest sweetest (and hottest but hush) boyf in the world to flex on the broke bitches who hate u” and hyunjin is like BABE and ur like :^) 
lowkey sometimes u get jealous of jinyoung bc this boii loves and respects him so much and ur like “What Does He Have That I Do Not” and hyunjin is like “a successful career as an idol” and ur like “define successful” and he GASPS
jokesjokes lol yall playfully argue with each other a lot but if any of u go too far its pretty obvious bc u get quieter and he just. emotionally withdraws and u can see it in his eyes and ur both like OH NO BABE i didnt mean to hurt you im sorry !! and ull have a quick convo with multiple apologies and then ur BACK TO BUSINESS
so basically he was out with !! the boiis at this cute coffee shop that is never crowded so its safe for them to just relax without having seven masks on lol
and the u !! come in with laramie like :( dude school SUCKS and laramie like nods her head intently like yes indeed
and this boy is struck with LOVE like ur . so cute. and tiny. and cute. and ur venting so passionately about how the education system does Not Meet The Needs of students and hes like. her passion. i love it
and u havent noticed him but oh man the boiis have and they are RUTHLESS bc hes so shy but theyre like GIVE HER UR NUMBER COWARD
and after an overwhelming amount of encouragements and some mild bullying (and laramie going to the bathroom because this dumb bitch spilled a lil bit of tea on her shorts and shes LIVID) and this boy approaches u and ur now love stricken
bc hes so CUTE !!! and its clear hes a lil nervous bc hes blushing uwuwuwuwuwuwu but he said !! he really admires ur passion and he thinks ur really cute and hes sorry if this is creepy but could i get ur number and ur like yes. pls. i love you (jokesjokes u dont profess ur love immediately but DAMN were u close to)
u and hyunjin all blushie and excited and the boiis are LOSING it and laramie comes back like “hey fellas whatd i miss-”
anyways yall are THAT power couple who love each other and are super devoted!! and have an amazing time with each other and DAMN ppl say love is dead but clearly they havent met yall
@daffodwlw read this and weep tears of love, coward
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 years
im still working my way through cyberpunk (im doing sidequests and such b/c im at the point of no return on the main story).  its really good, the game is really atmospheric with how you can just...look around the city.  i really like all the market areas, and even tho im not on full graphics im able to bump them up enough to enjoy how pretty the game looks.  its definitely been improved since release and most things in the game are functional enough--still not quite 100% but think of it like any open-world game really, with the jank thats bound to come with a game as big as it.  skyrim has worse things, lol.
im also doing a lot of swtor rn, working on PTS stuff i’d rather not be doing, but I did use the opportunity to see the entire vector romance, which i really liked because i quite like him.  female agent doesn’t have as nice of a voice actor as male does though, it feels like she is doing the same performance for almost every line, whereas bertie carvel has a more nuanced approach.  im guessing that’s because he was a stage actor?  not sure what fem!agent voice has done prior tho, lol.  her voice is pretty, just largely uninteresting in the long term, esp because im comparing her to a voice performance i know really well.
aaand still got some raiding coming up, but otherwise ive been trying to minimize my time in swtor for awhile because im sort of tired of it + not looking forward to next patch so im starting the separation early lol
i sorta want to play fnv or vtm again, probably vtm, but i won’t do anything else until im done with cyberpunk.
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creepypocky · 3 years
Hiiii! May I have a match-up please? One who is my lover and a best friend one? Thank you!
My sun sign is pisces. My moon is Sagittarius. And my rising is virgo!
I'm a intj my personality is mostly independent, blunt, bold, and chaotic
Im somewhat shy at times definitely when im in love with someone but im also not experienced being in love like tbh its awkward for me but I try to shove it away. Im really kind and a passionate with certain things, im really psychic and it really scares me tbh but I can handle it.
My sense of style is kinda walk it changes every so often bc of my mood but my main style is vamp or romantic goth! I wear rings, jewelry, and some makeup to go with it!
My most favorite animals are bunnies, frogs, lizards, raccoons!! Maybe sharks too? Idk they seem cute & cool to me
My sexuality is so confusing rn but im gonna put myself as biromantic asexual!
Im very picky with my partners of course they don't have to be perfect but im only picky with the way their attitude and actions are! Im a classy type of gal to be respected and not treated like a toy.
I suffer from c-ptsd, major depression, ged anxiety, ocd, anemia and dissociation. I also have allergy asthma ;-; its sucks man but ill fine <33
My hobbies are playing video games, listening to music outside, doing art when I have motivation.
For date ideals are going to the arcade, going outside and looking at the stars, spending time together, watching movies, and going out to party!
Also thank you very much when you get the time to do this I really appreciate the time and effort you put into yout writing! <33
Alright, just woke up and I'm gonna work on this ASAP since I put it off last night, I don't want to be too tired to give you a good post!
Before I get into the matchup, just wanted to say I'm terribly sorry you're going through those health issues both mental and physical. I whole heartedly hope you recover from them soon! Take care of yourself honey!
|| I match you with: Hoodie! ||
Hoodie is also pretty independent and blunt, he’s a very quiet guy obviously but it’s not because he’s shy it’s mostly because he doesn’t like people. Regardless though, he doesn’t take disrespect from people and he will be blunt with them.
He loves how bold you are, it attracts him a lot along with your independence. I feel like you two are really compatible since he’s just naturally attracted to you without even noticing at times.
When you two get into a relationship, he also shares that kind of shy feeling since he’s in no way whatsoever experienced when it comes to love. But he’ll definitely try his best to make sure you’re always comfortable and will be as slow and chill with you as you need him to be. Remember, this should be a mutual thing.
You a psychic? He’s interested. Tell him all of your predictions hon he’ll spend hours just listening to you go on and on.
He’s honestly pretty indifferent about styles but he thinks yours is cool, he loves seeing you dress up into goth outfits and see how they compliment your form.
Hoodie really loves nature so he also loves going deep into the woods, which means he gets to see all kinds of animals. He’s more than willing to bring you with him to see all the animals you like and see if you two can even get one. He’s... not so sure about sharks. He thinks they’re cool, though.
Don’t even worry, this man always respects you, until you do something shitty to him, that is. But, you’re his and he wants to show you he appreciates you. If anyone ever treats you with disrespect he’s always there to back you up.
This is very important; he is there for you when you’re suffering from those mental illnesses, whether it be to give you advice, calm you down, or just simply listen to you rant to him. He wants you to understand you’re not alone in any way and will always slowly help you get back on your feet. If you’re suffering from an asthma attack, there he’ll be watching over you and helping. Just please make sure to show that contribution back bc pls he’s going through stuff aswell this man is super pent up.
He’s not much of a video game guy but he’ll watch you play, maybe even play with you if you teach him how. Teaching him is kind of funny though tbh because he acts like an old man and doesn’t even understand what the game is even if he watches you play it for hours, lmfaooo.
He does love listening to music though, he likes to listen to music with shared earbuds as you walk in the woods together hand-in-hand. Pls let him watch you do art and show him, he loves watching you work. He finds it super interesting especially since it’s you doing the art. I also canon that he’s trying to learn how to do art and get better at it.
He will 100000000x look at the stars with you babe, you two constantly go out at night and cuddle under a tree just to look at the stars in silence. It’s one of his most favorite things to do with you.
He’s honestly not the best at going into public to do arcades or parties, but he’s willing to try and go out of his comfort zone for you if you ever want to go to them. Pls he just wants to see that smile on your face and have fun with you.
Best friend:
||I match you with: Clockwork! ||
This woman is also blunt and bold, so the two of you make a pretty good pair. She’s very caring once you get to know her and tbh she’s a bit of a mom friend towards you. She’s always checking up on you and making sure you’re doing okay and if you’re not, trust me she gonna coddle you till you feel better.
I canon that she has a bunny so when you two hang she brings him with her and lets you play with him and it’s super wholesome like fjhgjkg. She’ll probably kidnap some frogs for you too so the both of you can mess with them together.
Honey, as long as you respect her she will respect you back. In fact you’re one of the people she respects the most in her life because she loves how strong and kind you are as a person!
If you’re suffering because of your mental illnesses, she’s your go to for advice and/or emotional support. She loves you platonically too much to just let you suffer alone so she’s always by your side and helps you get back up on your feet.
She doesn’t know many games but she’ll play Minecraft and Mario Kart with you from time to time. Honestly sometimes she’ll just call Ben into the room to play some games with you instead of her because she’ll feel like she’s boring to play games with unless you reassure her.
She loves doing art though and seeing your works, she loves to paint and share art ideas with you. She’ll be your main person who gives you motivation to keep doing art and will give you constructive criticism on how to improve.
All in all, she’s a bit blunt and rude at first but is actually extremely caring for you and she’s like one of the most wholesome people to be besties with.
I hope you enjoyed this matchup hon, as I said earlier, take good care of yourself please. I hope you have an amazing day/night.
Also, thank you so much. <3 I try to put as much effort as I can into my writing even when it’s not the best.
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MUSICAL ASKS: ALL! OF! THEM! (or as many as you feel like doing)
only u would want to know my shitty Thots on musicals lmao (jk ily)
1. Favorite (Reprise)
for pure head-bobbing enjoyment, this honor goes to paris/look down (les mis), but for narrative purposes, i would pick the just you wait reprise (my fair lady) because i love how you can see how much has changed 
2. Best Act 1 ending.
one day more (les mis) sure does get the blood pumpin'
3. If you could go back in time to see a certain production, which one would it be?
i would kill to see the original my fair lady with julie andrews and rex harrison
4. Who should write a musical?
i guess she already has her own musical tv show, but i would definitely go see an entire musical by rachel bloom
5. The routine you recreate when home alone:
nothing, really lol...i have the bad trait trifecta of being very self-conscious, a mediocre singer and also unable to dance
6. A duet you’d love to perform and with whom.
i want to perform confrontation (les mis) with someone, doesn’t even matter whomst
also i love bad idea (waitress) but i sadly do not have the vocal capacity for those higher notes so probably no one else should be subjected to that 
7. A musical everyone can learn from.
sorry that like half these answers so far are les mis-related, but i do think that les mis has something for everyone, and it’s about LOVE and REDEMPTION and FORGIVENESS
8. Favorite set design EVER.
the great comet set design (or rather, theatre design) made me gasp out loud
9. Favorite person to play (insert role)
the main musical i follow extensively through multiple casts throughout the years is my fair lady lol and my favorite person to play eliza doolittle (excluding julie andrews obviously, who is god-tier and on a different plane of existence from us mortals) is lisa o’hare
10. Best digital #ham4ham
i didn’t watch these because by then i was getting a little fatigued about hamilton lol
11. Make up a name and the ingredients for a Waitress pie.
Too Scared to Graduate, Too Tired to Keep College-ing pie, which is filled with lemons and tears
12. Best tap number.
i love the little tap battle in bottom’s gonna be on top (something rotten!) 
14. Express your love for the orchestras!
they’re all valid and lovely!!!!!! when i saw les mis at west end, we could look into the pit from our seats which was so cool
15. Favorite musical written by (insert composer, lyricist)
you didn’t give me a composer/lyricist lol so im gonna say that i love alan menken and howard ashman and my favorite musical by them is beauty and the beast
16. Which part (or parts) do you sing in One Day More?
you can sing all of them if you’re not a coward
17. A line that never fails to make you laugh.
My father newly dead and the funeral boiled eggs now coldly furnished for the marriage table/methinks another chef might have whisked our desperate eggs together as one (from something rotten!)
and i would be a lot more zen/and i would punch a lot of men/if i had my time again (from groundhog day)
18. An upcoming production you’re excited for.
THE MOULIN ROUGE MUSICAL IN BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna see it so bad
19. Do you have any funny misheard lyrics from a showtune?
hmm, none that come to mind rn
20. A musical you would NEVER see with your parents.
well my parents don’t really like musicals so we’re already a little out of options, but they would probably hate musicals that are a little “out there”
21. Musicals can introduce you to new cultures, interests, fancy words and so on. Name 3 things you’ve learned from musicals.
i felt like i was missing a lot of the references in jesus christ superstar (and i was) when i initially listened to it, so i went and read up on the various biblical stories
after watching les mis in high school, i went and actually read les mis, which was fun, and that led me to read some other stuff by victor hugo as well
i didn’t know anything about leo frank before listening to parade, and it was interesting to read about
22. Favorite OBC.
my fair lady OBC forever, we stan a singing legend with a supposed four-octave range
23. Cast recording you know by heart.
>open my itunes 
>only one album, the sound of music (film version)
>3000 plays
24. Cast recording for a long car ride.
i’m a little over hamilton but it is VERY fun to sing along to in the car
25. Favorite Miscast performance.
:( i don’t really watch these, sorry
26. I really like these ones so: make 2 musical related confessions.
i think wicked is overrated
 i kind of wish we would stop making musicals about random movies
27. Showtune of the day:
‘s wonderful (funny face)
28.  Who would play you in a musical about your life?
my life is not exciting enough for a musical
29. Who would play your best friend in a musical about your life?
see above
30.  Who would play your romantic interest in a musical about your life?
romance?? in this economy?? 
31. 2 solos you’d love to perform.
if i had the vocal capacity, i would love to sing vanilla ice cream (she loves me) and stars (les mis)
32. Describe yourself with 3 musical theatre characters.
i’m very bad at describing my own qualities lol
33. A character that inspires you to be better.
jean valjean, hardened embittered convict turned loving father and CHRIST FIGURE
34. A showtune that always puts you in a good mood.
she loves me (from she loves me lol) is so fun and happy. the bit where he goes “i wonder why i didn’t want her/i want her/that’s the thing that matters/and matters are improving daily!” is so fun!
35. A showtune that makes you feel melancholic.
she used to be mine (waitress) makes me think about how i’m not really very happy with where i am in life, but also that i don’t know how to really address these issues
36. Best showstopper.
something rotten!/make an omelette; a bunch of dancing eggs on the stage that unfold their costumes to turn into omelettes? random musical and shakespeare references? could your faves ever
37. A place you consider to be your Santa Fe.
hmm...i guess greece?
38. The name of the prettiest theater you’ve been to.
lyric opera of chicago owns my entire ass
39. The most intense scene from a musical.
el tango de roxanne makes me go into cardiac arrest every damn time
40. A great cover of a showtune:
hmm i can’t think of anything off the top of my head
41. Put your phone on shuffle and write the first 2 showtunes that appear.
valjean’s soliloquy (les mis) and looking down the barrel of a gun (gentleman’s guide to love and murder)
(the worst part of this one was that the first two songs that came up on shuffle were showtunes)
42. Best design of a Playbill.
i don’t actually have particularly strong feelings about any playbill designs, they are mostly all nice!
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autophobiacomic · 7 years
Answering asks under the cut
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: AHHH THANK GOSH ok I'm the anon who sent the Q about Chris' age, and I legit thought he was 20-something, so 19 is WAYYYY better and now I can stop gagging when he and Chloe get it on. 
Haha, he’s a wise old man on the inside tbh.
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: For some reason I though Chris was older! Honestly, learning he's still a teenager puts him in a new light for me- he's still a kid himself, and to go through what he did with his parents not long ago must be tough. Also- how tf did he afford a store???                                  
Did I talk about his parents before? I vaguely remember this...I don’t remember LOL. But he’s a college dropout and his parents were pissed about it and kicked him out. He actually doesn’t own the store, he knows the people who did. He acquired his position...probably not too differently from how Chloe acquired hers PFF. Shady business, that music store.
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: louis's legs in that first panel lmao  
They’re too much fun to draw weird :’)
kikaescoolio said to autophobiacomic:  Pffft! Louis and the banana. X,D This update- 👌💯👏🙏😂  
I couldn’t resist LOL
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: Louis. LOUIS. L o u i s. Buddy. Pal. Son. The banana. Wyd.            
He likes his bananas! Potassium is good for you!!!
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: "We're good at being subtle. It should be ok." LOUIS
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: (1) So I was rereading Autophobia (bcus it's amazing) and I got into that argument where Louis' dad takes away his phone. And... do you think that Claude's alcoholism affects their relationship even now? Considering how Louis freaked out because he worried he'd drive his father to drink by being bi, I looked at that fight differently. When Louis starts to raise his voice, and Claude says how tired he is and how he doesn't want to deal with Louis, I felt like Louis stopped in fear of pushing him (2) And whether intentional or not, do you think part of why Louis tries so hard to please his father and be so perfect is because it's kind of emotional manipulation? Like, the equivalent of trying to cut off a toxic relationship, only for the person to say "Please don't leave me like everyone else. I'd kill myself without you." But instead of that, it's more like, Louis worries that if he behaves in a way his dad doesn't like, he'll be driven to drink, so that fear looms over his actions?
I think you answered yourself with this ask haha. But it’s definitely not emotional manipulation, his dad is not doing anything to Louis like that. His father does struggle with alcoholism, but he doesn’t hold that over Louis’ head. Louis worrying about his dad drinking again is his fears amplified by his anxiety.
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: Is it possible to die from secondhand embarrassment? BECAUSE THESE TWO-!!! Also: LOUIS IF THAT IS 'SUBTLE' I'M AFRAID TO SEE BLATANT.          
LOL!! Yeah...he’s caught up in the high of his romance rn.
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: THE BANANA THING IN THE UPDATE KILLED ME HAHAHAH. One thing is for sure: you write teenagers scary accurately!            
Haha, thanks! I’ve had the unfortunate experience of being one once LMAO
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: Hey! So I know it was a while ago but- where is Louis in the beginning of chapter 9? Is that the nurse's office?    
Yeah, the first panel shows the door that reads “Nurse’s”
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: How long do you think this comic will be?
40-50 chapters or something like that. Not really worried about it, just having fun writing it
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: Ik that right now Louis probably feels on top of the world, but I still stand by my TRUE fave ship for Autophobia: Louis and a good therapist       
Therapy would certainly help him with his anxiety and learning how to cope
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: IM YELLIN poor Daniel was all hot and bothered and then Louis FUJCKIN SNAPPED OFF THE BANANA OH MY GOOOOO that is taking the euphimism to a TERRIBLE place     
LMAO! Poor banana
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: I love how all your character's have developed over time! And yeah, ofc emotionally (ESP Louis bcus damn, that character development) but also stylistically! Like, I love how Melina has become more chubby over time! And Daniel's character looks SOOO different now (RIP staircase nose). It's really cool and honestly uplifting to see how much your art has improved over the years. It really gives me hope for my own possible art progression            
Aw thanks :) Yeah, it makes me feel good seeing how much I’ve improved. Always gotta keep at it and not give up, and don’t be afraid to try different things :D
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: I couldn't tell- was that Evan asking "what are you doing" when Daniel and Louis were having a moment with the banana, or just a random hs student?                
It was Evan
Anonymous said to autophobiacomic: Is louis still, for lack of a better term, a dick? like obviously he's gone through SO MUCH character development, and he's no longer hot and then cold and then just plain rude to Daniel- but is he still like that with others? basically- has he just grown into being better when it comes to Daniel specifically, or when it comes to everyone?       
Guess you’re gonna have to keep reading to see
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askornaut · 8 years
Let’s draw Lots- 5s!
tagged by @emygrl99​
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
Lipstick! usually at least two.
Pen/s. Usually in fun colors! 
papers- old pay stubs, my index card with friends’ addresses on it, receipts, etc.
My wallet! 
My house key! I havent needed it in years but i still keep it with me!
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
lots of lamps. I have Danger Lamp aka Bugle Lamp, my UV lamp to help me fight seasonal depression, my built-in desk lamp, and my star projector!
listen im not saying im a slob who cant commit to anything but you will definitely find a small foldaway table in the middle of my room covered in old sewing projects that i abandoned. 
speaking of which, my sewing machine! I love my Husqy! She’s twenty years old and is a little cranky but still does all the work, just me like me! (give a take a few years for each of us..)
My toolkit! A DIY enthusiast turn home improvement amatuer can’t get away without one!
my bottles! I have a corkwood bottle from Iberia (spain or portugal, im not sure which.), an Arabic coke bottle, my vintage Coke bottle that broke and I worked to repair, and a glass soda bottle from Mexico! 
five things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
travel the world!! 
listen ive always waffled on my life goals and that aint gonna change ever but i do know ive always loved helping people and ive always wanted to do something in STEM in terms of a career so rn my dual goals are run a foster home and be an aerospace engineer
fix things. help people. improve lives, make people happy. any way i can.
*dudebro-esque chanting* ROAD!!! TRIP!!! rOAD!!!! TRIP!!! ROAD!!!! TRIP!!!!!
im sorry im so indecisive ive done my best but that is??? literally everything that ive wanted to do my entire life and technically speaking two things that I haven’t??? im sorry i mean i learned a language everything im doing now is just extra credit and i havent always wanted to go to college and everything else pretty much??? covers it??? ive done my best and will continue to do so but it isnt much 
five things that make me happy:
making someone else smile!!! that is The Best(tm) 
Wizard of Oz stuff! It makes me feel like maybe I will belong somewhere someday. 
My friends!!! Nothing can make me grin more than just a few minutes spent chatting with any one of them! 
The pursuit of knowledge! I’m really at my best in an academic environment, namely if it’s free of NCLB and everything that public school is. So, basically what little taste of college/homeschool I’ve had.
SINGING! even on days when i truly hate everything, i’ll still sing just to keep a little joy in my heart. 
Five things I’m currently into:
Drag. I’ve watched what feels like every SFW drag-related video on YT at least a thousand times and I’ll still watch them more. 
Voltron is nice, but i have trouble watching because of the darker tones in the themes. It can overwhelm me if I’m not careful. S2 is looking brighter and easier to consume, though! 
I’m always a s*** for the Wizard Of Oz!!
art..? can i say that??? i havent sculpted or painted in over a month, can i still say that???
aromatherapy!!! I have two candles rn, though normally I have at least 3, plus a tart warmer, plus some lotions! (im not super into skincare though, so i dont use the lotions as often.) 
Five things on my to-do list: 
Clean my room
Clean the kitchen
get my borderline hoarding family (myself included) to get rid of things we dont need. We practically have enough excess furniture to furnish a small apartment. Sparsely and with three desks, but still. hell, we even have a spare mattress/boxspring/bedframe! WHY??? ARE WE KEEPING THESE???
get a job. I desperately need income, but i also need to clean, and that takes forever, and....
get my driver’s license. that’ll solve an issue or two. 
5 things people may not know about me:
I’m selectively mute! Well..  i was when I was a kid. It comes back during my worse moments with autism. For the most part these days I just have trouble grasping the words. I can think of a sentence in my mind but i can’t force my tongue and lips and vocal cords to work together to make the sounds. I try to carry a pen and paper at all times when im around new people so I can communicate no matter what.      
I got my first smartphone when I turned seventeen. I got my first decent one (okay actually my current one is Super.. but the last one was at least two generations old and it was showing by the time i got my own.) last July. I’m almost nineteen now.     
I learned to sew when I six years old, before my fine motors skills were well developed! You can see it when i sew while I’m tired- i dont move my wrist the way you’re supposed to, instead i keep my wrist more or less still and move my arm/shoulder!    
I am allergic to 45 different things. Most of it’s pollen, fur, etc, but I am allergic to avocados. I had to carry an epipen on me at all times for a few years as a result!    
I never learned to ride a bike! I learned to ride a scooter, but that’s terrible exercise compared to a bicycle. I grew up in an area that is literally nothing but hills and i was too afraid of losing control and getting hurt as a kid to even get on a bike, much less learn how to ride. 
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