#definitely team shinwoo for sure
alovelyepiphany · 3 years
My thoughts on episode 11 + some ranting (there's some censored cursing too):
Why, just why were those two boys whispering in front of the teacher and Daon? Like boi can hear you
But dang Namgoong! What a protective and loving friend. I love him
When shinwoo saw taekyung and gave him his cardigan, my heartstrings were tugged...HES TOO SWEET FOR THIS WORLD
When namgoong and sohee were talking, I was like, "YOOOO DOES SHE LIKE HIM?!" Andddd i think he was trying to find out if Sohee posted the photos while he was talking to her...so i think he's one smart dude
Thank god Daon listened to his handsome a**,  full of wisdom, love advisor teacher, and left to go back home (but alas, he did not go back home first) Oh goodness, i love the teacher too much now
*And since it’s so dang long I’ll put a “keep reading”*
*Here's where the ranting starts...*
(The talk w/ Daon after he walked down the stairs) Bloody, when the camera switched to Taekyung with red & watery eyes, I just couldn't handle this s*** no more and i started having a crisis. Even tho i prepared myself to see our Taekyung cry, i cant yall... Like Daon, don't make our boi sad and cry, you're gonna make me cry. And damn it, Taekyung was so committed to Daon and tried waiting for him. YOU DONT DESERVE HIM DAON!! DAON YOU NEED TO STOP CARING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND CARE ABOUT YOURSELF AND THE ONES CLOSE TO YOU. LOOK WHAT YOU DID, YOU HURT OUR DEAR TAE!
But get you someone who's commited to someone like Tae-
"I thought you were a sad and kind person...who always acted like everything was okay. But you're...just a bad person who only knows how to lie." Tae, you took the words right outta of my mouth.
And here's an important quote from Tae, "If you have high expectations, you'll end up getting hurt." Probably one of my favorites, and speaking about quotes, I should make a list LOL
Ok, but after seeing that part when Daon came back home where there's nobody there, my heart kinda felt bad for him and broke a bit. I can't take back all the things I said, so I'm sorry Daon...
Shinwoo worrying for Tae and waiting for him...don't touch me, im fragile, and im crying...again...
 I started cracking up after Shinwoo said, "Do you want to come over to my house?" cuz im thinking some things, but i know they aint like that.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Battle Royale is at it again! This time: i will give you a character, and who of these two characters should end up with that character? Or you think are goof together? Remember: choose one. Yikes. AAAND the contestants are:
Taekyung= Shinwoo vs. DaOn
Wayu= Thanu vs. Mark
Masuk= Tir (had he been alive) vs. Jia
Mon= Team vs. Puth
Puth= Kaeng vs. Payu
Zon= Saifah vs. Tutor
Fiat= Leo vs. Type
Chon= Tonhon vs. Na
Third= Khai vs. Two
Pi= Mork vs. Mueang Nan
Duen= Bohn vs. Frong
Bunn= Tann vs. Inspector M
Zhao Zi= Jack vs. Shao Fei
Shi Lei= Yu Zhen vs. Gang & SiQi
Hin= Gene vs. Tum
Gene= Nubsib vs. Aey
Shi Gu= Xia De (the twin) vs. Hao Ting
Tian= Phupha vs. Longtae
Kao= Pete vs. Sun (DBK)
Xingsi= Yongjie vs. Lichen & Muren
Can= Tin vs. Techno
Pharm= Dean vs. Team
This is definitely a very interesting one. But why must you prevent my polyshippy little soul? Can't I just have... one? Or two? Maybe... okay, fine. Look, I don't polyship ALL of them. Just... plenty of them.
Taekyung= Shinwoo & DaOn
Why? Why must you hurt me? I don't want to chose. I don't want to do anything but love them deeply and let them be together. So I get one. I will make every other choice. But this one? This one is a polyship.
Wayu= Thanu vs. Mark & Kit
This one is impossible because Mark needs Kit more than he needs WAyu but Wayu needs Mark more than he needs Thanu.So I'm mkaing the executive decision that Yu gets them both. And that's that. Mark cannot be without Kit.
Masuk= Tir (had he been alive) vs. Jia
Zero hesitation. I love Tir. I adore his chemistry with Tir more than with Jia. I am sure that if Tir had lived that Masuk would have stayed with him and they would have been together in a HAE. So... Yeah, gotta be Tir.
Mon= Team vs. Puth
I'll be honest, I'll typically go canon if the pairing ends happily and isn't too bad in the process. I enjoy the canon pairings. Yeah, I sometime go against them. But Mon and Team turned out to be really cute in the end. They grew on me so much.
Puth= Kaeng vs. Payu
I weep openly that I cannot make this poly. But I do think, in the end, that Puth made the right choice with Kaeng. They knew each other and loved each other and it was adorable in the end. Poor Payu, though. He deserves them both.
Zon= Saifah vs. Tutor
I love Saifah and Zon together. Tutor would be cute but I just don't think Zon could be everything Tutor needs the way Fighter can be. And could anyone be as sweet and soft with Zon as Saifah? No way.
Fiat= Leo vs. Type
Mutual pining always wins. ALWAYS. And these two idiots deserve each other anyway, in their non-negotiated kinky relationship that they kinda of fell into ass over teakettle.
Chon= Tonhon vs. Na
My giant lug of an idiot deserves his tiny Chon. I love them together. I still wish the show hadn't just completely fallen apart in the last like 20 minutes with that pointless tiem skip. Siiiigh.
Third= Khai vs. Two
Honestly? Yeah. I would have loved Third and Two to end up together. They would have been adorable. I'd feel worse for Un than for Khai, tbh. Un deserved Two for all his pining. But Two and Third would have been the softest and cutest little couple!
Pi= Mork vs. Mueang Nan
*ahem* This has been a PSA: Mork will never win unless the contest is 'worst character I've yet seen in a BL' and even then I'd hate to call him a winner. Mueng Nan might be an ass who isn't good at most things and still ignores Pi's needs and chooses to support all of Mork's creeper tendencies... but at least he's not actively abusive.
Duen= Bohn vs. Frong
Honestly, Duen and Bohn should have broken up and Duen should have gone ahead and dating Frong second to find out what a healthy relationship is actually like. Just imagine if he learned about that.
Bunn= Tann vs. Inspector M
Bun and Tan are such an amazing couple. And Inspector M has his own doctor! No way am I breaking them up.
Zhao Zi= Jack vs. Shao Fei
Now, I can see this. But Jack is just perfect for his little darling. How can I possibly break them up?
Shi Lei= Yu Zhen vs. Gang & SiQi
As much as I support Gang and SiQi kidnapping and threatening to seduce Shi Lei, it's entirely in the favor of getting him together with Yu Zhen. After all, they belong together. They love each other so much it hurts.
Hin= Gene vs. Tum
Tum 100%. Gene has his Nubsib, even if their prospects long term seem questionable, but Hin deserves his Tum. Especialyl considering how Tiffy treated Tum during most of the show... yeah. No. Hina dn Tum deserve each other in the best way!
Gene= Nubsib vs. Aey
I agree that Gene and Nubsib might be worrying in terms of truly staying together long term with their communication never seeming to improve... but Aey is so damaged that I have trouble seeing in a healthy relationship of any sort.
Shi Gu= Xia De (the twin) vs. Hao Ting
I'll go canon on this one. Mostly because I don't really remember it? Sorry, this is the cursed History one and I've only partially watched it one a long time ago.
Tian= Phupha vs. Longtae
Yeah, sorry Longtae, but Phupha is absolutely perfect for Tian and there can be no arguments. Love you though, boo!
Kao= Pete vs. Sun (DBK)
Uh. Canon wins because I never liked Sun that much?
Xingsi= Yongjie vs. Lichen & Muren
As tempting as their threesome is... actually, who am I kidding, you gave me a choice for polyship! How can I turn it down? Besides, just imagine the shenanigans they could get into as a friend group and as an adorable little triad!
Can= Tin vs. Techno
I feel horrible for not picking Techno because, frankly, he deserves better than he got. But Can and Tin are such an adorable, modern couple and I just love them together.
Pharm= Dean vs. Team
Who am I to argue with destiny? Also, Team has Win and BETWEEN US MUST EXIST.
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knightlywriting · 7 years
A Rose by Another Name
Note: This is just some unedited, self-indulgent drabbles put into a story. Sorry for any mistakes here and there. Background on some things here.
"And I will show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death." Walt Whitman
Seira J. Loyard stared at her reflection in the mirror. Then she leaned in to get a closer look. She was right - her pupils, usually the bright red of blood, were turning black. With a frown, she moved away from the sink and out of the bathroom.
Even as she walked back to her room she was planning - her usual plans would be vastly different if she decided to stay in Korea during this time. Of course, the easier option was to go back home, but the palace grounds were so silent, and she preferred the light quietness of her room in Korea as compared to the heavy silence of the same in Lukedonia.
Regis, as usual, quickly picked up on the subtle difference. A few days later, when they were talking about the four children (and what to cook for them this time), he broke off halfway through the conversation. Her charge gave a quick glance to the date shown on the television, then back at her eyes, then nodded to show that he knew what was going on.
“I forget how often that happens,” he commented, keeping his composure even though he knew what ‘that’ implied. “Are you going back to Lukedonia?”
Seira’s only answer was a shrug. Regis nodded and moved back to the topic of lunch.
A few days later, Seira found herself sitting on her bed, combing through snow-white and jet-black hair alike. Three knocks sounded on the door.
“Seira, it’s me,” came Regis’s voice from outside. “...come in.”
The door opened and shut quickly, and Regis settled on the chair adjacent to her bed. His eyes roved over the salt-and-pepper hair. His lips pressed flat together for a moment - he was not exactly pleased. Seira nodded in response.
“I might not go back to Lukedonia,” Seira admitted. “The condition is not exactly harmful, just shocking. Mostly in appearance.”  “You’d have to explain it to the kids, though,” Regis frowned. “Unless you hide in here the entire day, but they have school on that day.”
The room fell quiet as Seira thought and Regis waited. He resisted the urge to fidget for a while, but gave up and started kicking his legs (he wasn’t in Lukedonia, after all, and it was just Seira). The only indication of Seira’s uncertainty was her red bottom lip as she bit it unconsciously. After a few minutes, the female noble spoke again.
“I will be staying, then.” At Regis’s incredulous look, she continued. “It only lasts a day - Sir Raizel would understand, and surely nothing much will happen then. The Union has been quiet for only a month.”
Regis’s head was tilted to the side and he stopped kicking. After a pause, he said, “If you say so. You know this best.”
The date was October 31st.
According to Tao, the high school students really got into the spirit of Halloween.
“It’s a western concept, but it’s gotten quite popular,” the man grinned. “I think they just took the chance to play dress-up and get a half day.”
And a half day they got, for Frankenstein learned long ago not to protest against the entire school community, especially when they were led by both the student council and Han Shinwoo. Almost all the students were dressed up in some way or another, and the few who stayed in uniform allowed their peers to paint their faces.
Regis and Raizel were early, they always were, and Regis was surprised to see the students dressed up as witches, cats, and other such characters. An amused Tao explained calmly to the noble that those who dressed up as 'vampires’ didn’t really know what they meant (they were merely human, after all), and there was no need to be disgusted. If Raizel was confused, he didn’t show it, and continued staring out the classroom window as always.
An idea struck Regis. He quickly asked Tao for his cellphone and dialled Frankenstein’s home number.
(Technically, his home number for now, but it was still a bit weird to think of it as such.)
“Hello?” “Seira, you know how some places of this world celebrate today?” “…they do?” “It’s sort of weird, but Tao says that they don’t really know what happens, or think of it as a myth.” Seira merely replied with a hum. Regis decided to move on to his reason for calling. “If you come today, and ask the girls to help you - say you already changed into some things and need help for dressing up.” “They dress up in celebration?”
Tao, even though he didn’t know what was going on (and why Seira even stayed at home in the first place), decided to take over.
“They dress up because it started from tricking spirits from taking them as they looked like someone else,” he explained.
Silence on the other side. The guard knew well the noble well enough to take it as agreement, and passed the phone back.
“Hey, I need to go for duty soon, yeah?”  “Alright,” Regis said.
“…wait a few minutes,” Seira’s voice came over the phone, and the call ended.
With a confused look, but which quickly turned into a barely-restrained grin, Regis handed the phone back to Tao.
“Whoo!”  “Seira, you look great!”  “Hey, Regis, why aren’t you dressed up?”  “Nothing has enough class,” Regis sniffed. “Maybe next time.”  “We might not even have a next time!” Shinwoo moaned. “The student council head’s leaving next year!”  “You could just ask next year’s head of student council,” Regis shot back.  “Yeah, but this one’s fierce. I’m actually scared of her.”  Ikhan shook his head, holding back his laugh as Regis gave Shinwoo the most judgemental stare he could muster.
Seira definitely looked her part as, coincidentally, the Grim Reaper. Her pale skin was offset by an oversized black hooded robe. Having come from Suyi, the robe looked more like a gauzy floor-length dress instead of the cheap Halloween costumes made of satin or fake velveteen. The scythe she held was a store prop, but the black handle and white plastic blade fit well enough. The most shocking part to everyone but Regis, Raizel and Seira herself was her appearance under the robe. Her long white hair was now so black that it gleamed purple under the white fluorescent lights, the pupils of her eyes of a similar colour - the centre could not be seen. Her skin was now nearly bone white, making her eyes look even more unnatural.
“Not bad, right?” Suyi grinned. “They’re from the most recent shoot. She doesn’t even need the mask I brought over, she fits this role perfectly!” “…I wouldn’t be able to tell who she’s supposed to be without the scythe,” Ikhan muttered. Shinwoo nodded in agreement.  “That’s because she doesn’t have the mask!” Yuna quickly tried to rectify her friend’s statement.  “It’s not even the proper mask, that’s a blank mask from the opposite store!”
Regis only raised an eyebrow at Seira’s costume, and Seira gave no response as she sat down in her seat.
The smell of roses wafted through her room as the head of the Loyard family leaned against the headboard of her bed. She was still in the black dress - the soft material actually felt rather nice. An alert, something related to a disturbance at the construction site at the outskirts of Seoul, went out a few minutes earlier, so now she was alone in the house.
(Well, except from the Noblesse himself. Frankenstein demanded he rest as much as possible, and he probably wouldn’t be needed anyway, just rest, please.)
The light of the full moon streamed into her room. Seira made a point to stay away from the window.
She could hear them - could hear the screams of souls not avenged, those who were unfairly killed and those who were. She could see them - black, purple wraiths not unlike a dark haze lingering near the ground outside. Weirdly, they did stay away from the few dressed-up students who were still outside at half-past eight. She could feel them - the tugging under her skin, of something yearning to burst out of her and kill destroy remove eliminate
The noble sucked in a deep breath and pressed her hands into fists, nails digging into her palm. The urging ebbed away, but not fully. Should she repot another rose bush? Seira considered it for a while, then decided not to. The pots would be in the living room instead of hers if she kept it up.
Then a pain in her head brought her head to the mattress - and the telepathic message for help struck in her head.
Regis wasn’t sure if he could hold up much longer.
The mutants only got stronger as time went on - they glowed with an uneasy ultraviolet energy that made shivers run up Regis’s spine, and some of them called up more wraiths to attack them with.
His energy shield was the only thing between him and the mass of mutants from the Union that were in front of him. They struck the shield over and over again with unrelenting, unnerving energy. The entire group could sense it - the energy that radiated from them was dark and full of pain and sorrow, and the worst part was that it felt very much like the trial version of Frankenstein’s powers. It acted like it, too. They drained the energy from him as he held his defence, and the wounds they managed to tattoo on him weren’t healing as fast as they were supposed to.
The original RK team were already drawing from the power they borrowed from Frankenstein and they were barely holding on, quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number against them. Rael and Karias were tag-teaming - one sniping from a distance and taking down mutants and wraiths one by one, the other moving too fast for most of the enemy to hit as he slit them into pieces. But the wraiths blocked their vision, and their masses confused the eyes between who were the summoners and who were the summoned. Frankenstein was not doing too well himself. A group of mutants decided to gang up on him and he was now rendered unable to help his side lest he run into the chance of dying. As it were, he was verging onto overloading with power in order to take down the group, but was holding back for obvious reasons.
Unearthly black, purple haze suddenly rushed up from the ground and down upon the group as they held defence. Purple and black bolts not unlike those of Frankenstein’s rained upon them and drew blood as they made sickening black marks like rot upon wherever they touched. They drained energy from the beings they contacted, and Regis felt his shield growing weaker and weaker and his legs buckling under his weight as the souls rained upon them screaming curses in his ears.
Help! Regis cried out to Seira. They needed backup, and he knew Seira would cast aside her worries despite what was going on to help no matter what. Minutes passed, and he felt doubt creeping in as he mustered the strength to kill off the wraiths surrounding him. Strike after strike only thinned the crowd, and not by much even as he and Rael went through the unholy masses.
Then he was struck to the ground, and suddenly the sky turned black.
This is the end, Regis thought. Then instantly after that, Wait, I can still see, is-
The wraiths were pulled up as if dragged by the neck, and he looked up to see them swirling around and blocking the moonlight. Glowing, ultraviolet eyes stood out from the darkness, and long jet-black hair floated around the figure like snakes.
Seira J. Loyard held out her left hand and spoke a single word; “Thanatos.”
 The wraiths converged like fire ants into her hand, forming a scythe not unlike her Death Scythe. But this one was larger, and it was pitch black as if it were sucking up the light around it. The gold embellishments were now a bright white, radiating an ultraviolet glow.
It was as if she froze time - everyone stopped fighting to look at her with shock. The mutants started growling threats, half of the summoners moving towards her with hatred in their eyes.
Frankenstein’s face contorted in pain, then suddenly became one of understanding. Fear shot down Regis’s spine the instant the scientist smirked.
A rain of Dark Spears immediately came upon the still-frozen mutants, halving their size and sending everyone moving again.
“Tired, already?” He shouted with glee.
The mutants rushed the RK, coming upon them with wraiths and hands and spears and swords gleaming with dark energy.
“Keres.” Seira’s voice was calm amongst the chaos yet Regis heard it crystal clear. The wraiths that were attacking fell to the ground screaming and clutching their heads, then suddenly glared at their summoners with glowing white eyes.
“What the-” A mutant summoner stepped back, eyes wide and hands up as if he could block the ghosts. “No, my control, wha-”
The haze of wraiths screeched, sending ears ringing, and they rushed at the mutants.
RK snapped back into action - courage and strength and adrenaline rushing into them with the knowledge of reinforcement, even though they did not truly understand what was going on. The original three knights leaped first, electricity sparking from bullets and wires and electrocuting their enemies even as claws ripped them apart. The nobles went next, with arrows accompanying the wraiths raining upon the sheer crowd of mutants and blades punching holes and slicing lines. The Dark Spear drew wraiths around it, increasing in power and size as her wielder taunted and killed and drew the health away from them.
And as they ripped apart the crowd, Seira lived up to her family’s role and reaped those who came at her. Her blade came down on the mutants, cutting through necks and bodies and splitting people in half. Wraiths came at her beck and call, sweeping around her and down to the crowds further away.
As Seira called upon her Reaper, black-and-gold dress wrapping around her with the wind and the light of the full moon falling upon her back, the nobles present realised the same thing that Frankenstein knew minutes earlier.
The date was October 31st.
 The wraiths dissipated into the ground as the last mutant hit the ground. M-21, Takeo and Tao winced at the coppery smell that invaded their noses; they could never get used to the smell of death. After all, they were still only human at the core. The nobles rested on their knees as they caught their breath. Frankenstein stretched leisurely and glanced at the Loyard with veiled curiosity. Seira was lying on the ground on her side, panting heavily as her eyes remained closed. Her scythe was still beside her, gleaming in moonlight.
Frankenstein’s and Tao’s phones beeped, and they saw it was midnight. The black of Seira’s hair and eyes started to drain of colour. The original white of her hair came back from the roots and flowed down to the ends. Her eyes slowly became bright red again, and colour started coming back into her skin. The scythe turned from shadows into the usual shining black metal, the ultraviolet glow ebbing away to become gold once more.
Seira let out a breath, and sat up clutching her head. The pain on her face was obvious - an unusual sight for anyone who knew the usually expressionless noble.
 Regis spoke up.
“Are you okay?”
 She merely replied with a hum.
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pandora-twists · 8 years
Noblesse S: Funny and Emotional
Finally read what is available of Noblesse S novels after all this time, thanks to this post by @ibijus. Better late than never. Novels are well done and basically like reading a wonderful fanfiction, only its actually canon.
Pasting my favorite parts below. Translation credits to Chibi-Cassy from easy going forum.
Rai’s Ramen Party: Utter Hilarity
As the number of children multiplied within a brief timespan, Regis  glanced at Rai whereupon Rai gave him a slight nod. Understanding what had been meant, Regis spoke up.
“Attention, everyone!”
His voice sounded throughout the whole room.
“Today, Rai-nim, who honors us with his presence, has declared that he will grant everyone within the lunchroom the favor to partake of a  sufficient amount of classical style ramen. Make sure that you convey  the appropriate gratitude.”
As he ended, the kids yelled and cheered.
“Say a word!”
As Regis stepped aside, Rai slowly moved forward and halted at an appropriate location. Without any expression, he looked out everyone.  Even the kids who had been chatting loudly instantaneously fell dead silent, and the sound of cooking within the room grew still as well.
Rai’s mouth opened slowly.
Exactly one word, bursting with charisma.
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Surprisingly,  the whole hall burst into cheers. Who could have made one word like “ramen” breathe with such an intense radiation? Regis trembled with emotion, and Ikhan and Shinwoo joined in their friends’ shouts with both fists stretched into the air.
Then poor trio gets in trouble for partaking in the Ramen Party (entirely Tao’s fault who dragged them into it) and we get a glimpse of an outsiders opinion on the 3 odd security guards
Ahn Daechil whispered carefully to avoid any possible eavesdropping. At first sight, his appearance imparted the significance of the high class secret that he was about to tell. Following him, Frankenstein also tensed.
“It’s said that during the time of that incident, several guards from the special security department mixed with the kids—to eat ramen.”
Frankenstein:  “…”
For a moment, Frankenstein couldn’t find the words to say. “It can’t…”
Slowly, very slowly, very strenuously, Ahn Daechil nodded.
“It was those put in place from the very top.  By you, Chairman. That trio.”
Ahn Daechil started to sound agitated.
“Although it’s absurd, I’m told that they joined the students, sat down, and just stuffed ramen into themselves like, slurrp… Doubled portions, that is!!!”
“Euhh..” Frankenstein uttered a long groan.
After he had included M-21, Takeo, and Tao in the special security department, he had expected a certain degree of confusion, but since they were reliably completing their actual work, so far there had been no problems. Still, now it seemed that they had utilized the commotion to consume ramen in the school cafeteria—and had been caught.
“Chairman, now that it has already come to this, their typical behavior is not good, either.”
“Hoo~ Is that so?” Amusement showed on Frankenstein’s face.
“Yes, sir. I mean the guy who came first, he has avoided the other team members from the very beginning until now, and despite his well-known, fashionable looks, he plays the lone wolf. Doesn’t he know he’s nothing but a big outcast? He insufficiently controls that weighty aura of his, he fails to recognize his superiors, and he glares at  everyone all the time… In particular, his expression is very wrong.  If he wasn’t such an outcast, it would be very strange to stare at  people day in, day out like this… Isn’t it so? Right, sir?”
Recalling the image of M-21, Frankenstein laughed awkwardly. M-21 was definitely, from his aura to his eyes, cold as ice.
“That guy called Tao’s attitude is very improper. A guy with the   appearance of a woman… It’s not just his appearance; he’s always   cracking jokes or playing around with the students… his surroundings   are always loud and noisy because of him. For a special security guard   to chat with the students or something…! Isn’t it like this?  Isn’t   it, sir?”
Again recalling an image of Tao, Frankenstein laughed uncomfortably. Tao talked quite a bit, and his tendency to create mischief was rather troublesome.
“Although he’s the least problematic, it’s the same for Takeo’s type. First of all, his hairstyle is inappropriate. Its length reaches his   waist even though he ties it up. We have to be role models.  To think   that a special security guard ties up such incredibly long hair to spruce himself up… Isn’t it so? Right, sir?”
Also bringing Takeo’s image to mind, Frankenstein laughed with embarrassment.  In spite of having the least troublesome personality, Takeo’s long ponytail stood out at his workplace.
“There is still the most important point of these problems. The students are far too interested in these three. With our position as the silent guardians that protect the students from behind, this causes   difficulties. We are shadows. Still, the schoolgirls are apt to visit them at their workplace, or they will encamp the offices, the waiting room, or the front of the sports field. It means they tumultuously alter the surroundings in which we special security are to protect the children from inside the darkness. This is not all.”
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M-21, Tao and Takeo were standing with sweat on their faces. The instant they had entered the office, they had sensed a mighty aura; this aura made them nervous. Their eyes fell on Frankenstein, more precisely, on the back of his chair.
As the chair turned with an odd noise, Frankenstein appeared seated on it. This sight and the atmosphere made the three of them tense up all the more. Staring at them with an expressionless face, Frankenstein opened his mouth.
Frankenstein: “You…”
Tao: “Yes, sir?”
Takeo: “Yeah?”
M21: “Ehm…”
Tao, Takeo, and M-21 unintentionally answered in unison.
“…were in the school cafeteria where you got caught noisily eating ramen?”
The three had nothing to say, and only their cold sweat ran, falling down in cascades. Frankenstein only watched them serenely… very serenely.
At some time, Tao hurriedly stepped forth to resolve the situation.
Tao: “No, sir, see, it was this way, Chairman. Would you let me explain,   sir? I mean, how things ended up this way. It was while we were heading for the cafeteria when…”
Tao’s ornate speech started in this manner. Once it went off, it continued with no end. The less gifted speakers, Takeo and M-21, were still covered in sweat and only cheered for Tao inwardly,
“This… that… here… there…”
Whose tongue right now was dancing through the office’s air.
And then the trio had to fulfill guards tests to prove themselves eligible, tests they pwn with over 9000 score obviously.
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And among all the funny we got a sad look at M21. How can there not be angst where M21 is involved?
As the Senior guard made his made way down the corridor after complaining about trio, he gets a top secret report on M21 from his lackey.
Still walking, Ahn Daechil took the file and flipped it open. After reading a little while, he stopped mid-step. His face had hardened severely.
“Is it certain?”
“Yes, sir. They said they definitely heard it in person.”
Ahn Daechil’s mouth twitched at his answer.
“Huhuhu… kekekeke…”He tried to keep his laugh from breaking out with both hands, but there was no stopping his joy.
“Puahaha~!” His tough laughter reverberated through the corridor but stopped at the sight of three people in the distance. M-21, Takeo, and Tao.
With sparkling eyes, he watched the three draw closer and closer, and a particularly strange tension began to rise as they approached. Once they had come a certain distance, all of them halted in their steps. Ahn Daechil disliked having to look up at them due to their difference in height. However, he carried a smile full of self-confidence.
“Hooo~ Where might our very respected guards be going?”
Instead of M-21 or Takeo, Tao answered with a bright laugh.
“Haha~ The chairman has called for us.”
“Is that so?”
Ahn Daechil nodded. Whatever the case, it looks like our splendid chairman summoned these three to keep up with the multiple problems they caused. That he would react this frighteningly fast after hearing about it… Really, you could only call it a great drive. Our chairman is truly working hard.
“Right. Tao, Takeo—keep up your work.”
Then his glance shot to the one standing wordlessly beside them, M-21.
“Ya, Ishi. You too.”
This name seemed to confuse M-21 for a moment. Beside him, Takeo and Tao were the same. As he watched the three perfectly puzzled people before him, Ahn Daechil started to snicker.
“Are you surprised that I found out your name? Hey, Ishi. If you want it to be kept secret, you have to be careful.”
He indicated in the direction of Tao and Takeo with his chin while he was speaking.
“When those guys call you, they’d have to be careful, that is.”
Ahn  Daechil passed by the three that still stood vacantly as though they  were unable to understand. Feeling their eyes on his back, his own eyes   glowed.
“Kekeke… You’d be curious how I found out. No matter how hard you   tried, it’s impossible to find. In the end, when people think they   protect themselves, they end up living their lives trembling anxiously. Puahaha~!”
Ahn Daechil burst into a laugh that resounded in the corridor.
They watched the man, still roaring with laughter, until he receded, and they turned towards M-21.
Takeo: “Ishi? Your name’s Ishi?”
When Takeo asked, M-21 couldn’t give any answer because he didn’t actually  understand it himself, either. Ahn Daechil had been bursting with such extreme self-confidence when he stated this name for him that it even  made him wonder whether or not it could really be his actual lost name.
Thinking carefully about Ahn Daechil’s words, Tao said,
“Considering what he said just now, it seems like he heard something we  said… And we call him leisurely 21 (Ishibil), after all.”
“Ah, that’s it,”
With a nod, Takeo also agreed with Tao, but both Tao and Takeo still hesitated a moment. M-21’s expression had turned uneasy.
 A long silence fell upon the three. Tao hastily tried to change the mood.
“The.. then why would the chairman call us so suddenly?”
Takeo: “Don’t know… For… for now let’s go see him.”
Tao and Takeo picked up their steps again.
Only M-21 still stood vacantly in the corridor.
My heart 😭 He thought the guard found out his real name…
Theres other sweet and sour too, like M21 and Yuna in cafe where he gets uncomfortable about her wondering why he can control the puppy they undertook so well.
Then theres Takeo and Tao sleeping in M21s room  as Tao has left no space in their rooms filling  them with gadgets. M21 is exasperated but allows them to sleep 👍♥
Theres a lot of Suyi in the novels. Trio gets to guard her against a stalker and gets insulted by other bodyguards for being too good at their job. Suyi  sends them back not being able to see them get insulted this way and trio wonders that this is nothing compared to what they suffered in the Union aw (TT).
Though Frankenstein recognizes their hard work and gives them a week’s vacation as reward (which is actually a failed attempt to send them oversees so he can enjoy peaceful times with Master alone) which overjoys the 3 babies My heart 😍 Totally worth a read these novels are. Links below  to give a try:
 3 chapters translated out of 47
 Summary of 19 is available here
 Raw of 5 on official Naver acc here
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