weyounbathwater · 3 years
Listen, I know the best solution for the Vorta’s poor eyesight would be glasses or changes to cloning but....echolocation
The power goes out in dominion hq and for the next 20 mins it’s Weyoun chirping to find his way around
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enby-moss-bby · 4 years
Answer 30 questions and tag 20 mutuals you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @bashircore
Name/nickname: Moss, Vic, Viceroy
Gender: Genderfluid? Non-binary? Who knows... Not cis tho.
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'7"
Time: 7:43 pm
Birthday: Mmm not gonna say, but it's in early January.
Favourite bands: Sea Wolf, The Struts, Mother Mother, Icon For Hire
Favourite solo artists: The Tallest Man On Earth, Cavetown
Song stuck in my head: Ship in a Bottle by fin
Last Movie I watched: Uhh either some kind of mockumentary or Get Smart
Last show: TNG, but if podcasts count then The Strange Case of the Starship Iris
What I post: Mostly Star Trek stuff. Art sometimes, idk
Last thing i googled: How long could a human survive inside of a black hole
Other blogs: uhh this is the only one I remember the login for, but I know that I have a different account with a Voltron blog
Do i get asks: Sometimes. If they're nice then I just hoard them and don't post...
Why i chose my url: Uhh I think it was my Discord username at the time? Idk
Following: I think like 120
Followers: It's over 100, but I haven't checked in a while
Average hours of sleep: Idk whatever I can get. Usually between like 3-5 hours but if I'm not busy then like 12
Lucky number: 3, 7, 44
Instruments: Used to do piano, want to learn guitar. I sing though
What am I wearing: Black jeans and a black hoodie
Dream trip: Idk Sweden maybe, I have family there
Favourite food: I like asparagus. Also pork buns are good.
Nationality: Canadian and American
Favourite song: Genisis (the acoustic version) by Armors
Last book read: Hmm I mean I'm always reading through Sherlock Holmes but I was also reading some kind of biology book about genetics
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: Star Trek, uhhh ATLA, Doctor Who.
Favourite colour: Indigo!
Tagging: @tie-dyed-dumbass @tea-earl-grey-thot @leehallfae @catboyworf3 @definitelynotelimgarak @ anyone else that wants to do this, I can't think of more people to tag
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
Quark with roller skates. Look at him go, profiting off of everything within his 1 mile radius.
It’s very efficient and cuts cost of time in half. However he becomes wary of wearing them after he skates into the storage bay for a meeting with a black market dealer and it turns out one of the wheels was odo
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weyounbathwater · 4 years
Hi! Could you provide a list of fics you haven’t shared publicly yet?
Yes I can! (I’ll put it under a cut bc I don’t wanna clog people’s dashes with this lol)
Here is a soft Dayoun one-shot collection that I’ve been periodically adding to for like the last month.
This one is mildly longer so it didn’t make it to the short story list, but it’s a little thing about Weyoun and Damar on post-war Cardassia.
The ones below are 18+
Here’s the one I’m really proud of that I wrote while drunk and somehow managed to make sense of lol.
More porn. Idk what else to tell you. It’s dubcon, so mild warning for that.
And this one’s related to a headcanon I had about tails and also about Dukat. Content warning for sexual abuse and also uh Dukat in general.
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vortahoney · 3 years
Time to pay you back for sending me all those ships: Lwaxana/Horta
Ah! milf x milf!
I raise you Quark x Data
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
They are just some guy
This all happens in the background of various A plots and nobody really notices or pays attention. Sometimes kira says hi to one of them but that’s it.
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vortahoney · 3 years
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[ID/ a gif of Worf snapping Weyoun 7’s neck. Weyoun falls to the floor and Damar examines his body, laughing. Near the end of the gif he pushes Weyoun’s head to the side and looks up, laughing harder. /end ID]
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
Ds9 AU where everyone is a sea creature living in a big aquarium.
Except for O’Brien because someone has to clean the aquarium.
You’re wrong. the aquarium keeper is Benny Russel
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
Thinking about how you named your OC after this
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vortahoney · 3 years
Kira and Grilka
Three headcanons each!
Kira Nerys
1. She really loves the ocean. There aren’t many large bodies of water where she lived on Bajor, so seeing an entire ocean is magnificent.
2. She’s got a secret, not-so-secret crush on Keiko
3. When she goes to therapy, art therapy works best for her. It helps get her emotions out in a healthy way.
1. She was a rebellious teenager. Like, super punk. Listened to loud music from all over the galaxy, snuck out to go to ragers, stuff like that.
2. She’s got a soft spot for small animals. (Quark, anyone?)
3. She’s shaved her head more than once
(Bonus Headcanon: they kiss each other :] )
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
If Weyoun knew about vines, which one would he quote a lot?
(Also, please tell me if I send too many asks)
You do not send too many asks jus tknow I mig. Pass out and not answer them all right away lmao Weyoun would think the original Yeet vine was hilarious I think he’d say yeet
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
If you had to rename Damar, what would his name be?
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gulducock · 3 years
Question: How much time did you spend making your blog seem like a D*kat stan’s and how much did it hurt?
well i stayed up until 3 in the morning to get it done in time for april fools and it hurt alot
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weyounbathwater · 4 years
For the TOS ask game: 10?
Mine is whatever Stonn had going on in Amok Time.
10: Favorite TOS costume:
The gay little tunic that the Gorn wears
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Like you can see his boobies and everything and it looks like a sequined pepperoni pizza what’s not to love
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vortahoney · 3 years
Dayoun prompt: they are babysitting a pet
@bensiskos this one works with your prompt as well! It’s short and a bit ooc, but I had fun writing it :) hope you both enjoy!
Catsitting- Damar & Weyoun “What the hell is that thing??” Weyoun was sprawled out over the floor, back arched and teeth bared in some sort of instinctual defensive stance. The cat was in a much similar stance, only it was making a loud noise that was somewhat reminiscent of Damar’s native language.
“It’s Jake Sisko’s pet. He asked me to watch it.”
The cat hissed and Weyoun and he scrambled backwards. “Get it away from me!”
“It isn’t even near you.” Damar picked it up and cradled it.
“Don’t touch it!”
Damar stepped forward and began to say something but Weyoun was running off before he could say it. He smiled to himself, maybe he’d watch Jake’s pet more often.
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
Probably predictable, but I swear I’m going somewhere with this:
Weyoun, Brunt, Quark
Please explain where you’re going with this while I kin quark, kiss brunt and slay Weyoun so I can revive his next clone with better eyesight and also make him more gay
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