#deliver us to the sheith promised land
dratiniquest · 7 years
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bioplast-hero · 5 years
Part 1: Sheith Westworld AU
Psst I need help naming this one. Came up with the Art of Waking initially, but feels a bit dramatic for what I know will be the tiniest ficlet... like, I don’t feel like I can deliver on the promise of that name lol. If anyone’s got ideas for me as this unfolds, feel free to share!
Psst psst, I went with a new title, If I die before I wake. Two chapters up so far on AO3. ;)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Sleeping on the hard earth for days and days is enough to make Shiro eager to rouse early and get back on the road. Then again, being jostled in the saddle from sunup to sundown makes him long for his dusty bedroll again. 
He doesn’t fuss about it, figuring he’ll get no sympathy from his traveling companion. He figures Keith only tolerates him because he’s still a decent shot since his active duty days, can manage his own horse, and doesn’t upset the easy silence that settles over them for miles and miles. 
Keith could figure no business reason, sordid or otherwise, as to why Shiro would go to the trouble to hitch himself to a wanted man. After that first day of trying, he seemed to decide this newcomer may be queer but wasn’t particularly a danger nor a liability, at least not in the near term. They’d made it through a few scrapes, Shiro proving himself useful, capable, and surprisingly quick to his aid. Loyal, even. After that, Keith’d shared a wild hare with him twice, and Shiro wondered if Keith was growing fond of the company. 
He’d started letting Shiro close the once-quarter-mile gap between their mounts as they rode, keeping each other in sight. Sometimes Keith would remark on something or other in their path; a wild sign, a bit of legend about the land. More if he was in particularly high spirits. And when the sun was setting red between the distant mesas, Keith would ride closer than that and ask Shiro a question or two. 
Where he’d been before this.
Where he’s intending to go, when this road ends.
Keith wrestles out from him that Shiro was an army man once, and his smile is incredulous and wry and a bit devastating. 
“You a law man, then? Out ‘ere with me?”
Shiro shakes his head slowly. “Not a law man. Just a soldier in someone else’s war.”
Keith raises an eyebrow. “Someone else’s?”
“Well it sure wasn’t mine.”
Keith hums, scanning the horizon for a moment, and then smirks darkly as he catches Shiro’s eyes again. “Soldier, then,” he smiles, and rides ahead without another word.
Read the rest on AO3, If I die before I wake <3
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34choco · 7 years
like, i’m skeptical about a lot of shit that’s assumed in the voltron fandom, but I honestly really have a reasonable amount of hope that sheith could be endgame from how much of the staff seems to support it. warms my cold, shriveled-up little heart. deliver us to the promised land, voltron.
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