#della duck is not a good parent
pinsandcats · 7 months
Della Duck is not a bad parent. She is not a parent at all. While she is the triplet's biological mother she was not there for the first 10 years of their lives. Even when she comes back, she doesn't really parent them much. Her parenting is more like spontaneous bursts of good parenting and attention with very little consistency. In the begining she is shown to give them a lot of attention but throughout the rest of the show we only see her really parent them in random patches of time. Everyone talks about the Timephoon episode and how the punishment was too harsh and while I agree I think the important part is that she didn't have the right to give that punishment. She was gone for 10 years while Donald did all the actual work and put in the effort to care for them and keep them safe. However as soon as she comes back the kids are supposed to accept her as their new parent and Donald is kind of cast aside. I'm not saying Della is bad or a bad person. I'm just saying that considering her current character she is not fit to raise children.
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foxymc · 2 years
‘New Gods on the Block’ is one of my fave episodes, mainly because of Della. So, here’s some Della pics from that episode :)
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korkorali · 22 days
The Misogyny of It All
So a lot of Della Duck Discourse is rehashed all the time, points are made again and again, but one thing that I almost never see people defend -and conversely, see people attack all the time- is The Line.
You know what I'm talking about. The Line from Glomtales.
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"Your plans, your schemes, they only lead to bad things for your family. If you want to be a part of this family, you've gotta stop."
That one.
Now, what exactly Della was trying to get across with that line is a whole other can of worms that deserves its own post (basically she -and also the writers- horribly failed her Speech check).
What we're going over here is how that mimics a certain line from the last season, said by a parental figure to a child, that gets so much less flack. That, in fact, often gets paraded around as 'an interesting twist on a character.'
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"You are not family!"
I have never seen people attack this line with the same amount of vitriol as they attack Della's, which is funny when they're the exact same line.
Actually, not even that- Scrooge's is worse.
It's more direct, it's literally yelled at Webby, it doesn't even attempt to address the issue Scrooge had (Webby blaming him for what happened to Della) and instead just straight-up attacks her as a person.
Now, to be fully honest- I like this line! I do genuinely think it's an interesting route for Scrooge to take, and is quite realistic to the grumpy old bastard. It's just funny that nobody ever comes to Webby's defense the same way they do for Louie.
Because the thing is- between Webby and Louie, one of these two has genuine, canonical issues with feeling like they're not a part of the family, like they're an outsider amongst those they love the most, like they don't belong.
And it's not Louie.
It is a consistent part of Webby's characterization that she feels like she doesn't belong. This gets touched on in all three seasons (and honestly, it could be argued that it gets worse after this moment).
Conversely, that just is not a part of Louie's canonical characterization. Even in the first episode of season 2, the one where Louie gets the closest to an 'I don't belong in this family' moment, it's less 'I don't belong here' and more 'fuck me I am terrible at adventuring'. And! It gets resolved in that episode!
(Of course, there is absolutely something to be said for how it's resolved- specifically by Scrooge encouraging him to be a scheming little bastard, which then thusly becomes the thing that threatens his family the most. Which would, logically, be a pretty big blow to his self-esteem. This isn't what I'm here to discuss right now but it is genuinely interesting.)
Louie never really shows an issue with feeling like he doesn't belong in his family. He shows a disconnect with his family at times, but in canon that never really evolves into a full-blown feeling of displacement. It does get close in Glomtales, but never quite reaches it.
So it's 'interesting' (read: not interesting) that Scrooge's fuckup here gets brushed away pretty easily. A lot of the time the line just straight-up isn't addressed, and when it is, often times it's about how "Oh he apologized to Webby offscreen, obviously."
Not he did not.
I mean, let me be clear: I don't mind it when that's the answer. It works for me to just brush it away if it's not meant to be the focus...
But Scrooge almost certainly didn't apologize for it.
As 'New Gods on the Block!' Showed us, Scrooge is downright awful at realizing when his actions have hurt people.
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More likely than not, Scrooge would just assume that everything is fine and would avoid bringing it up at all costs because he'd feel awkward about it. Because he is, very importantly, not good at talking about things he doesn't want to talk about.
So why is it that Louie is always the one feeling like he doesn't belong? Why is it Della who is always a terrible parent for what she's said? Why are Webby's feelings of disconnect never really given the same gravity as Louie's? Why is Scrooge's blunder let off the hook super easily?
It just feels silly to me.
And, well.
Kinda like the fact that, since Scrooge is a guy and Webby's a girl, and Della is a woman and Louie's a boy, has something to do with it.
I'll happily give the benefit of the doubt and assume it's not deliberate, but quite frankly it is a double standard.
I think that people would be less upset with the Della Duck Discourse if Scrooge was held in a similarly critical position over what he's said and done. If it was acknowledged that Della isn't uniquely awful in what she says and does, and that a lot of the others have fucked up in extremely similar ways.
(I mean for fuck's sake, everybody goes on and on about how Della left her kids for ten years -which, for the record, wasn't what she wanted to do- but nobody ever criticizes Donald for taking the kids away from their family and never talking to them about Della- which is something he actively and deliberately chose to do)
TL;DR: The fact that Della gets intensely criticized for what she's said and done, but Donald and Scrooge are conversely celebrated as 'interesting' and 'complex' for what they've said and done, even when it brings harm to the kids, is a blatant double-standard. And if you don't think that this double-standard is bad or wrong for existing (or even that it Doesn't Actually Exist), instead of immediately claiming that it's a non-issue, maybe try to look inward and figure out why you really think that is.
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hueberryshortcake · 4 months
not to be a bitch but if you ask someone "do you like della duck" theyre always like "yeah shes cool" and then comment on her parenting style. if you ask someone "do you like donald duck" or "do you like scrooge mcduck" theyre hardly ever like yeah i like him he's a good uncle or no i dont like him he tried to force four 10yos to climb a lethal mountain with no gear. like i think u guys r misogynistic sorry. it's ok to admit that youre misogynistic sometimes. im accidentally misogynistic all the time and im even a woman. let's go
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emrulerz · 5 months
I’ve seen some people who seem to strongly dislike Della Duck or see her as a terrible mother so I wanted to give reasons as to why she’s actually a good mother. I’m writing this as in-depth as possible to prove how Della is a good person. This is a biased opinion, obviously, but I’m also not entirely disregarding Dellas mistakes.
I talk about her mistakes but I also talk about how those mistakes aren’t her defining characteristics. She’s way more than how people make her out to be.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Coming back to Earth after ten years of being stuck on the moon can be challenging for multiple different reasons. (Adjusting to society, missing out on a decade of new things, getting back on a proper food and sleep schedule, etc).
The biggest thing the show highlights for Della is her struggle to parent. It can be hard to interact with people again after such a long time let alone become a parent of three (especially once they’ve already grown into 10 year olds). One could say that she had it coming since she was the one to have kids and then hop on the rocket prematurely. I can understand that it is infuriating that Della got onto the rocket but obviously getting lost was never her intention. She made a mistake and it’s shown throughout the show that she does deeply regret it.
Della did not intentionally leave her kids when she did this. There is a difference between leaving your family intentionally and going missing. It’s clearly shown throughout the show that Della cares for her kids so she would never leave them permanently. She tried her best to go back to Earth to get back to Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
Even when Della was stuck on the moon all she talked about was her kids and how much she missed them. No matter how many years went by she still talked to them through her camera to communicate a message to them (that, at the time, she believed would get to them) and would even talk about them to people she didn’t even know that well. She never stopped thinking about her boys.
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“Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!” Episode 7, season 2
I fully believe that her only optimism and motivation to keep going was her kids. She always tried to remain positive even after several years went by. It can be really hard to remain optimistic while being stuck on the moon especially when you have no one else there with you. It can be isolating and terrifying.
Della has gone through ups and downs especially after seeing a beast who turned out to also be a mother. Della felt she related to the beast and even gave the mother her gold tooth even when she didn’t need to. She realized there was no way she’d be getting home if she did this yet she selflessly did it anyways. She felt heart break after heart break of losing her ways to get home.
It is unfair to say that Della hasn’t gotten any backlash or a punishment from her mistake. Yes, getting on the rocket was a big mistake and an awful one but her mistake was her punishment. She faced monsters that constantly attacked her and prevented her from getting home, she’s been stuck with no interaction with anyone for 10 years, she faced trauma, and she had to face her children whom she left after 10 years. So yes, she was punished and I don’t see or understand what other punishment she should have gotten.
Once Della had gotten back on Earth she immediately went to Scrooges mansion to see her boys.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della apologized and even asked her boys if they could have her back as their mother. I do understand that they are children and it can be difficult to make such a choice. And, being children, it would be likely that they’d say yes. But I believe Della handled this apology well and the most important thing is that she DID apologize and even asked for forgiveness. Not a lot of parents do that.
I understand that during this scene Louie didn’t have a moment to accept like his brothers did. Dewey got excited and instantly agreed to having her as a mother so he didn’t give Huey nor Louie a chance to say anything. This is more of an issue with Louie’s feelings not being heard by, not only Della, but also by his brothers. It can be easy to unintentionally ignore someone’s feelings when you aren’t paying attention.
This isn’t necessarily Della nor Dewey’s fault. Louie in general has very complex feelings unlike his brothers (but I’ll get to that in a moment.)
This is an easy mistake to make especially if you’re too excited when seeing your kids for the first time. To Della she’s meeting new people she doesn’t know yet. Each of her kids are different with different feelings and she just needs to learn more about them. That’s why I believe it made sense for Della to come off as “too much” when first meeting them. She’s still learning to be a parent and that comes with some mistakes.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della messed up a lot on learning to be a parent which is natural! She’s taking care of ten year olds whom she didn’t know at birth so obviously she is going to have some trouble.
She made the boys cake which she messed up, she told them scary stories, and she tried to act fun. Della may have made these mistakes but she was trying to be the best mom she could for them. It would be completely strange and unrealistic if Della had been completely perfect for them.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della & Huey
Out of the three triplets Huey definitely had the least interactions with Della but that didn’t make their relationship is any less important. They still related in ways that they are both intelligent and, when first meeting each other, Huey got super excited when he discovered that Della was a Junior Woodchuck too.
The side plot in “Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!” Is an example of a bonding moment between both Della and Huey. The two were both playing a video game called “Legend of Legend Quest.” This is a game Huey was currently obsessed with while Della mentions she used to play it all the time after adventures. This is another example of what both Della and Huey have in common relating to special interests.
While playing Della discovered that Huey would rather sit and plant his garden than fight because he claimed it was too dangerous. Della, on the other hand, would rather fight than sit around and plant. This seems to be the twos defining differences, super safe VS the not so super safe.
While Della is fighting, however, Huey seemed to be getting jealous and antsy, suddenly getting the urge to fight as well.
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“Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!” Episode 18, season 2
Huey wanted to step out of the area that caused him comfort and Della was fully encouraging of this. It’s good to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while and to not stay so boxed in to one area. She claimed that “every journey begins with a single step” which is a motivating and good thing for a kid to hear.
Della never once forced Huey out of his comfort zone and slowly allowed him to do it himself. This is completely his choice and Della is just encouraging it which is a good thing. Theres nothing wrong with stepping out of your comfort zone as long as you aren’t being forced into uncomfortable situations.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della & Dewey
In season one Dewey discovered information about his mom and found out about the Spear of Selene so it’s only natural that the two would bond well together once she had come back.
Della does relate to each of the boys in different aspects but Dewey was definitely meant to be the one she related to the most. Dewey is like a mirror of Della. They’re both very similar and the show wants you to know that. They’re both hyper, ambitious, and jump into action/danger.
With this information in mind, it is known that since they’re similar they have a lot of moments together throughout the show. This does NOT mean she picks favorites as some people like to point out. She loves each of her kids individually and just because she is similar to Dewey that doesn’t mean she favors him the most.
Della and Dewey instantly went on an adventure together after the episode Della came back. Throughout the episode “Raiders of The Doomsday Vault!” Della taught Dewey how to fly the plane and they both defy Scrooge to go on their own little adventure to the money tree. Della and Dewey both struggle in this episode with each other: learning to say no.
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Della is very encouraging to Dewey and tells him he can do anything he sets his mind to. When a kid as young as Dewey gets told this by their mother they truly feel that they can do anything no matter how impossible. This can be both good and bad for a multitude of reasons. While, yes, it is good to encourage your kid that they can do things it can also be very dangerous since the kid could get into bad situations.
Dewey started to get more risky the more Della convinced him he could do anything. When he hopped toward the money seeds, no ground beneath him, Della started to panic, thinking he’d fall. Dewey just convinced her it would be fine, “I can do anything! Just like you told me!”
Della started to realize that maybe what she had said wasn’t the best but she didn’t stop him. Once he made it to the money seeds, accidentally planted them, he slipped and fell when he realized he couldn’t do it. Della saved him and Dewey suddenly felt like he let her down.
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“Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!” Episode 13, season 2
Dewey let out his emotions and Della convinced him that he didn’t need to impress her. Dewey didn’t need to be her. He had limits, obviously, and there was just some things he couldn’t do that she could. But no matter what she would always love him.
Della made a very simple mistake that a lot of parents make. It’s not talked about a lot because not everyone sees any bad in encouraging your kid but sometimes in situations like this it can go too far. No one usually wants to say no to their kid or tell them they can’t do something.
Throughout the show Della seems to be very supportive of Dewey and what he wants to do (an example of this is “The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!” Episode 20, season 3.) It’s hard for Della to say no because she wants to support Dewey no matter what even if it’s something he’s not so good at.
Again, theres nothing wrong with doing this. Dewey will grow and learn that the hobby he wanted to do so bad wasn’t something he was so good at. Dewey is a kid who seems to jump from one hobby/activity to the next. And once he discovers he’s bad at something he will just hop to the next thing to see if he’s good at it. And Della will always be encouraging and supportive no matter what new thing he tries.
I’ve seen a point being made that Della is too dangerous and isn’t considering her kid’s safety. Just to clarify this is a Ducktales! This shows whole premise is big, dangerous, adventures. Scrooge Mcduck puts these kids through so many dangerous situations that is the point of the show. But people seem to pick on Della more for doing the same thing Scrooge does. I understand not every character is into big and dangerous adventures (Ex: Louie, Donald) but that is more of an issue that needs to be communicated with the rest of the family.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della & Louie
This is where people have the most complaints regarding Della. You could say that Louie is the complete opposite of how Dewey is with Della. But this doesn’t necessarily mean Della and Louie don’t have a good relationship. In “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” It is very clear to the audience that Louie is confused and has complicated feelings towards his mom unlike Huey and Dewey.
Not only does Della unintentionally ignore Louie’s feelings but so does his brothers. Both Huey and Dewey are happy that their mom is back while Louie seems confused and conflicted by his own feelings. This is a completely valid emotion for Louie to have. If someone you barely know comes back after a long time it can be hard to trust them or see them as family.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Louie expresses his feelings about his mom and even felt guilty for feeling this way. Della over heard this and it hurt her, for obvious reasons. But then later, near the end of the episode, Della saved Louie from the Gilded Man which was a very emotional moment for him. Della and Louie hugged then Della said to her three kids, “I know you’re not used to having a mom…and I am not used to being one, but I’ll figure it out as we go along. In time.” To which Louie smiled and responded back with, “we all will.”
Even though Della was talking to all three of her boys here you can tell it was more directed toward Louie considering he was the one that felt conflicted with their mom coming back. Della saying this and Louie’s response is like a silent agreement that they both understand each other in some way. Della will figure out how to be a mom and Louie will figure out how to have a mom.
Another big important moment between the two comes from “Timephoon!” In season two episode 21. Throughout this episode Della is convincing herself, and others, that she is a cool mom. She’s not strict and she is completely ok with the kids bringing in a cave Duck that came from no where. While a storm is happening outside the family is forced to stay indoors. Dewey and Webby get food prepared which is revealed to be chili dogs. Beakley is highly against it while Della is fully ok with it.
While watching it’s noticeable how often Beakley picks on Dellas parenting style. She’s too ok with what her kids are doing and she lets things go easily. That is until things get more and more out of hand when they discovered that different people from the past were appearing in the present time. Scrooge and Beakley instantly assume that one of the kids must have caused it. Della, on the other hand, is certain that her kids could not be the cause of it.
While Beakley and Della fight ninjas from the past, Della is still not convinced that her kids would be the cause of the time incident. She believed that her kids are “good kids” and says so to Beakley.
“Even good kids do dumb things and we have to make sure those dumb things don’t turn into bad things.”
Beakley is stating that good kids can make mistakes but that it’s a parent’s responsibility to make sure they don’t make more or worse mistakes. If a kid makes a big mistake, but they don’t learn from it, that can lead them down a bad path. At the end of the day a kid needs discipline to learn from their behavior and to never make that mistake again.
That being said there are right ways to discipline but there are also very, very, bad ways to discipline (ex: any form of hitting/spanking). But i believe Della handled it well.
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“Timephoon!” Episode 21, season 2
In the end Della found out that Louie had been hiding the fact that he stole the time tub from Gyros lab to steal treasure from the past which, in return, caused time to get screwed up. Della was furious when she found out and took Beakleys advice into account. She realized that Beakley was right: kids need discipline even if you love them. Tough love. So Della gave him a stern talking to and explained that what he did was wrong: he stole and he almost lost his family by causing them to go back in time. So Della grounded Louie when no one else was going to.
Louie was mad, obviously. He’s a kid and to him he felt it was unfair, no kid wants to be grounded. But he needed the grounding to learn his lesson. Once Louie marched to his room Della dropped to her knees. On her exterior she had been trying to remain strong and tough towards Louie but once he was gone she expressed how hard it was for her to do it.
Beakley let her know that it would make Louie a better person in the future to learn from those mistakes. No matter what anyone says a child needs proper discipline. It’s hard to raise a kid and not everyone wants to discipline their child. But it is needed so they don’t step all over their parental figure and get away with things.
No one else was going to do anything about Louie’s behavior. He’s a kid and he’s obviously gonna make mistakes but he needs to learn from them and not get away with it, especially if it hurts others.
People seem to take this scene way too seriously even going as far as to say that Della is an abuser or a terrible parent for this reason. This is an absurd way of thinking. No good mother is going to allow their kid to get away with their behavior and potentially hurt others.
Louies grounding was completely deserved because he did something he really shouldn’t have done. Also this clearly isn’t Della “picking favorites.” If Dewey or Huey did something this bad Della would also ground them. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are all different and those differences come with some negative and some positive attributes and behaviors. Louie gets into more trouble than his brothers due to his money schemes so, eventually, it’s gonna bite him in the ass. And as we see here, it did.
The episode that comes after (GlomTales! episode 22, season 2) is another big moment between Louie and Della. In this episode Louie is grounded and he’s forbidden to leave his room. The family is getting ready to go to Big Rock Candy Mountain without Louie which is unfortunate since it’s the perfect place for him. Cherry pep springs, gold/money, being lazy. This was unlike their other adventures which were usually more dangerous and less enjoyable for Louie.
When Louie found out they were going he was mad and demanded he go too but Della claimed that he was still grounded and couldn’t come. I see this as an unfortunate coincidence considering Louie conveniently got grounded before they went on the trip. Scrooge chose this adventure as a victory to when he would beat Glomgold in the money bet. Della didn’t choose this adventure to purposely upset Louie as she didn’t choose it at all. But her grounding against Louie still stood. Just because they were going on a fun adventure this time that didn’t make him any less grounded.
The only complaint I have against this situation is that I wish Della didn’t go on the adventure. Even though Louie did have protection at the mansion due to the home security I still feel as though Della should have stayed home with him. I also do feel like the family going on this adventure is to poke more fun at Louie since it’s a place he’d actually enjoy but that isn’t necessarily the fault of Della or Scrooge. It was just imperfect timing.
While grounded Louie tries to use his phone or even Hueys tablet but Della programmed a way to only show videos of her giving lectures. This can be a good way to get your kid to listen when they have nothing else to do in a boring room. Preferably, though, I’d say Della should give those talks in person so it’s most likely that Louie would listen. But I believe those lectures on the phone are meant to be taken lightly just in a way that Louie can’t use his phone or any other device.
Throughout the episode Louie is trying to escape his room to go to Big Rock Candy Mountain but the DT-87 (security robot) doesn’t make it any easier. He tried to escape multiple times only to fail each time.
Louie even dressed up as Huey to try and trick the DT-87 into believing he was Huey. This unfortunately didn’t work out as Huey conveniently called at the same time. Huey talked about how cool the place was (which obviously only made Louie more jealous). When Louie tired to ask for more details Huey hung up the call.
Louie got mad at this and asked out loud to no one in particular, “What’s so wrong with an innocent scheme?” to which the DT-87 replies back with another lecture video from his mom. Louie just rolled his eyes until Della in the video said,
“Your plans, your schemes, they only lead to bad things for your family. If you wanna be apart of this family, you’ve gotta stop.”
Louie looked guilty and slowly sat back on the floor while saying out loud, “this is the one thing I’m good at. Why can’t you see?”
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“GlomTales!” episode 22, season 2
This shows a big miscommunication/misunderstanding between Louie and Della. Louie believed that his only good trait was his schemes and his ability to see every angle of a situation. Meanwhile Della is concerned about whether these schemes Louie has are good for the family if they just end up hurting everyone.
I don’t fully agree with how Della worded her statement. I understand her worry that Louie’s schemes might hurt the family, since it has before, but saying that the only way he can be apart of the family is if he stops entirely, i’d say, is going too far. This is the first time Della had ever disciplined one of her kids and, again, she’s still struggling with what’s right and what’s wrong when it comes to parenting.
I understand this doesn’t excuse her words and it may have cut deep with Louie. I do genuinely wish we got a call back of what Della had said here and that maybe Louie would bring up how much it hurt him.
Near the end of the episode after Louie took the villains (and Scrooges) money, he talked to his mom.
“I know I messed up before but seeing all the angles is what I’m good at.”
She smiled and hugged him, “ok, but you need to take care to not hurt the ones you love and i’ll be here to help you see the angles you can’t.”
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“GlomTales!” episode 22, season 2
Here we see a bit more of them understanding each other. It’s not a lot but it’s a start. Della says she will be there to help him when he needs it and Louie’s learning to not hurt others with his actions (which can be debatable). There are some instances after this incident (Ex: The Richest Duck in the World! Ep 23 season 2, Louie’s Eleven! Ep 5, season 3.) where Louie does still come off as mean or selfish. This doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t learn what his mom said. It could be the case where Louie struggles with being more considerate and thoughtful of others. Again, not every kid is the same and they all learn differently.
In the second half of the “Moonvasion!” Episode, Della is struggling with wanting to keep her kids safe. They’re going through an invasion by the moon people and the kids want to help. Della, on the other hand, wants to keep her children safe. She’s already lost them once and she does not want to lose them again.
Her kids later pick up on the fact that Della was trying to get them to safety instead of getting help for the war. When they get stuck on a deserted island the kids try and find a way to get home. Meanwhile, Della is still insistent that they should just stay on the island since it’s so safe.
When they deny her she started to sulk and hide in the plane. Louie walked over and decided to talk to her. When they talked Della expressed more how she’s scared to lose them. Louie, who’s usually scared of most things, comforted her to believe it’ll be fine.
Louie noticed how Della is in clear distress about possibly losing her kids again. He sat down next to her and had a talk with her.
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“Moonvasion! Part ll” Episode 25, season 2
Louie admits to her that he hates surprises and that’s because they come unexpectedly and a lot of the time they’re bad. But when a bad surprise comes, that can also lead to a good surprise. Implying that his mom was a good surprise for him.
Louie loves his mom no matter what anyone thinks or believes. He wouldn’t just lie to her face if that was the case and probably wouldn’t have said this at all. He was really happy when his mom came back he was just indifferent about her which is understandable.
Just because he was confused about her at first, that doesn’t mean he hates her. Just because he got discipline from his mother, that doesn’t mean anything. They both still love each other.
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“Moonvasion! Part ll” Episode 25, season 2
Della & Donald
Donald and Della broke down once they saw each other (of course, after yelling at each other). Donald thought Della, his sister, was dead for all those years. And, even though Della seemed to put him under a lot of stress, he never stopped loving her. Even when he had to take care of her kids.
He doesn’t and has never hated his sister. He also doesn’t seem sad to let Della take care of the kids again. If anything he’s probably grateful since he was struggling so bad with money (this doesn’t mean he doesn’t still love the triplets.) Obviously he’s still gonna see them, he is their uncle, after all.
Just because Della is taking her kids back, that doesn’t mean Donald is against this. He was going to go on his own trip with Daisy and start his own life with her (“The Last Adventure! part I” Ep 22, season 3). Della was even against this, as she wanted to spend more time with him, but eventually she knew it was best to let him go.
Donald and Della never show any awkwardness and hatred towards one another once she got back. Donald loves his sister and aways will.
Did Della make a mistake? Yes, obviously, but that isn’t her defining feature. Donald has made mistakes (Ex: Quack Pack! Ep 2 season 3) and Scrooge has as well (Ex: New Gods on the Block! Ep 15 season 3) but no one holds those mistakes against them as much as people do with Dellas mistakes.
You could say that their mistakes weren’t as impactful or important but, and I don’t know about you, but Donald wishing he’d rather have a “normal” family isn’t too loving.
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“Quack Pack!” Episode 2, season 3
I’m not saying he’s awful for this. He obviously has reasons for wishing and thinking this (wanting his family to remain safe and out of trouble) but he still made a mistake and he then went to apologize to them and help them. He was forgiven by his family and no one in the fandom bat an eye.
Scrooge is another example. He treated the triplets and Webby like they were useless, even if he did it unintentionally, he was still going to replace them in some way. Della was even the one to try and help the kids and motivate them that they could do anything and to not listen to Scrooge.
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“New Gods on the Block!” Ep 15 season 3
Scrooge has done this a few other times in the show where he would hurt the kid’s feelings. Sometimes unintentionally while other times he would intend on coming off as hurtful.
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“The Missing Links of Moorshire!” Episode 11, season 1
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“The Rumble for Ragnarok!” Episode 7, season 3
People can be biased when it comes to their favorite characters which I think isn’t a set way to determine whether a character is good or bad. If Donald, Scrooge, or Della did something bad it should be acknowledged and not just thrown under the rug just because they may be your favorites. But to obsess over EVERY mistake a character has made can also be very tedious because they will always make a mistake of some kind.
I acknowledge Dellas mistakes but I don’t obsess over it and make it her whole personality (just like how I don’t do this with Donald or Scrooge). I see how she genuinely feels bad and has made up for her mistakes and THAT’S how I determine whether a character is in good faith or not. If I saw that she didn’t feel bad about her actions then my opinion on her would change into a negative one. But since the show represents Della as a kind hearted character who saw how negative her actions were my opinion on her is a good one.
These characters are bound to make mistakes it’s natural and it’s what makes a character realistic and complex. Sometimes it can range from little things like lying and other times it can be big things that can impact a characters life. It can make a story interesting and, in Dellas case, I was really interested in what the Ducktales 2017 show did to her and her story.
It was heartbreaking and sad, in my opinion. She was lost and she had to be stuck for years knowing that it was her fault that she was in that predicament. She knew that her kids were growing up without her.
No one’s denying that Della has made a mistake, but to make it an excuse as to why Della is a terrible person or parent is lazy thinking. I truly believe that people don’t look as in-depth with her character and only see her for her mistakes. This is ridiculous especially if you don’t hold other characters to that same standard.
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That’s all <3
(I also love Della and Webbys relationship. “The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot.” Season 2, episode 20 is a good example of a nice moment between them.)
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Finale: The Richest Duck in the World "And As Usual, He Was!"
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Hello all you happy people and welcome to the finale of my life and times of scrooge mcduck retrospective! It's been a duck blur, from starting this years ago, to a years long hiatus to Kev paying for me to finish it, btu we're finally here. The final chapter of Don Rosa's masterpiece. Coming out the other side of this LIfe and Times is still one of my faviorite comics of all time and I'm glad to finish it. Kinda. There are a ton of bonus chapters Rosa did throughout the rest of his career, as well as an upcoming new chapter from another author entirely, all of which i'm up for covering at some point. There's a few I definitely want to get to in paticuarl: The three goldie stories (one pre life and times two with the label) that help flesh out here and Scrooge's past, the wonderful "Letter From Home" that gives ups Matilda's return and ties up that loose end, and my personal faviorite "Dream of a Lifetime", a one shot tale that goes through just about every chapter of life and times via Scrooge's dreams for one hell of an epilouge. None of these are necssary but they all feel like good companion pieces to the story and i'm glad Rosa did these interquels among others. I also have an itch to cover more duck material in general as while it has the cynical boost of having more viewers than normal for my content, it's also something I forgot HOW much I loved in the content lull after Ducktales end. And as a wise man once said.. there's always another rainbow. What it'll be i'm not sure yet, but you can expect at least one duck adventure next month.
For now though we're finishing the main story and it's while a lot of plans changed or shifted over this 12 issue saga, one thing was always in the cards: he wanted to end the story where Scrooge's story began all those years ago, with the finale taking place the day after the bulk Night on Bear Mountain. For those less familiar, and I wasn't when I started this though i've since covered the story, Night on Bear Mountain is the very FIRST Scrooge story, with Scrooge inviting his nephews for Christmas to scare them but being impressed by the end and thus inviting them for CHristmas Diner. This story shows what happens in between while also explaning the discrepency between the Scrooge we see in that story and who he'd be in the rest of his meaty cagalogue. In night on bear mountain Scrooge is diffrent, wearing a long robe, living in an isolated mansion (Keep in mind comics scrooge just lived at the bin), with him being more myth than actual person Donald just.. visits every day.
This story bridges that gap, explaning how Scrooge got his groove back, shows his first proper adventure with his nephews, and how he went from only a poor old man to the greatest adventuerer who ever lived once again. If this sounds familiar Ducktales 2017 did something similar, having Scrooge having mostly retired after loosing Della and years of searching for her, with the boys and webby reignting that spirit in much the same way, with Donald busy with a job offer that turned out to be an elaborate scheme. I still love they did that and it's a testiment ot how much impact this story had on the reboot: while a lot of Scrooge's past was changed, including his parents still being alive, the comic was, as I belivie I mentioned in the first entry, required reading for staff and stands as an important inspiration for one of the greatest cartoons ever made and quite possibly my faviorite.
So let's dive into the bin one last time as Scrooge rediscovers himself, Huey , Dewey and Louie discover a legend and Donald won't shut the fuck up.
We open with a Citizen Kane Homage as Scrooge whispers goldie while holding a snowglobe. He isn't dead, won't be till the 60's in rosa's eyes. For now though he's become a recluse as a newsreeel overs over his life and how his last public apperance was 17 years ago, when he threw out his family seemingly for good. We get some neat cameos as we see Grandma Duck again, this time in her glory days, who hasn't seen Scrooge since she sold him most of her land bar the farm.. and Gus when he corrects her that the old coot also came by to forclose on the chicken coop. Gus is Donald's cousin. He eats a lot, sleeps more and is somehow lazier than our boy. Which is possible. We also see Gladstone, the bastard and donald who shoves a hand in the camera.
At this point the Bin is just a legend, with no one really knowing if it's actually full of cash, something four familiar fowl talk about as they watch the newscast: Donald and his nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie. After 12 chapters we're to the present day of duckberg and where it all began as they prepare for that christmas dinner I mentioned. The boys wonder if it could be true while Donald dismisses it: no rich person could've EARNED IT and he assumes Scrooge inherited it.. somehow. Which baffles me a bit as while I'm sure Hortense, like 2017 Donald, tried not to bring Scrooge up, she wouldn't of.. not brought up her childhood in scotland or the rest of her family. They didn't throw her out. Granted Donald does have a talent for self delusion and we don't know how young the kids were when she died, so there's wiggle room it just annoys me a little
What Annoys mea lot is Donald who throughout this whole story constantly says everything about Scrooge is fake. That he probably bought it on crusies. It annoys be a bit less this readthrough as having become fed up with most present day billionares.. yeah most do. This just happens to be the one whose a bastard AND worked hard to earn it. But it's still a very one note gag: Donald is up his own ass and dosen't know what we know or has seen what we've seen and thinks his uncle's only a poor old man.
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It's not story breaking, but it is repetitive.
Thankfully we move on to the mansion proper as Scrooge's butler Jeeves, and no that's not me goofing up Duckworth was created for the show, ushers them in.. and as Scrooge slowly stirs.. we see him, in a truly awesome panel
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I love all the detail here: the bits of stubble, the tired eyes, how sunken he looks in genearl. This is a Scrooge who has given up: he's retired from work to rot in a mansion, having nothing left and is a shell of what he once was and will be again. I also give Rosa credit for using Scrooge's first apperance design still: he had the time for Scrooge to change.. but him not having done so is a symbol of just how deep in the depression hole he is: as someone whose been in them I relate to clearly not having taken care of yourself in some time, just sitting there letting time pass as you feel you have nothing left.
The boys being their usual charming hive minded selves are delighted to meet their great uncle. Though we get a really sad bit as he notes most family he has has.. disappeared. He dosen't know matilda is alive, and he certainly heard what happened to Hortense. The boys do genuinely welcome him in but he balks, figuring their all after inheretiance. Donald claps back that you spent it all on this place ya jackass.
Scrooge insscensed decides the time has come to do something he rarely does but is sacred to the rich: flashing his cash. Specicially he has his butler.. dress him. Okay Scrooge you need either boundries with your butler or a more equal relationship if you want to keep fucking him. Trust me i've hit on the help too. The help was a gorgon's head but I didn't make her dress me.. hades didn't give me that option because their sane.
He takes them to the Bin, which is decayed.. though Scrooge has been keeping the booby traps fresh and keeps the weeds simply because it's good security: if a place LOOKS abandoned and unloved, people will think that. And it mostly has been, Scrooge having retired isn't using it. Still he kept the most important part of it, the cash ocean itself, but our heroes pass the second most important part first
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This little tirade, while very in character.. is also very Rosa speaking his piece, as he hated stories (even barks own) where the Dime was implied to be magic. Whlie his old man yells at cloud behavior often has me shaking my head.. I agree on this one. The dime is better as a symbol that motivated scrooge than as a plot device and it cheapens the man's skill to say the Dime is responsible. I don't mind Magica trying to use it for a power source as THAT makes sense: it has a lot of emotional energy from being around scrooge as he got his fortune, the weight of having traveled the world with him for most of his life and being what started a great man on his path. I like the idea that kind of object with that kind of emotoinal baggage has power, kinda like what adventure time did with Hambo and PB's Shirt she got from marcy. It's magical yes but it fits the world better and makes it clear the dime is impressive because of SCROOGE not the other way around. Somehow Lorcana didn't get the memo
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The description and image are perfect, as is the fact it's SHOCKINGLY powerful I just don't get why Number One Dime wasn't considered.
One he unveils the bin though it DOES shock his nephew and even DONALD can't say anything for a change
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I do like that explination.. it dosen't scan with every Scrooge story as there are countless that say his bin really is the McDuck version of one piece, from the aformentioned Christmas for Shacktown to the very first Scrooge lead story "Only a Poor Old Man". I'm not against this: Rosa had a tendency to pick and choose which parts of Bark's stories to make canon to his stories, wanting a more cohesive universe and while clearly respecting the man to a sometimes stifling degree, recognized not everything from stories not really built to have a continuity was going to stick together. As reverent as he is to barks, to an annoying degree at times like his feeling put out at having to include Fethry despite being an entirely valid character with loads of potetial simply because one man didn't create him (Not saying barks isn't fucking amazing, he is, but it's a petty reason not to use good characters).. I can respect Rosa for knowing what he wanted in his own canon and what to keep as well as having said multiple times his stories dont' stack up to his idols. I disagree on that statment as while Barks IS better in some ways, for all I gripe about the guy sometimes... Rosa is a truly talented writer, one of the best duck writers there ever was and while Time's made me see the cracks in the guy.. ti dosen't make him any less special or any less vital to duck canon. Ther'es a reason most writers either honor his stories or consider them canon alongside barkses. The man has a degree of talent, care and love that's hard to come by and while I may disagree with some of his choices at times... I can't help but love the guy still.
So anyway that suspcious santa might have set you off.. turns out the santas near the bin were beagle boys, scoping out a hesit and lead by Scrooge's old enemy blackheart, whose descendants indeed got to fucking as he hoped.
As is duck story standard they easily capture our heroes despite scrooge being way more badass than all of them combined... Donald too honestly... the boys also. Honestly a paper bag could probably beat the beagle boys and they somehow win when the plot says so, though this time at least theirs a valid excuse; Donald and the boys are new at adventuering, having gone on a few solo adventures pre scrooge while Scrooge has given up on the world and thus surrenders to being thrown.. though he is pissed they once again bring up the lucky dime thing. So before he can snap out of it let's talk about this dperession and self loathing: honestly while he'd never say it, even Ducktales 2017 scrooge both hides what happened with Della from the kids and refuses to apologize to Donald for a decade despite being almost entirely in the wrong, it's clear loosing his sisters did hurt him: he had his money but nothing else and with nothing to really fight for and his lifelong goal achieved he just.. gave up. It dosen't feel like scrooge ... but that's the point: just as his horrible actions in africa weren't really him, not striving, not searching not trying to build his empire simply because he's seemingly won.. isn't him. Without anyone to share it with... his bin is just a pile of coins, memetos of better days.
So the thing that busts him out of his stupor... are his nephews. The boys search furiously for some way out, unlike Donald and Scrooge not ready to give up and find his old mining gear... while Donald.. well Donald inspires him in his own way
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I love this and it's something I really hadn't thought about before but think of now, especially since again Woo-Hoo! takes some steps from this, having Louie take Donald's place as the doubting asshole, and have the boys as a whole, like Donald question if Scrooge really was this big or is just some old man, leading him to ragefully prove them wrong.. granted Scrooge's attempts in Woo-Hoo are more laughable as he plans to go diving to prove children wrong, something Beakley lampshades, but he still gets the step of showing them what he cna do by dealing with everything they unleash in his garage, similar to how here the combined menaces of Donald's jerkassery and the Beagle Boys scheme finally awakens the beast. I also love the subtle note of Scrooge taking off his coat, revealing his usual coat underneath. It's something I again hadn' tnoticed before this re-read, but ti's a very ncie touch... Scrooge the doddering old man given up on everything is gone. Scrooge McDuck, Last of the Clan McDuck, Master of the Missippi, Buckaroo of the Badlands, Raider of the Copper Hill, Laird of Castle McDuck, Terror of the Transyval, Dreamtime Duck of Never Never, King of The Klondike, Billionare of Dismal Downs, Invader of Fort Duckburg, Empire Builder from Callisota... THE Richest Duck in the world is back.
And since he's back he decides to go after the beagles, having the boys haul his trunk. I also really like this joke.
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Look donald is my boy, and even in a story where he's not on his a game.. he's still Donald. He's bound to have at least one good moment or two.
The two notice scrooge a coming and take off.. but they left an other Sleigh which Scrooge quickly takes, and begins using a cavlcade of his skills. We've seen his mining, now we see his ablility to tame any animal. It's not as impressive as a lion but he dosen't have time to get to the zoo so a horse'll do.
We also get ANOTHER choice gag. While not all of rosa's comedy lands for me.. the guy really nails it a lot of the time and it's a part of his writing talent that dosen't get praised enough.
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Honestly this chapter is easily the funniest next to the invader of fort duckberg, likely because with the dramatic part of Scrooge's life mostly worn down, we have more room for some comedy.
Blackheart has them step on it as he realizes he's no longer dealing with a hollowed out shell of a man but the guy whose beat him twice and is ready to abide by rule of three. We get some fun callbacks as scrooge uses his gold pan as a discus to knock out the driver of the beagle boys then takes out the rest, minus blackheart who grabs the dime for leverage, with his boomerang from his time in australia. This also leads to another fucking phenominal gag
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Scrooge then ties up the rest of the non blackheart beagles using his roping tricks, with the officers that poor woman called rounding the boys up. All that's left is blackheart who naturally, as our big bad for the chapter, final antagonist of the story and the foe Scrooge has fought the most on this journey, gets the best takedown of all
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Such an awesome moment: The same thing that finally brought Scrooge's dream to reality... is what helps cement his return to his truest self: he may be a mean old man.. but he's tougher than the toughies, sharper than the sharpies, smarter than the smarties and he made his money square.
That said the adrenline does wear off slightly.. until...
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I had to share the scene in full.. because it's so damn good. After a whole journey, after seeing Scrooge at his lowest.. we see his core. Something that speaks against ageism: your body may age, but your never too old to start over, to have a second chance.. to chase another rainbow. The quality of your lives are what you make of them also really gets me.
IT's also a nice return to form as the bin being public.. dosen't bother them. Let them come: he's fought off worse and he'll fight them again. I also love him kicking donald's butt. He's just enough of a jerk in this story to well deserve it.
So Scrooge is now fully back: he decides to reopen the office, sell the mansion and get back to work.. and take the boys with them. While he dosen't say it being the stubborn old bastard we know and love... he needs these boys. Adventure is nothing if you don't have anyone to share it with.. .and once again he has someone to share it with. Once again he has family.
So he celebrates with a swim, with the boys astounded at his ability btu Donald unable to understand his uncle: all he seems to have is cold metal... but he could be wrong...
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This ending gets me... a reminder it's both never too late (Something I need at only 32, which in tumblr years is 90), and that a life well lived is one not lived alone, that the things that make us who we are good and bad.. are the greatest adventure of all.
The Richest Duck in the World is a well done capper, feeling like a lost modern scrooge adventure, that missing piece in the story that Rosa happily filled in for us. Donald again can be a bit much, even in the stories final page he still hasn't quite got the hint, it's not one of his better stories.. but it dosen't take away from this as an ending.. and a beginning. Of a man who lost everything that mattered finding it again. Of an epic story of one man's life, what made him who he was, and what he gained, lost and ultimately found again.
Life and Times.. is one of the best comics of all time,the best duck comics story ever, and only not currently the best duck story PERIOD because ducktales 2017 is so freaking good. And even then while that series beats it over all as an individual story this 12 part epic still trumps it's worthy successor. It's a labor of love that's massive in scope, character work and gorgeous art work. It's a true masterpice that needs to be read again and again and one i was very happy to cover. I found stuff I disliked sure, a chapter or two had pacing issues, some things didn't land.. but ti's hard to deny what a fucking triumph this book is. Only one other comic I can think of comes this close to distilling a characters essence down into 12 issues, and even then All Star Superman, while excellent didn't also have the task of trying to be in continuity. Life and Times is a masterpiece and it was a joy coverinmg it and the dream of a life time finishing this journey> Thank you all for reading.. and see you next rainbow.
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bambiilooloooo · 3 months
Della Duck ask #1 game?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
she's just such a complex character. i don't think i can say anything about her journey that hasn't already been said but it's just so well written.
but besides that, i love her voice acting, design - could say that about every character lol. i just love when parent characters are a character outside their role as a parent while being a good parent. it's especially uncommon with moms and i love her sm for it.
she's also just very fun to draw. her hair is amazing. and lastly, i just lover her spirit. the phrase 'nothing can stop della duck' is legit so inspiring.
she's amazing in every way <3
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gummygoatgalaxy · 10 months
what’s your opinion on Della Duck?
I don't have the best opinions of her. Mostly i find her dissapointing. The finale revealed that Bradford set her up to leave and break apart the family, but it was entirely Della's decision to go with it.
Not only that, but although she spent 10 years determined to get back, she proceeds to put no effort in making up for disappearing. She comes back and immediately expects to be considered the same level of parent as Donald, when she was never there and he was.
Furthermore, she puts in good effort to bond with her kids, but treats Louie kinda bad.
The thing that truly pissed me off; Louie was terrible in the Timephoon episode, and did deserve to be grounded. But what Della did next was cruel.
She grounds Louie and then goes on an adventure that Louie would dream of, with treasure and even a river of Pep!
What the hell???!!? You can ground him and go on an adventure that's fine, but don't do that!! That's unnecessarily cruel!!
Aside from that, i really love her design and personality!! As a kid, she's absolutely precious, and as an adult, she's hilarious and awesome!!
Sorry for the rant lol 😊
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ducklooney · 4 months
comics normally have a status quo that stick, but if you could change the status quo of the stories (for ex: having Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck growing up) how would you progress/and end the charachters's stories? like donald, daisy, gladstone, fethry, scrooge, brigitta, etc).
One of my ideas would be della duck returning from space, and scrooge and brigitta would eventually marry, what would be yours?
Hi, sorry to reply late again, but you have asked a good question and your idea is good. I thought something similar. Yes, comics have the status quo for their own reasons, because the changes would probably upset the readers a little, which is understandable to me. But the comics, that is, certain authors have given some of those suggestions as to what the future of the Duck family could be. One comic called "Stories Untold" (INDUCKS is D 2023-034) by author Maya Åstrup and artist Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez tells how Scrooge wanted to go into the future to see what Duckburg would look like in 50 years. He left using Gyro's watch and Gyro's time machine and he couldn't see with his own eyes that Duckburg had changed a lot, that many devices were being used that were made up like holograms and that was thanks to a man who worked with Scrooge (I forgot his name). Scrooge was even more startled when he saw that none of his family had aged but himself, HDL remained the same, as did Miss Quackfaster. Yes, Gyro and Magica worked together in that future as well. I think it's a very interesting comic.
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Well, how would I imagine the future of Duckburg? To be honest, I don't know myself, but I think this is how the future in the Duck family would go:
Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as teenagers would certainly be, but more like the Quack Pack version, since I wouldn't imagine other versions of them older than that. They would graduate from elementary school with honors and go to high school together. The same would be true of Daisy's nieces. You can see my drawings of them as teenagers on this side blog: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/
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Yes, they would have different interests, but they would all act together, they would also help their Uncle Donald.
The marriage of Donald to Daisy Duck. Unfortunately, Disney prevented it from being shown at all, but I would certainly imagine that after a long time, Donald and Daisy would finally marry each other and have children (I think two, one boy, one girl). Yes, the final consent of Donald's and Daisy's parents would condition that and it can be said that there would also be a reconciliation of Donald's and Daisy's parents who were in conflict until now. Yes, Donald and Daisy would finally adopt their nephews and nieces as their own children, because they are their children.
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3. Scrooge's future - In one version, it would be that Scrooge would finally marry Brigitta after a long time, and in the other, Scrooge would be together with Brigitta, where they would go to Scotland in their parents' castle. He would give the inheritance between Donald, Donald's nephews, and Dickie Duck, Goldie's granddaughter. Giving Dickie a share of the inheritance would mean that he would finally reconcile with Goldie, an old love from the Klondike long ago and right an old wrong, and Dickie would also be a successful businessman and be able to run together with Loretta, Brigitta's niece. After all, there would be reconciliation between Scrooge and Magica and the old rivalry after more time. In my second variant, they would be pulled together in one place, and in the first one, there would definitely be an appeasement with the help of Brigitte, the future wife of Scrooge, since she is also a friend of Magica de Spell.
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4. Fethry and Gladstone - Fethry would find his love with Gloria Pascoalina and Dugan would be his adopted son. Gladstone would marry two women if possible, Linda Paper and Feather Mallard, his beloved companions. Shamrock would be his adopted son, otherwise he is Gladstone's nephew.
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5. Della Duck - In my opinion, she would still travel in space, but she would return home occasionally. It's just that Della herself chose to live in space, her unlimited journey. She would not forget her brother and her sons, but she would accept a different fate, and she could find comfort if her sons were with her brother, who would be a real parent for them. Of course, every time she returned home she would be welcomed home joyfully.
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6. Gus Goose, Abner Duck, and Grandma Duck - Gus would live in Duckburg more, but would continue to help Grandma Duck, but Abner Duck would take on more of the chores of taking care of Grandma Duck. Grandma Duck would continue to cook and take care of the farm, but her grandchildren would help her, since she was very old. Certainly still alive, but not as strong as before. Aber would certainly also be a trucker who would transport goods from time to time.
7. Other characters - Ludwig would live with Matilda alone, Gyro would be a successful inventor in Duckburg and find his love, and he would adopt his nephew Newton as his son. Glomgold's nephew Slackjack Snorehead would help Glomgold in times of need, and Rockerduck would prepare his nephews for future business management, although he would make complications for Scrooge's heirs, since he too has the right to do so (Aunt Eider).
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That would be my vision of the future for Duckburg and the Duck family, maybe I'll make a separate post about it someday, if I have enough time, what the future could be for Donald Duck, his friends and his family, as well as Duckburg himself. I already do that in my Quack Pack AU, by writing my fanfictions. It would certainly be a combination of Donald Duck comics, OG Ducktales and Quack Pack, my way.
So thank you for the idea and maybe you like my suggestions that I gave, they will definitely remain the best as they are shown in Donald Duck comics then, now and in the future. And maybe in the future we will see Donald's successors who will look a lot like Donald, Scrooge and Donald's nephews. This is certainly my opinion and I'm glad you asked. And sorry if there are things you don't agree with. But if you have anything else to ask, feel free to ask.
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janetbrown711 · 12 days
How do you torment your favs (aka how have you traumatized some of your favourite characters)?
Well, if we're talking broadly here I mostly give them mommy issues, but lets go character by character here for the nitty gritty/true pattern examination
TW for mentions of miscarriages, abusive parents, and just a lot of trauma
Apple White-- Mommy issues, internalized homophobia that she does mostly get over but it doesn't help when a lot of the world is homophobic to her, body image issues, and a possible eating disorder
Darling Charming-- mommy issues, daddy issues, experiences a lot of homophobia and misogyny
Louie Duck-- Just. Just the worst mommy issues. Wants Della to love him so bad but feels like it's literally impossible because of their differences and his "glaring" flaws and selfishness
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Long Live the Queen) (idk how to write normal universe whoopsies)-- Abusive grandmother who actively tries to (and nearly accomplishes) murdering their parents making their parents have to abandon them for a year, Yakko has parentification trauma from that, Wakko gets literally starved and locked in a tower on multiple occassions, and Dot feels like it's all her fault whenever Wakko gets hurt because she's supposed to be the perfect princess. It gets fixed but it do be a lot
Lena Warner (my oc from Long Live the Queen)-- Abusive mother who literally attempted to kill her. Wants very badly to be a proper mother to her children and keep them safe, but her mother has far too much control and power over her for that to be truly possible. Had a runaway marriage in her late teens in order to avoid being married off to some old guy. Her mother's murder attempt caused a miscarriage and robbed her of a year with her children while she had to physically recover from her injuries. Ended up killing her in the end though, so that's good.
MK (dadsy of two)-- dead parents that were incredibly abusive (especially his "mother"), a burning desire for closeness to his guardian that he feels he can't access out of fear of attachment + Pigsy's own distant behavior at unpredictable moments. Desperately wants Pigsy to be his dad and nothing hurts more than when Pigsy actively denies it. Craves affection and praise more than anything in the whole wide world but doesn't know how to accept it/how to react when it happens.
Mei (dadsy of two)-- dead parents who gave her severe perfectionism but died before they could ever apologize/acknowledge/realize any damage done. Blames herself for starting the fire because she knocked over an ancestral artifact (that fire was actually fixed, the fire that killed them is unrelated but she'll never believe that). Wants to be the perfect daughter for Pigsy while also not feeling like she's actually his daughter because of the distance + complicated grief related feelings.
Pigsy (dadsy of two)-- tbh what haven't I done to him? Gave him guilt over the death of Sandy's ex fiancee due to "causing" Sandy's trauma that lead to the incident, gave him mommy and even worse daddy issues, deals with fantasy racism on such a regular basis he believes being distant with MK and Mei (ala saying he isn't their father/he's only their legal guardian) is the only way to really protect them from it (and even that backfires on more than one occasion). Internalized fatphobia. PTSD. Smoker. Severe lack of self esteem. Couldn't give less of a shit about himself and his own health (ESPECIALLY mental) while worrying endlessly about everyone else. Just. just so much trauma for one man. what the fuck.
Tang (all fanfics)-- Abusive, severely homophobic parents who cut him off when he was 19 due to finding out about his homosexuality. Could barely afford food for a year until he met Pigsy and basically relied on his charity in order to not starve to death/suffer the effects of severe malnutrition and still continue his education. Loves Pigsy endlessly and hates watching him torture himself over the littlest things (knows he does the same and feels so helpless every time it happens). Wants to be a dad to MK (and Mei) desperately but worries he's nothing compared to Pigsy. Has constantly had his passions belittled and mocked to the point it's genuinely surprising to him that MK actually likes his stories and the way he does things.
Sandy (all fanfics)-- PTSD, guilt over having missed 20+ years of his best friend's life. In Dadsy of Two he killed his fiancee after a nightmare about the war he and Pigsy had fought. Wanted to be a parent but after that accident, he can't trust himself with another human life like that. Has a hard time trying not to be "the therapist friend" and poking where he shouldn't when it comes to his friend's emotional issues (especially Pigsy's). Had just the worst toxic romance with Pigsy ever that was just the hottest of messes before it all fell apart but they tried to be friends (until his fiance's death) (the time away was very much needed for them both to heal and grow so they could actually be good friends again but it still hurts it took that long).
Pigsy (Li Na AU)-- most of the above but even more trauma around fatherhood, only made worse by the fact he had five miscarriages in the past (only three Tang knows about). Buries that pain instead of talking about it and believes that because Li Na is alive and well the pain is gone (it's not. it lives within him in every waking moment and is why he's so fucking terrified at the thought of losing her or MK).
....So yeah! Just--.... Just so much man, damn wtf someone needs to take them away from me I keep hurting them, wtf---
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cloud-navi · 1 year
So I finished DuckTales (2017), my thoughts:
⚠️ Spoilers ahead ⚠️
- Bradford Buzzard:
His feelings for hating adventure and chaos is valid but he should have told his grandma to fuck off and got therapy instead of trying to destroy it. Also its not his fault that Della took the Spear of Selene even if he told her about it.
You can’t have one thing without the other, there must be chaos if there is stability and vice versa.
- Webbigail Vanderquack and Bentina Beakly (Agent 22):
It was a good twist, but it makes me question where FOWL got Scrooge’s DNA to make Webby and why her exact clones (sisters) aren’t perceived as Scrooges kid like Webby is.
My theory: “The Papyrus of Binding only appears to a direct heir of Scrooge McDuck” I think it mean’s physically and emotionally. If June and May are Webby’s clones that means they are just as much Scrooge’s physical child as Webby is, except they don’t have a relationship with Scrooge. Scrooge even before knowing Webby was his kid thought of her like his Grandniece, like family, making her an heir like the boys.
For how much Beakly talked about how important and strong a family is together when getting the boys to talk to Scrooge again in Season 1, it doesn’t make much sense to have her go in alone without informing the family of what she knows of FOWL from SHUSH.
Goldie O’Gilt:
I love her so much, except in the ImpossiBin episode, there she was okay. At the end of the ImpossiBin episode Goldie calls Scooge assuming he took the fountain of youth when they agreed to keep it for both of them, (she went back to steal it for herself so she says). They made progress in the Youth Fountain episode and having Goldie call him about it being gone kinda defeats the whole purpose of their bonding in that episode. Except I understand they needed a character to tell him it was gone like the other missing mysteries but I find it defeated the whole point.
Lena and Violet Saberwing:
To me it looked like Violet’s parents adopted Lena and I’m all for that. Also love the hinted gay rep with their dads.
Magica De spell:
While it was Scrooge that blocked her spell, it was still her spell that she shot that turned her brother into a raven. Theres no reason or obligation for Scrooge to have caught him and give him to her when they were both terrible people. If anything her brother got a new chance at life as a raven instead.
I wish there was kinda a redemption arc when she was training Lena, if not for Lena a little redemption for Gladstone because I like those two.
Fenton Crackshell (GizmoDuck) and DarkWing Duck:
I like Drake with Fenton regardless if he’s Drake or playing DarkWing but I feel like he needs to accept that GizmoDuck is also a hero. Bro needs to know the difference between hero and vigilante.
Fenton is pretty bbg too <3
Launchpad McQuack:
Giant himbo and I love him so much.
Daisy Duck:
Love her, not much else to say. She had standards, that was clear when we heard what she said while driving away from their second date except she still fell in love and was willing to put up with Donald enough to go rescue him and keep going out. Overall a girl boss <3
Huey, Dewey and Louie:
While Dewey should have come forward earlier about looking for Della I understand his intentions more then Huey did when he found out. Louie was right, its not okay, but in the beginning Dewey was just trying to find if she was alive or not, not where she was. He was sorry because he ‘got caught’, he was genuinely sorry. It’s difficult to want to tell someone you’re finding all this stuff about someone you all seek when none of you know if they’re even alive or not. Dewey didn’t want them to lose hope that Della may be alive even if he found out she might not have. Yes he should have told them but I understand he didn’t want to them to be more hurt that she’s unalive instead of just missing. Also they aren’t even teenagers and communication skills are ass with teenagers what makes you think they’ll be any better as 10 year olds?
Again, their anger is misplaced when they’re mad at Scrooge for building a Spear of Selene.
Scrooge McDuck (sugar daddy?):
I like his character and I feel theres a bit of development through out the show with him and the kids, to be a teacher you need to be able to learn from your students.
While yes, he shouldn’t have built the rocket right there he also didn’t tell Della about it. Not his fault she left. Also the audacity to find out it wasn’t really his fault or the fact he nearly went bankrupt looking for her and they didn’t apologize at all.
Donald Duck (DILF):
Literally the best man in the whole show. He put his family first the whole time even when he should have taken breaks except he stepped up. We know that he had some form of falling out with Scrooge because of Della but even so he stepped up to take the kids and stayed in DuckBurg instead of moving anytime in the 10+ years they lived there. I have a feeling they stayed because he knew deep down that he could somewhat still count on Scrooge if not Beakly. Why else would he have stayed and gone to Beakly to watch the kids, granted he didn’t want to talk to Scrooge, Scrooge still took them in and watched them while Donald was off getting a job.
Donald may not be their bio-dad, but he is no way a fucking Uncle. He raised those boys by himself for 10+ years, through their formative years and until they were old enough to know he wasn’t their bio-dad. He stepped in to be a parent because Della chickened out and chose to go to space even when he told her she shouldn’t so she can be with her kids.
Donald Duck, not an uncle, a father.
Della Duck (cool-ish weird Aunt):
My opinion has not changed, she still isn’t a mother to me. Della is an estranged aunt that comes by and is the ‘cool aunt’. She willingly, without obligation, without threat, consciously CHOSE to leave her kids. Regardless of if she knew she would get killed or stuck in space, “there were too many variables” -Huey. She had a fight with Donald that specifically told her that it was a giant, dumb fucking idea with kids on the way. The idea that anyone would accept her back as a parent so blindly is so dumb. Yes she’s their egg-layer, but there is no way in hell she is their mother. A MOTHER would never choose to leave their children unless they positively fucking had too (obligation for safety). Whether or not she regrets it holds no power because she still chose to leave for a stupid reason.
Season 1 finale: “Get away from my kids” by Donald Duck will forever hold more power and significance then anytime she ever says it because she gave up parent rights before they were born. No parent would willingly, without valid cause like their safety (not fucking exploring space for funzys) would leave their child.
Over all:
Scrooge and Donald are DILFS and Della can get bent.
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justaboot · 2 years
Favorite Kid Complex
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@ducktales-and-ducks asked a question about which, if any, of the triplets is Della’s favorite, and I accidentally wrote an essay thats about to be your guys’ problem.
The long answer being she ripped up Scrooge’s formula for how to be a parent and meets them where they are.
I made a post earlier about the idea that Scrooge had a favorite twin, and said he loved them both, but he loved them differently- relationships are dynamic. He can go about loving them equally with different dynamics. 
Della is completely different.
So Scrooge has two kids, each he clearly loves (equally) in different ways, but he engages in the same thing with them. Two different relationships, and adventuring. Scrooge only verbalizes his support upon successes, and then only (as far as we know) takes the kids to do his thing, which is adventuring, which leaves the twins with the assumed formula adventuring+success=parental love.
We even see Della trying to spin the formula her first day back to earn her kids’ love (and, again, Scrooge’s validation).
Della, on the other hand, has some incredible, unique relationships with each of her kids, but doles out the exact same affection freely. They blink, and it’s the best, coolest, most praise-worthy thing anyone has ever done, and she’s utterly undiscerning as to which triplet it is.
She engages with them separately on their strengths and activities (yes, yes, I’m getting to Louie in a second), and that allows them to be successful by existing.
Dewey is the easiest, because he lines up with her loudest mannerisms and surface level interests- Danger!!! Attention!!! Dumbassery!!! And then she has to spend their entire first episode together breaking down the formula he picked up from Scrooge, too. She doesn’t have to work to meet up with Dewey because he’s racing to meet her, but it’s his natural inclination and behavior, which makes them so similar. I think it’s become a bit fanon that hes the favorite because he’s the easiest, (and his conflict of impulsive child disease was resolved before she got home and they never really got back to it), when really what we were seeing was narrative payoff for a season and a half of his character being instrumental in the building anticipation of hers. It’s good storytelling.
Huey lines up with her quieter instincts, the same things that make her a good pilot (detail, precision), but she meets him at his interest with Legends of LegendQuest. He wants to sit around and farm, and she’s obviously bored out of her mind with his play style but does it anyway, miserably helping his farm. When she does encourage him to go out, (yes, she does want to hunt some orc) but from a storytelling standpoint, its a parenting moment masked in his interest. She uses the game as a framing device to edge her kid out of his comfort zone, which is a teaching technique. She’s parenting, meeting him at his level, and supporting him while helping him expand.
Louie. Is. Just. Like. Her. The conflict and narrative tension is that the facet of him that lines up with her happens to be the same that caused her biggest trauma and one that, separately, he personally has been struggling with previous to her return. They’re both too smart for their own good. One of the major downfalls of the show is that they never get their own bonding episode together, which would have been a spectacular setup for Timephoon. Because for that episode to really work and really hit hard, they have to really love each other. We know they do because the narrative tells us so, but the contrast is so much better when we see it onscreen.
Frank said the reason Della came down so hard was because she was majorly triggered- she was thoughtless and too clever for her own good, and she lost her family. She just watched Louie, who is so often thoughtless, try to be too clever for his own good, lose their entire family. Again, parenting moment, but this time it’s not cute bonding. Its hard. Beakley spends the whole episode emphasizing ‘You can’t be their best friend, you’re their mother first.’ She’s spent her time learning to be a parent and edging her kids towards healthier habits: teaching Dewey that love isn’t earned, Huey that there’s life outside what routine, and Louie that there are consequences to his actions. It’s recognition of self through the other, and the kid gets grounded. Fine.
She spends the whole time thinking about him. She gets him a souvenir while they’re gone, wants to leave the big “Suck It, Glomgold,” ceremony to check on him, gives him the little hobo crown at the end (which, cute), and they make up. Both her and Louie’s reactions were heightened, but they’re an extreme family. The bar is really high.
But then the show, because they had the most narrative tension, goes and gives them tons of episodes and moments in everyday life outside of big bonding episodes: on the steps of Ithiquack, the lullaby scene, all of impossibin, and just tons of little everyday moments sprinkled through the show, but they add up, and they choose to reach out to each other again and again. They really work to meet each other.
This turned into a thesis essay, yikes.
TLDR She goes out of her way to find ways to connect with her kids, all of whom she has VASTLY different means of connecting with, but an overwhelming scale of love for equally. I think audiences see those and, based on which kid they relate to more, see that as preference because it makes the most sense to them.
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someone in a twitter gc im in has the audacity to rant about dellas role as a mom to the point of agreeing with a lot of the shit takes and putting donald on a higher pedestal when it comes to being a parent. 😓 its 2023, people, not september of 2019
Seriously, why are people still shit talking Della’s parenting in 2023??? I thought we put this discourse behind us. That discourse was stupid and wrong back in 2019 and it’s still stupid and wrong now. I swear, every time a piece of media shows a mother who’s not perfect but is trying their best, the fandom will jump on them and say that they’re a terrible parent and abusive when they’re literally none of those things. Anyways, stan Della Duck because she’s a good parent who’s trying her best.
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So, I just finished watching Ducktales 2017. What a gem! But of course my brain did its thing and now I’m imagining all possible post-canon fanfics.
Specifically all the potential Percy Jackson crossovers! Or, should we say Percy “Quackson”?
My main concept is linked to a mystery the characters never address. Which is quite surprising if you think about it. Especially since Webby has dedicated most of her young life to mapping out the Duck’s entire family tree. But Huey Dewey and Louie wanted desperately to know what happened to their mom, yet they’ve never expressed any interest in who their father is.
Now that doesn’t have to be all that weird. I imagine the boys grew up not knowing much about their mom aside from little nuggets Donald would tell them, like; “oh your mother loved this dish” or “your mother actually wrote this lullaby I’ve always been singing to you”. Just enough for them to be curious about her, but they probably realized it made their uncle sad to think about her, effectively stopping them from asking about her. (Though I imagine Donald would have answered many of their questions about Della without hesitation, like how she was as a person.)
When it comes to their father, Donald might not actually know who their father is. They might be the result of a one night stand? I’d say it’s actually quite likely since Della never mentions an ex or anything about her love life for that matter. Maybe Donald never asked in case Della herself didn’t know? It does seem like she was always the wild child of the two. That’s all fine, but it means Donald had no way of dropping lore about him in the same way he probably did about their mom. Actually, forget what I said earlier. Donald did not know who their father was. Had he known, he would have made sure the boys knew him. Because Donald is a good parent.
That said, the boys knew nothing about their dad. But they didn’t lack a father figure. Paired with the previously mentioned point, it makes perfect sense why the boys would not feel the need to know about their father. Unlike with their mother, they never had to feel like they were missing out on having a dad. Donald filled that role. He never calls himself their dad, but he does refer to them as his boys (I’m actually sure Daisy was mentally preparing herself to having to be a stepmother in those vents). And the boys clearly admires him and look up to him, the season one finale clearly shows it. Almost to the point of rubbing it in our faces.😅
So even if the boys were to find out who their father is, it might now be that big of a deal to them.
Huey, Dewey or Louie: Oh, okay, cool. Uncle Donald is still our main father figure, so, yeah, that role’s been filled. Nice meeting you, though.
That said, WE can still be curious though.
And the absence of any clues whatsoever practically gives us free rein to speculate!
Now since I talked about a Percy Jackson crossover, and I’m writing it on this side blog, you probably saw where this was headed.
I suggest that Huey Dewey and Louie are demigods!
Both the Greek and Norse pantheon are real in the Ducktales universe. (Though the liberties taken with the portrayal of Norse mythology are almost offensive in my opinion. Jörmungand is the enemy of the warriors in Valhalla, dam it! He’d never be seen as the underdog man of the people there!) And though we only ever see three Greek gods, we do know many other gods took a liking to the ducks. That’s what Zeus was so jealous of Scrooge for, after all. So it’d be pretty safe to assume that if the boys are demigods, they’re Greek.
Now in this adaptation, the triplets have distinctly different personalities, as opposed to earlier adaptations. That might lead to a possibility of them having different gods as fathers. There are examples of twins with different fathers in mythology. And it might feel a bit easier to match each triplet with his own godly parent.
But… I know a candidate who would fit as the father of all three, and, who I can definitely see falling in Love with Della Duck.
My friends, I suggest, the father of Huey, Dewey and Louie is none other than…
Hermes, Messenger of the gods!
Hermes is also a trickster figure and the patron god of travelers, thieves and anyone who uses the roads really. He isn’t picky about who he sponsors.
Apollo also drops hints about his personality in ToA. That he is a bit adventurous and a wild child.
You can’t tell me Hermes and Della wouldn’t be somewhat each other’s type. They could definitely be seeing each other at least for long enough to create a child, or three.
Additional to being a trickster and a messenger, Hermes is also a god of commerce. These aspects could very well be seen in Louie, who sees all the angles, defeats his opponents by out witting them, and strives to be as rich and successful as his Uncle Scrooge. Though preferably with less hard work and more witty poker strategies.
As previously mentioned, both Hermes and Della are adventurous and the wild child of their respective sibling groups. It should therefore not be a surprise that at least one of their children would be the same. Dewey is the adventurous triplet, and seems to have decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps and become a pilot. He could have gotten his wild attitude from both of his parents, or just one. He is also a bit of a theater kid. He loves to dance and, sort of, has his own talk show. That’s not a clear link to Hermes, but considering he invented two instruments as an infant, one of which became the characteristic lyre his brother uses to play, and is sometimes considered as a minor poetry god besides Apollo, I still think Dewey could have gotten the theatre side from Hermes.
Huey is not as easy. Hermes is neither the god of wisdom nor knowledge. Those domains falls to Athena and Apollo respectively. And Huey’s most prominent character trait is his per suit of knowledge. But I look at his hobbies. He functions as a sort of unofficial sidekick for Gizmoduck. Hermes often act as a travel companion for Zeus when he wanders the earth, and as the messenger of the gods he often assist other gods. Assisting others with tough situations is something all triplets do throughout the series. Also Huey is a junior Woodchuck. Don’t you think the god of travelers would encourage you to learn more about survival in the wild? Hermes is also a god of linguistics and in some cases acts as a mediator between other gods, and can sometimes choose not to fight an opponent he’s expected to fight, showing some levelheaded behavior and certain intelligence, which could be where Huey could get his brains.
But aside from Della and the triplets’ personalities, there’s another piece of evidence. Because we know of at least one instance where one of the triplets has interacted with Hermes.
In season 2 episode 11, Dewey has stolen Hermes’ winged shoes.
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But Hermes is the god of thieves, remember? Do you really think he wouldn’t notice a kid was about to steal his stuff?
No way.
It’s my theory that Hermes has either known from the start that he and Della had triplets, or he saw the kids that were obviously Della’s during one of their trips to Ithaquack (is that how it’s spelled?) and simply but two and two together. So when one of them tried to take his shoes, he simply figured he’d let his son have some fun with them. The next time we see Dewey, he no longer has the shoes but he’s completely fine, no harm done.
I imagine Hermes might have appeared off camera and been like; “Hey, I’m glad you had fun with the shoes, but we shouldn’t risk your life by angering Zeus. I’ll take them back and next time you can ask and I’ll supervise.”
I don’t think he’d have told Dewey who he was to him, because a god for a father would become a big deal to the triplets once they found out. And Dewey would probably not repeat the same mistake again by withholding information about their parentage.
So that’s my headcanon. Huey Dewey and Louie are demigod sons of Hermes.
A post-canon crossover fic could therefore feature a satyr taking the boys to Camp Half Blood and learn sword fighting from “Percy Quackson”. How their relationship with their father would then look like once they’re claimed could be up for interpretation. Personally, I’d like to think that between Percy’s trust that gods can change for the better if they want to, and Apollo doing exactly that, Hermes is inspired to become a more present parent to his kids at camp. So if you want to be wholesome, Hermes basically becomes part of the McDuck family through his sons.
But hey, that’s just a theory!
Feel free to share your thoughts about this!🤗
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alterego9114 · 1 year
I needed a list without Linda. I forgot about some stuff she did that was… not good parenting behavior.
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moon-swag-tourney · 1 year
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Propaganda below!
Luther Hargreeves
He is a weird huge monkey man with daddy issues. What’s not to love 
Della Duck
just look at her shes badass she amputated her own leg and made a prosthetic out of spare rocket parts shes not perfect but shes trying her goddamn best to be a good mother okay she is The character ever
greatest character of all time!
dear tournament runner i am so so sorry for the essay i'm about to write but i am not normal about my girl della
della duck is donald duck's twin sister and huey dewey and louie's mother
the whole history behind her is so interesting bc she unintentionally became the greatest mystery of the disney duck comic verse
one of disney's many weird rules is that their main 6 characters are not allowed to have children or parents. this rule is kinda wobbly in the sense that on one hand, it does get broken (goofy has a son in some canons & donalds mother is shown in some comics (though only in scrooge's flashbacks, she's never allowed to interact with donald)), on the other hand, it also tends to sometimes get applied to characters who are not part of the main 6 but still main characters. this rule meant, that when they wanted their main characters to interact with kids, they invented nieces and nephews. which had the added bonus that when they wanted to stories without them, they didn't have to explain the kids' absence (like for example mickey's nephews, which barely ever appear and, fun fact, were actually invented before huey dewey and louie). so, in one newspaper comic strip, huey dewey and louie were introduced and with them, della was mentioned for the first time, in a letter asking donald to take care care of the boys while their father is in a hospital from a prank they pulled. (said father was never mentioned again btw.)
after that, della didn't appear again for a while, and several shorts and comics revealed that donald has legally adopted the kids. different comics implied that donald has been taking care of the triplets their entire life, instead of just since recently like in their first appearance.
later comics actually showed della for the first time - however, only in flashbacks to donald's childhood. these comics also made her donald's twin. the only piece of media that showed her as an adult was her portrait in the duck family tree.
that is, until 2014 the first comic showing adult della and her fate was released - a dutch comic that was only reprinted in brazil, germany and the netherlands, and even in those countries, anything containing this story is pretty hard to get. it was never officially translated to english (thank god for fantranslations, tho). this comic showed della as a pilot, who tested a rocket and got lost in space when huey dewey and louie were babies. this is where her association with space and a lot of her ducktales 2017 characterisation originates from.
so, let's get into her biggest ever appearence - the ducktales reboot!
from the very beginning of this show, she's set up as the big overarching mystery - a little bit like the author from gravity falls. the pilot ends with dewey discovering a painting of her. it's a very shocking moment and for most viewers the first time they've ever seen della.
so like in the comic, she's a pilot, and she's been going on adventures with donald and scrooge for years. scrooge builds a rocket for her as a surprise gift for when her children hatch but she finds out about it and decides to take it for a test ride, during which she crashes it on the moon. so, she's stuck there, but nothing can stop della duck! she spends the entire 10 years fixing the rocket until she finally manages to get back to earth to her kids.
della is funny, strong, determined and just one of the best characters in the entire show. and she tries so hard to be a good mom to her kids after being absent for a decade even though she struggles so much to adjust back to life on earth.
i just love della so so much
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