#dells imagines
astrolavas · 1 year
random Hunter headcanon GO!
AHH OKAY one of my random hcs is that hunter's smile is kinda asymmetrical/lopsided/wider on the left side cuz of his scars, especially after thanks to them. i imagine they'd significantly pull on his skin and could even affect nerves and definitely some range of motion, so-
sorta like this:
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sir-broken-bones · 18 days
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Ma son
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Squish: Part 2
You can find part 1 here,
Thank you to everyone who asked for part 2, I’m sorry it took so long and also I’m very sorry to everyone that I told there would be no part 2, BUT HERE IT IS
JJ loved her.
“Don’t text her again, man.”
He loved her just the two of them.
“Last time, last time, I promise.”
He loved her with her friends.
“Jay, dude, listen to John B.”
He loved her with his friends, too.
“Ok, would you rather I call then?”
“No, but you should stop–”
“Stop what?” JJ threw his phone down on the couch on the Chateau’s porch, nearly hitting Pope in the shoulder. “Huh? 2 weeks, I haven’t seen her for more than an hour in 2 weeks.” He went to rip his pen for the fifth time in a minute, but John B stood up and threw it to the ground. “What the fuck, man?! John B, I will fucking–”
John B took him by the shoulders and gave him a good shake. “Jay, stop, Stop– Hey! No one wants her back here more than us, right? Yeah. So, listen. You need to give her a minute. You’re texting her, calling her every day, it’s too much for her. She’s too overwhelmed right now, just let her come to you, on her own time. You have to give her the chance to think it through for herself, and yes, she already knows you care so don’t even worry about that, ok?”
“Where are my keys?”
“Quite literally the opposite of what I just told you to do!” But he was already ¾ through the chateau.
“I’m not going to see her!”
“Then who is he….” John B and Pope both asked each other until they came to the realization themselves. “Oooooohhh no.” They tried to chase after him but he had already driven away.
“Should we call Kie?”
“We should call Kie.”
*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* Kie hit the silence button and texted Pope back I’m at work, I’ll call you later
. . .
“Kie,” JJ walked into the Wreck, “You got a minute to talk?”
“Not really, I’m kind of at work right now.”
He made a show of looking around the near-empty restaurant. “There’s no one in your section.”
“I switched with Martha for today.”
“Really?” He pointed behind her to Martha working her own section.
“Fine, but I can’t just leave if I actually want to keep my job.”
“Your boss is literally your dad, you can do whatever you want.”
“That’s not…”
“Yes, it is. Now, can you please sit down so I can talk to you?”
“Fine, whatever.”
She sat with him close to the entrance and he was across from her with his leg shaking and leaning forward over the table. He wasn’t this worried on the ride over.
“If this is about your latest fling, I’m not interested.”
“Do you know how long we’ve been together?”
“Can’t imagine it’s been longer than a month.”
“Since March, Kie, we’ve been together since March. And this, this whole fucking thing that you’re doing, is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you guys. She wanted to, she wanted to tell you guys, she wanted to know you guys, and be friends with you. You were a major dick to her since the moment you saw us together. So all I’m here for is to ask you why?”
“You really don’t know?”
“Obviously not! And I don’t think you do either.”
“That’s–” she looked off to the side instead of at him. “That’s ridiculous, ok? You’re our friend first. You’re our friend first and now she comes here out of nowhere and now you spend all your time with her. It’s like you don’t even care about us anymore. Like she has a fucking monopoly on your time now.”
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean that’s not it. You can’t say ‘us’ and ‘our friend’ when you know that Pope and John B like her. They want her around. Just tell me the truth, Kie. Please.”
She looked to the side again then down at the table before finally looking at JJ. “I’m scared. I’m scared of losing you guys, I’m scared of not being the Pongues anymore. Like what happened with me and Sarah Cameron, I’m scared you guys are gonna find other people, and we’re all gonna go our own ways and then all of a sudden we’ll be boring old people and only see each other for stupid…labor day picnics and shit like that. I don’t–I don’t want that.” She was almost crying at this point but swallowed it down by the end of her sentence.
“You think that’s going to happen just by me having a girlfriend?” It nearly sounded like he was laughing, but she knew he was being sincere.
“That’s how it starts. But then we’re all gonna go to college.” He tilted his head and gave her a look. “Some of us are going to college. And we’re all going off on our own, and– ugh.”
He reached across the table and took her hand, “That is a fuckin horrible way of thinking of things, man.” She scrunched her face like that was the least comforting thing to say (because it was). “Just listen, alright? How can you expect good things to happen if all you think is coming is just bad things? If you think that we’re all gonna stop being friends and just become boring adults, then you’re not gonna do anything to stop it. P4L, Kie. You have to trust that we’re going to stay friends.”
“P4L.” He squeezed her hand before she wiped her tears to look around the restaurant to check for new diners.
“You gonna be ok?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. But I–” “You need to talk to her.” “–need to talk to her.”
“I can’t tell you to apologize, but I can tell you that I want you to. You’re my friend, Kie, you’re always gonna be my friend. But I love her, I want to be with her for as long as I fucking can, so I’d really like it if you could pull your shit together so she’d actually like being around you guys.”
“Yeah, I know. And I’m, um, I’m sorry to you, too. I was scared and I was jealous when I should have just been happy for you.”
“And not a total bitch to her.”
“Yeah, that too. Uh,” She stood up and brushed off her apron to go seat the next customers. “Look, I gotta get back to work, but I still have her number, if she didn’t block me, and I’ll text her when I get home, but right now you’re in the way, and also you should talk to her before I do because I can’t imagine a bigger boyfriend fuck up than that.”
“I’ll call you.” He clapped her on the shoulder as he rushed out of the restaurant.
“No you won’t.”
“Probably not.”
“Sir, Ma’am.”
“JJ, you just burst into my kitchen, you didn’t even use the front door, I think we can lose the formalities.”
He gave your mother a curt nod then continued. “I’d like to see your daughter…Please.”
Y/n’s dad straightened his newspaper, “I do my best not to meddle in her personal affairs.”
“The fuck does that even mean,” JJ whispered to himself, though not very quietly. “That’s a horrible way of doing things.”
“I can either let you two have free reign and figure this out for yourselves, or I can go get the shovel now. Your choice.”
“Free reign, I like free reign, sir.”
“She’s out back.”
“Thank you, sir, uh– ma’am.” Ma’am was always safer, even if he was very much not employed by either of her two very pouge-ish parents.
“Your paper’s upside down.” She shook her head affectionately, “When are you gonna let up on the intimidation tactics?”
“You know I’m just giving him a hard time. He’s a good kid, I’m proud of them.”
He rushed out the sliding glass door to the backyard where y/n kept her little gardin, born of a hyper fixation on medicinal and edible flowers but she’s managed to keep it up this long.
She was laying on a half broken pool lounge chair, the kind with the plasticy rubber bands going across to hold you up, the one he “stole” from a kook’s pile that was marked for the dump for her, after he at least attempted to fix the broken band. She was watching the neighbors bees buzz around her garden, with the weighted dinosaur on her chest. She must have heard him come outside, since she tilted her head and looked like she were trying to pretend to sleep.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I think you can hear me.” He sat at the edge of her chair and put a gentle hand on her ankle, just to be careful even if she was fully aware of him. Clearly it worked, if it got her to smile a little bit, like a little kid pretending to sleep so that their parents would carry them up to bed instead of having to get up and walk. He took it as a good sign and slid his hand up her leg in a cheeky attempt at a tickle. He got to her waist then stuck his arm between the slacks so he could bring his hand up on the other side and pull her into himself. He tried to move the dinosaur so he could bring her closer, but she pulled it back, at least she looked at him this time, with a smile too.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“Then why didn’t you answer my calls.”
“I was scared.”
“Of what?”
“That you’d call me and tell me you can’t be with me because you don’t want to pick between your friends and your girlfriend.”
“You think I’d do that?”
She only shrugged.
“I would never.”
“So you’re not here to break up with me?”
She smiled big at that, but it fell with her next coming thought. “But, um, if you ever had to, I’d want you to pick your friends.”
“What are you talking about?”
“If something happened and you felt like you had to make a choice, I’d want you to pick them.”
“That’s ridiculous.” He sat up but didn’t take her with him, so her head was closer to his hip than his chest where it was before. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m not.” She didn’t match his tone, she didn’t want to. She kept herself small, she didn’t feel like being big, staying where she was, fidgeting with the frays on his cargo shorts instead, “I just think that they’ve been there for you in ways I never could, I’d want you to pick them.”
“Do you hear yourself right now?”
She shrugged again, though her positioning made it awkward.
“Hun, listen to me.” He pulled her up next to him again. “The only reason that would ever happen is if they made me choose. I know you’d never do that. And if they did, I’d pick you.”
“You would?”
“Every time. I’m picking you every time.”
She pulled his bottom lip down to hear the silly sound it made, then she looked him in the eyes again, “I love you.”
“Still?” Not what you were supposed to say, JJ. Not what you were supposed to say at all.
“All the time.”
“I love you too.”
The two laid there together for a few more minutes in the way too cramped chair, just enjoying each other’s company. “I almost blocked you though,” she said, just to break the silence. Also to give him a bit of a hard time.
“You were calling me five times a minute, I had no choice but to...”
“No choice but to what?”
“What do you mean?”
“You said you had no choice, what did you have no choice in?”
She tried to slowly inch off the chair with a guilty smile on her face, not that she could be very sneaky about being smushed up against someone. He tried to hold her close but she still slipped away so he sat up and straddled the chair, “No choice but to what, hun?”
“It’s hardly important, best not to dwell on it. Don’t worry about it.”
“What did you do?”
“Fiiiiiine, I maybe possibly texted John B to maybe perhaps suggest that you give me 5 minutes to collect my thoughts before calling me,,,again.”
“‘Maybe possibly,’ yeah?”
He tried to jump up and chase her but as soon as he stood, his foot got caught in the broken spot which gave her another second’s head start. She considered running inside and leaving him to figure himself out, but she couldn’t just leave him stranded. She dramatically dropped her head back in a sigh and walked back over to him. He kept trying to force his foot straight up through, not turning it and pulling it out that way, and it certainly wasn’t helping that he was just getting angry at it. “You’re gonna bruise your foot. Jesus Christ, hold on, just–ok, stop, put your foot down.”
“What? It’s stuck. I can’t get it out.”
“No, look.” She stuck her own foot in the same gap and he finally seized his moment.
“A HA!” He grabbed her and took her down with him to lie on the chair again, knees bent of course.
“Nooooo! A heinous trick!”
He had no defense, other than looking at her with a big smile again, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I like that I can say that again.”
“You could’ve said it before too.”
“Now felt like the right time.”
“It was.”
Ring Ring Ring
“Hello?” y/n answered her phone without checking the caller id.
“Hi, um, it’s Kiara.”
“Oh, hi.”
“Hi, yeah, can we talk? Sometime?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I don’t want to do this over the phone, that always felt weird to me.”
“Ok, where do you want to meet then?”
“The beach? The one by the boneyard?”
“Tomorrow morning?”
“Ok, I’ll see you then.”
“See you then.”
Kiara saw her coming down from the street with a basket and a towel. She waved to her, trying to seem friendly but still worried about overdoing it. “You didn’t need to bring all this. I don’t want to take up too much of your day.”
“You’re not. I just remember you saying you like blackberries and blueberries, and it was early so I brought some.” Y/n pulled a little rubbermaid out of her basket and set them on the towel. “From my garden. And the towel is just because I don’t like getting sand in my pockets. Sensory issues and whatnot.”
“Oh, ok.” Kiara turned to her, sitting crisscrossed, but she stayed facing the water.
“You don’t have to look at me if you don’t want. Eye contact is weird for me.”
“Ok,” she turned to face the ocean too, then spoke. “I want to say sorry, for everything. The way I acted towards you was wrong, and bitchy, and mean, and you didn’t deserve any of it. I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t call yourself bitchy, but it’s ok.”
“It’s not ok, I was scared of losing JJ and I was scared of losing my friends cus you’re all bubbly and fun to talk to and interesting as hell. So instead of trying to get to know you, I tried to push you away from all of them too. And that was bit–” y/n gave her a look, “that was stupid of me. And I’m really sorry.”
“I forgive you, and I understand.” They both cheersed with a berry then spent the rest of the morning on the beach.
They walked back to the Chateau together, practically skipping, y/n with the basket, Kiara with the blanket.
“Oh no,” John B looked up from where the 3 boys were helping Big John with the Twinkie.
“What?” Pope asked. “Oh shit.”
“What is it?” JJ hit his head on the hood, then nearly passed out once he saw the two girls.
“Boys? A little help here?” All three of them helped Big John up and he started laughing once he saw y/n and Kiara coming down the street. “Ooohhhh, you three have no idea what you’re in for now, do you?
“JJ,” he put a hand on his shoulder. “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that’s not your girlfriend anymore, she’s Kie’s now.”
JJ groaned and put his head down on the front of the van, he sat up just in time to see y/n running towards him. He huffed when she crashed into him and stole his red baseball hat, then stepped back to stand with Kiara.
“You two are gonna be trouble now, aren’t you?” Big John asked.
“In what world?” “How could you say such a thing?”
John B and Pope made some bet behind JJ and shook on it.
“Hey,” JJ finally caught y/n alone in the kitchen.
“Hi,” she smiled at him as she shut the refrigerator door.
“So, do you want to come over tomorrow? Maybe we could go to the beach? Take a ride? My dad is supposed to be out for the weekend so…”
“Oh, sorry, I had plans with Kie to go see that new Tom Holland movie. Maybe another day.”
He looked a little sad but tried to be happy that they were getting along. “Yeah—Yeah, that’s cool. Don’t worry about it. Another day.”
She pulled him closer by the waist and pushed him into the inner corner of the counter so she could trap him in. “Hey, hey, I’m kidding. I’m kidding. Of course I’ll come over, all weekend if you can handle me for that long.”
“Not long enough.” He nudged her nose with his then leaned in further to take her in a kiss that seemed to transcend time.
Meaning that it seemed long enough for Big John to very loudly say “John B, could ask your friends to stop making out in my kitchen so I could grab a lemonade?”
thank you so so much for reading, reblogs are always appreciated and also comments are always so so special to me. Thank you for reading again, and also I really hope you liked it 💖💖💖
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agentsofmarvel · 2 months
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rip to the kingdom keepers, y’all tried your best 😦
According to the Orlando Sentinel:
Per the Disney Parks Blog, this new land is a "place where poison apples are aplenty and magic potions can ruin your whole day." With all these villains in one place, "happily ever after may feel like just a distant dream."
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withered-tears · 3 months
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Man there really was never any doubt about the Clawthornes being decendants of the Wittebanes uh.
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dorpyscorpyy · 15 days
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For the first time contributing for my fav tf2 ship (Texas toast, not that I prefer their classic ver but idk I just felt like drawing this)
And lmao I hated this drawing so much but it's the only Texas Toast art I've done in 3 years so I def had to post this
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p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
Southern Remedies [PLATONIC](Engineer x Reader)
ok this is kinda a repost bc i was tryna make this a primary acc, so apologies
Engineer and Reader bonding. 
Idk literally just fatherlike engie bc i crave it… + we don't get enough father content of the mercs i think
also this is my first time posting a fic... my apologies if it's not super great, i just wanna practice...
A long hard day of battle. It was finally over, and Engie could finally rest and put his machines away. The clanking of the metal boxes hitting the shelf was rather loud, but never unsatisfying to him. Because then he knew it was done, and he could finally put his feet up for the day.
Though, the knocking on the door that led to his garage told him otherwise. Lifting his goggles to his forehead with a soft sigh, he left his current spot to go see whoever decided to interrupt his moment of tranquility. He was begging, in his mind, that it wasn’t Scout or Soldier, or at the very least a call for dinner. But no… they just had to disturb him, what could possibly be so impo-
There you stood, slightly cupping your cheek with a sheepish, and embarrassed face. Blood leaked down your cheek as you tried to stop the bleeding with your hand. The red lined indents from Engineer’s goggles contorted into an expression of concern, worry, and confusion all at once.
Why were you bleeding? Why didn’t you get Medic? Were you ok? Though he said nothing, his hand rushed to your own to reveal the wound. It wasn’t terrible, but you only saw his eyebrows furrow deeper, deeper than you thought possible.
“Sorry, I just wanted to know if you had a first aid kit. Medic’s in a mood right now and I don’t really want to see him right now…” You tried to frantically explain, feeling more ridiculous with every second.
He only let out a sigh in response, with a soft “come on in”. He had grabbed a stool from his workbench and sat it in front of his own, pulling a first aid kit out from one of the drawers.
“Dear, I really think you should be more careful…” he gently scolded, patting your shoulder and walking you over to the stool. “That looks like a nasty cut, what’d ya even do?”
“Oh uh… last minute enemy spy thing, I guess.”
“Mm, those bastards will get ya. Just be glad it was a graze, ‘n didn’t go through your face.”
The visual image was unpleasant, to say the least, but he had a point. Had it been any worse, it probably would have cut right through your cheek.
Delicately, he dabbed away the blood with a dampened cloth. Absent-mindedly, he cleaned and patched you up almost without a word. There wasn’t much to say anyways. Yet, the kind gesture of him helping you made you feel particularly warm and fuzzy inside.
“Alright now, you’re all done. Just don’t scratch at the bandages, get it wet, y’know what to do already,” he said. He hauled you up after getting back on his feet, and led you both out of the garage after giving you a firm pat on the back. “You did great out there today, kid. I’m real proud.”
“Ah, thanks…” You mumbled, slightly embarrassed but not upset. You thanked him and left, after apologizing for “being a hassle”. He only chuckled and ruffled your hair.
Though the interaction felt short, it seemed so genuine. 
So homey.
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nias-keca · 2 years
( the kids are having a play date )
Delling: You promised to marry this clown?
Miorine: She's not a clown, she's the ring master.
Yushura: Yea, I'm like. The Clown Boss!
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hc that hunter becomes Dell's apprentice and eventually carves a giant wolf palisman that acts as a therapy dog for his ptsd
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sammysabby · 1 year
just imagine dell, ted and nero being the heathers and mikuo as veronica
(still working on it)
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bubbasbubblebutt · 1 year
Dell Conagher and Caleb Quinn would be fucking besties send tweet
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inmyfxith · 2 years
Being Jimmy Darling's sister
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Warnings: Body deformation (anophthalmia), violence
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Before meeting Elsa Mars
Your birth had not been pleasant for your mother, the crowd gathered around her to see a monster giving birth to another was the main reason.
Your chances of living a "normal" life seemed extremely low, and your premature birth did not bode well. One more show that would bring in a few dollars for Dell Toledo's little family.
Family on the verge of breaking up with your arrival. Despite your small stature, no physical deformity was able to win over the audience, so they quickly asked Dell for their money back.
It was only when your mother cleaned your skin that she realized that her hope of you growing up with what she didn't have vanished. She hadn't had a chance to see the color of your eyes and hadn't really paid attention because of the situation. But Ethel suddenly became aware that she would never see it. Your eyelids, shorter than those of an ordinary baby, formed a kind of protection around two empty, dark sockets.
Another of her children had just been struck down by bad luck. After Jimmy, Dell could not help but suspect that none of his children would ever have a simple life, and he found that very hard to accept.
He seemed distressed the first time he held you in his arms where you seemed even smaller. Not knowing how to accept it, Dell left the dilapidated trailer that served as his family's home for a few days, wandering the bars of the area and drowning his sorrows in drink, leaving his wife alone with two very young children.
The evening of his reappearance, an argument broke out between the children's parents. The father of the family blamed his wife for all the evils that afflicted him, the lack of income, the birth of his children... And, before he committed the irreparable after having grabbed a pillow, Ethel found the strength to throw him out of the house to save her children.
From then on, the little family moved from freakshow to freakshow, leaving them successively for different reasons. Some did not accept children, even deformed ones, others were particularly inclined to have them around for more obscure reasons.
Growing up without one of your senses only amplified the others. Your hearing allowed you to hear sounds that others only ignored, your sense of smell proved to be a formidable weapon in distinguishing the people around you, and your touch, when combined with your imagination, proved to be even more accurate than the vision of the average person.
At a very early age, whenever you were picked up by someone, your first instinct was always to touch the person's face and to define the way the person was holding you. But most of the time, no one, except your mother and your brother, dared to approach you. Your deformity made you a monster to people who defined themselves as normal.
As the years went by, your relationship with Jimmy evolved. Due to the lack of money, it was more than common for you to share a bed or stick together when you had to sleep outside.
He was particularly protective, and seemed to make it a point to help you become self-sufficient while keeping an eye on you. Especially after the Capitola incident near Tallahassee.
You had just turned thirteen, and your family performed repeatedly in a small traveling troupe. Trips into town were rare but not non-existent and were strategically planned. You only went out at certain times of the day when few people were on the streets.
What you didn't know that day was that the schools were closed. A group of several boys found you, and took you to a seemingly more secluded area over the slight echo that rose around you. After the taunts, the physical violence began with repeated shoving and slapping before one of them stuck his finger in the holes that only partially covered your eyelids. A new pain emerged from this unpleasant experience, and, having tried to be brave until then, tears began to flow from your tear ducts, further frightening the boys who eventually let you go in disgust.
From then on, your escapades in the city were only in the presence of Ethel or Jimmy, who went into a real rage when he realized what had happened to you. As if he felt responsible for what you had been through.
But your lifestyle changed dramatically when a woman came to Ethel pretending to help support her grown children.
In the freakshow
Elsa became over the years a sort of aunt, very close to your mother. The other members of the troupe didn't treat you differently, didn't try to touch you, and most importantly, didn't make derogatory comments that you were only blind and not deaf.
Soon, an act was put together for you. Plunged into permanent darkness, your only cues were the smell of popcorn and the applause of the audience.
Elsa Mars' troupe quickly became a small family, with everyone looking out for everyone else. But Jimmy seemed to do it more.
Your inability to see the world allowed you to not judge anyone by their looks, even unconsciously. So when a clown with a face disfigured by gunfire found a place in the troupe, you tried to help him fit in. But the world is still cruel, even in a group of monsters. And the friendly clown was forced to leave Jupiter because he scared the children.
Your place in the camp was relatively like your mother's, you cooked meals together, took care of everything and everyone, and Ethel took advantage of these moments to share her love for Emily Dickinson with you.
“I’m Nobody! Who are you ? Are you — Nobody too ?” Ethel exclaimed as she cleaned the potatoes used to make soup. Sitting alone around a table, the old woman enjoyed evaluating her memory. “Then there is a pair of us! You added as you placed a kiss on her cheek before moving around the table to help her.
But your favorite moments came at nightfall when everyone was in bed. You and Jimmy would meet at the edge of the field that housed the main tent and trailers. There, he would light a fire to warm you from the night chill before telling you what he had done during the day, some of what was bothering him, omitting of course everything that could affect you from near or far.
Jimmy would then listen to you, paying attention to every detail and sometimes asking questions to try to understand how you felt. And a lot of your night was spent doing just that.
A large part of your night was devoted only to him.
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There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort 🌷- pick a character or a few and come up with a prompt and I’ll write a fluff blurb <3
omg giving steve a massage when he has knots in his back from work :((
I think we've discovered I don't know how to write a blurb; also that i’m living vicariously through R with how much they kiss and hold each other….i’m touch starved, gn!reader Cw: One mention of the stomach bug, suggestive language, allusions to spice cus I wrote this in a starbucks with my mom sitting across from me and YOLO, like, the fuck do you expect with a request like this (and also because he's a who're....Accidental prude!reader because that's how I felt while writing it. And like half of it deleted two separate times so you guys better like it. Not proofread <3
Today was rough, it was real rough. Robin was out sick and with no one else to cover, Steve worked both shifts and with the extra hours he'd been picking up recently, it's been a tough week. Even Keith took it easy on him and let him go home early. "And you're getting time and a half for tonight. Just– uh take it easy, yeah?" The pleasantries obviously didn't come easy, but Steve appreciated the slack he was cutting him, and the extra pay, especially the extra pay.
"Yeah. You take care, Keith."
On top of all that, they were reflooring the store, the last few nights were spent moving shelves full of tapes across the store. Why they couldn't take them out, move the shelves, then put them back, he had no clue. But who was he to argue.
And on top of that, his back was acting up from that time he landed flat on it one ruthless basketball game.
All he wanted was to get home, to you. And maybe a bath, if he could stay awake that long.
He never felt the same relief he did when he saw your car in the parking lot, somehow getting the irrational idea that for whatever reason, you wouldn't be there when he got back.
The flight up the stairs to your shared apartment was a feat. He was dragging his feet by the time he got to the door. You didn't even give him the chance to open the door since you flipped the stopper in the second you saw his car pull in. Just to give him one less thing to do. He kicked it open and found you finishing up putting the leftovers away.
You looked up with a smile that calmed his heart as soon as his keys jingled in the bowl, that you most certainly did not steal from his mother, next to the door. You said hello but forgot to make the sound come out, like you often did when you got too used to the quiet. "I missed you today. You were gone before I even woke up."
"Blame Robin, she's the one that called out." He hung his coat up then came to hold you. His arms around your shoulders while your hands slid under his shirt and up his back.
"So rude of her. Had to spend all day without you."
"I mean, she was throwing up her guts, but yeah, so rude of her."
"How was it?" you asked and he held you a little tighter, rubbing your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your crown. Though he did lead with his nose. The smell of your conditioner bringing him back to himself a little more.
"How was what?"
You pulled your head from his chest at the strange sensation of his voice on the top of your head. Only enough so you could look at him fully. "Work? Your day?"
"Hmm. It was work. It was alright."
You hummed like a question.
"It was hard. It was horrible. Apparently all the assholes who like to use cashiers as emotional punching bags come out on Fridays, which is the same day we just reset all the shelves.”
“Your back still hurts?” A kiss to his chest and the heel of your palm up and down his spine.
“Mhm, any more questions?” Not in an irritated way, just wanting to know what he’s in for.
You nodded and continued with your cheek pressed to his chest, “Did you eat? And are you still hungry?”
“I got something on my break, thank you though.” He kissed the top of your head again.
“Mhm, you want a bath?”
“With you?”
You snorted and pressed your forehead into his sternum, “No, with the bubbles and the salts you like. The ones that help your back.”
He drew you out of hiding with a finger hooked under your chin, a kiss to your nose. “I’d love one.”
"Go lay down, I'll get it ready."
"I'll fall asleep."
"Then don't." You didn't see the what? face he made since you were already halfway to the surprisingly nice full-bath. He swears that one room alone is half the rent, you swear it's worth it. He'll never say it out loud but after the week he's had, you know he agrees. "And stop staring," he forgets the eyes in the back of your head, or maybe he just forgets how well you know him by now.
"Hate to see you leave, love to watch you go." You said at the same time he did. "Ah, so you've heard that one before?" He asked as you came back out for the lighter, he caught you by the waist before you could reach the aptly named 'everything drawer'.
"Mm, I'm quite familiar."
"Mhm. Now, can you go get yourself out of this stupid vest and into the bath? It's gonna overflow by the time I finish getting everything together."
"You can't do it for me?" You rolled your eyes and pushed him towards the bedroom and yourself to the drawers.
"What do you expect when you're looking like that?"
You looked down at your sweatpants and old P.E shirt on your way back to the bathroom. Yeah, ok, maybe you'd grown a little since freshman year but nothing that tight. "I rephrase, delusional."
"Then I have one hell of an imagination." You looked up from the candle you were lighting to give him another tease but the sight of his back through the mirror was enough to shut you up. All you could manage was something close to a very pathetic whine, close! But not quite, an important distinction. Either way, you're grateful he couldn't hear over the running water. Once the bubbles were practically overflowing you shut off the faucet and swirled the salts around again for good measure.
"Is it ready?" Steve poked his head in, his voice betraying his exhaustion, but he was careful to keep it from annoyance.
"Mhm." You'd like to think the heat of your face was from the hot water, but you both knew that was a lie. You cleared your throat anyway. "Perfect temperature."
And of course he had to smirk at the way you tried so very hard at keeping your eyes on his face. "Perfect, thank you baby." He tried to catch you by the waist for a kiss of gratitude but you slipped past him and his devastatingly gorgeous and despicably tempting um heh collar bones, yeah, collar bones.
"Just leaving me here?" You scurried back into the kitchen and you could hear he left the door open by the sound of the water sloshing against him as he sank down into it.
"Yell when it gets cold!"
And not even 10 seconds later, "Sweetheart?!"
"It's a little chilly. You should come in and warm me up." You looked inside and found him with his head tossed back and his eyes closed. One knee sticking out from the foam and his arms steaming from where they rested on the sides of the tub. His shoulders relaxed already, but still too tense for your taste. He looked up at you once he heard the door squeak. "Honey, I'm freezin in here."
"You're neck is read with how hot it is, but I commend your efforts, love."
He groaned dramatically, "Don't pretend with me."
"What?" You said through a laugh.
"If you really loved me, you'd get in this bath."
"Compromise?" You didn't wait for him to nod, though he did anyway. "I'll stay in here with you, and then when you get out I'll give you a massage. Hmm?"
"God, you love me too much."
"Impossible." You were about to leave to grab your book but he called you back.
"Wait! Hold my hand?"
"Of course."
You spent the rest of his bath with your head on his arm while you read and he rested. "Is it not freezing by now?"
"S'alright," he hardly mumbled.
You slid your hand into the now almost chill water. "Frigid, honey. Here," you stood and held up the biggest, fluffiest towel you owned. He let you throw it over his shoulders and wrap him up tight like a baby; then push him off towards the bed where he face planted into the comforter. "You gotta work with me here, baby. Lemme see your back."
He grunted and grumbled but still managed to pull it down to his waist. "Thank you, my love."
"Thank you for this, mmmmph," your thumbs worked into that tight spot that'd been slowly getting worse the longer he let it go, "and the bath, oooohhh."
He stopped being self conscious about his noises after the third massage you gave him, the heavenly sensation building with every pass of your thumbs over that one spot, eventually he let out the loudest, longest, most pent up moan. He was mortified. So while he was pacing your old apartment's bathroom, you were on the phone fielding calls from nosey neighbors with "Thank you for your concern, yes, yes Thank you mrs. Harris, mhm, yep. Just a stubbed toe. Yes oh absolutely, I’ll keep it in mind. So great to know I have such caring neighbors, yep buh-bye now”
You worked your way down from his shoulders where the most tension was, to his hips where you knew it hurt the most. A whole week and a half of hearing the cracking and groans every time he stood. Also all the horror stories of high school sports injuries, Russian guard injuries, inter-dimensional monster injuries….lots of injuries. Some worse than others (some just from being dumb with the kids and Eddie…Max can be very persuasive, even if it’s just by a triple dog dare).
By the time you worked your way down to kneading the muscles about his waist he. was. out. “Hmmmmff, god, you’re perfect.” “Fuck, I love you.”
“Ok, so you’re never allowed to get a massage.”
“Hmm?” He couldn’t even pretend, that was the most pathetic sound he’d made all day.
“You’re gonna start babbling to the massage therapist telling them to just marry you already or something, you’ll scare them away.”
“Mph, don’t care. Only want yours. You’re too good, oohhh, too good to me, you angel.” Everything he said was some sort of groan, lost in the feelings of being so tired and so relaxed and so so taken care of.
You got to the base of his spine and he was making the softest, sweetest little sounds. After gracing every inch of his skin, you leaned forward and kissed his shoulder. His eyes still closed and your hand in his hair, you moved up his neck to the spot just under his ear. "Stevie?"......"Honey?"......"Are you awake?"
He hummed something close to No in response.
"You wanna sleep?"
Tomorrow then
“I love you.”
“‘uv you.”
Tags:@new-romqntics @sw34terw34ther @beezywriting @haydipoof @avipoof @steveharringtonlovesme @manyfandomsfanvergent @loving-and-dreaming@esperisdrunkinwonderlandwonderland @puppy-coded @babyrunsforfanfic @sp1rit-realm @nyxxxxxxxx @innerloverpainter @munsonsreputation@twl1ghtdollz@honeymunson@steveharringtonsleftshoe
(because I love you, and since I can't pull my usual schtick of giving you butter, my fics will have to suffice)
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litfeathers · 2 years
Something I'm super interested to see (after Belos and the Collector are defeated and everything in the Boiling Isles goes back to relative normalcy, I mean) is what Hexside will look like post track/coven system.
I can see them keeping the track system for the students who are magic specialists (like Willow or Amity). I can also see multi-track being super popular, and almost the rule rather than the exception. Some of the more common multi tracks even have specific names, like the animal healing/veterinary track (obviously Viney's their top student).
But what if they add an additional track.
The wild track.
The first two students who officially enroll in the wild track are Luz and Hunter.
And the wild track teacher is Ms. Edalyn Clawthorne.
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hobsyllwin · 2 years
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this is how Dell looks like outside of work btw. Horribly British man
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s0urte3th · 1 year
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