#dells x reader
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After meeting the girl of his dreams all dells wants is her support and when she’s not there for the semi finals of their baseball league he quickly regrets his words. And she shows him just how much he means to her
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brain-amoeba · 1 year
i was sent this ask:
"Hello, you! can there be a headcannon where, (Scout, Sniper, demo, and my favorite Texan, engi) hugging S/o and the merc is like: “Oh no I’m in love with them” as their face is all red? And, S/o is sorta worried about them and asking “you good?” this scenario has been itching my brain for a few days lol
Anon jilly🦭🌺"
and i believe you may have forgotten to turn anon on when submitting the ask, so i still saw your url. out of respect for your anonymity, i will answer here instead of from the inbox, so hopefully it still finds you well! also i hope you don't mind i do a mini scenario for these as opposed to HCs, just to give yall a little more content :3
Mercs Getting a Big Ole Hug
-You two always had a strong bond, and a dynamic like childhood friends. It was always fun and games with Scout, and when the time came, he knew how to comfort you and be there for you albeit in his own clumsy and Scout-y way.
-It wasn't until he noticed the way the other Mercs looked at you did he start to see you as more than just a friend--he now became acutely aware of how soft your skin felt when it brushed up against his, the way your hair perfectly framed your face, every small detail about you, and he couldn't believe he never noticed any of this before.
-It was your day off, and as usual, you spent it with Scout. The two of you tired yourselves out playing catch outside, as well as other fun roughhousing typical of your other pastimes. While running for the ball, you tripped and fell forward, but Scout was quick enough to catch you, and held you in a tight embrace. You instinctively wrap your arms around his torso and bury your head in his chest. He maintains his grip on you, but his face is as red as his uniform--all of a sudden the outside air feels cramped and he's getting clammy. It was like getting hit with his own Atomizer: all the times he's admired every little thing about you coming together all at once to beat him over the head with the realization that he was in love with you.
-You finally let him go, looking up at him and yelping a bit in surprise. "Scout?! What happened to you? Should we go see Medic?!" You ask frantically, concern showing on your scrunched features as you took in Scout's seemingly-ill state. "N-Nah, I'm okay, really! More than that, actually...I feel amazin'." He gazed at you with a softness you hadn't yet seen before, but it sparked a warmth in your heart and your tummy that you didn't oppose.
-Sniper wasn't exactly one for PDA, let alone physical touch. Just didn't tickle his fancy. But you, something about you gave Sniper the desire, for the first time in ages, to hold, touch, and generally be around someone of his own volition. But for some reason, he just couldn't find it in himself to act on those desires. Whether it be his own deeply-instilled professionalism or cowardice, he couldn't tell. Whatever it was, all he knew was him being afraid of scaring you off. So he did nothing. The minimal interactions with you now would suffice, and his imagination could do the rest.
-You weren't exactly having the best day. Just yesterday, you scuffed a one-on-one encounter with an enemy merc that cost your team the mission, and today's target practice was not kind to you either. You found yourself alone on the range, tears of frustration pooling in your [color] eyes as you trudged along to set up the target dummy Sniper once again. Overwhelmed by frustration, you found yourself hugging the Sniper dummy for even the slightest sense of comfort, dropping your rifle to the dust below with a thud. The real Sniper, who had volunteered to check on you, heard the sound of your rifle hitting the ground as he left the base. The impact immediately spiked his adrenaline and caused the worst thoughts to run through his mind. He quickened his pace, almost falling over in place once he beheld the scene. Sniper couldn't help but feel a tug on his heartstrings watching you embrace the dummy of him. A warm flush crept its way to his rugged features as he realized the depth of his feelings for you way-exceeded his expectations.
-It's now or never, he thought to himself, finally finding the courage to approach you. He put a large gloved hand on your shoulder, eliciting a fearful shriek from you. Your face reddened with embarrassment, stammering as you tried to come up with a good excuse for your behavior. Wordlessly, Sniper wrapped you up in a tight embrace which immediately soothed your worries. "Shhh. It's alright, roo. Don't cry, now." He spoke just above a whisper, and despite being there to comfort you, he himself was trembling with anxiety at what he's just done. When you finally gathered yourself and parted from the Aussie's embrace, your eyes widened. "Sniper! What's gotten into you?!" He looked down at you with a slight smile, as if it would conceal the way his heart pounded in his chest.
"You have, sheila."
-He wasn't always drunk! Okay, maybe he was, but that didn't mean he was always unaware. He was especially aware of a certain little merc who always took him to bed, always got him water, and always made sure to wish him a goodnight, even when the rest left him to drink himself to oblivion. He thought of you very fondly, like a close friend more than just a colleague. You were the first of the bunch to ever show a genuine compassion for him and actually attempt to care for him even in his drunken state (and he knew that was no easy feat).
-It was another night like always, the rest of the team off taking care of their own business while Demo had some precious one-on-one time with his scrumpy, this time accompanied by you! And you were actually drinking with him! It was the weekend, after all, and you decided what the hell, why not, and let your hair down a little. While not nearly as intoxicated as your Scottish companion, you definitely felt the buzzy warmth of drunkenness sneaking up on you. You felt more bubbly, confident, and silly. You gazed upon Demo fondly as he slurred through stories of missions, both failures and successes.
-Right as he was getting to the story's climax, he raised his arms above his head for dramatic affect, and you impulsively leapt into them. "Awwe Tavichhh, I wuv when you tell stowiesss" you mumbled into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as if he'd leave you any second. The sudden show of affection almost sobered Demo up a bit, but he quickly dropped his arms and returned your embrace. In his drunken state, the warmth of your body against his felt like fire, and he couldn't help but notice the way you fit perfectly into him. Demo soon grabbed your shoulders, moving you back to meet his gaze. The sudden serious look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. "D-demo! What's the matter?!" He took in your flushed face as if he were looking upon the Mona Lisa herself before finally speaking, "Oh it's nothin, lass. I just enjoy lookin' at ye."
-You were lucky enough to get some time off when you were informed this go-round of contracts did not include you. To your surprise, they didn't include Engie, either. You discovered this when you bolted for the workshop in a panic as you realized your prized headphones were destroyed! You were about to go on a walk before fishing them from your backpack and soon met with the disappointment of your prized possession in tatters--wires frayed, and hanging down almost mockingly.
-As you busted through the double doors of Engineer's workshop, he jumped in surprise, nearly dropping his wrench. "Well howdy to yourself too, darlin'!" He regained his bearings and approached you with a chuckle. "What's got you in such a tizzy, hm?" You simply raised the broken pair of headphones up*, looking at him like a lost puppy. "M-my headphones are destroyeeeddd!" You whined. Engie, behind his goggles, looked at you with a twinge of pain in his eyes just from hearing how distraught you were. Though he was empathetic to your "loss", he couldn't help but admire how adorable you sounded when you whimpered, and got a bit of an ego-boost from how you immediately came to him for aid. Engie took the headphones from you, inspecting them closely as he set them down on a nearby workbench. "Y'know, dear, these might not be a lost cause...let's see what some good ole fashioned Texan ingenuity can do!" He assured you with a sly smile.
-You fidgeted nervously as you watched over his shoulder while he tinkered away on your poor headphones. "Can I get you somethin' to drink darlin'? Maybe some water?" Engineer didn't take his eyes off the headphones as he spoke, currently re-twisting and wrapping wires before getting to work on the broken frame of the device. "I'm okay, thank you, Engie..." Truthfully, you were just too nervous to take your eyes off of the headphones while Engineer repaired them. Of course, you trusted his skillful hand, but with them being such a meaningful item to you, you couldn't help but hover over his shoulder and watch. Suddenly, Engie spoke up again, this time with a command-- "Close your eyes, dear." Nervously, you did as you were told. Engineer turned to face you, gently placing the repaired headphones on your head. Your eyes shot open and hands immediately went up to feel the newly repaired device now muffling your hearing.
-Without a second thought, you pulled Engie into a tight embrace. "Engie, you're the best!! Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, nuzzling his chest a bit as the two of you embraced. His large gloved hand gently caressed your back, giving it a slight pat in response to your praise. While Engineer typically maintained a relaxed exterior, internally, he was practically melting. A proper southern gentleman such as himself couldn't be indecent in the presence of a lady, but the fog on his goggles and pink in his cheeks said otherwise. You pulled away, removing the headphones. You went to inspect them further, but the sight before you stopped you dead in your tracks. "Engie?! You feeling alright??" He looked like he was about to pass out--and he felt like it, too.
-Engineer simply nodded, placing his ivory-colored cowboy hat on your head in response.
*this is exactly what i envisioned for this scene btw
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rabbittf2x · 1 year
since your requests are open, maybe something nsfw with medic, sniper and engie please <3 maybe like they got horny in the middle of the battle and they want to quickly got some action, something like that,, i'm so excited you opened your requests that i'm not sure what i want jshsbd
Aww ur so sweet for being excited about it🥺💖
Warning: NSFW
Quickies with the mercs🤭
Includes: Engineer, Medic and Sniper
You and the Engineer sat close in the base, guarding his buildings. You hadn’t seen much of the rest of the team for awhile, as the loud and exciting battle was happening outside. Engie kept stealing glances your way, taking in your pretty features
“Y’know,” he coughed awkwardly, a blush creeping across his cheeks. “The others prolly won’t be back for awhile…” he trailed
You took your eyes off Engineer’s sentry and looked into his goggles. “Yeah…?” You lilted, inching closer to him
Without another word, Engie’s arms slipped around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You barely had time to snake your own around his neck, as he crashed his lips onto yours. His goggles and hardhat hit the concrete floor, with your back not long after
The Engineer wasn’t used to quickies like this, but he was a very fast learner. From the moment he shrugged off his overalls, he turned you into a moaning mess. You couldn’t help but smile as he thrusted hard into you, crying out his name in smitten bliss
Your smile was infectious, as one crept across Engie’s face from above. “You look so pretty like this, darling.” He chuckled breathlessly
Before Medic left the infirmary for battle, you pulled him close and kissed his neck tenderly. “I’ll be waiting here until you get back…” you purred in his ear
Medic couldn’t focus at all. You were the only thing on his mind while at war. He had a… growing problem… which was really disrupting his work. Looking around the area with a bright red face, he quickly decided that his team could make due without a Medic for a little while. He raced back to the infirmary, scaring the hell out of you as he bursted through the doors
“Medic?!” You gasped
“I cannot wait until after the battle!” Medic exclaimed
“But your tea—oh!”
The doctor thrusted you against a hospital bed, causing you to leap up onto it. He slammed his lips onto yours, gripping your waist and grinding into you. You moaned as you felt that familiar hardness against your groin. You threw your arms around his neck and ran your fingers through his hair
Medic laid you down along the bed with his lips still on yours, clumsily unbuckling his belt. You fumbled with the buttons on his coat, and then your pants came off next
Your moans bounced off the walls of the infirmary, drowning out the sound of war outside. Medic laughed breathily, his glasses crooked on his flushed face
You were keeping Sniper company in his little sniper nest. He was hot and bothered just at the fact you were chilling behind him. He could hardly focus, and even missed his shot at a few enemies. Growing frustrated, the Aussie dumped his rifle to the floorboards and turned to you
“Wanna do it?” Sniper asked
Your eyes widened, “what?” You gaped
“Just a quickie.” He deadpanned
You stared at him in disbelief for a few moments, before giving a shrug. “Yeah, okay.” You grabbed the bottom of your shirt and lifted it over your head
The Sniper crept over and pinned you against the wooden wall, feeling up your bare chest. You moaned, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. He groaned deeply into your mouth, grinding against you
Sniper ended up on top of you on the floor, his legs between yours. Your clothes along with his hat and sunglasses were carelessly thrown around his rifle. You mewled desperately against his lips as he slammed into you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and slipped your hands under his shirt, crying out in pleasure
Sniping was a good job
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dancingpottedplant666 · 2 months
So you know how Tf2 takes place in New Mexico? Well I’m an animal lover, and I know that there are tons of fantastic creatures there and I’m sure there are a bunch of them they would 100% be hanging around the nooks and crannies of RED team’s base. So I present to Ye:
Scenarios about how our beloved mercs and an animal-loving reader handle an encounter with New Mexico’s amazing fauna. 
Part 1 here!
Part 2: Defense
Demoman and the Swallowtail Butterflies 
It was mid morning during a ceasefire and all of the mercs were valuing their time away from the battlefield to the best of their abilities, and of course, Demo was last seen with two bottles of his beloved scrumpy as he headed outside to most likely, get drunk and pass out.
Two hours later, the heat was getting a bit too intense for anyone to be outside for too long, drunk or not. 
You decided it was best to try and find the team’s bomb expert before he burnt to a crisp. Grabbing a glass of cold, ice water and a wet towel just in case, you headed outside.
After a good fifteen minutes of searching around the base, you heard a familiar sound of snoring from the corner of a building. 
However, when you got there, the sight you saw made you let out a giggle.
A passed out Demoman covered in Swallowtail butterflies. 
They must’ve smelled the his sweat and decided it was a good place to rest. All of them resting on his face and hands, opening and closing their wings every once in a while. 
Although, as cute as this was, you did need to wake him up.
“Demo, Hey Demoman, can you hear me?”
You raised your voice a bit, hoping not to startle the small insects.
“Uuuuaugggg Whah? What te hell?”
As he stirred awake, some of the butterflies startled a bit and then gently fluttered back on to his face, not seeming to care that their rest stop had woken up. 
Demo froze, you could tell he wasn’t exactly sure what to do in the situation he found himself in.
“ah, um what te…what in te *hic* is happenin”
“uh, heh, I think you fell asleep and your new friends decided to have a pit stop”
“Aaaye” Demo carefully lifts a scarred hand, trying not to scare the swallowtails. 
After stirring a bit, one flies up to rest on his palm.
“Ahhh ffeel like a bloody princess”
You gave a light chuckle, but then you remembered why you came out here in the first place. 
“Hey Demo, it’s getting a little bit too hot out here, we can’t have our Demolitions Expert die from heat exhaustion”
“mm, I suppose you’re right, I deserve to die in a blaze o’ glory don’t I?”
“Damn right” 
You hold out a hand that Demo took, and with one good hoist, the butterflies fluttered of Demo as he stood up, the both of you mesmerized as they fluttered around and up into the sky.
“you ok? You’ve been been out here for a while”
“Aye, dunne worry, I’ve handled worse, by te wae, what were those butterflies?”
“Swallowtails, you can tell by the extra long bits on the ends of their wings, I’m assuming you’re sweat attracted the swarm”
“mah sweat? I thought they onleh ate flowers.”
“nope, sweat, tears and even blood is on the menu for them”
“wot? Tha is bloody brilliant”
“I know right?”
Once you two where inside, you both sigh in unison as the air conditioner hits your skin.
Heavy and the Javelina 
It was late in the afternoon at the base, RED triumphed over BLU, as usual. Despite that, the men never got tired of celebrating their victories, and still drank and shouted to commemorate their win.
Although they can get a little too loud sometimes, so you decided to hangout outside to enjoy the silence and the cool night air. 
After a while, footsteps alerted to you to someone else approaching. 
You turned to be greeted by the heavy weapons man himself. He carried a plate with sandviches piled on top.
“Oh, hey Heavy! Come to relax in the night air too?”
“Da, is too noisy for Heavy’s liking, I sit outside to eat”
“Yeah, guess everybody needs a break from the chaos huh?”
He hummed in agreement as he ate his dinner next to you in relative silence.
Until a squealing noise caused both of you to lift up your heads in confusion
“What was noise?”
“I’m actually not quite sure” 
“It sounds like pig, but no pigs here, right?”
“Huh, you actually might be on to something Heavy” your head scans the area for any movement.
You turn to see him get up from his seat, walk over a few feet, and bend over a shaded area. 
“Heavy has found hairy pig”
“Hairy pig? Wait, What?”
“Hairy pig”
His huge hand ventures under the shade and pulls out a small, squirming, pig-like creature.
“No way! It’s a baby javelina!”
He looks at you with slight confusion as he looks at the grunting baby quizzically.
“Is baby? Where is mother?”
“It must’ve gotten separated from its group, I’m sure we can still find them”
You looked around, wondering if the family could still be nearby.
 As if to answer your question, you found a group of six javelinas, all gorging themselves on the sandviches heavy left behind.
“Ah, there is mother, and rest of family” 
Heavy bends over and lets the squealing baby skitter over to its family.
“Leetle baby may eat with family. Heavy can always make more sandvich”
You and Heavy stood and watched the family eat in relative silence, being careful not to disturb them. Eventually, the family left and walked off. 
After a while, you two found yourselves sitting back where you were.
“You know what hairy pigs were, yes?” 
“Uh, yeah! Javelinas”
“Hm, tell Heavy more about Javelinas”
“Oh, okay! Well, did you know that baby javelinas are called “reds” 
due to the reddish coloration of their fur? They use that to hide from predators looking for an easy meal”
Heavy’s eyes widen. 
“What predators?”
“Oh tons” you counted on your fingers “pumas, bobcats, coyotes, and even desert hawks will try and snatch a baby if their lucky”
“Hm, very dangerous for hairy pigs, yes?” 
“Oh yeah, but don’t think their helpless, they can run up to 35 miles per hour and if that doesn’t work, they have tusks and inch long they can use to clack to together to make threatening sounds or lacerate an imposing threat”
“Hm, leetle pigs know how to survive, Heavy respects that”
You continue talking into the night until you part your ways to head to bed. 
However Heavy will always remember that night where he met the family of hairy pigs.
Engineer and the Armadillo 
It was a calm morning during a ceasefire and today your body decided to get up earlier than usual.
4 AM to be exact (thanks internal clock). 
Knowing that there was no point in going back to sleep, you decided to bring a cup of coffee and some apple slices to your favorite Texan.
You already had a gut feeling that he wouldn’t be in his quarters, so you headed for the garage. 
After giving a quick knock, you heard clattering and a groggy voice respond.
“Ah, innna’ minute!” 
You internally cringed when when he opened the door.
He had bags under his eyes and motor oil and a mix of other gunk was evenly distributed across his entire body. 
In short, he looked like a total mess.
“Hey Engie, pulled another all-nighter ey?”
He gave an exhausted sigh but then lightly chuckled.
“Heh, ya know it, but ahm’ not sure if I should be happy or a lil’ upset that you’re startin’ ta figure out mah’ unhealthy habits”
He turns to the side, letting you in.
“Either way ahm’ impressed”
“Aw shucks Engie, you’re to kind”
You gave a joking swat at his comment but then set down the fruit and coffee.
“I hope I remembered what you liked in your coffee”
You see the slight widening of his smile as you offered him the caffeinated beverage.
He took it and gave it a few chugs, much to your surprise.
“Ah, perfect way to start ma’ mornin!”
You gave a laugh as he continued to chug the drink, gazing at the cluttered up garage.
Bits of machinery were thrown about everywhere, most of it being deconstructed sentries.
“So, whatcha ya been working on?”
Engineer looked around at the parts, using his non-gloved hand to munch on an apple slice.
“Eh, been tinkerin’ mostly, trying to boost efficiency and practicality”
He strolls over to one of his blueprints, eying it like it just insulted his mother.
“But as per usual, nothin’ but dead ends and another sleepless night”
Your next sympathetic words were cut off when the sound of a falling pile of metal stole both your attentions. 
“Dammit, ah just sorted those!”
The angry hard hat stormed over to the pile, ready to cuss it out, but he suddenly froze.
“Engie? You ok?”
“How the hell did ya get in here?”
You walked over to him and saw what he was talking to, and was met with an odd discovery.
A Nine-Banded armadillo huddled in a corner.
“Ah! Engie you have a friend!”
He let out a hearty laugh and put his hands on his hips.
“That ah do! But, he’s the last thing ah want in mah garage”
He went moved to pick it up but you quickly stopped him.
“Wait! Nine-banded armadillo are known to carry leprosy! It’s best to do it with both your hand gloved!”
“Ah, right, beats gettin’ a trip to Medic’s”
He hastily rummaged around for another glove as you grabbed the apple slices that were left.
When he came back, he used his now, fully gloved, hands to hurriedly wrangle and grab the armored visitor.
“There we go ya lil’ stinker! Huh, must’ve got in when ah left the garage door open for some air”
As he held it out by the rim of its shell, you got a better look at the calmed beast.
“Wow, it’s beautiful! I’ve never seen one this close…”
Engineer gave a light grin as you fawned over the armadillo and he gently rubbed its shell.
“Heh, I remember these guys from back home. Saw em’ all over Texas but never really looked into em’”
Your eyes lit up at this.
“Of course! They’re all over Texas and in the southern half of the country, but they can be found as far north as the Missouri and Iowa state line!”
You offered the Armadillo an apple slice and it began to nibble the fruit.
“Well ah’ll be darned! You do know a lot about your critters.”
You continued to state little facts about the animal as he walked it outside and far enough away so it won’t get the idea of coming back.   
“Did you know that they can swim and hold their breath for six minutes? Oh! And that sum guy tried to shoot one but its armor managed to ricochet the bullet into its face?!”
All the while, Engie was beaming like the morning sun.
Not only did you make his all nighter seem worth it, but it also helped him get some new ideas for his machines. 
Ah! This turned out so well! Sorry it took awhile! Should I do part 3?
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sakuwura-meow-meow · 8 months
Hallo !! I saw your requests were open so I was wonderin if ye could do some hcs for Heavy and Engi with an S/O whos new to the team? If this ain't your cup of tea or ye just dunno how to write this, feel free to ignore! No pressure!:D
(Heads up all my x readers will be gender neutral)
-he would definitely mess around with you and teas ya for being the newbie of the group like everyone did to scout
-but you were soft, softer than he was and better yet sweeter than he was your voice reminded him of the sweet oozing of honey from a honey comb
-over time he grew extremely fond of you to a point where he had to tell the others he calls “dibs” to ask you out first
-he absolutely makes you grilled cheese late at night even when you don’t need him to cook for you but he does it anyways and on the field always makes sure theirs a dispenser around areas he’s noticed you stay around most he calls them your hot spots
-the way he confessed is rather odd he waits his time to do this but he manages to perfect his sentry to shoot rocket smoke that says I love you
- he gives you big slap on back and will personally keep an eye on you calling you little little baby that is until you actually get hurt then that makes him mad
-all you hear is yatatatatat yatatata yatatat because he’s pushing with medic for your vengeance he may or may not have also crushed a few skulls on his way out with the intel
-afterwards though he makes his secret recipe sanvich he hardly makes it in fear others want it but he gives you half only his family from Russia knows how to make it perfectly like he does
-he will train you himself only because you’re well behaved unlike Scout was when he first joined he teaches you a few dances, temperature training against cold and pain tolerance
- he never realized his favoritism towards you until medic pointed it out and all you hear is him yelling as you burst through his door his face was as red as roses
-his way of confessing was via card because he was no where near ready to say anything but wanted you to know he loves you as equal as Sasha
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writin-with-the-blues · 5 months
can you please write more of the blu medic x red mercs but the rest of red team finds out?? Like the red merc walks into base and the rest of the team is like "um hey what the HELL you have a crush on a BLU!?!?!?" (If you can't do this scenario for all the mercs can you do it for pyro, engineer, and scout please) thank you!!! Sorry If this request is alot.
Oh absolutely I can do this! Sorry if updates have been slow, finals has been killing me and this seemed the easiest to post. (I feel like I am always writing Pyro wrong LMAO).
OG Post Here
Right person, Wrong side
Pyro, Engineer, and Scout x Male!Blue Medic! Reader (Romantic)
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They are probably the most interesting when it comes to you.
They tried to talk about you to the rest of the Mercenaries actually. However, since most of them can’t here them, they brush it off as utter nonsense. Except for one particular person.
Miss Pauling.
It was over a phone call, since pyro was in their room, they didn’t feel the need to put on a mask. It had to do with a contract killing you in particular and they rejected it. Miss Pauling inquired further about it, she was simply told, “Oh they didn’t tell you? I love him.”
“You can fall in love?”
Okay, ow, that hurt. But that one conversation with Miss Pauling somehow got spread around the entirety of Red Team. Though, it isn’t really a case of, ‘They are in love with blue team’ but a case of, ‘They can love?!’
Overall, it went alright. Though it did show how people felt about their cognitive abilities.
Ah yes, Dell, the man with more PHD’s than fingers of the Mercs have after a fight. He got caught because of an invention.
I am a firm believer that Dell’s love languages are Gift Giving and Acts of Service. He adores the moments when you just look so happy and excited, so keeping the stressful moments to a minimum with his inventions or hell just giving you a cup of coffee is something he thinks about a little too much.
So when he finds out that your medigun isn’t working as well as it should be, he immediately gets to solutions for you. It wasn’t like you asked though, since you didn’t even know something was wrong with your medigun in the first place but the nozzle doesn’t have the same range as it used to.
Though, his teams medic assumed it was for him until the very quick realization that it did absolutely nothing for his medigun. Which immediately was brought with accusations of being a spy and betraying the team.
To tell you it was ugly would be an understatement. To the point where his only defense is that he loved you. So he just simply said that. Did it resolve his issues with spy accusations? Yes. But it created a whole new problem.
Now there’s a bit of pressure from the rest of the team to just, ‘Snap out of it’ but he doesn’t. As much as he lies through his teeth, and as much as he tries to ignore it, he can’t. I mean, he’s a full grown man dammit, who cares?
If you were to ask me how he even gotten himself in this situation, I’d say the many doodles he has of you.
He has a somewhat (very) crass way of expressing his feelings when using his sketchbook. Everything he feels about you just drawn out, kissing, hugging, other things a 20 year old with art abilities draws.
The first person to find these sketches of you is Spy. His first thoughts follow the beat of, ‘This is really good anatomy.’ To ‘Is that the enemy medic?’
Spy tried to use it as leverage against Scout. Once Scout realized what had happened, he almost immediately decided to tell every red merc on his own terms.
It’s the most Jeremy thing he could do, but I genuinely believe he’d do it. Though it goes as well as you expect it to. Which is not great.
To sum it up, there were so many argument over it. Whether it is justified or not, but most were in agreement that they knew they can’t change his feelings about you.
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 2 months
Yooo can you make sum smut for engie?
(Love ur writing!!)
A/N: Hi! Engie is so cute I love him<3 and thank you very much for the kind words!
Bottoms up
Engineer x F!Reader
Cw:none, this one is pretty tame guys
It was a boring day. Just like.. yaknow. Everyday at the base. When you weren’t fighting to death over a briefcase, really, there wasn’t anything to do in order to keep yourself occupied. Unless you were workaholics like Engineer and Medic. But even then, Medic still knew when to take a break. Engineer, on the other hand, He probably didn’t even know the definition of a break. You were just trying to keep your mind occupied until your next mission, or at least until an opposing team member tried to strike. But this proved to be extremely difficult. So, you figured it was time to pay your lovely engineer a little visit. You shrugged and started your path to his workshop. You didn’t bother knocking at this point. So you barged in and slowly made your way over to Engie, where he was tinkering with God only knows what. 
“Dell, honey,” you mumbled into his ear as you leaned your chest against his back and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
He hummed “How can I help you, ma'am?" He asked while still working on his little project. 
“After I finish this,” he didn’t even look away from his tinkering. 
You whined and pressed your chest against his back some more and placed more kisses. Leaving a little bit of lipstick behind as you did, “How about you finish something else?” You asked and let your hands slip under his arms and run down his torso.
“You know I can’t waste my time like that,” he said reluctantly.
You frowned. “A little fun won’t kill you.”
He stopped tinkering for a minute and swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath, and then slowly returning back to his work. He was visibly trying to restrain himself, so you pulled away and looked at him fully as he immersed himself in his work. Then you got an idea. You returned to him and pulled his arms away from his work enough so you could sit fully on his lap. Your chest against his and still placing kisses on his neck. You were pleasantly surprised with the reaction this got out of him. A nice bulge formed in his pants, and you took it as a sign to grind a little bit against him. Eventually he bit his lip and placed one hand on your lower back to support your movements. He had fully pulled away from his work now and lifted his goggles up to make eye contact with you. 
“You’re a naughty thing; you know that, Y/n”
You giggled and nodded. You thought you had finally cracked him..but then he lifted you up and began to put his things away. You huffed and crossed your arms.
“What’s the matter, little lady?” He asked as he put the rest of his things up and wiped his hands down. 
“Nothing." You huffed out. 
"Now that ain't true. I can tell something's bothering you" he mumbled. 
"I just don’t understand how you can always work so mu-“ You were then cut off when he pulled you to him and felt his lips make quick work of your neck and collarbone. You let a soft whimper leave your lips, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting them rest there.
 “I’ll always have time for you, Y/n. You know that.”  
You swallowed thickly, and you could already feel something hardening against your thigh. You pressed your thigh against the feeling, and your suspicions were confirmed with a low growl from him.  He continued to kiss your neck, now leaving small bites here and there, and his hands made work of your bottoms. Tugging them down and following them as he fell to his knees and gripped your thigh with one hand and undid his own pants so his hard cock was on display already. You shivered as he looked up at you. Then he dove in and licked a stripe up your slit and lapped around your clit teasingly. His hand was on his cock, and he pumped at the same pace as his licking. You lifted one of your legs to rest on his shoulder and arched against the table as he used his tongue on you. Assaulting your clit now with sucking. It was incredible hot to see this. His hand working himself; you could already see his “working demeanor” fade away while he pleasured you. He liked it like this. Pleasing you is what got him off the most, so this was perfect, and your soft whimpers and moans weren’t helping him any to keep ahold of himself. His licks began to feel more desperate. Your slick and his spit covered his lips and chin, and you were practically teetering on the edge. What the hell? You guys just started.. but hey, who were you to complain over someone giving you an orgasm early?
You gripped the table with a white knuckle grip and bucked your hips uncontrollably as your orgasm made itself more known. His was definitely around the corner too, you could tell by his low grunts and heavy breathing. He slipped his tongue inside of you and then turned his attention back to your poor clit. You threw your head back and moaned out as you began to cum hard against his mouth. He continued to lap at your sensitive bundle of nerves until you were finished. You watched intently as he continued to lick up your juices, and he became more needy than ever with your eyes on him. He was still painfully hard as he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting the two of you. He wiped his mouth on his hand and stood up. He turned you around and pressed you down against the table. His cock was pressed against your slick, glistening cunt, and he slipped in the tip with a groan. You bit your lip as he settled in completely. Wasting no time with slamming his hips against yours. Rocking the table beneath the two of you. He moaned and groaned as he listened to your overstimulated whimpers. Your legs trembled, and he seemed to find amusement in that. Chuckling in between thrusts and sharp breaths.
“You’re a good girl for me; look at you.. so sweet, huh?” 
You just nodded sluggishly as he continued to assault your clenching and quivering cunt. He fucked into you with more hast now. Chasing the orgasm he has built up, and it felt like you were about to cum again too. You were about to burst, it felt like. Your nerves were on fire, and you felt like you could pass out for how this felt. His cock hit your spot in every good way possible. 
“Fuck, you like that, Y/n? You like when I fuck you like that?” He said as he hit a particularly good spot that sent your head reeling. You nodded frantically now. 
“Right there, Dell! Fuck, don’t stop!
He chuckled. “Didn’t plan on it, sweetheart.” He said and continued his actions, not switching a thing until he felt you clench tighter. That earned a wonderful noise from him, and you felt his pace seemingly switch up without him even knowing. 
“Gonna cum..” he grunted out. 
You bit your lip and felt him reach one of his hands down to swipe at your clit. You saw stares and shook as you came right then and there. He finished too, pulling out and gasping as he pumped himself to completion, cumming on the small of your back. You both caught your breath, and he let out a little chuckle. 
“S’that what you wanted?” He asked as he got himself cleaned up and situated.
You nodded tiredly. “But I still wanna hang out with you..” you grumbled under your breath. “Well, how about we go ahead and head to my room for now? You rest up and we can spend some time together, yeah?” He grabbed a nearby tissue and wiped off your back.
You agreed and tried to stand up, but your legs gave out. He felt a little bit of pride strike up inside of him.
“Let me help you, sweetheart,” he said, wrapping an arm under yours and held you to him. You allowed this, and he helped you slip your bottoms back on. 
He led you out of the workshop, and it seemed like you guys caught the attention of the medic. 
“What is wrong with her? Is she hurt? She seems so drained.” He asked and pushed up his glasses.
“Nah, she’s just tired, is all.” He mentioned and looked at you with a little smirk tugging at his lips. 
Medic paused and looked you both up and down. Realization seemed to hit him and his eyes widened. "Ah, I see.. well, uh. I’ll be- going back to my office then,” he said and made a quick exit. 
Engineer just chuckled to himself and helped you to the room. 
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i-willstealyourtoes · 21 days
Mayhaps I request some headcanons of engi with an s/o with... 𝓉𝒽𝑒 '𝓉𝒾𝓈𝓂? (I'm diagnosed with aspergers, but it's just autism les' be honest) For weeks this man has been haunting my head, and he just fills a certain void in my soul, all of him is so warm and tender to me... maybe that's how I like it... not to mention his voice *shiver*
Anyways. Personally, I'd like to see Fem!Reader considering how rare it is in these spaces, but I wouldn't blame you if it ended up with GN!Reader to be more inclusive.
(I'm going kookoo over here, help me sister)
─ (👉👈 Anon)
No I get you girl I get you he has such a pleasant voice gshshdhsj- I may not be autistic but I am neurodivergent so forgive me if it isn't accurate (if anything's offensive PLEASE tell me /gen)
Engineer with an Autistic reader
- To get this out of this way, Dell loves you no matter what so don't be worried about being 'different' or whatever
- He's used to rambling about something you might not necessarily be interested in yourself, so he's more than happy to return the favour about your special interests !!
- It doesn't matter what your hyperfixation or special interest is, he will always ask about it :)
- He loves letting you just discuss anything and everything about whatever (he'd feel bad being the only one talking)
- He has a really good memory, especially with you, so don't be surprised when he starts talking back to you (not in a rude way) and recalling other things you've mentioned
- You know the 😍 emoji? Yeah that's him when you talk about your special interests and hyperfixations, no matter if he hasn't heard of them before nor has much interest in it himself
- Speaking of a good memory, he learns your personal boundaries pretty well and your body language
- He definitely had some notes as to what certain stims mean to you, but eventually he just knows it by heart :)
- He also remembers what textures you like and dislike and what to do when you have a sensory overload (since everyone has different techniques)
- In fact, sometimes he can even tell before you know that things are becoming too much
- But even in the start of your relationship, he's trying his absolute best to help you out, taking you to a room far from noises and asking you gently and slowly how he could help
- "Look at me, honeybee. Can you tell me what's wrong? How can I help you?"
- He's also perfectly comfortable explaining things you don't understand
- He's actually really good with social cues and understands less tangible concepts (even if it isn't particularly interesting to him)
- So he's a good choice to ask about certain social constructs you don't understand
- Overall, he's a good partner overall, autism be damned or something /lh
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queerfortress2 · 2 months
Oh my god, I loved the way you described the support classes in an argument, I feel like it was totally spot-on. Would you be willing to write how the other classes would be in an argument, as well? Or, at least maybe the defence classes?? Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🥰
another engineer (technically) one, im in heaven. also, thank you! (also so very sorry for how short it is, my brain is so very very fried from art fight.) — mod engie
out of all of them? he is the best. he can actually recognize that he is wrong in an argument after the fact and apologise, which is crazy by mercenary means. after all, most of his problems are solved by alcohol and bombs, but he cares about you enough not to blow you up, so be thankful for that.
that being said… he’s also drunk most of the time, so the former may not even apply when you’re arguing. he most likely won’t recognise he’s even arguing— hell! he might not even remember he’s arguing halfway through and begin talking about a completely unrelated topic. it’s kind of difficult to continue from there, considering he’s either too drunk to recognise you, sleeping, or taking another swig out of a comically large bottle.
"Aye..! I know y’er mad aboot th’ match but in—" His glassy eyes looked around, almost not at you, rather your general surroundings, his leg limp slightly. Be tilted to the right as he looked towards the fireplace of the lounging area, stumbling slightly, "—Wh’teva’ ‘s really jus’ ah… hic!—" Almost on cue, the man had practically fallen, stumbling over, falling asleep momentarily. The second his body loses balance, you seem to have been forced by your instinct to catch him. The impact between him and your arms almost knocked you both over, but thankfully he slowly rose back up to his feet and looked you in the eyes. Unfortunately for you, he already forgot about the argument, and began incoherently babbling about how he missed being this close to you. ..Maybe bring it up another time. One of the rare hours when he’s sober.
when he's sober afterwards i imagine its a lot easier to have a conversation with him, after all he's usually willing to admit he was in the wrong, and a lot of the time, its not a big argument. he's just not a man easy to anger. while the support classes are much easier to aggravate. a common theme seems to be the defense class men are just a loooooot more patient. (also a lot more apologetic)
its genuinely really hard to argue with this man because he is (most of the time) correct. even if it is an argument you thought you knew all about he's INFURIATINGLY on top. why? well, he does his research really. he's not as willing to win silly little debates but when it comes to much more serious decisions being made. or, say, doing something utterly STUPID at work that could've gotten you killed. yeah, the respawn exists, but darn it that don' mean you can play with it!
so when you, say, fuck around with dangerous technology, he will 100% start arguing. not because he hates you for messing with his latest trinket, but because you could've gotten seriously hurt! that's not a game he's willing to play. unlike the medic, he doesn't often fuck around with satan, the poor texan doesn't want to grow more grey hair in his... beard? eyebrows? i don't know, dell is practically bald.
"WHAT were you THINKING?" The Texan dropped his hard hat onto the desk beside him. The man works late nights to make sure no one gets royally fucked by that dangerous machine his Grandfather created a few generations before, and you're skipping out of it like it's a playground? It's safe to say his blood pressure suffers due to your recklessness. Though it was clear his volume was unwarranted, he finally started over with a long sigh, talking at a normal volume. "Y'know that thin' wasn't always 'dere? Dontcha? Don't get too comfortable with that thin'. I don' wanna see you get hurt, y' hear me?" Dell really didn't want to hear your side of the argument, after all, in his mind there was no reason in hell OR heaven for you to just casually run at the flames of the opposing Pyro for 'funsies'. Imagine how it is for him to see you die in numerous ways on the battle field. It AIN'T NICE, to say the least.
no matter how long the argument went on, he would eventually shut you down with a good 'don't pull that shit again' and move out to take a lap. he takes a lot longer to cool down than the other two defense mercenaries, mostly because whenever he argues genuinely, it gets rather personal. even if to you it seemed rather 'impersonal' and 'professional' feel-y, in his heart it was because all the machinery is what gives his family their name. whenever he sees someone messing around with it? it genuinely ticks him off.
man of little words argues the least, mostly because, unlike engineers, everything is rather impersonal. he's definitely heard it all, and while i don't think he apologises as often, it's also just difficult to get him to argue THAT BADLY. the most you get out of him is maybe two words telling you not to do something, and even then there's not that much room for argument is there? you either do what he's asked of you or you don't. both are things he can't quite control. he's just as stubborn, as you can tell he just does his own thing, only following directions when he can see it's vital for his or others' survival.
not impossible to argue with him, however. there are times when you can get him to argue, but its usually not anything important. perhaps you had a different opinion on how a cliffhanger was supposed to be interpreted? now we're getting somewhere. maybe you have a rather negative imagine of fyodor's brothers. he's not gonna let you pass without explaining why.
"I just didn't understand what the Father was supposed to mean in all that!" You may have exclaimed as you sat across from the largest mercenary on the team, yet sat composed in a comfortable sofa chair, with small glasses and a comically small book in hand. He wasn't usually seen like this, after all, most people see him screaming violently on the field. It's only this side that you see most commonly late at night. The way you seemed to speak of it was rather surface-level. Which, not to blame you, it's a Russian novel, not many are reading it at all. Heavy never owned books in English. So it's really just for you to 'suck up and take' while reading with him. Thankfully, he's taught you enough to have you fill in the blanks with common sense. Perhaps it was just American society getting to you. Back at home, the meaning was a lot easier to grasp, knowing that most were under a similar crushing situation under the new rule. At least in Russian society, where a lot of knowledge is needed to even begin to understand the book, the brothers' differences were clear in what they represented and what their father represented, especially in the modern day with the uprising and new government, filled with Soviet control. The man stared lost in thought at you, which is mighty intimidating on its own, before actually speaking up. "Ah, no." He simply shook his head, leaning forward in his chair for you to hear him better, "He uses father in metaphor not..." He snapped his finger attempting to remember the English word for his sentence. "Literal. Father mean more than just caretaker. Mean oppression." It sounded as if he were to continue before he simply sat back and relaxed back into his chair.
it didn't exactly feel like an argument, in fact it felt more like he was informing you. but that's genuinely the closest i could ever imagine him getting to an argument. he just doesn't seem like that type of guy.
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meiliarotten · 1 year
And They Were Roomates
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Pairing: Engineer x Fem!Reader
Summary: Oh my god, they were roomates… Due to the shenanigans of the other mercenaries, your room is now uninhabitable. After a few nights of suffering on the common room couch, Engineer invites you to stay in his quarters. Smut ensues because of course it does!
Tags: Riding, oral, massage, kinda soft, the reader is a bit of a poor little meow meow not sure why I did that, “And There Was Only One Bed! 😯”
Word Count: 5.1k
The Masterlist
How does one accidentally make a lethal bio weapon? To find out you would simply have to ask Medic and Demo. To be more specific, a very drunk Medic and an even more drunk than usual Demo, who had made the joint decision one night that it would be a good idea to mix random chemicals and alcohols in order to, in their own words, “see what would happen.”
The ensuing toxic airborne chemical proceeded to permeate not only the lab, but any room relatively nearby. Unfortunately, that happened to include your own room. Waking up in respawn nearly coughing up a lung was not how you wanted to start your morning, and yet, there you were.
Most of the mercs were speechless when they found out that a good portion of their base would be completely quarantined until the gas could dissipate. Despite being at a loss for words, the few responsible members of the team were quick to scold both Medic and Demoman for several hours- although neither of them seemed to care much. You, however, were especially inconvenienced by this situation, since your room was right in the contamination zone.
At first, you had tried to venture in with a handkerchief pressed against your mouth and nose, just long enough to grab some things from your room. You learned your lesson when you once again woke up in respawn, your lungs and throat burning like you had tried to swallow acid. You should have known better than to think a simple square of cloth would be able to fend off a chemical that had been cooked up by Demo and Medic. Hell, not even Pyro dared to go into the sealed off portion of the base, and they were covered head to toe in a flame resistant suit and gas mask.
In the end, you made peace with the fact that you would be sleeping on the common room couch for several days. It was fine the first couple nights, but it wasn’t long before these new sleeping arrangements began to affect you negatively. You found yourself waking up in weird positions, just from trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, which would usually result in a stiff back or an unrelenting ache that wouldn’t waver for the rest of the day.
Still, you had a job to do, and so whenever anyone asked about a limp or a wince that you couldn’t hide, you would tell them it was nothing and get on with your day. Most would leave you alone then- except for one. The Engineer was the most concerned about your current state of perpetual exhaustion, probably because he was your closest friend on the team. While you wouldn’t mind if your relationship were to be something a bit more than friends, it was something you never had the courage to bring up.
It had been your third day on the couch when he cornered you in the locker rooms after the daily battles had concluded.
“Engie?” you said, wondering what he wanted. Today had been full of some pretty miserable losses, and on such days Engie tended to seclude himself in his room to work on improving his sentry blueprints.
“I want you to sit down here, darlin,’” he said matter of factly, motioning to the bench in the middle of the locker room. “You got pretty roughed up out there today.”
“We all did.” You pointed out the obvious, but you were also too tired to argue. With a sigh, you sat down on the bench. Engie made his way behind you, and you were about to ask him what exactly he thought he was doing when your breath caught in your throat.
Engie placed his hands on your shoulders with care, working his thumbs into your back. He was gentle, gradually increasing the pressure to work out the tightness in your muscles. He located and paid special attention to spots that had been giving you quite a bit of trouble lately with surprising skill.
“God, honey. You’re so tense, just try to relax for me,” he said, shifting his focus from your shoulders to your upper and middle back.
“Well, anything for you.” The words slipped out without you even thinking about it, but Engie didn’t seem to mind, simply humming in response. You were thankful that he either didn’t notice or didn’t mention the blush spreading over your cheeks.
Those hands of his worked wonders, that was for sure. The pressure was perfect as he worked over your muscles with expertise you didn’t know he had. It wasn’t long until the stiffness was nearly gone.
“I can’t believe you’ve been fighting so hard out there while carrying all this tension,” Engie said as he began to work on a particularly troublesome spot around your right shoulder.
“I have to pull my weight, and a bit of pain isn’t about to stop me,” you said matter of factly. You all had to get paid somehow, after all.
“Still, it ain’t fair that you gotta toss and turn all night only to get shot, stabbed, and blown up all day. At least the rest of us have the comfort of our own rooms…” Engie paused, his eyes lighting up as if realizing something obvious. “Oh, well there’s an idea.”
“How about you stay in my room for a few days?”
You started stammering, not daring to look back at Engie in case he noticed how red your face was. “Oh, I don’t want to be a burden or anything. Do you even have an extra bed?”
“Oh no, I’ll just take the floor until your room is livable again,” he explained. You couldn’t believe it. Your not-so-subtle workplace crush had just given you a massage and immediately offered up his own bed for your use. Even so, your nerves made you hesitant.
“Engie, you don’t have to do that,” you said, feeling a pang of guilt. “I would be your guest! I’ll take the floor.”
“Nonsense, darlin’! I offered you my room so you wouldn’t be waking up uncomfortable, what’s the point of that if I don’t at least offer you the bed?” You began to stammer and protest again but Engie simply put his hand up to stop you, concluding his decision with a final, “I insist.”
You sighed, realizing that it was a fruitless endeavor to argue. Not to mention you were quite thrilled to be sharing a room with Engie, so why debate over a good thing? Still, you felt a compromise was in order.
“We’ll take turns,” you said, trying to mirror Engie’s own tone of finality. He chuckled at your attempt, which probably came off as more cute than serious. Still, he agreed, perhaps also realizing that arguing the matter wouldn’t be productive.
“Alright, fine,” he conceded. “We’ll take turns.”
Engie’s room was quite comfortable, despite the blueprints and sentry parts scattered about. There was a sense of organized chaos to it all, and you were sure if you asked Engie to find something specific he would be able to with no issue. The bed was quite nice as well. You had almost forgotten what it felt like to wake up without aches and pains.
However, that ‘compromise’ regarding the sleeping arrangements barely lasted three days.
One thing you always knew about Engie was that he was the type to go to sleep very late at night, usually after finalizing the details on weapon blueprints, or tinkering with the Gunslinger. However he suddenly became much more keen on turning in early, especially earlier than you. When you would find him fast asleep on the floor of his room, even when it was not his turn, you pretty much had no choice but to take the bed.
You had tried waking him up a few times. It was no use. The man slept like a rock. He was gentlemanly to the point of frustration, but it only made you more fond of him, if not a bit exasperated. It would be a relief when your room was finally cleaned out and livable again.
This arrangement continued until one especially difficult day. A hard battle had ended in an extremely close victory, but nobody had the energy to celebrate. Battered and exhausted, everyone who needed to made their way to Medic for treatment, and then shuffled off to sleep away the lingering soreness. You got to the room before Engie, who was still being patched up, pulled back the covers and collapsed onto the mattress with a heavy sigh.
You were just beginning to doze off when you heard the door open. You lifted your head to see Engie limping into the room- he had taken a few nasty shots to the leg today. The moment you saw him kneeling down to the floor, you spoke up.
“Engie, don’t be ridiculous,” you said, unable to believe that this man was really about to sleep on the cold floor after such an arduous day. He jumped slightly, having assumed you were already asleep. You shifted over to one side of the bed, making a space just large enough for him to occupy. “Come over here.”
The slight blush on his face didn’t go unnoticed by you, even in the dim lighting of the room. He sidled up next to you with a sigh. “Thanks darlin.’”
“It’s no problem. We both deserve to be comfortable after today,” you said. Both of you were still in your day clothes, but neither cared enough to change out of them.
However, despite the exhausting day, neither of you were able to sleep for a while. Perhaps it was the lingering giddiness that came with winning such a close battle. Or, maybe it was the undeniable intimacy of sharing a bed, with little room for personal space and barely a gap between the two of you. Engie was the first to say something when it became obvious that sleep wouldn’t come easy, eager to break the awkward silence that reigned while both of you simply lay awake.
“You know, I’ve always wondered, what led you to join up with a bunch of mercenaries?”
The question caught you off guard. Honestly, there were several complicated reasons and events that led you to where you were now. It certainly wasn’t something you wanted to get into in its entirety.
“Probably the same as all of you. Money gets tight, and eventually you just take whatever you can get,” you said. It wasn’t completely untrue, and Engie seemed to relate.
“Guess I should’ve figured as much,” he said with an understanding nod.
“It’s not all bad though,” you added, hesitating before continuing. “I mean, I’ve made friends here. I met you.”
Engie was silent for a moment before responding. “Well, that’s a meeting I wouldn’t trade for the world, darlin’.”
You prayed that your blush was hidden by the darkness of the room. However when Engie’s hand suddenly came up to your cheek, there was no way he didn’t feel the heat radiating from your face. He didn’t comment on it, and you gave him an inquisitive look as he seemed deep in thought. When he did finally speak, he fumbled with his words for a moment before finally managing to say something coherent.
“May I kiss you?”
It was a short, simple question, impossible to be misinterpreted, and yet your brain couldn’t seem to process the request. Within a moment it felt as if your senses were all running on high alert, culminating in an even shorter, one word answer.
“Yes!” The volume at which you spoke was louder than you meant for it to be, displaying your over-excitement in a way that made you want to cover your face and melt through the mattress. With a deep breath, you managed to regain some of your composure, stammering in an attempt to salvage your response. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so blunt. I was just trying to say that I would like that. I would like that very much.”
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart,” Engie said, looking down at you with a soft smile. You were drawn to that expression, already leaning forward a bit. He was the one to close the gap between you, pressing his lips to yours.
He kept it chaste at first, but you could tell he wanted more. It wasn’t long before you made the first move to deepen the kiss, biting gently at his lower lip until he gasped, allowing you entrance. It was an intense, wordless communication of feelings the two of you hadn’t dared to express until now, set out in the open through the parting of lips and the mingling of tongues, culminating in the two of you panting when the need for air pulled you apart.
You weren’t sure when you had wrapped your arms around his shoulders. And you sure as hell weren’t sure when he ended up on top of you either. In a sudden moment of clarity, your face flushed red and a strange combination of shame and excitement overwhelmed you.
“Sorry. Was that too much?” you asked. Doubt was setting in. Maybe he hadn’t wanted something so… passionate. Maybe you had taken it too far. Engie quelled those fears when he finally regained his composure enough to answer.
“No, it was perfect.” His voice was dreamy and breathless. He looked down at you with such genuine fondness, and it made you feel so weak for him, so desperate for his touch. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long while now, darlin’. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I was kinda hoping something like this would happen when I invited you to my room.”
“Well, it took you long enough,” you teased before kissing him again. You were eager to resume your exploration of his mouth, but this time he took control, letting his lips travel down and linger on your jawline, eventually descending to your neck and drawing soft whimpers from you as he ventured over the sensitive skin.
Engie sought after those little sounds you made, sucking at the delicate skin on your neck and collar. You shuddered as he gently grazed your skin with his teeth. Even though he was treating you with the utmost care, you had a feeling there would be some marks you would need to cover up tomorrow.
Although he tried to hide it, every noise you made in response to Engie’s ministrations had him growing more aroused by the minute. He had always hoped he would have had more self control in this situation. After all, the only thing that had happened so far was some kissing. Yet that seemed to be enough for him on this particular day, as you soon felt the evidence of his arousal pressing firmly against you through his clothing.
You let out a soft gasp at the sensation. Engie didn’t seem to take notice, still keeping himself busy with marking up your neck. You moved your thigh against his groin just to be sure, and the breathy groan you got in response was all the confirmation you needed.
Engie pulled back suddenly, looking panicked and apologetic, as if he had just come to his senses. “I’m sorry darlin,’ I seem to be getting a bit over excited-”
“No, it’s alright!” you said, cutting him off mid-apology. You wanted him to keep going. You didn’t want him to cease his actions for even a moment, and you made sure he knew that. “I don’t want to stop, please.”
He looked hesitant for a moment, but not unwilling. If anything, he seemed as anxious as you were, and that brought you some respite. The way you looked at him, with desire and anticipation that mirrored his own, was enough to convince him that you truly meant what you said.
“Alright, sweetheart,” he said with a nervous laugh. “Just let me take good care of you.”
Engineer set upon your neck again, this time making a clear effort to leave tell tale bruises. You didn’t mind. It was nothing makeup wouldn’t be able to cover, and you found that you quite enjoyed the gentle bites Engie would sometimes deliver after marking up a new area of your skin.
Still, you felt a bit awkward. It seemed as if Engie was doing all the work. He did tell you to let him take care of you, but surely you should be doing something? The feeling of hands on your hips brought you back to reality. That robotic hand, affixed to its owner through a brilliant feat of engineering and biology, now held a near bruising grip on your hip. You winced and Engie loosened his grasp with a soft apology.
Even though it had hurt, there was something tantalizing about the idea that the Gunslinger had only been exerting a small fraction of the power stored in those robotic joints. And now, Engie kept its pressure under control perfectly, using it to hold you gently, eventually working the metal digits beneath the hem of your shirt. You took that as your cue to take some initiative, stripping off your top before Engie had the chance to do it himself. He looked surprised for a moment before realizing that you were staring, most likely waiting for him to undress as well. He began to hastily unfasten the buttons on his shirt and you watched eagerly, your lower lip trapped between your teeth.
Not wanting to just sit there ogling, you did the most obvious thing you could think of and started kissing him again. It was rougher than before and a bit clumsy, especially as the two of you tried to multitask, undressing each other until most of your clothes were discarded on the bedroom floor. Engie paused when he reached the waistband of your underwear, as if he was waiting for permission to go further.
“Go on, Dell,” you whispered, the use of his name catching his attention immediately. “Please.”
He gave you a quick nod and carefully removed your undergarments as well, leaving you naked beneath him. You laid back, glancing to the side awkwardly as you realized you weren’t quite sure what came next. Dell, seeming to sense your uncertainty, thankfully spoke up.
“It’s alright, darlin.’ Just start by telling me what you want.” He was being genuine, clearly not making any attempt to tease you. Still, the idea of putting words to all the things you had fantasized about before this moment made your face flush red.
“I want…” you paused, taking a moment to think before continuing with a shaky sigh. “I want you to touch me, please.”
Dell grinned down at you, making you blush harder. “Oh, like this?”
You shivered as you felt his fingers slide along your slit. He held eye contact with you, taking in every reaction you made. You gave a soft whimper when he dipped into you, gently thrusting with his fingers. Once Dell was sure you were starting to relax he shifted his focus to your clit, making your body shudder and your back arch against the mattress.
He was attentive, making sure to ease up whenever you seemed to be getting overwhelmed. He held your hips still with his prosthetic, and once again you were reminded that the Gunslinger was exerting a mere fraction of its power on you. The idea of being somewhat restrained by such a powerful work of machinery was incredibly erotic.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” Dell’s voice brought you back to reality, along with the fact that he was no longer moving within you.
“Fuck, yes! Keep going,” you begged, squirming at the lack of stimulation. The soft chuckle you got in response was followed by Dell doing something especially nice with his fingers, curling them within you. You couldn’t hold back a sharp moan, bucking against his fingers- or at least you would have if you weren’t still being held still.
“That’s a real nice spot isn’t it?” he asked, his lips brushing against your ear as he leaned in close. You gasped as he continued to press a finger against your sweet spot, carefully working in a second digit to allow for more pressure.
Dell knew how to read your body surprisingly well, and he knew that if he simply let his thumb rub against your clit right now it would bring you to orgasm. But he couldn’t deny that he wanted to really take in the sight of you writhing like this, completely lost in the pleasure he was giving you. However, being the gentleman he was, he couldn’t deny you for long, especially when you started to buck your hips. He couldn’t stand to see you so needy. He wanted to see you come for him.
As he continued to work his fingers inside of you he used his thumb to circle over your clit, making you shudder and moan into your hand. You didn’t want anyone to overhear you, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to contain your sounds, especially as you finally felt the pleasure overwhelm you. You came with a shaky groan, whimpering his name as you rode out your orgasm.
Dell pulled his fingers away when you began to squirm from overstimulation. He didn’t say anything at first, completely captivated by how you looked as you relaxed in the afterglow. Your tousled hair, flushed face, and half lidded eyes created a gorgeous picture for him to take in.
“Hey, what is it?” you asked when you finally caught your breath and noticed him staring.
“Nothing, you’re just so pretty,” Dell said, chuckling softly. He knew it probably sounded a bit juvenile, but it was the truth. “Ain’t never seen anything like it.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that statement. “You must be kidding,” you said, just barely managing to contain a laugh. “I’m certain a guy like you has been with plenty of pretty girls.”
“Nope, at least, none that I really care for.” He went quiet for a moment, as if contemplating his next words carefully before continuing. His voice was softer, almost shy. “But I care about you, I really do. I want to make you feel good, make you feel loved like you should be.”
You somehow managed to blush even brighter than you already were. Honestly, you weren’t sure how to respond. You looked deep in thought for a while, and Dell began to worry.
“Was that too much?” His apologetic tone brought you back to reality. “I’m sorry. I understand if you want this to be a one time thing-”
“No! Nothing’s wrong,” you stammered, trying to find the words to express what you were feeling. “I guess I’m just not used to it, the whole ‘being cared for’ thing. It feels nice.”
You felt like you were stumbling through your sentences, fearing that you were coming off as clumsy and awkward. Nothing you were saying seemed nearly as eloquent as it had sounded in your head, but then again, such things almost never were.
“Well, you better get used to it,” Dell said with a low chuckle. “Cause by the end of the night, I wanna make you feel like the most cared for person in the world.”
Before you could respond, Dell’s lips were on yours again, and you didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss. You shivered as you tasted his lips and tongue, longing for more of him, more to feel, more to taste. Your hands began to wander, lower and lower until you were able to palm at Dell’s erection, straining against the front of his briefs, which you now realized you had neglected to remove. He pulled away with a gasp and you grinned up at him, an idea beginning to form.
“Let's switch. Let me be on top,” you said, letting go and rolling out from under him.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” Dell said, his voice shaking with lust and anticipation as he laid back on the bed and watched you climb on top of him.
You kissed your way down his body, letting your hands wander. He watched, shuddering when you palmed over his chest and then downward, until the tips of your fingers finally slipped just below his waistband. You pulled his briefs down with a quick motion, freeing his erection.
Dell exhaled and gave you an inquisitive look, as if to silently ask, “what are you planning to do now?” You didn’t hesitate to show him exactly what your intentions were, leaning down and taking his cock into your mouth with a muffled moan. The sharp gasp you got in response certainly didn’t disappoint, and you quickly got to work bobbing your head and using your tongue in all the right ways.
“Oh god, darlin,’” Dell groaned, placing a hand on the back of your head. He was careful not to push you, but the tightening grip on your hair was indicative of how well you were doing. He was quite vocal, letting you know just how good you were making him feel. You would be lying if you said it didn’t boost your ego a bit. “Just like that, keep workin’ your tongue around, damn you're good at this!”
It was intoxicating to see Dell start to come undone by your efforts, the taste of precum soon becoming noticeable. You were tempted to finish him off like this, to simply let him spill down your throat and swallow every last drop. But you also wanted him inside you so badly, and the pulsing arousal between your hips wouldn’t allow you to deny yourself much longer. You pulled away, accompanied by a disappointed groan. That disappointment wouldn’t last long.
“I want to ride you.” Your voice was breathless and heavy, making the statement sound more like a desperate plea.
He let out a sharp exhale, clearly trying to contain his excitement. Dell just barely managed to keep a wide grin from spreading across his face, answering with a shaky “Alright.” He almost sounded nervous, and you couldn’t help but find it rather cute.
You positioned yourself over him, his briefs now pulled much further down his thighs. Your breath hitched as you finally sank down onto his cock, dissolving into a low moan as you took him fully inside you. You felt Dell’s grip on your thighs tighten, the strength of his mechanical hand startling you for the third time that night as you felt the metal joints squeeze your flesh. His touch traveled up to your hips as you adjusted, eventually coming to rest on your ass when you finally began to move.
“You take me so well,” Dell moaned, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. “You look so pretty bouncing on my cock like that, darlin’.”
You whimpered at his praise, some part of you knowing you shouldn’t be too loud, even as you rode him harder and faster. Your lower lip was caught firmly between your teeth as you tried to muffle yourself. Even so, some louder moans and gasps managed to escape whenever you hit a particularly good spot. Dell found it adorable whenever you would clasp your hand over your mouth, only to begin biting your lip once again as you needed both hands to keep your balance.
Meanwhile, he was just barely restraining himself from flipping you over and fucking you into the mattress. The sight above him was gorgeous- your body squirming atop his as he held your curves in his hands. However, it only made him more curious to know what it would be like to have you below him, writhing and grasping at the bedsheets and he ravished you. Even with how much he wanted that, he resisted. After all, it was becoming quite clear from your failing efforts to keep quiet and the way you were beginning to grind against him that you were getting close. Dell didn’t want to throw you off your rhythm, especially when he was beginning to feel himself lose control as well.
“You’re gonna come real soon, aren’t you?” he asked, stroking your body up and down with the utmost care, taking note of every sensitive area he could use to enhance your pleasure. “Go on sweetheart, say it.”
You cried out, any attempt at keeping your voice down now completely abandoned. Even if you were able to control yourself, the creaking of the bed frame would still be a dead giveaway to what was going on behind closed doors. But you didn’t care anymore, it all felt too good.
“Fuck, Dell! I’m so close,” you cried as you started grinding against him, the stimulation to your clit finally pushing you over the edge.
Dell bucked upward, lost in the sensation of your body trembling around him in the throes of your pleasure. You would have lost your balance if it weren’t for the firm grip he held on your waist keeping you steady. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t hold back any longer, shuddering as he reached his peak. You were pulled down on top of him, pressed against his body as the two of you came down from the high. Soon the only noise you could hear was the two of you breathing heavily, the rise and fall of Dell’s chest beneath you lulling you into a drowsy state.
You didn’t disturb the peace for several minutes, especially when the ache began to settle in your thighs and the idea of moving became far less appealing. As it turned out, riding on top took a hefty physical toll after a while. You must have been enjoying yourself too much to acknowledge it while actually doing it. The irony that you had now traded a stiff and aching back for sore legs was not lost on you, but you honestly couldn’t care less. That was an issue for later.
“You alright, darlin’?” Dell’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“I’m more than alright,” you said, a giddy laugh escaping you. “That was amazing.”
He smiled fondly at you, shifting slightly so that you were side by side and pulling you close. You relaxed into the embrace, eager for the comfort his touch brought you. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, I like making you feel good,” he whispered, his breath tickling your ear and making you shiver. “And I’m guessing the days of ‘taking turns’ in the bed are over?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, although it was muffled due to your face being buried against Dell’s chest. You would have thought the answer to that would be obvious, but apparently not. You were able to get over your laughter long enough to mumble a faint “Of course” before letting yourself drift off, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest as the two of you both gave in to the allure of sleep.
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Anyone just audibly sighs in that corny ass way when you see Engineer. No? Just me?
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Squish: Part 2
You can find part 1 here,
Thank you to everyone who asked for part 2, I’m sorry it took so long and also I’m very sorry to everyone that I told there would be no part 2, BUT HERE IT IS
JJ loved her.
“Don’t text her again, man.”
He loved her just the two of them.
“Last time, last time, I promise.”
He loved her with her friends.
“Jay, dude, listen to John B.”
He loved her with his friends, too.
“Ok, would you rather I call then?”
“No, but you should stop–”
“Stop what?” JJ threw his phone down on the couch on the Chateau’s porch, nearly hitting Pope in the shoulder. “Huh? 2 weeks, I haven’t seen her for more than an hour in 2 weeks.” He went to rip his pen for the fifth time in a minute, but John B stood up and threw it to the ground. “What the fuck, man?! John B, I will fucking–”
John B took him by the shoulders and gave him a good shake. “Jay, stop, Stop– Hey! No one wants her back here more than us, right? Yeah. So, listen. You need to give her a minute. You’re texting her, calling her every day, it’s too much for her. She’s too overwhelmed right now, just let her come to you, on her own time. You have to give her the chance to think it through for herself, and yes, she already knows you care so don’t even worry about that, ok?”
“Where are my keys?”
“Quite literally the opposite of what I just told you to do!” But he was already ¾ through the chateau.
“I’m not going to see her!”
“Then who is he….” John B and Pope both asked each other until they came to the realization themselves. “Oooooohhh no.” They tried to chase after him but he had already driven away.
“Should we call Kie?”
“We should call Kie.”
*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* Kie hit the silence button and texted Pope back I’m at work, I’ll call you later
. . .
“Kie,” JJ walked into the Wreck, “You got a minute to talk?”
“Not really, I’m kind of at work right now.”
He made a show of looking around the near-empty restaurant. “There’s no one in your section.”
“I switched with Martha for today.”
“Really?” He pointed behind her to Martha working her own section.
“Fine, but I can’t just leave if I actually want to keep my job.”
“Your boss is literally your dad, you can do whatever you want.”
“That’s not…”
“Yes, it is. Now, can you please sit down so I can talk to you?”
“Fine, whatever.”
She sat with him close to the entrance and he was across from her with his leg shaking and leaning forward over the table. He wasn’t this worried on the ride over.
“If this is about your latest fling, I’m not interested.”
“Do you know how long we’ve been together?”
“Can’t imagine it’s been longer than a month.”
“Since March, Kie, we’ve been together since March. And this, this whole fucking thing that you’re doing, is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you guys. She wanted to, she wanted to tell you guys, she wanted to know you guys, and be friends with you. You were a major dick to her since the moment you saw us together. So all I’m here for is to ask you why?”
“You really don’t know?”
“Obviously not! And I don’t think you do either.”
“That’s–” she looked off to the side instead of at him. “That’s ridiculous, ok? You’re our friend first. You’re our friend first and now she comes here out of nowhere and now you spend all your time with her. It’s like you don’t even care about us anymore. Like she has a fucking monopoly on your time now.”
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean that’s not it. You can’t say ‘us’ and ‘our friend’ when you know that Pope and John B like her. They want her around. Just tell me the truth, Kie. Please.”
She looked to the side again then down at the table before finally looking at JJ. “I’m scared. I’m scared of losing you guys, I’m scared of not being the Pongues anymore. Like what happened with me and Sarah Cameron, I’m scared you guys are gonna find other people, and we’re all gonna go our own ways and then all of a sudden we’ll be boring old people and only see each other for stupid…labor day picnics and shit like that. I don’t–I don’t want that.” She was almost crying at this point but swallowed it down by the end of her sentence.
“You think that’s going to happen just by me having a girlfriend?” It nearly sounded like he was laughing, but she knew he was being sincere.
“That’s how it starts. But then we’re all gonna go to college.” He tilted his head and gave her a look. “Some of us are going to college. And we’re all going off on our own, and– ugh.”
He reached across the table and took her hand, “That is a fuckin horrible way of thinking of things, man.” She scrunched her face like that was the least comforting thing to say (because it was). “Just listen, alright? How can you expect good things to happen if all you think is coming is just bad things? If you think that we’re all gonna stop being friends and just become boring adults, then you’re not gonna do anything to stop it. P4L, Kie. You have to trust that we’re going to stay friends.”
“P4L.” He squeezed her hand before she wiped her tears to look around the restaurant to check for new diners.
“You gonna be ok?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. But I–” “You need to talk to her.” “–need to talk to her.”
“I can’t tell you to apologize, but I can tell you that I want you to. You’re my friend, Kie, you’re always gonna be my friend. But I love her, I want to be with her for as long as I fucking can, so I’d really like it if you could pull your shit together so she’d actually like being around you guys.”
“Yeah, I know. And I’m, um, I’m sorry to you, too. I was scared and I was jealous when I should have just been happy for you.”
“And not a total bitch to her.”
“Yeah, that too. Uh,” She stood up and brushed off her apron to go seat the next customers. “Look, I gotta get back to work, but I still have her number, if she didn’t block me, and I’ll text her when I get home, but right now you’re in the way, and also you should talk to her before I do because I can’t imagine a bigger boyfriend fuck up than that.”
“I’ll call you.” He clapped her on the shoulder as he rushed out of the restaurant.
“No you won’t.”
“Probably not.”
“Sir, Ma’am.”
“JJ, you just burst into my kitchen, you didn’t even use the front door, I think we can lose the formalities.”
He gave your mother a curt nod then continued. “I’d like to see your daughter…Please.”
Y/n’s dad straightened his newspaper, “I do my best not to meddle in her personal affairs.”
“The fuck does that even mean,” JJ whispered to himself, though not very quietly. “That’s a horrible way of doing things.”
“I can either let you two have free reign and figure this out for yourselves, or I can go get the shovel now. Your choice.”
“Free reign, I like free reign, sir.”
“She’s out back.”
“Thank you, sir, uh– ma’am.” Ma’am was always safer, even if he was very much not employed by either of her two very pouge-ish parents.
“Your paper’s upside down.” She shook her head affectionately, “When are you gonna let up on the intimidation tactics?”
“You know I’m just giving him a hard time. He’s a good kid, I’m proud of them.”
He rushed out the sliding glass door to the backyard where y/n kept her little gardin, born of a hyper fixation on medicinal and edible flowers but she’s managed to keep it up this long.
She was laying on a half broken pool lounge chair, the kind with the plasticy rubber bands going across to hold you up, the one he “stole” from a kook’s pile that was marked for the dump for her, after he at least attempted to fix the broken band. She was watching the neighbors bees buzz around her garden, with the weighted dinosaur on her chest. She must have heard him come outside, since she tilted her head and looked like she were trying to pretend to sleep.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I think you can hear me.” He sat at the edge of her chair and put a gentle hand on her ankle, just to be careful even if she was fully aware of him. Clearly it worked, if it got her to smile a little bit, like a little kid pretending to sleep so that their parents would carry them up to bed instead of having to get up and walk. He took it as a good sign and slid his hand up her leg in a cheeky attempt at a tickle. He got to her waist then stuck his arm between the slacks so he could bring his hand up on the other side and pull her into himself. He tried to move the dinosaur so he could bring her closer, but she pulled it back, at least she looked at him this time, with a smile too.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“Then why didn’t you answer my calls.”
“I was scared.”
“Of what?”
“That you’d call me and tell me you can’t be with me because you don’t want to pick between your friends and your girlfriend.”
“You think I’d do that?”
She only shrugged.
“I would never.”
“So you’re not here to break up with me?”
She smiled big at that, but it fell with her next coming thought. “But, um, if you ever had to, I’d want you to pick your friends.”
“What are you talking about?”
“If something happened and you felt like you had to make a choice, I’d want you to pick them.”
“That’s ridiculous.” He sat up but didn’t take her with him, so her head was closer to his hip than his chest where it was before. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m not.” She didn’t match his tone, she didn’t want to. She kept herself small, she didn’t feel like being big, staying where she was, fidgeting with the frays on his cargo shorts instead, “I just think that they’ve been there for you in ways I never could, I’d want you to pick them.”
“Do you hear yourself right now?”
She shrugged again, though her positioning made it awkward.
“Hun, listen to me.” He pulled her up next to him again. “The only reason that would ever happen is if they made me choose. I know you’d never do that. And if they did, I’d pick you.”
“You would?”
“Every time. I’m picking you every time.”
She pulled his bottom lip down to hear the silly sound it made, then she looked him in the eyes again, “I love you.”
“Still?” Not what you were supposed to say, JJ. Not what you were supposed to say at all.
“All the time.”
“I love you too.”
The two laid there together for a few more minutes in the way too cramped chair, just enjoying each other’s company. “I almost blocked you though,” she said, just to break the silence. Also to give him a bit of a hard time.
“You were calling me five times a minute, I had no choice but to...”
“No choice but to what?”
“What do you mean?”
“You said you had no choice, what did you have no choice in?”
She tried to slowly inch off the chair with a guilty smile on her face, not that she could be very sneaky about being smushed up against someone. He tried to hold her close but she still slipped away so he sat up and straddled the chair, “No choice but to what, hun?”
“It’s hardly important, best not to dwell on it. Don’t worry about it.”
“What did you do?”
“Fiiiiiine, I maybe possibly texted John B to maybe perhaps suggest that you give me 5 minutes to collect my thoughts before calling me,,,again.”
“‘Maybe possibly,’ yeah?”
He tried to jump up and chase her but as soon as he stood, his foot got caught in the broken spot which gave her another second’s head start. She considered running inside and leaving him to figure himself out, but she couldn’t just leave him stranded. She dramatically dropped her head back in a sigh and walked back over to him. He kept trying to force his foot straight up through, not turning it and pulling it out that way, and it certainly wasn’t helping that he was just getting angry at it. “You’re gonna bruise your foot. Jesus Christ, hold on, just–ok, stop, put your foot down.”
“What? It’s stuck. I can’t get it out.”
“No, look.” She stuck her own foot in the same gap and he finally seized his moment.
“A HA!” He grabbed her and took her down with him to lie on the chair again, knees bent of course.
“Nooooo! A heinous trick!”
He had no defense, other than looking at her with a big smile again, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I like that I can say that again.”
“You could’ve said it before too.”
“Now felt like the right time.”
“It was.”
Ring Ring Ring
“Hello?” y/n answered her phone without checking the caller id.
“Hi, um, it’s Kiara.”
“Oh, hi.”
“Hi, yeah, can we talk? Sometime?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I don’t want to do this over the phone, that always felt weird to me.”
“Ok, where do you want to meet then?”
“The beach? The one by the boneyard?”
“Tomorrow morning?”
“Ok, I’ll see you then.”
“See you then.”
Kiara saw her coming down from the street with a basket and a towel. She waved to her, trying to seem friendly but still worried about overdoing it. “You didn’t need to bring all this. I don’t want to take up too much of your day.”
“You’re not. I just remember you saying you like blackberries and blueberries, and it was early so I brought some.” Y/n pulled a little rubbermaid out of her basket and set them on the towel. “From my garden. And the towel is just because I don’t like getting sand in my pockets. Sensory issues and whatnot.”
“Oh, ok.” Kiara turned to her, sitting crisscrossed, but she stayed facing the water.
“You don’t have to look at me if you don’t want. Eye contact is weird for me.”
“Ok,” she turned to face the ocean too, then spoke. “I want to say sorry, for everything. The way I acted towards you was wrong, and bitchy, and mean, and you didn’t deserve any of it. I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t call yourself bitchy, but it’s ok.”
“It’s not ok, I was scared of losing JJ and I was scared of losing my friends cus you’re all bubbly and fun to talk to and interesting as hell. So instead of trying to get to know you, I tried to push you away from all of them too. And that was bit–” y/n gave her a look, “that was stupid of me. And I’m really sorry.”
“I forgive you, and I understand.” They both cheersed with a berry then spent the rest of the morning on the beach.
They walked back to the Chateau together, practically skipping, y/n with the basket, Kiara with the blanket.
“Oh no,” John B looked up from where the 3 boys were helping Big John with the Twinkie.
“What?” Pope asked. “Oh shit.”
“What is it?” JJ hit his head on the hood, then nearly passed out once he saw the two girls.
“Boys? A little help here?” All three of them helped Big John up and he started laughing once he saw y/n and Kiara coming down the street. “Ooohhhh, you three have no idea what you’re in for now, do you?
“JJ,” he put a hand on his shoulder. “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that’s not your girlfriend anymore, she’s Kie’s now.”
JJ groaned and put his head down on the front of the van, he sat up just in time to see y/n running towards him. He huffed when she crashed into him and stole his red baseball hat, then stepped back to stand with Kiara.
“You two are gonna be trouble now, aren’t you?” Big John asked.
“In what world?” “How could you say such a thing?”
John B and Pope made some bet behind JJ and shook on it.
“Hey,” JJ finally caught y/n alone in the kitchen.
“Hi,” she smiled at him as she shut the refrigerator door.
“So, do you want to come over tomorrow? Maybe we could go to the beach? Take a ride? My dad is supposed to be out for the weekend so…”
“Oh, sorry, I had plans with Kie to go see that new Tom Holland movie. Maybe another day.”
He looked a little sad but tried to be happy that they were getting along. “Yeah—Yeah, that’s cool. Don’t worry about it. Another day.”
She pulled him closer by the waist and pushed him into the inner corner of the counter so she could trap him in. “Hey, hey, I’m kidding. I’m kidding. Of course I’ll come over, all weekend if you can handle me for that long.”
“Not long enough.” He nudged her nose with his then leaned in further to take her in a kiss that seemed to transcend time.
Meaning that it seemed long enough for Big John to very loudly say “John B, could ask your friends to stop making out in my kitchen so I could grab a lemonade?”
thank you so so much for reading, reblogs are always appreciated and also comments are always so so special to me. Thank you for reading again, and also I really hope you liked it 💖💖💖
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Okay so how about getting ruined by engineer, bc he got frustrated that others were messing with his work.
So to help take his anger out, you let him go as rough as he wants. And can use whatever toys he wants on you.
Blowing Off Steam || Engineer x M!Reader +18
[Rough Sex][Spanking][Dirty talk][Ambiguous Genitals for Reader][Oral][Engie calling you a "good boy"]
minors dni
A loud bang on a desk made you and your coworkers jump and look directly towards the thundering sound. Dell pointed to the door and demanded in a voice none of you had ever heard come out of him before. It was cold and laced with an edge of danger as he demanded only two words.
"Get. Out."
You had been glued to your place in the room as the other men slinked out(or, if you were Scout, sprinted). Dell glared at you, but you could only put your hands up in a surrendering gesture. You and Dell had been messing around with each other for a couple of months now, but the post-sex pillow talk had really brought you two together.
Dell stormed past you and slammed the door and loudly locked it, only to drag himself back to his workbench as he dropped his head onto the metal table. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. was the only noise that echoed through the garage as he hit his hardhat against the steel. You couldn't help yourself. You stepped forward.
"Dell," You murmured gently, "hey man, wanna talk about it?"
Your Engineer groaned in response. "He's been, pardon my fucking language- fucking around with my machines again!"
"Scout?" You guessed.
"No, Demoman! That bastard's been tinkering with my turrets for a week now!"
Oh, that was a surprise. Tavish wasn't too bad of a person from what you had seen, but you couldn't condone drunken tampering with your man's machines.
"And like, yes the man's brilliant. Fuckin' amazing at bombs and explosives. I've looked over them- uh, them sticky bombs! Brilliant! But that don't give him the right to sneak into my workshop and fuck with my babies!"
"Oh I absolutely agree. There's a difference between explosive intelligence and mechanical intelligence. Two very different fields." You didn't know really what you were talking about, even then, it just felt right to say that. You were speaking off the cuff, and apparently it worked.
"Y'see, I don't think he'd like if I snuck into his testfield and "upgraded" his toys." Dell grumbled, his gloved hand drummed rhythmically onto the table. You tapped on the table to tell Engie that you had arrived at his side, then rubbed his shoulders. He sighed as you tried to work the knots out of him.
Dell let you explore his back through your massage, his temper dulling with every push and knead. Suddenly, you were flipped onto the table with Dell kissing your neck with an open mouth. While you weren't too upset with the change, it was quite surprising.
He tugged your shirt up as his hand slid around your chest, his large hands groped your chest as he sighed into the crook of your neck.
"Y'know babyboy, I think there's a great way to help me blow off steam, if you're willin', of course." Dell murmured before he kissed your ear softly.
You couldn't help but smile.
"Well go on Professor Genius, blow off some steam."
He shrugged his overalls' straps off of his shoulders as he kneeled down, your pants quickly unbuttoned as Dell completely overwhelmed your senses as he went right for the spot he had found that made you hold back a scream that he had found last week. Your hand slapped over your own mouth as he swallowed and laved his tongue in the exact ways that ruined you. God, he was evil.
You had given him fair warning, really! You knocked his hat off, you grasped at his shoulders, hell, you even near-sobbed that you were close! Still, he carried on and took all you had until you couldn't help but kick him away from the oversensitivity. Dell seemed to take that personally, if him grabbing you and placing him over his lap was anything to go by. "Say 'Bee' if I'm too hard." Dell explained. Before you could comprehend what he meant, a harsh smack to your ass made you squeak. Again and again, Dell spanked you until tears welled in your eyes. With every wind up and subsequent slap, Dell grumbled about the situation, accenting every grievance with a spank. After he was apparently done, he manhandled you oh so easily into sitting in his lap. He shushed you and gently kissed your neck and cheeks as his gloved hand reached onto his workbench to grab a little container of lube. He unscrewed the cap and dipped those large and boxy fingers of his deep into the liquid, only to press the slicked fingers against your entrance. "Good boy, c'mon, let me in." Dell crooned. "Let me get inside you darlin'." It felt like seconds, but soon enough Dell lined himself up and pushed you down onto him. God, he was too fucking thick for his own good. His hands on your pelvis tightened as he lifted you up and down in tandem with his hips pumping into you. You felt used. You felt as if he wasn't the Dell you loved, but a man full of horny anger that needed a release. Somehow, that was really fucking hot. "God dammit, I'm so fucking pissed off, love. So. God. Damn. PISSED." Dell ranted as he railed you. Every word was accentuated with a deep push inside you. "Ohhh why can't people leave my shit alone, hm? These nasty fuckin'-" The ranting felt like the horniest dirty talk that could ever be uttered as you sobbed in pleasure. You couldn't do anything but beg and whine as Dell rearranged your guts. There wasn't a real way to tell when Dell was close, but he suddenly switched positions to place you bent over the desk. "Good boy, fuckin' take it. Lemme get you all ruined, okay?" Dell growled as he made your screams bounce and echo off of the walls. You could only let out an excited moan and nod as he sped up. A loud groan and stilling was the only signifier before you were pressed down with rough hands and a chest against your back, keeping you in place as Dell came inside you. A few little pumps to drain himself fully made you sigh and giggle in delirium. "F-feelin' better?" You mumbled. "Yeah." Dell assured as he kissed your back and neck. "Thank you darlin'."
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rabbittf2x · 1 year
Could I request how Scout, Engineer, and Medic would react to accidentally making the reader flinch during an argument? Like- as a reflex from past toxic situations
Mercs make Reader flinch during an argument
Includes: Scout, Engineer and Medic
Soldier’s version:
Scout’s voice was very loud. It was even worse when he was mad at you. You couldn’t even remember what you were arguing about, only focussed on his angry scolding
“If you think you could do better than me, then go! See what I care!” Scout shouted, a tinge of hurt lacing his bluff. When you wouldn’t move, he jabbed a finger at his bedroom door behind you. “GO.”
You screwed your eyes up and flinched, shielding your face with your hands. A small squeal fell from your lips, cowering before him as if expecting a smack
When nothing came, you peeked up through the cracks of your fingers. You revealed a very hurt looking Scout, staring like you just crushed his heart. The yelling stopped and there was a very long pause
“I’m sorry…” Scout finally uttered barely above a whisper. His sudden slouched posture and kicked puppy expression made you take your hands fully away from your face. “I… I didn’t mean to scare ya…” he whispered
You stood to your full height, voice shaky but blunt. “But you did.” You replied softly
“I know, and I’m sorry.” Scout suddenly bursted into tears, shoulders wracking with sobs as he hid his own face
Without thinking, you threw your arms around his slim frame. You cradled his head against your chest, frowning to yourself as you felt your own tears coming on. You backed over to his bed, guiding him down to cry into your belly
“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, baby. I—I didn’t mean it!” Scout sobbed, clutching onto your shirt. “Please don’t leave me. Please… please.”
As you ran your fingers through his short hair, you had to bite back the tears threatening to spill. Scout lifted his head up, but you immediately pushed it onto your shoulder, stroking the back of his neck
“I’d never leave you, baby. It’s okay.”
Engineer shouted down every argument you threw at him. He was always right. Always the better man…
“I just dunno why ya have to argue back with me!” He scolded
Your legs were shaking. Engineer had never gotten angry at you like this before
“But, Engie, I was just trying to—!”
Engie cut you off, waving a hand out. “No!” He barked back defiantly
You were gonna say something else, but his raised hand scared you. You yelped, flinching back in fright. You hid your screwed up face in your hands, turning away from your boyfriend
“Engie, I’m sorry! Please don’t be mad.” You whimpered
After a few silent moments, you slowly raised your head back to look up at the Engineer. His goggles hid his eyes but the deep frown on his face said it all
“No, darling… I’m sorry.” He sighed
You faced him again, your confused frown matching his. “For what?” You asked
“Ya didn’t mean it. You were just trying to help. Ya just… ya worry me so much, darling.” Engineer brooded
He took a cautious step forward, wary of making you flinch again. When you stood your ground, he wrapped his arms tight around you
“Yer my good boy/girl. I’m sorry for scaring ya. It won’t happen again, alright?”
You couldn’t control the tears that rolled down your face. You laid against his chest, bringing your arms up to clench the back of his shirt. Your small sobs and sniffles tugged at Engie’s heartstrings
“Argh, darling… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make ya cry.” He apologised again, voice gruff and sad.
You only cried more, burying your face into his shirt. The Engineer felt like the worst person in the entire world. He couldn’t believe he made the love of his life flinch and cry like that. It almost made him wanna turn on the waterworks…
“I’m sorry…” he whispered tearfully, grabbing a fistful of your hair and resting his chin on the top of your head
Medic was furious at you, scolding you with an icy glare. You bowed your head like a guilty dog, refusing to look up at him
“I am very disappointed in you!” Medic snapped
You bit back a sob, ashamed of what you did. He stood tall before you with his arms folded across his chest. You could just feel his blue eyes narrow behind his glasses
“Look at me.” Medic demanded. You nervously lifted your head up, looking him in the eye through teary vision. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed!” He hissed
You flinched back at the venom that dripped from his German accent. You couldn’t argue back anymore, only shielding your tearstained face from him with your hands
“I’m sorry!” You cried
You turned to run out of the infirmary, but a gloved hand grabbed your wrist. You squealed, whirling around to reveal the fat tears that rolled down your cheeks. The doctor gasped and his eyes widened, horrified that he did this to you
“Dove,” he gasped. Your breathing hitched as you choked out a wet sob, desperately wiping your cheeks with your arm. “Dove, look at me.” He repeated, this time much nicer
“No!” You cried, yanking out of Medic’s grasp and turning away fully. You were unable to contain your sobs, your whole body shaking as you rubbed your eyes. “You’re… you’re mean.”
That was the best you could do and you hated yourself for it. You didn’t think it was much, but it hit Medic deep. He didn’t want you to think he was mean… he tread carefully over to you, gently wrapping his arms around you from behind
“Argh… oh, love. I’m—I’m sorry. I did not mean it. Please do not be upset.” Medic frowned, resting his chin on the top of your head
You slowly began to calm down, sniffling as you wiped your tears a final time. “Really…?” You squeaked in a tiny voice
Medic gave a curt nod against your hair, hugging you tighter from behind
“Really. I love you, my dear.”
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How would the mercs react to their s/o trying to write them a love poem?
Ok, I'm not good at all with sappy stuff but let me give it a try. @blubushie (for mention of sniper. go crazy buddy.)
Demo: Demo is very emotionally backed up so it would take him a good long while for him to actually understand the deeper meaning of the poem. But when he does he wont really know how to react. He'd sort of stand around and wait for his S/O to ask him about it again so he could give them praises while he hugs them. If the opportunity doesn't arrive he'd probably try and write one back (badly) so they can bring it up.
Engie: Engie would start a little war between him and his partner. Its a gesture game baby and this man is king of subtlety. Though for love he's a bit of a show off. The more heated this fluffy little competition gets the more he amps it up. He's likely gonna try and show off with an invention or a song that'll knock the socks off of his S/O. Then he'd feel accomplished enough to lie down with 'em and whisper just how much all that stuff meant.
Heavy: Heavy is very poetic himself, though its a lot harder for him to explain it in English. Theres a lot of metaphor in his work he would have to explain to his S/O and thats easier said than done. He's very much a show don't tell sort of guy so why would he be any different in delivery. If they speak Russian rest assured that letter will return every bit of love reflected at him.
Medic: Oh boy Lutz would tease them so hard, he's so mean but he loves them very much. He's not at all used to this fluffy stuff and would scoff if anyone else did it. But with them? Of course he loves the goofy prose and obvious infatuation they have with him, how could he not? He loves every bit of the attention and will make sure to prove it by being plenty affectionate throughout the week.
Pyro: Pyro almost goes too far in excitement, theres likely a chance that Pyro just saw the Letter P followed by a heart in their bedroom and just about pranced with glee. Pyro is the type to parade their partner around proudly showing off how much they love each other. This ends up with half finished love poems strung around the room that the two encourage each other to finish.
Scout: Scout is an absolute dweeb but he'd try to play it cool by insisting that it was only expected of him to get 'fanmail'. Truth be told though Scout would melt into the floor from a kiss to the cheek by someone who he can actually call his partner. So this gesture is returned the very next day by a goddamn tsunami of gifts at their house.
Sniper: Sniper doesn't know how to react to this at all? He isn't sure why its necessary, and its hard for him to understand, but its the thought that counts. He's conflicted for a while about why exactly they'd want to tell him how they feel in writing. He's ultimately very confused but he keeps it pinned to the inside of his vest or tucked neatly into one of his pockets to keep their words on him. (He's grown on me thanks to someone I know.)
Soldier: Soldier doesn't get it but he's a big enough doofus to love it anyway. He seems like the type of guy who only ever really got valentines cards for parties. So if his S/O wrote him something he'f for sure cherish it. Even if he didn't fully understand the point or its meanings. He's a lot like Drax from Gardians of the Galaxy.
Spy: Very bold of his S/O to assume he's going to be the only one receiving love letters. Its very likely Spy knew very well before hand that they were going to be making him one so he thought ahead and got them presents and a letter of his own to be prepared. This cheeky and clever asshole!
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sakuwura-meow-meow · 8 months
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Lil goofy cowboy sayin good morning (image edit by me original content made by kostamoinen on YouTube)
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