#demasker au
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
In honor of the episode Elatation
I have a suggestion
What if Marinette did get akumatized?
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Well I was gonna wait but… ah what the heck. Let’s just do it now.
(What if Marinette did get Akumatized in Elation?)
(Spoilers below)
- Everything identical up until Marinette’s outburst, resulting in the megakuma going to her.
-It went inside the rose, and Chat noir realized that this was a problem. But in his panic, this time… he went with thinking instead of impulse
-It was too late, Marinette had transformed into Demasker. (I imagine it’s like a masquerade themed akuma (I imagine a lovely red and black gown and her rose acting like a wand or magic staff to use the power)
-She had removed her earring and moved them into a bag.
-Gabriel will try to give her the power of the Tiger miraculous but realize she isn’t wearing an alliance ring.
-“for some reason I can’t give you additional powers, I will move and give you assistance.” Monarch states
-“Don’t worry monarch, once I have my love, You will get your miraculous. You just sit back and wait like always.”
-Monarch would have been more insistent, but part of him could tell this akuma was different. And he felt that maybe he would finally win.
-“Very well Demasker. Go claim your love! Enjoy your dance.”
-Chat noir jumps back. He needs ladybug’s help right now.
-“what’s the matter My kitty. After I see whose under the mask, we can finally be together.”
-Chat noir is heartbroken, feeling the guilt in having her get akumatized. He runs
-He calls ladybug but no answer
-“Ladybug it’s an emergency… I … I messed up real bad this time.”
-Tikki felt a chill go down her spine.
-“Marinette is in trouble.”
-They rush to the roof and notice Marinette isn’t there.
-Alya heard her alliance ring go off “Akuma alert”
-Alya looks at the alert and they see the akuma. Tikki felt her heart sink. She knew
-“It’s Marinette…”
-Alya felt her guilt punch her in the gut. That’s why Marinette was gone.
-“Looks like we need Scarabella!”
-“Marinette still has the miraculous.”
-“We have to hurry! Deep down Marinette is resisting him. You need to find them.”
-“I don’t know where she is!”
-Alya scanned through the akuma alert. “I think I know”
-“Marinette please calm down.”
-“I’m not Marinette! I am Demasker! Now I have powers! We can be together now. No more imbalance. But let’s get that mask off, I want to see those adorable cheek bones”
-Chat noir dodged the Barrage of attacks that would Demask him. As it hit objects or people it had various effects. It didn’t do anything to objects. To people it would show how they really were.
-“I can’t let that hit me.” Chat noir exclaimed. “But at least it won’t do any damage to the area.”
-chat noir tried calling ladybug again… still no response.
-Where was she? She normally would be here in a flash.
-“Is the kitty NOW interested in finding his Lady? Only when there’s trouble?”
-Chat noir had no idea why she was so angry.
-“Marinette please… you need to fight this. Monarch is using you. He is making you do things you would never do.”
-“I’m so sick of people telling me what I can and can’t do. Who I can and can’t love! WHY CANT I HAVE HAPPINESS ONCE!?”
-Chat noir can see the tears drip past her mask
-He left. He couldn’t fight her as chat noir.
-He went to the sewer and detransformed
-“we can’t just leave her like that.” Plagg told him
-“I need to wait for ladybug. I will transform again when she shows up.”
-“We can’t do that. We don’t have time”
-“I can’t fight her Plagg…”
-Adrien dropped to his knees. Tears streaming down his face.
-“It’s my fault that she’s like this.”
-Plagg hugs his holder
-Monarch contacts Demasker and tells her to find chat noir later and focus on getting Ladybug
-“Don’t worry about Ladybug, she is a non-factor. I need to focus on chat noir.”
-“She is a factor! If you underestimate her it will stop you from getting the miraculous.”
-Part of Marinette’s mind rang at that statement. What was she doing!? Hunting down her meow meow and promising Monarch her miraculous and chat noir’s.
-Oh no no no, she couldn’t do that. But she did realize two things.
-1. Monarch can’t read her mind or her identity would have been revealed
-2. That There was a Better way for her and chat noir to be together.
-“Monarch, I have an idea. I guarantee that we can get all the miraculous together if you follow my plan.”
-Monarch felt his irritation turn to jubilation. He couldn’t read her mind but he can tell from her feelings she was genuine.
-“I’m listening.”
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zylev-blog · 10 months
Villian AU. Fentonworks is a multibillion company, and the head of the company, the Fentons, are supervillains. But nobody knows this because they wear full face masks, lab suits, and use voice modulators. They’ve been active for years, and their two kids even joined into their crimes. The Bats can’t get ahead of them or figure out the identities of the villainous family because they had a hacker of their own named Technus. (Tucker). Sometimes another young girl hangs around them: Undergrowth. (Sam). The Bats constantly were trying to get ahead of them, but never could. But the same thing worked in reverse: the Fentons couldn’t figure out who the Bats were.
This began their attempts to demask the Bats. The Bats were skilled at this, and beautifully dodged all demasking attempts for years. It became more of a cat and mouse game for both parties after a while. Neither had an advantage over the other.
That is, until the Ghostbusters(Fentons) disappeared into the lab for a week. Danny had an idea. An idea for a type of acid that wouldn’t harm against skin, but would dissolve any type of clothing. It took them a few days to stabilize the formula, and by the end of the week, they had multiple vials of the stuff. The Bats were antsy; they knew the criminal family were planning something. They just didn’t know what they were planning.
The Ghostbusters plan works beautifully. Jack got Bruce, Maddie got Spoiler, Danny got Red Robin, and Jazz got Nightwing. After that, it wasn’t hard to figure out the identity of the rest of the Bats.
The next day, the Bats continued their lives as normal, but they were looking over their shoulder all day. They were antsy, and fully expected something to happen. But nothing did. No new random person started stalking them, nothing out of the ordinary happened. But they kept their guard up because they knew better. They knew the Ghostbusters would eventually do something. They just didn’t know when or how.
Danny had been best friends with Tim for two years, and Jazz had been dating Dick for six months, so they were both blindsided by the identity reveals of Tim and Dick. Jazz loved Dick so much by that point, but hated heroes, and had tried to kill Nightwing more than once before. She was torn on what to do.
Suprisingly, it was Sam’s idea that they went with. Jazz already had a date with Dick scheduled for that Saturday, so as a test to both Dick and Nightwing, they were going to kidnap Jazz in broad daylight. Jazz couldn’t be in two places at once for the attack, so they used a hologram to fool everyone into thinking she wasn’t one of the Ghostbusters.
Phantom(Danny) broke through the window of the restaurant that Dick and Jazz were at. In a matter of seconds, Phantom had a knife against Jazz’s throat. Jazz played the scared victim, and Dick tried to reason with Phantom for Jazz’s safety. Jazz was thrilled about the outcome, but still allowed herself to be kidnapped.
Unfortunately, none of the Ghostbusters planned for the Justice League to get involved.
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Continuing the AU...
Lets see, last time we checked in, Purpled was 18 and Fundy was 16 and things were about to go wrong.
Fundy's been acting as a vigilante for a good few years now, and he loves it. He's adopted a fox themed persona, and he hides his bright blue wings. He sometimes meets up with a group of three other vigilantes known as the Bench Trio, but he mostly works with Purpled.
And then his father, Siren catches him.
WilburSiren demasks him, which is frowned upon but not illegal. A fight between them ensues, and Fundy escapes to his house one last time. He can't stay any long, so he grabs anything he doesn't want Wilbur to get his hands on, and he runs.
He'll meet up with Purpled, and they'll find a place to stay.
Purpled has grown in reputation among mercenaries, and he had almost finished a multmonth con to kill a target. The victim in question was a slime hybrid named Charle and the hit had been ordered by a feared villain group known as the Eggpire.
But he fails last minute. Charle had created a decoy and Quackity was quick to turn on Purpled. The teen barely escaped with his life, and since he had failed the mission, the Eggpire was after him.
He had to leave, he couldn't make it back to his house, he'd just have to run to Fundy.
But neither of them can run to each other for long. Neither of them can safely stay in the city.
So they catch a train to Hermitopia, just close enough that they can afford the trip, but far enough away that they could get a head start on running.
Fundy, through overhearing chatter at a café he and Purpled stop in, finds out that Ren, an old friend from before he moved, was in the city. So he and Purpled seek out Ren, who takes them in.
Ren and Bdubs' apartment is messy, not meant for more then three people, and they've both been thrown into a war between the WATCHERS and a small group of people who have been wronged by them, but it's home.
And it remains home the longer they stay. Even after they meet the third resident of the apartment [redacted because spoilers], who takes part in bounty hunting on the side. Purpled quickly starts hanging out with him, eager to start doing something he's good at again.
Fundy takes up redstone, finding it easy to talk to Doc and [redacted] for long hours at a time about it. Even Martyn is easy to be around, and Fundy, Martyn, and Ren all spent hours each week planning out lore for a game they play.
Bdubs is the only one neither of them are incredibly close too, but the phantom hybrid offers them jobs at the café he runs. (which happens to the the café that Fundy found out about Ren in)
They soon find what it means to be free, and to love the world again. (and yes, they both take up being vigilantes again)
So, that's the main details about their part of the story! Any guess as to who [redacted] is? Or any questions about details?
I’m stupid as hell indigo I have no idea who it is
also I put this through a word counter and you wrote 544 words in my inbox in this ask alone
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puppylove24680 · 4 years
Urban Legend Bruce Wayne and Public Figure Batman
No one hears from Bruce after his parents death.
First its Alfred not wanting to expose a greaving kid to the press
Then its a moody teen who just doesnt wanna
Then Bruce goes out training
But he doesnt go public after coming back
Wayne Manor still hosts charity events but B doesnt attend
All Wayne Industries work is done without an appearance
They eventually learn to accept he’ll never attend meetings and work around it
Batman makes a debut, and helps form the Justice League
Due to League press he is widely known about
Then the Graysons fall with B in attendance, and the first public thing hes done in years is take in Dick
There are rumors and conspiracies floating around, B doesnt despute them, he likes his privacy
B and Dick have full reign to have a more normal life without the paparazzi
Until Dick finds the Batcave
Robin joins Batman’s side, making him even more famous for the controversy this triggers
Batgirl soon joins in the spotlight
Dick moves on to Nightwing and Jason joins as the second kid
This is less publicized as Jason was a nobody before being adopted vs Dick having been part of a public tragedy
Jason doesnt have to deal with being thrust in the spotlight so he has a better transition
People notice the change in Robin and figure out the Nightwing-Robin connection
Gotham loves the new Robin just as much
People notice and mourn Batgirl’s disappearce
When Jason dies the public doesnt know
Theyve almost forgotten about his existance
Only those deep in conspiracies really even knew he existed
When the second Robin dies the public KNOWS
They know from the way when Batman is forced into the spotlight hes missing his light
They know from his flinch whenever the boy wonder is mentioned
They know from how rarely hes seen
They know from the lack of laughter at night
They know from Joker’s taunts and Batman’s increased violence
Tim joins the Waynes without a fuss from the outside world
Hes not officially in it yet, but his parents dont notice him going to the Wayne’s and he spends so much time there he practical lives with them
Everyone freaks out when a third Robin joins the Bat
Its confirmation of the rumors
There are heated debates on the ethics of enabling a kid to participate in something so lethal especially so soon after
Some still hope Robin Number 2 is still alive
Batgirl’s reapearance surprises people, but they love the new one just as much as the old
Cass happily joins the family
The Red Hood makes a massive impact in Gotham Not just in his actions in Gotham’s underworld but also in the rumormill
People can tell that him and Bats have history When he eventually joins Batman’s side its not just a victory for him but Gotham as a whole, theyre invested in Bats’ happiness by now
When Jason comes home its incredibly easy to bring him back to life, its like he was never gone in the eyes of the public, because he was also never really there
While Tim is recovering from Jason’s return and then his parent’s death Stephanie steps up to fill in
The first girl Robin is the most controversial of them all
Ask anyone in Gotham and theyll either tell you how much they love her for inspiring so many little girls or how Robin is a boys job and she should stick to Batgirl among other varying opinons
When she joins Batman for League business the world sees her and joins in on having opinions
Tim and Steph share Robin going back and forth on who gets to be Robin that night, sometimes they even patrol together
B approves, safety in numbers being the main reason
Robin Number Five replaces the previous two at the same time Batman becomes a totally different person
It’s clear in how he acts and looks
Hes smaller than the other Bat, he smiles more and has a different dynamic with the League
He’s an acrobat, so like the first bird they cant help but draw connections
No one knows what to think but they hope for anything but the worst
Red Robin and the newest Batgirl appear soon after
A year later Batman is back, the Batman, not his first partner
No one noticed Bruce Wayne’s absence, he never had a presence in the first place
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aiyoarts · 3 years
Creepypasta "Shackles" Au Character Headcannons
Ticci Toby
Soooooo I know a lot of ppl like having toby in stories and a lot don't and all in all I don't care. I don't know the full thingy with toby not being a creepypasta anymore or whatever his creator said but I do enjoy writing about him and being that I have tics myself all I hope is that I don't offend people. So I'm like rewriting his entire character in all of my stories. Sooo here ya go!
Name: Toby/Tobias Rogers
Physical Desc: I kinda already like Toby orig design but I'll switch it a little. He is only half an inch shorter than Brian. Around 5'10. He does still have a scar on the side of his mouth but it's not like part of his mouth shows its like.. a scar? Like he keeps chewing on it in habit and keeps reopening it. I think of it as a scar where he was demasked and hurt by a victim when they fought back before he killed them. Like a glass cut. Took awhile for it to heal and stitches were a no no. He is quite lanky since yknow hes 19 years old in this. Hes pale but also tan. Toned with muscles you'd expect from wielding an axe but more lanky and skinny. I like the thought of his nails being painted too. His face does have some yknow sleep deprivation obvious on it. Pretty weary but hes always on high alert. He has some obvious PTSD of course. I'm not changing his eyes or hair. He does seem boney in some places though.
Attire: So in all honesty I'm not changing his original attire. I just like it to much. But he does have leather fingerless gloves for his axe. A specific belt that holds his axes. Tennis or those orange like boots. Not changing his mask or goggles.
Weapon: So instead of a wielding axe I give him a short handled woodsman axe. It's a better grip, more sharply and an easy detail in training, with a blunt side that nice enough to knock out a victim. He has between one or two of them.
Extra/personality: Despite his age he does have a childish side. No not that toxic shit, I see him as bipolar and he uses that childish side of him as a coping mechanism. (Like me, I use a child like voice to cope.) But despite that he's way more smarter than he cuts out to be. Doesn't mind doin pranks or two or just irritating and fucking with the other residents but in truth he analyzes them. Like a list. A tolerance to a fuck you list. Of course Sally is an exception despite her annoyance from time to time. (Shes a golden girl okay) Masky of course is at the top of the list. He pokes and prods at maskys obvious anger issues. But only to fight back from the names Tim calls him and the obvious dick like tone he always has. He honestly wouldn't mind if he were dead. Brian is honestly chill to him. A bit creepy at times, especially with the camera, but other than that pretty chill. He can easily be tempered. As I said I headcanon him Bipolar. But hes never sure of what to feel when it comes to the guarddog. He just seems blank. (Until further on in the story) He's intrigued but also annoyed. He does know that the guarddog isn't as pretentious or dick like like masky. He is aware that the guarddog cares about the residents more than what they say. He's been in that predicament. He is curious about their gender but does respect them. Especially with how at dinner when the others boast about their kills and the "fun" they have with specific victims. So he honestly doesn't blame them.
Backstory: I'm not changing it and I'm sorry I just really hate changing backstories.
Referring to when he was in that predicament Toby was injured by one of the many unspecified creatures in the woods that surrounds the mansion after a kill and he was already exhausted and ended up passing out on his way. Luckily for him it was near end for their curfew. The last thing he saw was that familiar yet unspoken gas mask. He woke up in the clinic his wounds already patched and got a small but stern talk from Ej. After that he went looking for them but couldn't find them. He decided to leave it be for now.
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tennessoui · 3 years
1. Soulmates AU please! It is definitely my guilty pleasure trope
hello im only three months ish late maybe four but this is also 3.4k long and it's just wild i mean we're talking soul mates, superheroes, rushed world building, superhero names this is a trip this is something i wrote after waking up from a four hour nap this ever had a chance and also it's sad
1. Soul Mates (+ 42. Star Crossed Lovers)
“You shouldn’t have come,” Obi-Wan says harshly, pulling the children--they’re just goddamn children--into his apartment and slamming the door behind them. “Did anyone see you?”
The children--all four of them--stay quiet. Obi-Wan wants to wring their necks. He knows why they’re here. He’d rather them die on the streets than suffer through what they’re obviously here about.
But if that were really true, he would have just left them on his doorstep.
“Did anyone see you?” he asks again.
“Not that we noticed,” one of the girls in the middle says. Shili, dressed in a blue and white striped sensible jumpsuit and sporty cape. The leader of the new generation of superheroes and she sounds like she hasn’t even hit puberty yet.
Obi-Wan is suddenly very, very tired.
“Kam,” Shili gestures to the person next to her and a little behind, a tall boy with a helmet covering his face and white and blue armor covering the rest of him, “says he didn’t pick up anything with his sensors. We were safe. We’re not trying to get you caught, sir. We just need to talk to you.”
“You could kick us out,” the other girl points out, crossing her arms over her chest. She’s not even bothering to wear a domino mask, but Obi-Wan doubts very much he’s looking at her real appearance. She’s Mirial, of course.
Which makes the other boy in a padded white and orange suit Mando. Four of the fifty or so remaining Jedi superheroes are in his house.
Obi-Wan sighs and turns to pad down the hallway. “Shoes off,” he calls behind his shoulder. “And does anyone want any tea?”
“No thank you,” Shili responds politely, falling into step behind him.
“Sit,” he tells them roughly when he notices the four of them standing awkwardly in his cramped dining room. “Sit down.”
He puts the kettle on anyway, and bangs around the cabinets for a few seconds to find an unopened bag of chips and a sleeve of probably stale cookies.
He doesn’t have much else to offer them though. Not now.
Weren’t you the one always telling me to eat my vegetables? A laughing voice murmurs into his ear. Look at you now.
Obi-Wan has to stand for a second in his small and dirty kitchen, chips clutched in one hand and cookies in the other, and breathe for an impossibly long moment.
This is why he had not wanted to ever see another Jedi in his life. All they brought with them were questions and ghosts.
Obi-Wan has enough of those as it is.
The kettle goes off and he pours the hot water into his mug. The cowardly part of him that hasn’t faced a fight in ten years now wants to wait here until the tea has finished steeping and then think of a thousand other excuses to not ever leave the kitchen again. He's good at thinking of excuses. He calls them reasons and lives his life with them.
But he has always known someone would eventually come looking for answers. That had always been one of the prices he knew he would eventually have to pay.
He notices immediately upon entering the dining room that they’ve saved him a seat, if it counts as saving someone a seat when they’ve rearranged the chairs so one is on one side of the table and the other two are squeezed opposite it.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’ve brought snacks to my own interrogation,” he says blithely, depositing them onto the table in front of the children.
Kamino stares intently at them for a second, and then nods once to Shili, who reaches out to open the bag of chips. In a show of good faith, she takes one and eats it. Obi-Wan can’t see her eyes underneath the white lenses of her domino mask, but he’s quite sure she hasn’t stopped looking at him once.
“Are you sure you do not want tea, now we have established I am not going to poison you?” he asks, crossing his ankles and taking a sip from his own mug.
“It’s a bit too warm out there for hot tea,” Mirial says disdainfully, looking at her nails. “You know, what with the world on fire.”
“But I’d take an iced one, if you have it,” Shili leans forward.
Obi-Wan pauses, drink halfway to his mouth.
He sets it down gently on the wood of his table. “Ah. Going straight in, aren’t we?”
“There’s not much time for anything else,” Mando says, and at least he sounds a bit apologetic.
“A weighty statement from someone who can manipulate time itself,” Obi-Wan hums.
“Only for a few seconds,” Mando mutters behind his helmet, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“That’s because you don’t have much in the way of training, young man,” Obi-Wan tells him gently with a hint of steel behind it “Back in my day--”
He cuts himself off. He doesn’t know why. Clearly, they know who he used to be. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here. He’s really just delaying the inevitable, but his throat feels tight. This truth, so long unspoken, is hard to drag into his mouth. And yet, every second he doesn’t speak it, it’s bashing itself to death against the backs of his teeth.
“Would you like us to tell you what we’ve found out about your days?” Mirial asks, looking up from her nails. “Would that make it easier for you, Ilum?”
“Meer--” Shili starts to say, reaching out to touch the girl’s arm, rein her in, but it’s too late.
The planes of Mirial’s face change and shift and suddenly for the first time in ten years, Anakin Skywalker is sitting across from him. “Would you like to talk about the old days, or would you like me to talk about the old days?” Mirial in Anakin’s smooth baritone asks.
It’s cruel. It’s so cruel that for a second Obi-Wan wishes his heart could just stop from the pain of it all. “Please put that away,” he tells the tabletop coldly. “And please. Do not call me that.”
“Meer,” Shili murmurs, and there’s a shift in the air.
When Obi-Wan looks back up, Mirial is back to the way she always appears in press releases, green skin and all. “That was a decent impression,” he tells her. She bristles at the perceived slight, but he holds up his hand. “But when I knew him, his eyes weren’t gold. They were blue.”
“Mustafar has had golden eyes since he joined the Imps,” Mirial argues back in a way that reminds Obi-Wan of another young teenager, who never could learn how to take criticism well.
“And he was someone else before then,” he tells the girl. “He had another name and he had a mother and he had a soulmate and a--fiancee and everything.”
His hands have started to shake, so he clasps the mug tightly, though it burns him.
“Tell us,” Shili insists forcefully but compassionately. Obi-Wan had wondered before why they had chosen to make the girl whose only ability is to fly the leader of the newest Jedi team, but it must be that. It must be her compassion. “Please. You’re the only one who can.”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan says. “I know. I’m the only one who is left. But if I am to demask myself, I will not do it to a table of strangers.”
The children turn to look at each other. Kamino cocks his head at Shili, who inclines her own head. Mirial shrugs. Mando shakes his head once, but Shili seems to override him, because she turns back to Obi-Wan and takes off her domino mask.
“My name is Ahsoka Tano,” she says, stumbling over the name. Obi-Wan wonders how many times she’s unmasked herself before. “Or Shili.”
She nudges Mirial, who sighs. “I’m Barriss,” she tells him grudgingly.
Kamino takes off his helmet to reveal a strong-jawed boy with a blond buzzcut. “His name is Rex,” Ahsoka says. “He can’t speak except through minds.”
Obi-Wan blinks in surprise at this. He had known that Kamino had an advanced sense of the senses, could tell something’s molecular makeup just by looking at it, could smell a gas leak from two miles away, etcetera, etcetera, but he hadn’t known the boy could communicate telepathically as well.
“And I’m his twin,” Mando sighs, taking off his own helmet and revealing a startlingly similar face, marred by a scar just across his temple. “Cody.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Obi-Wan tells them, drumming his fingers on the table. “You know already. I fought under the name Ilum. I could--”
He searches for words to describe his own powers, and settles instead on a demonstration. With a flick of his hand, the liquid in the mug rises and freezes into a miniature wave, suspended in the air.
He lets the ice drop into the mug, and inclines his head to Ahsoka. “Iced tea?” he asks wryly.
“Tell us about Mustafar,” Mando demands. What a heavy thing to carry, Obi-Wan finds himself thinking. The knowledge of all that time.
What Obi-Wan wouldn’t give to be ten years younger again. Not to even change anything, though he would be stupid to not try to. But to just enjoy the moment for what it had been in the end: just a moment.
“We didn’t call him that then,” Obi-Wan sighs and rubs a hand over his face. “We called him Iego in uniform, and Anakin in civvies.
“He was...radiant. In battle and off the field. I was the leader of our team for six years until Anakin came along. And I just knew as soon as I saw him that he would take everything from me. But he wouldn’t have had to take it. I would have given it to him right then.”
“I didn’t think he was that attractive,” Ahsoka mumbles, and then slaps a hand over her mouth as if afraid she’s spoken out of turn and ruined the story so completely that Obi-Wan won’t say anything else.
Instead, Obi-Wan laughs but it doesn’t sound much like a laugh at all. “Well, to each is his own, of course,” he says when he thinks the hysteria has worn off. “And finding out he carried my soul mark certainly helped.”
The room is blissfully silent, which Obi-Wan is beyond thankful for. He just wants to let those never-before admitted truths hang in the air, just for a few more seconds. He almost wants to say them again actually. Anakin Skywalker is my soulmate. Anakin Skywalker carries the same mark I carry, and he always has.
“But…” Barriss says slowly, “But Mustafar’s soulmark is on his neck.”
“It’s not,” Obi-Wan murmurs, staring at the wall behind their heads. “What he has on his neck is an ice burn scar in the shape of a hand. In the shape of my hand. His actual soul mark is on his mid-back, right over his spine.”
“You tried to kill your soulmate?” Ahsoka gasps, looking horrified.
Obi-Wan smiles with no joy behind it. “I tried to save the world,” he corrects her gently.
“You said earlier…” Cody speaks up. “That Mustafar--that Anakin had a fiancee. It wasn’t you, was it?”
“No,” Obi-Wan admits. “I never told him. I...couldn’t. I wanted to wait I suppose. I. Well. My soulmark is identical to his, but it’s on my thigh. And. You know what they say about a soulmatch whose marks aren’t in the same spot.” “Star crossed,” Ahsoka whispers.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan confirms. “I decided to wait. I was a few years older than him, he had so much to learn, he needed a friend more than he needed a soulmate. I had a long list of reasons, all as iron-clad as the next. But they were excuses. I was afraid. This man, my soulmate, could control fire and sunlight itself. He burned with passion, shone with power. And I...I was cold. Too pragmatic, too quick to criticize when he needed praise. The marks were just marks. Maybe they fit together, maybe they matched. But I was terrified that we wouldn’t.
“And by the time I thought to tell him, he came to find me instead. He was in love, he said. He had been seeing a girl for months and was going to ask her to marry him. And I suppose I must have asked about his soulmate, because he told me he would rather never know his soulmate, if knowing meant losing her.”
So. So Obi-Wan had let him go, though that part doesn’t make for a good story. He had distanced himself as much as he could get away with, which is not much really, seeing as how Iego and Ilum fought best when they fought together.
But in the end, his heartbreak had been too much, even for someone as cold as Obi-Wan had been known to be. He’d put in for a temporary transfer. A remedial medical leave, a Jedi-sanctioned sabbatical so he could ostensibly connect with himself and his powers. Nothing longer than a year.
You’ll miss the wedding, Anakin had told him, heartbreak shining in his own eyes.
But his heartbreak had been nothing compared to Obi-Wan’s, and so he had left. He had needed to. It had felt like rending his soul in two, but he had.
Two weeks into his stay at a different Jedi training base, Obi-Wan had died in an explosion. “That hadn’t been Jedi sanctioned,” he tells the children in front of him wryly. “We thought it was an accident at the time, but there were too many coincidences. Too many casualties.” But Obi-Wan’s death had been the only casualty Anakin had felt. It hadn’t mattered that someone had managed to restart his heart only a few minutes later. He had died. He had died and Anakin had felt his soulmate die. He had burned his fiancee in his own uncontrollable agony. She had not survived Obi-Wan’s death, even though Obi-Wan himself had.
“I...I don’t know what happened. Still. It’s been years and I have thought of little else. She may have been standing too close to him when it happened. Or...the house may have caught on fire and she was trapped inside. Or...I don’t know. I don’t know,” he spreads his hands palm up on the table and looks at the faces of the children.
He sighs and continues. There is so little left in the story now. “The Jedi Order decided to tell the press that there had been no survivors, though there had been a few. We couldn’t know if the Imperials were behind the attack or not, so we had to be careful. The survivor’s families were told, and their soulmates. Officially, I had no family. I had...no soulmate. They didn’t tell anyone I had survived. Ilum died in that explosion. Still to this day, he's dead.
“Anakin had always been absurdly powerful...and dangerous. He’d killed the love of his life, had felt his soulmate dying, and then...heard that I too had died. The first two had destabilized him, but my death and the Jedi Order’s staunch rejection of his request to see my body, to give me a funeral...it made him even more vulnerable to outside manipulation.”
“The Imperials….” Cody murmurs.
Obi-Wan nods, lip curling up. “The Imperials,” he agrees. “The timeline is fuzzy. I spent a good part of these weeks partially dead, one foot in both worlds. I didn’t know what was going on. When I was well enough to watch the news, the Jedi told me there was a new super villain working with the Imperials, going by the name Mustafar. I trained to kill him as he was helping the Imps decimate the Jedi. All of my old team was dead. Anakin was missing. I didn’t--”
He cuts himself off and runs a hand down his face. The children are waiting on his words. He’s telling them why they’re fighting wars adults should be fighting. He’s telling them why they’re out in the field after only a month or less of training. He’s trying to tell them why he isn’t out there fighting with them, but he knows already they won’t accept his excuses.
They shouldn’t have to.
“They gave me a new uniform and a new name,” Obi-Wan picks up the story. “Hoth. And I went off to kill my soulmate.”
“But you didn’t,” Barriss says, and she sounds vaguely confused and vaguely accusatory.
“I almost did,” Obi-Wan admits, like it’s a sin, like it's salvation. “Everything about him was different. He was not the passionate but warm boy I had known. He was a forest fire. A volcano. And Mustafar’s fighting style was completely different from Iego’s. I only realized it was Anakin--my Anakin--when I managed to knock his mask off. I had my hand around his throat, but when I realized who I was fighting...I let go. I couldn’t kill him. Even after everything he did. Even knowing...knowing Iego was gone.”
The dining room is silent for a second, before three voices burst out angrily at once.
“Why aren’t you helping the Jedi?” Ahsoka asks the loudest. “Hoth--Ilum, Obi-Wan. We need you. Mustafar--the Imperials...they’re not going to stop. They’ve killed so many Jedi. We need you to help us.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan says. “I cannot.”
“You used to be a hero,” Barriss accuses. “Now what are you? A hollowed out, sad man.”
“I was never a hero,” he snaps. “I followed orders. Anyone can do that.”
“You were the best,” Cody says quietly, cutting Obi-Wan to the bone. “You led the Geonosis team for six years. I studied you in class. You were...the best.”
“I wasn’t,” Obi-Wan disagrees just as quietly. “But perhaps you all are.”
“You haven’t even told us any weakness we could use against him in battle!” Barriss shouts, standing up suddenly, which causes the chair to clatter over. “You’ve been no help at all! I’m leaving, this is a waste of time!”
“Barriss--!” Ahsoka cries after the girl, grabbing her discarded mask and taking after her.
Cody opens his mouth and then closes it. He jams the helmet back onto his head. “The soulmark. You said it’s on his hip?”
Obi-Wan smiles mirthlessly. Cody is trying to see if he can catch him in a lie, if this is actually good tactical information or not. “It’s a few inches below his shoulder blades, right over his spine.”
Cody nods once and then files out, leaving Obi-Wan alone in the room with the silent, still helmetless Rex.
“I just told him how to kill my supervillain soulmate,” Obi-Wan tells Rex, even though he’s really talking to himself. “Soulmarks, even dead ones, are extremely sensitive. If Anakin had hit me with his fire on my other thigh, I would be dead. Not just crippled. Muscle, young man, doesn’t grow back easily.”
He rubs a hand over the leg in question, staring down at the uneven way his pants lay over the old injury. It aches from the walking he’s forced it to do today, from trying to walk normally im front of these powerful strangers.
Rex taps the table to get him to look up, and then gestures to his own eyes.
“I?” Obi-Wan asks, confused.
Rex rolls his eyes and then mimes writing something.
“Ah, there should be a pen and pad in the kitchen?” he trails off as the teenager goes to retrieve the aforementioned things.
It takes a second longer than it should, and he comes out carrying just a slip of paper with his helmet forced back onto his head.
With a flick of his fingers, the paper’s lying on the table and Rex is following his teammates out the door and out of Obi-Wan’s apartment and hopefully out of his life forever.
Curious, Obi-Wan grabs the note and unfolds it to read.
We thought Musta. had yel. eyes because all the top Imps have yel. eyes. But if Ankn had blue eyes, then mybe none of the imps should have yel eyes.
No one knows what sidious power is -> what if it’s mind control?
Obi-Wan puts the note down onto the table with shaking hands. He wishes desperately he had never read it.
Because those words plant a seed of hope in his chest he isn’t sure he’ll be able to live without now.
What if Anakin--his Anakin--what if he’s in there still? What if Obi-Wan had abandoned him to ten years of brainwashing and mind control with not much of a fight at all?
But more pressingly, what if there’s hope for him? For both of them? Still, after all this time?
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cheshiresartblog · 4 years
For the reaper AU, has Aizawa ever had to fight off Mic and Shirakumo to protect Eri or do they realize that shes just an innocent kid and not automatically an evil witch ?
Yeah. He's had to fight them off a few times in one way or another.
Their first few fights, though, they didn't know it was Aizawa. Shouta frequently wore a mask out when he was younger. Like a full face, plain porcelain mask. He was nervous about being recognized due to having been a Reaper student at UA. He didn't want to go back to the labs and he didn't want Eri to be dragged back there either.
Shouta, luckily, doesn't often fight them when they're together, since Oboro and Hizashi are a scary powerful duo.
Most of their fights are just Shouta on the defensive of Eri and then finding the opportunity to use his own ablilities to destabilize their soul weapons and run for it.
When Shouta was demasked it was a big oomph though since it was right as he was about to escape. They were told Shouta had died...and now he's working with a witch.
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historicfailure · 5 years
Weekly Heads-Up
Coming Up:
the Spy!Reader x Kakashi Request! It took me only, what, 20 years to finish it? But now it’s proofread and finished and I will get it out at Wednesday next week, so be prepared ;)
Working On:
the 11th chapter of EML. Like always writing and slaving away on this project ;)
possibly, maybe, a second part for the Madara request... At first I tried to incorporate everything into one long one-shot, but I always have the feeling that such a long one-shot isn’t easily readable, so... splitting, it shall be ^^’‘
I also picked up the YamatoCoffeeshopAU again, and I’m slowly working my way through it ^^ (still no actual title for this, goddammit)
and I also returned to a fic which means a lot to me, namely an Overwatch one called “Caged Bird” (work title) which is of course out of the water than what I usually write (coughcough Naruto coughcough) but I still hope it will be nice for some people who follow me so far :)
And last, but not least, a little snippet of one of the other requests I recently finished and hope to soon post. This one is a Modern AU, with the reader and Kakashi both in university, even though that’s more in the background ;)
The bass thumbed through your body, that strong that you believed to feel the cheap and thin beer in your hand jump alongside the heavy, electronic beat. Grimacing, you raised the bright blue cup to your lips and tried not to care about the people making out right beside you, who thought a worn-down couch in the middle of a very lively living room was the perfect place to make it to the second base, if not the third. The hips of the girl grinded against the without a doubt bulging crotch of her lover boy, withering and rolling, while her deep, guttural moans vibrated through the whole couch. His ass bumped into your elbow holding your drink, making some of the beverage spill over the edge. Cursing, you quickly licked the drink off and scowled at the few droplets which dripped onto your jeans. Not only the heavy scent of smoke (cigarettes and possibly also weed. Yes, definitely weed.) would cling to all of your clothes, no, you would also reek like a whole brewery.
You hated the music, hated the loud crowd jumping up and down around you, hated the hollering and shouting echoing through the heavy, sweaty, stinking air. Why anyone had fun at these parties was beyond you. Well, at least you tried to enjoy one of the frat parties. Not for you, no questions asked, case closed. From now on, you could rightfully say to hate every second of this useless, alcohol-pregnant orgy.
Another sip and another grimace, then, you couldn’t stand the dry sex beside you any longer. You left your designated spot and searched for Kakashi. Hopefully, he didn’t find a willing, easily impressed first-semester to hook up with yet.
It wasn’t hard to find him. You just had to wait and listen for the unavoidable squealing, high laughing and cooing of a group of girls. Two minutes, that was all it took to find Kakashi in this horror house of alcoholism and pornographic dreams.
Sitting smack in the middle of a modern three-seater, his book in one hand and an unused blue cup similar to your own in the other, surrounded and almost caged by a group of chattering girls who tried to catch his attention with their loose and low-cut clothing, riding up skirts and showing bras. Little did they know that nothing turned Kakashi more off than throwing themselves onto his neck and fake laughs. That grated at his nerves, he told you once. Like a cheese grater over parmesan (his words, not yours!).
But your friend just had this kind of impression on the surrounding female population and no matter what he tried, even covering his face up for a while with varying masks, seemed not to work. In fact, while he wore the mask, his groupies crowded around him even worse and tried to demask him, getting deep into his personal space. He could be clothed like a total slob, but the girls would still flock him.
Other than that, I hope to post soon more than just the chapters of EML. I did a lot of stuff recently and work on more requests, and next Wednesday is hopefully only the start. I don’t want to make any promises, but I hope to post one request every week when there’s no EML chapter coming out.
That’s it already for this week, guys! :D I would be delighted to hear your opinion about the reckless diving into another fandom I plan to do, but other than that, I hope you guys have a great week and a good day! :D
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humanfist · 5 years
Happyish Spider AU
Peter Parker pre-spider bite is *almost* the same as before, but is also a sorta fan of pro-wrestling.  Not a hard core about it, but he knows what the deal is going into his fight.  He can’t do real pro-wrestling moves, so he still tries to avoid his opponent, but he uses a mixture of announcing his strategy up front, constant spidey-quips, and the most impressive acrobatics he can handle to sell the narrative of a scrappy underdog trying to bullfight a stronger opponent. Parts of crowd start cheering for him as an underdog and even the ones that want him to loose aren’t too bored by the show.  Then he finally gets caught.  At which point he looses control and knocks his opponent out.  After all he’s still new to spider powers and hasn’t even done normal pro-wrestling before.  
He still gets his partial prize money, but instead of feeling cheated he feel guilty for hurting a guy.  So when the robbery happens he stops it.  After some finagling to avoid having to demask for the police, he’s able to use the goodwill he earned plus his demonstrated fighting ability to explain that he meant to throw the match but panicked when he got caught.  The local wrestling community grudgingly accepts this and agrees to let him participate in more matches if he upgrades his costume and trains with somebody who will show him how to do it safely.   
Spidey’s athleticism and high quality banter mean the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man quickly becomes a Name in pro-wrestling.  Meanwhile his heroing career takes a Booster Goldish path.  Stopping the crook worked out so well for him that he does more crime-fighting on the side, but he is pretty selfish and publicity seeking until something, presumably something fatal to Uncle Ben, causes him to start taking it seriously.  However, by the time that happens his reputation is already set.  On one hand he doesn’t have to nearly as many problems with the general public thinking he is evil.  On the other hand, lots of people who are firmly in his corner in (most versions of) canon still think he’s just a glory hound who will bail when the going gets tough or the camera’s disappear.  Which makes it harder to team up with other heroes. If this has been done before let me know so I can read it.  I’d like to write it myself someday, but honestly its not going to happen.
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exmasks-blog · 7 years
do me. :) but for demasks
Detailed Pre-Established Relationship Meme
Send me a ♡ and I’ll bold what I want to see with our muses and italicize things I may be open to! (send “heart!” if the symbol is unavailable)
I want our muses to be: friends | ex-friends | rivals | rivals with sexual/romantic tension | enemies | enemies with sexual/romantic tension | lovers | ex-lovers | partners/coworkers | pen pals/internet friends | friends with benefits | soulmates
Our muses met: as children IN SOME AUS OKAY LFKSJFLKDSFJ | as teenagers | as adults | just recently
(for romance) Our muses’ relationship is: still exciting and lively | stable | starting to feel awkward | in jeopardy | romantic, but the sexual attraction is fading | sexual, but the romantic attraction is fading | toxic and self-destructive | unrequited, with my muse pining after yours | unrequited, with your muse pining after mine | determined by fate
(for rivals) Our muses’ relationship is: awkward | fiery | friendly | petty | mostly for show | losing its spark | starting to develop into something more | one-sided, with my muse considering yours a rival | one-sided, with your muse considering mine a rival | determined by fate
(for enemies) Our muses’ relationship is: dangerous to themselves | dangerous to others | based on family matters | based on professional matters | based on lies/misunderstandings | unpredictable | passionate | nothing personal at first, but changes with time | determined by fate
(for friends) Our muses’ relationship is: stable | sickeningly sweet | the kind of close friendship that makes others jealous | falling apart | based on shared interests | based on circumstance (like school or work) | based on family ties | developing into something more (romantic/sexual) | developing into something more (antagonistic) | determined by fate
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sl-walker · 7 years
I am just pickled enough to do this.  So, let’s do this.
The AU that no one could ever have imagined before I made the mistake...
... the awesome mistake...
...the decision to write SioF.
So, it goes like this.
The Republic has a problem with understanding the requirements of juvenile offenders, which is why they keep somehow ending up in the general prison population instead of, you know, in a juvie rehab facility.  (Lookin’ at you, Boba, you poor little duck.)  Sometime around the age of thirteen, fourteen, they ended up with this half-zabrak who killed three guys in a highly illegal gladiatorial combat ring, but instead of doing the thing that would make sense, like maybe treating the kid with decency, they pretty much just throw him in prison.
There is actually some surprising interest in this nobody nightbrother teenager; the senator of Naboo, for instance, petitions for his release, but that doesn’t matter because he ends up killed in a mysterious airspeeder accident.  Hego Demask pointedly does not show an interest.
The kid survives half a dozen assassination attempts, and ends up maiming the inmates who tried, never mind causing some real damage to a guard or two.  By now, the Republic is probably never, ever going to let him go.  Luckily for them, a new breakthrough by an independent laboratory funded by the IBC has come up with a way to paralyze the midichlorians of Force users for a time and has given the drug to the Republic-- for a price.  Hey, research isn’t cheap!  The Jedi are really very pissed off about this, in a perfectly peaceful, serene and acceptable manner, but that cat’s out of the bag.
(We won’t talk about how Plagueis totally would direct a laboratory to release this and still make a damned profit on it, all at the same time.)
Speaking of the Jedi, it had been a Jedi observer who figured out that the kid who got convicted of killing people was Force sensitive, but despite their petition for custody, they were turned down.  Who knew what would have happened, but the Republic wasn’t willing to let him go.
So, a couple to few years pass.  Cut off from the Force, Maul gets rather subdued and despondent; he’s still more than capable of defending himself, but he has heard nothing from his Master, has no access to the senses he was born with and has relied on his whole life.  He basically marks time, but he doesn’t even really think about escape after awhile, because the reality of it sinks in: Where would he even go?  He’s horribly equipped to deal with the world, the only experience he has with interacting with it is Orsis, and let’s face it, there’s a difference between interacting with mercenary cadets and the public.
It’s a pretty miserable situation, basically.  Depression would be putting it mildly.  He might not even exist, in any real sense of the word.
Meanwhile, though, there’s a bill being floated by Bail Antilles, on the urging of any number of civilized systems, to improve prison conditions in the Republic.  It’s purely happenstance (unless it’s the will of the Force, but let’s not get too flighty) that Bail Organa is on Coruscant -- he’s on the board of directors for three different charities and that involves travelling sometimes for various functions -- and that he’s visiting the Senator of Alderaan at a time when he ends up invited on the tour of the facilities.
Not too surprisingly, since this is my AU, he does catch a glance of the teenager hanging around the general population and, not shockingly, gets curious enough to ask questions.  Because Bail’s definitely not the kind of guy to just let things go.  He doesn’t get much, at first, but even though he’s not even thirty yet, he’s been raised as the heir to a major player house on Alderaan and indeed, in the Republic, so he definitely has his connections and so he’s able to get a bunch of information even the Jedi couldn’t.
This takes months.  His eventual petitioning for Maul’s parole takes several more.  But Bail is persistent, from a powerful family, from a rich family, so eventually he gets what he wants, which is a paroled half-zabrak.
Maul has literally no idea what the hell is going on.
No, really.  This is out of the blue for him.  He was fully expecting to spend the rest of what was shaping up to be a very short life in prison, all connection to the Force numbed, until someone managed to off him.  He does not expect probation.  And who is this really unnecessarily large human who won it for him.  And why?
But this is how Maul ends up on Alderaan.  Lost isn’t even the word for it; is there a stronger word than lost?  Because whatever word that is, that might come within a few parsecs.  Maybe.
He gets his sense of the Force back, but he’s become so accustomed to doing without that he doesn’t feel anything about the return of it; not triumph, not hope, not anything.
He really has no idea how to live outside of someone else’s control.  Prison had just made that worse, so while he has plenty of opportunity to run away, it just-- doesn’t happen.  Again, where would he even go?  What good would it do him?  He’s a weapon, and a highly-specialized one, at that.  Beyond that fact, though, he’s been so adrift for years now, so shut-down, that he’s more like a walking ghost than a person.  Because if Mustafar was bad, if Orsis was structured, prison-- prison was devastatingly numbing and empty.
This does not get better quickly, either.  He just keeps marking time, waiting to go back to prison, or for his master to reclaim him, or for direction.  Something.
Meanwhile, House Organa isn’t one hundred percent thrilled with their prodigal son, given they have this convict under their roof and protection, but it’s a mixed bag and frankly, Alderaan has a very long history of taking in refugees and those who have no home.  And Bail has more than enough force of personality to keep Maul around, even if he serves no purpose at all, except to haunt the grounds like the ghost he is.
That isn’t to say Bail doesn’t care.  But while he holds a degree in political science and has been involved in some form of public service since before he even has memory, he’s never in his life had to actually rehabilitate anyone.  He’s out of his depth, so he mostly just tries to muddle through it; once a day or so, he goes and asks Maul how he is, how he’s doing, and sits with him for awhile even when it seems to make no difference.
One hundred percent of the time, he doesn’t get an answer.  Only about thirty percent of the time does he even get eye contact.
Bail might not know what he’s doing, but he doesn’t give up.  And honestly, he’s prepared for the idea that House Organa might just end up playing host to a specter forever; even then, Bail is pretty sure it beats prison.
The first thing Maul says -- literally the first thing he says, he’s been silent for months and months -- when Bail one day asks him how he is, is “I don’t know.”  It’s just barely above a whisper.  And this poor kid hasn’t even heard his adult voice yet; this is the first time.
Later, though, he remembers the day with shocking clarity; they are on the estate, near the stream running through the heart of it hard and fast; it’s summer and the sky is bright and clear, and it smells good here, clean and alive and since he has gotten his Force senses back, he can feel the echoes of generations of this family on this property; of their loves and sorrows and hopes and fears.  Of course, he isn’t a part of it, but maybe that’s why he says anything.
The second thing he asks is, “Why am I here?”
The third thing he asks is, “What am I here for?”
Bail has no good answers, but he takes each word as some kind of gift.  Somewhere along the line, he got invested.  He has no good answers, because really, Maul isn’t here for anything.  But despite not having any good answers, or even any answers at all, he cares a hell of a lot.
Once their ghost becomes a little less of a ghost, they get him a tutor; he’s shockingly well educated, but there are also shocking gaps in that education.  Maul, on the other hand, is a rather diligent student because this, at least, is something he can understand.
The first time he goes from being a ghost to being alive, present, he gives Bail one helluva black eye.  The panic attack seems to blow in out of nowhere like a storm; one minute that mostly numb calm, the next the floodgates open, and he’s properly in his skin, and it’s more than he can cope with.  Bail just reaches out to offer a bracing hand on the shoulder and gets hit so hard he ends up on his back, clutching his face.  Maul doesn’t know what set him off, but he never wants to feel that way again.
However, this is the first panic attack, but nowhere near the last.
In between, there is a lot of pacing.  Maul does run once; something in his head snaps and he makes for the spaceport.  But the same problem he had before is still there: Where would he even go?
There’s another problem, too, though: There’s this unnecessarily large human who cares about him and who has never tried to hold him prisoner -- indeed, has gone to great lengths to get him out of prison -- and if there is one thing that Maul has never had before but has always wanted, deep in the core of himself, it was for someone, anyone, to believe in him.  And Bail does.
He goes back and that is the first and the last time he tries to bolt.
It’s also the first real choice he has ever made as an adult.
That does change things.  He engages more, if slowly and haltingly.  He still panics, still loses all orientation, still lashes out in that state despite not meaning to.  After he ends up giving poor Bail a concussion, he decides it’s time to train the man in self-defense.  Because while Bail learned very quickly to back away, the man still refuses to outright leave Maul alone in such a state, and the only way he won’t be a target will be if he can prevent himself from being a victim.
Bail doesn’t like Maul’s reasoning, but self-defense is useful in its own right.  He’s not entirely lacking in grace, but he grew incredibly fast and spent a few years as a genuine clutz, and even just past thirty, he still doesn’t always feel perfectly comfortable in his own skin.
Maul, though, is a shockingly good teacher.  In his element, he is confident and calm and skilled and he’s also incredibly patient.  It’s something even he didn’t expect to be, but it’s a comfortable fit.  
(He also ends up teaching more rudimentary self defense to Bail’s three sisters, but he isn’t sure they’re actually there to learn it.)
The years pass; by the time he is twenty, he is three years past the age of majority on Alderaan and has been declared rehabilitated by an independent Republic observer.  For the first time, he’s free, but he still stays with House Organa.  By now, he is firmly one of them, even if not officially speaking; this is his home, and he knows every inch of this estate, and he would defend it with his life.
It’s before this that he discovers an unexpected talent, though: He can make Bail Organa laugh.  Maul doesn’t even mean to, at first; it’s an accident, a matter-of-fact observation of a particularly stodgy dignitary visiting, and he’s actually startled when Bail starts laughing, hard enough to redden his face and make him wipe his eyes.
This rapidly becomes one of the top five things Maul enjoys in life.
He hones his wit like he would a blade; it comes naturally and really, all Maul needs to learn is the timing, to hit the exact moment he needs to, in order to have Bail curling around his own ribs.  He first learns to really laugh himself because he learns how to make Bail laugh.
Bail is observant.  But he doesn’t notice the way Maul starts watching him.  By now, they are not quite kin, but they are close; they are at least deeply friends, if in a nonstandard way.  For Bail, friendship is easy; for Maul, it is more like devotion.  Because while Bail has steadfastly refused to name what he’s for, Maul has learned how to make some decisions and Bail is one of them.
When he is twenty -- free and as close to okay as he has ever been in his relatively short life -- he sweeps Bail to the mat and pins him there, and there is nothing unintentional about this.  Bail -- who is usually steady, a solid sort of presence to the occasional firestorm Maul can be -- must sense some of the tenor of this; his dark eyes are wide and his heart is hammering so hard that Maul can feel the beat of it against his palms, where his hands are wrapped tight, but not bruising, around Bail’s wrists.
It’s such a strange feeling; it is predatory, but not.  And tender, too, in a way.  It’s a rush of heat and the urge to bite and the urge to soothe, all at once.  It’s not the first time Maul’s ever felt this, about this man, but it’s easily the strongest.
To Bail, this has never really crossed his mind; he hasn’t failed to notice how striking Maul is, because honestly anyone with eyes could notice that, but the thought of something other than friendship just hasn’t occurred.  There is thirteen years of age between them and while Bail has certainly been involved with people before, he has always known ultimately that he would marry for his House and that his life is one of service.  But he isn’t just pinned bodily, but by the intensity staring back at him, vivid gold and calculating, but so filled with adoration that it almost aches to be on the other side of it.
Maul asks, “Do you want me to let go?”
And Bail, at a whisper, shaken and feeling the whole world as he knows it shift invisibly under the foundations of his life, answers, “I don’t know.”
It’s an honest answer.  The best kind of answer is an honest one.  The desire doesn’t go away, and there’s nothing in Maul which hesitates, but the rush of warmth and softness is a real thing, and this is the first time he has ever kissed anyone.  He only has observation and want to go on, no practice or skill, but--
But it’s enough.
There’s more, obviously.  Like how that plays out.  And Breha.  And life.  But.  XD  I am pretty damn drunk by now -- forgive the typos -- so have one of the most unlikely pairings in SW and why I think it’d work out. XD  To start.
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auxiliarydetective · 4 years
Auxiliary AU - Skeleton Island Part 8 (Jelena’s Perspective)
Jelena, Chris and the Investigators return to Skeleton Island to look for Gamba. The re-enter the cave that Jelena and Miss Wilbur had been attacked in, supposedly by a spirit called the “Tokoloshe”. Justus demasks the Tokoloshe, enabling Jelena to remove its fake claws after some struggles. Now that they can safely traverse the cave, they find Sir Horatio’s tomb - and Gamba. But, suddenly, Bill shows up and convinces Gamba to confess his crimes - with Justus’s help. Chris is devestated and Jelena is both angry and confused. Chris begs Justus not to provide the police with any evidence, but he refuses. In an effort to protect Chris and out of her own will, Jelena gets into a fight with Justus.
“Don’t!” I grabbed him by the arm, whispering, almost hissing at him. “Your deduction is wrong! There has to be something we’re missing!” “What you’re missing is objective reasoning”, he replied. “Tell me one reason why I shouldn’t testify and tell the police about a crime that injured multiple people - including yourself. Multiple times. I can’t believe that you as a victim would want to stop me.” “I have a feeling-” “That’s all you have? A feeling? A feeling isn’t proof.”
I watched him walk over to Faraday and the guards who were holding Gamba. He wasn’t even considering staying silent. Worriedly, I looked back at Chris. She looked me in the eyes, fear and sadness emitting from her like a heavy fog, pulling at the strings of my heart with iron weights. I opened my arms and approached her as she let herself sink into them. “It’s going to be okay”, I whispered. “I’ll make sure you’re okay. No-one is going to hurt you as long as I’m around and I’m going to stay here until I know you’re safe.” I didn’t know if I would be allowed to keep all these promises. But that didn't matter. I would keep them anyway.” I let her go slowly as we listened to Justus making his speech. He pulled the mask out of his bag and showed it to the cops. “No, it’s not true!”, Chris cried out. Bill put a hand on her shoulder, as if to apologize for being the trigger that set this all into motion. Faraday walked over to Justus, took the mask and held it up to Gamba’s face triumphantly. “So. Caught red-handed. Let’s get you over to the police, Gamba.” Gamba locked eyes with us for as long as possible. “No, don’t take him away”, Chris weeped, begging for mercy. She ran over to the guards to try and hold on to her father, but was stopped by one of them. She couldn’t do anything. She didn’t even bother to fight. Bill followed her. Quickly, she whirled around. “I trusted you!”, she yelled in our direction. “I thought you all were my friends!” “But… we are your friends”, Bob stammered. “Isn’t that right, Justus?” He looked at his friend. Sadness arose in his shiny, blue eyes as he waited for affirmation, but didn’t get it. Chris broke out into tears as Bill led her away. He’d take her home and she’d cry. Cry, wondering how she could have ever trusted strangers. Mr Shaw left as well. “This one time, I wish we’d lost the case”, Peter sighed. He and Bob went after his father, their eyes pinned to the ground. For a second, I considered following them. But then I realized something else had to be done.
“Justus, are you out of your mind?”, I hissed angrily, confronting him before he could go after them. He just looked me up and down. “No, but are you?”, he asked calmly. “Don’t you have any idea what kind of an impact that had on Chris’s life?! You might have just destroyed her entire future!” “I did what was right”, he disagreed. “No, you didn’t! You lack any and all compassion and empathy!” “Empathy is futile in the business of investigating. The only thing that counts is fact. Emotions are only hindering-” “You emotionless bastard! I can’t believe you think like that!” Suddenly, his eyes sparked up. He was upset. Good. I wanted him to be upset. I wanted him to try and stand up to me. I wanted to see what he could do if he let himself be guided by the emotion of anger. If he was even capable of doing that. I wanted to test him. See if he was even worthy of my time and effort. “Come again?”, he spoke, his voice finally changing in tone. “I won’t repeat anything for you, you little lowlife! You can’t tell me what to do! I can’t believe Bob and Peter even let you do that to them! - I can’t believe you’re the one making decisions in the first place!” “Well, you were never a real member in the first place.” My eyes widened. I didn’t know why. My heart stopped. I didn’t know why. I pressed my lips together, staring at him. “Oh. So that’s how it is. In that case… you won’t be needing this.” Quickly and forcefully, I pulled the cylinder with the paintings from his hands and popped off the lid. Swiftly, I pulled out Sir Horatio’s portrait, put the lid back on and threw the container at him. He was only able to keep it from falling with unusual effort, unable to process my movements fast enough. “You’ve failed”, I told him. “As a detective, but even more so as a person. If you keep going like this, no-one will ever trust you and you’ll soon drive the ones that do trust you away.”
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