bibellebibuck · 5 months
Buck tries the orange peel theory on Eddie but ofc, Eddie is a dad so he takes the orange without even stopping his conversation and peels it for Buck and hands it back without missing a beat <3
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bilosan · 9 months
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9-1-1 // demisexual eddie diaz
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emotional-emotion · 1 year
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CHARLIE’S ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE (2003) premiered 20 years ago on June 27th dir. McG
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watchyourbuck · 5 months
yall are gonna have to rip demisexual Edmundo Diaz from my cold dead hands
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thegayestdiaz · 5 months
so the only woman eddie’s ever really wanted is… an unattainable idolised illusion he created in his head?
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Maybe they really don't know they're In Love
Eddie knows that he loves Buck but Eddie doesn't realize he's queer. Eddie had to grow up fast, got married early and never had the chance to explore or even consider his sexuality. He's always tried to force the feelings he thought he should have so he's alway been uncomfortable in his relationships. He's never gotten to start from a foundation of friendship and trust. He's never been with someone who makes him happy.
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Buck knows he's queer but he doesn't realize that he's in love with Eddie. Buck never been taken care of him or put first in a relationship. He's always had to chase affection and settle for what he gets so he thinks love means putting in hard work. He doesn't know that love can feel safe and secure. He doesn't know that real love feels like home.
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So, Eddie and Buck both know that they love each other but they don't understand that they are In Love with each other.
Hopefully, they're about to figure it out.
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midnightcelebrities · 1 month
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Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu & Demi Moore
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tampire · 11 months
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*everyone cheered*
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screaming-universe · 6 months
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Chris and his fathers at pride, this time with bi!Buck
since the original had Buck with pan face-paint but I still had this version lying around
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
Fuck it Friday!
@tizniz @diazsdimples
As they say I did not mean for this to exist and yet here we are 1.3k later. Will put on ao3 later and tag everyone later- in my lunch and running out of time. And I need to set this free so I can know peace.
I got in my Eddie feels - aren’t we all right now, had thought and now… have some pain with a hopeful ending. I’m still sold in eddie being so deep in comphet he has no idea what to do. This is the push he needs. Demi Eddie for the win. No Eddie bashing here! Chris loves his dad and wants to help.
When you walk into your living room and find you parents, your son and your best friend sitting there waiting for you, you know things are bad.
To be honest he should of expected something like this.
Eddie stands frozen, awaiting his fate as his dad speaks first.
“We need to talk son.”
At least that’s true Christopher has barely said a word to him since it happened. Not that he blames him.
“We’re worried about you.”
Buck goes next but those words aren’t new he’s already said that and again Eddie doesn’t blame his friend for his feelings. Like he said last time he’s worried about himself too. It’s hard to get his head around the recent choices he’s made harder to think about the consequences.
It almost like it wasn’t him making the decisions. It’s almost like he doesn’t know who he is anymore but then has he ever?
“I’m going to go to Texas”
The third sentence comes from Christopher and is possibly the worst thing he’s ever had to listen to and Eddie has had to hear heartbreaking words so many times.
That’s his voice. the first thing he’s said but it’s a barely a whisper. Surely even with everything that’s happened Chris can’t mean that.
His son looks at him, calm and steady and repeats himself.
“I’m going to Texas with grandma and abuelo.”
Eddie turns to his parents all his hurt and betrayal rushing to the surface, he’d thought… he’d let them back in, trusted them
His voice is louder now, “How could you? Why? Why would you try and take him away from me again. I thought..”
Chris stops him in his tracks
“They didn’t ask me. I asked them.”
There’s no words available to respond to that.
His heart hurts. His head too, everything hurts. He’s fucked up again. Again, again, again. The worst things he knows he deserved this, he caused this nightmare it’s his fault, his fault every time.
Chris’ voice sounds far away.
“It’s not ‘cos I’m mad.”
Eddie doesn’t even hear him. He’s found words and they sound desperate.
“I’ll come with you.”
If Chris wants to leave he’ll do it. No matter the cost. No matter what he leaves behind.
Then that sacrifice is taken from him too.
“No. I don’t want you to.”
He can’t breathe. He’s dizzy, he can’t think. What has he done?
He can’t hear them when they call him.
“Son? Mijo?”
He turns from them all and he runs.
An unheard voice chases after him.
“I’ll go.”
Standing by his sink trying to breathe like he’s been taught when this happens to him he doesn’t need to know who followed him when the footsteps stop.
Buck. Always Buck.
“He’s not trying to punish you”
He can’t turn around. Can’t look, not yet.
“Feels like it”
Soft and concerned, that’s how he sounds. Buck sounds like that a lot recently.
“He’s not. He wouldn’t. He loves you.”
There’s nothing but bitterness in his own words.
“Does he? Maybe he shouldn’t.”
“Eddie!” There’s censure in that word, Buck obviously disagrees and disapproves of that sentiment.
“He loves you. He’s angry and he’s hurt but he still loves you. You can be upset with someone and still love them. I think you know that better than anyone.”
He does.
“Then why is he going.”
He wishes he didn’t sound as heartbroken as he feels. Wishes he could still manage to hide some of his heart from this man.
“Because you need him to.”
Spinning around he turns on his best friend to challenge the stupidity of those words.
“What? I need him here with me. He has to stay with me.”
“Eddie.” Buck’s face and voice hold nothing but aching sympathy. It’s like a knife cutting him open which isn’t fair he’s already got so many wounds.
Then it gets worse because a new voice enters the kitchen.
“Dad… you always tell me I need to be myself, that that’s good enough.”
Eddie stares at his son standing there, just behind Buck, so tall now, so much older than he is in Eddie’s heart.
“But I don’t think you do that. You should do that if you want me to.”
It’s all to much and even rubbing his face doesn’t stop him feeling tired and defeated.
“Chris what are you talking about?
Buck looks down at Chris who nods. There’s unspoken words flowing between them and it’s obvious they’ve been talking about him.
Chris says “Buck can tell you. He worked it out. And he’s right. I do love you.”
Then he walks away, leaving Eddie staring at his friend and waiting for answers.
“Eddie, its it’s like… well, you were a dad and a solider and a medic and a husband. All before you were 20. Man! That’s a lot!!”
Buck takes a step closer.
“Hell Eddie I was a kid at nineteen, a baby, I had no idea who I was what I wanted, and you had to be all that. And your dad told me you had to “be the man of the house” when you were even younger than that.
So who are you? How can you know?
You’ve been so many things for everyone else. You try so hard to be “normal” I see that and I I know you think you’re broken, but you’re not.
You just haven’t really met you yet. How could you, when did you have the time?
That’s why Chris is going away. Just for the summer. He wants you to have time to be you. Find out who Edmundo Diaz really is.”
Eddie listens stunned and horrified. Are they right? Is that all true. He’s terribly afraid it might be.
Buck smiles soft, eyes still worried.
“It’s ok to go look for him.”
His words get stuck for a moment but this is Buck. He can say this to him.
“What if I don’t like him when I find him? What if he’s … not normal?”
“What’s normal huh? And seems unlikely- I think I know the real Eddie Diaz a little bit at least and he’s pretty great. Always will be.”
Buck’s close enough to touch now. He really wishes he would. He’d like a hug.
“Eddie, your life gave you no room to look for what you truly want for yourself. You have to do that now or I’m scared what might happen to you. You need time and space..”
“I don't want to be alone.”
The words leave his lips scared and true and then he gets something he wants for himself for the first time in a long time as Buck folds him into a hug.
He gets to be held while Buck speaks quietly.
“You won’t be. You got me. You’ll always have me. You told me I could have you back any day, well it’s any day and here I am - I’m not going anywhere.”
It’s a lot to deal with, think about but maybe he can do it with help.
Buck’s body shakes with a laugh
“Pinky promise and Maddie would kill me if I broke one of those.
“He’ll come back?”
Eddie lets himself be held and given comfort by the only person who could. Which is probably something else he needs to think about.
“Of course he will, this is his home, you’re his Dad.”
He can share his fears with this man, he knows that he has before and he does again now.
“I don’t know if I know how to be anything else.”
Buck’s arms tighten around him.
“I know, but you’ll work it out cos even if you’re not sure who Eddie Diaz is, I am and I know he can do anything.”
Buck sounds so sure, maybe he’s right, maybe with help and time he can work out who he really is and what he really wants and then once he knows that, maybe he can find it.
Buck keeps holding him, keeps believing in him and that he can do anything even find happiness.
Maybe he can and maybe he won’t have to look very far.
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
Buddie is such a good ship name for them because they really do think they’re just buddies. Just pals. Besties who share a child and a negative personal space bubble.
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bilosan · 4 months
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9-1-1 // Eddie - happy pride 🌈
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y2kprettyprincess · 5 months
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Drew Barrymore, Demi Moore, Luci Liu, and Cameron Diaz
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veronae-buddie · 5 months
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I make buddie things when I'm bored or stressed.
Lyrics taken from "Bi Bi Bi" by Sub-Radio.
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sosexycelebs · 8 months
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eddiewithcat · 6 months
i think it is actually insane that it is considered a “controversial take” to like buck and tommy together.
like … he is canonically seeing him.. wanting to date him… is happy with him.. likes learning more about him..
and honestly? the same thing for any of his past relationships.
like ok you do not need to have liked any of his past girlfriends, hell you dont even have to like tommy! but you also do NOT need to bash / make fun of people who have / do??
buck dated these people for a reason. he liked them! he had chemistry with them! they had cute moments!
you should not feel ashamed or scared to admit that if it’s what you think. and you shouldn’t bash someone for not having the same opinions as you!
and just because you like bucktommy does not mean you are “giving up on buddie” … sick of people saying that actually lmfao LIKE HOWW DOES THAT CORRELATE??
personally, i just want to see buck happy and currently tommy is the one who has been making that happen. if you seriously cannot handle someone shipping them, i highly recommend growing up and getting over it lol
eddie and his love interests on the other hand……
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