#demi lich
littleivyart · 1 year
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Cera the demi lich
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misscryptidart · 1 year
Okay its either a demilich or a corrupted star spawn im not sure but what i am sure of now is Matt's recent viewing experiences
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gorgynei · 2 years
googled vecna and the stranger things wiki was the first result. rage about st stealing vecna's name has been ignited anew
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tee-wells · 1 year
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Demilich :3
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grimbrick · 2 years
Creator's log 8: Finished project
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After a lot of hard work, it's finally over!
Come support it here! https://ideas.lego.com/s/p:95982e49e87e4d98b7facef773b62ff3
I go over a lot of things on the Ideas page, so just have a bunch more pictures.
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gavamont · 2 years
There’s liches, and lesser known is the demi-lich, which is a lich at lower power that is only a skull, but I have found it can go farther. I found a hemi-demi-semi-lich that was just a floating tooth that was feebly stabbing me with the root end of the tooth trying to draw some blood and life force.
It was honestly pretty sad to see, so I sharpened the tooth a bit and fed it some squirrels’ life force I had lying around. It immediately was able to gather a few more teeth together and might well gather a jaw soon if it can keep the momentum going, so I consider that my good deed for the holiday season that I’m sure will have no negative consequences.
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Villain: Finality 9, Arbiter of the End
For hours you and your allies have sheltered in place as the astral warships bombarded the city, feeling each impact as another block was levelled. Now you watch as the Flagship touches down, scarab like legs taller than spires unfolding from it's hull. It's going to be a bloody, brutal struggle fighting your way through the rubble and the burning streets up to the control deck, but It's your only hope of ending things without your home being razed to the ground.
The embodiment of a death sentence passed long before any of the heroes were ever born, the Marut Finality 9 and the Inevitable armada it commands serve only one purpose: to deliver violent and irrevocable endings to entities that should have died long ago.
Unfortunately for the party, whatever being(s) Finality 9 is hunting happen to reside on the same landmass as they do, and the Inevitable has no qualms levelling anything that gets in its way until the destruction of its target is confirmed. Like many creatures born from the shattered plane of order, Finality 9 and its construct legion have a very narrow set of operational directives, and "preserving life" ends up being the preview of a different order of celestial machines.
Finality 9's operations always follow the same protocol: After using divination to determine the vague location of their target Modron scouts will be sent to investigate, sending a transmission back to the ship to begin the invasion the moment they've determined the enemy's presence and threat level. After that it's bombardment and battalions in specified areas to soften up their target's defences before Finality 9 itself descends to finish the job.
One of Finality 9's scouts becomes attached to the party early in their adventures, following along and providing typical mascot antics until they stumble across evidence of the big bad. This starts a ticking clock for the party to find and oust this evil before the Inevitables arrive... a task the galactic forces of order were failing at for decades.
Every year the realm celebrates the festival of St. Altrin's Star, held on a night when a particular comet is viable to venerate the figure's many beneficent acts. This year however the comet is unusually bright, heralding the fact that it is not a star, but Finality 9's ship which has been circling the world for decades or even centuries waiting for the reemergence of a long dormant demi-lich which the party awoke earlier in their adventures.
The Inevitable does not warn or negotiate, and likely does not even speak the language of the lands it is razing but with some telepathy or a background in obscure astral dialects they might be able to get it to stop by presenting evidence that its target is already dead ( forcing them to do all the work) or that its actions are unlawful (which requires iron clad litigation skills and knowledge of multiple celestial law systems). If the heroes happen to have any favours with infernal deal makers or underworld bureaucrats, now would be the time to call them in.
In a desperate hour, the party must seek out finality 9's armada hovering dormant in wildspace in hopes of gaining their aid against a greater foe. Delving through the flagship in its hibernation mode will not be easy as not only are there defence systems to worry about but astral wildlife that have nested in the interior while the constructs within were in standby mode.
Art 1, Art 2
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xollii · 1 year
Demi-Lich Thatcher summoning thousands of minions to argue about the Malvinas on tumblr
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“Hello, I’m the friendly wizard _____. My name got taken by a fey prince but it hasn’t really hampered my life. Anyways I am new to this wider wizard community and would like to get along. I have a magic book, a cart, and a friend. His name is Jerry, he is a fungus colony that has taken over my magic book and acts sort of as my patron. He…is a little weird but great fun.”
*sound of an explosion in the background, a book flys by being chased by goblin shamans casting fire ball*
“He is…”
“He is fine.”
“Anyways, I am here to sell goods and make a small profit. If you need something I’ll see what I can do : ) ”
“Also apparently I helped smuggle an amnesiac @fattocatto-wizard out of the city in my wagon. That was a shock, though he was just a cat.
Character Cheat sheet
( 3 currency to 16 silver crowns and 2 copper crowns)
(3 skulls to a coin)
(2 currency to 1 gold)
(100 currency to a 1000 grams gold bar)
(1 currency per 10 grams of gold)
(Current balance 89,314.250,001 currency, one penny, 23 meat pucks, 14 pounds, 2 gold coins one with Julius Cesar on it, 3 naturally-grown mana stones, 2 highly enchant able metal pieces, and one bar, 1 special bug corpse, 1576.5 gold, silver 18, 70 aus, 5kg silver, magic dirt house size. 24 counterfeit currency. Moss/lichen-coded bio stone. An inverse cold torch. 99 BG silver. EMERALD LINCOLN, GOLDEN CARROT, 200 SALTED MEAT DISKS, 200 POLISHED ROCKS, 82 FIGET SPINNERS!, A FULLY EQUIPPED LICH'S DUNGEON, and a cardboard box (magic black marble).” Invisibility stone, a bundle of drake feathers, quantum locked rock, raw gold. 9 Gold coming from the green goblin empire, 50 mushrooms, 92 secret society emblem. 5 trans enchanted gold coins, 2 skull coin, ancient lost civilization fragment, 5 glistening green metallic coin, 31 writhing bugs of gold, jade coin. Pile of gold coins and gold coin bugs, pile of shines from harpy, dust, quantum glass shards, bag of tooth shaped candy, 6720 candies from the festival, bag of holding money bag, 68 money bags, 500 flat Foxen, double sided dollar coin, 3 floppies, a Brahman horn, a medkit, a few candy bars, and an umbrella, 130 goblins eggs (goblin cooked chicken eggs.), 17 bars of pure gold, 1 crate of guns, temp singularity potion. 762 grasshoppers glow in the dark.Book on the formation patterns of natural portals - @serious-tabaxi. Edward Evandrian’s expired library card. Gems and frenicx mother gem and a junkarian leap amethyst. white mithril sapling. Timeseed, infinite note book, time tunnel. A nice gold bag. bag full of candied scorpions 💰, large gem stone. 💰 💰 💰, gems = 70currency. 1/3rd a gold bar. Compass map, it's keyed to the Island of Silence. N=10^7 menger sponge. 2416 shadow cloaks, 52 shiny stones. 20$, 3 gold coins 100 grams. Gummy worms. 100 journals of Ventus Asamuran, Last Peacekeeper of Har Aminas. car keys, box of a 27 rusted necklaces with warding spells. an amulet made of stone, with blue rectangular crystals growing out of it. 48 shiny stones, 30 currency worth of silver. 3 sets of custom made chips @crickled-thorn-thug. Gold potion It opens a portal to the realm of metals! It causes any land within 20 feet to be transmuted, temporarily, into a variety of metals. If left untouched, the land reverts after a day. If harvested, the stuff stays metal and can be used. It also causes uhh 20 gold peices to spawn, and anyone within the radius to get a bit of vertigo. Causes slight iron deficiency, for some reason. 23 bouquets of metalic flowers. They're grown beneath volcanic chambers, uses the heat of magma as a supplement for sunlight. Given their environment, they grow petals sharper than claws and harder than steel. They can be used for creating armours and weapons.)
(Currently holding baby dire bunnies. A ring of mana (covers energy into mana. Only suitable if you don’t have mana)
(Jerry’s balance 13 gold, a fancy rock, 1 coin, flower petals (snacks for later), harpy eyes, feathers, vocal cords, and talons, a coin with @informis-the-many-faced on it, it is locked away for emergencies. bottle of magic mold rejuvenation powder, wooden key @crickled-thorn-thug)
(Warlocks of Jerry @fungal-boy-witch-yay @ignisuadaroleplay @life-is-okay-rn2 I think that is who it was…)
(Possessions - wealth stone, Antidote stone)
Owner of membership cards
@bi-gender-sorcerer (+ 10% off for employee discount)
@ignisuadaroleplay (will)
@akronus-and-associates (the primordials)
@damnable-druid (+ 10% off for employee discount)
5% off all purchases
Special requested items
More favorable bartering
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megamuscle885-blog · 2 months
A little obsessed with an idea I had for a necromancer who is carrying a whole bunch of disembodied souls around with her. Potential to scale it anywhere from just her close family all the way up to my first thought which was her carrying an entire city-state worth of souls and bones around with her. Pieces of bones working as anchors, three or four intact skeletal guardsman. A gigantic golem made out of the blood soaked earth of her homeland, reinforced with wood from the throne, stones from the barbican, iron from the twisted remains of the armory, inhabited by her liege lord and lady. Her family, her friends, her neighbors, people she met daily, people she had never seen before that ill night when she survived the total ruination of her home and summoned their ghosts to her. Her totems, fetishes, charms and foci are all from her people. The skull of the court wizard transformed into a quasi-demi-lich, incapable of spellcasting under it's own power, but able to teach her what he can. The knucklebones of the thieves that ran the dockyards, granting her luck and foresight depending on how she rolls them. A thousand thousand rib bones from the footmen and guards, which now serve as her armor, protecting her. The femurs of her father, joined together, to serve as a walking stick and club. All of this and more to equip her, but not enough, never enough, that she had managed to scavenge from the rubble. Too much left behind to crack and splinter in the heat of the fires, or buried too deep to recover, or stolen by carrion feasters before she could steal them for herself.
And all around her swirls the dead souls of her city. Some urge her to carry on, one step infront of the other. Some spur her to complete her quest, as vengeful as she. Some beg her to lay down and rest, to move on and forget. Others howl at her to let them die and stay dead. They curse her for carrying them. They are horrified at her mission.
Her mission is vengeance. She has sworn absolute vengeance upon the King and his bloodline, his generals and their armies, his nation and its people. She has sworn to kill every man, woman and child born on the soil of this nation, and any who would shelter them, sworn to desolate the soil itself with the same dark magics she wielded to grant herself the army she needed to enact her revenge. To melt every city within it's borders to ash, burn down every forest, dry up every river and lake, salt every field with tears and corruption until nothing is left except a desolate grey-brown wound is left on the face of the world. And that's her name. "Wound." For what she's suffered, who she is, and what she is going to do. (A bit goofy but I liked it when I first thought of it. Wound, the Necromancer.)
I'm not sure what makes a compelling character. It isn't always their tragic backstory or personal goals. I'm not really sure what it is that really digs a character into my mind and won't let them out. I think it might have something to do with their agency. Behaving like an implacable, unreasonable force of vengeance. Or maybe something to do with their fanbase. I can hear people hypothetically crying out right now about this character, not even written. In tandem with her ghosts, they might decry her genocidal campaign. They might support her, since she was a victim of one. Or a few steps inbetween. I can certainly see this kind of emotionally charged character at the table of Critical Role or Dimension 20, with the fanbase and fellow party members balking at the idea that she'd even cut down children to satisfy her oath.
All of this is because I came across a short saying that in Pathfinder 2e you could get a little ghost bauble that would let you have a ghost pop out and scare someone mid combat. I think it was a Ghost Ampoule. A necromancer with a reason to load up on trinkets like this would be cool. They say you should dig two graves when setting out on a quest for revenge, but this way she won't even need graves at all!
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littleivyart · 5 months
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Cera the demi lich and Rusty the rust monster. Who are merchants. Cera sells scrolls and spells and Rusty makes food and weapons (shes both a black smith and a chef)
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the-elder-polls · 24 days
My random OC dump is that almost all of my ocs are related, all going back to the merethic era and rigjt before the exodus as an explanation why my Direnni and Telvanni OCs are related to each other, but also that my main OC (who happens to be my vestige, and also one of the characters who's been alove since the exodus) and her twin brother are straight up Demi Princes, birthed be Mephala herself.
Also just about all of my OC are some form of undead. Mostly vampires, but one of my Direnni, and one of my Nerevarine's daughters are liches
OHHHH thats awesome!!! i love demiprinces so much. undead are always fun too
fact for fact: rildras, my nerevarine, is a demiprince of azura. they are not on speaking terms.
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gorgynei · 1 year
IT HAS A STAFF guys is this a lich. is this a fucking lich.
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sasquach-scratches · 3 months
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Any Pronouns Khajiit Age Unknown
Citizenship: Aldmeri Dominion
Titles: Soul Mage Maven, Explorer, Eye of the Queen, Moon Hallowed, Arch-Mage, Laird of Misrule, Mystic, Numinous Weaver
Class: Sorcerer Weapon Skills: Restoration Staff, Destruction Staff Armor Skills: Light World Skills: Soul Magic, Psijiic Order Guild Skills: Mages Guild Crafting Skills: Clothier, Enchanting
A young Khajiit of unknown origin, having last lived in Vulkhel Guard in Auridon. His vast, encyclopedic knowledge on a variety of topics and natural affinity for spellcasting contrasts his lack of memories of his past before his arrival in Coldharbour.
Further compounding the mystery is his total lack of common sense--and at times, sense of self. With poor self-preservation instincts and abysmal understanding of any kind of social norm, one may assume he was a wealthy shut-in with a vast library. Indeed, when given the choice, he often prefers a good story over pragmatism or ethics.
However, this isn't to say he is a burden to the group in all aspects. His skill with war magic is undeniable, though his enthusiasm for battle and general callousness he displays can be disquieting. Despite this, he often means well, and wants nothing more than to have fun with his new friends.
Though at first he was content to be on an exciting adventure, even he started to notice how odd his situation was. There were few clues as to who he was in his little apartment, and there were no clues as to any family he may have had. His grasp of Cyrodiilic and lack of Ta'agra accent muddied the waters further.
Furthermore, he had to admit that his demeanor in battle and in the presence of Daedric Princes was such a radical change that he almost felt like a different person. Related to that, the breadth of his knowledge is uncanny even for someone of means. Yet no memories of his past ever surfaced, no stranger, ruler or Prince ever recognized him.
Above all else, he realized he was growing envious of his companions. Even as he made new, fantastic memories as an agent of Queen Ayrenn, deep down he resented that he lacked what most other people had. History, connections, memories both pleasant and not, there were none for him.
Soon, that alienation began to seep into every part of his life. He began to notice he didn't behave like anyone he met. He didn't understand or even experience things like others did. Hunger, fear, aversion to pain, instincts that all living things have that he didn't. When once he felt reluctant to claim Khajiiti heritage for what he assumed to be Imperialization, he was starting to wonder if he could claim to be a mortal at all.
He was aware of the situation he and his fellow Soul Shriven were in. It wasn't out of the question if it was all a symptom of having his consciousness forced into a simulacrum of chaotic creatia while his soul languished in Coldharbour. Yet deep down he felt it was more wishful thinking than anything.
Halfway through what he perceived as his journey in Greenshade, he would finally get an answer from a Bosmeri Spinner. While his worst fears would be confirmed, he would learn that there was a deeper horror waiting for him.
One Tamriel
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When he discovered his origins, Jo'zira didn't despair. On some level, he always knew that he was never a mortal to begin with. When he found out his very existence was accidental, he found a certain beauty to it. He took pride in being the product of a bond that transcended worlds.
Of course, he was also keenly aware that his existence was conditional. His creator intended him to be something else, and though the Demi Lich respected his creation's right to life, he still expected him to serve. Luckily, the conditions were reasonable and easy to follow. The best part for him was that living life alongside his companions was one of those conditions.
For a short time, he had a mentor; the closest thing to a father he'd ever know. Together they finished the work Jo'zira had unknowingly began: the merging of several worlds to his Father's world of origin. Though their time together was short, Jo'zira came to know the deep grief that gave his Father purpose in this endeavor. Knowing he began as the tiniest fragment of his Father's vast soul, he resolved to be the unwavering hope his Father cast aside.
When his Father's work was done and began his thousand year slumber, Jo'zira earnestly took on the burden of assuring the new world persisted no matter who or what threatened it. Though he would step back as the main player in their adventures, he would always be by his companion's--his new family's--side.
Perhaps, when they meet again in the distant future, the records of life Jo'zira was tasked to record would once again stoke his Father's faith in the world.
OUGH, this one's finally done. Granted, this one went by a lot faster than the other 2 but hey, I'm supposed to be on vacation lmao
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Some notes on his outfits and his gradual changes as time went on. Essentially, Jo'zira's physical form was held together by a dormant Demi Lich's power. So when he was finally able to manifest on Nirn again, he ended up looking a little different since he's on his own now.
His "true" form is what he looks like inside his core, which appears as a huge, colorful garden to outsiders where the flowers represent the memories he's recorded (both his and his companions'). He's still baby!
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The usual armors for the Planemeld arc. TBH the alterations were in mind thanks to how weird Altmer armor looks in-game (those persistent hip flaps in ESO armor...) but ironically I came to sorta like them while working on this. Not enough to decide against the changes tho. Chalk it up to 1. Jo'zira becoming a better tailor and 2. He's a MAGE
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If he didn't have a soul to start with
Who's soul did he get back from Molag Bal?
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grimbrick · 2 years
Creator’s log 6
It’s finally finished! At least for now. I officially submitted The Crypt of Nondeskrypt to Lego Ideas for the DND event, and in case it fails I’ll rework on it to upgrade/add stuff. If anything making a proper Ideas entry would help since Challenge/contest entries are limited to 5 pictures.
In any case, here are the five renders I chose for the official entry.
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I added a group of four skeleton warriors - there’s one in the character pic - to add some regular minions for the adventurers to take out. In these renders you may have noticed the treasure room, which I hadn’t shown finished so far, so have a few more pics of the whole structure and a close-up.
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As you may have noticed, the treasure room contains two additional skeletons - a royal one on its throne, and a dismantled heroic one hidden with the golden relics of the kingdom, which, with the the disassembled chopping skeleton in the blade hallway, brings us to a total of seven humanoid skeletons for our lich to raise and our adventurers to fight.
The eight identical statues in the throne room can be popped off the plate with ease and used as additional forces, their arms can go up and down, their forearms left and right, and their hands can fully rotate to go from chopping to slashing. 
The set features a few easter eggs here and there, there’s a mimic hidden in one the walls of the throne room, the colored gems on the throne and the crown along with the five snakes of the set (blue cobra hidden behind the waterfall, red, green, and black popping out the walls, and the white undead one) reference the five heads of Tiamat, and chromatic dragons in general. 
The throne itself has a little spot to attach the feet of a minifigure/skeleton and a more regular seat for the back of minifigure legs or the bottom of robes, meaning both your adventurers and the lich can use the throne.
Honestly, I’m proud of this whole thing. Is it as detailed as it could be? Of course not, there are already submissions with more details for the challenge on Ideas. But it is a functional set, with enough play features for people to have fun and enough space to play in while at the same time looking good enough for display.
Although there isn’t much currently available in the medieval genre in the Lego catalogue, the soldiers in the 3in1 Castle, the Blacksmith, and the more recent and expensive Anniversary Castle will help build a bigger world for your adventurers to explore.
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gavamont · 11 months
Been thinking about the hemi-demi-semi-lich I encountered last holiday season since it’s rolling back around. I technically did watch it regain its strength and then killed with using a bathtub of Coca-Cola, but maybe it’s still around. Hard to say really…
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