#demidreamer tag
fonkeloog · 2 years
For the prompts (a dream of mine): Sirius tells his therapist, who happens to be one Remus Lupin, that he grew up in a cult 🫶
Oooh this is so interesting! I'm not very familiar with cults, but I *am* familiar with therapists!
"Sirius, it's been a while." Remus says as he leads the black haired man into his office.
"Yeah... sorry 'bout that. I had some... ah, things to figure out."
"That's good. I wasn't trying to reprimand you. You're not forced to be here. I want you to remember that."
"I know. Or well, James told me that. It's just... this is going to sound *so* weird."
Big grey eyes stare right at Remus, and he has to take a deep breath to remind himself that this is his client. "I'm sure it's nothing I haven't heard before."
Sirius scoffs before looking out of the window as he begins talking. "I think I grew up in a cult? I mean, after our last session I went on Google and I found this whole Thing and I just realised that that's been my life. Those people have experienced the same thing as me and it isn't normal and don't know how to feel about that."
Remus merely hums, as he writes something down before glancing at Sirius again. "What do you think we should do now that we've found the sore spot?"
Sirius grins, the Med student part of him literally blooming up where he's sat. "We should treat it. It might hurt, but in the end its important for the recovery- oh"
Help me beat writer's block
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agere-agender · 2 years
15 questions, 15 tags
ty for the tag @shipsgaysfordays
nickname : my friend a while back, when i was going as charlie, started calling me charles III so yeah. that stuck
height- uhh i dont know around like 5'2-5'3?
last thing i googled- infp memes, because one of my theatre show groupchats were spamming personality memes so.. yeah
song stuck in head currently- rotten to the core from descendants ONLY because i just finished the musical at my school
number of followers- 12, which im okay with i guess
amount of sleep- not enough.
dream job - therapist, teacher, author, bookstore employee, backstage worker at a theatre production
wearing- a t shirt and pants
movie/book that summarizes me- honestly i dont know, i have nothing that i really relate too, harry potter doesnt really describe me... i mean i have some like drawing notebooks maybe does that count?
favorite song currently- you're on your own kid by taylor swift
aesthetic- i do NOT know. i swear like i have no idea. i would have to say lying in bed but like no at the same time
favorite authors- Adam Silvera, Aiden Thomas, wattpad authors(pengiwen- the author of a marauders series on wp
random fact- not a fact about the world but about me yes, yesterday during my shows strike me and two other people were sweeping- there was another person who was the dustpan person. we called each other sir and said we were working as the mcdonalds warriors.
im not gonna pressure anyone but if yall want to go ahead <3
@cryptidcontraband @mha-quotes-and-such @thisonegay @jfleamont @just-another-bisexual96 @lgbtq-aestheticss @demidreamer @louisbumpenguin @fymyheroacademia @wrongmha @gengi20 and anyone else who wants too
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heartofspells · 2 years
It's the middle of the week post a wip
Thanks for the tags, @pinkluminesce and @spikybanana! I think you both killed me in very different but equally wonderful ways with those snippets.
Once again from YOU (or whatever it'll be called) because it's devouring my brain far too quickly.
"You're good at that," praises James, only a little demeaning. "The people pleasing. You've got this voice, but it's not your normal voice. It's like…affected or enhanced or something." When Remus turns to look at him with a frown, James is grinning, his eyebrows waggling behind his glasses. "That's a compliment, Lupin. You should take it. You likely won't get many around here for a while."
"How did you do that?" asks Remus before he can stop himself. When James regards him with bemusement, Remus motions to the computer with his head. "The calendar. I can't get it to cooperate with anything I try to do."
"It's not hard," says James with an easy, dismissive shrug. "You just have to bully it a little, make it do what you want."
"That doesn't seem logical," mumbles Remus under his breath, feeling his frustration rise again as he tries to repeat James' process and fails. "Who designed this thing?"
"No idea. S'pose Benj isn't being the best teacher? Not surprising. He probably won't be." Turning to look at him again, James cocks his head at Remus. "He really is nice enough. He and Sirius went to uni together, then Sirius pulled him along for all of this. He's brilliant at what he does here, and while he's a bit tight-laced around the edges, he's mostly easy to get along with once you loosen him up a little, but there are other obvious issues getting in the way of things like this."
At Remus' deepening frown, James leans forward with a scoff.
"What, you can't see it yet?" he questions, voice dropping lower, nearly a whisper. "Benjy's in love with Sirius. Now, whether Sirius sees it and chooses to ignore it or he's completely oblivious to it, I've no idea, though I'd guess the latter because he's not said anything and he tells me everything, always has. And I do mean everything." James pins Remus with his hazel eyes, something almost threatening in his gaze before it fades as though it was never there at all. "Because of that, anyone new that comes in here that might redirect Sirius' focus away from him becomes an instant threat to our dear Benjy, so he's unkind and, honestly, a rude prick. You'd might as well get used to it now."
Remus' gaze shifts up towards the closed glass of the window, angling towards the hallway where Sirius and Benjy are stowed away from sight.
So that's your game. I have to admit, it makes sense, and really, who wouldn't fall in love with that after watching it all day long. All it took for me was one glimpse and I was gone. Saying Sirius has a mystical power over people is an understatement, but this won't do, Benjy. Sirius and I are kismet, written in the stars as clearly as his name.
James shakes his cup again next to Remus' ear.
And I swear to christ, Sirius, if your friend rattles that bloody cup of his one more time, I'll shove it so far down his throat that he'll be forced to breathe through its straw for the rest of his life. What does he even keep in it all the time? Probably some sort of ridiculous protein shake that doesn't work and is a waste of money. I bet he's a health freak, because why wouldn't he be? Cocky and arrogant, driving around in the largest penis on earth, but of course he's body conscious –
"Where the hell did you just go?" interjects James into Remus' thoughts, breaking him out of them with a jolt. He eyes Remus for a few seconds before grunting. "That's creepy, mate. Really, it is."
Tagging: @narcissa-black-supermacy (obligatory) @maybebabyplease @demidreamer @in-flvx @greenvlvetcouch @quietlemonhush
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lynxindisguise · 2 years
wip word search game
@spindrifters thank you for the tag <333
while I have (too) many WIP’s brewing in my brain, the only one on paper is the soon-to-be-finished Shorn and Scarred and Yours 
my words: tether | delight | energy | robes | fallen
(Oh look I’m already cheating! This is from Please Don’t See Me, which is not really a WIP, but I have been casually editing parts of it if that counts??)
Remus’s first instinct is to protest, though he’s not sure to which part, or why. But Sirius turns to him like a loose thread in need of tethering, and he finds himself nodding. 
(this isn’t published yet - spoilers!)
Remus just laughs, bouncing the chubby, giggling toddler on his knee. “You’re already his uncle and his pet, Padfoot.”
At this, Sirius transforms into the massive, shaggy dog who isn’t really allowed on the furniture, but she doesn’t have the heart to enforce it. Not today.
Harry squeals with delight. “Pads!”
Sirius just gapes at him, the cool, collected punk turned flushed and frantic. He didn’t realise how calming he found Lupin’s presence until his usual nonchalant air gave way to this panicky energy. But it doesn’t perturb him; if anything, he finds it sort of… intriguing. Like a turtle that’s lost its shell. A cute, freckly, fluffy-haired turtle that he wants to cradle protectively in his hands.
And yet, here he is, floundering and tripping over his robes while he attempts to gain the upper hand against Lupin’s chaotic and, therefore, completely unpredictable duelling style. It’s not that he’s playing fair and Lupin isn’t—neither of them are playing fair—but Lupin is intuitive and clever and wields his wand like a tool instead of a weapon: a tool with infinite uses.
Normally, he’d listen to James, but not now, not when something horrible has clearly befallen Remus, and everyone seems to think him the culprit. 
no pressure tags: @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur @msalexwp @colgatebluemintygel @wanderingdonut @demidreamer
your words: lungs | rage | truth | candle | torn
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 people
Rules: Answer the 15 questions, then tag 15 people.
Thanks for the tag, @second-sister
Are you named after anyone? At one point in time, I was told I was named after a nurse at my sibling's birth. I've also been told that is false. I've never been given an alternate explanation. I think the answer is no.
When was the last time you cried? When I read that mean anon ask. *Cue Big Weanie by Eminem* Jk, that was the las time I laughed. Honestly, I cry super easily. Like way more than should be possible. I know I teared up at @quietlemonhush's last chapter of gathering home last night (I see you @second-sister) but I think I cried earlier today over a movie? Or a sad post? Eh. I'm fine. Completely normal. NBD.
Do you have kids? I do! I've got two little muchkins who are *literally* the best (they're at daycare right now. ask me when they get home and I guarantee they'll be the worst).
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I've never met her.
What is the first thing you notice about people? If they are wearing clothes (they usually are)
What color are your eyes? A blueish/greenish hazel color. More green than blue.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy ending, for sure, but I like horror too. Only, I'm suuuuuuper picky about my horror movies.
Any special talents? I am talentless.
Where were you born? In a hospital
What are your hobbies? Gestures generally to trash blog. And AO3.
Do you have any pets? See answer to #3. (Jk, I also have two dogs and a spouse)
What sports do you play/have you played? Excuse you. I was in marching band. I've played basketball, softball, and volleyball, but I'm generally not a sports ball person.
How tall are you? Tall enough to reach the top shelf but not the back cup in it.
Favorite Subjects in School? History and English. Debate.
Dream Job? A baker, but not the kind that has to wake up at 4 am.
15 people is a lot. bit uncalled for really. How about the last 15 people in my notifications? @futuristiclawuniversity @remusblake @condoneii @tremendouspolicestrawberry @curlyy-hair-dont-care @second-sister (lol, from this post) @printhomo @felixantares @msalexwp @hannahendoxox @nerwenn @rupalovegood @demidreamer @eyra @spindrifters
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
10 lines 10 people
thanks to @demidreamer for the tag :))
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. 
even in the darkest times
harry finds a box of letters to regulus from his dad. completed.
Harry now understands why Molly had nagged them so much about helping her cleaning out Grimmauld all those years ago.
2. eudaemonia by other means
eros and psyche jegulus AU. WIP.
James Potter, Give Yourself Up To The Wind Or An Innocent Will Pay For Your Transgressions Against The Gods.
3. some of the time
aftermath of a suicide attempt by bipolar james. completed.
some of the time, james thinks he’s happy.
4. freaky friday
james and regulus end up swaping bodies after a charm goes wrong, secret relationship. WIP.
“Okay, James, are you sure this is how the charm is supposed to be performed?” Regulus asks. His brow has been furrowed in scepticism during all of James’ explanation, thoroughly unconvinced.
5. All you need is love
i can't really summarise this. it's like dark!jegulus, but a bit more complicated. completed.
James’s head is spinning, he doesn’t know how he found himself in this situation – well that’s not entirely true – Regulus has been quite forward ever since James won him over.
6. it's you, it's you, it's all for you
lily confesses to james. completed.
If Lily from first year could see Lily now, she would probably start screaming at her seventh-year self for being so stupid, for wasting so much time and energy on someone like James Potter.
7. i don't love you (like i did yesterday)
song fic, regulus takes the dark mark. completed.
“It doesn’t have to change anything, James.”
8. les mots bleus
a fluffy jegulus one shot, also bickering in french from the black bros. completed.
If someone had asked James ten years ago if he could ever see himself in a relationship with his best friend’s brother, James might not quite have laughed in their face, but it certainly would have been very hard to take them seriously.
9. but my brother's where i cry
barty confront sirius after he leaves grimmauld. completed.
Sirius hadn’t really been nervous about going back to Hogwarts.
10. French 101 with Sirius Black
remus learns french behind sirius' back. completed.
Sirius had a habit of speaking French.
no pressure tags: @cr-amber, @arakhnee, @thestarsincapricorn. @underburningstars, @queerdeadwizards
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15 questions | 15 people
Thanks for the tag @squintclover my darling, this looks like fun!
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes, when my parents were pregnant with me, they visited a family friend who had just lost his wife to cancer, and he had a daughter who was like 7-ish or something. My dad was so taken by this girl and how she was dealing with the death of her mother at that young age that he wanted to name me after her. And then he did. My second (middle) name is a family name.
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I cry very easily and yesterday I was feeling fragile and I watched something sad on TV.
3. Do you have kids? No.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I have no idea what you mean.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I don’t know? I think it’s like...their general appearance? 
6. What’s your eye colour? Blue.
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Scary movies, I think? I mean, I like a happy ending but I also sometimes like a really, really sad ending. I enjoy scary movies.
8. Any special talents? Not really.
9. Where were you born? Sweden.
10. What are your hobbies? Aside from writing? Definitely football (the real kind). Never playing, only watching, but it takes up a lot of my brain space.
11. Do you have any pets? No 😔
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I don’t play anything anymore but I tried lots of stuff as a kid - golf, equestrian, football, badminton... 
13. How tall are you? Almost 160 cm / 5′3″
14. Favourite subject at school? English and Swedish.
15. Dream job? I almost have my dream job, or at least I’m on my way to get it. I already have my own business (that I love) and I just want to do more of what I like and less of what I don’t like (and earn more money, pls). 
Ok, tagging 15 people is a lot and I apologise if you’ve already been tagged (or if you’ve done it and I’ve missed it) but I’m just picking people from my mentions/reblogs now: @fonkeloog, @narcissa-black-supermacy, @heartofspells, @squidgilator, @mundrakan, @msalexwp, @demidreamer, @r33sespieces, @sliebman10, @carlav-blogs, @broomsticks, @puuvillaa, @thistlecatfics, @cuddlebugsirius, @stonedregulus.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
Ten Lines, Ten People
(tagged by the bestie @femme--de--lettres ie. natasha lyonne and @demidreamer for this. so i had to do it. and lucky for me i only have 10 fanfics on AO3 so.
rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
Work in Process (post-poa raising harry au): Something about time.
2. postcard from paris (moonchaser romance):
Drunk and laughing on the couch in his sitting room, legs slung over the armrest with a joint in his hand, Remus swore nothing could ever be wrong again.
3. 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration (one shot, moonchaser):
Remus sat on his best friend’s couch, awkwardly slouched so he could put his forehead on the armrest as he only half-listened to Sirius in the kitchen talking to his six-month old baby in French.
4. No Matter the Wreckage (hogwarts, getting together wolfstar):
Sirius Black closed the lid on his school trunk, flipping the locks with a small click, before looking around the room--his room, technically--for any remnants he left behind. 
5. Fault Lines (divorced wolfstar, love story):
Sirius had thought a date night would be all they needed.
6. ten reasons (to go to michigan) (a wolfstar romance):
Finally hitting a red light, Remus Lupin pressed on the breaks and allowed his tears to further blur his vision.
7. Carry Me Away (summer romance wolfstar):
Sirius had never been to a bar a day in his life and as he sat on a stool off to the side, listening to conversations around him and watching people watch him as they came up to the bar to order drinks, he wondered if his pressed trousers and dress shirt were the wrong choice of attire.
8. From Fire to Fire (we don't talk about this one):
"Sit up straight, Mr. Black."
9. Chef's Kiss (law school remus ft pianist sirius and cooking):
Ingredients: 1 package of instant ramen (whatever brand is cheapest at the store)
i am just now realizing i do not in fact have 10 fics on AO3 so i am going to include 10 from tumblr.
10. The Best Worst Thing to Have Ever Happened (jily comes back to life and wolfstar is raising harry)
Sirius had always been susceptible to things that went bump in the night.
i do not know ten people, so this is an open tag for anyone who sees it and thinks it would be fun!
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fonkeloog · 2 years
5 and 16 for weird questions if you haven't answered them yet 🤍
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they, and why are they 100% true?
I need to have a notebook close by to make sure sentences make sense. If I'm writing in my room, I have to put a vinyl on, but if I'm downstairs, I have headphones. If I don't have a specific pen when writing, nothing comes out the way I want it, and I *will* abandon my work.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
It's probably a panty liner. (Not used, don't worry!!!) The Sis had pulled it out of her bag, and I couldn't find anything else.
Weird questions
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jordanshenessy · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me @adamparrishgfs to post my receiptify💕
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Tagging @deklo @declanscunt @first-kanaphan @hidden-joy @dangermagnetstrand @saturstay @lot-bubbel @butchronan @demidreamer @stabbyfoxandrew and anyone else who wants to! Feel free to ignore!
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dakogutin · 2 years
15 questions 15 people
vv late bcs im hardly here and my activity is all just queued lmao.Thanks so much for the tag @demidreamer 🥺
1. Are you named after anyone? so my real name has hispanic origins and is after one of those old spanish queens. my other name (bcs i have two first names) is from a famous main character from the 80s my parents loved.
2. When was the last time you cried? last night bcs of tinkerbell and the neverbeast (fck that film)
3. Do you have kids? pfft
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? nah i mean everything i say all the time ive never joked in my entire life.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? their presence
ok but fr. their general vibe? idk how to call it. the way they carry themselves, their body language, and speech... all that. (yes i overthink and analyse everything)
6. What's your eye colour? brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies can have happy endings tho?? well.. guess im going for happy endings bcs i choose it a lot more often 
8. Any special talents? i can cram a months worth of work in one night
no, ok.... i speak 4 languages? idk
9. Where were you born? my home country in south east asia
10. What are your hobbies? reading, writing, music(playing, listening), watching.. the uzh. im not special.
11. Do you have any pets? i live with my sister who has one. a crusty asian white dog (shi tzu)
12. What sports do you play/have you played? i only did it for school (forced) volleyball, badminton, table tennis, basketball, swimming, chess?
13. How tall are you? 164cm
14. Favourite subject in school? english. music. arts. social sciences (psychology)
15. Dream job? my childhood dream was to become a teacher. now, for personal spiteful reasons, i want a doctorate in psychology but bachelor’s degree is already wearing me out so idk anymore. i dream of no labour 
tagging: @thomasbrodiesandwich lmao and literally anyone who sees this like tag me and sht id love that
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heartofspells · 2 years
5 Things
Five things you might find in a story of mine - thanks for the tags @msalexwp and @tracingpatternswrites!
(and i am sweating)
1 - Heavy angst 2 - Dark/real life themes 3 - Character death 😬 4 - Too many metaphors 5 - Banter/bickering
No idea who's done this yet, so apologies for any repeat tags.
@spikybanana @sweetpeasandlilies @demidreamer @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty @in-flvx
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lynxindisguise · 2 years
ten lines, ten people
thank you for the tag @spindrifters <333
rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. 
ahhh this is literally all of my fics, except the very first one 😅
shorn and scarred and yours - slytherin sirius AU
Blacks do not cry. Or, at least, they’re not supposed to.
Please Don’t See Me - modern w/ magic AU
“86 Jameson!” Lily calls, tossing yet another bottle into the already overfilled glass bin. 
A Series of Unlucky Events - Love and Other Potions one-shot, fix-it
Lily has never really believed in luck. When she won the vial of Felix Felicis in Slughorn’s class, the pride of winning (and narrowly beating Severus) meant more to her than the prize itself. So she hid it away and barely thought of it over the next three years. 
Pride and Prejudice and Werewolves - enemies to lovers (canon-divergent AU)
Beige corduroy, tawny tweed, and sandy hair, Remus very much hoped he’d be the least interesting sight in the Great Hall.
The Wolf and the Jester - Robin Hobb inspired fantasy AU
A forest is basically a library, Remus thinks. Just as a gruff, unkempt woodsman is merely another version of a shy, studious palace scribe. Except simpler. Everything is so much simpler now. He hunts, gardens, tracks the moon and charts the stars--he's content. And so is the wolf. It's the human part of himself, it turns out, that was restless and temperamental, always itching for change and conflict. 
exes, horcruxes, and other reasons to panic - exes to lovers (oh look, another canon-divergent AU)
Remus stares, mesmerized at the pale lavender smoke emanating from the goblet, definitely not avoiding the intent gaze of those laser green eyes.
Uncanny Moony Effect - Love and Other Potions, one-shot
Sirius wakes up on a scratchy beige carpet he doesn’t recognize on the floor of a bedroom he’s never seen. It’s small, neat, cozy, and eerily familiar in an itch-in-the-back-of-his-head type of way. Well at least he’s not naked. Or in the bed.
Sarcastic Truths and Lies By Omission - Love and Other Potions, one-shot
“Lupin!” A firm hand claps Remus on the back. Startled—he’s always been jumpy, but he’s especially on edge these days—he nearly drops the glass he’s been clutching with white-knuckled fingers.
Of Monsters and Cowards - slytherin sirius, First War Au
The Death Eater raises his chin and surveys the pack haughtily from behind his mask. Most of them are taller than him—maybe it’s a wolf thing, maybe it’s that he’s not particularly tall. But they feel small—all awkward angles folded in on themselves.
A Dog in Stag’s Clothing - Love and Other Potions, one-shot
“Prongs! Mate! Brother! Light of my life! Stop drooling over Evans and pay attention to me,” Sirius whines, tugging on James’s sleeve.
WHEW okay we’re done, no pressure tags to some old mutuals and some new for this one @colgatebluemintygel @fruity-individual @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur @moongays @wanderingdonut @msalexwp @demidreamer @achilleslikespeas @impishtubist @crushofdoves
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doitforadamparrish · 2 years
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Thanks for tagging me @declanscunt this was fun!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥But going through my Spotify playlists I realized I don’t actually listen to entire albums like just 3 songs from this band 5 from another 1 from another etc… I few like some of these are so niche like what am I doing listening to bo burnham on repeat 🤨 this funny feeling slaps tho. Phoebe bridgers version also 🤌🏼
Anyway tagging @parrishands @ganseybois @kazbiter @demidreamer @hondayota @glendover if any of y’all wanna do it no pressure hehe big hugs 🫶🏻
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
10 songs 10 people
thank you for the tag @lilyflxwers <3
san cristobal by mal blum
agoraphobic by corpse
i didn't mean it by the belle brigade
i don't wanna be in love by good charlotte
coming soon by annie di russo
michael in the bathroom from be more chill
kill all your friends by mcr
revolting children from matilda
this is how you spell haha we destroyed the hopes and dreams of a generation of faux-romantics by los campensinos
warm on a cold night by honne
tagging some new mutual and some long time mutuals because i've been thinking about you guys recently @arakhnee @edenofeddie @lafilleducrepuscule @otonai @oquinn53 @sundaywriterandfan @jegulusandwolfstar @demidreamer thats not quite ten but pls forgive me lol
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Last line tag
Hello, good morning, happy Monday etc etc!
Thanks for the tag, @heartofspells! I’m passing it on to @broomsticks, @squidgilator, @demidreamer and @msalexwp. 
OKAY this might be two lines but that’s just how it is.
“Didn’t know how to get you to shut up,” Remus said, his voice dropped low and a little hoarse, making something hot stir in Sirius’ belly, “Never know how to get you to shut the fuck–“
This time it was Sirius who surged forward, crashing their mouths together again, walking Remus backwards until he was pressed up against one of the bedposts on James’ bed.
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