#demon brothers cuddle pile
The Sleepover
Part 2
Summary: RAD exams are rough, you go to
Levi's room for a little comfort.
Pairing: Leviathan × GN Reader/MC, demon
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None.
As the brothers dispersed to make preparations for the sleepover, Levi went to his closet door and hesitated. Was this the right moment to give you his gift? With one cursory glance back at your sleeping form, he decided to do it. In the back of his closet, hidden behind his matching Ruri-Chan cosplays for the two of you was a pink sheep plush he’d sewn by hand. It had a little orange bow with a bell around its neck, his color, you'd said once. He hoped you would like it.
He’d planned on giving it to you on your birthday or one of the big Human World holidays you’d miss because of the RAD exchange program. But now was the right moment. He slowly slipped the plush toy under your arm, watching to make sure you wouldn't wake.
“Don’t worry, they won’t wake up for a while,” said Belphie. He’d already made himself at home on Levi’s beanbag chair and was currently stroking your hair over the side of the tub. “They’re dreaming.”
Of course, Belphie’s dream powers. He could trap anyone in a dream as long as he focused on them. Normally this would be a terrifying experience for the dreamer, but since Belphie loved you, as did all of the brothers, he would make it a good dream. One to chase your worries away.
Your face finally looked relaxed under Belphie’s spell. The lines of worry were smoothed out and the smallest of smiles graced your lips. Levi only wished he’d had such a useful power. He couldn’t exactly make it rain indoors or summon Lotan and expect that to comfort you.
But then again, you'd chosen to go to his room first. That had to count for something.
“What are they dreaming about?” Levi asked, his eyes not leaving your sleeping face.
Belphie smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know, Water Boy.”
Levi rolled his eyes. He knew his youngest brother just loved keeping this little secret. He had to distract himself or he was going to end up getting overwhelmed with jealousy. He turned the tv on to your favorite anime series. It was a slice-of-life romantic comedy that you’d seen approximately a hundred times. It was a bit of a normie show for his taste but he knew it was your favorite.
Asmo held the door open for Lucifer and Mammon, who had returned from the attic, their arms full with blankets, pillows, and futons.
“Lean the futons against the wall,” said Lucifer. “We have to clear the floor first.”
Levi joined them, not wanting them to ruin his careful organization. He had a system.
Asmo skipped over to the bathtub, a basket of nail and skincare supplies in one hand, and your comfiest pajamas in the other.
“Keep them asleep for me, Belphie, so I can dress them in their cute jammies.” Asmo began unbuttoning your RAD jacket.
“Ain’t happening,” Mammon said, pulling back his arm to throw a volume of manga at Asmo. Lucifer grabbed it before he could.
“They can change when they wake up.” Lucifer said.
“Ugh fine,” Asmo pouted. After tossing the pajamas into Belphie’s lap, he slipped a bunny ear headband over your head to push your hair out of your face. He then pulled out a soft washcloth, holding it out to Levi who was kneeling on the floor nearby, scooping up some manga magazines. “Levi, if you will…?”
Levi produced a tiny rain cloud over the handkerchief, dampening it with cool, clean water.
“Thank you!” Asmo gently cleaned your face with the handkerchief. After he applied toner and a sheet mask, he got to work on your nails, choosing your favorite color in a shade perfect for your skintone.
Satan and Beel were the next to arrive. Satan had a small stack of dvds in his hands.
“22 meals are on their way from Hell’s Kitchen,” Beel said proudly.
“Beel, there’s only eight of us.” said Asmo.
“I know.”
“It was going to be 50 but I managed to talk him into ordering less. I thought the succubus working the cash register was going to cry when she heard how many orders we needed.” Satan set the dvds down on a side table. “I brought a few of MC’s favorite movies. I thought we could watch one of them together when they wake up.”
“I think I’m gonna make some popcorn for everyone, maybe some snacks too,” said Beel. “Does anyone need anything while I’m out?”
“Can you bring my weighted blanket from our room? The purple, lavender scented one.” Belphie asked. “And make sure you don’t eat all the snacks before you get here, ok Beel?”
“I won’t eat them if it’s for MC,” Beel resolved.
Satan joined his older brothers in clearing the floor. The four of them had all the manga and games reshelved in no time.
“Ya know, we should make a blanket fort like I hear they do in the Human World.” said Mammon.
“It is a popular sleepover tradition there,” Satan agreed.
Lucifer took an appraising glance around the room. “I don’t know how they do it in the Human World, but there’s enough space now to do a simple levitation spell to suspend the blankets, provided it’s ok with Levi.” He looked to the third born.
Levi shrugged. “As long as it doesn't disturb Henry or MC.”
“I think we can manage that.” said Lucifer, he began rolling up the rug on the floor. “Mammon, go gather a few more sheets and blankets. Satan, you’ll help me with the spell.”
As the sleepover preparations continued, Asmo finished with your nails and moved on to complete your skincare routine. He peeled the sheet mask off your face and, glancing around to see no one was looking, he gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.
Your eyes fluttered open.
“Oh, MC!” Asmo exclaimed, “You woke up after my kiss just like Sleeping Beauty! Does that mean I’m your handsome prince?”
“Nah, that just means Belphie fell asleep.” said Mammon kicking the door closed, his arms full of blankets.
Sure enough, Belphie was snoring, his hand still tangled in your hair, the dream spell he had put you under was broken.
You sat up and peered over the side of the tub.
“What’s all this for?”
Satan and Lucifer were actually working together, crawling on the floor with their sleeves rolled up, drawing a magic circle in chalk. Beel was coming through the door, a huge bowl of popcorn in his hands, his arms balancing a ton of snacks. You caught sight of your newly polished nails.
“We wanted to help you feel better,” said Levi.
You were speechless.
“Mammon, Levi, start spreading out the first blanket,” said Lucifer as the magic circle began to glow.
They were doing this all for you. You could feel the tears starting to flow again. You were so loved in this house.
“Try not to cry, dear,” said Asmo as he patted some night cream into your skin, “We don’t want you to become dehydrated.”
You let Asmo finish his ministrations and then you went to change into your pajamas in Levi’s closet. By the time you returned, the blanket fort was done, illuminated by some string lights Mammon found in the attic and Belphie’s mini star projector. The brothers had spread the futons out on the floor
One dinner, two movies in, and many snacks later, you found yourself in the center of a cuddle pile. Asmo and Mammon clung to either side of you while Beel and Belphie used your thighs as pillows. Somehow Lucifer had managed to grab hold of one of your hands, and Satan was curled up like a cat by your head. They were all asleep.
You extracted yourself from the cuddle pile without waking anyone up, you were going to grab yourself a drink of water when you noticed Levi was separated from the group. He was sitting on his beanbag, playing something on his portable game system.
You plopped down on the beanbag chair next to him, slipping your arm through his. You felt him stiffen a little but you didn't let go.
“How come you’re all the way up here?” you asked.
“Needed a little space.”
“Oh…” You started to move back, not wanting to bother him.
“No, that’s n-not what I m-m-meant. I didn't n-need sp-space from you,” Levi stammered. “Stay, please.”
“Ok,” You snuggled into him, laying your head on his shoulder. He hoped you couldn't hear how fast his heart was pounding.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, just looking up the projected constellations. The room was silent except for his brothers’ gentle snoring.
You finally broke the silence, “Was this you?” You held up the sheep plushie.
“Yeah,” he said. “I made it myself.”
“I knew it!” You squeezed the plushie to your chest and Levi felt his heart clench. “Thank you. For everything.”
He turned to look at you, “I didn't really do anything. The sleepover was Asmo’s idea.”
“But you let us use your room, I know how much you value your privacy and how you dislike 'normie things’ like sleepovers.”
Levi could feel himself blushing. You noticing the smallest things about him affected him so deeply. “It’s ok once in a while.”
“And you did so much more for me than this,” you said, recalling how he’d held you when you cried. He didn't demand anything from you. He didn't try to come up with a solution right away. He just let you cry. He would never know how much you needed that. “Thank you so much.”
“I– it was nothing.”
“Not to me.”
You entwined your fingers with his and the two of you fell asleep on the beanbag chair together, still gazing at the stars.
Cross-posted on AO3
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zephyrchama · 5 months
“Don’t,” you warned Lucifer. You saw that self-assured grin on his face. You knew what he was planning.
“What? I just came to see what you were doing.” He leaned on your shoulder with enough weight to tilt you several inches sideways, no matter how much you pushed back. “Don’t mind me, carry on.”
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you retorted, but it was too late. The others were catching on.
“Hey, hey! What’s going on?” Mammon came over and pushed against your other shoulder, tilting you back upright. “What are two of my favorite people doin’?”
You tried to shrug them both off, to no avail. “We’re not doing anything. We can stop this.”
You couldn’t stop it. Asmodeus was on his way and wasted no time crossing his arms over your back, happily leaning into you from behind. You tilted forward. “Hey! What’s happening here?”
You sighed, “we’re not doing this again.”
Asmodeus teased you with honeyed innocence, “doing what, hon? Something on your mind?”
These three demons thought they were so funny.
A passing Satan made eye contact with you. In that exact moment, you used every bit of imaginary telepathy you could muster. Surely Satan would understand. He could save you. He could free you before it really was too late.
He observed what his brothers were doing, nodded, and approached with a congenial grin. Mission failed.
“Traitor!” You regretted ever agreeing to join this exchange program as Satan slowly fell back into you. You didn’t even try to catch him, you were too busy trying to remain upright under the combined weight of four demons. They were hardly even holding back.
You couldn’t see who was running up, being too busy blowing Satan’s blonde hair out of your face, but at this point it didn’t matter. They were all coming for you.
“Let me in on this!” Leviathan said cheerily.
“Yeah!” “Come on!” Asmodeus and Mammon gladly made some room for Leviathan, which was difficult because you were sinking lower and lower, and you felt another weight pile onto your back as Levi cozied up to your torso. This scenario had played out enough times now that the brothers could somehow keep you from falling over like a Jenga tower, but it was still only a matter of time.
Belphegor squeezed his way in between Satan and Lucifer and wordlessly collapsed onto you as if overcome with narcolepsy. He sure looked cozy. He smirked while you lamented, “I’m never forgiving any of you, ever.”
“Beel? Are you coming?” Lucifer summoned the cherry on top of this ridiculous parfait. You braced as Beelzebub licked the crumbs off his fingers in preparation. He knew what had to be done.
“Are you ready?” At least he had the decency to ask, unlike six other degenerates. The six lumps of dead weight each grabbed a part of your body, shifting from leans to awkward hugs. There was no way to run.
With an exaggerated “hah!”, Beelzebub’s weight and outstretched arms were enough to send everyone crashing down. You were protected from any real damage by the shell of demon brothers, but they soon had you pinned down against someone’s chest in the world’s most embarrassing cuddle pile.
“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” you asked. “By like, ten thousand years?”
“We were just checking up on you,” Lucifer said.
“Yeah, how did this happen? Hmm..!” Asmodeus’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
Satan draped his leg over yours and not-so-accidentally kicked Lucifer. “You should have told us what you were doing.”
“I think it’s fun.” Belphegor was the only one to admit the truth.
Hands were running through your hair and over your stomach. Somebody was pushing the edge of your mouth up into a smile with their finger. If these guy were so touch-starved, they could have just said so, like sane people.
“My! What do we have here?”
You groaned, partially because everybody was really heavy and partially because you really didn’t need Diavolo to arrive just then.
“My lord, it appears we have walked in on something quite interesting.” Et tu, Barbatos?
”Indeed! Is there room for two more?”
Your “no!” was drowned out by seven resounding yeses.
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aimedis · 2 months
redacted asmr hcs pt. 7 - d.a.m.n crew edition
-ironically, damien can’t handle spicy food (and funnily enough, lasko can)
-damien used to wear huxley’s jacket to his games (afterwards, huxley would always find damien so he could give him the biggest hug ever)
-gavin and freelancer can have conversations without actually saying anything, just by making little faces at each other (not even through telepathy or demon magic, they're just that in tune with each other)
-freelancer has the cutest sneeze and the guys never fail to let them know 
-the d.a.m.n crew all collectively agree that freelancer is just the sweetest person ever (for freelancer's birthday, they all made a 50+ page detailed as fuck slideshow on why they were the best friend/partner ever) ((they cried a lot that day))
-damien hates the rain (not even because of his powers or anything he just genuinely does not like rainy weather)
-gavin quite literally being the embodiment of thinking with his dick 
-freelancer is always in gavin’s lap 
-freelancer and gavin have necklaces with the other’s initial/name on it (they're literally call it what you want by taylor swift)
-whenever lasko makes dirty jokes it’s always unintentional (in a ‘letting the intrusive thoughts win’ way) and he always acts shocked he said what he said afterwards ((he’s subconsciously learned to not have much of a filter around the d.a.m.n squad and it only got worse after being with dear))
-caelum rifts into gavin and freelancer’s bedroom and jumps on top of them to cuddle for a little (he loves falling asleep on freelancer’s chest)
-gavin knew the exact moment damien and huxley got together and was just silently proud of and happy for them 
-lasko and coworker as a hurricane & damien and huxley as a volcano
-gavin and freelancer spoil the other so much 
-the d.a.m.n squad have cuddle piles 
-freelancer is obsessed with mac and cheese (same) 
-coworker tells all their students to just call them by their name without miss/mister because it makes them feel hella old
-gavin and freelancer calling each other “bitch”
-freelancer was the first friend damien had to make him feel truly loved
-whenever lasko’s partner runs their fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly it puts him straight to sleep
-lasko and damien get into political debates (arguments about which of their favourite books/movies is better) ((they also just bicker really often)) 
-damien ruffles freelancer’s hair like an older brother would
-the damn group have pool parties at huxley and damien’s house pretty often (freelancer wears bikini bottoms and gavin spends the whole day trying to flirt with them)
-freelancer gets stomach aches so often to the point where huxley asks them if their stomach hurts today every time they meet up 
-dear has a habit of lying about the most random things for no reason. it's not even believable but they just talk with the straightest face and when you ask "really?" they say "no, wtf?" ("yeah i used to be a gymnast. i won like three national titles" "oh my god really? that's awe-" "no.") ((they think it's the funniest thing in the world))
-huxley wipes stuff (food, dust etc.) off of damien’s face for him. outright refuses to let him do it for himself 
-freelancer refers to the crew as their bitches (they're not wrong)
-dear is the most calming presence anyone has been around (damien falls asleep around/on them so often)
-the first time dear called lasko babe/baby he literally almost passed out from how much blood rushed to his face (huxley may or may not have witnessed it and had to fan his face for several minutes)
-freelancer, lasko and damien have little trio dates
-freelancer moans at random to be funny and damien has actually started fighting them for it
-the crew has karaoke fairly often (they can all sing pretty well but sometimes they just choose to sing terribly)
-because damien and freelancer have the most sibling-like relationship in the group, they fight quite often. the arguments aren't always awful but they get bad occasionally (they went no contact for almost a week until dear decided to play mediator and forced them to talk it out)
-lasko doodles the group in different art styles in his free time (gavin found the drawings and said it was cute before lasko could start panicking)
-the crew has made a habit out of hanging out in lasko and dear's offices during breaks, even if neither of them are inside
-since freelancer was the last to graduate, everyone showed up to their ceremony and they all screamed louder than anyone else in the crowd
-the crew welcomed dear into the group so easily it's like they've always been apart of the family
-however, the moment that officially solidified them as one of them was the first time they cried in front of them all after about a year of meeting (it was the anniversary of their grandfather's death and they couldn't hold it together)
-lasko is a billion times more confident on his private instagram and twitter accounts
-freelancer goes into a food coma whenever they're even slightly full so after every friendsgiving meal, they take a nap on the couch for like half an hour
-dear and damien are the resident chefs of the group (the first time dear cooked around them all, damien swore for half a second he was in love with them)
-dear is the true mom friend of the group
damihux are bokuaka coded whooo said that?????
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three-realms-archive · 2 months
Beel is Pillow
It starts off as harmless and convenient - like most of your shenanigans with the Seven Avatars of Sin.
Beelezebub, the second-youngest, is the easiest to just… fall into. He doesn’t stutter and stumble, like Mammon and Levi first do. Neither does he fuss over you like Asmo or Satan. Lucifer and Belphie are also unfazed when you cuddle into them, but expect a certain position if you don’t want them to complain (though, once you feel their warmth, you never really do).
But, with Beel, there is no compromise. No caveats. Just cuddles.
“Beel is my pillow.” You declare when Lucifer asks what on Earth you’re doing, collapsed on top of his younger brother in the middle of the House of Lamentation common room floor. Cuddling isn’t an uncommon sight in the House, but Lucifer notices a sofa right there. Just a few inches away. And yet, the two of you have opted for the rougher, probably itchy, carpet instead.
“Can you not do this on the sofa?”
“My pillow Beel. Beel is pillow.” You simply reiterate, burying your face deeper into the crook of Beel’s neck. Your limbs are sprawled and you’re drained of energy from a long day of work, but - despite the uncomfortable position and place - the demon moulds his arms and legs to fit around yours, without complaint. Despite everything, it feels like cuddling the softest pillow.
“Beel. If they fall asleep, they could hurt their back.”
“It’s okay.” Beel says, with a closed-eyed smile. He looks incredibly content. “I’m their pillow.“
Lucifer sighs. “And if you get hungry?”
Beel gestures with his head to the nearby sofa. Lucifer leans forward and discovers a hefty pile of snacks, previously obscured from sight by your bodies.
“I’m pillow. Beel pillow.” Beel reiterates, simply.
“I understand that you are acting as their pillow, but -“
“Beel -“
“Fine, fine.” Lucifer cuts the both of you off, exasperated when you both start to speak in sync. “Yes, fine - Beel is pillow. Just move it to the sofa or the bed if you continue after dinner so you don’t wake up with cramped legs or bad backs.”
(The first short story! Beel's my favourite so i naturally have a soft spot for him, but i'm pretty sure it's most likely canon that they all give really good cuddles. i hope you enjoyed this :D)
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tcfactory · 8 months
Dumb SVSSS thought of the day: what if Mobei-jun is pretty damn young (14, not quite 15) when Shang Qinghua (20+however long he lived his first life) first meets him. And when he's relaxed and not in mortal danger (like when he's hogging Qinghua's bed) he's acting extremely childish, as emotionally neglected teenagers sometimes do. Just the brattiest of brats, somehow an unfortunate mix of 1. trained for deadly combat 2. already posessing very thorough education on demonic politics and rulership and 3. completely emotionally neglected and almost feral. Like. He's a lonely kid who very much needs a family connection and some hugs. He reminds Qinghua of some of the disciples An Ding gets who come from neglectful families, because getting their unwanted kids in a sect raises a family's prestige and there's a 'compensation' CQMS pays out to the 'gracious parents who give up their child' so it pays better than selling them to the slavers. (It's all just a ploy to make sure the people bring their kids there first, so there's less of a chance that they would end up in the clutches of demonic cultivators.)
So overworked, sleep deprived Qinghua ends up treating his demon brat the same way he treats the An Ding brats a few times. He can't help it! He knows that Mobei-jun will grow up to be like exactly his type, but right now he's just extremely little brother shaped (despite being really goddamn tall, what are they feeding young ice demons???) and Qinghua's brain just turns off the self preservation around him when he's tired enough apparently.
And Mobei-jun... Likes?? He likes this??? Nobody has babied him since the fallout with Linguang-jun when he was four, he's touch starved and needy for affection. The way his human expresses affection is not really the way he's used to, but it's still pleasant. It speaks to that shameful part of him that wanted to curl up and cry himself into oblivion when he was five and his father threw him out into the ice sheets and told him he's not allowed to return unless he kills something with his bare hands and then finds his way home.
So Shang Qinghua acquires a sticky, feral, demonic younger brother. He doesn't really mind as such, that's his blorbo and probably still his favorite person (and the reassurance that as long as he's Mobei-jun's emotional support human he's going to be kept safe is nice). But it really puts a lid on his non-existent dating life. Who would possibly date him now when they would have to contend with having Mobei-unlikely-to-ever-grow-out-of-his-stickiness-in-private-jun around too?
Yue Qingyuan. Yue Qingyuan would date him. He totally gets it, he has his own ill-tempered sticky little brother. Same situation, just with 95% less demonic energy and 80% more verbal sass. Shang Qinghua even ends up joking that they should set up playdates for those two. They are surprisingly effective.
What do you call it when you, your boyfriend, your little brother (feral cat, demon edition) and your boyfriend's little brother (feral cat, cultivator edition) are all cuddled up in a sleepy pile? Shang Qinghua isn't really sure, but it's comfier then it sounds, actually. Everyone appreciates Mobei-jun and his unshakably cool body temperature in the summer heat.
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
Belphie head cannons <3
Belphie is a very cuddly person with the right people. With Beel and you, he can easily just lean against you and fall asleep. With Lucifer however, he would rather wake up and be productive then lay against him.
I feel like belphie likes to do things with his hands like knitting and crocheting. Since he got locked in the attic, there wasn't anything interesting in there for him to do so he decided to teach himself knitting. He can now knit without looking so if he feels sleepy or is watching a movie with the others, he might just subconsciously start knitting.
If MC comes down as a singer, Belphie will probably love laying on your lap while you sing to him and play with his hair. He mostly loves listening to sing songs like "rises the moon" or "I don't want to set the world on fire" while he cuddles into your lap. He loves listening to you belt out songs like "my heart will go on" aswell but he prefers the softer songs he can fall asleep to
Will just fall limp against you randomly if he wants you to stay with him, if he wants you to carry him or if he's jealous. Your trying to leave bed to get ready? He's limp on top of you so you either have to stay in bed for the day of have one of his brothers remove him. He sees you talking with some other lowlife demon? Suddenly your holding him up and focusing on him now, not that scum you were talking to. He gets tired walking around and Beel isn't around? He's now nuzzling into your neck while you give him a piggyback ride, his tail wrapped around you both to make sure he doesn't fall off
Now I hate the fact that we just forgave belphie so easily after he literally killed us then tried to kill us again. Imagine MC was actually really weary around belphie for a few weeks/months after the incident and it was just eating belphie up inside seeing how scared we were of him
He kept trying to prove to MC that he got better and he wouldn't hurt them but sometimes it came off as to much and mammon stood in-between you both and took you away. It was only until he caught you in the observatory and decided to have a long conversation with you about everything. You saw how genuine he was in his apology so you guys made up and went on as friends
100% would share you with Beel. Cuddle piles, food runs, movie marathons, classes, he wouldn't mind Beel being there but he does like having one on one time with you without beel there
Your the only one he doesn't mind waking him up. He has and will again cuss out his brothers for waking him up (cough Lucifer cough). He might get annoyed initially but when he realizes its you, he will calm down and reach for you
He butts his head into you often, like how cats show their affection. He does it often while cuddling you, if you both are just laying in bed and talking about anything, he will gently butt his head into your jaw, side or neck and just act like nothing happened
Belphie does love cuddling you, that's pretty obvious but he also loves doing other things with you. He absolutely adores it when you listen to him nerd about the constellations and planets in devildom, gently holding your hand as he points to which one is which. He does love going on walks with you and stopping at shops that have crystals and little trinkets, buying matching things with you
Crystal and zodiac girly, need I say more
If you have scars from when he killed you, it breaks his heart every time he sees them once you guys start dating. While cuddling or even just sitting together, he will gently trace star protection spells over them, making sure they don't hurt or open up again
He finds it funny when your focused on something then he randomly brushes his fluffy tail across your face. Your annoyed and surprised face is just the cutest thing. If you go back to working, he will just curl up on your lap and wrap his tail around you, nuzzling his face into your neck while his tail keeps you close to him, making sure your safe in his embrace
Because he used to be infatuated with humans in his younger years, he likes to admire the way you age or the way you experience things differently to them. Your tastebuds, your hands, your skin, your hair, your eyes, everything is different to him but he loves that about you
He like to trace little spells into your skin when you both are cuddling in bed, he wants to make sure his starlight has the best of dreams while being held by him. After he makes sure all of his protection spells are in place, he will wrap his tail around you and let you spoon him, feeling safe in your arms
"will i see you in my dreams my dear?" "of course, my love"
This was suggested by @cuddlybelphie, Thank you so much for the suggestion! This was such a fun write
Who should i do next?
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OM! Headcanons I think about at like 3 am
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Simeon talks in his sleep. Like, almost every night. The topics range from spoilers for his next TSL book (Levi found that the hard way) to how Michael terrifies him. Solomon has a video of his late-night rambles, and it’s honestly endearing to see the angel babble away in his sleep.
Lilith used to bring lots of souvenirs from the Human Realm for all of her brothers, and each one cherishes whatever she brought for them. For Lucifer, it was a book, Mammon was given a wooden bead bracelet that she threaded herself, Levi got a set of paints made from seashells, Asmo was given the hand mirror that he always keeps on himself. Beel and Belphie have the most amount of gifts from Lilith.
The brothers learnt not to steal from Mammon the hard way. Once Levi, fed up with his brother’s stealing and selling of his items decided to take revenge on him by selling a wooden bead bracelet he found in the second-born’s bedroom, not knowing that it was the one given to him by Lilith after one of her Human Realm visits. It was one of the very few times that Mammon transformed into his demon form in rage and had to be held back by both Lucifer and Beel.
Dia adores butterflies ever since Barbatos took him to a butterfly garden in the Human Realm. The young prince did try to recreate it, but unfortunately, the Devildom butterflies were a little too cannibalistic for his taste.
Barbatos doesn’t really like people in his kitchen when he’s cooking or baking. The only exceptions to this particular thing are MC, Diavolo and Luke.
MC gets hounded by demons to make pacts with them after it is leaked that their magic is stronger than even Solomon. Now, based on their personality they either revel in the attention or shy away from it, but this makes Lucifer put in ‘security measures’. And by that I mean he had at least one of his brothers around MC or in their vicinity at all times. All of them are extremely territorial and do not appreciate lower demons coming up to MC to make pacts with them.
Satan and Lucifer are surprisingly more cuddly and loving with each other when they are drunk. Asmo has a video of a drunk Lucifer and Satan holding each other and crying with watching a compilation of kittens being cute. He has been sworn to secrecy by both brothers.
Belphie has an old elephant plushie that was given to him by Lucifer when he was young and wouldn’t go to sleep. It’s stashed between piles of clothes in his closet, but on especially bad nights, when his thoughts and self-doubts keep him up, he cuddles it to sleep.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Hello! I have an obey me request for the brothers if you don’t mind. I was wondering if you could write some head cannons for the brothers with an Mc who loves collecting plushies and has a bed full of them. Thank you, and I love your work!
I literally sleep with plushies every night, so I can relate to this request a lot 😭
Demon brothers x gn!MC
MC who collects plushies
Does he think it's childish? A bit. But some of his brothers have them so he doesn't judge. He will just look at you and think 'oh great, another one'. As he gets close to you he does think it makes you cuter.
As along as you keep your room tidy and not leave them everywhere he won't say shit, no matter how many of them you're getting. Chances are he bought some for you since you like them so much.
You aren't allowed to bring them into his room tho <\3. Or at least that's what he says, there is one hidden stuffed toy hidden in his room by you for when you come over.
Seems like the type to tuck them in your blanket with you if he walks in on you sleeping. Giving them a little pat while kissing you on your forehead.
A good part of your plushies are won or bought by him. It begun when he won a plushie for you at a claw machine in order to show off and saw how happy you were.
Would rather die than admit it but he gets jealous if you cuddle with the plushies instead of him when he stays over in your room. Good thing he doesn't have to admit cause it's obvious by the way he acts.
Bought matching plushies for the two of you. He cuddles with his whenever you are in the human world.
Any and all anime inspired plushies are from him. He has quite a few plushies in his anime and video game and shared some of them with you.
He even made some plushies for you since he is good at sewing. Have a favourite character? New plushie. You like some cute creature from a video game/anime? A plushie that looks identical to it, is waiting in your room.
This is actually canon but it fits too well with the ask not to say it. He made plushies of everyone and out them in a claw machine. And when MC got the plushie of him they got a special prize too.
Back to headcanons, he 100% made plushies of the two of you but was too embarrassed to give them to you. You found them by accident during a gaming night.
He usually uses pillows to make himself comfortable when reading, but if MC were to give him any plushie he would 100% use them. Especially those soft squishmallows, he considers them both cute and useful.
No plushies allowed in his room for the most part. He doesn't have anything against them...he just sneaks in cats(and other animals sometimes) in his room so he doesn't want to risk then destroying anything of yours. But when he brings in a cat that he knows won't tear any stuffed toy apart? He is encouraging you to bring your collection. Cute animals cuddling with your plushies is win-win for both of you. He will clean any hairs left on them
He is also quite fond of the moments you two are reading something, snuggled up in your bed full of plushies, especially if you fall asleep. Tho are some of the moments he can feel how the wrath melts away.
Finds them so cute and insists of taking photos with all of them. If you're up to it, he totally drags into your pile of plushies to take photos and cuddle.
He probably has a ton of photos of you cuddling a plushie. Both in your room and in his.
Speaking of his room, he has his own collection of plushies from his fans. You are free to take whatever plushie you desire the most. He will also give you any plushies that resemble him for 'when you miss him'.
One of the demons to go to when you need a plushie to be fixed. Or if you want a new outfit for one of them. He would be more than happy to do it for you. He also sprays them with one of his perfumes as a final touch.
He is used to it from Belphegor. He treats all of your plushies respectfully and handles them with care. Tho make sure the ones that look like food aren't up at the front.
If he has to carry you into your room when you fall asleep in other parts of the house he makes sure to put a few of them in your arms to cuddle with.
He took a few of them into his room so when you spent the night you would have them close by. After the brothers found that out they started doing the same.
Also, if you were to gift him a plushie he would carry it around everywhere(he actually did that in canon with a doll made for him by Belphie)
So does he. He has a bunch of pillows and plushies to cuddle with whenever you or Beel aren't available. His collection is bigger than yours, but that is to be expected since he has been collecting them for hundreds of years.
Often steals plushies from you cause they have your scent. On the same note, he sometimes leaves some of his in your room so they can get your scent.
One of the people in HOL who can fix plushies for you in case they get a tear. He also made a plushie or two for you, that includes plushies that look like him and his brothers.
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fleursbending · 2 years
𝐈'𝐦 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞. | Jake Sully
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : as your dad navigates his grief, you're there to remind him just of one thing. that you won't be leaving him as well.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : dad!jake sully x neteyams twin sister!reader
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : the very highly anticipated sully!daughter fic is finally here to cure all your daddy issues. it is imperative you read pt 1 because none of this is going to make any sense! hope u have some tissues cause this is a tough one! i also suggest you listen to this on repeat while reading, it just encapsulates perfectly the aura surrounding this story.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : atwow spoilers, talks of death and grief, sm hurt/comfort, dialogue-heavy, missing neteyam hours, dad!jake is in deep pain.
𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 : skimwing - pandoran creature inhabiting the tropical oceans, ‘ite - daughter, sempul - father, ngaytxoa - sorry, my apologies (acknowledgment of guilt and regret), olo'eyktan - clan leader, sa'nok - mother, mawey - calm, 'eveng - child, yawntutsyìp - darling / little loved one, tsmukan - brother, rey’eng - the balance of life.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 3.2k words (are we surprised) ?!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 : @pandorainmymind @eywas-heir @spicycloudsalad @missdreamofendless @prty-poisxn @scarlettwitch-4 @23victoria @avidreader3107 @purplehyacinthss @itssiaaax @neteyamoa @tsireyasgf @nijirozzz @useryourbut @yua-himari @sweetheartlizzie07 @grierpilots @reneehillary69 @fruitsalad1 @forasgaard @iwaslikeblah @dumb-fawkin-bitch @theicemav @narutoboi
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 this past few weeks. It greeted you in disguise, leaching at every hope that remained after your brother had taken his last breath. Slowly, but surely - its efforts won in the end. 
After the battle had come to a finish, time stilled once you returned back to the rock. And it escaped you entirely when you returned Neteyam back to Eywa. 
To Y/n, it did not matter that the Metkayina had accepted her family as one of the people. Is this what it had to take? Her brother being ruthlessly killed by the sky demons to really prove their worth? If anything, it made her feel deeply ashamed - scorned.
Everything around Awa'atlu was a reminder of where he coexisted amongst you. The laughter you shared, the games you'd play with Tuk. The teasing and riding your Ilu's together. It played like an old record, jammed in the forefront of your mind. 
That was why you couldn't fall back asleep, tonight the onslaught of harsh memories had demanded your attention. Taunting you, egging you on - what you have lost. What won't remain. 
A frustrated huff fell from you in the silent darkness of your mauri. In the midst of your cuddle pile that your family rested in nightly, there was a gaping space left untouched. The one right beside you. 
It was where he would reside once turning in for the night. These sleeping arrangements were still something you struggled to grow accustomed to. Even if fatigued gnawed at your eyelids, your heart refused to let you rest.
 A faint yet distinct figure pushes themselves up from the pile then, Y/n squints her eyes as they start to make their way out of the mauri. They widen in recognition, it was her father. Where was he heading out to this late into the eclipse? 
Ever so slightly she wriggles and attempts to maneuver out of Lo'ak's hold, the poor boy hadn't been able to disconnect from your side since the unfortunate day. Y/n knows he felt immense guilt for his actions that weren't even his fault. 
But that was something else to worry about for another day.
As you mimic your dad's movements from moments ago, your head turns to look back at your family. Okay, good. None of them had awoken from their deep slumbers.
Whisking around, Y/n peeps out of their mauri. Heart thudding, but oh - there he is. 
Jake had seated himself at a spot on top of the boat that had been gifted to your family after your father had been able to successfully ride a Skimwing. The same spot Kiri sat when she and their father shared a conversation, you had only witnessed the end of it. Unfortunately, you and Neteyam had to cut it short after dragging Ao'nung to them and demanding the idiotic boy, confess to his dumb shenanigans. 
That was the day when you thought you were going to lose Lo'ak. 
It's crazy how little you knew of back then.
Her heart felt so brittle, knowing it was also the spot that had become her and Neteyam's. After seeing it being used that day, it was where you two would go to have quiet intimate conversations. From your worries as the elder kids, or to any fun things that have occurred that day. The both of you had claimed it, but now it had been abandoned. 
Y/n hadn't stepped foot close to its vicinity ever since….everything.
Taking a deep sigh to calm herself, she tiptoed over to Jake.
Nevertheless, Jake alert as ever immediately whipped around. Eyes holding something akin to being on the defense.
Raising your hands up in alarm, you whisper to him, "Dad, hey! It's just me, it's just me."
His mouth gapes as he slumped back down. His shoulders promptly drained away the sudden tension that had built up from the shock. 
"Ah, 'ite. Sorry, you scared me. He spoke, but his voice sounded worlds away. 
You peer down at him, he wasn't usually one to be scared. 
"It is okay, sempul. I should have announced my presence. I'm the one who should be sorry."
He rasped out, "Stop apologising, you do not need to apologise!"
Her ears flatten then, folding themselves back. Y/n's tail lowly swishes in anxiousness at his rash tone. 
"Sempul-" You said in a small panicky voice.
He hushed you, making you sit down by him. Jake brought you into his arms, holding onto you as tight as he could without harming you. 
"I'm so sorry, sweet girl. I shouldn't have yelled at you." He continued to express his regrets quietly as he rocked you in his arms, chin pressed to the top of your head.
The luminescent ocean ceased its aggravated waves then as if to give you a tender moment of peace. 
Jake chokes on his next words, and it makes you straighten up in an instant. There's a resounding affliction that lingers in the words that flow out of him like he'd been slammed back to earth. 
"Losing a twin is far worse in comparison to losing your legs."
The cries saddle him then, and it pierces through your core. He's trembling a worrisome amount, cowering away from your imploring gaze. 
You've never heard your father cry before. Not like this.
"Ngaytxoa, sempul." 
It was something you'd only say in dire moments to drive the point home whenever you screwed up really badly. An admission of guilt, something that holds more weight than the sorry's you've been speaking back and forth to each other since the beginning of this encounter.
Jake knew this, far too well actually. It made him tense up.
You know the tales, the struggles he had to overcome when he was disabled. How much he loathed himself and the life earth had carved out and boxed him in. His brother's death was his calling to try to do something greater with his life. 
Then he became a dream walker, a body that gave him far more solitude than he ever imagined. Jake never wanted to return to his human form due to how in tune he felt with his na'vi body.
The sentence he had just uttered made you frankly realise how burdening his grief must be for him.
His firstborn son, his hopes and dreams. His entire life. Neteyam was his boy. Jake's mighty fisherman, Jake's mighty warrior, Jake's solitude.
 It all came at you in full force then. 
The devastated man before you didn't even care about how worthless all the training for Neteyam becoming the future Olo'ekytan came to be. He came to terms with that once he made the tough decision for his family to leave everything they have ever known. 
It paled in comparison to the remorse he felt for what he could have experienced with his son instead. That was something that bothered Jake to the bone. The fact that he would never be able to make up for the lost time with Neteyam. 
He'd never be able to share a new moment with him again. 
The duration of his fatherhood began with Neteyam, and a part of it sunk alongside his child when the sea anemone passed him on to the great mother.
Now you were all that remained of him, and Jake had never felt such immeasurable unsettled shame. His one duty as a father is to protect his children. To guide you through life, to aid you in whatever way was possible for him. Even with the tiny wiggle room you'd given him to do so, he tried his best. 
For the first time with you though - his best was not enough. 
Jake failed your family, and in doing so, he failed you. 
His firstborn daughter, his pride and joy. His softness. You were his unbreaking glue, the one who kept him together. He couldn't utilise that this time, Jake did not deserve that. 
Although he was a fool to think so cruelly because you were just like him. 
He too was what remained of a bond so unwavering and mighty. A remnant of what could have been, what has been lost - and what is forced to stay.
While you never witnessed firsthand him experiencing that, he relived it through you and Neteyam. He admired you two graciously, seeing you both flourish amongst one another. How an attachment so noticeable and persistent, only grew in tandem over the years.
Wherever Neteyam and Y/n would be, they swiftly knew they were in the same proximity to each other. Y/n never had to look, she just knew it was him. Jake knows this because he nurtured you, taught you the ways of the people like Neytiri had done for him all those years ago. 
Two peas in a pod, an impenetrable force. Each other's shadow, each other's light. 
You both would always weave each other out of the darkness that bloomed in your minds every now and then. Conveying the importance of what life has to offer. 
Forced to mature at a quicker pace than most kids your age, because the world you lived in demands it. Forced to learn the ways of war when your tiny hands could barely even wrap around a trigger of a gun. 
He wasn't easy on you two.
Now more than ever, he wished he had been.
"Oh, dad." You mumbled, tears beginning to well up in your own eyes as you tug him back into another embrace. 
There in his baby daughter's arms, he finally lets it all out. Somber wails ebb into your shoulder as you squeeze him, giving Jake some much-needed security. There, he allows himself to wallow in his grief, letting it finally catch up on him.
At the end of the day, he was a father who had lost one of his greatest accomplishments.
And you were his kid who lost two pillars in her life. Your home, and your twin. It was haunting you every waking moment, the thoughts of what you should be experiencing. What he should be doing. 
It felt like the world was ridding Jake of all he has to live for, a repetition so caving and tumultuous. 
"Now your kid has to really follow in your footsteps," is the dread that drills in his mind. 
You didn't deserve this, once again he felt and harbored the most guilt. It was like he was watching Home Tree fall right before his eyes all over again. 
It was all his fault, and without exception - always will be.
As if Y/n read his mind, and picked apart all that he currently is. The inner turmoils he had been forced to with had come to an all-time peak.
She soothed, "It's not your fault."
He sighs in return, "Y/n."
You shake your head, that same determination from when you were both trapped in the sinking ship flickering in your eyes. 
"It is not your fault." You annunciate each word, each syllable.
You survey him, letting out a low scoff at his avoidant eyes. 
"We cannot do this to ourselves. It cannot be mine, Lo'ak's, or your burden to keep. If we head in that direction, we'll meet that demon ship on the ocean floor." 
Some of those words sink in with her as well, she knows she can't keep living like this.
Y/n realises that her words aren't resonating with Jake. The man before her was a shell of her father that could usually endure anything that came his way.
Jake was distraught, frantic for answers - why him? Why his family? Why Neteyam?
You survey your surroundings then, trying to see if you can knock him out of the reverie that has taken him by storm. You didn't want to be too abrupt with it, not wanting another abrasive reaction like before to happen.
All you see is the cerulean water.
Y/n lets her hands glide along the tide, cupping some in her hands only to then let it sprinkle over Jake.
He blinks at the sudden cold raining over him. 
"Sorry, 'ite-"
"I think we should forbid that word from being mentioned for the rest of tonight." 
Jake lets out a huff through his nose in response.
"Ma sempul, please. Look at me. You haven't properly done so since that night." You plead to him.
He gulps, gripping at the boat beneath him and letting his knuckles turn a stark white.
"I can't." He cries out, eyes squeezing shut in remorse and chagrin. 
"Yes, you can. Come on, dad." 
Shaky hands grab at his face, almost slipping at the sheer amount of tears that cascade like a ruthless never-ending waterfall. 
His heavy eyes try to stay level with your arms that have reached out for his face. 
Before finally, he looks at you.
A soundless sob rakes through him then, and in return, you shed a few of your own. 
"I miss him, I miss him so much. I can't sleep, I can barely stomach anything. I can't properly take care of your mother, our family-"
His words stumble out of him at a rapid pace, but you do your best to soothe him as he tries to catch his breath through some sniffles.
"-I can't be a good father while navigating this grief." 
Finally, he properly exhales. Releasing himself from the internal battles that had kept him restless all this time.
You pat his cheek in reassurance and fondness, "That's where you're wrong. You're being a good father right now."
He inhaled shakily, the waterworks returning to him at your genuine ways of trying to give him comfort. Jake is terrified though, he'd never been this vulnerable with you.
Maybe when you were a lot younger, yes
But life swept you both up, too invested in your own responsibilities. Back then there was time for your father-daughter extravaganzas. A time when he'd be able to take you out in broad daylight and let you go flying with him on his Ikran. Before the sky people returned,  before Jake had to reassemble his war party and train them heavily again. 
A time when being Olo'eyktan wasn't as demanding as it came to be. 
Jake's hands grab onto yours, inevitable shame still coursing through him. 
He should be the one comforting you, not the other way around.
But grief demands to be felt. It's not something you can outrun, it'll overtake you eventually. 
You try to dispel some of his fears. 
"It's okay right now to feel all these things, sempul. But we can't let it overrule us, we can't let it win." 
Subconsciously, he squeezes your hand that still lingered on the apple of his cheek. There was an unsettling glimmer that still lay behind his eyes. Y/n knew then, there was a root he had yet to relinquish. There was still something brewing in his head that had been the biggest reason that he'd been kept awake these past few nights.
Y/n tilts her head, wordlessly questioning him. Beckoning Jake to reveal the mangled web that connected everything together. 
His hands tremor once more, lips wobbling as he struggles to maintain his already fractured composure. The sight leaves a heavy weight on your heart, desperately wanting to know already so you could try to ease the pain. 
After a moment's reflection, he speaks, "Every time I look at you, I'm so scared it's going to be the last time, 'ite."
Neteyam sighs from above you both then. Eywa looks at him, daring him to voice out his thoughts.
"They are so determined and hard-headed, great mother. You know, the people always said to us that I was more like sa'nok. But she was always a carbon copy of our sempul. Ugh, I miss them." 
She hums in acknowledgment, the great mother already knowing this. 
They both return to peer down at the two figures below them.
"I just can't. I won't lose you too." He reiterates then, mind clouded at the thought of losing you the same way you all lost Neteyam. 
The sky people would cease to exist if they dares to do such an act.
"Sempul, mawey. I am not going anywhere. I am staying right here. I will always be here. He will always be here, I'm sure he is now." 
Neteyam chuckles at that, how ironic.
 He points to you excitedly, "see great mother, it's like this twin telepathy thing." 
Y/n rests the palm of her hand against Jake's chest, where her dad's heart stills. 
"I do not know what it feels like, to be a parent. But I know what it does feel like, to be your daughter. It is the greatest gift Eywa could ever give me, dad. I won't ever take that for granted, not anymore. You won't lose me, especially not like that." Your words hinted at a darker ending, one you dearly hoped you wouldn't be meeting anytime soon. 
You'd do anything in your power to keep that promise to your father, it's the least you can do after all the trauma he has had to clamber through. 
"Ma ‘eveng." 
Y/n gives him a wistful smile, and he returns it with the most genuine grin you've seen ever since the passing. 
It gave you a semblance of relief. Now having a true grasp of your father's mind as of late, Y/n couldn't help but feel repentant. It'll be alright though, time doesn't have to be kind to you. As long as you are with one another, you'll continue to help him in any way possible to fight his grief. 
"Thank you, yawntutsyìp." Jake beams, and you know you don't have to say anything in return for him to see the gratitude you hold towards him.
You stand then, tugging at his hand for him to come with you.
"Come on old pal, let's get some much-needed sleep."
He scoffed, fingers darting to your sides and pinching them - "I'm not that old!"
Y/n giggles, leaning into him and hugging Jake's waist. He guides you back into the dark of your mauri.
Seeing your family all resting harmoniously gave you a newfound sense of hope. It'll take time to heal and grow from this, sure. But you're the Sully's.
You've made it through the utmost of hell, surely you can make your way back down.
Even if your inner demons continued to nag at your mind, - you stood by your stance then.
Y/n would do it all over again if it meant she could return back to her family at night. If at the end of the day - she can meet them, feel their presence with her. That was enough.
It gave her the greatest consolation that she still felt him then, her tsmukan. Her rey'eng.
Her reason to make it through another day. 
Y/n's protector who will always and forever be mighty, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan. 
He held his hand to his heart then. Neteyam would forever be indebted to Eywa, the boy appreciative that indeed - he could feel you too.
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⤷ feedback and reblogs are always much appreciated ! feel free to ask through my inbox if you would like to join my taglist. ♡
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Falling asleep on their shoulder (Obey me brothers x reader)
Summary: It had been a long day for you, barely able to walk through the doors of the House of Lamentation, let alone it’s long corridors. Upon seeing him, you felt instantly relaxed at their comforting presence, sitting right beside them and head resting on their shoulder…
Pairing: om! brothers x reader (separate)
💙 Lucifer
Lucifer was in his office, buried in paperwork when you opened the door with no warning. This startled him only slightly, but he could only watch as you plop onto the empty space in his large office chair, cuddling up to his arm and resting your head on his shoulder.
Seeing you being able to easily fall asleep like this in such an uncomfortable position, he felt almost jealous. He was still drowning in paperwork he needed to fill out, stacks of documents piling up on his desk. He wish he could rest as easily as you did at this moment.
Lucifer sighs out, worrying about the back pain you may experience if you stayed in the office chair with him, as well as the possibility of waking you up from your slumber when he would move around while he worked.
He carefully cradled you in his arms, lifting you off the office chair and letting you nestle your head near his chest. He carries you to the couch in the corner space of his office, laying you down there and resting your head on a soft pillow.
Truth be told, Lucifer had a couch here because you had a habit of waiting for him in his office while he worked. As your stubbornness kept you there, even during the long hours of him burning through the candlelight, he figured you might as well be comfortable.
He drapes a soft comforter that Lucifer had ready for you, and dimmed the lights in his office. He stood next to you, admiring your peaceful expression with great admiration.
"I'll join you on your rest soon, Y/N," he calls affectionately and plants a kiss on your forehead that was as soft as a feather.
"But for now, I suppose you'll have to rest for the both of us," he chuckles to himself before getting up to return to his desk, continuing his work with a newfound burst of energy, smiling to himself at the mere thought of you.
💛 Mammon
"Wake up, Y/N whaddya think you're doing...?!"
A part of Mammon likes to think this will effectively wake you up and you would get off him immediately, but the reality of it is he's whispering frantically because in actuality, he doesn't want you to wake up.
He does a double check if you're actually as fast asleep as you seemed. He's poking your cheek and whispering things like "Quick, Y/N, Lucifer's coming!" to alert you, but your nose only twitched as you proceeded to softly snore while continuing to cuddle up closer to the tsundere demon.
"Y'know... you're real cute when you're sleeping. It's like you're from the Celestial Realm or something...," Mammon mutters to himself while he stares at your resting face. He covers his heating up cheeks with his hands, thinking of how embarrassing his words were.
He warms up the idea of being close to you, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in closer, rubbing gentle circles on your arm. He starts whistling absentmindedly, tapping his shoe as he wishes you were awake. Mammon loved talking to you, spending every waking moment with you. You were his human after all, yet he'd rather choke than admit any of it.
"And I like being close like this...," he whispers in a soft voice with a faint mutter from embarrassment.
"But ya better not be awake, okay? I'd never hear the end of it from you..."
🧡 Leviathan
He’s perpetually frozen in his spot, internally combusting as you casually fall asleep on his shoulder. Leviathan at this point is extremely red in the face, tensing up as you move your head around his shoulder. Every moment your soft breath tickles his neck shivers are sent down his spine. You're so close to him, was was he supposed to do?!
This poor demon is pleading for help repeatedly in his mind, but there was no one near the two of you on the couch. He pinched himself, wondering if he was dreaming, that the human he liked so much was willing to be so close to him. Not to mention, the trust of his own physical contact...
Yet you being fast asleep made things at least a little bit easier for Leviathan. Ever since he had taken this liking to you, his mind runs a bit wild romantically. Wondering how it would be like to kiss your soft lips, hold your hand, give you a warm embrace. All things that the poor demon would faint from even attempting.
With Leviathan’s shaking hand he gently holds yours, treating it with the care of an rare jewel. Leviathan presses his palms against yours, and his heart explodes seeing how small your hand was in comparison to his. His fingers intertwine with yours, stabilizing as he lightly squeezed your hand.
Leviathan's heart is full and he smiles fondly at being able to do something as small as holding your hand. When he sees you shift your head, he quickly drops your hand to bury his face in his collar, stuttering curses to himself about how embarrassing yet adorable that was.
💚 Satan
Satan, naturally, was in the library sitting by the fireplace while being completely enamored in a book he was reading. When you started to make his way towards him, Satan closes his book quickly to see you and gives you a calm wave that you mindlessly ignored.
"Ah, Y/N it's good to see you. I've started this new novel, it's about a detective that-"
Satan was quickly cut off with your next few steps, curling up next to him and resting your head on his shoulder. He frowns at first, wondering if even the mention of his novel was boring you. The first thing he noticed was the bags under your eyes, and your arms wrapping around his shoulder while you slept.
"Oh, I see. You were just tired, weren't you?" Satan speaks quietly in amusement, setting down his book to drape his jacket over your shoulders and patting your head.
Your behavior when you slept reminded Satan of a cat, and his heartstrings felt a small tug seeing you this adorable. He was rather content with you being here with him like this.
Satan loosely places his left hand on your waist and started to lean his own head against yours. With his right hand picking his novel back up and started to read his story. He was surrounded by everything that could ever bring him this much happiness, what more could he ask for?
💖 Asmodeus
"Oh, Y/N not on my new shirt!" Asmo sighs out as he looks at your fatigued state, shaking his head in dismay. He was practically begging for you to not start drooling.
Asmodeus has been the biggest advocate for you to take care of yourself, and is always quick to know when you didn’t get enough sleep last night by your physical mannerisms. So when he saw you stumble into his room and practically collapse onto him, he couldn’t help but feel his heart sink a little and pout at you.
While you’re asleep, he carefully lays your head onto a soft pillow and starts gently helping you with your skin routine. Taking off your makeup, especially! If you don’t normally wear any he tends to put on a quick cleanser.
“And… done!” Asmo looks down at you one last time, his hand lingering on your face to caress your cheek gently.
“How’re you gonna thank me for saving you from bad skin, hm?” he questions as he looks down at you affectionately, admiring your beauty in such a relaxed and peaceful state.
Asmo let’s out a soft giggle and kisses the top of your head. “I think that’ll do it~”
❤️ Beelzebub
Beelzebub was alone in the kitchen, snacking on some chips from the pantry when you showed up without warning.
"Oh, Y/N these are the last bag of chips, I'm not sure if you wanted any-"
Wordlessly, you plop in the seat next to him and rest your head on Beel's broad shoulder, fast asleep. He was very unbothered by this behavior, and rather enjoyed such casual physical intimacy with you.
When he realized how tired you were he didn’t hesitate to put down his half-finished bag of chips and carry you into his arms to take you some place more comfortable. The sweet boy was very worried for you! The chips can wait, you are his first priority in this moment. Regardless, his brothers know better than to take any food from him.
Through the hallways he would pass by his brothers who he politely shushes to keep it down so you could continue to rest without any disturbance. He takes you to your room and lays you down on your bed.
This moment reminded of when Beelzebub cared for his twin brother when they were younger, and so he was well trained in giving you maximum comfort. He tucked you into bed with some space over your shoulders so you wouldn’t be too hot waking up. He put out a glass of water and some snacks for you to have, too! It took everything in him to not eat it himself, but he was content thinking of happy you’ll look having something to eat (and the chance for you to share some of the snacks with him). Beel also dims any harsh light in your room that might wake you up.
And when he thought everything was perfect, he climbed into bed and cuddled up to you. He was like a teddy bear that couldn’t wait to feel your warm embrace, it was too adorable to resist! His grip was rather loose, not wanting to accidentally smother you.
When Beel could finally relax and ease up knowing you were okay and resting, he slowly drifts into a slumber with a content smile on his face.
💜 Belphegor
Belphie was already in bed by the time you stumbled upon his room. He was in the midst of falling asleep sitting upright, but before he could completely doze off he heard the door open, flashing a lazy smile to see you appear.
Before he could say anything you were already approaching his bed, climbing in wordlessly and resting your head gently on his shoulder. The sloth demon felt at ease to see you at peace, and on top of that, trusting that you'd feel safe with him.
He wraps his arms around you and gently leads the two of you to lay down. Belphie pulls the comforters that he was covered in earlier and wraps it snugly around both of your figures.
This feeling only felt natural to the sloth demon, being able to relax in his element of peace and tranquility. Even though it would normally be in solitude, he was more than happy to be able to share this moment with you.
Belphie absentmindedly enjoys playing with your hair, laughing softly as he twirls it around his fingers, moving it out of the way to give you a soft kiss on the neck. He buries his face into your shoulder, holding you a little tighter before promptly falling asleep next to you.
For once he’s a bit excited to wake up, knowing that it’ll be next to you. But for now, he’ll enjoy the sweet slumber he’ll have at your side.
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moon0shadow · 1 month
Obey Me Brothers in Heat but instead of them being horny, they're just hella broody like how chickens and birds get.
Part 1: Lucifer
TW: Animal-Like Behavior, Mentions of 'Heat' Cycles, Possessiveness, Mentions of Skipped Meals , Brothers being weird towards The Human Exchange Student as usual.
MC with They/Them Pronouns and no specified gender, Use of 'You' pronouns too because my dumb writer brain can't decide on which to use.
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Demons have a phase where they go into heat in a way, becoming more territorial, protective, their demons form out and looking more feral than usual and most stereotypically, they get hella horny. But not all demons get the need to bone and instead their heat fuels more parental instincts instead. Lucifer and his brothers are clear examples of this, perhaps being fallen angels fuels this side of them, who knows.
🦚 Lucifer: - Lucifer's broodiness is known the most due to being the eldest brother, before MC came along, Lucifer would often kidnap one or occasionally two of his brothers and keep them in whatever nest he had made, usually in his bedroom or office, anywhere he felt safest during his broods. His brothers often try to hide when Lucifer gets broody so MC is a literal sacrificial lamb as they were left unaware of this fact until they saw Lucifer lumbering towards them one morning before snatching them up with no explanation.
- MC would find themselves in Lucifer's study, forced to lay in a pile of various blankets, pillows and even clothes from Lucifer's bedroom, it'll smell like a chicken coop (a fancy chicken coop but still) with scattered feathers all over the place. Any attempt at escape is futile as Lucifer will drag you back to his nest regardless of how hard you try to escape it. Same thing if anybody were to have the balls to actually try and separate Lucifer from you, they'd probably end up curled up on the floor in pain if they actually tried to prevent Lucifer from brooding his 'chick'.
- Due to the fear of babybird escape attempts, Lucifer would often go without eating for the duration of his brood cycle, always watching and preventing you from leaving. Due to this, his Brothers tend to leave various foods and water bottles outside his 'den' for both you and him but mostly you, Lucifer is a demon so a week or so without food wouldn't necessarily hurt him but you're human and humans need food and water everyday of course. Lucifer will try and feed you like how a mama bird does and yes, he will get angry if you refuse so you might as well just accept the imaginary airplane coming towards your face.
- His cuddles are nice though, he likes to curl up against you with his wings obscuring your form from view, protecting you from everything that could hurt you. Once his cycle is over, he tends to act like nothing happened, usually too ashamed over how he acts during his broods, he warns his brothers to never speak of it or else... Outside of his broods, he'll catch himself referring to you as 'Chick' or 'Babybird', best not to tease him about it or you'll end up back in the nest where you belong.
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sribbles-drabbles · 2 years
I’m bored, so, fuck it!! The Obey Me! Brothers with fluff prompt 1:
“You know, I don’t think standing on a spinny chair was your best idea…”
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That’s all the avatar of pride heard and needed to hear before bolting up from his desk and towards your room.
When he sees you on the floor, books from your top shelf scattered and your spinny chair spinning, he puts two and two together.
He immediately sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
But then he smiles and laughs, helping you up and kissing any areas that are bruised.
If you’re really hurt he’ll give you medical attention.
And then his attention…
He’s determined to make you feel good after all~
Makes sure you know how unsafe what you did was with a lecture.
He rewarded you before because it made him feel better. It was a small fall, but he was still genuinely worried.
He then tells you if there’s anything up high again to call him, and he’ll be more than happy to retrieve it for you.
“Next time, call to me dear. I’ll get anything for you, even of it’s just out of reach.”
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Listen, to date Mammon, you gotta be somewhat the same kind of idiot.
Thus when you stand on a spinny chair, his first instinct is to spin it.
And then you go flying off of it and onto the floor because he’s a DEMON and the man doesn’t know his own strength when he goofs.
You hit the ground and Mammon is a deer in headlights.
And then is a concerned puppy.
He runs over, and grabs you by the shoulders, shaking you and asking if you’re ok, all while giving you whiplash.
You have to yell at him and let him know your fine.
Then he looks even more like a hurt puppy.
Hug him and listen to him ramble as he apologizes.
He really never meant to hurt you, it was supposed to be funny!
Literally tears up out of worry, fear, and guilt. He knows your fragile and never wants harm to come to you.
“O-Oi!! I’m sorry, but no more standin on the spinny chair, got it!! I don’t want you to fall again…”
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This man is having a heart attack.
He enters his room to see you standing on his spinny gamer cuhair and reaching for his manga on the highest shelf.
Immediately rushes over and asks you to get down.
When you look down at him and tell him you’re fine and just getting the manga, he gives you a terrified expression.
Wether he’s more worried for you or the manga is anyone’s guess.
He still holds the chair for you while you get the manga.
He then makes sure you get down ok.
He’ll ask you to NEVER do that again, saying you could’ve knocked over his manga, figures, or broken his chair.
You know that he was obviously more worried about you getting hurt though from the way he pulls you to his tub and hold you close, like you’ll disappear.
You really scared him, but he’s glad he made it here in time.
“D-Don’t do that!!! You could get r-really hurt!! And you could’ve broken my limited edition Ruri-chan figure!!”
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He warned you not to stand on the spinny chair. You did it anyways and fell, thus his sympathy is minimum.
You had decided to use the spinny chair to reach a book on top of a precarious pile of books in Satan’s room.
In response, your boyfriend looks up from his book, and tells you it’s not a good idea, offering you his foot stool that he uses to get books instead.
If you laugh and tell him not to worry, he’ll eye you and sigh, telling you again that it’s not a good idea.
And then you fall.
He closes his book and stands up from where he was reading to go over to you.
If you’re really hurt, he’ll pick you up and bring you over to his bed where he’ll check you over.
If your pride is the only thing bruised, he’ll chuckle and help you to your feet, kissing you on your cheek with a “I told you so”.
Cuddles then ensue as he gets the book you wanted down, and you end up reading it together.
“I said standing on that chair was a bad idea, and you should know, i’m usually right.”
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“Hon what are you doing?! Wait, get down-!!”
When you hit the ground, you manage to land on Asmo who attempted to catch you, but failed miserably.
You’re relatively unharmed from your escapade of attempting to get one of Asmo’s beauty products off his shelf for him.
He was doing his makeup when he saw what you were doing behind him in the mirror and managed to rush over and break your fall.
Unfortunately, you’re now crushing him.
He cries about how much pain he’s in, and how he needs you to kiss every inch of him to make him better!!
Take your attention away from him for 2 seconds and he’ll pout and cry until he wins it back again.
After all, he is your baby, and you owe him for saving your life.
Treat him to a nice lunch out and whatever intimate activities he wants that night and it’s like it never happened.
But boy howdy he’ll milk you injuring him with your silliness for all it’s worth, not that your particularly upset by spoiling him.
“Ah!! I think you hurt my lips too in your fall!! My beautiful face….would you kiss it better, hon~?”
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This man manages to actually catch you.
He’s so relived he was able to as well.
While trying to reach something up high in your room you climb on your spinny desk chair.
Beel looks away from the movie the two of you were watching and the third bag of popcorn he was eating, noticing you wobble.
He swallows his mouthful of popcorn before springing to his feet and dashing to catch you.
He obviously has quick reflexes as an athlete.
You land in his strong arms, and when you look up at him he looks worried but then exhales and gives you his signature soft, relived, smile.
Thank him and he’ll blush, saying he was just glad he was here to catch you.
You two then return to your movie, snacks, and some candy Beel fetched from his room as a treat.
Beel loves being helpful, and if he’s helpful to you, he couldn’t be happier. Keeping you safe means the world to him, even if he only saved you from a spinny chair.
“Woah!…..Are you ok…? Why don’t you join me for some more popcorn instead of climbing on that thing…”
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Probably encouraged the chair standing to begin with as a way to annoy Lucifer and stick it to the man.
Thus he holds the chair as you stand to keep it from moving out from underneath you.
Why are you on a chair in the middle of the living-room? Literally no reason aside for the aforementioned.
Belphie is cautious, but as you show off a little TOO MUCH and turn a little TOO FAST, you hit the ground, just barley missing your pillow loving boyfriend.
Belphie immediately turns to you and puts his beloved cow pillow beneath your head while moving the chair out of the way
Checks you over for injuries and then sighs in relif
Calls you an idiot but then curls into your side. That way if anyone asks you two can tell them you both decided to try sleeping on the floor.
Plans to annoy Lucifer long forgotten, you both opt to cuddle instead of standing on anymore spinny chairs.
“Our plan may have failed, but at least we get to cuddle together, even if it is on the dusty floor.”
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zephyrchama · 7 months
Post Masterlist
(*not currently being updated because this post won't let me add any more links. Am looking for a workaround and will hopefully update it shortly!)
Headcanons and Silly Ideas List
Groupchat without MC High Pitched Noises When the HoL is too dirty Angrily using their full titles MC and alcohol MC's schedule Mammon's Nightmare Levi's Room Password Satan and Goncharov Sneezing Solomon in Nightbringer but based on WandaVision Brothers & Long haired MC Outside their Comfort Zones Soap Cursing False Eyelashes Chin on Palm Challenge Diavolo's Events Morning Routine Fasting MC April Fool's Sleeping in the HoL's shared space Luke learns slang Different Tastes Unnoticed :D Jobs Fridge Art Hatsuharu Belphegor Fall in love again
Cursed Chips Overly Expectant Asmo Asserting Dominance Mammon's First Grimm MC and periods Reluctant Thirteen Lucifer's Portrait Mammon's Wallet Would Lucifer still love you as a worm? Welcome Home Hugs Your foot feels hot Waking Mammon Up RAD's Uniforms Confident Levi Your Favorite Song House of Lamentation MC's Phone Background Laundry Master Something on Beel's face Diavolo's Pen Pal Barbatos' purse Language (Lucifer & Mammon) Satan & non-booksmart MC
On Your Shoulder MC on a sports team Movie with Mammon Asmo's MC scarf Beel & Grated Cheese Hand Holding (Barbatos) Belphegor's wake-up call Sweaty Beelzebub Demon Sayings Hand holding is magic (Solomon) "Whatcha got there, Satan?" Necklace (Mammon & Lucifer) Lucifer Charging Station Can't be trusted in MC's house (+ Diavolo's part two) 6 o'clock (Beelzebub) Do you know where your human exchange student is? Inhuman Abilities (Luke) Barbatos' Birthday Invites
Mini Fics
From Sheep to Human Free Massage Tickets Movie Night with Diavolo and Barbatos Church Wedding Back cracking Lap Pillow (Mammon and Belphegor) Rushed April Fools Day 2024 piece (boop) Levi needs a break Is Simeon's fridge running? Paper cut (Satan) Punching Bag Going Away The Cuddle Pile Knowing Everything Water Wrinkles A New Game Hide & Seek Sunshine (Mammon, Levi, Belphegor) Late Night Activities (Lucifer) The Most Popular Book The Problem with Naps (Belphegor) Dark Past Barbatos Birthday
Ask Requests (that I've gotten to so far)
Wasp fear Vampire MC A crumb of Leviathan fluff Follow-up to MC with Periods Birthday
Info about the blog owner:
Hi! I've very recently gotten into writing and wanted to give it a chance, in vague hopes of writing an original story some day. I've been playing Obey Me! since literally the day the OG was released. I don't read much fanfic or do fandom stuff much at all, but it seemed fun and I wanted to try getting closer to the fandom. I am a hardcore cosplayer so whenever a convention is coming up this blog will get slow as I focus on sewing. I'm close to 30 years old, I'm ace which is why this blog has suggestive content but won't really get more intense than that. My asks are open but expect a really slow response because I am so shy hkgahkj. I take requests but no guarantee I'll write them, or it may take several months. Am also very open to constructive critique! Thanks for reading.
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obeymematches · 5 months
Hi there ,I really like your writing! So I wanted to ask you how the demon brothers would react to a MC turning into a little toddler ? (Because of some spell/forbidden book curse etc,you choose) MC being super adorable and sweet like the "perfect" toddler somewhat? Being a little funny too and giggling/smiling a lot ,also loving the brothers and being very comforting with them!
ahhh i wish my own toddler was so nice and sweet lmao
he is though but only if i let him get what he wanted
Toddler MC
• Sigh
• The only other person not out of their mind in this house turned into a toddler somehow
• Pretty sure it was a curse against him
• Listen dear I doubt he gets along with a toddler for an entire day
• Though you being nice to him, showing him daffodils, rocks with your sticky little hands, hugging his leg until he picks you up helps a lot.
• He is in his prime during bedtime; reading you stories is his favourite part of the day. You are a good, curious kid & never throw a tantrum when he is with you. It is so peaceful he doesn’t actually want it to end. He tells you another story even if he has already told you 4.
• Oh jesus thank God you were turned into a toddler and not him!
• At first he isn’t too sure about what to do with you but quickly gets the hang of playing a bit roughly
• You know the kind of playtime moms don’t wanna see
• He spins you around, hangs you upside down, throws you into a pile of pillows, lets you sit on his neck, throws you in the air, stuff like this.
• It does good for your confidence levels regarding child development plus! you get tired super fast after spending time with him.
• You, him and Levi have a freeze dance competition every afternoon! Sometimes they won’t let you win though.
• Doesn’t really know what to do with you either. In fact he is scared of you a little.
• You clinging to him, throwing kisses etc. melts him eventually, you are just so adorable he was an idiot to be scared of you.
• Definitely loves to roleplay with you. Comes up with the cutest storylines, though sometimes it gets so complicated you miss it here and there.
• He can easily keep you busy for 3 hours a day and never ever complains
• Highkey concerned about the situation
• Never ever seen a toddler before
• His concerns leave him once he sees that you are actually a good little one.
• So now it is his duty to teach you mischief!
• He spends lots of time teaching you to speak as you haven’t said a comprehensible word yet.
• His strategy is referring to himself as „Tantan” but he calls everybody else „The Avatar of” or „The sixth born”, you know, so there is absolutely 0% chance your first word isn’t Tantan. Or maybe kitty/cat, that’s also a phrase you hear quite frequently.
• I think he is the only one who gushes over you right away.
• Doesn’t want you to turn back, look at how adorable your cheeks are!!!
• Spends most of his money on new clothes for you, you have to be the all time most fashionable toddler in the city.
• Loves to have tea parties but tbh that’s pretty much it, not sure what/how else to play but he does everything else!! Very enthusiastic and overprotective!!
• He also gets you this helmet so everytime you might fall you’re not going to hit your head. You are so spoiled my dear
• Also thinks you are super adorable. Might eat you if you are with him too much.
• Takes you out to the city with him, you must learn how to get food!
• Introduces you to ketchup
• He takes you to the playground the most.
• He is def not the most violent of the guys but trust me you are very well protected and safe!
• Doesn’t really like what’s going on right now to be fair
• But at least you are nice so that makes it easier
• His preference is cuddling and having a snack with you as you watch TV
• One time he got you chicken to eat.
-Mr.Belphie I don’t like chicken...
-Ah. But it’s not chicken, actually it’s dolphin!
-Oh! Y/N loves dolphin!
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angelic-dew · 1 year
˚₊‧꒰ morning star.☆ ꒱ ‧₊˚ . !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 💌 ୧・request :: do you write for obey me? if you do, can I request Lucifer fluff? I've been craving this man vgfhdghhc if not I understand! Please stay hydrated!!
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 💫 ୧・author's note :: I've been WAITING for an obey me request! I love this game so much and nightbringer! Anyways thank you, I wish the same to you <3
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🌟 ୧・summary + word count :: just a morning cuddle session with your one and only beloved demon + 913 words. fluff.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ✨ ୧・pairing :: Lucifer x G/N reader {you/your pronouns!}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ✖ ୧・trigger warnings :: grammatical errors, nothing else I can put my finger on though!
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There you and Mr. Morningstar himself were, snuggling up to each other like there's no tomorrow within the comfort and constellation of his spacious room. The air had a wonderful fragrance of solace looming through aimlessly as he held you tighter in his warm, loving embrace; you were securely locked in one place by your beloved Lucifer.
The fluffiest blanket imaginable was thrown messily on top of both of you, swaddling your bodies as if you two were infants for the first time. His darkly-coloured curtains were drawn neatly, only a small space being left uncovered by the ebony fabric.
Your leg was on top of his, as a matter a fact, both of your legs were in a knotty tangled mess as you two snuggled within the grasp of one another—both of your bodies being pressed up against the other like leeches.
It wasn't often that these times happened, but when they did come, they were irreplaceable and absolutely nothing could come close to these treasurable, precious moments you shared with the demon you loved the most in all of the three realms combined. You were so thrilled and delighted to finally be his one and only lover.
As for the avatar of pride, he was astounded by how a mere human could store such strong feelings of desire, need and love within him. He was definitely not the type to be so keen toward these types of emotions, expressions and feelings, yet you broke that one thing he wasn't very fond of. He can't even complain, you're an angel if we're in a human body; a being of perfection. Every individual one of your curves, imperfections, insecurities was out the door for him, what quality could you possibly possess for him not to love you.
You were his muse and biggest downfall, his anger, sorrow and happiness bundled up into one small being. A distraction and something he had to deal with was what he thought of you from the start. That was all to it. You were some random name he chose from out of a pile of names— piles of names to be exact, which had every name of each human being on the face of the earth. But you, you were picked.
Was it fate? destiny? faith? luck?
He could never put his finger on it directly and pin his point down. Oh, how Lucifer pined to know how could someone as sweet as yourself come into his and his brother's lives for the greater good? You, just by being you worked like magic throughout the house of Lamentation, Purgatory Hall, The Demon Lord's Castle and practically the whole of the Devildom.
You united the beings of all three realms to become one and closer together. You made it so that everyone cooperated and grew fond of each other over the short course of time. By yourself, you'd swear an angel invaded hell, but no. It was just a human, but not an ordinary one.
So, time always went on and Lucifer grew fond of you, shared his life with you and most importantly made you part of his life. A crucial part. You became not a want but a need for him, he could barely cope without his precious beloved by his side, however, he'd never admit that. He would swear to himself to keep that stuffed deep down to the deepest depths of his mind; and believe me, it's messy down there. Reluctantly, he would refuse to ever spill something so sentimental to him.
There was simply too much love bubbling inside of him for a mere human, his beloved MC.
So coming back to his senses, both of your unconscious bodies lay comfortably in each other's arms. Lucifer's eyes were sealed shut, his pale skin hiding away the mesmerizing, glassy, crimson-red orbs which are stored behind.
Soon, the day became one with the night and it was time for morning preparations, you are a pupil at RAD after all and he is the head of the student council. With that being said, he awoke promptly. His pesky eyelids finally moved out of the way to reveal such sleepy yet captivating eyes which contained glints of pure passion stored within them.
He realized the position you two were tangled in, a small, baby-pink blush ever so sneakily and gradually creeping onto his soft, bare cheeks as he was utterly enthralled by the sight bestowed before him in all of its glory.
There you were, sound asleep in the far and wide place of dreamland as he watched you. The gentle, soft rays of sunshine slowly pour through from his window onto your body. Your beautiful, luscious locks of hair resting nicely but messily in a somewhat cute state as your skin gives off a glowing effect due to the sunlight. You were like a gleaming phosphorescence. So alluring and peaceful all at once.
He watched how your body reacted to these conditions, and was still currently admiring your charming beauty. His eyes scanned you all over, from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet, all of it. He could not believe you were still all his! Every inch of you he loved with everything he could ever have in this cruel world. He didn't know what he did to deserve this or how these such feelings came about. He did know something though.
You were his Morning Star and shone brighter than any light. 🌟
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© angelic-dew :: please don't re-claim or translate without permission &lt;3
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Masterlist 2
Multi-Part fics
Tired dad! Lucifer: Intro Part 1 Part 2
Asmodeus' trip to the human world: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whb thoughts and analysis
Leviathan with an angel kid
Leviathan and his relationship with childhood
Tf did they do to Asmodeus???
Pb please make Dantalian being Asmodeus' kid canon
What nobles parented the kings
Whb x reader headcanons
Making a pokémon team for the kings (+Gamigin)
Some whb characters reacting to being called coaie
Whb characters seeing MC pace around to music (MaDD edition)
First time meeting Gamigin
Gamigin lover headcanons
Showing whb characters animated movies
Whb nobles seeing MC with a random demon
Whb kings comforting MC after a wax
Marbas friendly firing
Avisos cuddle pile (fic)
Mc teaching whb characters a cultural dance
Satan comforting sex repulsed MC
Mc an Minhyeok being siblings (fic)
Paradise Lost misadventures
Mc wants a baby
Gamigin realises that Mc is mortal
Mc that has a plushie collection
Gamigin and Mc both having autism
Gamigin and death once more
Kings when MC dates one of their nobles
Whb kings when Mc gives them a heart-shaped necklace
Dantalian doesn't get his dick distroyed today :(
Nobles getting baby fever
NSFW and darker posts
Lucifer NSFW alphabet
Gamigin NSFW alphabet
Zagan NSFW alphabet
Dark headcanons
Being Asmo's fuck toy (dark hcs)
Platonic yandere Lucifer x Gamigin (dark hcs)
Raiting whb kings based on how much experience they have with humans
Show don't tell (Lucifer x Afab!Mc x Gamigin)
Asmodeus NSFW alphabet
Miscelanious whb hc
Lucifer is Satan's dad ?!?!?!?
Bael is done with Beelzebub's bs (Teambuilding edit)
Pokémon team for whb characters
Random headcanons about some whb characters
Gamigin calling Lucifer dad
Rating Paradise Lost demons on how safe you are going to them
Paradise Lost is so silly
Whb characters' opinion on manele: Gehenna
Lucifer x Gamigin platonic hc
Paradise Lost nobles being called babygirl
Avisos nobles being called babygirl
Marbas and Buer being silly (tw: romanian)
Rating Avisos nobles on how eadible is their cooking
Lucifer's experience
Asexual hc for whb
Tartaros is Romanian inspired
Mammon x Mc propaganda (Emirate edit)
Jjyu getting burned
Abaddon headcanons
Why Satan hates Asmodeus
Leviathan lost his uncle priveldge
Not now sweaty, mommy's cyberbullying
What social medias do the kings use
Raphael's a gamer
Asmodeus visiting Eater in the human world
Dantalian being a prince hc
Dantalian need a new suit
Paradise Lost hcs
Meeting with all the kings
Levi trans real
Lucifer being orthodox on main
Paradise Lost nobles when Gamigin draws them as dragons
Relationship between Dantalian and the kings
Shipper Au
The nobles being wingmen for their kings
Average ship war in the MCxking community
Mc trolling the shipping forums (and getting doxxed in the process)
How the kings would react to seeing the ships about them and MC
Ppyong posting ship art of him and Paimon
Kings reacting to King x Seraph fics written by MC
Shipping tier list
"I owe Bimet so much money"
The Seraphs reacting to King x Seraph fics
Morax being a supportive older brother
Nobles reacting to their ship coming true
Nobles reacting to Mc being in a poly relationship with all the kings
Kings reacting to Mc shipping their nobles with angels (or themselves)
Bimet selling merch
Shippers when Mc x Sitri is trending
Mc that wants a secret relationships due to the shippers
Mc that ships the shippers with their king
Mc x Glasylabolas gone wrong
Artist!Mc drawing ship art of the kings
Lucy Dulap (my Mc)
Double standerds
Gabriel's priorities
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