#demon buggy
writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Deal with the Devil
This is honestly just a Comedy no idea what this is 🤣
GNReader x AU Demon Buggy
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Art Belongs to Vamos_MK on Twitter!
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"You Fucking Asshole!" (Y/N) screamed, Tossing their phone across the room as you stood there.
Your Rotten Bastard of a Boyfriend- Best to say Ex now!
You'd done everything for him.. wrote his resume, got him job interviews, washed his crusty underwear!
He had wrecked your apartment, drained your saving all for what? The hope of God damn magic!
Yes Fucking magic-
He was a pinterest board having Half ass 'Witch' that claimed he was of a Witch blood line.
Maybe it was that Witch bloodline that lead him to stick his dick in some random as twink at the Bar!
"Fuck You!" You screamed in the air, sobbing as you rushed to your liquor cabinet- It wasn't like you had much but you grabbed the quarter bottle of vodka and the rum. It would do-
Playing terrible break up music you drank away your sorrows- Sobbing hysterically into your carpeted livingroom floor as you finished the vodka, You tossing the empty bottle across the room causing it to shatter.
Stumbling up, you waddle to the kitchen- in state deciding a cup was finally smart-
In you drunken stooper you grabbed a 711 cup from the counter wanting to pour more booze in it- but pausing when you saw it. Your EX's book of shadows- Aka a Dollar Tree Notebook were he stashed his stupid spells and random pages he pirated from the internet. Picking it up and getting ready to throw it in the trash with the rest of your EX's shit when you finally sober up-
But opened it randomly seeing a folded up peice of paper tucked I to the sides. Rolling your eyes you open it and see a well worn page, however it wasn't ancient by any means- the witches.com emblem in the corner cluing you in to that. But in big bold letters on the top said 'SUMMON A DEMON TO DO YOUR BIDDING!' Easy how to guide.
Fuck it- What did you have to lose! Your drunken hazy mind reasoned. Flicking the Dollar Tree book to an random page and tossing it down on the coffee table-
Looking through you saw the ingredients needed. Food, A liquid, lighter, a Vessel and DNA. Chuckling at the rather basic guide you plopped down and poured off a quarter of your bottle of Rum in the 711 cup-
"We recommend 'moon water'- Welp you're getting Captian Morgan-" You laugh as you pour more of the rum into your mouth, hissing at its burn as you look at the next instructions.
"Alright food- We recommend a herb or item you have a dee- fuck that" You grumble looking around and seeing some leftovers from the corner store. Taking the stale hotdog that had been on your table far too long.
"Fuck it- A hotdog will do" You said with a cackle as you shoved it into the cup without care.
"Now play music to set your intent-" You read, Laughing at the weirdness of this all.
"Music huh! Then we shall play the song of my God damn love life!"
With a crying laugh, you opening up your music app and playing what felt appropriate- Circus Music.
"Now last add DNA- May it be hair, Blood, nails. Ha! Yeah right. Got your DNA right here-" You say and spit into the 711 cup like a redneck spitting chew.
(DONT DO THIS AT HOME) after this you look at the instructions- 'Light the alcohol on fire and focus on your intentions' Pulling a lighter out you set the alcohol ablaze and sat there letting the circus music and smell of burning plastic and hotdogs fill your senses.
'I want to get fucked up and beat up a fucking loser!-' Was the only thing you thought before starting to feel yourself starting to black out. Not noticing the flames beginning to burn a bright blue as the shadows of the room wirled around you and took a solid mass.
Soon a shadowy figure eclipsed your form as a the smell of candy apples filled the room.
"HOW ARE YOU SUMMON THE GREAT AND MIGHTY BUGGY THE CLOWN DE-...." He stopped during his monolog and stared at his summoner- passed out on the couch infront of the coffee table while holding the now out lighter used to summon him and a half burned plastic cup, slouched over in a clearly drunken stooper and groaning loudly from discomfort. Waving his hand it detached and tossed the dirty cup into the sink noting the piles of moldy dishes that stopped the fire- Buggy glanced around now, noticing the dirty apartment and disgusting everything of the place.
He cringed at the sight- Looking to you and shaking your shoulder to catch your attention.
"Oi- You. Please tell me you aren't the fucker who summoned me-" He begged, watching you roll your head around confused stating up at the man before you. He wore what looked like a pirate get up- with a bright cherry nose and bright blue hair that reminded you of the sea-
You opened your mouth, prepared to tell this dude to get out of your house- Before that oh so familiar feeling hit you and you puked all over his pants and shoes in a aray of alcohol and chips.
The man giving a short scream at this as he stood there petrified.
"I'm sorry-" You managed before passing out. Leaving the clown standing there with a look of total disgust on his face as he stared at the fresh vomit all over him.
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
So weird thing in my head here, but the beetlejuice musical has INSPIRED me so have my weird discombobulated ideas
• Buggy as half demon, but he's largely human-presenting. Only things that could possibly clue you in are the fangs, pointed ears, nails, pupils and nose - but luckily he just passes as a weird ass clown and diva.
• mood ring hair my beloved. Or mood ring eyes. Just. Smth colored on a body that changes around with emotions, and I have a weird soft spot for it.
• he has horns and a tail - kinda, at least. He HAD a tail, but the situation leading up to him being taken in by the Rogers resulted in a loss of those. His horns are hidden away usually by charms or magic.
• SPEAKING OF MAGIC - comedic instances of hammerspace. He uses that and a mix of sleight-of-hand tricks to pull the most random yet thematically appropriate things from freaking nowhere. Nobody knows how he does it except maybe Shanks who helped him figure it out when they were kids.
• Committed To The Bit - but in both a good AND bad way. Buggy's the type of demon to feed on hedonistic tendencies, not a specific sin. It literally boils down to People Enjoying Themselves, preferably in excess but normal amounts are fine too. He thinks himself so sneaky and schiesty by ensuring his crew and people are happy and taken care of. "I'm going to enforce everyone to do self care because I'm so evil mwahaha-" type of deal.
• his Devil Fruit is fucking WEIRD because he's half demon but he also hasn't Realized That Yet.
• sea water is effectively holy water. It doesn't burn him or cause wounds, but he does get a rash and breaks out in hives. It's annoying. He copes.
• his metabolism is frankly HORRIFYING but he doesn't clock that. Fun fact, Ds are usually Otherworldly Beings too so Roger and Buggy just gave little nods of acknowledgment before eating the ship out of house and home. Buggy is not like.... genetically a D by actual blood ties, but Roger declared he was a D anyway. Buggy D. Clown, he'd joke, spinning his tiniest cabin brat around with a grin. The name stuck.
• There are certain herbs that can make him sick, stuff like angelica root in any forms, myrrh, argue root at any maturity, and he's got a mild allergy to garlic. It's hilarious, too, because there's no actual correlation of being of demonic descent and having an issue with those herbs despite what so many people believe, Buggy's just out there living an accidental cliché
• oh and on the cliches topic, he does not like churches or "hallowed ground". Not because of some supernatural element, he just finds it boring.
• he does not broadcast his heritage, but he will disclose it to trusted individuals - until he has reason to capitalize on it.
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rea-grimm · 12 hours
Demon Buggy
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You were sitting in your office, checking the papers on your desk. You worked in an office that paid bounties to hunters for capturing or destroying supernatural beings who didn't follow the rules between the supernatural and humans. 
These most often included demons, vampires, witches, werewolves, and many others. Though, you couldn't say that about all species, as most followed those rules. 
At the same time, you were in the position of archivist and informant when hunters came across something they didn't know about or had no idea what the clues said it was. 
Today was a rather boring day as you didn't have many hunters with you. It was nearing the end of the day, and you had already started to pick from your desk when your office door opened. 
In walked a young huntress who had only recently joined you. She had come to claim her demon bounty. She had a sealed box with her. 
You gave her the bounty, and you were going to put the box with the demon's remains in the archives. It was very difficult to completely destroy the demon. It was much easier to seal it up and put it in a special archive where it couldn't harm anyone. 
You didn't even bother to look inside since the box was sealed so that whatever time was in there couldn't get out. 
You heard a noise from inside, so you immediately thought it must have been a head. Better if the demon stays in the dark. You registered the box and placed it in its new place in the archive, which you locked. 
It was obvious the demon in question didn't like it there and was making it clear. Since he was locked in the archives he made an unbearable racket, screaming, cursing, threatening, begging, singing and much more almost 24 hours a day. 
Most of the time you managed to ignore it, but after a few days you were getting complaints from other employees like you and even hunters. 
Eventually, you gave up and went to the archives to retrieve the box in question. You made sure that even if you opened it, it would be sealed before you took the lid off. 
As you'd guessed from all the noise, inside was the head of a demon that looked like a clown. He had a red round nose, colourful makeup, and a red and white striped scarf hiding his blue hair. He had pointed ears and long horns growing out of his skull. 
"Hello, sweetheart. How about you let me out?" he asked with a smirk. You just raised one eyebrow before closing the box again. 
"He-hey, I didn't mean it like that. Open that lid it's awfully dark in here. Don't leave me here..." he turned and pleaded. 
You've never heard a demon beg like that before, and it made you a little soft. You didn't want to deal with him in the archives though, so you took the box with him to your office and put it on your desk. 
It wasn't until you'd made yourself a fresh cup of coffee and sat back in your chair that you opened the box again. 
"I'll be good. Don't put me in there again. It's too morbid in there. No one can talk in there..." he pleaded, almost with tears in his eyes. 
"How about I keep you company? I can sing. I know a lot of stories..." the demon began, and you could see the reluctance in him to go back to the archives. 
In the end, you decided to keep him in your office. You weren't so alone in there and the work went by much faster. 
Buggy, as you later found out, could always make you laugh and improve your mood. He would tell you stories of his travels, sing sailor songs or improvise. 
It earned you a lot of disapproving and disdainful looks from the hunters, but some left with an amused smile on their lips. 
You had to admit that Buggy had grown on you over time. At times you even considered helping him get his body back. 
You thought about it for a long time, and when he had just told you his story, you made your decision. Buggy here said that a few centuries back, he was human. 
He sailed unknown waters with pirates for the prospect of a better life. Along with him sailed Shanks, who he said deceived him. 
On the voyages, they obtained demons fruit, which Buggy wanted to monetize and make a lot of money. However, Shanks caught him by surprise and he inadvertently ate it. This turned him into a demon. 
By now, he was blaming Shanks for this and had spent a long time trying to learn his new abilities and use them to his own advantage. 
You rolled the small rug to the side and drew a circle on the floor to summon the demon. To make it work perfectly, you needed his real and full name. 
You added a larger demon trap circle over it just in case he wanted to try something. 
You used a summoning ritual where parts of his body started to appear from the circle and fit together like a puzzle. In the end, the only thing missing was his head, which flew off the table and landed in its rightful place on his neck. 
"Finally whole. You can't even imagine how that feels," he said contentedly and made his way over. However, he didn't notice the trap and crashed into an invisible wall. 
"Come on, I didn't deserve this. Don't I deserve some freedom too?" He started, and you finally let him out of the trap. 
"You know, would you like to make a pact with me? I'm sure you could use the protection of a large and feared demon like me," he asked with his usual bravado. But you refused him.
"What? You should be grateful that Big Buggy wants to make a pact with you. That's not very flashy," he complained when you turned him down. 
But even that didn't change anything between you. Even when Buggy was free and making mischief in the world, he kept coming back to you. 
When he wanted to visit you, he made sure the whole building knew about it. His body parts flew through the corridors while the hunters tried to catch them. 
While the others were busy catching his body parts, he was with you with a gift—flowers, chocolates, a stuffed animal or something similar.
Buggy Masterlist
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rotten-pomegranate · 10 months
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Just imagine
Guys that can move you into whatever position they want and absolutely manhandle you because of the shear size difference and his strength
Like they can just push you down or pick you up and put you in whatever potion they want and even if you wanted to (we both know you don’t) you couldn’t do shit
Guys who can are halfway in and already pressed up against your cervix
Guys who have to bend down to kiss you but won’t half the time just to see you struggle on your tip toes
Guys who would flex there arms for you to feel and absolutely fawn over whenever you want because you know that they are yours
Guys who can come home and pick you up with no issues to bring you to the bedroom after a long day
Guys who eat three times more then you and never complain about cooking
Guys who you never get hit on when your with because everyone is scared they might get torn apart
Guys who can be so rough in bed but are really just gentle giants to you everywhere else it’s only you though
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Uvogin, mihawk, endeavour, gyomei, senami, hisoka, Sebastian, orochmaru, ryuk, buggy, all might, toji, Dazai, yami, Arlong
©rotten-pomegranate- All rights reserved, don’t steal, translate, copy, plagiarize, claim my work as your own or post it on other platforms.
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sw4nfire · 6 months
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Quick warm up sketch that I may (probably not) finish❤️‍🔥
I'm still debating if I want to draw him in a shirt or tits out🥴
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yuki2sksksk · 11 months
Random doodles I sketched in class today
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buggbuzz · 6 months
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sorry pookies i forgot i had these xoxo
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spiralingemptyness · 8 months
so since I’m kinda dead take a sketchbook spam
we got Greek gods, bistro huddy, and Shanks, Kung Jin and Alastor :))))) the hyperfixations be fixating
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whoishotteranimepolls · 8 months
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Battle of the flashy boys. Propaganda welcomed So have fun but please be respectful and it always helps to reblog for larger sample size
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renatayaga · 7 months
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Bit🐞By🐝The🐛Lovebug💚 buy it here :P by me and @lokighost
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rea-grimm · 7 months
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I finally finished the last character.
Phoenix Ace, dragon Luffy, griffin Sabo
Oni demon Zoro, yetti Chopper (or Bigfoot), corpse Sanji
Werewolf Shanks, kitsune Buggy, demon Mihawk
Robot Kid, fallen god Crocodile, dullahan Law
One Piece Masterlist
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hauntingblue · 5 months
Stampede aka another episode of luffy turning haters into dick riders just with his kind and big heart
#i might understand all the robin law fanfare... its been 26 minutes of stampede......#frobin reigns supreme imo still.....#VICEADMIRAL MOMONGA TOCAME LA PORONGA??? HELLO#THE LOG POSE TO LAUGH TALE???? and hancock arrived ❤️❤️#usopp saving luffh omg.....#blonde buggy..... why are we doing this to out beautiful women...#fujitora is on his own frequency... here you go a meteorite.. whatever happens to all of you and our troops happens goodbye#mihawk intervened bc zoro couldn't do it omg.... nami keep watch he is going to end it all tonight jesus#also persona following mihaw for a second movie ajdjaks.... i love them together honestly#brosalino is the kuma guy's uncle????? nepotism......#calling this guy the heir of the demon.... taking blame off ace akdjsksn.... you know whats funny in movies garp is very like thoughtful and#comprehensive of others peoples issues and then you get to how he raised luffy and like.... wouldn't that have been good there....#and with ace too lmao.... i mean he didnt have abandonment issues but just wait and see to a 10yo asking if he is worthy of living idk...#i get the meaning of it and what he meant but we all know ace didnt get that at the time until luffy got there#usopp.... see how when oda writes the movies it feels different.... first steong world with namo and now stampede with usopp...#the relationship moments really hit.. i was gonna comment about zoro and the cursed sword but that was just focusing on him#well this one wasnt written by oda but supervised i will take it....#hina taking the kids aldjakskal...... smoker and hina best straight ship behind frobin imo..... baby 5 x sai number 3 spot#sabo....... actually thank you bc smoker thinks he can take anybody#hancock and buggy AJSJAKAKLQQ omg usopp dont cry....... luffy will KILL that guy for making usopp feel like that lmao YEAAAH!!!!!#law smoker sabo the luffy lover squad..... each in their own way lmao#hancock its been so long how are you <3 omg law what are you doing here <3 my brother sabo hello.#crocodile made the plan of course.... luffy lover member too#usopps bullets omg....#sanji and zoro against lucci omg..... YEAAAHHHH#wait a second straw hat crew costume by uniqlo design team??? THE DRIP!!!#luffy seeing ace beside luffy with the fire goodbye.... he is EVERYWHERE#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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ransprang · 1 year
1400 Followers / Kinktober event
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Hey everyone! Thank you all for 1400 followers! As a thanks, we’ll be participating in kinktober!
For this event anyone can send us in a character for each of the kinks we have listed! Send in the characters + kink via the ask box. We’ll do one fic per kink, so request fast! :)
Fem body parts reader only!
Fandom list (discontinued fandoms allowed)
corruption kink (heath ledger's joker - DC)
piss kink (vi - arcane)
werewolf au (astarion - baldur’s gate 3)
werewolf au (zaveid - Tales of Zestiria)
vampire au (sephiroth - final fantasy)
uniform kink (edward elric - fmab)
sex pollen (illumi - hxh)
sex pollen ( Thancred - final fantasy)
uniform kink (yang wenli - lotgh)
marking kink (sendo - hajime no ippo)
body worship / foot fetish (ace - one piece)
voyeurism kink (bucciarati - jjba)
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dazzelmethat · 4 days
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Igg incoming. I may go back later to work on his feet or wings. This is technically a redraw, I've drawn him in this pose twice before. (slight injury warning) 2017 and 2011.
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