#demon-colt coded
scoobydoodean · 8 months
Okay now it's time for an extensive breakdown of Sam's incredibly manipulative pleading at the end of 4.21 that I was making fun of yesterday.
My whole life, you take the wheel, you call the shots, and I trust you because you are my brother. Now I'm asking you, for once, trust me.
There are many lies packed into these two sentences and I want to go through them one by one.
Lie 1: Sam always does what Dean wants to do.
Sam presents his whole life as a life where he has always done what Dean wanted. Sam suggests he has never deviated from Dean's wishes.
However, on many occasions when Sam and Dean have arrived at an impasse, Sam simply went his own way, which directly contradicts his claim that he always takes Dean's lead.
1.11: Dean wants to go on a case John directed them toward, and Sam wants to go to Sacremento to search for John (who doesn't want to be found) with nothing but an area code. He has Dean pull the car over, then gets out and leaves. Sam and Dean later talk on the phone and apologize to each other, but with the understanding they'll both go their own way. Sam gets worried when Dean doesn't respond to his calls (because he's been kidnapped) and abandons his plan to take a bus to California of his own accord.
1.12: Sam tricks Dean into seeing a faith healer by saying they're going to see "A specialist".
1.20: Sam starts a screaming match with John over him telling them to take the next exit on the highway, while Dean complains about them both being insufferable and always getting into petty fights.
2.10: Dean begs that they just lay low for a while and take a break and think (after he reveals John's last words). Sam runs off.
3.05: Dean shoots down Sam's plan to threaten a crossroad's demon (with The Colt) into breaking Dean's contract. Sam sneaks out at night to summon a crossroad's demon anyway and threaten her, and then kills her when she doesn't do what he wants.
3.09: Sam stops Dean from killing Ruby.
3.10: Sam steals a hair off Dean's head so he can go into Dean's dreams with him and insists he is going when Dean objects that he doesn't want Sam in his mind.
3.11: Sam kills Dean at one point on accident when Dean tries to end his reign of terror with the owner of The Mystery Spot.
3.15: Sam wants to stay in town and find Doc Benton so he can use his alchemy to make Dean and himself immortal. Dean wants to go and find Bela, who has The Colt. They part ways, with Sam staying and Dean going to search for Bela alone.
3.16: Right after Dean explicitly states that he does not want Ruby to be summoned in a last ditch play to save his life, Sam summons her behind Dean's back.
4.01: Sam wants to kill the demons that threatened Dean in the diner, and Dean doesn't. Sam sneaks off at night to go back to the diner to kill them on his own, but the angels have beaten him to it.
4.07: After implying that Sam using his powers against Samhain is a joint decision and he wants Dean's feedback, when Dean objects, Sam runs off to face Samhain alone anyway, leaving Dean with several still-trapped teenagers he can't abandon to keep him from following to help.
4.09 (4.01-4.04; 4.12-4.22): We learn that while Dean was dead, Sam directly went against what Sam in 4.04 describes as "Practically [Dean's] dying wish" (4.04) by working with Ruby to hone his powers to take revenge on Lilith. He continues to work with her after Dean is brought back to life until 4.04, then picks the habit back up at the end of 4.12. In 4.14, he says that he is intentionally going behind Dean's back because Dean is too weak to be of use and is holding him back.
4.15: Dean says he can't stop Sam from having secrets, but asks Sam to please not treat him like an idiot (i.e., keep telling lies), when it's obvious that Sam is lying to him about what happened with Alastair in the graveyard. Sam very much continues to lie instead of just insisting upon his privacy.
4.18: Sam and Dean fight about Sam's lies and then because Sam wants to stay in town and face Lilith, while Dean wants to leave to escape Chuck's writing. Sam refuses to budge and the brothers separate until the end of the episode.
4.19: Sam wants to turn Adam into a hunter and Dean hates the idea. Sam first starts teaching Adam about hunting behind Dean's back, then in front of him while Dean watches on, sickened.
In the third hading, I note incidents where Sam and Dean had a dispute and Dean conceded to Sam's views.
Lie 2: Sam follows Dean's lead because Dean is his brother and for no other reason. It's blind faith.
Sam wants wants Dean to set aside his moral principles and his skepticism and place blind faith in Sam for no other reason than that Sam is his brother, and he frames this request as a show of mutual solidarity. He's placed blind faith in Dean, so why can't Dean do the same for him?
First, there's manipulation here in that this alleged blind faith entitles Sam to also receive blind faith in return from someone unwilling to offer it, which is nonsense. Just because you choose to (allegedly) abandon your principles and beliefs for blind faith in another person does not mean the other person is obligated to follow your lead, treating their own moral principles in the same blasé manner you do.
Second, while absolutely—there have been points up to 4.21 where Sam did not do things because Dean didn't want to do them, or where Sam did things he didn't really want to do because Dean wanted to do them... it's very shady to suggest he only ever concedes purely because Dean is his brother and he has blind faith in him.
Thinking up incidents where Sam concedes to Dean's wishes on something:
1.02: Sam objects to Dean wanting to protect Haley and her brother because they'll be dead weight in the woods, while Dean wants to protect them.
1.03: Dean insists on going on the case instead of sitting around angst-ing about John and how the leads on him have dried up, and Sam concedes.
1.10: Sam wants to call the FBI on John to find him while Dean wants to follow the coordinates John just sent them to see if he's there. Sam ends up going along with Dean then spends the whole episode taking his anger about John's absence out on Dean who had no control over it.
1.21: Sam does not rush into a burning building and die trying to reach Azazel because Dean holds him back.
1.22: 1) Sam wants to sit in a motel waiting for an unknown number of demons to arrive with three bullets left in The Colt and Dean insists they go to Bobby's to learn about demons instead. 2) Dean insists on rescuing John over revenge 3) Dean brings The Colt to save John behind Sam's back, and then ends up using a bullet to save Sam's life.
2.04: Dean thinks he's found a case (he has) and Sam thinks he's just making things up. Sam agrees to go along with it even though he's skeptical until the fact that it is a genuine case is proved to him.
2.12: Sam doesn't like Dean trying to work with Ronald to stop the shifter but they don't really have a choice.
2.19: Sam doesn't want to help people in prison and Dean does, and Sam concedes and goes with the crazy plan to get arrested and go to prison to stop the haunting.
3.01: Sam wants to take Dean to another faith healer to try and get him out of his deal and Dean refuses to go.
3.12: Sam wants to sacrifice Nancy and Dean argues against this and offers an alternative plan where no one gets sacrificed, which Sam ends up going with.
3.13: Sam agrees to go on "Their Grand Canyon" hunt as one of Dean's dying wishes and gets mad when it goes sour because of The Ghostfacers.
3.15: Sam wants to turn them into Frankenstein's monsters to save Dean from his deal and Dean says he'd rather die.
3.16: This one is tricky, because Sam initially goes behind Dean's back by summoning Ruby to save Dean specifically against Dean's dying wishes, but then after he gets caught and Dean gets Ruby's knife, Sam concedes to using Dean's plan where they try to sneak up on Lilith and kill her with Ruby's knife. Dean's reasoning is that he wants to end the cycle of them saving each other with demon deals that only turn sour.
I think the pattern shows that contrary to fanon, Sam is not some poor helpless victorian maiden being swept along by the tides of the immutable sea. In most cases, it's that he realizes he thinks Dean is right about something at the end of the day, even if he doesn't like it. Not because Dean is his brother, but because Dean won him over with a well-reasoned argument, Sam realized he was putting his desires over right and wrong, or Sam didn't (at that time) want to disrespect Dean's wishes concerning Dean's own body and life.
NOTE: You might notice season 4 is "missing". This is because when I look at all of the season 4 episodes, the closest thing I can remember related to Sam just agreeing to do whatever Dean wants is him deciding to stop using his powers in 4.04, except that Sam makes it very clear at the end of the episode that he's quitting by his own choice and Dean's wishes have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Lie 3: Dean never does what Sam wants to do, and he never trusts him.
Not only does the supposition that Dean has always taken the lead Sam's "whole life" imply that Dean never concedes to Sam's view, but also when Sam requests Dean's trust "for once"—as if, not one single time in his entire life, has Dean ever taken Sam's lead or put trust in him. My mama used to say "exaggerators are just lie makers in disguise", and this is some wild lie-making in disguise.
1.06: They go back hundreds of miles to check in on Sam's friend who Sam believes has been framed for murder, even though Dean thinks it's kind of wild for Sam to believe his friend didn't do something the police have clear evidence he did.
1.09: Dean goes with Sam to Lawrence after Sam has a vision about someone dying in their whole house. The idea of going back to Lawrence is extremely upsetting to Dean, but he realizes Sam is right and they have to investigate.
1.12: 1) Sam tricks Dean into seeing a faith healer which upsets Dean, but even so, Dean does what Sam wants, goes into the tent, sits where Sam wants him to sit, and goes up on stage to be healed at Sam's request. 2) Sam says they cannot kill whoever is controlling the reaper because they're human. Dean respects Sam's moral principles by doing what he wants to do.
1.14: 1) They go on this case because Sam has a vision and Dean puts his trust in Sam's vision. 2) Sam insists they can't kill Max because he's human, and Dean respects Sam's moral principles by doing what he wants to do.
2.04: Dean goes with Sam to Mary's grave even though he doesn't want to be in Lawrence or to be anywhere near Mary's grave.
2.05: Sam orders Dean to stay away from Ansem because he's vulnerable and Dean easily agrees, going a long distance away to observe from afar with a rifle.
2.09: 1) Sam has a vision that Dean is going to kill someone. Dean is skeptical, but agrees to go along with Sam anyway. 2) Dean doesn't kill the dude infected with croatoan virus partly because of Sam's pleading that it would be wrong, and Dean finding he agrees. Sam is right.
2.04, 2.09, and 2.10: Dean trusts Sam with insights into his emotional state/why he wants to die after Sam asks him to open up about how he's feeling.
2.12: Dean thinks they should have told Ronald about the shapeshifters, but concedes to Sam's perspective.
2.22: Dean begs Sam to rest for a while instead of immediately getting back on the trail after Azazel, not wanting to lose him again, but Sam insists they go, and Dean concedes.
3.07: Dean wants to go face Gordon alone. Sam breaks down in tears and begs Dean to just be his brother again and stop doing reckless things. Dean instantly softens and agrees to lay low.
3.10: Dean doesn't really want Sam in his head invading his privacy but doesn't stop Sam from joining him in his dreams.
3.11: Dean lives over 100 Tuesdays of Sam bossing him around in various ways, including repeatedly insisting they can't leave the motel and he is not allowed to eat breakfast or go anywhere by himself. Dean puts his trust in Sam even though each time he has no clue what's going on and often has little to no context.
4.04: Sam insists they tell Jack Montgomery that he's going through a metamorphosis so that he can try and stop himself from eating people, and Dean agrees.
4.06: Sam spends the whole episode telling Dean what to do and telling him he needs to go places he's scared to go.
4.09: When Alastair breaks into the church, Ruby tells Sam he needs to use his powers to crush Alastair. Dean starts to protest, but concedes after Ruby says they'll all die otherwise.
4.10 #1: Sam enacts a plan that puts Dean and Ruby at extreme risk (Dean with the angels who have threatened to throw him back in hell, Ruby with Alastair). Both put their trust in Sam and his plan.
4.10 and 4.11: Dean opens up to Sam about his trauma from Hell.
4.19: Though he argues with Sam vehemently multiple times about what he's doing, Dean never actually stops Sam from teaching Adam to be a hunter.
Dean trusts Sam multiple times, and follows his lead on several occasions (even a few times with extreme moral reservations, such as 4.09 and 4.19).
I've also pointed out before that Sam picks most of their season 1 and season 2 cases, contrary to the popular fanon claim that Dean is always dragging Sam everywhere to hunt when he doesn't want to. In season 3, Sam leads them to hunts in 4 different episodes (3.04, 3.05, 3.11, 3.15). Dean finds two (3.02, 3.13). Who picked the rest of their season 3 hunts is either not stated, starts with them being contacted by a friend which leads them to investigate (3.01, 3.03, 3.10, 3.14), or is just them getting into a situation against their will (3.12). 5 cases are Sam's idea in season 4, and two are Dean's. The remainder are unknown, mytharc episodes, or kidnappings.
Lie 4: Sam is just asking to be seen as an equal, and Lie 5: Sam trusts Dean.
Sam's most overarching manipulation here is this idea that he just wants equality. He's showed consistent trust and blind faith in Dean and he deserves the same. He's been Dean's loyal follower going wherever Dean wants him to go, and he wants to be treated as an equal now who receives trust equal to the trust he alleges he places in Dean. However, he plainly shows the entire season that he does not want equality. He wants Dean to be beneath him. We see this just a little before this bit of the conversation, when Sam says Dean can't do anything—that he isn't strong enough and only Sam can do this. Sam shows almost the entire season that he doesn't respect Dean as an equal by lying to him over and over about what he's up to, going behind his back, refusing to believe that Dean can stop the apocalypse as the angels have said. He makes it clear in 4.14 that he is keeping his actions a secret because Dean is too weak and pathetic to be of use and is holding him back. We confirm this following episodes (4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.21) where Sam explicitly says Dean cannot do what needs to be done and Sam has to take over. Dean is not capable. Sam has no faith or trust in Dean at all.
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humantorch · 1 year
Can you please explain more about the Sam as Antichrist elements?
i would LOVE to explain the sam as antichrist elements. this will not be nearly as coherent as this post about sam and cross imagery, which is definitely some inspo for my thoughts, but I’ll do my best to explain!
for starters, this is my base definition of antichrist: someone born/prophesied to be the opposite/opposer of christ. not inherently evil, but not good either. this definition is how i came to my conclusions about the following antichrist coded Sam stuff
1) the demon blood - I don’t think anyone can make a post like this without mentioning the demon blood. Sam is still a baby when evil is introduced to him, physically altering his body, and it affects him throughout his entire life. the demon blood arc is him becoming more evil (in a sense) for the greater good. he’s going against everything he stands for, but he also embraces it somewhat. his powers are a gift to him, even though he’s destroying the good in himself in the process. it’s the opposite of what a christ coded figure would do
2) Lucifer - once again cannot make a post like this without mentioning Lucifer. Sam was made to be Lucifer’s vessel. Lucifer is a very antichrist type figure. even though Sam resents being Lucifer’s true vessel, he can’t escape what he was born for. in the end, he still says yes to Lucifer and he fulfills his destiny. it’s exactly how you get an antichrist figure; he’s someone born to oppose christ (in this case, heaven in general)
3) psychic powers - Sam’s powers have pretty much nothing to do with him being born to be evil, given that they’re actually very useful and he only ever used them for good, but they’re worth mentioning. his powers change how other people look at him. hunters see him as more of a threat than something helpful, and we’re shown that when he actually does get hunted by Gordon for supposedly being the antichrist in seasons 2/3. and this is before the demon blood!! he’s seen more as inherently Wrong and Evil because of his powers
4) John - this post is my original reference, but take a look at this image
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it’s John’s note about the colt with a drawing of a somewhat christ-like figure, halo over the head with a hand over the chest. Sam’s name is in all caps, circled and boxed. I believe OP of the post I linked above used this to reinstate Sam being christ coded, but John seems to view him more as the antichrist. this has been touched upon in the show, with John thinking Sam might need to be killed because of who he is. I think both comparisons work here, since Sam is viewed as the antichrist but eventually changes his own fate (I’ll come back to this)
5) outsider perspectives - as I mentioned before, Sam was hunted for being the antichrist and was generally viewed as evil by almost everyone at some point, whether that be the angels or John or other hunters. this is mainly with the demon blood and his powers, but it’s important to note that being the antichrist doesn’t mean you’re inherently evil, it just means you’re going against what is seen as right. that’s Sam’s whole thing, especially in the earlier seasons.
Overall, I don’t think Sam is actually the antichrist, and I think he’s equally if not more a christ figure. But the base is there for him to be the antichrist if he went with the flow of things. Instead, he goes against what he was quite literally born for and he chooses his own path, therefore destroying the idea that he is the antichrist and becoming something more. Still, I enjoy making the comparisons and seeing how antichrist coded he is, even if I don’t think you can label him as the actual antichrist.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Everyone Loves A Clown
Previous Chapter / Masterlist / Next Chapter
*(y/n)'s POV*
The three of us stood outside and in front of a funeral pyre. Earlier, we placed John's body on it and Dean lite the fire and we stood there, watching the flames grow. The only light, in the night area, came from the wrapped, burning body. I swallowed the large lump in my throat then looked at the boys. Sam was near tears and fidgeting but Dean was staring into the flames, silently.
"Before he...before, did he say anything to you? About anything?" Sam asked Dean. "No. Nothing." Dean replied, flatly, not looking at his brother. I frown at the boys then I go stand in the space between the boys and, slowly, I take Sam's hand in my left hand then take Dean's with my right hand. And we stand there and watch the flames burn John's body.
One Week Later
I walked out on the junkyard at Bobby's home and walk over to the broken down Impala, Dean's legs sticking out from under it as he had been working on it since we stayed with Bobby. "How's the car coming along?" I asked him. "Slow." He replied, flatly.
"Yeah? Need any help?" I asked and Dean drops something heavy. "What, you under a hood? I'll pass." He grumbles and I rolled my eyes at him. "Need anything else, then?" I asked him, annoyed.
Dean, then, pushes himself out from under the car and stands up to me. "Stop it, (y/n)." He said. "Stop what?" I asked him, confused. "Stop asking if I need anything, stop asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise." He said and I let out a scoff.
"All right, Dean, it's just...We've been at Bobby's for over a week now and you haven't brought up John once." I said to him. "You know what? You're right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, and maybe even slow dance." He said and I glare at him. "Don't patronize me, Dean, John is dead. The Colt is gone, and it seems pretty damn likely that the demon is behind all of this, and you're acting like nothing happened." I shout.
"What do you want me to say?" Dean asked, angrily. "Say something, all right? Hell, say anything! Aren't you angry? Don't you want revenge? But all you do is sit out here all day long buried underneath this damn car." I yelled at him. "Revenge, huh?" He said. "Yeah." I said.
"Sounds good. You and Sam got any leads on where the demon is? Making heads or tails of any of Dad's research? Because I sure ain't. But you know, if we do finally find it - oh. No, wait, like you said. The Colt's gone. But I'm sure you and Sam figured out another way to kill it. We've got nothing, (y/n). Nothing, okay? So you know the only thing I can do? Is I can work on the car." He spat at me then he crouches by the car again, getting back to work.
I let out an exasperated sigh before I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see it was Sam coming towards us. "Well, I've got something." He said as he pulls out a cell phone. "This is one of dad's old phones. Took me a while, but I cracked his voicemail code. Listen to this." Sam said and he hands the cell phone to Dean, who stands and takes it reluctantly. 
"John, it's Ellen. Again. Look, don't be stubborn, you know I can help you. Call me." A female voice said after Dean plays the message. "That message is four months old." Sam said. "Dad saved that chick's message for four months?" Dean asked him. "Yeah." Sam said.
"Well, who's Ellen? Any mention of her in your dad's journal?" I asked Sam. "No. But I ran a trace on her phone number and I got an address." Sam said. "Ask Bobby if we can use one of his cars." Dean said and Sam nods.
In a beat-up, poorly maintained minivan, Dean, Sam and I pull up to an old bar that was called Roadhouse Saloon. "This is humiliating. I feel like a friggin' soccer mom!" Dean grumbles as we get out of the van. "It's the only car Bobby had running." Sam said and we walk up and start to look around.
"Hello? Anybody here?" I called out but nothing. "Hey. You bring the, uh..." Dean said as he looks over at Sam. "Of course." He said and he tosses something to Dean  who catches it. Dean then kneels down and picks at the door and open it then we go inside.
The saloon was quiet except for a fly buzzing then a light bulb blows out. We go to the back and see a person passed out on the bar. "Hey, buddy?" Sam calls out to the person but the person didn't respond.
"I'm guessing that isn't Ellen." Sam said, gesturing to person on the pool table. "Yeah." Dean sad and he and Sam gods into a back room, looking around. I go down the steps, but then I pause once I felt something on my back. "Oh God, please let that be a rifle." I muttered just as I hear the gun being cocked.
"No, I'm just real happy to see you." A female voice said and I start to turn. "Don't move." She ordered and I stopped. "Not moving, copy that." I said then I let out a small chuckle. "You know, you should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back. Because it makes it real easy to do..." I said then I turn, fluidly, grabbing the rifle and cocking it. "That." I finished.
She goes to punch me but I duck down then used the butt of gun to hit her across the face. She falls down and I go to place my foot on her stomach until she grabbed my foot then shoved me back. I drop the gun and fall on my back just as the blonde girl picks up the gun and looms over me and aims the gun at me.
"Dean! Sam! Need some help in here." I shout then I hear the back door open. I turn my head and see Sam and Dean walking out, their hands raised up. "Sorry, (y/n), we can't right now. We're a...little tied up." Sam said and he nods his head and I could just see a woman standing behind them with two handguns.
"Sam and Dean? Winchester? (Y/n) (L/N)?" The woman asked. "Yeah." The boys and I said. "Son of a bitch." The woman mutters. "Mom, you know these guys?" The girl asked her. "Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's boys." The woman said then she nods towards me. "And that's (father's name) daughter." She said as she lowers the gun, laughing.
"Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo."  Ellen greets and Jo lowers her rifle, and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Hey." She said as she holds a hand out to me. I take her hand and she pulls me up to my feet. "Thanks." I said. "No problem. You're pretty good." Jo said and I shrug. "Years of practice, honey." I said, smiling.
"You called our dad, said you could help. Help with what?" Dean said to Ellen some moments later. "Well, the demon, of course. I heard he was closing in on it." Ellen said. "What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed? I mean, who, who are you? How do you know about all this?" Dean asked.
"Hey, I just run a saloon. But hunters have been known to pass through now and again. Including yours and (y/n)'s dad a long time ago. John was like family once and so was (father's name)." Ellen replied then she looks at me. "My condolences to your father by the way." She said and I nod at her.
"How come my dad nor John ever mentioned you before?" I asked her. "You'd have to ask John that." She said and I look over the boys as they give an uncomfortable look towards each other.
"So why exactly do we need your help?" Dean asked her. "Hey, don't do me any favors. Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out. But John wouldn't have sent you if..." Ellen stops then she looks between us. "He didn't send you." She said and the boys look down.
"He's all right, isn't he?" She asked and I shake my head. "No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it, I guess." I said and she gives a worried look at the boys. "I'm so sorry." She said. "It's okay. We're all right." Dean said to her.
"Really? I know how close you and your dad were." Ellen said to him. "Really, lady, I'm fine." Dean said, roughly, and the room goes silent for a few moments.
"So look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get." Sam said. "Well, we can't. But Ash will." Ellen said. "Who's Ash?" I asked her then she looks over my shoulder and shouts. "Ash!"
The man passed out on the bar jerks awake and sits up, flailing. "What? It closin' time?" He asked and we turn back to her. "That's Ash?" Sam asked. "Mm-hmm. He's a genius." Jo replied.
A brown folder was slapped down on the bar; Sam, Ash and I were sitting while Dean was standing behind us. Jo was on the other side of the bar, pouring glasses of water. "You've gotta be kidding me, this guy's no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie." Dean said as he looks at Ash, who looked like a hillbilly.
"I like you." Ash said to him. "Thanks." He said and Jo looks over at us. "Just give him a chance." She said as Dean sits and opens the folder. "All right. This stuff's about a year's worth of our dad's work, so uh, let's see what you make of it." Dean said to Ash as he pulls out the papers and starts rifling through them. He shakes his head.
"Come on. This crap ain't real. There ain't nobody can track a demon like this." He said. "Our dad could." Sam said and Sh glances at him. "There are non-parametrics, statistical overviews, prospects and correlations, I mean...damn! They're signs. Omens. Uh, if you can track 'em, you can track this demon. You know, like crop failures, electrical storms...You ever been struck by lightening? It ain't fun." said Ash.
"Can you track it or not?" I asked him. "Yeah, with this, I think so. But it's gonna take time, uh, give me...fifty one hours." Ash said and he gets up to leave.
"Hey, man?" Dean calls out and Ash turns to him. "Yeah." He said. "I, uh, I dig the haircut." Dean said and Ash smirks. "All business up front, party in the back." Ash said as he flips the back of his hair and leaves.
Meanwhile, I look toward the bar and noticed something in the shelves. "Hey, Ellen, what is that?" I asked her and she looks over at the  scanner which was next to the shelf. "It's a police scanner. We keep tabs on things, we..." she starts to explain but I shake my head. "No, no, no, no, the, um, the folder." I said and she looks at the folder. "Uh, I was gonna give this to a friend of mine. But take a look, if you want." She said.
She takes the folder from the wall and places it in front of me and I look through it. It had some newspaper clippings attached to the front, and on the front, in red marker:
Furrowing my brow, I flip through the folder then I look over at Sam. "Sam..." I said and I slide the folder towards him and he looks through it. "If you don't mind, we'll take it." Sam said. "Sure." She said then I look over my shoulder to see Dean talking to Jo, which I started to feel that old familiar burning feeling in my stomach.
I swallow then called out. "Dean, come here, check this out." He nods over at Jo then comes over to me and Sam. "Yeah." He said as he comes up. "A few murders, not far from here, that Ellen caught wind of. Looks to us like there might be a hunt." I said to him. "Yeah. So?" Dean said, shrugging.
"So, I told her we'd check it out." Sam said to him.
Back in the minivan, Dean was driving while Sam sat in the passenger seat and I sit in the back, the rain pounding down the window. Sam has the research open in his lap. "You've gotta be kidding me. A killer clown?" Dean said, confused. "Yeah. He left the daughter unharmed and killed the parents. Ripped them to pieces, actually." Sam said as he looks through the papers.
"And this family was at some carnival that night?" Dean asked. "Right, right. The, uh, Cooper Carnivals." I replied. "So how do you know we're not dealing with some psycho carnie in a clown suit?" Dean asked us. "Well, the cops have no viable leads, and all the employees were tearing down shop. Alibis all around. Plus this girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, of course." Sam replied.
"Well, I know what you're thinking, Sam. Why did it have to be clowns?" Dean said, laughing. "Oh, give me a break." Sam grumbles as Dean laughs. "You didn't think I'd remember, did you? I mean, come on, you still bust out crying whenever you see Ronald McDonald on the television." Dean said.
"Well, at least I'm not afraid of flying." Sam snapped at him. "Planes crash!" Dean yells. "And apparently clowns kill!" Sam shouts. "Yeah, haven't you seen or read It?" I asked Dean. "Scary creepy stuff, man!" I said and Dean shakes his head. "Don't tell me you're scared of clowns, (y/n)." He said. "The ones that kill, yeah." I said.
"So these types of murders, they ever happen before?" Dean asked us. "Uh, according to the file, 1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus, same M.O. It happened three times, three different locales." I said as Sam hands me some of the papers. "It's weird, though, I'm mean if it is a spirit it's usually bound to a specific locale, you know, a house, or a town." Dean said.
"So how's this one moving from city to city, carnival to carnival?" Sam asked us. "Cursed object, maybe. Spirit attaches itself to something and the, uh, carnival carries it around with them." I said, shrugging, and Sam scoffs. "Great. Paranormal scavenger hunt." He said.
"Well, this case was yout idea. By the way, why is that? You were awfully quick to jump on this job." Dean said Sam. "So?" Sam said, shrugging. "It's just... not like you, that's all. I thought you were hell-bent for leather on the demon hunt." Dean said. "I don't know, I just think, this job, it's what Dad would have wanted us to do." Sam replied.
"What Dad would have wanted?" Dean asked. "Yeah. So?" Sam said, defensively. "Nothin'." Dean growls and we continued on through the night.
The squeaky minivan pulls up outside the carnival and we get out. Once we walk out, we see what appears to be detectives talking to some carnies. "Check it out. Five-oh." Dean points out and we split up and look around.
Afterwhile, I meet back up with the boys just as I see Sam staring at a three foot tall woman in a clown outfit then she moves on. "Did you get her number?" Dean asked Sam as we walked up to him and he scowls at his brother.
"More murders?" Sam asked. "Two more last night. Apparently they were ripped to shreds. And they had a little boy with them." Dean replied. "Who fingered a clown." I muttered and Dean pauses as he gives me a weird look.
"What?" I asked. "Yeah, a clown, who apparently vanished into thin air." Dean said. "Dean, you know, looking for a cursed object is like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. They could be anything." Sam said. "Well, it's bound to give off EMF, so we'll just have to scan everything." said Dean and I scoff.
"Oh, good, that's nice and... inconspicuous." I said and Dean stares at something the points it out to us. Sam and I tur ed to see a Help Wanted sign for the circus. "I guess we'll just have to blend in." Dean said.
We walked into a tent and see man throwing knives at a target; they all land near but not quite on bulls-eye. "Excuse me, we're looking for a Mr. Cooper, have you seen him around?  Dean asked the man. "What is that, some kind of joke?" The man asked, offended, as he turns around and pulls of his sunglasses to reveal he's blind.
"Oh. God, I'm, I'm sorry." Dean said, apologetically, as Sam and I glance at each other then smirk slightly. "You think I wouldn't give my eyeteeth to see Mr. Cooper? Or a sunset, or anything at all?" The man asked, angrily. Dean turns to us and said, quietly. "Wanna give me a little help here?"
"Not really." Sam said. "Nah, you got this." I said to him just as we heard footsteps behind us. "Hey man, is there a problem?" A voice asked and we turn then look down to see an extremely short man in a red cape. 
"Yeah, this guy hates blind people." The blind man said as he gestures towards Dean. "No, I don't, I..." Dean stammers before the midget speaks up. "Hey buddy, what's your problem?" He asked Dean. "Nothing, it's just a little misunderstanding." Dean said and the midget gets an offended look.
"Little?! You son of a bitch!" He exclaims as Sam andni bite back out laugh. "No, no, no, no! I'm just, could somebody tell me where Mr. Cooper is? Please?" Dean pleads.
"You three picked a hell of a time to join up. Take a seat." Mr Cooper said to us after we enter the office. We look at the available chairs; two ares normal, the other is pink, with a giant clownface on it. Dean runs to the normal chair and I shake my head and gesture towards the normal chair to Sam. He nods and goes to sit down on the normal chair while I sit in the clown chair.
"We've got all kinds of local trouble." Mr Cooper said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Oh, a couple of folks got themselves murdered. Cops always seem to start here first. So, you three ever worked the circuit before?" Mr Cooper asked. "Yes sir, last year through Texas and Arkansas." Sam replied. "Yeah." Dean and I said.
"Doing what? Ride jockies? Butcher? ANS men?" Mr Cooper asked. "Yeah, it's, uh, little bit of everything, I guess." Sam said. "You three have never worked a show in your lives before, have you?" Mr Cooper asked. "Nope. But we really need the work. Oh, and uh, Sam here's got a thing for the bearded lady." Dean jokes and Sam glares at him.
"You see that picture? That's my daddy." Mr Cooper said as he gestures towards the picture behind him, which was ove a guy that looked exactly like him. "You look just like him." I said and Mr Cooper nodded. "He was in the business. Ran a freakshow. Till they outlawed them, most places. Apparently displaying the deformed isn't dignified. So most of the performers went from honest work to rotting in hospitals and asylums. That's progress. I guess. You see, this place, it's a refuge for outcasts. Always has been. For folks that don't fit in nowhere else. But you three? You should go to school. Find a couple of girls and a boy. Have two point five kids. Live regular." Mr Cooper said.
Dean was about to say something, but Sam leans forward, eyes serious. "Sir? We don't want to go to school. And we don't want regular. We want this." Sam said as Dean and I look at him.
"Huh." Dean and I muttered once we walked out onto the carnival grounds. "What?" Sam asked. "That whole, uh, I don't want to go back to school thing. Were you just saying that to Cooper or were you, you know, saying it? Sam?" Dean asked him. "I don't know." Sam replied, shrugging.
"You don't know? I thought that once the demon was dead and the fat lady sings that you were gonna take off, head back to Wussy State." Dean said. "I'm having second thoughts." Sam said.
"Really?" Dean and I asked. "Yeah. I think. Dad would have wanted me to stick with the job." Sam said. "Since when do you give a damn what Dad wanted? You spent half your life doing exactly what he didn't want, Sam." Dean said, angrily. "Since he died, okay? Do you have a problem with that?" Sam asked him. "Naw, I don't have a problem at all." Dean said and we continued on.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚊 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚗 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
The only light comes from the wrapped, burning body of John Winchester. Standing behind, hands in their pockets, are Sam, Dean, and Y/N. Sam is near tears and fidgeting, Dean staring into the flames silently, Y/N looking emotionless and holding the picture John had given her.
"Before he...before, did he say anything to you? About anything?"
"No. Nothing," Dean says, without looking at him. Y/N glances at him with a sad expression.
A week later, the three are at Bobby's junkyard. Dean is underneath his car working on it, only his legs sticking out. Y/N is squatting beside him, occasionally passing him tools. The car is little more than a rusted frame, but it looks considerably less crunched than last time. Sam approaches.
"How's the car coming along?" he asks.
"Slow," Y/N replies.
"Yeah? Need any help?" Dean drops something heavy.
"What, you under a hood? I'll pass."
"I can pass you tools."
"I've got Y/N for that."
"Need anything else, then?" Dean pushes himself out from under the car and stands, Y/N following.
"Stop it, Sam," Dean says.
"Stop what?" Sam asks.
"Stop asking if we need anything, stop asking if we're okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise." Y/N nods in response, not making eye contact with Sam.
"All right, Dean, it's just... We've been at Bobby's for over a week and you haven't brought up Dad once. Neither of you have."
"You know what? You're right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, and maybe even slow dance."
"Dean," Y/N says, giving Dean a glare.
"Don't patronize me, Dean. Dad is dead. The Colt is gone, and it seems pretty damn likely that the demon is behind all of this, and you two are acting like nothing happened."
"What do you want us to say?"
"Say something, all right? Hell, say anything! Aren't you angry? Don't you want revenge? But all you do is sit out here all day long buried underneath this damn car." Sam looks to his sister. "Y/N, you barely even talk anymore." She looks up at him.
"Revenge, huh?" Dean says.
"Sounds good. You got any leads on where the demon is? Making heads or tails of any of Dad's research? Because I sure ain't. But you know, if we do finally find it—oh. No, wait, like you said. The Colt's gone. But I'm sure you've figured out another way to kill it. We've got nothing, Sam. Nothing, okay? So, you know the only thing I can do? Is I can work on the car." Dean crouches by the car again, getting back to work while Y/N doesn't move.
"Well, we've got something, all right?" Sam pulls out a cell phone. "It's what I came by here to tell you two. This is one of Dad's old phones. Took me a while, but I cracked his voicemail code. Listen to this."
"John, it's Ellen. Again. Look, don't be stubborn, you know I can help you. Call me."
"That message is four months old."
"Dad saves that chick's message for four months?" Y/N asks.
"Well, who's Ellen? Any mention of her in Dad's journal?" she continues.
"No. But I ran a trace on her phone number and I got an address."
"Ask Bobby if we can use one of his cars," Dean says.
In a beat-up, poorly maintained minivan, Dean, Y/N, and Sam pull up to the Roadhouse Saloon.
"This is humiliating. I feel like a friggin' soccer mom!" Y/N says.
"It's the only car Bobby had running." They get out of the van and start looking around. "Hello? Anybody here?"
"Hey. You bring the, uh..."
"Of course," Sam tosses something to Dean, who catches it. They open the door and go inside. The saloon is quiet except for a fly buzzing. A light bulb blows out. They go to the back and see a man passed out at the bar.
"Hey buddy?" Y/N goes over and pokes him; he doesn't do anything. "I'm guessing that isn't Ellen." Sam goes into a back room, looking around. Dean goes down the steps, then pauses as he feels the point of a gun touch his back.
"Oh god, please let that be a rifle," Dean says. Y/N turns around and the gun cocks. The owner of the gun is a young blond girl.
"No, I'm just real happy to see you." Y/N steps forward, but she gets the gun pointed at her. "Don't move." She then returns it to Dean.
"Not moving, copy that. You know, you should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back. Because it makes it real easy to do..." He turns fluidly, grabbing the rifle and cocking it. "That." The girl punches him in the face and takes back the rifle. Dean doubles over, clutching his nose. "Sam! Need some help in here. I can't see, I can't even see." The back door opens to reveal Sam, both hands on his head. He enters slowly.
"Sorry, Dean, Y/N, I can't right now. I'm a... little tied up." Sam nods his head, indicating the older woman behind him, who has a handgun pointing at his head.
"Sam? Dean? Y/N? Winchester?"
"Yeah," the three say in unison.
"Son of a bitch."
"Mom, you know these guys?"
"Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's kids." She lowers the gun, laughing. "Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo." Jo also lowers her rifle, and Dean smiles at her.
"You're not gonna hit me again, are you?" Minutes later, Ellen is handing a small towel filled with ice to Dean.
"Come on, Dean. You should be used to being punched," Y/N says, sniggering.
"Here you go."
"Thanks, the demon, of course. I heard he was closing in on it." Dean looks back at Y/N and Sam.
"What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed? I mean, who, who are you? How do you know about all this?"
"Hey, I just run a saloon. But hunters have been known to pass through now and again. Including your dad, a long time ago. John was like family once," Ellen says.
"Oh yeah? How come he never mentioned you before?" Y/N asks.
"You'd have to ask him that." Y/N glances down.
"So why exactly do we need your help?"
"Hey, don't do me any favors. Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out. But John wouldn't have sent you if..." She stops, realizing. "He didn't send you." Dean looks down, then back at Sam and Y/N, who shakes her head. "He's all right, isn't he?" Y/N shakes her head again.
"No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it, I guess," Sam says, and Y/N puts her hand on his arm.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. We're all right," Y/N says, smiling reassuringly at her.
"Really? I know how close you, Y/N, and your dad were."
"Really, lady, we're fine," Dean says.
"So, look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get," Dean looks at Sam.
"Well, we can't. But Ash will."
"Who's Ash?"
"Ash!" Ellen shouts. The man passed out on the pool table jerks awake and sits up, flailing. The Winchesters turn to look at him.
"What? It closin' time?" Ash asks, and Y/N turns around.
"That's Ash," she says, pointing at him.
"Mm-hmm. He's a genius," Jo says. A brown folder is slapped down on the bar; Sam, Y/N, and Ash are sitting at the bar, Dean is standing behind them. Jo is on the other side of the bar pouring a glass of water.
"You've gotta be kidding me, this guy's no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie," Dean says, his arms crossed.
"All he needs now is a motorbike," Y/N adds.
"I like you two."
"Thanks," the twins say in unison.
"Just give him a chance." Dean sits next to Y/N and opens the folder.
"All right. This stuff's about a year's worth of our dad's work, so, uh, let's see what you make of it." Ash pulls out the papers and starts rifling through them. He shakes his head. Sam takes a drink of his water.
"Come on. This crap ain't real. There ain't nobody who can track a demon like this."
"Our dad could," Sam says.
"There are non-parametric, statistical overviews, prospects and correlations, I mean, damn! They're signs. Omens. Uh, if you can track 'em, you can track this demon. You know, like crop failures, electrical storms... You ever been struck by lightning? It ain't fun." Y/N chuckles, and Ash glances at her.
"Can you track it or not?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, with this, I think so. But it's gonna take time, uh, give me...fifty-one hours." Ash gets up to leave.
"Hey, man?" Y/N says.
"Yeah," Ash says, turning around.
"I, uh, I dig the haircut."
"All business up front, party at the back." As he leaves, Jo walks by, flirting a little with Dean. He checks her out tiredly, then gets up to follow her. Sam sees something behind the bar.
"Hey, Ellen, what is that?" he asks.
"It's a police scanner. We keep tabs on things, we..." Dean gets up and walks over to the window.
"No, no, no, no, the, um, the folder."
"Uh, I was gonna give this to a friend of mine. But take a look, if you want." She takes a folder from the wall and places it in front of Sam. It has some newspaper clippings attached to the front, and on the front, in red marker 'Couple Murdered, Child Left Alive.'
At the window, Dean sits down by Jo.
"How did your mom get into this stuff, anyway?" Dean asks.
"From my dad. He was a hunter. He passed away."
"I'm sorry."
"It was a long time ago. I was just a kid. Sorry to hear about your dad."
"Yeah. So, I guess I've got fifty-one hours to waste. Maybe tonight we should, uh..." He looks up at her. "No, you know what? Never mind."
"What?" Jo asks.
"Nothing, just, uh, wrong place, wrong time."
"You know, I thought you were gonna toss me some cheap pickup line." Dean chuckles, embarrassed. "Most hunters come through that door think they can get in my pants with some...pizza, a six-pack, and side one of Zeppelin IV."
"Well...what a bunch of scumbags."
"Not you," Jo says.
"I guess not." Jo looks at him and Dean looks down.
"Dean, come here, check this out," Y/N says. He stands up and walks over.
"A few murders, not far from here, that Ellen caught wind of. Looks to me like there might be a hunt," Sam says.
"Yeah. So?"
"So, I told her we'd check it out."
Back in the minivan, Dean is driving, Sam sitting shotgun and Y/N sitting in the middle of them. It's raining; Sam has the research open in his lap, using a flashlight to read.
"You've gotta be kidding me. A killer clown?" Dean says.
"Yeah. He left the daughter unharmed and killed the parents. Ripped them to pieces, actually."
"And this family was at some carnival that night?" Y/N asks.
"Right, right. The, uh, Cooper Carnivals."
"So how do you know we're not dealing with some psycho carnie in a clown suit?" Dean says.
"Well, the cops have no viable leads, and all the employees were tearing down shop. Alibis all around. Plus, this girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, of course."
"Well, I know what you're thinking, Sam. Why did it have to be clowns?" Dean says, looking past Y/N to Sam.
"Oh, give me a break," Dean and Y/N laugh.
"You didn't think we'd remember, did you?"
"Come on, Sammy, you still bust out crying whenever you see Ronald McDonald on the television," Y/N says, sniggering.
"Well, at least I'm not afraid of flying," Sam says, directing it towards Dean. "And I don't even know what you're afraid of."
"Planes crash!"
"And apparently clowns kill."
"So, these types of murders, they ever happen before?" Y/N asks.
"Uh, according to the file, 1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus, same M.O. It happened three times, three different locales."
"It's weird, though, I mean if it is a spirit, it's usually bound to a specific locale, you know, a house, or a town."
"So, how's this one moving from city to city, carnival to carnival?"
"Cursed object, maybe. Spirit attaches itself to something and the, uh, carnival carries it around with them," Y/N says.
"Great. Paranormal scavenger hunt."
"Well, this case was your idea. By the way, why is that? You were awfully quick to jump on this job," Dean says.
"It's just... not like you, that's all. I thought you were hell-bent for leather on the demon hunt."
"I don't know, I just think this job, it's what Dad would have wanted us to do." Y/N glances at Sam.
"What Dad would have wanted?" she speaks.
"Yeah. So?"
"Nothin'," she gives Dean a small frown and returns to look outside. Sam keeps looking to her and the research. The squeaky minivan pulls up outside the carnival. They see what appear to be detectives talking to some carnies.
"Check it out. Five-oh." Minutes later, they head into the park. Sam stands with his hands in his pockets as a three-foot-tall woman in a clown outfit passes him. He stares at her, nervous, and she stares back before moving on. Dean and Y/N approach. "Did you get her number?" Dean asks. Sam jumps but then relaxes when he sees who it is. Sam scowls.
"More murders?"
"Two more last night. Apparently, they were ripped to shreds. And they had a little boy with them," Y/N says.
"Who fingered a clown." The twins pause, giving Sam a weird look. "What?"
"Yeah, a clown, who apparently vanished into thin air."
"Guys, you know, looking for a cursed object is like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. They could be anything."
"Well, it's bound to give off EMF, so we'll just have to scan everything," Y/N says.
"Oh, good, that's nice and... inconspicuous." Dean sees a Help wanted...S. Cooper sign.
"I guess we'll just have to blend in."
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ultraericthered · 16 days
Anime Update V3 20
From Me To You - Watched the three episodes that wrapped up the Kurumi arc. To this day I wonder what exactly it was about Kurumi that made her the series' most hated character beyond the dumb Die For Our Ship stuff - yes, she started those rumors that gave Sawako, Ayane and Chizu such a hard time several episodes ago, but not only did nothing she did or said to Sawako directly manage to stack up in hurtfulness, but even that rumor scheme got all the holes in it pointed out here, with Ayane and Chizu rightly skewering Kurumi's competence at thinking these things through and pulling them off. Aside from that, her backstory gives her adequate reason for why she'd be so clingy about her love for Kazehaya but not bold enough to take initative and open up to him about her feelings for him, and her and Sawako have the most blatantly foe-to-friend romantic-coded "rival" relationship where they both care about each other despite knowing it's probably a risk to themselves and their romantic pursuits to do so and have some of the cutest, funniest, and heartfelt interactions, how can you not find it precious? You shouldn't even need to wait for the manga to catch Kurumi up with her character growth, this section of the story gives you plenty of reasons to love her already! I like the resolve Kurumi came to here. Good for her.
Hunter x Hunter - At long, long, long, long last, I've finished the Chimera Ants arc. All surviving Ants are moving on with their lives, including Welfin joining Hina, Bizeff, and the others to search for the never-to-be-found Gyro. Bloster, meanwhile, delivers that unnamed servant Ant to a familiar village and it turns out that all along, this Ant was not only not really mute, she's Kurt's little sister Reina who rettained her human memories, and oh God did I get choked up watching her and her mother having their big tearful reunion and seeing her bring Bloster back with her to live in that village too.: it was beautiful. And then Colt calls up Morel to reveal the startling realization that the Queen's last child that he's been taking care of is in fact the reincarnated Kite, compounding the tragedy of Gon's story since he's at death's door and hospitalized, all for pretty much nothing. Killua seeks a way to ensure the surgery goes succesfully and Gon's life can be saved, while elsewhere, just as in real life, an election season is in order, as Netero's final message to the Hunters Association beckons they select his successor the democratic way!
SHUFFLE! - Ended the series with the last two episodes. Asa's mom being a demon, making Asa a human-demon hybrid whose blood allows her to access magic powers, was absolutely not a turn I'd seen coming, but in hindsight it makes sense. Not sure how I felt about the climax of the whole thing revolving around Rin threatening suicide in order to force Asa to use her magic to save both of their lives, but the result of it was effective and ensured everything got wrapped up in a satisfying way. An alright end to an alright show.
KonoSuba - The second OVA, in which Kazuma leads his party on different high risk quests all so he can have new stories to tell to a random fangirl who keeps meeting with him at the pub, to the point where they have to fight another giant robot created by the same crazy asshole who was behind the events of the first season's finale, all just for Kazuma to learn that his fangirl could barely stomach him the whole time and was just getting paid to motivate him in quests!
K-On! - The second year of school has begun and the Light Music Club is out to get some new membership by any means necessary. And I mean any means, as they even do a publicity stunt in stupid plush animal costumes in hopes of it grabbing attention. After another successful on-stage performance, a girl named Azusa comes to their clubroom asking if she can join. You're going to end up making Season 2 all about you, aren't you? Well, at least Yui's happy!
Eureka Seven - Pulled a "Sozin's Comet" with all four final episodes of the show, which provided so many revelations, exhilerating action, powerful crescendos to all the character arcs and relationships (I'm never emotionally prepared for Dominic and Anemone in Episode 48, it is so epic and gets me every time!), and an ending that...honestly didn't make a whole lot of sense. I mean, I got the basic idea of it: the Scub Coral keep their ties to the Earth, but all of the Coralians and the new central cluster leave for the parallel universe where they'll wait until when both worlds are ready to co-exist. But the way it got executed was pretty confusing, especially since Eureka and the now Corallian Renton choose to stay on their planet, yet can't really live on the planet like people anymore, leaving everyone who knew them wondering if they'll ever see them again? The only other nitpick is what directly preceded that, where even before the existence of the putrid Astral Ocean series, the entire "humanity and Scub Coral can co-exist and help each other grow" theme is a bit undercut by Renton fucking slaughtering his way through several Coralians in order to reach Eureka. But those problematic areas were far outshone by how beautifully this whole thing came together here. Much like Nadja of Tomorrow, this is a show where the long game was well played and well worth it, and even with all the later sequels, spinoffs and imitators, it's one of a kind. Dai Sato, you will always be famous.
Air - Two episodes that set us back 1000 years prior to the story we've been watching and unveils the origin of the fabled winged girl in the sky, shown here to be named Kanna. We see her and her two companions Lady Uraha and Sir Ryūya set out on a journey to find Kanna's missing mother and avoid forces from their palace who are conspiring to lock her away in another temple. Tragically, they find her only to lose her, as she passes her ancient prayer on to Kanna before dying. When Kanna takes flight, she's caught by a curse that strikes her down, leading to her having to experience death over and over again while her mind is trapped in an endless, lonely dream. Ryūya and Uraha learn about the curse and vow to end it by having a child who will break the curse, with them implied to be Yukito's ancestors. But now that Yukito is out of the picture and Misuzu, the current incarnation of Kanna, is all alone, how will it ever work out?
Sailor Moon Crystal/Infinity/Eternal/Cosmos - Yes, I watched all of this over the latter half of Summer in anticipation for when Cosmos dropped on Netflix. And I saw a subpar adaptation of a classic Shoujo action/romance manga turn into a dramatic time travel epic with far more competent adaptational choices, which then became a science ficiton/gothic horror work with more powerful storytelling and character depth and even some darker moral gray areas, and that gave way to a twisted fairy tale adventure that championed the power of love, friendship, and dreams...and then what I ended on was a straight up mythic tale with deeply personal stakes and some heavy spiritual themes! That last one is especially not what many would think of when thinking "Sailor Moon", but that's seriously where Naoko Takeuchi led her original story to! And I have mad respect for that and enjoyed the overall ride through a true Japanese legend!
Huh? Wha...what's that? Who's there? Is that..... Dewey Novak???
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"August 6. That date marked officially five years that you've been putting out these Anime Update posts. And you let it slip you by. Terrible mistake, my friend! I've connected my very essence to the data collective of all of these posts! If I go, so does this post series, cut down only 20 entries into the V3 version! My life shall be the foundation upon which Anime Update ends its five year run!"
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"So cry! All you like! This is the beginning of a brand new era!"
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Oh dear. What's to become of Anime Update now? Stay tuned!
0 notes
Since Paladin was in town, Ovid grabbed him for an interview on THISAWAY IS THAT AWAY, his podcast.
In person, Paladin is strikingly tall and stolid.
Paladin's face can be described as having a strong, chiseled jawline that conveys determination and resolve. He has deep-set, intense eyes that reflect a sense of purpose and moral complexity. His brow is slightly furrowed, hinting at a continual contemplation. His features are rugged yet refined, with a hint of weathering that suggests experience and a life lived in challenging environments. A neatly trimmed lip stash adds to his rugged charm, while a calm, stoic expression often sits on his lips, embodying his inner strength and dedication to justice. Overall, his face projects both authority and vulnerability, making him a compelling figure.
His general vibe is of authority and readiness with a contemporary look, emphasizing Paladin's projected role as a modern-day protector while staying true to his core principles.
Welcome Mr. Paladin. Nice to have you here.
Paladin. My pleasure. Thanks for inviting me.
Ovid: How would you describe your self?
Paladin: I’m a man of principles, willing to do what it takes to restore justice in a lawless land."
Ovid: In a lwless land how do you determine right or wrong?
Paladin: "In a world where right and wrong often blur, I stand ready with my gun and my honor. With a gun in hand and a code in heart, I confront the darkness lurking in the shadows.
Ovid: aren't you basically a hired gun?
Paladin: I’m Paladin, a hired gun, but more importantly, a protector of the innocent. In the face of danger, I choose to wield my gun with purpose, not fear. In a world of turmoil, my gun is both a weapon and a symbol of my unwavering resolve that echoes through the canyons, a promise of justice in the night."
Ovid: You've traveled a lot haven't you?
Paladin: In the wild frontier, my name means justice—let's see how far I must go to find it, a traveler seeking truth, armed with both intellect and a Colt .45."
Ovid: after hearing Freud how do you respond?
Paladin: Every man has his demons; I’m here to face them, including my own head-on, with my gun by my side. I’m a man who understands that true strength lies in restraint. In the face of danger, I choose to wield my gun with purpose, not fear. Every choice carries weight, and every bullet tells a story."
Ovid: We often talk about the howl of the underdog. You seem to hear and respond to that call.
Paladin: That's correct. I hear the lugubrious howl load and clear. I'm a traveler through perilous paths, seeking justice with every step. In a world filled with shadows, I strive to shine a light on what’s right. I’m , prepared to challenge fate and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves in the wild frontier, I stand as a bastion of hope against the tide of despair."
OVid aren't you kind of a paid vigilante?
Paladin: I’m where the line between lawman and outlaw often blurs, but my purpose remains clear. Justice for all.
Ovid: Well Paladin thanks for your time today and last night.
Paladin: Of course Ovid. Justice and honorare message that need to be conveyed continuously and only rarely with a gun. Keep up the great work.
"I’m Paladin, here to remind the world that justice still has a voice."
"With the sun setting on a lawless town, I draw my weapon in pursuit of truth."
"I’m Paladin, a man who knows that sometimes the hardest battle is the one within."
"In a world filled with shadows, I strive to shine a light on what’s right."
"I’m Paladin, a traveler through perilous paths, seeking justice with every step."
"With my Colt at my side, I face the darkness, determined to bring forth the dawn."
"I’m Paladin, prepared to challenge fate and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves."
"In the wild frontier, I stand as a bastion of hope against the tide of despair."
"I’m Paladin, where the line between lawman and outlaw often blurs, but my purpose remains clear."
"With every encounter, I seek not just to survive, but to make a difference."
"I’m Paladin, a name that echoes through the canyons, a promise of justice in the night."
"In a world of turmoil, my gun is both a weapon and a symbol of my unwavering resolve."
"I’m Paladin, and I’m a man of principles, willing to do what it takes to restore justice in a lawless land."
"In a world where right and wrong often blur, I stand ready with my gun and my honor."
"I’m Paladin, a traveler seeking truth, armed with both intellect and a Colt .45."
"With a gun in hand and a code in heart, I confront the darkness lurking in the shadows."
"I’m Paladin, a hired gun, but more importantly, a protector of the innocent."
"In the wild frontier, my name means justice—let's see how far I must go to find it."
"I’m Paladin, and whether it’s with words or weapons, I’ll fight for what’s right."
"Every man has his demons; I’m here to face them head-on, with my gun by my side."
"I’m Paladin, a man who understands that true strength lies in restraint."
"In a land of outlaws and uncertainty, I choose the path of honor—one shot at a time."
"I’m Paladin, navigating the fine line between justice and revenge in the wild west."
"With a steady hand and a determined heart, I’m ready to confront whatever evil lies ahead."
can you give me 20 more ChatGPT Sure! Here are 20 more opening lines inspired by Paladin's style:
"I’m Paladin, a lone gunfighter in a world that often forgets the meaning of honor."
"With a quick draw and a steady aim, I seek to bring balance to a chaotic frontier."
"I’m Paladin, navigating the shadows where courage and cowardice often collide."
"In the face of danger, I choose to wield my gun with purpose, not fear."
"I’m Paladin, a guardian of the forgotten, armed with resolve and righteousness."
"With every challenge, I stand ready to defend the helpless and confront the wicked."
"I’m Paladin, where every choice carries weight, and every bullet tells a story."
"In a land where trust is scarce, my word is my bond, and my gun is my shield."
"I’m Paladin, here to remind the world that justice still has a voice."
"With the sun setting on a lawless town, I draw my weapon in pursuit of truth."
"I’m Paladin, a man who knows that sometimes the hardest battle is the one within."
"In a world filled with shadows, I strive to shine a light on what’s right."
"I’m Paladin, a traveler through perilous paths, seeking justice with every step."
"With my Colt at my side, I face the darkness, determined to bring forth the dawn."
"I’m Paladin, prepared to challenge fate and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves."
"In the wild frontier, I stand as a bastion of hope against the tide of despair."
"I’m Paladin, where the line between lawman and outlaw often blurs, but my purpose remains clear."
"With every encounter, I seek not just to survive, but to make a difference."
"I’m Paladin, a name that echoes through the canyons, a promise of justice in the night."
"In a world of turmoil, my gun is both a weapon and a symbol of my unwavering resolve."
0 notes
watchingspnagain · 3 years
Rewatching Dead Man’s Blood
Welcome to “Machete Size Apparently Matters: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s1e20: Dead Man’s Blood
 An old hunter is attacked and killed by a group of vampires. When Sam and Dean go to investigate, they run into John, who shares that the vamps stole an old Colt from the hunter that can kill “anything.” The boys and John team up (not without some serious friction) to try to clear out the vamp nest and steal the gun. John thinks the Colt is finally the answer to how to kill the demon who killed Mary. Bring a machete because there’s lots of fraught to hack through in this one. Plus, it’s handy for beheading vampires.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here.  Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 ugh, I have an actual, visceral reaction when Sam calls him Sir.
 How fun would it have been to be in the prop dept and help make those hunting journals?!
 If we ever cosplay the boys together, we NEED to make one
that would be SO COOL
 Dean and his newspaper
 "boys, we're eating in tonight" if any vampire actually said that, the others would sooo make fun of them, honestly
hahahaha right?
 Aw, Dean wants Sammy to have a girlfriend
 "or oops I spilled the popcorn salt"
now I want popcorn
 do they keep Elkins's journal? I don't think anyone ever mentions it again, but jeez, take that with you
 Oooh, excellent question! I don't know. Maybe there's a CODE and you don't touch another man's journal unless he says it's okay...
 oooo maybe
 god, Dean pressing the paper down into the blood so it doesn't move
 FUCK OFF, JOHN, jeeeeesus
 Sammy smells the bullshit that John came for this dead friend but keeps away from his own sons
 apparently he didn't teach you not to knock on the window like that and scare the crap out of your kids
 Aha! John isn't there because of his dead friend but for the fucking gun
 I forget that they've not encountered vampires yet
 he THouGhT tHeY wERe EXtinCT
  (Buffy would kick John's ass so hard)
 I feel like he isn't even that good at his job
I mean, there's no evidence that he is. He's well known to demons not for his own sake but because of his sons
 Makes Dean's worship of him that much more tragically skewed
 I think maybe some people say he is? but also he seems to have had a falling out with... everyone
 OHO, don't question dad, Sammy
 and the way he doesn't tell them ANYTHING
 you know, I kind of love this idea now, that John actually isn't anything special at all.
 god he does things to make them feel SMALL. i HATE him
 ooo YES
 Dean loves that car like it is HIMSELF don't be such a JERK
 oh, Sam is driving
 Sam is the chosen one for the yellow eyed war, Dean is chosen by Chuck, ffs. They're the ones that matter. John is in fact nothing. and maybe he senses that and it bothers him
 oh submissive DEAN
 do you hear that, John? revenge isn't worth much if you end up dead
 Ooooh, angry Sammy
 poor Dean, getting between them
 "and I said no" YAS SAMMY
 but poor Dean saying "stop it, both of you"
 oh Dean. I just want to wrap him in blankets. this isn't supposed to be your job, baby
 vampires just shouldn't be skanky
 it's wrong
like, they are immortal, why are they living in a crap barn being crappy?
 so I will never watch it again, so I'll never know I guess, but is the barn in 327 supposed to be this barn?
 no idea
stupid 327
 i suppose knowing where they're both set would help
but that's Jenny, right? the woman they turned?
 yeah? is she in the last ep? I have blocked most of it from memory
 yeah, she's the like head vampire of the nest they're fighting in that one
 "you gotta understand something: I'm a raging douchebag."
 you became their abuser
 it never occurred to him what Sam wanted? JESUS
 my god, Jared has a gorgeous smile
 I do love that they frame Sam as the one who is like John
 yeah that's clever
 "you know what to do" and then cut to Dean as bait
 and it's sexualized too
 of course it is
 omg the way his voice breaks
 the way Sam yells at John and Dean pleads with him
 that's probably personality difference, but I wonder if it's also partly bc Dean remembers when John wasn't like this
 hm, maybe
i lean more toward personality
 yeah I think I do too, honestly
 I don't like the way he's dealing with these vampires either. like, it's almost cruel
the rope? using the feelings they have for each other against them? gross, John
 hm. yeah, but I think sam and dean do similar things, no?
we just hate John
 I am conveniently forgetting that fact
 Ha! I suspected as much
 oooh rebel Dean I LOVE IT
 "I am?"
 [after the episode ended]
I feel like there was a lot of vampire lore in there they abandon after this ep
yeah? I can’t keep track
we really don’t see a lot of vampires
that one really old dude
and a couple of eps here and there
The vamps’ eyes do a thing in this one I don’t think we see again? and that stuff about a vampire once getting your scent never leaving you alone. and the herbs stuff so they can’t smell you
yeah, they aren’t around super a lot
 ah yeah, I think you’re right about that
 but there’s the whole Gordon thing. and then that nest Dean is a part of for a hot second in S6
 Oh I forgot about that
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 I’m so sorry, teddy bear. hold it against me
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
The Empty is Coming (Part. II)
Hello dears! How are you feeling for tonight's episode? I'm not ready...
Okay, i had to make a whole meta for this episode for the huge symbolism related to Sacrifice and the Empty.
Castiel walking on the Empty, a prelude...
When episode 12x18 starts, we have another dar forest, representing the Empty, and a young guy named Jorred walking on it...
If you pay attention, he wears a brown coat, blue pants. Is a blatant Cas' mirror, and the obscurity surrounding him, symbolizes the Empty.
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Jorred gets trapped and then dies.
Where's Cas? Is reaching a high level of worrisome
Dean tries to call Cas but... He can't. So, all theses days he didn't have news about the angel and he is reaching high levels of worrisome.
I wrote an entire meta about this episode time ago, I don't want to be repetitive, so i will be quoting here things I already put in that meta. You can find the analysis here.
DEAN: Come on. Cas, it's me. I've been trying to get ahold of you for days. I don't know what's going on, but we got a line on Dagon...And we got our asses handed to us, even with the Colt. So...Could really use the backup. Call me back.
Dean is mad at Cas, first because he is pointing at he have been days trying to get ahold of him (remember Dean praying to him every night in Purgatory?) and then he is mad because he doesn't know what's going on with Cas. So basically, he is mad because Cas is not calling. Is not giving living signals.
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SAM: So no luck with Cas, huh?
DEAN: Yeah, still AWOL.
SAM: All right, so let's find him.
DEAN: I've been trying, Sam. The GPS on his phone is turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead.
This is the thing here, he reveals another details of why he is mad and worried, because Cas turn his GPS off! That means that maybe he doesn't want th to find him. And then, Dean is saying HE SEARCHED FOR HIM IN HOSPITALS AND POLICE INFO LIKE? Yeah... A little kind of desperate.
And if you pay attention bro the pic, you wikl find how worried is Sam watching his brother in that shape.
SAM: Right. Dean, it's Cas. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is.
DEAN: Yeah.
This scene is very rich in body language. Also Sam assuming Cas will always be fine, is like settling the idea that something could take them by surprise anytime about the angel.
But watch Dean here while Sam tries to comfort his brother...
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I will quote here what I wrote in my meta about this episode:
"Priceless... Avoiding Sam's eyes, looking to a side, dimples of discontent, that sniffing is like... He is so mad... He just can't stand it. Can't stand CAS not answering his phone calls, not being there for weeks. Not knowing if he is dead or alive. Makes feel so uneasy, he can't control what he is feeling... He is mad, but worried at the same time."
How do I fill this emptiness?
Not being able to have any hint of Cas, and feeling he was being rejected by him, the unrequited love idea hits Dean again.
Is big, cold, hole inside of him, and it needs to be filled immediately. And what Dean does, which will be the last time he does it? He hooks up with random waitress. Why? Well. I will quote here again my insights from the other meta.
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I want to add the waitress is not just dressed with the coat but with a pink dress too. The pink color will be very called in the incoming seasons. Is a symbolism of happiness. Related to Castiel's deal with the Empty made in season 14, and the ultimate Sacrifice for love and Castiel's love confession in season 15. But in this case, it talks about Dean. Dean's happiness is Cas and viceversa.
Another thing Dean did in this episode to fill the emptiness of his Unrequited Love was eating too much. As he always does. It maybe wouldn't caught our attention if Sam wouldn't watched him with disgust and scolding face.
Sheriff Barret Bishop and the Black Bill legend. (Cas and Empty mirrors)
Look how Sam describes the legend of Black Bill at first:
SAM: And when the fun was over, the satyr would, "feast upon the flesh of his victims until his belly was full to bursting with their moist, slippery meat."
I find this very interesting, because he talks about a party, something they celebrate (an orgy) that could be related with lust, the thing that will taken as a forbidden feelings in Castiel's POV in episode 14x15. And the punishment is became the monster's food. But but, is not the first time we see a monster feeding of people or energy in legends. In episode 14x17, the one that gave me the spec about Dean rescuing Castiel from the Empty, they talk too about this legend and how the mosntrrs feed from his prays. So, is this the Empty's story then? Is he feeding with energy from dead angels and dead demons? Hahaha just a few days and we will know.
Then, Castiel's mirror trying to do his best to change things, but by himself.
Sheriff Bishop: Moloch used his power to make us rich. After my father died in '97, I put a stop to all of that. Look, I couldn't...I never killed anybody. I just wanted to help people to make up for all the bad we've done. I wanted... To leave a legacy. - I kept him locked up. Hoped he'd starve to death.
Okay, this is kind of the idea of what Chuck did with the Empty. The thing is... The monster scapes.
And then we have the Sheriff saying "It was on him"
Sheriff Bishop: You should go.
SAM: No, sheriff, uh, we can help clean up.
Sheriff Bishop: No. This...I'll take care of it. It's on me. This? This is my legacy.
Again a Cas mirror doing the dirty work. It's on me. Is the same thought in Castiel's mind, and we will see it in the next episode.
Winchester's legacy:
SAM: But the people we saved, they're our legacy. And they'll remember us and then I guess...We'll eventually fade away, too. That's fine, because we left the world better than we found it, you know.
DEAN: I wonder what's gonna happen to this place. After we're gone, you think some hunter'll move in, keep fightin' the fight?
SAM: Yeah, I hope so.
DEAN: Yeah. Me, too.
Dean gets out his knife from his pocket.
SAM: What are you doin'?
DEAN: Leaving our mark. Here.
This is a parallel to 15x19, the fake bro ending. The dialogue is also a representation of THE FAMILY BUSINESS.
But you know what they did in 15x19, they carved Cas and Jack names too.
And you know what happened in episode 12x19: THE MIXTAPE OR THE WAY DEAN USED TO EXPRESS HIS ROMANTIC FEELINGS FOR CAS. So, this is another clue for us to think Cas will come back after bro only ending to hear Dean's true love confession. (I'm talking about tonight's episode.)
To Conclude:
More than another foreshadow of the Empty and Castiel's dead, we had once more Dean Winchester's unrequited love inner fight.
This is another proof Dean feels the same way as Castiel. He really feels his love is Unrequited and he will never be able to have Cas in the way he wants.
Even with Castiel's speech in the barn in 12x10, giving Dean some hopes and gifting him with the Mixtape, as a representan of his romantic love for him, Dean is facing now that maybe that confession was totally platonic. And it hurst him. That's why he behaves by trying to fill that empty with sex and food.
But it won't go away until both men complete their love circle.
Hope you like this, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @agusvedder @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to read my previous metas, here you have the links.
Buenos Aires, November 14th 2020, 10:30 PM
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 4 years
His Salvation ~ A John Winchester One-Shot
Summary: Based on SPN, S1, E21 “Salvation”. John gets threatened by Meg the demon if he doesn’t give the Colt to her. Meg threatens him, and harms Leigh while still on the phone. John tricks Meg by handing over a fake Colt. John, thinking Leigh (who’s the only woman to help him with hunting, with the boys, with coping with the loss of Mary, and also the woman he loves) is dead, goes to give Meg the Colt. On the way there, he gets a call from the hospital saying his wife has been involved in an accident. It takes him a minute to realize that Leigh’s actually alive since their secret code was to call each other husband and wife if they ever got in trouble. The search for the demon that killed Mary is put on hold. There’s never the car crash that happens at the end of S1, so John doesn’t need to make a deal with the yellow-eyed demon to save Dean. 
Warning(s): Language. Angst. Threats - spoken, unspoken, well known, good,  and bad. Violence. Fluff. Leigh’s a badass. Not beta’d, so...there’s that. I only have Grammarly used on this. 
Author’s Note(s): Hey, y’all! I know it’s been a really long, hot minute since I last posted an update. Writer’s block is an absolute demon. Depression too. And with everything else going on this year, it’s just been crazy! But, here’s a John Winchester One-Shot! If I get enough feedback for it, I’ll do a part 2! But y’all gotta let me know! Hope everyone’s staying safe, staying negative from COVID, and that y’all have a Happy Holiday season! As always, I’m here, so feel free to reach out! 
Word Count: 3,828 words
Relationship(s): John Winchester x Leigh Sullivan (OFC) [romantic]. 
Characters: John Winchester. Leigh Sullivan (OFC). Dean Winchester. Sam Winchester. Demon!Meg. Mary Winchester (Mentioned).
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho@ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan @cladd716
Story Time:
John’s P.O.V. ~ Salvation, Iowa - 2006
“Meg.” Sam says into his phone, shock lacing his voice.
My head jerks up from where I’d had it resting in my hands after arguing with the boys, well Dean really, ‘bout them not being able to get me to answer the phone. I know I suck at phone calls. To be honest, I really can’t stand phones...they’re just too confusing for my 51-year-old ass, even if you’d never know that’s how old I am since I look like I’m in my late 30s, maybe late 40s. 
I’d much rather use a landline than a cell phone. It’s a miracle the ones I do have even stay charged. I have Leigh to thank for that. She’s been my saving grace, my salvation for well over two and a half decades. Hell, maybe even longer than that. She helped me raise the boys after my wife, Mary, died when Sammy was six months old, even though she was just barely outta her teenage years herself.
She was 15 when we first met 25 years ago and she became Dean’s babysitter and later Sammy’s. After Mary died, Leigh was right there, willing to help me with the boys as I set out on the mission to find Mary’s killer. I’d never wanted to get her dragged into the lifestyle of a Hunter, but she insisted, saying someone needed to help take care of the boys.
And...after rescuing her when her parents were killed by a werewolf a few years later, she stuck ‘round even more. By that point, she was 22, and made it clear she was an adult and could do whatever she wanted which just so happened to stick with the boys and I. So, I did what I had to, and we learned the ropes of being a Hunter together.
After Sam went to college a few years ago, it was just Dean, Leigh, and I. We continued on hunting. Sometimes, Dean would go on his own hunts, but Leigh would always stick right by my side, hunting with me. Somewhere around the time that Dean was in high school, Leigh and I ended up together.
I was hesitant at first, considering I’d known her since she was a teenager, but she pointed out that she was only 10 years younger than me and had always had a crush on me. So, after a rough hunt and a night of patching each other up, we’d fallen into bed together. From that point on, we were together. 
The boys approved even if Dean had been a little hesitant at first; he didn’t want anyone to take his mom’s place. No one would ever take Mary’s place, but there was no denying the role Leigh had in all of our lives. She’d been the one to calm me down after Sam left for college, something I’d always wanted for my boys, but after being a Hunter for so long, I was only worried ‘bout their safety.
That was why I didn’t want Sam to go to California, to Stanford. I felt if he were there, I wouldn’t be able to protect him as easily from the things that go bump in the night. But, Leigh calmed me down, telling me that Sam was an adult now, and could make his own choices as well as being able to protect himself since we’d taught the boys a lot of what we knew.
The only reason Leigh’s not here, with us, with me, is because she went to see our friend and fellow Hunter, Caleb up in Lincoln, Nebraska, and help him with a case. The boys and I are working a lead that, hopefully, brings us closer to finding Yellow Eyes, the man, well, the demon responsible for Mary’s death. 
Both Dean and I stare at Sam as we listen to his conversation with Meg. A woman who’d befriended Sam when he and Dean had a spat outside of a small town in Indiana a while back. She made her true colors show when she’d tried to have them killed. Only...she ended up falling out of a seven-story window.
There’s no way a human could’ve survived a fall like which means...she’s not human...she must be...fuck. She’s a demon. I get pulled outta my thoughts when I hear Sam’s voice and feel his eyes on me.
“My dad. I don’t know where my dad is.” He says.
I raise a brow, running a hand over my face and letting out a sigh. I stand and walk over to the motel window, looking out of  it for a moment before turning back to Sam in time to see him holding his phone out to me. I sigh again and take it.
“This is John.” I say, my voice deep and empty of any emotions.
“Howdy, John. I'm Meg. I'm a friend of your boys. I'm also the one who watched Jim Murphy choke on his own blood…”
My heart tightens in my chest at her words. Jim was a close friend, fellow Hunter, and a priest. He was also murdered yesterday. I found out from Caleb when the boys and I were heading up here to Salvation, Iowa. Jim’s death...hit hard. It wasn’t ideal to get close to anyone, not in our line of work, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped.
“...Still there John-boy?” Meg’s voice cuts through the phone again.
“I’m here.” I ground out.
“Well, that was yesterday. Today, I’m in Lincoln.” 
My heart tightens again.
“Visiting another old friend of yours.” 
My lungs stop working. 
“She wants to say hi.”
My knees nearly buckle as my stomach drops to my chest. No. No. God-fuckin’-dammit! No! I take in a breath, trying not to give away the turmoil currently going on inside me. ‘Specially not when I hear her voice through the phone. 
“John, whatever you do don’t give…”
I hear Meg shush Leigh and my heart breaks. 
“Leigh?” I let out in a deep breath, trying my best to keep my emotions from being relayed to Meg.
The boys both jerk their heads up and look at me, worry and confusion on their faces. I blink and close my eyes for a second.
“You listen to me.” I tell Meg. “She’s got nothing to do with anything. You let her go.”
“We know you have the Colt, John.” Meg replies, her voice even.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout.”
“Oh. Ok. Well, listen to this.”
My brows furrow and a moment later, my whole world comes crashing down. The sound of a knife or something equally sharp slashing through something followed by the sound of Leigh gasping and clearing drowning in her own blood fills the phone. I slump against the wall, my knees barely holding me up at this point.
“Leigh. Leigh!” I somehow manage to yell, nearly crushing the phone against the side of my face.
“Save the boys, husband.” I hear the love of my life croak out as she bleeds to death.
My heart breaks at the title, something I’d dreamt ‘bout hearing her call me for the last few years, but hadn’t happened, and was really just our code word we’d use when we were in a tough situation and wanted to let each other know everything was gonna be ok. Except. This time. It wouldn’t be ok. 
Not as I hear the sounds from Leigh slow.
“You hear that?” Meg taunts. “That’s the sound of your friend dying. Now, let’s try this again. We know you have the Colt, John. Word travels fast. So, as far as we’re concerned, you just declared war. And this is what war looks like. It has casualties.”
I growl. “I’m gonna kill you. You know that?”
She laughs. “Oh, John, please. Mind your blood pressure. So, this is the thing. We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing. And your friends, anyone who has ever helped you, gave you shelter, anyone you ever loved. They’ll all die. Unless you give us that gun.”
I take in a deep breath, not saying a word as I listen to her words and try my damndest to hear any sign from Leigh. Something to tell me she’s still alive. But I know...I know it’s not possible. Leigh’s dead. The love of my life. The first woman I’ve let myself love since Mary. The woman who helped raise my sons.
The badass woman who I was gonna ask to marry me once I’d ganked the evil son of a bitch that killed Mary. The only woman who had somehow broken down all the walls I’d built up. She was dead and I’d failed her. Failed to protect her. Failed to...fuck. I’d failed her. And I couldn’t fail her anymore by letting Meg and her demon friends kill more of mine and Leigh’s friends or any other innocent person.
“I’m waiting, Johnny.” Meg says. “Better answer before the buzzer.”
“Okay.” I sigh.
“Sorry? I didn’t quite get that.”
“I said okay. I’ll bring you the Colt.”
Leigh’s P.O.V. ~ Lincoln, Nebraska
After Meg slit my throat, and I managed to croak out a few words to John, everything got darker with each passing second. By the time Meg hung up the phone with John, I’m barely holding on. I can feel my heart barely beating and breathing is almost impossible, but I refuse to give up. I refuse to die like this.
So, I make it seem like I had. This ain’t the first time I’ve faked my death. But it is the first time I’ve faked it while being alone. Meg being in the room doesn’t count. I mean being alone by not having the Winchesters nearby. Just barely holding on, I hold my breath and keep my eyes open, staring right at Meg.
I want her to think I’m dead and for her to stare right into my eyes as she does. I watch, not moving, not blinking, barely conscious, as she tosses the phone on my lap, and sneers at me.
“What the hell are you looking at?” She hisses before walking outta Caleb’s office.
I wait for a solid 15 seconds, even though it feels like an eternity, to make sure she’s truly gone before I force my thumb to press five buttons on my phone, hoping it’s right. A second later, I hear the call connect as it starts ringing, the noise amplified by the speaker. Another second passes before I hear the call truly connect.
“911. What’s your emergency?” The operator asks.
“Ambulance.” I croak out. “Now. Please.”
“Ma’am? I’m sorry. I need you to repeat that. Can you speak up?”
“Ambulance. Now.” I try to say louder.
“Ma’am? What’s your location?”
I try to get the address to Caleb’s out, only hoping the operator can make sense of it. I know my GPS is turned on, so hopefully, she can trace it. 
“Ambulance.” I manage to get out once more.
It’s a miracle I’ve managed to hang on this long, let alone get this much out. But, of course, every miracle ends at some point. As soon as I get the word, everything goes black.
I come to, briefly, to bright lights, loud noises, and a bunch of people standing over me. 
“My husband. John Winchester. Call him.” I say, hoping it’s loud ‘nough.
One of the people standing over me says something, but I don’t hear him. Everything goes dark again as I pass out again.
John’s P.O.V. ~ Lincoln, Nebraska
Getting outta my truck, I answer my phone without looking at the caller ID. I don’t care who’s calling me. Not anymore. Everything’s numb. Yes, I have my sons, but for the second time in my life, I’ve lost the woman I love. The boys warned me that this was a suicide mission. There’s only one reason Meg would want me to come alone with the Colt, but I told them I didn’t care. 
Sam looked at me with understanding in his eyes since he knew what I was going through from where he’d lost his girlfriend, Jess, a few months ago. Dean tried to argue with me, but I just gave him a look and he shut up. We arranged for me to bring Mega a fake version of the Colt in order to buy the boys some time so they could finish out the hunt and finally kill Yellow Eyes, once and for all.
I flip the phone open and press it to my ear as I stare up at the warehouse where I’m supposed to be meeting Meg.
“What?” I say into the phone.
“Is this John Winchester?” The man on the other end says, making me tense up.
“Yes. Who is this and how did you get this number?”
“Your wife. Your contact was in her phone.”
I furrow my brow. “My wife?”
“Yes, sir. Your wife. I’m sorry to tell you that she’s been attacked, but she’s at Bryan Medical Center West Campus.”
“Wait. What? My wife? Attacked? She’s alive?”
“Yes, sir. She is. She’s in surgery now.”
“I’ll be there soon!” 
With that, I hang up my phone, feeling my heart beat faster in my chest.
“She’s alive.” I whisper to myself. “My fuckin’ badass girl. She’s alive.”
I glance around, spot a water tower on the roof of the warehouse, and after checking my pockets for the rosary beads, I head up there. I bless the water, turning it into holy water. If Meg’s a demon, she’s gonna fuckin’ pay even more for what she put my girl through. After blessing the water, I head inside the warehouse.
I make my way to one of the large, empty rooms, knowing that’s where Meg’ll be. Guess I’m early. She’s not here yet. Fuck. I just want to get this over with. Looking around, I realize I can rig something up to put the water lines on a makeshift timer. So, I do. Then, I scrawl out a note, telling Meg how sorry I am I missed her, even though it’s not true, and that I hope she rots in hell. 
That part’s true. 
Once I have the note written and the timer set up, I lay the Colt on the floor with the note, and then book it back to my truck. Even if this isn’t how I wanted things to go with Meg, I don’t give a shit. Even though I haven’t slept in two days, and am running off of straight caffeine, I don’t give a shit. Leigh’s alive, and I’m not gonna waste another minute not by her side.
I tear outta the warehouse parking lot, rushing to the hospital. As I drive, I call Dean.
“Dad?” He asks. “How’d it go with Meg?”
“She’s alive.” I blurt out, talking ‘bout Leigh.
“Meg? You left her alive?!”
“No! I didn’t see her. Something came up. I left her a note. She might come for y’all…”
“Left her a note? Why? What came up?”
“I got a call from the hospital. Leigh...Dean...Leigh’s alive.”
“She is?!?! What? How?”
“Yes. She is. So, I’m heading to the hospital. I’ve got to be by her side. But. I wanted to let you know. In case Meg shows up.”
“We’ll keep an eye out for her, dad. Don’t worry. You stay with Leigh. We’ll come as soon as we’re done here.”
“Thanks, son.”
Our conversation ends a few moments later. I pull into a parking spot at the hospital a few minutes later. As soon as I’m parked, I have the keys outta ignition and in my pocket as I rush outta the truck and into the hospital. I take a deep breath once I’m inside, trying to calm my nerves. The last thing I need is to appear even more outta it than I already am.
I run my fingers through my already messed up hair and then down my face, taking another deep breath in. When I’m done, I walk over to the nurse’s station.
“Excuse me, miss?” I say in what I hope is a soft, non-shaky tone.
The young nurse looks up from her computer. I give her a small smile.
“Yes, sir?” She asks, blushing a little.
“Hi. I got a call. My wife...she was attacked...they said she was here?”
“Wife? What’s her name?” Her fingers resting on her keyboard.
“Leigh Sullivan.”
She nods and quickly types my girl’s name into the computer. Whatever she sees on the screen has her eyes widening more than the Grand Canyon. My heart falls deeper into the pit of my stomach. 
“What? What is it?” I ask, my fingers gripping the edge of the counter so tight that my knuckles turn white.
“Nothing, sir. I just...your wife, sir…” She starts.
I swallow deeply, expecting the worst. “Yes?”
She looks up at me. “Sir, your wife is one of the most badass women I’ve ever heard of. To survive having her throat slit and still making a 911 call? I respect her.”
I let out a deep breath. “So she’s still alive?”
“Oh! Yes. I’m sorry. She is. She’s outta surgery now too.”
“Thank fuck. Can you tell me what room? I got a badass woman to see and tell her she’s loved.”
The nurse smiles. “Of course, sir. She’s in room 214.”
“Thank you.” 
I give her another smile and then head to room 214. Standing in front of the door, I urge myself to try and calm down. The last thing Leigh needs is to see me panicking. Slowly, I open the door and step inside. As my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, I take everything in. The Hunter in me looks for anything unusual.
Seeing nothing outta the ordinary, the normal part of me focuses on the figure lying in the hospital bed. My heart breaks as my feet shuffle forward. Leigh’s lying there, hooked up to a bunch of different machines with a thick band of gauze ‘round her neck. Aside from that, she looks like she’s peaceful, almost as if she’s just sleeping.
I slump down in the chair next to her side, and immediately take her small hand in both of my much larger ones. Bringing it to my lips, I kiss her knuckles, not paying attention to the tears rolling down my cheeks. It’s been years since I’ve cried. I haven’t allowed myself that luxury. But now...I can’t stop it.
I don’t want to. I thought I’d lost Leigh, but my girl...she’s a fuckin’ fighter. I hold her hand tightly, not wanting to let go.
“Leigh? Baby, I’m here.” I tell her, my voice shaky and full of emotions. “Wake up for me? I wanna see those beautiful eyes, that stunning smile, and hear you tell me that I’m a fuckin’ dumbass. So, wake up? For me? Please?”
When she doesn’t respond, I place another kiss to her knuckles. I didn’t really expect her to wake up. Not right now at least. She’s been through hell. She needs her rest. Hell, I need my own rest too, and I end up falling asleep in an uncomfortable hospital chair, Leigh’s hand in mine, and my head by her hip.
Over the next week, I stay by Leigh’s side. The boys eventually show up a couple of days later, looking just as exhausted as I do. Dean tells me that he killed Meg, says it was payback for what she’d done to Leigh. Sam stays by Leigh’s side, holding her other hand. Four days after the attack, Dean looks at me.
“Dad?” He starts.
I look up at him. “Hmmm?”
“You should go shower, get something to eat, get some actual sleep.”
“I’m not leaving her, Dean.”
“I know, Dad. But, you need to take care of yourself. You haven’t really been sleeping, and I know for a fact that you haven’t taken a shower in nearly a week. You’re starting to stink. We both know that Leigh wouldn’t want to see you like this.”
I sigh. “I’ll take a shower in the bathroom there.” I point to the bathroom attached to Leigh’s hospital room. “Can you go get my bag from my truck? The one with the clothes, not the guns.”
Dean nods. “I’ll do that. And I’ll run out and get some food too, while you shower. Sammy can stay with Leigh.”
I run a hand over my face, nodding. “Fine. But I won’t take a long shower. I don’t...I just gotta be here when she wakes up.”
Both of my boys nod in understanding. Dean leaves the room while I stand and look at Sam.
“I won’t leave her side, Dad. Go shower. You stink worse than that hunt we were on when all the showers in the town stopped working ‘cause of the monster.” He says.
Unable to stop the small, soft chuckle that escapes my lips at his words, I nod. I lay a hand on his shoulder, a silent gesture of comfort before I lean down and place a soft kiss on Leigh’s forehead. 
“I’ll be right back, baby. Your old man’s gotta go get cleaned up so you don’t ditch his ass when you wake up.” I whisper, half jokingly.
She doesn’t respond, but I don’t let it crush my hopes. Not any more than they’ve already been crushed. I make my way to the bathroom, and turn the shower on. While I’m in there, Dean cracks the door.
“Dad? I’m putting your bag by the door here.” He says.
“Thanks, son.” I call out as I wash my hair and beard.
He just let out a grunt in response and the door shuts once again. Dean’s always been more of the silent type unless he’s being a smart ass, but when it comes to him hurting, he’s always been more silent instead of letting his emotions completely show. After I’m as cleaned up as I can be in a hospital shower, I step out, dry off, and tug on a pair of semi-clean jeans, an old tee, and one of my plaid button-up shirts that Leigh loves the most.
I open the bathroom door and glance toward the bed. I see beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me.
“Leigh.” I rush over to her side. 
I lean down and gently capture her lips with mine. After a few seconds, I pull away and look into her eyes. 
“I love you, Leigh.” I whisper.
She smiles slightly with droopy eyes. Even when she’s like this, she’s so fuckin’ beautiful. 
“You don’t have to say anything but I wanted you to know.” I smile widely. “I’ll say it forever if you’ll let me. Get some more sleep. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
I kiss her forehead as her eyes close. Yep. I’m definitely proposing soon.
13 notes · View notes
scoobydoodean · 1 year
On the subject of Dean as a main character throughout and not just as a character who shifts from a "sidekick" role into a main character role at some point: In 1.21, Dean is the "gofer" who picks up a lookalike for The Colt to try and fool Meg, which would code him as a sidekick type of guy, except for the fact that John then takes the real colt and hands it straight to Dean, and the weight on that moment is very palpable (within the music too), focusing on Dean's face and Dean's hands as he accepts what isn't just a gun but a burden and a duty to be the one who pulls the trigger on the demon (and then he does).
12 notes · View notes
imtryingmyfuckingbe · 4 years
Werewolf of Portland
Pairing: Dean x FBI!Reader
Word count: 10K
I’m not good a summaries, but I drew inspiration from anytime the boys give actual FBI Agents the “talk”, as well as that episode where Jody calls them out for using Bobby as their “supervisor”. This is a repost because I accidentally deleted the original, but it gave me time to edit it better. I’m thinking of doing a second part if I get enough feedback or requests for it, so please, please, please tell me what you think. I’m hungry for feedback haha. Also I know nothing about Portland or official FBI Badges so please keep that in mind as you read.
Warnings: Canon violence, profanity, and a plot twist I didn’t even see coming
Werewolf of Portland
The repugnant, putrid scent overcomes the clearing, spread by the gentle breeze. Despite the green grass littered with wild flowers, the unforgiving scent of rotten eggs clings to the workers’ hazmat suits. Flies buzz incessantly around the body, like that of an opaque blanket if adorned with beady eyes and veiny wings.
While the forensic cleaners work to gather the corpse’s remains for transportation, Agent Y/L/N stands at the edge of the control zone. Her day started at 4:39 in the morning, wherein she spent the next five hours scouring the field alongside her team. Even with her duties tended to, she refuses to leave the scene. The sparse clues yielded in the first examination plague her mind.
No fingerprints, no shoe prints, no footprints, no DNA; the list of what they don’t have extends further than what they do.
The body itself— what little the attacker left of it, at least— covered the majority of the scene. Torn to pieces, heart removed; remains scattered. She hopes the coroner can get something from her examination. The lacking evidence in addition to this being the fourth body found places an insurmountable weight on Y/N’s shoulders. 
The public’s outrage cries for the FBI to put the criminal behind bars, but they’re no closer to identifying witnesses, let alone a culprit. Y/N signs, running her hand through her hair. No matter the amount of cases she faces, no matter how gruesome, she never lets it desensitize her. If she becomes numb to the pain of blood and guts, she fails to invest herself in solving the case.
Turning from the scene, she instead takes in the myriad official vans and workers putting about. Her partner speaks with forensics, gathering whatever helpful information they can provide. A small side glance her way and the lift of his hand by his side, he beckons Y/N over. However, her lead feet refuse to move. Still engulfed in the horror show behind her, she takes a moment to collect her thoughts.
Y/N struggles to keep her emotions in check. Rage courses through her veins at the heinous acts humans commit, to fulfill sadistic pleasure or cure one’s demons. Unfortunately, in the FBI, she must swallow her anger and sadness, replacing it with a monotone voice and calculated expressions. Taking a breath, she departs from the border and heads towards Agent Colt. 
He finishes speaking with the worker, who leaves the partners in peace.
“They’ve got nothing. We’ve got nothing. Not for this one, not for the past three.”
She already knows this. A thought tickles the back of her mind, but she cannot name it. “All right. Maybe they got sloppy; maybe this time the coroner will get something. Anything.” Elijah rolls his eyes, pursing his lips and rubbing his chin. Y/N knows he’s saying We can’t base our investigation on maybe. Another sigh. “Fine, let’s run through this again.”
Elijah leads the way to their company car. “So, the heart. That’s the main focus. It’s missing.”
“Yes. This points to it being personal. It takes a lot of passion and hatred to rip through someone’s chest and remove their fucking heart. Which, another thing, the hearts aren’t just removed. They’re taken.”
“Right. Okay, haphazard blood splatter; no pattern. I’d say our killer is disorganized. Listless.”
“Not completely. I mean, there’s an even month between each murder. That leans more towards organized. There’s ritual. It’s not really first come, first serve, ya know?”
Elijah pauses at his door, fingers clasped tightly around its handle. He worries his bottom lip between his teeth, staring off into the distance. Y/N knows that look. She’s seen it in herself, survivors and fellow agents. He’s not looking at the clearing, but trying to connect the dots. Perhaps the weight of solving this doesn’t rest solely on Y/N’s shoulders.
As Elijah returns from his reverie and yanks open the car door, Y/N hears a deep, raspy voice greet the local law enforcement. Her partner settles into his seat, staring at her with drawn eyebrows and pursed lips. She holds up a finger.
Casting a quick glance behind her, Y/N finds two suits mid-introduction with the sheriff. The pair hold up identification booklets, much like the one in her pocket. Their suits hang too loosely off of their bodies, their dress shoes too scuffed. The longer she watches their body language, the larger the pit in her stomach grows. She turns around to lean against the car, keeping focus on the men. They talk for a moment more before the sheriff nods in her direction.
Y/N watches their shoulders tense, standing taller from the rigidness. Yes, she muses, something is off.
The window she leans against pulls on her coat as Elijah rolls it down. “Hey, you coming?”
Pondering for a moment whether she should let him in on her instincts, Y/N decides against it. “Yeah,” she leans down, poking her head through the window. “I’m going to stay here, actually. I want to see if I can squeeze anything else out of the uniforms.”
Elijah chuckles. “We’re uniforms too, you know.”
She returns the laugh. “Right, well, you head back to the office. Make a fresh pot of coffee, too. I’ll meet you there.”
He holds two fingers to his forehead before dramatically sweeping them across his face. “Aye, aye, captain.”
Y/N stands as he rolls the window back up, patting the roof. Elijah peels off while she returns her attention to the still-gawking men. Their postures only straighten as she nears; if they stood any more rigid she’d swear they were wax figures. “Harold,” she acknowledges the sheriff. He nods. “How’s it going on your end?” Y/N keeps the men in her peripheral but focuses on Harold. 
Harold’s eyes shift to the pair, then back to Y/N. “As I was telling your fellow agents—” at this statement, the men share a glance, “—still nothing.”
“Right, well I want to go over everything again. Give me a moment.” She finally turns to greet the supposed agents. “Gentlemen, to whom do I owe the pleasure?” Scanning their faces, she studies them for any quirk of the lips or perspiration on the brow.
The taller one speaks first. “I’m, uh, Agent Pert and this is Agent Bonham,” he gestures next to him.
Pert and Bonham? Really? She refrains from rolling her eyes.
Instead, Y/N doesn’t respond, using the pressure of silence in her favor. Harold clears his throat, uncomfortable with the tension. She ignores him, keeping focus on the men before her. Most of her suspects break under her gaze; very few can sustain their façade in an encounter with her steely eyes and stiff posture. Harold excuses himself,  unable to withstand her harsh eyes. The men continue to stare, neither willing to relent. Unfortunately, this renders them at an impasse. She, too, will not look away or speak.
Agent Pert concedes, taking the lead. “Right, well, we’re here from DC to investigate the murders. What have you got?” His voice imperceptibly wavers— if untrained, Y/N wouldn’t notice the quiver— the corner of his lip twitching. 
Ignoring his request, she commands, “Let me see your badges, agents.”
Another conversation through a shared look before they hand them over. They’re good, the badges. A smidgen off center of authentic. If not for the incorrect serial code and too high insignia placement, Y/N would accept them at face value. She closes the booklets and pockets them, earning a small Hey of protest from the short one. Cocking an eyebrow, she dares them to challenge her.
“Impersonating a federal agent is a crime, I’m sure you know.”
“Impersonating a— call our superior and check! Let me see your badge!” Crew cut exclaims, indignant.
“I’ll lend my badge after I’ve talked to your superior officer.” She wonders how far they intend to take this rouse. 
With their business card in hand, she retreats a few steps. As she dials the number the little whisper in the back of her head pesters her further. The questionable agents and unsolvable case remind her of… something. 
“Agent Willis,” a voice grunts.
“Willis? What’s your outpost?”
“Headquarters. Who is this?”
“Agent Y/L/N. It appears I have two of your agents here; I’m sure some wires crossed when you sent them down? What were your orders for Agents Tyler and Grohl?” 
“Who are you to question my authority, Agent?”
His growl pulls the pressing thought to the forefront of her mind. 2005, in Cincinnati on her first case. Similar to her case today: bodies piled up with no leads and peculiar circumstances. She ran into someone claiming to be FBI, too. Fresh from the academy with the weight of the world on her shoulders, she accepted his excuse of  bureaucratic miscommunication; why don’t we work the case together? 
She laughs. “Wait, hold on. I know you.”
“Noyoudon’t,” he spits out, too quickly.
“Yeah, I do. Fuck, what’s your name?” she mumbles, more to herself than him. “Singer! Ohio, we worked a case together. Culprit never caught and you went on your merry way.”
He blubbers, failing to produce a proper excuse. “I don’t know a Singer, Agent.”
She rolls her eyes, finally turning to face the men. The stricken look on their faces only further points to the truth. “All right, Willis. Even if that were true, you also don’t know your agents’ names. They introduced themselves as Pert and Bonham. Really, Singer? Rockstars’ names?” The humor of the situations drains, replaced with its severity. “All right, I’m taking your men in. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay put and wait for mine to come get you.”
“Wait— Y/L/N, right? Hear me out,” he pleads, urgency ringing clear in his voice.
“You have ten seconds.”
“Listen, they’re there to help. Your attacker ain’t what you think it is. I closed that case in Cincinnati, thanks to your help. But, it wasn’t a person. It was a vampire.”
She laughs again, this time wild and unbelieving. “Yeah, right. And this one is a fucking Chupacabra.”
“No, it’s not. We think it’s a werewolf.”
“You’re fucking nuts. No, I’m calling this in.”
“Y/N. Wait. Talk to them, please. People are still in danger. Their names are Sam and Dean. Winchester.” The desperation in his voice settles with unease in her chest. Her time on the force yields too much experience in discerning honesty from duplicity. 
Rather than respond, she ends the call and returns to the newly named Winchesters. They stand unmoving, shoulder to shoulder; if not for the wind tussling the tall one’s hair, she’d think they were statues. “So.” They squirm under her gaze. “Which one of you is Sam and Dean?” Their eyes widen at her remark, startled by her knowledge of their true identities. 
Crew cut juts his chin out and squares his shoulders. “I’m Dean. That’s Sam. Why don’t you tell us who you are and how the hell you know our names?”
“I’ll be the one asking questions, gentleman. I’ve half a mind to put you in cuffs. First, you impersonate a federal agent; second, your pal Singer brings up werewolves? Sounds like three peas in a pod headed for St. Christopher’s Asylum to me.” Neither respond. “Thirty seconds, boys. You have thirty seconds to make me believe you or the only way you’re leaving is in cuffs.” For emphasis, she pats her hip, whereupon the cuffs hang.
The pregnant silence leers on.
Sam sighs, running his hand through his hair. “All right. There are things in this world that you don’t know about; that not many people know about. The bumps in the night, the clichés; most of them are real. Have you had anything happen to you that you can’t explain? Or had an unsolvable case?” He pauses for her answer, but she only looks on, hands on her hips. 
Vampires? Werewolves? What the fresh fuck? Her mind reels with the implications of his statement; even still, it doesn’t feel wrong. A few cases come to mind instantly: the serial killer who left victims’ eyes burnt out, people torn to shreds in supposed animal attacks by nothing from these parts. How many victims faced the unknown rather than human wrath? She can handle psychopaths, serial killers, the insane. She knows that evil; deals with it regularly. But the supernatural? No.
“Right, well, we hunt those things. We take them out,” he gestures between himself and Dean.
Y/N’s hands drop from her sides, falling limp at her thighs. “Just you two?” She whispers, cold and disbelieving.
“No,” Dean speaks up. “Not just us. There’s a lot of us out there.”
“Listen, I’m going to need more than just your word. I don’t know you, and I sure as hell don’t trust you. What can you give me that will make me believe you?” Despite not wanting it, she needs proof. Plus, if they turn out to be nuts, she can lock them up and toss the key; no harm, no foul.
They nod once, curt but understanding. Sam takes a step forward, hand raised in her direction. “This’ll take a leap of faith, Agent…”
“Agent Y/L/N. Let us work on this with you,” Sam implores. “And if we’re wrong, you can book us yourself.” 
“Sammy, hold up. Who’s to say we can trust her either? She’s just some Fed. Who’s to say she won’t cuff us anyway?” Dean protests, turning towards Sam.
While the two quietly argue, Y/N takes a step back. Running her tongue over her teeth in concentration, she ponders the options. Even if Sam offers her control, she knows their type: they won’t let her actually take the lead. Dean reminds her of her father, and that man never relinquished supervision. In order for this to work in her favor— seeking the truth, protecting the public— Y/N must fulfill the role as the dutiful public servant. Perhaps they’re not fucking lunatics, and this thing turns out to be real, she’d be way out of her element anyway. Still, she refuses to give up control.
Staring off towards the field, where the body once laid, she contemplates the little evidence recovered. Vics torn to shreds, no prints, no DNA. Local PD swears it’s a cougar, an animal indigenous to the area. Even still, animals are simpler than humans. They kill for sustenance or safety. The brutality of this kill, the length of the claw marks, lack of fur, ritual occurrences; it all points in the wrong direction. Y/N would quicker say some furry decided killing offers more sexual release over cosplay than call it a fucking cougar.
“If you expect me to try to trust you, or at least what you say, then I need your trust, too. This goes both ways,” she interrupts. The men cease their heated discussion, turning towards her. “I don’t like what you’re telling me. I don’t want to believe it. But… I trust my gut, and I think you guys are either great liars or telling the truth.” Sam smiles, but Y/N holds up a hand. “However, I will not put my eggs in one basket. I need insurance that you’ll hold up your end of the bargain. This means I’m taking point, and you guys are consultants. Anything you know, you tell me. Anything you find, you tell me. Anything you do, you tell me. Capiche?”
Sam nods before Dean, nudging his side to encourage his agreement. Dean tosses his hands in the air. “Fine. Where to next, Agent?” Venom drips with each word. 
“I need to get back to the station. My partner, Agent Colt, will be—”
“Colt? Agent Colt? The irony.” Dean interrupts. Sam elbows him again, and Y/N chooses to ignore him altogether.
“I’m going back to the station. I’ll talk to the Uniforms and tell them to give you anything pertinent to this specific scene. Anything to do with the others can wait until tonight. Meet me at Carlton’s, off of Hamilton street. I’ll bring the files for the other Vics.” She hands Sam her business card, not trusting Dean to keep it. 
“What about our badges?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, exhausted. “Fuck, man. I’m trying my hardest to ignore the federal crime you committed right in front of me. Prove you’re right and you’ll get them back. Until then, you’re consultants employed by the Bureau.” 
She pushes passed them, heading towards Harold. Their boots crunch on the gravel as they lag behind her. He halts his conversation with one of deputies upon their arrival. “Sheriff, these two are fresh blood from the academy.” She juts her thumb over her shoulder. “HQ thought this would be a good case for them to learn on the job. Tell them anything you know and let them case the scene. I’m going back to the station to meet up with Elijah.”
“But—” Harold begins. Y/N levels him with sharp eyes and pressed lips, stopping him in his tracks. “Right. Okay. Follow me, Agents.” Sam and Dean shoulder passed Y/N, catching up to the Sheriff with a few long strides. 
Y/N stands for a moment, hands in her jacket pockets, watching the two men. If this turns out to be a rouse— if she let two criminals onto the field with her permission— that’s her head. Shaking the thought away, she turns. She’s able to hitch a ride back to the station with the forensic profilers.
Elijah spared his questions when she returned, thankfully. Instead, he shoved a hot cup of cop shop coffee into her hands before continuing their earlier evaluation. “Right, can’t be disorganized, but he’s definitely passionate. That shows connection to the victims.”
Y/N sips her coffee. Forcing the bitterness down her throat, she also swallows her new knowledge. She must work this case like any other, for it might be. “You think it’s a man?”
Around the bite of an apple, he says, “Yes. Female offenders aren’t typically serial murderers; they’re passion killers. Black Widows, Angels of Death, you know the type.”
“I do, but Wuronous diverged from the typical female murderer.”
“Yeah, that’s one of many. Most other women utilized poison for their kills. The ME didn’t find any traces of cyanide, arsenic, or tetrodotoxin— nothing. Doesn’t fall in line with what we know.”
Y/N simmers. She knows this, of course. “Let’s keep the possibilities in mind.” She sifts through the crime scene pictures, lining up the photos of the different victims side by side. “Placement doesn’t seem to matter, so that leans away from obsessive compulsiveness. The offensive wounds support this, too.”
“Y/N, what are we reaching for? We don’t have a profile, a motive; nothing.”
“Not true. Let’s lay it all out, one more time. Hearts are taken, gruesome attack wounds, lower body left alone. Maybe these are passion killings, and the only thing in common with the victims is the killer. I mean, people come and go all the time here. Maybe they knew the Unsub outside of Portland. The ritualistic pattern of the murders makes me think the killer stalks the victims in the month down time; gets to know their schedule, comings and goings. They’re all aged between twenty-five and thirty-five. Maybe the killer is attracted to the ages rather than physical descriptions. Also—” Y/N stops, sighing.
Even as she tries to string everything together, she knows Elijah is right. Too much of the evidence contradicts any profile they could scrape up. Ritualistic but not obsessive, disorganized but keeps to a schedule, passionate murders between unrelated victims. Nothing points them in any definitive direction. They’re grasping at straws here. 
Sam and Dean creep to the forefront of her mind. She downs her coffee in one go. It heats her stomach, and she blames her rising temperature on the beverage rather than brimming anger. Clenching her fists, she crushes the paper cup. Elijah reaches over to rub her shoulder, massaging her tense muscles. “It’s okay, Y/N/N. We’ll catch this son of a bitch,” he encourages, misunderstanding her frustration.
She rubs her eyes, forcing them open. Wordlessly, Elijah fills hands here a new cup of coffee, topping himself off as well. They sit in silence, pouring over their respective files. The victims must have connections; even if Y/N allows herself to believe the Winchesters, she can’t believe monsters don’t have rituals. Psychology reaches further than humanity— scientists observe it in animals. In order to keep hope and keep going, Y/N trusts in the knowledge that all things in existence operate off of some code. 
Another sigh, another gulp. “One more time. From the first victim. Elijah, there has to be something.”
He purses his lips, clear indignation warring his exhaustion and winning. Even still, he nods. “All right, Vic One: Stephanie Lane, age 27. She worked at the local vet clinic on Broad Street. Usual nine to five, Monday through Friday. Killer got her leaving work Thursday night, July Fifth, around six p.m. Scratched her up, took her heart. Passerby found her body two days later.” He wets his lips, staring at her file.
Y/N nods in confirmation, already well aware of the facts. With a fine-tooth comb, they revisit each victim after Stephanie Lane. Jonathan Grism, Marcus Kent, and, the most recent, Gabrielle Shaw. All with varying occupations and seemingly no connections, aside from enjoying the casual run or grueling hike. Despite their apparent love of nature, the Unsub chose to kill them in their daily routine.  
On a whim, Y/N searches each date (July 5th, August 3rd, September 2nd, and October 1st) for any similarities in the dates, coming up short and further exasperated. Elijah keeps to himself while she abuses her keyboard, refusing defeat. Only on her fifth page of Google searches does she find anything worth noting; unfortunately it supports the Winchesters. Each murder occurred on a full moon. 
She slams her laptop closed, finishing her coffee and crushing her cup. “I need a break, Elijah. Just some time to clear my head and get fresh eyes.” She stands, tossing her cup into the wastebasket. Elijah leans back, clasping his fingers behind his head. “I’m getting some sleep. You should too. You look like shit.”
Elijah laughs. “Thanks, Y/N/N. You don’t look too much better yourself.”
She shoves his shoulder as she passes, shouting a goodbye over her shoulder. Elijah hollers something back, but she’s already out of the front doors. The crisp air helps the fog in her head, supplementing it with aches in her bones. Her boots crunch leaves with each step, and she forces her focus onto the noise.
Crunch, crunch, crunch. 
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
The supernatural?
Crunch, crunch— smack.
A broad chest stops her, calloused fingers grasping her upper arm to steady her. Y/N looks up, palms pressing against a soft t-shirt, into effervescent green eyes. Dean grins down at her, the left corner of his lip tilted in an almost-sneer, if not for the mischief in his eyes. She rolls her eyes, pushing back against his firm chest. He releases her, hands up in mock surrender.
“Agent, fancy seeing you here.”
“Where? Outside of the station where I work? Must be kismet.” Sarcasm drips from her words like venomous honey, sickly sweet and sticky.
“Well, to be fair, you did say to tell you anything we find, so here I am.”
Her heart stutters, excited. They found something. This could be the end of the murders. Straightening her back and returning to Agent Y/L/N— locking Y/N into a tight box at the back of her mind— she faces Dean head on. “All right, what have you found?” Her voice lacks the previous emotion, all business and no play.
Dean sighs, a look flitting across his face and disappearing before Y/N can place it. “Walk with me.” He turns on his heel without awaiting her response, starting down the sidewalk.
She follows, despite the annoyance burning the bottom of her feet with each step. They continue down the street in silence, save for their steps and the seldom passing cars. While she wants answers, Y/N knows pestering delays the process. Dean seems like a man who has been through the ringer a couple times. If he shares similarities with herself, he won’t share anything until he’s ready— another form of control she wants to rip from his fingers.
By the time they reach the doors to the Sunshine Diner, Y/N must clench her fists to bury the frustration of unanswered questions. Dean holds the door, motioning for her to go in. In the back right corner of the restaurant sits Sam, typing furiously on his laptop. So. It appears Dean did search for her once they found something. Pleased at the notion, she lets some of the annoyance roll off her shoulders.
Dean settles in next to Sam, Y/N taking the opposing side of the booth. “So, get this,” Sam begins. “Your murders started four months ago, right? Well, turns out a small werewolf pack traveled from Washington to Portland because they drew too much attention to themselves. One of our connections in Seattle worked the case until they completely disappeared, no trace, no nothing. Within a month of leaving Washington, the Portland murders began.” He finished, peering at her through the too-long tendrils of his hair.
Y/N schools her face into indifference, despite her racing heart and sweating palms. He sounds so sure and calm, like they run into werewolves grocery shopping. Dean looks at her, too, sharp eyes searching for anything in her expression or body language. 
For a moment of reprieve, the waitress approaches the table. Rushed and rough, the trio relay their orders: Sam an egg white omelet, Dean the Bacon Supreme, and Y/N another black coffee; she ignores her shaking hands and clammy skin. The server jots down their choices, rushing off to the next table.
Y/N clasps her fingers together, leaning forward. “That sounds like a nicely wrapped present with a bow on top. I need your process. How did you come to this conclusion? Who is this supposed hunter?”
Sam squints at her, mouth  agape. “Those are your questions, really? Nothing about werewolves?” He turns to Dean, bewildered. Dean shrugs, looking all too comfortable for the topic of conversation.
The server returns with their drinks,  setting the three coffees and one orange juice in front of the respective customers. As if purposefully slow, she takes her time to offer creamer or sugar, unaware of the tension. Dean taps one of his fingers on the surface of the table while Sam makes polite small talk with the waitress. Y/N continues to study the men before her. Finally, the server leaves once more.
“Listen, if I’m going to believe your bucket of crazy, then I’m going to believe it. So, no. I’m not going to ask about werewolves, I’m asking about the details of your research. I need to know how credible you are.”
This time, Dean leans forward, staring straight into her eyes and speaking low. “The hunter we know in Washington, Richard, kept track of them enough to know their comings and goings. He put out the word through the Hunter grapevine that he needed help with the… extermination of the pack, but by the time anyone could come to help, they migrated south. To here. We know it’s this pack because the victims share the same hobby: doing shit in nature. Runners, hikers, whatever. It makes them easy targets—”
“— Except they weren’t killed on hikes or runs. They were killed after work or errands or—”
Dean continues speaking, as if she hadn’t interjected. “—This specific pack only eats the heart, a common characteristic of werewolves. However, a lot of them eat more of the body, and depending on what they eat points to which pack is most likely to be the attacker. These sons of bitches blend in, except on the full moon, where they go apeshit for hearts. Richard identified the pack leader; Sam found where they’re holed up in. Good enough for you, Agent?” 
She wants to slap the pleased look straight off of his plump lips and pretty green eyes. Instead, Y/N props her head up in her palm, keeping her eyes level with Dean’s, swallowing her ire and replacing it with feigned kindness. “Yes. When are we going to get them?” The thought of coming face to face with a monster rushes like winter water through her veins. She reminds herself she deals with monsters on the daily; hers only lack claws and fangs, and whatever else. The circumstances only vary slightly.
“We? There is no ‘we’, sweetheart. We kept you in the loop, like you asked, but you don’t know Jack from Shit about how the gank these fuckers. You do your job, and we’ll—”
Y/N raises her hand, silencing Dean. “Listen, sweetheart, I know the area. I’m guessing they’re staying at the Crest Apartments off of 205, right? Developers left it abandoned when the surveyors refused to clear it due to landslide likelihood. I know the woods, the city, everything. As for what I don’t know, you can teach me. I may not be trained in proper monster lore, but I know how to fight.”
Dean leans further forward, meeting her at the halfway mark of the table. He lowers his voice, speaking gruffly as if to admonish. “You might be an agent in the normal world, but to us you’re just a civvie. No matter what you think you can do, no matter what you think you know, you’ve never faced these things in real life. I’m not about to put your stubborn ass in danger just so you can prove a point.” 
Y/N opens her mouth to retort, but Sam grabs Dean’s collar and pulls him back. “Enough with the pissing contest. I get it: you’re both badass,” he interrupts, at his wits end. “Listen, Y/N,” he begins, softer. “I’m sure you’re good at what you do. You got the location correct without any intel, save for what you know about your city. But Dean’s right. If you come, you’re more of a liability than helpful.”
Y/N closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and holding it for five counts. When she exhales, she forces a smile upon her lips, albeit a bit sardonic, and opens her eyes. The men stare at her, awaiting her response. She stands, instead, straightening her jacket. “Gentleman, I’ll see you tonight. Bring an extra weapon, seeing as I’m sure normal bullets won’t kill a werewolf. Nine o’clock?” Rather than wait for a response, she nods her head and departs onto the street once more.
From the moment she stepped outside of the diner to the moment she parked her car behind Sam and Dean, her phone rang. Y/N assumed the alternating unknown numbers belonged to the brothers, likely wishing to dissuade her from joining their crusade. She ignored them, deleting any voicemails they left. She knows they’re right; she doesn’t know left from right when it comes to monsters. But it’ll be a cold day in Hell when she lets some terror run rampage in her city.
Instead, she chose to bide her time researching werewolf lore between several more cups of coffee. Luckily she came across a duo well versed in their knowledge: the Ghostfacers. Although they posted their most recent content a year ago, she assumes lore stays the same. Silver bullet, shot to the head or heart, werewolf down for the count.
Y/N alights from her car, closing the door. Sam and Dean stand at their trunk, rummaging through— an entire arsenal of weapons? Y/N still has half the mind to arrest them. First impersonating federal agents to knives and machetes and guns in a hidden compartment of their car? She forces anxiety down, instead choosing once again to believe Sam and Dean are not raging psychopaths. Every bone in her body screams to cuff them and book them; her entire career banks on capturing nuts jobs like these two.
Still, she makes her way to their car, stopping at her front bumper to lean on it. “So. Silver, huh?”
Sam turns to face her, loading his .45 absentmindedly as he takes in her appearance. Gone is her official suit, in its place jeans, boots, and a well-worn long-sleeve. Dean rummages through the trunk, ignoring her presence. “You researched,” Sam replies, more so a statement than a question.
“I don’t go in half cocked. Pun intended. Got any leftover bullets? I’ve got a .45, too,” she muses, patting her hip for emphasis. 
Dean sighs, rubbing his temple with his free hand, the other occupied with a magazine. “For the last time,” he begins, turning to face her, “I don’t want you here. We don’t want you here. If things get hairy in there, we can’t protect you, Y/N. You’re a liability. You don’t know—”
“— Jack from shit, yeah, yeah,” she dismisses, waving a hand. “Stow the crap, I’m coming. Now, do you want me going in defenseless or do you have silver to spare?” She stands straight, squaring her shoulders and holding her head high. 
Sam covers a laugh with a cough, his attention trained on Dean. Y/N forces her unwavering gaze onto him, who in turn rolls his eyes. His shoulders sag in defeat as he returns attention to his trunk. Wordlessly, he passes her a simple pistol, already loaded. She adjusts her grip, searching for a comfortable hold. 
Dean barely nods his head. Y/N leaves the pair for a moment, returning her own gun to the glove box and locking it. 
Upon her return, Dean closes the trunk with a deafening slam, leaning against it. “All right, let’s get some things straight. We go in first, you follow. We’ll call clear and then we move forward as a group, understood?” Y/N wants to roll her eyes— Dean seems to forget she works raids on the regular— but she nods. “Good. We counted five. You see someone who isn’t us,” he motions between Sam and himself with his gun, “you shoot. Bullet to the heart will do the job.” He delivers a pointed look in her direction, awaiting confirmation.
“Got it.”
He looks at her for a moment, his eyes alight with enough fire to bore holes into her clothing. A familiar look hides behind his façade of rage; it rests on the tip of Y/N’s tongue. Perhaps a concoction of grief and hope. She sees it in herself when a case grows too heavy; grief for the pain and hope for the end. In this moment, Y/N feels like she knows Dean. 
The moment breaks when he shakes his head and walks heavy footed to the building. Sam falls in line with Y/N, resting a hand on her shoulder to slow her. She cranes her neck to look him in the eye, skin burning whereupon his palm rests. “He doesn’t want casualties. He doesn’t have the best way of showing it, but Dean cares about people. He’s got enough blood on his hands.” Sam squeezes her shoulder, sparing a tight lipped smile, before dropping his hand.
A few long strides puts him next to Dean, shoulder to shoulder. Y/N hangs back, processing Sam’s vague confession. She understands the need to protect others. The most pressing motivation for joining the Bureau stems from this desire. These men fight in a war separate to her own, but not dissimilar. They’re two sides of the same coin, both Y/N and Dean aching to save, save, save. 
She shrugs her shoulders, pushing the nerves building in her chest down to her toes. If Sam and Dean tell the truth of the awaiting horrors, she needs to ready herself. In matters of life and death, anxiety only increases the chances of death. Adrenaline only carries her so far before it peters out.
Dean stands at the front door, gun raised and legs parted. Sam stands to the side, hand on the handle. Y/N, as promised, stands back and behind Dean. With a nod from Dean, Sam pulls the handle, opening the heavy door. The brothers file in first, flashlights illuminating the unfinished floor and walls. 
Their footsteps echo as they clear each room, a foreboding cadence through the empty halls. Dean looks back at Y/N, ensuring she still follows. She keeps her gun pointed to the ground and her senses open. At the first corner, Dean holds his arm out. Sam and Y/N flatten themselves against the wall while Dean looks around the corner. He nods, stepping out into the open once more. 
A crunch from the right hallway drags Y/N’s attention from the brothers proceeding to the left. Peering down the corridor, she finds it empty. Just as she turns to catch up, another crunch sounds, followed by a squelch and a footstep. Looking behind her, Y/N finds Dean and Sam halfway down the hallway. “Dean!” she shouts as quietly as she can. He doesn’t turn. “Dean. Sam!”
She sighs, frustrated. One side begs her to run down the hallway to warn them; the other implores her to follow her gut and the noise. Another wayward glance in their direction and Y/N turns right. She steps carefully, avoiding debris. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. 
The further she travels down the hallway, the darker it gets. Footsteps and low voices grow closer as she reaches another left or right turn. She presses against the left wall, sparing a glance down the right corridor. Empty. The left hallway, however, offers cover to three silhouettes crowding in front of a closed door. She startles back, heart hammering against her ribs.
Y/N holds her breath, calming the relentless anxiety in her chest. Breathe in, hold four seconds, breathe out. Rinse and repeat. She looks back to where she last saw Sam and Dean; they’re gone. Great. Now she's truly dug herself an early grave. 
With one last breath, Y/N turns the corner, aims and shoots. One of the people— werewolves— yowls in pain, collapsing to the ground. Yellow eyes glow in the dark, the only light from their end of the hall. Guttural growls roll from their chests as they stalk towards Y/N. She fires again. It hits the plaster, sending dust and shards flying. 
The monsters pick up speed, running full force in her direction. She fires one more time, hitting one in the leg. It crashes to the floor, knees hitting the ground with a sickening crack.  The other continues. Y/N whips around, running down the hallway towards Sam and Dean— she hopes. Her feet thump with each step and she pays little mind to the trash and tools on the ground. 
A foolish mistake, it seems, as she stomps on an empty chip packet. Her right foot slips from beneath her, sending her careening to the ground. The side of her head smacks against the concrete. Her vision blacks for a moment before the pain spreads in webs from her cheek to her neck, down her back. The heavy footfalls of her pursuer sound muffled compared to the needling throbbing in her head. 
With a groan, she pushes herself onto her hands and knees. A hand on the wall stabilizes her, she clambers to her feet. An unfortunate time to do so; the werewolf runs full force into her, slamming her onto the ground once more. Autopilot takes over as she raises her palms to the man’s chest, pushing as hard as she can.
He snarls, snapping his teeth as he tries to reach her neck. Y/N blocks his throat with her forearm, using her spare hand to blindly search for her gun. Instead of the handle, she grasps a wrench. Good enough. With as much force as she can muster, she clobbers the werewolf’s head. He falls off of her, a hand pressed to his bleeding forehead.
In the second of reprieve, she spots the pistol a few feet away. She throws herself through the air, grabbing the handle before turning onto her back, the gun pointed towards the monster. 
He dives after her. Bang. The shot rings out through the hallway. His body tenses before relaxing completely, eyes half lidded and empty. Y/N rolls out of the way as it collides with the floor. Her breaths come ragged and short, but the fight persists. The unforgiving footsteps of her aggressors afford little time to catch her breath; she pushes herself up once more. 
Panting, but not yet done, she turns towards the thundering steps. Sam and Dean race towards her, guns at the ready. “Oh, thank God.” She drops her guard and lowers her pistol to her side, leaning against the wall to catch her breath.
Dean reaches her first, fire in his eyes and coating his words. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you to stay with us, Y/N!” He grabs her chin, calloused fingers tilting her face to get a better look at her wounds. He pulls back, lifting and examining each arm. Y/N, too spent, lets him search for whatever he wants to find. She feels the welting of a bruise on her right cheek and a trickle of blood from her forehead.
“I got— I got three,” she gasps, watching Sam turn the werewolf over. 
Dean releases her, shaking his head. She touches her cheek, wincing at its sensitivity. “Oh, how nice. You also almost got yourself killed. I swear to—”
“—Dean,” Sam warns. “There are two more. We can worry about this later.”
“I got— I killed one of the others, but the third one I just hit in the knee.” Admitting to killing something, despite it being a monster, settles heavily in her stomach. She presses her hand to her lips, forcing her lunch to stay put. 
No time to puke, Y/N, she scolds herself. 
Shaking her head, she compels herself to focus. She nods at Sam and Dean, who take their positions at the front once more. This time she has no intentions of abandoning their protection. They stalk forward, albeit not as carefully as before; the ruckus certainly alerted the rest of the pact to their presence. Turning the corner, they find the werewolf Y/N shot first. A trail of blood leads the room they convened outside of, the door open this time.
The trio step lightly and quickly to the room. Dean peers in before entering. Inside, the wounded werewolf leans against the wall, a hand pressed against his thigh. Dean shoots him on the spot, wasting no time. Another body lies in the corner, torn the shreds. Aside from the two corpses, the room yields no tell-tale signs of the rest of the pack. Even still, Sam and Dean survey every nook and cranny. Y/N hovers by the door, working on slowing her breath and calming her heart. 
She peaks out into the hallway, just in case. The darkness limits her view, but she can’t hear anything either. Her ears ring, a relentless low buzzing from hitting her head and firing her gun too closely. Dean places a hand on her lower back as he passes, alerting her to his presence. The warmth spreads through her body, even when he lets go and walks ahead.
“Do you think they left?” she wonders aloud. It’s what she would do, but packs could think differently than humans.
Sam walks next to her, looking at her in his peripheral. “Maybe. But we want to clear the whole building, no stone left unturned and all that.”
She nods, instantly regretting it. Her brain tumbles around her head, hitting the walls and throbbing. Y/N rubs her temple, but says nothing. Lord knows Dean would already have a smartass retort on the tip of his tongue. Instead, she concentrates on putting one foot in front of the other. 
They clear the first floor easily, no signs of the last two. Dean leads them back to the front of the building to the stairwell. The door refuses to open, no matter how much force they use. The handle turns, but something on the other side blocks its pathway. Sam and Dean brace their backs against the door, plant their feet on the ground, and push as hard as they can. It budges slightly, only enough for them to see inside.
One of the railings torn from the stairs leans against the door, while another, wedged between the railing on the door and the first step of the stairs, holds it in place. They’d have to get in there to open the door. The brothers try once again, opening it a smidgen further. 
As Sam and Dean discuss the next step, Y/N formulates her own plan. She knows the boys, Dean in particular, won’t like it. Stepping closer to them, she chooses to stand next to Sam, hoping for his support.
“Listen,” she interrupts. Both brothers run their attention to her, Sam’s eyebrows raised and Dean’s drawn down. For a moment, she wonders if they have other facial expressions or if they always look this perturbed. “I can fit in there,” she motions to the opening in the door, a crack about a foot wide. Dean opens his mouth to disagree, but she holds up a hand. “I’ll get in there and move the railings so you guys can get in too. Quick and simple. Won’t go off on my own, promise.”
Sam and Dean meet eyes, silently coming to an agreement. Dean pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Fine. Be quick.” He sets his steely gaze upon her face. “And, I fucking swear, Y/N— if you go off by yourself I will kill you.”
She rolls her eyes. “Sure, you will.”
She shoves passed him, knocking his shoulder on purpose. He grumbles something under his breath, but moves out of the way. A deep breath in, Y/N sidles through the opening. She barely makes it, struggling to get around the railing. Once inside, she grasps the leaning railing, using her whole body to pull the steel from where it’s wedged. Inch by inch, she gets it out of the way. 
It hits the floor with a reverberating clang, settling in the alcove beneath the stairs. The other falls to the ground, closing the door with its force. Y/N sighs, throwing her head back in frustration. Fists bang on the other side of the door, Dean shouting her name along with profanities.
“I’m fine, you oaf. Give me a second,” she yells back, exasperated.
“Hurry up, Y/N.”
She groans, sinking to her knees for more leverage. Breathlessly, she retorts, “I. Am. Trying.” With a grunt, she pushes the steel into a vertical position. “All right, you should have enough—”
“Need a hand?” a low voice taunts from above.
Y/N looks up. An unassuming woman stands at the platform of the first level, hands on her hips and an all teeth grin baring her lips. “Dean?” she yells, urgent and frightened. The door opens with enough room for Sam and Dean to squeeze through.
Dean barges in first, gun raised. He casts a glance at Y/N, following her gaze to the landing. Mechanically, he pulls the trigger. The woman falls with a thud. Y/N lets out a breath, hands white knuckling the railing and eyes trained on the body. Sam grabs the metal while Dean pries Y/N’s fingers off, more gently than he’s been with her all day.
She looks at him, eyes wide. As much as she wants to act fearlessly, she’s seen more people— things— die in front of her today than in her entire life. Dean nods, as if to say It’s okay, we get it. She steps back, letting him take the railing. Together, the brothers shift it to rest upon the other. 
Y/N closes her eyes, clenching and unclenching her fists. Her nails dig crescents into her palms, the stinging centering her. Okay. Okay. I can do this. Her skin burns under the gaze of Sam and Dean, even if she can’t see them herself. Opening her eyes, she focuses on the men before her. 
“You good?” Dean asks, warm and low, a hand reaching out to her.
“Yeah. Yeah. Let’s go.” She motions before her, allowing them to take the lead again. 
Four down, one to go, Y/N reminds herself with each step. The task seems less daunting with the odds in their favor at three against one. On the second platform, they exit into the hallway. The builders didn’t get so far as to hinge a door to the opening, thankfully. The trio stalk down the corridor, straining to hear anything out of place. 
The end of the hallway yields a wall and two doors opposite of each other— one opened and one closed.  The brothers broach the entryway of the open room, clearing it with a quick sweep. Similar to how they entered the building, Dean stands in front of the closed door while Sam grasps the handle. Pushing it open, Dean rushes in, Y/N and Sam following closely behind. 
The door slams shut behind them. Y/N whips around, ready to fire and finish the job. She stumbles, lowering her weapon, jaw dropped. Dean steps in front of her, half blocking her from— “Elijah?” Dean looks back at Y/N, brows furrowed and lips parted. Sam rests a hand on her shoulder, steadying her. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he taunts, almost as if scolding her. “I see you’re running around with scum. I thought you were better than that.”
She shakes her head, struggling to wrap her head around the man before her— her friend— being a monster. “What— how…”
He rolls his eyes. “Wah-how? Blah, blah, blah. You were always so naive.” He twirls a knife between his fingers, a small smirk dancing on his lips. Y/N looks away, unable to handle Elijah being the culprit she sought so long to capture. “When they came to town all those months ago, I caught one of them. I was ready to cuff ‘em and book ‘em, like we’re trained. But Eddie, the one you shot in the leg, Y/N, presented an offer I couldn’t refuse.” His voice glides like silk over her skin. It takes everything not to vomit.
“Only downside is once a month I’d get a little craz—”
The shot rings clear in the air, stopping Elijah’s tirade. Y/N’s head shoots up in time to watch him crumble to the ground. He settles with a soft finality, folded over himself. Dean turns around, saying something, but she can’t hear him. She shakes her head, tears stinging her eyes. Her knees give out, collapsing. Sam falls with her, softening the blow.
She pushes off of him. “Get off of me, get off of me,” she screeches, banging her fists into his chest until he releases her. He holds his hands up in surrender as she scrambles a few feet away. 
Y/N rests on her knees, forehead touching the cool ground as if in prayer. Dirt and dust grind in her wound, she knows, but she can’t feel it. She can only replay Elijah’s fall. The separation of the man she knew and the man who he became felt too small. She never noticed a difference. He acted the same: kind, funny, a good agent. A good friend. 
Her sobs wrench in her chest, burning her throat. She wants to scream, but it comes out strangled, reverberating from the ground back to her— furious and despairing and inconsolable. Running her fingers through her hair, she grips the roots needing something to hold. Everything feels new in a terrible, sickening way. Just yesterday she believed she and Elijah would put the murderer behind bars. Now, she knows monsters exist. She fought one. She knew one.
Y/N breathes in, steeling herself. The man she knew died four months ago. She pushes herself onto her hind legs, wiping her tears. The burn of her fingers against her wounds calm her. Dealing with physical pain numbs the emotional. She presses her fingers to the bruise, hissing but reveling in the tenderness. 
She struggles to her feet, all too aware of the aches in her legs, and turns to face Sam and Dean. They stand by the door, leaning on the border. In her moment of desolation, they moved Elijah somewhere. Out of her sight. Not wanting attention, or Are you okay’s, she pushes past them, avoiding contact. Silently, they follow her to the stairwell and out onto the street. The cool air dries her tears and fills her lungs. For the first time since peering around that godforsaken corner, she can breathe. 
Sam and Dean keep a respectable distance, letting her lead them to the cars. Wordlessly, Y/N returns the gun to Dean’s grasp, leaning against her front bumper. She tilts her head back to gaze at the waning moon. 
“You good?” Dean asks, settling next to her.
She looks at him, really looks at him, for perhaps the first time. The green of his eyes highlight the bags beneath them. His laugh lines contradict the exhaustion heavy on his lips. His shoulders hang low, weighed down by the knowledge of darkness and pain.
Y/N sighs, accepting the beer he offers her. “I’ll be all right.” She means it. Maybe her monsters don’t have fangs and claws and familiar faces, but they’re monsters all the same. “You know what’s funny?” Dean raises an eyebrow, taking a swig of his El Sol. “I’ve seen worse,” she giggles. 
Dean looks away, shaking his head with a low chuckle. “Yeah? Like what?”
She sips her beer, too, thinking of a good story. “One time there was this weird inbred family that captured people and hunted them down. Had a barn with cages and shit. They kept their victims cars in a junkyard-graveyard thing, and—”
Sam and Dean share a look before busting out laughing. She glances between them, offended at their mockery. “All right, I’ll keep my stories to myself, then.”
“No,” Sam gets out between bursts. “No, we, um— we hunted those guys. Thought they were monsters. Turned out to be hicks with too much time on their hands.”
It’s Y/N’s turn to laugh. “No fucking way! Must’ve just missed each other.” She shakes her head, taking another sip.
“Small world,” Dean whispers into his bottle. 
They settle into a comfortable silence, the tension from the day drained. Y/N lets her mind wander— from meeting these men to now, and everything between. She tries to think back to before all this; before yesterday. The person who stood on the outskirts of the caution tape versus the person who sits on the hood of her car are miles apart. 
“Oh, that reminds me.” She pushes off of her bumper, unlocking her car. From the inside door she grabs two small booklets. Y/N passes the fake badges to the respective users. “A few tips: don’t use famous names. That’s the first thing that gave you away. Secondly,” she takes Dean’s badge back, opening it up. “Your official federal insignia is too low. It should be square with your picture. And your serial code is the wrong date. The first number—sometimes letter— is the year this was manufactured. We get new badges every two years, alternating between numbers and letters. Right now,” she says, opening her own booklet, “we are on letter Q.” She passes the badge back to Dean, who pockets it.
Sam nods, “Thanks for the information.”
“Yeah, I just love helping people—”
“— impersonate federal officers,” Dean and Sam interrupt, saying it in unison.
She laughs. “I’m glad you guys didn’t turn out to be crazy.”
In another pocket of silence, they finish their beers. Dean grabs the empty bottles, tossing them into a beat up green cooler while Sam turns to rest on the side of the Impala. Y/N readies herself to say goodbye, ignoring the ache in her chest. She refuses to admit it aloud, but she wishes she met them under different circumstances. She wishes she met Dean under different circumstances. 
Despite only knowing him for two days, Y/N can see herself in Dean. He bears the same weight she bears. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that his eyes remind her of fresh cut grass at the beginning of fall. Paired with his smell of cinnamon and gunpowder (a scent she knows all too well), she can’t help but want to know him. If they had met in a bar, she would definitely have taken him home.
Dean returns to her side, this time shoulder to shoulder. “You think you can handle that?” he inquires, pointing to her forehead and cheek.
She touches it gingerly. “Yeah, I think so.”
He nudges her shoulder with his, and she looks up at him. “You did well, tonight. Better than I thought you would, honestly.”
She grins, shaking her head. “Yeah, that’s what you get for doubting me.”
He looks ahead again, and she does, too. The sky brightens as the sun returns for its reign. The fatigue from the last twenty-four hours settles in, and, without much thought, she rests her head on Dean’s shoulder. He tenses for a moment, and she feels him look down at her, but he lets his shoulders sag again. He places a hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently, as if to say I’m right here. I’ve got you. 
At least, she hopes that’s what he means. 
The sun finishes its creep into the sky and the stars fade into a blanket of pink, orange, and purple. Y/N and Dean hop down from the hood of her car and Sam meets them between the bumpers once more. Sam dips down to hug Y/N first, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and squeezing tight. She fights not to groan when his grasp aggravates the aches in her bones. He releases her, casting a smile in her direction.
“Thank you for your help, Y/N. Here,” he passes her a torn piece of paper with two numbers scrawled across. One has an “S” next to it, the other a “D”. “These are our numbers. Call us if you run into anything else.”
She nods, grinning too. “The same applies to you guys. It doesn’t hurt to have someone on the inside.”
He pats her arm before taking his leave, settling into the passenger seat. Y/N turns to Dean. He doesn’t look like much of a hugger, so she extends her hand for a shake. Rolling his eyes, he grabs it, but wraps it around his waist. Dean envelopes her in his arms, holding tighter than Sam with one hand in her hair and the other barred across her shoulders. This time, she welcomes it, in spite of the pain. 
He lets her go, but keeps his hands on her shoulders. “I mean it, Y/N.” His voice is low and sinful. “If you need anything, call us. Call me.”
“Anything?” she drawls playfully. He nods, regardless. “Even just to talk?”
Dean laughs. “Yeah. That’d be nice.” His right hand travels up to her neck. She wraps her fingers around his wrist, not entirely sure of his intentions but welcoming anything. He pulls her close, pressing his lips to her forehead. “Get home safe, Y/N,” he mumbles upon releasing her.
“You too, Dean.”
She waits for him to get in his car before she clambers into her driver’s seat. Her bones creek as she settles. Twisting her keys in the ignition, she rolls the windows down and heads home. Werewolves of London blares across her speakers, and she laughs. Yeah. She’ll be all right.
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years
I Think I Need a Doctor (Whumptober 2020)
No, *you're* using Whumptober as a chance to try out all the AU fanfics you've thought of!
Summary: September 28, 2006. A pagan god’s attempt to erase Castiel’s existence may just give the angel a chance to save them all.
* * *
“I can't get him back...”
“Vitals are dropping...”
“Wife was DOA...”
“How's the kid? She okay?”
“Dammit. Call it.”
“Time of death...”
Castiel sucked in a breath and sat upright, dislodging the doctor that had recently been trying to restart his heart. One of the nurses screamed, the machines around him beeped crazily. There were tubes in his mouth and arms and he tugged at them despite the hands holding him down.
Where was he? When was he? The last thing he remembered was a cave...the light of torches...a man with three face staring down at him.
You will be unmade this way.
He twisted away from the hands that were trying to restrain him, snapping off cables and wires and tubes. He had to think, to process. It wasn't 2020 anymore, he could tell by the feel of the world around him.
“Mr. Novak, please, you've been in an accident,” a man in a surgeon's mask was talking to him, trying to push him back down. “Please, you have to calm down and let us take care of you.”
Castiel stared at him and the others in the room. “What...date?” His voice was hoarse and raspy from the tubes he'd pulled out (now he remembered...Dean talked about it...always cough when they pull the tube out).
“You want to know the date?” one of the nurses asked. She was trying to straighten out the wires still attached to his chest. “It's September...September 28.”
“What year?” he demanded.
She blinked at him, puzzled, as the doctor finally managed to wrap a blood pressure cuff around Castiel's arm. “It's 2006.”
* * *
The light from the torches was dancing off the glyph drawn onto the floor of the cave. Norn stared down at his work with a satisfied air, then turned to face the angel he'd bound to the stone.
“We cannot touch the hunters,” Norn explained. “They are tied too closely to fate. But you, young one. Your bounds are not as tight.”
Castiel struggled against the ropes, but the knots were too tight. “You're going to kill me?” he demanded.
“Kill? No. You will be unmade.” Norn knelt down to touch the center of the glyph. He'd painted the innermost circle of characters in Castiel's blood, and now the lines were beginning to glow under his hand. “I can remove one small player, before one critical moment, and your fate will deviate.”
Norn looked up, his eyes as fathomless as the broad expanse of the stars. “Another will take your place, and the story will change. Perhaps the ending will be better, perhaps it will be worse. This is all I can do.”
The power flared.
Castiel fell backward.
* * *
“Mr Novak!”
Castiel pushed his way through the hospital staff. He didn't need their poking and prodding. Somehow he had been pulled back in time and stuffed into the body of his host, long before Jimmy would have ever heard his voice. He couldn't explain it—there was no soul in this body, no occupant to invite him in. Just an empty vessel.
He couldn't worry about that now. If Norn, the Norse god (or, rather, three-fold aspect) of time learned that this had happened, he might move through time himself to eliminate the Winchesters directly.
Castiel narrowed his focus, finding the bright flare of two souls he hadn't seen in a very long time. Sam and Dean. Before he'd hidden them from heaven, before either of them had gone to hell, when their souls were bright and pure and whole. Unfortunately it seemed he had been moved through time as himself, rather than regressing through it, so he did not have the sames powers from 2006.
No wings. But he could run.
There was shouting behind him, swearing. Calls for security, for assistance. On he ran, focusing on the souls of the brothers he knew so well.
He found Sam easily. Even fourteen years ago the man still stood head and shoulders above the others. He was leaning in a doorway, distress obvious in every line of his body. Castiel slowed to a stop, resting a hand on the young man's arm. “Sam?”
Sam twisted to look down at him, tears running down his face. “Bad time,” he gasped out, turning back to stare into the room. Castiel turned to stare with him and froze in horror.
Dean was on the bed, more doctors (how many did this hospital have?) working around him. But beyond that, Castiel could see into the spiritual plane. Dean's spirit was there, fighting the shadow of a reaper.
He knew what this was. This was the day Heaven set their final plan into motion. This was the day John Winchester would sacrifice himself for his son, setting off a chain of events that would culminate in Sam opening the seal to the Cage. The Apocalypse. The end of times.
Without another thought Castiel surged forward. He forced his way in between the doctors, using brute strength to reach Dean's side even as they tried to stop him. The reaper twisted to stare at him, Tessa's mind calling out to his.
“I'm here,” he growled and finally rested his hand on Dean's forehead. Whatever strength he had, whatever healing could muster, he channeled it all into his friend's body. Dean jerked beneath him, buckling up on the bed with a gasp of breath, and the doctors were swarming around him again. Castiel waiting until Dean's eyes—dazed but clear—finally met his...then he collapsed backward, darkness rushing in on him.
* * *
“They said his name's Jimmy Novak,” Sam said. Dean was leaning in the doorway, watching the guy who'd gone all 'touched by an angel' on him not half an hour ago as he slept off a raging fever. “He and his family arrived early this morning. Car accident.”
“His family?” Dean asked. The guy looked a little familiar, sure, but Dean couldn't quite explain why.
“Ah, let's see...yeah, wife didn't make it. He has a daughter, they're not sure about her either.”
“You said he came running to my room?”
“Yeah,” Sam closed his notebook and tucked it into his back pocket. “How do you feel?”
Dean shrugged. “Fine, I guess. Like nothing happened.” The doctors couldn't explain it. He'd come in unresponsive, between the car accident and the wounds inflicted by the yellow-eyed demon. Then this Jimmy guy had touched him and it was all gone. No bumps, no scratches...his old scars were gone, too. “Where's Dad?”
“He's talking to Bobby. Checking lore on the Colt, I think.”
He nodded. Dad had stopped by to say a few words, though he was pretty sure the older man was feeling ashamed for getting possessed by yellow-eyes. He'd probably take off again before too long, bury himself in a hunt or a bottle until the feelings went away.
After a moment of indecision Dean pushed himself off the doorway and made his way into Jimmy's room. The dude was restless, dark hair matted on his forehead, talking to himself in some weird language while he thrashed around on the bed.
Dean stared down at him, arms folded. The guy didn't look like much. Smaller than Dean, built like an accountant. Exactly the kind of guy who had a corporate job and 2.5 kids, not some kind of mystical faith healer who showed up when you were coding out.
Jimmy stilled, turning toward Dean, and opened his eyes. The guy liked to stare, that was for sure. The first thing Dean remembered after waking up was this guy staring at him. “I guess I owe you a thank-you,” Dean finally said.
The other man relaxed, still staring at him. “Hello, Dean.”
Dean frowned. They weren't using those names here. “How did you know that?”
Jimmy sighed and brought one hand up to rub across his eyes. “There is much I need to tell you, Dean Winchester.”
Okay, that was creepy. Maybe Sam had let his first name slip, but not the Winchester part. “Who are you?”
The man lowered his hand and stared at Dean again. “My name is Castiel.”
Okay...that was a little creepier. Sammy had said this guy was Jimmy Novak...the patient information on the door said he was Jimmy Novak. “All right,” Dean said, shifting around to rest both hands on the rail at the side of the bed. “Maybe I should be asking what are you?”
For some reason, that brought a hint of a smile to Jimmy's—to Castiel's face. “I'm an angel of the lord.”
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SPN- Dead Man’s Blood (1.20)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Olive Winchester (OC)
Summary: When the siblings pick up a trace of something strange, they run into some familiar faces, and old tensions rise once more
Warnings: abuse, (john’s an ass), cursing, screaming, blood, uhhh, mentions of the undead, like knives and shit. the usual
Word Count: 6461
I sighed and shut my laptop. Dean folded his newspaper, and Sam rolled his neck. I yawned, dropping my head onto the table. Jinx yawned too, and Dean rubbed her head.
“Well, guys. Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska.” Dean groaned. “What’ve you got?”
“Well, I’ve been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. Here.” Sam huffed.
I sighed. “We’re in the middle of ass-fuck nowhere, and you’re gonna tell me there isn’t a case around?”
“Uh, a woman in Iowa fell ten thousand feet from an airplane and survived.” Sam shrugged.
I looked at Dean, and he made a face.
“Sounds more like that’s incredible than uh, Twilight Zone.”
“Yeah.” Sam sighed again.
Dean smirked. “Hey, you know, we could uh, keep heading east. Hit Missouri. Olive, I know you miss Taylor. And then uh, New York. Maybe upstate. Drop by and see Sarah again, huh?” He whistled. “Sam, you two seemed pretty friendly. Whatcha say?”
Sam sighed. “I dunno, maybe someday.” He glanced at me. “Missouri is only a few hours away.”
I shook my head. “It’s half a day’s drive. Besides, we’ve got a lot of work to do.”
Dean sighed. “Yeah, alright. What else ya got?”
“Uh, man in Colorado, local named Daniel Elkins, was found mauled in his home.”
“Elkins?” I repeated, turning to look at Dean.
“We know that name, don’t we?”
Sam shook his head. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Elkins.” Dead mumbled.
“Sounds like the police don’t know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack, and now they’ve found some signs of robbery.”
Dean hummed, and I flicked through Dad’s journal. Dean cut me off.
“Here.” I turned the journal to Sam.
D Elkins - 9705550158
“Same Elkins?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows.
“It is a Colorado area code.”
Sam tucked his lock pick into his pocket as he pushed the door open. Dean stepped in first, shining his flashlight around. He snorted as Sam and I followed.
“Looks like the maid didn’t come today.”
“Hey.” I tugged Sam’s sleeve. “There’s salt over here.” I pointed. “Right beside the door.”
Dean was flicking through a journal, eyes focused. “You mean protection against demons, salt, or whoops I spilled the popcorn, salt?”
“It’s definitely a ring.” Sam huffed. “You think this Elkins guy was a player?”
“Had to be.” I shone the light around as I made my way to Dean. “Journal looks a hell of a lot like Dad’s. And mine.”
Dean nodded as Sam joined us, standing behind me.
“Yeah, except this one dates back to the sixties.”
I huffed as Dean dropped the journal onto the table and began to move into the next room. I followed, hooking a finger onto one of his belt loops.
“Holy shit.” Dean mumbled as we lit the room up.
The place was wrecked, items strung all over, furniture thrown about, a hole in the roof. I snorted, and Sam shook his head.
“Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one.”
“Elkins put up a hell of a fight, too.”
“Yeah.�� Sam sighed.
Dean crouched down and put his finger to the floor.
“Got something?” I asked, looking back around the room.
“Dunno. Some scratches on the floor.”
I squatted next to him and shone my flashlight over the gouges. “Death throes maybe?”
Dean shrugged. “Yeah, maybe. Ol, hand me a piece of paper?”
I popped to my feet and pulled a notebook from a bookshelf. I ripped out a blank piece of paper and handed it to him, along with a pencil. He ran it over the marks.
“Or maybe a message.” Dean peeled the paper back up, which had blood stuck to the back of it. “Look familiar?”
“Three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box.” Sam noted.
“It’s a mail drop. Just the way Dad does it.”
I watched from the car as Dean pried open the post office box. Sam was at his side, on alert. Dean pulled a letter out, tilted his head, and then showed it to Sam. They glanced at each other, and then to me, confused. I squinted, and they shut the box before walking back to me. Jinx ran circles in the backseat as they opened the car doors.
Dean slid into the car, followed by Sam. They dropped a white envelope in my lap, and I picked it up with narrowed eyes.
“J.W.” I read. “You think it could be?”
“John Winchester.” Dean sighed.
“I dunno.” Sam sighed, shaking his head.
“Should we open it?” Dean asked.
There was a knock on Dean’s window. Jinx barked. Dean’s arm went back, ready to swing. My teeth shifted, and a growl left my throat. Sam yanked a knife out of the glovebox as the three of us turned to the window.
He smiled at the shock on our faces, and Dean grinned. I swallowed the blood in my mouth and wiped the rest on the back of my sleeve. Dad slipped into the backseat, and I got onto my knees and spun around, leaning forward and smiling at him. Jinx curled up by his side, and he scratched between her ears.
“Dad, what are you doing here?” Sam asked, eyes wide.
“Dad! Are you alright?”
“Hi, boys. Hi, peanut. I’m okay. When I read the news about Daniel, I got here as fast as I could.” He sighed. “I saw you three at his place.”
“Dad…” Sam trailed off. “Why didn’t you come in?”
Dad shook his head with a small smile. “You know why. Because I had to make sure you weren’t followed. By anyone or anything. Nice job covering your tracks, by the way.”
A grin broke on Dean’s face. “Yeah, well, we learned from the best.”
“Wait, you came all the way over here for this Elkins guy?” Sam narrowed his eyes.
“Yeah.” Dad nodded. “He was… he was a good man. He taught me a hell of a lot about hunting.”
“You never mentioned him to us.” Dean turned to face him.
“We had a…”
“A falling out?” I guessed.
Dad nodded. “I hadn’t seen him in years.” He glanced at the envelope in my hands, and I handed it over to him. “I should look at this.” He sighed. “If you’re reading this, I’m already dead.” He scoffed. “That son of a bitch.”
“What is it?”
“He had it the whole time.”
“Had what?”
“When you searched the place, did you, did you see a gun? An antique, a Colt revolver. Did you see it?”
“Uh, there…”
“There was a case, but it was empty.” Dean helped me out.
“They have it.” Dad snarled.
“You mean whatever killed Elkins?”
“What were they?”
Dad pushed the door open. “We gotta pick up the trail.”
“Wait. You want us to come with you?” Sam’s eyes grew wider.
“If Elkins was telling the truth, we gotta find the gun.”
“The gun?” Sam repeated. “Why?”
“Because it’s important, that’s why.”
“Dad…” Sam shook his head. “We don’t even know what these things are yet.”
“They were what Daniel Elkins killed best. Vampires.” Dad shut the door once more.
“Vampires?” Dean repeated.
“I thought you hunted those things out of existence.” I looked between my brothers.
“Yeah, Dad. I thought you were raiding the last nest on the night we got Olive.”
Dad sighed. “I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and… and the rest of us wiped them out.” He shook his head. “I was wrong.”
I sighed. “What do we know about vamps, Dad?”
He shook his head again. “Well. Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won’t repel them, sunlight won’t kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust… that part’s true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won’t know it’s a vampire until it’s too late.”
“Sam, Olive, Dean. Let’s go.” Dad’s voice was gruff, and he slapped the bottoms of our feet.
I yelped as I jumped up. Dean mumbled a response, even though he was still more than half asleep. Sam pushed himself up on his elbow with a groan and Dean began to rub his eyes. I yawned, wanting nothing more than to drop back into bed and cuddle Dean back to sleep. Jinx yawned as Sam sat up.
“I picked up a phone call.”
“What happened?” Sam grumbled.
“A couple called 911, found a body in the street. Cops got there, everyone was missing. It’s the vampires.”
Sam scrambled from bed. “How do you know?”
“Just follow me, okay?” Dad walked out of the room.
Sam yanked a jacket on, and I tugged at Dean with a groan.
“Come on.” Sam called. “We’ve gotta get Olive to school.”
I groaned again. “No! Come on, lemme hunt vamps with you!”
Dean giggled. “Vampires. Gets funnier every time I hear it.”
“No. School for you, come on.” Sam pulled me out of bed and set me on my feet.
I sighed as I shuffled around the room, gathering my things.
“Alright. I’ll see you guys later. Love you. Be safe!” I pressed a kiss to Sam’s cheek, then Dean’s before I clambered out of the car.
“Love you, bug!”
“Bye, pumpkin!”
They peeled out of the parking lot as soon as I shut the door. I fixed my backpack strap over my shoulder and trudged across the parking lot, up the steps into the school.
I looked over my shoulder and rolled my eyes. I spun on my heel and crossed my arms over my chest, jutting one hip out with a scowl on my face.
“What are you guys doing here?” I whined. “And why can’t you ever find your own cases?”
Hunter snorted. “Elkins.”
I sighed. “Elkins. Did he work with your mom?”
“Think so. Found his name and number in her journal.”
I sighed again. “Yeah, us too.”
“What do you guys know?”
I rolled my eyes and flipped my phone open.
I ignored him as I dialed Dean’s number and held it up to my ear.
“Hey, sweetie. What’s up?”
“Richmonds are here. Dunno what they know. Might wanna call Everett.”
He sighed. “Yeah. Okay. Will do. See you later, babes.”
“See ya, bubba.”
Hunter blinked.
“What?” I hissed. “Don’t act like you don’t have nicknames for your sisters.”
He only blinked again. “Okay. So. What class do you have first period?”
I yanked the paper out of my back pocket. “Spanish. You?”
He pulled my hand into his with a grin. “Me too. Let’s go.”
“Hey, sweetie.” Dean looked at me over his shoulder as I climbed into the car.
I smiled at Sam, expecting a happy greeting and sweet nickname. I got nothing. Jinx jumped onto my lap. I scratched her between the ears.
“Hi, boys.” I dropped my bag onto the bench and laid down with a grunt. “What do we have so far?”
Dean chuckled and held out a thick book. I groaned and sat up as Sam started the car. I took the book and flipped it open.
“Does Dad know the Richmonds are here?” I glanced over my shoulder to see their car following us.
“Yeah. He’s not too happy.”
“Doesn’t like working with other hunters.” Sam grunted.
I sighed and sunk into the seat, flicking through pages.
“Vampires nest in groups of eight to ten.” Dean read. “Smaller packs are sent to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest where the packs keep them alive, bleeding for days or weeks.” He grimaced.
“I wonder if that’s what happened to that 911 couple.” I mumbled.
“That’s probably what Dad’s thinking. Course, it would be nice if he just told us what he thought.” Sam grumbled.
Dean looked back at me with a sigh. I shook my head, and his jaw set.
“So it is starting.”
“What?” Sam snapped.
I sighed louder, pushing the book aside. Jinx whined, setting her chin on my leg.
“Sam, we’ve been looking for Dad all year. Now we’re not with him for more than a couple of hours and there’s static already?”
Sam snorted. “No. Look, I’m happy he’s okay, alright? And I’m happy that we’re all working together again.”
“Well, good.” Dean hissed back.
“It’s just the way he treats us! Like we’re children.” Sam couldn’t help himself.
“Oh God.” Dean rolled his eyes, throwing his head back for show.
“He barks orders at us, Dean! He expects us to follow them without question. He keeps us on some shitty need-to-know deal!”
“He does what he does for a reason, Sam.”
“What reason?”
“Our job! There’s no time to argue, there’s no margin for error, alright?” Dean snapped. “That’s just the way the old man runs things.”
“Yeah, well maybe that worked out when we were kids, not not anymore, alright? Not after everything the three of us have been through, Dean! I mean, are you really telling me you’re cool with just falling into line and letting him run the whole show?” Sam side-eyed him.
I laid down in the seat, pulling my jacket tighter around myself. Dean sighed, probably looking at Sam. Jinx curled up on the other end of the bench.
“If that’s what it takes, Sam.” Another sigh. “If that’s what it takes.”
Sam snorted again, and I turned onto my side, closing my eyes.
The engine roared, and I curled up, horrified. Jinx squeaked.
“Sam, what the hell are you doing?”
There was no answer, and the Impala’s brakes screeched as the car swerved, stopping. The door opened and slammed shut.
“Oh shit. Ollie?”
I sat up with a groan, grabbing my head. “Coming.”
“Sams!” I clambered out of the car, stumbling into the street.
He stormed into the middle of the road, face to face with Dad, whose truck was pulled over behind the Impala.
“What the hell was that!” Dad yelled.
I glanced back to see the Richmonds stopped, watching from inside their car.
“We need to talk!” Sam spat.
“About what?” Dad fronted.
“About everything! Where we going, Dad? What’s the big deal about this gun? Huh?” Sam pressed forward.
“Sams, come on.” I begged.
“Sammy.” Dean warned.
“We can Q and A after we get the vamps.” I took a step forward, reaching for his arm.
“Your sister’s right, we don’t have time for this.” Dad sighed.
“Last time we saw you, you said it was too dangerous for us to be together. Now out of the blue you need our help.” Sam snatched his arm back, storming further toward Dad. “Now obviously something big is going down! And we wanna know what!”
“Get back in the car.” Dad growled through gritted teeth.
I shivered. Dad was angry, Sam was angry, and Dean and I had to figure out a way to play referee.
“No.” Sam spat.
“I said get back in the damn car!”
“Yeah! And I said no!” Sam yelled back.
Dean took a step forward, hovering right by me and Sam. “Okay, you made your point, tough guy.”
I elbowed Dean hard, keeping my eyes on Sam. “Look, we’re all tired and sore, we can talk about this later, Sams.”
“Sammy, she means it. Come on.” Dean pleaded.
Sam said nothing, but he let Dean and I push him back toward the car. He kept his glare on Dad, shuffling backward.
“This is why I left in the first place.” He mumbled.
Dad snapped back around. “What did you say?”
“You heard me.” Sam snarled, pushing past us once more.
“Yeah.” Dad’s nostrils flared. “You left. Your brother and sister and me, we needed you. You walked away, Sam.”
“You walked away!” Dad howled, cutting me off.
“Stop it, both of you.” Dean whimpered, eyes getting wide.
“You’re the one who said don’t come back, Dad! You closed that door, not me! You were just pissed off that you couldn’t control me anymore!”
“Stop it!” I growled. “Both of you stop.”
I panted, letting the blood in my mouth spill past my lips and down my front. Dean sighed, grabbing me by the shoulders as I bared my teeth. Dad’s hand was on his gun, and Sam stepped in front of us.
Dad kept his hand on his gun and glared at me. “Olive, if you ever thi-”
“That’s enough.” Sam warned him.
“Both of you quit it!” I bared my teeth again.
Sam and Dad stared at each other, and Dean pulled Sam back before looking at Dad.
“That means you too.”
They stayed silent. Dad backed away before storming to his car and slamming the door shut. Sam glanced at me with a worried look on his face and slid back into the Impala. Dean sighed, and my teeth cracked, fangs retracting.
“Fuck.” I spat blood, wiping my mouth on the back of my sleeve. “De?” I looked up at him with my own version of puppy dog eyes and he sighed.
“Yeah. You alright?”
I nodded. “I’ll be fine.”
A pause, and we both sighed. We looked from Dad’s truck to Sam in Baby, to the  Richmonds, who were staring with wide eyes. Hunter was out, leaning against his open door.
“Fucking terrific.” Dean grumbled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
A beat up camaro pulled into the driveway of the barn in the woods. A vampire came out of the house and held his hand up, protecting his eyes from the sun. Dean gasped, and I looked at Sam with wide eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his head was tilted. The Richmonds each did something similar. We were ducked in the woods, watching the vamp nest. Jinx had been left in the car, sleeping on Dean’s jacket.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean grumbled.
“So they’re really not afraid of the sun?” Everett squinted.
Dad huffed. “Direct sunlight hurts like a nasty sunburn. The only way to kill ‘em is by beheading. They sleep during the day, doesn’t mean they won’t wake up.”
I sighed, and Dean leaned against the tree in front of him.
“So I guess walking right in isn’t our best option.” Sutton whispered.
Dad smiled. “Actually, that’s the plan.”
Everett turned to Dean with a bitchface. He mocked her as Sutton and Sam shared a worried glance. I looked at Hunter over my shoulder, and he looked pale. I held in a groan as my stomach turned.
As awful as it was of me to say it, I didn’t feel safe with Dad. I knew he would try to protect me, but his priority was always the hunt. If it came down to it, I was sure Dad would rather slice a vamp in two before rushing me to a hospital.
Dean noticed how I went stiff, and turned to me, reaching out a hand. I immediately took it and looked at him with full-blown fear on my face. He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.
It’s okay. I’ve got you.
“Is she good?” Dean asked as I shut the car door.
“Yeah, she’s still pretty sleepy. Just gotta make sure we take her on a walk tomorrow.” I pulled my jacket back on and met him by the trunk of the car.
“Hey, Dad, we’ve got an extra machete if you need one.” Dean called over his shoulder as he handed me one.
I slid it into the holster and looked over at Dad. He smiled, unveiling a huge, sparkling, serrated edge machete from a leather holster.
“I think I’m okay. Thanks.”
My jaw dropped and I hit Dean’s arm. He looked up, eyes going wide.
The Richmonds crowded around, like students flocking to a teacher, or in this case, a pretty machete.
“So, you kids really wanna know about this Colt?” Dad asked.
Sutton nodded, and Everett holstered her machete. “Yes, sir.”
I flinched. They were just being polite. If we were working with Irene Richmond, we would be calling her ma’am. But hearing someone else call Dad “Sir” made me feel like we were boot camp kids, not his kids.
“It’s just a story. A legend, really.” He huffed. “Well, I thought it was. Never really believed it until I read Daniel’s letter.”
“He had it, right?” Hunter asked.
Dad nodded. “Back in 1835, when Halley’s comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun.”
The six of us blinked at him. What could be so special about a gun?
Dad gave us his own version of a bitchface. “He made it for a hunter, a man like us, only on horseback. Story goes, he only made thirteen bullets. And this hunter used the gun half a dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him.” He sighed. “And somehow Daniel got his hands on it…” He paused with a slight shake of his head. “They say… they say this gun can kill anything.”
The Richmonds pulled back, shocked, and Dean’s eyes went wide.
“Kill anything, like…”
“Supernatural anything?” I looked up at Dean, who had trailed off.
“Like the demon.” Sam noted.
“Yeah.” Dad nodded. “The demon. Ever since I picked up its trail, I’ve been looking for a way to destroy the thing.”
Sutton nodded. “And if we find the gun-”
“We might have it.” Everett finished.
Dad nodded. “Exactly right, Richmond.”
Dad pushed the barn window open and disappeared into the darkness. Everett nodded at Dean as she followed. Sutton was next, followed by Sam. Hunter squared his shoulders before hopping in through the window. I glanced at Dean, nervous. He nodded.
It’s okay. I’m right behind you.
I sighed and dropped in through the window. Hunter was waiting for me on the other side, helping me get my feet on the ground. Dean jumped in and rolled onto his feet, standing straight. His chest was puffed, shoulders strong, and head up. I sighed internally. His confident posture provided some relief.
Some was better than nothing.
While Dad took off on his own, Everett and Sutton would stay together. Sam would be a few feet ahead of us, and Hunter and I were to stick to Dean’s side. We looked around the room. There were about a dozen vamps sleeping in hammocks strung up from the ceiling. Hunter led the way, following Sam as he made his way through the barn. Dean was behind me. Sam disappeared into the next room, and Hunter followed. There was the sound of glass thudding on the floor, and I whipped around, hand on my machete. Dean held a hand up, pointing to the ground by his foot. He had knocked an empty beer bottle over. I let out a low breath and pressed on.
“Dean. Olive.” Sam whispered.
Dean followed me into the next room, where Hunter and Sam were trying to untie a woman hooked around a pole. She was unconscious, or maybe even dead, her head hanging loosely and her skin drained of color. There was a clink of metal, and Dean turned around.
“There’s more.” He grumbled.
Hunter nodded at me and moved to follow Dean. I unclipped the pocket knife from my belt and began to cut the woman’s ropes. I glanced over my shoulder to see the boys standing in front of a metal cage, full of people that were out cold. Dean slammed something against the lock, and Sam’s head snapped up, eyes wide.
We looked at the hammocks, but everything was perfectly still.
Too still.
The voice in my head was low and grumbly. I blinked, and Sam whispered something, but not to me.
Too. Still. Get out.
There was a roar that sounded more jarring than mine, and Sam leaped a foot in the air. Dean and Hunter spun around. Vampires came crawling from every possible corner, and I let out a loud howl, fangs sliding out.
“Olive, Sam!” Dean barked.
Sam ran forward and yanked me off my feet, throwing me over his shoulder as he started toward Dean.
“Run!” Everett and Sutton came out through a hallway, pulling Hunter with them.
Dean led the way, and I snapped at the approaching vamps as Sam carried me away. The three of us called for Dad in a chorus of shouts, and a growl ripped through my throat again.
Sam dropped me onto my feet once we reached the top of the hill. Sutton put her hands on her knees, and Hunter sniffed, tears welling in his eyes. Everett looked pissed. Dean turned back around, trying to scramble back down the hill. I yanked him back by the collar of his shirt with a snarl.
I held him back easily.
“Dad?” He called out.
There was no answer, and the adrenaline in my system was beginning to die out. I huffed, chest rising and falling as Dean began to shake.
Still nothing.
Sutton put a hand on Sam’s arm. “I’m so sorry.”
Tears fell down Hunter’s cheeks, and Everett shook her head, looking away.
“Kids!” Dad came into sight, unharmed.
We let out sighs of relief as we turned back up toward the hill, ready to book it to the cars.
“They won’t follow.” Dad panted. “They’ll wait til tonight. Once a vampire smells your blood, it’s for life.”
Everett shrugged. “Okay. Nobody’s bleeding.”
I spat onto the floor and looked up with a glare. Dad seemed angry.
“Well, Olive left a lot behind.”
I shrunk back, and Dean grabbed me by the hand.
It’s okay. It isn’t your fault.
“Okay, so what the hell do we do now?” Sam scowled.
“We gotta find the nearest funeral home, that’s what.” Dad huffed.
We tilted our heads at him, then looked at each other.
“Alright. Stay down, no matter what. You hear me?” Dean hissed.
“Yeah, fine.” I huffed as I sunk down into the bench, gripping my machete.
I was bait, stuck in the car while Dean popped the hood open and stared at the engine. Jinx was in the Richmonds’ car, probably snuggled up in Hunter’s jacket. She loved him almost as much as she loved us.
“Car trouble?”
My grip on the machete tightened and my stomach began to hurt.
“Let me give you a life. I’ll take you back to my place.”
I rolled my eyes. Did this bitch of a vamp really think she could get Dean Winchester into bed?
“Nah, I’ll pass.” I could see the grin on Dean’s face. “I usually draw the line at necrophilia.”
“Ooh.” There was a sound of skin against skin, and I flinched.
She must’ve hit him.
“I don’t usually get this friendly until the second date, but…” He sounded strained.
“You know, we could have some fun. I always like to make new friends.” She taunted.
There was a long pause, and then Dean made a noise of disgust. “Oh, wow. Sorry. I don’t usually stay with a chick that long. Definitely not for eternity.”
There were two wet thuds, and I sat up, pushing myself out of the car with a grunt.
“Dammit.” She was blonde, and the arrow was sticking out of her chest. “You.” She narrowed her eyes at me, dropping Dean.
He fell to the ground before scrambling back to his feet. Dad, Sam, and the Richmonds came out of the trees, each with a crossbow. Hunter was the only one with a regular bow, hooked over his shoulder as he stared at the vamp with murder in his eyes.
“It barely even stings.” She taunted.
“Give it time, sweetheart.” Dad grinned. “That arrow’s soaked in dead man’s blood.”
“It’s like poison to you.”
“Isn’t it?”
Her face drained further and she crashed to the ground. Dad hummed, satisfied.
“Alright, kids. Load her up.” He nodded toward the other vamp. “I’ll take care of this one.”
Sam handed his crossbow off to me as he grabbed the vamp by her wrists. Dean grabbed her by the ankles, and they hoisted her off the ground. Sutton and Everett pulled the tarp off the bed of Dad’s truck, and the boys dumped the vamp as Dad beheaded the other. Hunter and I both flinched, inching closer to each other, and then our siblings.
“Okay, let’s hit the road.”
Dad shut a brown paper bag as he and Dean came from the Impala to the fire. Sam and Everett were circling with their machetes. Sutton was keeping the fire alive while Hunter and I were sharpening our own weapons.
“Toss this on the fire.” Dad handed me the bag. “Saffron, skunk’s cabbage and trillium. It’ll block our scent and hers, until we’re ready.”
Hunter pulled the bag open and took a whiff before rearing back and coughing. I turned my nose up and dumped the bag over the fire. Jinx whined, edging as far away as she could.
“Dad, this stuff stinks.”
He nodded, laughing. “That’s the idea. Dust your clothes with the ashes, and you stand a chance of not being detected.
“You’re sure they’ll come after her?” Everett asked.
Dad nodded. “Vampires mate for life. She means more to the leader than the gun does.”
“The blood sickness is gonna wear off soon, won’t it?” Hunter looked up.
“Yeah. You don’t have a lot of time.”
“Half hour oughta do it.” Sam mumbled.
“And then I want you six out of the area as soon as possible.” Dad ordered.
“Dad, you can’t take them on all by yourself.” I scowled.
“I’ll have her.” Dad grumbled. “And the Colt.”
“But after.” Sam narrowed his eyes. “We’re gonna meet up. Right?”
“Use the gun together. Right?”
Dad stayed silent. My jaw clenched and the Richmonds sunk down, trying to stay unseen.
“He’s leaving again.” I snapped.
“You still wanna go after the demon alone.” Sam let out a breath. “You know, I don’t get you, Dad. You can’t keep treating us like this.”
“Like we’re kids, Dad!”
“You are a kid, Olive. You’re my children. I’m trying to keep you safe.” Dad hissed.
“I’m fifteen. I’m a hunter. I am not a child.” I spoke through gritted teeth.
“You’re a kid!” He roared. “I am trying to keep you safe!”
“Dad. All due respect, but that’s a load of shit.” Dean shook his head.
Sam and Dad snapped to look his way, shocked. I squared my shoulders, feeling increasingly confident. Dean was on my side. 
“Excuse me?”
“Olive isn’t a kid. She had to grow up faster than Sam and I did. You know what the three of us have been hunting. Hell, you sent us on a few hunting trips yourself.” Dean shook his head again. “You can’t be that worried about keeping us safe.”
“That is not the same thing, Dean.”
I glanced over at the Richmonds. Hunter’s eyes were trained on us, and Sutton and Everett were staring at the ground.
“Then what is it, Dad? Why do you want us out of the big fight so damn bad?” Dean pressed.
“This demon? It’s a bad son of a bitch!” Dad’s voice rose again. “I can’t make the same moves if I’m worried about keeping you alive!”
“You mean you can’t be as reckless.” Dean grumbled.
“We don’t need you to keep us alive, Dad!” I yelled, pulling at my hair. “We have each other! We’ve been keeping each other alive for the last fifteen fucking years!”
“Look.” Dad glared at me. “I don’t expect it to make it out of this fight in one piece. Boys, your mother’s death… it almost killed me.” He shook his head. “I can’t watch my children die too. I won’t.”
“And what happens if you die?” Dean scoffed. “Dad, what happens if you die, and we could’ve done something about it? You know what I’ve been thinking?” He sighed. “I think that Sammy’s right about this one.”
I nodded. “Dad, we should do this together.”
“We’re stronger as a family, Dad.” Dean whispered. “We just are. You know it.”
Dad paused, and I felt my hopes rise. Sam made his classic puppy-eyes, and Dean’s bottom lip trembled.
“We’re running out of time. You do your job and you get the hell out of dodge. That’s an order.”
Dean looked down, tears welling in his eyes. Sam’s jaw clenched, and I felt my teeth chatter. I was shaking, pissed off.
“Dad, you-”
Dean clapped a hand over my mouth and pulled me back. My nostrils flared and I tried to get away, but Sam pushed me back down toward Dean. The Richmonds popped to their feet, glaring. Hunter scooped Jinx up as she barked.
“Ollie, stop.” Dean begged, voice breaking.
“Olive, what did you say?” Dad snapped, taking a step forward.
I smacked Dean’s hands away and all but lunged over Sam’s shoulder.
“You’re an ass!”
“Olive!” Dean shouted, in tears.
Dad glared at me, jaw set. I spit on the ground as my teeth shifted around. Dad leaned down, pushing his face close to mine.
“Say it again, Olive.”
“You. Are. An. Ass.” I hissed. “And you can go to hell.”
Dad’s hand wound back before coming back across my cheek. His knuckles dug into my cheekbone, and I was sent stumbling back into my brothers. One of them caught me as blood sprayed out past my lips.
“Dad, that’s enough!” Sam howled.
“Hunter, no.” I glanced over to see Everett holding him by the shoulders.
“Olive, if you ever disrespect me like that again, it’ll be the last time.” Dad warned before turning on his heel and storming to his car.
“Olive.” Dean cradled me in his arms, holding me against his chest.
“I’m fine.” I mumbled, letting my head fall back.
The Richmonds scrambled over. Sutton and Everett said nothing as they stared at us. Hunter was on his knees, hands going for my ankles. Jinx howled, sniffing me and whining. I patted her head.
“I’m okay.” I muttered.
“Ollie, you can’t do that.” Dean whispered.
“She didn’t do anything wrong, Dean.” Sam glared, kneeling down to take me from him.
“I’m okay.” I swallowed. “Promise.”
“Sammy, I know she didn’t do anything.”
“She just told him the truth.” Sam hissed.
“Olive, you can’t say those things to him. You know how he gets. It’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Dean grabbed my cheeks. “But he’ll do it again if you say anything to him. And we can’t protect you.”
“Get off your shit, Winchester!” Everett shouted. “That’s your kid, you can’t let him put his hands on her!”
Sam’s nostrils flared again. “She's right. We can protect her. We should. She’s our baby sister. We have to protect her.”
Jinx howled, sensing the tensions. She jumped at Hunter, who picked her up again, holding her under his arm.
“Let’s go.” I pushed myself to my feet and stumbled forward.
Hunter caught me and put a hand on my cheek. “Olive. Jesus.”
“We don’t have time for this.” I squirmed away and toward the car.
Dean held a hand out, and I stayed behind him, bouncing on my toes. The vamp took a swig from a bottle before turning around, facing us.
“Boo.” Dean spat as he swung his machete.
The head rolled onto the ground as I followed him across the barn, making it to the caged people.
“Told you we’d be back.” He grinned at the ones that were awake as we began to smash the locks.
Dad dragged the vamp forward by the arm, picking his gun off the ground. She struggled, and the guy vamp appeared from beside the barn, ready to fight. He was followed by a few others, all on edge and angry looking.
I was bouncing on my toes, behind Dean and next to Sam. Everett was next to Dean, Hunter and Sutton crouching behind her.
“It’s a nice move. You almost made it.” The vamp growled at Dad.
The girl swung around, knocking Dad against his truck. The gun went flying, and the guy stalked up to Dad, backhanding him. Dad slunk down to the ground, out cold. Dean aimed his crossbow and shot one of the vamps. We ran out, and Sam stood at his full height, approaching the alpha male. He hit Sam in the chest, and Sam stumbled backward. I pulled out my machete and went for him, but the vamp held Sam in a headlock.
“Don’t! I’ll break his neck!” He growled. “Put the weapons down.”
I dropped the machete and put my hands up. Dean did nothing, and the vamp tightened his arm around Sam. Sam struggled, panic growing in his eyes. I turned and glared at Dean, who dropped the crossbow. Dad moved from behind him, but I kept my eyes on Sam.
“You people.” His arm tightened again. “Why can’t you leave us alone? We have as much right to live as you do.”
“I don’t think so.” Dad hissed.
The vamp dropped Sam, who stumbled forward on his hands and knees. Dean and I both reached for him, and once Sam was on his feet, he pulled me behind him. Dean did the same with him. Dad shot the vamp between the eyes. He grunted as a flash of light showed his skeleton. He fell to his knees, dead.
“Luther!” The girl screamed.
She ran at Dad, but another vamp grabbed her and dragged her into their car. They took off, tires squealing. Dad smiled, satisfied. I clung to Sam with a sigh.
“Let’s go.”
The door swung open, and I jumped, on edge. We were packing our bags, ready to hit the road. The Richmonds had caught the trail of another case and had split earlier.
“So, kids.” Dad shut the door behind him.
I sighed as I shoved a shirt into my bag. Sam nudged me, and I crossed my arms over my chest as I turned to face him.
“Yes sir.” Sam cleared his throat.
“You ignored a direct order back there.”
“Yes sir.” Sam repeated.
“But we saved your ass.” I hissed.
Dean immediately stepped in front of me as Sam eyed me, swallowing nervously. Jinx whined from her spot on one of the beds.
“You’re right.” Dad nodded.
I blinked, shoulders dropping. “I am?”
Dad sighed. “It scares the hell out of me. You three are all I’ve got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So… we go after this damn thing. Together.”
“Yes sir.”
“Olive. I’m sorry.” Dad sighed at me.
I shook my head. “Doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that we take this son of a bitch down.”
He smiled. “You really are your brother’s sister.”
Previous Ep: Provenance (1.19)
Next Ep: Salvation (1.21)
37 notes · View notes
Iruma-kun 8 - 9 | BnHA 68 - 71 | NGL 8 - 9 | ID: Invaded Sneak Preview (i.e. eps 1 - 2)
Tw: suicide for ID: Invaded, by the way (it’s only briefly in the commentary, but it’s in ep 2). Plus, ID: Invaded gets its hashtag well before its debut.
Iruma-kun 8
“Lady Redhair”? I think Amelie’s hair is orange, but you do you, Clara.
I paused at the wrong time and saw Asmodeus had bug eyes behind his glasses.
Is that the vending machine Clara attacked her bullies with…?
I wonder what rank Amelie is…
Diabolical + botany = diabotany.
Come to think of it, the Azz-Azz/Iruma relationship is similar to the Gokudera/Tsuna relationship…
So as it turns out, Clara gets her juvenile tendencies from taking care of her younger siblings. Hmm…
Aw, it’s kinda disheartening to see Clara so down. It looks a lot like Zenitsu when he doesn’t see his own abilities, or something of the sort (which I always fall hook, lin and sinker for).
I wonder what Amelie’s seduction percentage is…?
Oh, you can see Succubus-sensei in the ED…hmm.
Update: where is Clara’s dad…? *gulps if he’s passed away*
Iruma-kun 9
Azz-kun is such a proud parent…even though he’s the same age as Iruma, LOL.
Lack of ambition? Clara just proved this wrong last episode and Sabro has his own ambitions…but then again, Azz-kun wasn’t privy to such knowledge.
“Fear 1” is a pun on ikkai (first floor). (At least, that’s what I can assume from context.)
There doesn’t actually seem to be a pun when Azz mentions Execution Cannonball (shokei gyokuhou)…which, I think, is weirder than having a pun in the first place. (The later joke is that Clara says gyouki instead of gyokuhou, which is pretty far off for part of it but completely spot on for the other , so the subbers put in a phrase that matched that kind of pattern in the English as well.)
Rumour has it there’s going to be an Iruma-kun dub. I wonder how they’ll make all the puns work…?
It’s-wahahaha! It’s just dodgeball!
Huh? A high-ranking demon? Sullivan? Opera?????
LOL, you can still see the tree sprouting from one of the rooms.
The Demonitor is handing Opera the dodgeballs, LOL!
I like Opera’s nails…they’re a nice shade of purple…
Ponytail Iruma…looks a bit strange, but I’ll get used to it. I like ponytails, y’know.
Even Azz-kun’s hands are big in comparison to Iruma…
That preview was far too abrupt!
BnHA 68
The giant moving crab is actually a thing. I went and saw it one time in Ginza and again on Dotonbori, Osaka. The crab is associated with Kani Doraku, a crab restaurant.
“Amajiki” literally means something like “eats the sky”. A good name for my good boi.
The subbers didn’t even finish the word “defence”! Eesh!
Amajiki likes butterflies…? I wonder, if he ate butter, could he be a butterfly too…?
Running All Might, I see…(it’s a parody of the Glico Running Man in Osaka.)
Basically, this is what Vigilantes was for! Woot!
I love how Kaminari charges people’s phones. That’s the sort of dumb thing heroes do with their powers, since you gotta remember they’re just young dumb boys at heart as well.
The problem with a hardening power is that it sounds lewd out of context…
I wonder what Fat Gum’s first job was…?
There’s a post-credits segment…keep watching.
BnHA 69
Centipeder has such a cute voice, albeit a distorted one.
Kirishima is voiced by Masuda, so it’s fun to hear him get such a prominent role again (after Charanko in OPM s2, Touken Ranbu and Boueibu, among other roles).
“Likes: All Might” – LOL, we knew that already though.
Nighteye is Seiya Ryuuguuin: Hero Version.
There’s a post-credits segment. Keep watching.
The manga calls the magical girl series “Preyure”, so it’s weird to suddenly have the dub refer to its dub name, “Glitter Force”.
BnHA 70
Midoriya doesn’t have any bedhead…because his hair’s already messy! LOL.
“…what’s important is what you do afterwards.”
“Maybe we can catch the League…and the Hassaikai all at once!” – Yeah…that’s not going to happen Kirishima, considering the series is still going.
Come to think of it, Eraser’s goggles are the only part of his outfit that don’t really match…no wonder the idea comes from somone else (maybe saying that is a spoiler for those only following the main series and not Vigilantes, though…?).
Swordfish will become important later on…you know Tamaki’s Quirk, so you’ll see when it’s important soon.
Another post-credits segment…keep watching.
BnHA 71
One of the reasons I like Amajiki is because of his intro. Now you can see why!
Hassaikai = Hassai Group, so calling the opponents the “Shie Hassaikai” and “Hassai Group” in the same translaton is inconsistent.
“…playing into their hands.” – You can’t say that when you don’t have hands, Tamaki…
No Guns Life 8
Well, there ain’t no metaphor like the blatant one – man is the deadliest weapon to himself…or something of the sort.
Geesh! I wanna dub for this!
Well…couldn’t Olivier light the cig and stick it in Juzo’s mouth…? Or is that not “sexy enough” for the target audience?
No Guns Life 9
I’ve noticed only the women have lip flaps now…LOL. (But maybe I’m stating the obvious because my head’s a bit fuzzy from lack of sleep…)
“Medico” appears to be the Spanish word for “doctor” (as you might be able to guess). Then again, what Spanish colonies are there in the world…? Spain, sure, and South America…*googles* Basically all of South America, dangit.
Context says “madre” = mother.
Context also says “mentira” = lie, or “you’re lying!”.
Geesh, that cup size joke was such a non-sequitur that I didn’t even find it funny…
Geesh! This Colt dude is basically Sabro (from Iruma-kun)! Update: He also looks like he came straight outta JJBA.
ID: Invaded 1 – 2 (SNEAK PREVIEW!) 
I thought I wouldn’t be able to access the preview, but by accessing Funimation’s videos…I can watch it!
Ohmygloooooooob, this “I’m in pieces, but I’m connected” concept is so cool! (But also hella freaky, which is exactly my style!...You do know that I’m a bit of a freak for body horror, right?)
You…probably shouldn’t be yelling at the person if they appear to be dead(!)  
This would make an awesome escape game, no…?
I never knew the future looked so similar to the present.
Ooh, this gets more and more interesting! There are people watching this murder mystery.
Whose ID Well is this…? If it’s Sakaido’s, then maybe he can find out more about himself through the celebs.
The code appears to be from the Windows operting system, since C: is the default hard drive. So I’d say it might be Windows Visual Basic, actually, or C (the programming language).
Hmm…maybe that’s when the episode ws being produced.
Okay, so how I’m understanding this is that Sakaido is in the world of the murderer (of Kaeru’s) mind and he has to find her murderer to get out.
Ooh, so Sakaido is also a murderer…and as it turns out, Sakaido’s perp drills holes in the heads of their victims…scary. What I was really here to say was that this reminds me of a movie called Minority Report.
I think one of the victims had part of his head missing in the ID Well, so maybe Sakaido’s missing an elbow in real life…?
The joke is that the word for “well” in Japanese is i (井) or ido (井戸) and then ID, of course, is ID and likewise id is id (but it’s ido in Japanese). Googling ID: Invaded reveals Sakaido is written with this same kanji, plus two others (酒井戸), meaning his name is part of the wordplay too.
It’s like Minecraft, except you make the world with your entire body…LOL.
Maybe that’s (takoya) short for “takoyaki”…? Just a guess. Update: I’m right.
The licence plates say “Shinagawa”. This show takes place in Shinagawa (or the car I read the plate of was obtained in Shinagawa)!
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Huh? How did Hondomachi get into the well? Do they have a drive to kill as well????
These quotes have gotta mean something, so here’s the first one: “Is it ridiculous to believe that I have been given a certain role to play for this present world?”
What’s up with the numbers in the room Matsuoka is in…? (Apparently a terrible day volunteering is enough to put me on edge and subsequently make me a master detective, it seems.)
I went back to my old Honeyfeed stories recently and I rediscovered a character that I wrote about a few years ago – Yuki, after the matching character I axed from my original plot of Half-Paid Heroes (because the story I’m referring to is the Honeyfeed version of HPH) – who was partially close-shaven like Fukuda. I gave Yuki such a character design just to set up intrigue, but I didn’t think I’d ever see a similar design to it, ever. Now, here I am.
Narihisago? What a name! I checked what “hisago” means and apparently it means “gourd”.
Is this Kaeru (the one that committed suicide), perhaps, the one in Hondomachi’s head and that’s not actually the case…?
The CGI’s a bit awkward in this show.
Is “Muku” Sakaido/Narihisago’s daughter…?
I think the old guy – the head of the cop team – uses a Mac, based on his GUI.
New quote: “Wind comes in this hole and out the other, and it makes the world a little bit clearer.” This reveals the quotes are actually from the episode.
This music which acts as the ED is nice. I’m basically sold on this show, y’know.
The original work is by “The Detectives United”. I wonder what that means…?
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incarnateirony · 6 years
S 2-3, 3.10 -> S14, 14.10
So I’ve been talking about the S2/3 parallels in S14 for a while, but I finally got back up to 3.10, and I am. Legit. Screaming.
(edit, trimming down this OP and adding a cut, now that I’ve managed to form legible thoughts)
I’m. Screaming?
Go watch?? 
Like if you can’t binge all of S2-3 in the next few days at least go rewatch 3.10?
Fuckin’ it’s even in the same episode position?? like?? 
“What do you want?”
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More behind the cut. After the snap cut to black, of course.
Okay, I’m going to try to form some coherent thoughts here, but I won’t deep dive each independently, just 3.10
Though I may get strung up for saying it, season 13 had a lot of Dean-John parallels, most explicitly, grieving!Dean and arguably grieving!John, as in the attitude imparted by the loss of Mary, a foreground laid out for us almost like a prequel in S12 (which I argue is essentially what S12 is to the 13-14 era.) Read it as Destiel, read it as family being equal to Dean, I really don’t care about it as much as we can understand that Dean reflected John, to the dismay of many Dean stans, while still coming to a healthier resolution -- because John isn’t Dean. But I believe it was even Davy that giggled in public about similarities, which we can, I dunno, pretend they were only there accidentally, or maybe planned. *shrug*
Either way, S1->S13 reasonably has a lot of reflections as a result, but I don’t think we’ve properly explored that and now that this may bring it into some retrospect I’d love to see other people talking about it.
But I’m going to shorthand S2&3->S14. Why both seasons together? I dunno. Maybe because 13 was truncated. Maybe they just blended well.
I’ve already hollered about 2.01->14.04, Ghost of the Comic Shop Owner Bearing The Keys To The Legacy upset, and lashing out at one of the legacies. People were quick to associated some things but oddly ignored things like the squirrel T-shirt while he was downed, I dunno. Reasons I guess. If you want to extrapolate your own thoughts, just... 2.01->14.04; there’s a lot to unpack there.
S2 & 3 are pretty rich in surrounding parallels. Blood experiments and special children, hives and extending “family” in unusual ways, the inability to let go, versus depressed letting go, versus just letting go; everybody’s been on about season 14′s fairy tale themes when 3.05 Bedtime Stories literally exists and, while it’s Snow White and the fandom’s been more locked on Sleeping Beauty, realistically the two aren’t so dissimilar. You know, the whole Deep Sleep thing, and I might poke people to relook at 3.05. 
Optimism also rings strongly with “what’s dead should stay dead,” which harkens to 2.04 Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things over unhealthy refusal to not Let Go. Also taps on John issues and thus cycles back to 2.01, I mean... oh and the Colt’s gone kinda like the magic spear they chased instead. I mean, I could go on.
But 3.09 greets us with “Nothing can save you because you don’t want to be saved,” (given we also hear this for Cas later in the show) but this was Sam to Dean regarding his deal.
And then 3.10 strikes. The freddy kreuger head hopper. We find Bobby in his dream original house, but haunted by his worst nightmare; he’s liberated, but the threat remains and they dive back in.
They get out of the car, looking around. As they walk in front of the car, music can suddenly be heard. DEAN looks behind him and then when he turns around, a corner of the clearing lights up, and there sits LISA BRAEDEN (from episode "The Kids Are Alright") on a little blanket and a picnic basket. DEAN just looks at her and she smiles up at him. (MUSIC starts playing: "Dream a Little Dream of Me" by the Mamas and Papas, with an echo reverb)
LISA Hey. You gonna sit down?
DEAN doesn't move, he just looks at her. She has a glass of red wine in her hand and she reaches for another glass in the basket.
LISA Come on. We only have an hour before we have to pick Ben up from baseball.
She holds the glass for him, giving him another smile.
Dean stammers in denial, having No Idea What That’s About He Swears (because she totally wasn’t his original endgame or anything, but we’ll get back to that), before... tripping into his nightmare.
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I know some people have speculated FacedownGuy is Dean too, I know I sure have, but this... well. Let’s get a little further into this sequence.  LONG transcript blurbs inbound.
DREAM DEAN Talk about low self-esteem. (he chuckles) Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now is it?
DEAN (to himself) Wake up, Dean. Come on, wake up.
DREAM DEAN I mean, after all, you've got nothing outside of Sam.
DREAM DEAN (continues) You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog.
DEAN (smiling in denial, braving it out) That -That's not true.
DREAM DEAN No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought? No. No, all there is is, "Watch out for Sammy. Look out for your little brother, boy!" You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you?
He motions with the weapon to his head.
DREAM DEAN Clear as a bell.
DEAN (smiling) Just shut up.
DREAM DEAN lowers the gun.
DREAM DEAN I mean, think about it ...  all he ever did is train you, boss you around. But Sam .... Sam he doted on. Sam, he loved.
DEAN I mean it. I'm getting angry.
DREAM DEAN Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. (angry) Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you?
DEAN (angry) Son of a bitch!
DEAN pushes DREAM DEAN hard, knocking him into the wall above the desk.
DEAN (screaming angrily) My father was an obsessed bastard!
DREAM DEAN tries to get up and DEAN kicks him down on the desk again. DEAN holds the weapon as a bat and hits DREAM DEAN once and then pins him to the wall with it.
DEAN All that crap he dumped on me, about protecting Sam! That was his crap. He's the one who couldn't protect his family. He-
DEAN steps back and swings the weapon again, hitting DREAM DEAN twice.
DEAN He's the one who let Mom die.
DEAN pins DREAM DEAN again.
DEAN – who wasn't there for Sam. I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me.
He backs away from DREAM DEAN.
DEAN And I don't deserve to go to Hell!
DEAN shoots DREAM DEAN twice in the chest. As he lowers the weapon and looking at DREAM DEAN, we see the latter is dead. Blood is splattered on DREAM DEAN's face and his eyes are closed.
DEAN approaches DREAM DEAN on the desk, looking at him. Suddenly DREAM DEAN's eyes flickers open and they're completely black, as when a demon possesses a human. DEAN widens his eyes at that. DEMON DEAN sits up, looking into DEAN's eyes.DEMON DEAN (hard and angrily) You can't escape me, Dean. You're gonna die. And this? This is what you're gonna become! 
 We see DEAN, when he first snapped his fingers. His eyes are now black as night, he's a demon. He smiles and snaps his fingers and the screen goes black.
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Huh. That’s kind of wild now, isn’t it?
So again, there’s a lot to unpack here and this I will, in shorthand. Dean’s daddy issues aren’t new, but we’ve been hollering about John coming back and, as if by magic, or almost like they’ve been coding and prepping it to come back, he’s coming back! But Jack has helped Dean already deal with many of his issues, the ghost of those keys to the shop/car. His family has extended.
Reel back to Lisa. 
5.22 - “It’s never too late.” - Dean almost had that ending, had it taken from him, and yet what was it that everybody was banging drums about in 13.5? Oh right, It’s Never Too Late. That was his Big Win. Can’t forget that. 
Again, read into that side of the relationship however you want. What I’m here to bang on gongs about is what did Dean want - “They chose family.” And Michael tried to get his hopes up, tried to crush them, and packed Dean away.
Tell me again bardude isn’t some part of Dean.
We see in the preview that the blue is a powerful blue, depressing and ominous. And when the family comes in, Yellow light instead takes the bar for the battle. This is something I already discussed earlier in the season with the use of Blue & Yellow in 14.06 as exploration of the psyche, and in a side meta dividing Red and passion from life choices, with Dean followed by family yellow rather than red drive.
So I mean,
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And here it is again. I mean, try to get bolder with it, I dare you.
Either way about it, a question given to Dean, by Dean, more than ten years ago is about to be faced, and they are about to come in support of him, but in reality, Dean Winchester will need to save himself. He will need to recognize he has what he wants - he has family, it isn’t too late, it’s here, and they’re there for him, facing his shadows. 
Dean spends season 3 teaching Sam things, like how to take care of the Impala when he’s gone; but that’s because Sam, like his inner self literally taunts him over (as if, perhaps, in wanting of that Family Dream?) was all he had. But he’s no longer all. He’s important, but he’s grown. He doesn’t need to just Take Care of Sammy. Sammy’s taking care of himself, strong, building his own legacy. Dean instead spends S14 teaching Jack, letting go of the wheel. It’s Jack that learns about the Impala now. It’s family. And they’re here for him. Facing his shadows.
Season 3 was “I have to get you ready for this.” Season 12, Dean looked at Sam and said, “you’re ready for this.” And season 13, Sam was ready for this. And they’ve grown. It’s about family. And they’re here for him, facing his shadows.
“And in the end, isn’t that really the whole point?”
Where that leads us from now, I’m starting to highly suspect I’m going to have to watch a little bit further into S3 to figure out, but the question is if saving himself spins out another ending, or if he truly accomplishes it, or if it comes back for him - or if “see you soon, Dean” strikes and we do endure a trip to the Empty to overcome. After all, the Empty will come once Cas is truly happy and Take It All Away. Is that to be the end of our season? Dragged not by hellhounds to hell, but instead, by the shadow to the Empty? And does that leave us at the cusp of S4 again in how to recover Dean?
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
wheee monday! back to the tnt loop! 1.22 gives us a lot...
Bobby, most of all. And the beginning of our Good Practical Demon Knowledge. Not our Christo’s and our Two Part Exorcisms that make the demon wildly more dangerous before sending it to Hell. We learn that demons can keep otherwise dead or dying meatsuits alive, and exorcising them can kill the human trapped inside. We get all of this demonstrated for us via Meg. And we learn a bit more about where Dean’s ultimate moral lines are drawn:
Dean: Sam, there’s an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there. We’ve go to help her. Bobby (comes up to them): You’re gonna kill her. Dean: What? Bobby: You said she fell from a building. That girl’s body is broken. The only thing keeping her alive is that demon inside. You exorcise it – that girl is going to die. Dean: Listen to me, both of you, we are not gonna leave her like that. Bobby: She is a human being. Dean: And we’re gonna put her out of her misery. Sam, finish it.
(which will become interesting again in 4.02... the things they didn’t know at the time literally coming back to haunt them in new and bigger ways because of something new they’re just learning about... which is exactly what makes the spiral narrative spin. The same thing over and over again isn’t interesting, they need to keep leveling up, being forced to build on their knowledge and understanding and applying it to the next degree of cosmic problem, only to learn some more and compound their understanding, only to level up yet again.)
We also learn what’s “normal” for the supernatural world:
Bobby: Normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops. Dean: Yeah? Bobby: This year I hear of 27 so far. You get what I’m saying? More and more demons are walking among us – a lot more. Sam: Do you know why? Bobby: No, but I know it’s something big. The storm’s coming, and you boys, your Daddy – you are smack in the middle of it.
Heck they so did not want this, nor ask for it.
We still don’t really understand Azazel’s motives in possessing/kidnapping John outside of the fact he now needs to reverse his trap, use what he does have, and hope Sam and Dean are just as unable to resist saving John as he was to save them. In the most immediate terms, he just needed the Colt off the playing field. (heh, was he gonna store it in Ramiel’s armory for safekeeping I wonder, or just flat-out destroy it like Dagon did?)
We get our first “whoops they killed a dog, so they’re now irredeemable” when Meg shows up at Bobby’s and kills his dog. (cue 13 years of “Dean is a dog” imagery)
We also get both Meg and Azazel taunting Sam and Dean over the fact that they killed Mary:
Meg: Jeez. You kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t.
John/YED: What? You’re the only one that can have a family? You destroyed my children. How would you feel if I killed your family? (he smiles at Dean) Oh, that’s right. I forgot. I did. Still, two wrongs don’t make a right.
And they’re not wrong... for all we learn about Dean’s personal moral code, we also learn his exception:
Dean: Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh .... it scares me sometimes. John: It shouldn’t. You did good. Dean: You’re not mad? John: For what? Dean: Using a bullet. John: Mad? I’m proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you – you watch out for this family. You always have. Dean: Thanks.
When “John” asks for the Colt a moment later, this is where Dean draws another line. He knows it’s not John. In the standoff, “John” and Dean play a weird game of “calling the puppy to them” when Sam questions what’s going on, why Dean has the Colt pointed at “John.”
Tell me this doesn’t sound EXACTLY like 14.20:
Sam: Dean? What the hell’s going on? John: Your brother’s lost his mind. Dean: He’s not Dad. Sam: What? Dean: I think he’s possessed. I think he’s been possessed since we rescued him. (He starts to get upset.) John: Don’t listen to him, Sammy. Sam: Dean, how do you know? Dean (fighting back tears): He’s .... he’s different.
SAM: Our entire lives. Mom, Dad -- everything. This is all you because you wrote it all, right? Because -- Because what? Because we're your favorite show? Because we're part of your story? CHUCK: Okay, Dean, no offense, but your brother is stupid and crazy. And that kid is still dangerous. So pick up the gun. Pick it up... pull the trigger... and I'll bring her back. Your mom. DEAN: No. (Dean takes a few steps back to stand side by side with Sam)
“Your brother’s lost his mind” about Dean, vs “your brother is stupid and crazy” about Sam. Both times, Dean holding Magical Kill Everything Guns and pointing them at yellow-eyed monsters. Dean facing killing his father in 1.22, and someone he considers a son in 14.20. And he couldn’t do it either time, not to get revenge, not to kill the current concept of “Ultimate Evil and Danger” to the world. And yet another parallel between John and Chuck, even if this was actually Azazel speaking here he was using John’s face to do it. This is the archetype of “toxic fatherhood” in the narrative from the jump.
Dean does get one good comeback in:
John: You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam – he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight, it’s more concern than he’s ever shown you. Dean: I bet you’re real proud of your kids, too, huh? Oh wait, I forgot. I wasted ‘em.
And then after this bit of mental torture, because this is psychological torture for Dean here, the physical torture kicks in. The wounds look shockingly similar, in retrospect, to the ones the hellhound leaves on Dean in 3.16, claw marks down his chest. And both times, Dean is unwilling to kill the person he loves to stop the larger evil thing.
This is also our very first instance of what we’ve come to refer to as a “crypt scene.” Breaking through demonic possession or other mind control to reach a loved one. For a complete rundown, including a description of this scene in that context, please have the very long and complicated history here (excellent reading, btw. Click through the read more for the entire original post and then the s12+ additions in this reblog):
Just another thread of the big narrative spiral getting broken in 14.20.
And not related to anything I’ve said above, but because heh I find this amusing  as heck, just as a weird... production wtf. At the scene outside the Sunrise apartments, there’s two men (one man in the crowd of bystanders and one of the firemen he approaches) who it looks like they were scripted to be possessed by demons in this scene. Both men open their mouths and gasp at the supposed moment of possession. But we don’t see any smoke crawling down their throats. I figure it’s because it was the VFX crew who realized it was implausible for random smoke to be floating around outside a supposed scene of a fire in broad daylight, without drawing any sort of attention from anyone in the crowd. So instead of these demons simply “activating” and coming to the surface of the people they’ve already been possessing, we get this weird “invisible possession” gasp. Because of who I am as a person, my brain has decided these two people were already possessed, but the demons inside them were lying dormant until they were called up for service, like a couple of understudies being told they’re finally getting to take the stage. And they’re both inordinately delighted by this, to the point they do the lil “gasp of excited glee:”
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ME?! YOU WANT  LIL OL’ ME TO HELP?! *omg okay this is actually happening, we are really doing this, i’m readY I’M READY I’M READY!*
alrighty then, moving on to season two now :’)
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