#dereksheppard x reader
oneshotnewbie · 4 years
Can you do a one shot of Derek and Amelia reacting to little sisters suicide attempt?
---- Today was another day of hell for you.
It was mid summer, the sun was beaming through the city almost permanently and the heat pushed people to go outside. Everyone was happy, everyone was laughing and spending time with their family, except you.
You came home from university earlier just wanting to go to bed and do nothing besides staring blankly at the white bedroom wall.
You didn’t have the strenght to do anything. You felt empty and useless. Worthless. You felt that the world would be a much better place and your siblings would have a much better life if you weren’t there. Because overall, what have you already achieved?
It hit you like a brick in the face.
The feelings you were hiding behind fake smiles and laughter from your friends and siblings came over you and your wall began to crumble. As if your clear thinking was switched off, you walked to your desk and looked for something that was sharp.
With a short-circuit reaction, you unscrewed the screw on your work scissors and took one of the cutting knives with you on the floor. Then you looked for your suicide note from one of your notepads that you had written months ago and put it next to you.
You were done with this world and yourself. Thoughts have been your enemy for too long and you have been a victim of their violence for too long. You wanted to put an end to them for a long time, but you have never been ready to take this last step. Until now.
The angel on your shoulder lost the fight against the devil.
There was blood everywhere. A puddle had almost formed on the floor. And you? You sat leaning against your bed on the floor. Your arms covered in blood and your clothes soaked in red.
The sight of it made Amelias own blood freeze. Her eyes widened and all the color drained from her face. Amelia stood there frozen and could not move. It felt like her heart skipped a beat. The seconds she stood so stiffly felt like years until she finally regained control of her body. She was completely overwhelmed and did not know what to do.
The brown-haired had so many thoughts running through her head and it felt like her skull would rip in half and her brain would finally jump out of her head. Her head pounded wildly with one simply question at the first place. Why did you do this? What brought you here?
Quietly she heard an „Amy? Are you okay?“.
It was Dereks voice, he had dropped her off at home and was supposed to leave right away but he stayed to make sure everything was okay, he had a queasy stomach all morning. And the feeling he had was right.
She turned her head to the left and noticed her brother now standing behind her. „Derek..“ was the only thing she got out before he cut her out. „Damn it, what is going on here?“ he said confused and immediately ran to you while you looked at him sadly.
Barely audible you whispered, „Go away. Please. You shouldn’t be here yet.“
While Derek tried to clear his mind and help you, Amelia was slightly relieved that she was no longer alone with this situation and she had someone, who thought clearer at the moment.
It took her a moment to understand the situation before she let herself fall in front of you and looked at you with fear and panic in her eyes. Derek just swore and ran into the bathroom. Seconds later he came out with a pile of towels.
„Here, we have to try to stop the bleeding. Push as hard as you can and call an ambulance.“ He spoke out of mind, in complete contrast to his sister, and threw one at her.
Immediately she did what she was told and dug out her cell phone with one hand and dialed the emergency number while the white towel under her other hand turned red in seconds.
She explained the situation in a flash, gave the address and hung up as soon as she was assured that both the ambulance and the emergency doctor would be there shortly. Now her focus was fully on you.
Derek had meanwhile taken off his jacket, tore it in two parts and tied your arms above the cuts as best as he could.
„Help is on the way.“ was the only thing that got out of Amelias mouth without taking her gaze from you for a second.
Your eyes were about to close and you heard Derek screaming at your sister almost in panic that they had to keep you awake. „Hey, sweetie. You have to stay with us, you understand? We need you here. Don’t you dare to leave me alone now! You said to me that only stupid people leave and you are definitely not stupid. There is a solution for everything, we can do this together, but you have to stay awake and keep fighting now, okay?“
Amelia looked at your pale face and there was so much pain in her eyes that it stung your heart.
In the background you could already hear the sirens on an ambulance which were getting louder and louder. Shortly afterwards you could hear a lot of people running on the stairs and you could see the paramedics in the door frame.
Immediately they put you on a stretcher and took you down to the ambulance. Amelia held your hand the whole time to show you that you were no alone while Derek, who was just as shocked as at the beginning, now stood in the doorway and watched the paramedics and you.
Once at the ambulance, Amelia had to let go of your hand, unwillingly. The doors oft he ambulance closed in a flash and the gravel crunched and dusted under the tires, which started moving at a frantic pace.
Your siblings watched the car afterwards, even after he had disappeared from their field of vision, until the sirens only reached them very quietly. Amelia sank down on her knees completely exhausted, tears streaming down her face as she didn’t notice anything of what was happening around her.
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