er-hart · 4 years
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Needed: The eldest Borges son (the Kendall Roy), (30s? / Human) heir to a conservative media empire, aka I stole this plot shamelessly from Succession and Gossip Girl and just smashed them together to create extra familial issues and drama and feels.
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bootscootboogyin · 4 years
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Bite chunks out of me

You’re a shark and I’m swimming

My heart still thumps as I bleed

And all your friends come sniffing
traits: witty. romantic. passionate. headstrong. hot tempered. judgmental. caring. fowl mouthed. spiteful. confrontational. petty. vivacious. tenacious.
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desertmoonrp · 4 years
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Hey gang! We’re trying to decide a preview schedule for the week so you get all the info you need before the site opens, but since we have so many creatures we want to stagger them throughout the week. Can you let us know by replying to this post which creatures you want the full details for first? Here are your options: 
Thanks!! We’ll release the first of the many today, so let us know! 
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nohappyendingforus · 4 years
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for @joeywritesstuff‘s dylan reese
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in-door-kites · 4 years
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henry “hank” hollenbeck.
“…  May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells, past temples and castles and poets towers into a dark primeval forest where tigers belch and monkeys howl, through miasmal and mysterious swamps and down into a desert of red rock, blue mesas, domes and pinnacles and grottos of endless stone, and down again into a deep vast ancient unknown chasm where bars of sunlight blaze on profiled cliffs, where deer walk across the white sand beaches, where storms come and go as lightning clangs upon the high crags, where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you – beyond that next turning of the canyon walls.”     — Edward Abbey
odds & ends    over-steeped tea, cable knits, cedar scent, old cars, swapping stories, three cups of abandoned tea, field notes, sunlight alarm clock, crackling knuckles, barefoot whenever possible, tinkering, pencil tucked behind an ear, unfinished sudokus, designated flipping coin, misty mornings, worn leather, a ‘please’ and a ‘thank you’
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deadlyelegance · 4 years
Name:  ali Pronouns: she/her Timezone: est Favorite supernatural book/show/film: the lost boys, true blood(the first three seasons), does the harry potter series count?, the underworld film series,  van helsing (you know, the hugh jackman movie), interview with the vampire, plenty of other examples i’m blanking on at the moment. Favorite tropes: opposites attract, finding long lost supernatural relatives?, girl squads, supernatural families, revenge plots, thriller/suspense vibes, a lot of vampire related plots, etc. What you’re most looking forward to: chill people, dope skin, awesome characters, sick subplots, and all the creature fun!  You In One Image:
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keatess · 4 years
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for @ghoulvs (marie) & her girl who walks with wolves
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ashes-to-gold · 4 years
Name: alyx
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: cst
Favorite supernatural book/show/film: supernatural, the witcher, penny dreadful, hemlock grove, the circle
Favorite tropes: sinister characters with ~redeemable qualities, tight knit families, enemies to lovers, mystery gang type friend groups, any kind of witch coven, any kind of rivalry, pretty face & a genius mind, difficult pasts that shape characters into being better people.
What you’re most looking forward to: desert vibes and mystery and lots of character development!
You In One Image:
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tanglelegs · 4 years
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songs for driving through the desert together
nostalgic primary-colored sharpies inked roses and green vines around the edges of the 2-CD compilation he still carries in a case velcro’ed to the visor. a relic of the past on its own, since become honorary ark of the covenant, entrusted with protecting fragile memories kept within. ( they’re on the computer of course, uploaded to the cloud, recreated on his app of choice, but it’s not the same without seeing the ink. )
her ink, drawn with her hands, the one thing he can still touch for proof she ever existed at all. made for him  —  made for them and their long night drives. she told him he needed the color. 
those colors are fading with time now ; two of the songs skip from scratches he cannot remember causing ; one day this, too, will be gone. 
one day, there will truly be nothing left of her : all of it worn down by sand on desert winds, carried off piecemeal far away.
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joeywritesstuff · 4 years
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Characters I want to write so please give me the chance: baby vamp who has no idea how to vamp. #growingupdead #gimmeamaker Also sad ships inspired by this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8B_WUtJXME MAYBE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME
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antifalockhart · 4 years
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I’m being lazy so here are all of my characters all at once let’s get boogie.
Stacy Talbot
Professor of Ethics & Philosophy; just a regular ole human nerd who wants to talk to you about the vastness of space; also, magic, honestly, that would be cool, are you magic? do you know anyone who’s magic? do you haVE POWERS?????; listen to his podcast called “creature stories” (or idk a better name coming soon) because he’s cataloging and sharing your stories like this is NPR and he’s the host of Story Corps; it’s not cute, don’t think it’s cute; let him be your magical advisor, he has no idea what he’s talking about but he’s very enthusiastic. 
Adam Rutledge
very devote church boy sad bc he sucks so so so much; blood witch in a traditionalist coven who beliEVE IN THE POWER OF GOD!!!!!!!!!; have you ever met a supremely boring man who when you try to speak to him he just sort of stares at you blankly because that’s him, that’s basically all he is.
Javier Bautista
hosanna native; werewolf turned as a teenager; loud mouth creature rights activist; low key like okay but creatures are better than you like why are we submissive?????; anarchist mother fucker trying to BURN THIS BITCH DOWN
Sydney Martin
she’s not a cowgirl anymore i changed my mind everything else is the same: local girl swept up in a scandal; married young and regretting it; mother to a young daughter; bored wife to a bored husband; a new witch looking for other witches wherever she can find them (ie: picture syd on chat roulette like CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO DO MAGIC) 
Add me on discord let’s hang xoxox wereworm#9403
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neruudas · 4 years
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for @ghoulvs and the whole cerbero crew
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bootscootboogyin · 4 years
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thomasin rae boucher | witch | 30
“i declare that later on, even in an age unlike our own, someone will remember who we are.”
black magic. loud laughter. professions of love in the moonlight. fast cars and loose lips. long hair. black velvet. soft whispers in the morning. black coffee and three sugars. giving her blood to the highest bidder. sweet talk for big gain. sisterhood. mint juleps on a warm summer evening. pet names and tiny kisses. sticking her hand in the cookie jar. ancient history and heroic myths. black dogs.
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desertmoonrp · 4 years
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Werewolves are humans with a genetic mutation that is contracted virally from another werewolf or, rarely, transmitted from an infected werewolf to their offspring through childbirth.
At full moons, werewolves undergo a difficult, painful transformation into grotesque, wolf-like creatures. The change to wolf-form begins as the full moon rises and takes several minutes to complete. Werewolves revert to their human-form at sunrise.
During transformation, thoughts become animalistic and primal in nature. How werewolves remember the shift varies: some forget entirely, while some recall it like a nightmare or in flashes. With guidance, practice, and age, werewolves can gain better control during their shift, and, with enough practice, eventually they are able to turn at will, although few want to due to the grueling transformation process. However, even those who can turn at will have no control during a full moon.
Though werewolves can now be found throughout the world, they originated in the American West. In the 1920s, the federal government’s attempts to eradicate coyotes through blanket poisoning triggered a mutation in humans, creating the first werewolves. As a result, werewolves are the newest known creature and remain relatively small in numbers. 
As a known entity in the supernatural, werewolves are feared by the communities they live in. Many opt to hide their identities from the public and isolate themselves during full moons so as not to be a danger to loved ones or the community at large. Others may chain themselves, although this is not a foolproof method because, depending on the strength of the werewolf in question, most binds can be broken.
The common myth of hierarchies does not often exist in modern werewolf packs, but because they are often excluded from society, werewolves tend to have strong pack bonds. Werewolves who live in packs or communities tend to fare better than lone werewolves, and their lifespans are significantly longer.
While Wolf: • Superior strength, agility and endurance • Sharp claws and strong jaws • Amplified senses: acute hearing, vision and sense of smell • Rapid regenerative abilities unless dealt a fatal blow with a silver weapon • Fatal to vampires and shapeshifters
While Human: • Slightly sharper senses than humans: smell, hearing, dog things like tracking • Slightly physically stronger than the average human
While Wolf: • Cognitive abilities impaired • Lose all control during the full moon • Allergic to silver/heal less quickly if lacerated by something silver • Wolfsbane
While Human: • Age more quickly than humans / shorter lifespan • Fatigue around the time of the full moon • Prone to some illnesses • Prone to disordered/unstable moods
Fatal: • While in human state, can be killed just like humans • While in wolflike state, silver bullet/blade through heart
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darrlington · 4 years
name: blair pronouns: she + her timezone: pacific favorite supernatural book/show/film: wolves of mercy falls book series, the witcher series, bitten tho it's been cancelled T_T favorite tropes: broody killers that are actually teddy bears, found family, love/hate, devil may care attitudes, the quiet observers, unofficial parents, blood is thicker than water, dysfunctional families. what you’re most looking forward to: i'm def excited about species previews!! maybe some coding previews too?? idk everything tbh. i'm excited you in one image: 
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protomolecules · 4 years
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@servesthemuse​‘s sabine ishikawa
🔪 🍷 🩰 🔪
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