#design note her tail is always curled
oatpaws-silly-kittys · 4 months
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silversweetpea · 2 years
Come Home
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word count: 3798
summary: A nightmare is only a nightmare when viewed at the right perspective.
Warning: reader is sad and doesn’t like themselves a whole lot but there’s no outright self deprecation. 
author’s note: I am obsessed with the idea of Nightmare reader and the way that I just barely restrained myself from making this like a 30 chapter slow burn makes me feel like I have earned a little treat. A little reward if you will, so if you need me I will be writing up yet another self indulgent little story lmao. Also if anyone wants those thoughts on previous chapters of pining I cut so that this wasn’t insane I have so many thoughts please come talk to be about them holy shit.
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Nightmares weren’t designed to be loved. They weren’t even made to be thanked. You, in specific, would know that better than anyone else. And yet, standing on the outskirts of yet another beautiful party for yet another beautiful couple, it was easy to ignore the sting in the back of your throat and the way that you could feel the vines curling around your heart. 
You were made in the image of love unrequited, you had always known that. But the waking world was bursting with love and at least this way you were able to stand in its afterglow. 
The bride and groom were beaming, radiant in their joy. There was a moment where you were worried about the state of things when it started to drizzle but there had been backup plans ready, tents secured, and smiles on everyone’s faces.
“It’s good luck,” The bride had giggled when you did your final pre-ceremony check in with her. The woman couldn’t be older than her early twenties and yet for just a moment you could see the echoes of all the brides you had assisted. Young and old but always beautiful in their joy. eighty years was a long time to stay in the same field, to keep mysteriously appearing at just the right time, and yet you couldn’t resist it. 
The plate in your hand was easily placed in reach of a wandering child, sure they would get far more enjoyment from the sugar rush than you would. You lingered long enough to look at the couple again, to rest in their warmth and imagine for just a moment that you could have that someday too.
And then there was a cough that began to threaten to rip through your throat and you were moving again. It was better that way anyhow. 
“He’s not coming back for you, don’t you get that? He’s not coming back for any of us. You might as well see the world, have a little fun.” The Corinthian was the closest thing you had to a friend these days which meant that even after months of silence between you two, his voice lingered in the corners of your mind. 
It didn’t help that he didn’t understand your need to be so close to humanity and you didn’t know how to explain it. Not to someone who had always been content with his purpose in the dreaming. Hell, the only reason he had ever found to venture further than it’s boundaries was because he wanted more of the world to see him and what he could do. Corinthian loved, you knew he did, but it wasn’t the sort of endless ace that you were forced to chase for all of time simply by virtue of being alive.
Still, you thought of calling him. Especially when the man in a suit similar to his tailed you from the reception.
“Hey! You’re the planner right?” Nightmares could recognize one another plain enough for you to know that the groomsman meant no harm in chasing after you. Unfortunately that did little to ease the annoyance at his questions and when you turned to face him the most you could manage was a thin smile. 
“That’s me.” His eyes were bright, almost the same shade of Dream’s the last time you had spoken to him. There were no stars there though, no depth to the waters. His hair was several shades lighter and much shorter, his posture more outward than your king would have ever been with you. 
“I just wanted to...” he struggled for a minute before you could see the lightbulb go off. “I just wanted to say thank you for your help in the wedding. It was really great and I know that Garrett and Anna wouldn’t have been nearly as prepared without you.”
“Just doing my job.” He didn’t need to know that you weren’t paid, that you had no intention of being paid other than the slice of cake. You never were. You had plenty of money and the fewer ways for people to prove you existed the easier it was to convince them you didn’t. That their friends were actually the planners along with some strangly helpful staff at the locations. 
“I, uhm, never got your name,” Josh. That was his name. He wasn’t the best man but he was fairly close with the groom. There was a split second where you allowed yourself to imagine what would happen if you introduced yourself. The few weeks of easy affection and the hope, however brief, that you would finally find use for the bouquet within your ribs. Poppies could represent something soft and romantic instead of a constant reminder that you were left behind. Abandoned on a windowsill to wilt.
But you had played that game before and eventually the thorns would grow too big or you would pull away from a kiss to watch them pull petals from their mouth. And then when you left, the ache would be so intense you were sure it would kill you. 
“You didn’t need it.” The gap closed between the two of you just enough to give him a pat on the shoulder before leaving. You didn’t look back at him as you waved. “Goodnight Josh.”
He was still standing there when you pulled out of the parking lot. New York didn’t feel nearly as big as it used to as you pulled up to your apartment and went through the motions of packing up. Four years on the dot. More than enough time to make a name for yourself that you could use as reference when you arrived wherever you were going. 
Instead you ran a bath of scalding water and lingered in the water until you could convince yourself that the brief flicker of warmth you felt was not Dream reappearing in the waking world after a century of silence, but rather that it was just the water. There was no love for nightmares, no matter where you went that was true, and if there was to be no love for you in either realm at least in the world of the waking you could peek through the windows at its beauty.
There was, however, voices in the living room that shouldn’t be. It was hard to make out the words but you knew the deep baritone and creaking of floorboards were not from the television. You hadn’t even brushed by the thing since yesterday evening when you finished your last minute paperwork.
Pajamas were slipped into quickly and quietly, footsteps muffled from the towel you’d placed on the ground to absorb any of the water spilled from your movement in the bath. Your throat burns with the scratching of vines creeping up it and your hand shakes as you hover over the doorknob. You don’t fear whoever is on the other side, you worry for them. To be buried in flowers sounds so beautiful until you see it happen. 
“Are you sure about this boss?” You don’t know the voice, but there’s a strange chirp like sound at the end of his sentence. There’s no malice but the words do quiver slightly. Whatever his boss is doing is making him nervous. 
You don’t wait for his boss to respond before opening the door and allowing the thorny vines that had been writhing under your skin to pierce through. The petals that suffocated you were flowing freely from your mouth, piling up at your feet. 
The man in front of you doesn’t budge from the monstrous image and when you manage to look him in the eye, the thorns retreat.
“What are you doing here?” It’s your turn for your voice to shake as you look at Dream. He seems tired, but not ill, gaunt but strong enough to demand respect in the center of your living room. Behind him is a raven, not jessamy but you knew how to recognize the king’s familiars in moments.
Dream doesn’t respond, voice just as you remembered it the last time you spoke over a hundred years ago. For his part, he says nothing about what the piles of petals at your feet or the way your jaw drops open. The last time you had seen him plays in snapshots in your mind. 
“All I have ever asked was that you let me have some semblance of a home. I have lingered at the edge of your shadow for millennia and all I have to show for it is the same empty chasm within myself that I had upon my first breath!”
His features were just as hard as they had been then. Except for the fact that he had his hands hidden from you now. Tucked away into the pockets of his jacket, eyes softer than was warranted for a nightmare. Morpheus loved all of the dreaming, but he was never soft with a nightmare, it isn’t what you were made for.
“We can talk about this when I return.”
“Corinthian told me you have begun to use a new name,” He speaks as if this was a social call. Nothing more than two friends catching up together instead of a call for you to return to your duties or a warning of your punishment to come from leaving your post. Its all you can do to move far enough into the living room to rest your weight against an armchair.
“Yeah, I have. I found that (Y/n) fit me a bit better than Isolation.” The raven gave a startled sort of noise, head whipping between the two of you before falling back into silence. “I’m sorry, you’re new right?”
“Yeah, sorry. Name’s Mathew,” It suited him. Names usually did. Perhaps that was why Dream was still staring at you with that closed book expression regarding your new title. The warm lights of your apartment looked strange on his cool toned skin. Your life here had been built up in such a carefully human way that you weren’t sure that he was really there at all. Mathew looked like he belonged on your couch more and he was a literal raven. 
Your chest aches again. To know that Dream is so close, that his whole attention is on you for however brief a moment, it’s intoxicating. It’s also suffocating.
“Well, is there a point to this call?” There are snappier responses on the tip of your tongue but you can’t will them into existance. Not when your king, the only person you have ever truly longed for, was taking such slow and graceful steps in your direction.
“(Y/n),” your voice sounds like a prayer on his lips. You had chosen it for yourself because you loved it but that love is easy to grow accustomed to, to take for granted. To hear Dream say your name is to fall in love all over again, both with your self chosen identity and the king who spoke as if you were something precious he couldn’t afford to loose. “I would like for you to come home.”
You will. His hand moves from his pocket to rest in the air, palm up. You know, despite only having brushed by his hands with your own on rare occasions, that his skin will be cool to the touch, near freezing given that your skin was still steaming from the bath. 
Mathew watches the two of you, you wonder what he must think to see someone stare so intensely at Lord Morpheus’ hand.
“Why did you abandon us?” the room chills by several degrees but you don’t look away from the extended hand that stays just in your reach. “I would rather have been unmade on the spot where I stood than spent a hundred years thinking that you just didn’t care enough to come back and finish the job.”
“I have always cared for you, I care for all of the Dreaming.” A single cough, enough to dislodge a stray petal that you pull from your mouth with little more than a sad scoff. 
“I know. Gods I know you care, that’s what hurt the worst. I know I’m not made to be loved or cherished like a dream is, like you are, but when you said you were coming back to talk to me I had hoped-” the words die on your tongue. You were willing to reveal more than you had ever before, but some things were still too personal to put into the air. You can only imagine the chaos that could be inflicted by someone like Desire should they catch you straying too close to their realm.
The silence is heavy and you can’t tell if you would rather it end or stretch forever. At least in this space of in between he hadn’t confirmed your fears yet. The petal you had been playing with was slowly picked from your grasp and it looked even more fragile in Dream’s touch. 
“Was I really so cruel that you would think so little of me?” His voice is little more than a whisper. In fact you weren’t sure that Mathew was able to hear the two of you all. That was probably for the best though given that you were currently struggling to breathe once more and barely managed to sputter out a word before being cut off once more.
“You came to me with a problem and I had every intent on fixing it.” His gaze burns into you but there’s no bravery left to meet him. You just accept that he is examining you. If his face was the opposite of the careful regret in his voice you’re not sure you wanted to see it anyhow.
“You’re a king. You’re able to do whatever you want and that didn’t include finding me.” The floorboards crack as Dream moves closer again. It’s just another foot or so but you can nearly feel the brush of his jacket against you where it sways.
“It was not for a lack of wanting to search,” Mathew shuffles a bit on the couch behind Dream. Does he know who you are? If he doesn’t, who does he think he is meeting? In the time that you look away to Mathew your king moves ever closer. A single hand reaches up to your cheek at the speed which would make the erosion of stone feel like a flash in the pan of time. “I should not have made you in this image.”
“But you did.” You sound as breathless as you feel and can’t help but close your eyes at the intimacy of the moment. Millenia of longing, of starvation for the barest of touches had left you in this predicament. You can feel every atom of where you end and he began and wished that you could press those atoms even closer together to close whatever space remained between you for this moment.
“Yes.” A second hand comes up as the first lowers, both of them cupping your face. You can feel Dream’s breath on your skin but you still fear what you may find in his eyes if you look.
It takes him longer than you thought it would to answer and you swallow no less than three budding flowers in that time. Stress had never seemed to activate the more painful parts of your condition before and yet now you were sure that it did.  
“Because when you were made, I was alone and that had seemed the worst nightmare of all. And now that I am not I see that I was correct.” There’s a flutter of wings that draws your attention and Mathew, who just a split second before had seemed to be elated with something, now turned his head down sheepishly.
It’s enough to make you smile, which is enough to give you the strength to look him in the eyes. Dream’s eyes have always been that which you admired most about him. No matter the color or shape his eyes always seem to hold infinite depths within them. Morpheus was the Dreaming and his eyes were the ocean which never quite calmed enough to navigate safely.
“Glad to be of service your majesty.” The title causes a twist, nearly imperceivably, in his expression. Had you not been watching the man so closely you would have missed it you were sure. The hands do not leave your face and for a second you allow yourself to daydream of leaning forward, of kissing him. 
“You have done more than I could have asked of you, (Y/n), It is time to rest.” His hands are cool on your face and cool where you rest your own hands over them, a silent ask for him not to withdraw, not to leave you alone in your own skin again. “Please, come home. Let me remake you into something less cruel.”
It should make you nervous, the thought of being unmade. It should drive you to the brink of fear and anger and cause you to run or fight but instead you imagine living without the burden of want and your body relaxes. 
“Do you promise it will be kind?” If Dream had been mortal he would not have heard you. It’s little more than a thought, your lips barely move. But Dream is not mortal and your eyes close just as soon as he nods, eyes still locked in on yours.
“You have both my word,” his voice deepened and the volume dropped as you feel his lips press to your forehead ever so lightly. “and my deepest apologies.”
The magic of the moment lingers as you feel yourself slinking into the dark of the void beyond. It isn’t particularly cold or particularly warm but you feel something you can only attribute as peace as you faded into the depths.
Being born again is as easy as waking up. The first sound is the crashing of waves on a familiar shore and the first smell is salt and water. Your new eyes’ first sight is so similar to your old ones that you’re almost not sure that this isn’t a memory for a moment.
But then Dream smiles, small and questioning in its silence, and something in you melts. Your hand moves to cover your mouth on instinct only to find...nothing. No petals. No torn up mouth. No vines. 
Through your self exploration, the turn you make as you look for any sign of nightmare within yourself and the laughter that builds slowly but surely until you can’t keep it in anymore, Morpheus says nothing. You’re not sure how long you stand there because time has always been such a nebulous concept in the Dreaming, and yet you know that it’s long enough for you to make yourself dizzy from the spinning.
“What’s my title?” The king finally seems to snap out of whatever daze he had found himself in while you looked over the familiar build. From what you could tell it was exactly the same save for the self consuming flowers that threatened to rip yourself apart from the inside.
"Anything you would like it to be,” You spin again, elated at the ability to move without the feeling of constriction around your bones. Dream’s voice is warm and you can hear the smile again as you stumble to a stop, closer than you would have ever dared without an excuse to fall back on. An excuse you wouldn’t need if the sudden presence of a cool hand against your hip to steady you was any sign of approval. The closeness makes it hard to focus on air again, caught instead by the intensity of the look leveled your way. “You told me that you would grant me anything I asked of you, and yet you never stopped to wonder why I could not bring myself to ask.”
Your hand shakes as you bring it to his face as he did to yours in the waking world. Every moment is slow in case he were to change his mind, to give him a opportunity to pull away. Dream doesn’t though and to feel him lean into your touch is enough to make you giddy all over again. It makes it easier to ignore the way that your stomach has begun doing summersaults at the thought that your longing had been but one side of a window for all this time.
“I didn’t think you wanted anything I had to offer.”
“I wanted everything you had to offer and then some. I would have destroyed you.” It’s a statement, a fact. And yet you can’t help but take a step closer into his personal space, to lean more into him and see if he would support you. Dream does, without question or comment. 
“Maybe. But I would have taken it nonetheless.” A second hand joined the first on the opposite hip and now that you were secure and there was no way to run from the situation you had found yourself in there was a spark of bravery in your veins. Not quite enough to lean forward and kiss him yet, but enough that despite his gaze you didn’t shy away from openly admiring him. “I still would if you offered.”
“And if I offered a place at my side instead?”  There’s quiet again. Morpheus holding your hips and you holding his face and the neither of you speaking, just swaying ever so slightly in the wind.
“I would take it.” Tension slips away at the confession. A small release in the lines of his brow and an easier lilt to his smile. “You could ask me to be your advisor or your jester alike and I would accept either with the same optimism.”
“And if I would ask to court you?” The kings voice isn’t scared, but it is cautious. His words even slower, his swaying stopping long enough for him to make eye contact during which he seems to search your very being.
“Dream,” The gaze doesn’t break. “Morpheus, I would give you everything I am for nothing more than a moment with you.”
The silence returns just for a beat, something you can hear unobstructed from within your chest for the first time. And then, like the sun rising over the horizon, a smile lights up Dream’s face as he leans his face ever nearer your own.
“Is that a yes?” You can feel his words against your lips for how close you two are and you can only hope that when you close that final gap he doesn’t doubt your answer too terribly much.
Although, if he did you had some ideas on how to convince him.
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catsburgers · 3 months
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dsaf line-up: new and improved!! wanted to redo my og line-up i did bc :P hehe. turned all ur favs gay hashtag nawt sorry!! except dee bc shes like 6 and doesnt even know her multiplication. i had sm fun with dave i think he's my fav design from this lineup, but stevens my fav character overall.
a few notes abt the designs
i gave dave a lil scene raccoon tail, dunno if they existed back then but stfu they did in my heart. also dyed hair bc listen ily guys but i refuse to draw dave as a bald purple Scale creature..
dee got the biggest makeover, im a sucker for jester hats and clown attire
inspired by that 2016 rebornica au, i gave peter the phone guy fit. also him and caroline r bi4bi fight me!!!!!! also also i gave both phoneys a red hair strip bc its kindaa like their phone cords (ik peter didnt have a cord but shut up)
jack got the short end of the stick, bros wallet is tattered and worn 😭 also some face decay and scars bc there's no way his limbs havent had to be sewn back on at least once. bros head is kept on by a scarf . AND!! its smthn iv always done for jacks hair, i make the curls and ahoge look like devil horns.
i was making heart eyes at steven the entire time i was sketching, lining and coloring him i cant lie. hes sooooooo. oughh.. short king! alsoi hate drawing suit sleeves so hes got rolled up sleeves. i forgot his fuckin arm hair tho and im too lazy to edit it in so pretend its there
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needlefail · 8 months
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Gonna start adding some designs notes at the bottom of these :3
- Leafpool takes after her mother Sandstorm more, her cream color is similar to Sandstorm’s pelt and her tabby markings reflect Sandstorm’s as well (the dots under her eyes as well)
-She also takes after her grandpap Redtail and grandmother Nutmeg :3 Her eye shape and the marking around her face resembles Redtail’s and her pelt is like Nutmeg’s
-She does still take after Firestar however, she bares his signature heart chest marking and the markings on her tail and eyes take after his
-The marking at the base of her tail also is loosely leaf shaped
-As for her accessories, Leafpool was adorned with oak leaves and acorns after receiving her full name however she also wears a jay’s feather in honor of her son and after the death of Hollyleaf she began wearing holly as well (The ones in her ear will always be in three to represent her kids)
-The nick on her ear is also from Hollyleaf’s confrontation with her
(This will contain spoilers to TBC and ASC but those will be under the cut!!)
-Squirrelflight takes after her dad more, her pelt color, eye and belly markings are taken from bim however she always bares her mother’s eye shape and color as well as the spots under her eyes :3
-She’s short and plump as opposed to Leafpool being tall and more lean and shares a matching hair puff??? on her head with her sister, they also have curls along their front legs
-THE SCAR ON HER FLANK IS SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE RIGHT i just needed to put it on the left for visual purposes,,,
- After surviving the landslide, Squrrielflight realized she had developed a few spots on her pelt that werent there before, perhaps related to her time in Starclan
- She also began wearing a marigold in memory of Leafpool
-When becoming leader, she wore more marigolds and her leader mark is on her left shoulder, one of her Starclan spots formed into a star after receiving her lives
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fuck it
i’m not scared
going through the entire oc ask game list for fun and answering them for hikari
i wanna post more about her but i get nervous!! but i’m still gonna do it anyways!!
be prepared, it’s a long one ^^
Note: As i was writing this i realized it got too long. So uh. I’ll be making a part 2. ^^
Edit: part 2 is up!
“Associated color?” Blue and white. Hikari is mainly associated with those two colors. Purple and yellow are also in there, but blue and white definitely make up the main palette ^^
“Favorite music genre?” Definitely indie rock, especially surf rock. Drawings Of Nothing by Archer Oh would probably be her favorite song, since it’s like. THE Hikari song in my brain
“Choice of weapon?” Hikari doesn’t really like to fight when it’s unnecessary. But she doesn’t use a weapon! She uses her magic to make big ol claws on her hands! She likes it since it feels natural. It’s an extension of her body, and she can get as up close and personal as she wants without really dealing with consequences, so she doesn’t mind!
“Are they crafty?” Vaguely? Not very much, though. She probably would if she spent more time alone, but since she’s always used to having others around, she doesn’t really get the chance to be super crafty.
“Usual wardrobe, practical or aesthetic focused?” Typically Hika would probably just wear her usual outfit or knight uniform, but if not she’d probably lean towards aesthetics. That’s not to say she doesn’t have cozy clothes! Sometimes she has a hard day and she just wants to curl up in the biggest, fluffiest sweater ever. ^^
“Hair?” VERY long and sleek blue hair. Usually she wears it tied in twintails, high twintails in her Xrd design and low twintails in her Strive design. It’s only really worn down when Nekomata takes over
“Favorite animal?” Now, you’d guess cat. After all, they’re not only a big part of her (locked away) past, but she also has cat ears and a tail! However, you must remember. She doesn’t give a fuck about herself. The only person she really does? Romeo. Her favorite animals are sheep.
“Nickname?” Not a real one, no. The most she has is Delilah calling her “big sis” at times and Romeo calling her an “insufferable cat”
“Favorite/least favorite food?” Dragonfruit is absolutely her favorite. She LOVES dragonfruit. As for least favorite.. Probably mutton, rock candy, or anything extremely bitter.
“Jewelry?” Not a ton? Unless you count her brooch and shackles on her strive design, which are made of a silvery metal, not really.
“How much are they like you?” Well, we’re both autistic, queer, love music, and vaguely depressed. So I’d probably get along pretty well with her.
“How long have they been around? Birthday?” Hikari is a very interesting case, to say the least. To start with the easy part, Hikari’s birthday is October 30th. I don’t remember why i decided that, it certainly wasn’t the day i made her, i think it just felt right. But as for how long she’s been alive… It’s complicated. Both physically and mentally, Hikari is in her late teens. 17-19 range. However, technically… She’s probably like in her 30s. This is because she died during the crusades as a teenager and she was brought back to life by the magical foci who fell in love with her and fused with her, turning her into an immortal yokai herself. She was actually alive in Baiken’s colony when it was around! I was thinking the attack that destroyed the colony and took Baiken’s arm and eye was the same one that killed Hikari at the time.
“How many languages can they speak?” 2! Hikari is fluent in both Japanese and English! She thinks it’s funny to annoy Romeo in Japanese since he can’t properly respond to it
“Good with numbers?” Vaguely? Her knowledge goes to like maybe beginning of algebra 1 and that’s it. She learned a lot from Romeo.
“What’s their family like?” Before their deaths, Hikari lived a quaint life in one of the Japanese colonies with her dad, older brother, and very abusive mom. They were all rather loving and didn’t mind Hikari’s differences and behavioral struggles (aside from the mom). After they all died, Hikari was revived, and her memories were erased, there was a long period of time where Hikari only had Bedman. He was all she knew. After his death, she was struck with deep grief. Grief that began to heal after she managed to meet Delilah. She sees Delilah, the bedframe, and Baiken to be the closest she has to having Romeo back at the current moment. She currently lives with them when she’s not working at the castle, and of course, Romeo joins their little household once he’s revived.
“Any pets?” Nope! She loves animals but never really had the chance to care for any pets.
“How did they spend their free time as a child?” Hikari loved nature before her death. Especially the forest and water. Whether it be running through the grass while calling out to singing birds, splashing in creeks with her brother, or accompanying her dad on fishing trips, she always wanted to be outside.
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 days
falesia .⋆☁︎:・꧂ preview
[anticipated 9/20] ❤︎‬❤︎
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18+ only | rocket x f!oc | 21/40+ | wip | wordcount: pending. masterlist, notes, & moodboard. ART: pearl's character design | pearl & rocket's bunk | heartspur scene | chapter one. nemotia. art by @/frostedwitch| rocket & pearl snuggle
pearl is punished.
There’s a soft susurration as the door slides open down the narrow curved corridor where she’d entered, and pearl rises to her knees with the sheets half-wrapped around her, peering out from under a draping veil of itchy-edged damask. Her lips part, skin already aching for his warmth. Rocket.
His eyes burn across the scrawl of stars through the crystalline-armor starpanes, then light on her: bundled in linens, wide-eyed, and obviously nearly-naked underneath. She stares back, unmoving, as he abruptly goes still. For a long moment, they only look at each other.  Pearl is always awestruck by him but for a moment, she thinks maybe he feels it too.  Then her silly heart jumps and trips into a gallop, and Rocket’s quiet stillness shifts into something more predatory — like a tiger crouched in the tall grasses, motionless but for the calibrating twitch of his tail.  He tilts his chin.  “Well, well,” he drawls. “If it isn’t the girl who didn’t wanna listen earlier.” The curl of his mouth is sardonic — voice dry and derisive.  “Looks like you’re listening now, though.”
from chapter twenty-two. falesia. ❤︎‬❤︎‬ cicatrix masterlist.⋆☁︎:・꧂
P.S. help me name this f'saki!
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a story about scars. two survivors learn about themselves, each other, hope, and the universe. a freakish little monster visits the high evolutionary’s bride on her wedding night. an adventure of intergalactic proportions ensues. aka raccoons make plans; the universe laughs.
WARNINGS for this chapter: continued trauma-related anxiety & general insecurity. smutty-smut with a safeword discussion, d/s vibes, “punishment” (affectionate), nipple play (discussion of clamps), and orgasm control/delay. followed by soft romantic sex with a tiny bit of overstim, && tons of dirty talk as per frickin’ usual.
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fluff ✮ | spice ✩ | some smut ❤︎‬ | much smut ❤︎‬❤︎‬
banners & rose dividers by @/saradika-graphics pearl dividers by @/thecutestgrotto
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lucent-nargacuga · 1 year
how to draw celesta knight
by someone who can't draw their own oc
the way I draw celesta knight is only about 80% accurate to her actual design, so in this guide I will tell you what she actually looks like! (guide under the cut!)
note: the colours shown in this guide are unlikely to be accurate to her official palette. the hex codes of her official palette are at the bottom of this post.
the first thing you should know about celesta knight is that she's based on valstrax from the monster hunter series.
her wings are actually segmented, not just striped! the official render of crimson glow valstrax demonstrates what the segments look like. (these segments appear rounded, however, as each of celesta knight's wing-digits are cylindrical in shape.) do keep in mind, her wings do not glow (in her normal form, at least). here's a close up:
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the top of her wing is encased in a cap-like structure, however. this cap-like structure is fused to her wing-arm. the blue part is the metallic cap-like structure (which does not have scales), and the red arrow points to the flesh that goes beneath it:
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each wing-digit is covered by the cap-like structure at the top. as a result, it's impossible to see where they connect to the wing-arm.
the cap-like structure is actually pointed at the top:
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(the drawing above isn't completely accurate, as the bend of the "thumb" is supposed to be visible, the pointed top is sharper, and the point is located directly above where the central wing-digit is located under the cap-like structure.)
furthermore, the upper wing-arm and wing-shoulder are present, but as they're attached to her back, they appears to be absent or concealed behind celesta knight's body when she is viewed from the front.
additionally, her wings have membrane between each digit:
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(membrane/not membrane)
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her wings are shaped like those of valstrax, but cylindrical. here's a very pixellated image of valstrax for reference:
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(it's the best reference image I could find, sorry!)
each wing-digit is extremely thick and does not bend. this is what they look like when fanned out:
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celesta knight usually doesn't keep her wings fanned out. instead, they close against her body like the wings of a bird. the three wing-digits rest in a unique position, with the first and third wing-digit resting close to together while the middle wing-digit rests on top.
her wings assume a similar position when she flies, just like valstrax:
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here's celesta knight's wings at an angle:
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much like meta knight's mask, celesta knight's mask has a line running through the middle, and each spike at the top of her mask has lines running through the middle of them as well.
like her wings, celesta knight's pauldrons are segmented:
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(courtesy of hero forge)
the pauldron is rounded on the outer edges, but the segments look nearly identical to the ones in the image above.
celesta knight's sabatons (or shoes/boots) look similar to those worn by meta knight, but they're flat on the bottom. however, both have a symbol engraved on the heel. this symbol is the wheel of conquest (the top of the symbol points towards the front of the sabaton):
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celesta knight's gloves are black with a single metal plate stitched to the backside. as her gloves are magical, they can either look like mittens or gloves with thick fingers.
the base of celesta knight's is always touching the ground, and her tail has four spikes on top of it. the base and first spike are usually not visible due to being behind her body:
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her tail is long enough to curl around her body like that of a cat.
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celesta knight has third eyelids that close when she flies in order to protect her eyes. they also tend to be closed when she's very tired.
when she's enraged, her eyes have a thin red glow around them.
celesta knight, not including her wings, is three times meta knight's height. most creatures look tiny compared to her!
she's a big lady:
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celesta knight is fat. her arms, wing-arms, and tail are thick, and her feet and mask look small compared to the size of her body. there are visible fat rolls on her body wherever they can be found on other creatures. due to her body being covered in scales, she has scale stretching (most prominent in snakes) instead of the stretch marks found on humans.
wing-arm for reference:
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she looks very similar to other puffballs without her mask, although her face is notably small compared to the rest of her body.
the inside of her mouth glows, and the glow is the same colour as her eyes and the glow that emanates from the inside of her wings. her mouth is filled with sharp teeth and her tongue is thick, medium length and forked.
her teeth (there's 74 of them altogether! most aren't visible until she opens her mouth as wide as it can go) are not meant for chewing. her canines (1) are long and thin and are attached to muscles which allow them to point outwards or inwards as needed in similar fashion to the fangs of vipers. the eight teeth (2) between her canines are small but sharp, and the rest of her teeth (3) point backwards and are serrated:
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additionally, she has curved talons which are only visible when she takes her gloves off!
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her mask, pauldrons, sabatons and the plates on her gloves are #c4c4c4 with a metallic galvanized texture
her eyes, energy from her wings and the inside of her mouth glows #6ff3ff
her pupils glow #f40000
her eyes turn #a1d3b0 with #ec794a pupils when her third eyelids are closed
her body is #929292 with a metallic scaly texture
wings are #adadad
wing membrane is #767676
gloves, tail spikes, feet, blush markings, talons and tongue are black (can be #000000 or lighter as long as the colour is close to black)
teeth are white (can be bloodstained if you wish)
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Design notes:
INCREDIBLY FLUFFY!! So much fluff. You’ve never seen a fluffier gal than her. Behold, she
Head is mildly moth-shaped, with long trails of fur at her jaw and more fur fanning outward along the sides of her face. Also, emo scene girl bangs!! We love
Ears are tall and slightly curled (from Sasha), and tufted and with the Tiger line spots.
I had a lot of fun with her weird little leg markings!! I’m not even sure what exactly to call them, but I’m incredibly fond of that aspect of her design
Blue eyes!! I headcanon that Sasha gave all of her kids blue eyes
LGBT+ headcanon: She’s a lesbian and trans (mtf). I myself am ftm trans, but I always find some weird sort of comfort from Mothwing in the light of being trans.. trying to strive for a place she wanted, in a position she felt fit, only to be looked down upon for so long, told she had to prove herself, until someone else came along and did it before she had a chance to… it just. Hits very close to home with me. Mothwing is trans.
Plus a bonus alt version (AND!! A maple moth version just for fun!) because I’m still undecided on which of those two I like more.
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[Image ID: Three digital drawings of Mothwing in the same upright-sitting pose against translucent backgrounds; each image is outlined in white. In the first, topmost image, she is a massive, very fluffy light golden-cream cat with odd, marbled, semi-point markings at her face, legs, ears, and tail-tip fading from orange to red. Her face is more delicately marked in the rough shape of a moth, with lots of small v-markings and a larger, longer one at the corner of her eye; the right half of her face is hidden by long, fur “bangs”; her exposed left eye is a warm, pale gray-blue. Behind her ears are one yellow tiger’s eye moth wing and three leaves each. Along the curled tip of her fluffy tail is her color palette: the two shades of green for her decorative leaves [608125, 4E5C2B], the five shades of blue of her eyes [B7BBC4, 8991A0, 5C6278, 454457, 98FCFC], the four shades of gold, cream and amber of her body [F3CD93, CD8950, AF5F35, 894125], the rosy pink of her nose and inner-ears [D5A48A], and the three shades of yellow and black that make up her decorative moth wings [E5D488, C7B07C, 463C33]. Above her tufted ears is the word “MOTHWING” written in white, all-caps. Across her chest is the stylized artist signature of “spottyissleepwalking” written in faded lavender. The two images below are of Mothwing in the same position, outline, and artist signature as the first. The second image is of Mothwing with a different color palette: her body is more brown-cream, with her point markings fading from cream to orange to dark brown; her eyes and decorations are the same color. The third image is of Mothwing with another different color palette: her body is yellow, with her cream and mane being paler yellow-cream, and her point markings fade from light pink to dark pink; her eyes and decorations are the same color. /. End ID.]
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yveltalreal · 6 months
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//i finally drew what maple looks like as a houndoom lol. boys when the aura trio accidentally awaken ancient werewolf curse genes. also did you guys know heavily referencing images of irl animals is actually good for your art to look better? lol.
//rambling about the reasoning and choices for stuff, as well as some lore under the cut
//markings on the horns and bone protrusions has a reasoning its related to the special breed of houndoom only his family breeds and stuff. heres a picture of them cause i wanna finally post about them a bit lol
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//this is a slightly older image and not as polished since its mostly a general guideline/concept but it gets the point across. this breed of houndoom is ONLY bread by maples family and who ends up owning one is heavily regulated by her family and they keep an eye on all of the known houndoom. the markings on the hones and bone sections come from their origins, special houndoom given to the family by legendary pokemon in order to mark them, its the same reason they once turned into houndoom and acted as were-houndooms. it was a curse/punishment put on them by the gods as a punishment for the crimes of their ancestor, who stole from various legends and killed many chosens.
//the houndoom were eventually bred to be larger, fluffier, have an extra set of horns, curled tails, and a forked tongues by the hounds themselves. it should be noted that only really the forked tongue shows up on the houndour, though.
//most of these traits were chosen as the union of hounds (the family) often fought large, dangerous pokemon. being larger and having thick fur protected them against attacks, made them stronger. the curled tails developed for a similar reason as irl dogs with curled tails, where it helped keep the tail closer to the body preventing it from freezing and this helping in colder environments, but also served a secondary effect of making it harder for opponents to grab or bite the tail.
//i hc that houndoom tails are naturally prehensile, allowing them to hold and move things while still keeping their mouths open to spew flames or bite. because of the curled tails, the family houndoom lost some of that ability but not all of it. they can still uncurl their tails but rarely do so unless theyre "off duty" so to say and can only carry or grab lighter stuff with them, holding them up to their back rather than just dragging it behind them like most other houndoom breeds would.
//now as for maple. because only the markings was put on the family hounds (the breed of houndoom) and the family bred all the other traits onto their houndoom, when they were werehoundoom (the last one was maples great grandmother) they only ever had the markings. for the most part they all looked like regular houndoom with minor differences for each one like slightly different horns or different fur length, etc etc etc. yveltal, xerneas, and zygarde fucked up at one point and kinda. re-awakened the werewolf genes in maple so!! he can turn into a houndoom now, but he doesnt quite have control yet.
//i chose to base his werewolf form off a borzoi partially because haha funny, partially cause a borzoi houndoom wouldnt stray TOO far from the actual dog breeds houndoom is based off of, but also because of the breeds history as wolf hunting dogs. as a sight hound, borzois hunt primarily using their eye sight and speed. maples always been themed around speed, with his earliest concepts being born from the idea of a cyclizar racer speed freak. the idea of using a wolf hunting breed was especially interesting, as maples job as yveltals chosen is to hunt down and kill chosens causing trouble or certain large-scale threats that cannot be left alone any longer. some of maples friends abusers and other people who have troubled them have been likened to lycanroc, a pokemon based off wolves, and maples drive to protect his friends and fight anyone that hurts them if allowed to plays into that when designed with a wolf hunting breed in mind. the final reason a borzoi was chosen is because for a long time one could not purchase a borzoi and youd need to be given one by the tsar if you wanted to own one because of how popular they were with the russian monarchs. this parallels with the family's breed of houndoom, which is typically only owned by members of the family and are only given out to certain trusted individuals.
//theres a lot more houndoom lore i got and maple lore but trgerw im not making this post even longer. the family hound breed is not open to use without permission as it has SUPER important ties to my characters lore and i have. thoughts and opinions on it. only a couple of characters outside of my own have family hounds and its cause they have permission from me to have them and also in lore reasons to. love wins.
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seadradoodles · 2 years
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You know, that last anon reminded me “Oh, I should post the Cattails au refs I made for the Wilted Cosmos team!” And then I proceeded to completely forget to do that. Again.
A bit late, but here they are!
Left row: Madeleine, Latte, Espresso, Financier, Clover
Right row: Clotted Cream, Black Raisin, Caramel Arrow, Roguefort, Red Velvet
Extra design notes under the cut!
Fluff is rounded and resembles feathers
Head fluff always seems to be on the other side
Heart shaped marking on chest and tail
Dark sclera
Honestly of all the designs, hers is the most likely to change
Fat! (I will die on this hill)
Dark sclera
Missing an eye
Tall and thin
Shortest tail of everyone (an unintentional detail, did this by accident, but I also kinda like her having a shorter tail, so it’s staying)
Not quite as fluffy as Maddie, but has some fluff around her neck
Curled ears
Covers right eye with hair fluff at all times
Fluff around neck vaguely resembles clover leaves
Clotted Cream
Wavy fur
Two tails from a mutation. Was really tempted to give him four but decided against it
Wing-like patterns on back
Black Raisin
Torn ear, scar on right side of her face
Eye on left side resembles Red Velvet’s right eye
Tortie patches resemble fire
Caramel Arrow
Absolute unit of fluff
Ear tufts
Paws are also fluffy but I couldn’t fit that here
Looks kinda delicate but can, and will, mess you up
Red Velvet
Long-ish muzzle
Difficult to see here, but he has ear tufts
Arm on right side is created via his powers
Inherited Pure Vanilla’s little star marking
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ann-whispers · 2 years
My Love In The Sea
The captain walked near the side of the ship. The rest of the crew were asleep, note a single light was on. The captain looked across the vast and endless ocean and looked for something. Any splash or small gleam in the darkness on the night. The call however stayed, calling the captain to jump into the waters below and to return again into the arms of the ocean, to return again into the arms of her beloved. She smiled at the memories of walking to a hidden part of the bridge under a cliff where she and her beloved would meet every evening before she started sailing. They would spend hours together, talking, singing, giving each other gifts and kisses all over. Exchanging gifts was something they loved to do. Her love always enjoyed giving her rings and shells while she gave her dearest small flowers and necklaces.
The captain reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a locket. It was silver and had flower and ocean themed carvings all over. She ran her fingers over the design, feeling every lovely engraving of the locket. The inside part of the locket and her beloved, engraved into the metal. Forever together in some sort of way. One of the last things her love ever gifted to her. The last thing her dearest had done with her the last time they ever spoke. Before that darn ship decided to cast her dearest out on the sea.
Every day that passed without her love made her want to tear through the entire ocean floor apart so she could simply see her love one last time. Oh how she wished she could claw open the throats of those who dared to blame the storm on her love and cast her over the boat and into the ocean. Well, she supposes blasting their ship and leaving them to drown was a good enough punishment. Their fear filled faces and cries for help were almost as wonderful as her beloved’s singing.
Her fingers still moved over the engraving of the necklace, she wondered what the water below would feel like, if they would feel as warm and comforting as her love was no matter how cold they both were in the winter. She wondered if her love would smile at her again even after all the things she had done.
She had bathed villages in blood, she burned down villages and ships, drowned helpless victims, tricked all those who dared to challenge her into giving up their lives for a failed attempt to gain riches. All their screams were a wonderful melody in her ears. She had explored almost every piece of land and ocean that the world had to offer. Gained almost every piece of treasure and gold that she could get her hands on.
She heard her love call out for her again. She saw the way the water moved towards her. Her beloved was calling for her again. She promised her love that she would travel the world for her and then she would come and return to her. Her love seemed to have missed her. What a silly thing her dearest was. She knew her love had followed her around on every trip and venture.
She knew they were always there with her. But she couldn’t say the same. She wasn’t truly with her beloved yet. But she was about to be.
She looked down into the waters below. The locket around her neck. She stared into the ocean and heard the final calling of her love. Her love was waiting underneath the waters for her. Her love had been waiting every day. Her beloved was calling out for her so that they could be together again. Oh how she was ready to return to her beloved's arms. To see her smile and laughter again.
The captain looked behind the ship once more. She saw her first mate standing behind her. Her first mate didn’t need her to speak to know what she was about to do and where she was about to go. A silent nod and they returned back inside the ship.
She smiled. She stood off at the edge of the ship. And she jumped.
Right into the waters below.
Deep into the ocean where you can never be found.
And there she saw her once more. Her beloved’s long hair and tail practically curled around her. Arms wrapped around her as she felt every sense of drowning leave and felt herself breathing under the surface. Her beloved’s voice happily laughed right into her ears and she felt her body slowly seem to change in some way, apparently her love couldn’t wait anymore.
The siren was ecstatic to see her dearest again. She waited so long and so patiently for them to be together again. She felt arms return the hug as her darling’s transformation continued on. She giggled as she removed parts of the needless complicated fabric so that her love’s changing could be as painless and comfortable as possible. 
Death never came to both on the nights they fell into the ocean. Supposed death couldn’t keep them apart forever. Because here they were together in the ocean once more.
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clairethecutepup · 2 years
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Akaitsuki Sibling References
Order, top to bottom: Kira, Hoshi, Kubi, Suto. As you can see, they're a bit more animalistic than humanistic, when comes to your usual brand of hybrid characters. It's due to a genetic disorder called: "Homo-Beastia Syndrome," or "Man-Beast Syndrome." It's when you'd be considered more of an upright animal than a human with certain animalistic attributes, essentially. Consider it another form of "deformity" within the characters' worlds, and even physical disability, depending on how exactly you're built. Also, just to reiterate from her sheet, Kira only looks "normal" because she's wearing clothing and a fake mask to hide her animalistic features. Additionally, these guys are all that rare instance of a race member (Japanese) managing to gain an unusual physical feature: they have blue eyes and are natural redheads.
Hoshi's Unlisted Design Notes:
*HT: 5' 8"
*Short, bushy, rabbit-like tail
*He wears "werewolf boots" that are NOT his real feet, his REAL feet are entirely humanistic. The werewolf boots do NOT have paw pads, just a darker, brownish base on the underside.
*His hands are paws with long nails, save for thumbs, and has the appropriate paw pads
*Arms and legs are equal in length, allowing quadrupedal movement
*His fur covers his chest and back, almost like a Mexican poncho, leaving his sides and arms completely bare
*Wears his hat backwards, and it has a little dinosaur icon on the front
*His teeth are entirely sharp and wolfish
*He's a rare red-headed Asian
*He only has his tuft when his hat is on (See upper left icon to see natural hairstyle)
Kubi's Unlisted Design Notes:
*Ht: 5' 8"
*All areas of his body, save for his obvious head, are completely normal for a human being
*He wears earrings on either ear
*He wears an undershirt, arm bandannas, "crocs" shoes, shorts, and kneecaps.
*His head is entirely a wolf's one, save for the more humanistic eyes and teeth.
Suto's Unlisted Design Notes:
*Ht: 6' 2"
*Majority of height comes from legs
*Legs are NOT covered in fur, his skin on them came out the same color as his hair
*Legs are a wolf's set (paw pads included), while the rest of his body (save for ears and tail) are purely humanistic
*A rare Japanese red head, blue eyes included
*His hair highlight is purplish, despite how light it seems here
*Muscular, even having a six pack
*Wears a brown headband around forehead
*Has a basic, short haircut
*Tail is always curled upward
*He wears minimal clothing, but he will dress more formally when it's inappropriate to appear like this somewhere
0 notes
follyglass · 2 years
Follyglass : Tapestry
Amid the crush of tourists - their eyes still dazzled by the scarlet and gold of Vermont’s autumnal breaths, and smelling of spice and coldsnaps - the witch arrives at the Equinox hotel, just as he’s done every October for decades, the hem of his plaid skirt wissshing at the ankles of his boots. He sweeps through the main lobby and takes note of the birch fire just set, it is the calling-forth magic, and he proceeds to the hushed third floor.
Though there is a cracking fire in the witch’s room, it is darkened, as though twilight itself dwells there. The walls themselves seem thin, and when one squints, they can make out the mountains. The witch sits in a wingback chair, and takes a sip from his ginger licorice tisane - still curling warmth from when he was here last - before appraising the tapestry before him. It is vast and detailed, and it reminds the witch of the old celestial charts populated by mythical beasts frozen in their dramas; a deep blue embroidered with the silk of the stars. Like always, threads have been added while he’s been gone, stitches that the witch isn’t sure should be there. But it is important that as the Master Parfilage that he not judge. He takes up one of the metal instruments on the table, and it shines sharp in the firelight. It is an invitation.
It isn’t too long before there is a knock at the door. It is his first appointment: a woman wearing a rust colored vest, her hair an ashy blonde flip, a slight squint to her eyes; she doesn’t know why she came. But she does sit in the chair opposite the witch, the tapestry blocking her view of his right side. He tilts his head at her, scissors in hand. Before the question of his identity forms in her mouth, her story pours forth in song. The witch listens to the melody, and her truths guide the point of his scissors across the tapestry, wending over gnashing teeth made shining by satin stitches, over constellations of french-knotted stars, until the point of the scissors settles on a thorn in the tail of a sea goat. He touches the scissors to the thorn’s thread, and the woman has stopped mid-sentence, her jaw open, her eyes softly pleading. Ah, thinks the witch, it is an easy fix. Probably the easiest in all of the magical craft of parfilage.
He snips the thread, and tears the few stitches out, throwing them into the fire where they crack and sputter away into smoke up the chimney. The woman sighs, then gets up and quietly leaves. She is the first of seventy-three who have been invited, but the witch knows that not all of them show up at his door at the Equinox hotel. He doesn’t know why. Perhaps it is an inability to travel. Perhaps their problems haven’t been loud enough to be heard; or perhaps the ragged beasts in the knots before him have been tamed and purr like a cat on a blanket. Sometimes, he’ll watch the tapestry and the stitches will undo themselves, and lend their length to a more glorious design.
But the witch knows that those that knock on his door at the Equinox are asking for help, and he’s happy to oblige, to help change their part of the tapestry.
….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parfilage
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lovesick-joey · 2 years
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"babe wake up helplesskid0 just dropped new dc catified designs." - no one, probably.
design notes for Cass (couldn't fit in the image);
tail got vibe-checked.
pupils are always slit.
most of her scars are optional except for the tail.
red markings under her eyes (looks very cool and emo).
design notes for Duke;
bulky figure. mm yes very thicc.
medium-sized, curled round ears. almost panthera-like.
subtle, short spiky hair.
btw feel free to request some dc characters so that I can make catified designs out of them. I consider this fun. :]
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anxious-changeling · 3 years
GN Witch!Reader x Familiar!Crusaders (-Joseph)
We hope you enjoy this!!! We put a lot of love into it!
His animal form is a Partridge Rock Chicken!
The only traits he carries from his animal form is small feathers dusting his cheekbones!
You met him while you were walking around Cairo and just happened to feel a pull towards a curtained area.
Following the pull you found yourself in front of a fortune tellers booth, a beautiful man seated behind a table.
With a kind smile he welcomed you to sit and have your fortune read, you could almost feel the electricity crackle in the air.
When he grabbed your hand it felt like lightning had struck you. You knew what he was and he knew what you were. A witch and an unbound familiar staring into one another eyes.
Still he amused you with a palm reading reading of coming good fortune and a lifetime of happiness. With a hint of mischief coloring his voice while saying the latter.
You proposed him the idea of him becoming your familiar to which he agreed after some bargaining. Such as what days he would be employed and what he could and couldn’t do!
He told you of his previous witch, a cruel woman named Enyaba, who would clip his wings so he couldn’t fly. A sad fate for such a beautiful bird.
In his chicken form he’s very cuddly and makes adorable cooing noises when you pet him.
He looks so cute when he falls asleep on your lap as you read from a grimoire you recently bought. Burrowing deeper into your warmth subconsciously as you idly fun your hand over his feathers.
He’s the perfect familiar and the perfect partner, attentive to your every need and attuned to your aura!
He’ll be your loving guardian against any spirits that may try to target you! Beings with malicious intent don’t stand a chance against him!
He specializes in fire magic and reading the auras of the world! Making him perfect for monitoring potions that are volatile!
He likes to show you all the little designs he can make with his fire magic. He loves even more the look of your face illuminated by his flames~
Has a fire elemental he calls Magicians Red that likes to follow him around! Going as far to take orders from him.
Once Magicians Red grows to like you it’ll lean down to let you sift your fingers through it soft head feathers!
Fully expect MR to join you and Avdol to cuddle! Personal furnace right there! Great in winter, intolerable in summer.
His animal form is a Stoat!
Carries his ears and tail from his animal form into his human form! When his hair is down it’s easier to see his ears since they aren’t covered up!
You met Polnareff while sitting in a local cafe, where he had approached you boldly to flirt. When he grabbed your hand to plant a kiss on the back, spark flew.
You could only stare in shock at one another before he grinned largely in joy! An unbound familiar finding a witch, what a lucky day!
You sat in the cafe for hours learning about one another, and eventually you extended the offer for him to become your familiar!
He accepted enthusiastically and thus you set off on your adventures!
He had a previous witch who he was bound to, known as Mariah, but she passed leaving him unbound for a long time.
He’s just as playful in his animal form as he is in human form, and enjoys rough housing with you! He likes to be tossed in the air and caught!
Likes pull pranks by hiding under furniture and farting out to nip at your ankles as you pass!
He enjoys being in contact with you someway, whether it be an arm over your shoulder or his head in your lap.
If you’ve been over working yourself on a potion he’ll whine loudly demanding your attention. He wants your attention but also knows you need a break.
He specializes in earth magic and spell casting! He is a vital help during long spell casting sessions as he helps balance you.
He’s a very affectionate and kind partner making sure to never overstep your boundaries!
Beware anything that sets its eyes upon you with malicious intent because he’ll make sure to tear them asunder.
Has a metal Gollum named Silver Chariot bound to him and it follows him everywhere, silently like a shadow.
Chariots emotions compared to humans is very muted, but if he feels affection for you he will hold onto you.
Chariot shows his affection through gifts and will often present you with flowers he’s found!
You make his bonded one happy which makes him happy! It also helps you’re kinda to him and give him gifts too! He cherishes every treasure you’ve gifted him!
His animal form is a Moray Eel! He’s also quite large for his species coming in at 6 feet long!
The traits he carries from his animal form are that his teeth are sharper than normal!
You met Jotaro while lazing in a secluded cove soaking in the sun. Charging a few crystals for an upcoming major spell.
You barely heard him enter but you did feel when he passed your rune barrier.
You had expected to see maybe a minor demon or a pixie, but not a hulking man who’s cold glare pierced you.
You both exchanged words as the adrenaline wore out, and you just waved him off so you could enjoy the sun without him.
He scoffed shouldering you as he walked past, electricity ran through you both. Like a live wire had hit your skin.
To be an unbound familiar this close to a witch could be dangerous when caught off guard in a secluded area.
So when Jotaro whirled around to bare his teeth at you, he was surprised to find you moving to sit back down. Didn’t you want to enslave him to you?
After a few hours of coexisting on the beach you break the ice asking questions. Sometimes he’d grunt in response or answer in rambling sentences. What an enigmatic creature.
You learned that his last witch had been a hideous woman named Midler. He had been wandering unbound for many years, ignoring every witch who begged to become bound to him.
Humming you told him that your homes open to him and left your address on the sands as you left for home. Faintly feeling blue eyes drilling into your retreating form.
Weeks later as you sat slouched over a grimoire taking notes, you heard someone pounding on your door.
When you answered the door you found yourself face to face with none other than Jotaro.
After sitting him down and going through the motions of being a host you began to talk.
He laid out his demands, days he could and couldn’t fulfill his duties, and his boundaries. You beamed at him while signing the contract agreeing to your partnership, kick starting a wonderful future!
It took a bit for mutual comfort to happen but in the end it’s well worth the wait!
Jotaro compliments your spellcasting style and is an excellent potion making assistant! Both of you taking your craft very seriously.
When your relationship takes a slow turn to partnership neither of you are surprised!
Jotaro isn’t much for outward displays but he does like to show his appreciation through gifts. He’ll drop a new griomoire he acquired in you lap saying it was an “accidental buy”.
If you’re sick he’ll call up his mother to get her soup recipes. He’ll complain as he does but you know he really doesn’t mind it.
He specializes in water magic and energy manipulation making it easier for him to control volatile spells! He’s also very proficient in drawing spell circles with near perfect precision!
Has a minor water deity named Star Platinum that always follows him around much to his annoyance.
While Jotaro isn’t affectionate Star very much is and makes up for Jotaro in that aspect!
Star will twirl you around gleefully and enjoys hanging off of you as you read or spell cast!
Both Jotaro and Star would tear apart the world with their bare hands to ensure your safety.
His animal form is a Orchid Mantis!
He doesn’t retain any traits of his animal form in human form except for some pink dusted here and there!
You first met Kakyoin at your local library as you scoured the shelves for your favorite book.
As you went to grab the book a slender hand grabbed it first. Silently huffing you turned to swear at the thief but found yourself face to face with an interesting man.
He already started to walk away but you felt something pulling at your gut to stop him.
As you grabbed his wrist you felt electricity hum through you and his pupils expanded in surprise.
He tugged his hand out of your grasp and took long strides to the check out and out the door.
Well that’s one way to make an impression on a witch. You by instinct wanted to race after him but your gut anchored your feet as you watched him flee.
You didn’t run into him for many months, a careful unbound familiar who had no doubt been mistreated in the past.
You didn’t actively seek him out but it seemed that fate put its back into dragging you two together.
You found the strange man at your door one morning bloody and bruised badly. Hauling his lanky form onto your couch you got to work fixing him up.
Spell after spell you cast and even eased mild healing potions down his throat. Now all left to do was wait, so that’s what you did.
Curled up on your armchair with the newest grimoire to your collect you began reading. It took him a few hours but finally he began to stir.
He looked defensive as his purple eyes scanned your living room. Eyeing you warily as you slowly stretched from your arm chair.
As you explained what had happened and how you treated him the calmer he became. He also explained he just came to the closest house after he was attacked. A low level demon having gotten the jump on him as he slept.
You happily welcomed him to stay in your heavily warded home, which is near impossible to break into. He hesitantly took your offer and so began your journey with your new roommate!
It took months of tip toeing around one another before he finally approached you with a deal. Very clearly and sternly laying out his boundaries and expectations.
You gladly welcome his into the bond, celebrating by making a nice meal! After many years you finally had a familiar!
He helps a lot to cover the areas you lack in and help mishaps before they happen! If one side of the spell isn’t reinforced he’s there working on it! Making sure it won’t backfire in your face!
In his mantis form Kakyoin is content in just punching on you as you go about doing what you need to! He doesn’t enjoy touch as much as others but enjoys your warmth!
Enjoys looking at the outside world from his smaller perspective, behind glass and wards of course can’t have a bird snatching him!
It takes a while for Kakyoin to allow himself to court you and at first he’s very cautious. Aware of your ever movement, but as he get more comfortable he opens up more!
He enjoys holding hands with you and resting his head in your lap as you read or watch tv.
Enjoys baking for you because he’s a horrible cook. He enjoys making a great variety of desserts and you are his personal taste tester!
If you become sick he’ll show how he can make a mean chicken noodle soup from scratch. The only dish he can’t mess up when cooking!
Is a helicopter partner when you’re sick, worried if he takes his eyes off of you he’ll miss something!
He specializes in air magic and has a keen eye for plant identification! Making him useful very useful when you go foraging!
Has a bonded nature spirit named Hierophant Green that follows him wherever he goes. They’re very attached to one another.
Hierophant will be very wary of you for a long time, but as he sees that you treat Kakyoin well it’ll win his favor.
Once Hierophant becomes attached there’s letting go, he’ll follow you everywhere demanding pets.
He lets off a strangely high pitched purr when you pet him and wraps around you protectively at home.
Hierophant and Kakyoin would sacrifice the whole universe to make sure you stay safe.
Holy shit that’s.. long. We hope you enjoyed and we bid you a good morning/afternoon/evening! A lot of love went into this piece :D
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palettepainter · 3 years
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And Cotton Candy’s parent is revealed!! I showed this off on Patreon a month ago so time to share it with my other socials!
As a reminder Cotton Candy is now officially apart of my NGAU and is no longer related to Husk, Angel or Pentious. Instead she’s an orphan adopted by dear old Rubix - long time deviantart fans may remember him from ages ago, he’s gotten a whole new design since then alongside a new backstory. His new design is available as a sneak peak image in Teir one (£1) on Patreon and his full ref is available in Teir two (£2)
If you like my work and wanna support me/get early access to art consider checking out my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/palettepainter101
Have some notes:
-Cotton Candy does not remember who her parents are or where she came from, and has been living out of a cardboard box in the back of an alley for as long as she can remember. Rubix and Vivid happened to stumble across her when they where having a smoke break. Rubix was the first to find her after he heard shuffling coming from within her box, but it was Vivid who persuaded Rubix for them to take her inside. Cotton Candy becomes very clingy to Rubix as he was the first person she saw when he picked her out of her box
-The plan was to take Cotton Candy to an orphanage in the Pride Ring - he figured Pride was better then the Lust Ring. Rubix had recently suffered a bad break up (more info on that in a future drawings) and wasn’t in the mood to take care of a kid. Rubix takes Cotton Candy up to the Pride Ring, which was all the way on the other side of the circle - great. Rubix and Cotton Candy have to make many pit stops, mostly because Cotton Candy kept getting distracted by all the new sights, causing Rubix to panic for several minutes wondering how he lost her again.
But, it’s not all bad: Rubix pays for hotel rooms to sleep in when it gets dark, Cotton Candy curls up in a ball on his shoulder, that’s kinda cute. Cotton Candy tries to chase his tail when she thinks Rubix isn’t looking, that was kinda funny. Cotton Candy insists on being carried by Rubix, which at first he found annoying, but now he lowers his hand on second nature so he can carry her.
By the time it comes to dropping Cotton Candy off at the orphanage Cotton Candy is still oblivious to where they’re going, it made what Rubi was about to do seem cruel…Rubix returned back home with Cotton Candy asleep in his hand, she was his kid now
-Cotton Candy is 8 and - before she was adopted by Rubix - has had no role models; she's past the development window for learning speech. Rubix has tried to teach her to speak as best he can (he minds his language around her), but has only managed one or two short words like yes, no and da (Rubix may have cried a little at the last one). Rubix is still unsure if he should send Cotton Candy to a propper school, parent instincts kind of hit him harder than he thought, and with how Cotton Candy doesn’t talk a whole lot he worries she may be outcast by other kids. For now, he home schools her as best he can when he isn’t working for Rita - he always make sure to keep work and parenting separate as he doesn’t want Cotton Candy to be around his workplace, he gets a babysitter to watch her when he’s working
-Cotton Candy has some magical abilities, but aside from floating Rubix isn’t sure what other powers she may have. It’s all a mystery to him
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