#destruction as a love language
hardfluff · 8 months
It’s basically like catnip for me, so I’d love to hear more about “Ichigo’s hollow & Rukia”!
Ah! This has been so much fun to write. For Reasons, Ichigo and the Hollow must separate into two individual bodies. The Hollow laughs at Ichigo for freeing him, unleashing him and his appetite for violence onto the world. Then he immediately starts fussing over a gravely injured Rukia. In essence it's a sickfic featuring Rukia and her very angry, very attentive caretaker Hollow.
He dismembered. He did not...put things back together again. Was she too injured to put herself back together? With a vibrating growl, he slashed through her belt and the first set of ties, then retracted his talons and painstakingly – teeth gnashing all the while – untied the final set of robes. Her skin was pale, the flow of blood beneath blue and dark. He traced a vein in her arm. She shivered and he left the cave for a few minutes to learn how to adjust his body heat. Setting fallen leaves on fire? Too hot. Making pinecones smoke? Too hot. Touching her and having her sigh and settle beneath his hands? Just right.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
Caring enough to Kill (part 2)
Part two to this. Jason confronts Bruce and when it doesn't go the way he wants it to Danny is there to pick up the pieces.
tw: Mentions of sex, descriptions of violence, abusive relationships
Jason stumbled back into his safehouse, clutching his bleeding throat where Bruce had cut him. He could feel the tears trapped behind the stupid Domino mask and he ripped it off, sobbing as he collapsed to the floor. He had finally done it, he had confronted Bruce, told him it was Joker or Him and Bruce had, Bruce had attacked him! 'Because he took me from you'. So pathetic, Jason had practically begged, and Bruce had nearly slit his throat. So pathetic! to have believed he still even had a father!
He could swear the tears that fell to the floor had a subtle green glow as he wept, he felt helpless, worthless, purposeless! He could feel the Pits churning inside him, burning in his veins with grief and rage that might turn him into a monster for good. He would let it, maybe escaping all this human misery would mean he didn't care so much about someone caring enough to avenge him. Maybe he would finally just be able to kill Joker himself.
A floorboard creaked and he looked up sharply. Danny, sliding through the window after him. He gave Jason a look of sympathy and concern as he approached slowly, his back hunched and his knees bent, making himself as small as he could as he kept closer.
"One of your people saw you running and called me. Jason, what happened?" Danny asked softly, reaching out to touch Jason's face.
Jason couldn't stand, couldn't stand the care, couldn't stand a gentle touch that wasn't from his father. He grabbed Danny's wrist and twisted it, startling a scream out of Danny who so rarely cried out in pain. He shouldn't have, he didn't want to, but he was not in his right mind when he threw Danny to the floor. Danny who did not fight as Jason lashed out at him Again, channeling too much rage and misery into the person who probably deserved it least, but who always let him.
He was barely aware of what he was doing as he hit and kicked, though he knew that for once Danny was actually shielding his head, curled up on the floor. The rage broke suddenly, and all that was left was the sadness and the growing dizziness and nausea of blood loss. He backed away from Danny where he was curled on the floor and slumped into an armchair.
After a drawn out moment of stillness Danny uncurled from where he was laying on the floor, he spat out a tooth and some blood as he pushed himself up to his hands and knees. Jason noticed that he had a black eye that wasn't healing as quickly as usual, had Jason broken something? Still when Danny looked up at him it was with concern not fear.
This time when he approached it was fully on his hands and knees, creeping over to Jason again, who this time stayed still and let him, Danny knelt between Jason's legs and cupped his jaw, Jason tilted his head back and to the side, bearing his neck to Danny so he could get a good look at the injury.
Danny grimaced sympathetically and kissed the corner of Jason's mouth before flitting away to the bathroom, he came back moments later with the well stocked first aid kit and knelt by Jason again. Jason stayed still, allowing Danny to gently clean the wound, stitching it up, besides the small place where it had ruptured his windpipe so the fluids would have somewhere to go besides down Jason's throat. By the time he finished and had bandaged the wound the black eye had healed as well and besides the blood on Danny's face there was no sign of what Jason had done.
There was no sign of it in Danny's behaviour either, as he curled up on Jason's lap, leaning against his chest and wrapping his arms loosely around his shoulders. There was no fear in Danny's posture, no anger. How could he love so unconditionally? Especially someone like Jason, who so clearly didn't deserve it. They stayed there until Jason fell asleep, exhaustion winning out over everything else.
Jason woke up in bed, and confused, how had Danny gotten him here without waking him?! He must have been more tired then he realized. Danny was there too, on his side next to Jason with an arm around his waist. As soon as he felt Jason stir he sat up and reached over to the bedside table where there was a bottle of water, unopened, which he offered to Jason.
He took it and drank deeply, finishing about half before he offered it back to Danny who took a few gulps as well before putting it down and laying back down with his head propped on Jason's shoulder. "I've never seen you that angry," He murmured against Jason's skin who winced, remembering just what he'd done yesterday. Danny had showered, and cleaned Jason up as best he could so there weren't really any signs of it but still...
"I'm sorry," He murmured and felt Danny shake his head.
"It's okay. I'm not upset, just worried. What happened Jason?" He asked softly.
Jason felt tears burning the back of his eyes again and he huffed, biting his lip for a moment, but Danny deserved to know. "It was my father again. I finally asked him outright why he hadn't avenged me, I basically begged him to, even let Me kill him and witness it. And you know what he did? He slit my throat to stop me, he chose the Joker over me." Jason gave a bitter little laugh, and was genuinely startled by the snarl Danny let out, he'd never heard him make a noise like that, but it continued, a deep, inhuman growl that didn't pause even when Danny spoke, creating a dark undercurrent to his voice.
"Who is your father," He asked, and Jason felt a chill run down his spine.
"Batman, but don't confront him Danny. I don't really have a father anymore. He can't change, I'd rather focus on the things I can change."
"Like the Joker's status as living?" Danny said dryly, but the growling did ease off.
Jason winced and sighed before he looked to the side. "As much as I know the world would be better off without him, something is holding me back from doing it. I do a lot of avenging people, killing rapists and traffickers and shit. Is it so bad to want to Be avenged for once?"
"No, it's not," Danny said softly. "Does it have to be Batman, or would someone else who loves you doing it be enough?" 'Would I be enough' goes unsaid.
"Yes, that would be enough."
Jason's throat healed, months passed and Danny didn't mention the conversation they'd had about the Joker. Jason threw himself into work, gaining control of more of the drug trade to make sure his rules were followed. He set up safe injection sites and rehabs. He killed corrupt police, politicians, traffickers and anyone who harmed children, cleaning out his turf in the most permanent way he could, making it safe for the kids, the working girls, and everyone else who called it home without being a Complete piece of shit.
Danny kept him from completely losing himself, dragging him away from work for date nights, meals and to get some sleep. Occasionally Jason got angry, occasionally he lashed out, but Danny never held onto those times. Danny didn't only pull him away from work though, since they'd gotten together he started participating even more in Jason's work. He was no longer just a 'goon'.
He designed himself a costume, with a pattern different shades of brown and red, a muzzle covering the lower half of his face and a colour. The first time Jason had seen Danny in the tight leather... let's just say Danny hadn't kept it on for very long, Jason Really liked the collar. Danny called himself Hyena, like it was a joke Jason didn't fully understand. He was Jason's second in command and he gave orders when Red Hood wasn't around since he knew what Red Hood would want. It was almost like being able to be two places at once and Jason was incredibly grateful to Danny for it.
The Joker still being out there was the only thing that kept nagging at Jason, and as they got closer and closer to the anniversary of his death the worse it got. He thought he might have been imagining it but he though Danny was pulling away a bit too. He was busy more often then usual and distant in a way that made Jason worry he was keeping secrets, though he had no idea WHAT they might be since his life genuinely did seem to revolve around Red Hood and his mission.
When the day of his death came Danny was nowhere to be seen and Jason shut himself up on his office to focus on work, reading reports and writing responses. Doing whatever he could to try not to think about what had happened this day five years ago, and how Joker was either not thinking about it at all, or celebrating.
He had explicitly said for no one but Fox to disturb him today so when there was a pounding at a door he was ready to Fucking Kill someone! Danny never knocked like that, usually he just let himself in, so he knew that wasn't Danny. He got up from his desk so abruptly he knocked his chair over and stomped over to yank the door open.
"Please don't shoot! Hyena is in trouble!" The goon at the door, Marcus he though, cowered. Marcus got along with Danny, they might even friends, he would know.
"What happened?" Jason snarled through the voice modulator on his helmet, but he wasn't about to bite Marcus' head off anymore.
"He left your turf in costume this morning, I tried to tell him not to but he didn't listen to me! We've got reports he's on his way back but the Bats are on his tail! You have a tracker on him don't you?! He's gonna need help!" Marcus said in a panic and Jason grabbed his coat and his phone.
"Ya I do I'm not going to let them touch him," Jason snarled checking his guns before he practically bolted out of the building wondering what the Hell Danny had gotten himself into.
He grabbed his grapple and headed to meet Hyena as quickly as he could. He knew Danny was fast but Bruce and the Replacement would catch him eventually if none of the others were already on their way to intercept.
He heard Hyena before he saw them, the high cackling of the manic laughter Danny tended to lean into when he was in his Hyena persona, then Jason saw him, he planted his feet on a rooftop just inside crime ally and drew his guns. He saw the moment Danny spotted him and slightly adjusted his flight so he landed on the same roof as Jason, rolling to absorb his momentum and skidded to a stop half hiding behind Jason as he grinned at the Bats who had also come to a stop on the roof across from them with the muzzles of Jason's guns trained on them.
"Sorry about this, I knew what I was doing but I don't know the placement of the cameras all over Gotham, I didn't know they saw me," Danny said, resting his hands on Jason's shoulders.
"What did you do Hyena?" Jason asked without looking away from Batman and Robin.
Danny cackled again, the Hyena laugh that made him shiver just a little. He ducked out from behind Jason and got halfway between the two groups in the stand off. He pulled the bag Jason hadn't noticed off his shoulder and reached inside. Jason could tell Danny was smiling at him from behind the muzzle as he grabbed something and pulled out... The joker's head, Jason's breathing caught in his throat.
"Happy death day baby," Danny said fondly, his voice loud enough that Batman and Robin would be able to hear as well. "Someone cares about you enough to avenge you."
It was brutal, and final, it was a decoration of love as surely as anything else and so much better then a dozen roses. Jason thought he would be horrified, fixated on the head, but the Joker was just a lump of flesh now, a horrified expression fixated on his face as if he hadn't actually expected anyone to kill him. Nothing to be scared of anymore.
"Holy shit," Jason laughed and turned to Danny, scooping him up making Danny yelp in surprise and drop the bag, the Jokers head rolling away as Jason twirled a laughing Danny. "I love you so much Cub! This is the best gift anyone's ever gotten me!" He cheered and Danny blushed all the way to his slightly pointed ears, clearly pleased.
It was the first time Jason had said he loved him and Danny felt like he had won the lottery! He couldn't control his purring as Jason put him back down, he snuggled into Jason's side as he aimed his gun and put a bullet in Joker's decapitated head just for the catharsis of it.
"Jaylad," Bruce's voice was soft and betrayed. As if he had any fucking right!
Reminded of his presence Jason's gaze snapped back to Bruce, as did his guns, pointed at Batman and Robin again. "If you're planning to arrest Hyena for this I will not hesitate to shoot. If you take one step inside My territory," Jason snarled at them. "You can take the head if you want, I don't need to keep a lump of rotting flesh, I just needed to know Someone gave a shit." He stepped forward and kicked the head like a football, sending it hurtling at Batman with pretty damn good aim as Danny cackled behind him, high and loud.
Batman caught it, more on instinct then anything, but it was evidence, it was a body, he would take it, and the corpse from wherever Danny had left it. "Now if you'll excuse us, I think we have a celebration to plan!" Jason said before he shot at them, he wasn't aiming to kill, just to make them leave and it worked. They dashed off and Jason turned back towards Danny.
"I love you too," Danny said, soft and warm, pressing himself against Jason's chest. "Now take me home and Fuck me~"
Jason laughed and scooped Danny up into his arms, letting him wrap his arms back around Jason and cling as he set a quick pace towards their nearest safe house.
Part 2.5
Part 3
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ace-writer-lani · 4 months
Edit: lol I have decided to give the first sentence of each fic
-TCoS&D: "To put it lightly, Bianca was stressed."
-TLLoG: "Silently, Nico slipped into the office where he found Will hunched over...something."
-AA&A: "'He's watching again.'"
-TU&U: "'You're going to be late.'"
-AFR: "Jason thought he had died."
-L&L: "'Finished,' Will announced, barging into the room."
-LT: "The black-haired girl was starting to creep Clarisse out."
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oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone in the community talking about this. (Or maybe they have been, and I've somehow just missed it. ^_^')
All the kudos to OP for figuring this out.
@bluerosesburnblue @palizinhas @disneydreamlights
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TW: Implied Abuse, Strong Language
Caretaker couldn’t find Whumpee anywhere. They'd been searching the seedy part of the city— this is where they lived?— all night after they had stormed out after an argument, and still nothing. Caretaker didn't like this place, all grimy and full of faces that smiled with too many fangs to be human. The bars clamored with the worst type of clientele, and though their coat did little to protect from the cold, and the warmth enticed them, they ignored it.
They heard some murmuring from a small crowd, and their stomach turned to lead. They pawed their way through the crowd, glaring up at the jostling gossipers. They parted through the sea of people, finally able to see.
Whumpee laid there, still dressed in the less-than-winter-appropriate outfit from earlier, blood matted into their hair, skin all scraped up and bruised. One of their eyes appeared swollen shut, blood dripping from their split lip as they trembled in their unconscious state.
Caretaker shoved the people around them back. "Get the fuck out of here! Don't you have places to be?!"
The crowd grumbled but dispersed upon seeing Caretaker's gun. They crouched before Whumpee, cautious not to touch them. They didn’t want to scare them, instead letting Whumpee see their hands.
They let out what sounded like a whimper, eyelids fluttering but never fully opening. Caretaker had a million questions, but sighed, pinching the bridge of their nose. They already knew have the answers, and besides, they weren't going to get much out of them like this anyway.
Caretaker stood up, shrugging off their coat, thankful for the thick top they had on underneath. They laid it over Whumpee, holding back a cry at how small they looked like that. They weren't supposed to be small.
"Whumpee, I'm going to pick you up now. I'm going to bring you home, alright?"
Their face scrunched up, voice too hoarse. "Whumper... No, please..."
Caretaker knelt back down, eyes burning as Whumpee's arm flailed, not hitting anything, just revealing more bruises and cigarette burns.
"I'm here now, Whumpee. Whumper won't hurt you while I'm here. I'm right here."
They gingerly scooped Whumpee up into their arms, wincing at how hollow they felt, like a strong breeze would blow them away. Whumpee's face nestled into Caretaker's shoulder, and as Caretaker carried them back home— their real home— they let that act as the smallest insurance that they might be okay.
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kulapti · 11 months
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Oct 2023, pen & inks. Grass is not all the same.
Many people don't know that grasslands have fall colors. This is partly because over 75% of the prairie habitat on the North American continent has been destroyed by agriculture, systematic destruction, and more recently by urban sprawl. We have less than 1% of historic tallgrass prairie remaining. Please learn about these beautiful and rare spaces to help them, and if you get the chance, go see a prairie in national grassland or in a state or national park.
Aside from the sparkly ink, this illustration has a narrower color range than the Red Hills mixedgrass prairie it represents.
Species: Little bluestem (S. scoparium), big bluestem (A. gerardii), maidenhair (Sporobolus sp.), sideoats grama (B. curtipendula), blooming prairie blazing star (Liatris sp.), and the late season remnants of basketflower (Centaurea americana) and dwarf four-nerve daisy (Tetraneuris linearifolius).
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tai-janai · 6 months
sometimes i get sad thinking about how traumatized smitty is
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martyrbat · 9 months
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driver's seat — dc holiday special (2017)
(ID in alt!)
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outlying-hyppocrate · 7 months
i started this year off wanting to change myself in a way that would hurt me but now i realize that was a shitty thing to do. but i want to do it. again.
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bluehalla · 1 year
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fields of asphodel by @chrysanthemumgames​ / template.
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Amos and some of his most amusingly awkward attempts at affection touching. He’s trying his best okay!
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ace-writer-lani · 5 months
Hi I'm Lani! I go by she/they. Sometimes I draw, but I mainly write fanfics. (I've recently gotten back into writing PJO fics).
Anyways, I'll be linking all of my finished/WIP ao3 works here as well as some future fics I have planned.
My asks are always open if you want to ask questions about my fics or if you just want to say hi! (I'm always down to ramble about all the character lore I have stored in my notes).
Current WIPs:
-The Blooming from Darkness series (My son of Persephone Nico AU)
Part one: One Death One Bloom (completed; 14.6k) Pre-Lotus Hotel & Casino Part two: Hidden Seeds (completed; 9.5k) In the Lotus Hotel & Casino Part three: The Children of Spring and Destruction (WIP; 19.7k) Titan's Curse -> HoO
-Violence: The Question (A Series) (WIP)
A fic centering around Reyna pre-canon/pre-TLH
-A Final Revelation (WIP; 3.3k)
Based on this post where Jason is stuck as a ghost in the living world and can't enter the Underworld until he resolves his Unfinished Business: confessing his feelings to Leo
-The Undeserved and Unfinished (WIP)
Coming soon
-The Languages of Love by Solangelo series
The Love Language of Lying (completed; 9.9k)
Solangelo fic based on this post
The Love Language of Fighting (completed; 1.1k)
Will spars against Nico
The Love Language of Gifts (WIP; 2k)
Solangelo 5+1 fic based on this post
-The Sparks of Fire (Valgrace) series
Engines and Explosions (completed; 1.1k)
Valgrace oneshot based on this post
Kitchens and Kisses (completed; 2k)
Leo somewhat tries to teach Jason to bake
-2024 Solangelo Week
The Love Language of Fighting (completed; 1.1k)
Prompt: Free Day
-Notes of Change (WIP; 13.3k)
This is my small Solangelo post BoO fic
Completed Fics:
-Only know for sure that I'm all yours (forever) (1.4k)
Solangelo proposal fic based on this post
Some of the common tags I sort my posts by:
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radioactive-cloud · 6 months
those past few days are really testing my patience with some of the takes and opinions i've seen on the internet and i'm so fucking done with all of this i just want to delete all my accounts from everywhere and live somewhere in the woods (as far away from russia as i can) and to never come in contact with another human being again
#i'm so exhausted i just have to rant even tho nobody will care#i have some trouble sleeping because i'm either waiting for another attack to happen#or reading the news about dozens of missiles flying at my country#or hiding in the bathroom while listening to explosions because it's supposed to be the safest place in our appartment#and then i open social media and see all the destruction and casualties and deaths that happened overnight#and at the same time i see people adoring and praising and defending russians and their culture and language#and creaming themselves because of their “mysterious russian soul”#and telling ukrainians that they are stupid and toxic and that what they feel about their killers and occupiers is wrong#well newsflash y'all#russian culture is nothing but blood and death#russian language is nothing but blood and death#it's not just fucking putin doing all of this shit#he wasn't there when ukrainian nation and culture and language were oppressed for literal fucking centuries#did russia invent human cloning for putin to be all those soldiers at the frontline and all those people building drones and missiles?#open your fucking eyes and think for a fucking second#i go to sleep every night fearing that i may not wake up#and then in the morning i see people admiring russians and foaming at the mouths defending them#and then also fucking michael sheen of all people sending his love to them#and i become so insanely pissed#get a fucking reality check#i'm so sick of people excusing russia and its actions#once again guess i'm a walking big bad angry ukrainian stereotype#well that's what war does to you#i won't wish for anyone to experience this but also it may be the only thing that makes some people aware of what a rotten thing russia is#i'm so done and i don't want to feel all of this and i don't want to be a human and i don't want to have thoughts#maybe it's for the best if a missile flies into my room so i won't have to be here any longer and witness all of this shit#(it's a thought i've been having lately and ngl it kinda scares me)#ukraine#russia is a terrorist state#btw i've just discovered there's a limit of 30 tags
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pinkfey · 1 year
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silla/devyln compilation of quotes that make me go insane
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martyrbat · 1 year
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detective comics #484
[ID: college aged Dick Grayson, in his Robin costume, talking to Mr. Haly (the circus owner) after preventing a tragedy from occuring. Dick worriedly asks, “But what will you do now, Mr. Haly? With the damage caused by the fire you might have to sell out...” Mr. Haly reassures, “No, my boy, because for years I've been recoevin these checks — anonymously! Thanks to them, the Haly Circus will remain in my control!” He shows Dick the check, who instantly recognizes it! He thinks, ‘Hmmmm, that check comes from a bank where a certain Bruce (Batman) Wayne is a heavy depositor... What do you know!’ He tells Haly, “Well, you're still on top, Mr. Haly — and I have places to go!” END ID]
#OUGH LOVE THE IDEA OF BRUCE ANONYMOUSLY SUPPORTING AND FUNDING THE CIRCUS BECAUSE ITS IMPORTANT TO DICK....#i think bruce is the type of autistic to hesitate in saying vocally how much he cares because its difficult to find the right words and his#fear of saying the wrong thing (and how he puts his foot in his mouth often which furthers those fears) and it can be damaging because#people wrongfully take his more quiet nature as not caring. but just how his actions show time and time again how much he cares and loves..#from silently supporting the circus without even telling dick to his frequent anonymous donations to charities to his nightly paroles#like bruce is a character who loves so much that it can be destructive. that's what makes him so interesting.#he has the brains and logic and everything. he's called the worlds greatest detective for a reason. but his heart is what controls him#he KNOWS the risks he's taking every night and does it anyways. he KNOWS its a Sisyphus task to attempt to stop crine and protect everyone#he tries anyways. he KNOWS the possibility of some people rehabilitation and change is so low that it barely exists. yet he holds onto hope#anyways because theres still that small chance. its a man that isnt reckless because hes stupid or unaware of consequences#its a man that has plans upon plans and tries to be prepared because hes aware of the risks yet does things anyways#this is messy and unrelated to the panel itself i just got struck with a ‘god i love bruce wayne and his love language of silent actions’#c: detective comics | i: 484#crypt's panels#bruce wayne#<- cause he was mentioned :3#dick grayson#robin i#haly's circus
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
okay because i submitted my last assignment. and i no longer feel the pressure to do it for school but instead can ramble on in my own way about it
#daniel is so so interesting especially ch12 with mark 13(?) as context it's soooooo compelling to me for REAL#the idea that the desolating abomination would already be familiar to jesus' audience is so so cool but ALSO#taking into account the timeframe given to daniel and the way jesus says if God hadn't given and end to it no one would be able to hold up#under the weight of the despair and destruction etc etc etc BUT because of his love he has shortened the time#like???!?!?!??! crazy to ME God's love and how it manifests#so interesting and intriguing#and also now i want a similar study of revelation since they're both apocalyptic literature#also the way apocalyptic literature and prophecy are sooo similar but also how they're different#like if you consider isaiah for instance and then consider daniel#in terms of the coding of the text and how understandable it is to a lay person#and also how it would interpret in like. long-term versus present when they were given the prophecies#and i really really REALLY want to know more about the original language of daniel 12#because the translations i used for this assignment used different words to describe michael#like?? the great prince versus the great leader and guard versus has charge of#and like the depth given to the timeline when one translation says the sons of your people instead of your people#like it's insane the differences between translations#also how God isn't specifically addressed really in Daniel 12 BUT the revelations you have regarding his character is so interesting#also also ALSO. back to mark 13 and the end of daniel 12 BUT. the blessed is the one who is patient#and the encouragement to hold on#crazy to me that you can find hope in the wildest darks#timothy's txts.
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