#detect my sarcasm?
somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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Nobody tell him
(@ancientschampionau your reply made me laugh, I had to draw something for it)
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constantineshots · 1 year
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moderarato · 1 year
I just want to keep reading the other routes but I’m still hung up on M’s…. like that’s me done….
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filmbyjy · 10 months
if you guys are wondering where is that next chapter of ‘Collie Duty’
it’s still in the drafts💀
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yeehawgeek · 6 months
the autism strikes again
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neyxmessi · 1 year
manifesting another vitinha goal today 🤪
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iturbide · 10 months
You’re absolutely right. The Magistrate could say “That mage is so brave. It would be a shame if something… happened to him.” And Lindulf would nod and agree, not realising what he’s signing up for.
Look. Lindulf is perfect and precious and we love him.
He is also very bad at reading subtext. He is the puppy who will excitedly go fetch the ball you were holding when you mime throwing it, even if you didn't let go, and then be confused when he can't figure out where it went.
So yeah, he would think it would be a shame if something happened to Miryn, and would go out of his way to make sure that nothing does happen to him, despite the magistrate very much wanting something bad to happen to him.
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heroheart · 2 years
mmmmmmmmmm i love my job
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fellhellion · 2 years
Wow the old adage rlly is true (you will, by no fault of ur own, create M-mancing detectives with trust/commitment issues)
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snekdood · 2 years
i think its probably a good and healthy use of your time to look through a trans persons blog to try to find out of they’re secretly a terf
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leadendeath · 16 days
re: last reblog- went to look it up to see if i truly live in the flattest county, no but the neighbouring one (Cambridge) holds that title. and i saw this- wtf this has gotta be A.I. generated misinfo right? it don’t make sense babes x
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forgottenbones · 7 months
Chemistry of Spice Melange (from Dune) - Periodic Table of Videos
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top 3 people you’d sleep with?
Lately, I don’t know. I’d have to have an emotional connection and bond with. She needs to worship her lord and savior, go to church every week, go to bible study with me.
A god fearing young lady. 😇😇😇
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bodybaggage · 23 days
Monthly Phantom Check Up
Frostbite, Danny’s overly enthusiastic yeti doctor, shows up at the Watchtower for a surprise check-up, and things get awkward fast.
The Watchtower was in chaos. It wasn’t a typical day of chaos—no alien invasions or time-traveling villains—but something far more uncomfortable. Frostbite, Danny Phantom’s towering Yeti doctor and self-proclaimed “Master of Ghost Medicine,” had arrived unannounced. His massive, fur-covered frame loomed in the main meeting room as he carefully unpacked a series of glowing, intimidating medical instruments.
Superman leaned over to Wonder Woman, voice low. “Is this... normal?”
Wonder Woman’s brow furrowed in thought. “I don’t think this falls under the usual protocol for supernatural beings.”
Across the room, Danny Phantom stood in all his half-dead glory—or rather, slouched in defeat, wearing a hoodie that seemed far too large for his ghostly frame. He was clearly trying to shrink away from the entire situation, one pale hand covering his face in mortification.
“Frostbite,” Danny hissed in a hushed whisper, “you couldn’t have waited until we got back to the Ghost Zone?”
Frostbite beamed, oblivious to Danny’s pleading. “Nonsense, Great One! Your health is of utmost importance, and I detected a slight imbalance in your ectoplasmic core. It must be addressed immediately!”
Batman stood against the wall, eyes narrowing as he watched the scene unfold. “Ectoplasmic core?”
Frostbite nodded solemnly as he began to prepare an absurdly long, glowing probe. “Indeed, Batman. The Great One is half-ghost, and thus, his core requires regular maintenance. There are many nuances to his biology that need tending to.”
Danny groaned. “Oh, Ancients, kill me now…”
The Justice League—gathered for what they thought was going to be a strategy meeting—could only look on in awkward silence. Aquaman coughed and pretended to adjust his trident. Green Lantern pulled up a holographic projection of the solar system, which he stared at intensely despite not needing to. Flash, of course, was barely containing his laughter, lips twitching every time Frostbite said something ridiculous.
“Now,” Frostbite continued, holding up a glowing vial of something green and gooey, “the first concern is the ectoplasm imbalance. Too much exposure to the Ghost Zone can cause buildup, which leads to... ah, let’s say, irregularities.”
Superman cleared his throat. “Irregularities?”
Frostbite nodded gravely. “Yes. In the human digestive system, it might be compared to... indigestion. But in ghosts, it manifests as random phasing, ectoplasmic leakage, and occasional transformation into a much more terrifying version of oneself.”
Superman blinked. “That sounds... worse than indigestion.”
“Oh, much worse!” Frostbite said brightly, not catching the sarcasm. “Especially during ghost puberty. It’s when the ghost’s core is developing at its most volatile stage.”
Danny’s entire face turned bright red. “Frostbite! Seriously?!”
“Ghost... puberty?” Batman echoed, voice laced with what could only be described as grim fascination.
“Indeed!” Frostbite said, now fully in doctor mode. “The Great One is well past that stage, but it’s important to note that ghost puberty can last several decades for some. Phantom’s transformations would have been wildly unpredictable for years, often triggered by emotional stress or large quantities of fast food.”
Flash actually lost it at that, letting out a snort and quickly covering his mouth. “Sorry, sorry! Just—did you say fast food?”
Danny rubbed his temples. “Yes. I went through my ‘ghost puberty’ eating burgers and stressing about math tests. Can we move on?”
Frostbite chuckled warmly. “Ah, yes. The human world does have its unique challenges for the Great One. Now, the next matter—”
“There’s more?” Danny wailed, half considering flying straight through the floor and never coming back.
“Oh, yes!” Frostbite said with far too much enthusiasm. He turned to the League. “His dual nature also means his ghost half sometimes conflicts with his human immune system. It’s a fascinating process! For example, Danny can phase through objects, but if he catches a human cold, it throws his phasing abilities off and he might accidentally phase into a wall and get stuck.”
The room went silent.
Batman stared at Danny. “You’ve... phased into a wall?”
Danny gritted his teeth, wishing for the sweet release of invisibility. “I was twelve, okay? And yes, I got stuck. It was fine.”
“Mostly fine,” Frostbite corrected, waving around a spectral thermometer. “There was that one time we had to extract you from a particularly thick brick wall in Amity Park. Took several hours.”
Wonder Woman, who had remained silent up until this point, exchanged a concerned glance with Superman. “Is this something we should... prepare for?”
Danny shot them both an exasperated look. “No. I’m not going to phase into the Watchtower’s walls. Probably.”
“Unless his ectoplasmic levels are low,” Frostbite added cheerfully. “Which is why this check-up is vital!”
As Frostbite pulled out what looked suspiciously like a ghost-themed blood pressure cuff, Danny gave up. “I’m going to die—again.”
Flash wiped away a tear of laughter, his shoulders still shaking. “This is the best day of my life. I didn’t know ghost puberty was a thing.”
“I’ll send you my research papers,” Frostbite said kindly. “There’s a great deal of fascinating biology involved!”
Danny, ignoring everyone, shot a glare at Batman, who was watching all this with far too much interest. “Don’t even think about adding this to my file.”
Batman didn’t respond, though his fingers twitched ever so slightly toward his utility belt.
Frostbite, oblivious to the ongoing awkwardness, finished prepping his tools. “Now, Great One, if you could just sit still. This next part involves extracting ectoplasmic residue from your pores—”
“I’m phasing through the floor,” Danny muttered, promptly sinking halfway through the Watchtower’s pristine floor, only his head remaining visible. “See you guys never.”
The Justice League stood in stunned silence as Frostbite packed away his tools with a serene smile.
“Very well,” Frostbite said. “I’ll schedule the next check-up for next month. Goodbye, Justice League!”
And with that, the massive Yeti doctor vanished through a portal, leaving the League standing there, trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed.
Superman finally turned to Danny, whose head was still poking out of the floor.
“Danny... you okay?”
Danny didn’t respond, choosing instead to fully disappear beneath the floor.
Flash wheezed. “I love that kid.”
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
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nooo not me making my own edits to a fic i like so i can print it
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sweet-n-angelic · 1 year
(っ- ‸ - ς)
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