#devil in stull kansas
sassygrrl32 · 2 years
Haunted Stull Cemetery in Kansas-Van Life 2016~RH Jones Page
Haunted Stull Cemetery in Kansas-Van Life 2016~RH Jones Page
To see all of my categories of posts go to the Home Page Before I get into how I ended up here I spent over an hour trying to find the original article about how the story of this cemetery got started. The story of it being haunted. I no longer have the original article I wrote a few years ago. The story of it being haunted got started by a student at the University of Kansas writing for her…
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surrealhaunts · 3 months
The Stull Cemetery is legend for its supernatural stories. It's a real life property, so don't go visit without proper permission. Plus, the locals are sick of its notoriety. Check out the video. The images below are what I used to make it.
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According to AI, the witch who seduced Satan looks like this.
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morbidology · 1 year
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Stull Cemetery is located in the small Kansas town of Stull. Inside the cemetery stands a small abandoned church and a number of gravestones. Many creepy tales surround this cemetery, which is said to be one of the seven gateways to hell. An article written in 1974 claims that this cemetery is one of the two places on the earth that the devil appears in person twice a year. In fact, it’s said that the abandoned church is his gateway, with many locals claiming that even though the roof has been missing for years, rain does not land inside. Shrouded with tales of witchcraft, devil worship, and Satan himself, this cemetery is on the bucket list for most paranormal chasers. Is is even said that that when Pope John Paul II was flying to Colorado in 1993, he had his pilot divert around the cemetery because even the air surrounding Stull Cemetery is tainted by evil.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
The Portal to Hell in Stull, Kansas
According to local legend, the devil himself appears on Halloween night in Stull, Kansas. The crucifix hanging in the old church is said to rotate until it’s upside down, thereby opening a portal to Hell.
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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The Mysterious Legend of Stull Cemetery and Satan’s Staircase
Said to be one of the Seven Gateways to Hell, Stull Cemetery has long been a place of supernatural lore and legends.
America offers a plethora of haunted cemeteries and lays claim to its fair share of legendary portals to hell, but few rank as terrifying as Kansas’s Stull Cemetery. In fact, this cemetery is so infamous that the Pope refused to let his plane fly over its cursed ground and has even been featured in horror fantasy TV show Supernatural. The legends are as colorful as they can get; witchcraft, satanic cults, strange deaths and a staircase that leads straight to Hell. You might be wondering why you haven’t heard of America’s “most evil” graveyard, but its physical inaccessibility has kept much of its horrors a secret.
Hidden away in rural Kansas, the town was founded by Pennsylvania Dutch settlers who headed out west to avoid religious persecution in 1867. They built the old stone church in the center of the cemetery and used it to practice their Anabaptist religion until the start of the 20th century when it was left abandoned after the roof fell in. The church then sat empty, crumbling into ruin as the myths and legends surrounding Stull grew and flourished.
Of the many legends that surround the town, the most famous is that Stull is one of the Seven Gateways to Hell. The story goes that on Halloween night (and on Spring Equinox according to some versions) at the stroke of midnight a hidden stone staircase appears in the cemetery. Descending into the dark depths of the underworld, the gateway is used by the Devil who enters the mortal world to walk the cemetery, rousing spirits and raising the dead from their graves for a night of unholy pleasure.
Why would the devil choose a small cemetery in Kansas? The answer to that question depends on who you ask. Some say the church was used by Satanists and a witches’ covens to worship Satan and summon him to the cemetery. 
Others claim that origins of Stull’s supernatural reputation go much further back in time, and can be traced back to one grave in particular, and one very evil tree.
According to local lore, there once sat a grave with the epitaph “Wittich” engraved upon it, and a tall pine tree which grew in the cemetery grounds was said to have been used for hangings, specifically the hanging of witches. Of course, the eerie name on the tombstone wasn’t enough. It’s said the bones contained in the grave were that of Satan’s own child. Conceived with a mortal witch, the child was born with horrible deformities and covered in thick wolf-like hair. And it is to the graves of the child and its mother that the Devil visits each year when the portal opens.
While much of this may seem like fanciful folklore the “hanging” tree really did exist, but in 1998, the day before Halloween, it was cut down in the vain hope of deterring tourists. It wasn’t successful. Visitors to Stull cemetery often share strange stories of the church and how rain never falls within its walls, despite the building having no roof and no matter the weather conditions outside. According to hundreds of eye-witness accounts even during a storm, if you were stood in the church you would remain as dry as a bone.
Stull has also witnessed its fair share of strange deaths. In the early 1990s, a boy was accidentally burned to death, a few years later, a man was found hanging from a tree. Both of these events took place near the cemetery, on a stretch of road called the ‘Devil’s Road’, which no longer exists but can still be found on old maps of the area.
The cemetery made national news in 1993 when Pope John Paul II had that his flight rerouted to prevent it from flying directly over the cursed grounds of the cemetery. By this time, stories of Stull had spread far and wide, attracting plenty of eager thrill seekers and paranormal enthusiasts. On Halloween night huge crowds of curious tourists would line up at the gate, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Devil as he walked between the rows of graves.
After a local TV station was kicked out of the cemetery in 1999, all requests to investigate the cemetery have been denied by owners and the local authorities.
Signs now adorn this rumored portal to hell, warning many to keep away after dark or risk charges. Concerned locals also patrol the area, warning would-be visitors to stay away. As a further deterrence, in 2002, the remaining ruins of the church were torn down, leaving the cemetery and those who rest within it to do so in peace.
Whatever truth lies behind the spooky stories surrounding the small town of Stull, they have for the most part been lost to time, but the legends persist. And it’s hard to deny the many strange experiences had by those who visit America’s most diabolical cemetery.
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sybil--vain · 4 years
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Stull Cemetery in Stull, Kansas. Allegedly one of seven gateways to Hell in the country, and famous for its appearance in Supernatural. Stull is known as one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country, with rumors of Satanic activities and witchcraft. The Devil himself is said to visit the site a few times a year.  
We couldn’t get inside the gates, unfortunately, so I took all of these from behind a chainlink fence. 
Read my full post here
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The year was 1963. The place was the home of the Møller's, in Stull, Kansas. The dawn had not yet broken. And all four Møllers, Lilla, Colden, and their two children Stefan and Shuonun, were on the floor in the living room, tied with devil's trapped ropes. Four hunters stood before them, each wearing hoods and masks to hide their identities, and one holding a very special knife, one capable of killing demons. He advanced towards Lilla.
Hazel had found a spell for traveling back in time, and her first thought was to go back in time and keep Lilla from being killed by hunters. She grabbed a sword and performed the spell, appearing between Lilla and the hunter. "Stay back." She told the hunter, glaring as electricity gathered in the air around her.
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Stull, Kansas
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mythicallore · 5 years
Urban Legends: Kansas
Stull's Gateway to Hell
Why it's creepy: The tiny town of Stull has counted very few residents since it was founded in 1856. The most famous is rumored to be Lucifer himself, who some say appears at the town cemetery on Halloween and spring equinox. They say he uses the site where a roofless church once stood as a portal to and from Hell. Some say that he's drawn to the site of frequent witch-hangings. Others believe one of the graves actually contains Satan’s own child. Either way, new graves continue to be dug, despite signs warning against trespassers, perhaps referring directly to the Prince of Darkness himself or the cults that are rumored to flock to the grounds.
Where it came from: The first published article about the horrors are traced back to a 1974 article in the University Daily Kansan, though whispers about evil have persisted since 1900 or so. In 1998, the "hanging tree" was torn down to stop people from visiting. It hasn’t lessened the need for the small town to bolster an annual police presence to deter visitors looking for a glimpse of the Devil himself. --AK
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What He Didn’t Know
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Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: SPN canon violence, unexpected pregnancy, angst, language I think, I think that’s it. If I missed any let me know.
Word Count: 3697
A/N: I wrote this specifically for angst appreciation day so I hope it’s angsty enough for y’all. This story is basically a rewrite of the Season 5 finale Swan Song with added bits of the reader. So like the long conversations the guys have are directly from the episode so credit to the writers of the episode for that. I would also like to thank @idreamofhazel because she gave me a list of ideas that helped inspire this so thank you love. I’m unsure if I want to continue this or not so if you want more let me know.
Summary: You have been Sam’s girlfriend for years and are basically soulmates however you found out you are pregnant. Right when you are going to tell him, he tells you his plan of saying yes to being Lucifer’s vessel and jumping into the cage. What happens next? Does Sam find out about your pregnancy? Does he still take the fall?
***Italics are flashbacks***
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Sorry I went crazy with the GIF’s I couldn’t help myself 
Three minutes had never felt like so long. You were sitting on the toilet seat while the stick sat on the counter. You had been feeling a little sick lately and you were a week late which for you was unusual. You weren’t sure what you were expecting. You weren’t sure which you wanted more a positive or a negative result. Both scared you because you always wanted kids, but in this life, you weren’t sure that was a great idea.
“Rriiinnnngggg!” Your three-minute alarm went off and you went to the counter. You cautiously picked up the stick and were stunned at the site of a plus sign. You were going to be a mom. More importantly, Sam was going to be a dad. Now all you had to do was figure out how and when you were going to tell him.
That was a week ago, you still hadn’t told him. You hadn’t told anyone. You considered not having it because of the oncoming apocalypse and all, but you could never do that. Now, Sam had this suicidal plan to stop Lucifer and this wasn’t the right time to add any more stress on him.
"Sam, you can’t honestly be considering this," you said.
"Y/N, this is the only way we can stop Lucifer and the apocalypse. We can't let this continue. I can't let this continue. I'm the reason Lucifer is out in the first place. I let myself get tricked by a demon and now the whole will suffer because of my mistake. The least I can do is sacrifice myself for the entire world," Sam said.
"What about your life Sam? What about the people you save? What about the people who love you? Did you ever stop to consider that? You know Dean can't live without you. Hell, the man sold his own soul to bring you back to life. He needs you, Sam.”
"Y/N, he'll just have to learn to deal. It's either me or the whole world. There's no comparison there. You heard the angels, this is what they want. They aren't going to help. They aren't going to try and stop it. I need you to understand that I have to do this, unless you have another way to defeat Lucifer I'm all ears."
"Just give us a little more time and maybe we can think of something. We can't just give up."
"That's just it Y/N, we are out of time and we have tried everything else. This is our only option. I have to say yes to Lucifer and jump into the cage."
"What about me, Sam? Huh? Did you ever stop and think how this would affect me? I love you. You are my best friend and my soul mate. What am I supposed to do without you?" you said as you put a hand on your stomach and sighed.
Sam looked at you and tears started to fall down his cheeks. He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into a bone crushing hug. He kissed the top of your head and said, "I going to need you to move on, ok?" He pulled you away and held your chin between his thumb and finger. "I love you too so, much you have no idea. I used to think that Jess was my soulmate until I met you. Once you walked into my life everything got so much better. You were this beautiful, badass, hunter that was way out of my league. The day you said yes to go out with me was one of the best days of my life. Believe me when I say leaving you is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. But, this is my mess and I have to clean it up. My only wish is that you get out of this life and go be happy somewhere with someone, ok?"
You couldn’t speak through the sobs that were starting to wrack through your body so you just nodded. You didn’t agree with him or this plan, but he was a Winchester and you knew there was no talking him out of it. So, you just wrapped your arms around him and sobbed into his chest and thought about the fact that your child was going to grow up without a father.
Next was Dean. Sam knew he would be hard to crack, that’s why when Dean said yes, Sam was stunned. Honestly, Dean wasn’t thrilled with this plan, but after talking with Bobby, he knew he had to push his selfish needs aside and do what was best for the world.
"Truth is.... you know watching out for you.... Its kinda been my job, you know? But more than that it's...it's kinda who I am. You're not a kid anymore, Sam, and I can't keep treating you like one. Maybe I got to grow up a little, too. I don't know if we got a snowball's chance. But....I do know that if anyone can do it...it’s you," Dean said.
"Thank you," Sam replied.
"If this is what you want...is this really what you want?"
"I let him out. I got to put him back in."
"Okay. That's it then."
You, Sam, Dean, and Bobby grabbed and packed up all the supplies you needed. Dean and Bobby deduced that the devil was in Detroit so y'all took off and headed there. During the ride, you passed out with your hand on your stomach in the back seat along with Cas while the guys had the conversation Dean knew was coming.
"Hey, um...on the subject, there's something I got to talk to you about," Sam said.
“What?” Dean replied.
“This thing goes our way and I... triple lindy into that box...you know I’m not coming back.”
“Yeah, I’m aware.”
“So, you got to promise me something.”
“Okay. Yeah. Anything.”
“You got to promise not to try and bring me back and not let y/n either.”
“What? No, I didn’t sign up for that and neither did she.”
“Dean- “
“Your hell is gonna make my tour look like Graceland. You want me and y/n just to sit by and do nothing?”
“Once the cage is shut, y’all can’t go poking at it, Dean. It’s too risky.”
“No, no, no, no, no. As if I’m just gonna let you rot in there.”
“Yeah, you are. You don’t have a choice.”
“You can’t ask us to do this,” Dean said as he looked through the rearview mirror at you still sleeping.
“I’m sorry Dean, you have to.”
“So, then what are we supposed to do?”
“You go find Lisa. You pray to God she’s dumb enough to take you in, and you have barbecues and go to football games. You go live some normal, apple pie life, Dean. You watch out for y/n, make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid and help her move on. Promise me.”
You arrived at the abandoned building and watched Sam say his goodbyes to Bobby and saw Bobby tearing up. Next was Cas who, poor guy, didn’t really get that in this situation, you tell the person what they want to hear, so he kind of made things worse. Then Sam turned to you, his eyes sunken in and pain written all over his face. His grabbed your face and pulled you in for one last kiss. It was soft yet rough, desperate yet passionate, loving yet regretful. It was like he was pouring all his emotions into that one kiss. You felt his tears start to roll as yours did too and when he let go, he gave you one last squeeze and turned to Dean at the trunk. Then it was time for Sam to drink the demon blood and you looked back at Dean, who had a sullen face, and he walked towards you and hugged you as Sam didn’t want anyone to watch him drink the blood.
You opted to stay behind with Cas and Bobby outside while Dean went with Sam, knowing you wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Dean came out of the building with tears in his eyes, but you could tell by the look on his face that something wasn’t right.
"It didn’t work," Dean said.
“What do you mean?” you asked as the tears started rolling again.
“Sam wasn’t strong enough. Lucifer knew about the rings and took control of Sam before he could make the jump and then just disappeared,” he said as he came towards you engulfing you in his arms while you both cried.
As the shit hit the fan and the whole world started to crumble, you and Dean looked to Cas and Bobby for anything that could stop this or at least where it was going down. You got neither information nor support from either of them. So, you and Dean decided to make a phone call to Chuck in which you found out the fight was taking place the next day at high noon at Stull Cemetery in Lawrence, Kansas.
When you were both approached by Cas and Bobby, they knew you had a stupid plan and tried to talk you out of it. Dean fought them on it because it was Sam, but Cas insisted you wouldn’t be able to reach him. But, if you already lost then you’ve really got nothing to lose, right? That's when Cas said, “The only thing you’ll see is the person you both love being killed by Michael.”
"Well, then we aren’t gonna let him die alone," you both replied.
With that, Dean looked at Cas and Bobby almost hoping that they would change their minds, but they didn’t. He then looked at you with a sorrowful look and tears welling in his eyes to which you nodded and both headed to the cemetery.
You pulled up to the cemetery seeing Michael, in Adam's body, and Lucifer, in Sam’s body, squaring off. Dean put in his Def Leopard tape, revved Baby's engine and drove towards them. You both got out and Dean said, “Sorry, are we interrupting something?”
You both approached Sam saying you needed to talk at which Lucifer just called you both stupid. Then, Michael jumped in and Dean tried to apologize to Adam if he could hear him, but Michael just sassed Dean so he said that Michael is next on his list.
Out of nowhere when Michael started yelling and approaching you and Dean you heard, "Hey, ass-but," and turned to see Cas Molotov Michael and Bobby standing there with him. "He will come back and he will be angry, but you got your five minutes," Cas said and you and Dean nodded your heads appreciatively.
Suddenly, Lucifer turned around pissed at Cas for molotoving his brother and snapped his fingers basically exploding Cas causing you and Dean to jump and Bobby to look like he was about to pee his pants.
“Sammy, can you hear me?” Dean said.
“You know I tried to be nice...for Sammy’s sake. But you...are such a pain...in my ass,” Lucifer said as he threw Dean back into Baby smashing the windshield.
Bobby pulled out the colt and as you tried to tell him no he fires off a shot into Sammy’s back and then his chest when he turned around. That pissed Lucifer off even more so he twisted his hand and snapped Bobby’s neck making you and Dean shout. He then grabbed Deans left leg, dragged him off Baby’s hood and effectively landed a punch to his jaw making him spew blood.
You ran to Dean's aid despite his look pleading you not to.
“Sammy? Are you in there?” you asked.
“Oh, he's in here all right,” Lucifer said as he landed a punch into your jaw. “And he’s going to feel the snap of yours and Dean’s bones,” he continued as Dean stepped in the way to receive the punch headed towards you.
You proceeded to watch helplessly as Lucifer beat Dean saying he was going to take his time occasionally looking back at you to remind you that you are next.
He continued to beat the life out of Dean making his face leak blood and swell tremendously as Dean said, “Sam it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here, I’m not going to leave you.” Lucifer lands a few more blows. You stepped in by Dean and you both said, “We’re not gonna leave you.”  
Something caught Lucifer’s eye or was it Sam’s eye? You couldn’t tell. His fist was still held in the air ready to lock with Dean’s face for another blow. You looked to wear he was staring. It was at the little army guy he shoved into the car door ashtray as a kid. You could see the memories rushing back through his head allowing Sam to take back control.
His fist unclenched and he gasped letting Dean go and stepping back. Dean was on the ground sitting up against baby face bloody and swollen and you were sitting right next to him holding on to his arm.
“It’s ok guys. It’s gonna be okay. I’ve got him,” Sam said as he took the horsemen rings out of his pocket and started chanting the spell.
The ground opened and started sucking in the ground around it. You and Dean looked at Sam who was already looking back at you with pain in his eyes. He looked back at the hole than back at you. He took a few deep breaths and nodded his head. You saw a tear run down his cheek as he took one last glance at you and mouthed an ‘I love you’. He then looked back at the hole.
“Sam,” you hear as you looked and saw Michael. “It’s not gonna end this way. Step back!”
“You’re gonna have to make me!” Sam shouted.
“I have to fight my brother, Sam! Here and now! It’s my destiny!”
Sam looked to you and Dean one very last time gaining the courage he needed and closed his eyes to fall back into the hole. However, Michael grabbed him midfall, so Sam grabbed his arm and pulled Michael down with him into the cage.
As soon as they fall, there’s a bright flash and the ground closed. Dean stared at the rings that now sat in that place, closed his eyes, crawled over to the rings and picked them up. He sat on his knees with his shoulders slumped looking down to the ground. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his midsection from behind and leaned your head against his back.
Suddenly, you felt a presence and saw an intact Cas standing behind you fully powered. He placed his fingertips on Deans forehead healing him and then to yours healing you. He then walked over to Bobby and healed him bringing him back to life.
Dean looked down at the rings in his hands with a face full of sorrow and then looked at you. He saw the tears start to begin again in your eyes and grabbed you and wrapped you in a hug while you sobbed into his chest. He shushed you and held the back of your head with his hand, telling you everything was going to be ok.
You, Dean, and Cas were all in the Impala on your way to back to Bobby’s, when Cas decided he was going to return to heaven to help calm the anarchy. You and Dean scoffed and Dean got angry at Cas saying that God was no help and he was next on Dean’s list.  
"Where's our grand prize, all I got is my brother in a hole and all y/n got was a broken heart,” Dean said.
“Dean...” you tried to interrupt.
“You got what you asked for Dean. No paradise. No hell. Just more of the same. I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace or freedom?” with that Cas disappeared.
“You really suck at goodbyes, you know that?” you said talking to an empty seat in front of you.
You and Dean arrived at Bobby’s and said your goodbyes for now. Bobby pulled Dean into a hug and Dean reciprocated. Bobby whispered something into Dean’s ear that you were not quite able to catch. They let go and Bobby turned to you and pulled you into a hug and whispered, "You take care of yourself y/n and look after him. You’ll both need each other.” You nodded your head and gave him one last squeeze before you and Dean got back into the Impala and headed out.
As you jumped back onto the road you realized you had no idea where you were going.
“Dean, where are we going?” you asked.
“I made Sam a promise that I would take care of you and have a normal, apple pie life,” he said.
“Okay, so where exactly is that apple pie life?”
“Okay, well I can see why she would let you in, but she barely knows me. Where do I go?”
“Look y/n, you are family. I didn’t need to promise Sammy that I was going to take care of you. I was already planning on it. And Lisa is a good woman, you know that. She wouldn’t just leave you on her door step.”
You nodded when all the sudden you started to get that sick feeling again. You had been able to hide it thus far, but with all the strain you had put your body through with all the emotions, you weren’t strong enough to suppress the sickness.
“Dean, pull over.”
“Why? We have a lot of driving to do.”
“Okay. Okay,” Dean said as he pulled to the side of the empty country road.
You jumped out of the car and hunched over puking your guts out. You were barely able to make it out the car when you couldn’t hold back any longer. Dean came running over to you when you began heaving.
“Hey, hey sweetheart, easy now,” he said as he put his hand on your back and started rubbing soothing circles.
When you were finished, you wiped your mouth with you hand and turned to face Dean, who was already there to hug you. As the tears started falling again he grabbed you and held onto you as tight as he could. He knew how much he hurt, he couldn’t imagine what you were going through. “It’s going to be ok, sweetheart. I got you. Everything’s going to be fine,” Dean said his voice cracking trying to convince himself as much as you.
“No, it’s not, Dean. Nothing about this is ok. I didn’t tell him. I should’ve told him,” you staring panting trying to get all the words out but just sounded like you were rambling.
“Tell him what? That you love him? He knew that y/n. He- “
“I’m pregnant,” you said as you started sobbing and holding your stomach.
“Wait, what?”
“I’m pregnant and I-I-I,” you couldn’t quite get the words out.
“He didn’t know?” Dean asked and you shook your head no.
“I just found out last week and with everything going on I didn’t want to add stress to the situation, but now…”
“Y/N...” Dean said with a sympathetic face. “You should have told him,” he said calmly, not judging you or berating you. “But I get it. I do. And look, look at me sweetheart,” Dean said and you lifted your head to look in his beautiful green eyes. “I’m here for you. You won’t be in this alone. I may not be Sam or he father, but I will be the best damn uncle to the munchkin and the best damn brother you need. Okay?” Again, you nodded your head and you both crawled back into the Impala.  
You both pulled up to Lisa's house. It was dark and was starting to rain as you approached the door and Dean knocked. Dean hoped she’d take him and you in, while you just hoped she wouldn’t think you a burden. You had nowhere else to go and you had met Lisa before. Dean introduced you when you had to save Ben from the changeling, so you hoped she would offer you a helping hand, not that she had any reason to.
“Hey Lisa,” Dean said as you just stood behind him.
“Oh, thank god. Are you alright?” Lisa said as she looked around and noticed you.  
“Yeah. Uh if it’s not too late, I... think I’d like to take you up on that beer.”
“It’s never too late,” she said as she motioned for you to come closer. She saw the dried-up tear stains on your face. “What about you sweetie?” she asked.
“I can’t really have a beer, but if I could join you that would be nice. I don’t really have anywhere else to go,” you said hugging your body out of nervousness.
She reached out and hugged you and then grabbed Dean and hugged him as she said, “It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
You both go inside and she gets dean some whiskey and you a water as you explained to her your predicament. She smiled at you sadly and said, “If you need any help let me know. I don’t on my own with no help so I know how it can be.”
Ben had come down stairs and you got reacquainted with him and you all settled at the table while Lisa put out the dinner she had made. You and Dean put on fake smiles believing that if you’d fake it long enough that eventually it would become true.
However, what you both were unaware of was a few yards outside that front window stood Sam staring at y’all. He decided it was best that he just let you guys live your lives. He believed you were better off thinking he was dead or rather still in the cage.
What he was unaware of was that you were sitting there 3 months pregnant with his child in turmoil on what you were going to do.
Tag list: Let me know if you want on. (It’s a general spn tag list fyi)
@jensen-jarpad @sisterwinchesterwriter @27bmm @deanjensengirlmaggie @lenaabs @a-fan-fighting-for-equality
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morbidology · 4 years
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Stull Cemetery is located in the small Kansas town of Stull. Inside the cemetery stands a small abandoned church and a number of gravestones. Many creepy tales surround this cemetery and it is said to be one of the seven gateways to hell. An article written in 1974 claims that this cemetery is one of the two places on the earth that the devil appears twice a year. In fact, it’s said that the abandoned church is his gateway, with many locals claiming that even though the roof has been missing for years, rain does not land inside. Shrouded with tales of witchcraft, devil worship, and Satan himself, this cemetery is on the bucket list for most paranormal chasers. Is is even said that that when Pope John Paul II was flying to Colorado in 1993, he had his pilot divert around the cemetery because even the air surrounding Stull Cemetery is tainted by evil.
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the--blackdahlia · 7 years
Don’t Blink Final Chapter (John x Reader)
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Title: Don’t Blink Final Chapter
Summary:  When (Y/n) takes a simple haunting case on her own, she gets in way over her head. Being transported to the past, she falls in love with a young marine with a killer smile. The only problem is she knows his sons and his girlfriend wants to kill her, and probably knows about twenty ways to do so.
Warnings: Language, angst, temporary character death
AN:  Thank you so so so much to everyone who read this! I really hope that you enjoyed it!
“They did what?!” (Y/n) gasped as Dean paced in front of her. John held her hand. Bobby and Cas set in chairs and watched Dean pace. Tears were pooling in (Y/n)’s eyes. “Why the fuck would they do that?!”
 “Because you’re their mom.” Dean grumbled. She shook her head.
 “I didn’t even get to raise them. I’m not a mom worth saying yes to the fucking devil for!” John looked over at (Y/n), watching the tears falling down her cheeks.
 “That’s not true.” John said. “Just because you were dealt a shitty hand doesn’t mean you deserved what happened.” He looked at Dean for support, but Dean was more focused on a way to save Sam. John sighed. “I know I’m not the poster child for good parenting, and you by all rights should not even let me anywhere near Rosie, because she deserves better. But there is one thing I know, and it’s that you are an amazing mother. Those pictures I saw from Sam and Adam in Madison, Sam was so happy. You’ve taken care of Rosie by yourself for the five years. You’re going better with all these kids than I ever could.”
 “I don’t remember you from those years ago.” Bobby explained. “I’ve been told that’s his fault.” He motioned over at Cas, who hung his head. “But I know you from 2005, from when Sam and Dean brought you to my house and you helped me take care of them, research for them, and something must have known you were Sam’s mom, because you took care of him and Dean like it was your job.” (Y/n) offered a small smile to the older hunter.
 “I’m going to go check on Rosie.” She mumbled to anyone who was listening. She headed towards Rosie’s room, watching her young daughter sleep.
 “(Y/n).” A voice whispered. She turned to see Dean standing there, hands in his pocket. “I wish I could remember everything you did for Sam and me back then.”
 “It’s okay Dean.” (Y/n) said with a shrug. “I’m not asking for a big thank you or anything. I just want all of you boys to be safe.” Dean shook his head. “What?”
 “We’re Winchester’s. We’re never going to be safe.” He chuckled. “But I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that Rosie doesn’t have the same luck that we do.” (Y/n) looked back at Rosie and quietly shut her door.
 “She is so young. She doesn’t deserve this.” (Y/n) said, looking into Dean’s eyes. “You boys didn’t deserve it. No one did.”
 “If the angels hadn’t fucked with our lives, we might not even be having this discussion right now.” Dean explained. “Who knew that some monster that looks like it came from a low budget British sci-fi would’ve changed our lives for the better.” (Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh.
 “I think there’s some pie in the fridge if you want some.” She told Dean as they made their way back towards the kitchen and living area. Cas had just hung up his phone.
 “Chuck just called.” Cas explained. Dean rolled his eyes.
 “Great. What’s he want?” Dean mumbled as (Y/n) went to the fridge to get the pie out for Dean.
 “He gave us the location of the final battle.” Cas told him. (Y/n) froze and looked up towards Dean, who looked at Bobby and John. “It’s at a cemetery in Stull, Kansas.”
 “That’s twenty minutes from here.” John explained. “Some of my buddies and I used to go out there and drink. Some pretty weird shit used to go down there. We just chalked it up to one too many beers and…other stuff.” John said, shaking his head.
 “Stull is also believed to be one of the gates to hell.” (Y/n) explained. “Samuel Colt was trying to close all of them before he died. Create rail lines made of solid iron that demons couldn’t get through. Just like South Dakota. And he got to all of them. Except for Stull.”
 “Dear god.” Bobby grumbled. Dean stood up and grabbed his jacket.
 “I’m going out there.” Dean said. “Might as well be at ground zero. At least then I’ll be with Sam.”
 “You’re not going alone.” Bobby said. “Cas and I have come this far with you. We’ll go the rest of the way.” Cas nodded in response to Bobby’s statement. John looked over at (Y/n), who nodded at him. Talking without talking.
 “I’m going too.” John said. Dean shook his head.
 “(Y/n) and Rosie need you here.” Dean said. John was about to argue when (Y/n) spoke up.
 “Rosie and I have survived the past, what, five years by ourselves.” (Y/n) explained. “You three are his boys. He needs to be there for this.” Tears filled her eyes. She wanted to tell John to stay, to never leave again, but she knew it wasn’t possible. “I want him to go with you. We’ll be fine.”
 “I’ll bring him back.” Dean said. “One way or another, I’ll make sure he doesn’t leave Rosie and you behind.” (Y/n) just offered a sad smile. Winchester promises were often broken. She knew that he probably wouldn’t keep this one, but let him believe that he would.
 So instead of staying at (Y/n)’s to wait it out, Dean, Bobby, Cas, and John packed up and got ready to leave. John had went to Rosie’s room and gently kissed her forehead while she slept. She woke up.
 “Daddy?” She asked quietly. “Where are you going?”
 “I’m going to help your big brothers. I’ll be back.” He smiled at her and played with her hair. “You be good for your mommy until I get back, okay?” She smiled and hugged him.
 “I love you.” She told him. He held her close.
 “I love you too princess.” He kissed her head one more time before leaving her room. He held (Y/n) close to him, kissing her deeply. “I’ll be back. I promise.”
 “That’s what you said last time.” (Y/n) said softly. He cupped her face.
 “This time, I’m not breaking the promise.” He kissed her again. Bobby and Cas disappeared, ready to spring a trap on Lucifer. John and Dean walked towards the Impala.
 “Wanna drive?” Dean asked. John looked over at his son. And as much as he would’ve loved to crawled behind the wheel of his baby again, he shook his head.
 “Nah. I think she needs you to lead us in.” John said. Dean nodded and got behind the driver’s seat. John reached under the seat and grabbed a box of tapes, picking one out and handing it to Dean. Words weren’t spoken. Dean didn’t mention the promise he made to Sam, that he would go off with Lisa and have an apple pie life. John didn’t mention Rosie telling him she loved him or the hurt look in (Y/n)’s eyes when he promised he would come home again. Nothing needed to be said. Because none of it would matter if Lucifer and Michael couldn’t be stopped.
 A storm was brewing as (Y/n) and Rosie worked in the kitchen, making cookies. (Y/n)’s hands shook as she handed Rosie pieces of dough. But she would not let her daughter know about the evil that was in the world. Instead, she had to play it off. Let Rosie have some normal fun.
 Because it could very well be the last moment of anything she would have.
 A rumble in the distance distracted Michael and Lucifer’s attention from each other. John and Dean climbed out of the car as Cas threw a Molotov cocktail and Michael, sending him who knows where. Cas exploded and Bobby’s neck was snapped, leaving John and Dean alone with Lucifer.
 “You Winchester’s are starting to become a pain in my ass.” Lucifer growled. John smirked.
 “Guess he figured out the German meaning of our name then.” John laughed. Lucifer grabbed him by the neck and lifted him in the air.
 “I don’t know what brought you back, but you should’ve just stayed dead.” He threw John against a tombstone and stalked over to him, kicking him roughly in the ribs. John rolled away and crawled back over to the Impala, when Lucifer kicked him again.
 “S-Sammy.” John said, trying to reach his son. Lucifer shook his head. Dean ran over to help his dad, only to be thrown.
 “Sammy’s gonna watch his daddy die again. And his brother. But don’t worry. His mommy and his little sister will get to live. They’ll be my pets, but they’ll get to live.” Lucifer laughed. “Two perfect little demons.” With that, he punched John hard in the chest and dropped the hunter to the ground. Dean got up to watch his dad gasping for air, blood dripping from his lips.
 “Dad!” Dean called out. Lucifer laughed.
 “Don’t worry Dean. He’ll be right back where he’s supposed to be in just a matter of moments.” As if on cue, John’s head rested against the side of the Impala and his chest stopped moving. “Now, it’s time for you and I to have a little talk.”
 Lucifer proceeded to fight Dean, laughing as Dean refused to fight back. Lucifer had him right where he wanted him, ready to end him.
 “How fitting.” He laughed. “Father and son dying together. Breaking promises left and right.” Lucifer raised his hand to unleash the death dealing blow when something caught his eye and suddenly, memories started to flood his mind and Sam was fighting back.
 Sticking army men in places they shouldn’t be.
 Carving initials under leather so John couldn’t see.
 Legos in the vent that rattled whenever John turned the heat on.
 Sam sitting in the passenger seat as John taught Dean how to drive the Impala. AC/DC was playing on the radio.
 Dean at a concert on the other side of town. John handed Sam a beer at the age of fifteen and told him not to tell his brother.
 “I know you’re not my aunt. I know you’re my mom.”
 “I’ve got him Dean.” Sam whispered to his brother as he pulled away, letting Dean fall to the ground by the body of their dad. “I’ve got him.” Dean watched as Sam pulled the rings out of his pocket. He watched as Michael showed back up. He watched as his two brothers fell into hell.
 Cas showed up later, healing Bobby and John before turning his attention back to Dean. After saying goodbye to Bobby, John and Dean drove back to Lawrence. The storm that had brewed due to the fight had done some damage. As Dean parked the car, (Y/n) came running out with Rosie.
 “Sammy? Adam?” She asked. Dean just shook his head. She pulled him to her and hugged him. Rosie walked over to John and hugged him. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but her big brother and her dad were really upset. And Sam and Adam hadn’t even come with them.
 “I’ll keep in touch.” Dean said later. He had told them about his promise to Sam before he had said yes to Lucifer. “I saw Rosie’s tablet. She’s got Skype on it. I’ll be there if she ever needs me. Same with you two.” He nodded and John and (Y/n). They didn’t talk about the fact that John had died at the cemetery. Or that Dean almost had. (Y/n) didn’t need to know that.
 “You’re leaving?” Rosie asked. Dean nodded.
 “I’ll call all the time.” He said. “And I’ll come back for your birthday.” Rosie nodded and hugged his legs. Soon after, Dean was gone, leaving John, (Y/n), and Rosie behind.
 One Year Later
 Dean kept his promise to both Sam and Rosie. He went with Lisa and kept in contact with his little sister. He even drove straight through to get to her by her birthday. She had been so excited to have him there, she asked him to open some of her presents for her. In return, she got to spend Christmas with him and Lisa. Dean had told Lisa that John and (Y/n) were his dad and mom, but to everyone else, they were introduced as his cousins.
 He stayed in Cicero while the others returned to Lawrence. Even though (Y/n) had more than enough money to keep them comfortable, John insisted on working. He worked at a garage he had worked at once before, but played it off as he was a relative of the John Winchester who had died in 2006.
 John worked the morning shift one day. He had made plans with his girls to go see a movie that Rosie had wanted to go see. Some kids movie that the old John wouldn’t have been caught dead at. But this John, the new John, was different. He was getting a second chance to be a good father, and he was going to do it.
 Rosie was asleep on the way home. John carried her in with a smile on his face. After placing her to bed, he got a beer and settled on the couch with (Y/n) to watch the news before heading to bed. Dean had settled into his new life as John settled into his.
 John didn’t notice outside as the streetlights started to flicker and a face that shouldn’t have been there stood outside the house, watching.
 Just like Sam had found Dean, Adam had found home again.
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afraidof-thedark · 5 years
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aparanormalchicks · 4 years
We’re back with two more true crime and paranormal stories. Kerri’s story is about the White family. It all starts with the father, who has his own set of problems, which are then passed down to his son, a textbook pathological lier and boy who cried wolf. Find out how a confession to a tree fits into this families history.
Donna then takes us to Stull, Kansas. Some say that this small town is one of the gates to hell. Either way, something is afoot in this ghost town. After two tragic events, things start happening in this small towns graveyard, but why won’t the owners let anyone in to investigate? And what was Ariana Grande’s experience when she visited?
If you have any local true crime, local urban legend/lore, ghost stories.. we want them all!! We want to hear from YOU.  Especially if you have any funny Ambien stories!
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A Paranormal Chicks Podcast Episode
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shinyprincesspanda · 4 years
Number 9 of my “10 Global Hellgates” blog post.
This cemetery is located in Stull, Kansas; founded in 1857 as Deer Creek. But was renamed Stull, after its only postmaster, whose name was Sylvester Stull.
Also seen in episode of “Supernatural”. Just had to put that in there; huge fan of “Supernatural”.
Legend:The legend claims that the Devil appears or did appear, in Stull twice a year:…
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Memorable Cemeteries in Every State
Going to cemeteries suck. It’s never for a joyous occasion. They are one of the few places that humans face their mortality, which tends to make a lot of people uncomfortable. Pop culture has done a wonderful job of making cemeteries the focal point of horror films. From ghosts, to zombies, to vampires, odds are something bad is going down if there’s a cemetery scene in a movie. It’s about time we highlight cemeteries for something other than being the setting of a zombie apocalypse.
We decided to scour the internet to find the most memorable cemetery in every state. Every cemetery is unique, but these 50 stood out from the rest. Whether it be the architecture, the people buried there, or the history around the plot of land, each of these cemeteries has a cool story. Check out the list to see if you’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting any of these cemeteries.
The biggest cemetery in Alabama is also the oldest cemetery in the state. Covering close to 100 acres, Maple Hill Cemetery is the final resting place of more than 80,000 people. Many U.S. congressmen and military figures are buried here. Maple Hill Cemetery is located in Huntsville, Alabama.
In Eklutna, Alaska, there is a cemetery outside of the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. Here, Russian and native Alaskan traditions merged, and out of the blend came what is called “spirit houses.” Families lay their loved ones to rest, then build a spirit house on top of the grave. It’s believed that the house brings comfort to the spirit.
Tombstone, Arizona is considered, by some, to be the most haunted place in the state. In the mid 1800s, the town mined more than $80 million in silver bullion. Many residents suffered gruesome deaths and they were all buried in the Boothill Graveyard of Tombstone. Tombstone has been featured on Travel Channel’s “Ghost Adventures” and the Syfy series “Ghost Hunters.”
Evergreen Cemetery in Fayetteville is one of the largest historical cemeteries in Arkansas. Evergreen was originally a family cemetery on the Thomas family farm. It has now grown to cover over ten acres and holds more than 3,000 bodies. One exceptionally interesting story of this Arkansas cemetery is that of Adeline Blakeley. Blakeley was a former slave who chose to stay with the family that enslaved her even after the Civil War ended. She continued to work for the family, but was considered to be a family member. When Blakeley died at 95, the family wanted her to be buried at the family plot in Evergreen, but at the time it was a white-only cemetery. There are two stories about how she was accepted as the first African American to be buried in the cemetery. One is that Blakeley was so well-liked by the entire community that they allowed her to be laid to rest with her family. The other is that the family kept the casket closed and told everyone it was their aunt they were burying. Either way, this is a phenomenal story.
So many celebrities are buried in Hollywood. Forest Lawn Memorial in Glendale particularly sticks out because it’s the oldest cemetery in Tinseltown. Celebrities including Nat King Cole, Jimmy Stewart, Gracie Allen, Sam Cooke, Theodore Dreiser, Clark Gable and Michael Jackson are all buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Riverside Cemetery opened in 1876 in Denver. It was designed to be such a beautiful cemetery that families would spend the day enjoying the scenery while visiting their loved ones. Unfortunately, Denver took a different turn and industrialized much of the surrounding area, turning the countryside into highways. Many people exhumed the bodies of their family members and took them to a more peaceful location.
Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford, Connecticut is known for its incredible sculptures and monuments throughout the grounds. There’s an 18-foot pink-granite pyramid and a lifesize statue of an angel erected in memory of Mark and Angelina Howard. A monument commemorating Cynthia Talcott, who passed away at age two, has her face beautifully engraved in stone. One notable burial at Cedar Hill is Horace Wells, the discoverer of anesthesia.
Coffee Run Cemetery not only has a pretty unique name, but it also stands out because it is the burial ground of the first Catholic church in Delaware. This is a very small cemetery with only 50 graves, 12 of them being unmarked. The cemetery has been plagued with arson that destroyed the keeper’s house and barn.
The first Key West Cemetery in Florida was destroyed by hurricane in 1846. Bodies resurfaced and high winds and water scattered the bodies throughout the area. The new cemetery was established one year later. To keep this tragedy from happening again, many bodies are buried in above ground vaults and there is a high water table.
Savannah is an awesome city, so it’s only fitting that there are incredible cemeteries. Bonaventure Cemetery, just east of Savannah, became famous when it was featured in Clint Eastwood’s film “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” John Muir, “The Father of Natural Parks”, stayed in Bonaventure for six days and nights during his travels to Florida.
The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, also known as the Punchbowl Cemetery, is located in Honolulu. It was created to honor the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Before the cemetery opened, the remains of veterans from Guam, Wake Island and Japanese Internment Camps were transported to Punchbowl to serve as their final resting place.
Morris Hill Cemetery is in Boise, Idaho. The burial ground was purchased by the city’s mayor in 1882. The causes of death among those first buried at Morris are quite different than what’s common today. It’s noted that some of these people died from falling rocks and trees, snow slides, softening of the brain, and constipation. One lady buried here particularly sticks out: Annie “Peg Leg” Monroe. During the time of the Gold Rush, Monroe was a brothel owner. Apparently, she got stuck in a snowstorm, caught frostbite, and had to have both of her legs amputated. The park is open for self-guided walking tours.
Woodlawn Cemetery is located in Forest Park, Illinois. One section of the cemetery is called Showmen’s Rest. On June 22, 1918 a train traveling from Detroit to Chicago plowed into the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus train. The train’s engineer, the only passenger, allegedly fell asleep. Around 60 circus members were killed and were all buried in Showmen’s Rest because it was purchased specifically for members of the The Showmen’s League of America. Many of those that were killed were never identified. A majority of the markers read “unidentified male” and “unidentified female.” Apparently, members of circuses still choose to be buried there to this day.
Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis is the third largest non-governmental cemetery in the nation. The burial grounds covers 555 acres and there are over 200,000 people buried there. In the 1800s it became a popular location for recreational activities including picnics and walks through the park. Visitors enjoy beautiful views of the city from the grounds.
Vegors Cemetery in Lehigh, Iowa was originally used by Native Americans as a burial ground. When white settlers came into the area, many battles ensued. The settlers eventually won and took control of the sacred burial ground. They removed the Native American remains, destroyed the burial mounds, and began to use it as their own cemetery. Years later, Native American remains were returned to the cemetery and a monument was dedicated in their honor.
Stull Cemetery, located in Lecompton, Kansas, was listed on CBS News’ list of most haunted places in America. The University of Kansas student newspaper wrote an article about Stull Cemetery claiming that the devil visits the cemetery twice a year, on Halloween and the Spring Equinox. Four years after the article was published, on March 20, 1978 over 150 people came to the cemetery to wait for the devil’s arrival. There were no reports of any sightings that night.
Pikeville Cemetery in Pikeville, Kentucky is known for a chilling story. In 1891, Octavia and James Hatcher welcomed their first child. Unfortunately, the baby soon passed away and Octavia grew ill and fell into a coma. Shortly thereafter, doctors pronounced her dead. Since it was a hot day, James buried her immediately. Other community members began falling into comas, but they survived. James realized that maybe Octavia was still alive when she was buried. They exhumed her body and saw scratch marks on the roof of the casket and Octavia had bloody fingers. Yikes.
Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1 is one of the famous cemeteries in New Orleans. Marie Laveau, the notorious voodoo practitioner, is buried in her husband’s family tomb in this cemetery. Legend says that Marie Laveau will grant you a wish if you mark three x’s on the tomb, turn around three times and yell out your wish. If it comes true, you must come back and mark a circle around the x’s. To prevent vandalism, the public is no longer allowed to visit the cemetery without a tour guide.
Mount Hope Cemetery in Bangor, Maine is one of the locations Stephen King used to shoot the horror film “Pet Sematary.” Mount Hope is 184 years old and was America’s second garden cemetery.
Green Mount Cemetery is located in Baltimore. The cemetery was dedicated in 1839 and is the final resting place of important historical figures, like John Wilkes Booth. Visitors ironically leave pennies on his grave, because it has Abraham Lincoln’s face on it. There are intricate statues and monuments throughout the cemetery. Tourists can schedule a walking tour of the grounds.
Charter Street Cemetery in Salem, founded in 1637, is the oldest cemetery in the town. Important members of the early community are buried in this cemetery. Directly behind the cemetery is the Salem Witch Trial Memorial. Both are open to the public from dawn to dusk.
Elmwood Cemetery in Detroit has been awarded a wide array of certifications. It’s the oldest continuously running, non-denominational cemetery in the state. Since there are so many abolitionists buried in Elmwood, the cemetery’s foundation decided to fulfill the requirements to become a significant site for the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior.
Oakland Cemetery in St. Pauls is the oldest public cemetery in Minnesota. It was founded five years before Minnesota became a state, in 1853. The first plots sold for just $3.15. In 1870, survivors of the Civil War organized Decoration Day, what is now known as Memorial Day, at Oakland Cemetery. More than 1,500 veterans are buried at this cemetery.
There are many interesting tombstones and monuments in Natchez City Cemetery in Natchez, Mississippi, but one tomb stands out from the rest. Florence Ford was only ten when she died from yellow fever in 1871. Apparently, Florence was always scared of storms. In order to comfort her in the afterlife, her mother had Florence’s casket built with clear glass at the head and steps that went down to the level of the casket. Overhead, the doors closed to protect her mother from the storm. The contraption is still visible today, but the glass was covered with cement to prevent vandalism.
Mineral Creek Cemetery in St. Louis Prairie has an interesting origin story. A couple was traveling West with their young children. Unfortunately, one of the children passed away while they were passing through this small town. Much of the area is covered with tall prairie grass, but the town was constructing a new church, so that area was clear. The couple gained permission from the church to bury their child on the property. From there on, people began to bury their loved ones at the church and the congregation took take of the cemetery until it grew too large for them to continue to do so.
On June 8, 1917, 168 men were killed in the Spectacular Mine disaster in Butte, Montana. A fire was ignited by a carbide lamp. Most of the men died of asphyxiation, but some survived for a couple days in the tunnels. A few lucky men were rescued after being stuck underground for 55 hours. The remains of the men were buried in Mountain View Cemetery where there is a memorial to the victims of the disaster.
Ball Cemetery in Springfield, Nebraska is said to be guarded by William “Rattlesnake Pete” Liddiard. One small catch: Rattlesnake Pete is dead. He was a United States Marshal who left his hometown to join the famous “Buffalo Bill” on the road. Although he died along the West Coast, his body was returned to Springfield. According to local legend, he now he patrols the perimeter of the cemetery and appears to unwanted visitors as a dark shadow.
Goldfield Historic Cemetery in Goldfield, Nevada is one of the many ghost town cemeteries located in the state. Although visitors would never guess it today, Goldfield was one of the largest mining towns in the country. It’s known as “The Last Great Gold Camp.” Many of the headstones describe how the person died: “Gunshot By Deputy Sheriff”, “Man Died Eating Library Paste.”
New Hampshire
The two victims of the Smuttynose Island murders are buried in South Cemetery of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Three immigrant women were left alone on the island off the coast of New Hampshire. One woman got away from the attacker and she was able to identify him and the man was later hanged for his crimes.
New Jersey
The Old Tennent Cemetery in Manalapan, New Jersey was established in 1731. It’s said that a Revolutionary War battle occurred in 1778 on the cemetery grounds, and the church was used as a makeshift hospital. The battle was called the Battle of Monmouth after the county Manalapan is in.
New Mexico
Fairview Cemetery in Santa Fe, New Mexico has become overrun by a prairie dog colony. These rodents sought refuge in the cemetery after construction drove them out of their original habitat. The prairie dogs have created a series of tunnels, which has resulted in the resurfacing of remains of the people buried there. The groundskeeper has taken matters into his own hands by using poisonous gas and a pellet gun to kill off the rodents.
New York
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow is the cemetery and town that inspired Washington Irving’s “Sleepy Hollow.” The town was originally known as North Tarrytown, but was changed in 1996 to honor Irving. Along with Elizabeth Arden, the makeup entrepreneur, and Walter Chrysler, the founder of the car company, Irving is also buried here.
North Carolina
Salem Moravian Graveyard, located in Salem, North Carolina is also known as God’s Acre. Every Moravian cemetery takes on this nickname. What sets this cemetery apart from others is that, following Moravian tradition, every headstone is exactly the same: a flat white plaque. This is because this Protestant sect believes that everyone has the same level of importance in God’s eyes; in death, all are equal. Over its course of 250 years in existence, over 7,000 people have been buried in God’s Acre of Salem.
North Dakota
Riverside Cemetery in Fargo, North Dakota is the oldest in the area. The first burial took place in 1878 and the cemetery was established in 1879. The original owners of the hallowed ground were respected members of the Fargo community.
The Athens Lunatic Asylum, now known as The Ridges in Athens, Ohio, has three on-site cemeteries. When patients would die while admitted to the hospital, families were able to make their own arrangements, but if the family could not be contacted or if they refused to come, the patient would be buried on hospital grounds. The headstones given to the deceased have no names or dates, only the patient’s hospital number. There are 1,930 men and women buried at The Ridges.
Violet Springs Cemetery in Konawa, Oklahoma is the final resting place of a woman named Katherine Cross. According to her headstone, she was 18 when she died and she was “murdered by human wolves.” That’s a pretty cryptic message, but historians say that Cross actually died from a botched abortion, not werewolves.
Lone Fir Cemetery in Portland, Oregon is the city’s oldest and largest cemetery. The land was originally owned by James and Elizabeth Stephens; James’ father was buried on the property. The Stephens sold their farm to Colburn Barrel, who owned a steamboat. Years after, Barrel’s steamboat exploded, killing his business partner and many others. Barrel buried the victims alongside James’ father and thus began the Lone Fir Cemetery. It has grown to span over 30 acres and there are over 250,000 people buried in this Portland cemetery.
Hankey Church Cemetery in Murrysville, Pennsylvania is supposedly where a pastor of the Hankey Church was hanged for adultery in the 19th century.
Rhode Island
Mercy Brown is a pivotal figure in the New England Vampire Panic. In the 19th century, tuberculosis was spreading like wildfire. The people of New England began to believe that when a family member died from tuberculosis, they drained the rest of their family with the sickness in order to hang on to life, thus being a vampire. The only way to prevent the rest of the family from suffering the disease was to exhume the “vampire’s” body. If they still had blood in their organs or they were still in the early stages of decomposition, although they had been dead for a while, they were considered to be a vampire. From there, the body’s organs were removed and burned, and occasionally decapitated. In Brown’s case, her body was burnt, her remains were mixed with water, and given to her brother to drink to keep the sickness from attacking his body. It obviously didn’t work.
South Carolina
The St. Philip’s Cemetery in Charleston, South Carolina was created for the first congregation in the state, the St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. One interesting story about the property is that in the 18th century, the church suffered a fire. A slave extinguished the fire before the entire church was engulfed. For this heroic act, the slave was awarded his freedom.
South Dakota
Mount Moriah Cemetery is found in Deadwood, South Dakota. It was created to suit the growing population during the Gold Rush. There are many divisions of the cemetery that is built into the side of a mountain. There’s a section specifically for the Jewish community, a mass grave site for victims of a mining fire, veterans, and unfortunately a portion just for children.
Old Gray Cemetery in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee was designed to last for centuries. Founded in 1850, the cemetery reflects the history of Knoxville. The cemetery is the final resting place to people of all walks of life, which can be seen in the diverse monuments, mausoleums and unmarked graves.
Baby Head Cemetery is located in what is now known as Llano, Texas. The cemetery and town, that was also formerly known as Baby Head, were named after Baby Head Mountain. According to local legend, Native Americans abducted a small child from the town and left her remains at the base of the mountain, thus Baby Head Mountain. The first person to be buried in Baby Head Cemetery was, yet another, young girl named Jodie McKneely in 1884.
Ogden City Cemetery in Ogden, Utah stands out because of its breathtaking scenery. This is a place anyone could rest eternally for the beautiful views alone. The cemetery was established in 1851.
Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven, Vermont is a pretty standard cemetery, aside from Dr. Timothy Clark’s tomb. Dr. Clark lived in fear of being buried alive. To prevent his worst nightmare from coming true, he installed an underground staircase that leads to the surface of his grave. He was buried with a breathing tube and a bell. At the surface level of his grave, he had a clear window installed so he could be checked in on. He died in 1893 and apparently he really was dead because he didn’t use his escape route.
The Alexandria National Cemetery in Alexandria, Virginia was one of the country’s first national cemeteries. It mainly serves as burial grounds for Union soldiers. It’s lack of vacancy during, and after, the Civil War is what led to the opening of the Arlington National Cemetery.
Black Diamond Cemetery was established in Black Diamond, Washington in 1886. That’s three years before Washington even became a state. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. The cemetery is made up of coal miners and their families.
West Virginia
Soule Chapel Methodist Cemetery in Meadow Bluff, West Virginia is the final resting place of a woman named Zona Heaster Shue. According to local legend, shortly after her mysterious death, Zona’s ghost appeared to her mother and recounted that she had been brutally murdered by her husband. Zona’s mother went to the police and they exhumed her body. Due to the details Zona’s told her mother, the police were able to convict Zona’s husband of murdering her.
Forest Home Cemetery in Milwaukee was established in 1847. It was later discovered that this land was also a Paleo Indian burial ground. The cemetery has over 60 earthworks, or mounds that hold the bodies of early Native Americans. This cemetery is so rich in history, holding the bodies of famous politicians and mayors as well as Jacob Best, the founder of Pabst Brewing Company.
Sacajawea’s Cemetery on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Fort Washakie is the final resting place of one of the most famous women in American history: Sacajawea. This Native American woman guided famous explorers Lewis and Clark on their expedition across America. Six years after their journey, Sacagawea died after giving birth to her daughter. One little known fact is that eight years after Sacagawea died, Lewis adopted both of her children.
Every cemetery deserves recognition, but what is the most memorable cemetery you have been in and what made it so unforgettable? Let us know in the comments below!
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