#devious Peter pettigrew
munacy · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic “Guess what-mph-lads,” Peter starts conversationally, speaking around a mouthful of bacon. 
The passion that boy holds for breakfast meats borders on lunatic, but far be it from James to say anything.
“Wormy, it’s not on to speak with your mouth full, you’ll offend my delicate sensibilities,” interjects Sirius. Bless him; Sirius has no delicate sensibilities of which to speak, so James knows the intervention is on his behalf.
“Sorry!” Peter yelps, swallowing before he’s quite ready and hacking in a way that makes James even more queasy.
“Sorry, sorry. But guess what.”
“If I had to guess…” James wonders aloud. “Your clever little rodent ears have picked up another bit of gossip? I don’t know how you manage it, Petey. Terribly well-informed, you are.”
Peter looks inordinately pleased.
“Quite right you are, James. I’ve just heard that Will Diggory—you know, that Seventh Year Ravenclaw?—well, he’s just come out, and he’s gone public with Devlin Abbott!”
“HA! Wormy, I’m quite sure you owe me a Galleon for that one!” James crows.
Peter scowls. “Not a chance. You only got the first part correct, which I had already agreed with you on, if you remember. Doesn’t count, and you thought he was secretly dating—”
“Now hold on just a damned second,” Sirius frowns, interrupting what is sure to be a feisty debate. “I feel like I’m missing a few things. Come out? Come out of what? Public with what?”
Peter looks bemused, so James takes over, explaining patiently: “Come out of the closet. He and Abbott, who is also gay—” Sirius’ eyes become huge— “have gone public with their relationship. Damn it, you’re right, Wormtail, I did think it was secretly Gregor Klein.”
Sirius twitches. “Huh. I never would have guessed,” he says mildly. “Diggory seems so…”
“So what, Padfoot,” James prompts calmly.
It was an inevitable but fortunately rare byproduct of being raised in an ancient family steeped in ignorance and hatred: sometimes Sirius needed some help opening his eyes to a new perspective. There were assumptions he took for granted because he didn’t know any better, but being a generally kind and open-minded person, the work was not overly hard.
“Well, like such a man’s man. No, no, don’t get me wrong,” he rushes out, seeing the looks James and Peter are giving him. “I’m super happy for him. I say live and let live. But you have to admit that it’s a bit weird.”
“Which par’,” Peter inquires curiously, speaking while chewing his blasted bacon again.
“The part about being attracted to another man. Like, sexually.”
James and Peter go stock-still and make sudden eye contact with one another, mirroring astonished expressions. They’re absolutely trying their hardest not to burst into laughter.
How can it be? He has no idea?
“Oh, I dunno, Padfoot,” Peter says slyly, giving Sirius a side-eyed look. “You can’t think of any bloke you’d hop into bed with?”
The restraint James is using right now is nothing short of torturous.
Sirius laughs. “No, you big jessie! If you want to sleep with blokes, have at it, Wormtail, but I tell you, that’s not for me. Oi, where’s Moony? He ought to be here for this.”
Oh, but he’s almost pathetic.
James can’t resist, so he joins in too: “Hmm….what about William Diggory?”
Sirius sputters. “I mean, sure, Diggory’s fit, for a bloke, but, as implied by ‘bloke’, he’s not got a pair of tits.”
“That’s a good point, Padfoot did break up with Lola Edgecomb last year cos ‘she was too flat-chested’,” Peter informs James in a sardonic aside, making liberal use of air quotes. 
“No, no, Petey, maybe it’s just that Diggory’s not fit enough for our Pads,” James murmurs gravely.
Sirius giggles at their little show, then cries, “Cor! I wish Moony were here right now, and he’d tell you two how silly you are.”
Peter and James share a look again, but it’s lost on Sirius.
“Someone fitter, then, hmmm….” Peter taps a finger to his chin thoughtfully. “What about Professor Jero? All the girls thought he was gorgeous—do you reckon he’s hot enough to warm your bed?”
“Ha! As if! No, but keep going, though, these are funny. I bet Moony would come up with some hilarious ones.”
“Well Pete, maybe it’s not about physical beauty,” James muses theatrically.
“Oh no? The prompt was about sexual attraction, if you recall.”
“Yes, of course, and there’s no doubt that appearance plays a huge role in that, but…”
Sirius watches them volley back and forth, and James recognizes a growing exasperation in his expression. He’s always hated not being in on the joke. 
“But maybe it needs to be a gentleman he knows well.”
“’Knows well’? Just how well should he know them?” Peter inquires with mock wonder, blue eyes big and round. 
“Why, I think ‘extremely well’ would be ideal. In fact—” James turns to fully face Sirius— “I think he’d be most likely to fall for his best friend, no matter their gender.”
Sirius’ face goes blank with surprise, then he scowls and crosses his arms.
“Well I’m not about to bed either of you two idiots, sorry, but I have higher—MOONY!!”
And indeed, there appears Remus, tall and lanky, a gentle, eye-crinkling grin for Sirius that manifests as two dimples nestled in between the freckles scattered across his face. 
“Moony, you’ll never guess what these two wankers—”
“Pads, I’d love to hear all about it later, really, sorry, love—ah, fuck, I’ve made a portmanteau of ‘Pads’ and ‘lads’—I think—wait, no, that doesn’t—never mind that, sorry, I can’t stay, I’m just cutting through the Great Hall on my way to a Prefect meeting!”
“Moony, wait!” Sirius wails, haphazardly grabbing a piece of jammy toast and chasing after Remus’ rapidly retreating figure. “You haven’t had any breakfast, you dolt!”
Sirius catches up to him and shoves the toast in his mouth. Remus pauses to smile hugely and stupidly at him. Then he blinks suddenly and turns about with a wave. 
Peter smacks his forehead. James wonders vaguely if either of them took any notice of James and Peter sitting there throughout that whole interaction.
Sirius returns to his seat, cheeks pink and humming happily.
“Sorry lads, what were we talking about?”
Peter, slumped over in frustration, lets out a groan. “We were hypothesizing whether or not you could ever be sexually attracted to a man, and you kindly let us know that James and I are not up to snuff.”
“Ah. Too right.”
“Say…” James says wonderingly, as if this has just occurred to him. “You know Moony extremely well….Moony’s reasonably attractive, isn’t he?”
Peter sits up suddenly. “That’s right, he is! Tall. Nice curls. He’s alright.”
Sirius scoffs. “I’d say more than reasonably attractive or alright, wouldn’t you? I mean, he’s…he’s…he’s Moony…”
Sirius trails off and starts to blink rapidly, brow furrowed.
“Wow, Sirius,” James sighs unconvincingly, resisting an eye roll with all of his might. “Would you fuck Moony’s brains out, then? Suck his cock? Make him eat his breakfast every morning?”
Sirius has stopped blinking and his eyes appear to have glazed over. He’s gazing at a spot about 4 inches left of Peter’s left ear. James swears he can see on Sirius’ face the moment the realization dawns.
Sirius swallows hard.
Part 2: Duck  
Part 3: Anticipation 
Part 4: Thirst
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joining a fandom that has been around longer than you have been alive is so interesting especially because theres all this lore already and I want to contribute but lowkey have no desire to read about the established lore I just wish to create and shatter everything and make everyone cry
i love being so devious
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never trust a mf named peter
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stickeykeys · 2 years
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schooling | profile | face claims | lifa app | relationships | places of residence
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to the lovely anon that requested this chapter, thank you!!! ily <3
but okay, so my face claims list is very very long for this dr, but i'll paste screenshots of it here!
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if you're wondering who aadarshini, aanya, benjamin, lavinia and inez are - they're all oc's of mine! i wanted to include more indian wizarding families, so i decided to take matters into my own hands.
↳ The Patil Family
the patil's are the family that the patil twins are born to (and because the patil's are pakistani in my dr, the twins are pakistani/tamil). benjamin is in the same year as the marauders at hogwarts and is close friends with james and i. this is mostly because the indian wizarding community in britain is small so most of us all know each other anyways. lavinia is the oldest, basically the school's golden girl. she's so smart and educated. inez is the youngest of the patil's and is the school's cinnamon roll. it's impossible to hate her! ben's the class clown that is submitting his assignments at 11:59:59. they're all members of gryffindor house, it basically runs in their blood.
↳ The Viswanathan Family
the viswanathan's are an entirely oc based family that i made up. they're a tamil wizarding family (much like us potters in my dr). they have two kids, aadarshini and adya who are three years apart. aadarshini who often goes by darsh or addy, is in the same year as the marauders and i. consequently, adya is three years younger than us. aadarshini is a ravenclaw and adya is a proud hufflepuff.
The three families often meet up for various events throughout the year and are incredibly close knit. We all celebrate Diwali together. James and Ben are often stuck in the middle of five teenage girls, which is a nightmare for them because together we can be very devious >:)
Eventually, Aadarishini and Benjamin get married at some point in the future and have the Patil twins (Padma and Parvati).
i also had some headcanons written about peter, because he's so underrated!! yes i know, canonically he did horrible horrible things. but in my dr voldemort doesn't exist, and peter is a CINNAMON roll, i love him. we're besties <3 so here you go! some pettigrew family backstory from my dr (copied and pasted directly from my script 😭):
↳ The Pettigrew Family
Peter Pettigrew grew up in the quiet suburbs of England with his mother and sister. His father walked out of their life when the siblings were still young, Peter’s memory of his Father is rather suppressed, and his younger sister Amelia barely remembers him at all. Peter was always a mother’s boy, and often refrains himself from getting into too much mischief, but of course with highschool comes peer pressure but the guilt of his first ever detention haunts him, and he’s refused to ever get into something that bad since. He’d rather sit it out with Mary or Remus than be involved in anything that could hurt someone else. Amelia Pettigrew is two years younger than Peter, the siblings are very very close - and Peter takes much care in making his sister happy. Amelia is a shy Hufflepuff, but character development is good to her and eventually she learns to stand her ground.
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mothguillotine · 8 months
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On your first week of school, you truly tried your best to be a good teacher, took house points and gave them, and gave numerous talking to’s. Many of them are to Ron’s older brothers, Fred and George. They had a tendency to pull devious pranks throughout the school. One time you found them attempting to pour a whole bunch of water in the hall with the intent of freezing it so people would slip and fall. Each time you found them outside of class and today was like no other. 
Walking down the hallway you see the two of them huddled together looking at a piece of parchment, on which was a map of the school with names of students and teachers. Your eyes find Harry, Hermione, and Ron first. They are by themselves, definitely not in class, with another person, a student you assume.
“Ahem,” you clear your throat to which they turn around, “shouldn’t you boys be in class?”
“Yes, you are completely right mam’,” one of them says, while the other slips the map into his robes, to which you pay no mind. 
“Go back to class before I take any house points,” you tell them. 
Knowing that your aunt would never answer your questions truthfully, you look for them alone. Newspaper clippings you found were the only reliable thing really. Many of the names on the back of the picture were no longer alive or worse. The main concern you drew from the news clippings was Sirius Black. He had betrayed Harry's parents ultimately getting them killed and then proceeded to kill twelve muggles and a wizard named Peter Pettigrew. The name you recognized from the back of the photo.
Throughout the beginning of the year, you could only focus on getting answers and your students but now you had read everything there was and your only escape from the halls of Hogwarts is your weekend trips to Hogsmeade. The fresh air made you forget your worries, only if for a bit. It was nice to visit each of the small shops each week and drink at the tavern as well.
On a brisk day sometime in mid-October you visit the village. As always you visit the shops, socializing with the owners and making your purchases. Nearing the end of the day you see something peculiar on your way to the tavern for your weekend butterbeer, a dog. Not just any dog but the one you would see frequently around Hermione's cat, Crookshanks. You watch as he stalks in the shadows and moves briskly towards the tree line after a moment. 
After a few weeks, you allow yourself to let go of any questions you may have because there is nothing else to read or learn from. While you were so absorbed in your research you hadn't realized that Halloween was this weekend. You missed celebrating Halloween, all of the pumpkin carving, trick or treating, and of course dressing up. Each day leading up to Halloween the third years became increasingly excited, as that day was the first time they could go to Hogsmeade. 
You were also excited because you planned on staying back this weekend to grade in the library, which was usually full of students, and was sure to be nearly empty. On Sunday most of the students leave to visit the village in their non-school clothes. You go to the library which as expected has only a few students in it as well as the librarian, Madame Pirce. As the day passes you grade students quizzes, many of whom do not understand how to properly label a plant diagram. 
As you finish grading all of the work you resign yourself to your room for the night, on the way up the stairs you hear a ruckus. It's coming from the Gryffindor dormitory and by the sounds of it, it’s not good. As you rush up the stairs so do more students, blocking your view of the situation. When you finally push your way through the mass of students, some of whom were not even in Gryffindor, you see it. The portrait that is the entrance for the students has giant tears through the canvas, the woman who is usually the guard, is gone. Not good. 
“Keep calm, everyone,” Percy says, “Ravenclaws, back to your common room.”
You usher the Ravenclaws down the stairs and see Dumbledore and Finch coming up to investigate. Some of the Ravenclaws keep looking back, full of curiosity.
“Come on,” you tell them, “It’s none of your concern.”
After you return the Ravenclaws to their rooms you find out what happened. Sirius Black was here, in the castle. Really not good. That night the Gryfindors are barred entry from their dorms, instead sleeping on cots in the Great Hall. 
That night you look again at the picture and in it, you find a young man. He doesn't look as though he could be a mass murderer, he looks charming and handsome. But you suppose that's how some people get their victims.  At a quidditch match not long after Halloween Harry got severely injured. You stood next to Ron and Hermione, excited to see him play in a game for the first time. 
“Go, Harry!” Hermione shouts as Harry whooshes by on his broom, “Go, Harry!”
You all watch as he narrowly misses a downed broomstick, cheering when he escapes it narrowly. Then he flies past the viewing towers, outside of the arena. He flies up into the clouds chasing the Slytherin seeker chasing the snitch. 
“I hope he's okay!” you shout to his best friends over the sound of cheering.
“Me too!” Ron shouts over Hermione, who gives him an annoyed look.
You all return your attention to the game until you see Harry falling from the sky. You nearly miss it, too focused on the game until Ron shouts, “Harry!”
Harry is luckily saved in the nick of time and taken to the infirmary. Where you and some of his teammates, as well as Ron and Hermione are all gathered. Madame Pompfry is non too pleased to have so many people in the room but allows it given you are there as well to keep them in line. 
“He looks a bit peaky doesn't he?” Ron asks.
“Peaky?” “What’d you expect?” Fred and George ask at the same time.
“He fell over a hundred feet,” Fred says.
“Yeah, come on Ron,” George says, backing up his twin, “let’s walk you off the astronomy tower and see what you look like.”
“Probably a right sight,” Harry says groggily. “Better than he normally does.”
Everyone laughs at this, “Guys, give him some space,” you laugh.
“Thank you, Professor Figg,” Harry says sincerely and everyone backs away except Hermione, who continues to sit on the side of the bed.
“How are you feeling?” she asks.
“Oh, brilliant,” he says sarcastically.
“A right good scare there, mate,” 
“What happened?” Harry asks.
“Well… you fell off your broom,” Ron says.
“Really?” Harry asks, “I meant the match. Who won?”
Hermione stands off the bed, “Um… no one blames you, Harry. Dementors aren’t supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he saved you, he sent them straight off.”
The following weeks at Hogwarts were full of security and terror. But as the weeks passed, people soon forgot, instead focusing on happier things, such as the impending winter break. Snow had started to gather this morning and it had been clear this was here to stay. Even though you still had a month left until many students went home you could sense the unrest. 
Grabbing the book that you had been reading you make your way to the Great Hall to eat dinner. The end of the day was welcome to you as had been the upcoming weekend. You were starting to feel burnt out and a little time away from the castle was much needed.
The following day you head down to Hogsmeade like usual the day is a welcome distraction from the confusion of your personal life. While the day started like no other during your walk to the tavern you felt a pair of eyes watching you. While the bright Christmas lights strung up around the village lit the street it did very little for the shadows beyond the multicolored lights. You take out your wand and walk over to the darkness. As you slowly approach you can't help but second guess yourself, you were not an Auror, you couldn’t fight, but as much as you wanted to turn back you persisted, drawing further away from the light and into the dark. 
“Lumos,” you say facing your wand into the darkness which is soon filled with light from your wand. The pair of eyes you immediately identify as a large dog, the same one you had seen with Crookshanks. As much as you want to relax, after all, it’s just a dog, but you can’t help but feel as though the dog isn’t quite right. Their eyes seemed too human for your liking but before you could continue studying the dog, it runs off into the woods. You decide to chase after the dog, running through the snow and into the woods with your wand handy.
The light that illuminates from your wand pushes the shadows of the forest back and shows you the trail the dog left in its wake. Following the trail you arrive at a clearing in the woods and you can see your target, you quickly flick your wand and the light shuts off. In the clearing, the dog seems to stop for a second and you hide behind a tree. Your heart is beating fast and you can't understand why. It's just a dog… right?
You peek your head out from the side of the tree, the dog seems to be pacing. Rays of light peak through the canopy of trees bouncing off the snow, almost glowing. The dog continues to go back and forth, maybe you had overreacted. Now absolutely nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary with the dog. Still, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. Watching the dog for a bit longer you nearly convince yourself to leave, the keyword being almost. Just as you are about to turn away you watch in horror as the dog transforms into the most wanted man at the moment and not in a good way, Sirius Black. Now you knew you had to get out of there not only for your protection but Harry’s as well. You had to warn him, you had to warn everyone. 
As you turn you suddenly step on a branch, you had thought things like this only happened in horror movies, but a loud *CRACK* comes from under your foot. You turn only to find the man already behind you, so he simply takes your wand from your hand.
“Listen,” you tell him backing away, “I really don’t wanna die, I have so much to live for.”
“Who are you?” he asks.
“I- I'm a professor at the school,” you say continuing to back away to which your foot catches on a root. As you fall back he quickly grabs your arm and saves you from injury. Which is strange, you stop and think for a second. Why didn’t he attack you? Like right away? Why hasn’t he attacked anyone yet? That what you would expect from an insane person is just violence with no reason.
“I’m gonna confess that I am very confused right now,” you tell him, “I’ve been told you are a crazed killer but- that just doesn't make any sense. I’ve seen you with Hermione's cat on campus and you have had opportunities to attack.” 
You look at him confused, both of you standing much too close to each other. “Why haven't you?”
“I didn’t do it.”
You had read all of the newspaper articles, you knew that he professed his innocence until they sent him to Azkaban. Maybe the truth wasn't so black and white as you once believed. 
“Who did?” you ask him.
“Peter Pettigrew,” he says with venom lacing his voice.
“I thought he died?” you ask him.
“No, he is at the school this very moment,” he tells you.
“What do you mean?” you ask him, “Surely someone would recognize him.”
“He is the rat,” he tells you, which you don't quite get at first.
“Well, I know he is a rat he killed twelve muggles and got Harry’s parents killed,” you exclaim.
“No, I mean he is literally a rat,” he tells you.
“Oh, oh fuck, he's an animagus?” you say quietly to which he nods, “How do you know?”
“The Daily Prophet,” he says, “There was a picture and I recognized him instantly.”
You suddenly remember Ron telling you all about how his family was in the paper, you remember seeing the newspaper. Ron was proud of the accomplishment and even more proud of the fact that his pet rat, Scabbers, was in the picture as well.
“Yeah, I think I know where he is,” you tell him, “One of Harry's best friends has a pet rat of course, who has had an unusually long life span of twelve years.”
“What did you say your name was?” he asks you.
“Oh, I don't think I said,” you tell him, “y/n Figg.”
“Are you related to Arabella Figg?” he asks you, looking a bit surprised.
“I was adopted by her older sister after I was born, my Aunt Sylvia,” you tell him, “My mom died right after I was born, I never knew her.”
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” he consuls, “I wish I could have been there for Harry when he lost his parents, alas I was locked up.”
“Harry is truly wonderful,” you tell him, “he and his friends get into so much trouble together, despite everything he has gone through he is just such a sweet kid.”
“I’ve seen him around,” Sirius says sadly, “he looks just like his father.”
“Do you want me to tell you about him?” you ask.
“More than anything,” he responds.
So you do, that night you both sit on a log and you tell him about Harry and his life. Everything that you know about him you spill. How he did in class last year made him smile, hearing that he and his friends would commonly sneak off looking for trouble made him realize just how similar he was to his father. You told him about Harry’s fight with the basilisk as well, he looked horrified that he would put himself in danger but had a hint of pride on his face. As time passed and it grew later and later you realized that you would have to leave soon.
“I’m sorry but I have to go,” you tell him standing, “I will come back next weekend with some new clothes and some food.”
“What?” he asks, “You don't have to do that.”
You look him up and down, “Trust me you do. Anyhow, do you want me to bring scissors so I can cut your hair?”
“Uh, sure,” he says to you.
“Okay, Saturday next week,” you tell him beginning to walk in the direction you came from.
“Miss Figg?” he calls to you, “Won’t you need this?”
You turn around and realize he still has your wand. Embarrassingly you walk back over to him and grab the wand, “Thank you.”
<Previous Part/Next Part>
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akizenyx · 1 year
Life Long Friends
663 words
Warnings: Brief language
Year 1, Chapter 1:
“Hey, mind if we sit?” a voice sounding as if it belonged to a boy asked. Y/n looked up wondering who wanted to be anywhere near her, for it was unusual. It was in fact a boy, with dark curly hair and glasses. Behind him stood a blond with blue eyes and another with light brown hair and a cute smile. “I mean, go ahead, I don't mind.” The three boys sat and started talking amongst themselves but had soon invited y/n to the conversation. “So, what's your name?” asked the brunette. “y/n Morningstar, and you are?” “I'm James Potter, the blondie is Peter Pettigrew, and him right there is Remus Lupin.” They all smiled, shook hands, and made small conversation when another boy busted in through the door, “Hey there fellas, the life of the party has arrived!” he said, failing to acknowledge y/n. James groaned. Chastising the others for their rude behavior, Remus spoke up “Nice of you to show, this is y/n Morningstar, y/n, this is Sirius Black” Sirius and y/n just stare at each other for a moment “wait… y/n?... Is that really you?” “Hey..” y/n responds. They both just hug each other for a moment until all the others continue on confused about what just happened. “We basically grew up together until she y/n moved away two years ago. Wait, how are you here? You're only ten so..” “I got invited here to start early for some reason, I guess it was because of my family and stuff.” she answered. “So this is the girl you told us all about huh pads” James remarked. “Yeah, I think she’ll definitely get Gryffindor,” Sirius pointed out. “We’ll see,” says peter. They all get to the castle and get called up one by one to see what the sorting hat will decide for all the first years . “JAMES POTTER… GRYFFINDOR” “REMUS LUPIN…GRYFFINDOR” “PETER PETTIGREW…GRYFFINDOR” as they continue going through everyone Sirius looks at you. “I really missed you, y/n” “I missed you too, and there's actually a lot I have to tell you.” “really? Well go on then,” he said curiously with a hint of worry. “So, to sum it all up I-” “SIRIUS BLACK, oh.. I see you are significantly different from the rest of your family.. Just as devious and perhaps broken, but you still have a kinder, brighter heart. GRYFFINDOR” Then, after a few more people, y/n is the only one that hasn't gone yet. “Y/N MORNINGSTAR.. hmm you have the great qualities of all the houses.. Leadership for Hufflepuff, intelligence for Ravenclaw, Faithfulness for Gryffindor, and power for Slytherin.. I’m going to go with.. GRYFFINDOR” all the Gryffindor’s cheer and she looks at her new friends excited that she's in the same house as them, but her happiness is interrupted by the sorting hats continuation “HUFFLEPUFF, RAVENCLAW, SLYTHERIN.” Everyone stops clapping and y/n turns around to look at Dumbledore confused. People whisper about the unusual occurrence and Dumbledore takes a stand, “Please disregard these technical difficulties I'm sure there must be some sort of mistake.” “Oh dear old friend, you know i don't make mistakes,” the sorting hat sasses back. Dumbledore looks at him quizzically “I- uh.. Ok then, y/n since there is this minor inconvenience you can go ahead and choose your house, which of them do you desire?” “i think I'll go with Gryffindor” the whole Gryffindor table celebrated for the second time but this time it was not interrupted.
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wizards · 4 years
McGonagall: Do you see me as a mother figure, Black?
Sirius: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure, because you're always bothering me.
James: Hey, show your mother some respect!
Sirius: I didn't call her mum.
McGonagall: No, no. Sirius, I take it as a compliment.
Peter: It's not a big deal. I called Vivian mum once and she's my girlfriend.
Sirius: Guys, jump on that. Pettigrew has psycho-sexual issues.
Lily: Old news. But you calling McGonagall mummy.
Sirius: Hey, mummy is not on the table here.
Snape: Well, you did call her mum, dude.
Sirius: You shut up. You've done nothing but lie since you got here.
Snape: Okay, I was lying about the Dark Arts prank, but the mummy thing that happened.
Sirius: Ah-ha. He admitted the alibi was a lie. All part of my crazy, devious plan.
McGonagall: I believed you-
Sirius: Thank you.
McGonagall: -son. You want to talk about it later over a game of catch?
Sirius: ...I'd like that.
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corinnesamuels · 3 years
The One about the Cupholder
This is for @mppmaraudergirl, who mentioned a conversation about a cupholder on a couch not being conducive to cuddling on the jily discord. I spent all day thinking about that couch. And the next few thinking through this fic.
“Well?” He asks excitedly.
“It’s. . . a couch?”
James Potter rolls his eyes with a sigh. “It’s a sectional, Remus. Look at all this space! And the recliner!” He walks around the back so that he can gesture grandly at his favorite of the sectional’s amenities. “It has a cup holder!”
The third friend, Sirius Black, shakes his head in annoyed confusion. “We have a coffee table, James. What do we need a cup holder on the couch for?”
“Sectional.” James replies. “And for the convenience of it. Whoever sits here won’t have to lean over to pick their drinks up from the coffee table!”
James looks between Sirius and Remus excitedly, waiting for their unimpressed stares to dissipate and shift into fond acknowledgement of his forward thinking.
“Did the breakup addle your brain?” Sirius asks finally.
“Maybe it is a cry for help.” Remus nods as he looks James over curiously. “He really hasn’t had any time to process it.”
“True. The breakup and the betrayal were a hefty one-two combo.” Sirius says, rubbing his chin. “The betrayal was just one thing for us. We were happy to see the bird gone.”
“Nothing addled my brain!” James scoffs. “A man can’t want a comfortable couch to come home to after a long day’s work?”
“James, you work from home three days a week.” Remus says.
“That is beside the point, but thank you for remembering.”
Sirius rolls his eyes, clearly growing bored with the ordeal. “Look, if you want to get a couch, fine. It’s grey, it’ll work with most things. Looks comfortable enough. The cupholder seems unnecessary, but whatever. Can we go now?”
All in all, James considers it a win. And he could desperately use a win. In a month’s time, he had experienced a not-so-amicable breakup with his girlfriend and a betrayal by a friend he thought of as a brother. While the breakup had been long overdue, it meant that he had quickly needed a place to stay. The upside (if you could call it that) of their friend’s betrayal meant that there was a room available in Remus and Sirius’ flat.
On the other hand, the list of things stolen in the betrayal had included the couch they’d had since uni. How he’d managed, they had no idea. But Peter Pettigrew had been full of surprises, it seemed.
After a thorough cleaning, James moves into the vacant room and gets re-acquainted with Sirius and Remus’ daily habits. Soon, James instinctively knows when Sirius would be returning home from the motorcycle shop he owns, as well as which mornings he could expect to find a man or woman half-dressed in Sirius’ clothes at breakfast. He could tell when Remus would need time to vent or consume several stiff drinks as he trudged through his dissertation. It was almost like uni all over again.
Through it all, James gives himself time to sulk, drowning himself in FIFA, Call of Duty, and crisps after work. He knows that things will sting less over time, and for now, settles for being at peace and drama-free with his best mates. James spends the next year claiming the recliner portion of the sectional and keeping a drink in its trusty cupholder at all times. In fact, when teammates from the recreational football team he plays for on the weekends commented on the great shape he maintained even while eating his body weight in crisps, he credited it to the cupholder, saying hydration was always just an arm’s reach away.
Remus had raised his eyebrows and folded his lips inward at the comment but chose not to speak on it. Sirius just snorted and rolled his eyes.
Living with Sirius and Remus also meant spending more time with their friends that lived down the hall, who he’d known before, but only in passing. James finds himself watching football matches with Marlene McKinnon, a riot who often gives Sirius a run for his money. He makes it a point to ask Mary McDonald for the weather report (“You wanker, you know I do the traffic report and local stories!”). James also trades jokes in passing with Lily Evans, the cheeky pediatrics nurse who curses like a sailor and keeps her stash of lollies and stickers next to her stash of whiskey.
Cheeky and attractive pediatrics nurse.
James has no desire to interact with the opposite sex again anytime soon, though. For now, all he needs is his gaming consoles, his favorite spot on the sectional, and a drink ready for him in his cupholder. But the more their friends hang out, the more Lily seems to grow on him.
She didn’t do anything in particular. She was just . . . her.
He knows he is a lost cause when Lily manages to get herself locked out of her apartment one evening. Mary is covering a shift at the station, and Marlene and Sirius are out wreaking havoc on some unsuspecting establishment, so she waits it out at the flat with James until her roommates return. Lily has her hair in two buns atop the sides of her head, a sticker on her cheek, and is still in her scrubs, and James can’t help but grin at her as she walks in. He watches as she digs deep into her pockets and pulls out a handful of lollies, allowing him to take his pick. He takes a green apple-flavored one while she settles on lemon.
“Now, teach me how to play this FIFA game you’ve been playing nonstop since you moved in.” Lily says, picking up the second control and making a show of pressing all the buttons madly.
Sitting on either side of the cupholder, James and Lily play the game, joking and laughing the entire time. James realizes that though he had stopped moping some weeks before, he laughed more with Lily that night than he’d laughed in who knows how long. When Marlene and Sirius return, Lily thanks James for his hospitality and leaves a sticker and another green apple lolly in the cupholder as she says goodbye.
James spends the next few weeks subtly watching Lily when they pass each other in the hall or go out for dinner or drinks with the gang. He honestly doesn’t even really realize that he is doing it until one day he thinks he sees her watching him, too.
When Remus defends his dissertation, the gang decides to throw a celebratory party at the boys’ flat. Remus is deliriously drunk, taking votes on whether he should burn his dissertation or build a shrine to it. James mingles and laughs with their friends and Remus’ colleagues but eventually retires to his favorite spot and places a glass of whiskey in his cupholder as he pulls the lever to recline the seat. He looks over to the other side of the sectional and sees people squeezing themselves onto the cushions and sitting on the floor as they chat drunkenly. James smiles to himself, thinking of how the cupholder had ensured that he not only has his drink close by but that he also had enough space to relax. He toasts to his own foresight and takes a sip from his glass. It’s a brand of whiskey he knows is Lily’s favorite. James had gone to three different liquor stores to find it for the party.
Lily comes to say hello a few moments later and, seeing that there is no additional room on the sectional, chooses to sit next to him on the armrest of the recliner. While they talk, she reaches over him and takes his glass from the cupholder, stealing a swig of the amber colored liquid. She closes her eyes and smiles, relishing the taste. James finds himself very distracted by the euphoric look on her face—her closed eyes, head tilted back, dark red hair tumbling around her in waves, neck elongated . . .
He clears his throat to gather himself and reign his thoughts back to safer ground.
They talk about everything, or maybe nothing. James can’t be sure since he is still so damned distracted by her every move. He gets a reprieve when Sirius calls for a group picture to document the occasion. Mary has set up a camera and tripod that she, ahem . . . borrowed from work—though definitely not for the act of taking quality selfies, she says.
As Sirius makes his way to the front of the sitting room, he sees James and Lily talking and exchanges a devious look with Marlene that Lily sees too late.
Suddenly, Marlene shoves Lily off of the armrest. Lily attempts to brace her fall, but James’ reflexes kick in, and he catches her right before her back bangs into the cupholder. They lock eyes for a moment, or maybe a lifetime, before they seem to realize that James is holding her in his lap.
“I’m so sorry, Marlene pushed me and—”
“So incredibly sorry, Evans, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just didn’t want you to get hurt—”
They stop and lock eyes again. James watches as Lily’s cheeks grow pink, and when she tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear, he wishes he could have been the one to tuck it there.
“I’m not uncomfortable.” Lily says, uncharacteristically bashful as she looks up at him through her lashes. James is so distracted by the way she is biting the corner of her lip that he almost misses it.
Oh. Oh.
“Yeah?” He asks, sounding out of breath.
“Yeah.” She confirms softly. Her hair falls out of place again, and this time James does tuck it back into place.
Around them, Sirius and Mary are getting everyone gathered and placed around the sectional. A drunken Remus sits in the front, holding his dissertation like he’s posing for a picture with a toddler.
“Everyone one say ‘PhD’ on three!” Mary yells over the lively crowd. James hears Sirius count them down, but James can’t take his eyes away from Lily.
Lily rests a hand on his forearm.
James wraps an arm around her legs to hold her to him more securely.
“I’m not uncomfortable either.” James tells Lily.
“Yeah?” she asks.
“PhD!” The camera flashes, and everyone yells and cheers around them, clapping Remus on the shoulder and toasting with their drinks. But James and Lily still only have eyes for each other.
The previous year had been full of emotional upheaval for James Potter. But at that moment, he had never been so grateful for his cupholder or the fact that it meant there was less sitting room on the couch.
Read on ao3!
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actiobellicahq · 4 years
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Happy Holidays, students! We here at ABHQ wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our members. You’ve all participated so well in recent events, and have made our rp holidays so special! We love you all dearly, and we wanted to give your characters a little holiday gift of their own just to say thank you for being wonderful.....
It will never be discovered just who was behind it, but each and every student awoke this morning to find a present sitting on their doorstep, or to find an owl interrupting their breakfast, nearly dropping a parcel in their cereal bowls. A small note seems to be attached to every single gift, neatly detailing what they all were in need of, or what their heart desired, whether they knew it or not. Better not tell the professors if you received something scandalous, students!
The following gifts were delivered:
Amycus Carrow receives a charmed suit jacket that changes colour on command. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the charming chameleon.’
Ajax Graves receives a box with a puppy inside, a red ribbon around it’s collar. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your personal therapy.’
Alecto Carrow receives a gold lighter that never runs out of flame, along with a note that says ‘For your pyromania and love of tobacco.’
Alexander Yilmaz receives a golden quill with infinite ink, along with a note that says ‘For the pursuit of eloquence.’
Alice Macmillan receives a defensive charmed bracelet, which sounds when someone is about to cast a spell. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the protection of the one who protects others.’
Ambrosius Burke receives a ring that changes colour when he’s being lied to. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the truth to be revealed.’
Analiese Crabbe receives a live crab, with a note that says ‘For you to have a Crabbey friend.’
Andromeda Black receives a kit of paint brushes that never fray, along with a note that says ‘For your colourful passion.’
Antigone Graves receives a soft blanket, charmed to have the scent of her home. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who needs a bit of her past.’
Antonin Dolohov receives a small vanishing chest, with a note that says ‘For the man with something to hide.’
Araminta Valentine receives a small zirconium dragon for her bracelet, along with a note that says ‘For someone who’s spirit never gets extinguished.’
Archibald Graves receives a brooch of his family crest, along with a note that says ‘For your homesickness.’
Arthur Weasley receives a Rube Goldberg machine, along with a note that says ‘For the most muggle wizard I’ve ever known.
Bellatrix Lestrange receives a fine silver and emerald bracelet with ‘BL + RL’ etched into the back of it. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your recent vows.’
Benjy Fenwick receives an indestructible football he’d been eyeing up in Hogsmeade, along with a note that says ‘For someone with lots of energy to burn.’
Bilius Weasley receives an extensive healing kit, with a note that says ‘For you to start down your path.’
Calista Travers receives an antique jade hair ornament, with her initials etched in the underside of it, along with a note that says ‘For the jewel of her mother’s eye.’
Charlie Wood receives an older but breathtaking violin, along with a note that says ‘For the ears of your closest.’
Dahey Ryan receives a first edition copy of Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration, which is signed by the author. Enclosed is a note that reads ‘For the boy who yearns for knowledge.’
Daisy Hookum receives a mini garden of self-watering succulents, with a note that says ‘For the sun that shines through your window.’
Damocles Belby receives a phial containing werewolf fur, along with a note that says ‘For the most curious of us all.’
Declan Macmillan receives a colour changing scarf and a smaller matching one for Sir Sprinkle. Enclosed is a note that reads ‘For you and the little one to stay warm.’
Dirk Cresswell receives a trunk that automatically organizes his belongings, along with a note that says ‘For your knick knacks.’
Dolores Umbridge receives a white fluffy ball resembling a kitten. The collar jingles when she’s picked up. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For someone who will never have enough cats.’
Dorcas Meadowes receives a book of advanced old texts, along with a note that says ‘For you to put to good use.’
Doris Purkiss recieves a journal that hides any entry the reader wishes, along with a note that says ‘For your secrets.’
Edith Fortescue receives a locked box with no key. The outside seems to have carved ancient runes, one on each side of the box. What ever could they mean? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the riddler among us.’
Ellerie Kiriakis receives an enchanted painting of her mother, along with a note that says ‘For her spitting image.’
Emmeline Vance receives a framed enchanted collage of her favourite places, along with a note that says ‘For those days when you’d rather be somewhere else.’
Evan Rosier receives a sneakoscope, along with a note that says ‘For the devious and deceitful.’
Evelyn Kiriakis receives a Mappa Mundi, along with a note that says ‘For the seeker of creatures of every kind.’
Fabian Prewett receives a phial of Angel's Trumpet Draught, along with a note that says ‘For protection or defense, whatever you shall need it for.’
Frank Longbottom receives an Auror official study manual, along with a note that says ‘For you to be prepared.’
Gideon Prewett receives a jacket with his last name sewn into the back, which magically fits ever so perfectly. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For someone who deserves to show off his name.’
Gilderoy Lockhart receives a charmed handheld mirror that compliments it’s owner, along with a note that says ‘For someone who never gets tired of flattery.’
Guinevere Montague receives a box with a small egg. Who knows what will hatch out of it? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your love of all things destructive.‘
Gwenog Jones receives a new set of Quidditch leathers, along with a note that says ‘For the player who’s fire on the field.’
Halim Gamal receives a small pouch of glistening seeds. What will they bloom? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For every season.’
Harriet Arya receives a copy of Moste Potente Potions, along with a note that says ‘For good, not for evil.’
Isabella De Rose receives a colour changing blush, along with a note that says ‘For the fairest.’
Jackson Flint receives a beetle broach. It seems to light up every now and then, but why? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For not only your secrets.’
James Potter receives a box of infinite-refilling bertie botts every flavour beans, along with a note that says ‘For your insatiable sweet tooth.’
Jimi Macintosh receives a leather jacket that never fades or tarnishes, along with a note that says ‘For the punk rock icon of the school.’
Kingsley Shacklebolt receives a foe-glass, with a note that says ‘For keeping an eye on those who’s hearts are not as pure.’
Lily Evans receives a pair of platform shoes that she’d spotted in Hogsmeade a few weeks earlier and loved. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who gives her all without expecting anything in return.’
Lorcan d'Eath receives a self-tuning guitar, along with a note that says ‘For us all to enjoy.’
Lucius Malfoy receives golden horseshoes, along with a note that says ‘For the most pampered, prestigious Malfoy.’
Ludo Bagman receives an extremely large first aid kit, along with a note that says ‘For your love of getting injured.’
Mack Yaxley receives a silver lighter that never runs out of flame, along with a note that says ‘For your love of watching things burn down.’
Mara Lovelace receives an antique chest filled with equipment to press flowers, along with a note that says ‘For the most precious flower among us.’
Marlene McKinnon receives a pair of rollerskates that won’t ever fray or tear, along with a note that says ‘For the adventurous lion.’
Mary Macdonald receives a box full of Hogwarts themed cookie cutters, including a very Fabian looking Quidditch set. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who bakes to make others smile.’
Mason Macdonald receives a pot plant that apparates whenever it’s needed, along with a note that says ‘For your mobile plant needs.’
Millicent Bagnold receives an everlasting sugar quill, which one can write with. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For bursts of creative energy.’
Molly Prewett receives a chicken, along with a note that says ‘For the weirder Prewett.’
Mordred Abbott receives a large book of sheet music, which is charmed to show an entire piece on a single page, no matter how long. It moves with the music. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For music to our ears.’
Morgana Killick recieves a small pouch of False Pennyroyal seeds. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For a rare soul to have a rare flower.’
Narcissa Black receives a boxed moth, one of the rarest kinds in the world. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the weird and wonderful.’
Nikoli Gallagher receives coloured charcoal that never runs out, along with a note that says ‘For those days when you’re feeling inspired.’
Nimue Mackenna receives a box of rare records, all by her favourite artists. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For an old soul.’
Otto Bagman receives a toaster that mysteriously cooks every slice of toast to perfection. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your curiosity of everything muggle.’
Pandora Joubert receives a deck of beautifully hand drawn tarot cards, some of which sparkle in the light. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your love of the future, past and present.’
Paris Avery receives a pure silver flask with his initials etched into the front, along with a note that says ‘For your coping mechanism.’
Peter Pettigrew receives an indestructible hamster wheel, along with a note that says ‘For the one with whiskers.’
Ramona d'Eath receives a vial of unicorn blood, along with a note that says ‘For a lost soul.’
Reginald Cattermole receives a bass guitar that he’d been eyeing in Hogsmeade, along with a note that says ‘For your love of music.’
Regulus Black receives a leather bound notebook, along with a silver quill that has infinite ink. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the prodigal son.’
Remus Lupin receives a stone that gives off sunlight when touched, along with a note that says ‘For those times where the moon is too bright.’
Rita Skeeter receives a green quill that has an infinite supply of ink, along with a note that says ‘For someone who never tires of words.’
Rodolphus Lestrange receives a watch with ‘RL + BL’ etched onto the back of it. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your recent vows.’
Rust Wilkes receives a large diamond-shaped rock, which seems to have something enclosed inside of it, along with a note that says ‘For the curious and the cursed.’
Sebastian Laviscount receives a box of infinite-refilling Norwegian candies, with a note that says ‘For that post-Quidditch sugar rush.’
Seraphina Parkinson receives a pair of dragon hide defensive pads, with a note that says ‘For the girl who likes to play rough.’
Sirius Black receives a set of keys, along with a map of the black lake that has an ‘X’ scribbled in the center. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For my entertainment as well as yours.’
Sybill Trelawney receives a large crystal ball (disguised in a hat box), along with a note that says ‘For the future.’
Sylvie Moody receives The Monster Book of Monsters, along with a note that says ‘For your biting kink, or your thirst for knowledge, whichever is stronger.’
Ted Tonks receives a shape-shifting mustache, with a note that says ‘For all your disguising needs.’
Tilden Toots receives a single flower that changes colour depending on the day of the week and the weather, along with a note that says ‘For our beloved gardener.’
Tobias Hemming receives a sketchbook that enables the sketches to move, along with a note that says ‘For your art to come to life.’
Tristan Mulciber receives a set of embellished brass knuckles, along with a note that says ‘For whatever or whoever your heart desires.’
Valerie Petrov receives a very old, well cared for book on Magical Creatures. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For both personal and professional use.’
Walden Macnair receives a velvet clothed cage, that very suspiciously squawks. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the man on the bench with the bird seeds.’
(Please note that if your character has received a pet or item of some kind that doesn’t comply with Hogwarts rules or one that can slide under the radar safely, they have been delivered to and must stay at their character’s home!)
Some of these gifts aren’t obviously the most attainable or realistic of gifts, but that’s all part of the fun! We wanted to spoil you all and show you just how much we appreciate you being a part of the rp, as we fast approach the one year mark!
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Second Chance 6
Harry Potter AU 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Link to Chapter 5
Rating: M
After finally being able to break apart, you stood fixing your hair. The last thing that you wanted was for Sirius or yourself to go downstairs with “I just had sex” hair.
“I really would be interested in you getting more lingerie. That will be a nice thing to come home to after a job.”
Sirius said with a devious smile. When you blushed, he wanted to make a comment about his work being done.
“I’ll see what I can find. Now we better get downstairs for dinner before someone comes looking for us.”
You said before standing on your tiptoes to kiss his chin.
Walking into the dining room, you frowned realizing all sets of eyes were on Sirius and yourself. You sat down trying not to think anything of it until you noticed Matilda and Remus wearing matching scowls. Glancing over at Sirius, you noticed that he was clued in on the awkwardness in the room too.
He finally asked. Matilda put her hands over her face and was briefly comforted by Tonks who was whispering something in her ear. Remus, meanwhile, shook his head.
“Silencing charms are a great thing, you know.”
The realization hit you like a bag of bricks to the stomach. Neither Sirius nor yourself had bothered with a silencing charm.
“Oh shit.”
Sirius muttered as your face went tomato red. Remus nodded. He was used to hearing the two of you having sex. Neither Sirius nor yourself knew how to be quiet when it came to making love.
“Yeah, we just got ringside seats for the event that no one wanted to go to.”
Tonks was silently giggling. She was making mental notes to ask questions later. Now definitely didn't seem like the time. Whatever you did she wanted to know what it was so she could try it on Remus.
Your attention went to Matilda who looked like she was ready to die.
“Tilley, honey, I am so sorry.”
Matilda held up a hand ignoring her clearly embarrassed parents.
“We DON’T have to talk about it. I get that you two have sex but that doesn’t mean that I want to witness your corny little sex jokes.”
Sirius crossed his arms over his chest.
“You kind of are our corny little sex joke. You’re the best thing that came out of that vacation.”
“DAD! I said we didn’t have to talk about it.”
Matilda snapped. Everyone was quiet for a few moments. Tonks finally leaned over to you.
“Hope it wasn’t a fertile day.”
The comment made all thoughts in your head freeze. Neither Sirius nor yourself had really talked about having a baby since he came back. That topic had been the furthest from your mind. Between doing jobs and working on getting your relationship back to the way it was getting pregnant again had totally never come upon the radar. In fact, neither Sirius nor yourself had even bothered with a contraceptive charm.
Oh, Merlin…
Would it be a bad thing though? The common-sense side of your brain said this was the worst time possible! Between the war at hand, Sirius still not being 100% in the clear from Azkaban, and your job, you didn’t really have the time for another child. Besides, Matilda was 13 years old. You would be starting all over again!
The “woman” inside of you, however, was swooning at the thought. Sirius had missed almost all of your pregnancy, Matilda’s birth, and almost all of her childhood. Having a child that he could be there for and help with was beyond swoon-worthy.
“I’m not worried about that, Tonks.”
You said, casually. Tonks grinned.
“With your luck, today is the day that you’ll get pregnant.”
Tonks was right. With the luck that you had, you would be pregnant and not even know about it.
“Don’t put that on me, Nymphadora.”
You said with a smirk. Tonks' mouth dropped. You were probably the only one that got away with calling her by her full name.
“Y/n, you can get pregnant anytime. Sitting down, standing up….”
“In a hotel hot tub.”
Sirius added with a grin not looking up from the newspaper that he was reading. You couldn’t help giggling at the grossed-out expression on Matilda’s face. This was obviously a horrible day for the girl. Now she just learned where she was officially “made.”
Sirius had been so focused on your conversation with Tonks that he forgot his daughter was still sitting there. It wasn’t until Matilda said “gross” did he lookup.
“Sorry that you had to find out this way, sugar.”
“God, do you two have to tell the whole world?”
She snapped before getting up and walking out.
The following weeks passed without much merritt. You had been on a few odd jobs keeping an eye on death eaters. Sirius and Remus were in quiet talks about how to get Peter away from Malfoy Manor. You still didn’t like the thought of Sirius sneaking out (no matter how good he was at it).
10:50...You looked down at your watch anxiously tapping your foot. Tonks was supposed to be there at 10:30 and she wasn’t.
It wasn’t until 11 am did Tonks come skidding into the house, tripping over Kreacher, and setting Walburga’s painting in a screaming fit. You shook your head as Remus got up to go silence the painting. No one wanted to listen to Walburga’s ranting; everyone but Matilda that was. Matilda was the only one that Walburga had anything nice to say about. The crazy old bat was constantly calling for Matilda to come to open the curtain so she could breathe.
“Precious, come save your poor grandmama. Your horrible father keeps me locked up behind this curtain….the scoundrel.”
You knew that you shouldn’t but you couldn't help but giggle at the frown that Matilda would give Sirius. She was almost pleading with her father not to make her talk to the painting and of course, Sirius wouldn’t make her.
“I’m just going to say no to that.”
She would say before scurrying out of the room to go join Harry in whatever he was doing.
Tonks took a deep breath, looking totally disheveled.
“Y/n! What in the name of Merlin is going on? I got six messages from you. I told you that I would be by after a meeting.”
You quickly grabbed her arm and tugged your soon to be sister-in-law into the kitchen.
“You jinxed me!”
Tonks frowned.
“What are you talking about?”
You threw your hands up.
“My period is late!”
Tonks' confused expression turned to a smirk as she poured herself a cup of tea.
“Sweetie, just because your period is late doesn’t mean that you are pregnant. Have you taken a test?”
You shook your head. No, you hadn’t taken a test. You had spent the past week waiting for your “visitor” to show up. It would come any day and you would be off the hook.
“No, I haven’t. I just knew it would come...and it hasn’t. Tonks, what if I am pregnant? This is the worst time to even think about having a baby. We still need to catch Peter, Sirius can’t be seen in public, and Voldemort is out there doing whatever he does. It's too dangerous.”
Tonks sat her teacup down and looked at you with her soothing calm expression.
“Y/n, Matilda was born during a huge time of uncertainty and you made it fine then. Maybe this is what Sirius and yourself need. He didn’t get to be a huge part of Matilda’s life due to no fault of his own. This could make up for lost time.”
Your heart swooned at the thought of Sirius actually getting to be a part of your child’s early life. That was something that you wanted from the beginning with Matilda. Your brain, however, was saying different things.
“Tonks, how am I going to explain who my baby’s father is if someone asks? There is no way that I can admit that. I would be putting Sirius and myself into Azkaban.”
Tonks crossed the room and wrapped her arms around you.
“Look at me. We are going to be putting Pettigrew into prison quickly. You’ll be able to say who the child’s father is with no problems. Neither Sirius nor yourself will be setting one foot back in that place. Now, how did you know that you were pregnant with Matilda.”
You calmed down enough to think back to that day…
Sirius and yourself had just returned from a trip to the Canary Islands. It was supposed to have been your honeymoon but the wedding had been pushed back. No one was really having any celebrations at this point. The two of you had only gone on vacations because if you didn’t go the money would have been lost.
You read the pregnancy test over and over. Sirius came in the side door with James behind him. James was laughing hard about something.
“Good morning, love. Decide to wake up?”
Sirius asked before pulling you into a kiss. James rolled his eyes.
“Only the two of you go on a vacation then come back still all over each other.”
Sirius grinned and kissed your forehead.
“What do you have there?”
He asked, motioning to the object in your hand. You smiled before putting the test in his hand. Sirius was quiet for a moment before looking up with a huge smile.
“You’re pregnant? We’re going to have a baby?”
“Are you angry?”
You asked. Neither of you seemed to notice James who was almost eagerly jumping up and down. Sirius quickly pulled you into his arms.
“Are you kidding? I’m ecstatic! Love, I've never been happier.”
James finally couldn’t handle it.
“I have to go tell Lily! Our baby will have someone to play with!”
You were still in Sirius’ arms mid-kiss when James took off out the door like an overgrown child.
You pulled yourself from the memory and smiled.
“I just had a feeling...the same feeling that I have right now.”
Tonks smiled. She walked back into the hallway to fetch your raincoat before returning. She wrapped it around your shoulders before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Everything will be just fine. Now, I’m going to take you to the doctor and we are going to find out. We are going to find out.”
1 hour later…
“Pregnant! I knew it!”
Tonks squealed as the two of you walked back into Grimmauld Place. You hadn’t said much since the old witch said what your condition was. Stunned or scared was the best way to describe how you felt. You weren't sad or angry.
“I am telling you that you jinxed us.”
You said, forcing a smile. Tonks giggled.
“No, the two of you just can’t keep your paws off of each other. It's cute, though. Seeing the two of you happy. Since Sirius came back I have seen you happier than ever. It's nice. You’re my best friend, Y/n. I just want you to be happy.”
You felt better. Tonks always knew what to say to make you feel better.
When you walked into the kitchen, Sirius' eyes rolled up to yours.
“There you are, love. I was wondering where you went off to.”
You instantly froze. The last thing that you planned on was telling Sirius this quickly. You wanted to wait until he was in a really good mood. The expression on his face looked a bit off.
“I went out with Tonks for tea. Anything happen with Pettigrew?”
Sirius rolled his eyes and closed the newspaper in front of him.
“Bloody coward didn’t show. Remus and I sat there for four fucking hours for nothing. Waste of my time. I’m getting a bit frustrated. I was hoping to tear his leg off.”
He said, coldly. This definitely wasn’t a great time to be telling Sirius the “happy news.”
“I see. Well, I’ll leave you to it.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. He knew that tone.
“What’s wrong?”
You turned, feeling the color fall from your face.
“Nothing. Everything is fine.”
Sirius sighed as Remus walked in. You internally groaned but it was probably best to tell them together. Maybe things would go better?
“Love, I have known your face since we were 11. What’s wrong?”
You pressed your lips together.
“I don’t want you to panic.”
Sirius leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest. Remus had sat down beside his friend and was stirring a cup of tea.
“Conversations that start that way are concerning.”
You took a breath.
“Yeah, that’s my name. I would hope that you would know it.”
You held up a hand stopping his smirk. Sirius frowned. Whatever had you so worried was evidently not a laughing matter.
“I’m pregnant.”
Both Sirius and Remus froze. Remus knocked his teacup over and didn’t even seem to notice the liquid. You stood watching the two men that you loved more than any other.
“Are you sure?”
He asked. This was definitely news to him! The sane side of him was panicking! He was internally kicking his ass for not being more careful. Had he always been so desperate to get inside of you that he didn’t think of a simple charm to keep the two of you safe? Apparently so. Sirius had been behaving like an inexperienced teenager at the worst of times.
You, meanwhile, nodded.
“I know that it isn’t a good time but I am... I found out today.”
Sirius jumped up and pulled you into his arms. You pressed your face into his shoulder breathing in the scent of his cologne.
“Hush now. Everything is going to be fine. You know that I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Sirius said softly as he ran his fingers through your hair. Over your shoulder, he met Remus’ gaze. Without even speaking, Sirius knew that his friend was close to losing it too.
Sirius hadn’t even had a chance to tell you that Tonks was pregnant too. Remus had told him that morning during a full-fledged panic attack. Sirius had been relieved that it wasn’t him in that particular predicament.
I spoke too soon.
Sirius thought as he continued to comfort you.
“Everything will be alright.”
He said once more.
That night at dinner everyone was mostly quiet. You sat quietly at Sirius’ side looking up to meet Tonks gaze ever so often. She gave you a grin and went back to her dinner. You were still in slight shock over the fact that the two of you were pregnant at the same time.
Glancing at Sirius, you felt a bit guilty. You knew that he wasn’t thrilled with the news but he was too good of a man to say it. Maybe it wasn’t the fact that he wasn’t thrilled it was more the fact that he was worried about your safety. You were waiting for him to tell you that he wanted you to stop working as an auror. That would be coming soon.
“So, what’s going on?”
Matilda’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up to meet your daughter’s gaze. Both she and Harry sat looking around the room at each adult present.
Matilda had put together that something was going on from the moment that she sat down for dinner. Her mother and father were barely speaking to each other. The expressions on your face was nothing short of worry while Sirius looked almost blank. His eyes would periodically flicker to you before looking away.
You glanced over at Sirius. The two of you hadn’t even really discussed when to tell Matilda and Harry. They would definitely find out in time but telling them too early could make things more complicated. Sirius’ gave you a nod.
“Matilda, Harry...I’m pregnant. I just found out today.”
Harry instantly smiled.
Matilda, meanwhile, sat looking between Sirius and yourself like both of you had gone crazy. Her dark eyes flickered between the two of you with nothing short of annoyance.
“Are you two barking mad? Having a baby right now? This is so insane!”
Matilda didn’t wait for Sirius nor yourself to say anything before storming out of the room. You stood to go after her but Sirius held his hand out.
“Let her go, love.”
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veravertorp · 5 years
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sirius black | twenty one | pureblood | order of the phoenix
wand: utp. boggart: utp.  patronus: utp. pet: utp. job: utp.  faceclaim: ( suggestions: ben barnes, thomas mcdonell, penn badgley, adam dimarco. )
james potter, remus lupin & peter pettigrew // his best friends in the entire world. he would do anything for them, knows they would do the same. he fiercely defends them, will fight for them and even fight their battles for them. he’s glued to the hip with them. they have been there with him through the darkest days and stay with him even though he’s incredibly dysfunctional and broken. he considers them his family. dorcas meadowes // she’s such a beauty with sorrow written in her eyes. he’s attracted to her and wants to just steal her away from rabastan lestrange. she’s a good girl, with a good heart and he doesn’t want to see her all broken. he has this weird need to take care of her. they’re quite good friends, but he knows she doesn’t seem him as anything but. bellatrix, andromeda & narcissa black // the three girls are his cousins, unfortunately. he hates bellatrix, dislikes narcissa and is on good terms with andromeda. andy, as he calls her, is the only black sister he can actually stand. she is in the same boat as him, the black sheep of their families. they’ve grown closer as they got older, but he keeps wondering why she hasn’t left her family yet. rabastan & rodolphus lestrange // sirius has always hated the lestrange brother since he was forced to be around them by his parents. they were always devious people, and sirius got bad vibes from them. he knows who they really are, and one day it will come out.
SIRIUS BLACK is fortunately OPEN!
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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☞ NAME: Dorcas Meadowes. ☞ AGE: Nineteen (10.11.1959). ☞ BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood. ☞ HOUSE: Former Ravenclaw. ☞ GENDER: UTP. ☞ FACECLAIM: UTP.
Dorcas Meadowes was an only child until she turned five years old. On her fifth birthday, in fact, her parents sat her down amidst a room full of presents and told her she was going to be a big sister. She had been excited at first. The prospect of being a big sister, being someone another human being looked up to was a big deal to her. This all changed when her little brother had actually been born. He cried all the time and was a rather sickly child, taking up most of her parents attention. Dorcas didn’t mind once they started dropping her off at the park every day after school. She would happily spend time with children her own age anyway.
However, around the time Dorcas was seven years old, her magic began to show. It scared the other children and many of them turned mean, pointing their fingers at her and calling her names. Dorcas’ parents warned her against telling anyone what she was. They wouldn’t understand, they told her. Better just to keep it between us. So Dorcas didn’t tell anyone. She played by herself at the park and tried her best not to say anything whenever someone did come up to talk to her. They were either being callous, or they didn’t know any better. And Dorcas found it easier simply to ignore them. That is, until she met Mary MacDonald who became her dearest companion.
The two girls would go their separate ways once school started. Dorcas was sorted into Ravenclaw, the sorting hat making a sharp comment about how powerful the young witch was and how well she was going to do once she began learning how to hone it in. Dorcas was one of the top students throughout school, excelling the most in ancient runes and care of magical creatures. She was a viable quidditch player and enjoyed the physical activity that came along with it. Rather quickly, she became known as the girl with the studded boots and tangled hair, unafraid of giving her opinion and quick with a strong hex if crossed the wrong way. When she graduated, she was offered a position at the ministry but turned it down in favor of working with wild dragons around the world.
- J U N E 1 9 7 9 -
She had been packing her bags for a month-long stint in Romania when Albus Dumbledore showed up at her parents front door. He told her of the cause, explained to her the intentions of the Order of the Phoenix, and Dorcas had taken to it immediately. Her desire to protect Mary, the sweet, innocent girl she had known her whole life from the ugliness their world was being swallowed by was insurmountable. Dorcas felt as though she didn’t truly have a choice in the matter. “Yes.” She said, a cold determination in her voice. “Yes, of course.”
← C O N N E C T I O N S →
← Mary MacDonald
One day a little girl fell out of a tree. Dorcas had been on the nearby swing set when she heard it. There was a small squeal and then a telltale snapping of bones. Dorcas ran over to help her, a tangled mess on the ground. The girl was screaming, but it was dying on the air, giving way to shock as confused tears streaked down her cheeks. Her wrist, which had been bent awkwardly was healing itself. Dorcas was grinning because she knew what this meant. There was another witch in her neighborhood. Dorcas wasn’t alone anymore. However, by the shock on the young girls face, she could tell her parents were likely muggles and it was going to be quite a shock to learn of their daughters abilities. Heeding her parents warning, Dorcas never told the girl why it happened. She merely shrugged and told her it happened to her sometimes, too. They were immediate friends and it was another two years before the girl, Mary MacDonald, discovered the truth. Albus Dumbledore came to her home and explained everything to her and her family, offering her a place at Hogwarts school. Mary had run to the park afterwards to tell Dorcas everything. Dorcas, admitting that she knew and had always known, didn’t realize at the time that this would put an almost permanent phisher in their friendship. They would go off to school, be separated into different houses, and drift almost completely apart. Six years would go by before they became friends again, and it was by a far more devastating accident to Mary. However, since she awoke with Dorcas by her bedside, they had been all but inseparable ever since.
→ Sirius Black
The annoyance of all annoyances. Sirius never left Dorcas alone. When they had been in school together, it had been an entirely random day that he came up to her. He asked her something about quidditch that was so obviously a line she had done nothing more than fix him with a deadly contemptuous stare. This only seemed to spur him on further, however, and before Dorcas knew it, he was around every corner she turned. He was still annoying, but she found it oddly endearing and took to hanging out with him any time they weren’t separated by their other friends. They seemed to have a similar mindset on the matter. Mary was more important than him to Dorcas, and the Marauders were more important than her to Sirius. Their similar thinking patterns was why they got on so well. They had a mutual understanding. Graduation took them along different paths and they drifted apart exceedingly naturally. That is, however, until now. They both have the determination and the desire to take part in the order, knowing neither would pass up such a thoroughly rebellious opportunity.
← Peter Pettigrew
Peter isn’t a follower. He’s not timid or shy. He’s sneaky, devious. He doesn’t say much because he would rather you think him dim and be able to prove you wrong than put on as extravagant a show as, say, James Potter. That was incredibly clear to Dorcas. Her ability to read him came naturally from the first conversation they had. He approached her in the Three Broomsticks during their seventh year. Dorcas had been deep in a story recently published by the Daily Prophet about the discovery of a new breed of dragons in Brazil when he seemed to appear across from her as if out of thin air. She knew that hadn’t been how it happened. She had been too involved in the paper and he had been purposely quiet. ‘Hullo,’ he had said to her with a charming little smile and a sweet tint to his cheeks, as if he was embarrassed. Dorcas called him out on it. He wasn’t embarrassed and if he was going to pretend to be anyone other than himself, he could go. He watched her in baited surprise for a few minutes as she went back to reading her paper. When the barkeep sauntered over the them, finally, Peter ordered two butterbeers. She looked up and he was grinning, genuinely. She quirked an eyebrow, put the paper away, and from then on, they enjoyed each others’ company endlessly.
→ Marlene McKinnon
trigger warning: eating disorder
Dorcas had been made a prefect in her fifth year. It was something she did out of duty, but she didn’t mind it once they started letting her take late shifts. She would patrol for a few hours past curfew to make sure there weren’t any straggling students out of bed, but really she typically found herself wandering around aimlessly. It was the only time she was truly alone with her thoughts and she enjoyed it. She had been thinking about how she was going to approach a particularly difficult advanced transfiguration assignment when she heard something. Her ears pricked up, her footsteps growing silent as she crept along a third floor corridor. A hauntingly beautiful piece of music was drifting out of the girls bathroom. Lovely as it was, it set her hair on end and Dorcas pulled out her wand before pushing into the room. At first, she thought the room was empty except for a small, portable phonograph that balanced precariously on the sink. But then she saw her. A crumpled, scrawny blonde girl sprawled on the floor inside one of the stalls. A gasp left her mouth, it’s true, but Dorcas’ instincts kicked in and she dashed over, pulled open the door and knelt down to her. Her eyes were rolling around in her head as her lids bobbed, fighting hard to stay open. She was pale, sweating. There was a thin redness under her eyes which were primed by dark, heavy bags and her lips were turning blue at the corners, breathing incredibly shallow. Dorcas didn’t think. She simply scooped her up and headed straight for the hospital wing. She knew this girl. She was normally incredibly put together - so lovely it was sometimes painful to look at her. Marlene McKinnon. The Slytherin girl with the world seemingly in the palm of her pretty hands. Seeing her like this was a shock, but it had made Dorcas realize how little she knew about the people around her. She didn’t know who Marlene’s friends were, wasn’t sure who she could trust to keep this incident a secret. She had seen her talking with Lily Evans lately, however, and as Dorcas had been academically parring with Lily for seven years, she knew the redheaded Gryffindor was a good person to have around. So Dorcas wrote her a note and told her owl to keep tapping on her window until she opened it and read the letter. Dorcas wouldn’t mention it, but she wished Marlene well. No one deserved to put up such a front as she seemed to. This had been the start of Dorcas paying more attention to those around her. She became exceedingly good at reading people, seeing through the cloud of how they presented themselves and to who they really were inside. At the very least, she had Marlene McKinnon to thank for that.
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maraudersmessrs · 6 years
Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban--- Chapter 30: With Friends Like These
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Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21 / Chapter 22 / Chapter 23 / Chapter 24 / Chapter 25 / Chapter 26 / Chapter 27 / Chapter 28 / Chapter 29 / Chapter 30 / Chapter 31 / Chapter 32 / Chapter 33 / Chapter 34
The caretaker's mood hadn't improved since their--frankly, embarrassing--shouting match and after he had unlocked his office with an old, grungy looking key, he planted his feet as Remus went in.
 He looked back out at Filch curiously, but all the man did was stare at him sourly with his arms crossed, face still red. Obviously, he didn't want to trigger the boggart and expose his deepest fear. Not unreasonable, Remus had to admit, as he was not too eager to do so himself. And, considering his obvious humiliation at merely asking for help, Remus doubted he was prone to the sort of emotional vulnerability that would require. Unfortunate, that, as it would have saved both of them a great deal of frustration over the past few days if he had just been able to ask in the first place instead of trailing him like some sort of ill-tempered stalker, unable to put away his dislike of him long enough to ask him for help.
It is what it is, it will be what it will be. At least his search was over, the slowly mounting panic that he would not find anything in time was quenched. He would not be failing Harry. That in itself was like a sigh of relief and he felt it loosen his shoulders, his chest, his forehead. He couldn’t bear to have failed another Potter.
Filch’s office was just as dingy and oppressive as he remembered as a child; the same thicket of filing cabinets, the same ominous chains hung behind his desk--though now they sparked a twinge of revulsion, rather than fear. Returning to this place as he grew older revealed exactly how much pedagogical chicanery he had simply accepted as necessary fact as a student. The idea of such a punishment being used on a student, someone like Harry or Neville...Oh, we indeed are changing, aren’t we? Even just the implied threat of them was enough to set his teeth on edge. Grimly, he turned back to Filch, drawing his wand from his robe, rolling up his sleeves. “Where is it, Argus?” He asked, carefully keeping his voice polite.
Filch grunted and jerked his chin at a corner cabinet, one of the drawers pulled out halfway with a slew of papers strewn beneath it. “In there. Popped out when I opened it, few days ago. Haven’t gone near it.” He resumed glaring at Remus, as if it were his personal fault--maybe even his devious plan--that such a thing had found its way into his office. Granted, Remus thought, going back roughly 20 years, that wouldn’t have been out of the realm of possibility.
“Do you have a box of some sort? A chest?”
Filch made a scornful noise. “I’m not a novelty shop.”
“My mistake.” he said lightly. “ I suppose it isn’t fair to assume you should keep track of all those sorts of things. Well, I've done some exploring in my time, I'm sure I could dredge up something….” Pocketing his wand, he started to move toward the door.
Filch seemed to bristle like his cat and swiped a hand through the air to make him stay where he was, snarling as he stomped away, “I know where they are.”
Remus laced his hands behind him as he waited, stifling an unseemly chuckle--really, Remus--as he innocently scanning the pages scattered on the ground, presumably dropped in shock at the appearance of the boggart. Filch must have been refiling, for this parchment seemed older than those piled on his cluttered desk, yellowed and stained, bearing the dates--
He blinked. That’s….
Stooping, he drew his wand a cautiously sidled up to crouch by the file cabinet, lifting a few pages from the floor, eyes on the cabinet. No movement from the drawer. He backed off, back to the doorway and read;
ttigrew caught with contraband material. Confiscated. Reported. Punishment unadministered.
NOVEMBER 20th, 1974
Black and Potter caught out of bed. Claimed to be sleep walking. Reported. Punishment unconfirmed.
DECEMBER 2nd, 1974
(here, it devolved into a string of rather spectacular and slightly illegible cursing)
DECEMBER 13th, 1974
Black, Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew all caught at the edge of the Forest. Claimed they weren't going in. Reported. No punishment administered. Ludicrous.
DECEMBER 15th, 1974
Black refuses REFUSES to stop throwing tinsel everywhere he goes. He claims it's not him, but I've SEEN it after he leaves a room. I've confiscated it all, there is no more tinsel on the tree, it is contraband whERE IS HE GETTING THIS TINSEL DUMBLEDORE CLAIMS IT'S FESTIVE AND I CAN'T PROVE IT I CAN'T BELIE
DECBER 15t 1974 secnd enrty
He almost began to feel sorry for the man again, until he glanced at the well-oiled chains hanging eagerly on the wall. Perhaps not. An odd combination of bright mirth and aching longing twisted within his chest. Oh, the reindeer had been complicated, hadn't they; quite the illegal charm bauble Sirius had had squirreled away from Knockturn Alley.…
The muttered cursing and puffing of the returning Filch stopped him from reading more but he did not hide the parchment as the caretaker came in, face now a sticky shade of maroon and slammed a packing trunk down on the floor. Filch's eyes darted to the file, but Remus just smiled pleasantly and said, “Thank you.”
“What's that.”
He gestured with the parchment to the pile on the floor. “My file, it seems. Or, our file. Part of it. It's...ah….” Amusing was going to be his next word, but the curdled look on Filch's face made him reconsider. “Quite a read.”
Filch said nothing, watery eyes venomous, glaring at him as if he was a particularly revolting stain that wouldn't come out of a rug. Well, back to business, it seems. He could not ever remember the caretaker being so tight lipped before, when he was a student, being on the receiving end of a countless number of tirades and threat laden rants. Do we only punch down, Argus? He wondered, dryly. Not willing to pick on someone your own size? Sirius had always teased that he had an overdeveloped sense of justice.
And we see how that turned out…
Remus shook his head, tight lipped, and planted himself firmly in this space. Enough. No more stalling. He let the parchment flutter to the floor. “Close the door, if you would, please."
With wand, he popped the lid on the trunk and spun it facing the file cabinet. Then, he took firm hold of the drawer handle and pulled it wider as he heard the door snap shut.
Immediately, the boggart boiled from the cobwebbed depths, congealing as a huge, sickly moon before him, drawing the same jolt of reflexive nausea and panic it always did. His mind knew it was a creature vainly trying to scare him, his body only knew that such a sight meant agony, terror, and loss. Wand steadily aimed, Remus couldn't help a glance at Filch, to find he was nowhere to be seen, door shut--probably around the corner in the corridor. Fair enough. He might have figured whatever would scare a werewolf would not be something he wanted to see.
Raising his wand, he settled on the spell to force it in--and hesitated. Pushed the drawer so it slid shut, leaving the boggart nowhere to return to. The moon edged nervously sideways, slowly, as if looking for a way out. Curiously, he stepped back until he was almost against the opposite wall, giving it ample room and watched the orb bobble before turning his back on it, as if considering something interesting in the rough grey stone. The faint glow that had silvered the edges of the cabinets and chains abruptly disappeared as a scrape and a thunk rang out behind him. When he turned back, the trunk had been pushed a bit off center, the lid shut, as if something had thrown itself inside at speed.
Well. No need to over-complicate things, it seemed. Not all boggart captures were so easy, especially in his experience, but with such a small room with no place big enough to squeeze into, it had taken the bait. All very humane and so simple, a Muggle could do it; though, after its first few trips in and out of the trunk, he doubted that would still be the case. He knelt by the trunk, securing it both physically and magically before levitating it beside him. It rattled, agitated at the movement, but was otherwise inert. He was about to open the door and bring back his prize, triumphant, sore, and quite dusty, when he hesitated again and looked back to the pile of files on the ground. Pensively, he rubbed a hand over his chin. It couldn't hurt….
Filch was indeed down the corridor, far from the door as he lovingly stroked Mrs. Norris, who was curled up in his arms. As he approached, they both glanced up with identical, baleful looks. ��“Successfully removed, Argus. Thank you, by the way--I've been looking for one of these everywhere.”
The caretaker looked as if he rather detested the idea that he had made Remus’ life easier, but managed an aggressive shrug. “Just get it gone from here is all I want.”
“You're welcome,” said Remus, though Filch had said nothing close to prompting this, which seemed to irritate the man more. Remus began to fancy some part of himself was doing that on purpose. “Oh--I had a question; probably impertinent of me--”
“Unsurprising,” Filch muttered, which Remus chose not to hear.
“--but about that file, I was wondering….” He cleared his throat. “I was wondering if I could have it.”
Filch was silent for a long moment, eyes going between Remus’ face, the trunk, and the door to his office, mouth twisting as he scowled suspiciously, obviously weighing something. Mrs. Norris gave a warbling yowl, for Filch’s hands had stilled. Frankly, as the moments passed, Remus was surprised that he seemed to be considering it at all, as he had known full well what the answer would be the moment he had asked. He mentally braced to give a friendly face to whatever biting remark was coming.
Then, Filch grunted, “Fine.”
Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Oh. Well, tha-”
Filch continued, “It's not like anyone who cares about it is alive anymore,” He eyed him. “'Cept you.”
Remus smile went cool around the abrupt squeeze in his chest, hand tightening on his wand that guided the trunk. “...Thank you. For your generosity,” he said, mildly.
Another grunt as he stumped past him into his office. The door slammed, leaving him alone in the corridor with the boggart and an ache from the well placed blow. How was it that conversations with Severus and Argus always made him feel as if he was dueling? Quite the feint. Nice wind up; hit square in the gut. Well. He had gotten everything he wanted, hadn't he? A rewarded search and a momento; success by any definition. Slightly tarnished, perhaps….
Filch returned sans cat, brandishing a file sleeve of parchment thick enough to be a text book, which he dropped without much care into Remus’ arms. Then, he left without a word. And returned with another file, more disorganized and crammed haphazardly, making it bulge more than the first. And again, 2 more times, each seeming bigger than the last, until Remus’ fingers were clinging desperately around the bottom lip of the stack and his already protesting arm muscles began to tremble slightly. Something like 10 files, all thick enough to be stocked on the library as a manuscript reached past his chin, braced against his cheekbone, smelling of mildew, dust, and dry parchment. Filch gave him a dubious, appraising look and growled, “That’s it.”
With difficulty and partly bracing the stack with his knee, Remus managed to free his wand to tap the stack. Immediately, the weight lightened considerably, allowing him to hold it in one hand, the other steadying the top and he looked back at Filch and gave a pleasant smile. “Thank you, aga--” he began, but all he saw was the back of Filch’s threadbare robe as he returned to his office wordlessly.
He looked down at the packing case, hovering demurely near his knees. “Well, then.”
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sleepingdragon-rp · 5 years
mw you don't have an app for yet?
HMMMM...the most difficult question of all time...
James Potter for that perfect dose of 1 part charm, 1 part humor, and 10 parts dorkiness
Severus Snape for the drama of his political waffling and friend breakup with Lily
Benjy Fenwick
Amycus and Alecto Carrow a.k.a. the devious dummy duo
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Black because who doesn’t love a self-proclaimed princess
Dorcas Meadowes
Peter Pettigrew while he’s still lovable
I didn’t really narrow it down, I know, BUT HOW CAN I CHOOSE??? I would be over the moon with apps for anyone. 💖
xx Beth
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oyevans · 7 years
Dumb Peter Pettigrew cliche
Whenever I see Peter Pettigrew as an idiot in fanfics or head canons or whatever, you cannot imagine how bad I cringe. 
So here’s a few reasons Peter wasn’t a complete idiot–not saying he was never a bit slow:
His animagus form is a rat. An animagus form shows your inner-self. A rat (I’ll be using personality traits from the year of the rat considering that’s really all I can find) is intelligent, charming, quick-witted, practical, ambitious, timid, stubborn, wordy, greedy, devious, adaptable, resourceful, affectionate and social, and “...succumb to peer-pressure...prone to disregard personal experiences in order to copy the behaviour of their peers. The urge to conform is so strong that they will even choose to eat unpalatable food if they are in the company of other rats who are eating it...rats are also shy, and prefer to run away than confront a potential threat.” (I’ll be using some off these traits throughout, the crossed ones I cross out are traits of the rat I don’t think he possessed/no evidence to support, and the ones not used nor crossed out will be explained at the bottom).
He became an illegal animagus along with Sirius and James in order to help their werewolf friend at the age of fifteen. The process to become an animagus is “complex” and “time-consuming.” According to one of the Pottermore Presents ebooks, it is also said to be believed that less than a thousand witches/wizards are animagi (doesn’t specify in the UK, so most likely worldwide, living and dead). Also Hermione said there were only seven registered animagi in their century. So even if he needed James and Sirius to help him, he still did it. (intelligent, resourceful).
He was in the Order of the Phoenix with at least three known aurors–and not moderate aurors, but great ones–Alastor Moody and Frank and Alice Longbottom. He was able to fool three aurors, Albus Dumbledore, and four of his very intelligent friends along with the rest of the Order when they knew there was a spy amongst them. And keep in mind he had them fooled for over a year according to Sirius who thought Remus was the spy. (intelligent, devious–more like deceitful).
He killed twelve Muggles with a powerful spell while faking his death. (quick-witted, devious).
Framed Sirius Black for murder and had no one doubt the story–although to be fair Sirius didn’t get a trial, came from a dark family, had no one demanding a trial for him, and Peter was small and underestimated. (devious, quick-witted).
Managed to stay hidden for twelve years as a rat. (adaptable, resourceful). 
Rowling said in an interview that Peter gathered Voldemort’s wand from the Potters’ home and carried it to him (resourceful).
 Faked his death again by framing Crookshanks. (Devious, resourceful).
Manages to find Voldemort and bring Bertha Jorkins to him (resourceful, quick-witted). 
He is intelligent, smarter than what he was given credit for.
Also he’s affectionate and social by being James’ mascot. 
While ambitious is a trait of Slytherin (the other house Peter was considered for), he’s more cunning than ambitious canon-wise. Although, you could argue he wanted power from Voldemort but it was more that he feared death. 
Peter went along with James and Sirius’ bullying because he wanted to be part of a group and similar to Remus wouldn’t stand up to them (although, Peter was also in awe of them). 
And he ran away and framed the betrayal of the Potters and the deaths of the Muggles on Sirius instead of accepting the consequences–also when Sirius gets out and is looking for him, he does it again.
These are all things I remember off the top of my head, but he wasn’t a complete idiot like he’s often depicted in fanfictions, head canons, et cetera. Number three is especially a good example of his cunningness. 
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Seventh Year
As Time Goes By: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Paring: Sirius Black/Reader
Tags: female reader, Hogwarts houses, set in the Marauders’ Era, fluff, angst, Reader is friends with Lupin.
Summary: The reader isn’t taken at first sight by Sirius Black. Honest.
Word Count: 1,949
Posting Date:  2016-05-19
Current Date: 2017-06-01
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As it would always be at Halloween at a British school for witches and wizards, there were plentiful festivities, and always had been every year of your schooling (except none had been this memorable or anything notable). The Great Hall was swathed in orange and black and the eerie glows of the white ghosts that milled around by the enchanted ceiling, and you, your close friend Lily Evans were doing your best to just keep to the side as the pair of you walked through the hall, both hoping to keep mostly away from the hullabaloo of the 31st of October.
Lately - well, for a long time...about a year - since Lily and James had started going steady (you had thought they'd hated each other!) you couldn't help but wonder if your friend was hiding things from you. And not just I-cheated-on-the-charms-exam sort of hiding things, you meant big things. Big things that meant silence when you would join her and James and those friends of his - it had been hard trying to ignore Sirius since that kiss in fourth year, but you'd achieved it - and you couldn't help but wonder if they all hated you. Even Remus, your oldest friend of them all.
But you had NEWTs to study for, even though the school year had only just began.
"Silly how we decorate here even though we're literally at a school that teaches half of what Halloween's about," You almost scoffed, unlike yourself.
Your friend agreed, "but it's nice to celebrate something, _______. Time to loosen up, kiss someone..."
You laughed. "You've got James for that, Lily. And I've got...a ghost, if they consented."
In turn, Lily chuckled. "That's not what I meant, you know...I was thinking he's in our year - our house, even! - and you know him -,"
You frowned. "You're not trying to hook me up with Pettigrew, are you?" You winced, lowering your voice, "he has the sex appeal of a Niffler."
Lily shook her head heartily as the two of you had made it to the moving staircases, "It's not Peter, ________." She paused, and looked back to you with a sort of look that made her seem like she had realised something very important, "You're right, about the Niffler thing, though. His voice hasn't broken yet."
"Whose voice hasn't broken yet?"
You snapped out of the conversation and realised beside you stood Sirius Black and James Potter with identical devious grins on their faces. You felt a blush tinge your checks at both the presence of Sirius and the lack of an answer to the question when Lily swooped in and saved the day, "Professor Dipit," she winked.
Both boys raised their eyebrows in question but obviously beside you Lily had given her boyfriend and his friend a warning glance and shut them up.
"Where's Remus?" you asked out of the blue. The boys shared glances and you couldn't help but notice the uneasiness in the looks. "That rundown old shack in Hogsmeade?" you whispered.
James nodded.
"What are we going to do for Halloween?" Lily interrupted, changing the subject. "Back up to the dorms or into the melee of the feast?"
"Feast," the boys grinned.
"I'll put our books away, Lily, if you want to go on down with James," you offered. You didn't want to go immediately; it meant small talk and proximity with the guy you had gotten a kiss from years before and hasn't really talked about it since: the drop dead gorgeous Sirius Black.
"I'll pay back the favour," Lily promised, handing the hardbacks to you, mouthing a thank you.
"I'll help," Sirus declared. "Be down in fifteen, Prongs."
"See you there, Padfoot."
"I'm capable," you interjected speedily.
"Didn't ask if you were or weren't," Sirius grinned, stripping you of your own book bag so you were left holding only Lily's things. "Now, lets get a move on before all the good food is eaten downstairs."
You nodded silently, and led the way to the Gryffindor tower, answering the fat lady's request for the password before she had spoken it.
"Something wrong?" you heard Sirus ask behind you as you began the accent to the restricted-for-boys-girls-only-because-its-the-girl's-dorm stairs. Spinning to face him, you didn't anticipate the weight of the books you were spinning with, and felt yourself going to topple. A hand anchoring you to keep your footing saved you.
Sirius' hand.
"Perfectly fine, thank you." You retorted. The brave smirk of Sirius Black faded slightly.
"Are you sure?" he whispered.
"No, actually," you murmured, taking a step back up the stairs from the troublemaking Griffindor. "You know what it feels like to get kissed by your best friend's boyfriend's best friend for no reason, no context, and then silence for a few years on the matter? Do you know what it feels like to have a close friend and not be able to be there for him in his time of need?" Your mind went to Remus. You remembered when he had been bitten when the pair of you had been children. "Do you know how it feels to see someone with a group of other someone's every day and wish you were in the loop, Padfoot?"
His face went from pale to ghostly.
"I don't know the feeling, _______." He managed to say back, "And I'm sorry that's the way you feel."
You shook your head. "You're not sorry Sirius. I know it when someone's sorry after all of these times. You're in the loop in something I don't understand, and never will, I get it. Like MI6 or a cult or something with code names. And if kissing people on random occasions for a one time only is really your thing, I can deal with that."
You broke the stare with Sirius, laying the heavy books down on the stairs before they tore your arms off.
"I wasn't going to wait for someone who didn't want me back," you heard him whisper, and your (e/c) eyes snapped back to him.
He liked you?
"Thanks for halving the load, Black," you nodded, feeling slightly lightheaded. "I think we should go back downstairs now."
As you went to walk past Sirius, you heard the book bag of yours cascade lightly to the floor and a strong hand encircle yours.
"Sirius, I -,"
"Shhhhhh," the famed bad-boy of the student population hummed. "I want to try something now, with your permission."
Your eyebrows skyrocketed into your hairline. "Not like -,"
He laughed. "I don't think what you're thinking is the most sanitary," Sirius went to brush away a fake tear from his eye. "Not what I was wanting for us to partake in."
"No?" you questioned.
It was then you felt his lips on your cheek and you positively melted.
"Thank you," you whispered, "I'm so, so sorry for the outburst."
He laughed as he withdrew from your cheek. "It's Halloween, anyways, maybe the ghosts and dark magic influences it."
You went to chuckle, but from the corner of your eye noticed the figure of the rounded full moon mounted in the sky and cussed internally.
"Where's Remus?" You demanded.
"Way to kill the mood, asking where another guy is," Sirius retorted, but silently after his cocky retort, noticed the moon's presence out of the corner of his eye as well. "Damn." He grimaced. "You go down to the feast, _______, I've got to do something."
You nodded blindly. "Okay," you echoed.
As you slid down beside Lily at the Griffindor table, you couldn't help but feel off-kilter post the kiss on the cheek and the absence of Remus.
"________, are you alright?"
Sharply, you turned to your friend Lily and stood. The bench creaked under the sudden movement and you shook your head. "No. I'm going to find Remus."
Lily had panic behind her eyes, you saw the flash of it before she subdued it in a mask. "What? No, Remus fine. He told me he was going into the whomping willow and there no way he'd make it out of there as -," she didn't finish her sentence.
She didn't need to. Or need the other students privy.
"I don't care." you shook your head. "I'm going."
At that you sped way by foot, fleeing the great hall like a fugitive to find your friend the werewolf. Usually you wouldn't have been upset for his transformation but the potion to suppress the bestial nature of it hasn't been made. Leaving Remus free.
"Remus!" you yelled, coming to the open lawn where the cold air bit you. November was already on its way with the December chills following suit. "Remus!"
A guttural growling erupted from the base of the whomping willow, where you saw the form of his moon-changed self hiding. But as you went to go forth, you paused, hearing a different sort of growling, and then a bark from big shaggy black dog that yapped at you quickly, but sped toward Remus as his wolf self.
"________!" You heard Lily shout behind you, "come on, you're missing out on the feast." But turning, you couldn't help but scream. Beside Lily stood a stag, just like the kind that moseyed around in the forest behind the house you lived in the off term. "What's wrong?" she asked innocently.
"There's - theres a deer beside you. And a - a flipping dog is trying to tame my friend the werewolf and you're just blinking like its no big deal?" Your voice went high, afraid, and while you spoke, the stag trotted elegantly like a model in a runway past her to the melee of animals to aid Remus. "Lily, you've got to tell me what's going on. Please."
At that, a rat scurried between your legs, following in hot pursuit of the animal parade with a subduing Remus-the-werewolf. Your heart jumped silently; you never liked rats. But your screams had been spent.
"Okay, _______." Lily prefaced, "Since you're close and all, they're Animagus. James is the deer, Peter is the rat and Sirius is the -,"
"Dog," you whispered. "They - you - have all been hiding this from me?"
She nodded.
You turned to see a bare, slightly shaky Sirius laying on the lawn with a wound the shape of a crescent, but not teeth marks.
Keeping track of the bustle, you dove forward to aid your - whatever you'd call this relationship with the most arrogant member of the Black family - from the grass, shedding your Gryffindor scarf for his privacy. "I can't believe it," you whispered, bending down to see Sirius' face. "You're a dog. And not just physically."
He grinned, "I know, right," Sirius joked beside the fact that he was buck-ass nude and scratched up. "I've gotten you to fall in love with me."
You started. "No - no...no, I haven't. I'm not. Am I?" you frowned. You then realised all those mixed up feelings. "I am," you confessed with a sigh. "Well, then, now I officially have feelings for you, Sirius, I -,"
"Kiss me," he whispered dramatically, writhing as if in utter pain. You knew better than that with Mr Drama King. But nonetheless, you bent down to lay your lips on his cheek when he jerked - and your teeth crashed upon his cheekbone. "Ow," he complained.
You laughed. "Hold still, then," And your mouthes met, and for a minute, you felt the definition of bliss take hold over you. "I can't see you wanting to grow old with me, though, Sirius -,"
He shrugged. "We'll work something out," and the pair of you bent in to kiss again.
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