#diabolik lovers child
bellathechildbitch · 1 year
Diabolik Lovers Child Au Hcs!
I’ve been reading and seeing a lot of writers do this prompt of where the vampire hoes are kids and the reader is their caregiver or “mother” and they melt my heart and I honestly want to write about it and it obviously will 🫣 I just thought it was so cute and people need more of this content hehe, I’ll only do the Sakamaki boys first to see if people enjoy this and then after I’ll add the Mukami bois))
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-He is a very energetic kid, he just wasn’t allowed to show it because his mother always forced him to mature way to early in his life. He is also very skeptical when it comes to you. He has learned not to trust people so easily because there is always strings attached when it comes to kindness.
-When he was given to your care he was terrified but happy. Happy that he isn’t in that terrible manor anymore, as well as being away from his mother and her abusive tendencies. But he was scared that this wouldn’t last forever. It’s as if he’s dreaming and he fears to wake up. He was very very distant the first few weeks when he was settling in to his new home. You have to give him space, this kid has been through a lot and he just needs to reassure himself that he is safe.
-But once he does warm up to his new life, and to you he is filled with pure joy. He loves to play outside with you. He especially loves to play hide and seek with you, if he is the one hiding he would sometimes jump out of his hiding spot to scare you.
“Oh my I wonder where he went..?” You said as you were honestly a bit defeated. Shu was such a good hider and sometimes it was impossible to find him half of the time.
You shook your head as you let out a quiet sigh. Before you could enjoy your peaceful moment Shu would have jumped out in front of you with his hands up in the air as he laughed. The sudden reaction startled you, screaming you would cover your mouth as you seemed relieved that it was only him.
“Haha! I got you again!” Shu said cheerfully as he grinned a bit, showing off his small fangs. You would laugh as you ruffled his hair “Yes you did, but I swear my love you might give me a heart attack one of these days..”
Shu would smile as he shook his head “oh please you’re just no match for me.. after all I am the master at hide and seek..” he said in a cocky tone as he gently grabbed your hand.
“Whatever big shot.. next time I’ll win.. and I’ll be the one scaring you..” you teased as you gently squeezed his hand. Causing the young boy to stiffen a bit, but he would relax as he leaned against your touch.
-As we know he had a lot of trauma that deals with fire, he tends to have nightmares of the incident that happened to his dear friend.
-When Shu had a nightmare he’s quiet, he doesn’t want to talk about it and tends to keep it to himself until the terrifying feeling goes away. But you notice it instantly. He wants to tell you and he wants your comfort but he just doesn’t have the guts to do so. He was trained to deal with his own problems and the poor boy cannot help it.
It would be early in the morning as the sun was barely rising in the horizon. You got up early to get a head in making breakfast for the two of you. But as you walked out of your room you would have stumbled upon Shu who was sitting in front of your bedroom door, curled up into a ball as he seemed exhausted and distressed. His tired blue eyes would slowly look up at you as he frowned.
You took a deep breath as you kneeled down beside him “lemme guess.. you dreamt of it again..?” You said softly as you gently creased the boys back. He would flinch for a moment but would instantly lean into your touch.
He wouldn’t say anything but he would slowly nod. You frowned at him. It hurts to see this bright young boy be so terrified.
You would slowly wrap your arms around him as you held him in your arms he wouldn’t instantly melt into your touch as he rested his head against your chest. “Would you like to talk about it..?” You asked as you looked down at him.
“No.. I just want to sleep.. I’m tired..” he mumbled as he fiddled with one of the buttons on your shirt.
“Would you like to sleep in my bed.. while I make breakfast for us..?” He would seem surprised as he looked up at you “I’m allowed to sleep in your bed..?” He said as the excitement would return to his eyes.
You smiled down at the blonde boy as you nodded “of course my love you are allowed to.. now go get some rest..” you said as you helped him up on his feet before sending him to bed
-He is very thankful to be with you, he doesn’t know how to repay you but he likes to help you out when it comes to house chores, he may not do some of the chores correctly but still.. let the boy show his gratitude towards you.!
-He will literally burst into tears of joy if you get him a puppy, or even the same exact dog that Edger gave to him. Just get this kid a dog.
-Give him the freedom that he never really got growing up, but also keep him in line. Don’t be too strict and overbearing with him. That will remind him too much of his mother and he will lose trust in you. Just love the kid for who he is and let him be adventurous!
-Ohhh this kid tends to always have his nose in a new book, hell he would most likely even read a damn dictionary if he ran out of books.
-It was a big shock to Reiji when he was thrown into your care. Who would want him? His own mother doesn’t want him so why would anyone else. But once he met you he was very unsure about it all.
- He was quiet the first few weeks, but when you talked to him he would respond but other than that he just did his own thing and expected to be ignore like he always had been.
Like one day he was in his room, writing out some formula he found in a science book into his journal. You went to go check on him, as you walked into his room you notice the journal on his desk “My dear.. what is that if you don’t mind me asking..”
The boy would sigh as he adjusted his glasses “Well, it’s just a journal I keep with me when I discover new findings..” he said bluntly
You would be surprised, a child his age doesn’t really enjoy those types of things. But of course Reiji is one of kind. “Oh my that’s rather interesting.. do you mind if I take a look at your work..?”
After hearing that Reiji would be shocked “I.. well I suppose I don’t mind if I show you..” with that you pulled up a chair beside him as he showed you through his work. He’d be blushing from embarrassment because this is the first time he has ever shown his work to anyone.
You stared down at the book in amazement “Reiji this is beautiful.. I’ve never seen such amazing work.. you did a wonderful job..” you said as the boy would look even more shocked than before. Those are the words he’s been dying to hear. For someone to be truly proud of him makes his heart ache. After that moment he was focused on wanting to make you even more proud.
-He wants to impress you. In every little thing he does he would do it 10x better.
-He loves to be praised and to be appreciated.
- He assures you that he doesn’t need to be babied, or spoiled. That’s just too much of a childish thing to do. But deep down that boy wants to be spoiled and to be babied just like his elder brother was.
You and Reiji were out on a stroll in one of the near by parks that was close to your home. Reiji would have been talking about a Tea flavor that he was wanting to try out. “You see.. they say this tea is very helpful when it comes to people with bad eyesight.. so I was wondering if I could try it out-“ before he could finish Reiji’s shoes would have been untied and he ended up stepping on one of the laces and would trip and fall
You gasped as you quickly kneeled down beside him “oh my goodness Reiji are you alright..!?” You would panic as you examine the child. His knee was scraped up as it bled a little bit.
Reiji would grumble as he shook his head “I.. I’m fine..” he said as his eyes watered a bit. It embarrassed Reiji that he fell in front of you.. it makes him sick to his stomach that he made such a fool out of himself.
You would frown as your hand would gently crease his cheek, wiping the tears away. “It’s alright.. don’t cry my dear it happens to the best of us..”
This would calm Reiji down as he leaned against your hand for a long moment. You smiled at him, but you would pull your hand away as you grabbed a handkerchief from your bad as you wiped the blood off his knee. “We will get you cleaned up once we get home..” you said as you tied his shoes. Before he could get up you would have picked him up in your arms.
Reiji would blush from embarrassment, how dare you pick him up as if he is some kind of baby.. he is not a baby.. “I can walk on my own I’ll be fine..”
Laughing a bit you held him close before walking down the path once more “I know you are capable of walking on your own.. but go back to that tea you were talking about .. it sounds rather interesting..”
Reiji couldn’t understand why you treat him this way.. but he won’t lie.. it feels good to be carried and to be loved for.. he couldn’t help it.. he would rest his head against your shoulder as he would continue to ramble to you.
-He love it when you get him new books. Sometimes he will read them for you
-he doesn’t really “play” but he can find some interesting hobbies for you two to do.
-You need to give him all the attention in the world.. it’s always makes him smile when you do. Over all he is happy to be with you. And he will do anything to make you happy! HE WANTS YOU TO BE PROUD OF THE THINGS HE DOES FOR YOUUUUUU!
-He is a little ankle biter.. HE WOULD MOST LIKELY BITE YOU. he is very hyper kid. And needs to be put on one of those animal leash things that parents need to use when they take their kid to Disney land.
-HE WAS OVERJOYED TO LEAVE THAT HELL HOLE. He was all over the place when he first moved into your home. But he doesn’t trust you quite yet. You gained a lot of trust just by wanting him to be with you and getting him out of the abusive household that he was in.
-But he doesn’t know you as a person and he will be a bit skittish when you’re around but once you show this kid one ounce of attention he will be all over you. He clings to you basically and wants you to praise him every five minutes to fuel his ego.
-He loves spending time with you, and he tries to as much as he can. He quiet literally wakes you up in the morning by jumping on your bed.
Ayato would have somehow managed to sneak into your room without alerting you. As he climbed on the bed he had a mischievous grin on his face. He would then jump on the bed which would cause you to groan
“Ayato.. please let me sleep for one more hour..” you begged as you hid under the sheets
“Never! The earlier we wake up the more time we have to play!” He screeched as he laid on top of you “plus it’s like nine in the morning..”
“My love it’s five in the morning.. the sun hasn’t even come out yet..”
Ayato looked out the window as he rolled his eyes “same thing..” he pouts. Causing you to laugh you would pull him in to the covers with you. “Oh hush my little hyper bat.. let’s sleep a bit and then I promise you and I’ll play all day..”
Ayato smiled as he rested against you, embracing your warmth as it calmed him down.
-You better be active because this kid will drain your battery.
-He loves holding your hand, when you’re out with him. He has to be 100% sure that you won’t leave his side :(
-As long as you praise him in the small things he accomplishes. He will be happy. Don’t control him to the point it will remind him of Cordelia. There will be times where you have to scold him when he does a bad thing but you also have to teach him why you scolded him. His mother never had a reason to punish him at times, when he didn’t want to listen to her she would go insane. You on the other hand teach him why he was scolded to make him learn from his mistakes.
-One word. Clingy
-Very very clingy. Like you literally don’t have to carry him, he just hangs on you like a little leech. A cute but deadly leech.
-He was terrified when he first arrived at his new home. This brought him out of his comfort zone to the max. He was hiding under his bed for a good four days. You didn’t know what to do, the poor thing was just petrified of his new surroundings.
-You literally had to lay on the floor to try to coax him out of his hiding spot.
Laying on the hard wood flooring of your house you stared at the purple eyes that stared back at you. You gave a soft smile as you gently placed your hand out too him. “You know I won’t hurt you my dear.. everything is alright.. you’re safe now..”
The child flinched at your sudden motion, clinging onto his stuffed bear he tried to move away a from your hand. “Hey hey.. it’s alright..you have nothing to be afraid of..she will no longer hurt you..”
The boy stopped for moment when you mentioned her, looking at you and then your hand he frowns “Y-you promise..?” He would muffle against the teddy bears head as tears would begin to form in his eyes
Nodding you would gently take his hand as you creased his small knuckles “I promise I won’t let her or anyone hurt you ever again.. now please come out my dear.. it’s not safe to be under here..”
Within seconds the boy crawled up out from under the bed as he sniffled a bit. You would sit up as you dried the child’s tears away “see everything is alright..” you said calmly as the boy would finally relax
-After that he never left your side, it doesn’t matter if you were cleaning or cooking. He always had his hand clinging onto your clothes. Even if you were to tell him to play he’d rather stay by your side.
-You even find him in your bed every morning. You tucked him in the night before and yet he still manages to sneak into your room. He loves sleeping beside you, after all you keep all the nightmares away.
-He probably has kicked you several times in the face because of how often he moves around in his sleep.
-Did I mention that he’s clingy..?
-He throws a fit when you aren’t able to hold him.
-Demonically screams anywhere at anytime. It’s rather embarrassing when you’re in public.
-He also throws fits for the smallest reasons. Wether his crayon broke while he was coloring or he accidentally tripped up the stairs. Whatever the reason may be he ends up throwing a fit
-He’s the type of kid to roll around and kick their feet on the ground when they have a temper tantrum
-You might want to give into his demands but he will not learn anything if you just do that. So it’s better to put him in time out until he calms down. And then when he does you explain to him why he was placed in time out and you have him apologize for his behavior
-This kid hates time out btw
-It takes you about 4-6 tries to sit him down on the chair before he could start his punishment. He constantly gets up and tries to get picked up by you. BUT WATCH OUT HE WILL CLING ONTO YOUR SHIRT IF YOU TRY TO PUT HIM BACK ON THE CHAIR.
-A living nightmare some of the time but he can also be very sweet.
-He will sing for you on certain days. He loves to sing for you.
-You are also the only one who is allowed to hold teddy. No one else but you and him can talk and carry teddy around..
-Other than that he is one of the harder Sakamaki kids to manage with his temper tantrums but he is a sweetheart when he’s in the mood to be.
-Ah he makes me sad.
-He acts happy but this poor baby is just scared and depressed. (I mean all of them are depressed but we all know that Laito hides behind his smile a lot)
-His mother mistreated him to the point that he just doesn’t know why anyone would want a kid like him.?
-He’s confused the first few days, but he doesn’t hide or ignore you, he talks to you and smiles whenever you ask him anything. But you always catch an glimpse of him staring off into space.
-Even when he warms up to you he still expects you to turn on him. He’s just so terrified that your kindness is nothing but a bunch of lies.
Is was a nice cool afternoon, Laito was sitting in the backyard as he enjoyed the small breeze that hit his red locks. Looking up at the sky he would admire the clouds above him. You would soon approach him as you sat beside him. “You know that cloud looks a lot like a cat..” you teased playfully
He smiled a bit as he shook his head “It looks more like a rabbit other than anything..” he said as he scooted away from you a bit.
You’d notice as you frowned a bit “Still not used to this type of life huh.?” You said softly
He would pause as his green eyes slowly met yours “Uh.. no not really.. it’s not that I’m not grateful..I just don’t understand.. why you want me here.. I’m kinda useless..”
“Oh don’t say that.. you know I hate it when you talk poorly about yourself.. when I heard about your story.. it broke my heart.. I wanted to give you a life that you deserve..”
He seemed shocked at your words he would look down at his hands as he fiddled with his fingers “you’re not lying about it.. right..? Because if you’re just gonna trick me then do it now..”
You would be confused with what he said as you shook your head “What? Laito no..I am not here to trick you in anyway.. I understand that you are still having trouble trying to trust me but listen just this once.. I want you here so you can be a normal child.. you deserve a happy life.. and I am willing to do anything to keep you safe from any harm.. I promise..”
Laito would stay quiet as he watched you, he would soon smile. Now this was no ordinary Laito smile.. it was a true genuine smile. He understood that you are telling the truth. He would look back at the clouds “That one looks like a old man..” he laughed which would cause you to smile as well “you are adorable..” you said as you placed your hand around his shoulder
-He likes to do anything you’d like to do. He never found a hobby because no one really cared for what he did. You were the one who taught him how to do crossword puzzles, he loved it.
-He won’t admit it but he loves it when you give him small affection gestures. Like when you crease his hair, or when your smother his cheek with kisses when he does something right. He learned from you what it really meant to be loved by someone. And he will always be grateful for that.
-Angry little man
-He trashed his room when he first moved in with you. He was overwhelmed with the change he just couldn’t handle the emotions. But it’s okay, you can build a new dresser 😢
-How can a six year old do so much damage, even today you are still trying to figure out how..
-Once you managed to calm him down he was very shy, he tends to be like that majority of the time. But when he is overwhelmed he gets angry .
-He gets scared thinking you’ll hurt him for ruining his room.
After hearing final crash come from Subarus room you took a deep breath a decided to go in. As you opened the door you would find him sitting in the middle of the room with his knees up to his chest and his head buried within his knees. Shaking from the overwhelming emotions he’s been keeping within him.
You would slowly sit beside him as you placed your hand on his small back, but he would slap your hand away “Don’t touch me! I’m nothing but filth! I’ll only hurt you if you get in my way!” He sobbed
Wincing you would rub your hand a bit as you shook your head “Well what if I told you that you aren’t filth and that I don’t think you’ll hurt me..”
Subaru narrowed his eyes at you as he wiped the tears from his face “I just slapped your hand..”
“You were mad.. you didn’t know how to react..”
“I trashed your room.. and everything you gave me..?”
“Subaru you are trying to adapt to a new environment.. you have every right to be overwhelmed.. but I want you to know that I’m here for you..and if you ever feel overwhelmed we can talk it out..”
Subarus gaze would soften a bit but he would still be a bit hesitant “You’re not gonna hurt me for ruining your room..?”
“Oh no of course not.. we can rebuild everything.. me and you will get this done in no time..” you chuckled as the boy seemed surprised “now let me make you something.. it will help you calm down..” you said as you’d stood up, offering the boy your hand he would slowly take it.
-He is like your little body guard, he will protect you no matter what.. but you aren’t the only one who needs protecting..
-He’s a very vulnerable little kid, and emotionally unstable at times.
-He is quiet around other people but when he’s with you he could talk up a storm
-When he’s meeting new people he hides behinds your legs.
-You teach him new ways of dealing with his anger, instead of trashing the things around him he can do a breathing technique. To help him calm his nerves. Or count the petals on flowers when he’s feeling overwhelmed.
-He likes being carried around as well, feeling secure in someone’s arms that he truly feels safe to be around with makes him calm, but he’d be blushing the entire time.
-He gets flustered easily, just don’t point it out and it will be alright. If you do he will get even more flustered
-Take your time with him, he would be the second hardest to deal with because of his anger. But if you teach him the ways to control it. He is willing to listen. He hates his temper, he will do anything to help it. He doesn’t want to scare you away with his emotions.
(it’s currently 3:10am and my eyes are burning, 😫 well this was my first attempt with the child version of the Sakamaki bros. I hope you enjoy and sometime this weekend I’ll make the Mukami version as well!! But my ask box is open for anyone who is interested)
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 4 months
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bubblespalace · 1 month
How would the sakamaki brothers react to a father aggressively hitting his ten year old son in the street and nobody intervenes .
( btw i'm starting to get addicted to your blog lately💕💕)
Bubble: Hi!! Thank you sm! 😊 TW for this ask, subject matter.
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"Hahhh... Why the hell is no one coming up to stop this...? I thought you humans were supposed to be sensitive to all that."
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"Argh, Every time I see such a thing... It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Vampires are accustomed to harsh treatment as children, but you mortals... This isn't right."
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"Oi! What the fuck are you doin' to the fucking little kid!!!! Let them the fuck go!!! I don't care if you're mortal, that's a fucking child!! Even I know how fucked that is!"
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"Mortals... They confuse me deeply, some shy away from violence while others use it as if they're immortals themselves. I find this disturbing, get it out of my sight at once."
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"Eh, there's a difference between messing around with a grown adult and a child... This brings up memories I do not wish to remember."
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"WHAT THE FUCK!!! Get away from the kid, Jesus Christ!! Are you fucking okay? Hurt?"
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diacripticcomplex · 6 months
Can you do the kids fic for Reiji x Yui's kids?
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My head canon for a Reiji x Yui child:
-They would have a daughter who is very androgynous. But identifies as she/her.
-Reiji is the second oldest, he knows what it’s like having sibling rivalry and because of this he only has one child.
-His daughter enjoys a lot of “lady like” activities.
-Was raised to be the perfect house wife but also an independent gal.
-Enjoys dressing in men’s clothing, it’s more comfortable for her figure and height.
-She’s taller than her mother (Yui’s tiny self >u< lol) she’s about 5’6.
-She’s actually flat chested forreal, A cup to the point she doesn’t even wear bras, what’s the point?
-Has incredible manners and social skills.
-Plays the violin much to Reiji’s dissatisfaction, so now she only plays around her mom.
(Comment a name for her please)
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runyatic · 8 months
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Round 3
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TW: child abuse, emotional abuse, mass murder, manipulation, attempted murder, drowning, sexual abuse, rape
Titania propaganda
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Cordelia propaganda
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12thdoctorkazami · 5 months
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Taste of golden blood is surely different.
Okay, this color palette and background is so 'red' for me. I mostly use blue but this is kinda Subaru's drawing with Maria.
I love Maria's black dress and her back. Ofc I still need to work on muscle/skin shading- I used another offical merch for Subaru but I do not remember the name...
Instagram: 12thdoctorkazami
Wattpad: Dr_Kazami
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dixbolik-lovers · 2 years
In your Child AU, how would the Sakamaki boys be if their caretaker decided to take them on a trip to the shopping mall? Cute? Chaos? Both?
His mother never let him do things for fun like this, so the whole place is very, very new. Shuu is slightly overwhelmed by the noise, sights, and people, but he's also excited enough to try to push through the slight nervousness. And it does get better. You let him choose where you go and what you look at, and it feels so very normal to be out like this, doing the kinds of things any kid would want to— that's the part that makes him happier than anything.
He's very, very nervous. Malls are large and crowded and serve no purpose other than pointless wandering around, and Reiji can't help but feel like he's wasting your time by being here. It can't be right for him to just have fun, so he tries to hold back, be polite, and go along with what you want to do instead of getting carried away by his own childish impulses. That works well enough... right up until a tea store has him thoroughly captivated.
Chaos. Bring a child leash. Ayato has a bad habit of wandering off when he gets too excited or distracted by something, so you'll want to keep a very close eye on him. That said, he's elated to be at the mall with you, practically vibrating with excitement over every new thing you show him. He'll insist on staying for as long as possible (well past the point of wearing himself out), wanting to look at every store and explore the place from end to end.
He strongly dislikes crowds... but is too swayed by the prospect of doing something with you to want to leave. Kanato stays right by your side the whole time, acting incredibly clingy, and clearly very nervous about the number of people and new things around him. In the end, what calms him down is a toy shop; looking at the stuffed animals finally manages to take his mind off of how tense he's been so far, especially when you help him pick one out.
While he acts perfectly cheerful about it, Laito feels a little weird having you spoil him like this. Going out of your way to take a trip just for him is a lot of personal attention... and he really doesn't know what to do when he's supposed to be just having fun. You pick up on his stress soon enough, though, and what eventually helps ease it is a visit to a candy store, and a box of macarons (with him allowed to choose the flavors) to nibble on.
He's clearly highly unnerved by the crowd and unfamiliar setting, and slips into his common nervous habit of going quiet as a result. Subaru spends the first part of the trip just following closely behind you, nodding or shaking his head to any questions, and not much else. It takes a while to get him to loosen up, and even then, he can't spend very long in the busy building without getting overwhelmed. It's fun, in the end, but he's still exhausted.
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teddys-dollhouse · 2 years
Child Diaboys headcannons
• Triplets used to bury things in the garden like toys, jewerly, etc.
• Shuu got a hard time learning how to count (He always used his fingers to count)
• Shin always followed Carla like a baby duck follows its mother.
• Yuuma taught Azusa how eat vegetables, Azusa always made a fuss about eating vegetables.
• Laito had always wanted toys to play with but as he grow really fast he didn’t have any
• Ayato have always wanted to be an astronaut
• During balls the old ladies always uncovered Subaru’s eye which made him feel weird
• Ayato once broke a window while playing football and blamed a death bird that was close to that window
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Any Requests? I’ll love to hear them!
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roseytheteacup · 2 years
How about some platonic yandere diabolik lovers boys with a human kid head canons if that’s something your comfortable doing
Yes I'm okay with that mind I'm pretty tired right now but I will do my best
When you get dropped off on their doorstep the first thinking you were either lost or you were a kid trying to pull a prank
And when you explain to them your parents just left you there,they kinda aren't a bit surprised I mean their parents were awful so they weren't surprised human parents were cruddy too
After they let you in the house depending on what type of kid you are so say you were what my siblings are "hellspawn" children then Reiji might put you in the corner or make you write something a 100 times.
But if you are what some might call mature for your age Ayato will most likely say something witty "Awww look its a mini pain in my -"*sees Reiji* "I mean you wanna show me what your reading hehe"
I see them liking more to chaotic neutral children someone who is mildly chaotic but also a calm sense
The reason I see this is because Ayato,Laito,Kanato seem a bit more roubounksious(I hope i spell it right) then the rest of their brothers, so they need someone who can keep up with their level of energy when per say when Ayato wants to teach you basketball or when Kanato wants you to play dress up with him or when Laito needs someone to play piano with him
While on the other hand Reiji,Shu,Subaru are more calm so a calmer child they will get along with
Reiji will either read you some of the books he gotten,or teach you some *CHILD SAFE* experiments
Ps he's great with getting help with homework
Shu would let you take naps with him or let you listen to music with him but you will especially take naps if you don't have a steady sleep schedule
Subaru will probably take you to the garden and teach you how to take care of the roses and teach you self defense
All in all they seem great if your chaotic neutral but if your a "hellspawn" yeesh just run ok run
same situation with them though but they can take kids who are bit more hyperactive
Ruki will teach you about different cultures and how to cook simple meals until your old enough to learn how to use the stove
Yuma will teach you to garden and will take you to the park
Kou will teach you sing or play a instrument or if you are interested in fashion will teach you some sewing tricks
Azusa will show you his knife collection,and other trinkets he collected I can not tell you how much he cried when you brought him a bag of random little shiny things and the sword you stole from the sakamakis
AKA they knew it was you but they don't mind since they don't really use them though they were mad you gave it to one of them "dead" pest
I'm sorry if this was bad I"m tired and due to a ganglion cyst on my hand my hand will randomly fall asleep due to it,but I hope you enjoyed this
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teabutmakeitazure · 7 months
the day we receive more information about this blond gambling addict will be the day i rotate him horizontally in my mind like food on a microwave plate and study him like a microbiologist a microscopic organism
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🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
— Hah, I had forgotten how half humans can get sick more easily compared to vampires.
Reiji had some medicine on a tray, there was some tea he had also prepared.
— Come on, drink all the tea and take all the medicine." I don't want to see you like this for a long time, as this kind of attitude could affect your studies.
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Nonverbal RP Starters 🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
"Cough.. Cough...!" So maybe flying around outside when it rained only to go up to the cold addict wasn't such a great idea,. Aslan is indeed a vampire but with human blood, he's not like the others who can do whatever and not catch a cold. But being sick meant he couldn't stay up in the addict anymore and instead, was forced to stay in his actual room.
And not only that he had Reiji taking care of him, so it's way more harder to be stubborn..
"Of course it's all about studying for you.. Nn.." Taking a shot from the medicine, he immediately felt a cold sensation through his whole body, then a disgusting feeling in his throat that he couldn't help but gag at the feeling. "Mmm...!!" Struggling to sallow, he knew he'd get in trouble if he didn't, fighting for his life it finally manages to go down his throat, he cringes.
"——What the hell did you put in that..! Cough cough..! It tasted like two fucking ghouls trying to crawl down and up my throat." With the trash can that was next to the bed he spit in it. "Are you trying to kill me? No way I'm trying anymore of that the devil himself only knows what's in that tea." His hands on his mouth.
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{ @ask--reiji--sakamaki }
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khaarl-i · 1 year
Any name ideas for this over-sized puppy?
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It’s a she btw
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
Dead Carla to Ruki singing Sleep with me
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Round 2
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TW: manipulation, kidnapping, child abuse, attempted murder, sexual abuse, rape
The Other Mother propaganda
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Cordelia propaganda
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