#diamond + quake + carbon + comms + tower
macgyver2016-bracket · 3 months
Season 3, Episode 6: Murdoc + MacGyver + Murdoc
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Murdoc abducts MacGyver's girlfriend to force Mac to help him rescue his son from a kidnapper; a dangerous person from Murdoc's personal life shows up, giving Mac a glimpse into the villain's past.
Season 5, Episode 10: Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower
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Murdoc teams up with Andrews to hack the team's comms and reveal their most closely-guarded secrets to each other.
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kucka-g · 2 years
since i've got polls now
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emachinescat · 4 years
OH MY GOSH. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh OH. MY. GOSH.
Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, here are my thoughts about Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower, in no particular order (spoilers ahead):
THE TRUTH IS OUT. I honestly went into this episode thinking that we were going to be faked out again, but they actually delivered! I loved everything about the reveal, though I think it was super irresponsible of Desi to throw out her comms because she didn't like what she heard, especially after Matty expressly told her not to.
I am honestly shocked that they gave Leanna's storyline closure. I never cared for her as a character myself, but I always loved how much Bozer cared about her. Justin's acting in this episode was phenomenal. It broke my heart. Great continuity, and amazing angst!
Okay, so you know at the beginning when Mac is talking about pressure? Yeeeaaahh, he's not just talking about diamonds. I'm not sure how the writers intended us to read that scene, but I did not see happy, entergetic man preparing to propose. I saw a man barely holding it together, on the verge of cracking, laughing and smiling and acting so exuberant in an effort to stave off everything bad he is feeling. There was a sense of wrongness about his energy in the beginning, like he's breaking apart at the seams. It was funny and cute, don't get me wrong, but... It was also chilling.
Look at Bozer putting Riley's feelings first. And the part of the conversation we hear during the big reveal is pretty much everything I could have dreamed. I still can't believe that MAC KNOWS.
The WHUMP in this episode!!! Hit by a car, out of breath after being forced to run for miles, the emotional manipulation and stress. And of course, Murdoc beating him to a pulp, all that manhandling and punching and shoving... Excellent whump.
I am, however, sorely disappointed in the lack of aftercare/consequences. At the VERY LEAST, Mac should have been moving stiffly, arms cradling his midsection, hunched over in pain. Come on, writers. People don't get the crap beat out of them and then walk away like it's nothing.
Again, though, the whump itself was excellent.
I also love the fact that this whole thing was a plot to get and execute Mac so that Andrews could take over Codex. I love a good revenge plot, and the fact that they were broadcasting the killing to Codex leaders gave me all the whumperflies.
Regarding the plot in and of itself, it doesn't make a ton of sense. I guess Murdoc chose to beat Mac to draw out the death and force him to suffer more, so that the revenge would be sweeter?? But I don't believe Murdoc could have actually killed him. He can't lose his rival, his muse, his favorite toy (an idea I explore in one of my fics, actually). I also don't really get why he would team up with Andrews. Well, my best guess is that he just wanted to play with Mac and Phoenix, and Andrews provided that opportunity.
Speaking of Murdoc, he was ON POINT. I adored every minute of his time on screen. And you all heard it too - he actually declared his love for Mac with the "better to have loved and murdered" line!! That just further proves his creepy, possessive obsession with Mac (another thing I explored in my fic)! So yes, Murdoc was the perfect villain. The only complaint is that I think he would have used Jack's death against them.
As far as Andrews goes, I do think he was criminally underused. He was such a great villain with so much potential, but there was almost no reason for him to be there with the way they used him. And I was very disappointed that his chain never ended up around Mac's neck.
Desi was... Interesting this episode. I'm not going any deeper into Mac's intended proposal, because they made it very clear that he is rushing things because of the losses (another mention of Jack, by the way!) and because of how close he is to caving under the pressure. But yeah, Desi was sometimes frustrating and difficult, but she was resigned and understanding at the end?? I'm not sure how to read her anymore.
I adored Russ in this episode. I love him anyway, but his energy, angst, angry breakdown... They were incredible.
The earthquake plot was unique too! I do wish we'd get a bit more MacGyvering in this season, though.
As a whole, everyone's acting was on a whole new level in this one! I was blown away by each and every performance!
Finally, THAT CLIFFHANGER. I am DYING!!!! So cruel. I really, really hope they do it justice in the next episode, which I cannot wait for!!
Overall, this has by far been my favorite episode this season! So, so, so good, despite my few nitpicks. I actually cannot get over just how much I enjoyed it - can't wait to watch it again tomorrow! :)
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theighthhorcrux · 4 years
I was happy for Mac deciding to propose to Desi, and making the ring himself was a sweet personal touch. It’s been so long since we’ve seen Murdoc, and I was so excited to see him back with a new evil scheme- we better get double of him this season, seeing as we didn’t get any last one. Russ calling Riley ‘Riles’ is the cutest. Murdoc hacking the comms was a really cool twist, his mind games with Mac were great, and him teaming up with Andrews was awesome (but the result was not). Murdoc threatening to tell Desi Mac wanted to propose reminded me of Collins in Scorpion telling Happy Toby wanted to propose to her, but it was much more awkward and made me hope more than ever this love triangle ends ASAP. The news on Leanna hit me hard- I was hoping she would return, and I was so sad for Bozer having to find out and Russ having to tell him. The fight scene was kickass, and even though it was serious, it was funny, as was the video call with Codex members. I was happy Riley admitted her feelings and got over them, and I felt so bad for Desi having to find out the way she did. Russ addressing his mistakes and apologizing to Bozer about Leanna was really sad, and I really hated the cliffhanger and the direction it was going.                  
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goodsirs · 3 years
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David Dastmalchian as Murdoc in MacGyver — 5.10 “Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower”
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aesdi · 3 years
I keep thinking about it and thinking about it so here is Murdoc character analysis, buckle the fuck up!
Okay so out of ninety-four episodes, Murdoc is in eleven of them. So of course we don’t get a lot from him. Yet the things we are given paint a picture more complex than “creepy stalker lol” i promise im not frustrated i promise im not frustrated i promise im not
First, we learn that Murdoc does some hits for free. Specifically, hits against people who he thinks the world would be better without. He never really specifies what that would be, but based on the target we learn that bit of information from (a man who beat his girlfriend to death) we can conclude it’s people who are abusers and anything lower than that.
Then we learn about Cassian, which is Murdoc’s biggest motivation this entire show. Seriously, most of the things he does is because of Cassian, with the biggest example being “Murdoc + MacGyver + Murdoc”. Cassian is the only thing Murdoc probably cares about (probably being the key word but we’ll get to that) and the main brute of his empathy, he literally does anything for Cassian. And when we learn a bit about Murdoc’s past, it becomes easy to see why. From what we are told, Murdoc’s father was abusive, which gives us a hint on why Murdoc tries so hard to be a good father towards Cassian. It also makes Murdoc’s reaction to Amber using Cassian for money a bit more layered. 
Now, remember when I said we’ll get to that probably? Well we are here. As a result of digging through Murdoc’s character and every episode he is on screen, I can confidently say that he doesn’t actually want to kill MacGyver. In fact, I think Mac is the only other person besides Cassian Murdoc cares about. Out of eleven episodes, he only personally goes after Mac in three of them. The first time is in “Corkscrew”, which is his first episode and before he even knows of what Mac can do, so he has a pass. The second time was “X-Ray + Penny”, which was part of a bigger plan and he wanted Mac to escape. And this leads us to the most interesting one, “Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower”.
Murdoc in “Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower” interests me, because him teaming up to take control of Codex seems so out of character for him. The only time he did something like this was when he formed HIT, which ended terribly for him. Plus, if you think that Murdoc genuinely wants to kill Mac, it’s really not in character for him to do so in such a public way, with help from someone else no less. Yet, when you take into account Murdoc’s main motivation the entire show, it becomes clear. With that, I’m pretty sure that Andrews had Cassian kept somewhere and was using him against Murdoc, not unlike what Murdoc did to Nasha. This is all speculation, but since I’m always right it’s probably true.
One thing that annoys me specifically is that fanfic usually goes for the fact that Murdoc just hangs around Mac’s house, which I have to say he probably has so much more he could be doing. Like seriously. He still has a job (which takes him around the world might I add) and a kid, who he would spend as much time with as possible. And if that doesn’t convince you, Murdoc, in canon, would simply not go near anyone on Team Phoenix for absolutely no reason. Every time he goes near Mac in the show, it’s because he needs something, simple as that.
Now I’m not saying that Murdoc is a good person, because he obviously isn’t. I’m just saying he’s more complex than the “obsessed with mac and watches him sleep” idea that everyone in this fandom has.
In conclusion, Murdoc accidentally has empathy for for Mac, is a single father trying to make a difference, and is really not that creepy.
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macandriley · 4 years
5x10 – A Very MacRiley "Analysis"
Well, I definitely didn't expect to be making another AVMA post, but I am a woman of my word.
Below the cut, I will be discussing last night's episode of MacGyver (2016) titled "Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower"—particularly in reference to the relationship between Mac and Riley (with mentions of Mac x Desi as well).
So if you haven't seen it yet, do be aware: this post contains spoilers.
Without further adieu, let's get into it.
The Cold Open
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Here we see Mad Scientist Mac tooling around in his kitchen, rambling about pressurized carbon and diamonds. I won't bore you by going into details, but I will give a brief rundown:
Bozer walks in.
Bozer is weirded out by Mac's strange behavior.
Mac reveals he intends to propose to Desi with a diamond he cooked up in a box (side note: I am so here for conflict free genius diamonds).
But I digress.
I won't lie and say this entire thing was surprising. The intended proposal was a touch predictable; everyone on Twitter had been hypothesizing about it for weeks before the episode even aired.
Still, when I heard those words come out of Mac's mouth, my heart absolutely shattered.
I pictured a wedding. Having to watch them say I do while Riley stood off to the side.
And then logic set in.
Why on God's green earth would this man want to marry a woman he's only really been on good terms with for a few weeks? Why would he want to take that next step when she's been so hesitant to even call him her boyfriend?
Well, Mac himself said it best. "Ever since I lost my dad and Jack, I've been thinking about the bigger picture. And a commitment to make things work is exactly what Desi and I need."
Problem One
As Mac said, this newfound craving for marriage does not come from a genuine desire to take that next step. It's influenced by loss. By grief.
Which isn't inherently an issue. Mortality is a great motivator for soul-searching and self-discovery.
However, when it comes to matters of the heart, acting out of grief can often be more detrimental than helpful. It can cause you to cling to what you have left, sometimes in ways that are unhealthy.
Which brings me to:
Problem Two
Mac clearly does not view marriage with Desi as something he truly wants. As an act of love or genuine devotion.
To him, it seems more like a desire to force things to work. Like a business contract. "If we're married, we have no choice but to talk it out."
Which makes sense when you consider that, in 4x04, Mac admitted he and Desi were clinging to the familiar instead of actual substance. He wants to make it work because the alternative is being alone.
And to be frank, that doesn't frame MacDesi in a very good light at all.
I Probably Shouldn't Tell You This
Before Mac, Riley, and Desi are sent off on their mission to Mexico City, Bozer pulls Riley aside and, presumably, tells her about Mac's intentions to marry Desi.
I won't go into detail on that here, but it's important to later scenes, so I felt it deserved a mention for that reason alone.
Plus, it only further confirms, at least in my mind, that Riley still has enough feelings for Mac for Bozer would worry about her. So...a win?
Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?
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After Mac runs off to play Murdoc's little game, Riley and Desi follow him. One thing leads to another, and the trio winds up on the roof of a skyscraper, unable to unlock the doors and get back inside.
Cornered, they are absolutely at Murdoc's mercy.
So what does this glorious psychopath do?
He tells Mac the one thing he has never been able to figure out on his own. That Riley had feelings for him and buried them deep, deep down. That having to watch him and Desi was genuinely hurting her.
I love this scene for several reasons. The most important of them being: I really don't think either of them would have said anything if Murdoc hadn't done this.
They are both so self-sacrificing. So willing to give up their happiness so that they won't get in the way of other people's' joy.
Getting that little push opened them both up to experiencing feelings they'd previously denied. Which is super important for people like them, who don't have a lot of experience with touchy-feely type situations.
And the best part?
I think Desi truly realized all of that. She wasn't mad. She wasn't bitter. She saw this happen, realized the lengths Riley went to to protect her feelings, and accepted it. She refused to let them be distracted by it, and looked after Ri like a real teammate would.
Her not holding that against them isn't something I would have expected way back when this season first started. But you could really see that, as much as she probably didn't enjoy hearing that, she understood it.
Sidebar - Desi
While I think the shift in Desi's character is abrupt and I would've preferred a more transformative storyline, I'm honestly not mad about how they're writing her.
If this continues to be how she's written, and it all remains consistent, I can personally overlook the sudden shift in behavior for her.
Because honestly, Peter Lenkov was a dick, and I can get not wanting to continue on with the toxicity he injected into D for even a moment.
Hug It Out
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When all is said and done, Mac lets Riley know that they don't have to talk about it. Which is super considerate, if a little obnoxious.
She, being the wise and tired babie she is, decides it's best to be honest. So she explains what happened in Germany. And finally, after months of waiting, it's all laid out in the open. Just like that.
There is not much to analyze in this scene other than the hug itself.
Riley shuts her eyes, holding onto him like she can't quite believe he's real and Mac sighs, because god, he did not expect for his day to go like this. And he definitely didn't think he'd feel so oddly satisfied that it did.
So they just stand there, rocking slightly, comforted by each other's embrace.
The only word that came to mind when watching it go down for the first time was: safe. They almost looked like they were at home in each other's arms. At peace.
And as someone who has loved these two deeply since season one, it's so heartwarming to see them have that kind of connection with someone. Even more so to see them find it in each other.
Knock Knock. Who's There?
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Mac. That's who.
Late at night, after contemplating his proposal again (boy, why?), we see Mac leave his house. He shows up at an apartment building, knocks on a door, and...
Oh look, it's Riley's place.
She's shocked.
He asks if her feelings are really gone.
And...cut to black.
I am not foolish enough to assume this will be easy. It's entirely possible she'll lie and say she's over him to uncomplicate things.
But this is the closest we have ever been to canonization. And I think it speaks volumes that Mac is the one making the first move.
We don't often get to see the more emotional aspects of this show through his point of view. It's usually the people around him who are allowed to feel things, and him who deals with the aftermath.
Yet here we are. He was the one to seek out Riley. To take the leap.
And I think that speaks a lot to his own emotional growth.
In Conclusion
Monica Macer is the bait and switch queen. 5x10 was an emotional ride I did not ask to go on, but I'm pleasantly surprised by the final destination.
Here's hoping I can write another one of these after 5x11.
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macgyvergifs · 4 years
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angus “mac” macgyver | 5.10 - ‘Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower’
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sabikitsune · 3 years
Since I never actually do anything with these, I’ll continue releasing them into the wild >.>
Can we get a MacDalton rewrite of 5x10 ( Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower)?
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macgyver2016-bracket · 3 months
Season 5, Episode 10: Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower
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Murdoc teams up with Andrews to hack the team's comms and reveal their most closely-guarded secrets to each other.
Season 5, Episode 12: Royalty + Marriage + Vivaah Sanskar + Zinc + Henna
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Mac, Desi, and Russ crash a royal wedding to protect the bride, and try to work out their own romantic issues.
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spoilertv · 4 years
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MacGyver - Episode 5.10 - Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower - Press Release https://www.spoilertv.com/2021/02/macgyver-episode-510-diamond-quake.html
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macandriley · 4 years
Hi! I'm new to the show and it's a lot to catch up on. What are your favorite episodes from each season?
Regretfully, I must inform you my list of favorites is about five miles long—particularly for the first three seasons. So this might still be a touch overwhelming.
But I’ve been asked this once or twice, so I guess now’s as good a time as any to compile all the requests into one post.
To satisfy the various different asks for watchlists, this post will include both episodes I think are important to the plot/characters, and episodes that I consider my favorites. Feel free to skip any: this is completely arbitrary.
Color Key:
Essential episode titles will be colored blue. If I also consider them one of my favorite episodes, they will have a purple * next to them.
My favorite episode titles will be colored purple.
Without further adieu...
The Essential MacGyver Watch List
Season One
The Rising *
Wire Cutter
Can Opener *
Corkscrew *
Scissors *
Large Blade
Magnifying Glass
Hole Puncher *
Cigar Cutter
Season Two (aka the best season)
DIY or Die
Muscle Car + Paperclips *
Roulette Wheel + Wire
X-Ray + Penny *
Jet Engine + Pickup Truck *
Packing Peanuts + Fire
CD-ROM + Hoagie Foil
War Room + Ship *
Bullet + Pen
Mac + Jack *
Mardi Gras Beads + Chair
Murdoc + Handcuffs
Hammock + Balcony *
Riley + Airplane *
Skyscraper - Power
Wind + Water
UFO + Area 51
Macgyver + MacGyver *
Season Three
Bravo Lead + Loyalty + Friendship
Bozer + Booze + Back to School
Guts + Fuel + Hope *
Murdoc + MacGyver + Murdoc
Revenge + Catacombs + Le Fantome***
Matty + Ethan + Fidelity
Mac + Fallout + Jack
Wilderness + Training + Survival
Father + Bride + Betrayal *****
K9 + Smugglers + New Recruit
Murdoc + Helman + Hit *
Friends + Enemies + Border
Treason + Heartbreak + Gun
Mason + Cable + Choices *
Season Four
Fire + Ashes + Legacy = Phoenix *
Kid + Plane + Cable + Truck
Windmill + Acetone + Celluloid + Firing Pin *********
Mac + Desi + Riley + Aubrey *
Father + Son + Father + Matriarch
Code + Artemis + Nuclear + N3mesis *
Tesla + Bell + Edison + Mac *
Loyalty + Family + Rogue + Hellfire *
Save + The + Damn + World
Season Five
Resort + Desi + Riley + Window Cleaner + Witness
Banh Bao + Sterno + Drill + Burner + Mason
Jack + Kinematics + Safe Cracker + MgKNO3 + GTO ***
Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance *****
Golden Lancehead + Venom + Pole Vault + Blood + Baggage
Rails + Pitons + Pulley + Pipe + Salt
Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower ********
C8H7ClO + Nano-Trackers + Resistance + Maldives + Mind Games **************
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maidenua · 4 years
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Дивлюся зараз це MacGyver 5x10 "Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower"
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jayrehme · 4 years
MP4: MacGyver Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower
MP4: MacGyver Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) – Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower
While on a mission to hunt down a Codex lead, Mac and the team discover Murdoc hacked their comms and has recorded them for months. MacGyver Season Number: 5 Episode Number: 10 Episode Title: Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower Air Date: Mar 5, 2021 Source: MacGyver.2016.S05E10.1080p.WEB.H264-GGEZ Source link
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myepisodecalendar · 4 years
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MacGyver (2016) Season 5 - Episode 10: Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower AirDate: March 5th, 2021, 08:00 PM
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emachinescat · 4 years
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So I've been wanting to write this since 5x10, but just now got the chance. This is a look at the ending scene from Murdoc's creepy, possessive obsession with Mac, and it plays with the idea of what might have happened if Bozer hadn't done the trick with the static (sorry Boze for taking away your moment of glory, but creepy Murdoc trumps hero time). Anyway, I hope you enjoy my twist on this episode. It was fun to write. Murdoc is fun to write. What does that say about me? ;)
Title: Murdoc + MacGyver - Everyone Else | Fandom: MacGyver 2016
Summary: AU ending to 5x10. Murdoc never planned on killing MacGyver in that skyscraper. Certainly not for the likes of Andrews. Or, in which Bozer doesn't do his trick with the comms and Murdoc sends a very clear message to all of Codex that MacGyver is HIS.
Characters | Pairings: Murdoc, Mac, Andrews, Riley, Desi
Words: 2,594
TW: Murdoc being creepier than usual, I guess
AO3 Tags: Murdoc Is Obsessed with MacGyver, Obsessive Murdoc, Possessive Murdoc, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Whump. Hurt Angus Macgyver (Macgyver 2016), Season/Series 05, 5x10, 5x10 au, Implied MacRiley, Manhandling, Creepy Murdoc (MacGyver TV 2016), Obsessive Behavior, TW Creepy Obsession, Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower, Murdoc POV
Full story here or on AO3!
It was adorable, really, Murdoc thought as he lowered the improvised cutting torch slowly, steadily, agonizingly closer to MacGyver’s bruised and bloody face, that Eric Andrews thought that Murdoc was going to go through with this.  The general was a ridiculous man, the kind that Murdoc most enjoyed killing.  Arrogant and pretentious,yet stupid enough to believe he could manipulate, even control, Murdoc, he was a man who would look lovely with Murdoc’s gun pressed squarely between his eyes.
Yet despite his faults, he had been useful.  He’d helped Murdoc escape from the blacksite, and in return, Murdoc had vowed to help him set a trap for MacGyver.  Andrews wanted to broadcast Angus’s death to the heads of a terror cell.  It was his way of “interviewing” to become the head of the organization.  And what would Murdoc get out of this arrangement?  Other than his freedom, he would be given the opportunity to play with MacGyver before Andrews dealt the final blow.
So Murdoc used Andrews to escape the blacksite, and together they set this ingenious little trap for the genius himself.  He’d used Andrews and his resources as a means of playing his newest game.  He smiled and nodded when Andrews spouted his rhetoric, adjusted his plans as Andrews directed, and valiantly kept from gutting the egocentric wackadoodle – somehow – during the course of their time together.  He’d almost snapped and killed the guy, once.
He hated the way that Andrews spoke about his Angus MacGyver, gloated about how cathartic it would be to see the light go out of those blue eyes.  How he relished the notion of feeling MacGyver’s life sleep away, how he fantasized about wrapping his chains around that smooth, pale neck and squeezing , slowly and intimately, with all of Codex watching – after Murdoc had had his fun with him, of course.
Murdoc’s profession had always allowed him to maintain a rather fluid lifestyle, and until MacGyver had come onto the scene, the killer had moved from one job to the next without distraction.  He had never been one to get caught up or fixated on any one thing – as a killer, he understood the impermanence of life in a way few others could.
That is, until Angus “Boy Wonder” MacGyer.  Suddenly, Murdoc had a muse, a partner in his games, a worthy opponent, his very own Sherlock to his Moriarty.  And the thought of anyone – especially Andrews, that self-important crackpot who was so empty all he could do was spout the words of people who’d come before him – looking at Angus MacGyver with that kind of fire in their eyes, that kind of hatred, that dark intent, stirred something primal and angry deep within the hollow, twisted remnants of Murdoc’s soul.  Even worse was hearing that obnoxious, pedantic voice boasting about all the ways he planned to hurt MacGyver, all the ways he planned to kill him in front of a live studio audience.  A foregin, almost protective rush had overcome Murdoc.  The things that Andrews described, the torture, the killing itself – those were things that no one except for Murdoc himself could do to Angus MacGyver.
Murdoc could have snapped and killed him, then.  He almost had.  The trap had been set, MacGyver would soon be on his way.  Murdoc could take out Andrews in one surprise hit and wait for his BFF to arrive.  They might even get some time alone together before the rest of the love triangle showed up.  But he had stayed his hand.  He needed Andrews to contact Codex.  He had a message he needed to send.
And so he’d resisted the drumbeats of death so loud they blocked out his thoughts, and hadn’t put a bullet between Andrews’s eyes.
And now, here he was, in the moment of truth.  It had been a bold move, out of character, if you will, for Murdoc to take on MacGyver in hand-to-hand combat.  Normally, Murdoc avoided using brute force, not because it wasn’t fun – because, boy howdy, was it fun – but because his tools were much more precise than fists, and could cause more pain with less chance of unintended damage.
But this was a special occasion, and he allowed himself to indulge.  And it was a truly delicious situation, made all the more exhilarating with the knowledge that so many people were watching him work.  Not Codex – he hadn’t given a rat’s ass about Codex in that moment – but Phoenix, whom Murdoc had just manipulated and played with like a puppet master with his creepy little mannequins.  He kept an eye on the girls, and chills ran down his body as he saw the fear and desperation in their eyes, the way they strained helplessly against their bonds to get to their friend who was himself completely at Murdoc’s mercy.  He couldn’t see Matilda or Bozer or Taylor, but he could hear the fear in their voices when they spoke, and his mind’s eye conjured a splendid picture of their terrified eyes fixated on the screen, forced to watch as their golden boy was beaten and eventually murdered in front of them.  It was glorious .  Murdoc wished that moment could go on forever.
He truly had relished every hit he’d landed on MacGyver.  Bless him, he tried to fight back, but he was just a spy trained in field comat.  Murdoc was a killer.  Just because he didn’t use his fists that much anymore, it didn’t mean he didn’t know how to.  He was quick, and stronger than his lithe frame would suggest.  Beneath the long-sleeved shirts and black leather jackets, lean, deadly muscles lurked like a snake in the grass, always ready to strike – and strike fast.  Every kick, every hit, every punch to the face sent bolts of electricity up Murdoc’s arms.  He saw the moment when MacGyver’s cheek split open, watched the blood slowly trickle down as he wound up for another hit.  After about three hits directly to the face, MacGyver couldn’t hold himself up anymore and he made weak, desperate grabs for Murdoc’s jacket.  Murdoc felt the tug on the fabric, relished the feeling of MacGyver needing him in that moment.  When he threw MacGyver against the heavy metal support, he felt like a god.
Now here we was, with his greatest foe having literally just been under his boot.  His left hand was wrapped around MacGyver’s right wrist, pinning it down, his knee pressed against the half-conscious agent’s chest to keep him in place.  In his hands he held a tool that, as he had said moments ago, would be the most poetic end to MacGyver he could have concocted – finally silenced by one of his own fancy little inventions.  For a moment, Murdoc was tempted to plow ahead, not to kill, but to play, to hurt , to watch the dazed fear in his muse’s eyes turn to pain and sheer terror… but he had more important things to do.  Maybe he would take this toy with him when he left, and save it to use on MacGyver another day.
He leaned in close, his knee pressing harder into MacGyver’s sternum, and the boy wonder grunted in pain, gasped for breath.  Murdoc leaned closer, his face inches from his prey’s, and watched MacGyver’s concussed eyes go wide at the close proximity.  Murdoc noted with satisfaction that he’d really done a number on his blue-eyed buddy this time – the pupils were unequal, one dilated and the other not.  Murdoc whispered in Mac’s ear, “Don’t worry, friend, I would never let a pig like Andrews kill you.  I’ve got your back.”  He pulled back and winked conspiratorially.  Then, in one fluid motion, he dropped the torch, drew his gun, and shot Eric Andrews one, two, three times, right in his smug, ugly face.  The general didn’t even have time to be surprised by the betrayal.  He was already dead.
From across the room, Murdoc could hear one of the girls – probably the loud, bossy girlfriend – yelling something, but he didn’t pay attention.  Instead, he gripped MacGyver by the front of his jacket, hauled him to his feet (sort of; MacGyver slumped in Murdoc’s arms, unable to stand on his own, but Murdoc had no problem with that at all), and stood there facing the drone.  He could feel MacGyver trembling in pain, and it nearly sickened him that he was going to cut this meeting short.  Still, once he took care of this pesky Codex visit, he could look forward to plenty more games with his adversarial soulmate in the future.
Glaring up at the camera, Murdoc gave Mac’s weak, beaten form a little shake.  “See this guy?” he demanded, not waiting for an answer.  In the second of dead space between his question and answer, he did notice that Desiree had stopped yelling.  No one at the Phoenix was speaking.  Everyone was waiting, he knew, with bated breath, to see how this would turn out.  “Angus MacGyver, here, is mine. ”  He felt MacGyver stir weakly in his arms, protesting Murdoc’s claim even when concussed and barely cognizant.  “Hush, now, Angus,” Murdoc hissed.  “I’m trying to save your life.”
To Codex, he continued, “I love a good murder as much as the next guy.  Hell, more than the next guy.  Way more than him, actually.  So much more that I’ll kill the next guy just to scratch that itch.”  He grinned his most feral grin.  “But MacGyver is not on the market, you hear me?  The only one who is allowed to murder him is me .  Your Andrews was pathetic, a great brute who pretended at being a scholar because it made him feel important.  I meant what I said earlier, fellas – and ladies – this guy is so smart.  Way too smart for the likes of you.  Too smart for Andrews.”
He bared his teeth, shaking MacGyver once more to emphasize his point.  “Angus is my muse.  He’s my dance partner in this crazy murder-tango we’ve been doing for the past few years.  You thought I was being dramatic when I started reminiscing about the good old days earlier?”  He paused, thought, then amended, “Okay, so I was being dramatic, but I meant. Every. Word.  And it all boils down to this: The only one who’s going to end his life is me .”
A voice from the speakers, a female’s, cold and dead, offered, “Then kill him now.  Perhaps we can find a place in Codex for one as ruthless as you.”
Murdoc laughed out loud, throwing his head back.  His body trembled with giggles, and he heard MacGyver emit a grunt of pain at the motion.  “Whoops, sorry, buddy,” he apologized giddily, then shook him a bit more, this time for fun.  MacGyver stayed steadfastly quiet this time – bor -ing!
Murdoc sobered in an instant, letting every ounce of hatred, death, and chaos flood his gaze as his lips set into a thin line and he tightened his grip on MacGyver, who pushed feebly against his arms.  “You really think I want to be a part of your girl scout troop?  Please.  Codex before Angus MacGyver happened to it, maybe.  But now?  You all are ridiculous, dethroned kings who scrabble hungrily for any crumb left to you in your moldering ruins.  You aren’t powerful.  You aren’t smart.  That Leland was the only good thing you had going for you, and now he’s gone.”  He all but purred his next words: “And with what, a shot to the chest?  Precisely aimed, almost like a hit man had taken him out?  Hmmm….”
“ You are claiming responsibility for Leland’s death?”
Murdoc shrugged.  He finally, reluctantly released his grip on MacGyver, and the blonde tumbled to the floor.  Murdoc watched from the corner of his eye as he immediately began to drag himself slowly, agonizingly, away from Murdoc and toward his gal pals.  Murdoc rolled his eyes and clamped his boot down on MacGyver’s bruised back once more, effectively pinning him in place.  Too easy.  He peered into the camera again, rolled his shoulders, cracked his neck, and hissed, “Believe what you want about Leland’s death.  But do you really want to mess with the bastard who killed this great paragon of new wave terrorism?  Not saying it was me, but damn.  Whoever this guy is must be one tough cookie.  And I would advise you, friends ,” – never had that word held so much derision – “to not play with his toys.”  He ground his heel into MacGyver’s back a little deeper.  “The TL;DR?  MacGyver is off-limits.  If you kill him, I kill you, ten times more slowly and painfully than I plan to kill him.  Got it?”
Without giving the council a chance to respond, he raised his gun and shot the drone out of the air.  He tossed the gun aside, sighed, and stepped off of a weakly moving MacGyver.  He grabbed the genius under the armpits and dragged him to the opposite side of the room from the girls.  Producing another zip tie, Murdoc secured MacGyver to the nearest piece of equipment and stood back to observe his handiwork.  Paying no mind to the sorry state he was in, Angus was already stubbornly pulling himself up to a sitting position, bloody face set in pain and determination.  “You,” he panted, lifting his eyes up to meet Murdoc’s, “are insane.”
Murdoc laughed.  “I thought we’d already established that long ago, dear.”
“Don’t call me,” MacGyver wheezed, “dear.  Despite your… delusions, I do not … belong to you.  Or to anybody.”
“Expect maybe Miss Davis?” Murdoc mocked.  “And please , Angus.  Can’t you see that I was just putting on a show for the ‘evil Zoom meeting’?”  He hadn’t been, and he could tell that MacGyver was seeing straight through his lie.  “Look,” Murdoc said, “I hate it when we fight.  How about we both take some time and pick this back up when we’ve had a little time to heal and reflect?”
Through gritted teeth, MacGyver growled, “How about you go away and never come back?”
“Tsk, tsk, Angus .  That isn’t any way to treat your rescuer.  But you are concussed, so I’ll let it slide.  Actually, I need to motor.  Now that the situation’s neutralized, the authorities will be all over this place.  I really don’t fancy going back to that blacksite, so I’ll leave you here to wait for your buddies.”  He bent down, patted MacGyver on the face, grinned when his adversary jerked his head away from the touch.  “‘Til next time, Mac .”  He made a face.  “Actually, scratch that.  My calling you Mac is almost as unsettling as Taylor calling Miss Davis Riles .”  He heard an indigent noise from over the comm – he’d almost forgotten Phoenix was listening in, they’d been so quiet.  He chuckled, relishing how fun Russ Taylor was to annoy.  “Anway, I’ll see you soon, Angus.”
Murdoc removed the comm and crushed it under his boot, then backed away and sauntered from the room, whistling his slow, eerie funeral dirge, “Home on the Range.”
He knew that even while injured and concussed, MacGyver would be out of the zipties and releasing his friends before the polícia arrived.  He’d then be whisked away to a hospital, and all of Phoenix would have to deal with the fallout of the secrets that had been revealed.  He wondered if MacGyver would choose Desiree or Riley.  In the end, though, he knew that it wouldn’t matter who MacGyver chose.  He could deny it all he wanted, but in the end, there would be Murdoc.
There would always be Murdoc.
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