#dicey dungeons inventor
9spoons9 · 10 months
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I have been playing Dicey Dungeons a lot recently.
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seahdalune · 2 years
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i want them to make stuff together
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ejsuperstar · 5 months
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jellyaibo · 2 years
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thingssssss i drew for tari cuz im in debt again (hi tari) (hi)
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riotiro-art · 2 years
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ride wife life good
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lunarsanctuary · 3 months
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look!!! theyre scampering!!
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artnerd1123 · 4 months
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that’s a lot more than a pair'a dice... maybe together, they can make their own bit of paradise~
aaaand bonus contestant jester version of the lineup for fun and profit <3
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chronicsheepdrawing · 6 months
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Featuring designs from my friend @prntrink
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real-ms-awkward · 11 months
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Ive been umm- playing some games ya know- find them cute goobers!
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Here’s them alittle closer and stuff-
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
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Expanded my colour pencil range recently and had my switch copy of Dicey Dungeons on hand. So have a study of Warrior!
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tatonslice · 2 years
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this was initially just the thief drawing but then i drew everyone else
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hexagoniterations · 2 years
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no way
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ejsuperstar · 4 months
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You should totally tell the people who aren't in the server about the bet
Zeol has to defeat the inventor and the witch before I get my haircut. (Dicey dungeons)
Is there any reward? No.
Are we still doing this? Yeah.
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flagboi-whotookit · 7 months
Reviewlike #1
Fortune Favors the Fortunate (Dicey Dungeon) 1. The set-up This is a very innovative roguelike... In setting at least, we'll get to the rest later. You play as one of six people who entered a competition run by Lady Luck herself, where if you win, you get your heart's greatest desire. Said people are promptly transformed into dice and forced to traverse a dungeon. The cast is just as colorful as the setting, some of the best include; A workaholic playing to remove his need for sleep, the cut-throat and competitive type vying to win a billion dollars, and a curious inventor here by accident because she was interested in the bus headed to the show. Still having said that, we still have... 2. A glaring problem Yeah... I know I was hyping the setting up, but the gameplay falls flat compared to the rest. Which is a shame since that's the part you really have to nail to make a good roguelike. But, why? Why is Dicey Dungeon so bad? Well... it's too luck based. Wait, wait, put the pitchforks down. I don't mean it has luck in it, I'm not someone reviewing Shotgun King on Steam. Most good roguelikes have luck in them. I mean that it is ALL. LUCK. This game has next to no skill involved. The majority of this game is combat, and how do you fight in this game? Roll dice. Wait, that's it? Sadly, yes. Sure, you can reroll dice, or add a pip (the little dots on dice) to one. You can also choose how to spend the ones you do get. But a lot of the weapons/tools need specific, or a specific range, of numbers. Pretty much every item in the game either has a max number cap, meaning it just won't accept higher dice, or mandates you use an even or odd die. I understand this was in an attempt to balance the game, but the fact you're beholden to a Yahtzee cup is balance enough. The amount of times I've got a bunch of useless dice, or my opponent got a perfect set that I had no way to counter, is unparallel. Even with all that, I still feel inclined to ask... 3. Is this salvageable?
Answering this question means we have to answer another first: Where does being salvaged end, and being scrapped start? Stay with me! I promise this is going somewhere. If the dice aesthetic stays, it would have to be *purely* aesthetic for the gameplay to work. Which would make it blend into the sea of dungeon crawler roguelikes. Instead, I offer a better solution: Broaden the scope from simply dice, to all luck based things. This way, they could keep Lady Luck, but kick the luck-dependent combat. The issue here is; is this too far from the original vision? I mean, it's called DICEY Dungeon, die are kinda it's thing. I can't answer this, I didn't make the game and don't know the people who did, so I don't know what their vision was. All I know is the final product.
So, where does this leave us? Well, wherever it's lead you. I don't care for conclusions, I won't tell you what to think about this. I'll just leave you with my take, feel free to add on, or tell me why you think I'm wrong. I'm all for discussion. Anyway, enjoy your day or night. If you aren't busy, get comfortable, grab a drink, throw on a podcast, and roguelike until your mouse dies. And once again, stay tunned, as long as there are roguelikes, there's my opinion. Is it a good opinion? That's for you to decide...
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artnerd1123 · 4 months
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Big thinker, attention blinker, and always down to tinker~
profile undercut~
Name: Inventor Pronouns: she/her Gender/sexuality: trans woman + lesbian Species: human  Height: 5’3”  Age: late 20s Occupation pre-dungeons: mechanic/repairman of many assorted machines (cars, factory equipment, household appliances, anything really), general tinkerer  Dungeon wish: a complete understanding of everything in the universe!!!  Fighting style: scrappy. In EVERY meaning of the word. She’s incredibly skilled at building her own weapons/equipment on the fly, and uses this to her advantage on the battlefield, able to use a “gadget” for free the entire fight- though she scraps it for a new one after each battle. Her lineups often seem slapdash and chaotic, but her experience as a mechanic, computer code geek, chemist, and holder of two science based PHDs mean that even when something backfires, the results help further her goals. Any advantage she can have she’ll take, though she tries not to fight unfairly with those weaker than her/equal to her in strength/prowess. She’s not experienced in a lot of weapon use, but she doesn’t have to be- she just has to know how to build em! She can make them pilot themselves if need be. All that being said, her stocky body is still PACKED full of muscle and energy, so even though she’s not a great fistfighter, she can and will fuck you up  Strengths: high energy, curiosity that knows no bounds, her hunger for knowledge is never sated (and therefore her persistence of answers never wavers), will get up over and over again no matter how many failures she endures, works great off of spite, in all aspects of her life she’s highly inventive- no seriously! She’s resourceful, extremely good at troubleshooting, and always thinks outside the box. She absorbs information like a sponge, and even if some of it leaks out now and again, she’s never one to shy away from re-studying her topic of choice. She thrives in chaotic and fast paced environments, and has experience in mechanical/chemical/computer coding/a bit of biology all firmly under her belt. Weaknesses: absolutely cannot sit still, processing slower tasks is difficult and waiting is excruciating, so her patience with her own work is very low, working hard off of spite can make her run herself into the ground if she’s not careful, has trouble reaching out for help in her own personal life struggles, can get overly emotional, explosive when angry, her one track pursuit of knowledge often leaves her blind to the obvious (bad) stuff happening around her, getting her to fully drop something is really difficult unless you have a project that’s more exciting, sticking to just one thing is agony so she hops between projects a LOT- not that great for long term goals  Personality: Inventor is always bright eyed and bushy tailed no matter how late of a night she had! She’s fast paced in how she works, how she talks, how she reaches for activities/knowledge, and how she exists day to day. She likes to keep herself busy all the time, and has a BLAST doing so- after all, you never work a day in your life if you love your job! And she LOVES being able to tinker with all sorts of gadgets, machines, and all manner of chemical reactions. Despite her avid love of finding and learning about new things, she can be timid around strangers, unsure how to present herself or conduct herself around them. She’ll shake it off and go back to her own bouncy eager self with enough time. While she often gets impatient with her own work, she does her best NOT to be impatient with people- especially those who are helping her in her work, and those she loves. Her patience when it comes to learning about new topics and/or people is vastly larger. She often wears her emotions on her sleeve, getting riled up easily (for better or for worse). Passionate is probably the best way to describe her overall. She is, however, terrified of being a failure. Being told you’re worth nothing growing up will do that- hence why she keeps moving all the time. Something’s bound to turn out eventually! There’s no way those screaming for her downfall are right. Right?
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