#did i really decide to do this over my art project? y e s
nem0-nee · 2 years
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃.
bskfsfksfs Overblot Mayuu concept... Inspired by a certain titan with a monstrous appetite?! Yeah, don't eat blotted magestones kids-
A certain housewarden is FUCKED (iykyk)
I just needed to get this idea out of my system, might render when I'm feeling ambitious
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
You’ve got some really bad habits
some can be interpreted platonically, and others are not up for debate. Lucky enough, I have more than enough bad habits to draw inspiration from (that’s not something to brag about, I know.) - day
warnings : nothing too serious. things that seem quite trivial ig, but bad habits nonetheless
requests : Could you do a fic where the seven and whoever like checks up on the readers? They take care of them and their unhealthy habits?? Thank you!
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P e r c y
Biting your nails
The two of you were lounging on a picnic blanket on top of half-blood hill, watching as the sun set sooner than either of you would have liked. You laid back on Percy’s arm, one hand rested on top of his chest and feeling it fall and rise with every breath.
He made a noise suddenly and raised your hand to his face, examining it closely and sighing, “You’re still biting your nails down to the nub I see.” His lips rested against the middle finger, turning his head to connect eyes with yours, “You promised you’d try not to do that anymore.”
You looked away guiltily, pulling your hand away, “I tried, but it’s hard to break a habit like that.”
He chewed his lip in thought, “Hey, my mom had the same issue, and she had this nail polish that helped her stop.” He looked back to you with a small smile, “I’ll ask if I can borrow it next time I visit!”
A n n a b e t h
It wasn’t like it was a big deal, it certainly didn’t make her uncomfortable and she actually thought it was really funny. Annabeth always looked forward to hearing which combination you could come up with next and how it would fit the situation you used it in.
But when you visited Olympus on the occasion of returning one of the gods stolen pieces and came out with more than on swear, she felt like it should be discussed where you can use this language. She was laughing a little when she reprimanded you, so you didn’t know if she was serious or not but promised anyway to watch what you say and where you say it.
F r a n k
Being late
Poor Frank must be a ball of anxiety by now, you thought. You were running late to your first date with Frank and that was not something for you to be late to. There was no excuse to use to cover for yourself. Your time management has always been a big flaw of yours.
You swung open the door to the cafe to see Frank sitting there tracing the lines of the wooden table. Apologies left your lips before Frank even knew you were there, his face relaxing once he realized you hadn’t stood him up after all.  
He laughed and assured you that he was just glad you came at all but commented on your horrible time-keeping skills. You smiled at his light-hearted nature and promised you’d work on them just for him. The occasion became sort of an inside joke between the two of you afterwards.
H a z e l
Biting your lip
It was hurting both of you in entirely different ways. For you, it was peeling your lip, causing it to bleed and become more sensitive than it ought to be. For Hazel, it was tormenting to watch the plump flesh being pulled and bit between your teeth, only to be let go with a silent pop.
She stayed quiet about it for the most part, deciding that kissing you whenever you did so and when it was appropriate was enough to stop the habit. But you did it one too many times today, causing even the good-tempered Hazel to snap.
“Good grief, y/n” she sighed exasperatedly, “can you not go one minute without biting your lip?”
You stared wide-eyed at your girlfriend, entirely unused to her scolding. You couldn’t help but laugh and lick your lips to tease her further, “What else am I to do that keeps them preoccupied?”
J a s o n
Cracking knuckles
Jason hated the sound so much. Anytime you did it, he would make a face and express how much he disliked it. It was a point of teasing at first and he made it a point to show you how much he hated it by giving you a certain look that was manufactured just for the times you did that.
It was the breaking point for Jason when you did so in front of him when you were out with Leo to buy some Christmas presents. He gave a groan and spun to look at you with that look again, “Y/n please stop doing that! At least when I’m around.” His voice softened when he saw the embarrassed look on your face. 
Leo mumbled a “yikes” and turned into the first store he saw; a boutique.
You rubbed your arm uncomfortably and whispered a small, “I’m sorry” before walking into the shop behind Leo, leaving Jason to regret the way he handled the discomfort.
P i p e r
Not being able to say no
Okay, you’ll admit that you were crying, but you weren’t going to admit why. You were supposed to meet up with Piper to play Volleyball with her and a few others, but when you didn’t show up, she got worried. She didn’t even knock which is what took you off guard.
She watched as you hurriedly tried to wipe away the tears, but they just kept coming. Piper moved to sit beside you, turning your head so she could see your red eyes, “What’s wrong? You didn’t show to Volleyball, did something happen?”
You shook your head and forced a smile, “Just tired, Pipes. I’m sorry and I’ll make it up to you.”
Her head turned in thought, eyes searching your own for an actual answer. You were about to make a joke about your tears when she spoke up first in an accusatory tone, “You know you’re not obligated to say yes to everything, right? You’re stretching yourself too thin and it’s stressing you out!”
You gaped, stammering for words but finding none. She sighed at this and collected your hand in her own, kissing the back of it, “Let’s start by not rescheduling volleyball and letting you make time for yourself instead.”
L e o 
Waiting to do things last minute
You were hurriedly throwing your things together; you were being picked up from camp by your family soon; and by soon that means that they are actually waiting at the border for you at that moment. You were mentally cursing yourself for bringing so much with you to camp, but you weren’t expecting to stay just for the summer this year.
Leo sat in your desk chair, shaking his head at your procrastination, “Y’know you could’ve at least packed the things you don’t use--”
You shoved the rest of you clothes into your suitcase and threw yourself on top in order to shut it, “You know I work better under pressure!” With one suitcase down, you moved to grab another to fill it with the rest of your belongings, “Besides, I don’t have to bring everything back home!”
He sighed and rested his head in his palm, “Okay yeah but there’s working under pressure and then there’s stressing yourself out.” But it didn’t seem like you were listening to him, too busy running through the list of things to take in your head. He resigned to letting you be for now; he would work on your bad habit when you came back to him.
W i l l
Wearing hair ties on your wrist
You’d only just woken up, barely eaten anything that morning when Will was at your table. You glanced up, startled by his arrival, and turned to face him, “Can I help you?” But his eyes weren’t on your face, but on your wrist on which held many marks from the hair tie you kept there.
He pointed, “You know that’s not healthy.” seeing your confusion he continued, “Wearing that on your wrist can actually cut off blood circulation.”
You hummed and turned your wrist as you examined the black hair tie, “Well not to sound ungrateful for the information, but I think there are more life-threatening things in my life than a hair tie.” You gave a smile and turned back to your food without another word. You then watched Will wander out of the dining hall.
You didn’t talk to him for a few days after finding all of your hair ties cut in half after breakfast.
N i c o Staying up way too late
You had no clue when the sun had set. Ever since Apollo decided to set the sun around 4-5 every day, you always assumed it was much earlier than it was. So, when Nico swung the door open to the arts and crafts center, you couldn’t tell if his expression was due to his exhaustion or if he was completely over your bad habit.
“Do you have any clue what time it is?”
You were frozen, feeling like you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar, “uh it’s 3 pm somewhere!”
Nico sighed and leaned against the doorframe tiredly. Silence overtook the room, and you knew that he wasn’t going to leave until you did too. So, you capped the paints and put away all of the crafting tools you drug out for your project. You didn’t comment on the small smirk of victory on Nico’s pale face, you’d deal with that tomorrow.
all fics taglist : @beneaththeiceandsnow​
frank zhang taglist : @goldglitteryfoxtrot
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kakubun · 4 years
karasuno x gen!reader, hinata x reader
a/n: people who do animation, just take my whole heart pls
this felt like a proper fic but sorry if it's short,,
(please reblog darlings)
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yachi first started being curious about you since you were one of the teacher's pet, always lingering around the art teacher asking questions with a tablet in hand
she was nosy, she had to admit
she wanted to sneak a glance whenever you drew on your tablet and you would glance at her if she wants to take a look but she managed to look away before you saw
but she finally founds out what you're doing when some students partake in presentation (even if you didn't want to, the teacher liked you so you had to) and you presented yours
her little heart couldn't handle her excitement when fluid carefully drawn animation popped up on the screen and you looked at your hard work with pride
whatever subject was in the animation you discussed about it with the class and you couldn't help but of course notice the crooked smile that yachi had
she was impressed and filled with so much undescribable feelings, she could cry with how astonishing your work is
after art class yachi decided to approach you and ask a bunch of questions to you and you had the pleasure to answer all of them
you also wanted to cry because of how hyper of a puppy was when yachi would bounce up and down when you started describing about your work and how she would apologize if she was being too excited which you would shake your head to and laugh
you started exchanging numbers and you saved her under "gal who won't stop staring", of course you noticed
she couldn't hide it,,
after finding out where she was after school so you could ask her about art projects or catching up when you're absent, you started going to the club a lot more to also see the boys
they would always see you sliding into the gym and going to one of their managers and asking yachi about something
which they didn't mind much, the simpy duo thought you were stealing her away which you teased them by putting an arm around her as she laughs and says "there was nothing to worry about, y/n doesn't bite"
the whole team suprisingly loves to see your work especially hinata since he would make sound affects for your characters if you haven't added any audio yet
he would leap when your character does a transition or the scenery changes and he would gush about how cool you and your animation were
you, hinata and yachi would walk home admiring your work and yachi would also pull out her drawing as well to show both of you
hinata were both your hype man, he would compliment and point out every detail he loves
(i'm also convinced he has made doodles but they would look wonky but cute)
and since you two were close you always had sleepovers!!
usually it was at hinata's house so you could bond with natsu and she was entertained by your animations that you set up on your projecter
sometimes hinata's mom would pop up and see how it goes and she appreaciates having you over since you were such a kind and close friend of hinata that matches his energy
it was such a blast, stuffing yourselves with snacks and chortling till midnight which hinata's mom would try to shush all of you but she couldn't help but join in because it was so much fun
you would all have headaches though the next day buuut it was worth it~~
whenever you feel out of it, yachi's there
she would always be there to give you snacks or ask you take a few breaks if you worked too much
she would try to scold you and you just can't help but follow because it would be mean of you to ignore her words
and oh they were so wise
it helped you through times when she wasn't even there and it was good that you followed so you didn't hurt your mental health from the get go
now to timeskip,,
T I M E S K I P :
you were an independant animator animating part of your manga with your crew which you grouped together with your friend who was the boss of everything
you felt proud of yourself since you reached a long way,
how your parent/s didn't suppprt you from the start to how stress swallows you whenever you were near a deadline to how people complain if their request wasn't fulfilled to their liking,
yes, you still experienced it but it was a lot more better now than your highschool years telling you to shut up about your dreams
here you were animating frame by frame of your own creation,
what exactly was your manga about?
volleyball :))
yachi and karasuno's volleyball team has inspired you so much about how much team work and pain they went through and your heart stop whenever you remember
your big inspo, yachi who would never stop babbling about you and being right by your side when you need it
you might cry on the tablet you're drawing on which make your crew question on what are you crying about but you held back which also made your crew question why were you smiling so hard
nonetheless, you were almost happy everyday because you could reminisce with the ideas yachi gave you back then which you still kept dearly because they were great plot points
and how you stick close to each character no matter how goofy or chaotic they were, they had a lesson for each time they appear and dissappear
that's how the stadium smelled like, the colours and the adrenaline you felt by cheers from the crowds, you felt like you could fly right now with how much you wanted to scream the team's name and let them notice you
it smelled like the victory the monster duo had, it filled you with so much glee to watch them gain fans from the sidelines
you also felt hinata and kageyama's pride swelling and you could knock your chair over if you kept this up
there he was the orange haired boy who used to be your biggest fan standing in front of you who now has a lot more fans trailing behind him
eventhough he smelled musky and felt sweaty you can't control the urge to hug him and he also can't too
you later hugged kageyama and just spilled all your excitement to both of them on how well the matches went and hinata couldn't resist hugging you again and twirling you around
he planned on telling you all about your manga and how he haven't catched up on it yet on some of it and a pang struck your heart as you teared up which confused hinata
ah, he still remembered
"are you crazy, of course i did!" his boyish laughter was louder than your sobs when he rested your head on his chest and pushed him off, complaining about how sweaty he was
oh you silly goose, of course he did
you also met up with the rest and tumbled into yachi when she appeared around the corner and everyone laughed it out
either of you got a headache as you both help each other up
hinata and kageyama would stand near the third years who held their hearts and congratulated them
which kageyama would smile and nod while hinata would still bashfully scratch his neck while happily thanking them because his seniors were proud of him
you would take a selfie with yachi and hinata, yachi would be the one leaping off the ground and eventhough the picture was a little blurry atleast you could catch both of their smiles
the next time you meet up, hinata was there in his comfy clothes melting into all the pillows you pelted at him and you snuggled right next to him when you both were fresh out the shower
just like the old times, how he would wrap around your arm and yachi would be on your left doing the same
except this time, you were the one snuggling onto hinata's arm
you felt kinda sad that yachi couldn't join since she was really busy
but hinata interrupted your thoughts with a screech when you whipped your head back to see what he was doing
the television showed your blood sweat and tears of the countless projects and art that you did about it, dropping your head on hinata's shoulder as not even a second in, you got a series of shout and yells of eagerness from him
"i added a reference of you somewhere~" "huh! really? did you add kageyama?? he'll text me about it later-"
and the night was drowning in the amounts of laughter and euphoria you two shared,
the number 2 who supports you will always be the number 1 in your heart
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
I thought it was a cute idea so: the pillarmen with a s/o who's a skilled animator and proudly shows them like, really pretty or cool animations. Animation is something I'm really interested in taking up and I need something like this to give me the kick in the pants I need to start
Yo this is v e r y wholesome??????
- Has already heard about plenty of inventions that humans came up with, technology included. However he’s no expert (I mean, mans was s c h l e e p i n g for a fuck ton of years until recently) and he’s going to eagerly ask away all sorts of questions in regards to your work. Kars finds it absolutely fascinating how creative humans are, especially when it comes to art. Just...the mere fact that you hold so much power in your hand and create with such ferocity is enough to make Kars all the more enamored with you.
- Could literally watch you draw, color and put everything together all day long, not even joking. He may be the big bad ultimate lifeform but when it comes to you Kars just can’t help it, the man turning into an equally as big softie as his eyes constantly flick from your concentrated face then to your hand and ultimately the screen that’s displaying your meticulous work. Truth be told most of the time he has absolutely 0 fucking idea about how animation works (you already explained to him the basics and yet he still can’t grasp the idea of l a y e r s) but that doesn’t mean he won’t shower you in compliments and praise your creations.
- And we don’t talk about that one time when you decided to make a cute little animation of him. Kars literally watched it ON LOOP all day long and since then has kept it saved somewhere purely because he was utterly touched by the details you put into it, specifically just how attentive you were when you animated his silky, flowing mane that you adored so much. All in all, my man is absolutely smitten whenever he watches you work and he can and WILL cheer you on even if animation (or technology for that matter) ain’t his domain. Has tried once to animate you but it ended up like those cringe fail stickman 2 frame masterpieces made by kids using free animating phone apps. You still loved it tho.
- Literally THE MOST clueless when it comes to technology and devices and the first time he sees you majestically whipping out your tablet and all the fucking monitors he’s like ??????? My man’s jaw literally d r o p s as his eyes scan over all the technology surrounding him as he asks you what the fuck experiments are you going to conduct using all those screens. You, of course, laugh your ass off at his confusion as you begin lightly teasing him for being such a “boomer” to which he gets EVEN more visibly dazed.
- Eventually grasps the idea of technology and animation in general (even though he still doesn’t really FULLY understand how it all works) and settles for quietly watching you work on your projects. He’s eerily quiet in general so you won’t even notice him behind you until you take a small break and spin around in your chair, nearly choking on your water when you see that Santana was right fucking there the entire time watching you with an almost childish expression of curiosity. You ask him for how long he’s been looking and he just s h r u g s.
- Isn’t the most verbal but you can clearly see that he’s proud of your “little human thing” and thinks that you’re fucking talented as s h i t. His main way of encouraging you is by doing small things such as rubbing your back when he notices you tensely working on your projects, bringing you snacks and drinks as well as reminding you to take small breaks from time to time since he knows how consuming working on big stuff can be. Can and WILL brag to the other pillarmen (and people in general) about what you do even if he doesn’t find the right words to express himself since his main way of telling others about you is by saying shit like “so my s/o makes these tiny detailed moving images and it’s awesome-”
- NO. 1 FUCKING HYPEMAN BRUH!!! He has no fucking idea how animation works but omg is he going to be loudly and openly encouraging the SHIT out of you on a daily basis. Like the first time he walked in on you eagerly working on your projects my man audibly g a s p e d (which made you almost drop your pen as you severely fucked up a line) as he proceeded to ask you dozens of questions at the speed of a fucking machine gun, the being going on and on about how “lit” all that you did looks and how he wants to keep on watching you do it if that’s ok.
- Sure Esidisi may not be enlightened on the subject of technology but G o d does he find it absolutely fascinating and jaw dropping that you put your blood, sweat and tears into such an intriguing branch of art. Like whenever he’d be leaning his chin on your desk as he’d be watching you work he’s going to have this stupid lovestruck smirk on his face because THAT’S just how amazing he thinks your creations are. The only “downside” to this however is that, as much of a supportive bf as he is, Esidisi is lowkey clingy and he will be trying to distract you and get you to take a break for time to time, the man becoming a whiny mess as he’d embrace you from behind whilst begging you to pay attention to him and take a rest. Then again, it IS beneficial that he reminds you to put your pen down for a while so???
- Brags to everyone about what a talented upcoming artist you are to the point where you’re going to be severely blushing because Esidisi is HELLA touchy and he can and will crush you into a bear hug as he’d ramble to people about how you’re “going to be bigger than Picasso real soon”. Even if his v e r y open displays of love and affection can be quite overwhelming sometimes, he means well and never fails to show you just how much he cares about you and how talented and amazing he thinks you are. In fact, he’s your “reviewer/art critic” because you always put him to rate your creations and you know shit’s g o o d whenever he bursts into tears whilst saying that it evokes intense feelings and vibes. Honestly mans got an eye of art so you 100% trust him.
- The most fascinated with this entire thing after king Kars. Akin to the ultimate lifeform, Wammu can’t get enough of art and could spend his entire immortal life studying and observing humans and their tendency to create (as well as destroy.) He may not be too talented with technology but he’d be VERY impressed by your work nonetheless and would even ask you to teach him how to at least digitally draw at some point.
- Documents himself on various artstyles, techniques and even fucking drawing/animating softwares then tries impressing you with his vast knowledge which visibly makes you let out a chuckle because he’s t h a t determined to help you out. And when you tell him that art is subjective and that you ain’t trynna animate Renaissance statues or some shit like that he’s visibly blushing and stumbling over his words, a drastic contrast to his usual cool and collected image. Wamuu would feel lowkey embarassed but you’d thank him for being supportive and invested nonetheless, of course.
- Sometimes it would feel as if he’s your pupil (ironically enough) because of how damn eager and patient he is when it comes to learning shit about animating. He just wants to be as supportive as ever and to have at least somewhat of a knowledge of the domain because he values your work alot and wants to be e n l i g h t e n e d. He once stayed up all night trying to draw you but, just like in Kars’ case, poor Wamuu merely ended up drawing a stick figure that had your exact hair, eyes and clothes but you were STILL impressed by the huge amounts of attention he’s put into those. Sure he might have royally fucked up the overall human shape but at least he’s got a talent for small details and features. The only downside is that he broke like 2 of your pens because of the sheer amount of force he has, but you could never stay mad at him.
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morningstarwriting · 4 years
College AU
So this was an idea that popped into my brain and I had to write it. I don’t know if this has already been done, but if it has oh well. I had a lot of fun writing this as it was my first time writing for Obey Me! I hope that you enjoy it! 
「 Lucifer 」
This man will be a lawyer
Don’t argue with him
He’s always right
Mainly cause he’s majoring in psychology
But he’s not stopping there
He’s actually double majoring
Psychology and History
And it ALSO doesn’t stop there
He’s getting a minor in philosophy
This means that he’s going to school for five years instead of four though
He’s so insanely intelligent though
He psycho-analyzes his brothers all the time
The only ones who don’t really care about what he has to say are Belphegor and Satan
They regularly plot against him
He always knows it
He blames it on daddy issues
This just means that even when he’s with his brothers, he’s constantly working
Always doing his schoolwork
He’s also the Vice President position of Student Government
He was beat out for the President position by Diavolo
And forced his brothers to join in the other positions
He’s also an Admissions Representative
He’s the perfect person to look at applications and determine if people are suited to attend his school
Diavolo also has this job with him
They spend countless of hours together all the time
And he knows that people ship them
He knows
There is one thing he refuses to take part in on campus, though
The only Greek life you’ll catch him in is an Honor Society with Greek Letters in the name
He isn’t the biggest fan of Greek Life
Or parties
However, he was convinced to go to a party by Asmo once
Never again
The biggest perk for his brothers is that he’s so ridiculously busy
That he can’t really constantly be on their cases
At least that’s what they think
He finds his ways
He finds a lot of ways
「 Mammon 」
He went into school as an accounting major
Big Miss Steak
He… wasn’t the best at it
He didn’t necessarily hate it
But he wasn’t thrilled about it being his major
Lucky for him
He was required to take a fine arts course
He decided on photography
And boy oh boy
He fell in love with it
Taking pictures was a Big Yes from him
He was really good at coming up with poses for his models
And most times the people in his class would ask him to model for them
And that’s when he started getting into modeling
And he loved that even more than photography
So naturally
He googled what he should do to become a model
And he found out you don’t necessarily need a degree
But Lucifer would NOT let him drop out
So, he saw that a few majors would help
Luckily for him
Photography was on there
But there was another that caught his eye
Fashion Merchandising
And here we have it
The brother who everyone sees as a dumbass is a double major
Who would have thought?
Not his brothers
Now don’t get me wrong
He barely passes his general education classes
But his major classes?
He loves them
He has shown up to class many times hungover, though
That’s what happens when you’re in a frat
Our boy Mammon
Is in a frat
He’s in the frat that puts on the best parties
They don’t let him spend money on anything anymore
They learned that the hard way
He’s also in Student Government, courtesy of Lucifer
He’s the Director of Public Relations
He considered running for treasurer
But all of his brothers reminded him of all the things he’s spent money on
And bet money on
And lost money on
He decided against treasurer
When it comes to partying
Mans goes hard
Doesn’t give a fuck
Does it all
Except hard drugs
Only that one time
Thank God Lucifer was there
「 Leviathan 」
If you think he would major in anything other than video game design you’re wrong
He went in looking to be a general programmer
And then he saw the words “Video Game Design”
He changed major immediately
He’s perfectly happy with just Video Game Design
But he is getting a marine biology minor
He’s always been fascinated with the ocean
And the creatures in the ocean
So he decided a minor would be a neat idea
He could also totally use his knowledge to design a dope ass underwater themed game
Which high key may be his thesis project
He really doesn’t get out much
He stays home the majority of the time
Watching Anime
Reading manga
Lucifer literally scolded him for always staying in his room
Never going out to do anything with anyone
Levi tried to tell him playing games was basically his homework
But Lucifer was having NONE OF IT
So, to shut him up
Levi looked at the clubs the school offered
He nearly screamed when he realized there was a Japanese Manga, Anime, and Gaming Club
He quickly became the president of that
He’s also a part of Student Government with the rest of his brothers
He’s the Media Representative
He runs all the social medias for the Student Government
And he’s damn good at it
He’s frequently on his phone during meetings
And he’s the only one who’s allowed to do that
And he may use it to his advantage
He needs to know what happens in the next episode of the anime he’s watching
He doesn’t have time to listen to Lucifer and Diavolo preach about things damnit!
He also doesn’t have time for
Just the thought of going to a frat party makes his skin crawl
What a normie thing to do
Sadly, for him
He’s frequently forced to attend them
Thanks Mammon
He just follows Mammon around like a lost puppy
He gets flustered any and every time anyone talks to him
One time, Mammon thought alcohol would make him feel more confident
…Mammon should not have provided Levi with alcohol
Too many things happened
Things the two never speak of to this day
He apologizes to Ruri-Chan every day for his mistakes on that night
「 Satan 」
Almost bit Lucifer when he reminded him, he’d have to put down animals too
Lucifer then proceeded to call him an animal
But seriously
Satan wants to be able to help animals in any way he can
He’s well aware he will have to put some animals down
But he knows he won’t have to do that unless it’s absolutely necessary
He’s also going to be a whole ass doctor
Fuck off, Lucifer Esquire
Here comes the DOCTOR of the family
Literally took up a job just to get away from Lucifer
He works as a librarian
He loves it
He’s constantly reading
And I mean  c o n s t a n t l y  r e a d i n g
He’s the nicest librarian ever
Don’t talk too loudly
Or destroy a book
Or do anything stupid
Because he will go off
He doesn’t tolerate stupidity
Not in his safe space
He’s on track to get a certificate in writing
So please
Do not interfere with literature
He’s also on track to get a certificate in Women and Gender Studies
So do not interfere with women’s rights or equality in front of him
He will not be happy
And he’s horrifying when he’s angry
Same thing goes in Student Government
He’s the Parliamentarian
And he does the job well
You either follow the rules
Or you get a talking to from Satan
Nobody wants a talking to from Satan
The only person who isn’t necessarily afraid of him is Lucifer
But Lucifer never breaks the rules so Satan can’t pop off on him
Satan might watch him like a hawk just to see if he messes up eventually so he can yell
He never catches him doing anything wrong
He catches Mammon doing plenty wrong, though
Constantly on his case for staying out too late
Mammon always blames it on his frat
And Satan always rolls his eyes
Similar to Lucifer
The only “frat” he’s in is an honor society with a Greek name
He considered joining the “smart” frat
But he decided against it seeing as Mammon was in a frat
He didn’t want to be associated with him
He can’t escape it
Every party he goes to
Mammon is right there
Satan doesn’t understand how he does it
To avoid the feeling of dread he just
He drinks as much as possible
He doesn’t party often
But when he does
The amount of times he’s gone out with his brothers and then disappeared only to come home after some crazy shit happened to the rest of them?
So many times
He doesn’t have time for their foolishness
He parties to get away from them
You know sometimes he just needs a break from his family dynamic
Even though when he gets drunk, Lucifer usually gets a voicemail
And… it’s soft
Satan has no idea those voicemails exist
Lucifer keeps them for blackmail
He also just keeps them to remind himself that Satan has a heart and isn’t a fucking dick to him all the time… don’t let the insult fool you, he actually really cares for Satan and hearing him be nice is pleasant
「 Asmodeus 」
He is a fashion design major
He’s known what he’s wanted to do since he was a child.
He’s been making his own clothes for years
People always stare at him because wow he looks good
He also decided to minor in music
Specifically focusing on his voice
Boy can sing
And sing he does
Sometimes Belphegor tells him to shut up
To which Asmo responds with
“I can’t hear you over my Grammy Award worthy voice! Did you say something?”
Before Belphegor can respond
Asmo is singing again
It’s futile
He never stops
That helps him in his Acapella Group though
He loves singing with them
Invites his brothers to every performance
Actually, gets happy if they show up
He’s the treasurer of Student Government
He’s actually very good with his money
He basically runs his own mini fashion business after all
He not only creates clothes for himself
But other people too
And don’t even get me started on his make-up looks
He’s literally an icon
He walks into a room and people know exactly who he is
He also has a YouTube channel
Focusing on fashion and beauty
He’s decently popular
And he loves it
He’s the other one in a frat
His frat is the most popular on campus
Everyone knows it
Everyone knows the people in it
And he loves the attention
So many girls and guys on campus throw themselves at him
And he loves that too
He always treats whoever he decides to bring home with him like royalty
Even though he’s had several hook ups and one-night stands
People don’t mind
Because he’s
He knows it
And he is not afraid to show it
He parties every night
Like actually
If he isn’t partying, it’s concerning
He’s one that believes that college are the best years of your life
And he isn’t letting that slip away from him
No matter how much Lucifer yells at him to stop partying all the time
Of course, partying is also an excuse for him to ignore some other things
So, he does it a lot
When he’s with someone else is when he’s happiest
So, he always makes sure to be with another person
「 Beelzebub 」
Bet you think he’s gonna major in culinary science
That’s his minor
His major
Is Family and Child Science
He wants to help people so bad
Especially children
He wants to do everything in his power to make sure that children live happy lives
So, his main goal in the end is to either be a school counselor or a crisis counsellor
He’s very serious about what he does
And he holds some past trauma
So, he wants to make sure people have someone to talk to when bad things happen
Of course, he also loves making food
He loves eating it more, though
But honestly
He’s a student athlete
Of course, he needs food
He’s always moving
He’s the captain of the American football team at their school
If he wasn’t going into child services
You’d best believe he was going into the NFL
Mans can PLAY football
It’s also really nice to have him in Student Government
Because the student body actually respects them because of it
He’s the secretary
It’s always nice when Lucifer asks Beel for the notes they took that meeting
He hands them over
Super detailed
Perfect, even
He always pays attention
He’s great at listening
And he knows how much it means to Lucifer
So, he never disappoints
He isn’t in any other clubs other than student government
But that’s because he’s on teams
Like I said, one hell of a football player
And if he’s not home making food or doing schoolwork
He’s at practice
Or just at the gym
He’s always bettering himself
And he’s certainly a campus heartthrob
It’s always fun going out with him
because he is the heaviest of all the heavy weights
His record for taking shots is twenty-one
That should have KILLED HIM
It didn’t kill him
That’s definitely his limit
That was an interesting night
Beel is just happy that his brothers happened to be there
He wasn’t too happy when he realized Mammon did something even more stupid than taking twenty-one shots
Lucifer made sure they were both okay though
Which Beel appreciated
He just… avoids vodka as much as possible now
Too many bad memories
At least from what he can remember
「 Belphegor 」
Like Beel
Belphie really cares about the mental state of people
Not children specifically
Just people in general
He’s just
Not cut out to be a counsellor
He doesn’t have the personality for that
He needs to do something that can actually take his sarcastic ass and allow him to use it for the better
He does some research
And something catches his eye
Rehabilitation Coordinator
Specifically Rehab for drugs and alcohol
He’s no-nonsense enough to enforce the rules of the facility, but still be able to care about these people
And become one
He needs to go to nursing school
This is difficult for him
He really enjoys sleeping
And this whole getting up early for clinicals thing?
Not ideal
After talking to his advisor about it
And by talking
I mean just straight up telling him he’s nocturnal got severe insomnia and waking up early is a no go
He gets put on the night shift
And that does wonders of good for him
The brothers barely see him
He’s either in class, asleep, or at the hospital
The only brother he ever really makes time for is Beel
They’re twins
Of course, he’s going to make time for him
A lot of the time, Belphie will return home around the same time Beel wakes up to go on a morning run
So, they have breakfast together
Because of his chaotic schedule
The only club he’s in is Student Government
And he did his best to snag the easiest position
The Reporter position
He just
Submits stories to the papers in the area
That’s it
He loves it
It’s so easy
Lucifer has to remind him to do it sometimes, though
He doesn’t mean to forget
He’s just got a lot going on
He needs to memorize he human anatomy, Lucifer
Some things are more important
He rarely goes out
He isn’t fond of parties
Even though he’s a night owl and enjoys the occasional drink
There are too many people
The main reason he goes is to make sure Beel doesn’t get too wasted
Not after that one time
But he did party a little hard when he found out he passed a test that he needed to get higher than a C on to stay in his major
He celebrated
Sleeping was the last thing on his mind that night
He was so hungover in the morning
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sanderssideswriting · 4 years
Youtuber Life Chapter 2
Ships: familial sleepxiety and eventual Prinxiety
first next
Summary: Remy Sanders is a famous beauty vlogger and just moved to LA with his teenage son Virgil after their location was leaked by fans. Remy AKA CoffeeAddiction has several million subscribers. Virgil also has a secret Drama channel, where he doesn’t show his face and uses a voice modifier. He just hit a million subs and grows more everyday because of the level of production his videos have, the mystery around who he is and the fact that he ALWAYS has the latest information regarding youtube drama.
They’d been in LA for three months now, and it was going well, Virgil was best friends with Patton, Logan and Roman. And he called Janus and Remus all the time.
Virgil had to help his dad with a video, it of course involved getting some very expensive and almost impossible to get pallet which he’d compare the stuff from a drug store. He had to get it.
Janus called him after he saw the video “hook me up bitch,” he said.
Virgil laughed “no,” he said monotone.
“Come on! You have the connections! You can get two!”
“I know, but I’m not for hire.”
“I am your best friend, hook me up.”
“Still no, get it yourself or don’t get it. I’ll mail you the leftovers if you want.”
“You better not destroy it you bitch!”
“I buy it, I don’t decide how it’s used, later loser,” Virgil hung up, with Janus screaming bloody murder.
“Hey Virgil, how did you get an A on the English essay? I’ve been trying all year to get a good grade and I’ve only ever gotten a B,” Roman said looking at his latest grades.
“Pick a point that sort of makes sense and defend it like your life depends on it,” Virgil said not looking up from his phone, Janus was spamming him about the pallet.
“And she just assigned a partner project! Partners?” Roman said in disbelief.
“Sure, I don’t want to be partners with a straight girl again, that was a disaster.”
Roman gave Virgil a questioning look.
“Wanted me to be her ‘gay best friend’”
“Want to go over to one of our houses to work on it after school?”
Virgil nodded “we can do my place, my dad won’t care.”
They of course stopped by Starbucks to get coffee. Remy called.
“Get me coffee.”
“I’m not even at Starbucks.”
“SnapMaps says otherwise, get me Starbies I’m doing a charity livestream,”
“No, I’m here with a friend.”
“Are you-? Oh my god! You are!”
“OH MY GOD NEVER IMPLY THAT AGAIN! I will get you coffee just never ask me that again!” Virgil hung up.
“Hi, I’ll get five venti iced coffees, black, and make two of them decaf.” Virgil said to the barista.
The newest video on CoffeeAddiction’s channel was about said decaf coffees and how he had been betrayed by his intern.
Dukey: Your dad is so dramatic Raccoon: I know, I’m grounded for “all of eternity” hiss hiss motherfucker: so no Office this weekend? Raccoon: I’ll be watching with you guys Raccoon: If he actually grounded me I wouldn't be able to get him the pallet Dukey: you’re dad’s really cool Raccoon: are you kidding me? I’M A FUCKING MEME Raccoon: LITERALLY, on multiple occasions people have made me a meme hiss hiss motherfucker: what are you doing for Halloween? Raccoon: Something really fucking scary, as scary as I can get without a detention anyway Dukey: My brother likes make up, I COULD tell him that YOU said that he probably couldn’t do good make up, and then his pride would take over and you’d have a challenge Raccoon: DO IT! That’ll be SO fun Dukey: already did
Roman looked up from his phone “my brother just said that you said I can’t do make up?”
“Yeah, Like sure you can make yourself have a pretty face but can you scare the shit out of people? Halloween’s in a few days.”
Roman rolled his eyes “Make up is an art! I doubt you know much emo nightmare, all you have on is that horrendous eyeshadow.”
Virgil smirked “Then it should be no worry of who will win.”
“A challenge then, to whomever can do the best make up.” Roman said with a flourish.
“I accept, after school? That gives more creative freedom.”
Roman agreed and they shook on it.
Dukey: O F F E N D E D P R I N C E Y N O I S E S hiss hiss motherfucker: what the fuck Remus Dukey: It’s true
Virgil went into the make up closest (yes they had an actual make up closet) to get his supplies. “Dad! I need to use your make up!” Virgil shouted.
“Don’t break anything!”
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
So Virgil got to work. It took several tries to get it just right but by the end it looked perfect. Prefect enough to scare the shit out of Roman that is. 
They met up at the Halloween party, or Virgil did, he got their early and waited for Roman to arrive.
And he did.
Virgil saw him walk in so he jumped up and into Roman’s face.
Roman screamed and so did several other people.
“Sup Princey,” he said.
Roman put his hand on his heart “that was the most terrifying thing ever!”
“Then I won, clearly. I mean that...….. mummy costume isn’t that impressive or scary.”
Roman once again looked offended.
“Well, I’ll take my leave, see ya later Princey.” And Virgil left the party.
He walked inside the house in triumph.
“Where did you go Virgil? You’re all decked out in Halloween stuff. OH. MY GOD. You went to a party! You’re first party!!!” Remy said. He was filming, presumably for a vlog or something.
“I just went because I challenged a friend to see who could do better scare make up,” Virgil explained.
“Gurl, if you lost I’m disowning you. We are the queens of make up in this house and I will not see my son lose at a makeup competition,” Remy said.
“I scared him shitless of course I won.”
“THAT’S MY SON!” Remy cheered.
Virgil left to go change while Remy resumed his vlog.
He texted Remus and Janus.
Raccoon: I scared your brother shitless Raccoon: ngl it was pretty funny Dukey: I WISH I could have seen it hiss hiss motherfucker: Why do you like tormenting him? Dukey: well he’s MY twin, it’s my job Raccoon: His “o f f e n d e d p r i n c e y n o i s e s” are funny hiss hiss motherfucker: get a video and I’ll make my verdict Raccoon: Alright judge Janus hiss hiss motherfucker: YOU ARE NOT MAKING THAT MY CONTACT Dukey: You don’t like Jay-nus? Raccoon: Mine for him is hiss hiss motherfucker hiss hiss motherfucker: I fucking dare you, raccoon eyes Raccoon: now you’re definitely not getting that pallet
At school Roman practically begged to show Virgil how he looked so creepy.
“Oh my god! Fine princey, this weekend I’ll fucking show you how I did it,” Virgil said after two days of nonstop begging.
Roman looked triumphant ta getting what he wanted.
When Virgil texted his dad. Virgil: In the closet this weekend Remy: awww is it that boy at the Starbucks? Virgil: You mean the one I scared the shit out of and now wants to know who I did it? yes Remy: ok, tell me what time so we can go into the closet Virgil: I will
That Saturday Roman would come over. So on Friday that ad to “go into the closet” their code meaning they had to clean up all the stuff that where indicators of them being YouTubers and hide it in a literal closet. The makeup closet was locked and so was the basement so no one could stray down there. 
Roman arrived a few minutes early.
“Dad! He’s here!”
“I know that Virgil, I’ll be “working” if y’all need me, but I know you won’t,” Remy said going into the basement and locking the door, he said he would edit but it was more likely he’d watch the Office for the sixteenth time. 
Roman knocked on the door “hey emo nightmare! So this is your humble abode I see,” Roman said looking around.
“Yeah, my dad’s working in the basement, he said he’s doing something important, but he’s probably watching the Office again, either way he said not to disturb him,” Virgil said.
“I can hear you Virgil!” Remy shouted.
“Anyway, let’s go to my room so I can show you how I did the whole vampire look,” Virgil said.
When Roman saw his room he looked around “I pictured your room having a lot more black then this.”
Virgil’s room had only one wall where his bed was that was black, the rest was white, he had to admit it made the room look a lot more open then if it had been all black. Over the past two months Virgil had been painting purple patches on the black like in his old room in Atlanta.
“My dad refused to let me paint the whole room black because it would look terrible and I’d ruin the vibes,” Virgil said.
“He was right, but alas I’m not here to admire the décor of your room, I’m here to see how you did that makeup,” Roman said.
Virgil already had the stuff out “I know that Princey, come on, I’ll show you how to do it,” Virgil said.
They where halfway through when Roman said “you sound like a beauty channel,” he said.
Virgil stopped for a second before saying “well I’m doing it on your face, it would be a waste of good make up if you didn’t understand how I did it.”
“True, but you totally sound like James Charles,” Roman said.
Virgil winced “don’t let my dad hear you say that, he hates that guy.”
“Is he homophobic or something?”
Virgil smirked “no, we’re both gay. He just hates him and if you say his name around him, he might deck you. Or ban you from the espresso machine.”
Roman gave Virgil a weird look. “State of the art espresso machine, trust me, after you’ve had some you’ll regret ever getting banned.”
He laughed “so you’re both coffee addicts.”
“You should have seen his reaction when he realized that some of the coffee I got him was decaf.” Virgil smirked.
Roman laughed “like the Coffee Addiction video, I didn’t watch it but I saw it at number 1 on trending.”
Virgil almost lost his cool, for a minute “I guess, I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch CoffeeAddiction, what’s so great about it?”
Roman looked shocked “I’m surprised, I mean he’s one of the biggest youtubers in the beauty community,”
Virgil snorted “that explains it, I don’t watch beauty vlogs. Anyway, do you want to wash all of that off or go freak out some random people on the drive home?”
Roman chose to wash it off and left unknowing leaving Virgil and Remy to once again “youtubeify” their house.
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fightmechimchim · 5 years
Your First Kiss - BTS Scenarios
Kim Namjoon:
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So far the night has been perfect. Namjoon and you went out for your fourth date; a late night picnic by the river followed by a walk around the area talking into the night. Neither one of you wanted to separate just yet so when your house appeared at the end of the road you pulled on his arm leading him away. Namjoon too walked slower, stopping in the middle of the pathway to point out something completely random.
You leaned into Namjoon’s side reaching to take his hand into your own. He smiled down at you adjusting his hand in yours so your fingers fit perfectly with his.
‘’Y/n, umh this has been very nice so far.’’ Namjoon said, a shy smiled pulling at his lips. You looked at him, his cheeks were flushed and he was avoiding your eyes looking to the sides of the road.
You noticed a pattern by now, every time you got to the end of your date Namjoon would suddenly turn shy, like a flower closing in on itself, you never guessed why.
‘’It was very nice indeed, I can’t wait for next Wednesday I’m sure you’ll like what I have planned.’’ You chirped absentmindedly bringing your joined hands to your chest.
Namjoon stopped in the middle of the road causing you to stumble in your step. You looked at him and the way his gaze fixated on his hand intertwined with yours resting in the middle of your chest. You looked down at your hands, a sudden heat tingling your back as you realised just how closely you kept his hand trapped to yourself.
You looked back at him. His lips were slightly parted and if you were to lean closer you could hear his soft breaths and if you leaned your head on his chest you could hear the racing beat of his heart. Maybe it was the way his eyes seemed glazed over with thoughts you’ll never hear or maybe it was the simplicity of his being making your entire body flare up with remedying light, like the first shine of the sun appearing from behind dark clouds of a storm reassuring you that everything will be okay, or maybe it was both, maybe something else entirely, but all of it made you aware how badly you wanted him, needed him to touch you, hold you and speak nothing and everything as long as you got to hear him.
You didn’t feel your feet lifting off the ground, you didn’t hear the world around you, the only thing in focus was him and his hand slipping around you waist closing the aching space between you. Then there was the warmth of his skin, the scent of him filling every edge of your brain and then there was one last gasp of breath heard somewhere in the back of your mind as you crashed your lips into his surrendering yourself to the complete bliss that shook your world like a supernova. You kissed him and you knew that you couldn’t say goodbye to this night, not when his hand pressed into your back supporting your body as he deepened the kiss as if there were miles between your lips and his he was desperate to close, not when he pulled your hand that was still intertwined with his to press into his own chest instead of yours.
Kim Seokjin:
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‘’We’ve barely been in a relationship for three days and you’re already breaking up with me?’’ You asked crossing your arms over your chest as you stared down at your boyfriend who was plastered to his bed.
‘’Well I’m sorry, what do you want me to say?’’ Seokjin argued huffing as he rolled on his back so he could look at you.
‘’That you’re not breaking up with me because I lost at Mario Kart?’’ You asked poking his forehead.
‘’My finger slipped, S-L-I-P-P-E-D.’’ You exclaimed exasperated. You guessed that this is what you get when you start dating your best friend. Seokjin wrapped his fingers around your wrist pulling you onto the bed. You laid down beside him pulling at his arm to use it as a pillow.
‘’My girlfriend is so bad at gaming, how did this happen to me?’’ Seokjin fake cried into the mattress of the bed. You rolled your eyes pinching his arm lightly. He looked at you and began to laugh.
‘’What now?’’ You asked incredulously.
‘’You’re adorable,’’ Seokjin said softly. You stuck your tongue out at him and rolled on your side to face away from him.
‘’Hey don’t do that,’’ Your boyfriend whined as he wrapped his arm around your waist trying to pull you back to face him.
‘’Y/n’’ Seokjin said your name as a final warning, and before you knew it you were flipped onto your back with Seokjin hovering over you straddling your legs.
‘’Don’t ignore me.’’ He pouted.
‘’Don’t threaten to break up with me.’’ You retorted. Seokjin laughed falling on top of you, burying his face into your neck.
‘’I could never do that. Now that I have you I will never let you go.’’ He spoke softly letting his lips brush against your neck. Your entire body seemed to shake with shivers running down every inch of your skin.
Seokjin brought his face up to look at you.
‘’Are you okay?’’ He asked looking into your eyes, and god did his gaze do things to you. Your chest tightened and your heart strained against your ribcage.
‘’Kiss me.’’ You said.
And so he did, without hesitation or a second thought. He kissed you and it was everything and more.
Your entire body went into sensory overload, you could feel every touch of his. The way his hand sneaked to the back of your head to lift your face closer to his, the way his fingertips danced at the edges of your waist. You could feel every inch of his mouth exploring your own, you could feel the goose-bumps on the back of his neck that your own fingers brushed against but most importantly you could feel the complete and utter love and sincerity that he brought into the kiss, the promise and the passion, the unquestionable surrender to your heart. You were happy to respond with just as much love, with your own promises and your own surrender.
Once you pulled away, cursing the air for being a necessity, you looked up at the man gazing down at you.
‘’I’m definitely not letting you go.’’ He smiled through a shuddering breath of his words.
‘’Don’t worry, I won’t let you.’’ You laughed reaching to pull him back in.
Min Yoongi:
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The concept of time has become non-existent to you, you couldn’t tell when the day began and when it ended. The only thing occupying your head was the wide framed canvas begging constant attention from your paint brushes and the mix of colours not only decorating every inch of your workspace but your hands and clothes too. It was a tough project, but it had to be done and it had to be done well.
And of course, Yoongi understood that, more than anyone else. He understood that important work demanded a lot of your time and effort, however, he also knew that important work should not be prioritised before your health. That’s exactly what had him worried, the fact that you didn’t seem to take as much care of yourself as he wanted you to.
You’ve been friends for quite some time, you were both keenly aware of the fact that your friendship meant something more to the both of you. There were things keeping you apart, things that you couldn’t pinpoint but still prevented you from being together. That was the inspiration for your art piece, you doubted anyone would be able to tell unless they were you, felt what you felt and thought as you did. Caught up in your work you ignored the strain in your wrist and the ache in your back…the ringing of your phone too. You just kept going.
After what felt like an eternity of the same declining sound of your phone Yoongi decided to go and see you. He didn’t hesitate to step into your apartment, he only stalled to wonder if it’s his job to do this. He’s not your boyfriend after all. But he is your friend and that’s what friends do.
Yoongi creept into your room, stopping when he finally reached you where you slept with your knees drawn to your chest and your head resting on your arms that you hugged yourself with. You looked so peaceful even if the disarray of colours staining your cheeks and your under nails spoke chaos.
Yoongi glimpsed at the canvas. He couldn’t recognise the feeling that rushed over his heart. There were quite a few songs in his life that managed to capture exactly what he felt, what he thought, it seemed strange for feelings to have sound, and now looking at the work of your heart painted so beautifully upon the canvas he felt like that again, this was your own song and he could hear it in the colours and the detail and the strokes that the canvas contained.
He leaned down to look at you, just to look at you. He couldn’t wait anymore, he didn’t want to. He leaned closer and then he paused as your eyes peeled open with an obvious struggle. Yoongi smiled as a look of confusion washed over your face before it shifted into a smile similar to his.
‘’Can I kiss you?’’ Yoongi asked in a helpless whisper. You only nodded in response as you untangled yourself from your chair and sunk into his lap, finally surrendering yourself to your feelings and letting go of unknown fears.
Yoongi held you, bringing you closer with every gasp that echoed through the room, savouring the taste of you and the feeling of you in his arms. Just like in the painting.
When you finally parted, taking in the air your lungs craved but wish it didn’t for breathing felt like wasted time keeping you from kissing him forever, you knew that this was more beautiful than anything you could ever paint and more real and magical than anything he could ever write.
Jung Hoseok:
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‘’And so I said to her that no I don’t work here so there is absolutely nothing I can do for you even if I wanted to, but obviously I didn’t want to do anything for her considering her attitude,’’ You huffed and yelled pacing around his room while your boyfriend sat on the edge of his bed with his elbows on his knees trying his best to pay attention to everything you were saying. Which was an effort really considering how fast you were talking.
He also tried his best to keep the smile threatening to spill locked inside. He was fully aware that you were frustrated with what happened to you today but you were also so completely adorable stomping around the place with your eyes blown out in disbelief that Hoseok had to initially cover his mouth with his hand, his smile becoming too much of an effort to hide.
‘’She was so rude Hoseok like really I lost count of how many times I had to tell her I don’t work there.’’ You exclaimed falling onto the bed next to him. You crossed your arms against your chest biting your lip.
Hoseok looked to your side willing himself not to smile. He poked at your lip with his finger to get you to stop biting it.
‘’I’m sorry you had to deal with that love.’’ He tried to console you rubbing at your hands. You leaned on his shoulder playing with his fingers. Hoseok smiled at how gently you held his hands, unlike the force you used to throw the pillow at the wall earlier on.
‘’I just don’t understand why people are like this you know,’’ You began again and Hoseok suppressed a laugh as you let go of his hands and stood up to pace again.
‘’Does it really hurt them to be nice, it’s not that hard and-‘’ Whatever you were about to say next was lost in the void with no chance of return.
The only thing that occupied your head right now was static energy electrifying every single corner of your brain while your legs trembled and your heart drummed wildly against your ribs.
And there was also Hoseok, who in a moment of unexplainable surge of adoration leapt from his bed and taking your face in between his hands kissed you hard enough that every bit of anger and annoyance got replaced with a warm glee that cascaded down your body as if you’ve been submerged under a twenty-foot wave of pure affection.
As his lips parted from yours and Hoseok let his hands fall from your face to his sides, you just stared at him, his flushed face, glazed eyes and the trembling smile that didn’t seem to know whether it wanted to laugh or cry. Hoseok did not expect your first kiss to go quite like this, but now that it happened he was speechless.
‘’Woah-umh-ah-I-I…hah.’’ Hoseok stuttered as he stood still not quite daring to look at you. You stepped closer to him so your bodies touched. You took his hands in yours and guided them back to your face. Hoseok watched you lead him and listened to you when you whispered ‘Come here’ letting his lips meet yours again.
Park Jimin:
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You were cleaning the table after your breakfast with Jimin, humming as you did so. You swiped away the crumbs and placed the dishes in the sink, you could wash them later. You kept humming voicing the few words you knew to the song out loud.
Jimin after washing up quickly made his way back to the kitchen where he saw you smiling to yourself while your feet shuffled on the cold floor and your hands moved about cleaning the space. The entire scene was too domestic and lovely for Jimin, he couldn’t help the small smile that pulled on his lips or prevent the crimson heat that bloomed on his cheeks.
He watched you move about just for a bit more, appreciating the sight in front of him with his whole heart, then he moved to your side slipping his arms around your waist. You startled but not a second later you relaxed into his comforting touch.
This was the first time for Jimin to spend an entire night at your place, your relationship was fairly new, neither of you ever felt the need to rush things. Rushing felt like a crime, especially when you wanted every single moment with him to last forever.
You turned around to face Jimin, an army of butterflies fluttered inside your chest and your ears burned with a sort of embarrassment. Being so close to Jimin was never a problem, but the way he looked at you and the way he held you, the very air in between you froze with heat. His eyes so bright and full of love spoke every promise of a happy future and his hands resting on your back swore to protect everything that made you.
Lost in the moment, in him, you didn’t feel your head move to closer to his, you didn’t notice the decreasing distance between your lips not until the very touch of them melted your bones. Even with your eyes closed, light shone in every corner of the dissipating darkness.
It was soft and beautiful and gentle and patient and it made everything around you a distant blur.
Jimin pulled away, his lips were still parted and his breath shuddered as he breathed in. His eyes were hazy and his cheeks were red. But it was there, somewhere on his face, he found the confirmation he wanted.
You woke from your own daydream, because that’s what it felt like, a daydream. The ones where you’re pulled out of with a shout from reality and even when your body heats with embarrassment your heart cannot feel an ounce of guilt for the pleasure that your dream has brought you. Except for this reality, with Jimin, was a dream unlike any other.
You laughed unable to hide the happiness. Jimin smiled broadly after licking his lips, his eyes hid for a moment as he tried to get himself to focus on you and tell you he loved you, but the words could not come out, he could not stop smiling.
‘’I know Jimin. I love you too.’’ You said, and as you told him what he could never tire of hearing his eyes sparked with a different flame. Desire. Passion. Love.
And so you didn’t falter when Jimin reached to cup your face and pull you back against him. You didn’t pull away as your lips danced with the fire in your hearts, and you didn’t stumble when Jimin led you to your room.
Kim Taehyung:
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Walking to the nearest convenience store to buy some ramen after confessing your love to your long-time crush who immediately asked you to be his might not be the most romantic thing you could have done, but considering it’s one in the morning true romantic adventures will have to wait.
‘’The weather is nice, isn’t it? it’s perfect, you’re perfect, this is great, yes.’’ You exclaimed making Taehyung laugh.
‘’Y/n are you nervous?’’ Taehyung asked as he sat down on the ground pulling your hand to get you to sit down next to him.
‘’I’m not nervous, I’m just uh well you know.’’ You waved your hands in the air as if you could spell your feelings there.
The truth was, you were beyond nervous. You really didn’t plan anything since you thought your feelings will be rejected. Your fears and insecurities didn’t permit you to see that Taehyung’s love for you has been there since the day you met.
Taehyung watched you grow silent as you slipped away into undesired thoughts, after another unbearable moment of silence he took both of your hands into his and brought them close enough to his mouth to kiss them.
‘’You don’t have to be nervous around me and you don’t have to worry, because I care about you, and I trust us to be good to each other. If anything troubles you, you can depend on me okay?’’ He spoke softly into your hands using his thumbs to rub soothing circles into your skin. You knew he meant everything he said, it was in his eyes and his voice, it was in the way he brushed his lips against you knuckles not quite kissing them telling you that you don’t have to worry being with him. And that was enough to comfort your heart.
Once you smiled, Taehyung didn’t hesitate to dig into the food and feed it to you. The atmosphere and the weight in your chest eased immediately and you found yourself laughing out loud along with Taehyung. After your late night snack, both of you decided to wander around arms encircled around each other’s waists.
‘’Mhm my lips taste sweet.’’ You said licking your lips. Taehyung stopped to look at you and with a fleeting moment of hesitance that he dropped as soon as it came he leaned in to kiss you, though it wasn’t much of a kiss, just a simple peck, it was enough to glue to the ground. You were tempted to check your pulse, see if it’s there.
‘’Mhm yes they are sweet.’’ He spoke as if in serious consideration, the only indication of his true feelings was hidden behind his scarf where his neck burned with deep red. He looked at you, the way you pressed your fingertips to your lips, the way your eyes turned to a night sky drowning in stars.
‘’What?’’ Taehyung looked at you, waiting for you to say something but what he got instead was your arms gripping at his jacket as you closed the space between you.
You felt Taehyung fight against the smile surging to his face, he wanted to kiss you properly, wanted to fulfil the daydream he’s been chasing since the day he met you. You sneaked your hands around his neck pulling him even closer to which he did not protest. Taehyung held your waist keeping you locked to him as his other hand travelled from your neck to rest against your cheek as every bit of contained passion seeped into the long-awaited kiss. It was music and art and worlds colliding. You pulled away long enough to breathe and before either of you could manage a smile Taehyung pressed his lips to yours once more, you didn’t even bother thinking there was anything else you could do except hold him closer in this moment.  
Jeon Jungkook:
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You were waiting with Jungkook before his solo performance, watching him get attended by stylists and performance directors giving him last minute pointers. Jungkook caught your eye and winked before pushing through the crowded room to get to you.
‘’How do you feel?’’ You asked him, unconsciously fixing the jacket around his shoulders. He smiled at you taking your hand into his, playing with your fingers.
‘’Excited, a little nervous but mostly excited.’’ He said, smiling broadly compelling you to grin as well.
‘’Good I’m happy for you, I know you’ll do great,’’ You encouraged him. Jungkook leaned in to kiss your forehead letting his lips rest against your skin for a bit longer than usual. When he pulled away he avoided your gaze, only looking off to the side.
You followed his stare, there was nothing much to see except a black gap in the curtains where people came and went, and beyond that thousands of cheering fans awaiting him. You looked back at Jungkook, he was teasing his lips between his teeth, biting hard enough for the soft pink skin to turn white.
‘’Hey, hey,’’ You said calling his attention. He looked at you with bright eyes, the innocent kind that screamed of youth and freedom. You poked his lip making him stop biting at it.
‘’Army are here to support you and cheer for you, there’s nothing you can do that’ll disappoint them.’’ You reassured him. Jungkook looked thoughtful for a few seconds.
‘’But what if I make a mistake?’’ He asked finally.
‘’Then you’ll move on and continue giving the best performance you can, your fans don’t frown when you make a mistake they only cheer harder to tell you it’s okay. They’re here to help you live your dream because you’re fulfilling theirs no matter what you do.’’ Jungkook knew you were right. He bit his lip again unknowingly making you poke him again.
‘’Stop biting your lips, find a better a habit.’’ You scolded him teasingly.
‘’Oh yeah?’’ Jungkook lifted his eyebrows. ‘’Like what?’’ He asked getting closer.
Whatever the sounds around you were ceased to matter, whatever it was you were saying got buried under a heavy blanket of snow and whether your heart was still hidden inside your chest you didn’t know because the only thing that was bright and clear was the feeling of Jungkook’s lips pressing into your own. Gently and unmoving as if one wrong move could blow you away from him like delicate flower petals torn away by the uncompromising wind. And when your heart began to demand your brain to function and kiss him back was when he pulled away.
Jungkook looked at you smiling lightly as he reached to cup your face. He wasn’t sure whether to appreciate or worry about your shocked expression.
‘’Do it again.’’ You mumbled hoping it was coherent.
‘’Again?’’ Jungkook asked biting his lip, to keep the sheepish grin at bay.
‘’Yes, if this is your new habit you must do it more than once?’’ You spoke all too fast making Jungkook laugh. He hummed before leaning in close to you so your foreheads rested against each other. With one last smile, he leaned in. Your heart soared at the soft brush of his lips but a shrill damned voice chased them away.
‘’Jungkook you’re needed now.’’ His manager awkwardly pointed at the stage. Jungkook sighed flashing you a grin, with a chaste kiss on your forehead and dark pink creeping up his neck,  he walked away. You licked your lips, biting them discretely.
‘’Better be a long-lasting habit.’’ You murmured as you listened to the cheers of Army invite him on stage.
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cassoliver · 4 years
new york’s very own cassandra “cass” oliver was spotted on broadway street in reebok club c 85 vintage shoes . your resemblance to  sydney sweeney is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your  twenty-first  birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being  naive  , but also compassionate . i guess being a  pisces  explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be exposed tan lines , loud laughter , and only ever wearing gold jewelry  . ( i slept with one of my co-stars while we were shooting on location, not knowing they had a significant other back home )  &  ( cis-female & she / her  )
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lia takes on a second character TAKE TWO whAT is up you guys , it’s ya girl back at it again with another muse . i randomly got a lot of inspiration for this new girly pop and i feel p good about it ! go ahead and smash that mf like button if you wanna plot ! i can slide into your ims or on discord if that’s more your jam !
S T A T S ↴
– * FULL NAME : cassandra rosemary oliver – NICKNAME(S) : cass ( commonly referred as ), cassie – * AGE : twenty-one – * D.O.B : march 16th – * ZODIAC : pisces – * GENDER : cis-female –* ORIENTATION : bisexual biromantic – * HEIGHT : 5′4″ – * NATIONALITY : american – * BIRTHPLACE : asbury park , new jersey – * OCCUPATION : student + actress – * TRAITS : compassionate, creative, intuitive, gentle, empathetic, fun-loving, naive, whimsical, loyal, subservient, overly emotional, pensive, fearful, overly trusting
B I O G R A P H Y ↴
   you’d have to be living under a rock to not know jeremy and elizabeth marie oliver . think brad pitt and angelina jolie , will smith and jada pinkett , or whatever other celebrity IT couple you fancy . jeremy is notoriously known for his acting career that took off in the late 80′s . around the same time , elizabeth marie’s acting / modeling career was taking off across the pond . the iconic duo met through work and quickly fell in love . after their over the top wedding ceremonies ( yes plural . they got married once in jeremy’s hometown in new jersey and then again in elizabeth marie’s hometown in england ). shortly after their holy matrimony , they produced three healthy babies : mason , samuel , and cassandra . there were a few years in between the kiddos , but they were all raised in a tight knit family outside of the limelight in asbury park , new jersey . their parents decided to take a break from working in order to raise their kids . i wish i could say that gave the oliver trio a normal childhood . but it’s kind of hard to go to public school and not draw attention to yourself when your parents are household names . it was hard for cassandra to understand that her parents were super famous and for some reason that meant something to people . if you asked her , there was no reason to get all starstruck over her parents . they were just people after all .
    so i guess you could say she had a normal childhood . at least , as normal as one could have with their name and photos constantly plastered all over tabloids . cassandra grew up in a happy and loving environment , which is nice . and with her dad working part time as a professor at his alma mater , juilliard , she and her family bounced back and forth between their coastal home in new jersey and their urban townhouse in new york . and she throughly enjoyed experiencing the best of both worlds . both places felt like home to her and she and her brothers made the best memories together . see , her brothers were her best friends growing up . mason and samuel were five (5) and three (3) years older than her , respectively , and she followed them around everywhere they went . the two boys let her reluctantly at first when mom and dad forced them to but over time it became enjoyable to have her be just another member of their friend group . cassandra was well liked and throughly protected by her brothers and their friends . they shielded her away from all things dangerous : from substances to rude people . this led to a pretty sheltered upbringing . she lived in this little bubble where things were all good all the time .
   as she got older , she had to learn to fend for herself a bit more . no longer was she under the watchful gaze of her brothers , for they had rushed into graduating high school early so that they could pursue their own acting careers-- following in line with their infamous parents . having the oliver last name gave them an advantage in the film industry and they ran with that opportunity . meanwhile , cassandra stayed back and took her time . acting was always something she was interested in . there’s no way she could be a member of her household and not dabble in the art at least a little bit . but it wasn’t a top priority to her for a long time . she didn’t want to rely on her family name to get her somewhere in the industry . if she was going to do it , she wanted to do it right . she wanted to earn her place just like anybody else . and if it worked out for her then great ! and if it didn’t , well she prepared a back-up plan . she elected to go to NYU for business instead of studying acting or just bypassing college all together . she figured if all else failed , then she’d start her own company and branch out of the creative arts .
  and she took her college career very seriously . she’s studious and hard-working , genuinely enjoying learning new things and having a ‘ normal college experience ’. even though people still look at her funny or talk about her behind her back once they figure out why she looks so gosh darn familiar , she’s come to find that college students are much more chill than the kids that used to bombard her with questions about her famous family on the play ground . most days , cassandra gets by feeling like a completely normal girl . no fame or fortune , just a regular schemgular student trying to get by . and she’d probably gotten away with just melting into the background and never breaking out into the limelight if it wasn’t for one little netflix project she agreed on .
  it was just supposed to be another passion project . cassandra had done a few small roles in indie movies at that point . just enough to dip her toes into the movie making world but not enough to drag her away from getting a higher education . but when a script for a new netflix original series was slid in her direction by a family friend turned agent-- well , she just couldn’t put it down ! she loved everything about the show and knew she just had to be a part of it . so she gave up one summer of her life to film OUTER BANKS , not at all thinking that it would blow up the way it did a year later when it premiered . and now news is breaking out that the youngest oliver is finally stepping out into the acting scene , which is warranting a lot of media attention towards her . honestly , she feels pretty good about the project itself . she’s very proud of the show and is incredibly grateful that it’s doing as well as it is . but when it comes to all the notoriety she’s getting because of it , well ... she’s still adjusting to being famous in her own right and not just secondhand through her family . she’s a little overwhelmed . she’s a big girl now that has to navigate through this next chapter of her life without anybody holding her hand or shielding her from the highs and lows of being known . whether or not she thrives in the limelight or crumbles under the pressure is to be determined .
P E R S O N A L I T Y  &  F U N  F A C T S ↴
i think it’s really funny to call her the third franco brother ( yes dave and james have a third brother , his name is tom ). bc like her brothers are essentially mega stars w all the movies they’ve been in at this point and she’s sort of the other sibling that everyone forgets about . y’know until recently lol
she is a giant sweetheart !! just v lovey and kind and empathetic ,, has a warmth to her that makes it feel like it’s summertime all the time
v humble bc she does not consider herself famous what so ever . like being second-hand famous from her family and getting a few extra instagram followers bc of her last name is one thing , but with the success of her current show she’s being put on covers of magazines , being interviewed for teen vogue and stuff like that , getting verified on everything , and gaining hundreds of thousands of followers DAILY . it’s crazy to her
naive in the sense that she’s rlly out here thinking that everyone has a heart as big as hers and has only the best intentions when sadly that might not be the case !! so like ,,,, probs gets taken advantage of and doesn’t even realize it . or messes things up bc she thinks she can just continue living a normal average joe life when in reality her whole life has been far from average ,, the whole world’s got their eye on her and everything she says and does publicly can and will be scrutinized and she is just …. not prepared for that
wants to have a good time and do cool art sh*t !! as long as she’s being creative in some aspect , she’s happy . honestly doesn’t take a lot to make her happy
but also when she gets sad oh boy oh boy does she get sad . pretty much down and out and nothing anyone says or does can make her feel better unfortunately . will just self isolate and you just gotta let her ride it out ://
hobbies include painting , reading , collecting plants , and taking photos
has a second instagram account just for her photography ! @casstookthis lol
lives with her “babies” which are like 10 house plants and all of her books
v family oriented ! goes to visit her parents regularly and talks to her brothers basically daily despite living on two different coasts
acting was always something she knew she wanted to do-- and that may or may not have to do w her parents’ influence and the pressure to follow in their foot steps just like her brothers did 
as kids , she and her brothers would work together to put on performances in the living room for their parents . they’d make “short films” and upload them to all 6 of their subscribers on youtube
allergic to cats but wants one so bad ,, has never had a pet in her life actually
the little things amuse her . her sense of humor is really quite simple . hit her w some puns and / or a dad joke and you’ll have her rolling
is learning how to speak mandarin and french
always over-prepared , never underprepared ,, needs to feel like she is capable of handling anything or else she panics
cannot tell a lie to save her life , gets nervous and can’t make eye contact
at any given moment , you can tell what she’s thinking and what she’s feeling just from taking one look at her face . sometimes she tries to mask it because she is an actress after all . but it’s not hard to see through the facade that she puts on if you know her well
hopeless romantic af ! romanticizes everything in life ! loves love in all forms , romantic , platonic , self love , whatever ! looks at the world through rose tinted glasses and heart eyes ! probably falls in love with a person , place , or thing at least 5 times a day !
prefers summer and living near a beach / some body of water over living in the middle of the city . so she’ll often visit back home or go stay with her brothers in LA , not just to be closer to family , but to be more in her element
her family has so many houses simply bc their lives are all over the place ???? like they kept her childhood home in new jersey but they also always had a luxury townhouse in new york plus a summer home in the hamptons and a cottage in england and an apartment in los angeles that her brothers currently reside in . she used to just stay in the townhouse while going to school but she recently bought her own apartment bc she wants to be #independent
might catch her as the lead in a new netflix original movie coming soon *wink wink*
is in love with her best friend east harvey and they’re getting married
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galaxy-whiskers · 4 years
I was tagged by @bailandonorris, thanks!
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? 
I have a silver paddle brush which I don’t use very often, a transparent and purple swirly coloured (honestly don’t know how else to describe) afro comb, and a regular black comb.
2. name of a food you never eat? 
Tuna, can’t stand it. To be honest, I eat most things if they’re warm, but VERY fussy when it comes to cold food
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? 
Definitely too hot! I still have a fan on in the winter at night time
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? 
Playing Animal Crossing, tried to catch some tarantulas because Flick is on my island but the dodos don’t seem to want to send me to any decent islands so my mission was unsuccessful
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
That’s a hard one... probably either Cadbury’s marvelous creations with the jelly beans and popping candy, darkmilk, or the one with oreos. Snickers are pretty great too, also Kinder Bueno and just Kinder chocolate in general. Basically, what I’m saying is I love chocolate
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? 
Yes, I went to the London 2012 Olympics to watch show jumping, football and basketball! Have probably been to others? Really want to go to Wimbledon at some point but not sure when I’ll be able to do that. Does dog agility count as sport? Seen it at Crufts multiple times
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? 
‘Night night curly shoes’ - a goodnight wish for my sweet doggo Ivy
8. what is your favourite ice cream? 
I’m a fan of coconut ice cream it has to be said, also honeycomb, and your standard Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough is high up there. Really specifically, the vanilla ice cream from the waffle shop in Cirencester. To be honest, don’t eat much ice cream, not my go-to food choice because I’m lactose intolerant and a lot of it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. Has to be good!
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? 
Some water, absolute health right here (she says drinking her first glass of water all day after about 4 cans of Pepsi Max whoops)
10. do you like your wallet? 
I guess so, yes. Could probably do with a slightly more efficient one but it’s decent
11. what was the last thing you ate? 
A jazz apple from the fridge. We have no pink ladies which are the favourites but jazz are pretty tasty too
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? 
No, only virtual ones in Animal Crossing. I haven’t been clothes shopping in so long and doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon
13. last sporting event you watched? 
Honestly no idea, since all the sport has been cancelled for a while I can’t think what the last thing would have been. Probably Cheltenham races on the telly back in February or March or whenever it was?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? 
The classic, salty cinema popcorn. Honestly the best
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? 
Strangely, someone from my secondary school who I haven’t ever spoken to over message before. She posted our leavers video on her Instagram and thought I’d message since I’d been looking for that video for  y e a r s  and sparked a conversation! She never liked me much back in school I don’t think, she was popular and I really wasn’t so I never properly spoke to her. One of my friends had a bit of drama with her, absolutely hated her, but they eventually became best pals. Also her best pal during most of school really didn’t like me for some reason... anyway, had a nice chat, strange how friendly she seems these days
16. ever go camping?
Uhh well... I’ve been 4 times, 2 of which were for D of E and I can safely say I’ve never had a good experience. First time, the people in the tent next to us got arrested at 3AM for drugs or something, second time was my dad’s 40th birthday and my brother didn’t know he was allergic to nuts so eating a cake with mixed nuts on the top didn’t go down well for him... also went to a restaurant on the way there with my granny and got a caterpillar in my salad. Third and fourth times, let’s just say D of E was one of the worst experiences of my life, I’ll leave it at that... would really like to go camping again though to have a good experience, maybe change my mind on it? I don’t know, willing to give it a try
17. do you take vitamins? 
I go through phases, sometimes I take them every day, other times I don’t take them for like 3 months
18. do you go to church every sunday? 
I used to, but as I got older I slowly went less and less until I didn’t go at all. I lost faith I guess? Kind of didn’t feel I belonged there or believed anymore. I loved singing the hymns and our vicar was an absolute lad, we also got biscuits at the end of each service, but over time I decided it wasn’t right for me to keep going. Pretty much all the people that go to ours are your typical white, posh, probably homophobic and hate children type so that put me off. Also after everything that’s happened in mine and other’s lives, I slowly lost the belief in God. If all of it was true, why would these things happen? I guess also my scientific mind was constantly telling me there’s no proof. I think the only reason I went to begin with was because it was a family thing and as a child I believed pretty much everything that was said
19. do you have a tan? 
No, certainly not... used to when I lived in the Caribbean but now I’m pretty much white as a sheet
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? 
A very difficult one... probably chinese? As much as I love pizza, it’s the same issue as the ice cream
21. do you drink soda with a straw? 
Nah not a fan of straws, they taste weird
22. what colour socks do you wear? 
ALL THE COLOURS! I own a pair of socks for every outfit to colour co-ordinate, my sock draw is overflowing
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? 
Strangely, I drive under by quite a bit when no one else is around. It’s the other cars that stress me out and make me go too fast. Also I have a black box so not allowed
24. what terrifies you? 
Good question, lots of things... the sea, pools, tbh water in general, heights, rejection, the current impending doom, large open spaces with no walls I can be against, losing everyone I love, the fact that anyone might be secretly talking about me behind my back because they actually hate me, the list goes on but I won’t continue it
25. look to your left what do you see? 
An empty Pepsi Max can, a glass of water, some crocodile scissors, my Switch, a cranberry scented candle, and some tiny balls of wool
26. what chore do you hate? 
Got to be changing my bed, or washing up when the things have got cold food left on them
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? 
A throwback to year 8
28. what’s your favourite soda?
Pepsi Max
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? 
It depends who I’m with
30. who was the last person you talked to? 
My mum about a meteor shower and satellites
31. favourite cut of beef? 
A random question... I do like a good rump steak
32. last song you listened to? 
You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates because I’m using it in my animation project
33. last book you read? 
I’m like part way through Good Omens and have been for quite some time... I have learning difficulties and find reading a lot of effort so don’t read very often
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? 
No, it’s the kind of thing I’d have expected myself to learn at some point but never did
35. how do you like your coffee? 
I don’t like coffee so in the bin
36. favourite pair of shoes? 
My multicoloured Vans, got them in the second week of uni and I’ve loved them ever since
37. the time you normally go to bed? 
Well, currently it’s around 1AM to go to bed, 3AM to sleep. Used to be around 12/1AM sleep but the lockdown has ruined that
38. the time you normally wake up? 
Again, currently it’s around 11:30AM to wake up then 12PM to do things but used to be around 9:30/10AM. To be honest I still sometimes wake up then but I go back to sleep again because I have no reason to exist more than I need
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? 
Sunrise is always nice to watch, but I don’t like getting up early so definitely sunset, especially when you’re at a restaurant or sitting outside somewhere in the countryside
40. how many blankets are on your bed? 
Just the one duvet, but I have a soft fish patterned blanket for when I want something to cuddle with
41. describe your kitchen plates? 
We have some plain white ones and some that are white with leaves around the edges. The edges have a ridged pattern and the rims are gold
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink so no
43. do you play cards? 
Yes, love a good card game! 
44. what colour is your car? 
It’s very nice Caribbean sea blue. Used to be my mum’s car, it’s her favourite colour
45. can you change a tire? 
I probably could if I had to but can’t say I’ve done it before
46. your favourite province? 
I guess that’s counties? Hometown of Gloucestershire is up there, also a fan of Devon. My favourites may have to be Caenarfonshire and Anglesey though after the road trip last year
47. favourite job you’ve had?
Not sure really, I guess it would have to be doing my art commissions
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
The biggest scar I have these days is on my right knuckle between my index and middle finger, it’s very small. I got it from when I was holding a horse still before untacking and he decided that hay was more exciting, caught my hand on a splintered wooden fence and that was that
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? 
Nothing, I’ve only seen my family and even then it was for a short time. Don’t think I make anyone happy these days ahah
It’s now 3:22AM, that took longer than I expected. ‘I’ll go to sleep early today’ I said but I say that every day. Don’t know why I keep lying to myself. 
Anyway, I guess I have to tag someone now, so I tag @duckingpunches !
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marquis-lafayeet · 6 years
You’re My Sunflower
Photographer!Daveed Diggs x Reader
Daveed huffed as he sorted all of the recent photos into piles that either made the cut or not. He was in college as of now, and was trying to get this Photography career somewhere. But all of his muses were either too into it or didn’t have enough effort. People really think photographers work all the magic but it’s really all in the muse.
Daveed rolled his eyes at the mere thought. “Hey Daveed,” his thoughts were cut off by his roommate, Y/N. Daveed smiled. “Hey Y/N. What have you been up to?” He asks, seeing all the bags in on her arms. Y/N beamed. “These are new art supplies for the project I’m working on. I’m so excited! I know people should be stressed about their biggest piece of this year, but I just like to think of it as another rough draft.” She explained with a smile.
Daveed smiled back. He was at least happy that Y/N was having an easy time with her final. Her eyebrows furrowed. “What about you?” She asked.
Daveed’s POV
I sighed as Y/N asked how my project was going. I plastered a fake smile that immediately left my face when I saw her expression that screamed “tell me the truth”. “I have to do a shoot,” I began but was cut off. “A shoot? That shouldn’t be a problem! You’re easily the most talented photographer I know!” She exclaimed. I felt my face heat up. “But it has to be a person.” Her expression dropped at that. I was talented at photography, sure, but when it comes to photographing people? Count me out. Too many expectations to live up to, no thank you. Y/N put a thoughtful face on. “Maybe... you could do me? I mean, if you want to, I know I don’t look the prettiest or anything. Never mind, pretend I didn’t say anything.” Y/N said shyly.
My face broke out into a smile. “That’s absolutely perfect! You could be my muse!” Y/N’s head shot up. “Really?” She asked. I nodded.
t i m e s k i p
Y/N unlatched herself from my arm as we neared the flower gardens, practically skipping on her way there. She beamed. “Look! They have sunflowers!” She exclaimed. I chuckled. “Why’re you so excited? Are they your favorite flower?” I asked, trying to get her to reveal herself. Her birthday was coming up and I haven’t got a clue as to what to get her. Y/N nodded her head furiously. “Everyone likes them now because they’re “aesthetic” or something,” she said rolling her eyes and doing air quotes on the word aesthetic. Y/N’s broke out into a little smile. “I’ve loved sunflowers ever since I could remember,” she continued. “I love the way they always look at the sun, as if trying to hold onto the light, never faltering once. Just like how people say I look for positivity. I’m not always happy though, I have my moods,” she said with a laugh.
I laughed with her with a nod. Y/N had plenty of days where she was down in the dumps. She would always sulk until I asked her what happened. She would tell me about her day then I would comfort her then we would get her favorite foods then watch TV and cuddle. “Anyways, let’s get onto that shoot, shall we?” She said with a grin. I plastered on a fake smile. “Let’s,” I said with fake enthusiasm. Y/N noticed and gave me an encouraging smile. “Hey, we’ll take as long as you need, okay?” Y/N said gently touching my arm. I nodded.
Turns out, she really meant as long as I need. We were there until sunset. And she didn’t complain once. “Okay, I think this is the one,” I said, looking at the camera. Y/N held her pose and giggled. “Well take the picture! I want to see your amazing photography skills,” I compiled and and angled the camera. As I did, I noticed the way her expression was held. It was really loving, while she was carresing the sunflowers around her. The sunset shone in the distance, and the reflection made her eyes and skin glow, contrasting the yellow-orange sky. The smile on her face was so beautiful I did a double take. I also made a realization that almost made me fall over. Did I... like Y/N? I’ve known her for the longest, and didn’t really pay attention to it, dang. I love Y/N L/N. This realization was so controlling that I didn’t notice Y/N trying to get my attention by calling my name between clenched teeth. “Daveed! Daveed,” she groaned, her face muscles tiring. I snapped back into attention. “Oh sorry Y/N, just a little distracted,” I said, not technically lying. She shrugged it off and focused back on her pose. After I took a couple more pictures, we headed back to our apartment.
Y/N laughed when she saw a picture of her laughing at a joke I made. “Ha, I don’t look mentally stable in that one,” Y/N said, fidgeting from embarrassment. I shook my head. “You look really cute in this one,” I felt my face heat up. Her eyes lit up. We walked the rest of the way in silence, finally making our way to our apartment. Y/N went to go take a shower while I put together my project.
a n o t h e r t i m e s k i p
I jumped up and down as I saw my final score. 100%! I can’t believe it. I sprinted back to the apartment to find Y/N. She was on the couch, eating some pretzels and watching Netflix. She glanced my way and a smile broke on her face when she saw my smile. “How’d you do?” She asked. I shoved the paper in her face. She screamed when she saw the paper. She excitedly grabbed it and inspected it further. “This is amazing! I’m so happy for you!” She said.
Third Person POV
She was so excited she went up to hug Daveed. She was so caught up in the moment she kissed him.
Right on the lips.
As soon as it happened, Y/N pulled away with wide eyes. “I-I’m so sorry,” she exclaimed. She was only met with a very surprised expression. The expression for him was pure joy. The expression for her was pure terror. Her eyes started to water and her bottoms lip started to tremble. “I gotta go,” she said, running back to her room. She couldn’t go out since there was still finals going on. Daveed tried to knock on her door to try and talk to her, but she didn’t come out.
It wasn’t until after the school day that Daveed was able to catch her when she got back home. Her eyes widened and she tried to turn back around but Daveed stopped her by blocking the doorway. “We need to talk Y/N.” Daveed said. Y/N kept her eyes downcast and nodded. They both walked to the living room, Y/N going at a slower pace to stall, unlacing her shoes, putting her bag on a rack and dusting dirt off of both her bag and shoes. Daveed huffed. She reluctantly shuffled her way to the living room and sat on the couch farthest away from him.
“What do you need to talk about?” She asked in a shy voice, a voice Daveed never heard before. “You already know what Y/N. Why’d you do it?” Daveed asked in a soft tone. She looked up and made eye contact with his kind eyes. Her bottom lip started to tremble again. Daveed notices and rushed over to her side. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me if you’re that embarrassed,” Daveed sympathized, rubbing her back. “I love you Daveed, not even like, love. I know I shouldn’t, and that you could like any other prettier girl on this ca-,” Y/N was interrupted by Daveed’s lips on hers.
Y/N was stunned into silence. “Shush, I love you too Y/N. And only you.” Daveed reassured her. Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that.” Y/N said. Daveed answered by crashing his lips on hers.
y e t a n o t h e r t i m e s k i p
It was Y/N’s birthday, and Daveed was completely ready. They were dating for a couple weeks now, and things couldn’t get any better. Y/N got a great grade on her art project, Daveed is getting offers to do shoots for models, and Daveed knew exactly what to do for Y/N’s birthday.
I huffed as I came into the apartment l shared with my boyfriend. Boyfriend. Huh. Still sounds foreign to me. Anyways, today has been awful. Nobody remembered my birthday, even my friends! I didn’t tell them, I wanted to tell them tomorrow so that they could feel guilty. I felt a bit shallow for doing that, and for thinking that they have to remember my birthday. I felt horrible. “Babe, I’m home,” I called out. I found a piece of paper on the kitchen table. “Hey baby, I want you to meet me at the place fate decided to take place. ♡” - Daveed xoxo. Y/N beamed. He always liked to ramble on and on about how beautiful I looked that day he decided to do me for his shoot. I shook my head and smiled.
As I walked to the gardens, I thought about how lucky I was to have Daveed. He was sweet, funny, caring, and devastatingly handsome. I sighed contendly as I walked into the gardens. As I looked around, I noticed there was fairy lights hanging from the poles. As I looked closer, I noticed there were polaroids and regular pictures on there. They were pictures of me and Daveed. Each picture had a date and a caption. “May 12th, 2018, carnival ♥︎” the picture was of me and Daveed in a photo booth, with props making silly faces. I had huge muschtache while making duck lips while Daveed had bunny ears and scrunching his face up in the cutest way holding a rubber ducky. There was another picture of the carnival. We were holding hands and kissing, with the Ferris wheel lights shining in front of us. We were pretty lucky to have Rafael, Daveed’s friend, to be a photographer to. The picture came out perfect.
As I walked and admired the pictures, I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to see Daveed in a tux, holding sunflowers in his hand and bashfully smiling. “Happy birthday my love,” he said, leaning down and giving me a passionate kiss. “Do you like it?” Daveed asked shyly, handing me the flowers.
I gratefully took them and kissed his cheek. “I love it, and I love you, Daveed,” I say. He smiles and kisses me once more. “I love you too, Y/N.” He murmurs against my lips.
This was the best birthday ever.
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your-hero-imagines · 6 years
Could I get Shinsou headcanons for an s/o with pathokinesis? (The ability to sense and manipulate other people's emotions) like, they're kind of ashamed of their quirk because of what it could be used to do. I just kinda figured they're both picked on because of their stuff and I wanted to see your take on it...if that's ok with you! Either way I hope you have a lovely day!! ^_^
Heya Anon!
I hope my work was worth the wait! XD
Turned it into a scenario because it came off easier to me, hope that’s all right! Shinsou fans have way too less content about him so I hope this long text will satisfy you guys! :3
Loved the request btw! That’s a pretty nice idea for a quirk!
Okay, I like to imagine the kind of scenery of a new person stepping into Shinsou’s life, turning his world upside down and “saving” him in a certain way. And I just love the “new one in town” cliché.
Have fun!
It was a day like anyone else. As always, Shinsou sat alone at his desk  and doodled something in his notebook, while trying to ignore the usual, susupicious stares his classmates directed at him.
How long has he kept on telling himself that it doesn’t bother him at all? Or that having friends is overrated anyway? Yet how everyone was treating him him even though he never did something wrong in his life was just too damn discouraging.
The only glimmer of hope was to finally meet some decent persons after graduation, even though he almost gave up on the thought of people ever treating him elseway.
As the bell rang, his homeroom teacher entered the class - accompanied by you. His explanation was short, and he asked you to introduce yourself. You stepped forwards, seemingly trembling from excitement. “H-hello! My name is [___]. I just moved here, but I hope we’ll get along well!”
Looking around, you were seeing many friendly expressions directed at you, making your nervousness slowly fading away. Only one boy didn’t seem to care much, since he was looking out of the window, his face leaned on his hand. Seemed like he’s daydreaming.
The seat right next to him was still free, so you just sat down there. As he looked over to you, you gave him your most gentle smile, but he looked away as soon as your eyes met. At first you didn’t think much of it, though.
On the other hand, he wasn’t really interested in you in the beginning - but he had to admid that you had a certain aura surrounding you. The “positive vibes”, or how people would call it, you were emitting were making him feel drawn to you - and you were kinda pretty, too. Maybe it was because of your kind eyes? Why is he even thinking so much about that? Anyway, you were way above his league. Another normal, popular child. Soon you’d find out about his quirk, and avoid him like anyone else.
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Obviously, at the first short break, everone was already swarming around you - a new student is always interesting. They were nice and all, but you didn’t really like to be the center of attention. May it be rude or not, you couldn’t help but find your attration centered at that weird boy still sitting at the window all alone. For some reason, it was hard to concentrate when he was around. The other pupils often had to bring you back down to earth when you stared at him for a bit too long. After you politely answered the questions of all of your classmates, you decided to get to know him.
Shinsou couldn’t believe when you walked up to his desk, certain the other students already  told you to stay away from him unless you want to get brainwashed. But you like to make your own impressions of people before judging, and also: You were kind of an expert in human nature, and he seemed like a nice person to you.
“Hi! I think we haven’t talked yet. Nice to meet you!” you cheered, reaching out a hand to him. He was hesistant to take it, being left speechless for a while. But he replied to your introduction anyway, silently stuttering “N-nice to meet you, too.”  “I hope I’m not disturbing you or something.” “N-not at all” he answered, trying to hide a soft blushing. You leaned over his notebook, amazed by his art. Like that, a long conversation about many topics came up. Both of you realized you had much in common, and you said you were looking forward to a wonderful friendship.
Yet he was still pretty distrustful. Were you trying to mock him or something? Why would you want to hang out with him of all people, when the other kids liked you? You didn’t seem like an outsider. So he convinced himself he doesn’t care that much, expecting to get disappointed again, and not wanting to rise his hopes - aside from that, your small, single smile somehow managed to brighten up his whole day.
Through all the first lessons, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. At first he didn’t even realize it himself, but at lunch break some of the girls walked up to him and lessoned him about staying away from you. They even went so far to tell him not trying to use his powers to do nasty things or something. It really hurt him, but you interrupted the girls and told him to leave your friend alone. “Did she just call me her friend?”
“I am so sorry!” you said, bowing in apology as the girls went away, probably gossiping. “Because of me you got trouble with those girls! I didn’t want that!” “Huh, it’s not your fault” Shinsou said, trying to hide the crack in his voice. “They’re just stupid. They are doing this since forever. It’s not a big deal.” You realized that Shinsou was on the verge of tears, but didn’t say anything about it to not make him embarassed.
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“How about we eat lunch together? The canteen is still open.” “Not interested, sorry” he said - but actually he’d love to. His only concern was about you - those girls already looked very angry, and if you were to be seen with him, maybe you’d get bullied too. “Oh, I get it” you answered, walking out of the classroom. Shinsou felt an ache in his heart when he saw your disappointed face.
But just a few minutes after, you were back in the classrom, which was completely empty - except for Shinsou. On your arms, you carried a whole load of snacks, which you just dropped on his desk. “Here! We’re alone here, the others won’t come back until the break ends. It’s fine, right?” Seemed like he was a little bit too obvious about his concerns.
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Looking up, Shinsou saw your bright eyes, shining in expectation. He sighed as he unpacked a chocolate bar, his other hand grabbing a chair and pulling it next to him. “Yay!” you shoutet out as you sat down and started munching a cupcake, too. “How cute…” he thought, examining your facial expressions. When you realized, you asked him “Is something wrong with my face? You’ve been staring at it ever since I got here!” Damn, he was caught staring. But doesn’t this mean that you stared at him, too?
“Well, I just…I just wondered why you’re being so nice to me.” “Huh? Why shouldn’t I?” you chuckled, making him pretty angry. Aren’t you taking him seriously? He didn’t even notice how nervous you were, yourself. “Just to make this clear: I don’t want your help! I don’t need any sympathy!” You gulped while swallowing a bite of the cupcake, looking at him kind of confused. “That’s not what I had in mind, though. I want us to be friends! Really!” you cheered, shamelessly holding his hand. Getting flustered, Shinsou looked down to the table. “Oh…That’s all right, I guess.”
Ever since this day, Shinsou was looking forward going to school - since he was able to meet you there. Thanks to you, the people stopped bullying Shinsou. They still weren’t really nice around him, but they kinda tolerated it.
He was quick to find himself at ease around you, and opened up more than he ever thought he would be. It were only a few weeks, but Shinsou was so happy to finally have someone he can call a true friend. And the fact that it’s someone as wonderful as you only made his happiness rise a thousandfold.
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“I still don’t get it” he mumbled as the two of you walked through the city, sharing an ice-cream. “Aren’t you afraid of my quirk?” You poked his forehead, beginning to laugh at his stupid expression. “Do you still only think about this?” you said as you kept him from going any further, hugging him in the middle of the street. Shinsou dropped the ice-cream, blushing heavily. “You’re the nicest person I ever met, Shinsou” you whispered, adding “And I really, really like you!” Shinsou closed his eyes, enjoying this moment as he returned the hug. “Sorry. I shouldn’t doubt you. I’m glad that I got to know you, [___].”
This boy can’t take a hint. Well, he’s not really experienced at how to socialize in general, so you forgive him for being so oblivious to your feelings.
Oh god, the first time you visit his home was so bittersweet. His mom is a big sweetheart, putting some hell of an effort into making a nice dinner. She asked you a ton of questions and was even more excited about you than Shinsou. She kept checking on you guys and asked if you needed something. It made trying to approach him way more difficult as it already is, but you just couldn’t be mad at her. Especially after he tells you that his mom is always so pained and worried about him never having brought home a friend before.
This evening, you watched some old hero movies like “Captain America”, cuddling under a blanket in his bedroom. You admired his wish to become a hero. He never thought badly about you, even though you lied and told him you don’t have a quirk. You loved that about him - he never judges anyone, and is polite towards all people. Actually, you never thought about using your quirk to become a hero. You always wanted to become a psychologist or something like that. But listening to his dreams was very pleasant.
One morning a few days later, Shinsou witnessed how one of the jocks were mocking a small boy in front of the school’s gate. The boy was already crying, and Shinsou saw how that guy shattered the boy’s art project on the ground. He grid his teeth, not able to just silently stand there and watch. Ready to activate his quirk, he stepped through the circle of people surrounding the scene, asking “Hey! Do you think this is funny?”
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But in the blink of an eye, before the jock could even answere, he broke out in tears. “What the…” Shinsou thought - and then he saw you, slowly approaching the scene. “It hurts, doesn’t it?” “What did you do to me?!” the jock yelled out, still crying and unable to move due to the overwhelming sadness he felt.
“I just made you feel the way you make others feel. Not really pleasant, isn’t it?” The jock cried more than he ever thought possible, in front of all the people watching. “Stop this!” he yelled desperate. “That’s easy: Just apologize, and I’ll stop!” you cheered with a pleased grin on your face. Shinsou couldn’t believe his eyes when the jock fell onto his knees and apologized. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Just make this feeling stop, please!”
“Of course. Thank you! But make sure I’ll never catch you doing such things ever again!” you said, releasing your quirk. The jock, still terrified of what you just did to him, as well as embarassed about his reaction, ran away as fast as possible. Soon, you found yourself gathered by people whispering about how terrifying your quirk was. The way they looked at you was familiar - it was always the same when people found out about your quirk.
When you looked up and looked at the people, they flinched, and quickly they all fleed. Reading their emotions, you could only feel fear and aversion. Wanting to help the bullied boy back on his feet, you reached out your hands for him - but he yelled “Don’t touch me! You want to do something to me too, don’t you? Leave me alone!” As the boy slapped away your hand and ran for his life, tars filled up in your eyes, and you just stood there, your hands balled to fists as you faced the ground.
“Heya.” A familiar voice got you out of your trance. It was Shinsou, softly touching your shoulder. “That was pretty awesome. But your performance was a bit creepy, don’t you think?” You fell into his arms, crying your heart out. “Shinsou! I’m so sorry for not telling you!” “Understandable, though. But I have to say I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t trust me to keep a secret.”
Shinsou pet your head, helping you to calm down. The two of you sat down, leaning to the wall of the school’s gate. He didn’t quite know what to say, even though he could understand the pinch you’re in pretty well. So you started explaining:
“I don’t really have to tell you what it’s like, right? You’re the same. I think people are like this ever since I can imagine. They’re afraid of my quirk, even though I never use it. Basically, it’s pathokinesis. So I can sense and manipulate other people’s emotions. On my old school, it hurt too much that people treated me like this. I’m not as strong as you, Shinsou. I was ashamed of my abilities. So I wanted to start anew here, telling people I’m quirkless. I know, that’s pretty weak.”
“It’s not. You’re not the one at fault here. The only weak thing is the reaction other people show to our quirks.” You rested your head onto his shoulders. “Please, don’t think I just became friends with you because of our similar quirks. That’s not the case!” He pinched your cheeks. “Sigh. I didn’t think something like that, but-” Suddenly, the realization worried Shinsou. “You didn’t…sense my emotions, right?” he asked, trying to prevent himself from blushing.
“What? No! I’d never do that, Shinsou!” you said, hugging onto him. The boy’s heart raced very fast - as it always does when you’re so affectionate. He embraced you tightly, taking a deep breath before saying. “No matter what other people think of you: I’ll always be there for you, okay? From now on, it’s only the two of us!”
It pained him that those people would treat you unfair from now on, too. He of all people knows what it’s like when people don’t trust you just because of your quirk. “You know, even without your quirk, you’re always so kind and empathizing, and you really helped me getting out of my shell. To be honest, I was pretty envious of how well you can deal with other people…”
“But you’re amazing, too!” you interrupted him. “You’re polite and calm and so cool! I don’t care what all the others think - I only need you! I…can’t really explain it, but…From the very first moment, I felt kind of…attracted to you.” Realizing what you just said, both of you just stared at each other in awe.
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“[___]. I-I’d like you to read my emotions right now.” “Huh? Why?” “Just do it, already!” he shoutet, when you reaized that he was shaking a bit. Blushing yourself, you activated your quirk.
Overwhelmed, you fell backwards. “[___]! Are you okay?” Shinsou yelled, immediately pulling you back to him to help you up. “I-I don’t know what to say…” you stuttered, trying to avoid eye contact. Many different emotions were mixed inside of him when it came to you: Respect, admiration, affection, and many more. But one outweighted the others. It was the first time you ever experienced someone having such a strong feeling of…love. And it was directed towards you.
“It’s okay. You can as well just ignore it. I-I just wasn’t courageous enough to tell you, so -” As quick as you could, you hastily pressed your lips onto his. Both of you closed your eyes, trying to do your best at this first, sloppy kiss. When you opened your eyes again, for the first time, Shinsou smiled from the bottom of his heart. He pressed your body against his, beginning to chuckle.
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“Well, the two of us sure are a unique couple!”
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onestowatch · 3 years
On ‘CHROMATOPIA’, NoMBe Rediscovers Himself [Q&A]
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In the wake of the most outrageous year of anyone’s life, it’s inevitable that change occured not only in the world around you but within yourself. For many, self-realization and development was a huge thing to come out of our collective time alone. For artists in particular, it allowed them to get in touch with their inner writing skills. But, there was also a chance to be a progressive thinker, to become the ultimate activist. Then, to be able to put all of that outward thinking and infuse it into your writing. 
That’s what we got to talk about a bit with NoMBE. Following the release of his sophomore album, CHROMATOPIA, we dive into what influenced his writing and the steps that he took to create his most impressive and expressive piece of work yet.
OTW: This past year has been quite like any other. Take us through everything that happened. What kind of threw you for a loop? What setbacks occurred?
NoMBe: Well, I was supposed to release this album in April of 2020, so basically when everything got crazy with the protests and me getting arrested by cops, everything just getting so wild online and globally, I decided to hold the album back. And, of course, all the tours are cancelled. We're supposed to start our tour in May and there was a whole US tour that we had planned, which was then followed by my guitar player actually suing me and all kinds of stuff. 
With George Floyd being murdered and me ultimately also getting evicted from my music studio for having protesters spend the night, it was just a lot. So, I decided to move away because of all that, and was invited by a good musician friend to make that transition. 
It's definitely shaped my music in a lot of ways, where I think I had to get a lot out creatively that touched on politics, or how I was feeling with anxiety and sort of the heaviness of everything. It also affected my process. In a sense where I couldn't make music for like two or three months, which is very unlike me, that's never happened in my entire adult life. So, it was really a lot, and I'm just now getting back into space where I'm very excited to create, very excited to also make just positive music and dive deeper into the lyrics, but it's opened me up a bit more to talk about other things. 
I think typically my catalog has always been love songs, introspective, sort of very personal songs about friendship, family, life, and security. A lot of it is about relationships and love. Now, I feel like I’m more empowered to have more political songs quite frankly and talk about heavier subjects. 
Tell us a little bit about the name CHROMATOPIA, where does that come from? 
Yeah, well CHROMATOPIA is actually a book about color theory that my creative director had. And initially, the album was going to be called Electric Soul. As I kept working on it, and as we sort of figured out what the brand is going to be, we realized that we wanted it to be way brighter. I wanted to talk about sort of the spectrum of my relationship, sort of on a micro and macro level. The very personal side of the album, which is my relationship... I've been monogamous for many years and had this idea that love is a spectrum. It's also the Japanese I use on my cover art; it basically means love is a spectrum. So, coming to terms with that is one aspect of it and the ups and downs of my relationship, how I've had a lot of blissful moments but also really tough moments, and that's why it's sort of a rollercoaster ride lyrically with the album.
I always call it like a conceptual break up album, where it's like if you basically sabotaged a relationship and you kind of daydream what would it really be like to not be with that person, how they feel and sort of the insecurities and fears that come with that. So that's sort of why I thought the color spectrum was a good representation. It's like on one end, the openness of the relationship and the nuance of the ups and downs. I think we fall on a spectrum anyways. You know, I think nobody is 100% straight. Nobody's 100% purely masculine. We're all somewhere on the spectrum. The way blue becomes turquoise slowly, or becomes teal. So that is literally what CHROMATOPIA came from.
There's so many variations of vibes on this new album. Some are a little more groovy, some are a little slower. What track specifically stands out to you and speaks to you the most out of all the tracks that you wrote? 
NoMBe: Oh, that's a very good question. I don't even think I can say. I would say they're, like, all my babies, you know? I think “This is Not a Love Song” and “Prototype” are tied for my favorites. They're definitely top five, but I love “Paint California,” I love “Water into Wine.” Actually, they're just like different vibes, you know, they appeal to different parts of me. 
What's been your favorite part about making this album? What has been your biggest and happiest highlight out of the whole process?
I loved living on the farm and making the album. I had a bunch of demos from 2018 from after the first album came out. I want to say I had like 70 to 100 demos. So I was just prepping the whole year. In 2018, we did a tour, we did all this other stuff that didn't really allow me the time to hone into what the second album was going to be. Then I took a trip to Japan for Christmas that year and I realized like, okay, I wanted to have a bit of the 1980’s, Japanese pop-filled, modular sounds, mixed with classical music. There was all this stuff in my head.
In early 2019, I decided I want to rent a spot. Either a house by the beach, a cabin or something like that. I want to get out of here, bring all my equipment and just lock in for like 34 months, you know? So, my manager found this animal rescue farm and I just built a really awesome studio there. It was sad to have to break it down eventually. It was just like this weird, almost tiny house on a farm. Horses, goats, pigs, and I just living out there in the valley. It was so serene being with the animals, the weather was always great and just making music ‘till late at night to the rain and everything.
Sometimes I couldn't sleep, and I would go into stable and hang out with the horse in the middle of the night. It was a very magical process, and I think that's something a lot of artists want, even though it doesn't require that to make music. But, why not? You know what I mean? It was just nice. Like, waking up, pulling up a project, having my coffee and just being out there. It was super cool. I want to create, and I just want to do this forever. So yeah, that was probably my favorite part.
Tell us a little bit about the evolution of your music and process from They Might Have Even Loved Me to now. 
I think some of the songs were originally supposed to be on They Might Have Even Loved Me, and then I was like, “Oh I'll use them for the next record and make this gritty rock record even more than They Might Have Even Loved Me.” You know, you finish one thing, you start a new one and set out to make this one record and what I was making wasn't that, you know? It just naturally became more upbeat. I got really into the ‘80s, and I never really liked the ‘80s much growing up to be honest. It was really recent. I started listening to, like, Hall and Oates again, and The Clash, Wang Chung, and a bunch of classic ‘80s music. With a lot of art, you don't really have that much control over what you like. Like, you have control of how you present it. 
I think by that point so many people were also doing it, there was so much of the like heavily-produced electronic alternative music that I wanted to do something that is more like Daft Punk-y and kind of a bit more of the fun side of rock. I think more subconsciously it happened in sessions and we would reference Gorillaz, we would reference any idea that came to mind. Even other producers that I was working with, they sort of brought that out in me as well. And then I think “Paint California” was actually the first song. It was like a perfect marriage where I was just like, “Okay, this has the acoustic guitar, this has like distortion, but it's definitely an electronic track. It's dancy, it's catchy. this is a thing, you know what I mean?” “Paint California” was the first song that was completely done. The first song that the label, and everyone, knew was the single.
I think the concept also spoke to me in a way where I was like, okay, this could be a seed to like a larger thing. At that time I also had the intro of CHROMATOPIA with Big Data. It was like something that we started together on piano. He was playing the chords and I was playing the melodies on top. We made it more this synthy, modular sounding thing. It was cool. I wanted this world. I want to tap into psychedelic modular music. I love everything that sounds super out there and spacey and kind of like a kid playing with a machine. So it became more about that. And then later, I also realized I was actually a pianist by, like, trade or whatever. And I barely play piano on my records. So, maybe keys and synthesizers could be a thing on this album, as opposed to just electric guitar. I think that is the main element that sets it apart other than from the rhythm and the tempos that I chose to use a lot previously. Very cool, very quick. 
What is the message that you want to get across as an artist? 
It's dangerous to compare yourself. I used to when I first started NoMBe as a project, I used to tell people that I wanted to be the next Pharrell. I used to tell people like “Oh it's kind of like if Pharrell produced the Chili Peppers or MGMT mixed with this you know?” And I think I would just like people to understand that it's a journey that's gonna always change. I’d like to see people see NoMBE as a project the way I see it. I am creating whatever I feel like doing, it’s sometimes very all over the place, for better or for worse. I never, ever, ever, ever wanted to have a genre, or be known for genre, or known for a thing. 
You know, even NoMBe itself was a name that I chose because it could kind of be anything. It could be a deep house DJ, it could be folksy, it could be African tribal music. That's what it is for me. I like the anonymity in that sense. I think over the years it kind of became its own thing and people start identifying more with me as a person than just the music. What I want people to take away is that the music is for them to be enjoyed. It’s how I share myself. It's deeply personal, but it is definitely there for people to enjoy. That's my whole goal and my whole purpose is to give people art that I think is meaningful. To brighten your day for a little bit, inspire them to make art. And then do it all over.
Listen to CHROMATOPIA below:
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merigreenleaf · 8 years
I’m going with Adair because he’s the most-main character of my current trilogy, but I might fill this out for Blythe later since she’s pretty much as much an MC as he is. 
A is for Age: 18 (Adair’s the youngest of my five characters- the rest are in their 20s) B is for Biggest Fear: Until book 2 when his fear becomes more emotional (losing the empathetic bond to his pair), it's heights. He's terrified of being off the ground in any way. C is for Current Time: It's late winter at the start of book 1. D is for Drink Last Had: Tea. Definitely tea. This culture drinks a lot of freaking tea. E is for Everyday Starts With: Grumbling about it being way too early to be awake (usually directed at Blythe who's a Cheerful Morning Person ugh), but then getting super excited because he gets to make breakfast! Then losing some excitement because his family of carnies can't agree on anything ever including breakfast. F is for Favorite Song: There are bound to be popular songs in a culture that revolves around the arts, but darned if I know what any of them are. Blythe was probably humming it this morning while being Annoyingly Awake. G is for Ghosts, Are They Real?: At the start of book 1, Addy would say probably not. By the end it's a definite, personal yes. (I mean, he gets to kiss one. That's pretty definite.) H is for Hometown: Sagewood, one of Concordia's small towns in the middle of nowhere. It's *boring*. I is for In Love With: Like that's a secret. Blythe and Etri. My gosh, the boy has it bad for both of them. Fortunately for him it works out to be mutual. It starts as a bit of a crush on these two attractive, slightly older performers, then they become his best friends and eventual significant others. J is for Jealous Of: Addy's not a particularly jealous person. I guess he's sort of jealous of the other artists his age who get more respect than he does, but he knows that he could too if he acted more traditional and he's dang well not going to do that. He's kind of an outsider in his own community. K is for Killed Someone: Unless a shadow or light creature (I haven't decided which) counts, no. That’s assuming he can even hurt them. Not sure yet. L is for Last Time They Cried: Probably within the past few days. He cries pretty easily over pretty much any kind of emotion. (I really need to make this come up more often. He's the most emotional character of the bunch.) M is for Middle Name: None at the moment, but when he gets his promotion to a higher ranking artist in book 2 (basically a symbol of adulthood), his parents' surname (Cerulean) becomes his middle name and he gets to choose a new surname based on his profession. N is for Number of Siblings: One younger sister. He gets along with her, but they're pretty far apart in age and he hasn't been home in a while so he hasn't seen her lately. O is for One Wish: To have a sentinel who will protect him and respect him better than his ex boyfriend did. (Sentinels are an artist's bodyguard/significant other.) P is for Person Last Called/Texted: He avoids writing home whenever possible, but he keeps in better contact with his former master who was like another mom. That said, the last letter he wrote was probably to his ex girlfriend. They're still good friends and keep in contact with each other. Q is for Questions They’re Always Asked: I couldn't think of one so my husband suggested "*You*? Seriously??" because no one ever takes Adair seriously. He's young, adorable, harmless looking, and kind, and I think this tends to make people disregard him. R is for Reasons to Smile: So many things make Adair happy! A new thing to sketch/paint, a change in scenery so he can see/experience new things, friends telling jokes and enjoying his company, yummy pies, beautiful spring days, his cat snuggling him, affection from Blythe or Etri. S is for Song Last Sang: I still don't know songs for this world yet. Probably whatever Blythe was humming while she tended to her plants this morning has gotten stuck in his head, though. T is for Time They Wake Up: Well into morning, probably around 10 given the choice. (Still not as bad as Etri who hates waking up before noon lol.) U is for Underwear Color: Adair's the kind of person who wears whatever looks cleanest. That said, most of his clothes are blue or purple, so it's probably one of those colors. V is for Vacation Destination: As a cartographer, he spent much of his apprenticeship traveling. He doesn't have a favorite place so much as places that served the best foods. W is for Worst Habit: Messy handwriting is probably the most harmless but most frequent. He's a cartographer. His writing has to be legible. He's really bad at making it this way but he's trying to be neater. The most harmful one is a tendency to be too passive and not speak up or letting other people make the decisions. He's gradually getting better at this. X is for X-Rays; Ever Broken a Bone?: Probably several. The other four members of his found family are all strong, athletic carnival performers. Adair is... well, he's a kindhearted artist who got picked on a lot as a kid and probably struggled to keep up with the other kids. Y is for Youth: *cough* I guess this is where I was going with the previous letter. He had a pretty boring, fairly traditional childhood and a slightly less traditional apprenticeship (his master is kind of an oddball like him who didn't quite fit into what Artisans are supposed to be like). He's a friendly person, but he's also kind of quiet and would rather draw something than play with the other more outgoing and social kids. It didn't help that his magic manifested a little later than average (an Artisan's worth is in their ability to possess magic and be an artist with it) and he was always kind of an outsider. He wasn't disliked, but he wasn't exactly included, either. And his biggest childhood bully grew up to be his closest friend because they were both kind of social outcasts with the other kids- this person was also later his aforementioned inept sentinel/boyfriend. He never really got on with his family, either, although hit fit in much better with his master and her family. Yeah, Adair is much happier with where his life is right now even though it's nothing like how an Artisan is supposed to live. He was a crappy Artisan but he's a dang good carny lol. Z is for Zealous: What Are They Passionate About?: Drawing and painting, putting his magic and effort into a really cool map that'll be his final project as an apprentice artist (this is basically like a graduation project and rite of passage rolled into one), cooking, finding yummy foods.
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violetemerald · 7 years
Bay Kennish headcanons
Ah Switched at Birth series finale tonight? Who, like me, is (totally not) ready??
Ok, so… as I kinda explained here: http://luvtheheaven.tumblr.com/post/159312248682/so-the-tumblr-mobile-app-is-really-frustrating-me
I’m a flailing idiot when it comes to answering asks publicly on tumblr’s mobile app, I suppose. Kept accidentally doing it privately. Ok so @zserb is awesome and sent me back my private answer so I could post it here.
zserb asked: Hi? I’ve seen your tags on that “ABCD ki­nds of headcanon” me­me, and I’m really curious whether you have anything about Bay Kennish. (Actuall­y, I’m really intere­sted in what you thi­nk about Bay Kennish regardless of said meme too.) Thank you if you answer and have a nice day!
I, luvtheheaven, answered:
In response to:
Yay thank you for pi­cking Bay from Switc­hed at Birth. She’s honestly one of my favorite characters of all time, especial­ly if restricting th­at to female, adoles­cent aged characters. I have so many tho­ughts about her but I don’t usually expl­icitly think of spec­ific or detailed hea­dcanons for her. I feel like Switched at Birth barely has a fandom, more just has some fans lol, and that’s part of that, perhaps. The only time I wrote fanfict­ion about Bay I wrote her as ace, in fact basically the exact same kind of asexu­al I am… but I really do NOT headcanon her as asexual at all. I think it’s possi­ble she’s bisexual, but I really just th­ink of her as straig­ht. As an example.
So onto the actual questions…
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
Ah this is a hard one to know what direc­tion to go in… I thi­nk Bay would have go­tten a lot more tatt­oos by now (I’m talk­ing during the curre­ntly airing season, which I know has only 1 more ep and then the entire series is over), but maybe for now they’re all under places where her clothing hides bec­ause she’s not brave enough to stand up to her parents about her new love of tat­toos?
What else is realist­ic… and headcanon is­h… hmm… I think she might have more desi­re than Daphne to ke­ep in touch with her biological (via Ang­elo) half sister who was adopted. I think she really FEELS family connections in general and one day soon she will meet more of Angelo’s fam­ily.
I think she could re­alistically be happi­ly childfree for her own life despite all the complicated pa­rental stuff she’s been through and thou­ght about, especially after seeing how hard parenting can be for Toby. I like he­adcanoning characters as childfree despi­te really wanting ad­optive parenthood my­self.
I bet Bay took a lit­tle more time than Daphne to start consi­dering the other a sister.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hi­larious
Hilarious headcanons for Bay… surprising­ly hard for me. Mayb­e… that she has a tu­mblr she uses to post ink jobs she's pr­oud of, or even that she used to self pro­mote things like her street art but pret­ending she wasn’t se­lf promoting, anonym­ously being all “oh wow isn’t this cool?” Or more generally I think she’d thrive online and spend mo­re time online than most of her family on any side, Kennish or Vasquez or whatev­er… idk.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inf­lict on friends
That she did inherit a high chance of ge­tting an anuerisym from Angelo? That she never real­ly fully forgave Reg­ina for not speaking up about the switch earlier and sometim­es the resentment sn­eaks up on her? That deep down, the biggest reason she worked so hard and so quickly to become as fluent in ASL as she could was not di­rectly to help her communicate with Emme­tt or Daphne. It was because she felt gu­ilty, she knew she should’ve gotten that illness when she was 3 and she should’ve lost her own heari­ng. She should’ve ne­eded to learn it for her own sake anyway.
I don’t know these are just some ideas really. Nothing is ac­tually a headcanon per se.
Headcanon D: what wo­uld never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway It doesn’t work with recent canon but while I could see Bay forgiving her broth­er, I don’t see her forgiving Lily or Me­lody for “following the law” and making her life a Title wha­tever number Rape In­vestigation on that campus. Especially not Bay Kennish, vand­alism is a hobby, I’­ll just falsely claim I committed a felo­ny… I don’t see her really understanding that level of follo­wing the law when it hurt her so much. I think she felt betr­ayed and she would’ve continued to for much more than one ep­isode. I think she’d possibly be trigger­ed by these people even, at least for a while, and if Toby continued to date Lily right after that she might not even fo­rgive Toby. Idk. May­be that’s too harsh but Bay… needs to bl­ame people, and feels things strongly, idk.
I think Bay would ex­cel at college if sh­e’d decided to go, not just art schools like she applied to but a general univer­sity or liberal arts college, probably major in linguistics like I did actually, look at her Miss Fl­uent in ASL, English, and Chinese now… I mean idk if she was fluent in Chinese (Mandarin?) but whatever skills she has is really impre­ssive and more than I can do lol… I think she could make money being an ASL interpreter and then focus on art projects that were more her passion than tattoo­s? Idk it’s just an idea for what could work for her.
Headcanons wise in terms of wouldn’t work in Canon, one last one is… I think Dap­hne should’ve been way prettier than Bay. Obviously everyone on this show is gor­geous and boys chase after both Daphne and Bay. But… Regina and Angelo should’ve been relatively ave­rage looking people. The Kennish story is that he was an ath­lete and she was a pro cheerleader so I imagine they’d be pr­ettier people geneti­cally and stuff than average. I feel like this would lead to Bay not just having darker hair but also just be less amazi­ngly gorgeous than Vanessa is. In an alt­ernate universe, Bay and Regina would not be played by model level actresses, is all lol, and I think it could be intere­sting, if they strug­gled somehow more on that level? Beyond race of course. I do­n’t know… I probably should just be slee­ping…. lol. Not sure if this headcanon makes any sense.
Probably could write up more but this was plenty already…. lol… I hope you enj­oy my thoughts!!
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everydayhybridity · 8 years
366 Days of Music - A Social Media Experiment
I began the year with an absurd and largely pointless resolution. This was partly my desire to rebel against the vacuous resolutions of losing weight, and giving up smoking. I wanted to commit to something daft. I decided to post a song on my Facebook page everyday for a year. So, the task was not entirely pointless. I also wanted to resist the way in which we have become accustomed to posting certain things on certain social media platforms. The occasional song on Facebook is appreciated. But a year of them. My wife said ‘people will unfriend you.’ Perhaps they would.
So it occurred to me that this would ultimately be a social experiment. Could I do the whole year? Would people become irritated with me? Would people enjoy the music? Would I start to pander to the taste of my audience? and also how many people would also acknowledge the project in real life.
Early I found that I was actually caring about my audience more than I had considered. I wanted to present a range of music so people would not get bored of the same types of artists. I did however commit to only posting songs I really liked. No fads, but songs I had committed to and enjoyed. 
Early in January during the commute to work I had my music on shuffle and I listened to David Bowie’s cover of ‘ I know its going to happen Someday’...I hadn’t heard it for ages and I thought I must post this, but I already had another track in mind for that day. As a matter of coincidence I found out a few hours later that Bowie had died. A coincidence, and an oddity that I had not posted the song. But then everyone was posting Bowie’s music on Facebook... My experiment became lost in the sea of music I would scroll through in my feed. Within a few days it had all calmed down again. I continued.
By Day 40 my enthusiasm wavered and I queued up a few posts on Buffer so I could ride out the Chinese New Year holiday without forgetting to post. Over this period I got a few responses from friends. People were asking me about songs and some friends even took to posting a song or two also. It was at this moment that I had a peculiar thought. Why is there such reticence to share the music your love on Facebook in contrast to the pictures of our daily life, or favourite pop culture news, recipes, or political convictions? Facebook, again and again seems to be a platform of managed self presentation, not so much earnest and impassioned sharing. This is underlined even more when you try to resist the ways in which Facebook is used. i.e. for self display. Sharing music you love almost seems to be more intimate than family photos. Lets be honest here, those family photos are the ones you have selected, the selfies are the ones you have posed for numerous times - but I can’t do much about my love for 80′s Pop, Shoegazers, and Vanessa Carlton. I began to think. Is posting music too honest?
It was around this stage I embraced a sense of abandon. I am thinking less and less about my audience. This mirrored an experience I had at the skatepark where I had my spotify playing on random. A whole bunch of gnarly tracks which were great to skate to were flowing. Then suddenly Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ comes on. Not the sort of track one listens to at the skatepark? I decided to embrace it. If I can listen to Beyonce at the skatepark, I should cater even less to the Facebook audience and embrace the freedom that this project provides.
By day 50 I was in full swing. One friend had asked me to add all the tracks onto a Spotify playlist. It was good to get such feedback. The thing that I wasn’t enjoying was the fact that I was spending more time on Facebook than ever before. Using it consistently everyday made me use it even more than the simple posting of tracks. This was not my plan. I engaged in the project to disrupt the banality of Facebook not become more immersed. I was uncomfortable with this. By day 53 I got the tragic news that a friend had a freak accident and died. Social Media always seems most trivial at these times. But it was a lifeline in communicating with friends, and my late friend’s wife. Even so this was the moment that I wanted to leave Facebook. Social Media is not a place to mourn. It was my stubborn commitment to the music project that made me stay. I immersed myself in a few days of Jazz...It appears that my friends don't seem to like Jazz.
What happened after that is a little unclear. I continued until day 84, March 24. Then I just stopped outright. The project failed. and like so many new year’s resolutions it did not endure. I felt imprisoned by the task a totally ill at ease with Facebook. I remain on Facebook in an uneasy peace, mostly because I have too many research contacts through Facebook. I cant afford to lose these. 
I had some great exchanges with people I seldom communicated with. people shared stories of tracks they really loved, or memories of songs. It was a fun experiment until it became a prison.
In order to complete the experiment and to document the task, I kept a list of all the songs I posted up to the end. Here they are. Farewell 2016.
Day 1- Mega City Four - New Year’s Day 
Day 2 - Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches 
Day 3 - Lissie - Pursuit of Happiness 
Day 4 - Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun 
Day 5 - Public Enemy - Don’t Believe the Hype 
Day 6 - Rodrigo y Gabriela - Tamacun 
Day 7 - Curve - Coast is Clear 
Day 8 - Tom Jones - Tower of Song 
Day 9 - Bob Dylan - Maggie’s Farm 
Day 10 - Le Tigre - Deceptacon 
Day 11 - Submotion Orchestra - All Yours 
Day 12 - David Bowie - Lazarus 
Day 13 - Herbaliser - 8 Point Agenda 
Day 14 - Louis Armstrong - I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me 
Day 15 - Papa Brittle - Twisted and Feckless 
Day 16 - Marlena Shaw - California Soul 
Day 17 - Eurythmics - Here Comes The Rain Again 
Day 18 - RZA Bobby Digital - Build Strong 
Day 19 - Portishead - Glory Box 
Day 20 - Rolling Stones - Wild Horses 
Day 21 - Heart - Barracuda 
Day 22 - Ben E King - This Magic Moment 
Day 23 - Husker Du - Ice Cold Ice 
Day 24 - Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy 
Day 25 - Mega City Four - January 
Day 26 - T-Rex - Suneye 
Day 27 - Rainer Maria - Long Knives 
Day 28 - Art Blakey - Moanin’ 
Day 29 - Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike 
Day 30 - Supergrass - Late in the Day 
Day 31 - Janis Joplin - Piece of my Heart 
Day 32 - Bone Thugs n Harmony - 1st of tha Month 
Day 33 - My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow 
Day 34 - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan - Man Ki Lagan
Day 35 - Kate Nash - Foundations
Day 36 - Nine - Fo’eva Blunted
Day 37 - Earth, Wind and Fire - September
Day 38 - Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hangin On
Day 39 - Husker Du - New Day Rising
Day 40 - Death - Politicians In My Eyes
Day 41 - Pharcyde - Runnin'
Day 42 - Louis Armstrong - Perdido Street Blues
Day 43 - Leatherface - I Want The Moon
Day 44 - Elvis Costello - A Good Year For The Roses
Day 45 - Vanessa Carlton - I Don’t Want To Be A Bride
Day 46 - Men Without Hats - Safety Dance
Day 47 - Charli XCX - Superlove
Day 48 - Bruce Springsteen - The River
Day 49 - Bomb the Bass - Winter in July
Day 50 - Midway Still - Boys of Summer
Day 51 - Teenage Fanclub - Mellow Doubt
Day 52 - Phoenix - Summer Days
Day 53 - George Lewis - Burgundy Street Blues
Day 54 - Thelonious Monk - Sweet and Lovely
Day 55 - Salt N Peppa - Shoop
Day 56 - McRad - Weakness
Day 57 - The Strokes - Under Cover of Darkness
Day 58 - Stevie Wonder - We Can Work It Out
Day 59 - Tricky - Black Steel
Day 60 - Ride - Dreams Burn Down
Day 61 - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Day 62 - Cornershop - Norwegian Wood
Day 63 - Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon
Day 64 - Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy - Television The Drug Of the Nation
Day 65 - Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - The Frim Fram Sauce
Day 66 - Soundgarden - The Day I Tried To Live
Day 67 - Operation Ivy - Take Warning
Day 68 - Nas - If I Ruled The World 
Day 69 - Public Enemy - Fight The Power
Day 70 - My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay
Day 71 - The Flirtations - Nothing But A Heartache
Day 72 - The Subways - Alright
Day 73 - Alicia Keys - Reckless Love
Day 74 - Queen - The Hero
Day 75 - This Will Destroy You - I Believe In Your Victory
Day 76 - RJD2 - Making Days Longer
Day 77 - Martika - Toy  Soldiers
Day 78 - Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love
Day 79 - Rainer Maria - Breakfast of Champions
Day 80 - PWEI - Wise Up Sucker
Day 81 - Sloan - Underwhelmed
Day 82 - Bessie Smith - Reckless Blues
Day 83 - Clifford Gilberto - Restless
Day 84 - The Four Tops - I Can’t Help Myself
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etn-story-archive · 3 years
Enter the Nomicon - Chapter 11: When the Lights Fade Out
"I did it again! I don't understand why?! Why do I keep getting those s-stupid episodes?!"
A tall figure paced back and forth in a room similar to a living room, but was in fact, just a dojo with home furniture. Another figure simply stood and watched the other figure pacing.
"Mmhmhm? Mfhmmmhm?"
The pacing figure paused and answered angrily, "I know what the psychiatrist said, and I'm taking those shitty pills the doctor gave me, but none of it is working!"
The figure of Mac Antfee then continued in his pacing with gritted teeth.
Man-Gong, the other figure in the room, furrowed his brows. The chubby teen didn't dare say anything more to his boss; he was trekking on thin ice, and at any given moment, Mac Antfee could lash out at him.
Ever since Mac's visit with the Norrisville High kids, he had started to act strange. Also, he would get these horrible headaches, and these strange 'episodes'. He would claim strange things like, 'I deserved the mask!', 'I'm the true ninja!', or 'I'll get my revenge on that stupid book and everyone in Norrisville!'
Not only that, but when Man-Gong tried explaining to his boss of him being the Ninja, the man would simply scoff and say, "I'm not the Ninja! I never was! Heh, that'd be the day."
After weeks of this, Man-Gong had told Mac to go see help, which was why he was seeing a psychiatrist in the first place.
Now, he was taking pills for depression.
The only thing Mac's psychiatrist would say was, "Mac you were never the Ninja; please try to stay away from anything even remotely involving the Ninja, especially martial arts."
It was the only thing the woman would spew at him, and Mac was sick of it. He felt strange, like he was forgetting something huge. But what?
Finally after another couple of minutes of pacing, the ginger haired man stopped. 
He sighed, rubbing his face before turning back to his companion.
"Sorry Man-Gong. It's just, I feel like I'm losing my grip on myself. I can barely remember anything, especially my high school years! Well, e-except all the stupid things I did."
Mac Antfee looked down at his feet before closing his eyes shut, and was surprised when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He opened his eyes again, and looked up at Man-Gong with a sober expression,
"I-I just...I still can't believe I lost my best bud over some blondie named Marci. I even got his arm chopped off! I...I can barely remember anything else. God, why the hell did I push him in the Ninja's way?"
Man-Gong sighed softly before shrugging; he had given up trying to tell his boss the truth. What Mac had described wasn't how things went down that night, but his efforts to explain would only be in vain.
Besides, right now he was pretty unstable, so perhaps it was best not to mention it.
"You know, it isn't your fault."
Both Mac and Man-Gong jumped at the voice that resonated throughout the room. Their eyes looked around them, searching for the source of the unknown voice. They saw nothing, but just when they began to think that they had imagined the strange voice, it returned.
"Such a shame you lost your ninja camp. I'm sure you trained many young ninjas. Too bad that blasted Ninja ruined it for you, and you had to shut it down."
"What the-? Where are you? Who are you?!"
Mac Antfee frowned. The voice was familiar, but from where had he heard such a terrible voice? And what was that last bit about the Ninja?
Although, what was more important, however, was that someone had intruded into his home.
Suddenly, green smoke began to pour from all the vents surrounding he and Man-Gong, before a cackle filled the room. The strange smoke began to take form of a silhouette, and before them stood the Sorcerer.
Well, it wasn't really him, it was actually just a smoky projection of him.
Mac Antfee began to back away from the frightening figure. Whoever this man was (if he even was a man that is), he looked like something from a horror film.
"W-what do y-you want?! State your reason for breaking into my mansion!"
The Sorcerer smirked.
"Oh, but of course. My business is your business. I believe you have a couple of bones to pick with the Ninja?"
Mac visibly stiffened at this.
"What the hell? N-no I don't!"
The Sorcerer's wicked grin didn't go away at his reply; it only seemed to grow bigger.
"Are you sure? I do believe you just said you lost your 'best bud'. Whose fault is that?
"I-it was my fault, I pushed—"
"No, not even close. You see, the Ninja has a mind wipe ability. It can erase a person's memory of their entire life if need be. The Ninja made a mistake that you saw...I'll just have to bring back your memories."
The green being outstretched his arms, and green magic slithered from his fingertips and began to enter Mac's mind.
An overwhelming wave of pain hit Mac Antfee, causing him to fall to the floor. He cried out in pain and began to clutch his head. He tightly closed his eyes, screaming till his throat became raw.
For a brief moment, everything seemed to freeze. Mac stopped crying out in pain, and simply lay on the floor in a fetal position before a second later rising to his feet. He stood, swaying slightly. His eyes opened, glowing pure white. Then a familiar red symbol began to appear in the center of his eye where his pupils would have been; it was the symbol of the Norisu nine.
"I guess McFist is good for something after all,” said the Sorcerer as he watched Mac Antfee intently with his beady little eyes.
Not even a second later, Mac's eyes returned to normal, and the ex-ninja shook his head before turning towards the Sorcerer.
"Now, are you ready to talk business?"
The ginger smirked darkly.
"Lay it on me."
As he said this, a surge of green magic flashed briefly in his eyes.
Man-Gong, who witnessed everything that had just transpired, stumbled backwards in complete and utter fear.
Had his boss just made a deal with the devil?
"That thing is going to eat me!" shrieked Howard as Randy snickered at his bro. Howard was cowering behind Randy’s computer chair, in fear of the newly hatched Tengu.
"Aw dude, don't tell me you're scared of wittle baby Tengu?" As Randy said this, he outstretched his hands, holding out Takeshi, who cocked his head to one side, playing along with Randy's teasing.
Nomi raised a brow, bemused by his student's and his friend's antics. Then he shook his head. As much as he enjoyed seeing the chubby teen terrified, it was time to go to bed. He quietly walked over to Randy and plucked Takeshi from his hands.
"I think it's time we go to bed. Tomorrow we have school, and Tengu knows what’s going to change."
The others nodded their heads in agreement.
"Okay, but I'm not sleeping next to that thing, or even in the same fucking room with it!"
Takeshi, who was happily preening himself atop of Nomi’s shoulder paused, and looked up at Howard and chirped, causing him to flinch.
Nomi snorted at the comment, and while petting Takeshi said, "I'll be watching Takeshi, so don't fret."
"I wasn't fretting, Chowder Head."
Before the two could break into another dispute, Randy quickly spoke up.
"Okay, so Big H and me are sleeping on my bed, and uh, you'll be sleeping on the mattress on the floor?"
Nomi waved a hand.
"As I said before, I'll be watching over Takeshi, so I probably won't even sleep tonight; the mattress is completely unnecessary."
Randy scowled, but he didn't bother to try to change Nomi's mind, and only nodded.
An hour passed since Randy and Howard had turned in to bed. Nomi was meditating, with Takeshi sleeping next to him on his cape.
Sometime ago Nomi had grabbed the MP3 player, and was currently listening to music.
It wasn't until in the middle of a song did the music suddenly stop.
For a while Nomi was confused, and he worried he had broken the gift Randy had given to him, but then quickly realized that the battery had died.
"I suppose all good things must come to an end sometimes,” he muttered before sighing to himself in the semi-silence of the night.
Nomi's ears perked up. He heard loud snoring, and then cat-like purring. He looked down to see what was making the noise when he saw it was only Takeshi. The little demon bird settled onto his lap.
"I guess I should at least take a quick nap. You won't run off and destroy the house again, will you?"
Takeshi chirped in response to Nomi.
"Fine. I'm only giving you one chance. Break my trust, and once we're done fixing the suit, I'm sending you straight back to the orb. Got it?"
Nomi rolled his eyes as the baby Tengu gave a sarcastic sounding chirp.
Then the two fell asleep, Nomi in a sitting position.
Randy couldn't sleep. He had woken up at some point in the night, and had laid there for Ninja knows how long. When he heard Nomi whispering, he peered from his bed down at the ground. It was indeed his teacher whispering, but not to himself. He seemed to be speaking to Takeshi.
Randy had only heard the last bits with the conversation ending with a "G'night".
Although it was enlightening to the young ninja, as it meant his teacher had decided to get some sleep, he wasn't happy that his teacher had decided to sleep sitting upright.
With cat-like physique, Randy hopped off his bed and landed onto the ground without making a sound. It was a good thing Randy had been sleeping closest to the ladder of his bed, as it made not disturbing his friends from their sleep extremely easy.
Using his recently learned ability, his nose vision, Randy "smelt" his way through his pitch black room, thankfully, without crashing into anything, and/or bumping into Nomi or Takeshi.
Randy's fingers had barely brushed against the cool metal of his closet doorknob, when a terrible gasping noise startled him. He whipped around fast, using his nose vision, he scanned his room.
He found Takeshi cowering behind his computer chair. The little bird was staring at something towards the right of Randy; he hissed, his little feathers ruffling up defensively.
Following Takeshi's gaze, Randy found Nomi.
The redhead was gasping, wheezing, and having violent coughing fits. His body trembled with terrible spasms as he stood up on quivering legs, eyes wide in terror.
Seeing what he was trying to do, Randy quickly rushed to his aid.
Randy began to panic as Nomi seemed to be having some sort of seizure. He tried to grab hold of his teacher, but before he could, Nomi had slipped away. He was now lost somewhere in his room, staggering about, and crashing into Randy's belongings.
And, in his drunken-like state, he broke the musical device Randy had given to him. Tiny cracking sounds were heard, but Randy didn't care. Whatever it was did not matter to him at the moment. He was too preoccupied with trying to grab Nomi's arm and trying to calm him down.
When he finally grabbed hold of him, Randy tried asking what was wrong,
"Nomi?! Nomi! What the juice is going on?! Nomi!"
His words fell on deaf ears as suddenly, Randy's entire room was filled with flashing green light from Nomi's amulet.
With incredible strength, Nomi shoved Randy away.
As Nomi continued to stumble around, he felt a terrible skull splitting headache, and couldn't even cry out as all the air in his lungs was seemingly non-existent.
This cold, icy touch intruded his mind, searching for something deep inside of him. It was like a giant hand had grabbed something deep within him, and began to yank, trying to tear away whatever it was it was searching for.
What frightened Nomi, besides the fact that it was tapping into each memory of each ninja, more specifically Mac Antfee's memories, was that, how had it even intruded his mind in the first place.
A deep sense of dread began to form in the pit of his stomach.
Could it be the Sorcerer? Had the sinister entity learned of his existence? If so, what else did he know? What else could he know, could take away from his mind? Clearly not the ninja-knowledge he possessed, because why on earth would he be stealing Mac's memories back for then? 
These questions began to overwhelm Nomi, and the familiar urge to vomit was strong.
Before Randy could even have a chance to react, a powerful wave of green magic sent him hurtling towards his closet, leaving him in a slight daze.
Recovering quickly from his sudden airborne state, Randy raised his head up towards Nomi, and his eyes widened in both disbelief and awe.
Nomi currently levitated inches from the ground, his hair whipped around him as if he were in the center of a hurricane, his amulet glowed brightly, and his eyes were enveloped in a white light with Nomi’s familial symbol in the center of them, blaring a bright red.
At this point, the whole commotion had awoken Howard with a start, and he watched the whole ordeal from his spot on Randy's bed. He was mesmerized by this display of lights and Nomi who had seemingly caused this strange phenomenon.
Then just as this lightshow started, it ended, and all light vanished...
...including that of Nomi's amulet.
Both Randy and Howard screamed at the sudden blackout.
Too panicked, Randy couldn’t focus enough to use his nose vision, leaving him blind in the darkness of his room, and to stumble and guess where his light switch was.
He felt around the walls with desperation until his fingers brushed against it. Without missing a beat he quickly flicked it on. 
Randy had done so in time to see as Nomi's eyes roll to the back of his head before they squeezed shut, then falling to his knees, and fainting.
Within seconds, Randy was at his side.
"N-Nomi? Nomi! Wake up! Dude, this isn't funny!"
All the color had instantly drained from Randy's face as he shook his teacher only for the redhead to remain motionless.
He whimpered, flipping Nomi onto his back, and began to inspect him.
Randy expected Nomi's amulet to be sparse of all light, but was relieved to see that it was glowing; albeit, very dimly. This was a relieving sight to see, however, his relief was short-lived when he noticed a small trickle of blood escape out of Nomi's slightly parted lips.
Randy paled impossibly more, and wondered, what was he supposed to do? If he did do something, could he make it worse?
He was at a loss of what to do, he realized, and usually when he was lost he would have asked the Ninja Nomicon for help, but said magic book wasn't a book.
He, a human, was lying right in front of him, possibly dying, and all Randy was doing was sitting there staring at him.
Randy felt like he was slowly sinking into quicksand, but knew he had to pull himself out of it now, because Nomi needed him.
For better, or for worse, Randy had no choice but to do something, anything, or else Nomi would die.
Closing his eyes tightly, and taking deep breaths, Randy got to work. Rising up to his feet, with a newly ignited sense of determination, Randy sprinted to his bathroom, returning with a towel in hand. With shaky hands Randy began to clean up all the blood, gently rubbing at the corner of Nomi’s lips and his cheeks.
Despite being The Ninja, Randy had never actually seen this much blood, and it frightened him more so knowing that the red liquid belonged to Nomi.
After Randy finished cleaning the blood, he grabbed Nomi by his armpits, and began to drag him carefully towards his loft bed. It wasn't surprising to Randy when he had difficulty trying to get his teacher to his bed. He weighed a lot before, and now being that he was unconscious, he was almost literal death weight.
Breathing heavily, Randy propped Nomi's limp body against his, and called out to Howard for help.
"H-How! Yo! I need your...help-! Grab...h-him by his...armpits!"
Snapping out his daze, Howard quickly reached over, grabbing hold of Nomi's upper body, as Randy swiftly ducked down grabbing his legs.
After minutes of struggling, (and scolding each other for nearly dropping Nomi) Randy and Howard had successfully gotten the unconscious redhead on top of Randy's bed.
Clambering up the steps of his ladder, Randy joined his friends atop his bed. He stared down at Nomi's eerily calm face, before shuddering.
Had he done the right thing? Was this all he could do? If so, would Nomi be okay? Or had he himself, made things immensely worse?
These questions festered in his mind, and all he could do to answer them is whimper fearfully.
All bravery and determination was gone, no longer coursing through his veins. And in its place, fear began to sprout in his heart.
Howard, who sat across from the two, was now unsure of what to say to comfort his best friend. He had been immersed in his own thoughts; mostly about how much Randy was caring for his teacher. It was obvious some sort of relationship had formed, and this left a bitter feeling deep inside of Howard. He was losing the silent battle for Randy, and he was going to allow it.
Or was he? Should he, confess his feelings? Would it change anything? Howard shifted uneasily. He still held a strong fear of rejection, but could he live the rest of his life not knowing the answer? 
Glancing at his sad friend, Howard felt that right now was not the best time for that.
Then suddenly, a tiny chirp caught both teens' attentions, as Takeshi hopped up the steps of the ladder.
Reaching his hands out, Howard scooped up the little demon bird into his hands.
It was surprising to Randy, who up until this moment had been despairing, gave him a shaky smile. Takeshi had then noticed Nomi's unconscious state, and his mood instantly dampened.
Noticing his shift of emotions, Howard placed Takeshi onto his head before giving him gentle pats and rubs.
For a long time, nothing more happened. Nomi seemed fine, his amulet starting to glow brighter. No more blood trickled out of his mouth, and his chest rose up and down.
Despite this promising sign, out of impulse, Randy carefully lifted Nomi's head up, and gently slid his amulet off his neck before laying his head down onto his lap. Randy’s finger began to run through Nomi's red locks, rubbing his scalp, his blue eyes training onto the amulet in his hand.
Watching the action in silence, Howard scooted away from them, his jealousy beginning to spike. He watched Nomi with envious eyes, wishing he were him, at least for the moment.
Unknown to these thoughts, Randy kept to himself, and continued running his fingers through Nomi’s hair, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
This was an intense game of waiting that Randy was terrified of losing.
Nomi's eyes fluttered open. He quietly peered up at the familiar face hovering above him.
"There, there my son, rest now. You have fever."
He nodded before whimpering out meekly, "Mommy?"
"My head hurts." His voice cracked as he said this.
To Nomi, the voice that passed through his lips was nearly unrecognizable. This voice was that of a five-year-old’s, not a fifteen-year old who has lived for eight-hundred and a half years. It had sounded so, innocent.
"I know. Your father, your brother, and I will go to the next village to retrieve the medicine in the ‘marrow. So rest my child. Rest."
This scene was unfamiliar to Nomi. This was a memory of long ago when he was a child. His parents and his brother Daiku would in the morning leave him in the care of his Grandfather and his other siblings to go retrieve the medicine for the terrible fever that had nearly killed him. Only his brother would return with the medicine, his mother and father to never again return.
It was among the many terrible memories that would plague his dreams, and yet at the moment, Nomi didn't care.
He relished the feeling of his mother's kind and gentle hands.
He stared up at her, his mother's hair matching his own, and was adorned with lovely cherry blossoms. Her long silky kimono sleeves draped over him, and her honey gold colored eyes stared down at him lovingly. It was so peaceful, and serene.
Nomi's eyes began to water both from the dull pain in his head, and the pain he felt in his heart. He missed his family so much, and all Nomi wished for was to wrap his arms around them one more time.
The lovely woman gently wiped the tears away.
"Do not cry. I promise you shall be better soon."
Then she began to sing.
"Time to sleep, time to lie down.
Sleep peacefully, good night. Time to sleep, time to lie down.
Let this child grow up to be a gentle person.
Thank you God, thank you for angels. Good night, sleep in silent peace."
The little lullaby had lulled Nomi back to a sleep he hadn't actually woken from.
It was small, but it was there, it had happened. Randy had felt the tiny movement of Nomi's body twitch. Still, this small action brought a great ray of hope, as Randy watched with teary and anxious eyes. He prayed that, at any given moment, Nomi's eyes would open, and he would be met with familiar chestnut brown eyes.
The unconscious redhead didn't disappoint. His hands twitched, his fingers flexed, and his lips closed together into a tight line.
This had been enough to alert them all. They watched as Nomi's face contorted into pain, before he began to sit up. He groaned, as his eyes finally opened to revealing how exhausted he was.
Before Nomi could even begin to process where he was, what had happened to him, he found himself being smooched in between two teens and a baby demon bird, and was met with a laugh.
Nomi had quickly found that the relieved and exasperated laugh had belonged to Randy.
Said teen, had tears streaming down his face.
Acknowledging these strong emotions, had left a calm veil upon Nomi's mind, and he didn't think twice on wrapping his arms around the two teens, along with Takeshi who had hopped onto his shoulder and nuzzled him.
After quickly composing themselves, questions were shot from left to right. Some of which, Nomi didn't know how to answer. How could he? He himself was trying to figure out what this all meant, what it could mean for all of Norrisville.
With the Sorcerer obviously now aware of his existence, not only was Nomi's life now possibly in danger (or that of the people's lives of Norrisville), but his and the ninja's identities could now be compromised.
Especially, since Mac Antfee's memories were no doubt restored. He was possibly an even greater threat towards Randy, who of course, was the current ninja. Mac knew not just the identity of the ninja, but was aware of Nomi's own existence as well.
Nomi’s heart began to beat sporadically, fear wrapped itself around him, and it surprised Nomi that when he spoke up his voice didn’t crack or break.
"You see Randy, I have no clue as to what the Sorcerer could want with Mac Antfee, what he's planning; if he's even planning anything with McFist. And the fact that the bastard knows I'm alive..."
Nomi trailed off. He frowned at himself, then glanced to see Randy's reaction to all the information he had given him, and thankfully it seemed Randy had understood the gravity of their situation (at least Nomi hoped so) before he continued.
"The Sorcerer will be out for my blood, after the ninja knowledge I possess, and if he succeeds in getting the knowledge, he will most likely kill me."
"And he might send Mac Antfee after me, and try to take the ninja mask too, huh?"
Nomi nodded, a bitter sigh leaving his lips.
"Yes, but we'll be prepared."
Howard shuddered at this new information, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Quickly cutting into their conversation, Howard yawned loudly, ”Can we talk about how royally cheesed you guys are tomorrow? I’m honking tired.”
Randy chuckled before nodding.
”Sorry Big H. Uh, me and Nomi are just going to clean my room up, then we’ll head downstairs, and let you sleep.”
It was clear with everything that happened, Nomi wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon tonight. Plus, Randy wanted some sort of excuse to not go to sleep.
Howard hesitated, but gave a slight shrug of his shoulders.
”Whatever you say dude, but I’m going to sleep.”
He buried himself deep into the sheets and turned away from Randy and Nomi.
Quietly going down the ladder, Randy and Nomi took in the scene before them. Randy’s room was an even bigger mess than it was before, and Nomi couldn’t help but wince at the realization that he had helped make his room messier.
He gingerly picked up Randy’s fallen lamp, plugged it in and flicked it on.
Not missing a beat, Randy walked to his room’s main light and flicked it off. The room was immediately lit up by a soft honey glow.
Limping to his black gym bag, Nomi dug around for the two halves of his bamboo flute, and took them into his hands. He studied them for a moment, before taking the broken pieces, and putting them together. Like tiny hands, the magical flute began to mend itself back together, and it wasn’t long before it was back to its old self.
Randy watched in awe, and murmured under his breath,”Super Bruce!”
That caused the redhead to glance up at him and smile.
As Randy began making his way towards his teacher, he stepped on something. Looking down to see what he had crushed, he found he had stepped on the already broken MP3 player. Nomi’s heart sank when he saw Randy pick up the broken device in his hands, because it was a gift Randy had given to him, and he all the same broke it. He watched Randy toss the now useless device.
After that, they worked into the twilight of the new day cleaning Randy’s room, and spoke in hushed whispers. It hadn’t gone amiss to Randy that Nomi was upset about the MP3 player, and decided to try cheering him up.
He smiled, and placed a hand on Nomi’s shoulder.
”Hey, it’s alright dude, I’m not mad or anything. I can ask my mom to get you a new one.”
Nomi shook his head, though he was grateful for the suggestion, it would be wrong to accept such an offer.
“Thank you Randy, but I don’t need a MP3 player. It isn’t a necessity, and I don’t want your mother spending money on someone other than you.”
Randy pouted, but said nothing more to convince the redhead to take up his offer, so he only nodded. However, he made a note to speak to his mother about this later.
The two returned to their work, saying nothing more to each other, and it wasn’t long before the room was so clean you could (for once) see the floor again.
Randy smirked at this.
”Hah, if my mum came in here right now, she’d have a heart attack from how clean my room is!”
Nomi’s eyes widened before he grabbed Randy’s sweater, and tossed it in the middle of the room.
Seeing this, Randy stifled a laugh that was threatening to escape him. He placed a hand on Nomi’s shoulder again.
“D-Dude...it’s a figure...of...speech—!”
Randy slapped a hand across his mouth, as more laughter tried to leave his lips.
Nomi’s face turned bright red in embarrassment.
“O-oh. I um, ahem, I see.”
Randy snickered.
”Heh, well let’s go talk downstairs. We don’t want to wake up How.”
As they seated themselves upon the plush black couch, Randy spoke up again.
“So Nomi, when’s your birthday?”
Nomi quirked a brow, giving him an ’are you serious’ look.
He snorted, ”Randy, I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not telling you my birth date.”
Randy grinned impishly.
”I don’t know what the juice you’re talking about! I’m just curious. Now, when’s your birthday dude?”
Sighing in defeat, Nomi closed his eyes, and hummed to himself.
”I’m not sure about the date, but I was born on the day of the Summer Carp Festival.”
“Whoa really?!”
“Dude that’s so Bruce!”
Nomi smiled.
”I suppose it’s rather interesting, but it isn’t really important. We still have a duty, and—”
“What?! Dude, it’s your honking birthday! Yea, I know we have a duty to protect Norrisville, but your birthday is just as important! Isn’t that something to celebrate? Plus it’s only one day, and it won’t kill you to have a little fun, will it?”
“Randy I’ve lived about eight hundred years without celebrating my birthday. I’m sure I can go another eight hundred years without.”
Nomi turned to Randy with a serious gaze that said ‘drop it’.
Randy’s shoulders sagged, his gaze fell, and he quickly decided to change the subject.
“Uh, err—hey Nomi, can I ask something else?”
For a moment, Nomi was hesitant, but then simply gave in, and nodded silently.
“Remember when I had that crazy dream about your final battle with the Sorcerer?”
“Well, how the juice did I do that?”
Nomi paused briefly, trying to figure out the right words on how to explain this phenomenon without getting Randy too confused.
“You see Randy…as the current ninja, you can access the Ninja Nomicon with complete ease. Which also means, you can also very easily tap into my memories, though, I don’t think I’ve ever had a ninja gain such an ability until they’re junior level ninjas.”
“Whoa, that is straight up the cheese!”
“Yes, and it also means you’re doing a good job in your training.”
Randy grinned, and puffed out his chest, striking a superhero pose.
Nomi rolled his eyes.
”A ninja mustn't let pride get the better of him. Now, is there anything else you want to know?”
De-puffing his chest, Randy quickly turned back to Nomi.
”Actually, yeah, there is. You mentioned an evil ninja who wonked up the Ten-err Takeshi? I want to know about him.”
Nomi knitted his brows in thought. The story was a long one, and it was more complicated than anyone would ever imagine; he decidedly shortened it.
“Well...His name was Yashiro Nasir. He was a ninja during the 1800’s. He believed he could ‘train’ the Tengu into a weapon, but instead tainted its heart.”
Randy frowned softly. He had expected some long intricate story with life lessons and all that cheese, but had instead, received cecite bit of information.
“Is that really it?’
“No, but it’s far too long to tell in one night.”
“Can you at least tell me something else? I mean, I just expected some super Bruce—not that that wasn’t the cheese, just that—”
Nomi chuckled before nodding.
”Okay, I’ll tell you something else. I once gotten possessed by the Tengu when I was a small child.”
“What?! No honking way!”
“Yes honking way.”
“Is that Bruce enough for you?”
Randy rubbed his neck, a sheepish grin on his face.
”Heh, yea.”
Nomi smiled, his eyes half lidded. But then suddenly seemed unsure of something.
“Hey Randy? Is it okay if I asked you a question? After all, I’ve answered yours?”
This surprised Randy greatly, (and intrigued him) that an eight-hundred-year old being wanted to know something from him, and what could he want to know exactly was a mystery.
“Uh, yeah dude, go ahead, shoot!”
“I’m just curious, where’s your father?”
Instantly Randy’s gaze lowered, his eyes darkening with an unknown hatred.
This greatly surprised Nomi, who had thought he’d never see such an expression on his student.
He instantly regretted asking.
“H-huh? Oh, him...he uh, h-he left. He left me and my mom when I was just a kid. I never really got to know the guy.”
Randy shrugged, his scowl deepening. He despised his father more than anything. Maybe even more than the Sorcerer.
Nomi noticed Randy’s mood change, and felt his own temper spike. Who, in all things wonderful and amazing, would leave (without so much as a second thought) Randy, if he, an eight hundred-year-old being, wanted nothing more than to stay. Nomi bit the inside of his cheek till he tasted blood, and finally noticed that while he had been brooding with himself Randy had been silent.
Suddenly, Nomi felt terrible for making these unhappy memories and emotions resurface.
“My apologies, Randy. I shouldn’t have asked such a personal question—”
“No, no it’s alright dude.” Randy grinned. ”Besides, we’re friends, it’s cool.”
Nomi’s brows knitted together, but all he could say was, ”If you say so.”
Randy turned away as he suddenly yawned.
”I’m pretty honking tired dude. We should...probably get some sleep.”
“It is rather late. I suppose we should turn in for the night.”
0 notes