#did see bloodlines because I was living in chicago at the time and was SUPER excited for a spinoff to be set there and...well
billiewena · 3 years
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welcome to the good luck steve post, for every reblog steve will wish you good luck :)
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
Everytime I read "Nicolo di Genova" my brain glitches and I read "Nicolo do Genovia" instead so /whispers/ Kaysanova Princess Diaries AU?
...yes. Did someone say Gay Champagne Romcom? Because that is my Brand.
Nicolò is an Italian-American graduate student living in New York City with his widowed Italian mother and working on an engineering degree at NYU. He was thinking about joining the priesthood for a few years and recently dropped out of seminary and is feeling that Millennial Crisis that all of us know about. He has gone on a few Tinder/Grindr dates, but it’s hard enough to meet someone in this city even when you’re not a gay ex-priest engineering student living in his mother’s rent-controlled apartment in Morningside Heights because have you seen the property prices in New York. Plus WHENEVER he brings a nice boy home, HEY PRESTO there’s his mom waiting eagerly up in the front room, “NICOLÒ WHO IS THIS HANDSOME YOUNG MAN, DOES HE HAVE GOOD PARENTS, IS HE A CATHOLIC NICOLÒ” and of course that instantly kills any kind of romantic mood. Nicolò is like “let’s just go over to yours PLEASE.” But he tends not to see his dates again anyway, and it’s equally depressing, and it’s nice that his mom isn’t homophobic or anything, but he’d like to just meet someone without his mother instantly planning the Big Fat Gay Italian Wedding, and yes he knows this is a nice problem to have but STILL
Anyway, then of course the Dead Dad Circus rolls into town, and Nicolò learns that he’s not actually the son of a nice hardworking Italian immigrant, but of His Serene Highness Prince Domenico Grimaldi of Genovia, who wouldn’t you know it, has recently died too young from cancer and left no legitimate heir except the result of his rebellious teen fling with a cocktail waitress in Capri – which would be, you guessed it, Nicolò. While Nicolò is still processing the horrifying mental image of his mother being a cocktail waitress in Capri and having to look up Genovia on a map, the rest of the royal machine is kicking into overdrive. This involves a very awkward meeting in a very fancy Manhattan hotel with Nicolò’s magnificent but rather out-of-touch royal grandmother, Her Serene Highness The Queen Mother Maria Elisabetta Henrietta Julia Victoria Mignonette Grimaldi of Genovia. She’s basically Julie Andrews because obviously. She informs Nicolò of his Solemn Duty to return to Genovia and become Prince Nicolò and eventually be prepared to take the throne and submit to a fascinating life of minor European royal family ribbon-cutting duties. Oh, and getting married and producing more heirs to the throne, on pain of breaking a thousand-year-old bloodline, though she doesn’t say this out loud. Her loyal right-hand man, driver, and general bodyguard/fixer/man about town, Sebastien le Livre aka Booker, gives Nicolò various sympathetic looks but does not interrupt.
Nicolò obviously freaks out and runs off to call up his best friend at NYU, Andy. Andy is some indeterminate degree of years older than him, in some indeterminable stage of her Classics PhD, and sometimes says weird things like how badly the Library of Alexandria had already been defunded by the Roman emperors before it finally burned, like she was there and holds a personal grudge about it. She is a cranky vodka-drinking lesbian who rides a motorcycle, gets them into periodic scrapes, and understands his shit dating life. She deeply empathizes with all his “I’m not going to run away and leave my life in New York to become part of some creakingly antique regressive imperial monarchic system of racist and homophobic oppression, NO SIR!” Fight the power, Nicolò. Fuck those guys.
Of course, however, Julie Andrews Grandmother Maria prevails and Nicolò is forced to take Prince Lessons, which he hates but tries to be a good sport about, because, well, he’s Nicolò and he’s a good person. He is then whisked off on a private plane to Genovia, because they want to see him in situ before they make a final decision on accepting him as their prince. There of course we have the high-life palaces and parks and snooty clueless aristocrats who look at Nicolò like he’s a prize racehorse and have absolutely zero clue, none, nada, about the real world. Just as Nicolò is about to firmly decide that this is a complete crock of shit and he’s going back to NYU, he meets….
Prince Yusuf “call me Joe” al-Kaysani.
Joe is a minor member of one of the Middle Eastern royal families, some fictional tiny Gulf kingdom that is super SUPER oil rich. He has a title and a lot of money but doesn’t have a clearly defined role in the family, other than that he’s been ordered not to embarrass it. Nicky does not know this when they first meet, but obviously it’s not possible to be an out gay prince in a conservative Arabian-peninsula Islamic kingdom, and therefore the fixers have arranged for Joe to be publicly dating a daughter of the Malaysian sultan, Quynh. (We are making her Malaysian in this instance so she can also be Muslim and hence an appropriate match for Joe.) Except Princess Quynh is also hella lesbian and is getting the same thing out of the fake dating with Joe that he is, i.e. throwing people off the scent of their real selves. They spend their time together in private eating popcorn, commiserating about their lives and crazy royal families and the press invading their privacy, watching romcoms, and Judging the Straights. They’re actually best friends and text each other all the time, so at the royal function where Joe runs into the stiff and nervous and clearly overcompensating New Guy who’s evidently the New Prince of Genovia, and oh my god Q he’s the Most stuck up person I’ve EVER MET, Quynh is the first to hear ALL about it. She immediately suspects that Joe doth protest too much.
Meanwhile, Nicky meets Nile Freeman, another young American (from Chicago, obvs) who is working at some important EU institution currently headquartered in Genovia. They also hit it off and Nile tells Nicky about the things she wants to do to help change the world and why she’s here, and he is moved by her kindness and altruism and remembers that that was what he wanted too, and why he joined the priesthood in the first place. He opens up to her about the shock of learning the truth about his now-dead dad and the crazy whirlwind he’s been sucked into and how he doesn’t know what to do, and their friendship is beautiful and we love it.
Meanwhile, of course, Nicky and Joe keep running into each other and getting on each other’s nerves, Nicky is thisclose to calling up Booker and ordering him to deport Joe because why is he always here (Booker, of course, will eventually become a secret ally in helping them see each other, but that is not quite yet). There is some Shenanigan where they end up both getting into trouble, Grandmother Julie Andrews is not amused, and finally they are forced to sit next to each other for a whole state dinner and Be Polite, because Genovia is trying to forge better relations with Joe’s kingdom. (Genovia is tiny, ancient, and broke, Joe’s kingdom has obviously a ton of money, there are old historical ties between them, some Genovians traveled to the kingdom in the past, Genovia’s trying to improve its human rights record and take in more refugees, etc. Nile is also helping with this last). So Nicky and Joe get ordered to fake a highly convincing bromance and pretend they’ve been best buddies all along (think Red White and Royal Blue) and that means they have to actually learn about each other and spend time together and ugh, he’s a spoiled rich playboy brat, and ugh, he’s a clueless American who thinks he’s better than us, and…
Oh no.
Yes, of course they fall in love, they deny it as hard as they can, Nile and Quynh and Booker are all increasingly exasperated by their attempts to pretend they’re not, and finally they kiss and make love and admit their feelings and that they want to be together. Then of course they get outed by some scheming evil cabinet minister (Merrick) who doesn’t want Nicky to become king and disapproves of him dating (gasp) a MUSLIM WHO IS ALSO A MAN, and there’s a huge scandal and a ton of drama and the usual Romcom Breakup Angst as they decide whether they can still see each other. Andy flies out to Genovia to comfort Nicky, Booker has a Word With The Queen, and Joe hides in his room until Quynh (along with Nile, who she’s met and hit it off with) appears to tell him that he has to be brave, she’ll help.
Anyway, etc etc., Drama, “I love him no matter what, if you don’t accept him you don’t accept me and your STUPID BLOODLINE CAN CHOKE” speeches from Nicky, Julie Andrews sees the light, they decide that Nicky and Joe can keep seeing each other, and it’s all rather sweet. There’s a lot of public relations to be managed and whether Joe’s family is going to disown him and what this will mean for the whole international relations thing, but… one thing at a time.
Nicky agrees to become Prince of Genovia as long as he can be with Joe, Joe decides that hey, he likes Nile too and there’s plenty of meaningful work to be had here and the three of them can join forces to do good things and he’s going to stay, and the Genovian public obviously comes around and loves them. Nobody can find Princess Quynh. It’s rumored she ran off to America with a cranky vodka-drinking PhD student of indeterminate age and was last seen on the back of a motorcycle heading west.
Everyone lives happily and gayly ever after.
The End.
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Cassell Cynic
@hectabdr @hectab For my Dragon Raja Bestie! :D A Gift Fic
These two are his idea. I just loved the idea.
“The weather is a balmy 74 degrees and sunny, low humidity and perfect for just hanging out and going for a walk in the lovely city parks of Chicago and now we’re going to a selection of some of Coltrane’s finest jazz compilations....”
On the East Lawn of the Cassell College Campus people were indeed out and about in the sun. The breeze ruffled the skirts of the girls carrying books and laughing to themselves. They cast glances his way and smirked, looking down at him with haughty eyes while he lay on a bench with his sunglasses over his eyes. Somewhere on site, the bells tolled the hour. 2 pm. It was time for afternoon classes to start.
In other words, time for a nap.
He lay on the bench with John Coltrane’s sultry saxophone in his ears. He studied how this man could weave such a delightfully heart pulling melody. Now there was a true genius, able to hone a natural craft into such perfection and gift it to the world for free listening.
But right when the music had reached its natural emotional zenith, it suddenly cut off.
“Nathan Phillips. I know you’re avoiding me.”
His mood went from euphoric to crashing down to the depths of hell. He rolled his eyes behind his dark glasses. “And yet... here we are...”
Norma, the voice of Cassell College’s AI spoke through his headphones. “You haven’t attended a single class this semester...”
“You mispronounced year.”
“The professors are getting irritated...”
“Did you hack an online radio station just to talk to me? Norma... I’m flattered.”
“They’re willing to give you a chance if you complete an internship...”
“A chance to do... what exactly?” Nathan spread out his hands. “It needs to be better than listening to jazz on sunny afternoon, or it’s a no from me.”
Norma was silent for several seconds.
Nathan Phillips smirked. “Didn’t think so...”
“Cassell College has a main mission, to slay dragons. If you’re not here for that, what are you here for?” Norma asked.
Nathan opened his eyes behind his glasses. “I think you should be asking that question of all the other students going to class. Because I guarantee you that Dragonslaying isn’t it. I mean just think about it? How many students here really give a rat’s ass about saving the world from dragons? I’m serious. Answer the question.”
“The answers can vary but that doesn’t change the goal of the institution. This was plainly told to you when you enrolled.”
Nathan Phillips nodded his head. “Oh yeah, and I bought into it until I was Ranked C on me 3E exam. I don’t resonate worth a damn with dragons. I’m barely above the maintenance personnel in that regard.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of marijuana. He rolled it in paper and lit it.
“Smoking is prohibited on school grounds.”
“I know. That’s why I’m doing it. So, what are you going to do? Kick me out? I listened to the enrollment lecture. You don’t kick out students. They get suspended or drop out and have their memories wiped. If you kick me out for this blunt, that will be my greatest accomplishment as a C rank.” 
Norma made a noise and his eyes widened. “Did you just sigh? Wow, you are realistic. So... just out of curiosity, what is the mission?”
“If you’re not going to accept, there’s no point in telling you.” Norma replied.
“This conversation is over then? It was just getting interesting. Oh well. But if you want to know the answer to your question of why I’m here... you should ask my parents.” He blew out a purple haze into the sky. “They’re the ones who sent me here. They scrimped and saved to send me here. They could have bought me a house. Two houses. A nice car. All that. But no, they sent me here. Just so they could say they had a son go to Cassell. That’s it. To prove their bloodlines weren’t trash. But they were wrong... they are trash.”
“That’s all I’m here for, Norma. I’m here to be here. That’s where my obligations end. I’ll stay here until the money runs out. Enjoy myself. And then when the money runs out, I’ll drop and have my memory wiped. Go on with my life. And...” He paused to draw on the blunt. “I will have a life. Some star dragonslayer will save the world from dragons while I’m having the time of my life, on the bench, smoking Mary Jane. Do you have any objections?”
Norma was silent for several seconds. “None. I’ll return you to your jazz.”
John Coltrane returned to his ears and Nathan Phillips smiled to himself and relaxed into the buzz in his brain. There was nothing wrong with a pointless life.
 If he learned anything from Cassell, it was this.
He pulled out a notebook and opened it. Inside were all sorts of fantasies of what he would like to be told on dropping out. It wasn’t enough to just erase someone’s memories. New memories would have to replace them to explain the missing years. It could be literally anything.
Maybe he was someone who witnessed a mob hit and was living undercover in the witness protection program. Or maybe he was a secret agent in a UFO division and he’d be kidnapped off world by aliens. He always came up with his best work when he was high as a kite. This time, he was an aspiring artist on the run from a brutal dictator and taking refuge in Chicago. He wrote down the scenario quickly before he forgot it. 
All the other students were in class, except for him, sitting on the bench writing down about how his paintings were renowned all over the world until a brutal dictator... which dictator? “Uh... Geez I don’t know.”
The sound of heels clicking on the pavement caught his attention. He turned bleary eyed to the vision of a girl walking up to him, arms swinging, eyes narrowed. He’d seen her before but couldn’t remember where. She overshadowed him and looked up. Her head blocked out the sun and he couldn’t see her face. “Um... shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Uh, no! No class! I was supposed to be on assignment but my PARTNER is a lazy ass who won’t show up.” She growled.
Nathan lifted his sunglasses over red rimmed eyes. She was Asian but tall, only an inch from 6 feet. Her muscles nearly popped from her school uniform. He wasn’t sure if it was the weed messing with his head but he was pretty sure this woman could benchpress more than he weighed. “Well... that sucks.”
“Yeah, it does!” She bent over until her face was an inch from his, blinking with wide indignant eyes. “You shouldn’t be allowed to to bring down the grades of other students! I didn’t come here to be brought down by you!”
“Yes! You! My partner!”
“Wait... you’re... Oh right! You’re Hana... Hana...” He snapped his fingers.
“Sato, Hana Sato and don’t snap your fingers at me or I’ll snap them off!” She grabbed his wrist.
“Right... the A ranked girl.” He lowered his glasses back over his eyes. “Well, this wasn’t my decision to be your partner. You should blame the people at fault. It’s probably Norma. She’s the one who pinged me earlier about it. Tell her to get a new partner for you. Should take a hot minute.”
Hana scowled at him. “If I could have anyone else for a partner I would. But I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because they all suck! They’re all terrible! All they want to do is talk about boys and parties and stupid things like that! I can’t stand those people!”
“I’m not any better. Just do the mission by yourself.” He pulled his hand out of her grip. 
“I can’t. They already said its a two person mission.”
Nathan gave an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders. “Pay someone.”
“They said it had to be you.” She sat next to him on the bench.
Nathan snorted and started laughing. “Wow. They are really desperate.”
“I’m glad you think bringing down my whole year is funny.” Her cheeks were red and her eyes were narrowed with frustration and anger.
“I’m not bringing down your year! I’m laughing because they want me to care so bad that they’d send this super powerful, gorgeous girl and chain her to me and expect me to do something. It’s like they all got together and said ‘Ha! A pretty girl, now he’ll give a shit.’” He laughed loud. Marijuana always made him giggly. “They’re the evil ones. If you care about your grade... then all I can tell you is stop caring.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re a C-rank. You don’t have anything to lose.”
“Just... find another partner.” Nathan said, staring at her. He wondered why she was still here.
She sighed, looking away from him, her ponytail falling over her shoulder. “I can’t. No one will work with me. I kind of... got put on a hit list after I punched the lead dancer of the White Skirt’s Club and knocked her out right before a performance.”
“Pics or it didn’t happen.” 
Much to his shock she pulled out her phone and showed a picture. It wasn’t taken by her, but by another student as proof that Hana had ruined the Student Union performance. 
“Heh. Sorry I missed it.”
Hana closed the app. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. She had an understudy but... uh... yeah, I was blacklisted after that. I don't’ care. I work fine on my own. But now they insisted we be partners and I literally have no alternative.”
She looked down at him. “What?” 
“You always have the choice to do nothing. I haven’t done a thing since I got here.” He laid back on the bench as though to demonstrate. “Feel free to join me.”
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citizen0ne · 7 years
Yakuza White Dragon Society battles New World Order Khazarian Mafia as U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to help take them down.
“10,000 Sealed Indictments” – Fulford Report – 12.18.17
By Benjamin Fulford, official spokesman for White Dragon Society (Yakuza)
U.S. troops deploy worldwide with 10,000 sealed indictments to take down the centuries old secret Khazarian mafia
U.S. President Donald Trump spent the weekend at Camp David with his top generals to map out the exact strategy for decapitating the Khazarian mafia worldwide, say Pentagon sources. “The Atlanta airport was shut down while the Department of Defense refused to disclose the locations of 44,000 U.S. troops who may be involved in terminating the cabal worldwide,” a senior Pentagon source said. There are now close to 10,000 sealed indictments as more and more of the Khazarian criminals give up evidence on their colleagues, the sources say.
There are also many extra-judicial killings going on. “The liberal sanctuary city mayor of San Francisco, Edwin Lee, dropped dead after an illegal alien was found not guilty in the murder of Kate Steinle even after his confession,” one source notes. “Lee’s death is a message to the Democrats and sanctuary city mayors like Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Bill De Blasio of New York City,” the source warns.
The Khazarian mob is also killing off lots of people. In Japan, two former executives of Toshiba, Atsutoshi Nishida and Taizo Nishimura, suddenly died in the past two months because they were about to provide evidence about the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan, according to sources close to the royal family.
This attack was carried out by henchmen of the Rockefeller family, whose members include Hillary and Bill Clinton, the sources say. The Rockellers, in turn, were taking orders from the fascist P2 Freemason lodge, they say. The Rockefeller family, by the way, has elected Mel Rockefeller, the son of Nelson Rockefeller, as the new family head, these sources added.
In Canada, Barry Sherman, owner of the Canadian pharmaceutical giant Apotex, was found hanging dead alongside his wife Honey by the family’s indoor pool. According to CIA sources, Sherman was killed to cover up an evidence trail leading to the Clinton Foundation and their crimes in Haiti. “We have a classified document involving the Clinton Foundation and a pharmaceutical company from Canada that was to supply generic drugs for the people of Haiti. The point is that they were going to supply inferior-quality generic medicine and pocket the difference in price,” the CIA source says.
In any case, no matter how many potential witnesses are bumped off, the situation has reached a point where the Khazarians will not be able to murder their way out.
The December 12th Senatorial election in Alabama, for example, was a sting operation against the Khazarians, Pentagon sources say. “Senator Roy Moore was allowed to have his election stolen in Alabama so Trump could collect voting data to take down the Soros organization, the Democrats, and the cabal for vote fraud,” the sources say. “Three poll workers have been arrested already,” they note.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is next to join a growing list of politicians who are resigning in the ongoing purge of the House and Senate, the sources add. Senator John “Daesh” McCain is also apparently wanting to leave this world before his many crimes are made public.
Even the brainwashed propaganda media is beginning to realize that something is going on when they see Hillary Clinton’s “surgical boot” (hiding a GPS ankle bracelet) staying on long after it should have been removed if the official excuse of a broken toe were true. No doubt some lame excuse will be given and the still-brainwashed segment of the population will accept it.
The people who still believe the cabal’s story line are like the people in the joke about a man who was told his wife was cheating on him. In the joke, he hires a detective to confirm his wife’s innocence. The detective comes back and says, “She met with another man in the street and they entered a hotel together.” The husband asks, “Did you see them enter a room together?” The detective says, “Yes.” “Did you see what went on inside the room?” the husband asks. “Yes, I peeked through the keyhole and saw them on the bed together,” the detective answers. “Were they covered with a blanket?” the husband asks. The detective says, “Yes” to the man. He asks, “Did you see under the blanket?” and the detective says, “No.” “In that case you cannot prove she was cheating,” the husband says.
The husband does not want to face reality because it would upset his entire worldview, and in the same way, the brainwashed people will cling to the lamest excuses to avoid reality. Similarly, if the Clinton people explain the cast is still on because of “complications,” people in denial will go with this story rather than accept that she has been arrested.
Nonetheless, we are reaching the point where even these people will be forced to face reality. The entire FBI and Justice Department network that tried to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution is also being systematically exposed and dismantled. The link here provides a good visual summary:
Now even the corporate media is being forced to accept that the so-called “Islamic State” was a CIA creation. This is coming out now because the November 18th U.S. military raid on the CIA has shut down Operation Mockingbird and the corporate media is being forced to report the truth.
A clear sign of how unusual the times we are living in have become is that former U.S. Corporation President Barack Obama is seeking and apparently getting political asylum in England.
What this shows, together with the fact that Donald Trump is not welcome in the UK, is that the Anglo-Saxon world is split between bloodline-controlled England and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati-ruled Republic of the United States of America.
This situation is likely to come to a head of sorts in January as an informal Anglo-Chinese alliance tries to bankrupt the U.S. internationally, based on its cumulative trade deficit and its inability to pay for the goods it imports with real money.
The U.S. will respond with threats of war. This will appear in the news in the form of U.S. sabre-rattling against North Korea, as it yet again wields the all-out nuclear war card in an attempt to extort more money. The Chinese are preparing to call the U.S. bluff this time, as can be seen by its government warning its people to prepare for nuclear war as it conducts military drills near Taiwan and North Korea.
The Chinese and British want the creation of a world government in order to ensure a peaceful and law-based planet, Asian secret society sources say. In the absence of some sort of compromise with the U.S. military government, there will be financial chaos even if war is avoided.
The current financial system is dysfunctional and only serves as a way to funnel privately owned central bank funny money to the super-rich via the stock market. This means of distributing money has pushed financial markets away from reality, and reality always will prevail, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed 250 top institutional investors who together manage over $500 billion in funds and found them to be the most pessimistic they have been since the Lehman shock of 2008.
Hopefully, a new transparently and meritocratically run financial system will be launched, but we may need to go through the chaotic collapse of the old system before this is possible. We will find out in the new year.
On a final and personal note, Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center will be speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan on December 20th. Cooper had one of my books banned for being “anti-Semitic.” When I asked him what in my book was “anti-Semitic,” he said that I wrote that U.S. President George Bush Jr. was responsible for the deaths of many civilians in Iraq. Bush is supposed to be an evangelical Christian, and the information on the deaths of civilians in Iraq came from the medical journal Lancet. So here we have a supposed Jew banning a book written by a person with Jewish ancestry that is denouncing genocide by a non-Jew because it is “anti-Semitic.” How hypocritical can you get? Poor Mr. Weisenthal must be spinning in his grave.
According to officials at Tokuma Shoten Publishing, the Weisenthal Center paid bribes to editors to place misleading newspaper ads for my book. This then led to a complete ban of all advertising for all of my books in newspapers and other ad venues, no matter what their content. This is typical of what they do to writers worldwide and is a part of their control grid in Japan and elsewhere. In the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security froze the bank accounts of entire publishing companies to prevent them from publishing my books in English.
Cooper and his Jewish mafia buddies also pay rent-a-mob right-wingers to do things like attack ethnic Korean shopping districts in order to keep South Korea and Japan fighting each other, according to members of these groups.
The man is a criminal and belongs in jail. If Cooper is arrested, he will sing like a canary about the entire Khazarian mafia control grid in Japan and elsewhere. He will also explain exactly how the Khazarian mafia runs North Korea. I would be very happy if some MP’s showed up at the event and arrested him. Take him to Guantanamo and make him sing.
The Dragon groups we do know to be real include:
the White Dragon which has an ancient Asian counter-part
the Black Dragon (Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere etc.)
the Dragon family (Merovingian royalty)
the Green Dragon which has roots in Iran (Persia) and central Asia
the Red Dragon may be the Nazis new name for themselves because the Odessa group (post-war Nazis) is definitely on the war path.
(Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian national who has lived and worked in Japan for over 20-years experience as a professional writer and journalist. He has sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese. He’s produced a comprehensive catalogue of scoops in field ranging from business to Yakuza gangsters to high-finance to government corruption. Now focused on exposing U.S. manipulation of Japanese politics, media and education through a combination of bribes, murder, brainwashing etc. My goal is to counter U.S. propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their $5 trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment. Native or near native, spoken and written: Japanese, French, Spanish and English. Conversational, reading ability in Mandarin, Portuguese and Italian. As for his experience: from 2005-present: He published 15 books written in Japanese with cumulative sales running at over 500,000 copies. Has a weekly 2-hour TV show and appear frequently on numerous other nationally broadcast shows. He has regular columns in a variety of best-selling Japanese magazines. From 1998-2005, Fulford worked as Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine, he quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. From 1997-1998: Fulford worked as the Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post. From 1995-1997: Fulford worked as the staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper. From 1993-1995 he took a sabbatical in Canada and researched the link between evolutionary forces and modern world society. From 1989-1992 Fulford worked as Senior Tokyo correspondent for the International Financing Revue. There, he created and managed Japan Watch, a news and analysis service available on the Reuters and Telerate news-wires. Created Katana, a Japanese language news service available on the Nikkei Quick news-wire. Triggered several Finance Ministry investigations with articles that uncovered financial industry irregularities. From 1986-1989 he worked as correspondent for Knight-Ridder Financial News; covered a broad range of market related news. One particularly market moving story was used by Knight-Ridder in an advertising campaign. From 1982-1985 Part time jobs during student years included: work as an editor of Hitachi Review, a science and technology magazine; translation in the fields of business and finance and assorted television, radio and movie appearances. From 1978-1982: he spent time traveling and avoiding civilization. He spent 1-year studying with a witch doctor along the upper reaches of the Uquyali river in the Peruvian Amazon. Lived with former cannibals. He also traveled to other wilderness locations and lived off the land describing his experience as peaceful, beautiful. challenging and character building, zen.
Education: Sophia University, Tokyo Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. BA Asian studies, China area specialty.)
(If you have been following me for a long time, you will remember my post laying out who were “black hats” fighting for the New World Order and who were “white hats” fighting for the people...well this is the “white hat” White Dragon Society (Yakuza) faction I was talking about.
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