#did they evrr get a name
hannnyayan · 5 years
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approximately7bees · 6 years
1-100 doooood
The meaning behind my url:tbh i changed it after I changed my twitch name to it, and I just think it’s kind of amusing that this blog is actually run by approximately 7 bees
A picture of me:i don’t think i can like insert pics into answers? but here, c’est moi
How many tattoos i have and what they are:none, though i do want to get just a very simple daisy on my left inner arm when i hit my weight goal
Last time i cried and why:i’m not sure when i last like sobbed but i def did have a couple tears while watching the end of Drake’s music video that featured his old Degrassi cast lollll
Piercings i have:still just the 4 lobe, 1 tragus, 1 cartilage
Favorite band:The Front Bottoms
Biggest turn offs:being rude, dude. 
Top 5 (insert subject):i am just gonna choose my top 5 things that i can think of rn. mac n cheese. brooklyn 99. the ocean. roller coasters. making baja blast by mixing blue powerade and mountain dew.
Tattoos i want:a very simple daisy ^^
Biggest turn ons:neck kisses, cuddling, assertiveness (?)
Age:21, but 22 in like 7.5 hours!
Ideas of a perfect date:uhhh the person has something planned and i’m not expected to make all the decisions and we like have a nice meal and I get dessert and we go do something nice together after. i guess? i have kind of limited good date experience.
Life goal:i just want to be happy, man. i want to have time to do what I like to do, with a job i don’t dislike, and enough money to not have to worry about it. i guess my goal is kind of to live right next to a body of water but i’d take the first part over like living by the ocean and hating my life.
Piercings i want:not really any? idk i could get anything i want but i think i’m p good.
Relationship status:single
Favorite movie:it actually might be Ocean’s 8. i really liked it
A fact about my life:i have 2 very good cat boys and i get to have my dog starting some time next month !!!!
Phobia:bro legit i’m just not really that scared of things
Middle name:Elizabeth
Are you a virgin?nah
What’s your shoe size?8.5 to 9, depending
What’s your sexual orientation???? not straight i guess
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?i drink occasionally.
Someone you miss:my aunt :/
What’s one thing you regret?kind of not trying to go to a more exclusive college but also not really bc like things have turned out really well
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:harry styles
Favorite ice cream?birthday cake !!!
One insecurity:one of my eyes has really pretty curved lashes and the other had weirdly completely straight lashes and i don’t like it.
What my last text message says:the last one i sent says “I did forget haha. Thanks!”
Have you ever taken a picture naked?yes..
Have you ever painted your room?i haven’t, no
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?no
Have you ever slept naked?yes
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?yes
Have you ever had a crush?yes
Have you ever been dumped?noo
Have you ever stole money from a friend?no
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?i don’t think so. but i don’t really remember
Have you ever been in a fist fight?negative
Have you ever snuck out of your house?naaaah
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?i mean I really haven’t seriously pined over someone unrequitedly. like at most i get a little preoccupied by someone and then i never do anything about it so i never even know if they have them back or not.
Have you ever been arrested?no
Have you ever made out with a stranger?not like a “i don’t even know your name stranger”, like a person i met that night yes. but also lol it really wasn’t like that.
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?what is this question ?? i’m sure everyone has at one point in their life met someone of the opposing sex at a location 
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?one time i stayed out really late with my highschool friends and when i got back home they were like actually you wanna go get a free donut so i went out again without telling my folks (it was like 5am or something) but i like told them when i got back so..kind of
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?when i was young ye
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?no
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?yes
Have you ever seen someone die?no
Have you ever been on a plane?yes
Have you ever kissed a picture?i’m gonna say no but idr
Have you ever slept in until 3?yeah dude
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?what does this mean ;_; yes i have loved someone (i guess) and no i don’t really miss someone right now
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?yeah dude it’s bomb
Have you ever made a snow angel?yes
Have you ever played dress up?yes
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?yeah lol
Have you ever been lonely?boy have i !
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?yeeee but not like too heavily. 
Have you ever been to a club?no i think that would be terrible
Have you ever felt an earthquake?yes actually, thanks to fracking!
Have you ever touched a snake?uhhhh not to my recollection 
Have you ever ran a red light?accidentally D:
Have you ever been suspended from school?no
Have you ever had detention?no
Have you ever been in a car accident?i was rear ended once and it really messed up my car. 
Have you ever hated the way you look? i sure have
Have you ever witnessed a crime?maybe but like nothing heinous i guess
Have you ever pole danced?lmao, i would be the worst pole dancer. you want a dancer who has like no upperbody strength, is really self-conscious and can’t dance? hmu
Have you ever been lost?only basically every time i try to go somewhere new, and pretty frequently when i try to go somewhere i have been before lol
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?well bud, i live in basically as  middle of the country as you can be...... so there really isn’t an opposite side. but i have been to california and the east coast so i guess that encompasses both sides lol
Have you ever felt like dying?oh for sure
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?like i have cried prior to sleep but not fallen asleep crying
Have you ever sang karaoke?not outside of like a house, or with an audience or anything.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?i’m sure i have lol.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?ughhhh yes. ow.
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?older yeah
Have you ever kissed in the rain?i think i have but i’m not actually sure
Have you ever sang in the shower?is there anyone who doesn’t?
Have you ever made out in a park?lol yeah
Have you ever dream that you married someone?ok it took me this long to realize all these questions begin with “have you ever’ and the problem with that is like it’s a yes or no question like you can leave it at that, which isn’t very interesting. also bc yeah i have done something but like i have a really bad memory. anyway, i probably have dreamt that idk
Have you ever glued your hand to something?not in a like panicky my hand is gonna be stuck to this for evrr kind of way
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?fuck no that makes me want to die
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked?WHAT no? i’m so confused 
Have you ever been a cheerleader?nope
Have you ever sat on a roof top?yeah dude
Have you ever brush your teeth?no. i’ve never brushed my teeth EVER and i’m not going to start now (jfc of course i have why is this a question)
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?oh yeah. i never watch horror movies of my own volition. i’ll watch whatever with someone, even if i have to go be home alone after i just never choose to watch any by myself.
Have you ever played chicken?no wtf
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?i honestly do not think so
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?not like outside of dating sites :(
Have you ever broken a bone?nope!
Have you ever been easily amused?-_- this is a dumb question. 
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?yeah dude
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?nah
Have you ever cheated on a test?when i was younger ye
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?oh basically everyone. i’m really bad about it. i just never call anyone by their name and it works pretty well.
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?yeah i’m sure i have.
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.i could probably hook up with a dude who used to play basketball at my college rn if i wanted to
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Things i will never understand
the world is such a confusing place. do you ever wonder how the fuck we got here???????????? im an atheist and struggle to believe in stuff like God or evolution,when people talk about the afterlife i often dont know what to say because what is there really to say? 
i will never understand society today and how we’re supposed to just go along with it all , how did we become so accepting of changes that would seem small but are actually big. why cant we have the power to say what we want , i know we dont in a way becausse its in our amendments but do you ever think about how stupid all of it actaully is?? why do we need a fucking piece of paper to decide our next move? our lives??? as every other human ive learned to accept that because little tiny me cant change the world because of what i think should be right. im telling you, the government is dirty dicking us behind our backs at all times . be careful. 
 sometimes i stare at the moon and think , how the fuck did that get there and why is it so hard to reach it , why cant it be simple as simple as you reaching for your glass of water? if you could escape where would you go? i would go to saturn or neptune just because i think theyre the prettiest planets. i would want to have a house on both, saturn looks like it would be warm so i would stay there if i was feeling cold. neptune looks chilly so i would stay there if i was feelig too hot.( its the little things in life ladies and gents , you must take advantage of them now while you can.) the other thing is life is so fragile and short, bahahhaha why do i waste my time typing on a dinky computer complaining to no one about my unimportant issues? i guess being human includes bottling up things because youre afraid if you said stupid shit like this out loud, you would be judged . you sometimes need a getaway im guessing. my getaway is my name anonymous footstool , i am the leader of this page , its your choice to become a follower i suppose ( run while you can) 
theres more things i will never ever ever ever ever evrr understand, but that would involve more typing and im trying not to get carpal tunnel . thats all for now folks but ill leav e you one more thing to think about ............ 
the next time you look up at the sky , ask yourself , why am i so small? 
peace out girlscout .
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