#did they knock the hero out and now carry them to their lap for experimentation?
lesiasmadness · 1 year
The villain carrying the hero in their arms for any reason. Breathe if you agree
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atombombbagel · 7 years
Romanced companions react to seeing a stranger relentless hit on Sole? Like, some sleaze at a bar continuously hitting on Sole despite their firm rebuffs that they're taken?
*I mixed this with another request that was similar, something along the lines of ‘Companions react to someone trying to kiss SSbut they don’t want to kiss this random stranger’ Hope that is alright
Cait: Soleshifted awkwardly on the bar stool as they waved their hand in front of the guyhitting on them, basically telling him to fuck off. Despite endless attempts,he was still coming onto them, still smelling like stale, warm alcohol and Solewas at their wits end. Cait saw Sole’s uncomfortableness and took it uponherself to give the sleaze bag a piece of her mind, especially when she noticedthem lean to try and kiss Sole.
“Back off ya asshole,” Cait said shoving the guy back by hisshoulder, nearly knocking him off the bar stool he was propped up on.
“Mine your own business lady,” the guy said and Cait laughedmockingly. She scoffed when the guy proceeded to lean back into Sole, grabbinghim by the shoulder and punching him directly in his right eye, this timeknocking him clean off the stool.
“Fuck off they’re mine,” Cait spat, watching the man scamperto his feet so he could get away from her, “Ye alright Sole?” she asked turningto them. Sole nodded slowly, stunned by the events that had just gone down.
“That was pretty freakin’ hot,” Sole said, making Cait laugh.
“I got a lot more where that came from,”
Curie: Curiekissed Sole’s cheek before she headed off to get herself a drink at the bar,she was quite experimental when it came to trying new alcoholic beverages. She orderedherself a couple of drinks and turned around to find Sole, making out withsomeone else, only that wasn’t the case. She put the drink tray down on thetable before slowly walking towards Sole and the other mystery woman.
“Would you get off!” Sole shouted as she pushed the womanoff of her, making her stumble back a couple of paces.
“Come on honey,” the other woman said, leaning back into Sole.Sole scrunched up their nose at the smell of the woman’s breath, a mix ofalcohol and Mirelurk cake. Sole shook their head, being firm when they said no.The woman made another pass at her.
“The last time I heard, no means no,” Curie stated with herhands on her hip, shaking her head at the woman, who shot Curie an annoyed look.
“What are you, the fun police?” the woman mocked, and Curiefurrowed her eyebrows.
“No, I’m a scientist,” Sole sniggered behind her, she was soinnocent, she couldn’t even pick up a hint of sarcasm from the other woman.
“What no I meant,” the woman sighed, “Uhh,” she huffed, “thisisn’t worth it,” the woman held up her hands and pushed past Curie, bothering anotherwoman at the other end of the bar.
“Thanks for coming to my rescue,” Sole said with a smile andCurie smiled back.
“Do I look like an officer?” Curie said looking down at herclothes and Sole burst out laughing. They’d have to explain sarcastic humour tothe clueless Curie.
Danse: “I’ll haveanother, and one for the lady / man,” A short man stepped up to the bar,nodding towards the bartender as he ordered himself and Sole a drink.
“I already have one,” Sole replied holding up her half emptyglass.
“I insist,” Sole scoffed and turned their back on the man, aclear no to him, but he apparently couldn’t take a hint. He grabbed Sole’sshoulder and forced them to face him as he pushed the new drink in theirdirection, “Don’t be a spoil sport, have some of your drink,” he ordered, andSole tried to push him off, but his grip on them was iron clad, “C’mon no needto be a tease,” he laughed, making Sole’s face scrunch up in disgust.
The man leaned into Sole, puckering up his lips and Solekicked him in the leg. Before the man could react Danse had stormed over to himand picked him up by the collar, carrying him towards the bar door. He kickedit open and tossed the man onto the ground. He then walked over to him and puta foot on his chest.
“I suggest you don’t try that again civilian,” he saidangrily before removing his foot from the man’s chest and turning back to walkinside the bar. He sat down next to Sole.
“Bartender, a drink for my hero?” Sole said as the leaned ontheir arm looking over at Danse. They leaned over and pecked his cheek, makingDanse blush.
Deacon: Deaconand Sole were undercover, working to rescue a synth from a raider base, they’ddressed up as cut-throat raiders and now they were sitting around a bonfire,listening to the disgusting tales of one of the raiders.
One raider who was drunk and high off their ass decided itwould be a good idea to hit on Sole, practically jumping into their lap.
“I could rock your world,” they hiccupped as they leanedinto Sole, nearly knocking them off their chair. Sole struggled to push themoff, they didn’t want to give away their cover. Deacon looked over, trying notto lose his cool as he watched the raider lean into Sole and crash their mouthto Sole’s. They shoved the raider off his lap and Deacon got up walking overand kicking the guy in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.
“That’s my piece of ass you’re messing with,” Deaconstuttered, trying to sound like a badass, but failing, he looked over at Sole,“that sounded raider-y, right?” he whispered and Sole nodded slowly.
“We should get the synth and get out of here,” Solewhispered back and Deacon nodded wrapping his arm around Sole’s shoulder.
“We are going to do stuff…” he looked awkwardly at theraiders sitting around the bonfire, “be right back?”
Gage: Sole hadconvinced Gage to dance with them at a bar in Nuka world, he was reluctant, buthe sighed and gave in anyway, he always did. Sole leaned up and kissed himhungrily as they danced and after that Gage took a little break to go orderthem some drinks from the bar.
“One Nuka Cola and one Gwinnett Ale,” he said nodding at thebartender as he put a couple of caps on the table, forgetting he was with theOverboss for a moment and drinks were on the house. When he turned around henearly dropped his drink seeing another person throw themselves at Sole, theirhands grabbing at their waist as they tried to pull them into a kiss, “Holdonto these,” Gage said to the bartender and they nodded at him. Sole tried topush the person off but he kept coming back to them.
Gage stalked over to the person and grabbed their shoulder,spinning them to face him.
“You lost?” Gage mocked, before he raised his fist and hitthe person in the face, knocking them back a couple of paces, he leaned down,so he was eye to eye with them, “touch my fucking woman / man again, I will endyou,” he shoved them back, walking over to Sole and putting his arm aroundtheir shoulder as he walked back to the bar with them. Sole didn’t have to sayanything because Gage’s actions said everything.
Hancock: Sole wassitting on a sofa at one of the tables inside the Third Rail, a group ofdrifters sitting at the table with them. Hancock was leaning at the bar,talking to Whitechapel Charlie, getting up to date on the goings on in histown. He was watching Sole out of the corner of his eye. A drifter sat next toSole, their hands on her leg as they whispered in her ear. Sole shook theirhead at them, picking up their hand and moving it from their leg.
Hancock watched as the drifter put their hand back on Sole’sleg, this time squeezing it as they leaned back into Sole’s ear, their mouthinches from Sole’s.
“No,” he heard Sole say, but the drifter wouldn’t removetheir hand or give up with their pointless flirting. Hancock pushed himself offthe bar and nodding a goodbye at Charlie as he walked over to Sole’s table,twirling his knife in his hand.
“Seems like someone wants to end up like old Finn,” he saidin a gruff voice, startling the drifter. They turned to look at Hancock, theireyes widening as their eyes trailed down to the knife in his hand, the lighthitting off it making it shine in their eyes. The drifter immediately let go ofSole’s leg, getting up and practically running out of the bar.
Hancock sat down in the space next to Sole, wrapping his armaround their shoulder.
“Anyone else want to try anything?” Hancock asked, his knifegleaming in his hand. They all frantically shook their heads, avoidingHancock’s dark eyes, “Good,” he put his knife in his jacket pocket, beforeleaning over and pecking Sole’s cheek. Sole had never been more attracted tohim, than in that moment.
MacCready: WhenMacCready noticed another man flirting with Sole it made his heart sink to thebottom of his stomach, he couldn’t help but feel like they’d pick anyone overhim, but that wasn’t the case at all. He watched as Sole got up and moved awayfrom the man, sitting in a different seat, only to watch the man move into theone next to her.
“Would you back off?” Sole said in frustration as the mancontinued his relentless quest to get Sole into bed with him. It was then thatthe man leaned into Sole, trying to force them to kiss him, but Sole slappedhim across the face.
“I love a challenge,” the man said as he grabbed Sole again.By that time MacCready had walked over to Sole, putting himself in front ofthem as he confronted the man.
“I think they told you to back off,” MacCready said puffingout his chest in an attempt to appear tough. The man chuckled looking down atMacCready.
“What are you going to do about it little man?” he laughedand MacCready smirked before headbutting the man in the nose, making himstumble off his chair and onto the ground, holding onto his nose.
“Back off,” MacCready said through gritted teeth and Soleput their hand on his arm, making him turn and look at them, “you alright?” heasked and Sole nodded.
“Why don’t we get out of here?” Sole said suggestively witha smile and MacCready nodded. He wasn’t going to say no to that.
Nick: “No,” Solesaid as they walked past the same guy who had been trying to get them to go ona date with him for the past couple of days. He was at it again, constantlyfollowing Sole around Diamond City as he relentlessly asked them out, going sofar as to grab their ass as they walked by. Sole had tried to ignore theirconstant attempts, but it was getting a little out of hand.
It was only when he’d grabbed Sole and pinned them againstthe wall, trying to kiss them that Nick finally snapped himself, grabbing thekid by the shoulders and pulling him off Sole.
“That’s not a good idea pal, unless you want to spend thenext few days in surgery that is,” Nick said calmly as Sole’s eyes widened ashe said it, they’d never seen him threaten anyone quite like that and to behonest they liked it. The man shook his head, avoiding Nick’s threateningglowing eyes, “good, now get out of here and don’t try that again,” he shovedthe man away, and he stumbled before running in the opposite direction.
“Wow,” Sole said to Nick and he turned to look at her,“Detective Valentine protecting what’s his, I like it,” Sole said with a winkand Nick chuckled. He hadn’t even thought about it that way.
Piper: “Could youperhaps not do that?” Sole asked as a man grabbed their hips from behind,swaying with them to the music, “Look my girlfri-”
“Oh, come one now, we’re just having some fun,” she said,her hands gripping at Sole’s waist. He moved so he was in front of Sole, “wecould make it a threesome,” he whispered leaning into Sole’s ear. His lipspressed against Sole’s neck as his grip on their waist tightened.
“Get off of me,” Sole squealed as they pushed against themans chest, finally getting free of his grip. Piper had returned from thebathroom, watching the events go down, she thought for a moment before walking overto the two of them.
“Local man is a sleaze bag, doesn’t take no for an answer,this is going to make headline news,” Piper said as she pretended to scribble acouple of lines down in her notebook. She looked at the man again, who had ahorrified look on his face, “I got plenty of ways to ruin your reputation,” shesaid, tapping her pencil against her lip, “none of the ladies will come nearyou when I’m finished,”
“This is your girlfriend?” The man rolled his eyes beforebacking off.
“So, you’ve heard of me?” Piper said excitedly, holding herhand up to her chest. The man huffed before turning around and walking off, “hmm,guess he doesn’t like me,” Piper then said, pretending to be offended, sheturned to Sole, “You alright Blue?”
“Yeah,” Sole nodded, “Thanks for your help,”
Preston: Sole andPreston had been visiting a nearby settlement, to see if they needed anything,whether it be supplies, defences or some help with building new places to live.They’d been helping out all day, fixing up some broken windows and picking somecrops and they’d decided to take a little break and have a drink to wind downand relax.
“What’s a beautiful person like you doing here all alone,” adrunk settler said as they approached Sole, sitting on the chair next to her,her hot breath hitting the side of Sole’s face.
“I’m not alon-”
“Shhhh,” the woman said putting a finger over Sole’s lips asshe cut her off from talking. Sole raised her eyebrows at the woman’s rudeness,pulling her face away from the other woman’s finger, “How about we get out ofhere and have some fun,”
“I’m good thanks,” Sole retorted, turning her head away, butthe woman was persistent, and she grabbed Sole’s face and planted a sloppy kisson Sole’s mouth. Preston had been watching the entire time and he thought he’dbetter step in before things got worse. He walked over to Sole, putting a handon their shoulder.
“Everything alright over here?” he asked and Sole shooktheir head, “I think you’ve had enough,” Preston said to the woman, who wasbarely able to keep herself up on the chair. He helped her up and walked herover to one of the small houses filled with beds. He tucked her in and left herthere before walking back into the bar and back over to Sole.
“I wasn’t going to-”
“I know, I saw. She was drunk,” he paused, “andI trust you, what do you say we head back home?”
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