#did this happen when i was working on xmas stuff too bc if so then it’s just work lol
virgoevenus · 8 months
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wind-up-thancred · 3 months
Hey I saw ur Thancred face mod and wanted to say…thank you so much!!!! And I miss his old face 🥺 do you think it’s possible to ever get it back? I’m tempted to learn modding just to fix up my boy bc they really massacred him 💀
hi anon! im glad you like the mod. yeah i dont blame you for missing the old face lol, i took one look at it in textools when the patch dropped and went "wtf did they do to my boy... 😢" i think it depends on what you mean by "getting his old face back":
-if you want to start with the 7.0 base face, you could probably open it up in blender next to his old face and use the sculpt tool to physically sculpt his mesh to be closer to what it used to be, but i think past the lips there isn't too much else on the actual geometry to change— maybe his nose and jawline? but to me it feels like a lot of the change also happened to his normal maps, which are the textures that add extra shading detail and volume to the face. the old textures cant be ported over because the new mesh isn't laid out for them, buuuut im aware of a tool being developed currently in the ffxiv loose texture compiler for automatically transforming the old textures to match the new mesh layout. will that work for thancred's unique face? i'm not sure, but it could be worth a try— im fairly certain his unique sculpt is an edited version of one of the male midlander faces, so once that specific face is supported in the tool, it might work. if not, you can always manually adjust the new normal map while referencing the other one. -if you want to start with the OLD 6.58 base face, i believe there is a blender script going around (i saw it in the textools discord last iirc?) for converting old face sculpts to new ones. this is necessary because the new faces have QUITE a few new bones in them that need to be rigged, or else the face will not animate. from there, you MIGHT have to convert some of the old textures as well, but i'm not 100% sure, i think it depends on how well they work at baseline for 7.0. i know there's still a legacy skin shader in the game for older faces since not all of them have been updated yet, so you might be able to switch it to that so that the old textures still work. if that sounds like A Lot, uh... i dont blame you 😅ive been learning xiv modding for about two years ish now so ive got a lil bit of know-how under my belt, but if you want somewhere good to start, i would recommend joining the textools discord, there are multiple channels there for people to ask questions about how modding works, how to mod specific things, lots of tutorials, etc, and im sure therell be something in there to help you along. buuuuut in the meantime, i HAVE seen two other existing mods so far on XMA that do both of the things i mentioned before: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/109670 this one seems to be a very good version of the first fix, where they went in and sculpted his new 7.0 face to be closer to the old one to a higher extent than i did, with his lips, jaw, and nose tweaked. it doesnt have heterochromia or scruff like mine does but i think you should theoretically be able to do that easily— feel free to send another ask if you want me to explain how i did it on my mod. https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/109665 this one, meanwhile, is the second fix— they ported the old face model over the new one. it has stubble and no heterochromia but again, if you want to change either of those, id be happy to explain how i did it. i have not tested either of these myself so i have no clue how well these work in-game but im sure they work fine!! i hope either of those help you out and if not i wish you good luck on your modding journey.... esp learning blender ^^" its a pain in the ass at first but trust me it feels really really good once youve figured stuff out!
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actualbird · 3 years
Honestly I feel a lot of Korean things got popular around 2017 out of seemingly nowhere. I try to pinpoint when and how they became popular and come up empty. It's kind of strange. Definitely not complaining though because a lot of it is very good.
Yeah I imagine soju still tastes strongly of alcohol because I can very much smell it. Even when the other flavours are added and I can smell other stuff it only makes my brain associate it with scented soap which is extremely sad because I do want to at least try it. I might try your suggestion though, it sounds quite interesting.
The sped up timeline kind of hurts. I felt my soul leave my body for RRG part 1 because I had been aiming for Vyn's RRG card and all the anniversary cards but now potentially a lot of time to save s chips just got taken away. I mean it was kind of for nothing when Skadi rolled around because apparently I don't like really romantic lines unless Vyn says them and the twitter preview kind of bit me there, but still. I should be able to get bday 2 though because not many of these year's banners interest me which means I'll absolutely have enough s chips unless one of the cards has a ton of lore.
With gacha games I've kind of developed this strange habit of absorbing spoilers from everywhere else but waiting to see the nuances in the actual story. It's definitely served me well because stuff like Luke's Shape of You ending hit harder when I read it for myself with the context instead of seeing it posted without context but it very much gets in the way when I have bad luck and cards don't come home. I'll probably cave for Vyn's RRG if I don't get it honestly, that card feels too important to skip.
MARIUS ROLLING A D20 DFJXG. Does he just roll it every time he visits Vyn until he gets the nat20. Honestly it might work a nat20 makes you feel invincible sometimes. Whenever you write that dnd au I will very happily read through and scream about it.
a lot of it is very good!!!! maybe theres a reason, maybe theres none, but either way, i am thankful for soju entering the global market HAHA. and YEEEAA it's a great drink mix!! theres like, set recipes online for the ratio of sprite + yakult to add to the soju, but i just mix by taste. i personally put a looooot of sprite cuz i like the sweetness haha. if ever u try it out, i hope u enjoy it :DDD
also apparently soju has a shitton of alcohol content in it based on ihavenotfallenyet's reply KJBKJSDK I HONESTLY DID NOT KNOW
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my siblings drink soju on its own holy fuck. theyre so strong, stronger than i ever will be
the sped up timeline hurts me too :(((( not so much bc of s-chips tho bc im not too bothered honestly about not getting cards even if i want them since like, all the story will be available on yt after a day (thank u uploaders). im mostly hurt bc the out of order events jarred me irt to story development, MOST ESPECIALLY WITH MARIUS. i swear, when i was playing his route in RRG i was like. what. whats going on. why r u so nice, why is MC SO NICE, i know theyll get to a point i their relationship that is this point, but the necessary build up (which happened originally in xmas partyland and skadi that originally preceded it) hadnt happened yet ksjdbgksjd
ohhhh same-ish feel on wanting to go thru the story urself!!! same same!!! i just have a non-existent impulse control JKBKSJKGS back in like, october, i said to myself "okay im not watching any of the cn server future content" and then i broke after 1 week. not too bothered tho, that was my own doing sjdksdjks
and marius rolls the d20 he keeps in his pocket at all times for like, whatever random reason. he likes rolling high but even when he doesnt, he has confidence in his base charisma score
sucks for him tho cuz that wont always get him out scot free since im preeeeetttyyy sure that
vyn's perception modifier is high as it can possibly get
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Hey guys, 
This is the local dog rescue charity that we were carers for, for several years. May do it again in future, but after Debbie (who was rescued by Precious Paws), it feels like we need a break. 
We have had three foster fails, but two puppers came through our home, learned to feel safe and loved, and went on to a perfectly matched new family.
There is always a demand for carers, so if you think you can, have a look at their Carer Info. Or look into the FB page, to keep your eyes open.
The best way to find new carers for animals is having a network of people sharing the Urgent statuses, which flags the attention of new groups of people. No dog will ever be LEFT on death row. They look for carers until the last second, but will absofuckinglutely take the dog anyway and put them in a boarding kennel short-term whilst a carer is located.
No doggo left behind.
It can be a bit confronting, though, so I understand if you cannot. The majority of the dogs have been surrendered to the pound, for various reasons, and the rescues in the region put their hands up for the ones slated for being put down each week. This list constantly refills, so there is always a need.
Some other dogs, like Debbie, are rescued directly from the disgusting human slime of the world who have caused them pain, injury, or attempted to kill them.
Carers open their homes to as many as they can, but there will always be more needed. A dog can be with you for a few months, to a few years, depending on their needs. 
Little Willow was so scared of everything when we got her, it took 5 months to get her to trust men near her due to where she came from. But after nearly a year, she was ready for adoption and went to a new mother; happy, healthy, and confident. She was fast, smart and a very delightful little doggo. I do miss her, sometimes, but her new mother sent us photos of Willow on her first and second adoption anniversaries. 
And little Gemini’s face, when her new family sent a photo from her first meeting with her human brother, was SO BIG!
It is hard to say goodbye, because they are with you for a long time, and you have to work hard with them, so they are an integral part of your life. But it helps to know that their future family is out there, not yet aware that there’s a dog shaped hole waiting to be filled.
As my parental unit says, “In reality, if they were not with us, they’d be dead. Someone without any heart dropped these animals off to be killed, and because of all these rescues, all these dogs and cats get another chance at life.”
Harvey, who we have now, was 9mths (Willow too) when they came to us. BABIES who just were too energetic or too big, so they had to be sent away. It takes a while to rebuild that trust in them.
Not to mention the absolute FUCKS who take their little old dogs, who have known and loved them their WHOLE LIVES to the pound and walk out with a new puppy (or kitten). FUCKS.  Those little doggos are never forgotten, PPARs and the other rescues make sure they have somewhere to go as well! I know of a 16yo bulldog called rosie, who was snappy when she first came and very depressed, who blossomed with her carers into a happy old girl. She was adopted recently!!!
It is important to be aware that these animals are often traumatised and have behaviours that some can consider ‘naughty’. You have to be understanding. Like traumatised kids, the worst thing you can do is yell or hit or whatever, even if they piss on your favourite rug or chew a beloved pair of shoes.
They may snap and snarl. Might shy away from men, or women, or teenagers. Might cower away, or show subservience constantly. Might hide for a few weeks. Might wet themselves or run to hide if something makes a loud noise or there is a specific trigger. They might rip up the couch twice, or hump your pillows. Try to escape the yard (need strong fences). A trigger? One of our kids was terrified of men, the noise of a powertool, and anyone having the hood of their car open. Would sit, shaking, panting in fear if these things were present. Still a bit much for her, but she knows to go to a human, who will keep her safe. Or sit with her sister doggo, who will protect her.
Willow was scared of men, shouting, and would be immediately wet-herself-afraid and show her belly in subservience. My giant bearded mountain of a sibling would lay on the floor with her, and talk gently, let her come over to sniff him. Eventually, she would lay next to him, and finally he could pat her, and it progressed from there. This took months of consistency and care.
I know of another carer couple who had this tiny little dog who was SO SCARED of everything she spent absolute months hiding under their bed or sofa. Too scared to be touched. They fed her and never made a fuss if she had a little accident indoors. And one day, she popped her head out while the male carer was pretending to be occupied... and licked his arm. That was it, went straight back under the bed. But it was a huge step. She can now be held and cuddled, and loves her little life. But it took the time, understanding and patience of these carers to get her there. It’s important to note that carers dont normally have the whole backstory for each dog, but after a while, you tend to get good at figuring it out based on behaviours. Harvey’s behaviours were extremely frantic for attention, he didn’t know how to sit or be still, he was desperate for attention; his behaviours increased when on a lead (which had to be used for the first few weeks and outside time, as this was a New Household Member time).  It was clear that given his age, when we got him, and his behaviours that he’d been an xmas gift puppy that had gotten WAAAAAAY bigger than anticipated. When he was small he’d been the fuss of what we suspect was at least 2 children. After getting too big, he was put on a leash in the yard, and had no real interaction.
Harvey would go BALLISTIC if given even a glance from a human. He NEEDED attention, and it took months of careful work with him to teach sit, stay, look, settle, back back, etc. He’s still a bit ridiculous, sometimes, but he can sleep on a bed with a human and only half drown them in spit (ugh) lmao. 
So consider if you could be a carer.  Or, if that isn’t realistic for you right now... donate.
Donate, if you can.
If you’re in Brisbane, you might see them doing sausage sizzles at Bunnings on the weekends to raise needed funds! 
COVID-19 hit all the rescue charities hard. Their normal fundraising was crippled by the lockdowns, but animals are always in need of new homes and protection.
If you can help out your local shelters, they’d appreciate it!
There’s food and supplies that need to be paid for; PPAWs specifically help out pensioners who take on an animal, by providing the food and toys, collar, bedding, etc. There’s desexing, microchipping and all vaccinations to be paid for. Some animals have extreme medical issues that need to be fixed (such as a dog surrendered with a broken hip, or dogs like Debbie, who were starved almost to death. Who need intensive and long-term things; with Debbie, my family put money forwards for her insulin and eye surgeries, etc. bc we could budget for it. Not everyone can, though.
There’s also little emergencies here and there that they jump in for, to assist.  [E.g early on when the caninculin levels were being sorted, Debbie had a random fit, so I rushed her in and they discovered her BSL had hit 1 - very dangerous. PPAWs got on the phone and said, “Any tests, any medication, any fluids, anything that needs to happen for that little girl, you DO IT” and they stabilised her. PPAWs also helped fund the full-day glucose testing and blood panel the next day and an overnight with the vet, that was pretty expensive. To be clear, it is expected that her starvation and new diabetes was likely to experience highs and lows, so we had bought a glucometer, and had squeezy-top bottles of honey all over the house as an emergency-response kit. When Debbie went funny, we filled her mouth full of honey and transported; which was the protocol, as was taking her medication chart (she’d been waaaay high for BSL that morning so this dip was SCARY). It took another incident before the vet decided to use an interstitial fluid monitor, and the results backed up our concerns that Debbie was having completely random highs/lows and spikes with no real pattern. She had the vet recommended food and no treats outside of the ones she was allowed, and at times suggested by the vet. Except on her last day when the vet said she could absolutely have a wholw happy meal, and little Debbie was DELIGHTED. I have the funniest photo of her with it all in her mouth looking excited but not sure where to go from there, but it still makes me cry to look at it because we lost her just three weeks ago. (We did rip it into little mouthfuls for her, though. Just to clarify.) She was placed on a higher dose, after that, and was completely stable from there. It was the testing that initially identified a flaw, though, and we are forever grateful that PPAWs stepped in on that day.
And the point of my rambling speech... is that shit happens. Especially with these dogs, cats, horses, and all the other animals they rescue.  Emergencies are often the most expensive to cover for charities.
On the upside! Donations also help with a) transporting animals to carers around the region, and b) on the occasion that an animal’s new furever family is interstate, they can be flown to them!
Lots of stuff.
Think about the mess of words, and consider donating - to PPAWs, or find out the name of your local charity and see if they need help!
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amberrgalaxy · 4 years
*pulls up at the drive thru* hi yeah can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhh 20, 21, 26, 37, 42, 50, 56, 84, 86, 89 and uhhhh diet 95
20. What are your deal breakers?
OH BOI. I’ve learned from my past relationships, and tbh, all I rlly want is someone who’s kind, mature and who can make me laugh. Like all three of those are really broad and it’s basically like, kind= compassionate and caring to not just me. Not abusive and mean lmao. Mature= woke and also doesn’t expect me 2 be their maid/mum and the last one is just like, a good sense of humour. I feel like if you’re all these things (and I’d obvs give back the same in return) then it covers all my dealbreakers. I’m pretty easy going when it comes to stuff like sex/marriage and I feel like if the person had all the above qualities, it would be easy to discuss things like that and get them sorted.  
kids�� maybe I’d struggle with that. Im never gonna go out of my way to have them and ive come to terms with the fact that im perfectly happy without them. Im cool with just being an aunty to my niece and possible future kids my brother has. So yeah that’s probs a dealbreaker
21. How was your day?
aight. every day is the same atm and im so bored, I’d imagine the same as everyone else sob
26. Your dreams
My unrealistic dream is to showrun beautifully animated films of my various projects and stories. My realistic dream is to produce comics of them instead and just run my own art/design business in general. Ive got a lot of work to do before I can touch that though
37. Ideal vacation
I already did it!! Me and sam went to Japan at the end of 2018 and it was incredible and I adored it. We wanted to go again this year but then THINGS HAPPENED. When the world and my life is sorted, we’re hoping to go again in the next year-2 years or so. U GUYS SHOULD COME!!! We managed to do it surprisingly cheaply.
I’d also rlly love to go to New Zealand, Canada, Helsinki, South Korea and New York, I really adore travelling, and if I actually had money I’d do it all the time
42. What do you daydream about?
My ocs lol
50. Favourite colour to wear?
PANK. I like loads of different colours and styles, but I often fall back on PANK
56. Favourite aesthetic?
PANK. im actually one of those awful pastel monsters, but im quite particlar about it, like I don’t want it to be too childish? I also love grungy punk shit. If I were a performer, I’d legit want to be a drag king who does a terrible early Alex turner impersonation
84. Favourite holiday
Im a basic bitch, xmas. Halloween is great too though.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?
SHAPESHIFTER. i don’t know if this counts though if that’s more of a superpower? I would probably be a dragon if that’s not allowed because I think dragons are dope
95. Cold or hot?
I like both in the right context, but I find it hell to sleep if im too hot, and im a bit uncomfortable showing my body in public in lots of summer clothes, which is a shame because summer clothes in general are so cute and I love them. Also, when its really nice and hot and im stuck inside working, it kinda gets me down, whereas if it’s cold and rainy im more like COSY IN HERE GETTING ME WORK DONE 8) I like miserable weather in general bc of the cosy inside factor, and I love snow too, but you don’t get it much here because we live under the Gulf Stream :( Cute coats and scarves are the best too, AND OVERSIZED JUMPERS. I feel much more comfortable in them.
I’D… PROBABLY lean more toward the cold. Especially since its the pandemic rn and it’s hard to make the most of the lovely weather.
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lydia x superhero reader
i convinced my parents that into the spiderverse is an xmas movie and watching it has given me inspo hell yeah. i’m not gonna do a spiderreader bc i kinda just want to come with a my own hero (although every possible type of superhero has been done before, so this is by no means an original superhero).
1318 words
cw: femreader. (brief) mention of sexual harassment. gun mention.
you were living the dream, or at least what you thought was the dream. you had a gorgeous girlfriend, you were getting good grades, and oh yeah, you were stopping crime with your magic which powers.
look, you didn’t mean to be a vigilante. but when you’re neighbor’s house is getting burgled, and you can do something about it... or when the class incel is making clearly unwanted advances on your friend... or when someone decides to pull a gun on the cashier at the local convenience store... or when, you get the point.basically, situation forced you into it, and you have to big of a heart to say no.
you got your super cool magical powers after you started dating lydia, so it’s not like you intentionally entered the relationship, knowing that you could easily hurt her or bend her to your will. oh that makes you sound like an evil and disgusting person, but you would never do that kind of stuff!
your powers! your grandmother gave you a necklace on your 16th birthday, telling you it had been in the family for generations. you put it on that night, to see how it’d look on you, and all of a sudden, you could bend people to your will. like, not a lot. you could do like a subtle shift in a person’s motivation. like, if someone wanted to punch you, you’d simply shift their motivation so that they’d want to punch right next to you. or if someone wanted the last donut, but you realllyyy wanted that donut, you could just shift their motivation so that, oh wow, they really wanted a blueberry bagel. hmm... a blueberry bagel sounded good, actually. yo know what? they wanted the last donut and you could get the bagel. but wait, there were multiple bagels and only one donut, and you were pretty hungry. they wanted a bagel again, leaving the donut for you, and they even handed you a bagel! how kind!
you didn’t use your powers for important things, though. and, unless it came to the last donut, you never used your powers on your girlfriend.
but one day, she started to get suspicious.
“y/n? where were you last night, again?” lydia asked.
last night? when a peaceful protest turned violent, the violence started by the police of course, and then suddenly turned peaceful again? “i was studying.”
“oh? you had a test today?” she asked.
“no... today’s a saturday. i do have a test on monday though, and boy am i stressed for that!” you lied through a smile. you didn’t have a test monday, your teachers weren’t monsters.
“oh? what subject?” she continued to question you.
“uh, chem!”
lydia furrowed her eyebrows. wrong answer. “that’s weird, you have a chem test on monday and tuesday? i thought your teacher was nice.”
“they are! it’s a, uh, two day test! yeah, there’s a lot to cover from this unit.” you started sweating. were the lights bright in here?
“the unit you started last week?” uh oh, she was on to you. i mean, she obviously was on to you, why else would you be having this conversation, but y’know...
you nervously laughed. would it be so bad to just... shift her away from this conversation? it didn’t mean you wouldn’t ever talk about it, you were planning on telling her... eventually, but you just didn’t want to now.
you touched the center of the necklace, and shifted her away from her suspicions, you forgot you’d need somewhere to shift it to, so she ended up talking about,
“personally, i don’t think birds in america are real. birds in other countries? 100% real. but american birds? fake, spies for the government. and the government sell the information to corporations!”
i guess that lydia’s suspicions of you and her suspicions of birds were close together in her mind.
“yeah! remember last week when we were talking about the new star wars movies, and there was a bunch of pigeons on the telephone pole above us? suddenly i’m getting a suspicious amount of star wars and star wars merchandise advertised to me on instagram.”
“me too! i don’t even like star wars all that much!”
this conversation was much easier to have. and this conversation led to another, and another, until eventually it was late enough that you wanted to go to sleep, but also to late that you didn’t feel like you could safely drive yourself home.
you shot your family groupchat a text, saying you were sleeping over at lydia’s, and you snuggled in closer to her. lydia being little spoon, as always.
the following thursday, you had just finished watching an episode of the good place, when lydia sent you a text, asking you what you had been doing that morning. you had actually been shifting a kid’s motivation to beat up their drug dealer, apparently they had been dealing some bad weed. definitely a reason to beat someone up on school grounds, with like twenty kids ready to post it all on snapchat. teenage boys truly do not think.
but you told lydia that you were in the library before school. you were friends with the librarian, so that could’ve legitimately happened.
however, lydia sent a screenshot of someone’s snap story. they had been expecting the fight to happen, but when it didn’t they posted it on their story, saying how underwhelming that had been. and in the screenshot, you could see yourself, touching your necklace.
“why are you lying to me?” lydia texted you.
“oh, i went to the library after that.” you texted back. your magical powers didn’t work unless you were physically close to the person.
“sure.” she replied. and she didn’t text you back for the rest of the night. but to be fair, neither did you.
the next week, after multiple other ‘shiftings’ as you had come to calling them, you decided you were ready to tell lydia.
you asked her out on a date, a dinner at the local italian place. if she took this the wrong way, pasta would make it better.
about halfway into your meal, you said, “lydia, i’ve been lying to you about where i’ve been and what i’ve been doing.”
she looked at you, confused, “what?”
“you know last monday, when the bank robber just suddenly dropped all that money and walked out, and i told you i was at home sleeping? i wasn’t. i was there.”
“why would you lie to me about that?” lydia asked.
“because...” you took a deep breath, “ because i didn’t know how you’d react to my powers. before you say anything, let me explain! this necklace,” you lifted up your necklace. “let’s me, um, i call it shift, shift people’s intentions, or their motivations.” you said, suddenly realizing how silly your jargon sounded. “i changed the bank robber’s motivations so he didn’t want to steal anymore. i’ve done that with a lot of people, to get them to stop doing violent or illegal things.”
“have you ever... shifted me?”
you sighed. so far she was taking it well, but here came the regrettable part, “twice. the first time was when you were about to take the last donut,” lydia started giggling, “the second time was when you started asking me about where i was, and i wasn’t ready to tell you about my powers yet.”
lydia reached out and grabbed your hand. “i get why’d you’d be scared, but i’m fine. i think it’s pretty cool, what you’re doing, and, yeah, i’d rather you not do it to me,but for donuts? and for when you weren’t comfortable talking about something? it’s fine, just don’t do it all the time.”
you breathed a sigh of relief.
now you could tell lydia all the thing’s you’ve shifted people to! oh it’s time for some fun conversation!
@meangirlsx @meangirlmurphy
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roboromantic · 4 years
boy it sure has been An Weekend
Apparently the ceiling in my grandparents’ living room collapsed NOT 3 MINUTES AFTER MY GRANDMOTHER LEFT THE ROOM so they got that fixed and are replacing the ceiling most of the other rooms too jic so we had to get the furniture out of there ASAP so it could get worked on and uh. I guess we’re keeping it bc they want to get rid of as much stuff as they can while they’re still around.
So now we have their dining set + the china which “goes to the next grandkid who gets married *COUGH COUGH WINK WINK DIRECTED AT ME*” like. Ma’am, I Have Never Dated Once In My Whole Life
And I mean I know she means well and just wants me to be happy but if I ever do get married it probably won’t be for quite some time and like. odds are it won’t be to someone she’d approve of, lmao.
Anyway she was like “any a y’all want the curio cabinet?” and I’d semi-jokingly asked about it on the way up so I was like 👀 but we didn’t really have the resources to haul all that glass and mirrors; we barely fit everything we did take
Also she decided it was finally time to let go of her car which. is kind of a Big Deal for her. It’s going to be brother #3′s, technically, but since he can’t drive I’m mostly the one that’s gonna use it for the moment (and the one who had to drive it back home, lol)
And she sent me an email that’s like “hope you’re not mad I gave it to brother #3 but I’ll buy you a display case for up to $500 as a graduation present (? at least it was kind of implied it was gonna be a graduation present but obviously it’s a bit soon for that) and now that we know you’re gonna be home I’m gonna send you $100 a month because I missed doing that”
Like Thank You Extremely Much but uh. shouldn’t that go towards roof stuff. I mean I guess she knows her financial situation better than I do but while I obviously like her doting on us I do still feel kinda bad. It’ll cover my meds each month with about $25 left over to throw in savings which I mean ain’t a lot but since I don’t really have the time to focus on survey sites like I usually do it’ll be nice to not have to worry about dipping into my hysto/car savings to get things. I guess technically the copays go towards my out of pocket costs so basically I’m getting both the meds and lowering the most I’d have to pay for the hysto but ANYWAY
Having the car would’ve been nice but frankly it’s smaller than what I want and also I kinda wanna go electric so by all means, let brother #3 have it. as long as we have two vehicles atm it’s fine. It’s all paid off, has less than 50,000 miles despite being about 10 years old, has much better mpg than probably anything I’ve ever driven, and has been super well maintained so it’s a hell of a lot better than my first car, lol. I’m happy for him and also like it was his birthday on Friday so
Anyway if the budget’s $500 then I’m gonna probably look into getting a bunch of Detolfs and hacking them together and raising them so I have some storage and the lowest shelf will then not actually be on the same level as the floor, lmao. My dad suggested I wait until Xmas to get it which is fine by me, it gives me time to think about it and figure out what the hell I’m gonna do with the bookshelves they’ll replace bc I have absolutely Zero space for anything atm
They always give us money when we visit so I got $150 this time around and quite frankly I think I might look into putting that towards a new phone; mine’s got some relatively minor issues but they’re adding up and it’s getting rather annoying
BUT THEN we got a call from brother #1 who fractured his arm and is needing to get surgery so that’s happening like. tomorrow. and he’ll probably be coming back to live with us again which is. hm. Obviously he ain’t getting access to any of the vehicles but it’s just kind of A Lot going on at once. EDIT: ok he is ah. Not coming back home which I mean. is less stressful in many ways but he’s not really doing great so hhhhhh. it’s a Mess.
So let’s just say I’m super grateful this Wednesday is the one break day we get bc Good Grief do I need some time off from school. I only have one Thursday class w/nothing on Friday anyway and this last essay I need to write is due Tuesday so I’ll be DONE and can actually relax. or at least not have to worry about that on top of family drama
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barfscarf · 5 years
@stand-in-the-stars tagged me for this months ago but I’m too shy to even post on my own blog lmao
1.) Nicknames:  Honestly I don’t have one these days altho some childhood friends called me moose bc I was a big kid and would run people over when we played tackle football in the yard
2.) Zodiac Sign:  Cancer (Lunar libra, not big on astrology but I feel like I fit the stereotypes for my signs, so...)
3.) Height: 5-7
4.) Hogwarts House:  When I take the test I get Gryffindor but i swear im a hufflepuff and not just because im a huge stoner
5.) Last thing I Googled:  Bojack season 6 release date - after reblubing that bojack post I had to check how much longer I have to wait to see how it ends (4 more weeks!! aaaaaaaaaaaa ww3 will already be in full swing)
6.) Favorite Musicians:  I have odd taste,
- Fave band is Bad Religion, I loooved them when I was young but punk is too discordant for my old-ass ears now
- Fave musician is Vince Guaraldi, he composed and played piano on the peanuts sountrack and I LOVE his range, like he can play so perfectly soft and gentle and smoothly transition to rockin out like in Linus and Lucy
- Fave composer (besides John Williams who did a fucking amazing job with Rise of Skywalker): Shoji Meguro, all of the Persona game soundtracks are so damn catchy
7.) Song Stuck in my Head: Everything Stays from Adventure Time and Dear Theodosia from Hamilton, I randomly sing these to myself through the day when I’m alone and bored
8.) Following: A lot.
9.) Followers: A few.
10.) Do I get asks?: Hahahaha nope
11.) Amount of Sleep:  Lots!!  Fortunately I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn or anything, I basically just get up when daytime commotion outside wakes me up and go to sleep when I’m tired, which happens earlier and earlier bc im ollllld
12.) Lucky Number: 12
13.) What am I wearing?:  My ‘work uniform’: jeans, a black hoodie, and a bright green Zelda TShirt
14.) Dream Job:  I really like the job I have right now, actually.  I QC designs for a solar company.  The work is kind of boring, but the company is new and growing and I’m the first QC worker they hired.  Which meant I had to figure shit out as I went and it was kind of a nightmare but also really cool bc I got to design our systems and procedures and stuff.  With some luck I’ll be able to grow the team and promote to management, and that’s the dream.
15.) Dream Trip:  Okay, so my dream vacation would just be a week or two at home with no work or other obligations, just nonstop movies and shows and games.  Dream trip tho, I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland and see the aurora
16.) Favorite Food:  Pizza.  Im a fatty and i love food, and it’s really tough to pick a fave, but I worked at pizza places for yeeeaaars and I got pretty good at making the damn things juuuusssst right which is cool but it also means im hella picky about my pizza
17.) Instruments:  Piano, Bass (I like em, I can’t play em)
18.) Languages:  Just english, unfortunately.  I love learning about other languages and their histories and quirks and how to pronounce words/sounds but I struggle to wrap my mind around new ways of speaking.  I have so much respect for people that speak multiple languages y’all have way bigger brains than me
19.) Favorite Song:  Vince Guaraldi’s version of “Fly Me To The Moon”, “Beyond Electric Dreams” by Bad Religion, and “The Ol’ Beggars Bush” by Flogging Molly
20.) Random Fact:  The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.  Wait, is it supposed to be about me?  One of my front teeth is an implant bc I lost the real one when I took an elbow to the face playing field hockey in high school gym class
21.) Aesthetic:  I put xmas lights up last month and i might never take them down
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writingwitchly · 6 years
A matter of… toe?
Can I ask for a oneshot with Sirius with the convo: B: You got a new lip balm? A: Yeah. It smells like strawberries too! Want to smell? B: Sure! *walks closer to kiss her/him* A: *just as B is few inches away* *pulls out the balm in front, making it cover B's nose* Please!! Love you😘 ~ @miss-nerd0905
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 4,1k 
AU: Where the biggest concern sare late Xmas shopping and love. So no war, but still wizards. 
A/N: I will not rant about my writing bc it’s Xmas… Vase Darling, I hope you like it!! I wanted this to be vv Christmassy for you!! tbh, I didn’t fully stick to the prompt (this might be veryyy different from what you expected), but the lip balm’s there lol. Have a jolly holiday!
Like every December 23rd, you type Lily’s number on the phone, and hum a jolly tune as the dial tone echoes in your ear.
Ever since you’ve moved on your own in London, going late Christmas shopping with your best friend has become a tradition. Together, you go from shop to shop, searching even the most unknown and hidden ones, to get the most perfect gifts for your friends. And, modestly, you nail every single one, to the point where everyone in your circle of Christmas guests call you the “jingle bell rocking team.”
You let your eyes wander on the gray sky outside through the window, and make a mental note of bringing your scarf along, right as a click announces that someone has picked up the call.
You were going to scream at your friend in excitement to hurry up, but something in the voice that answered makes it… not hers. It’s deep and raucous.
A crack, then a pause. Some air faintly blows in the mike, and you perceive that the phone must be moving.
“Y/N?” Now, you do recognize Lily’s voice. Although it still sounds off. And nasal.
“Y/N…” A cough echoes in the background, so the owner of the other voice must still be in proximity.
“Um… Are you okay?” You risk the stupid question, dreading the obvious answer.
“Well,” She tries to laugh, but her lungs seem to resist the act. “Not really. I… James managed to pass me his flu, this year. But don’t worry, I’ll wear some additional coat and we’ll still go, I’ll be there in-”
Her boyfriend protests in the back, but is stopped by another wave of coughing.
An “oh” escapes your throat, longer than you wanted it. “It wouldn’t be wise to go shopping, if you’re in that state, Lils.” For a moment, she seems to hesitate, so you add, “We want to have you guys whole and in perfect shape for the Christmas Eve party.”
You hope your regret isn’t too evident in your tone.
“James wants to make it alive until then, he’s planned a little fly dressed all in red and whi-”
The raucous voice resounds in the background, clearly irritated, and Lily laughs again, “Seems like I’ve ruined the surprise. Don’t tell anyone,” She giggles again. “Um- Sorry to leave you alone on that.”
“Uh?” Imagining James flying, dressed as Santa Claus, has made you forget anything else for a couple of seconds. “Oh, you mean the shopping. Don’t worry,” You’re not sure the last two words sounded very convincing, but you still continue, “I’ll ask someone else to come. Maybe Dorcas.”
“Er- Her and Mary have choir rehearsal for the fundraising,” Lily reminds you.
The sky outside seems to become a little darker.
“Shoot. Remus then.”
“You know that today-”
“He works until late. And Marlene’s at her family’s until tomorrow.” You bite your lip, “Peter?”
“Is it grocery shopping you plan to do?”
Peter and his love for Christmas sweets… He’d stop you at every corner to get a new type of candy.
But you erase that possibility on your own: he isn’t one to walk the whole day around looking for funny socks or the perfect make up set.
You sight in exasperation. This is why it’s always Lily and you who take care of the holiday shopping.
Half as a joke, half out of desperation, you suggest, “Dumbledore?”
There is a loud snort -- which sounded more like a snore -- surely from James, and then Lily mutters something that you can’t hear.
Shuffling in the background.
“I- James says- He says that you should probably ask Sirius to come.”
“Sirius?” you repeat, not convinced to have heard right. You hope you haven’t.
You’re not 100% sure, but you heard James repeat his mate’s name at the same time as you, and in the exact same surprised tone.
After a second, the man’s laughter is muffled by Lily’s hand on the mike. She tells him something, and he answers back between two sneezes, but you can’t understand anything except for ‘-toe.’
Lily’s voice comes back, “What?”
“Nothing,” you mutter, this time convinced that you have heard wrong. “So, you guys say, Sirius?”
No, no, no.
“Well, yeah. Usually, he can’t go because he takes care of James’ seasonal flu, but now I can do that…”
“Call him, Y/N, he’s your last hope. I’ll manage to take care of my boyfriend and resist the urge to hex him.”
“Are you sure that Sirius is the right guy to give advice on Muggle shopping?”
And that I won’t make a fool of myself around him?
“I- Uh…” Lily stutters, and pauses a second to hear what James has to say. “Well, if you say so, Potter.” She focuses back on you, “James is positive about it, Y/N,” Which one? The shopping thing, or the fool thing? You’d like to be sure about the latter. “And- I left some soup on the stove,  so- we don’t want the house burning down, do we. Gotta go!”
Is it you, or does her voice sound much healthier than before? “Wait, Lily-!”
“We’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
Before she hangs up, James’ voice reaches you, but very confusedly.
Again, did he say toe?
Getting Sirius to come shopping with you was easier than you thought. A call, and he apparated on the front step before you had a chance to put your boots on. Even keeping your composure in his presence is revealing itself quite easy, despite the fact that you’re alone with him for the first occasion in a very long time.
The tough stuff is making him follow you through Muggle London without losing him in the crowd.
“What about that?” you ask, eyeing a novel with a bright blue cover. It reads ‘In Love With an Idiot’, and Lily would absolutely wheeze only at the title. “Do you think that James would be offe- Sirius?” You shoot a glance behind your shoulder, only to discover that the man has disappeared again. “Oh, for Merlin’s sake.”
Struggling to hold the multiple packs under your arms, you move to the side of the pedestrian street, and climb on a bench, under the glare of an old lady. Feeling dizzy because of the bright passing scarves and hats, you lose one good minute in finding the mane of black locks that towers above the surrounding passerbys.
Completely obvious of the world around him, the boy’s observing the vitrine of a toy shop, whose sign’s colorful light reflects on his recently shaved cheeks.
“Sirius!” Your cry of frustration scares the glaring old lady away, but at least it’s successful in making your friend come back to reality.
Smirking, Sirius makes his way back to you, pushing people aside with the dozens of bags he carries, and attracting himself many dark looks.
“Afraid I’d leave you, Y/N?”
“No,” you sigh, wondering at what age Sirius has stopped growing up mentally, “Afraid to lose half of the gifts. What were you looking at?”
“Crazy how the Muggles manage to make things move without magic. There was a small train riding on its own!” His grin widens, and you have to tilt your head up to have a good sight of his childish expression.
Godric, he’s so tall. And so handsome.
Shut up, Y/N.
“But it looked quite unrealistic,” he continues, unaware of your internal dialogue, “There was no smoke.”
“It’s normal,” you say, “It works with batteries, a clever way of producing energy without-”
But Sirius craning his neck in direction of another shop stops you mid-sentence. It won’t be long until he goes off your sight again.
Merlin, he’s worse than Peter.
“No, Black, no such thing again. We’re almost done, I don’t plan on spending the night here.”
To prevent him from going away again, and prevent the lost of the dozen of bags he carries, you link an arm with his. And immediately feel your cheeks lighting up.
Thankfully, he looks away. And you badly hope it’s not because he saw you blushing.
“Nice weather,” he mutters, right as you say, “It’s freezing cold.”
Had it happened earlier, you would have laughed and argued, but now a strange tension seems to have fallen on the two of you.
“So er- those… baggeries,” he says hesitantly. “Do Muggles use them only for tiny trains or-”
You smile shyly, relieved by his clumsy attempt at building a conversation, but suddenly find yourself unable to explain anything about bagge- batteries. So you just correct his pronunciation and laugh the question away.
Something in the way Sirius looks and behaves has changed since your Hogwarts years. He is much more mature, and much less of a troublemaker. He hasn’t lost his mischievous sparkle, of course -- not even after death will he --, but he uses it more consciously.
The last time you two have been alone together before today was… three years and a half ago?
During the graduation party, you had found yourself sitting alongside the dance floor, immersed in nostalgic flashes of your school years, when Sirius had come to ask you for a dance. He saw it as only another moment of fun, but something clicked in your head when he grabbed you by the waist.
You saw memories of how you had started liking him in first year, how his sarcastic remarks were actually something you looked forward to get angry at everyday, how his lousy humor and deep sense of loyalty were his most attracting traits, how his hair falling on his eyes made you daydream.
You also saw the fact that you were about to step in the adults’ world, and maybe part ways.
So, drunk in melancholy and honeywine, you were about to tell him what you had hid for seven years in a row.
But, right at that moment, a group of girls passed by, eyeing him shamelessly and giggling like three-years-olds. It was already hard to swallow the fact that you were infatuated with the most popular guy in a range of ten kilometers, but when he asked you, in the middle of the song, if you’d mind if he invited one of them to dance, you lost your breath.
“Of course not,” you answered, surprising yourself at how easy the lie had come out of your mouth.
He had paused, looked at you for a second, and left you alone in the middle of the room to join the group of girls.
At that moment, lost in your feelings, you had seen through his: you were nothing more than a friend to him.
Some heavy darkness had engulfed you, and that had been the last time you’d accepted to be alone with him. Until today.
You have spent three years muffling your heart’s complaints under tons of good will, in the name of your friendship, and in respect for his opinion.
Caught in the worry of not being able to buy your friends their gifts, you did not think twice about it, earlier, but now…
It seems dangerous to walk next to him.
Around you, the street is getting busier of other people who, like you, have opted for a last-minute gift-search. Fake Santas shake their bells, making teens giggle, and women with babies look in adoration at them. A couple of parents hold their children by the hand, dragging them toward a house shop, while the kids clearly feel like stopping in front of a cozy bar. There is a Frank Sinatra song playing somewhere near the place at the end of the way, and the crispy notes of his deep voice fill every corner of the jolly atmosphere.
A draught of winter air caresses your face, making you shiver.
“About time to go, don’t you think?” you suggests, tightening the scarf around your neck.
“Well- De we have everything we need?” Sirius hesitates, so you start recounting the bags,
“We’ve got Marlene’s sweater, Alice’s scented candles, Kingsley’s sock set-”
“A complete,” Sirius interrupts you “collection of Queen’s best hits for James - that sucker better repay me later, this costed like one of my eyes - a maxi sized pot of skittles for Dumbledore, a horrible pair of socks for Frank, and some catnip for Minnie. Remus’-”
“Catnip?” you raise an eyebrow. “Oh please, don’t tell me you’ve-”
“No, I haven’t left the tea behind, we have that too. I just thought it’d be nice to add some catnip,” he finishes, with a big grin stamped across his face, and you roll your eyes.
“I checked everything on the  list that Lily and I have made, so we have everything. I think we can stop.”
“Are you sure?” Sirius asks, and you think you discern some deception in his words. Is it really possible that-
But your running imagination must be tricking you.
“Quite sure, I-” You slap a hand on your forehead, attracting a curious look from a seven-years-old passing by.  “I was forgetting, as always!” you claim, “We’re not done yet.”
Sirius eyes you, and you see a reflection of the little boy’s expression on his face. And maybe a brighter twinkle in his stare.
“We were forgetting about our own gifts,” you explain, to which he breaks into a snort.
“What’s the plan, then? We choose our gift, and we’ll act as if it’s a surprise on Eve’s dinner?” he asks.
You shake your head. “You choose something for me, I’ll pick something for you. No right to show the other, so-” You realize what you’re going to say, and regret it a bit. “So- It’s better if we part ways now, anyway. I have- I have to meet Mary and Dorcas for a trip to the library,” you say, raising your stare from the floor to look at him straight in the eyes.
Sirius’ lips purse in a thin line, and he nods in understanding.
You slow your pace down, and come to a halt. After a second of uncomfortable pause, you unlink your arm from his, and, for a moment, you face each other, unsure of how to say goodbye.
“See you tomorrow, then,” Sirius half-heartedly says.
“Yeah,” you respond.
The crazy thought of a hug crosses your mind, but you turn on your heels before giving in to the temptation. 
You’re already a good fifteen meters away, when his voice flies to you, “It was a nice shopping session, Y/N! Thank you!”
You swing around, and smile before the crowd swallows him.
“You tricked me.”
Zipping her golden top, Lily doesn’t deign you of a look. “I don’t see what you’re talking about, darling.”
“Spare me your terrible lying capacity, Lily. Just- Let’s set aside the fact that you’ve broken our tradition, and that I felt treasoned, but-” You run a hand on your face, looking for proper words to make you sound less lame than what you are. “You know that it’s hard for me to be in the same room as him, and you made it more awkward by setting this up.”
“I didn’t s-”
“Oh come on!” you cry, frustrated. “He was ready when I called! And you do sound like you healed very quickly.”
The decorations on the walls and the snow falling outside make Lily and James’ living room look like a gigantic snowball.
“I- Ok, I’m not as sick as I was yesterday morning, but… I th-”
“You have no right to play the matchmaker, Lily... You know very well how much I struggled to make the pain go away!”
“The both of your are so much more mature recently.”
“So? I can’t make him fancy me, if he doesn’t want to! No matter if he gets as mature as Remus.”
“You’re so stubborn, Y/N! If you don’t try, you’ll never get anything!”
From the doorframe, James chuckles, “Take me as an example: I managed to date my fierce redhead after seven years of-”
“James!” you both scream, and the man raises his hands in defence, going back to drinking his medicinal tea. He can barely stand up, wrapped in the tons of coverts that are supposed to protect his fragile health from yet another cold, but he wouldn’t miss your discussion if he got paid for it: you get better than his favorite telenovellas, when you’re in that mood.
“If you ever tell him any of this-” you look at him, menacing.
With his mouth full of the infusion, James mimics somebody promising, and then walks out of the room, in look of a more peaceful environment. He does that every time he senses the storm going toward him.
“All I want is you to be happy, Y/N. I swear you need to be blind not to notice that Sirius likes you.”
“I’m- Please, don’t make it harder, Lily. I appreciate your encouragements, but I worked hard on making these feelings disappear, and-”
“We both know you still like him, Y/N. How many times will I have to tell you.” She rolls her eyes. “I am going to get you two together before this New Year, or I’ll rename myself Gertrudis. And you can’t change my mind.”
With nothing to answer to that, you sigh, only waiting for the moment when you’ll get to call your best friend Gertrudis.
“Nothing better than a sweet gathering with friends for Christmas,” Remus says as he pops the bottle of honeywine open. Behind him, the fire cracks in the chimney.
From across the living room, Frank, his arm around Alice’s shoulders, laughs, “You say that every year, Rems.”
Kingsley comes in the scarred boy’s defence, “It’s worth repeating, Longbottom. Anyway, I’d rather hear Remus say it a thousand more times than to have to listen to James’ drunk jokes at the end of the meal.”
The mentioned boy fakes a pout, and Sirius, who’s lying on the floor at his feet, plays with a red cap, that will be useless this year: Flying Santa Potter Show has been moved to next year, because of ‘health issues’, to Peter’s great regret.
“I wonder how you’re still sneezing enough to make that whole building fall down, James, while Lily’s wearing a mini skirt.” The bitterness in your voice can only be understood by James, and by his girlfriend. “From how she sounded on the phone yesterday, she was about to die.”
At those words, Lily gets out of the kitchen, followed by Dorcas, and shoots you a smile, “Onion soup does miracles on me,” she winks, and turns toward the man spread on the carpet, “Sirius, please be a sweetheart, and give Y/N a hand to bring the rest of the starters on the table.”
And here we go again.
Noticing your annoyed groan, Marlene slightly smiles.
“I hope the floor’s clean,” she murmurs to Lily, “Because I have that feeling that we’ll have to pick the starters up from the tiles. What did you do to piss her off?”
“Just wait,” the redhead whispers back, “And you’ll see.”
In the background, Celestina Warbeck threatens to drown you all in a cauldron full of hot love.
Sirius is handing you some plastic plates, on which you lay tiny canapes. The only reason that prevents you from dropping them on the floor in vengeance is their very appetizing look. And the fact that you’ve spent hours dressing them.
The soft buzzing of conversation coming from the living room warms your heart: having friends like yours is the highlight of your life. Ruining the mood by confronting romantical feelings to just friendship would be… awfully wrong.
“Any plans for New Year’s Eve, Y/N?”
Sirius smiles at you from the other side of the table, a plate full of mini croissants in each hand. “Do you have plans for New Year’s Eve?”
You tilt your head. “Just- our usual gathering. Why?”
The man shrugs. “Maybe you wanted to do something different, I don’t know.” And he grins again. “You tell me, if you want some change, okay?”
Perplex because of his strange request, you come back in the core room of the party a little distracted, sensing that something is weird.
You scan your friends’ faces, but don’t notice anything out of place, so give up  your strange presentment.
Soon, it’s time to unwrap.
As everyone discovers their gifts -- and shares drunk jokes, much to Kingsley’s dismay -- you step in a corner, holding a pink package in the palm of your hand. The ribbon itself is bigger than the box.
“What is it?” Sirius’ sudden presence behind your back makes you start.
“What do you mean, what is it?” From the corner of your eye, you notice Lily staring at you, and then whispering something in James’ ear. “Didn’t you buy it?”
The man scratches his neck. “I’m not the best at choosing Muggle gifts, let along for a girl. So I asked the salesgirl to give me the cutest item she had and-” He points to the half-unwrapped box in your hands. “I’m about to discover what it is at the same time as you.”
His breath on your neck makes your fingers tremble, but you rip the remnants of colorful paper off the present, and reveal a-
“Lip balm?” you ask, surprised.
Sirius only nods, with half a smile. “Looks like it.”
Carefully, you extract the round container from the wrapping, grinning at how cute it is, indeed. You delicately brush a finger on the surface, and press it to your lips.
“Mmm… It smells like strawberries!”
“Really?” Sirius casually steps closer to you.
“Uh- Want to smell?” you ask, trying to remain composed.
You were about to pass him the container. You were about to. 
But, under your unbelieving stare, Sirius leans forward, until he’s only inches apart from your mouth, and closes his eyes.
A little lamp lights up in your head: that something that was wrong when you exited the kitchen, James’ repeated mention of a ‘toe’ during yesterday’s call… Right above your head, you see it.
It happens all so fast, that you can barely register your own movements.
“You what?”
Lily, shivering in her skirt, is gaping at you. She ran after you as soon as you left the apartment in a hurry, and managed to catch you right as you were exiting the building.
“I panicked” You cry, still shocked yourself, and starting to feel like the dumbest person ever, ever, ever.
Your best friend blinks very slowly. “You- Are you doing this to make me lose the bet? Because that’s the only explanation I will accept, Y/N!”
The scene repeats itself endlessly in your mind as the snowflakes sprinkle your hair. Sirius, centimeters away from your lips. The balm suddenly put in front of him, covering his nose. His surprised look. Your run away.
“I don’t know, I-”
“You don’t know?” Her eyes clearly say ‘I’m about to kill you if you don’t give me a good reason for leaving the perfect romantical scene out of the blue’.
“Listen! If I wasn’t sure that he now thinks I’m the most idiotic fool in this world, I’d run back upstairs and kiss him right where I left him!” you scream.
You hope that none of the neighbors had planned to go to bed early.
“Glad you would-” A voice comes from an open window, three floors above. A pair of large glasses is looking down at you, surrounded by all your friend’s faces.
“James! Fucking get inside, don’t make your flu even worse!” shouts Lily.
“- because,” her boyfriend ignores her, “I doubt he’d be happy to have ran down the stairs for nothing!”
Right as he finishes his sentence, the building’s door opens, and lets out a very confused Sirius. Quickly, Lily disappears inside.
The world stops spinning, and you lose the capacity to breathe. Your knees threaten to give up under the weight of the tension that installs itself on your shoulders.
Merlin, if I could die right on the spot.
“I’m sorry if I-” Sirius takes a step forward, but stops right away, and lowers his head. “It was stupid of me, I’m very sorry.”
Seemingly unable to distinguish between what happens in your head, and what you’re actually doing in this moment, you walk toward him.
“What do you mean, you’re sorry?” The temperature of your cheeks climbs up vertiginously, and it costs you an incredible effort to articulate. “I’m the one who ran away.”
And you’re standing in front of him, close enough to see the grey of his eyes reflecting the streetlamp light.
“I like you a lot, you know.” His soft whisper knocks the air out of you. “I think I’ve liked you since Hogwarts, but I was too busy being a jerk to notice it.”
Before the moment has a chance to vanish, like a dream, you reach for his lips with yours, standing on your tiptoes.
As Sirius wraps his arms around your waist and deepens the kiss, you can hear the dance of the snowflakes, chorusing with the beating of your hearts. Your breaths become the same mist, and your bodies tell the same story. The story of two young people in love.
Above your heads, a green branch has been fixed with some tape from a windowsill of the third floor, and is gently being hugged by the breeze.
“Look at those two,” Winter seems to whisper, “Finally kissing under the mistletoe.”
Permanent tag list: @miss-nerd0905 @funnymrspotter @daytodayfun @electraheart-isdead @laurenslines @rochelle-the-ravenclaw @wildfire-whizbangs @beaubcxton @reggieblck
Sirius tag list: @glitteryfreakslimeegg @janhvi11
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rhodesmystery · 6 years
what is the rough timeline of natasha and charlie relationship? i love your fics and how its like little peeks into the development of it all and how it doesnt rely on them being together ll the time its lovely
HM HM HM okay let’s see... like i guess the thing is that ultimately is written for charlie and what i’ve done for natasha is being their own person is rly integral to them? like charlie grew up in a house where at any period of time, nine ppl were living under the same roof? like he didn’t have much time to himself that he literally upped and moved to romania lmfao. and natasha like, one day i’ll remember to post her family tree, but she’s in the same boat in a way, especially when her family moves from america full time. then she’s suddenly thrown into a household with all her extended family. they need to be their own people first, and i mean that independence does hurt communication and the needs of not just themselves but others as well and i guess that’s why i wrote the long walk for their relationship to finally find that point where they were like. yes. where their lines finally crossed over and stayed crossed over, instead of simply running parallel and sometimes moving in but barely touching?
this got long so under the cut
they do meet in first yr bc the game is LYING that such a SMALL CLASS POST-VOLDY wouldnt exist like a literal baby boom happens post voldy dying but the current kids around would honestly be rly small groups? hogwarts would be so EMPTY REAL TALK everyone also afraid to let their kids go to school
natasha asks for slytherin, should've been ravenclaw. much distress, and first yr in between running around with the vault of ice kind of finds her spending a lot of time in the towers and stuff. she likes high places. 
this gonna sound bad but i dont rly remember much of the 1st yr of hphm apart from not sealing the vault properly, but anyway natasha and charlie were friends anyway that mattered and natasha wasn't a very good slytherin for befriending a gryffindor AND a weasley
second yr is kind of the time where she meets bill and like on the one hand is a little infatuated with him but they are rly good friends at the end of the day. she pulls away from charlie a bit bc of it but then again i figure around this stage charlie has started his crusade of entering the forest in some respects so like. he’s not even on the grounds half the time lbr. also, i dont remember much of this yr either a lot happened. but the ice knight was there.
third yr aka vault of fear! again, with the bs, i think natasha knew of everyone PRIOR to their intros and stuff so they’re all kind of good friends but ig this is also just my thing of like. small classes post war. even with the attempt at animosity between houses, especially post war, kids probably aren't going to do. that. and i know slytherin is all death eater kids basically but most of them are probably orphaned too by the end of the war. theyre all scared ANYWAY social circle expanding... idk this yr was a ride too i remember it a little bit more than the others ig. idk what happened here rly
OKAY SO FOURTH YEAR RIGHT that’s when it’s literally a year of dating charlie in game but whatever. so going from literally spending only classes together and maybe like the one christmas if bill and charlie stayed in the castle at the same time, natasha and charlie did talk and were friends but it was on the down low towards the end of third yr. until it wasn’t bc literally all the scheming to get into the forest and mr charlie ‘i asked my brother a million questions about you over the summer’ weasley just rolling up. and theyre in each others spaces A Lot which is kind of wild for the both of them considering they’re both from large families and personal space is A Thing™ they both really need but their friendship really deepens this year. they’re very honest with each other, and whilst bill is natasha’s best friend just because of how they click, her and charlie have this understanding between them that it’s hard to get between.
except fifth yr comes along and smacks everyone in the face. natasha finds out what puberty is over the summer, along with a prefect badge. charlie also has a bit of a growth spurt around this time, so they’re awkward and lanky around each other early on. natasha also dates myron wagtail during her fifth yr, as well as esther szohr and a couple of other ppl here and there. she’s all giggly and twirling hair and I'm so sorry charlie she just hasn’t noticed you at this stage. but it’s not rly a good year for her, mentally all around, so don’t feel too bad ig.
sixth yr she’s getting tired(er) and lightly dates other people as well. broke up with myron over the summer, and like. has started to see charlie in another light, kind of? but at the risk of ruining her friendship, madly writes to bill most of the time about ‘how do i get your brother to notice me????’ because communication is key and natasha doesn’t actually know what it is. she’s also named captain of slytherin quidditch team this yr, and well. ends up spending a ridiculous amount of time closer to charlie’s second great love. sees another side of him. swoons in the stands a lot. they kind of reignite their friendship as well, as it just politely simmered in the back. teach other spells. lots of touching with hands like no no wave like this... it’s very romantic and high strung and they’re dumb teenagers not sure what to do.
they mess it up over the summer between sixth and seventh yr tho. lots of kissing. some other stuff. natasha spends a bit of time with the weaselys before returning to hogwarts. hormones everywhere.
seventh year starts with them kind of tiptoeing around not knowing where they stand relationship wise, and they’re not!! good!! at talking!! so it’s like a big drawn out game of whispers to figure out who said what but it breaks off bad and natasha cries a lot and charlie feels awful too and they’re mopey and shit for a while. like they can’t be in each other’s spaces for a while that they kind of completely withdraw to their own houses sort of thing. eventually, with a few helpful nudges and stuff, they at least talk to each other but don’t know if the friendship is there. 99% sure penny was ready to amortentia the both of them to ‘fix things’ and also just to prove she could do it. also probably didnt help that barnaby and a few other slytherins jumped charlie and quidditch team as 1) for natasha but also 2) for quidditch and that also really prompts natasha and charlie to talk because they rly cant let ppl do it for them lol
same year still, but as things start to improve and they can somewhat pick up their old banter without getting sad, bill invites natasha over for xmas because he’s actually given it off. never mind that in between all this, natasha took to writing to myron again, which just. not nice natasha jfc. natasha and charlie enjoy an incredibly awkward trip back with some UST, kiss again in the spot where they pretty much shared their first kiss, refuse to talk about the kiss, natasha buys charlie a new wand, they try to talk about it but its mostly natasha apologising for being a brat.
theyre still not back ‘on’ though, and have some make outs in locker rooms anyway, to the both of their confusion. are they ever going to talk? no. UNTIL ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and natasha’s not good at words but she’s good at actions and yknow what? fk it. slytherin might’ve won the quidditch cup, but when she landed in the middle of the pitch, and charlie reached out to shake her hand, she grabbed the front of his uniform and pulled him in for a big damn kiss in front of literally everyone, cup in her other hand. she keeps a photo of it on her at all times after that. 
i also have a fic I'm writing that was kind of before the celestial ball was announced where they organised kind of 7th yr graduation dance thing and it was going to be quiet and intimate kind of and natasha and charlie end up finishing the night together, falling asleep on a balcony and waking up with each other sort of thing lol
and that’s only ‘91. late ‘91 is when they separate for job opportunities. natasha goes to work at gringotts for a bit with bill, and charlie goes off to romania. they get a few weeks in of summer loving before, though, also post graduation celebration. but they write constantly and stuff. pursuing their own lives kind of starts to become a thing.
in ‘92, early they kind of make a vow to each other when they get a bit of time off and go to greece. its very romantic and a big step forward in commitment for them, as they don’t really see each other for the rest of the year. also, late 92 natasha starts working at durmstrang, which removes her even further from the stream of things.
early ‘93 is not a good time for charlie because of what happens to ginny and ron, so he’s not exactly in the best mindset as theres some self doubt at removing himself so much from his family, he cant be there so easily when they need him most. midway through ‘93, natasha gets attacked at durmstrang, and it takes ppl a while to actually find her. charlie spends a long ass time in st mungos beside her until she wakes up, and they reaffirm their feelings for each other when she does. natasha admits that she had called for charlie, being the last thought she had, and she creates the little runic stones for the both of them as a way of contacting each other, or just reminding them the other is there.
natasha returns to working in late ‘93, and in ‘94 they see each other again at the world cup. i know i said they took a break and ig they did but its easy for them to flirt dumbly until things go to shit with death eaters. until they punch one! and later on natasha is brought in as hired help to tutor the students brought to hogwarts, but because her ‘inside knowledge’ of the school is valuable. her and charlie hook meet up quite a bit when he’s present for the first task. also because she’s hanging around for the entire year, she is there for the yule ball and stuff. lots of writing to charlie like do you remember when we danced? so romantic.
idk what happens in ‘95. i haven't planned anything. same for ‘96. short of natasha going to romania to visit charlie a few times, and how her work ends up bringing her into the ministry a bit. its not the same kind of cooling off as hogwarts where they question the relationship, but apart from letters they dont really see each other.
in 97 however!!!!! bill and fleur’s wedding and like. they spent a bit of time apart again, so natasha puts on her best to impress her boy. and charlie wants to propose but also because he’s totally smitten by the idea of making it real between them as a proposal via ribbon only does so much lmfao. and they get interrupted! and separated for quite some time actually. natasha ultimately returns to her family, for the larger part of 97 she's working with them as they deal with the fact her grandfather made a deal with death eaters, and that her ancient family history is coming back to bite them in the ass. like i know in the books they say charlie went around recruiting foreign wizards but thats so HANDWAVEY of jkr yknow? granted she never rly sounded like she knew what to do with charlie apart from shipping him off to romania. I'm sure he went to romania like YO we cant let this happen come with me when it mattered, but you’ll have to fight me to convince me he wasn't with his family for a large part of the story, and that he wasn't doing underground work and stuff in the mean time (you can’t change my mind)
in 98 though everything goes to hell for natasha’s family and she, in a moment of panic, calls for charlie. and he literally runs to her, and they both nearly die for it, but like he finally sucks up the courage to ask her, for realsies, if she would marry him. its been like 10yrs of will they wont they for them and only so many bets can be placed. 
they get married late 98, and i know i never quite decided on smth big or intimate, but i think i’m happy with a ‘they had a big damn wedding and it was ridiculously opulent and flowery for autumn where you would’ve thought it was spring sort of thing. or maybe even something blissfully wintery. they’ve moved out of their summer romance phase, where it only came around for a few weeks at a time. relationship development. 
DO THEY HAVE KIDS I CANT DECIDE i guess the eldest would be born some time in 99? and then from there a general progression lmfao but YEAH
also in regards to like the celestial ball i understand why the canon characters weren’t involved, but i’m just smad. barnaby was rly cute though so... THERE YOU HAVE IT ANYWAY
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annyaforger · 3 years
Omg ahsgsgz I'm so sorry that happened to you the first time you tried to respond. It's no problem though, technology happens, life happens.
I hope genshin gets that switch release soon, I know lots of people without a a pc, ps, or Xbox have been waiting for it!
I'm also really shy and rarely do co op. I don't do co op with randos bc I am afraid. But I like finding co op friends on social media. I love how genshin doesn't force co op on you, though. And ohh no your friend on the European server. Star-crossed genshin buddies.
Kaeya and Aether are the only free characters I use I love them ahhh. And I did get Itto, the day he came out!! You can get him from the new limited banner! Did you end up trying for Itto? He's so good! He's like my new main sry Childe.
I love winter and fall as well. It's not as great when you're far south but at least it cools down a bit. I used to live in Florida tho so I get that frustration with icky fake autumn lol.
My plans for Christmas are just a small gathering with family and for new years I usually just stay in and have some drinks on my couch haha. Do you have any big plans?
And for the end of my novel, I can't believe I didn't ask this sooner (at least I don't think I did but my memory betrays me sometimes) who is your favorite Ouran Host?? It's a personality test I swear. I feel like Kyoya bc of your pinned post but I don't want to assume! (Kyoya is my fav I'm such a stereotypical Virgo I swear)
lmao ugh i know but you know when it’s like *minor inconvenience* : *emotional meltdown* dnskks that’s basically what happened. cause nothing was working out my PS was being a piece of caca. lmao it was all so much i shut down like my laptop lmao
ugh i betttt. fingers crossed and prayer circle for that switch release this upcoming year!!! lol
being le’shy sucks lmaoooo i used to be more friendly back in the day when i was like 18-20s now it’s just hard as an oldie lmfao there’s just so many younglins and stuff and then you get judged lmao then there’s people my age but they’re super good and probably take the game so serious i just be havin’ fun. so i have yet to even try co op lmao. STAR CROSSED BUDDIES DJJSKSK yeah pretty much T_T
ugh you’re so lucky. listennnn i’ve tried the banner twice and didn’t get jack crap. i spent 15$ too lmaoooooo i be lazy to go around looking for more primogens skjakaks i was trying to get some more rn but im tired i’m going to bed i have like 12 days to get it i hope i get him i’ll fucking cry if i don’t.
ugh fckn texas lmao bipolar asf GLOBAL WARMING idk if i said that already lmaooo but in god. did i ever ask what state ur in??? and fun! i have a friend in florida.
same as u for xmas. just be with the fam. do gifts. we celebrate xmas eve tbh and just open the gifts at midnight lol. same for new years my parent’s like for us to spend the holiday with them since none of us are like married and shit idk if u know hispanic families lmfaoooo they wildin. my mom would be butt hurt if i tried spending it anywhere else
oh man idk of u asked or not? but listen yes kyoya but also tamaki LOML 😭 dmskkdk not a personality test lmaoooo did i pass? and oh lawddds a virgo? YOURE A VIRGOOOOO i got beef with virgos lmao jk just my mom’s virgo ass she crazy but she also got trauma so ? lmaodjjskakam pls im joking tho
im excited for the reveal pls wAIT DO YOU PLAY ACNH???? u should come to my wack ass island if u do lmao wait if u have a switch i just assumed bc we were talking abt it but now idk lmaosjjsjaja
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henry-hart · 6 years
The Secret Gets Out s1 ep3
Some quality Charlotte in this ep. Yay!!!!
ooh I know what happens in this one :))))
yay for that bb chenry content
Jasper just taking over the tv screen when c x h won’t watch his clip ajsklsj same
“CM’s big fail” man they do not go gentle with these video titles. really going for the throat
“Hey, look! My bellybutton!” Hen, sweetie. You need to work on your distractions 
Ray looks hella good. just saying. ;)
poor CM. his face when the news lady says, “once again escaping capture from CM.” HE’S TRYING, LADY.
“CM, isn’t it true that the phone shark has been attacking ppl’s phones for over a year now?” “Uh, yes that is true.” askjlk y does he sound like he’s on trial???
“So why don’t you catch him?” “Well, KD and I have been trying.” “But you keep failing. Doesn’t that bug you?” “Yes.” we always talk about Hen’s sass, but Ray has his snarky moments
AJSLKSLKJ JASPER BAD-MOUTHING KD AND HEN JUST STOPS DRINKING HIS DRINK AND IS LIKE, “One more time???” like, the pg version of “tf did you just say???”
“Just saying, I’d be way better at catching bad guys than KD.” “You couldn’t catch butt warts!!!!” Hen u couldn’t be anymore obvious if you tried aksljsjksjl 
“Why are you getting all mad?” “Because Jasper’s being unfair, and I think it’s unfair to criticize m--that...that KD guy when he’s probably doing the best he can. And people should be fair. Fairness. I’m pro-fair.” THAT’S RIGHT BB. U DEFEND YOURSELF. YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST AND I AM PROUD OF U 
his lil pouty face after he gives his little speech is TOO CUTE
can I just say, once again, s1 Hen is the cutest thing ever 
@jace how were u this cute at 13??? I didn’t even look human when i was that age aksjlksj
Pipes blackmailing Jasp with that cup song video alksjslksj (no wonder her parents assumed it was her who was arrested in that xmas ep lolol)
“I NEVER DID THAT!!!! Why would I do that? I NEVER DID THAT!!!!”
Pipes just shoved Hen out the way to sit on the couch aksljslk
Henry didn’t put up much of a fight against Piper in these earlier eps (I mean, when does he ever anyway lol).
jasp....i love u...but...that video is really cringey....
Hen telling Pipes not to put the video on line :)))) my sweet son :)))))
Piper mocking Jasper in the video alkjlsk 
“Why does your watch beep like that?” “It means they need me at work....bye!” “Wait! It’s Sunday. Junk ‘n Stuff is closed on Sunday.” “Right....I better go tell the customers.” Henry you are a terrible liar
which is expected bc he’s sweet and a mess. not a combo that makes for a skilled liar alkjslkj
“There is something up with that boy.” YAS CHARLOTTE YAS my smart/observant daughter (tho hen does make it easy with his crap excuses lolol)
“I’m so tired.” “Oh, quit whining. It was only 4 miles.” “Yeah, 4 miles there and 4 miles back!” ajkjslk poor J
“Uuuggghhh I’m gonna die.” “NOT in the house! If you’re gonna die, do it outside!” Piper does not care. at all. 
so, what??? Char’s just been chillin in Hen’s room in the dark waiting for him to sneak back in??? lolol
poor hen had a mini heart attack ajklksj
Char clearly knows. she’s just asking all those questions to hear Hen’s bs lolol
“I like your shirt.” nice try hen. it’s not working, but nice try.
Char really covered all the bases. she called the store to see if Hen was really there. girl doesn’t mess around when she’s figuring something out. r.e.s.p.e.c.t.
“You wanna know the truth? I’m a jazz musician. I don’t tell a lot of people, but secretly, I play jazz. A-a-and the only time the jazz clubs are open is late at night.” Hen...who taught you how to lie????
God, P x H are such antipodes. You have one sibling who blackmails others with embarrassing secrets to get what they want and then you have the other sibling who can’t come up with a better lie than “I play jazz late at night” aksjslk
“That’s where I was---at a jazz club. Blowing jazz. On mah horn.” i love the way he says this lol
“That’s because YOU’RE Kid Danger!” and a hush falls over the room...
Hen, make as many weird noises and mock being KD all you want. It’s not working. aksjlskj
you know, even if Char wasn’t an uber smart cookie, hen makes it unbelievably easy to figure out
“Okay, this is really big, what I’m about to tell you.” “What? That you’re KD?” “Shuuut UUUuuuUUUpppp!” akljslkj
“I’m KD.” “I know. I figured that out.” CHARLOTTE YOU ARE MY QUEEN
“I swear I’m never gonna tell anyone.” “Thanks.” “Can I tell Jasper???” “Wha---NOOOOOO!!!!”
I love the way he says this in his lil 13 yr old squeaky voice aksjlsksj 
also Char wanting to include J from the get-go :’))))
Ray was so light and cheerful in this season. he’s all “Henry, I didn’t know you were working today. Did I butt-beep you???” whereas now he’s all “YoU cAn’T bE sIcK. yOu’Re ObViOuSlY lYiNg To Me!!!!” ugh
:(((( you can tell Hen is having a hard time telling Ray that Char knows
props to him tho. i would’ve put if off until it eventually just came out at the worst time possible jakjslskj
“Can I talk to you about something?” “Uhhhh....babies come from the baby store!!!” oh Ray
“What’d you tell her?” “That I am KD.” “Ohhhh.” “You’re not mad, are you?” “No, I’m not mad.” “Oh, good.” “You’re fired.” jkalsjlk RAY YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TERRIBLE HE IS AT LYING. IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE IF HE KEPT UP THE LIE
also Hen’s face is causing me pain. he’s so sad :((((
Ray’s being so serious....I’m not used to this. 
“When trust is broken, it can never be fixed.” “Yes it can!” “Read this fortune cookie.” “’When trust is broken, it can never be fixed’....” “Let’s not argue with the Chinese.” aksjslk 
also Ray is really that next level extra. he has fortune cookies to prove his point lolol a legend
Henry listening to jazz and downing a bottle of chocolate syrup alksjslk is this the pg version of drowning your woes in alcohol???
“You’re not gonna find the answer at the bottom of a bottle of chocolate.” *takes bottle away* *Hen takes out a second bottle* “I won’t know if I don’t look.” 
my poor bb. he really thinks he’s a lousy KD
klajdkl Henry singing a sad version of the cup song
they played a cheering sound effect while he sang omg
(I remember watching a vid where Jace said he doesn’t sing and it’s “probably for the best.” aksjslkjs)
classic pouty/depressed hen laying on his couch. :((((
it’s kind of playing tricks on my mind bc i remember when he did that after he couldn’t defeat Drex, but he looked SOOOO much older in that ep lolol
Jasp having to do Piper’s chores lol
“Henry, come to the Swellview Park right now.” “Nooooo. I’m not in the mood for trees.” jaklsj it be like that sometimes
Piper: “AHHHHH!!!! HEN-RYYYY!!!” Henry: *sighs like ‘here we go again’* akjslk
I LOVE THESE PIPER X HENRY INTERACTIONS (even if it’s her yelling at him lolol)
“Is that makeup on your face???” jokes on you, Hen. you’re all wearing makeup.
i love the faces Hen makes while Piper yells. they’re great
gotta hand it to Ella. she was really committed to this part
“To a club with mah gurlsss.” PIPER NO
“Club 11″ god can u imagine a whole place dedicated to 10-11 yr olds??? i have siblings that age and it’s the worst. possible. age. ever. 
I don’t even understand them most the time. you think i would be able to considering how in tune I am with my kid side, but the stuff they do/say/like is lost on me
sorry for that sidebar
okay, Piper has a fake ID??? a fake license, a fake ID. HOW R U AND HEN EVEN RELATED???
Hen’s out here fighting crime while his lil sis is committing them akljsslkj
I love Hen’s overall indifference??? Like, he’s just like “you better hope mom doesn’t find out” he’s not threatening to tell on her. he just like “not my problem”
even when she’s yelling at him he’s like “whatever. i gotta go.” ajlskjlk I love him
j now has blackmail of his own. oh, how the tables have turned. 
Char is so awesome. instead of just feeling bad about getting hen fired, she’s out her actively trying to help him out, and she’s not doing it for him. she’s just guiding him. she leaves all the redeeming to him. what a stand up character. wow. i lover her. 
wedding crashers chenry style aljksjsl
duh it looks like the phone shark, hen. HE HAS METAL TEETH.
“Now go do CM a favor and catch the phone shark.....Kid Danger.” I squealed. we love supportive bffs here
Hen’s got that pep back in his step 
“What up with the gum?” aksjlsklsj 
I thought Schwoz made the gum???? If he did, then how does Hen have a tube with his own gum for his costume??? Ray and Schwoz are estranged at this point in the show. Schwoz doesn’t even know Ray has a sidekick let alone who Hen is, so how??? does he??? have it????
are they trying to tell me Ray made it???
i love him, but no. 
maybe Gooch??? 
I don’t know
“In sickness and in health, in fitness and obesity, as long as you both can stand it.” these wedding vows are more accurate than the traditional ones, honestly
Henry. looks. so. cute. in. his. lil. costume. like. a. baby. duck. trying. to. be. a. superhero. :)))))
okay, so phone shark guy bites phones, but why??? like, does he eat them, or does he just enjoy biting them??
homeboy is looking at hen’s phone like it’s a whole snack....so he does eat them???
i need to know. 
“Mmmmmm gotta love that new phone smeeEEeeellll.” akjslkj jace was so goofy in the earlier seasons
Charlotte......y do u have binoculars??? this is all happening ten feet in front of you.....???
omg the phone shark spun hen and his feet clocked the bride in the face ajklsjlksj
yo wedding gifts are expensive af and Hen just made the phone shark wreck all of them lolol oops
omg Hen’s lil celebration dance is so cute :))))
he. gave. CM. all. the. credit. can. u. believe. my. son. is. such. a. good. person.
“It was really my boss, CM.” “Interesting. Can you tell us more?” “.....No....” lololol
Ray’s all “you gave me all the credit” in this awed voice DAWWWWWW
y is he suited up as CM tho???
“Well everyone’s been giving you a hard time about catching the phone shark. I figured I’d help you out.” YA’LL I AM SOBBING. THIS IS THE SWEETEST BOY.OL
“Uhhhhh excuse me? I’m the one who found the phone shark.” 
TELL. THEM. CHARLOTTE. Like, who are you to go giving credit??? I’m the one who found him???
Ray doing one of those full body groans that he always does. dramatique
“Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte. What am I going to do with you?” “I think it’s pretty obvious: give me a job here! You guys need me.” GIRL YOU DON’T KNOW THE HALF OF IT.
srsly how many times does Char save their a**es??? too many times to count. hiring her is one of the best things you’ll ever do, Ray.
Char explaining how she found the phone shark and making it clear how obvious her thought process was while Ray x Hen are just like “.....”
“I called some dentists...” “We should’ve called some dentist!” “We totally should’ve!” “Then I went online...” “We should’ve gone online!” “What is wrong with us???”
if it wasn’t obvious before that you need Char, is pretty obvious now. 
“Off to my cousin’s wedding. Hope they serve phones for dessert. LOL.” “She’s good.” “She is.” COME ON GUYS. I AGREE, CHAR IS GOOD, BUT HOW DO YOU NOT PIECE ALL THAT OBVIOUSNESS TOGETHER????
Honestly, Ray getting a younger sidekick makes the most sense to me because can u imagine Ray trying to navigate social media??? or going through the internet like char did??? or hacking into anything??? No.
dude needed some gen z kids to help him out with the modern world aljskljs
“She could really help us out around here.” YOU AIN’T LYING.
“Us???” “Oh, right....you fired me.” “Well you broke the oath.” he sounds like such a pouty manchild akjslkjskj
wow hen ur already on a first name basis with your boss
i don’t know why i’m just pointing this out
homeboy was calling him Ray within a few hours ajlkjsklsj
Hen was so happy when Ray hired him back :))))))
Char: “Cough cough cough.” lolol
“What are you going to do about Charlotte???” “UUUuuuuuUUUggggGGGhhhHHH well, she knows you’re KD. She knows who I am. She knows where the Man Cave is because you brought her down here!” I laughed so hard here. poor Hen was too excited about his job well done so he just took Char into their super secret hideout akljslk
“Sooooooo what does that mean?” “That we either have to kill you, erase your brain, or give you a job.”
“I vote job.” “We can really erase her brain???” “Dude!” cuties
“Alright, she can have a job here--” *C x H celebrate* “--IF--” *C x H jump* “--she can pass the pickle test.” *C x H share similar ‘tf???’ expressions* 
BORK!!! MY MAN!!!! (i just realized Gooch wasn’t in this one)
I wish they’d give Bork more of a role. :( they just have him kind of....grunt....and that’s all.
I do like in the green finger ep where he just dumps Ray out of the shopping cart though bc same jkajlskjl (Ray was being such a baby in that ep and I would’ve done the same)
“You have to prove you’re clever enough to work for CM.” “I found the phone shark.” “Well anyone could do that.” “Not you two.” “Well, you know what--” “Okay, let’s not go there.” aksjdlkj
not gonna lie, when Ray was like, “get the pickle out” the first thing I thought of--before Char did it--was to just break the jar alkjslksj great minds think alike, Char ;)))
“How much time does she have?” “Exactly five min--” *shatters the jar* “Here’s your pickle.”
“That was Bork’s favorite jar.” pfffff
“So, wait, is Charlotte hired???” “Yeah....yeah she’s hired.”
they’re little celebratory high-five was too. cute. 
i love my smol happy bbs
Henry being all excited to show her the tubes :)))))
“Hug me.” *side-eyes him* “Just trust meee.” CLASSIC CHENRY MOMENT AJLKSJLSKJ
Piper scrubbing J’s feet lolol that’s karma, P.
another wholesome episode that left me all smiley and happy :)))))
i love early Henry. he was such a little cutie who was excited about everything
there was some GREAT Char content this ep---she was one of the biggest parts
7 notes · View notes
cookinguptales · 8 years
Oh god, I forgot to post the end of year writing meme. So here it is about a week late. I wrote so goddamn much this year. I never expected karabita fandom to just kind of. Happen. haha. It was weird going through my fics and thinking about things like good lines or good summaries. I wonder if anyone who reads the fics remember lines better than I do? It feels weird thinking about someone having a favorite fic of mine or a favorite line from one of my fics or something. After all this time, I still kind of think, like, “well, no one’s really reading/enjoying/remembering what I write” so it’s odd to think of my fics inside someone else’s head. I guess that’s what they’re for, though...
Anyway, my fics this year were full of a lot of ups and downs. If anyone wants to talk about any of them, or you have any questions or anything, it was really fun looking back through them and I’m kind of nostalgic now. lol
(under a cut bc wow this is long)
End-of-Year Writing Meme for 2016.
Total Word Count: 144,500 on AO3, but probably about 5k more if you count all the fics on Tumblr. I’m…setting aside the nonfiction. So let’s just say 150k.
Total Completed Fics: 44 on AO3, christ
Ship/character/fandom breakdown:
Just going for the ones on AO3 now, so add several more karabita Tumblr fics and and I think some danganronpa, gravity falls, muppets, and maybe SU? I can’t remember all the non-Osomatsu ficlets I wrote this year. On AO3, though, 34 Osomatsu-san fics, all karabita I think. One also contained Ichimatsu/Xmas Couple and Jyushimatsu/Homura. Two fics for Arsenic and Old Lace, both gen. Two Danganronpa fics, Ishimaru/Mondo and Gundham/Sonia. One Gravity Falls fic, Stan-centric gen. One Scooby Doo fic, gen. One Pokemon Go fic, gen. One The Final Girls fic, Vicki/Gertie. Two Muppets fics, both Bunsen/Beaker. Jeez.
Best/worst title?
Best… I had a couple I’m fond of. Probably “The Road Not Taken (Again and Again and Again)”, “Six Sips of Strychnine”, or…god, a lot of these are puns. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that some of the pun ones, like “Fowl Play” and “A Ghost of a Chance” and “The Pokemon Trade” are the best and the worst. I’m also not thrilled with “Love’s Carriers”.
Best/worst summary?
Hmm. Frankly, I don’t think I’m very good at summaries. “There is a difference between living and surviving. Karamatsu hovers between the two.” wasn’t too bad. And both “Karamatsu knows that Chibita is drunk, but it's a little hard to take the moral high road with a hand on his dick.” and “Sometimes when two men love each other very much and one man is kidnapped by some aliens and some [censored] [censored] stuff happens, a beautiful miracle is created.” made me laugh. “Sometimes Karamatsu can see the choices he didn’t make, and ones he’s sure he did.” is probably the best, though.
Worst…uh… Most of them… My summaries are so half-assed. Probably either “Chibita loves his new dog, but Karamatsu is hiding something. (Spoilers: NO, he is not a werewolf, he's just allergic to dogs.)” or “‘Write a fic where [Karamatsu] eats a salad’ That's it, that's the fic.”
Best first line?
Errr. I have a few that make me laugh. “For a long time, Karamatsu had labored under the blissful delusion that he was basically a good person.” (All’s Fair In Love and Blow Jobs), “After being attacked by a horde of vampires, being held captive in their den of villainy, and becoming a denizen of the night himself, Karamatsu understandably had to make a few lifestyle changes.” (Developing A Taste), “There were some times, some crimes, that made Velma seriously consider getting a day job.” (Fowl Play). (That one in particular makes me laugh, but I don’t think most people got the allusion.)
I also think a couple set the mood pretty well, like “It all began with Karamatsu kneeling on Chibita's floor, head pressed to wood and his wings folded tight against his back, the perfect picture of submission.” (Feathers and Favors) or “Karamatsu stared dully ahead, not entirely sure whether it was the steam or the alcohol that was making his vision swim.” (The Road Not Taken)
Honestly, I think most of my opening lines are pretty good, or at least serviceable.
Best last line(s)?
I just closed all my fic windows. ;~; Honestly, most of my last lines are more like last paragraphs, and kind of sum up the themes of the fic. They don’t always work well outside of them… But this one is probably the funniest without context.
"She really was nothing but a giant chicken.” (Fowl Play)
General questions
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I wrote far, far more than I expected I would. I wrote almost three times as much this year as I have in all the other years put together on this pseud. (Though actually, I think I did write quite a bit on another pseud last year…?)
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
I MEAN I FEEL LIKE KARABITA WAS THE DARK HORSE. I wasn’t even that into it when I started writing it!! I kind of became more comfortable writing the pairing as I went, and now I have a million ideas. I think it really was like 90% the support I got from the fandom that made me keep writing. Uh, that and personal stress. lol
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Uhh. I think Feathers and Favors is the one that meant the most to me, but I think Like Moving Parts is my favorite. It feels homey to me.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
GOD haha um probably mouth full of roses, eyes full of stars. I never, ever thought that melodramatic fic would be as popular as it’s become. It was such an experiment. I’m still not really sure why it caught on. Love’s Carriers also shocked me. I wrote both of those fics in such a short period, and I was expecting them to go largely unremarked. And then others I thought would go over well and they were basically ignored. so. Fandom is weird.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
I REALLY LIKED MY POKEMON AU but I also acknowledge that many of the best parts still remain on my hard drive. God, I need to post the rest of that fic. I guess the Pokemon craze has kind of passed, though…
Life Line, Heart Line wasn’t exactly underappreciated… I was just writing for a fandom of one and I knew it. It wasn’t shocking to me that no one read it, and it was mostly just a short ToT fic so it didn’t sting. (I…learned my lesson about writing really involved fics for minuscule fandoms after I wrote that Sleep No More fic.)
Story that could have been better?
Er… Probably a lot of them, all told. I’m really not very good at writing sex, so probably some of those especially.
Sexiest story?
I…guess probably the sexy rent fic, haha. Though again, I think a lot of the best parts of that are still on my hard drive.
Saddest story?
Errrr… Probably Little Ghost, Little Ghost or the zombie ficlets. Both of them that involve dead halves of my OTP and the other half coping badly, essentially. Or The Devil At The Crossroads, because that one involved suicidal ideation.
Most fun?
Probably the Muppet fics! It’s a fun canon. Or, oh my god, that silly, stupid Scooby Doo fic. I loved it, people loved reading it, it was stupid. It was really fun haha.
Story with single sweetest moment?
Uh.. Frankly, I think I specialize in sweet moments, so this is a bit hard for me. The confession scenes at the ends of Like Moving Parts and Feathers and Favors stand out, but I think most of my readers would pick other moments, lol.
Hardest story to write?
Emotionally, it was Feathers and Favors. I…cried a lot while I wrote that. It touched on some very personal parts of my life. Love’s Carriers probably required the most research. I had to walk to florists haha. The Arsenic and Old Lace fics fought me a lot, largely because of election angst, which is why I ended up writing two. I’m relatively happy with Six Sips, though.
Easiest/most fun story to write?
I had fun with basically every single monster one, hahaha. I have such a type. Paradoxically, I think that Feathers and Favors was also one of the easier ones to write. I wrote so much in such a short period of time, because it just flowed really well. I guess writing it was kind of therapeutic.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
Honestly, I think I thought a lot more about gag characters than is really right or proper this year. My perceptions changed a lot, and I came to love both Chibita and Karamatsu even more. (Which…is what happened to me when I wrote Beaker last year…)
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Uhh… I mean… I wrote a lot of short, weird little fics this year, but largely in a fandom where I mostly knew I’d have an audience. (But I did worry a lot about alienating said audience, especially after they got used to fluff from me.) The zombie ones were outside of my comfort zone, but everyone was writing zombies so it wasn’t that much of a risk. The Road Not Taken actually was a risk; it was one of my first Osomatsu-san fics and I had no idea how it’d be received.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
I don’t know… I’d like to finish a few of the karabita WIPs I have on my hard drive, but… It does kind of seem like the fandom for the pairing is dying off, doesn’t it? I still have a lot of stories to tell, but maybe soon I’ll have no one to tell them to… So maybe one of my goals should be finding a new fandom, too, huh? I tend to hunker down when I find a pairing I really like, but I often stay long after the audience has moved on, which just leads to frustration. Sometimes I look at the karabita AO3 tag and feel kind of embarrassed because I’ve written such a large percentage of the fics that are there, like maybe I’ve glommed onto something dumb too much? But it’s been one of the few fun things in a terrible year, so oh well, whatever. Still, branching out a bit couldn’t hurt.
I’d also like to write more of my ideas for original fic, though I’ll admit I find that very… large. My origific ideas have a habit of getting away from me, and then they’re too big and I get overwhelmed and set them aside. I should probably give them a chance to grow, though. I have so many f/f ideas, and the world needs more f/f origific.
9 notes · View notes
thefutureisu · 5 years
xxiii - “P”
it’s been days, but i am still quite pissed with this one guy whom I’ve talked to for almost a month.
so we matched on bumble during his bday (which i just learned later on that day) anw i was talking to a lot of ppl then, and i didn’t give him much attention……? but turned out he was an art guy /and I’m a sucker for art ppl duh/ so ayun i was asking stuff
then turns out it was his bday??? and i got intrigued bc if it was other ppl, first thing that they’ll say is HEY it’s my bday greet me, or whatever
anw i said lets switch to tg since i wasn’t that much keen on opening bumble na much bc i feel guilty of the ppl i stopped replying to (hey I’m trying 2 be better)
THEN to my surprise, he invited to call. i was dreading it at first. i dont want another “S" mishap. but then i agreed bc i felt lazy in typing na ren, but i told him first if he was sure bc I’m fucking awkward w calls, i can’t get my charming self out w calls lmao
anw, ff to three week, we were calling almost every night. like even when he was at parties, or w his friends he called pa ren. BUT it was nothing, just yknow normal talking?? wait HOLD UP, i feel kinda oa bc when we were talking, he was always keen to call. like ill try to say i might not b able to then he’ll say aww or aw ok or basta after i say no, ill feel bad. i seldom left him on read at times BUT he was often double texting me, which was nice. he actually reminded me of S at times, he was an open book too. he shared a LOT haha, even sent me lots of photos.
SPEAKING OF S, they know each other!!!!!! they were classmates b4 wtf. smol world tlaga, dude. he asked kasi how i knew S, then i told him a bit of what happened. anw, w this guy. he seemed ok? nice. we had a lot of common in music and films and fash0wn and he was basta okay lng.
plus he was convenient to talk to. madalas nga i was the one sleeping on him lmao. like he really helped me sleep sum nights. he was ok w him talking the whole time, which was half great..? i was often tired w work thts why i didn’t share much (plus he was a stranger) wait HAHA his name is really long so he has this card-related nname that also begins w an ’s', but ill just call him P (his other name).
there was one time pa nga when our call reached 10 hours. tangina, idk how i stayed up that long. from 8ish until almost 7 am. that was both our longest HAHA WTF 10. both xmas celebs, we called din. which was weird since it was xmas. but this is what’s bothering me. last time we called, it was ‘k naman. i was kinda drunk kaya i dont really remember…………….thts why I’m slightly bothered baka i said something not nice ???
after that call, he didn’t messg much na. i did, i sent him a meme vid but our talk “down spiraled”, which ended up in me being super irritated cause he said that i was overthinking stuff again, like i did it often (i mean i do) but i dont think he was at the place where he could say it na? like we weren’t in that place yet. his choice of words were really offensive i swear. so i told him he was an ahole, then after non he was replying na lang w one words. he didn’t even apologize, sarap manapak.
anywaaaaay, new yr i greeted him. he greeted back. being such a ppl pleaser, i was irked that he had the audacity to be like that when he was the one who did “something” to irritate me.
but i still asked, like after NY. i said sumthin like "hey whats w the sudden change etc etc did sumthing happen" ganon TAS HAHAHAHA DO U KNOW WHAT HE SAID? he said no nothing happened, he just can’t reply much because he’s been talking to someone else na lmao
i mean ok???? but the way he said it, it was in a v apologetic tone!! it had the same energy w “um I’m not tlking to u anymore bc i have a new one now” i was so offended, it was like i was bitch slapped!!!
eh kasi naman hahahaha we were just friends-ish. but parang iba to him, i mean he could’ve laughed and said hey cha i have a kalandian now but yea whats up w you na, ganon. idk iba kasi tlaga pagkakasabe nya sksjddjdkdkdk like he turned me down ganon.
i was trying 2 b “friends” legitimate haha i have other friends whom i made na at bumble, & i thought ganon den so i replied "what??? haha i thought i offended u kasi kaya i asked, anw gl (good luck)" tas he seened me ????? sayang oras ko sa’yo, P. sayang puyat ko sa’yo lmao i should’ve slept. ass.
& the thing thats been bothering me is his SUDDEN change. ugh boys. it’s quite scary hahahah to trust ppl. maybe he got scared na i invited him on art fair lol i remem inviting him sa last call. maybe he thought i was asking him out….,,,,,,,,,eh i invited him bc i have free tix from my comp & all my friends have weekend jobs tas art stud sha so it was convenient bc he’d be able to “get it” i mean the stuff there. lol ewan, basta he changed agad, kay parang i was super surprised. one min, he’s like this tapos biglang BAM ok bye
0 notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What happens to your insurance once you get married?
I am currently under my parents insurance (I am 21years old), both for car and health/dental. My fianc has no insurance because his family cannot afford it. We are thinking about getting married this summer but want to figure out the details first before we committ to anything. I was wondering, once we get married what happens to my current insurance? Are we going to have to purchase our own insurance? And if so is there any marriage packages that would be pretty low budget? Thanks!""
Which car would insurance be higher on?
Hi, I'm 16 and I'm getting my first car. I've saved up a chunk of money to make the down payment and 2 or 3 of the monthly payments (my parents are paying for the rest). I've narrowed it down to 2 cars of about the same price. A 2004 MiniCooper and a 2005 mustang (v6). My parents will be paying for my insurance so I was hoping you could tell me which one would have a lower rate so I could make it easier on them? I already know it's going to be high because I'm a teenage driver so whatever helps really. A mustang is kind of, sort of, sports car-ish (I'm not big into cars people, ignore my ignorant terminology) so I figured that would have an effect on the insurance. On the other hand, a minicoop is very small and I don't believe they're made in the U.S like a mustang is so parts and stuff would be higher if I'm correct? Thank you very much for any help!""
Insurance company messing me around!?
I had my car vandalised and have rang my insurance company. They said my car is written off although the paint and the back screen was only damaged. I was told my car value is only 800 and the excess is 600. Which i did not agree to, last week we came to an agreement of 1,100 for the car and 300 excess I rang yesterday to confirm that my cheque is on the way and they said 650. That they made a mistake about my excess is there anything I can do??? Im completely stuck. Ive been fully comp for the last 3 years and never claimed or never had an accident. But due to two ball less boys im stuck without a car and being pushed around like a doll. Please help!!!""
Car insurance (uk)?
If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?
Which part in california is the safest place to live?
and which part in california is cheap and afforable to live ??
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers in NJ?
17 yr old driver male extra cost cost per year on parents insurance?
Can an 18 year old/college student stay on parents auto insurance?
I'm 17 (turning 18 in 8 months) and my parents are extremely hesitant about letting me get a car because of the insurance going up. I'm testing for my license in a few weeks (After almost two years of them putting it off...) I'll be getting a safe, four door car, probably a 2001 Chevy Malibu. I'll get the good grades discount, and i already took a defensive driving course online which will get me another 10% off, and I have a steady job and decent savings account and would be able to pay them the difference in insurance every month. They still aren't going for it. So first question, anyone have some tips for me to get them to cool down about this? I'll be taking college classes at our local tech while I'm still in high school, and then I'll be going to that school full time after graduation. My parents work opposite shifts and can't take me to all my classes constantly. I need a car, not just for independence, but for practicality. That brings me to my second question, once I turn 18 and am a full time college student, will I still be able to be on their insurance? Will that change if I move out? Thanks!""
California parent trying to decide whether to purchase/register car in California vs. Arizona?
I live in California and my child goes to college in Arizona. I am trying to decide if I should buy / register the car in California (and have her under my policy - lower policy cost) OR buy/ register the car in Arizona (under her own name - to minimize my liability. We've been checking Craigslist and within our price range, the cars in California have much higher mileage and more expensive than cars in Arizona. What are the pros and cons of both options?""
Car Insurance Help! (PLEASE HELP)?
Ok So im 17 soon, This is the car i wont.......... 2000 Reg, Augi tt 1.8L Quattro 2door [225] Coupe It costs about 3000, But the insurance qoutes on the internet are about 13000-22000 a month!!!! Its a 3000 pound car, What shall i do? how can i make it cheaper For this car or is there anything i can do so that if i get in an accident i get no money or my cars not paid for, id do that aslong as i saved money.... Also, If you know any other cheap cars, that are sporty looking the this one and look nice.... Link them, Any good help i will donate 5 Over paypal...... Thank you x""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance? My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Car Stolen with Keys - Insurance Claim Issue?
Hey guys need some help My partners car was stolen last night and we have just noticed this morning The keys to said car was in another car (within a handbag) parked beside the stolen car what has happened is the car with handbag in it was broken in to, handbags were raided, found keys to the car beside and it was then driven off with What way will insurance see this? I know if the keys for car are left within that car and its stole most insurers dont pay out but what way might this situation pan out??? any advise greatly appreciated""
Will my inusrance go up with a speeding ticket?
The other day i was driving and got pulled over for going 80 on a 65. i live California. I am 19, a student, and this is my first ticket ever. I was wondering if my insurance would go up. i wanted to hide it from my parents, if insurance goes up then i wouldnt be able to hide it. Also, anyone know what it would cost me? If i do driving school to erase it, would it still make insurance go up?""
Home insurance?
im looking for some insurance that will mean if either my fiancee or i die our house will be paid off in full (this way our kids have a home) im still quite young (38) any one know any good companys to get a quote with?
Single girl needs answer about car damage and insurance vs. out of pocket?
I was driving my father's car on a narrow, snowy city street and clipped (knocked off, really) the mirror on a parked car (a Nissan). I left my name and number and the owner ...show more""
move over law NC; how many points on insurance?
over xmas break i was pulled over under the move over law . i had never heard of this law and was very shocked when i received a $250 ticket (plus court costs) for it. i slowed down but appearently this isnt good enough because there werent other cars around to stop me from getting over. my question is this: does anyone know how bad this is on insurance (the equavilent charge)? i dont have any points on my license so hoping it wont be too bad. that being said, should i just call the insurance and ask? would it be worth fighting the charge? any advice/knowledge would be greatly appreciated! thanks!!""
Car insurance payment?
I would like to get the car insurance for my used car, and it is my first car. If I buy the insurance for 6 months, should I pay all the 6 months insurance at one time, or pay month by month? Thanks.""
Can i drive a car if the insurance is under another name?
Hi, I just got my license and as a teen car insurance is INCREDIBLY expensive. I was wondering if it was legal for me to drive my sisters car. She lives at a different address from me and the insurance is under her name. So if i crashed the car or anything would the insurance still cover it?""
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Should I get a 1988 944s Porsche?
I am 16 years old and selling a 99 dodge durango. Someone has offered to trade a 1988 944s Porsche and am very interested. I am also very worried about how much it will cost to maintain this car and how much insurance will cost. Also when I look at the car should I be looking for any specific problems? Thanks
What are the steps to obtain medical insurance?
I used to have peachcare,but my parents said something happened to it and I don't have insurance anymore.""
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
Insurance prices?
Why is insurance so high on a 08 suzuki 1300. I am 42 and was quoted 900 a year. Is that bout right
Anyone know pricing on auto insurance for a Cadillac CTS 2003?
Anyone know pricing on auto insurance for a Cadillac CTS 2003?
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
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delaware state insurance guaranty
How much should I expect to pay monthly for motorcycle insurance?
20 year old male, about 600cc bike Probably through USAA if that makes a difference""
Car insurance in my name?
. My sister got a new car and wants to get her insurance in my name. Will I be responsible for anything if she has a wreck? Because she has had numerous of wrecks (all being her fault)
Insurance on my car after crash?
my car as in a hit and run accident my car was the hit and run car i wasn't the driver my frined was i want to call my insurance company to get it fixed but i dont want to get my friend in trouble can the insurance company tell where the car got towed from and if i tell them i crashed into a ditch and got it towed will they know
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Why did geico increase my auto insurance rate for no reason?
My renewed 6-month policy has increased by $120 for seemingly no reason. Haven't had any wrecks or tickets. I called geico to inquire, and was told that all rates in Texas have increased. Have other insurance companies rates increased as well?""
Will motorcycle insurance be expensive for me I'm 19?
I'm nineteen year old and had my license since April 2011, I have a 93 Nissan 300ZX and it gets 18mpg city so I want a small motorcycle used. I was wondering around how much insurance will be for me if I get one? I have no points on my license I'm clean""
Getting a car insurance even if you don't have a car?
I am 17 years old and turning 18 in 2 months. I have a permit in the state of New Jersey. Last Sunday, I made a small car accident. It was just few scratches on the other person's rear bumper. Anyway, the guy from an insurance company told my parents that I have to get an insurance as soon as i get my license even if I don't get a car. My parents can't afford to buy me a car anyway so I was planning to drive their car since I wouldn't have to get an insurance if I drive their cars. But the guy is telling me that I HAVE to get an insurance whether I'm getting my car or not. I have never heard of these things before. Can anybody explain to me why I have to get an insurance even if i am not getting car? And also, is there any other way I can solve this problem other than not getting a license? Because they're saying that the only way is not to get a license 'till I turn 21. And It would cost my parents way too much if i get my license. I mean I'm not even getting a car! Why do I need to get an insurance?""
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Temporary Car Insurance Mercedes E Class 18 Year Old Male?
There is a meet at Goodwood Race Course at the end of the month, I was planning on taking the e class as the weather looks good and its good place to take it, however I'm really struggling to find temporary car insurance to cover me for the day, I can find annual car insurance relatively easily insuring my dad with his no claims and me as a named driver (comes to approx 1100 per annum) but I wont drive the car enough to make use of this insurance. I have looked high and low but none of the companies will insure me until I am 21 for temporary insurance. Any suggestions?""
Life insurance for police officers?
Can police officers get extended life insurance to cover death on the job? If so, how much - 5 million?""
How much would it cost to give birth without insurance?
Like regularly and with the C-Section?
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Will my insurance cover a stolen rental car that I loaned to someone?
I have a great insurance company, but I don't even know if ANY insurance company would cover this. I rented a car with my neighbor (i.e. we agreed to split it), but I'm the ...show more""
How much would insurance be for a BMW 3 series from 2001 with 150k miles?
My dad said he'd buy me a BMW if the insurance isn't considerably higher than my brothers, who drives a 2004 VW Golf. I'm a 16 year old male and will probably be driving within a year but I want to know whether the insurance would be considerably higher than a golf. We live in Dallas TX Thank You""
How can i get car insurance restore?
This what happen i went away from vac and i left my family member money to pay for my car insurance and they didnt do that. Is there a way for me to get my car insurance restore back on. Dont care if i have play plenty or anything but just want back on.
""Im a 14 years experianced driver , going to reside in USA, Wi, soon ; how will be my Auto Insurance policy?""
Im a 32 years old male and I have been driving for past 14 years. Im going to move to USA , Wisconsin , I would like to know how will be my Auto Insurance Policy? Will I be considered as a new driver , Since I belive I would have to apply for an American Driving license?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 yr old driver in indiana?
I took drivers Ed and have good grades just wondering like an estimate of how much it will cost Also what is the consenquence for driving wit no insurance
Who has the hots for the progressive insurance girl Flo?
Who has the hots for the progressive insurance girl Flo?
I am trying to access a insurance company on line.?
Company name United insurance company of America Miami Florida.
If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?
ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??""
Is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?
i know how to drive, but my mom is worried abbout the price, is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?""
Cheap car insurance with different situations?
HI I have one car at the moment. I am looking to buy another one for my wife. I want to know how will it work out cheap to get both insured. is it 1) If we both can drive eachothers cars? 2)we have seperate insurances on our cars and we can not drive eachothers cars? 3)I can drive my wife's car but she cant drive mine.? Also how can we protect individual no claim bonuses aswel. Thanks
Can I get an auto insurance without owning a car?
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be renting a car. Since the insurance from rental companies is so expensive, I'm planning to get my own liability insurance and use it with the rental vehicle... can I do that? I do not own a car! Also, what is the best insurance company for me, I'm 23/male/texas with a clean record.""
Can my car insurance company take my car without my Authorization?
MY car was stolen out of my driveway after i got home from late at night from dancing at a club. I was was very tired and accidentally left my keys in my car. I awoke up the next morning with my car gone. made a report it was stolen, a few days after police contacted me stating my car was found and it was smashed up un-driveable. they put it in a towing company. asked me several questions and went into investigation. insurance called me and did their own investigation and asked me several questions like the police did before. I got a letter in the mail a week later from my insurance stating they will not give me any monies for my car because they don't believe my story. but failed to give me proof of me lying. understand my car is paid off its a 1998 BMW. it was in great condition.I am still paying insurance on it, I found out today that my car is not at the towing place that an agent from my insurance company came and had my car towed away. I was never informed, i did not i sign any papers releasing my car. I have the title. the towing place said they needed the car for investigation. can they take my car without my consent?""
delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
Can i sue my insurance company for hit and run?
I live in Yuma, Arizona. I'm 15 I Have my motorcycle permit i can drive from sunrise to sunset Okay February 21st YESTERDAY at 3pm Me and my brothers were going to jack in the box they took our car (1996 Isuzu rodeo) and i took my motorcycle (1994 Kawasaki ZX-6) we were going down this curved street they are on the left lane I'm on the right lane and this Winter bird (An older person from out of state that comes down to living in our city in the winter) pulls out on my right lane. While he's doing this i horn my horn he looks back and completes his turn and the brakes and doesn't move... i'm down shifting and my rear wheel locks up when i downshifted my bike shakes and i going onto the curb my bike gets eating up from the curb and i go over the curb and start to eat **** my hip and left get bruised i was wearing this thick overcoat my arm gets road-rash and then the old *** man drives off... doesn't even assist me... my brothers flip a U and we pull my bike to the side of the road and go to the hospital at the hospital we called the police they took pictures of my motorcycle and skid marks on the road then take my statement and brothers i wanted to know can i sue my insurance for anything? I'm not sure what coverage i have I'll add more detail tomorrow Monday morning Here are some pictures of the motorcycle P.S. I'm not sure if you can see but my front tire is flat it got a hole from the accident http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash1.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash2.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash3.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash4.jpg What broke Front tire Possible bent rim front brake lever Oil casing headlight windshield possible gears and chain my muffler my front right flaring my bottom flaring""
18 year old motorcycle insurance 600cc Toronto?
Hi I'm 18 years old with an M1 licence and a Honda CBR 600 in the garage. I have no driving record and I want to start driving in the beginning of May. What I'm wondering about is the price of insurance I should expect for just liability? thanks
How much does Car Insurance for a teenager cost?
How much is car insurance for a 15 ( starting drivers ed) year old girl if you are only a part time driver, like if you dont own a car you just use your parent' car in Illinois? Like how much is added on to your parents insurance bill? and how much does it cost if you have your own car?""
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student.
I need a life insurance policy that is affordable for my mom who has cancer?
I do not have alot of money and I am trying to find a life insurance policy that I can afford for my mom. Sha has cancer in her throat and I can not find an insurance company that will give her insurance under $100 a month. Ant ideas?
My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now?
Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Does Lowest Quote Wins really lower your insurance to $15 per month?
I saw one of their ads on a car today and was obviously intrigued. How legit is it?
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
Car insurance ?????/?
Well.I have permanent general car insurance they used to charge me 60 dollers it when up to 80 a month. Idk I found a cheaper insurance what should I tell permanent general
Accidently put wrong date of birth by 3 months on my car insurance?
Iv just accepted a quote online for car insurance without realizing my date of birth is wrong by 3 months, if i tell them to change this should it change the price of my insurance?""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
""What company do you recommend for renters' insurance and why? Not state farm, they are pricks. Testimonials?
I need some affordable renters insurance. I live in MO and REFUSE to give those pricks at State Farm another dime. Who do y'all like for price and custoer service???
How much would it cost for someone to drive a moped?
other than the moped and gas how much would insurance usually cost for a 17 year old going on 18 to drive a moped and what kind of license will i need to have what kind of restrictions i have a clean driving record but if it helps i am in New York State.
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
Insurance Broker Question?
On average how much does an insurance broker make in california? Or how much just a well rounded guess nationwide it does not matter... When an insurance broker gets commision from a company for helping them get more customers...around how much percentage does he cut from the company?
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
Which is the Best Health Insurance Policy available for Individuals in India?
So far I have learnt that LIC health plus is a pretty good policy. and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given in detail the comparisons . Are there any better policies in the Indian Market for individuals.
""Will my car insurance rates go up if damage in accident is under $1,000?""
Today I bumped a parked car when trying to pull out of a paralell parking spot. Both cars were scratched, but no dents. My car was in worse shape than hers, and I took mine to an auto body shop to get a quote on what it would cost to repair the scratch. The quote I got was $671.23. The lady (who was sitting in her car when I bumped her) said she was going to have to have the whole bumper replaced... even though it was just a scratch about 3 inches long. We called the insurance companies and I admitted fault (duh.) She said she was going to call the police and may have to go to the doctor because her neck hurt, but the police were never called. I am still worried she is going to try to sue me or get more money from me... it was just a small scratch! Not even a DENT! My main question, will my car insurance rates go up, and if so, by how much? I drive a 2010 Kia Soul. I have one other accident on my record and I pay about $150 a month. If it does go up, is it going to be drastic? Her car was a 2012 Kia Soul (same color oddly enough) so I am hoping her quote will be similar? Since the overall damage is under $1,000, what can I expect to happen? Can she really report me to the police, or try to claim injury? I was just pulling out of a parking slot and thought I was clear, but still very slow and cautious. I just don't see how I could have hurt her neck... Any help/input appreciated, thanks so much.""
How much will the insurance cost?
Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?""
What car insurance is best/cheapest?
I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)""
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )""
Can you buy health insurance for only your baby?
we need insurance for our one year old,we did have the state welfare insurance for the first 11 months,now shes 13 mos. and her dad is working but no insurance for a couple more months and what if she gets sick and more shots will be needed soon,so can you buy insurance for only a baby or do you have to have an adult on the plan also""
delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
How much does short term disability insurance cost?
what are the premiums, if you have short term disability insurance on your own, to supplement an employer's plan or just to help out with bills if you're termporarily disabled?""
Can my ex-wife insure our kids through her husbands insurance?
My ex-wife is required to carry our kids insurance. She switched jobs and is now insuring kids under her husband. My only concern is, if he decides to leave her or gets pissed off he can drop my kids from insurance. Since he is not legally obligated to insure them. He is not adopting them. He is not legally bound to take care of them. Is my concern valid?""
""Looking for a fast, reliable, good quality and low insurance group hatchback.?""
I'm 24 and at the moment have a fairly low Saxo VTR with a couple of other performance mods, it handles like a dream on nice roads and has good acceleration. It's starting to fall apart with things going wrong left, right and centre, due to French engineering I presume? I have a DR10 on my licence from 4-5 years ago, so my insurance is a bit pricey. I just paid for a year so I can swap it straight over. I'm looking for something as fun to drive as standard and NOT French. Thanks Oh and please spare me the lectures, speed is for safe overtaking and I'm not driving too fast, you're driving too slow!""
Where can I find the best insurance firms in California?
My son just got out of hospital and am really concerned about the health of my family members - what should I do now? Where can I get the best insurance firms in entire California?
""How many low information posters truly believe Obamacare's $5,0000 deductibles constitute affordable insurance?""
How can you say you have insurance when you have to pay $5,000 before it kicks in every year? A study by HealthPocket Inc. in December found that the average individual deductible for Obamacares bronze plan was $5,081 a year42 percent higher than the average deductible of $3,589 for an individually purchased plan. The deductibles on the low-cost plans are the real scandal here. The administration will surely trot out a long line of cancer patients and people with other terrible medical problems who got treatment in 2014 with coverage they werent able to buy in 2013, but there are going to be far more working poor and middle class people who still have to scrape together a decent premium after the subsidies, pay it faithfully, then get sick and go to the doctor, only to find out their policy doesnt cover anything until theyve paid a $5,000 deductible. I predict a LOT of dissatisfied lower income premium payers.""
Who has the best car insurance rates in New Jersey?
South Jersey Resident. 26 year old male with a clean driving record.
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
""If I like a used car say $20k. What is the order of getting a loan, paying with loan, car insurance?""
Do I get aproved for a loan then tell the dealer, then get insurance?""
Insurance and modifications?
i have a 3 speed auto porsche 944 '-85. obviously it is quite expensive to insure, and this particular model is quite slow. so i was wondering what would be the complications in shoving a 944 S2 engine under the bonnet, and the turbo from the 944T model? both mechanically the complications and what insurance companies would make of it. could i not just get away with telling them nothing? after all it would still be a 944-of sorts!""
Is it wise to go on your parents car insurance?
Having looked around on car insurance website and seeing that my insurance would be as high as 2500, is it wise to go on my parents insurance. If they are the main driver and im the additional driver it comes down to just 1000. Is this illegal and what are the chances of getting caught if so? thanks x""
How much is a good deal for an old car insurance?
It is my first time getting a car in the US... Actually, I'll be getting it tomorrow, I know it's a Toyota 1989, don't know the specific model yet but I know it's a cheap one... it has papers and registration... I mean, quite cheap and nothing very good looking. I'm 20 years old, single, international student at university... how much do you think will I have to be paying? (approximately)... and should I try getting it online? first time doing this so I'm kinda lost""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Cheapest insurers for a first time 18yrold with pass plus??
Hi iv'e just brought a 2002 vw polo and wanted to get my first insurance on it. Can you recommend any cheap insurers for first time drivers and young drivers. I've completed my pass plus as well. Thanks for the help xxx
What type of car is cheapest to insure?
I am 16 and looking to buy a car under 10k. I want an SUV but what I hear they are a lot more to insure than a sedan? is there a big difference in insurance price when it comes to Suvs, sedans, and sports cars? For example here are three types of cars one a suv, one sporty, and one sedan. Which will be cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda RX8 Chevy Malibu""
What are 2 Door car insurance choices?
I live in New York City , and im trying to do all my research before i jump the gun and even buy my insurance and car ( Tho i do know what i want ). But these are what i want to know .""
Nissan GTR for a teenager?
Hey everyone, I am a 16 year old who runs a photography business in Nashville, TN. I have been saving up for a car for the last 7 years, originally for a BMW M3 or Audi S5. I have amassed about $25,500 to spend on the car, and have a steady income to pay for insurance and gas. There was a recent question asking whether it would be safe to give a child like myself a car like the M3 or the Nissan GTR. However, I feel as though such a generalized statement is grossly inappropriate. I feel that responsibility in an automobile should fully be determined by ones own experience and responsibility, as opposed to strictly ones age. For example, I have shifter cart racing experience, have taken multiple high performance driving courses from some of the best. (Truly recommend Bondurant's program BTW). I have over a 4.0 GPA, and am editor and director of an online magazine and our school's paper. I make a decent wage from a job and business that I created myself, and have learned marketing and advertising from some of the best in the field (anyone heard of the oldspice commercials?). My own determination has lead to success and my ability to reward myself with a highly exclusive and phenomonal driving machine. On the other hand, no one would doubt the maturity or ability of a man thrice my age attempting to buy the same vehicle, who had never driven on a track, who had never used ABS, and who had never learned the evasive driving techniques necessary to driving such an automobile. Herein lies the problem. In the previous discussion on this same topic, the driving of a GTR by someone my own age was likened to handing someone like myself a loaded .44 Magnum. However, this in itself is a stereotype. I am a nationally ranked rifle competitor who knows how to build, much less safely use, a .44 Magnum. I am a member of USA Shooting and the NRA and CMP competitive shooting divisions. How is handing me a loaded .44 any less safe than handing some retired man who has never held a gun the same pistol? I am at a loss for the logic in that situation. Is my inherent danger of being 16 such a risk as to counteract my own experience and track record of responsibility? SO back to my actual question. 1. If I purchased it, would you disapprove of allowing me to drive a car such as the GTR. and 2. Would you purchase a 2009 GTR, an 2008 M3, or a 2010 Jaguar XF? Why? Thanks in advance!""
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
Affordable health insurance?
if any of you guys know any good and affordable health insurance in NJ. We(my wife and I) really need one that we could afford. Thank You!
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
Canceled car insurance?
The case is complicated and it is about my car insurance. I misinformed my insurance company about my NCD. As a result they cancelled my policy. The problem is that before they cancelled it I had a claim. My car was not damage at all but the other guy had a few scratches on the bumper and he reported the incident. My insurance company informed me; they would cancel the policy and return all the payments I made so far. They would cover the cost of the damage to another guy, but I have to repay all the cost they bear. Does the insurance company may cover the damage and request reimbursement if they cancelled my policy? Whats my option, can I refused to pay them back? Because my policy was cancelled, so should I deal with a problem on my own? I guess it would be cheaper for me to pay for the damaged bumper straight to the other person than deal with the insurance company. Please advice
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
What happens if you forget to update your car insurance when you buy a car?
-bought car to replace totaled one a few months ago. -got letter a few months ago saying i needed to prove i had car insurance so i just mailed in my car ins info not realizing i hadn't updated it (the new car is the exact same as the old, year and mod""
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Can you cancel your car insurance?
I will be selling my car, and still have 4months left on a 6 month insurance..they have my bank account""
delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
0 notes
writingwitchly · 6 years
Do you have a favourite story of yours that you've ever wrote about? Or a favourite ship? What's your favourite AU?
Anon, you’re lovely!! these questions are great to distract me from the boring study of biology!!!
★ AUs:
⋆ My fav historic AU (I was talking about this with @beaubcxton) is the Victorian Era, though we both agree that women were badly treated. 
⋆ If you’re asking about AUs I like to write: muggle!AUs (for HP), random shops!AU (bar, library, the twins’ shop, etc.) 
⋆ and those I like to read (any AU from the same beforementioned gal @beaubcxton) well, any! Surprise me! I like very twisted AUs sometimes XD.
★ Favorite ships? hard one!!!! 
⋆ Really, I am a hardcore canon shipper (hinny and romione and jily) 
⋆ but I love linny (fav of fav probs) nuna (ok, maybe this one is fav of fav) and huna (huh, this one too?) and many mores actually! 
⋆ As for outside HP, pepperoni gets the trophy (maybe above all the others, including HP), 
⋆ and all recent Disney royal couples (Rapunzel x Flynn | Tiana x Naveen, etc.)
★ Fav story I’ve written? 
⋆ here, my top 1 = Together (it felt so good to mix different people from all ages, ethnies, genders, and personalities. Huff x Slyth relationships are amazing, I consider them as having a very strong bonding chance. tbh, I was really emotional when I wrote it. the feelings varied according to the situation, i tried to put some fear, angst, fluff, brotherhood love, friendship, loyalty, courage, etc. i actually avoided romantic feelings, because when ppl think about a relationship, the first thing that comes to mind is romatic love. i wanted it to be different. the ending also, one of the only ones i’m proud of. i had a lot fun looking for names that reflect the personality of my ocs, and i tried to pick them from different cultures. i have so much more to say about this text actually XD)
⋆ then, ol ones, I’m afraid –> Soldier and Healer (Fred x reader) | No News (Fred x reader) ((thanks to @hermione-who for the amazing prompt!!)) | New Year’s Eve Prank (Sirius x reader) | Sunrise (Sirius x reader) | Would You Braid My Hair (Sirius x reader) | Memories (Remus x reader) | Did It Hurt (Regulus x reader) | You Laugh, You Lose (Dramione) ((this request got me into Dramione lol)) + my drabbles (i love drabbles, both writing and reading them)
⋆ mmm… my fav story I’ve ever written probably is a Spanish one (if anyone wants to read it: https://alicecreativitycorner.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/querida-julieta/#more-189), about Xmas love and a travelling letter. I’m going to annoy y’all with the plot: 
cold winter morning in the toy factory of the North Pole
elves are finishing the gifts and all
close up on a special department of the industry, where two elves (Elf Lazy and Elf Clumsy, you guess the thing here) work on Xmas letters, sent to the ppl that didn’t ask for toys. 
obviously, a letter gets lost in the sea of similar envelops before the elves can precise the right address (there’s only the name of the city and street) 
it gets sent
the letter is for a girl named Juliet
turns out the envelope reaches the right Street on Xmas Eve
the mailman does not know to whom he needs to deliver it
he opens it to check for any details that may help him (for the sake of this childish story, this is not a malevolent violation of privacy, the mailman is in good faith)
the beginning of the letter adresses Juliet (obviously) and it tells her about her dad, and the wish she has to spend more time with him
the mailman has a daughter named Juliet, and though he knows this is not for her (not their street) he feels guilty to be working on Xmas Eve
too occupied calling his daughter to take care of the letter (which, as it is from Santa Claus’ Factory, is enchanted to just catch your attention in the point that regards you the most), the mailman lets it fly away
it gets read by an old woman, parents from a busy family, an egocentric business man, an old and closed man, a lesbian girl
they all solve a problem in their life thanks to a specific paragraph of the letter
the letter reaches Juliet, and it’s about a boy she really likes, and it gives her the courage to talk to him
Juliet gets out in the street, it’s snowing, and she is happy to see all her neighbors enjoying and spending time tgt (something that had never happened) 
final part: Juliet looked down at the letter she still held in her hands and smiled: these few lines on the spoiled, smeared, greasy, wet paper that smelled of cinnamon inspired her a very peculiar feeling. She did not know why, but her heart told her that it was the cause of so much agitation in this usually empty street. After all, it was Christmas and, although she did not believe much in it, it was the time of magic and miracles.
rereading this made me cry bc there are so many things I would change, but I wanna keep it as innocent as I first wrote it
Anon, after writing this, I actually want to thank you so much. Thinking about my favorite writing stuff made me feel incredibly good, and motivated. It also somehow boosted my confidence (I tried to make it as “I think high of myself” as possible, because I have serious self-love problems, and this is what my doctor advised, so plz tell me if I’ve been too narsissic, i’m still new at this stuff XD)
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