#did toga's teachers read this book
serxinns · 7 months
Yandere class 1a x mocha bunny reader: Bunnynapped
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Yandere class 1a x mocha bunny reader
It was a nice day for a picnic so you and koda decided to head off on your own picnic basket in hand and blanket whenever you needed a break from all the overwhelming attention from your classmates you always headed to this secret spot to clear your mind and to play and chat with the small animals
You placed your blanket while Kota placed the basket down taking a breath it smelled like freedom you endured the beautiful and quiet nature there was a lake nearby the pond just in case you felt like swimming everything was perfect quiet and peaceful
"I'm gonna go get something to drink and berries at the lake koda!" he nodded "B-be careful tho there are big predator birds that will mistake you as a snack," he said while taking out the food and his favorite book read you nodded and ran off into the "Safe" forest, you made it to the lake glazing how the fish gracefully swam into their destination and the frogs leaping catching the bugs you grabbed your basket and went deeper into the woods until you saw a blueberry and a shiny red raspberry bush you grabbed your basket and started picking them unaware that someone was watching you
A teen with yellow eyes with messy space buns was observing you watching every move that you made like a hawk waiting for it's prey she watched you were were picking berries off the bush and putting them in the basket while also eating some as well "that bunny look so cute! Oh she's gonna be my little pet when I catch her" the blonde carefully sneak up behind herb making sure she wouldn't make a noise when her hands was just hovering away from you She quickly snatched you up and threw you in the sag
You struggled and struggled to try to turn into your human form but it was no use you squealed in discomfort and fear while the girl tried cooing and hushing you like you were some baby "Shhh ahh it's ok! I won't hurt you at all just gonna take you to your new home" you panicked even more when she said that you tried struggling and struggling but it was no use you were trapped hearing crunching of the leaves and dirt the girl happily hummed satisfy with her catch
Kota was getting worried about your long absence you shouldn't be gone for that long he looked around hoping you would come back until a panicked bird flew quickly on Kota's finger chirping in distress and panic kota gently comforted the poor animal by stroking its feathers and body the bird was calmly panicked but calmed down "Now tell me what's the problem" he said quietly and gently the bird chirped a few times and kota was shocked
You were taken...By toga Himiko
He needed to get the others even his teachers
"im back!" toga happily skipped along inside the Bar twice happily waving to her and Dabi completely ignored her focusing on the drink Kurogiri gave him but Shiggy was furious "Toga how many times have I told you about going out, especially in the day WITHOUT A DISGUISE" he said while scratching his neck toga scoffed and paid attention to the bag and giggled "I'll be fine nobody saw me plus I got myself a goodie!" she said shaking a bag a little and out came a squeak everyone's attention turned to her now curious of what she brought
"Woah toga did you bring a living snack nice!" Twice said excitingly reaching to hold the bag but Toga blocked his hand "No it's a.." she reached into the bag and pulled out the helpless creature (aka you) "A bunny!!" she squealed petting the distressed bunny's soft fur until she heard a poof and you turned into your human version now everyone was shocked "I'm not a bunny you phyco im a human! Just with a bunny quirk" you angry said not pleased with the "Suprised adoption"
Everyone was speechless for a second still in shocked while Toga's eyes sparkled brightly "EEEEEEK IT A BUNNY HERO" she tackled you with a hug squeezing you very tight you could barely breath nuzzling her head on your ears
"Well look what we have here..." Shigaraki darkly chuckled slowly walking up to you and circling you while observing the little bunny trapped in the cage but Toga shielded you "No shiggy I want them as a pet!" "A PET?!?" you and everyone else yelled in shock "I don't wanna be some villain pet!" toga completely ignored you kept going "Please take good care I'll feed them wash they'll put them in pretty outfits I promise I won't even get as much blood promise!" she pleaded with shigaraki and Dabi looked at him and chuckled "I mean I pet wouldn't be bad plus once we break them they'll be kinda useful," Dabi said with an evil sly smile shigaraki thought for a second and decided his answer "Fine we'll keep them BUT if they pissed me off and start to cause trouble im killing the rodent" you gulped nervously while toga and twice cheered "I just wanted a nice picnic..."
"Guys! Guys!" Koda ran into the common room trying to catch his breath everyone stared at him in shock and looked to see where their bunny darling was "Kota kun! What happened where's y/n?!" Mina said her voice filled with worry "They were taken by Toga she took them to their lair!" Everyone was in a panic that their precious darling was stolen away from them they were beginning to plan to save them until Aizawa stepped in "Nobodys going nowhere im going to inform the pro heroes it's dangerous to do that anyway" the class tried protesting but Aizawa quickly shut that down immediately and all told them to go to bed upset they were they had to go to bed sad and enraged that they couldn't do anything
During your stay with the LOV wasn't even that bed honestly except for the constant cuddling and her dressing you up into frilly and girly dresses and outfits and putting so many bows and accessories on your hair but you tolerated it you made sure not to say any snarky remarks due to shigarakis warning toga would twirl you around and dance with you while twice joined in doing embarrassing dancing while toga laugh but gave you 2nd hand embarrassment dabi was annoyed like an older brother always picking on their little siblings enough to make them tell their parents teasing you about how your not getting out of here and picking on you pulling on your ears until you squeaked until toga came and comfort you while being scolded by her
Kurogiri Was kind to you whenever you had enough he would always tell Toga, twice and Dabi to back off a bit and make sure you were ok he would give you healthy and actual edible food then just fed carrots and grass all day so he was the most decent out of all of them in your opinion next was Magne was another decent one but was just like toga she was adored about your features always petting your hair she wouldn't try and force you into your bunny form like a toga but whenever she gets the chance she always pets and brushes your fur which you enjoyed it a bit
But all things had to come to an end when an explosion was heard and a large hole filled with pro-heroes police, Aizawa was here as well kurogiri quickly formed a portal for them to go inside everyone went but you struggled out of the togas strong gripped, and fall on the ground she called your name until the portal was closed good riddance, you were questioned by a bunch of police and pros and we're checked to see if you had any injuries or tracking devices they put it felt like hours until they finally let you go
When you got back from the dorms everyone crowded around you cheering for your return There were a bunch of hugs from everyone even Shoto formed a small smile but Bakugo lectured and yelled at you about being reckless and how you should be careful you were gifted with a lot of stuff and the girls invited you to a sleepover you wanted to complain but you were just glad you weren't with the LOV
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
thoughts on the chapter
“these differences, both internal and external, allow us to run towards other people and search for a point of intersection” kid out of 8 chapters you spoke like 5 sentences to Shigaraki. What intersection. (I know, I know - the crying child. the only thing Deku can care about.)
Aizawa and Mic visiting Shirakumo's grave
Compress reading Spinner's book with a sad smile...
Did villains just magically stop appearing? because AFO is gone? Because everyone is a bit nicer to each other? Because the rankings got expanded and now everyone wants to get the Eiyuu title?
Shoji says "This award goes to those who rose up 8 years ago." GEE SHOJI. I WONDER WHO IT WAS THAT GOT THEM TO SHOW UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I know he's thinking of the heteromorphs that stopped that day. But i just. can't get over the fact that it was Spinner's call to action that inspired them first to even come out.
"peacefully resolving prejudice-based incidents in the rural areas" Peacefully telling a man to put down the rake they're about to hit a heteromorph child with.
I know the intention is de-escalation or something. And that's a good thing! Ideally I don't want the man holding the rake to be smashed into the ground. I don't want the dumbasses spray painting slurs on a wall to be punched around. But the word peaceful here feels like it implies that... it would be victim's fault if they use force to resist violent discrimination. Equal responsibility on all parties and it's up to Shoji, it depends on Shoji to resolve it nonviolently. The originator of the violence doesn't enter the equation.
idk. rubs me the wrong way.
Did Shoji resolve the heteromorph riot peacefully? Not really. He fought Spinner (ah, you might say - well, Spinner was using violence! Shoji has to react to that with punching as well! Yeah. That's what I mean.) Koda had birds shoved someone off a building. What actually stopped everything was one rioter feeling doubts. It's credited to Shoji's words, but Shoji also admits that it's good they showed up and in the chapter here, he calls it an "uprising".
And they showed up because of Spinner.
Well. Maybe Shoji turned to "peaceful resolves" afterwards.
Just to clarify so that no one misunderstands me. Peaceful resolutions are good. I'm glad that's how Shoji is stopping anti-heteromorph incidents. What I dislike is the shallow framing.
"Quirk Counseling Expansion Project" EXPANSION???
Toga became the way she was because she didn't go to Quirk Counseling enough. Needed Expansion. The counselor saying she'll make Toga "nice and normal" didn't go far enough. Needed Expansion.
Again, I get that probably reform is implied in that, or the intent is probably expanding the concept/ideas/tools/methods/scope to include better methods. But wow.
All Might + Crowd of Supporter Statues is the creepiest thing I've ever seen.
Story literally breaking the ending fourth wall to give a happy ending to Deku.
I expect the volume extras to have Shigaraki to come and decay the ending and rescue the league.
It's amazing how the answer to "can someone quirkless be a hero" is a NO. Because Deku's feeling sad and lonely being quirkless and just a teacher and saving a kid from tripping and encouraging a future student. It's not enough. It's not Heroism. So he gets a support item and gets to be a Hero again
And then Shigaraki's Star Wars ghost is just there, not tied into the theme happening on page because Deku failed to saved the fucking guy, but he remembers Shigaraki. for one panel.
Just to repeat this because it's hysterical: This ending is "Can a quirkless person be a hero (and be happy and feel worthy?)" We get a gentle bittersweet but resounding NO. Until All Might comes again to help him out with a 'gift'.
"Remember that day when I used support items to inject acid into an immortal child demon on global TV? The day that you killed a man? Well, data from that day made you this support item. Use it to be a Hero."
Also being a quirkless Hero after all depends on knowing people and having lots of money.
All Might is now about 64 years old.
Shigaraki ghost...........
Something about shigaraki in his original outfit has me all choked up.
That's the appearance he chose to present as in the vestige realm before he disappeared.
The appearance he had in that flashback of him and Spinner bonding over games.
I like how Deku looks back, sees the ghost, but then turns forward and smile. Not even a smile as he's looking at shigaraki. I know this is nitpicky. jfc tho.
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"You already destroyed it"/"That depends on what you guys do from now on." I see that there's barely any credit to Shigaraki forcing this amount of change in this chapter. As far as I can see, Deku barely thinks about Shigaraki or even Tenko this chapter. Shigaraki's just a ghost hidden vaguely in all this.
"I'll never forget" lol. The ghost is just like an afterthought from the story to make sure Deku keeps his 'promise'
I don't think a single villain's name is mentioned here. Not a single League member's. Uravity's work towards quirk counseling is not publicly or explicitly credited to her experience with Toga (the vaguest of implication). We don't know Dabi's fate and Shouto is only known as "Endeavor's son" - which might be good? because it's Endeavor's who was the main perpetrator, but still. Spinner lead the uprising but Shoji doesn't mention that. Spinner wrote his book but there's no impact, except for making Compress smile sadly and that's it. Twice has been long forgotten. Deku thinks of Shigaraki's words at the beginning of the chapter, then sees his ghost at the end, but otherwise, nothing.
Truly they've been swept under the rug. A lid put over everything.
Whatever!!!! Shigaraki and the League - the absolute best part of bnha.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
I just read your thing about toga and my one thought process was
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Like I’ve been seeing lots of people being upset about the fates of the villains and I’m like… you guys do remember they murder people? Like yes society made them and if people had step up earlier than yeah they could have been save but in this timeline, in canon…. They still murder!
Honestly their fates are well deserved (though I do think they should just let Dabi die and not artificially keep him alive because I do think that’s fuck up) but hey spinner made his book and hopefully people will learn and start changing it. Already it’s happening with that grandma who instead of ignoring that boy like she did with shigaraki she helped him
Oh yeah full agreed.
I understand why people like the MHA villains. I like them to (well disregarding Toga or AFO who is boring) but I never wanted redemption arcs for them. I often redeem Spinner in my fics but that's because I see him as the most sympathetic out of them- a guy on the outskirts desperate for acceptance who will do anything for it. He I can easily redeem early on in my stuff because he was just some guy before he went villain. But even his end I don’t hate because it fits.
Dabi should be taken off life support I agree. Keeping him alive like that is just messed.
But my complaints about the end of MHA have to do with the Bakugou being a top hero, the appearance that no one really talks to Izuku after he becomes a teacher and all. The fate of the LOV is not something I find bad at all.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Who Needs to Be Alone When You Can Have a Date with Your Partner That Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles
Who Needs to be Alone When You Can Have a Date With Your Partner that Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles by LokisArmy29
Hello everyone I did this because I found out MHA Fandom only has 62 Bookstore au works and I was disappointed so here you go. This is a one shot and you better be grateful because I did this all for u guys Basically the plot is this is a very long one shot that may no longer be a one shot later in the future. Basically it is from the pov of Izuku and he tells you about his life in my version of this AU.
Words: 1585, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Eri, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sero Hanta, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Everyone & Cats, Eri & Everyone, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta/Shinsou Hitoshi, Me & Giving You Guys Fanfics with Fluff for Once
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Books, Bookstore Owner Izuku Midoriya, Books are good books are life, what can I say except ur welcome you little shits, Trans Male Todoroki Shouto, Trans Woman Magne, Bookstore/Cafe/Animal Adoption Center/Queer Person Safe Space/Apartment Building Combo, Bookstores, Small Towns, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Teen Romance, Teenagers, Teen Pregnancy, Teen Parents Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Soft Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Eri is Izuku and Shoto's biological daughter because why not, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Family Dynamics, Gender Dysphoria, Body Dysphoria, Dysphoria, gender euphoria, Body Euphoria, Euphoria, Trans People Sticking Together, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Small buissness is Good, Slice of Life, other characters not mentioned in tags
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45478348
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years
Who Needs to be Alone When You Can Have a Date with Your Partner That Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles
Who Needs to be Alone When You Can Have a Date With Your Partner that Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles by LokisArmy29
Hello everyone I did this because I found out MHA Fandom only has 62 Bookstore au works and I was disappointed so here you go. This is a one shot and you better be grateful because I did this all for u guys Basically the plot is this is a very long one shot that may no longer be a one shot later in the future. Basically it is from the pov of Izuku and he tells you about his life in my version of this AU.
Words: 1585, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Eri, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sero Hanta, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Everyone & Cats, Eri & Everyone, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta/Shinsou Hitoshi, Me & Giving You Guys Fanfics with Fluff for Once
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Books, Bookstore Owner Izuku Midoriya, Books are good books are life, what can I say except ur welcome you little shits, Trans Male Todoroki Shouto, Trans Woman Magne, Bookstore/Cafe/Animal Adoption Center/Queer Person Safe Space/Apartment Building Combo, Bookstores, Small Towns, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Teen Romance, Teenagers, Teen Pregnancy, Teen Parents Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Soft Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Eri is Izuku and Shoto's biological daughter because why not, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Family Dynamics, Gender Dysphoria, Body Dysphoria, Dysphoria, gender euphoria, Body Euphoria, Euphoria, Trans People Sticking Together, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Small buissness is Good, Slice of Life, other characters not mentioned in tags
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45478348
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Who Needs to be Alone When You Can Have a Date with Your Partner That Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles
Who Needs to be Alone When You Can Have a Date With Your Partner that Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles by LokisArmy29
Hello everyone I did this because I found out MHA Fandom only has 62 Bookstore au works and I was disappointed so here you go. This is a one shot and you better be grateful because I did this all for u guys Basically the plot is this is a very long one shot that may no longer be a one shot later in the future. Basically it is from the pov of Izuku and he tells you about his life in my version of this AU.
Words: 1585, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Eri, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sero Hanta, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Everyone & Cats, Eri & Everyone, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta/Shinsou Hitoshi, Me & Giving You Guys Fanfics with Fluff for Once
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Books, Bookstore Owner Izuku Midoriya, Books are good books are life, what can I say except ur welcome you little shits, Trans Male Todoroki Shouto, Trans Woman Magne, Bookstore/Cafe/Animal Adoption Center/Queer Person Safe Space/Apartment Building Combo, Bookstores, Small Towns, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Teen Romance, Teenagers, Teen Pregnancy, Teen Parents Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Soft Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Eri is Izuku and Shoto's biological daughter because why not, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Family Dynamics, Gender Dysphoria, Body Dysphoria, Dysphoria, gender euphoria, Body Euphoria, Euphoria, Trans People Sticking Together, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Small buissness is Good, Slice of Life, other characters not mentioned in tags
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45478348
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 234: Tomura Flashbacks and Giganto ex Machia
Previously on BnHA: Re-Destro lost his temper and hulked the fuck out and started breaking off Tomura’s fingers like a goddamn Kit-Kat bar. Elsewhere, (1) Twice cloned Toga in order to give her a blood transfusion, unaware that Skeptic was heading their way; (2) Spinner’s quirk of being a Gecko Man was revealed and he attempted to wall-crawl his way over to Hanabata only to be assailed by a bunch of redshirts fired up by Hanabata’s Trumpet quirk; (3) Dabi continued to battle Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine offscreen (I assume); (4) Compress was also probably doing something but who can be sure; (5) Giran was running off to safety with one of the clone Twices, and finally, (6) Gigantomachia Goron-rolled his way towards the action while Slidin’ Go stood there nervously, probably sensing that his number is coming up on the great cosmic roulette wheel. All of this happened two whole weeks ago because the manga was on break last week! But it’s finally back now, so leeeEET’S geeet ready to rrrruuuuUUUUUUUUMMMMMBLE.
Today on BnHA: RD continues to get handsy with Tomura until Tomura starts to disintegrate one of RD’s own fingers to see how he likes it. He does not, in fact, like it, so he flings Tomura away and starts thinking all of these shocked antagonist thoughts about how Tomura is stronger than he expected and his powers are ~awakening~ and blah blah blah. Meanwhile Tomura hops back onto the Flashback Train to Feels City and recalls how AFO gave him his family’s severed hands to make sure he stayed good and pissed!! And he also remembers more about his sister and how much she loved him! And his mom and grandparents who were also super nice and are now fucking dead and it’s a lot! Horikoshi is pretty fucking ruthless! Anyway so RD decides he’d better go all out and wrap this up, but before he can deliver a killing blow, Gigantomachia finally makes his entrance. At the same moment, Tomura finally remembers “everything” (?? ???!?!?), which, holy fucking shit you guys.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added one or two ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
okay so let’s see what gruesome things are in store for our intrepid villains this week
“destroyed memories” oh? come again? you don’t say?? fancy that?? goodness me???
so is this referring to Tomura? or Dabi? if it’s referring to Re-Destro or one of his gang, I swear to god...! nobody cares about your memories RD. you’re a jerk and you suck
lol what the
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aww. is this a “real” in-universe children’s book, is that what this is. did all the lil U.A. dumplings read this when they were small. and was there also a similar book called “don’t judge people by their lack of quirks” and if so why did no one read it to lil baby Kacchan hmm
anyway now we’re cutting right back to this unpleasant image! and not only that, but in the two weeks we’ve been gone things have even escalated!
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we’re up to two hands being grabbed now! um. he’s really going to need at least one of those? probably?? please don’t Overhaul my deranged villain son fffff
reminder that Tomura needs to touch something with all five fingers in order for his quirk to activate (or he did before at least), so even though he still has... two...? fingers remaining on his left hand, that hand is still effectively useless as far as quirking goes. so if he suffers even the smallest amount of damage to his right hand as well, it’s basically all over for him. unless he actually was using his quirk with his feet in the previous chapter. I’m assuming not because he presumably would have decayed his way all the way down to the center of the earth if that was the case. I think @khorale mentioned this in a comment on my last recap, but yeah, seeing as the ground’s not disintegrating underneath him, it’s safe to say it’s Hands Only here
anyway I got so caught up in being calmly horrified over the current situation that I didn’t even read the dialogue. so RD’s saying that superpowers are linked to personality, and so that “don’t judge people by their quirks” stuff is in fact bullshit
um, source? are you a psychologist? in general I try to take things with a grain of salt when they’re said by pieces of shit, so yeah
fffffffff noooooo Tomura’s face sob Horikoshi you bastard
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he looks so freaking young here. okay, shit. I’m starting to think I need to make plans to unwind after I finish reading this chapter. maybe get an Enya playlist in the works. diffuse some essential oils. find some cute baby animal videos
but on the plus side, it’s looking ever more likely that his are indeed the Destroyed Memories in question omg. so I will continue to get hype while also feeling very guilty and stressed
you guys I’m actually really glad RD is feeling like he has the upper hand now, because he’s starting to waste some valuable time monologuing, and with every second he babbles on, Machia is getting closer and closer to whooping some ass
so he’s asking Tomura what he’s trying to create
and well, actually, he’s not really that far off
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I mean. does it count as nothing if he wants to destroy the whole world? one could argue that would be “creating” a new world in which everyone is fucking dead. idk. I might have to give RD this one; his whole point of “quirks are linked to personality and you have a quirk that destroys everything you touch so you probably just want to destroy shit” is holding up surprisingly well to scrutiny thus far
yeah so now he’s yelling “YOU ONLY LUST FOR DESTRUCTION! AM I WRONG?!” and nope. but even a broken clock, twice a day, etc.
oh shit OH FUCKING --
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and (2) MY FUCKING FEELS. why am I even surprised. what the fuck. I knew more angst was coming and yet it still...
just, god. okay fine Horikoshi I’m a glutton for punishment, please continue then
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this really is the wildest shit though you guys. I still can’t get over it. “hello little boy I’m sorry your family is dead but don’t worry I’m adopting you and here are all of their severed hands. with little plugs on the end too or some shit. just, you know. souvenir”
I can’t fucking believe AFO played this so straight. maybe that’s why it worked. it was just so fucking out there that Tenko wound up buying it hook line and sinker. “hmm, seems a bit shady, but then again why else would a strange man I met only yesterday just randomly up and give me a dozen severed hands”
I don’t know if any of this shit is important, but it’s probably good practice to just post every mysterious thing that AFO says
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yes you really did a great job healing this guy’s wounded fucking heart, Dr. Phil
oh wow, never fucking mind, even
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I see, so that wasn’t meant to be a reassuring “in time you’ll get over it” speech; it was meant to be a cautionary “you’d better surround yourself with reminders of your terrible pain at all times or else you might actually stop feeling fucking miserable and WE CAN’T FUCKING HAVE THAT” speech. holy shit
I’m seriously having trouble wrapping my mind around just how terrible this is. like, it’s nearly impossible to fathom that level of cruelty. this is a four(?)-year-old child. he tracked him down, gave him a quirk that would kill his family*, sat back and watched it happen, and then let him stew in the horror of it all alone until he finally swooped in and claimed him and then raised him with the express purpose of keeping him sad and scared and angry and depressed at all times, all so he would eventually grow up and, with any luck, murder the man that his grandmother thought of as a son!
(*this is just conjecture right now, admittedly, but until I’m proven wrong I’m basically operating under the assumption that it’s true)
just. “fucked up” doesn’t even begin to describe it. god
anyways, let’s continue to read more about young Tenko’s extreme emotional abuse at the hands of the final villain I guess
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okay so I can’t remember where we left off on this last time, but a bunch of people said they suspected that the young Tenko wanted to be a hero when he was a little boy, and that’s why he was always clashing with his dad, because his dad’s own experience with heroes was pretty sour on account of the whole his-mom-gave-him-up-when-he-was-little-and-then-later-died-horribly thing
so yeah, I assume that’s what Hana is referring to here with the whole “I just tell Dad...” bit. so they both wanted to be heroes! how perfectly fucking tragic! great!
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KEEP IT UP TOMURA YOU CAN DO IT!! YOU CAN REMEMBER! YOU’RE DOING GREAT. aside from the whole “this really big man is killing you slowly” thing
yeah, this whole deal
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but aside from that. doing great
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so now Re-Destro is belatedly realizing that Tomura is going through a very weird leveling-up process and taking advantage of the fact that he’s temporarily become the main character of the series and thus possesses all of the narrative powers that come with that venerable distinction
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...that he’s the main character? yes
anyways lol there’s some real good crazyface action going on here guys
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did Horikoshi take the extra time just so he could devote a little longer to nailing down panels like this because if yes, A+++
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it’s mom!! wow!!
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you guys this is the most I’ve ever liked Re-Destro. there’s something about evil nemesis characters being begrudgingly impressed by their enemies that just pleases me, idk
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so do we get 100% when he goes up against Machia, then? smdh, fucking power levels. well I guess Deku technically uses them too. but still, it’s not something we see in this series too often aside from that
holy shit you guys
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honestly, I guess this should be really intimidating or whatever, but all I can think is that it’s about time this guy finally started taking this “pitiable gang of thugs” seriously. even if that does mean Tomura is probably about to fucking die, barring some Giganto ex Machia. that guy really needs to get a move on
oh hey
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[RAISES EYEBROW AT GIGANTOMACHIA AND JABS FINGER TOWARDS WRISTWATCH] cut it a little closer next time why don’t you??
(ETA: also I didn’t notice all of Tomura’s other hands being flung away from him by the impact, but whoa. so now he’s just got the Papa Hand left in his pocket, along with whichever hand is grabbing the back of his head. and that’s it. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his dad is the only remaining family member whose face we still haven’t seen yet. some big reveal coming up with that soon, I bet.)
oh and also guys here’s some more flashbacks. this time with loving grandparents. because Horikoshi just really wants to make sure our emotions are good and churned about
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okay guys, Tenko’s very dead flashback!grandma and grandpa telling him not to cry and giving him yummy food so he won’t be sad is pretty much close to the limits of what I can take, angst-wise. I don’t know why this is hitting me so hard! this is hardly my first anime flashback! I should be a pro at this by this point, the fuck is wrong with me
but on the other hand, I think a big part of it is that I’m not just sad about Tomura’s past, but also angry. because none of this is just coincidence; all of it is actually stuff that was done to him very deliberately, and the worst part is he doesn’t even realize it. and so in addition to the usual rush of protective feelings, there’s also this sense of outrage about it all too. and I think that’s the harder part to deal with. here I am, a grown adult, getting really mad over the staggering cruelty of what was done to this fictional character when he was a child. it’s possible there’s some real-life anger and frustration over certain real-life horrific cruelties and injustices that may be bleeding over into this, idk. just, the world is a fucked up place, and my emotional support manga is currently being less than supportive and it’s a struggle sob
anyways sorry about that. meanwhile while I was having a mini breakdown, possibly the most pivotal character development in Tomura’s history was happening and HOLY SHIT THOUGH WAIT UP GUYS
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sdfkdsfjwoilkkj BOY!!!!!!!
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...hee. but it’s hard to stay mad, though
... :)
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:D :D :D
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lol what. recall, if you may, that you guys are the ones who basically forced them to come down to your mountain city and kick your asses you dickasaurs
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Tomura looks so freaking sad, you guys. he’s just standing there completely still and he looks like he’s just completely destroyed emotionally
and he said he remembered everything!?! so what the shit am I supposed to do, Horikoshi?? my boy is just standing there with seven fucking fingers and one shoe and so caught up in his sad reverie that he’s seemingly oblivious to the fact that the long-awaited cavalry has finally arrived. kid is maybe 2-3 chapters away from finally triumphing over this bald Disney tree man who talks too much. and not only that, but he’s more than likely going to finally win Gigantomachia’s loyalty in the process. which in turn means he’ll have access to Ujiko and all of his resources
so in short, this boy is minutes away from becoming one of the deadliest and most powerful forces on earth... and I’m pretty sure that right now, at this moment, none of that matters to him one iota
you guys. so what does this mean for future developments?? I’m really going to need him to define “everything” ASAP, for starters. that’s a very vague statement, and its implications could mean the difference between us just having a sadder-than-usual Tomura from this point out, or a Tomura that’s sad but also realizing for the first time that there’s a lot about his past that doesn’t quite add up, or hell, even a Tomura that’s actually out for fucking vengeance against AFO. that last one seems like too big of a jump to happen right away, but dare I at least hope for the second option though? god that would just be the icing on the cake for this fucking perfect arc
now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go do some yoga or chant some mantras or something holy shit. this fucking manga
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Okay, several people asked for this one, so may I present to you: my crack take on the Todoroki’s finding out about the whole Touya-is-Dabi thing.
For this, I’m going to say that Enji was a bit of a shit parent, but not overtly so. Not quite to the level we see in canon.  We do get to a similar place though, with Enji trying to be a better parent to his kids and then shortly after also we get a really dramatic Touya is Dabi reveal, probably on a battlefield or something.
But then like, instead of getting super angsty about it, Enji just tries to parent Dabi.
His son is alive??? And kinda sorta okay?? Hell yes. Sure, he's a villain now and he's got weird villain friends but whatever, Enji is just so delighted his son is alive and instantly snaps to trying to parent him like in the parenting books he's been reading.
And listen, Dabi prepared himself to deal with a lot of things. He prepared himself to killi his father, for his father's rage or disappointment, or even an emotional appeal of ‘Touya, I know you're still in there’.
He did not prepare himself for his dad saying "Okay that's very nice, Touya" when he talks about destroying everything. They end up not even having a big fight because Dabi is too embarrassed by his dad. And it only gets worse from there as Enji decides to pretend everything’s normal and tries to reengage with his son, including:
Enji invites the entire LOV over for dinner because he wants to meet them, Dabi burns the invites as quickly as he can because holy shit no.
Enji trying to learn things about the LOV even when fighting them because heroes and villains, and turns out he's actually kinda good at that.
"Your mother wants to meet your new friends too Touya. Touya, don't run from this conversation."
Dabi, head in his hands: "Fuck, this was a mistake, I need to fake my death again."
At some point Toga was supposed to infiltrate a place but got distracted talking with Enji for awhile and Dabi goes to "rescue" her but it's actually because he doesn't want his dad to be able to tell any embarrassing baby stories about him (spoiler alert, he got there too late. she knows all the baby stories).
Hawks isn't even dating Dabi yet, but that’s not going to stop Enji from giving him a shovel talk.
Dabi confronts Enji about it like "oh my god I'm not even dating him" but accidentally reveals that he likes Hawks in that conversation and Hawks is like "wait you actually want to date me???" and long story short that's how they end up getting together.
Shouto, Natsuo and Fuyumi all get in on the "we've just decided to pretend there's nothing weird about Touya being a villain now" train and  get ahold of Dabi's number through Hawks and add him to a sibling group chat.
He keeps interjecting every so often that he's a villain now and no longer Touya, and they're all like "Ah yes of course but also are you bringing your boyfriend to meet mom soon??"
And of course after awhile he's like "She's not my mother, but also yes Hawks is coming with me to family dinner this weekend."
At some point, Fuyumi just fucking shows up at the LOV base because Dabi forgot his jacket while fighting Enji half-heartedly and also she wanted to bring him some homemade food because she's worried he's not eating enough and the entire LOV + meta liberation army just kinda,,,, lets her in.
Like, she just knocks on the front door and says she's there to see Dabi (his family has switched to using his new name since they respect his choices like that) and the door guards know who she is and are kinda like ??? I guess she can come in ??? She's a pre-school teacher and very nice and also his sister so it's probably fine??? and then she just walks around like she owns the place completely unafraid of any of them.
Of course, Dabi is out at the time so she makes her way to like, whatever big meeting room they have where Tomura and the rest of the core LOV are, and she's delighted to meet her brother's friends and introduces herself and all of them decide that they like her because she's a sweetheart that needs to be defended at all costs.
So when Dabi shows back up, he finds his sister hanging out with all his villains friends and at first he's near panicked because he worries she's in danger but then the rest of the LOV are just like "no your sister's the coolest person ever so she's fine."
Fuyumi can just go anywhere after that and nobody fucks with her because there's so many villains looking out for her.
Fuyumi also swaps phone numbers with a lot of the LOV and so sometimes if Dabi isn’t answering his phone or something she’ll text one of them instead to make sure he’s okay.
Natsuo shows up at some point to check on Dabi after he got injured, because even though he knows the league has doctors that’s also his brother thank you very much.
The league is just used to Todoroki’s showing up by now so he’s let in without any issue, while there he ends up giving about half the league a lecture on various health issues.
Hawks is there too and he is not spared either, he gets a 5 minute lecture on sleeping more & eating better.
This entire AU is just Dabi dying from embarrassment while his family loves and accepts him.
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shadowed-dancer · 3 years
An interview with anime-only MHA fans (who happen to be my parents lol) regarding Season 5
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With the MHA Anime doing some... redecorating, manga readers have been curious about how anime onlies are reacting to second half of Season 5, as well as what they're understanding, what's sticking out as important, and what has them confused. Well, it just so happens that both my parents got into the series when I started watching, but neither have read the manga! Therefore, I decided to pose a little impromptu interview to find out how they've understood Season 5 (so far).
And don't worry, I included lots of pretty pictures to make this more visually appealing.
(Everything is spoiler free for the manga, but it discusses events up to episodes 102 and 103 of the anime)
While my parents are technically anime onlies, I do sometimes talk about the manga with them. However, they only know vague concepts, like my mom knows there's going to be a giant battle but has no idea why it happens or when it takes place. I have also brought up the fact that the villain arc exists, but they do not know what happens in it.
As well, my parents are staggered as to how far they've watched. My dad is caught up completely, with his most recent episode being 103 (the one where Hawks stands in front of that table and the boys learn what they should work on), while my mom only watches the dub, and is therefore at 102 (the one where Endeavor takes down Starservant and Hawks gives him that book)
All answers are nearly word for word what they said, simply edited to make grammatical sense in writing, or to fill in when they forgot a character name. As well, they were interviewed separately, so they wouldn't influence each other's answers.
Also obviously disclaimer, but this is just a tiny, tiny sample size. Obviously my parents don't speak on behalf of all MHA anime onlies, and I'm sure there are many out there who would answer this very differently.
Anyways, on with the interviews!
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What do you know/understand regarding the villain arc in the manga?
Mom: For a portion of the story, the manga is just focused on the villain side of the story. We will get some backstory for Shigaraki. I think you said we will learn about Toga and Dabi as well
Dad: [gave many answers about the League in general but nothing specifically pertaining to the arc. Eventually I figured out he had no idea what I was talking about regarding the "villain arc" despite me having mentioned it a few times]
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What do you understand is happening in the anime?
Mom: There was some explosion in a city. Hawks is pretending to work with the villains and is an insider. There's some event he got wind of so the kids are getting mandatory assingments with agencies. One of the teachers was shocked that they were bringing students into this.
Dad: The kids are being trained but the higher ups feel they'll be in danger is four months, so they're speeding up the training
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What did you think of Hawks/What is Hawks doing?
Mom: Hawks tried to pass a secret message to Endeavour that something big is happening soon. Hawks is well liked by the public and trusted by the villains. Oh, the big event Hawks found out about is that the villain supporters are now 100,000 members strong! They had a name but I don't remember what it was
Dad: Hawks is a double agent. He's working for the good guys and is undercover for the bad guys. He's not actually betraying the heroes though because he gave the note to Endeavour
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What did you think about the scene where Shigaraki is laughing at the start of an episode?
Mom: Something nasty went down and we don't know what. I wasn't really paying attention to that scene that much
Me: Are you curious to know what happened?
Mom: I guess so
Dad: I don't remember that scene
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Do you remember when Hawks flew in with his coffee, there was a man there holding a laptop whose face we never saw. What do you think about him?
Mom: I don't know who you're talking about
Dad: I don't remember him
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People keep mentioning the Deika City Incident. What do you think they're talking about?
Mom: This is the first I'm hearing about this
Me: You never heard them mention the Deika incident?
Mom: No
Dad: The villains put out a test to see what the heroes are capable of. They're doing mini test runs.
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(For dad only, as it pertains to episode 103) What do you think is happening at that table Hawks was standing in front of?
Dad: They (the people at the table) are still testing if he's loyal. They said he's doing perfect by throwing propaganda around and getting the youth on board
Me: You remember who was at the table, right?
Dad: Yeah, the League of Villains
Me: Do you understand how they got to the table?
Dad: If you join and prove yourself you can sit at the table
Me: Ok, but how did the League end up sitting at the table?
Dad: They comondeered it
Me: From who?
Dad: ... Never mind I don't know how they got there
Me: Did you realize there were people there besides the League?
Dad: Yeah, those are wannabe villains who did a good job.
Me: How do you think the wannabe villains joined/found the League?
Dad: They were recruited, or some were part of Overhaul's group and joined the League
(I checked and yes, he remembers the scenes in Season 3 where the League was trying to recruit members, so he thinks they succeeded)
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My conclusions
My parents understand the plot of the Endeavor Agency Arc just fine, and they understand that Hawks has uncovered something bad, but aren't really sure what's happening with the villains.
The general idea they seem to have is that the Deika incident and whatever way the League got more supporters isn't really something to be "revealed" but is more something that... just sort of happened off screen. My mom assumes they just rallied Stain supporters, my dad believes they went recruiting while also absorbing members from other villain groups, like the Hassaikai.
I found it interesting that neither of my parents paid much mind to the Shigaraki scene. It makes me wonder if other anime only fans also brushed it off as some random scene, without making the connection that it meant something.
And I can't even attribute this to my parents just "not paying attention" because CLEARLY my mom was. The fact that she remembers Cementos' comment in the meeting, or the number of the "villain supporters" tells me she's been paying attention, but subconsciously decided the scene wasn't important enough to remember.
Also, for those wondering why I asked about "the man with the laptop", it's because I was curious if he was memorable enough to cause intrigue. The answer (according to my parents) is: apparently not.
Anyways, thank you all so much for reading! I hope you found this insightful/interesting! If you liked it, I'd appreciate you reblogging this post so more people can see it, since this is a question I've seen a lot of manga readers asking.
If you want to ask your anime only friends/family members the same/similar questions to find out what the know, feel free to do so! (But please tag me, I'd love to see what people answer! And please leave a link back to this original post, I'd appreciate it!)
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sithmonarch · 3 years
SCENE II. UA’s first year dormitory courtyard.
Enter TOGA
TOGA: Make fun of Deku rejecting me why dont’cha, they haven’t even gotten rejected, what do they know about the dating game
URARAKA appears above at a window
What’s this! It's night but my life became day?
My Uraraka is rising in the east.
C’mon, rise to the challenge of killing Deku, er I mean the envious moon
Something something moon I need to re-read Shakespeare’s plays later
Something about green, Deku is green, let him bleed out on the floor, meeh…
It is my darling, there she is!
If only I told her of my feelings!
She talks but doesn’t: what is happening?
I can read her emotions like a book; I will answer her…
[Aside] Hey! I remember the rest of the monologue
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks:
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
What if her eyes were there, they in her head?
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might hold her cheek as she does!
TOGA: She talks:
O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being over my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the slowly pacing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air.
URARAKA: Toga, Toga! What happened to you, Toga?
Quit your job and stab your boss, he’s a weirdo anyway;
Or, if you won’t quit, be but my love,
But I’ll not become a hero.
TOGA: [Aside] Should I wait, or should I speak up?
URARAKA: It’s just your job that is my enemy;
You sure are a piece of work, though not a Villain.
What's Villainy? It’s not any part of a human body
You have so many professions to choose from!
What is a name anyways? If we call a rose
By anything else would still smell just as sweet;
So would Toga, were she not named Toga,
Retain that odd charm that she has
Without that name. Toga, change your name,
And for whatever higher being you believe in quit your job
You have other career pathways that arent stabbing.
TOGA: I’ll take your word for it:
Call me your girlfriend, and I'll quit my job;
I will never be villainous from now on.
URARAKA: Who are you that interupts my monologing
TOGA: By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am:
My name, my love, is hateful to myself,
Because it is an enemy to you;
Had I written it, I would have torn the paper.
URARAKA: I have not heard you say much
But I know who it is:
Are you not Toga and a Villain?
TOGA: Neither, my darling, if you truely hate both of them.
URARAKA: How the hell did you get here?
UA high is armed to the tits with security mesures,
And considering you’ve attacked my class at least twice in the last month,
They might just cart you off to jail if you are found.
TOGA: Please dont call for help I didn’t hurt anyone or get here using foul methods;
I have a friend with portals, but let me go on about how our love is magic for a bit,
Our love knows no bounds, so much so that I couldn’t care whether I get caught
Something something I wasn’t expecting this outcome and didn’t prepare a poetic anything
URARAKA: Cute but if my teachers find you here, they will surely take you to prison no questions asked, like I said before.
TOGA: Listen babe, you’re overreacting and i’ll be fine
They can pull guns on me: but if you simply exist,
And I am unstoppable.
URARAKA: I would really rather not take that risk, not right now.
TOGA: I have emergency plans;
But if you say you love me, I would let them find me here:
My life is better spent in prison knowing that you love me,
Than life on the run not knowing whether you love me or not.
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Ingenium Fracta
Chapter three: Fear and pain
Tw: funerals, doctors, suffocation, nightmares.
"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Iida Tenya; honoured friend, beloved son and brother. He was a good young man, taken from us too soon. Tenya was a model student and a perfect future hero, who was taken from us by an event none could see happen. It's safe to say that he's in a better place now, he's-"
There had been a funeral, the entire class had shown up. No one really spoke, it was nice catching up with Tensei he supposed, but the fact that it was at a funeral for the poor man's brother really put a damper on things. Aizawa had never felt more guilty for anything in his life, he couldn't believe he'd let a student die like that, how could he be a teacher now?
They never even found the body, Aizawa figured it was because Iida had been fighting Shigaraki at the time. That poor boy, Aizawa couldn't imagine what his family was going through. Class 1-A had completely refused to vote in a new class president, seeming offended at the very idea. Aizawa couldn't blame them at all and he managed to get Nezu to agree that the class would be fine with only a vice president. It was going to be a bit difficult for poor Momo but she was adamant she could manage, replacing Iida would be an insult.
Recently, Aizawa had found himself having regular nightmares about losing more students. It was one of those nights where Hizashi found him, he didn't know where Hizashi had been but he didn't really care. All that mattered to Aizawa was that his loving husband was now holding him gently, "Sho? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He nodded in response and was suddenly lifted up and placed onto Hizashi's lap, a hand combing through his hair, "it's ok babe, it wasn't real, it's just a nightmare."
"I dreamt I lost more students…"
"Oh Shouta…" Hizashi kissed the top of his head, "it isn't your fault, it never was. You couldn't have known the villains would be there, no one could."
"But…" he was crying now, "I'm supposed to be their teacher, Hizashi, I'm supposed to be a hero!"
"You are a hero! You're EraserHead! Those kids adore you Sho! And they don't hold a single thing against you, please don't hold it against yourself." He was brushing Aizawa's hair now, making sure to be careful of all the knots and tangles. Aizawa had no idea where he found such a perfect husband, he certainly didn't deserve someone so loving. "You did everything you could, but you had to watch the whole class, it's understandable that one slipped through the cracks."
It was silent for a bit after that, Aizawa just sat there trying to process Hizashi's words as the husband in question continued to brush his hair- he was braiding it now. It was very bad when Aizawa couldn't sleep, he usually slept through everything, his thoughts had to be incredibly bad if they were keeping him awake. The guilt that followed losing a student was more than enough though, not only that but it had been the class president, it had been Tenya Iida, Aizawa used to be in the same class as Tensei; the guy was the sweetest, most caring hero they had in their class. It really showed when he saw how Tenya behaved with class 1-A, everything he did reminded Aizawa of Tensei, but now seeing Tensei's face at the funeral, Aizawa had only seen Tenya. What a horrific way for the tables to turn.
The Iida's were a proud family, with a long and incredible lineage; they'd been doing good for people before quirks even evolved. Aizawa had always known them to be a little stuck up in their attitudes, Tensei being the clear outlier- the more he'd seen of Tenya, the more he realised both the Iida brothers were outliers. The funeral had been the first time he'd ever seen any of the Iida's cry- well except from Tenya, who had cried when the hero killer had hurt Tensei and was now unable to cry at all, or even feel emotions. Aizawa couldn't blame Iida's parents for crying; their baby had just died after all. They'd had one hell of a year, first Tensei's legs and now their youngest son.
A child had died. That was the hardest part for Aizawa to cope with; the fact that a child, barely 16, had died due to his failings as both a teacher and a hero. The civilians that had been on the same floor had praised Iida, commenting that they had felt safe around the next Ingenium. They told everyone about how cool and composed he had been when instructing them to evacuate and then one even mentioned him running in to disarm the villain. Aizawa honestly couldn't have been prouder of the kid, Iida had been the perfect picture of a model hero. That's what it was all about, saving and protecting the public. That was why Aizawa was a failure; he couldn't even save one child.
Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do now. It was too late to save him. So all Aizawa and everyone else could hope to do was move on and grow from it, he had argued with Nezu for the fourth time about getting his class a specialist councillor and he'd finally agreed to it, saying he'd look for one. His kids really needed it, Aizawa could well imagine how the death of a classmate felt to them, and it wasn't any classmate either; it was their beloved class president. When the news was broken to them, Aizawa had even seen Mineta and Bakugou shedding tears, and neither of them were even friends with Iida.
It was safe to say that everyone would miss the boy greatly, Aizawa didn't even like calling him a boy; Tenya Iida had proven himself more of a man then Aizawa was. The hero course favoured the flashy and the violent, but true heroes like Iida were really overlooked. Aizawa would make sure to praise the model students he had in the future, he shouldn't waste so.much time with the problem children. There should be a balance; heroes are supposed to be the protectors, but who protects the heroes? Aizawa would've liked to say it was him, but clearly he was lacking in that department.
Black smoke, filling his lungs, stealing his air. He was choking, he was on the floor. He'd been asked to revv his engines, to show what they could do, now he was choking on his own exhaust fumes. He was on the floor, when did he fall to the floor? There was yelling all around him and he wasn't sure what was going on in the slightest. He felt his consciousness slipping away from him as he gasped for air, his eyes were shut tight but he could feel the tears running down his face. He finally lost consciousness as he heard one of the men yelling, "get both! Just in case!"
When he came to, he was laying in a bed. Judging by the room it was probably Toga's bed, the mattress was so soft and the aching feeling in his legs didn't feel so bad when he lay there. He was surrounded by Toga, the burnt man and three men Tenya hadn't met yet. One man was wearing a full body suit, in blacks and greys, the second man was clearly just a mechanic, the third being a doctor, both the two regular men were clearly being held at gunpoint. Tenya had the vague idea that this was illegal, but he was too tired to think much of it.
"Are you alright kid?" The burnt man asked, putting a hand on the bed frame, "apparently part of your engine got disconnected and we had to get a doctor and a mechanic to fix it for you."
"Oh," Tenya paused, he hadn't considered the fact that bring trapped under rubble would affect his engines, although to be fair, he didn't really understand how his engines worked- or at least he'd forgotten, "well they do kind of ache…"
The doctor nodded, "that'd be the stitches, they'll ache for a little while but they should degrade on their own… can I go home now?" The mechanic looked just as desperate to leave as the doctor, and both men were led downstairs by the man in the catsuit.
Toga sat on the bed next to him, "normally I like seeing boys all injured like that, but that was really scary- there wasn't even any blood!" She frowned at him, "are you sure you're alright? I don't want my new friend dying on me!"
"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm from very hardy stock."
The burnt man raised an eyebrow at that, "do you remember what stock? Recall any family members?"
"Hmm…" unfortunately Tenya still couldn't remember anything about his family outside of his last name, "still no, my apologies."
"Don't apologize kid, they abandoned you too didn't they? Didn't even care that their kid 'died', only about those poor, defenseless heroes."
"Yeah!" Toga added, frowning, "those meanie heros left you to die! You shouldn't care about them!"
Tenya nodded, that made sense to him. The thought of people calling themselves heroes leaving someone to die in a wreckage made his blood boil- he hoped that didn't translate to his engine, he didn't want to put any strain on it at the moment. Instead he just watched them leave the room, and he settled down for a nap; he may as well use Toga's bed whilst he had it.
Dispite Kurogiri's concern, Tenya had ended up moving into Toga's room anyway; they were the only ones close enough in age and since Tenya was gay and Toga already had a crush, the adults figured it would be fine. Tenya had been happy to help the burnt man, who Tenya later found out was named Dabi, set up his bed. Kurogiri even bought him an Ingenium poster, which Tenya found off because he could have sworn that *he* was Ingenium… but nevertheless, Tenya found it very nice of him, he hadn't been expecting that. The man known as Twice somehow managed to get him a new pair of glasses as his last pair had been broken, he'd also bought Tenya some bedsheets and pillow covers, as well as many books to help Tenya keep up with his studies.
In fact, Tenya was studying when Toga looked over at his book, "whatcha doin'?"
"I'm reading about algebra, see?" He showed her the notebook he was trying the questions in, "it's like maths but there's letters! It's rather fun!"
"Why would there be letters in maths? That doesn't make any sense!"
He chuckled at that, shuffling to the side so she could get on the bed with him, "oh it's easy when you think about it, come on; I'll show you." He put his bookmark in the book and flipped back a few chapters, understanding that Toga would probably need something a little easier.
"Let's try something simple, okay?" He smiled at her, beginning to write the question down when she nodded. "So let's say that A means one, and B means two, what would A plus B make?" He wrote the question down as he said it, making sure it was clear.
She nodded slowly, taking the pen from Tenya as she slowly wrote down the answer, at least she understood basic maths- although her handwriting was terrible. "Is it three? Or do I have to write down another number?"
"Well technically you're right, unfortunately the rules of algebra dictate that the answer would be AB."
Toga proceeded to look at Tenya like he was a moron, "so it's not even numbers? Why is it still maths?"
He sighed, unsure of how to explain it to her, "well you've got to figure out how to shorten the question I suppose, it doesn't entirely make sense- but that's what makes it so fun!" He smiled, knowing there was no point in explain it to her, she hadn't finished middle school so there wasn't much of a chance of her grasping algebra.
"You're so weird Ten-chan! Stick to liking murder like the rest of us!" She giggled, they both knew there was no malice behind that, her genuine smile showed that. Toga got off of the bed and went back to her own, toying with her knife. "Do you want to talk about Izuku?"
"Who?" Tenya didn't think he'd ever heard that name before, but he had a funny feeling of deja vu from it.
"Huh?" Toga was once again looking at Tenya like he was stupid, "you know? Green hair, freckles? Sometimes goes by Deku? Izuku Midoriya?"
A gasp, "Midoriya?" Tenya knew Midoriya, he loved Midoriya! Midoriya was his best friend, was Izuku his first name? Tenya felt a little guilty that he didn't know his best friend's full name, or even how he looked. To be fair though, he did have memory issues, so he couldn't be blamed really.
"Yeah! That's Izuku's last name! You wanna talk about him?"
"Of course I want to talk about Midoriya! He's my best friend!"
Toga giggled, taking out her phone and beginning to show him the photos she'd taken. They were photos of Midoriya, Tenya instantly recognized him, despite not remembering his face. The fear on his face in every photo was particularly familiar, and Tenya found himself having flashes of an image in his head, of nothing but pure worry and stress on Midoriya's face. Toga snapped him back to reality, beaming happily, "isn't he cute??"
Tenya had to nod at that, "his hair is very fluffy, and I like his freckles." He did agree with Toga, Midoriya was a lot more adorable than Tenya had expected. This was his best friend? Oh Tenya must be the best at making friends then, to befriend someone so pretty.
"I know, right? I like him best when he's covered in blood!"
A moment of silence and Toga paused, "I don't know, just think he's attractive," she shrugged, clearly not having a real answer. Tenya didn't really mind, he was just curious, he didn't actually care either way.
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Chapter 1: Haunted Library
A school project brings you to the library and you meet a girl that ruins changes your life.
WC: 2.5k
TW: Blood, fire, a bit of cursing
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“Even scientists don’t know what happened to the wildlife within the woods. Many have started to speculate that this is the fault of mages.”
“I can’t think of anything else it could be!” The man on the left lets out a laugh that’s as fake as the greenscreen background. “I mean, what else could explain grass and trees turning grey?”
“Maybe chemicals, Tadashi.”
“Oh. Yeah, maybe that’s it.”
You turn the TV off and set the remote down. These people are supposed to be reporters, not theorists with too much time on their hands.
But you don’t have time to worry about that. The clock tells you that school starts in twenty minutes and you’re supposed to be meeting Midoriya by the station in five.
You mentally run through everything you’ll have to finish today; study for those tests tomorrow, contact that kid you need to tutor, do your homework, and you’d have to work some more on that English project.
You desperately needed a nap, but your teachers had other plans.
You sling your bag over your shoulder and open the door, getting hit by a blast of air that’s much colder than you thought it’d be. You grab a jacket as quickly as you can and hurry down the street.
The morning is cool, the autumn leaves being lifted by the soft caress of the wind. The sky is cloudy, but the sun peeks just behind the puffy clouds as a promise to see you once again in only a few hours. The streaks of blue that stain the sad greys in the sky make you smile.
You hear your name. “Good morning!”
The first thing you notice about him will always be his hair. Naturally green and always messy, as if he just rolled out of bed (considering his schedule lately, he might just have). It brings out his eyes and the splash of freckles that paint his cheeks.
“Good morning, ‘Zuku.”
“You came a bit later than you usually do…” He points out. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I just got distracted by the news.”
“Oh! Anything interesting?”
“They were talking about ‘wildlife turning grey’. I bet it was just some chemicals or something like that.” He nods his head excitedly.
“Whoa, I haven’t heard of that! What else did the reporters say?”
“Something about it being the fault of mages. But they were speculating and hopefully just joking… Can you believe it?” He laughs and shakes his head.
The school campus welcomes you both and keeps you sheltered from the frigid wind that howls outside. The halls are familiar, yet still manage to be disappointingly plain. There are only a few people here, waiting outside their classrooms for their teachers to arrive or to be let inside.
When you and Midoriya step inside, you’re greeted by the ever so familiar faces of your classmates. Momo is trying to help Kaminari, Mina and Jiro are listening to music, Bakugo is yelling at an indifferent Todoroki - So, all in all, it’s a regular morning.
You haven’t known these people as long as you’ve known Deku and Bakugo, but they still know exactly how to bring a smile to your face.
“Did you choose the topic?” You ask.
“I chose vampires,” Deku says. “But if you don’t like it, then we could always do something different, you know? I was just interested in them and how they evolved in literature with time.”
“Relax, ‘Zuku. I don’t mind. I’m actually kinda glad.”
“You are?”
“Yeah! At least it isn’t boring. Plus, I honestly have no idea what else we could choose.” You admit. He laughs a little bit.
“Well, I’m glad you like it! I was thinking we could start by reading and analyzing Dracula. That was the book that really brought vampires into the public eye.”
You can’t help but admire how much he already knows. “Maybe we could stop by the public library tonight?”
“Oh yeah! We could go there on the way home.” He scribbles it down in his prized notebook and he taps the pencil against his lip. “Do you have any ideas for books we could read next?”
“Other than Twilight? No.” His face drops when you say that and you laugh. “I’m only kidding! Sort of.”
“What was that?”
“Good morning, students.” The voice of the principal crackles through the speaker. “Today is October Third-”
Deku hits his forehead.
“I completely forgot about that,” He groans. “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk home with you tonight.”
You blink. That’s… never happened before.
“Wait, what? Why?” You whisper. Professor Aizawa is watching you and you shift uncomfortably under his disappointed gaze.
“I have… a club meeting.”
“Huh. Okay.” Did Izuku ever mention signing up for a club? “I’ll be sure to grab you a copy of Dracula too. I can drop it off at your apartment.”
“Thanks.” He smiles a bit. “I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine, so don’t worry about it!” You insist. Your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
Izuku doesn’t notice.
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When the day ends, you wait by the wise, old tree that bends down to kiss the skin of the earth. You stand there for five minutes before it hits you.
He has a club meeting. Right.
You internally kick yourself and bid the tree farewell. The wind strikes the branches and causes them to shake as if it is saying goodbye to you as well.
The more you think about it, the clearer it becomes that Midoriya never mentioned a club or an after school program. He often told you what he signed up for and if he had plans to do something else. So why not this?
You shake your head, the leaves ghosting across the ground. You’re his friend, not his mom. If he doesn't want to tell you something, he doesn’t have to.
The path ends at the old library. The outside had yet to be polished the same way the inside was, so it looked less like a library and more like a haunted house, where ghosts drifted aimlessly between the shelves. The sign was missing a few letters and the wood looked like it could turn to splinters with a push that was just hard enough.
When you open the door, you’re greeted by the librarian and you wave to her before stepping inside. The lights make the place feel warm, even though there is no functioning heater. A few people are roaming around, others reading or typing away on their computers. The stairs are in the back of the room, and the classics section is on the second floor.
The section is empty. The other areas had one, maybe two people thumbing through the shelves. It feels strange to be alone, which makes the silence even more deafening.
You find the books that you need and hold them as gingerly as you can like you’re scared they’ll turn to dust if you apply just a little more force. Now, all you have to do is go to-
“Dracula, huh? Are you into that occult stuff?”
A voice. Right against your ear.
You leap away and hold the books to your chest. “I-I’m sorry?” You say as evenly as you can manage.
The girl looks innocent enough. Her light hair is drawn into two buns on both sides of her head and she has a wide smile on her face. She’s wearing a school uniform underneath an unbuttoned beige cardigan.
Even so, you can’t help but think her eyes are glinting with something other than joy.
“Oh, silly me!” She giggles. “I haven’t even introduced myself. My friends call me Toga.” She holds out a hand, her smile never faltering.
Her skin is so… pale. If you didn’t know better, you might’ve convinced yourself that you were talking to a ghost.
“Um… Nice to meet you.” You mumble, taking her hand and barely even shaking it. Her skin is cold, too. You give your name tentatively and pull your hand away. “If you’ll excuse me-”
“You’re really cute.”
You blink; once, twice.
“You heard me, didn’t you? You’re adorable!” She giggles again. It feels like her stare is all over you, even though she hasn’t looked anywhere other than your eyes.
“Thank you, but I really must be going.” You insist.
“I have something to check out too! Why don’t we go together? That’d be fun, wouldn’t it?” Her eyes flash.
A hollow feeling settles into your stomach.
But your gut screams that saying no isn’t an option anymore.
So, you agree. It’s a tentative whisper that not even the walls could hear, but she does, loud and clear.
She perks up and laughs.
“Hooray!” She cheers, scooping up a random book from the shelves and dragging you along by your arm. Her grip is steel and her nails dig into your skin. You keep your mouth sealed, even if it hurts a little.
You look at what she’s wearing. There are no pockets in her skirt, and her cardigan is too thin to hide anything effectively, same with her blouse. There are no strange shaped lumps in her socks that go up to her knees.
So why were you so tense? Why are you afraid of this girl?
The last thing you wanted was to stick around long enough to find out.
“Are you walking home?” She sets her book right next to the self-checkout and doesn’t bother to scan it. You refuse to make eye contact with her, pretending to thumb through Dracula.
Should you lie? What if she saw right through you? If you said that you were walking home, would she follow you?  
“I’m waiting for a friend.” As soon as the words escape your lips, your hands start to shake. You hide them behind the books.
“Oh, that’s great! I can wait with you!” She smiles with her teeth and you shrink away.
“Not at the library… We’re meeting at a spot that’s kind of far away. It was nice meeting you, though, Toga-”
“I don’t mind!”
You freeze.
“Excuse me?”
“I really like you, so I’ll wait with you!” Her smile widens somehow. “I can’t let someone as cute as you get away from me.”
Your heart is pounding and you can feel that bile in the back of your throat building up.
“I can wait on my own.” You insist. “I appreciate the offer, Toga, but I’d prefer to be by myself.”
Her smile melts away.
There is no anger on her face. No sadness, no envy or rage. Her expression is just… blank.
But then she laughs. A laugh that teeters on the edge of insanity and mayhem. A laugh that makes your skin crawl.
She sings your name ever so lightly, a soft twinkle in her eye that makes your stomach twist even more.
Her hand shoots out and snatches your arm, her nails breaking through your skin. Blood starts to seep out of the cut, but she doesn’t mind it at all.
Her eyes seem just a bit brighter than before.
“I wasn’t asking you, was I?” She says simply, her smile far too wide.
You pull your arm back. Her hold doesn’t give. You try to resist even further. She’s strong, stronger than what you ever could’ve guessed.
Toga leaves the library, with you in tow. Your arm feels like it could be ripped off at any second.
“Where are you waiting for your friend?”
You stammer out a place that you’re sure she won’t know about. She’ll let go of you eventually, right?
But all she does is laugh and change her direction.
You look around, trying to find someone, anyone nearby. If you cried out for help, no one would hear. You try moving away, you try fighting back, but you can’t - your efforts are fruitless and that panic is building up in your chest once again.
She sighs your name. “Your blood smells so good… Did you know that?”
You have half the mind to question how she can smell your blood before you’re yanked toward her.
Her mouth hovers just above your neck.
Are those... fangs in her mouth?
But you don’t feel any pain. Her teeth never even graze your neck.
Because there’s a shout. Words you can’t understand, words that don’t sound like they’re from any language. But they’re said with such intensity that it feels like you’re standing next to a raging inferno.
And, in the next moment, you are.
There’s fire.
Fire that engulfs Toga’s entire being. Fire that makes you feel like you’re inches away from Hell itself.
Fire coming from Midoriya’s hands.
You’re yanked out of the way.
His hands are scorching. It will most likely leave a mark. Yet, right now, you don’t find that you care.
What you’re really concerned with is that your best friend just set a girl on fire with nothing but his hands.
“Are you alright?” His eyes bore into yours, only inches apart. Heavy breaths fan your face.
“When did you- How-”
He ignores your stammers. “Stay behind me.”
Where Toga once stood, there is only thick, bitter smoke and the dying embers of the flames. It doesn’t seem like anything else is burning, strangely enough.
How is this possible? What is happening?
He starts speaking. The words are fluid and fast, one sound blending into the next.
A gust of wind comes from his hands. It blows away the smoke and reveals that there was no one there.
Toga is gone.
There are no ashes or anything of the sort. Just shoe-shaped imprints left in the dead grass. You’re still bleeding from where she scratched you, but you feel no pain. All you can focus on are the questions swirling around in your head. On the fact that Midoriya just did… whatever that was.
Faintly, you hear your name. Midoriya’s facing you, worry etched on his face.
“Did she bite you?”
You shake your head. “All she did was scratch me.” Your voice is barely a murmur and you show him your arm. He nods, inspecting the cuts.
“You’ll be fine. All they need are a few bandages.” He lets out a long sigh. “That was too close. Toga is getting out of control lately, and it’s not just her-”
“Deku.” The words come out harsher than you meant. He flinches and turns to you.
“What the fuck just happened?”
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This is probably the most self indulgent thing I've written yet! It was so much fun to do and I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! Remember to drink some water and I hope you have a great day! 💕
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years
Piss Off your Parents
Shigadabi week day 5
AO3 Link
Summary: Tenko is tired of being treated like a kid. He knows that his dad is worried, but he is an adult and it's time his old man understands that. Luckily, he has a hot new boyfriend who is more than willing to help him.
Civilian / Steampunk / Teamwork
"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Tenko cried as a moving company placed his furniture on the UA teacher's dormitory.
Tenko had always been an unlucky bastard. He was born with a destructive quirk that made him dangerous to others and valuable to villains. Or, more specifically, one villain. All for One. The man wanted to grab hold of him since he was a child and had his first accident with his quirk. He had luckily been found by a hero instead of the super-villain though. Loud Cloud, or Shirakumo Oboro had come across the scared, skinny, bloodied child and helped him out. The two, along with his friends Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi, had learned that he was the grandson of Nana Shimura, the mentor of All Might.
Suddenly, he had gone from murdering his family to being adopted by the cloud hero and gaining three hero uncles and one hero aunt. His life had gone from nightmare to dream-come-true in a matter of seconds. And after years of taking care of him and being the best possible dad he could have asked for, the man who saved him was stabbing him in the back.
"Tenko, this is only temporary," the cloud haired man says trying to calm him down. "You only have to stay here for a few months, until it's safe for you to live alone again," the hero teacher explains.
"I have my own life now, dad. I have art classes and friends and a life outside of UA, unlike you," Tenko hadn't followed on his new family's career. He didn't want to be a hero. After everything he had gone through, he just wanted a simple life. And he almost suceeded.
He might have gone to UA, but only because his father and uncles worked there and he went to General Studies. Once he graduated, he got a scholarship for an Art course of studies in a good university, he sold commission pieces of his drawings on patron and got his own apartment. It was not the luxury and excitement of a pro-hero, but he was happy. He had a great neighbour, Twice, who introduced him to his gang of misfits and outcast where he fitted perfectly.
There was Giran, Twice's boyfriend, who ran a Personal Manager office. Magne, one of the girls who worked there. Toga, an upcoming idol who the office represented. Spinner, a friend of Toga's. Mustard, Giran's intern. And Dabi, another one of the represented clients of their office and his boyfriend.
How had he gotten that? Don't ask him. One day, Jin was introducing the two to each other, and the next Dabi was taking him out on dates. Tenko had never had a boyfriend before, and his relationship with Dabi was rather new, so he hadn't told his dad yet. For the most part, he didn't want to freak him out. Oboro had grown very protective of him with having a crazy super-powerful villain going after him. But with how things were going, he was starting to not care that much about it.
"It's already been decided, Tenko," Oboro sighs. "You have to stay here..." Oboro tried to place a hand on his hair, but he quickly moved away and stomped inside.
"Fuck you!" he cried at his dad first. "And fuck all of you too!" and he continued with the rest of the faculty members hanging around in the Common room before heading upstairs to what will be his new place.
If he was honest, he didn't care much about living for a few months in UA. He loved his dad and his uncles and didn't really mind spending more time with them. But they couldn't keep treating him like a child. They couldn't take such a big decision for him believing that they knew better. He was an adult now. They had to talk things over with him and understand that he could make his own responsible choices. Usually Shouta, Hizashi and Yagi would have his back, but with their paternal instincts turned on again with the arrival of Midoriya and Eri, there was no such luck.
He stomped all the way to his room and once inside, flopped face down on his couch. Unlike the students dormitories, UA faculty members had bigger quarters. Instead of a one-bedroom, they had a private bathroom, a separate bedroom and a main lounge area. It was better than his apartment, but the fact that it had been his and this wasn't, made the entire thing pale in comparison to his eyes. But maybe it was just his anger. He was still pissed at his father, and it frustrated him that screaming at him wouldn't help the situation. He wanted to get back at him somehow, teach him a lesson. But how?
His answer came in the form of text message. His phone pinged in his pocket, and when he checked who it was, he couldn't help but smile.
Dumbass <3
Why are ppl taking stuff out of your home?
Are you moving out?
Dad is worried and made me move with him
Well, Fuck
And I had a plan to surprise you with cooking and a nerdy movie...
Guess we'll have to wait
Don't cry, babe
We can sneak you out.
I am an expert, after all
An expert?
What? Did you sneak out of your house late at night to go to some concert or some shit?
Like the rebel that you are?
Hell yeah,
I'm the disappointment your parents don't want you near
That's right...
You are a disappointment
Okay... Rude
Do you still want to help me with my body-art project?
Are you free tomorrow? It might take a while
I thought you were going to paint over me and take some pictures.
How long can that take?
A lot
We might get distracted~
And I want to reward you after such a long day of work~
I have a clear schedule on Friday.
It's a date!
"What the..."
School had just finished, and the teachers were just returning to their dormitory. Thought the sight that welcomed them wasn't one they were expecting.
It had been a couple of days since Tenko had moved in with them. The rest of the staff didn't see a problem with it. They knew the kid, and he was a polite and responsible young man. That morning, for example, he had asked all of them if he could use the Common room of the dorm for one of his art projects and if they were alright with somebody else coming too (Apparently he needed help with the project). It was a good change, though. Lately, the art student had been in a foul mood, ever since he moved. But that morning, it had been as if he was a whole other person. Oboro had been glad his son's mood had improved. He thought once he could focus on his art, it would happen. Boy, was he wrong...
When the teachers entered their new shared home, Tenko was there with a plastic rug covering the floor, some paintbrushes scattered around and kneeling in front of a half-naked person. It was definitely not what they expected.
"Oh, hey," the nudist greets them with a nod.
The sound makes the man kneeling turn around, revealing the other was not fully naked, but wearing underwear thank god and Tenko was painting near his crotch area. Aizawa, who was holding Eri and covering her eyes, and the rest of the teachers, let out a relieved sigh, except Oboro. He is still staring in disbelief and surprise, not understanding what is going on. Why is his son with this stripper stranger? Why was he so close to him?
"Sorry about the mess, I didn't know this would take so long," Tenko apologises as he goes back to painting on his live canvas.
Said canvas was a tall red-haired man with blue eyes who couldn't have been a few years older than Tenko. The guy had painted on patches of black ashy paint on half of his face, his neck, arms and shoulders. He probably had more on his back and legs, but the teachers couldn't see that. His front was left bare, but Tenko was making a weird patterns that were rising through his abdomen and chest, leading to a giant rainbow heart in his left pectoral.
"What type of classes are you taking?" Yamada asks.
"This is for my Alternative Art and Style class," Tenko explains. "Now, could you not bother me? It's a delicate process, and I don't want to start over again. Pretend we are not here," he calls them off.
The teachers do, and so he continues. Once he finishes with the chest, he takes a weird tool with a round end and dips it in water. He gently starts to trace patterns on one of the black patches, revealing a multitude of colours behind it. It's rather magical, seeing the colour come to life on the other's skin. Eri, who had become too curious and escaped Aizawa's censoring, even asks if she could try. Tenko lets her, and she does a small heart in the behind the redhead's ear.
An hour later, Tenko is done, and he and the live canvas start to take pictures of his work. The teachers are not paying it too much attention now, letting the student finish in peace as they grade papers, sometimes glancing back at them from the corner of their eye. All of them but one, who was too busy glaring daggers at the canvas. Oboro can't help but notice the weird tension between his son and the naked man. There's something in the way their gazes cross, and their touches linger that is making him mad. He used to be able to read his son like an open book. There weren't any secrets between them. But now, he is not so sure.
After a few shots with the guy spread-eagle against one of the white walls, the two left towards another room to take more pictures. Oboro fought against all his instincts telling him to stop them, to go with them, to not leave them alone for a second, and stayed with the rest of his co-workers and friends. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he had let his son walk straight to hell.
"Finally," Snipe sighs relieved once the two younger adults leave.
"Yeah, Shirakumo-san, you didn't tell us your son had a boyfriend-," Thirteen comments.
"He doesn't!" the delusional man interrupts. "That guy is not- he isn't- Tenko would tell me if he had a boyfriend, alright!?" he tries to convince them or himself, he isn't sure at this point. Shota hums by his side, in that ' I agree, but we both know you are wrong'  tone.
"Honey, the only reason why they didn't jump each other is because we were there," Nemuri goes straight for the punch, covering Eri's ears and giving him a little wink.
"No! No, no. NO." he splutters before going back to paperwork. Shota hums again.
They don't see Tenko again until after dinner. They were cleaning the table when the young man came down wearing a new set of clothes. Instead of the dirty sweatpants and tank top he used for painting, he had a black pair of pants and a black hoodie that was too big for him. The neckline didn't cover one of his shoulders and the sleeves pooled in his wrists. The hoodie also had a fire design on the back with blue flames.
"Hey, you missed dinner," Oboro tells him as he dries while Yagi cleans. "There's some leftover the fridge, if you want them," he tells him.
"No need, there's still some pizza left from my lunch with Dabi," he says and starts taking out what he needs.
"Dabi?" Yagi asks. "That's the name of the model who wore your art today? He seemed familiar,"
"Yeah, he's a professional model, maybe you saw him in a billboard or something," Tenko explains and starts heading out of the kitchen.
"You might wanna take another shower, Ten, you still have paint on your neck," Oboro points out.
"That isn't paint, dad..." Tenko grins as he disappears upstairs.
"Oboro-san! The plates!"
Saturday morning at UA always started slow. The weight of the week was still present, and the usual energy was not there yet. The staff of UA began their day with a quiet morning and a cup of coffee. Not all of the teachers stayed though. Some returned to their homes for the weekend, like Hizashi and Shota with Eri. They would take turns to stay with the students during Saturdays' and Sundays'. This weekend, Oboro, Nemuri, Snipe and All Might stayed.
"Fucking married fools..." Snipe groans as he arrives at the Common room.
"What are you complaining about now?" Nemuri asks, confused as the rest of them also come down.
"Last Night, Yamada and Aizawa," he grunts and spreads on the couch. "I know that they are married and that they love each other, but can't they keep it down?" he moans tired, making everybody confused.
"What do you mean? They left yesterday with Eri, they didn't even spend the night here," Oboro tells the hero, voicing everybody confusion.
"But then who were the ones having sex yesterday in the room on top of mine?" Snipe asks baffled.
"Sorry about that," a low voice comes from the kitchen. The teachers all turn towards it and find the model from yesterday leaning against the kitchen door with two steaming cups of coffee one was Tenko's favourite one, Oboro noticed and no shirt.
"What- Why- What are you still doing here?" Oboro asks, fearing the answer.
"My baby was lonely, and he never says no to Daddy's attention," Dabi grins and walks back upstairs.
"So, how long are you going to torture your dad?" Dabi asks his boyfriend, giving him the steaming cup in his new bed before he lays down next to him.
"For a while," Tenko hums and sips his sugar monstrosity he referred to as 'coffee'. "I'm guessing in a month, he'll finally get tired of it, learn his lesson," Dabi hums as he sips with him. "You don't have to follow along if you don't want to. I know what I'm doing is stupid," he says, lightly scratching his neck.
"Are you kidding me!? I love every second of it," Dabi chuckles. "How about on winter holidays you came to my family's home, and we do the same to my old man?" he suggests, a mischievous grin forming in his face.
"Are these going to be our dates from now on? Pissing off each other's parents?" Tenko rolls his eyes at his boyfriend's daddy issues.
"Hell, yeah. We are a team, aren't we? If you succeed, then so do I," he kisses him in the cheek, making the younger man's cheek turn pink. "Speaking of which, I need to leave more marks on you, babe," The brunette traces a path with his lips to the crook of his neck.
"Dabi..." the artist moans. Suddenly, the body besides him steps away from the bed, taking the heat with him. "No, don't leave..." he pouts and watches as his boyfriend rummages through his overnight bag. A second later, the taller male drops a dozen lipstick tubes on the bed and a box of make-up removing tissues on the bed. He then sits in the mattress again, in front of him, making the new objects bounce. "What are those for?"
"A game I know. Pick one," Tomura looks between the object and his boyfriend, trying to decipher what he was planning on doing. With a shaky gloved finger, he takes the tube nearest to him. Dabi takes it from him and spins it open, displaying a hot pink colour and applies it rapidly on his lips.
He is about to ask him something else, but he is interrupted by a pair of wet lips connecting with his. After his mouth, Dabi kisses his cheek then his jaw, his neck and collar bone before once again returning to his lips. He then separates from him once again and reaches for one the wipes, leaving Tomura panting. "Pick another one," he is instructed as the brunette takes off the pink lipstick. Without taking his eyes off Dabi, grabs another tube and hands it to him. The man on top opens the new one, a deep red, applies it and goes back to Tenko's lips. This time though, instead of continuing on his neck, the other dips down lower and tugs his shirt upwards. He starts to outline a straight line from his hip to his heart before returning to his lips again. "Another one and take that shirt off, I plan on making you a masterpiece," Dabi softly whispers in his ear before wiping off the make-up.
Colour after colour, Dabi stayed true to his word. His collar and neck ended up pink, his chest had three lines of kiss marks in red, purple and blue, his shoulders and wrists got green and yellow on his right and left and his crotch covered in black. He would start and end with his lips, making them swollen and full of colour. Dabi kissed him slowly and sensually everywhere, tearing him apart with every touch of his lips, smearing make-up all over his body. He felt his affection and care, leaving him breathless and dizzy. They didn't do anything overly sexual, his bottom was still sore from yesterday, though Dabi did blow him.
As the two laid next to each other after it, Tenko couldn't believe how happy the other made him. Dabi was his first relationship, and the man had been nothing if not patient with him. He let him set a pace he was comfortable with, teaching him the ropes and calming his anxiety whenever he got nervous. He even went along with his petty scheme. Tenko knew he was falling for the guy and it terrified him and thrilled him at the time. The fact that he could just be next to a person and be happy and content was new. He could stay in this bed forever, staring back into those blue eyes, and be in peace.
Suddenly, a phone rings in the background, interrupting the moment. Dabi huffs annoyed and picks up the phone on the nightstand. "What, Giran!?" he answers the call. "What? No, I'm busy. Can't you postpone it?" he says after a second. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. But I'm with Shirakumo right now," he moans and sighs once he gets an answer. "Alright, alright, I'm going. I'll see you there," he hangs up the phone and sighs again.
"You have work?" Tenko asks him.
"Yeah, the photoshoot for that new perfume brand, 'Angel's Tears', got moved to today. They want to release the product earlier, to win against a rival brand," he explains annoyed. "I don't wanna leave..." he moans and hides his face in the crook of his neck.
"You can come back later, I don't want you to miss work," he tells him, stroking the model's naked back. Dabi groans in protest and cuddles closer, hanging on to hin tighter. "Come on, you lazy bum, get up," he tells him and tries to get out of his hold.
It takes him a minute, but he is able to get out of bed and go into the bathroom. When he is in there, he gets to look at the end piece of Dabi's game. His body is a battlefield of lip marks of different colours in a chaotic yet very eye-catching way. He had a lot of issues like a LOT of issues and his dislike for his body was one of them. But looking at himself like this? With the clear evidence that someone loved his frail, pale form, it made his stomach flutter. Taking advantage of his new-found confidence, he goes for his phone and takes a picture in the mirror. As the camera goes off, Dabi appears behind him, placing his arms in his stomach and his chin in his shoulder. He takes another one.
"I told you I would make you a Masterpiece," he whispers in his ear and then kisses it.
The two try to get presentable, or at least Tenko does, covering the lipstick with clothes. The make-up is dry now, so the wipes don't take much of it off. He might need to take a shower once Dabi leaves. Once the two are ready, they go to the gate hand in hand to wait for Giran. The manager is going to drive the model there, since he doesn't have a car.
They depart with a kiss and a promise to call the other once they're free again.
Once he is gone, he makes his way back to the small dormitory-apartment, where he sees his dad sitting in one of the couch with his face in his hands. Yagi by his side, was trying to comfort him. He ignored them, but he can feel their eyes in his back and neck. Especially on the make-up he yet had to remove. He is feeling a little bad for his dad. He knows it's very pitiful what he is doing. But he guessed for now he learned his lesson. He could back down a little and attack once he went back to his habits. He was prepared if that happened. Unlike his dad, whose strategy was unplanned and sprung in the moment, he had a hot-blooded boyfriend he could use as very effective ammo.
He took a shower when he got to his room, which took him while. The lipstick was a pain to scrub off, and it made him question how worth it would be to do it. But then he remembers how good it was to be kissed stupid by his boyfriend and how he would love to do the same to him, and thinks that maybe it's worth the mess. He steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist but stops in his tracks.
"Dad!? What are you doing with my phone!?" he yells when he sees his dad there, messing with his phone.
'Quick, Oboro, act stupid!'
"...what's a phone?" the older man utters. 'Not that stupid!'
Tenko feels like he's about to explode with anger. Screw going on the defensive! Screw his dad and his overprotective nurture! Screw being treated like a child or an innocent teenager! This meant war and his dad was going to relive hell on earth!
Tenko takes a deep breath to calm down first. He isn't wearing his gloves right now, and while his control is pretty good, he doesn't want to accidentally decay his phone or his possessions in a fit of anger. Or worse, his dad.
"I'm going to change, and then  you  are going to apologise for disrespecting my privacy," he tells him in his meanest and darkest tone. "Also, if I were you, I wouldn't open the camera roll," he warns as he enters his bedroom.
The scream he hears once the door is close is strangely satisfying.
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
Welcome back ♥️ 😘
11. Any moments, or scenes, that you could watch/read over and over again:
So, every leak night, like a freaking obsessed person, I re-read the manga. I start at chapter 270 and then keep re-reading until I hit the latest chapter, or the leaks start to release. 
It helps me to stay grounded in the moment. If that makes sense?? For me, I can appreciate the nuances and watch the build up happen at a gradual pace. It’s kinda like putting a book down for a week, finding it again, and then needing to remind myself of the plot and characters before I keep reading. 
And so, for now, imma say the War Arc, as distressing as it’s been, has been my most re-watched/read bit of BNHA. 
I’m ready for something else, Horikoshi plz, end this torture :((((  
23. Any moment that was a disappointment:
Honestly, the Overhaul Arc. I liked the development of Shigaraki & his growth and I liked all the questions that were asked by the adults (see: ROCK LOCK) at the table before the raid, but I dislike how it’s so self contained?
I feel like none of the characters, aside from the UA kids and teachers, really got to experience much development. Everything is very boxed up. It’s almost like it’s own little mini novel. 
26. What moment did you find the saddest? Or that hit you the hardest:
Chapters 235 - 237. 
That’s the Shigaraki back story reveal. I don’t know what I was expecting. We’d seen glimpses but seeing it all laid out & how much the unfortunate circumstances of his life broke him, yeah, that hurt.
Still does. 
I’m terrified that I’ll burst into tears when it’s animated. 
30. What is, if any, the biggest flaw you see in the series?
Ahaha. I loved you asked me this Lydia, but you’ll prolly regret it. I’ve always got a bone to pick with things. 
Saying that, I love this series. I like the characters, I like the depth, I like the vulnerability of the male mains, I would like to see more of the female characters, but it’s a shonen & I guess I get it. *not really. more female development plz & ty
But, I dislike the disconnect of violence. I don’t like that the heroes get to smash and bash and vent and feel, but when the villains do it it’s a big ol’ GASP, can you believe? All Might did wonderful things for society, but he also plays a big part in enabling all of this lackadaisical apathy we see in the work.
And that’s not limited to heroes. The everyday people seem positively gleeful at the carnage and aggression they get to watch played out on the streets. As much as I dislike Endeavor, it shouldn’t have taken a kid to say, hey, he’s freaking trying & he’s lowkey dying out there, have a little bit of faith?? Maybe try to help him, but don’t turn away from his husk of a body to look for the next best thing. 
These are the themes that I love in this work & I want to see so much more. I like the grey characters and I like that this whole thing starts with the quote: “Men are not created Equal.” However, I would like to see people learning to be badass, to help, to succeed, to be worth something, without their quirks. 
Izuku didn’t need OFA to be great, he already was. Mirio absolutely almost triumphed over Overhaul without his quirk. That is valuable and that is important. Ahem.
BNHA ask game
Below this cut are major spoilers. I discuss the some of the events that transpired in BNHA 293, so no touch if you don’t wanna see that.
You can live with out a quirk. You can thrive without a quirk. You are just as valuable WITHOUT A QUIRK. So the fact that Mirio asked a 7 year old, who’s only worry should be what color she is going to put in her coloring book next, to fix him, is not, imo: OK
I’m also bothered by the fact that Aizawa sat there and said, this is fine. You’re upset by children being used in this war, right?  
I don’t care if Eri thinks she’s been practicing for this: she is SEVEN. She is a child & I want her to get to be a child. She shouldn’t be leaned on for fixing your problems. It’s too similar to what Overhaul was doing and, at the end of the day, you’re using her for YOUR selfish benefit. 
Oh, and she is a civilian. 
She is not a hero. She is not enrolled to become one & I think everyone at that school would say she is too young to make that call right now. Hero society relies on civilians not taking action, not interfering. Society calls the MLA terrible & they are all technically classified as villains for using their quirks without a license. Why, why, why then, can you ask Eri to use hers?
In BNHA, using your quirk, outside of the bounds of the law, makes you someone who is acting on the WRONG side of the law. It doesn’t matter if it’s for the right cause, as we saw with the kids, waaaay back in the Stain arc
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So. My question is, why do you get a pass Mirio? Why were you able to skirt the rules of society, when ppl like Tomura, Twice, Toga, or others, who feel that they are slipping through the cracks, who don’t conform to the rules, are held to a different standard? That’s an: It’s ok for me, but not for thee mentality & I am upset. 
If you made it this far, thank you for listening to my ramblings :3c it’s just a manga, i should likely chill the fuck out & i’m SORRY.     
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writerbyaccident · 5 years
Date Night: Part One (Yandere ErasermicxReader)
Request: First time requesting, hope I'm doing this correctly. If you don't mind, how would if affect the actions of a yandere erasermic if, while stalking the reader, they realize she has an s/o of either dabi,tomura or toga? would it make a difference if the reader is unaware that her s/o is a villain?
Part Two  Part Three
           Despite their busy schedules as both heroes and teachers, Hizashi and Aizawa were practically religious about date night. They both knew the importance of taking some time for themselves and for each other, as they both had their fair share of experiences watching the other drive himself into precarious exhaustion. So at the utmost minimum, either Hizashi or Aizawa would end up dragging the other out of the house once a week for some much needed relaxation. And recently, the two of them had discovered a date night activity that soothed and strengthened them like nothing else could. That activity being watching over you.
           Now, this was not an activity relegated solely for date night of course. After all, as much as it was a pleasure for Hizashi and Aizawa to keep an eye on you, they realized that it wasn’t just some silly hobby or pastime. No, it was a responsibility. How else could they ensure that you would be safe in such a dangerous world? But again, their full schedules kept them from guarding you as often as they would have liked, even taking into account the time they each spent watching you without the other. Although, that only ended up making the nights where they were able to go out and watch over you together all the more special and romantic.
           “Isn’t that adorable?” Hizashi almost squealed. “It’s a Friday night, and what’s our sweetheart doing? She’s visited the library and is getting started on her new book.” Aizawa grinned to himself, both due to his boyfriend and to you. In his opinion, the both of you were adorable. There was Hizashi, absolutely smitten with every little thing you did, and there you were, giving him every possible justification for doing so. As the two of them peered down from the roof of the building over, Aizawa gently grasped Hizashi’s hand in his.
           “I think she can sense that we’re here,” Aizawa murmured. “She sat right at the window for us.” At that comment, it was now Hizashi’s turn to grin. Normally he was the more romantic (or as Aizawa sometimes teasingly called it, “sappy”) of the two, but you just brought out that side of him.
           “I wonder what she got to drink,” Hizashi pondered, trying to guess what might be in the mug that you were bringing to your lips. Watching closely, both men imagined how your lips might feel, how they might taste.  
           “Probably hot chocolate, that’s her favorite to have in the evening.”
           Minutes passed that way, with Aizawa and Hizashi watching you contentedly as you read and sipped at your drink. Snuggling close together, it was all that the two men really needed: to be with each other and to be with you. But then, all of the sudden, their peaceful night was interrupted. You must have heard something, probably someone calling out your name, for you set down your book and stood up to greet a slowly approaching figure. That in and of itself wasn’t a shock, Aizawa and Hizashi knew that you had friends. But what was a shock was this apparently was not a friend, a fact that was clear from the kiss you gave him.
           “What?!” Hizashi yelled, and if Aizawa hadn’t been as equally shocked and angry, he would have thought to be thankful that they were too high up to be heard by any passerby. “Who the hell is that?”
           “I don’t know,” Aizawa muttered.
           “Why the hell is he near our angel?”
           “I don’t know,” Aizawa mumbled.
           “Why the fuck is he putting his hands on her?”
           “I don’t—”
           Aizawa’s continued admittance of ignorance was abruptly cut off though, as the bastard who dared to touch you pulled away, allowing the men who so deeply and truly loved you to see his face.
           “Holy shit...” Hizashi whispered hoarsely.
           “I know,” Aizawa responded in shock.
           “I know,” Aizawa answered, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend’s waist in attempted reassurance. To be fair, his gesture worked about as well as it possibly could considering the horrific sight before them. It would have been bad enough to simply see you kiss anyone who wasn’t either of them, but to see you being kissed by a member of the League of Villains was far more vile than anything else they could have imagined.
           “I just don’t understand,” Hizashi said weakly. “Why would she ever let that villain kiss her? Why would she ever be involved with someone like Dabi?” Aizawa just shook his head, as equally confused as his boyfriend. The both of them knew just how kind, how sweet, how innocent you were. That was one of the countless things that they loved about you! And they had spent enough time watching over you by now that they couldn’t wrap their heads around this sudden contradiction. That was, until a possible explanation entered Aizawa’s mind.
           “She wouldn’t, there’s no chance that she would. Unless…unless she didn’t know.”
           “Didn’t know?”
           “She doesn’t know who he really is—she can’t know who he really is,” Aizawa reasoned. “There’s simply no other logical answer.”
           “You’re right! He must be lying to her, telling her all sorts of shit to get close to her!” Hizashi gasped softly.
           “So that he can use her,” Aizawa nodded.
           “So that he can hurt her,” Hizashi growled. Despite the situation, Aizawa couldn’t help the way his heart warmed at Hizashi’s protective tone. It was just so sweet, how badly he wanted to keep you safe, a desire that Aizawa felt reflected in his own heart with equal fervor. And as the two men stared down at you from their hidden perch, it became clear to the both of them that they would need to do so much more than they had been in order to do so.
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Diverging Paths: One (Villain Deku)
Izuku had held out hope. He had held out on hope for so much of his life. Hope that he could be a hero, that he could help heroes, that he could do something- anything. But as time passes and hope dwindles and fades, it becomes harder and harder to hold onto anything... So why even try? 
Katsuki had said so many things- done so many things. But after seeing him that day, after realizing what was really going on, he couldn’t help but wonder... When is it too late to make things right?
Heys I included my general taglist but given this is not sanders sides not sure if you guys are interested or not. So just let me know if you still wanna be tagged in this, I wont default people after just in case. Thanks!
@hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie @dreaming-always @anxiety-ismy-name @mrbubbajones
Ao3 - Masterlist
One: All Men Are Not Created Equal
Izuku looked up from where he had been shuffling down the hallway to see a few members of class 1-A waving to him. He gave an awkward wave as he tried to move past them, but they were persistent.
“Friend Midoriya-kun!” Iida-san called loudly, inserting himself into Izuku’s space. With him (as always) was Uraraka-san and Asui-san. 
“H-hi,” he stammered out in response. 
“How’s the management department going? I have always been interested in the other classes.”
“It’s good. Class J is the same as always. How’s A been?”
“Good! But soon we must embark on the journey of studying more”
“Don't remind me,” Uraraka-san groaned in response. 
Asui-san opened her mouth to respond but a familiar blast in his face caused Deku to take a step back. He gave a hard swallow as he forced a smile and a wave, “H-hi Kacchan.”
“Fuck off Deku!” Kacchan yelled in response as he gave a sneer. “What do you think you’re doing here?”
“Oh you know each other?” Uraraka-san asked intrigued while behind her Iida was attempting to apologize profusely for his classmate’s lack of manners. 
“Kacchan and I grew up together,” Izuku answered as he glanced at the other boy. 
“Wait, he has friends?” Another student asking from behind Bakugo. They hadn’t been introduced, but after watching the sports festival Izuku knew who it was from the research he had done during the Sports Festival. Kirishima Eijiro, Quirk: Harderning, he had made it to the second round in the sports festival before losing to Bakugo. Izuku opened his mouth a question about the other first year’s quirk on the tip of his tongue but Bakugo’s palm had appeared in his face, freezing any words before they could come.
“I would never be friends with a Deku!”
“You make it sound like you have options for friends,” Kaminari Denki tossed in as he approached tossing an arm around Kirishima-kun’s shoulders in a friendly way. The smile melted off his face quickly as Bakugo rounded on him, but Izuku didn’t mind. As the classmates chattered, it allowed him to fade to the background where he belonged.
It allowed him to slip away.
“You damn nerd!”
Izuku was barely able to throw his arms up before the blast hit his arms and he found himself falling to the ground. 
“Where do you get off talking to my class, huh?” Bakugo shouted. “I’m gonna be the number one hero! I can't have people thinking I’m friends with a quirkless dumbass!”
“Sorry,” Izuku mumbled in reply. “I won't do it again.”
“You’re a quirkless shithead!” He continued reaching for Izuku’s backpack and throwing it to the side, its contents spilling across the sidewalk. “When are you gonna realize that? You’re in the fucking management class! You’re never going to be anything! So stop trying!”
Izuku wasn’t sure why the words stung. 
They were words he had been told since he was a child. Since the day his quirk hadn’t developed. Words said by everyone in his life, from friends, to bullies, to teachers, to All Might himself. 
The hero had told him to try another path. To go for management, to support heroes in their work behind the scenes. So he had tried, he had applied to UA, taken the exam, gotten in. He had tried to make friends, to do well in his classes, he had tried to be happy in a life which wasn’t suited for him, he had tried. He had tried. He had tried. 
But Kacchan was right, if he wasn’t going to be anything... then why try at all?
Perhaps that’s why this time Bakugo’s words had hurt so much, because this time they weren’t only his, but Izuku’s too.
“Izuku?” his mom’s voice had come worriedly. “What are you doing?”
He glanced up from where he was taking down the last of the posters, trying not to damage the wall as he did, “Redecorating.”
His mother entered the room slowly looking around at the full garbage bags in the center, “Why are you throwing it out of all of your All Might stuff?”
Because he was tired of living in a shrine. Living in the shadow of yet another person who didn’t believe in him. “I’ve gotten older,” He told her with a forced smile as he shoved the final poster in the garbage bag and tied it shut. “I don't need it anymore.”
His mother seemed to be at a loss for words, but tears brimmed at her eyes. Izuku gave her another smile as he moved to give her a hug, “Don’t cry mom.” But she did anyway, and he held her there consoling her as she apologized for not being able to give him a quirk, for not being able to control things she by nature she couldn’t control. But as she cried, Izuku couldn’t help but feel he had made the right decision. But there was one final step.
The stacks of notebooks nearly fell from his hands as he walked out the UA gates and headed towards his home. When he arrived he would toss them with the rest of the things he needed to throw out, and get rid of it all in one go. 
No turning back. 
“You have more of them, Izuku-kun?”
Izuku blinked in surprise as he looked around the almost empty street to find a girl standing behind him. She was about his age, dressed in the uniform of another school, with blonde hair and a large smile on her face. 
“I’m sorry?” He asked awkwardly. 
“More books!” She said cheerily, taking something frown behind her back and holding it out for him to see, “Tada!”
Izuku paused and blinked seeing his own handwriting on the notebook’s cover. 
“You dropped it yesterday!”
“He didn’t drop it, that kid threw his backpack.” This voice came from the alley beside her and when he looked Izuku could see a man perhaps in his twenties. He was tall with long dark hair and purpled skin in patches across his body in an unsettling way. 
“We liked reading your notebook!” She said ignoring him. “So did our friends!”
“Oh, um thank you,” Izuku replied awkwardly as he took the notebook from her. He tried to move away but she spoke again. 
“Can we read another one?” 
“I-I was actually going to throw them away.”
“Then just give ‘em to us,” Her companion shrugged. “Problem solved.”
“Uh, okay I-”
“Wait! I’m sure Kuriogiri-san and Shigaraki-san would want to ask about them!” She interjected. “Come with us to meet them!”
“He doesn’t know us, nutjob,” The young man said with an eye roll. “Why would he come with us?”
“Well I’m Toga Himiko, and that's Dabi! Nice to meet you Izuku-kun!”
Izuku hadn’t expected to end up standing awkwardly in a bar surrounded by people he didn’t know but yet here he was. Toga-san seemed nice enough, but the rest honestly creeped him out a tad with how much they were staring at him and-and Shigaraki had severed hands on him?
“This is in depth,” Kurogiri-san complimented looking through one of the notebooks. “Does your quirk involve your memory? Or analysis?”
“I’m-” He faltered. “I’m quirkless actually...”
“Remarkable. These are quite thorough, you could compete with someone who has such a quirk.”
“Do you have any more of these?” Dabi-san asked him. 
Izuku gave a slight nod as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “At home.”
“Bring them tomorrow!” Toga-san encouraged. 
Izuku had mumbled a reply about considering it and he left as quickly as he could. 
So he wasn’t entirely sure why he went back. 
But that mix of confusion and uncertainty would become part of his regular visits. At first it had been to give extra notebooks. To go over his thoughts. And then it had been to do that again. And again. And again. 
But he knew that was just the excuse he had been telling himself. 
He was going for them. 
That first day something had intrigued him, and then on the second he had seen how polar their personalities seemed to be, but as he continued returning he could see how they each fit together in that whole puzzle that was them. He could see how each was acknowledged and accepted for their differences- not ridiculed. Yes there was teasing, there was name calling, but unlike what he was used to it didn’t have any malintent. 
And he could start to see where he fit too. On that same stool at the corner of the bar, a glass of water in front of him and a notebook in front of him. 
It was a place where he was wanted. A place where they treated him kindly- as a friend- as one of them. And Izuku didn’t realize how much he had latched onto them- until they had finally told him what he already figured out for himself. It had been easy to, far easier than one should expect.
Because sitting there, sitting in that spot he could essentially hear bits and pieces clicking into place. Mainly about Kurogiri-san, the man’s description matched what Iida-san had gone on and on about when Izuku had asked him about the U.S.J. incident. 
These people were criminals- villains.  
Logic told him to run, to never look back, to tell all the heroes at school that he knew exactly where they were hiding. He knew what the teachers and other heroes everywhere had been trying to figure out for so long. Now all he had to do... was tell.
It would be easy to do. He had options. He could tell the police, or he could tell any one of the teachers at school tomorrow. He had options...
So he wasn’t sure why he didn’t tell anyone, but at first he didn’t go back either. He had stayed away for a few days, trying to determine what he should do with the information and ultimately he had decided to sit in his seat at the bar, drink his water, talk to his friends, and write down his analysis. 
“You’re taking this better than I expected,” Kurogiri-san acknowledged. 
“What did you expect?” Izuku asked him in return.
“I thought you’d have some reaction to us being the ones who attacked your school.”
Izuku sipped at his water with a shrug. “I’ve known for a while,” he admitted. “I figured it out myself a while ago.”
“It didn’t bother you?”
“It did... but-but you guys are my friends, right?”
Toga-san had leaned forward with a smile, “Course!” v
Friendship came with the others growing comfortable with him, and as the walls came down between them they began to be open with their planning. It was strange, he would go to school all day and learn about how to manage and support pro heroes, and afterwards he’d come here to the bar and he’d hang out and pretend he couldn’t hear as they plotted their next moves. Sometimes he’d simply pretend not to listen at all, but he could always hear. And yet when the words were spoken to him he thought he had misheard. 
“I asked,” Shigaraki-san started slowly. “Do you want a quirk?”
“All men are not created equal” - Midoriya Izuku
One - Two
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