#didn't mean to add that poetry part at all
neptuneiris · 7 months
could you pretend to be in love? (06/10)
The Connection
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader (fake dating)
summary: an unexpected person from the past shows up and there is a family dinner to attend, resulting in disastrous thoughts and difficult decisions.
word count: 8.9k
previous part • next chapter • series masterlist
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the chapter is finally here!
sorry it took me so long, if you didn't see my last post go do it and you'll know why👀 but we can put it behind us now and I'm excited to tell you that the next chapter will finally give us that next level we've been waiting for so long!
I really hope it won't take me that long but for now, let's enjoy this new chapter and as always, I'll be very anxious to read your comments🥰
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The day of the dinner is slowly approaching.
And you still don't feel completely sure about it. However, despite your doubts and worries, you haven't backed out.
Mostly you think about what you're going to tell Aemond's mother by way of ruining things out of nervousness. Of course he should have already given her information about the relationship, but you're worried that she'll ask you questions and you won't know how to answer.
But that's not the reason she wants to get to know you… is it?
You think she probably just wants to know more about you, your likings, your non likings, your aspirations in life, your dreams, your family and things related to that.
You just hope so.
You've never done this before, meeting a guy's parents, ever. And you just get more nervous and feel more pressure knowing that Aegon and Helaena will be there too.
As well as you also feel guilty about the fact that they all think that you and Aemond are for real and you're just going to go there and convince them and assure them that you and Aemond are crazy about each other… when it's not true.
Now it's Thursday, tomorrow is dinner and Aemond doesn't seem at all concerned about it, when your thoughts are being completely tormented with it.
Still, you listen attentively to his words as you put away some books in your locker and he's standing next to you, leaning against the lockers, with the Romeo and Juliet book in his hands.
"Why did you make me read this shit? It's too hard to read and I don't like it," he says longingly.
You look away from your books to him and place a small amused smile on your lips at the sight of his face.
"It's like poetry and I don't like poetry, I don't understand it," he says frustrated, "I don't understand any of the weird rhyming they say."
"Well, Shakespeare has a unique way of expressing himself."
"Yeah, but what does he mean by 'My lips, two humble blazons, are ready to seal with a kiss softly'?" he recites reading the phrase with his brows furrowed and you let out a small laugh.
"Shakespeare loved beauty in words, even if it meant complicating things a bit."
"Yeah but why can't he just kiss her and be done with it without saying these weird words that give me cringe?"
"Come on," you give him an incredulous look, "It's romantic. The whole book is romantic with a tragic ending."
"This is definitely not romantic," he says incredulously and shaking his head, "It's weird, boring and makes me want to puke."
You look at him with a pout.
"You're not romantic at all."
"Excuse me?"
He immediately comes to defend himself, staring at you incredulously and completely indignant.
"I can be extremely romantic, thank you very much."
You raise your hands in a gesture of surrender, with a small smile as you see the spark of amusement in his gaze.
"You of all people should know that, you've witnessed it and you're the reason I do it mostly," he adds.
"But that's not… you know," you give him an expectant, knowing look.
"It's still romantic."
"No, it's not," you say with a laugh.
At your playful response, still busy at your locker, you don't notice and Aemond suddenly approaches. He takes your chin with one of his hands gently but firmly enough, causing you to look up at him, catching you off guard.
"What did you just say, my love?" he asks with a mischievous smile and amusement in his gaze, appearing serious and warning.
He brings his face closer to yours with a demanding gaze and your heart begins to pound as you let yourself be carried away by his proximity.
It is clear that he is going to kiss you, what does this mean if not kiss you? So you watch him expectantly and with your face lifted towards him, really looking forward to the sweet contact, your lips inches from his.
But first Aemond looks around briefly, wanting to make sure that some students in the hallway are watching you. When then, you see that he is overlooking a specific spot in the hallway.
You see how there is a slight glint in his eye and then he no longer moves.
You frown slightly, waiting. And before you can say or do anything, Aemond suddenly pulls away.
Confusion overtakes you and he clears his throat by averting his gaze, then smiles softly at you as if he wasn't about to kiss you seconds ago.
"Then I'll be more romantic next time," he says, taking his distance from you, as if trying to minimize the tense moment you've just shared.
Was he going to kiss you or not?
You can't just tell him to kiss you either, that he was going to, since this isn't real but… the change in his behavior confuses you, you don't quite understand what just happened and you don't know what to say.
"I have to go to the field now," he tells you, averting his gaze for a moment before looking at you again, "I'll see you in class, okay?"
"Hum… yeah, yeah, okay," you nod, still confused.
He gives you one last smile and before leaving, he gives your shoulder a light squeeze with his hand, another gesture that catches you off guard. Without a kiss on your forehead or cheek, as he usually does, he walks away.
You stand in the hallway, watching him go, with a mix of emotions you can't help but feel confused, uncertain and... disappointed.
Questions swirl around in your mind, but you don't have any answers. So shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you close your locker door and head to your next class.
Eventually you continue to run into him and he acts normal, as usual. He sits next to you in class, does the teacher's requested activities with you, and walks with you through the halls to the next class.
And everything is…normal, in a way.
Although he's still being kind and attentive, he's not being as affectionate as usual.
You can see how he's distracted, deep in thought from time to time, something is on his mind, something that you have no idea what it is but that keeps you alert, confused and makes you feel completely different from previous days.
You sense that the dynamic between you today has changed somehow, leaving you feeling bewildered.
And you don't know why.
Although it's not until break time that you find yourself sitting at a table alone, still feeling this awkwardness, when Alysanne comes in and drops the big bombshell on you that makes all the sense in the world.
"Why are you here eating so casually when I just saw your boyfriend catching up with his other ex-girlfriend?"
You raise your gaze to her almost instantly, with a mixture of surprise and confusion, a knot forming in your stomach as the weight of her words settle on your shoulders.
"Yeah, Floris Baratheon," she says, then looks at you slightly confused, "How did you not know this?"
"What?" you repeat, not understanding.
"Floris Baratheon," she repeats to you slowly and clearly, "Dark hair, not as tall and certainly not as bitchy as Alys but still she falls into the category of girls who are superficial and think they are better than other girls," she explains to you.
Confusion lingers in your gaze, for despite the explanation, you still don't remember anything about a girl named Floris Baratheon at school.
"You really don't know who she is? Aemond didn't tell you about her?" asks Alysanne incredulously and your face answers her questions, "She transferred schools for a semester and just returned this morning. She and Aemond weren't actually dating but they had a thing when he and Alys broke up for like the twelfth time."
Your mind whirls as you process the information.
Honestly you had no idea about Floris' existence back in your invisibility days at school. Therefore, you also had no idea that she and Aemond had ever had any kind of relationship.
However… there is something you have an idea of at the moment.
This is why Aemond acted weird with you this morning, because of her. He must have seen her in the hallway and his demeanor changed completely.
"I-I didn't know that," you admit in a soft, low voice, trying to hide the uneasiness that is starting to creep up on you.
"Well, it's weird that Aemond didn't tell you anything, especially since I saw the two of them so comfortable and happy talking," she lets you know, "And I'm not telling you this with any malice or to make you feel bad, it's just that I think you should know, even though I thought you already knew."
You bite the inside of your cheek, feeling a surge of emotions wash over you that you can't quite explain, nor can you avoid.
You're not sure what to think or how to react to this, but one thing is for sure; things between you and Aemond are likely to get complicated.
But what can you really do?
You and he aren't really dating. What's the point of asking him about it when it's really none of your business? Besides if he didn't talk to you about it before, when he saw her, it must be for this very reason.
You have no right here, even if you feel this.
"Do you want to get out of here?" asks you Alysanne later, noticing your face and probably everything that is invading your mind.
And soon enough, she takes you to the rooftop of the school, outdoors, where you just sit and watch the sky and listen to her while she smokes a cigarette, talking to you about Cregan being around her lately.
But as much as you want to give her your full attention and corroborate what she is telling you, you can't.
The rest of the classes are without Aemond, since you don't share them with him, and when the school day ends, still not knowing exactly whether to wait for him to drive you home or not, you head for the exit of the building, deep in thought.
You feel a hand grab your shoulder and when you turn your head without stopping moving forward, you find Aemond standing next to you.
"Hi," you reply softly, turning your gaze back to the front.
And he at your side gives you an attentive, curious and slightly confused look.
"Are you okay? I didn't see you at break," he says softly, "I also texted you and you didn't respond."
"Oh," your mind goes blank for a moment, "I was with Alysanne on the roof. She was talking to me about some things."
"Hmm," he nods, still watching you between a mixture of attentive and curious.
Then the two of you say nothing more, with the silence loud between the two of you and that tension emanating from your body, when you speak again.
"Are you going to drive me home today?" you decide to ask him, watching him, with that hesitation in your tone of voice and look.
And he frowns, watching you blankly.
"I always drive you."
You are about to speak but a third voice does it for you, stopping your steps and also Aemond's.
The two turn their heads and there she is, Floris Baratheon.
Black hair, brown eyes, slender and absolutely beautiful features. She approaches with a smile, showing off her perfect, aligned teeth.
Everything about her screams money, as well as elegance, from her perfectly coiffed hair to her impeccable designer clothes and accessories.
And the moment she catches both your attention and Aemond's, you notice how he beside you tenses slightly.
"Hey," she gives him a charming smile and her full attention, placing herself in front of him, "The guys are going to get something to eat, I was just told. Do you want to join us? We can take off in your car and catch up some more."
"Hum…" he is silent for a moment, shooting you a nervous glance, scratching the back of his neck.
And throwing you another glance, this finally catches Floris' attention and she notices your presence as well.
"Oh… hi," she smiles softly at you.
Despite your nerves and how uncomfortable you're starting to feel, you force yourself to smile as kindly and genuinely as possible.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I know you," she tells you in an exaggeratedly kind tone of voice.
And this too finally gets Aemond to react.
"Yeah, right, that's my fault," he says trying to act nonchalant and completely relaxed, "Floris, this is Y/N, m-my girlfriend."
You watch as she parts her lips and her surprise is evident as she looks at Aemond and then turns her attention back to you.
"I-I didn't find the moment to tell you."
You instantly observe Aemond, with a look that even you can't explain and he suddenly can't control his nervous gestures anymore, giving a wary glance to you and then to Floris.
She turns her gaze back to you and though she tries to hide her surprise, the strength of her smile seems a bit forced as she holds out her hand to you.
"I'm Floris, nice to meet you."
And within everything you're feeling right now, like awkwardness and feeling out of place, you still shake your hand with hers.
"Nice to meet you."
Tension is in the air and Aemond looks hesitant for a moment. And you continue to feel like an intruder between them, getting in between the interaction of two people sharing a history you don't fully know about.
When Aemond speaks again.
"Floris is my…
He tries to tell you, but his words are left floating in the air.
Suddenly you see how he struggles and searches his mind for a way to introduce you to the girl he had a thing with in the past, only according to him, you don't know that, when certainly Alysanne already took care of it.
And just like you, you too feel Floris' anticipation, waiting for him to introduce her.
"An old friend," he finally says.
Floris arches an eyebrow slightly at Aemond's introduction, her lips curving into a smile that seems to contain more than just politeness.
"Yes, that," she punctuates, with a knowing look that to you does not go unnoticed, "Well, I just wanted to know if you were free for this afternoon. Although if you want you can bring your girlfriend with us," she proposes.
Aemond takes a moment to respond, averting his gaze as he scratches the back of his neck in a nervous gesture.
And that's when you decide to speak.
"You can go with them," you tell him and that immediately gets his attention and hers, "I can just take the bus or something and I'll see you later," you say to start walking away from both of them.
His attention and slight surprise is most visible on his face, but before you can move too far away, he grabs your hand and advances towards you.
"What? No" he immediately inquires, "No, I'll take you home."
The determination in his tone of voice and in his gaze makes you feel a little more comforted, but still, you can't shake this uneasiness in you about Floris' presence.
And that's when Aemond turns to her again without letting go of your hand.
"Sorry Floris, another time," he tells her in his firmer, slightly strained voice.
And she nods with a sympathetic look, though you can't help but sense there's something else behind her expression.
"Of course, I understand, it'll be for next time then," she says, before turning to you, "It was nice meeting you, Y/N."
And finally she is the first to walk away.
You exchange a look you can't quite describe with Aemond and feel the awkwardness and seriousness linger between the two of you, even as the two of you leave the building and make your way to his car.
And once in the passenger seat and with Aemond driving through the city streets, you find yourself fiddling with your fingers in your lap, still feeling the awkwardness in the air.
You don't understand exactly what's got you right now but you can't even see Aemond out of the corner of your eye, so you keep your gaze focused straight ahead and on the side where the window is.
"Are you okay?"
You suddenly hear his voice speak softly to you, feeling his gaze on you from time to time and you squirm a little in your seat before you speak, swallowing hard.
"Yeah, all good," you say, trying to sound convincing.
He exhales deeply, noticing your distance again.
"I'm sorry if the Floris thing made you uncomfortable. S-she…" he sighs, "She's truly a childhood friend. We had something in the past but it was very brief and it's no longer relevant."
And although there is nothing wrong with his words, you still can't help but feel a slight knot in your stomach. And you act completely unconcerned.
"I understand," you say simply, in a soft voice and still without looking at him.
But this is not convincing to Aemond, who licks his lips and can't help but worry about the situation.
"I mean it."
"Aemond," you call him softly, finally looking at him, "I understand, I really do," you assure him, "I also meant it when I said you should go eat with her and your friends. You seemed very uncomfortable and there was no problem from me."
He nods slowly, but still looks a little uneasy.
"I just didn't expect I was going to see her again."
And you don't know if that's worse.
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"Are you ready?"
Oh God, are you?
"I don't know," you answer honestly, nervously, looking at your outfit.
For this occasion you chose a pair of pants, ankle boots and a white tank top with a black jacket over it. You don't look overdressed but decent for the occasion, along with your makeup and hairstyle.
"Hey, easy," he says softly, placing both hands on your shoulders, "It's going to be okay. Besides we won't be alone, Aegon and Hel will be with us."
"Yeah but that's not what I'm worried about," you clarify, playing with your fingers, "What if I ruin everything?" you ask watching him fearfully, "What if everyone realizes that we're not really dating because of me?"
"I'll take care of that, don't worry," he assures you, with his soft gaze, "You just have to corroborate everything I say and stick to the main story. Other than that, my mother will just ask you questions about you to get to know you better."
"Are you sure?" you ask, not entirely convinced.
"Very," he affirms you, conveying calmness and assurance in his voice.
"You've done this before?" you can't help but ask, still with some hesitation, "I mean…" you lick your lips, nervous, "You've brought a girl before to dinner with your family?"
He is silent for a moment, as if considering how to answer, as the implication is clear because that's not the real question, you know that too.
Rather it is: have you ever brought Alys to dinner with your family before?
"Yes," he finally admits in a murmur, sincerely, "Yes, I have."
You stare at him silently, without the two of you saying anything else, only to look away and nod, again trying to look unconcerned, trying to calm your nerves further.
"My mother never liked her," he says later, again attracting your attention, "You know, Alys."
Again, you say nothing for a few moments, just lick your lips and nod.
"I understand."
Aemond lets out a heavy breath and takes a step towards you, lowering one of his hands to take one of yours, gently rubbing his thumb against the back of yours, this also immediately catching your attention, as you see him looking at you for a moment thoughtfully.
"Are you ready now?" he asks you softly, raising his gaze to you, "We can stay here a while longer if you want."
"No," you reply immediately, "No, I don't want to make everyone wait for us," you release a long breath, calming your nerves, "I'm ready now."
He places a small comforting smile on his lips.
"You'll do fine, trust me," he assures you then moves closer to you and leaves a soft kiss on your forehead, just like at school.
His action definitely catches you off guard and you look at him slightly surprised, but Aemond doesn't give it that much importance, as if it was already a natural and routine thing between both of you, like a gesture of encouragement, to then take you by the hand together with him to the entrance of his house.
His house is nice and big, with a beautiful garden, so when you open the door, you see a huge and cozy living room with the dining room visible in the background, where you can make out Aegon's figure and his short silver hair.
Aemond closes the door behind you and you briefly look around, seeing the decorations of the elegant house, such as mirrors, flowers vases and also family photos.
Mostly, you see pictures of young children, which you recognize as Helaena, Aemond, Aegon and his other brother, Daeron.
There are also photos of what you assume is their mother and also a man, who you assume is the father, with Aemond and his siblings as children. But it strikes you that none of the four are smiling, just the mom a little.
There are more current pictures, only of Aemond, Helaena and Aegon smiling next to their mother, with no trace of their father and Daeron.
"He's my younger brother," he takes a single photo of a boy, standing next to you and handing it to you, "Daeron."
And just as you imagined, he's a boy of about fifteen with striking blue eyes and short silver hair, smiling at the camera with a bright face and looking in the background like he's standing in a lake at Honeyholt.
"Helaena was right," you say with a small smile, still inspecting the photo, "He really is the handsomest of the three of you."
"That's not true," he tells you immediately, taking the photo out of your hands and putting it back in its place with a quick, automatic gesture, making you laugh.
"What's up, bro?"
You both hear Aegon's voice and turn around, with the silver-haired man already walking towards you with a bottle of beer in his hand and a huge grin on his face.
"Are you drinking already?" Aemond inquires, "Mom's going to kill you."
"Oh, you know how persuasive I can be," he tells him without wiping off his smile, "Besides, I've already set the table," he points to the dining room, "It's dinner, bro."
"Careful," he warns you but he deliberately ignores him, heading in your direction.
"Y/N!" he exclaims your name smiling, coming over to embrace you, "Welcome to our home."
"Hi Aegon," you smile back at him.
He envelops you in a hug and you reciprocate cordially, instantly the strong smell of beer reaching your nostrils.
"Want one?" he points to the beer in his hand as he pulls away from you.
"I don't think so," Aemond answers him, again intertwining his hand with yours, "Where's mom?"
"In the kitchen with Hel" he points out, "Tell them to hurry, I'm starving," he says in a tone of voice that catches your attention.
But Aemond pulls you forward, starting to leave him behind, with a serious and disapproving look at his brother's attitude.
"It's the beer," he explains to you quietly, "I hate it when he drinks at home. I just hope it doesn't get unbearable later."
"Why?" you ask him, curious.
He shakes his head.
"Aegon is… complicated."
He doesn't say anything else and neither do you, mostly because he leads you toward the kitchen, but curiosity still lingers on that subject.
He gives your hand a gentle squeeze in a supportive gesture that comforts you as you both cross the threshold into the kitchen, where instantly the smell of delicious freshly baked food hits your nostrils.
And the first thing you notice is a silver hair along with a darker one, who you assume must be Aemond's mother.
And immediately your nerves again explode and you feel your heart pounding hard in your chest.
"Hey, Y/N!"
A friendly voice says to you, being Helaena, who is wiping her hands with a clean dish towel and wearing a beautiful blue dress, instantly heading towards you with open arms.
"Hi Hel," you smile back happily, hugging her enthusiastically.
"Oh I'm so happy you're in our home," she says excitedly and warmly without letting go of you, "We've prepared turkey, I hope you like it," she says as she pulls away from you.
"Oh I'm sure it will," you nod at her with a sincere smile, feeling welcomed by the warmth of her welcome.
Aemond's voice momentarily pulls you out of your conversation with Helaena and you turn your head to meet the gaze of Alicent, Aemond's mother.
Instantly you try to control your nerves and keep your composure, remembering his comforting words.
And when Alicent's gaze meets yours, a warm smile forms on his lips, which makes you feel less nervous and conveys a sense of calm. Although the nervousness lingers, you feel a little more secure with his kindness.
Aemond places a comforting hand on your shoulder and steps forward to introduce you.
"This is my girlfriend, Y/N," he points to you with his small smile, "And Y/N, this is my mom, Alicent."
She is a very beautiful woman.
It's the first thing that comes to your mind, noting the dimples in her cheeks and that warm look she has, not being intimidating at all and being rather kind.
Besides the dark green dress she wears is completely beautiful, as well as her accessories. Everything about her radiates elegance and poise.
"A pleasure to finally meet you, my dear," she says, turning to you, "Gosh, I was so excited to meet you. It's so nice of you to come."
And without expecting it, just like Helaena, she too greets you with a hug, taking you completely off guard, causing you to let out a nervous little laugh as you hug her back.
"The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Hightower," you say softly, feeling slightly overwhelmed by her kindness and warmth.
"Please call me Alicent," she says as she pulls away from you.
Before all this you asked Aemond what to call her, just for the heck of it and to feel less nervous and he told you 'Hightower', the last name of her father.
So you assume that Aemond's father is not someone who gets mentioned much around here. In the family photos he is present in only one picture. And Aemond doesn't talk about him either.
And he watches with a small smile at the interaction between you and his mother, feeling relieved that things are going well so far.
"Please go and take your seats. Dinner will be served soon," she says to Aemond and you.
"Do you need help?" he asks her.
"I'm already doing it myself," Hel says, "Don't worry, little brother."
"Can you help me with your brother, please," Alicent tells him, with a look of slight concern.
"Of course," he assures her in a gentle tone.
Soon the two of you return to the dining room, the two of you take a seat together with Aegon and Aemond tries to tell him not to overdo it with his drinks, that you are here to enjoy a nice dinner with his family.
But he just makes nonchalant gestures and tells him that everything is fine, to continue drinking, looking at the screen of his phone, waiting for dinner.
Then you don't know how much time passes exactly but Alicent returns very soon along with Helaena with the food, placing the dishes in the center of the table, indicating that all this will start soon.
Aemond places his hand on top of yours underneath the table, giving you every supportive gesture possible, reassuring you at every turn that he can that all will be fine.
Every brush of his fingers against yours conveys reassurance and comfort.
You feel a slight relief as you feel his touch, reminding you that you are not alone at this moment and his presence gives you strength to face any nervousness that may arise during dinner.
And with the food finally served, the silverware begins to clink against the plate glass as everyone begins to enjoy the delicious dinner.
Aemond, like the supposed boyfriend in love with you, is totally attentive to you, asking if you're served this or that, wanting to make sure you're well received and comfortable to make this more bearable.
And you thank him all the way, feeling his mother's gaze on both of you from time to time, without wiping away her warm smile.
"Did you like the food, dears?" she asks generally.
"Oh yes," Helaena says with a look of total complicity, delighting in the food.
"It's delicious, Mom," Aemond tells her later.
"Totally," you corraborate politely, nodding in her direction.
Alicent smiles in satisfaction and then turns her attention to Aegon, who hasn't said anything since everyone started eating.
"How about you, son?" she asks him softly.
"It's fine," he says curtly, taking a huge swig from his bottle of beer.
This definitely gets your attention but Alicent as well as Aemond and Helaena decide not to give it enough attention, as if they're already used to it and don't want to ruin the moment by his behavior.
But you do notice the disapproval in each of their looks, especially the disappointment in Alicent. Though she almost instantly turns her attention away from Aegon to Aemond and you.
"So, how long have you two been dating exactly?" she asks curiously and without losing the kindness in her gaze and tone.
"A month," Aemond replies without hesitation at your side, resting one of his arms on the back of your chair.
And Alicent shakes his head with a small smile on his lips.
"And I still can't believe he kept you hidden from me, Y/N."
You smile in his direction, trying not to let your nerves give you away, as Aemond again interjects, with a soft look.
"We didn't want to rush things."
"I told him not to take too long to tell you," Helaena says as well, pointing at Aemond as she watches her mother.
"But he didn't tell me anything, Aegon did," Alicent says in amusement.
"Oh come on, I was going to tell you anyway," Aemond tries to justify himself.
"Oh you were going to?" Hel questions him.
"You want to turn her against me."
"I'm just telling the truth, little brother."
This causes Alicent to laugh softly and his gaze meets yours, where you laugh softly too, as the fight between Aemond and Hel continues. But this causes you to begin to feel comfortable and more at ease with the whole situation.
The only thing at the table that is completely serious is Aegon, who continues to concentrate on his drink and the food in front of him.
His reserved attitude contrasts with the energy you have with Aemond, his mother and sister, but they don't really give him much attention and everyone continues to enjoy the delicious food and create topics of conversation.
"So…" Alicent begins to speak, watching you with her warm gaze, "What are your college plans, sweetie?"
Oh my God.
Okay, it's happening.
You think as you slowly start to panic, but quickly get yourself under control, settling back in your seat.
"You're all graduating soon," she points to her kids with a small smile.
And you're about to speak but someone else does first.
"Which wouldn't be the case if Aegon hadn't repeated year… twice," Hel says condescendingly, pouring herself more food in a casual gesture.
"Helaena," Alicent reprimands her in a soft tone.
"Don't start with me."
Aegon's voice finally makes itself heard in a long time, speaking in a cold, curt tone, not even observing his sister, focused on his food.
"Just saying," Helaena says also with a pout in his direction.
"Then speak for yourself. You're a year behind too."
"Ugh," she sighs, "You talk like you don't know what happened."
"That's enough," Alicent says calmly, watching you both with a look of silent warning.
The atmosphere tenses slightly and all is silent for a moment, as you notice how Aemond next to you only runs a hand over his chin and you only hear the clink of silverware clattering against glass plates.
Alicent then turns his gaze to you and there you decide to speak, hoping to restore comfort to the atmosphere.
"Well, actually, I've applied to Oldtown University," you say with a soft smile, controlling your nerves, "I'm planning on getting into law school."
Surprise flashes across Alicent's face, as you briefly feel Aemond watching you beside you.
"Oh, wow," she nods slowly, her expression one of amazement, "What a coincidence, that's the same college Aemond wants to go to."
Aemond nods with a small smile, completely keeping up appearances.
"Yes," he confirms, "In fact it's perfect for us to go to the same place after graduation."
And just to show more affection with you, he places his hand and yours intertwined on top of the table, watching you with that 'love' he seeks to convey in these moments in front of his mother.
And Alicent watches you both with her soft smile, but is still intrigued by you.
"And why that choice? Law is something you always wanted to study?" she asks you, with genuine interest in her voice.
You try not to focus too much on the way Aemond's thumb begins to gently caress the skin on the back of your hand, which at the same time also reassures you.
And you nod in Alicent's direction.
"Yes, it's something I've always been interested in. It's a very heavy degree with very dense material, but it's very interesting and it's long been what I've decided for myself."
Alicent nods in your direction, listening to you intently and looking completely interested.
"And I guess at Oldtown it's a great opportunity to want to study law."
"Oh yes," you say eagerly, "Oldtown has one of the best faculties with very capable professors and all the material you need. It's certainly a great opportunity."
"But I also think that getting to study at such an in-demand university with few places in that major can be difficult," she tells you corroborating in conversation.
"Yeah, that's the bad thing, but…" you shrug, "I'm hopeful."
You watch subtly beside you, focusing for a moment on Aemond, speaking with that complicit tone, as of course he doesn't forget that the reason you're here doing this is precisely because of Oldtown.
He knows that all too well too.
"And your parents are supportive of your decision to study law?"
Slight surprise passes across your face, definitely not expecting that question, but you quickly manage to soften your face, though you still remain silent for a moment.
You try to hide any trace of bewilderment as you search for a suitable answer. And it is Alicent's same warm gaze that encourages you to respond.
"Uh… yes, my father is just as excited as I am about this possible opportunity," you reply with a small smile, being honest, "He has always supported me in all my decisions."
You respond without saying anything else and with sincerity, not mentioning anything about your mother.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," he nods at you and smiles warmly, "And what about your mother, dear?" she asks with genuine curiosity.
Inevitably your whole body tenses at that moment. And an uncomfortable feeling settles in the pit of your stomach as you think again about how to respond.
You honestly didn't expect the conversation to get to this point, about how even after talking only about your father, you're still being asked about your mother.
And for a moment, you don't know what to say or what to do, but you finally decide to react after everything falls into an awkward silence and they begin to look at you slightly confused by your lack of response.
Until you decide to be honest.
"Well, I-I…" you bite your lips, "I don't actually live with her," you admit in a soft voice, avoiding eye contact for a moment, "And I haven't seen her since I was six."
Slight concern crosses Alicent's face, instantly watching you in regret.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie," she says sincerely, embarrassed to have caused you discomfort, "I had no idea. I apologize."
You're about to tell her it's okay, that it's no problem because she didn't know, that it's no big deal, but you don't even get a chance to speak when sudden laughter is heard throughout the dining room.
The tension in the air dissipates in that instant as everyone turns to the source of the laughter, Aegon.
He is visibly drunk, but still conscious enough to know what is going on around him and that is what is alarming.
Alicent, Helaena and Aegon's faces fill with bewilderment and disapproval, except for yours, as you watch Aegon in confusion, not quite understanding what is going on.
"Aegon," Alicent calls to him now truly annoyed, watching him seriously and reproachfully.
But Aegon barely manages to contain his laughter as he apologizes between laughs.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it," he mutters, his tone full of amusement and insolence.
Then Aemond at your side watches him completely serious, his jaw clenched and his gaze dark, holding back his fury at his reaction after you shared a very intimate and sensitive piece of information to you.
And Aegon laughs at it because of his own stupidity? Of course he's not going to allow that.
"What's so funny?" he inquires, expectant and about to explode.
Aegon straightens in his chair, a smirk on his face.
"Oh, nothing," he replies mockingly, "I just think she and you are perfect for each other. Apparently, we're not the only ones who have parental issues, are we?"
He asks watching his mother and sister, which makes Alicent feel even more tense, watching you worried and apologetic about the little show her eldest son is putting on.
"That's enough," she reprimands him firmly.
But Aegon seems determined to move on and turns to you again with a gesture of camaraderie, ignoring his mother's words and his brother's attitude.
"Don't worry, Y/N," he tells you with a crooked smile, "You can talk about it here and no one will judge you. All of us would understand, wouldn't we? We who wouldn't know about the subject of fucking neglectful parents with their kids."
Aemond's gaze becomes even more intense and his jaw tighter, watching his brother as if he could throw daggers at him with his eye.
"Shut the fuck up," he orders him, controlling himself as much as he can at that moment.
"Aemond," Alicent calls out to him worriedly.
"Or what?" Aegon challenges him, "She better know what she's getting herself into once and for all. With our fucking family traumatized by her own father who never cared about us."
"I said shut the fuck up," Aemond demands of him rising from his chair, causing everyone at the table to become alarmed.
Alicent rises at about the same time he does, and Helaena rises next, alert and worried, while you and Aegon continue to sit, he still unconcerned and you… because you don't even know how to feel about it.
The tension is too much, this is all unexpected and it's all happening too fast. And as if things couldn't get any worse, Aegon continues to talk and drink more.
"I'm just saying you two are the perfect match," he continues, his tone increasingly amused, "She doesn't have a mom and you don't have a dad, bro. Awesome, isn't it?"
Then it all happens too fast.
Aemond advances towards Aegon with a furious determination on his face that puts everyone at the table on alert, reaches towards him and grabs him hard by the collar of his shirt, forcing him to get up.
Alicent and Helaena immediately intervene, rushing towards them to stop them, but Aegon doesn't even have time to react before he finds himself on his feet, with Aemond holding him tightly.
"Stop it, Aemond!" exclaims Alicent, his tone full of authority and concern.
You finally rise from your seat as well, alert and worried, not knowing exactly what to do or what to say, feeling your pulse racing.
Then Aegon reacts as well, his face transforming into one of rage, placing his hands on top of his brother's.
"Get your fucking hands off me," he manages to say with difficulty.
"I told you to shut the fuck up or didn't I?"
"Oh and now you're going to hit me? Huh?" he asks, punching him in the chest with his hands, "You're going to hit me? And for what? For telling the truth?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you huh!? You fucking cunt," Aemond hits him back in the chest.
"Let go of me, you fucking asshole!"
"That's enough!" Alicent intervenes again, her voice firm and full of authority, "Aemond, let go right now!" she orders, furious, implying that she won't repeat it a fourth time.
The tension in the room seems to increase with each passing moment, as you hold your breath, watching Aemond worriedly, as does Helaena.
Aemond hesitates for a moment, glaring at his brother with determination, until he finally releases him with a tug, pulling away from him still watching him in warning and utter annoyance.
Aegon straightens, rubbing his neck as he glares at his brother resentfully.
"I don't need this shit. Enjoy your fucking dinner," he says grumpily, grabbing his bottle of beer and heading for the stairs, not giving anyone a glance.
At least your pulse starts to calm down when you see how it's finally all over, but you still watch Aemond worriedly.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Alicent turns to you sorrowfully, averting your gaze to her, "What a shame."
"No, no, don't worry…
You start to say in a soft tone when Aemond's serious but definitely kinder voice makes itself heard in your direction.
"I'll wait outside."
The three of you watch him silently and watch as with nonchalant gestures he takes his car keys from his front pocket and with his face still contained in fury, heads out of the house.
With a lump in your throat, you turn to Alicent and Helaena, feeling the weight of tension still hanging in the air even so.
"Thank you so much for dinner. It was nice to meet you," you say to Alicent, trying to sound as calm, gentle and kind as possible.
Alicent smiles sadly back at you, still with her saddened and troubled face.
"It was lovely to meet you and have you come, honey," she tells you sincerely, "Still I'm so sorry. It wasn't my plan for dinner to end like this."
"I totally understand, don't worry," you say with a small smile, "We can always do it again."
You say and immediately regret it, but manage to soften your face in time.
This was supposed to be the only time you would do this, but you feel you owe it to her, to Alicent, as she prepared a delicious dinner with great care. She seemed so excited and happy about everything, especially about you coming that it is such a shame that this happened.
More than anything else that's why you say so.
"Of course," she nods to you, kindly and cordially.
You bid her goodbye with a gentle hug, then embrace Helaena as well, conveying your silent support through the simple gesture.
"If you need to talk, we can do it at school," she murmurs in your ear before releasing you.
"Sure," you promise, returning the hug gratefully.
You take one last look at both of them and head out of the house. And once outside, you feel a shiver run down your spine as you face the cool night air.
And there you see him, in the middle of the night silence and at the edge of the street, leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette with an almost absent gesture, looking thoughtful but also still a little upset about what happened.
You watch as he lets the smoke go between his parted lips and you, letting out a long breath, head towards him.
When he looks back at you, you too just watch him silently and he wordlessly opens the driver's door with a soft squeak and gets in the car, so you follow after him, feeling the weight of silence between you.
You too slide into the passenger seat and close the door, where soon the two of you find yourselves moving through the quiet streets of the city, the music on the radio playing at a low volume in the background.
And that's the only sound between you, the music, and even then it's a little uncomfortable.
You bite the inside of your cheek, struggling to find the right words as the tension lingers, but you don't even know what to say. What are you supposed to say when that happened?
But finally it's Aemond who breaks the silence.
"I hope you enjoyed the show," he murmurs, not taking his eye off the road.
You are momentarily speechless, not knowing what to say at that, not even finding the right words in your mind. Then you let out a low sigh, understanding how he must be feeling.
You mean… you went to meet his mother, it was a family dinner, everything was going well and to suddenly have it all end like that with very personal confessions that you had no idea about… it must be completely frustrating for him that you witnessed that.
"Are you okay?" you ask him in a low, soft tone, watching him intently, concerned and understanding.
He lets out a long breath, pursing his lips as he considers your answer, saying nothing for a moment. But when he finally does, he says it in a voice laden with weariness, regret and seriousness.
"I'm not even upset that Aegon said all that… he… he's right," he says resentfully, "I'm upset that you had to witness it."
The weight of his words falls on you, sensing Aemond's seriousness and frustration in his words. You watch his serious and weary face, the fury he is still holding back.
And for a moment, you look like you're not going to say anything, but after biting your lips, you finally speak.
"You don't have to worry about me," you tell him in a soft voice, "After all, he was right about what he said about my mother too," you add, seeking to offer some comfort, "I don't even remember her, you know? And honestly… it doesn't affect me nor do I care."
If your words caused anything in him, he doesn't show it, as he continues with his eye focused on the road.
But inside, he can't help but feel a little surprised and amazed at your ability to accept those circumstances with such calm and determination compared to him.
And finally he nods, understanding the truth of your words.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice barely a whisper.
You watch him with a soft and… slightly thoughtful gaze, feeling the tension between the two of you finally begin to fade, resulting in a warm and pleasant atmosphere for the two of you, as usual.
And unexpectedly for him, you take his free hand gently and intertwine your fingers with his, offering a small gesture of support amidst still the frustration he is feeling.
"I don't," you confess softly.
You don't say anything else and neither does he, hoping you can put this behind you. And all along the way, he keeps gently stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
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You wait anxiously, moving your foot repeatedly up and down, glancing from time to time at your surroundings and also at the screen of your phone, wanting to keep the time very much in mind.
The gentle morning breeze caresses your face, with the sun painting golden hues in the morning sky and listening in the background to the birds singing, but also all the movement of the soccer team training early at this hour from the field.
Everything seems to be calm, except for your racing heartbeat, where you avoid biting your nails and simply bite your lips in a nervous gesture, as well as the inside of your cheek.
Then you finally see Aemond approaching with his backpack on his shoulder and his face soft.
"Hey," he says softly, taking a seat in front of you, taking off his backpack and watching you carefully, "What's up? Is everything okay?"
Out of nerves, your whole body tenses and you avoid stuttering as you speak, stirring in your seat.
"Yeah, yeah, just…" you lower your gaze, playing with your fingers, "I just want to talk to you about something."
Aemond nods, giving you his full attention.
"Well? What is it?" he asks you warmly, not wanting to put pressure on you as he notices all the tension that is invading you at the moment.
But he honestly starts to worry seeing you that way.
And you swallow hard, with your gaze lowered, feeling the need to just let it out and nothing more, having that urge so you don't keep torturing yourself with your destructive thoughts.
"I was thinking that… maybe…" you let out a sigh, "Maybe we should stop this," you mutter, your voice barely a whisper.
And Aemond only watches you more intently, beginning to look alert, furrowing his brows in confusion.
"Stop what?"
You bite the inside of your cheek hard, completely flustered.
"Our fake relationship," you reply cautiously, watching him intently and with some concern.
"What?" he immediately queries you, "I-I don't-I don't understand."
"I think we've both accomplished what we wanted to… oh well, almost everything," you tell him knowingly, "But we've already put on a good show in front of the whole school, Alys is upset enough, and the cheating thing is behind us. We should stop."
You explain but in the middle of all your explanation, Aemond only frowns more, listening to you completely attentive, watching you surprised and incredulous.
"And the trip to Dragonstone?" he inquires you, with a serious and alert look, "That trip is key, it would be great for both of us to go together, as a couple."
You try to remain calm, but your heart is pounding and your nerves are getting the better of you.
"Yes, I know, but… do we really need to keep pretending?" you ask, "You've already saved your reputation, remember?"
Aemond shakes his head firmly, his jaw tense with mounting frustration.
"It's still not enough," he tells you seriously, "At least wait until after the trip."
"Aemond, I don't see why we should wait until then," you mutter, unsure, "We can finish everything now."
Aemond's expression hardens, his jaw tense with frustration as he tries to understand you.
"Y/N, the trip is in the contract," he tells you firmly, "And we agreed to finish everything until graduation."
You exhale, feeling the overwhelming weight of the situation that you didn't expect was going to get this bad the moment you decided to do this.
"I know, but I don't see the point of this anymore."
He becomes more confused, shaking his head, looking at you confused and now completely frustrated.
"What-what's wrong?" he asks you in a soft but urgent voice, attentive, "Did something happen?" he asks you concerned and interested, "Did something happen that I still don't know about?"
Oh God.
Fear grips you as you struggle to keep your composure and not let your nerves get the better of you.
"Or is this because of the dinner thing? And because of Alys' pranks?" he asks you worriedly, "If it's that, tell me. I-I'll find a way to fix it. You won't have to go to dinner at my house again and I'm sure I can talk to Alys."
"No, no… I-I…" you sigh, "It's not that-
He shrugs, looking at you confused and frustrated.
"Then what is it?"
Your heart pounds as you struggle to keep your composure in front of him.
Your words get stuck in your throat, enduring Aemond's still serious, worried and frustrated look on you, waiting for an explanation. But the feeling of panic grows in your chest and you resign yourself completely.
"Nothing, forget it," you say in a whisper, lowering your gaze.
You stand up and gather your things, slinging your backpack over your shoulder, just as Aemond sighs and looks more frustrated.
"Y/N," he calls your name in a tired gesture.
But you don't heed him, just focus on getting away from him,
"Y/N, please stop," he says to you in a soft but urgent voice.
But you don't stop, you can't.
How could you do it and how could you tell him that the real reason you decided to bring this up to your fake boyfriend is because maybe you are actually falling in love with him and the feeling is getting more and more intense, and you can't help it?
You just can't.
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general taglist:
@melsunshine @at-a-rax-ia @jxdegodfrey @ttkttt @yentroucnagol @kate-to-the-ki @iamavailablesstuff @bluerskiees @urmomsgirlfriend1 @toodlesxcuddles @rosie-posie08 @iloveallmyboys @bellaisasleep @deliaseastar @cupcakesminicakescupcakes @dixie-elocin @lilostif16 @wickedfrsgrl @a-beaverhausen @a-beaverhausen @saturnssrings @ladythornofrivia @iloveallmyboys
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cobaltperun · 3 months
Hi there!
So, I was supposed to be on a break until the end of the month. That is, as you can probably see, over. Things happened and writing is my best escape. I am, however, slowing down the updates, and I'll likely never have the same update speed I did while I was starting Lost.
And in case you didn't see it up in the description.
Main Masterlist
Several things.
Requests will never be closed again and the character list, as well as the requests I'm doing are under 'keep reading' (now also adding upcoming long stories and current works in progress)
I'll keep the list of characters here on this post, but I will be pickier about requests, I do want to mainly write the long stories and add in a request every couple of chapters or so. And I'll only do requests that inspire me.
🔞 next to the character means I will do smut requests as well. However, I only write top reader.
I will do any gender, female, male, gender neutral, trans, anything.
Characters might come and go from the list, but there are some characters that are always going to stay. Those are:
Tara Carpenter (Scream) 🔞
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday)
Natasha Romanoff (MCU) 🔞
Wanda Maximoff (MCU) 🔞
Nami (One Piece) 🔞
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Riza Hawkeye (FMA)
Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)
Characters that are currently available:
Mabel (Finestkind)
Korra (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
I will also do platonic requests for
Straw Hats
Most One Piece characters
Most FMA: Brotherhood characters
Most Devil May Cry characters
Most Fate/Stay Night characters
Requests I'm doing
Tara x fem R - playing strip pool (not specified, but I'm guessing smut is acceptable ending to this) 🔞
Tara x male R - smut, Tara gets horny while R is on the phone 🔞
Tara x fem R - set in Scream 6, R gets attacked, angst with happy ending
Sam x fem R (Danny's sister) - R gets attacked.
Wednesday x fem R - enemies to lovers with hellhound R and jealous Xavier
Tara x male R - R, the doctor, helps Tara give birth to their first child. (Sidenote, I'm not getting technical with this, it will get really fluffy though.)
Tara x male R - they are dating, smut happens 🔞
Jerks With Hearts of Gold - first kiss, bed breaking 🔞
Wednesday x R - Opposites attract, though a bit slowly.
Tara x R - They love to hate each other. 🔞 (small smut)
Tara x R - Cute barista crush
Middle sibling Carpenter fem R - things go very wrong very fast
Tara x GP! R - Soft first time smut 🔞
Daenerys x female R - Dany gets a bit jealous when Viserion likes R.
Tara x R - Based on Cop car song
Tara x female R - How deep is your love
Cairo x female R - Poetry reading
Upcoming long stories
Mystery of You - Tara Carpenter x female Reader (She's a mystery, she's more guarded than anyone you've ever met, except maybe her older sister, but you are just drawn to her)
Savin Me - Tara Carpenter x female Reader (A single message changes Tara's life, also probably a sort of a Lost AU)
Endless War - Female Reader (EMIYA inspired powers) x Tara Carpenter (Being a hero was fine, until people you loved became involved)
Unnamed - Vada x female Reader (Vada meets you on the rooftop)
Unnamed - Lorraine x female Reader (Cop Reader comes just in time)
Unnamed - Mabel x female Reader (You and Mabel have secrets, ones you keep even from one another)
Unnamed - Wednesday Addams x Wolverine female Reader (Wednesday ignores Rowan and escapes)
Unnamed - Cairo Sweet x female Reader (A chance meeting starts something neither of you expected)
Leave out all the rest - Natasha Romanoff x female Reader (Starting this again, since I didn't really like where the original was heading)
Works in progress:
Eternal Flame - Jenna Ortega x female Reader
Lost - Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Darkest Part - Astrid Deetz x female Reader
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fallenhero-rebirth · 2 years
Got asked for some writing advice
How did you improve your writing specifically beyond 'just writing more'?
The first thing is to read different things from different genres. Read an old book, and see how that is written. Read a genre you normally don't read. Read some poetry. Go to the library and walk to a random book, open it in the middle and read. Read on paper, and out loud. And then read some more. And when you read, try to think about why you don't like or likes something. Is it boring? Why? Is it hard to understand? Why? What is it in the words you like? Does it feel good to read out loud? If it doesn't, why not?
A tip is to take a book you think is interesting. Take a paragraph from the middle at random, and write it down in a word document. Pay attention to how it feels to write. How are the sentences? Do they feel different from your own? Close the book and continue to write a few paragraphs. Does your style change? What is the difference between your paragraphs and the one above? Sentence length? Comma use? Does it make it better or worse
Another tip is to write down a bit of dialogue from a tv show or movie you like. There might be transcripts online even. Take that dialogue and write a scene with it. Especially if you find dialogue hard to sound natural this might be freeing. Or, you might even find that what sounded good on the screen looks terrible on paper when it's not said by a charismatic actor.
A third is to write fanfiction and try to make it as good as you can. Try to make it real, as if it might have been from the original source. Think about what it was you liked about it, and then try to imitate that and make your own story. Fanfiction gets a bad rep, but it is a great way to experiment with writing without having to come up with characters and a world. That way you can just focus on the language.
Would you have any tips regarding writing interesting characters? Mine are always very flat and bland OR 'mary sues'
First of all, there is nothing wrong with a "mary sue". The way this is used these days, it might as well mean "protagonist". If Batman or James Bond can get away with their shit, your protagonist certainly can too. And your characters will be flat at the start because a story consists of so many parts. You have your language, your plot, your world, your story rhythm. And when you are starting out, there's simply too many things to focus on. You won't get depth in all of them, and the characters are what you spot being flat first, because that's usually what attracts us to a story in the first place.
My characters were terribly flat when I started out, but I wrote short story horror so it didn't matter. Nobody read that for the characters.
A trick I have to try to get my characters to feel alive is to write arguments. Take two characters you have trouble with and let them talk. Argue about something. Be stuck in an awkward situation together. Don't bother writing anything but dialogue, never mind the actual scene. Just write them talking, and after a while you might get a feel for how they feel different from one another. Maybe they start talking about things about them that you didn't even know. Explore. Have fun. Have them say something weird. Something hurtful. Write reactions. Don't bother thinking if it's usable or not. I've written pages of dialogue just to get a feel for how people talk.
I usually build characters by combining archetypes. I start with one people will know immediately, then add another, and a third. They will be uncovered one at a time, adding depth. Let's take Ricardo Ortega for example. The first archetype is "the sexy leading man/hero". Then, we get to know what I fondly call "the himbo". And finally, we discover "the clever, sneaky asshole". I didn't need to bring in all those things at once, as long as I got writing the first archetype, people would be interested and intrigued when they learned about the new facets.
Would you have any tips on writing humor/banter? You're pretty dang good at it but I could never figure out how to be funny lmao all the jokes I write are Extremely Cringe.
Oh I wish. I honestly have no idea. I was terrible writing characters and dialogue. I think something clicked when I wrote massive amounts of DA2 fanfic, because that was a game which consisted of nothing but banter, so I tried to mimic it the best I could. I have never liked comedies or really understood humor, so I never try to be funny. It's the one part of my writing I truly does not understand, some of my characters are just like that.
What's your plot planning process like, if you have a consistent one? I can only figure out the very generic broad strokes but it falls apart as soon as I try to come up with details.
All plots are generic broad strokes. Rebirth is basically just emo protagonist monologues a lot, meets up with some old friends and proceeds to beat them up. That's it. All plots will look flat and boring in your head, because what makes a plot cool and interesting is that you don't know what's going to happen. You do. You're the author. So of course it will look flat and uninteresting in your head. The hardest thing is trying to ignore this.
My workaround to this is only knowing the barest of broad strokes. I know where I want to go, who the opposition is, some basic scenes that needs to be there (not in detail) and then I write and discover things as I go along. That is the only way for me to remain interested in the plot, if I had planned it in detail I'd get bored. And oh, sure, there's a lot of foreshadowing and hidden things in my writing, but that's only because I know some big things that's going to happen. It's not like I have sat down and detail planned every chapter, what things I need to plant there, and so on. A lot of the times I forget things, and have to go back and add them, and so on. I would say focus on the characters before the plot. If you manage to figure out how to write fun characters first, nobody will care if the plot is bland.
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ailendolin · 10 months
Thomas’ relationship with his mother implies he was given all the necessary love and affection a child should receive, and his desperation for acceptance is silly and not born from any deep-seated abandonment issues. Everything else about his portrayal is contrary to this premise. It’s so odd
Thank you for bringing this up because I've been wanting to make a post about the scene in 3x05 for ages and never gotten around to it.
The thing with Thomas is: he doesn't lie. That's established in canon. He is an honest person - almost brutally so if we think of the painting or Button FM. So when he says his mother was there but not really there, I just can't chalk it up to him being dramatic. Because the way this scene is built is similar to the way he talks about his death. Both are painful memories for him, and in both cases he distracts his audience from that pain. He makes up a ridiculous kiss with Isabelle that never happened (an embellishment or wishful thinking on his part, if you will, to make it less painful) so who's to say he isn't doing the same when he says his mother eventually came to comfort him?
We know from the book that she did support his writing endeavours so him saying she introduced him to publishers is true and we can assume the same for her putting up his poems on the walls. But while financial and professional support is certainly nice to have, I think what Thomas actually longed for and didn't get is emotional support: a hug when he was upset, a kiss on his knee when he scraped it, a bedtime story to help him fall asleep after a nightmare.
There is obviously a lot of room of interpretation here but I'd go so far as to say that Thomas's mother was emotionally distant and that there's more to what he says about her than meets the eye. The poems on the wall, for example: who's to say that wasn't as far as her interest in them went? Imagine little Thomas, proud and grinning, handing her a poem he's just written; imagine his mother merely glancing down at it before handing it over to a maid to frame it and add it to the collection on the wall. That's neither being loving nor supportive. That's having no interest in your child.
We could always look at it the other way around, too: what if she'd gushed about his poems as if they were the best thing ever written in the history of mankind, giving him false expectations? What if she'd lied to him about how good they are? People lying to him is a theme that's connected to Thomas's character as much as him feeling alone and unloved is. You have Francis lying to him to get Isabelle, you have people in his life constantly pretending to like his poetry because that's what etiquette demanded, you have Alison lying to him about what con means ... So what if his mother was the first person who lied to him - about his poems, perhaps even about loving him?
Interestingly, Thomas never mentions his father or any siblings which could mean that he's an only child and his father either left the family or died, perhaps even before he was born. It could also mean that his mother remarried and he grew up in a household where he was always something of an outsider, a reminder of the past (which might explain why he doesn't sound Scottish btw). It's all speculation, obviously, but he could have very well been the Cinderella of his family - tolerated but not truly loved.
Again, I'm just trying to offer a different perspective on a scene which, at first glance, looks like nothing more than Thomas being dramatic and attention-seeking as always. I'm not saying my interpretation is right, but given that Thomas has a history of making light of his own painful memories, I think there's at least a possibility that there's more to his story about his mother than meets the eye.
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missmagooglie · 8 months
Seven Several Sentences Sunday!
Since a few people seemed curious, this snippet gives a little bit of background about what the hell is even happening in this fic. Previous snippets here, here and here.
The problem with becoming pregnant literally as he presented as an omega, Eddie realizes, is that processing both of those pieces of information is too much to do all at once, and being pregnant is so much more urgent and immediate. His attention these past few years has been so fully occupied with his pregnancy, and then with raising Christopher, that consequences of existing in the world as an omega have always seemed distant and unimportant by comparison. The thing is that Eddie knows, in a generalized sense of how the broader world works, that when an omega comes of age their pack is required to find them a mate. If they don’t, well. The less said about that the better. No respectable pack would ever let that happen. And even though he's never really thought all that much about it, Eddie also knows, on a purely technical level, that he is an omega. He has a son to prove it, even. On reflection, his son might be the reason that he failed to put those two pieces of information together to anticipate that he, specifically, would someday need to go through the whole mating process. Getting mated is supposed to be a normal part of growing up and, as far as Eddie's concerned, being someone's parent means that he's already grown. He has been so consumed these past few years with raising his own child – and missed so many other “normal” milestones because of it – that it never occurs to him that technically, legally, he's still a child too. And so he's never really thought about what will happen when that changes. All of which is to say that being mated off not long after he turns eighteen completely blindsides him in a way it absolutely shouldn't.  “His name is Evan,” his mother says. “He's still very young to be taking a mate, but his pack leader assured us that he has a large extended pack that will help support you.”  “We were very fortunate to get this contract for you, Eddie,” his father adds. “It wasn't easy, given your circumstances.” Eddie grits his teeth, furious that his parents didn't so much as tell him they were looking for a mate before they'd already given him away. They hadn’t asked for his opinion, or set up courtship meetings, or given Eddie any chance to try and find a mate he will be compatible with.  Instead, there's a legally binding contract, already signed and notarized, sitting on the coffee table while Eddie's parents break the news to him that he already belongs to someone he's never met.
Tags under cut. Drop a note if you want to be added or removed from my tag list for 911 fic!
@onyxmoonstone @daffi-990 @lover-of-mine @pleasestopdeletingmyaccount @coatedpanda16 @littleblackraincloudofcourse @littlefruitybastard @idealuk @blackberry-l @imabtastic @indiearr @machtaholic @zahlibeth, @ladydorian05 @piratefalls @poetry-protest-pornography @911-on-abc @robinplume @mattsire @coatedpanda16
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esther-dot · 1 year
I feel really bad for the originator of the Ashford theory, reading those posts you screencapped. It's not a 'crack theory' (unless they're putting it down because Jonsas took a serious hold of it), since structural foreshadowing is a basic storytelling tool. Hiding poetry in history, which seems a past-time GRRM particularly enjoys--- it's not just there to be there, but to lesson us in reading the past and make us understand the current story more deeply.
We should be confident in our analyses, regardless of whether we share a ship in common (I am do believe in Jonsa, but this goes for everyone), because storytelling can generally be trusted to be intentional. Anybody who wants to act like being incurious is more intellectually justifiable because it's less emotionally fraught is not worth spending time on. It is actually disappointing when stories are not considered and thoughtful (which is not a testament to so-called 'complexity'; The Little Prince is considered and thoughtful)--- fault in reading too much into things usually lay in perspective, less in doubt of substance.
Then again, Originator of Ashord Theory being possessive as claimant probably points more to dismissing it as crack because other people have taken ahold of it in a way they didn't like. If I am perfectly honest, were it not them having noticed it, someone else would have later (and someone else on Reddit did).
It's exactly the sort of thing I look for when I am engaging in a story because it is a tool I see used often. It was what attracted me to Jonsa, not that I was looking for evidence.
(about this ask)
The issue definitely wasn’t a lack of confidence in their own reading, they’re a tumblr BNF! I think Jonsas have written so much about it and so convincingly, it’s become widely viewed as a Jonsa theory and eclipsed the original intent which is their problem with it. Sometime ago someone shared an AltShift video here (a YouTube BNF), and he had included the Ashford Tourney as evidence for Jonsa, so I do think the goal of the blogger now labeling it “crack” is to detract from the Jonsa of it/for shipping reasons, not because they don’t believe in their own work.
As for the broader idea, I certainly agree that pre canon characters and events are written to add depth to the canon events. We can all expect that and look for parallels and contrasts with assurance that they are conversing with each other. It seems to me that every part of the fandom attempts that in some way, we simply come to different conclusions about what those things mean. I can look at something and accept a Jonsa interpretation but also understand, there’s another factor here too. And while I agree that many things are intentional in ASOIAF, I’m also aware that things can subconsciously influence and slip into a work. I recently watched this clip of Spielberg being told, he didn’t recognize this on his own, that he had included his parents love story in a film. Anyone might think, it had to be deliberate, but it wasn’t!
So, not saying anyone should be less confident, I just think it’s good to be aware that after a parallel is recognized, our interpretation of it is where we can all take off in different directions. For example, Jonnel and Sansa is perhaps the most beloved Jonsa foreshadowing (if it isn’t the Ashford Tourney 😅), and I absolutely think it’s groundwork for canon events. The question isn’t if it is, but how. Will it be a parallel, only, the point of the marriage this go around is to right a wrong? Give the girl her home back? (If say, Robb’s Will is recognized). I’ve questioned that simply because it seems like a big task to get everyone on board with Jon being legitimate and becoming their Lord and/or their King only to have them then immediately turn around and all accept he’s actually a Targ and will marry his “sister.” I wouldn’t be mad if that’s what Martin did, but when I think about how much agency he likes to give non POV characters, I’m a little skeptical he’d pull that turnaround off.
So then I think, well, maybe the idea is that unlike Jonnel, Jon will refuse Winterfell again and insist it is Sansa’s again only to ultimately be rewarded in the end by marrying her when she has the power to choose, and she chooses him? People have been very outspoken about how dumb they think the idea of Sansa being QitN is, and maybe that’s too much of a leap for the North because Martin does like his realism, but considering all the female heirs talk going on, Martin is certainly going to say something there, and Jon will have some complicating factors that might make Sansa more favorable to people.
Basically, Jon is a good person, he’ll do right by the Starks, is that the entire point? Look at the way the older generation of men treated women, this generation will be better? Or will Martin use the extraordinary circumstances to benefit Sansa / female heirs? Create an entirely new normal for the North? The story will talk to itself, but what exactly is it saying? That we can endlessly debate!
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The Ivy Crown
A/N: I'm baaaaaack with my first ever Aleksander fic!!! I've been reading a lot of dark academia and finishing up my degree in literature, and this is my outlet for all of that pretentious, wonderful stuff I'm immersed in these days. The poems mentioned are wonderful and full of gorgeous language, so I'm giving you homework straight from the desk of professor Morozova-- read one and tell me if you liked it!
Dedicated to the sweet and wonderful @idaofinfinity for her patience every time I disappear. I appreciate you so much.
This will be a few parts, but not big like IWCB. Little bites, people, little bites.
Summary: It's your final year at the University of Ravka, and the end is in sight. Under your literature professor, Aleksander, you've risen to be a star pupil. Then one night, you're forced to make a decision that will change everything. Will Aleskander be on your side?
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem! Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, murder, sex, drinking, (will add as we go)
"Come then, and let us pass a leisure hour in storytelling, and our story shall be the education of our heroes."
Republic, Book II
Book I
Your first semester at the University of Ravka began the way most do. The young, impossibly curious first-years huddling up to the glistening spires and towering porticoes of the main hall. The hall, called Lantsov Hall after Ravka's longest line of rulers, filled you with excitement. The need for knowledge and exploration filled you, expanding until it bumped against your insides, prodding and shuddering until it was released.
You were 18, full of life, full of wanton desire to grow, to peel back the curtains and see the answers of the world.
You didn't grow up poor, no, you were from a solidly middle-class family of merchants. But the opulence, the ostentatious identity of the Ravkan elite became clear almost immediately. Your first week, your peers would ask where you summered, what sports you preferred in the winter season, what breed of horse you deemed adequate for Caryeva, none of which you had answers for.
So you adapted, sharpened your edges and preparing to compete with the toughest competition the country could offer, until you arrived, three years later, a top of your class literature student in professor Aleksander Morozova's classroom.
The man was imperious, gilt from hard stone or sheets of silver it seemed. The light of whatever room he was in seemed to avoid Aleksander, circling like a dog trying to find a place to sleep, willing to leave him alone.
Among other things he was also gorgeous, ethereal and lithe, towering over his students, passionately gesticulating over works by T.S Eliot and William Carlos Williams. You were enraptured there, front row in his early afternoon modern poetry course, watching his eyes flicker with the kind of life only an academic could have when biting into something juicy, some brilliant amalgamation of language that won't let them go despite a decade of repeating the same lines to young faces.
"Tell me." He begins, eyes flickering to each face in the room. "What did Eliot mean when he opened The Wasteland with, 'April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and Desire…'"
On the last word he looks to you, black eyes pinning you under their gaze like a butterfly on a display.
You clear your throat.
"Miss Y/L/N?"
You're ready for him.
"Well, in invoking the first line of The Canterbury Tales, Eliot reveals the beginning of a journey. And when we think of spring, we think of rebirth. This poem is the lack of that, it's the breakdown of… everything. So here, spring is a mixture of things, it is the beginning and the end and we are left with only memory and desire. What we know and what we want to be true." You finish, watching him closely.
Aleksander grins, a slow, incandescent spread of his lips until his face is alight.
"There she is. Excellent, Y/N. That's how it's done, everyone."
You duck your head to hide your blush, and the lesson goes on.
Each day after your classes you wind across the green, crunching leaves under your feet as they fall from the oaks and yews lining the tract of land. Today, your destination is the cafe you meet your friends at on Wednesdays, when the lemon curd scones are freshest. You're the last to arrive, hair swept around your face by the wind.
Nikolai, Zoya, and Genya are seated around the old wooden table in the far corner, mugs of steaming teas and coffees strewn about around a plate of your favorite citrus pastries.
"Look who's arrived!" Nikolai exclaims. "Did your sweet Byronic hero keep you?"
You roll your eyes, ignoring the comment. Sure, Aleksander was pensive and gorgeous, but he wasn't doomed. At least you hoped not.
You sit, nodding at the other two women and picking up a scone to bite into. The flaky crust gave way to the plush, spongy inside, causing you to sigh in contentment.
"What are you brats talking about?" You tease, taking a sip of Nikolai's tea.
"We were just discussing the fête." Zoya answers.
"What about it?" You ask, preoccupied with getting the waitress' attention for your own tea.
"We're all going, yes?" Genya cuts in.
"I hadn't really given it much thought." You ponder. Would Aleksander be there? In a suit of all things? The thought made you blush, and you ducked your head to hide from the eyes around you.
"Well…I think we should go. One last hurrah before we're done here." Nikolai reasons.
You nod in agreement.
"I suppose I ought to find a dress."
Zoys hums, sharing a look with Genya, a glint that made you nervous in her eye.
"You could…let us take care of that." She offered with a smirk.
"Absolutely not, I'd be naked save for a scrap of lace." You bite back.
"Saints, it was worth a try."
It was Friday and you were back in Aleksander's class, excited by his words but more than a little eager to begin your weekend. You and your group of friends had plans to head to Sturmhond that night, a bar off of the university's campus. It was dark and grungy, with mahogany furniture and paintings in gilded frames on the walls. It made you feel like you were in the belly of a ship, ready to take on a new land.
And the drinks were especially strong.
"Who wants to tell me why Carl Sandberg's "Subway" is so effective in its brevity?" Came Aleksander's voice from the front of the room.
For once, you weren't quick to answer, your mind on other things today. When you did finally look up, the silence of the rest of the class beating down on you, Aleksander's eyes were already on you. His brow ticked up, lips quirking.
"No thoughts for us today, Y/N?"
You sigh, frowning and sitting up straighter.
"The poem represents the working class, the ones who are building this great feat of transportation. They are tired and hungry but it doesn't matter. They know the importance of their work and they enjoy it. All that in 6 lines." You rattle off, remembering your notes from the night before.
"Thank you." Is his reply, quiet and pensive as he watches your face.
You nod, going back to your slouched position, eyes downcast.
When the class ends you attempt to exit into the crisp twilight like the rest of your peers, but Aleksander stops you.
"Everything all right today? You seemed off." He asks, leaning back against the large desk in the front of the room.
Your eyes widen a little, surprised he had been watching you so closely.
"Thought I'd give everyone else a chance to catch up today." You joke.
Aleksansder chuckles, then he tilts his head a little and you feel as if he's dissecting you, pulling apart your base components to see what he wants to keep or throw away.
"Is that all?" He murmurs.
"I'm just ready to end the week. It's been long." You say honestly.
"Hm. I can't fault you for that. Any plans for your time off?" He inquires.
"A few." You tease, unwilling to tell him your plan to get trashed later.
"She keeps her secrets." He answers, smiling warmly. "Well, let me know if you need anything. I wouldn't want my best student falling behind." He runs a hand ever so softly across your shoulder, hidden by your thick sweater, and then he's pulling away and gathering his own things.
"Thanks, professor Morozova." You reply in a daze, turning to go.
"You know it's Aleksander to you." He reminds you with a teasing lilt in his tone.
You nod, smiling a little, and stride to the door as fast as possible.
You arrived at the bar with Zoya in tow, approaching Nikolai and Genya who were already inside. You had on a tight pair of black jeans and your favorite lacy black bralette as a shirt. You looked good and you knew it, eyes roving the bar for anyone you might be interested in talking to.
You sit with other two and order a round of shots, ready to go hard and fast into the night. On your third shot of kvas and your second Old Fashioned you look up from your friends once again and spot him.
Impossibly dark hair and eyes belonging to your favorite professor. He was in a deep emerald sweater, sitting across from another man, listening intently to his words, a deep gold liquid in his glass. You were openly staring, taking him in as you realized just how drunk you were becoming.
Nikolai is the first to notice, his eyes following yours across the bar.
"Well Saints, if it isn't your boyfriend."
This gets the attention of the other two, their eyes searching for subject of Nikolai's words.
You and Zoya exchange a glance, and you catch that dangerous spark in her eyes again.
"You should send him a drink." She suggests coyly.
"You send drinks to people you want to fuck, Zoya." You reply exasperated.
"Yes, I am aware." She shoots back.
Your friends burst into laughter, catching Aleksander's attention briefly. His eyes flit over, widening just a touch when they realize who he's looking at. You throw him a smile, suddenly nervous, but he returns it, tilting his head in acknowledgement, and you decide resolutely to continue your night.
It's only later that you're made aware of the situation.
"Your dark prince has been eyeing you since he saw you." Nikolai murmurs in your ear.
"Oh, please."
"We've all seen it. He's quite interested in the area right below your neck." Nikolai chuckles, raising his eyes to yours.
You tilt your head just a little, just enough to scan the bar from the corner of your eye and there he is, head tilted towards you just enough to do the same.
"Saints." You gasp out quietly.
"Told you."
"Well…it's irrelevant now because I have never had to pee so badly in my life." You declare, standing on wobbly legs.
Your friends laugh, and Zoya's hands point you in the direction of the bathroom.
The cool porcelain of the sink under your hands grounds you a little, and you look into the mirror. Was Aleksander checking you out? The thought makes you giggle quietly to yourself. There was no way he was into you. He wasn't married, but he must have a girlfriend or something, right?
You've decided to brush the whole thing off when you exit the restroom and knock right into a wall of a man.
"Oh! 'M sorry!" You slur a little, still quite far gone.
"No need to apologize, Y/N." Aleksander's voice rings out from above your head.
"Aleks- I didn't even see you there!" You giggle, hand coming up to trap the sound in your mouth.
He chuckles, laying his hands on your upper arms to steady you.
"You okay there, milaya?
"I'm okay. I'm just, uh…"
"Sloshed." He finishes for you.
"The mysterious weekend plans." He teases.
Suddenly a thought brews in your mind and you can only blurt out, "Green is a good color on you!"
Aleksander grins, rubbing your arms and causing you to shiver, his touch electrifying your skin in small sparks.
"You think so?" He drawls.
You nod, eyes locked onto his gorgeous face. Maybe he was a dark prince, something fabled and powerful.
"Well I think lace is a lovely fabric choice for you." He complements, and it takes you a moment to grasp his meaning before your face is heating up, blush spreading.
"I-I-" You stutter as he watches you with gentle amusement.
"Shall I take you back to your friends, Y/N?"
"Please." You reply, realizing the walk might be harder than you realized.
He guides you back, your hand now in the crook of his arm like some kind of Victorian gentleman, before he deposits you in your seat with gentle hands.
Your friends gape at him, and you fail to notice Aleksander's amusement.
"Have a good night." He wishes, and then he's gone, disappeared into the growing crowd.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Hi Cas! How are you? I am in LOVE with your microfics!!! I never knew I needed Jegulus until I started reading your Jegulus, and I believe I have a new obsession to add to the list. I was wondering if you could give me advice on something. No pressure!
So my best friend has just started writing poetry, and I wanted to know how to show my support in the best way. She sends me her poems before posting them, and I feel like I always give kinda generic responses. I mean, I don't think i should offer constructive criticism (should I? It feels rude and I don't want to discourage her) and I always tell her that I love her writing and then quote the parts I liked. I just feel like it isn't enough. I mean, English isn't our first language and she's a bit insecure about her writing, so I feel really honoured that she shares it with me first, you know?
I want her to know that I'm extremely proud of her, but i don't know how? Help? Neither of us are great at saying the emotional stuff, but I thought I should make a gesture, so I encouraged her to make a tumblr blog. It didn't really work out for her, and looking back at it, I feel like it was a misguided show of support.
Was there something you appreciated from your partner/friends when you first started writing? Maybe something they did for you? I feel like I'm overthinking this, and she would definitely call me an idiot if she read this, but its important to me that she knows I care.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day! Sending you lots of love! Give Minnie a forehead smooch! ♡♡
PS: Ik this ask isn't as important/serious, but I don't know any other writers irl. please don't feel super obligated to respond or anything!
Wait this is so absolutely sweet. What's her blog, I'll follow her?
Yes, don't give constructive criticism unless it's requested. But I think you're doing exactly the right thing! My favorite comments (if I had to pick, I literally love them ALL) are the ones that pick a specific part and go into detail about it. It makes me feel special because if I really liked that part, it's a little dopamine boost that someone else liked it, and if I was unsure about it, it's a nice reminder that it WAS good. Also I love comments about what emotions I made people feel or how they can relate to what I wrote. Eliciting emotions from readers is an amazing feeling, and it's amazing to hear about. Last, ask about her writing. Like, be proactive, you know? When people ask me to read something I literally want to screech and giggle because 'whaaaat? you want to read what I wrooooote?' It's an amazing feeling.
I hope that helps!
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Klaroline Fic: The Wolf III [14/21]
Tumblr media
Summary: Months after their return to New Orleans, Klaus and Caroline try to settle into a semblance of normalcy, while Elijah struggles to forgive his brother's sins. But a mysterious prophecy that foretells the downfall of the Mikaelson family brings them all together in a war that will reopen ancient wounds and see each of the siblings doomed: one by friend, one by foe and one by family.
[It's The Originals Season 3, but Caroline had Klaus' baby, now she's a vampire and they are back in New Orleans after a stint in Mystic Falls. It's mostly about Klaroline, obviously.]
S03E14 An Old Friend Calls
"You collect trophies from all your victims?" Freya’s question comes tinged with reproach. Klaus finds he doesn’t much care for her tone.
"Letters to their loved ones, to be specific," Elijah adds.
Klaus slants a glare at his judgmental elder siblings as he inspects the pile of letters he just got out of the safe. "It was a phase," he grumbles. He wasn't asking for their opinions on his choice of collectibles when he decided to share these mementos with them.
Whenever it was possible, if one of his victims - not the word he would use to describe some of these scoundrels, mind you - was of any particular meaning to him, he'd try to find a souvenir among their personal belongings. Letters to loved ones were always his favorites. It was the closest thing to keeping their hearts preserved.
There's something very intimate about it. Very powerful. As though he still held their lives in his hands, in that precious second right before the light went out in their eyes. If his siblings had a dust more of artistic sensibility, they'd see the poetry of it.
Sadly, Klaus was forced to abandon his hobby. Not only because the technological advances made it harder to find any meaningful written memorabilia - and saving mobiles and laptops simply does not hold the same lyrical value - but also because he has the distinct impression that, few exceptions aside, people have become dreadfully shallow and more boring over time. He doubts the likes of sweet aunt Jenna or Mayor Lockwood ever produced anything worthy of making it into his safe.
Read the full chapter here
First update of 2023! 🥳 Happy new year, folks. :) As always, please mind the authors note and, if you enjoy the update, consider dropping me a comment and/or kudos if you haven't yet and let me know! ✨
@definedareasofuncertainty didn't beta this, but she had a very special cameo fulfilling her life-long dream of being a part of Jackson's murder. 🤧 Thank you, Luiza!
The edit wasn't done for the chapter, but I remembered I had this here cause I have dozens of those I've never used for anything lol Felt like the right time to use. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it!
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dawnthefox24 · 7 months
Okay here we go, Rumiko Shimada headcanons!!
Finally mama shimada has been revealed. Even though I love my version of Hanzo and Genjis mother.(Asumi Shimada) I want to add for Rumiko that I might use Ursa from ATLA as a reference for Rumiko.
Anyways lets dive in to the headcanons for Rumiko. Also I'll be a Rumiko defender till the day I die.
Okay so Rumiko had an arrange marriage to marry Sojiro but Rumiko was born as a citizen. Since mainly the elders wanted to fine a suitor best fitted for Sojiro and she was picked.
Rumiko was a bit hesitant about marrying Sojiro but started to grow fall for Sojiro even though she was scared of him. But soon realized he fell for her pretty hard.
Rumiko fell in love with Sojiro, after treating her too dinner and also respected her boundaries. Even though she was a bit nervous around him mainly with the elders.
Rumiko grew up in a small town and she worked as an accountant even though she hated her job. She was stunned when the arrange marriage was brought up too her.
When she was pregnant with Hanzo all she ate was Sashimi and cakes 24/7 but also would complain to Sojiro that 1 kid will be enough.
By the time Hanzo was born she refused to let the elders hold him as she was very over protective of him as a new born babe. She evem refused to let Sojiro hold hanzo for the first time.
100% taught Hanzo how too widdle and write poetry in her free time. Rumiko was always proud of Hanzo when he showed her his carvings.
When she was pregnant with Genji she was a bit paranoid not being able to protect him if anything happened.
Before she gave birth too Genji, She asked Hanzo what kind of sibbling he wanted but laughed when he said dragon.
When Genji was born she refused to let anyone hold Genji expect Hanzo. But for the elders and Sojiro they weren't allowed.
Now we head too the Ursa comparison part for Rumiko. By no means I'm making Sojiro an Ozai 2.0., Basically Ozai 2.0 are the elders. Since when she Abandoned the clan which I find odd as she could have left at any time so too be it sorta reminds me of Ursa when she Abandoned Zuko (and Azula).
When Rumiko had to abandon Hanzo,Genji and Sojiro she didn't have a choice since the elders threaten her. Since I think Rumiko was distracting her sons from their duties as future heirs too the Shimada clan. So the elders weren't too happy about this.
Before she left, she written a letter too Hanzo and Genji saying she'll always love them but can't bare to know the fact that she cannot help them.
When she left it pretty much broke her knowing the fact that she never had a choice to begin with even if she did try too take both Hanzo and Genji with her/ try too convince them to escape the clan it wouldn't be possible.
I'll say this once and only once I do believe she begged Asa to take care of her sons and too treat them like her own kids.(This is a personal headcanon of mine that I'll die on that she did indeed beg Asa too take care of her boys)
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19thperson · 3 months
19th Steam Next Fest Impressions - Day 5
Day 0/Day 1/Day 2/Day 3/Day 4
Silent Hill 2 but sci-fi. Not to beconfused with the other Silent Hill 2 but sci-fi.
It's a flying car future and your flying car crashes you into a long abandoned town covered with a Mystery Grey Substance and a lot of dead people, some of them not all the way dead.
The game then tells you to go into a decrepit apartment complex. Just like Silent Hill 2.
The game has both tank controls and contextual direction control. I have unfortunately betrayed the church of tank controls. It felt more intuitive, and the game didn't consistently use hyperspecific camera angles enough to bother.
Has a legitimately creepy atmosphere, and the combat controls run the line between intentionally awkward without being infuriating. Which makes one last decision baffling.
If there's enemies nearby, you can't enter doors or use key items. So it feels like the game's structure is encouraging combat that its mechanics are discouraging.
Hoping that this is either a specific quirk to that one encounter/demo, or I was just somehow missing the prompt.
Puzzle adventure game. The protagonist, Jemma, instead of moving normally, moves the entire row/column of tiles, and whatever else is on it, with her. She can also wrap around the edges of a path. Easier to explain in images than words...
the puzzles that come from this are pretty good so far. Arrange a sword to push into a monster's face, or placing weights on buttons and then trying to find a way to move that doesn't dislodge the button weight you just placed. Trying to maneuver around the few objects that can't be moved by you. And the trailer suggests they have a lot more to add to these building blocks.
I really like the presentation, especially the trick of having comic panels floating in the background to show details/movement that can't be shown with the sprite art.
I Was Lost
It's almost unfair that I played this right after the incredibly well done Arranger.
A simple maze game where you can re-arrange certain parts of the maze, with the gimmick being that the levels form poetry.
Alone as a puzzle it's... fine. Had a couple head scratchers.
Problem is that the poem it forms is specific to the demo. Whose meaning is "this is just a demonstration of something." So the poetry is the means for this game to generate pathos and they've already undercut it.
Hopefully the final game will have something to actually say, and do something interesting with the game mechanic. Because the demo doesn't.
Anyways, wishlist Arranger. And play Void Stranger.
Nekokami - The Human Restoration Project
A Dorfromantik-like, where you play as far future space cats, using their advanced technology and the borrowed power of nature spirits to try and resurrect their long extinct servants: Humanity.
Dorfromantik was fun but also kinda lost its novelty after a while. And a lot of successors look like they fall in the same pitfall. This game does some stuff to offset that.
The plot is mostly fluff and has some awkward "this was definitely translated" wording, but it's still nice to feel like something is progressing. Each level also has different win conditions, like having multiple fully leveled up flower fields.
I also like the kami-storm system. Midway through a level, a powerful kami will appear and change the rules somehow. The family kami will drop her kittens off for you to babysit and the little fuckers will laze around making certain edges unusable. the rain kami causes water tiles to appear more often as well as setting up little "rain bombs" that'll fill areas with water unless defused by placing a tile over. Stuff like that.
Lastly, it introduces two conflicting scoring systems: population and kami approval. Anything that ups the human population will displace nature and leave less room for kami, and you need to balance those at the same time.
Its interesting. Not mind-blowing but interesting.
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yunville · 2 years
DROPS OF JUPITER! — kazu the saviour
masterlist | chapter 2 | chapter 4
word count: 700
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deep in your thoughts as you walked out of your last lecture. wouldn't say the day was horrible neither was it amazing. after being confessed to by a person you've always admire from afar, you'd think that you'll actually feel a sense of happiness, feeling accomplished in getting their attention only to have them confess to your secret identity only your friends knew.
kaveh, you thought. oh how could a person be so beautiful with that bright hair that lights up the entire school from miles away. "downbad" is the minimum, infact you've been pining on him ever since you saw him on your first day.
"never knew the only way to get his attention was to create a secret identity i didn't even mean for him to like" you laughed. isn't it ironic? the whole situation. a fool, you're only making a fool out of yourself.
"hey yn" your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a familiar voice call out your name.
"oh kazuha! hi! are you here for rehearsal?" you look up, and questioned. of course he is, the annual concert's only 2 weeks away! everyone's been super occupied with the event, most of the assignments got canceled as to how important this event is to the school.
"mhm, not really. im just here to drop off the scripts and go on with my day. today's rehearsal is for the singers and band team, if you didn't already know and its open to audience," he replied smiling assertively. you nod in acknowledgment. of course you knew that.... hahaha (you didn't!!!)
as you step in the hall, you made eye contact with him. oh god oh no! those beautiful, fiery red eyes that you fell for the moment you saw it. the bright yellow hair that brightens your day. the extremely enchanting dark turquoise feather he has in his hair made him look like the most intelligent man on earth.
"there! thats yn! she's my friend," you hear venti said introducing you indirectly to his group of friends. you smile at him and quickly put your bags down to start rehearsal.
"performers come on the stage now! we'll do a quick briefing before we start," miss lisa said gathering everyone but the audience.
practice went well as per usual, with some mistakes but better than previous practices. there was a quick debrief before the dismissal, and you all went your way.
"YN!!! come here!!" the green head calls out for you. you showed him your palm as a signal to wait while you pack your guitar and bag, before heading to them.
"hi, im yn. nice to meet you" you said with a soft smile. looking up, you met eye contact with the blonde.
"no need to be so formal yn" kazuha chuckles before patting your head. you guys have always been kind of awkward, but close! but awkward... kind of! :]
"oh yn! i have a question" kaveh asked. KAVEH ASKED???? oh lord, you were panicking on the inside, he has something to ask you about? did you finally gain his attention?
"do you get inspiration from venus?" oh. oh.... least to say, you froze. you couldn't possibly tell him that you're venus can you.
"ah, yn doesn't watch venus" kazuha interrupts. you look at him and smile, reminding yourself to thank him mentally when you're alone with him.
"oh, thats shocking! you both sound quite similar too!!!" kaveh replies more passionately
"maybe you're venus" a ginger head adds on to the joke. the two of them laughed between themselves.
from your peripheral view, you saw kazuha signalling you as to whether you want to head home, you nodded as a yes.
"i'll be heading home with yn now, im supposed to stop by her place to take my poetry notes," kazuha fakes a reason. sounds of teasing were heard but kazuha pulled you away. he apologised for the behaviour of his friends while you thank him for getting you out of there and you both part ways at the school gate bidding goodbye. what an eventful day. you thought as you sigh.
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TAGLIST: OPEN! @cerisetial @shionszz @pyrrhicgaze @sakiimeo @serenareiss @morgandoesstuffsig @jadedist @squishychongyun @sashiette @akagism2 @kazuyato (send an ask or dm!)
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author-chan06 · 5 months
The Copy Club! The Plot
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Chapter 4—
The Final Chapter
— Is Now Out!
Here: The Copy Club! The Plot
The final chapter of this story! Man I worked on this for weeks, trying to make sure I didn’t mess any of this last installment up ahah
If you’re wondering why I didn’t post about the others when you they were posted, it’d because, well, I hadn’t made this account yet. And I’m not even going to try and go back and do so, I have so many stories that it would end up just being spam, and it probably would take a long time anyway. So while I’ll be posting about my stories here now when I post them on ao3, if you want to see any of the older stuff then just go ahead and look at my ao3 account.
Also News!
I’m just gonna post what my ao3 authors note says as it explains things pretty well I think:
“As a matter of fact, I already have quite a few ideas, and one series that is already on here. So that will be the next thing I’ll be focusing on. That series being: Writings That (Probably) Should Have Stayed Private (But Didn't). Which is— go figure— also going to be revolving around Roman. But it’s from the perspective of the other sides! Mainly Patton, but I might add others. Not sure yet as I’m still prewriting some of it and debating some of the the ideas I want to add. I’ve gotten some of the next part written, though, that I need to edit. So it shouldn’t take a long time to have the next part done. Or the part after that one either. Which means it shouldn’t be long before I can start posting them.
If you’re interested you can go on over and see what the series looks like so far and look at the series notes for what it will be become (and there will be quite a bit of poetry in it, if that’s something that you like) But, anywho, I have an announcement to make!
The end of the school year is here! Which means, of course, projects and finals for me! Yay ^^; And I will unfortunately have less time to write and edit and do all the things that allow me to post on here [ao3] regularly. (Like I have a really big project for one of my classes that, even though though I have a B in that class, could tank my grade if I do bad!) So for that, and so that I will have some time to work on writing more of the series and my backlog, I will not be posting for a while.
I’m going to be having a short, about two month long, hiatus.
This hiatus will last until July 5th, when I will be posting the first chapter of the next part of the series I was talking about, and also posting another shorter story that I’ve been thinking about for a while now.
(Also! I have a new tumblr!
I take requests. So if you want some type of story don’t hesitate to send them to my inbox! They will be looked at and or published, depending on when I want to write them, after the hiatus is over with
And during the hiatus I will definitely still be posting to tumblr— these posts will include how prewriting and writing for things are going, with my next series and my more long term fics and some oneshots I have in the works. And some headcanons and some writing requests I get, if I get some, over there. I might even post some snippets of the upcoming fics I was talking about! So if you’re curious about any of that, then go check it out!)”
But yeah. So a hiatus from ao3. Like it said, I’ll still be posting here. I just won’t have the time for the consistency I want for ao3. But in the meantime! If you have any headcanon requests or just requests in general for any of the ships or fandoms I like, please send them! Talk about my stories/ideas with me, talk about your stories/ideas with me, talk about my ships, talk about your ships! I’m really obsessing over Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss right now, so if you want something from those, or if you want to talk about that, I will probably be *extra* ecstatic and willing to do those!
Anywho! If I don’t end this now, I’ll just ramble forever ahah, so see you soon, darling readers~! <3 <3
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mad-hunts · 3 months
13. what do you think about OCs?
AHH, hello, @furiaei! thank you so much for the ask :D i'm going to try to get all of the munday ones i received a while ago, such as this one, answered today but i hope you're having a wonderful day so far. though let me just begin my reply to this by saying that OC's are honestly SO precious to me and i think that everyone who makes them on here is superrr talented, tbh, so i really don't get why some people wouldn't want to interact with them... and i say that because of some weird things i've been hearing going around here on tumblr that some people apparently don't like them. which, kind of makes me feel like saying ' UHHH, then why are you here? because the RPC is literally made up of OC's, you dingus, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. so maybe you shouldn't hold such a wack viewpoint of them??? ' but i suppose we can't control other people's actions and/or thoughts; only our own, so i'm just going to keep on doing what i'm doing and that is spreading the love for OC's on here!!
i mean, i have been creating them myself for a couple of years now and i just think that everyone who creates them always puts so much work into them, you know? and i love that SO much + i have really come to appreciate all of the diversity on here in terms of what kind of OC's you might see :D plus, it's just fun to come up with characters in your head that have these intricate storylines to them and the fact that there is a whole community of them around now is just REALLY neat to me, okok. because i used to be one of those kids who would make up fantasy stories and write them down + read them out to my family, or to my friends because i was proud of the fact that i had created something unique, though i didn't really have an outlet to use these characters in back then. so being able to be a part of a group like this means a lot to me as it sort of makes the part of me that's still a kid inside happy <33 and i know this answer of mine wasn't too long, but i just wanted to keep it short and sweet for now because basically, what i'm trying to say is this:
i adore each and every one of the oc's i've seen on here with all of my being + i unironically think the concept of them IS all that and a bag of chips in general. and that is something that's never going to change, because (and i say this in the best way) i don't care whether you're just starting out with creating OC's, or have done it for a while — you have CREATED something and that is worthy of being celebrated! anything that people create whether it's stories, art, poetry, etc. is important and adding it to this site does count as sharing it with the world... so, with that said, i think all OC creators should be proud because things just wouldn't be the same in the RPC without you and y'all add so many valuable insights + unique perspectives to aspects of humanity on here because writing is meant to mimic it. so yeah! if anyone ever tries to make you feel bad for having created an OC, screw them because i love your character/s and i think they're perfect just the way they are, alright??
now keep up the good work, y'all, and i hope you know that you guys are so inspiring with all of the storylines you have come up with ❤️ your presence here is definitely cherished as well as there will never stop being a need for good writers!!
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bndair · 5 months
existential   ⸺   sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why we die, and how did we get here.
nine types of intelligence meme. // accepting
@asaemi this one's for you too , babe ! 🧡
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oh , man. a lot of people expect him to have the answers to all these big existential questions. and while aang does have answers , he will never say they are the answers. he hopes what he says will resonate with people , but if it doesn't... well , then it doesn't.
though some many people think that being the avatar gives him answers to these grand questions , it doesn't. the avatar is fundamentally human. aang doesn't have some cosmic library of knowledge to look up the answer to any question big or small. he has largely inaccessible ghosts that are free to choose how much or how little they share with him when asked a question. does it help ? yeah , absolutely. but it's not a cheat sheet. being the avatar is not a guarantee that he can answer any question , nor is it the cause of his capacity to and sensitivity in exploring these topics. that's all aang
as i've said 398742 times before , the air nomads were the most spiritual / philosophical of the nations so should come as no surprise that they thought about these kinds of concepts a lot. aang was too young to be involved in the really complex stuff and a decent amount of what he was exposed to went over his head at the time. ( he was a little kid ! between old geezers waxing existential poetry and playing air ball with his friends , which one you think he was picking ? air ball. every time. ) but all that is to say he grew up in an environment where these question were warmly welcomed and readily explored. the result is that he's very comfortable trying to tackle these topics.
that comfort extends to discussions with / for others too. he will tell you his thoughts if you ask. he will talk through things with you if you ask. you just have to ask.
aang's personal views reflect his culture. he's a product of air nomad beliefs and that is what still shapes most of his world view. he believes each life has a purpose even if it's not abundantly clear , in reincarnation outside of the avatar cycle , that the greatest skill you can develop is compassion , and that so many of the answers to these questions are deeply , uniquely personal. he believes there is no one size fits all answer to any existential question.
that last part is a belief he develops through the arc of the series and his early teen years. before that , you likely would've gotten answers that were little more than parroting back of what he'd heard the monks say. before that aang didn't have a need to address these questions. he honestly hadn't thought about it. but traveling the world with the gaang starts to instill this idea in him. he is put in situations where he is fundamentally at odds with how others see things and as that progresses to " you have to kill fire lord ozai " and no one understands what that means for him ... that's when it starts to become more of a general belief for him.
aang's belief that these are personal hurdles and questions is part of what makes him so great at talking through things with others. he's sensitive to the fact that these are hard questions to answer because he's been there himself. finding those answers can be a long , painful process of discussion and introspection. add that sensitivity to some impressive emotional maturity and aang is honestly a great person to help someone through that process. you just have to tell him if you want him to lead or follow. are you wanting his answers ? or to find your answers ?
aang has the (dis)advantage of being able to talk things through with his past lives. on one hand , he can literally talk to himself about it. on the other hand , his past lives rarely seem to say what he wants to hear. but sometimes that opposition is what can lead to an epiphany. sometimes hearing a wrong answer is what prompts a gut reaction of "no, that's not right" within a person. and sometimes aang will be that wrong answer , intentionally or not.
for those keeping score at home , this is 2 of 9 intelligence types. and we have two more in the inbox : intrapersonal and interpersonal.
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apilgrimpassingby · 1 year
hello! i just wanted to say i am so pleased to find your blog😊your views on masculinity are so very refreshing, and i wish there were more blogs like you here.
so i wanted to ask you something!! sorry it’s a bit of a long-winded explanation, i am prone to overexplaining😭
i am sort of unofficially dating this guy—we still have to talk about it, but we do like each other a lot and are just taking it step by step. he’s very artistic, enjoys literature, he’s deep and introspective, and he’s very emotionally intelligent. one thing he has always talked about is how he loves examples of masculine men in fiction that aren’t necessarily athletic, like himself. he is gentle and kind, while still being protective and nurturing, and he takes good care of himself—but sometimes people will call him feminine or girly for his interests, or for actually taking care of his body/having a fashion sense (im pretty sure it is also because he learned to take care of himself this way a lot earlier than other guys in his class, so they were all just kinda like🤨)
i was wondering if you have any suggestions on how i can uplift him and help him feel secure in his masculinity. obviously it is not up to me to make him feel masculine, that’s not what i mean—i was just wondering if there is anything i can do, or avoid doing, to remind him that i don’t think of him as weak or what-have-you, since sometimes i know guys can start to feel that way if they aren’t necessarily athletic or if they don’t enjoy sports, because that is sort of the masculine stereotype—and i would imagine that society definitely makes you feel less masculine if you don’t fit into that.
it’s alright if there isn’t really anything to be said since this might be a bit of a weird question, but it’s something i think about a lot so i decided to just go ahead and ask. i would just hate to add to any of his anxieties or unintentionally cause him to question his masculinity, if that makes sense? i would like to support him in any way i can, whether subtly or directly.
thank you for taking the time to read this if you did, and no pressure to answer it, especially since i sort of just sprung this in your ask box. just know that your blog is appreciated and i am glad that you are here and sharing your thoughts. i hope you are well :)
Here are my attempts to help.
Point to historical/literary examples. Yes, I believe there is an essential "masculine function" that has been more-or-less constant across recorded history and human culture; but the Left is right to say that the form of it has historically been tremendously diverse. Taking care of appearance? The Spartans didn't just braid and oil their hair, their did so in public before their enemies as a show of masculine prowess. Literature? My ideal man, King David, wrote poetry (which the Bible has recorded for us). If you want more examples, message me and I'll happily provide them.
In terms of taking care of his body, it's a part of the relationship - you presumably want him to look good. Do you do it for your woman's happiness? That makes it a chivalrous - and, thus, manly - action.
More generally, step away from modern masculinity and towards historical exemplars. My chosen ones are David (as already said) and the chivalric code of high and late medieval Europe. Many people also look to the men of The Lord of the Rings who are, of course, rooted in the characters of early medieval English and Scandinavian literature.
As for not liking sport, that ties into the above points - a good masculinity is applicable to all men. It's about protecting your wife and children, providing for them, and leading them by word and example. That's what (in my humble opinion) real manliness is. For me, as a Christian (don't know if you're one) the essential masculinity passages are the example of David (1 Samuel 16 to 2 Samuel 23) and Ephesians 5:25-30. Nothing about doing sport or eating steak.
Hope this helps! And don't worry about bothering me, I always like receiving asks in my inbox.
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