#diego rambles
phoenicafleecity · 2 years
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im so normal about these two im so normal (<== about to scream cry and throw up)
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neahtrix · 26 days
Thinking about this shot from S1 again…
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I’ve seen multiple people refer to it as the ‘dollhouse shot’ and I think that perfectly describes it.
The way they were used and puppeteered in their childhoods by Reggie to be picture perfect. They were manipulated and exploited for years, treated like toys to do whatever you wish with.
But as ‘I Think We’re Alone Now’ plays in the background, it emphasises their new independence. It really pushes how they’re free from the over-looming control of Reggie and the manipulation they had faced is finally over.
They are finally free.
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hopelessfandomfreak · 1 month
it’s out of character for diego to not like being a father when he spent like all of season 3 proving to himself he could do it and showing what a good dad he would be and just unconditionally loving stanley and his unborn child. it’s out of character for lila to fall for five when she loves diego more than she’s ever loved anyone in her life, and she’s so devoted and loyal to her husband who she has children with and who has supported her and proved to her that she is a good person and she is worth loving.
it’s out of character for five to fall for his brother’s wife when he has never expressed interest in her in any way and is endlessly loyal to his family no matter what. he wouldn’t break that trust, even if he did develop feelings for lila, which is completely unexpected and out of character for someone who has not really shown any attraction to another human, least of all lila.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
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nexus-my-beloved · 1 month
Umbrella Academy is actually so devastating because what do you MEAN all of them lost their lovers. What do you MEAN Klaus lost Dave not once but TWICE and he was never brought up again. What do you MEAN Diego lost not only Eudora Patch but also got distant with Lila towards the end. What do you MEAN both Bens meeting Jennifer destroyed them + Umbrella!Ben couldn't have that one girl from Klaus' cult and had to love her from the afterlife. What do you MEAN Luther finally got out of the pseudo-incest relationship he had with Allison and married Sloane only to lose her so soon and never see her again. What do you MEAN Allison lost her first husband AND Ray because Ray walked out. What do you MEAN Viktor got screwed over by Peabody, lost Sissy, and then fumbled EVERY GIRL IN TOWN and never found someone he really loved the way he did Sissy ever again. What do you MEAN Five had to bring Dolores back to where he found her and then when he thought he had real love with Lila he got told he was just survival and it didn't mean anything. What do you MEAN Lila had this relationship with Diego that was on and off but she still loved him and yet she was with Five at some point and also lost Stan's mom (I'm like 90% sure there was some lesbian relationship going on there what the fuck was that). WHAT DO YOU MEAN.
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avnasace · 1 month
i do find it incredibly funny that in season 4 ben noticeably eyes the marigold bottle, takes the marigold bottle, disappears with said marigold bottle and then reappears with a round of glowing(!!!) drinks, yet the writers still decided that it wasnt obvious enough to us as the audience, and then made sure to verbally tell us that ben spiked the drinks with marigold. then they turn to klaus wondering why he is still normal, and then feel like they have to again verbally explain to us "ohhh you're sober!! thats why!!" when it was so clearly obvious.
but then they rushed everything else and left fifty thousand plotholes behind...
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laurrelise · 1 month
ok so i had this random idea about five and im just going to ramble because maybe it makes zero sense and everyone will shame me but HEAR ME OUT
ok so five was thirteen when he disappeared into the apocalypse. diego and luther grew up playing pranks and tricking their siblings at every open possibility. what if.. they tricked five into believing that santa was seriously real and he didn’t find out the truth until post apocalypse, post commission duties, post returning to the future, post everything.
like, this five, right here, as a 58 year old man, just finding out that santa was a lie.
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ok i know everyone’s going to say “five is too smart for that” just hear me out and let me live in my delusions because i think this is funny
ok so i love the idea that diego and luther planned a bit with the other siblings to play a prank on five long after they were told santa wasn’t real to convince him that he was. so, they all sat him down and told him the “truth”.
diego had the genius idea of telling him that santa shared five’s power of teleportation, and that’s how he was able to get from house to house so quickly. five told them he didn’t believe them, but deep down, he was so excited at the idea that it could be true.
eventually, he started to believe them. five’s always been one of the smartest siblings, but when 6 other kids you completely trust gaslight you into thinking you’re not alone, you let yourself hope.
immediately after five’s accidental time jump, diego and luther joke about him being gone, saying things like “he’ll find his way back to lecture us when he finds out about santa”.
he never did find out.
delores never had a word to say about santa. five was too focused on getting back to the future during his time at the commission that he rarely made small talk. how could he ever find out?
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mearchy · 6 months
I love Cassian Andor so so so much as a character he’s just so well written and well acted. He’s so compelling. The way he really would prefer not to be a hero but not in a performative “I just suck so bad I could never be a hero” way in a very ordinary “keep me out of this because it’s not my problem” way. He’s eternally a background character getting put in key positions of main character plots. When I see him break out in that charming beseeching smile, trying to convince who he’s talking to to just give him one more chance, like to the judge when he’s convicted or to his debtors on Ferrix. When I see his face twist and turn grim and intent when he pulls out the gun and shoots a man begging for his life. When he’s in the Narkina 5 prison and he’s just staring emptily ahead and you can SEE him reliving his time in prison as a 13 year old. The anxiousness hidden by sharp aggression when he gets touched unexpectedly while training for the heist. It’s all so good!!!!! He never feels like the bad guy, every decision he makes is so human and you can see the same deeply feeling person behind all of it and I love him so much.
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willowedhepatica · 8 months
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watching the northern lights 💫 got this fantastic commission by @notenotenotenote3 for my fanfic death doesn't dream
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acearcane · 2 months
Random TUA Headcanons, Pt. 1
I was thinking about what sort of uncles (and aunt) the Hargreeves siblings would be. Since we may get to see those dynamics in s4 (the Klaus and Claire pic has got me hyped) it's time to share my silly thoughts.
This isn't speculation; I don't really do that. These are merely random ideas of mine (and all very soft because I can't be an angst writer all the time). Enjoy! ^.^
Below the break.
Helps teach them how to drive, and really enjoys it, too.
Has karaoke sessions in the car with his nieces when he drives them around. He tries to sing all the parts and makes them laugh.
Takes them to planetariums, rocket launches, and shows them how to work a telescope; he'll map the night skies with them for hours.
Was always the favorite when it came to playing hide-n-seek or tag; he invented a game called "crazy monk" where he makes scary faces and chases them around the house.
Could carry one niece on each shoulder easily; they loved it.
Is there for them after their first break-up. He takes them to a rage room and they have a grand time smashing things to bits.
Teaches them self-defense, as well as how to properly throw a knife. He may have gifted them their first knife a little too early, though.
Attends all of their sports games and track meets, and is there to scream and cheer from the sidelines (or shout at the ref if needed).
Learned how to style hair so he could give his daughter and niece all sorts of fun and dramatic hairdos; on speed dial for "crazy hair day" at school.
The one who takes them out for their first drink when they turn 21.
Likes to buy a lot of little presents for them, although they'll occasionally get jump-scared by something huge, like a new car.
Loves to go on trips with them; was definitely their travel companion for their senior graduation trip.
Helped them get ready before prom and took way too many pictures, all of which she cherishes greatly.
Would absolutely be the one to give "the Talk", because all of her brothers were too awkward to do it for their own children. Is excellent at giving a quick and concise sex ed course.
Would love to take his nieces to get their nails done (he'd get his done, too).
Loves to go get ice cream, boba, and other little treats with his nieces.
Is definitely the one bringing home puppies, kittens, hamsters, etc. as birthday presents.
If any of his nieces/nephews were to come out as queer, he'd be wildly supportive. He'd go with them to get their hair cut and buy new clothes if they were trans, or support them at Pride, or just overall be the coolest uncle ever.
Acts like he could care less, but remembers all of the tiny, insignificant details such as their favorite color or favorite flavor of ice cream.
Will pick them up from anywhere, no lectures, no questions asked. Also won't tell their parents if they don't want him to.
Became very distressed the first time one of his nieces was bullied; his siblings had to remind him that he was not allowed to murder a kindergartner.
Unironically refers to them as his siblings' "spawn" and "offspring".
Asks his nieces for help when it comes to using his phone.
Would take his nieces to Starbucks or Dutch Bros (is this too niche to my area?), even if he thinks their coffee tastes like shit, because he likes to see them smile when they drink their overly sugary drinks.
The absolute best at reading bedtime stories. He'd do goofy voices and end up keeping his nieces awake because they'd be too busy giggling.
Helps them study for tests and exams (they always get the best grades when Uncle Ben helps them).
Is an extremely good listener and gives some of the best advice. He never judges them for their mistakes, but always suggests how they might grow and move forward.
Happy to help his nieces on their curiosity voyages; likes to take them to museums and other places of learning.
Would attend every musical, dance recital, talent show, and performance his nieces were in. He'd be in the back with big bouquets of roses and whistle and cheer at all the right moments.
Likes to take them to do the ordinary, menial things he wished he could do as a kid, such as going to the zoo or an amusement park.
Loves to talk and FaceTime with his nieces; he never misses a single call.
Is happy to pay for any artistic hobbies his nieces want to pursue, such as music lessons or drama camps.
Have any other headcanons about the Hargreeves as aunt and uncles? Lemme know in the replies or the reblogs!
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stormboundstars · 4 months
Love the Brellies family get-together where they all look like they've been left out for far too long in the gutter/rain/overflowing gutter due to relentless rain... love how they continue to reflect that saving the world is the LEAST glamorous job ever; it's ugly, messy, and often thankless work... these people had lived through 1-3 apocalypses, they should be so done about everything (especially since they lost their powers), and yet this scrungly stupid family STILL piled into the van to go on rescue missions... they're still going to do whatever it takes to make sure their world is as safe as possible...
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phoenicafleecity · 9 months
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spotted homophobic dog at lunch
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neahtrix · 2 months
//Season 4 mild spoilers
This running mention of ‘Baby Shark’ being a prominent song in the new season is so confusing but so amazing.
Like why is it playing? Is it Diego and Lila’s kids’?
Apparently it’s playing in a van scene though so maybe they got bored of silence and wanted some music? But why baby shark and why is it phrased like it’s in loop?
I beg it plays during an action sequence where they don’t have time to change it so it’s just like;
“Change the song!”
“I’m trying to stop us dying!”
“The songs killing me as it is!”
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hopelessfandomfreak · 2 months
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this is them
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luvermore · 1 month
I haven't said much about S4 but I will say, I do not like the direction they took all the characters in. Especially both Ben's.
I think my least favorite part about how they go about Ben (Brellie and Sparrow) is that how they have the siblings dealing with them makes zero sense. Ben was supposedly the beginning of the end of the UA. Even though they didn’t even remember how he died. His death was such an emotional impact that their family imploded. So why does it seem like they glossed over A. Ben being around 17 years after his death and just hanging with Klaus. B. Literally saw adult him in S1 but had all of a “oh wow” reaction. Then in S2 seemed to not care when Klaus said (one of my fave scenes tbh), “Ghost can’t time travel”. I get he’s been dead forever but it just seems like there should have been some reaction.
My next issue is, when Sparrow Ben comes, they take him around like he’s their Ben. Which, in my opinion is why he could never feel connected to them. There was never a point where the Brellies accepted him for the Ben he is now. Granted there were scenes with Viktor and Allison trying to help him and Luther keeping up with him but that’s my point too. Viktor wanted to help Ben so badly because he saved him, but, he didn’t. At least not that Ben. I think they’d still try to help any of the Sparrows if they still existed and it was them inside but, Viktor’s reasoning for trying to save him, and Allison’s too was, “He’s our brother”. But he isn’t. He’s not their brother and if I was supposed to as the viewer, assume that a part of the reason they were gripping onto him is because they lost their Ben, then I would have liked to see that in the show.
I know that the Brellies are very accepting people and tend to accept anyone into their fold as we have seen with Lila and Sloane. But the thing is those two people did not grow up with them. They did not witness the death of someone they considered siblings (meaning the Brellies didn’t grow up with Lila or Sloane and watch them die). They don’t seem to even have a real reaction to the fact that when they go back to their original timeline that basically kind of erased their Ben in totality. They all parted ways when the New World was created and Ben left to his own devices and ended up in prison. So I am not going to assume that in between the years of season three and season four they were just keeping up with him.
I just feel like for a show that started it first season catapulting us into the personal issues of the siblings. It didn’t do a good job going through the motions of them in later season. In short, I feel like a show that clung to the complicated and dysfunctional family theme kind of crashed and burned in seasons three and four. It became less about the siblings working through their problems and dynamics and more about going back to a plot that never really made that much sense. There were aspects of season four that could have made for a great conversation and most of them were deleted scenes, which is beyond me.
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nexus-my-beloved · 1 month
Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Klaus took the bullet for Dave in Vietnam. Klaus comes back (not realizing he should, in fact, be VERY dead) to a Dave that is heartbroken and thinks he is dead, scares the shit out of him by reassuring that he is not in fact a part of the afterlife, and brings up the briefcase and bringing Dave back with him to 2019. Dave agrees and Klaus gets on track to being semi-sober with Dave's help. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Ben didn't check the tank and blew it up like he was supposed to. A world where he walked home from the mission and waited for Five to come back like Viktor did when he made Five nutfluff sandwiches every night. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Allison didn't rumor Claire and went to therapy and took deep breaths and didn't mess things up. A world where she kept her daughter and even if she and Patrick split she still was in good graces to spend time with her kid. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Diego got Patch's message in time and managed to make it to the hotel room to either help her deal with Hazel & Cha-Cha or he got there before her injuries were too far gone and he was able to save her. A world where he kept her safe. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Luther let Five do his job instead of threatening to drop Dolores out the window to keep Five from murdering people that might kick-start the apocalypse. A world where Luther understood where Five was coming from and didn't threaten to break the only thing that Five had learned to love. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but someone found out Viktor had powers and helped get him off of his power-supressing meds and helped him figure out how to use them. A world where Viktor was helped rather than left to spiral into a mindless rage that would end the world. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Five learns about the subway before meeting the Handler and he learns potential outcomes and how best to solve the apocalypse. A world where he takes the Handler's deal but he breaks down the comission (or at least removes her from it, creep) and gets back to his family, and despite looking young he is alive, everyone is alive, and he checks the subway regularly (that he has made a map of) for potential oncoming threats. He learned at a young age during one of his subway explorations that he would inevitably kill Lila's parents, and he never does it, pretends to get the mission done so that his cover isn't blown before he goes home. Umbrella Academy where everything turns out okay because Five utilized the subway, people listened to each other, and they didn't have poor timing. Umbrella Academy where things didn't hurt as bad. A "do-over", if you will. Like "The Day That Wasn't" episode.
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