#digital ice scanners
rlyc00l · 2 months
Maybe Rhys is adjusting to his new life as an outlaw. Maybe he can make this work. He hasn't died yet, and he's even getting used to the place's smell. But, on second thought, he wants to go home and never set foot on Pandoran soil again. Getting rich in the process would be a nice bonus.
(Chapter also posted under cut)
— — —
Rhys didn’t move from Knuckle Dragger’s corpse until the Vault hunters finished dispatching the last few bullymong. It took as long for his heart rate to return to normal, and his left hand to stop trembling. 
When it was done, he had to step around dead bullymong, through blood-spattered snow, to reach the others. They’d all been wounded, except maybe for Zer0, who’d walked off as soon as the last bullymong fell. Salvador had been bitten in his forearm, Maya had a gash on one calf, Axton’s face was swelling up after being hit with a hurled chunk of ice, Gaige had a huge bruise on her right arm, and Krieg was so covered in blood it was hard to tell how much of it was his. They were taking a breather to rest and tend to their wounds. 
“Now where’d my eye get to?” The Claptrap had gone into panic mode again during the fighting. Now he’d reemerged and started ping-ponging a path through dead bullymong. 
“Just stay still for the moment, we’ll get it,” Maya called after it, impatiently. She’d taken a seat on a bullymong corpse as she bandaged her leg—wounds like this didn’t warrant wasting precious instahealths.  “Zer0 took it,” Rhys said. “Dunno where they went.” 
She sighed. “Of course they did. I guess they won’t go too far as long as we still have Claptrap… You’re missing a shoe, by the way.”
“Oh, yeah.” The star pattern on his right sock had darkened with melted snow and blood. His blood, he realized. He must have stepped on something as he’d run away, and it sliced through to the bottom of his foot. It was bleeding profusely, but it didn’t hurt yet. 
“Hold on.” Maya dug through her little first aid kid, producing a couple of square-wrapped antiseptic pads and a roll of bandages. “Krieg drank my saline wash, and I wouldn’t trust the snow here. You’ll probably want to clean it better when we get to Liar’s Berg.” 
Rhys knelt, setting the gun down close to him (he needed a better way of carrying that thing around). The snow melted into his pants as he cleaned the wound, he was getting accustomed to that discomfort. Once bandaged, he half-hopped back through the shipping container. He found his shoe half-buried on the other end, wiped it out, and put it on. The stun rod wasn’t far from that, sticking out of the ground, no worse for wear. 
After retrieving his belongings, he searched out Zer0. They’d gone further up the path on their own. An abandoned Hyperion drop barge blocked the way forward. On one side was a steep drop back to Knuckle Dragger’s lair, the other an impassable cliff. Zer0 was looking at the barge’s door, ellipses projected from their helm. 
“Hey, uh, Zer0,” he greeted. This was the part where he was the bigger person, the guy who inspired loyalty in his underlings, the workplace relations guy. 
They turned to him, the ellipses changing into a question mark. “I just wanted to thank you. For before?”
“I needed the space.” They produced another gun from their holster, a black and yellow Dahl pistol. “This one is superior. / And, it’s corrosive.”
“I mean, yeah, thanks for that too, It would have been nice to have that from the start, and all but.... I was trying to thank you for saving me back there.” 
“You disappointed,” they said. “Next time, aim for the beast’s throat. / A more certain kill.” He stared at them. “Have you ever talked to another person, like, ever?” 
“Yes.” They turned back to the barge. There was a door on it with a little digital-optical scanner on the side.   
Hyperion tech like this was easy to open with his ECHOeye, and he guessed he owed Zer0, but it was hard to want to repay that debt. He’d wait for the others to catch up first. 
That wasn’t a long wait. The Claptrap sped ahead of them, chattering. “The road to Liar’s Berg’s on the other side of this barge. What say we cut through it, chums?”
“You’re not gonna be–” The Claptrap rolled right past Rhys, to the scanner. “Aaand OPEN!” 
“Intruders detected. Locking door,” an automated voice replied, predictably. 
“You’re discontinued tech,” Rhys said, activating his ECHOeye. “I can-” 
“Let me get that for you.” An unfamiliar woman’s voice spoke in his head. Projecting from the barge’s scanner was a woman’s face. The same one he’d seen when he’d collapsed. “Executing phase shift.” 
The door opened. 
“Yes! I knew I’d get it eventually.” Claptrap rolled on ahead of them. 
“You’re welcome! Perks of being an artificial Intelligence. I’m networked into almost everything in this planet,” she said.
“Is um, is everyone hearing that?” Rhys asked, still half afraid he had a virus. 
“Yep,” confirmed Maya. “She spoke to us a little after Jack tried to blow us up. You hadn’t caught up by then.” “So… Uh…How exactly..?” “I think she’s eridium powered,” Gaige said. “You put enough eridium into anything and it’ll start breaking the laws of physics. Among other things.” 
“I guess that tracks.” He’d heard plenty of murmurings of “weird Eridium shit” back on Helios, and he’d seen a few E-tech demos. The best summation of eridium he could manage was “It’s basically magic”. Plus, he was standing five feet away from a siren, who was even more “basically magic”. 
It was a downhill trek after the barge. The small town, Liar’s Berg, lay at the bottom. “Town” might be a generous word for what it was. It was more a cluster of frozen little buildings surrounded by a wall made from blocks of ice and scrap. But it did somewhat resemble civilization, Rhys had to give it that much. 
Zer0 had gotten ahead of them again. By the time they reached the ridge overlooking the town,  Zer0 was already set up with a sniper rifle, picking off townsfolk. 
“Bandits,” they explained, before anyone could ask. Rhys decided that was credible enough.  Besides, by Jack’s most conservative estimates, Pandora was ninety-five percent bandits, between Dahl’s former prison labor force, abandoned Crimson Lance soldiers, and the lawless treasure hunters that swarmed the planet like flies. Decent people just didn’t come to this planet. 
The bandits that were foolish enough to peer out of cover to return fire fell quickly, and before long, the town looked lifeless. Zer0 stood, shouldering their gun. “I counted twelve more. / They took shelter in buildings. / I will kill them there.” 
“At this rate, I’m tempted to stand back and let you try that,” Maya said. 
Zer0 was already heading down the incline. And maybe the Vault hunters followed Maya’s leadership in some respects, but they didn’t wait for her orders to advance. Except for Krieg and Rhys. 
Krieg paced like he was barely restraining himself from running down the hill after them. “The shiny one’s innards aren’t suffering yet!” 
“Eh. It might be fun,” Maya allowed with a shrug. “Let’s go.” Rhys had hoped to hang back again, let the others do the fighting. The cut in his foot was starting to hurt. But there were more bullymong holes in the walls here, he didn’t want to get caught alone with another pack of them.
He limped after the two of them, allowing himself to fall behind. 
He walked into the town, holding the gun at his side. The ground here had been trampled by numerous footsteps, revealing the dark stone beneath the snow. He passed a burn barrel still flickering with fire. A dead bandit was slumped over it, his face and shoulders charred. More corpses lay in the street. Many of them had no marks but a single hole through their head, Zer0’s work, but there’d been more deaths since. A lone, dismembered leg. A body sliced open vertically. Another covered in bullet wounds. A huge hole blown out of one’s chest. 
The sounds of combat had moved further into town. Rhys followed the gunfire, not in any hurry. If he timed it right, he’d catch up as they were finishing, without making it obvious that he was intentionally sitting things out. Vaughn’s high school gym class strategy.  
A man stumbled out from behind one building. He wore a mask over a pair of goggles, obscuring his entire face. Acid had eaten away the side of his jacket, revealing the melted flesh underneath. He looked straight at Rhys. Worse, he pointed his shotgun straight at him.
“You also worth a million? Jack’s offering a million for Vault hunters.” 
“Do I look like a Vault hunter?” Could he lift his pistol to shoot the guy before getting shot himself? 
The bandit looked him up and down. 
Oh god, wait, would the pistol even shoot? Was it even loaded? It would be just like Zer0 to empty the gun before giving it to him. 
“You look Hyperion,” the bandit said. “Exactly. I’m important up there. You kill me, you and Handsome Jack are gonna be having a problem.” Wait, did this thing have a safety? Was the safety on? How did he tell? 
“Already have a problem with Jack.”  …Shit, he should’ve tested it earlier. 
The bandit shifted, barely an inch. Rhys lifted the gun and pulled the trigger, again and again until the gun stopped firing, and then some after that. 
The bandit fell, dead. 
Rhys stood, frozen, staring at the corpse. The holes the gun made looked tiny. There didn’t seem to be much blood, considering how many times he’d shot him.  
He’d made it far in Hyperion without ever killing anyone. It wasn’t a moral choice, it just didn’t seem like his style. Now that he had, he didn’t even feel bad about it. Hell, he felt great. He laughed, strangely giddy. And a little shaky. Somewhat nauseous. 
“You have surprised me. / I thought he’d blow your head off. / Congratulations.”  
Rhys turned around to see Zer0, sitting on a dumpster, legs crossed. They projected a smiley face. A bucket of sewer water on his victory. 
“...Were you there the whole time?” “I was after him.” Zer0 gestured to the body. “Coward. Ran when I shot him. / But you found him first.” “I could have used some help.” “He didn’t kill you. / And you proved entertaining. / Hyperion guy.” 
He felt his face heat up. “I had to try something! He was pointing a gun at me! I didn’t know if this thing would work!” 
They stood. “The first shot killed him. / You wasted all that ammo. / You should search the corpse.” They flashed him a “:D” and walked away. 
“Ugh.” At least they hadn’t taken the shotgun. A Jakobs double barrel, old and worn-looking. They probably already had something better. 
The bandit wore a belt with a few pouches slung across his chest. Rhys unbuckled it and checked the pouches. Those netted him a handful of loose bullets and a half-empty box of shells. He wasn’t sure how to reload the pistol–shameful, for a Hyperion employee–but a scan with his ECHOeye gave him the necessary instructions.  
Afterward, he attached the belt to the shotgun, turning it into a makeshift sling. If he was going to be stuck on Pandora for a while, he’d need to get one of those digi-holsters the others had. And if it was gonna be this cold… Nearby lay one of Zer0’s victims, a bandit, lying on his back with half of his brain blown out. He was shorter than Rhys but much broader, and his jacket was far from the most disgusting thing Rhys had seen on this planet. It had a few duct tape repairs, a seam on one shoulder had worn apart, and there were a number of questionable stains, but there was barely any blood on it, and Rhys was tired of being cold. 
He unzipped it, pulled the limp arms through the sleeves as far as he could, then flipped the body to yank it the rest of the way off. 
— — —
Liar’s Berg had one living, ostensibly non-bandit resident, Sir Hammerlock. Hammerlock was a fellow cyborg, and despite his esteemed prefix and general air of class, his robotic parts were even more shoddy than Gaige’s. Still, he gave them a warm enough welcome, offering up his home to the Vault hunters for the night. He even had real food, bullymong-meat-free. Granted, it was all canned stuff, but canned beans on thawed-out toast felt like a luxury.
“Hyperion, are you?” he asked, upon introductions. Rhys had made the mistake of taking off his newfound jacket in the heated house. Betrayed by his uniform again. “I hear it’s not easy to defect from a man like Handsome Jack. At least, not without dying horrifically. Well, good on you, I say.” 
Rhys, for his part, managed an awkward laugh and a, “Yeah… We’re definitely gonna…gonna show him.” He tried not to think too hard about Jack’s earlier ECHOcomm. None of the Vault hunters seemed afraid of Jack, but they all possessed some strange deficiency in the fear center of the brain. And they didn’t know the man. They’d never had their coworkers disappear, only to learn their last known location was Jack’s office. Jack was a fantastic leader, but he was not to be crossed. The best Rhys could hope for, as a “traitor”, was to keep his head down and somehow survive Jack’s scourge of Pandora. He could take it day by day. Now? He’d faced a bullymong and killed a man. That had to be something. 
That night was spent on a couch in Sir Hammerlock’s house. He fell asleep almost as soon as he lay down, his dreams of Helios. He’d shoved Vasquez in the airlock and shot him out into space, and was swiftly promoted to associate vice president of Security Propaganda. Zer0 was ther. Dream logic deemed them his secretary. They wore a pair of horn-rimmed glasses over their helmet and carried a clipboard.  
“Next time, I’d recommend not shooting him out the airlock,” they told him in much too long a sentence. “You’ll have more fun if you’re there with him. A knife, perhaps… By the way, you have a meeting at seven with–” 
“So, Rhys was it?” Handsome Jack said, entering his office. 
Rhys perked up. “Yes, sir! Is there something you need? Always glad to be of service, Handsome Jack, sir.” “Are you seriously asleep already?” 
“Wh-what? No, I was just preparing the report on the–” 
“Wake up dipshit!” Rhys jolted up, gasping. Jack had sounded so real, he had to look around the room to reassure himself he wasn’t there. “You up? Good.” Jack’s voice again.  
“J…Jack?” He lifted his right hand. Was it his built-in ECHOcomm? The screen wasn’t on… “I can imagine you’re freaking out, so I’ll spell it out: you’re hearing my voice in your head, dumbshit. Yeah, yeah. Relax. It’s a feature all Hyperion ECHOeyes come with. Fine print stuff. So, about earlier.” “I can explain—I—” “Shh. Don’t talk. You can text me through your ECHOeye, but for right now? Shut up for a second. Obviously, you’re a loyal Hyperion employee who got screwed over, right? I got the whole story out of ol’ Wallethead.” 
“W-wallet—?” he started, before remembering he wasn’t supposed to talk. 
“Anyway, here’s the deal: these idiots think you’re harmless, right? Maybe they even think you’re one of them? You’re gonna use that, help me out a bit here.” “What do I do?” he sent. Using the ECHOeye to send text was new to him, it was harder to control than just using his arm interface. 
“Nothing big. For now? You’re a Vault hunter. Fight alongside them, gain their trust. Once you get into Sanctuary, I have a few things I’ll need you to hack. A little spying, a little sabotage. That kind of thing. Easy, low-risk stuff.”
Rhys nodded, half terrified, realized Jack couldn’t see him nod, and sent him an “Ok.” 
“Don’t do anything stupid. I’ll contact you again when I need you.” “Yes, sir.”  “You let me down? I’ll be sure to personally strangle the life out of you—after reclaiming the Hyperion tech in your skull. Capeesh?” “Yes, sir.” 
“Attaboy. You do good, and I’ll send a shuttle to get you back up to Helios, where there’s a promotion with your name in it. How does President of Security Propaganda sound? Don’t bother answering. Hell, I’ll throw in a couple turbo mansions. Now, get some sleep.”
Sleep was impossible, after that. Part of him was exhilarated, just when he’d lost hope of ever going home, Jack had given him the chance of a lifetime. The kind of chance he could have worked on Helios for the rest of his life without ever getting. And it was the only chance he had at surviving, he knew that now. 
The other part of him was terrified. He didn’t know which would be worse: failing Jack or getting caught by the Vault hunters. The latter was a risk he’d have to take. They already trusted him, Jack had made sure of that by labeling him a traitor. He could be sneaky, he’d already stabbed plenty of backs on Helios. 
There was a third part, too. A small part that kept welling up as much as he tried to push it down. It wasn’t a part worth paying attention to. These people were doomed anyway.
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artsupplies-battle · 1 year
Art supplies battle
blood of my enemies VS synthetic voice bank
Glitter gel pen VS mayonnaise
Glass dip pen VS shitty cheap half empty pen
Graphite pencil VS Ribbon tool
Highlighters VS acrylic paints
Camera VS tones
Ballpoint pen VS vocoloid
Kneadable graphite VS watercolor pencil
Charcoal VS paper
Silver wire VS the shitty dried out markers from the artist briefcase
Digital pen VS the kickers brush they made
Nail art brushes VS hair
Glue dibber VS bleach
Blend tool VS found objects
Kneadble eraser VS harmonica
Yarn VS the sharpener on the back of a Crayola crayons 64 box
Water colors VS mouse (computer)
A cats little foot VS knife
Dirt VS Bobby pin
Rocks VS bow rosin
Photoshop VS Bic Atlantis ball point pen
Sketchbook VS knitting needles
Crochet hooks VS cintiq
Oil pastels VS washi tape
Bic mechanical pencil VS uv resin
Crayons VS disk (like a CD)
Sumi brush VS scanner
Ukulele VS rubber (condom)
Bass guitar VS roofei art kit
Waterproof pens VS Wacom drawing tablet
Fluffy watercolor VS gumi
Charcoal VS gold leaf
The notes app VS pencil (not specific)
Fingers VS toothpick
Tipex VS big tubs of paint
That dry pen you have VS processing
Saliva VS melted chocolate ice cream
Sugar VS prismacolor alcohol based markers
Money VS electric guitar
Rubber (eraser) VS kum pencil sharpener
Hatsune miku VS epoxy resin
India ink VS Copic markers
Tattoo machine+ tattoo ink VS MS paint
Lead pencil VS printmaking ink
Needle threader VS flip a clip
Curved needle VS vantablack
Sewing machine VS artists loft dual tip
Blue print VS my tears
Glitter glue VS beads
Ruler VS origami paper/ patterned paper
Prismacolor pencils VS sculpey
Macaroni noodles VS Mr. Super clear matte
Brain VS blood
Sharpie VS bark (wood kind)
Utau/ open utau VS the good pen ™️
Fake blood VS clay
Wooden human model VS fire
Icing bag VS clip studio paint
Posca pens VS cable needle
Fishing line VS ctrl +z
Rattlesnake VS human
ASCII VS 5$ crappy sketchbook
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ragtagravenart · 3 months
Hello! Welcome to my art blog! My name is Ellis or Brick and I use he/they pronouns.
• My goal is to build a community that enjoys my art and characters, so reblogs and asks are appreciated! I primarily post art of my OCs, some fanart, and occasionally reblogs of my friends’s art. (Check them out too!)
• I do traditional and digital art in mostly equal measure. (traditional photos might suck but plz guys i don’t have a scanner)
• Check “#ragtagraven art” for my art posts!
• I do not currently do any art commissions.
• Favorite games: Disco Elysium, Farcry (most of the series but especially 5 and Primal), RDR2, Uncharted (full series), The Last of Us, Life is Strange, Pathologic (Classic HD and 2), God of War, Tell Me Why, Ghost of Tsushima, Telltale’s TWD, COD MW (remakes), (AND MANY MORE)…
• Favorite shows: The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Our Flag Means Death, Good Omens, We Are Lady Parts, Rūrangi, Over The Garden Wall, Loki, Blue Eye Samurai,
• Favorite movies: Nimona, Mulan (98), Spider-man (all of them. all three universes), Venom (they’re queer icons, don’t make the rules), Handsome Devil, Brokeback Mountain, Knives Out (both), Stranger by the Shore, Princess Mononoke,
• Favorite anime: Sasaki and Miyano, Spy X Family, Given, Erased, Great Pretender, Stars Align, The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting, Buddy Daddies, The Way of the House Husband, Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon), Yuri on Ice, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard,
• This is intended to be a safe space for queer people, bipoc, those with disabilities, systems, furries, and the like.
• Hate and bigotry will not be tolerated. We’re all just trying to vibe here.
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remesrobotics · 1 year
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Hatch Woman 
DHN.008 - ハッチウーマン “What you need is a team-building exercise.”
Good Point - Leader Bad Point - Clumsy Like - Children Dislike - Long Walk
6’ (182.88 cm)
A non-combat robot built for construction and repair by Dr. Harp. She is based on the Surinam Toad (Pipa pipa). Her large body houses the means to manufacture large amounts of automated helper frog drones (Assist Hoppers), stored in eight round pods on her back.
Unlike Gutter Woman’s snakes, Assist Hoppers have no complex sub-surface scanners, but have more versatile manual functions, being equipped with a variety of tools and able to manipulate their surroundings with their hand-like forelegs, and the ability to work underwater. This is more or less imperative, as Hatch Woman herself is atrociously clumsy with her hands, and overall for that matter. She greatly detests having to walk anywhere, especially over long distances, due to her short legs and the weight of the manufacturing plants folded into her frame.
Her flat fingertips have a ‘star’ shape on them as part of her namesake (Pipa pipa also being known as the “star-fingered toad”), and each star corresponds to remote control arrays for each Hopper. As she has eight drones, she has eight digits (three fingers and a thumb).
This plays into her most interesting juke; her primary body is central in the sense that it contains the manufacturing plant for the frog units, as well as the remote control center for controlling them all, but her central computer and IC chip are actually contained in one of the Assist Hoppers. She can and does speak through all of them, but anyone with a keen eye would notice there is always one that she will never send into dangerous situations, allowing her to preserve herself in the event the clumsy central body cannot escape destruction.
Hatch Woman’s greatest strength is the ability to control her minions, but it also gives her a great deal of patience and organizational aptitude, making her a very good leader, both among her linemates, and when she’s sent to work on projects with other robots. She’s not overly bossy, and is a deliberate, clear communicator. This also makes her very good with children, for whom she is fairly fond.
Despite her appearance, she’s one of the more keenly empathetic of the DHNs.
Hatch Woman has a multi-layered pun name:
Based on a Surinam toad, which hatches eggs inside its back that emerge as young.
The ‘eggs’ are represented by hatches (doors) which can open and close.
There are 8 hatches on her back. 8 in Japanese is “hachi”, and hatch is “hacchi”
She is also Number 8 in her line.
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vintageslideshow · 2 years
today’s 10 minute project: restoring a tourist slide
So you have heard me tell about Pana-Vue slides, the ones that you could buy by the five-pack at every tourist trap and national monument in the 1950s-1970s, and how they were reprinted on cheap stock so after 10 years they shift colors toward amber or pink. Not long ago when I obtained a ridiculous number of slides there were three of these package, for a total of 15 slides, of the wonderful village of Skagway, Alaska.
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Let’s see what I can do to fix one of the slides... namely “Looking Down Main Street” because we have a preconceived notion of what a ‘downtown’ looks like so the original colors are easier to guess.
First image: A raw scan to show the original image and its discoloration.
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Yeah, we have a good candidate here. Second image, actually two of them for comparison, we’ll scan the slide using two scanner programs and have the Restore Colors settting turned on in both.
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The left one is using my Epson scanner’s included software, the right one is using Vue-Scan from Hamrick Software. [I am not being paid to plug this, but I did buy it once upon a time because its restoration abilities are astounding.] The small differences cause me to select the Vue-Scan edition, so moving on...
Third image: It’s time to remove the dust and noise, so I enable the Digital ICE (Image Correction and Enhancement) feature, which in Vue-Scan is called Infrared Filter, and it does a second scan after the main one to come up with a noise profile to remove from the original photo. I think Medium strength should work best here. So let’s scan this slide again using the ICE:
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Ahh, yes, that’s better. There wasn’t a lot of noise and dust on this slide but it’s definitely more visible in the clouds what was removed. Since the Vue-Scan version was a bit lighter than the Epson version, I’m going to use Kodak’s ROC (Restore Original Colors) filter in IrfanView to increase the vibrance a mite. Yes, I could fiddle in color settings in Irfan instead but it’s easier in ROC. So for the Fourth image: Adjusting the black and white clipping thresholds to 1.5 each and setting the strength to 30 in the ROC filter...
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Fifth image: Since I was saving the ROC’d image manually anyhow, I took this moment to have IrfanView do a vertical flip because the writing on the sign in front of that building shows I had the slide turned over on the scanner...
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But now my eye goes to the graininess of the original image, visible in the nearest building’s green roof. Kodak’s GEM (Grain Enhancement Module) filter may be of assistance here, so in the Sixth image: again using IrfanView I fire up the GEM filter, setting all sliders to 50% with the noise radius to 2 so it’s not totally smoothed out (as the default is) and yet not as ‘gritty’. Once that was processed, since I still had to save the image anyway, I bumped the Saturation to 70 to add a slight bit more color strength.
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Surprisingly the grain filter had almost no effect on the dirt road, it just softened the roof. I can live with this rendition!
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skelebab · 1 year
Rotbtd mha au art!
Superhero aus just flippin make me so so so happy :D
Hero fits first (and powers)
Jack (ice powers, same as canon but without the staff)
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He has long sleeves and a little cloak to keep him warm since his powers make him cold if he over uses them.
Rapunzel (healing via singing, was probably via hair when younger, but hair's cut by the time she gets to ua)
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She has a face shield/visor glasses thingy that acts as a scanner, sort of like what Baymax has.
Hiccup (he can bring up to 3 dragons he draws to life and control them)
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I had to find so many references for this one TwT it was so hard and he's easily the most detailed one.
Merida (she can shoot arrows out of her body, ofc she has amazing aim also but that's not from her powers)
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The circle thing on her hood is supposed to be the crest thing from the movie. She has the most skin exposed so the arrows don't rip through her clothes, but the goal was to make it utilitarian. She has a lot of pouches and she uses her hood to hold her hair (she probably has ponytails in her pouches too).
Bonus Elsa! (Also ice, she's either twins with or the big sister of Jack)
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Her's doesn't even have a face lol. I just basically copied one of her outfits from the movies tbh. Also her cape is detachable so it doesn't get caught and she can use it as a shock blanket, and she can make a cape out of frost if she loses it. She had to do a lot of bargaining with Edna for it lol.
My silly lil guys being silly lil guys <3
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Digital Rapunzel art (with description provided by SalEm (the person who thought the au up) on the discord!)
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She's so blorbo to me :)
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The paper version of the digital piece (+ jack)
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Merida with hood :) (ignore that I forgot the freckles, I'm too lazy to fix it)
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je-suis-tombee-sur · 2 years
CV > Skills > Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design
Since 2 month, I’ve been searching internship opportunities. I must say that I am concerned because they aren’t in search of a student intern but a five legged sheep. I mean they hope to find a complete designer who master as many softwares as possible. But, this week end, I’ve read a chapter in the new publication of Graphisme en France (2022) written by Joost Grootens, a graphic designer based in Amsterdam. The article helped me to relax and questioned the usefulness of skills that we mentioned in our CV.
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First, Grootens studied a sample of resumes that French students have sent to his studio for an internship. He realized a table to compare and divide students according to their schools. All of them mentioned the most used softwares as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign. This observation shows the monopoly of this company. Yes, the use of these softwares proves their quality. However, Grootens warned us about their limits. He thinks that pre-configurations impact our designs. We unconsciously restrict our creativity and singular expression because we use to follow the instructions (or « councils ») given by the software. 
  Moreover, I wonder if we really master it as we can said in our CV. Is this mention helpful to know our practice of Photoshop or Illustrator ? I think our projects can best express the quality of our work but we can’t measure our level of control of software. Plus, I have to entrust that it’s not interesting because the repetition of this mention shows our lack of originality. 
(I will add, in the skill’s category of my CV, my mastery of a pencil or the inkjet printer EPSON ET 85-50)
After this study of the skills/ tools mentioned in CVs, Grootens tried to classify them in three different moment of the Design History. He calls the first moment « mechanization » (from 1900 to 1970) and define it as all the industrial production of informations. The tools that took part of this movement were scanner, phototypesetting or inkjet printing. The second moment called « digitization » (from 1970 to 1990) is the use of tools that stay inside a computer or a software like digital fonts, Adobe In Design or Blender. The final and third moment called « dissemination » (from 90’s to today) is the use of tools that allowed the speed of distribution, interaction and sharing of the information with others like Tumblr, TikTok or Figma. Thanks to this period, and all inventions, Grootens defended that we can’t divide the designer/creator and the reader/user. This opening of the design practice to a more large public is rich to study the use of these new tools by unprofessional users. 
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In the final part of his article, Grootens tried to demonstrate how the practice of unconventional tools by amateur can teach us how to create more freely than what we do due to Adobe’s software. By the help of four examples, Grootens showed first the poor technique of the designs but highlighted the strength of the shapes and their inventiveness. For example, Taylor Pierce created a short video on TikTok where she’s dancing an a Hip hop song of Ice Cube. The accessibility of the software and his poor technical level let her invent movement to simulate camera movement without any post production or editing.
Finally, Grootens invited schools of design to teach us the use of softwares but also help us to question about the company’s intentions and develop a critical point of view. After that we could be more open to discover new tools and practices. 
I’m now very curious to experiment new things. The lack of rules or knowledge needed for the use of some tools can be an open door to complete my own practice. This article written by Grootens doesn’t mean that we don’t need conventional software. It’s an invitation to fall outside of the framework and have fun. I can now invent the new intern student I desire to be. 
2023/03/06 3200 types   
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techtired · 9 days
Laser Scanning: An In-Depth Guide to the Technology, Its Types, and Importance
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Laser scanning is a revolutionary technology that enables the precise measurement and mapping of objects, environments, and surfaces by using laser beams. It plays a key role in a wide variety of fields, such as architecture, engineering, construction, environmental science, archaeology, and even filmmaking. This technology works by emitting laser beams from a scanner, which reflect off surfaces, with the time it takes for the light to return being recorded. This data is then used to generate accurate, detailed 3D models or maps. In this article, we will explore the concept of laser scanning, the different types of laser scanning, and its importance across industries. What Is Laser Scanning? Laser scanning, often referred to as LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) or 3D scanning, is a technique that utilizes laser beams to collect data points from the surface of objects. These data points represent the distance between the scanner and the object, calculated based on the time it takes for the laser to hit the object and reflect. This results in a "point cloud," which is essentially a collection of millions of data points that can be processed to create a precise 3D digital model. The primary advantage of laser scanning is its ability to capture complex geometries and large environments with a high degree of accuracy and detail in a relatively short amount of time. Compared to traditional measurement methods, laser scanning can be exponentially faster while also reducing human error. Types of Laser Scanning There are three main types of laser scanning technologies: satellite laser scanning, airborne laser scanning, and terrestrial laser scanning. Each type serves a unique purpose depending on the scope and the area that needs to be scanned. 1. Satellite Laser Scanning Satellite laser scanning, also known as spaceborne laser scanning, involves lasers mounted on satellites orbiting the Earth. These lasers are used to measure the Earth’s surface and can map large-scale environments, from vast landscapes to urban areas. This technology has become instrumental in climate studies, topography, forest management, and disaster response. Applications of Satellite Laser Scanning: - Climate Change and Environmental Monitoring: Satellite laser scanning helps scientists monitor deforestation, glacier movements, and sea-level changes. By comparing scans taken over time, researchers can observe environmental changes on a global scale, making this an essential tool for studying climate change. - Urban Planning and Development: The ability to collect data on cities and urban areas from space allows for large-scale infrastructure planning and population growth studies. - Disaster Management: Satellite laser scanning can be used to assess damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. It provides real-time data for emergency responses and recovery planning. One of the best-known examples of this technology is NASA’s ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite), which measures ice sheet elevations, forest canopy heights, and more. 2. Airborne Laser Scanning Airborne laser scanning, often referred to as LiDAR when applied in this context, is performed by mounting a laser scanner on an aircraft, helicopter, or drone. As the aircraft flies over a target area, the laser scanner emits thousands of laser pulses per second towards the ground. These pulses then reflect to the scanner, and the time-of-flight (ToF) is used to calculate distances, which can be converted into topographical maps or 3D models. Applications of Airborne Laser Scanning: - Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Airborne laser scanning is widely used in GIS to generate accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) and 3D topographical maps. This data is crucial for floodplain mapping, land-use planning, and environmental conservation. - Forestry Management: LiDAR is used to analyze forest structures by calculating tree heights, canopy density, and forest biomass. This helps in forest monitoring, resource management, and wildfire risk assessment. - Infrastructure and Urban Mapping: Municipalities use airborne laser scanning to map cities and urban regions, helping with planning for new infrastructure projects, monitoring traffic patterns, and managing utilities. One advantage of airborne scanning is its ability to cover vast areas quickly, making it ideal for surveying inaccessible regions such as dense forests, mountains, and large river systems. 3. Terrestrial Laser Scanning Terrestrial laser scanning involves the use of stationary ground-based scanners that are typically mounted on tripods or other platforms. These scanners rotate around a fixed point and capture the environment in 360 degrees. Unlike airborne or satellite scanning, terrestrial laser scanning provides highly detailed and accurate scans of objects within a smaller range. Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanning: - Architecture and Construction: Terrestrial laser scanning is widely used in the construction industry for surveying buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. Scans can help identify structural issues, monitor progress, and create precise as-built models. - Heritage Preservation: This technology is often used to create digital replicas of historical monuments, ancient buildings, and archaeological sites. These digital replicas help preserve and restore cultural heritage. - Industrial Inspections: Terrestrial laser scanning is used to inspect manufacturing facilities, pipelines, and machinery. It allows engineers to detect potential wear and tear or damage, making maintenance more efficient. The detailed and accurate data provided by terrestrial laser scanning is essential for professionals working in fields that require precise measurements, such as civil engineering, architecture, and construction. The Importance of Laser Scanning Laser scanning has become an invaluable tool in modern industries due to its unparalleled precision, speed, and versatility. Below are some key reasons why laser scanning is important: 1. High Accuracy and Precision Laser scanning produces data with a level of accuracy that traditional surveying methods cannot match. The technology can capture details down to millimeter-level precision, making it ideal for industries where even the smallest measurement errors can have significant consequences, such as construction, engineering, and manufacturing. 2. Time-Efficiency Laser scanning drastically reduces the amount of time needed for surveying and data collection. Traditional surveying techniques may take days or weeks to complete large-scale projects, whereas laser scanning can collect data in hours. This saves time and resources, allowing projects to be completed faster. 3. Comprehensive Data Collection Laser scanning captures millions of data points in a short period, resulting in a highly detailed point cloud that can be processed into a 3D model or map. These models are not only accurate but also rich in detail, providing comprehensive information that can be analyzed and manipulated for various purposes. 4. Non-Contact Measurement Laser scanning is a non-invasive technology, which means there is no need for physical contact with the object being scanned. This is particularly useful when working with delicate or hazardous materials, such as historical artefacts, contaminated areas, or dangerous construction sites. 5. Versatility Across Multiple Industries Laser scanning is versatile enough to be used in a wide range of industries, including: - Construction: For as-built models and progress tracking. - Archaeology: To digitally preserve and analyze historical sites. - Automotive and Aerospace: To inspect components and detect manufacturing defects. - Environmental Science: To monitor natural ecosystems and study changes in landscapes. - Healthcare: For creating accurate prosthetics and detailed imaging of the human body. Conclusion Laser scanning is an essential technology that is transforming the way we measure, map, and analyze the world around us. With its ability to generate highly accurate 3D models in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods, it has found applications in numerous industries, from construction and environmental monitoring to archaeology and industrial inspections. The future of laser scanning looks even more promising with the continued advancement of the technology. As laser scanning becomes more affordable and accessible, its potential applications are expected to expand, bringing unprecedented precision and efficiency to various fields. Whether you’re planning a new infrastructure project, preserving a historical site, or conducting environmental studies, laser scanning is likely to play a critical role in your work. Read the full article
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sabka-dentist07 · 7 months
Dental Clinic in Bandra West Mumbai
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Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic in Sattadhar Mumbai Is your tooth painful? Can’t eat ice cream because of sensitivity? Don’t worry! Sabka Dentist in Bandra West will aid you with your dental ailments. Our experience & expertise allow us to claim leadership in the domain of dentistry in Bandra West. The difference from conventional dental clinics can be felt as soon as you step into the Sabka Dentist dental clinic in Bandra West. Not only in terms of aesthetics but also hygiene as well! Our dentists in Bandra West are adept with the latest technology and procedures. We only hire the best and most experienced dentists who can diagnose with accuracy and provide the best treatment solutions. Our Vision is to serve everyone and make good dental services available to one & all. We firmly believe in the quote –“The sole meaning of life is to serve everyone.” Our friendly staff will walk the extra mile to make the patient feel at home at our best dental clinics in Bandra West. Whether it is cleaning or a root canal, we provide quality treatments. Our mission is to make the smile of patients whole again. We want to provide our patients with the best as well as satisfactory dental treatment. Digital dentistry has also made its way into our dental clinic in Bandra West. Our treatments are digitalized. We make use of RVG, OPG & Oral Scanners. Our dental crowns are also designed using the latest CAD (Computer Assisted Design) and CAM (Computer Assisted Manufacturing) technology. Patient’s details & dental history are also digitally stored in our database so that it is useful for future treatments and follow-ups. Thus, your chase for the top dentists in Bandra West stops at Sabka Dentist. Call today to avail the wide spectrum of dental services offered by us. Dental treatment at the Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic: -General Dentistry -Orthodontic Treatment -Pedodontic Treatment -Periodontics -Tooth Extraction -Dental crowns -Cosmetic Dentistry
Phone number - 8291819551
Address - Shop No-45, 1st Floor, Gopal Mansion, Above Janta Book Depot Near Bandra talaav & PWC Building, Gurunanak Road (Station Road), Bandra, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400050
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Lenovo has become active this month, especially in the current week. After launching new budget phones in India earlier this week, it launched another mid-range device, but this time in China, on Thursday. The company unveiled its S5 Pro smartphone, a mid-range camera-specific device aimed at consumers wanting better camera pictures along with other great features. Design, Specs, and Camera The S5 Pro has a metal unibody design. It has a 6.18inch IPS LCD Full HD+ display (with a resolution of 1080x2246p), having an aspect ratio of 18.7:9. The performance is taken care of by Qualcomm’s powerful Snapdragon 636 processor, coupled with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The phone has a dual hybrid SIM slot to expand the capacity. There will be another variant too, with 6GB RAM/128GB option, which will be unveiled later. It runs on Android Oreo 8.1 out-of-the-box skinned in Lenovo’s own ZUI 5.0, which provides split-multitasking and dual accounts for specific apps. You can have 4 different accounts for a single app! The phone has a decent 3,500mAh battery and also has a Type-C port. Coming onto the camera department, then the S5 Pro houses a dual-rear camera setup of 12MP (f/1.8 aperture) plus a 20MP telephoto lens (f/2.6 aperture), for 2x zooming. The rear camera can shoot 4K videos @30fps. On the front, there is a large 20MP (Sony sensor) selfie camera, inside the notch-yes there is notch too. The front camera can also take portraits, while the video shooting capability is up to 1080p. There is also a 3D face scanner which not has an AI face unlock feature but also helps in making the selfies even more better in terms of quality, according to the company. Price In China the S5 Pro will be shipped from October 21st 2018. It costs around CNY 1,300 for the 6GB/64GB model (around $190) which translates to about Rs.13,947. The higher storage version of 128GB internal capacity is not available at this time. It will be arriving later. There was also no news on whether there will be an India variant of the S5 Pro or not. Lenovo S5 Pro – Price, Full Specifications & Features Launch Date November 28, 2018 (Expected) Brand Lenovo Model S5 Pro Operating System Android v8.1 (Oreo) Custom UI ZUI SIM Slot(s) Dual SIM, GSM+GSM SIM Size SIM1: Nano SIM2: Nano (Hybrid) Network 4G: Available (supports Indian bands) 3G: Available, 2G: Available Fingerprint Sensor Quick Charging Height 154.5 mm Width 75.4 mm Thickness 7.7 mm Very Good ▾ Weight 170 grams Below Average ▾ Colours Ice Blue, Pure Gold, Crystal Black Screen Size 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) Screen Resolution 1080 x 2246 pixels Aspect Ratio 18.7:9 Bezel-less display Pixel Density 402 ppi Best in Class ▾ Display Type IPS LCD Touch Screen  Capacitive Touchscreen, Multi-touch Screen to Body Ratio (calculated) 83.05 % Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 Processor Octa core (1.8 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 260 + 1.6 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 260) Architecture 64 bit Graphics Adreno 509 RAM 6 GB Internal Memory 64 GB Expandable Memory  Up to 256 GB Resolution 12 MP + 20 MP Dual Primary Cameras Very Good ▾ Sensor CMOS image sensor Autofocus Physical Aperture F1.8 Flash  LED Flash Image Resolution 4000 x 3000 Pixels Settings Exposure compensation, ISO control Shooting Modes Continuos Shooting, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR) Camera Features Digital Zoom, 2 x Optical Zoom, Auto Flash, Face detection, Touch to focus Video Recording 3840×2160 @ 30 fps Resolution 20 MP + 8 MP Dual Front Cameras Physical Aperture F2.2 Camera Features Fixed Focus Video Recording 1920×1080 @ 30 fps Capacity 3500 mAh Type Li-ion User Replaceable  No Quick Charging  Fast SIM Size SIM1: Nano, SIM2: Nano (Hybrid) Network Support 4G (supports Indian bands), 3G, 2G VoLTE SIM 1 4G Bands: TD-LTE 2600(band
38) / 2300(band 40) / 2500(band 41) / 2100(band 34) / 1900(band 39) FD-LTE 2100(band 1) / 1800(band 3) / 2600(band 7) / 900(band 8) / 1900(band 2) / 850(band 5) / 800(band 20) 3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz 2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS: Available EDGE: Available SIM 2 4G Bands: TD-LTE 2600(band 38) / 2300(band 40) / 2500(band 41) / 2100(band 34) / 1900(band 39) FD-LTE 2100(band 1) / 1800(band 3) / 2600(band 7) / 900(band 8) / 1900(band 2) / 850(band 5) / 800(band 20) 3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz 2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS: Available EDGE: Available Wi-Fi  Wi-Fi 802.11, a/ac/b/g/n Wi-Fi Features Mobile Hotspot Bluetooth  v5.0 GPS  with A-GPS USB Connectivity Mass storage device, USB charging USB Type-C  (Doesn`t support micro-USB) Fingerprint Sensor Fingerprint Sensor Position Rear Other Sensors Light sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Compass, Gyroscope Read More: Redmi Note 6 Pro Specs, Camera Details and Price leaked!
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yuyangsheng45 · 1 year
Electrical Component Applications in the USA
Electrical components play a vital role in powering modern life, from the simplest household appliances to the most complex industrial machinery. In the United States, electrical component applications are ubiquitous and diverse, contributing to the country's technological advancement, economic growth, and innovation. This article explores the significance and various applications of electrical components in the USA.
Residential Applications
In American households, electrical components are an integral part of everyday life. Electrical wiring, switches, outlets, and circuit breakers ensure the safe and reliable distribution of power. Energy-efficient LED lighting has replaced traditional incandescent bulbs, while smart home systems utilize microcontrollers to control everything from thermostats to security cameras. Electrical components like surge protectors and ground fault circuit interrupters enhance safety, protecting both people and devices.
Commercial and Industrial Applications
The USA's thriving commercial and industrial sectors rely heavily on electrical components. In manufacturing, electrical motors, drives, and control systems automate production processes, improving efficiency and reducing labor costs. Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are commonly used to control motor speed, providing energy savings and precise control. In the energy sector, electrical components are crucial for power generation, transmission, and distribution. Transformers, generators, and switchgear ensure a reliable supply of electricity to homes and businesses.
Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant traction in the United States, and they rely on advanced electrical components. Battery management systems, electric motors, and power inverters are essential for EV operation. Charging infrastructure, both public and private, also relies on various electrical components to deliver electricity to the vehicles. Additionally, electrified public transportation systems, such as light rail and subway networks, contribute to sustainable transportation in cities across the country.
Renewable Energy
The USA is making significant investments in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. Solar panels and wind turbines incorporate intricate electrical components like photovoltaic cells, inverters, and controllers to harness and convert renewable energy into electricity. Advanced battery technologies store excess energy for use during cloudy or windless periods. These components are vital for reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to a greener energy grid.
The American telecommunications industry heavily relies on electrical components to ensure efficient data transmission and communication. Fiber-optic cables, powered by signal boosters and amplifiers, transmit vast amounts of data over long distances. Microchips and integrated circuits (ICs) enable the development of smaller and more powerful communication devices, from smartphones to 5G network infrastructure. Electrical components are at the heart of the digital revolution, driving connectivity and innovation.
Electrical components play a critical role in the healthcare sector, supporting diagnostic and treatment equipment. Medical imaging devices like MRI and CT scanners rely on intricate electrical components for precise imaging. In hospitals, electrical systems ensure a reliable power supply to vital life-saving equipment. In recent years, the development of wearable medical devices has been accelerated by advancements in miniaturized sensors and battery technology, making remote monitoring and healthcare more accessible.
Defense and Aerospace
The USA's defense and aerospace sectors utilize cutting-edge electrical components for various applications, including communication, navigation, and guidance systems. Military vehicles and aircraft rely on advanced electronics for surveillance, target tracking, and defense mechanisms. The space industry depends on electrical components for spacecraft and satellite systems, ensuring successful missions and data transmission from outer space.
Electrical component applications in the USA are vast and diverse, contributing to the nation's technological progress and economic prosperity. From the residential sector to commercial and industrial applications, transportation, renewable energy, telecommunications, healthcare, and defense, electrical components underpin innovation and growth in various industries. The ongoing development and integration of advanced electrical components continue to drive the country's evolution toward a more connected, efficient, and sustainable future.
For More Info:-
Electrical Component Application USA
Electrical Wiring Accessories USA
Electrical Plug Manufacturer USA
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awariayasir · 1 year
The Top Business Card Apps of 2023 Networking Made Easy: Biz Connect.
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In moment's fast- paced business world, networking remains a pivotal aspect of career growth and professional success. And what better way to make a lasting print than with a well- designed digital business card? With the rise of smartphones and the need for contactless relations, business card apps have come essential tools for professionals looking to connect painlessly. In this composition, we'll explore the stylish business card apps of 2023 to help you streamline your networking sweats.
 LinkedIn, the world's largest professional networking platform, continues to be a go- to choice for digital business cards. Its erected- in QR law point allows you to fluently partake your professional information with others. The app also offers a" Find near" point, making networking at events a breath of fresh air.
CamCard is a popular business card scanning app known for its delicacy in digitizing contact information. It not only captures the textbook on a business card but also organizes and stores it in a stoner-friendly interface. With features like dispatch hand prisoner and CRM integration, CamCard is an important tool for managing connections.
ScanBizCards is another excellent choice for digitizing and organizing business cards. It offers both homemade entry and OCR scanning, icing that you capture every detail directly. Integration with popular CRM systems and the capability to export data to Excel make it a top pick for professionals.
 Haystack takes a unique approach to digital business cards by creating" Haystack Cards." These cards aren't just stationary contact information but interactive and updatable in real- time. This dynamic point makes it easy to keep your network streamlined on your rearmost trials.
 Cardhop, developed by Flexibits, the platoon behind Fantastical, is an intelligent contact operation app for macOS and iOS. While not a traditional business card app, Cardhop excels at managing and organizing connections efficiently. It syncs with your being connections, allowing you to fluently partake your information digitally.
Zoho CRM
 Zoho CRM, a popular client relationship operation platform, offers a business card scanner as part of its point set. This integration ensures that scrutinized business cards are seamlessly added to your CRM, streamlining your deals and marketing sweats.
 Evernote is a protean note- taking app that also excels at managing business cards. You can use its camera point to capture cards and also label and organize them within your notes. Integration with LinkedIn and dispatch makes it easy to connect with new connections.
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In conclusion, as networking continues to play a vital part in professional success, having a dependable business card app is essential. The stylish app for you depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Whether you prefer a standalone business card scanner or a comprehensive contact operation result, there is an app in 2023 to suit your conditions. Embrace the digital age, streamline your networking sweats, and make lasting connections with these top business card apps.
BizConnect helps you scan business cards with 100% accuracy in 30+ languages. You can scan business cards to google by using the export feature of BizConnect.Go to BizConnect app, click on export, select google. Login to the google account where you want to export contacts and either select contact you want in google contact or select all to transfer all contacts to your google contact. Know more:https://bizconnectus.com/ 
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aidc-india · 1 year
The Effectiveness and Uses of Barcode Technology
Preface Barcode is the one technology that has revolutionized the process of data prisoner and operation. Barcodes are unique patterns of resemblant lines that can store and convey information electronically.
In this composition, we will explore the significance of barcodes, how they work, and their operations in different sectors. We'll also bandy barcode compendiums , barcode marker creators, and barcode marker printers, all of which are essential factors of this technology. What's a Barcode? A barcode is a visual representation of data that can be snappily and directly scrutinized by optic bias. It consists of a series of resemblant lines of varying consistence and distance, with specific patterns and figures decoded within.
Barcodes are used to store information similar as product details, force figures, prices, or any other data that needs to be captured and managed efficiently.
How Do Barcodes Work? Barcodes function by representing alphanumeric characters using a combination of bars and spaces. These patterns are readable by barcode scanners, which use light detectors to descry and interpret the decoded information. When a barcode is scrutinized, the scanner captures the reflected light and converts it into a digital signal that can be reused by a computer or other data collection system.
The Benefits of Barcodes Advanced effectiveness and delicacy Barcodes exclude the need for homemade data entry, which is prone to mortal crimes. With barcodes, data can be captured and reused fleetly, reducing the time and trouble needed for tasks like force operation, product shadowing, and document processing. This not only enhances effectiveness but also minimizes crimes, leading to bettered delicacy and trustability of data. Enhanced Inventory Management Barcodes are inestimable in force operation systems.
By surveying barcodes on products and tracking their movement, businesses can directly cover stock situations, automate reordering processes, and optimize storehouse and force chain operations. This leads to better force control, reduced stockouts, and increased productivity. Streamlined Point- of- trade Processes In the retail assiduity, barcodes have converted the way deals are reused. Scanning barcodes at the point of trade pets up the checkout process, reduces mortal crimes in pricing, and enables effective operation of deals data. With barcode technology, businesses can give faster service to guests and gain precious perceptivity into copping patterns and force development.
Simplified Document Tracking Barcodes aren't limited to physical products; they're also used for tracking documents and lines. By bending barcoded markers to documents, associations can fluently detect and recoup specific lines, icing effective document operation and reducing the threat of loss or loss. Enhanced client Experience Barcodes play a significant part in perfecting the client experience.
They enable quick and accurate identification of products, leading to faster service and reduced staying times. also, barcodes can be used for fidelity programs, reduction tickets, and mobile payments, enhancing client satisfaction and engagement. Barcode compendiums Unlocking Data Barcode compendiums , also known as barcode scanners, are the bias used to capture and crack barcode information. They come in colorful forms, similar as handheld scanners, fixed- mount scanners, and mobile bias with erected- in scanners.
Barcode compendiums use ray or image- grounded technology to checkup and interpret barcodes, making data collection and entry flawless and effective. Barcode Marker creators Creating tailored Markers Barcode marker creators are software tools that allow druggies to produce custom barcode markers.
These tools enable businesses to induce unique barcodes for their products, assign applicable information to each barcode, and customize marker designs according to their branding conditions. Barcode marker creators simplify the process of creating professional- looking markers, icing accurate data prisoner and harmonious brand representation. Barcode Marker Printers Bringing Markers to Life Barcode marker printers are bias specifically designed for publishing barcode markers. These printers use thermal transfer or direct thermal technology to produce high- quality markers with precise barcodes. Barcode marker printers offer options for colorful marker sizes, accoutrements , and publishing judgments , icing comity with different operations and surroundings.
operations of Barcodes Retail Industry In retail, barcodes are used for product identification, price labeling, and force operation. From small businesses to large retailers, barcodes streamline processes, grease accurate stock control, and enable effective deals shadowing.
Healthcare Sector Barcodes are considerably used in healthcare for patient identification, drug shadowing, and medical force operation. By surveying barcodes, healthcare providers can insure accurate administration of specifics, reduce crimes, and enhance patient safety. Logistics and Supply Chain Management Barcodes are vital for tracking goods throughout the force chain.
They enable real- time monitoring of force situations, streamline order fulfillment processes, and ameliorate payload delicacy and traceability. Manufacturing Industry Barcodes play a pivotal part in manufacturing operations, enabling effective shadowing of raw accoutrements , work- in- progress particulars, and finished products. By using barcodes, manufacturers can optimize product processes, minimize crimes, and insure timely delivery of products. Library and Asset Tracking Barcodes simplify library operation and asset shadowing systems. By assigning barcodes to books, means, or outfit, libraries and associations can automate the shadowing process, efficiently detect particulars, and minimize loss or theft.
icing Barcode Quality To insure accurate and dependable data prisoner, it's essential to maintain barcode quality. Factors similar as barcode size, discrepancy, quiet zone, and barcode type impact the readability of barcodes. clinging to barcode norms and conducting regular quality checks can help scanning issues and insure flawless data prisoner. unborn Trends in Barcode Technology The elaboration of barcode technology continues to drive invention in colorful diligence. Some unborn trends include the integration of barcodes with mobile apps, the use of two- dimensional( 2D) barcodes for enhanced data storehouse, and the disquisition of blockchain technology for secure barcode- grounded deals.
Barcodes have converted the way data is captured, managed, and employed across diligence. From retail and healthcare to logistics and manufacturing, barcodes have simplified processes, bettered effectiveness, and enhanced delicacy.
Barcode compendiums , barcode marker creators, and barcode marker printers are essential tools that enable flawless data prisoner, customization, and printing. Businesses can ameliorate client service, streamline operations, and make informed opinions with the help of barcode technology. To Know More About Barcode Click On The Link:- https://aidcindia.org/technologies/barcode/?utm_source=Web+Submisssion&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_campaign=W-+S
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vintageslideshow · 2 years
today’s ten minute project: rinsing the wash-out manually
So I was going through some newly-obtained slides and noticed that the flash on someone’s 1985 Christmas party was too bright on the subject. Here’s the original scan with no tweaking:
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See what I mean? Okay, first things first, how about we clean this up in the scanner using Digital ICE on mild to get the dust and lint out, plus just a touch of grain removal and a light sharpening so this will come out a little better. I then touch the Restore Colors and the Restore Fading checkboxes, but neither of them do enough significant repair in the previews so I leave them off.
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Okay, good foundation to work with. Taking this version and viewing it in IrfanView, my free Swiss army knife viewer of choice, to try some adjustments in the various levels to make this less high-key. After some trial and error I settle on reducing the contrast to 55%, lowering the light intensity down to 0.65, and raising the saturation to 85. I don’t want to change any of the color balance this time because this image seems properly weighted, which is a rarity.
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The result pleases me so I leave it at this and figure any further messing to bring more color to her face would also affect the white walls; we can now see that her sweater is peach.
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Not sure those are really her size. But now you, my awesome readers, are saying, “But can’t the scanner software itself fix the colors somehow, even if the automatic tools don’t do the trick?” Yes, yes it can. Here, let me pull up another slide of this woman, and I’ll show you the preview screens in VueScan of how she looks with no changes to the color setting...
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...and how it looks if the limits of the color scale are moved just a bit away from white, in a manner similar to what Photoshop can do in its Adjustments:Levels window (though without the center marker for within-scale tweaking)...
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Okay, that brought out some color! At the same time I also reduced the brightness by roughly 20% to increase the shadows and, as a pleasant side-effect, this also added a bit of vignetting to the perimeter. Now let’s scan and see how this works!
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There’s a little wiggle room here for further reduction of brightness, sure, but the point here is that we got to this aesthetic juncture without fiddling in an external editor or relying on the scanner’s preset tricks to do the work for us.
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eventindustrynews · 2 years
6 Ideas to Start Making Your Events Sustainable in 2023
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Net-zero sustainability trends, climate-positive initiatives, and eco-friendly approaches are intensifying rapidly in the event industry as we are moving back to in-person events. The annual ICE report states 59% of industry stakeholders believe sustainability remains the biggest challenge for event management businesses going into 2023.
Sustainable event management is about making events greener with nature-conscious processes at cost-neutral basis. While virtual events have instilled the idea of sustainability in events, the responsibility to continue the practice through in-person events becomes even more important.
Efficient sustainable event management, when done the right way, is capable of
Expanding event reach to a wider audience
Establishing brand identity
Scaling down carbon footprints
Reducing costs
The Difference Between Sustainability and Environment-Friendly Often mistaken for eco-friendliness, it is important to know that sustainability is a broader term that includes multiple smaller concepts. Here, the key concern is most people interpret sustainability only from an environmental perspective while omitting social and economic considerations.
Also, there are certain misconceptions that state an environment-friendly approach costs more. Well, here is the catch! Sustainable events take into account the environment, keeping a close tab on strategizing all efforts to reduce the overall costs of events or incorporate cost-neutral green practices.
Based on preconceived notions, there are some obvious questions about what exactly is sustainable event management. To understand event sustainability, one needs to start with its basic principles which begin with accepting the responsibility of embracing
Pro-environment practices
Social responsibilities
Thriving economic practices
Keeping these principles as a preface facilitates organizers and planners to cover multiple areas of sustainability while hosting events. Here are some ways we can improve sustainability which you can start implementing right away.
1. Look for a Venue with Green Credentials — The event venue is a significant determinant for hosting sustainable events because they are the biggest resource-consumers, be it water, energy, or even food (if you use their catering). As the concept has been recently grabbing more attention, finding venues that are accredited might seem challenging. However, with rising number of in-person events the onus to choose venues that adhere to sustainability concepts such as water filtering, waste sorting stations, and solar energy systems, lies on event planners’ shoulders. Suppose the geographic location of the event is cost-optimum but the venues do not have accreditation certificates, in that case, you can include sustainable practice codes in the request for proposals (RFP) and supplier contracts. Sending RFPs in advance also facilitates better negotiations.
2. Avoid Single-Use Plastic — As the world arms itself in the war against single-use plastic, biodegradable and recyclable products are the strongest weapons for winning the green initiative. In the United States, 73% of plastic waste ends up in landfills, which takes up to 500 years to decompose and in-person events have long been facing backlash from environmentalists for being large centers of plastic waste. Solutions like offering water stations instead of plastic water bottles, a complete ban on plastic spoons, straws, or even single-use plastic event décor can help in maintaining sustainability protocols. It is very crucial to understand that fancy and expensive things aren’t mandatory. Instead, investing in reusable cutlery, signages, and décor resolves both environmental and cost concerns.
3. Go Digital — The world survived digitally during the pandemic and the event industry evolved, establishing a new era. Contactless check in, QR scanners, digital tickets and registration forms are already picking the pace across all event formats. Using digital notepads, white screens, and electronic signages instead of vinyl banners (to reduce prints) can contribute significantly to sustainability of events. Digital notepads or screens are one-time purchases and their reuse can reduce the cost for future events. Event planners can go one step further with event apps for the distribution of event information to create an innovative, better, and more sustainable experience for all.
4. Reduce Food Waste — Minimizing food wastage is the primary social and environmental responsibility of all. Food wastage isn’t just about the cost paid to the caterer. Considering the amount of energy and costs that go in harvesting and transporting, in absolute terms the highest procurement cost can be attributed to food. Managing food footprints in events is possible with intelligent and conscious menu planning. To save big bucks and control food wastage
Have a spread that is resourced locally
Ask for dietary requirements and confirm final numbers beforehand
Under cater (about 10–20%) depending upon the type of attendees
Create a practical menu that doesn’t require managing restrictions like meat preferences or allergies
Check for food donation options in the local area.
Food budget in events is a big bite and going reasonably lean on catering can help you offset the cost of waste disposal.
5. Plan for Waste Management — Waste management can be challenging and requires robust fore planning to ensure it does not break your event budget. As attendees flock back to in-person events, the demand for on-site waste management and off-site waste disposal has immensely increased. Talk to your vendors and caterers if they have a composting sites or recycling plants, and in case they don’t, connect with charities or non-profit organizations to donate leftovers.
Encourage your guests to support green initiatives throughout the event. For instance, carrying own-refillable water bottles and metal straws is gaining popularity. The hosts can create a campaign for guests to follow such practices and get incentives.
6. Design Transportation Management — CO2 emissions are at an all-time high, and in-person events claiming their place back on the map call for immediate measures. In fact, most people are eagerly looking forward to completely going back to offline events. What can event organizers do about it? Well, a lot actually. Choosing a venue close to airports, offering eco-friendly transport systems, e-bikes, and carpooling can cut down instant emissions. Also, you can set a limit for CO2 emission for each event and target to reduce it with every new event.
Suppose a delegate has to fly across 3 continents to attend the event. As an event planner, you must think — can it be done as a hybrid event to save transportation footprints? You can also choose an event venue where public transport is readily available and incentivize their usage.
With growing cognizance of stakeholders, the focus on tailoring sustainability in line with business models is becoming imperative for event professionals. Every effort made towards greener, resource-optimizing, community-supportive, and cost-effective event contributes to sustainable events. When proactively embraced by everyone involved in or affected by the event lifecycle, especially the industry- leaders, sustainable event management can change the face of the industry while making the world a better place to live in.
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rxsunsky · 2 years
Plustek scanner with silverfast
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There is a company near Norwich where I got my XP laptop called Value Computers. I don't know much about those, but apparently they work reasonably well. Or you can invest in alternative software such as Vuescan or Silverfast which will allow you to use a Nikon Scanner or a Minolta version with Windows 10 on a laptop or desk top computer. I think from what I have seen there is not a flatbed scanner that will equal a dedicated film scanner for quality and sharpness The D Max of a Nikon Coolscan V is 4.2, the closest Flatbed is the Epson V800 which is 3.9. In addition the D Max of the Nikon is greater than any current flatbed and if you wish you can always scan in RAW, again which is not available in any current flatbed I know of.
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The Digital ICE on the Nikon is in my opinion unsurpassed to get rid of dust and scratches. Using your Nikon scanner (if you still have it) will give you all the Nikon features that a Plustec doesn't have. If you get rid of all the other files that you do not really need in the XP Laptop, any antivirus can go, games can go and it will run surprisingly quickly. I scan and then save the files onto a memory stick from the 'Pictures' folder, then transfer the files to my desktop to be worked upon. Yes XP will still be 'unsupported' by Microsoft but it does not need to be connected to the internet and will work quite happily as it is and infinitum. I still use my Nikon Scanner with unmodified software! The answer is to buy a laptop which is still running Windows XP and use that solely for the scanner.
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