#digital telemetry receiver
digilogic-system · 29 days
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Telemetry Receiver from Digilogic Systems
Digilogic Systems Telemetry receiver design is highly flexible and provides comprehensive link support for satellite and flight test ground station applications in a fully integrated package. Digilogic Systems Telemetry Receiver design features FPGA based signal processing and software defined radio technology in the form of digital telemetry receivers, waveform & signal processors.
A variety of configurations (Single, Dual) and waveforms(AM, FM, PM, BPSK, QPSK & SOQPSK) are available with standard data rates from 40 Mbps down to 100 kbps. It also supports Automatic Gain Control, AM Tracking, Diversity Combining, Equalization, Demodulation of PCM-FM & SOQPSK-TG, Bit Synchronization, Frame Synchronization, LDPC and Convolutional Decoding, and Telemetry Over IP (TMoIP) as per IRIG Standard.
Digilogic Systems Telemetry Receiver system also has an in-built test signal generator, to test the performance of complete receiver chain without any external source. The system also provides access to down converted IF signals, Bit sync outputs, Data & Clock signals for analysis with any external systems. All these I/Os are available through connectors on rear side of the unit. As the system design is indigenous & FPGA based, any kind of customization needed towards any new modulation schemes can be incorporated in the system.
Contact us today to discuss your Telemetry Receiver requirements: website: https://www.digilogicsystems.com/ Phone: Hyderabad: (+91) 40 4547 4601 / 02 / 03 Bengaluru: (+91) 80 4975 6034 Email: [email protected] Locations: HEAD OFFICE
102, 1st Floor, DSL Abacus Tech Park Beside DSL Virtue Mall, Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana-500 039, India
216, 3rd floor, Zareen Heights, Varthur Road, Nagavarapalya, C. V. Raman Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka — 560093
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constelli1122 · 2 months
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A Signal Processing Company in Defense and Aerospace
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republicsecurity · 7 months
Are you Ready?
With the positive stimuli reverberating through their consciousness, the recruits marched in disciplined unison towards the classroom.
The recruits, guided by their HUDs, marched in unison toward the classroom, the rhythmic clatter of their armored boots echoing through the sterile corridors. The HUDs deliberately introduced disorientation, recalibrating the recruits' sense of direction and spatial awareness. As they navigated the labyrinthine facility, the digital overlays on their visors flickered with dynamic arrows, constantly changing the perceived layout.
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The recruits found themselves relying entirely on the visual cues provided by the HUD, each step a calculated response to the shifting information. The facility's architecture became an abstract puzzle, the familiar transformed into an enigmatic landscape. The instructors, observing from a distance, monitored the recruits' adaptability to the controlled disorientation, a subtle test of their reliance on the technology that bound them.
The recruits, their armored boots echoing in the clinical corridors, found themselves trapped in a seemingly endless loop of sterile hallways. The HUD, their guiding light, played tricks on their perception, leading them in circles, past familiar points that should have long been left behind.
The architectural monotony of the facility became a psychological challenge, a test of patience and adaptability. A five-minute walk stretched into an elongated 30-minute march, disorienting and perplexing the recruits. The instructors, hidden behind the scenes, observed the recruits' responses through the suit telemetry and AI reports.
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The recruits entered the classroom, their armored boots echoing in unison as they marched to their assigned armrest chairs. Each chair, a sophisticated piece of technology, featured docking ports designed to seamlessly connect with the waste management system of the suits. The chairs, resembling a fusion of ergonomic design and utilitarian efficiency, were the recruits' designated stations for both comfort and maintenance.
As the recruits settled into their chairs, there was a symphony of clicks and hisses as the docking clamps engaged, securing the suits in place. The connection initiated a dual process – the waste management system efficiently extracted bodily waste from the recruits, ensuring hygiene and convenience, while simultaneously replenishing the suits with necessary resources.
The recruits, confined to their armrest chairs, received the subtle yet unmistakable message in their HUD. A glyph, an enigmatic symbol on their visors, indicated that their motor control had been disabled. They found themselves in a state of temporary immobility, unable to stand or move their bodies.
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The instructors entered the room, their armored presence casting an imposing shadow over the recruits. The recruits, though physically restricted, could still move their heads and arms within the confines of their chairs. It was a deliberate imposition, a strategic choice made by the instructors to emphasize control and dependency.
Instructor KO10T addressed the recruits with a measured tone, "Today marks a pivotal moment in your training, as we delve into the intricacies of employing lethal force. This matter was broached prior to your Basic Medical Training, and it warrants reiteration now. By the tenets of the prevailing legal framework, you possess the prerogative to raise objections to this facet of your instruction. The law, in its unwavering language, affords you the right to dissent."
The recruits, their heads slightly turned within their armored restraints, absorbed the words. Instructor 6DG05, stationed nearby, scrutinized the telemetry data, monitoring the recruits' physiological responses to the legal discourse.
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KO10T continued, the atmosphere in the room tense and charged with the weight of the impending instruction.
KO10T: "By law, you retain the right to voice your objection to this particular aspect of your training. However, understand that this objection may impact the both your individual development and your standing within the paramedic corps."
Instructor KO10T continued, acknowledging the unique status of the recruits as conscripts, "Let it be known that, as conscripts, you are safeguarded by the provision that precludes compelling individuals to act against the dictates of their conscience. The machinery of the law respects this fundamental tenet. If any among you harbors objections based on conscientious grounds, now is the moment to articulate them."
Instructor KO10T's voice resonated through the helmets, a blend of authority and a peculiar sort of empathy.
"We'll initiate a playback now, a stark reminder of the gravity of the path you tread. This is no casual matter. Once the video concludes, each of you will have a designated interval to reflect on your choice. This decision, my dear recruits, is the compass that will guide your actions in the field. It is not to be taken lightly."
The HUD flickered, and the recruits were immersed in a grim visual narrative, an unsettling portrayal of the use of deadly force in the line of duty. As the scenes unfolded, each recruit grappled with the weight of their imminent decision, aware that the path ahead demanded a conscious commitment to actions that could not be undone.
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6DG05 monitored the recruits' physiological responses, assessing the impact of the video on their emotional and mental states. The telemetry data displayed a spectrum of reactions — heightened heart rates, increased perspiration, and various neural responses.
"KO10T," 6DG05 called out, "I'm observing diverse reactions. Some are displaying expected stress responses, while others seem more composed. It's intriguing to witness the distinct ways in which their minds grapple with the ethical complexities."
H2U8M's visor dimmed to black, cutting off the visual stimuli, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the voice of Instructor KO10T echoing in his helmet.
"In this designated interval, you are urged to reflect on your choice," KO10T's voice resonated through the confined space of the helmet, creating an intimate connection between the instructor's words and H2U8M's consciousness.
As the silence enveloped him, H2U8M's mind raced through the moral labyrinth that the video had presented. The weight of the decision pressed against the walls of his consciousness. In the solitude within the suit, he grappled with the ethical considerations of employing deadly force.
The distant hum of machinery and the rhythmic sound of his own breath became the backdrop for his contemplation. The stark reality of his role as a tactical paramedic unfolded in his mind — the responsibility to protect, the obligation to save lives, and the potential necessity to wield force.
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The minutes passed, each tick of the clock echoing in the stillness of his thoughts. The neural conditioning, the sensory isolation, and the weight of the decision all converged within the confines of the suit.
Finally, as the designated interval drew to a close, KO10T's voice returned, breaking the silence that had enveloped H2U8M's consciousness. The visor slowly illuminated, revealing the training room once again.
"In front of you is a menu," KO10T's voice accompanied the digital interface. "This is your opportunity to express your consent or objection. Navigate through the options and make your choice."
The menu presented a series of questions and statements, seeking H2U8M's affirmation or dissent. The cursor responded to his mental commands as he moved through the selections. Each click of the cursor felt like a weighted decision, an acknowledgment of the path he was willing to tread in his role as a tactical paramedic.
KO10T's voice guided the process, a constant reminder that this was more than a mere formality. It was a pivotal moment, an assertion of his personal stance in the face of the moral challenges inherent in their line of work.
With each selection, H2U8M felt a sense of agency, a reaffirmation of his autonomy within the confines of the suit. The act of navigating the menu was more than a technical procedure; it was a declaration of his willingness to engage with the complexities of his duty.
As he confirmed his choices, the menu dissolved, and the HUD returned to its standard display.
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The HUD blinked into emptiness, leaving H2U8M in a momentary void. The digital canvas that had been filled with choices and reflections now reverted to a stark blankness. In the absence of prompts, he was left alone with his thoughts, the residue of his decisions lingering in the virtual silence.
Meanwhile, 6DG05 diligently monitored the recruits' responses, the streams of data converging into a comprehensive analysis. As the feedback reached him, he relayed the information to KO10T, the exchange a seamless coordination between instructor and overseer. The report confirmed what they had anticipated – no fundamental rejections, no dissent that would impede the progression of the training.
"KO10T," 6DG05's voice echoed through the communication channels. "All recruits have navigated the menu without fundamental objections. We can proceed with the next phase of training."
The confirmation was met with a measured nod from KO10T. The recruits, their HUDs now darkened, awaited the next set of instructions.
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he HUD burst into life once more, a canvas of digital information painting the next phase of their training. Lessons unfurled across the recruits' visors, delving into the intricacies of the standard rifle used within the paramedic corps. The virtual display detailed the specifications, components, and maintenance protocols of the small arms that would become an extension of their tactical paramedic identity.
In the dimly lit classroom, the recruits were ensconced in the glow of their HUDs, absorbing the wealth of information transmitted directly into their field of vision. The instructor's voice, modulated by the AI to convey a perfect blend of authority and guidance, accompanied the visual feast of knowledge. Each nugget of information etched itself into their minds, forming a mental arsenal to complement the physicality of the suits they wore.
The lesson on small arms unfolded like a meticulously crafted narrative, where the line between weapon and tool blurred in the context of their duties.
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zerosecurity · 5 months
New Android Malware SoumniBot Employs Innovative Obfuscation Tactics
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Banking Trojan Targets Korean Users by Manipulating Android Manifest
A sophisticated new Android malware, dubbed SoumniBot, is making waves for its ingenious obfuscation techniques that exploit vulnerabilities in how Android apps interpret the crucial Android manifest file. Unlike typical malware droppers, SoumniBot's stealthy approach allows it to camouflage its malicious intent and evade detection. Exploiting Android Manifest Weaknesses According to researchers at Kaspersky, SoumniBot's evasion strategy revolves around manipulating the Android manifest, a core component within every Android application package. The malware developers have identified and exploited vulnerabilities in the manifest extraction and parsing procedure, enabling them to obscure the true nature of the malware. SoumniBot employs several techniques to obfuscate its presence and thwart analysis, including: - Invalid Compression Method Value: By manipulating the compression method value within the AndroidManifest.xml entry, SoumniBot tricks the parser into recognizing data as uncompressed, allowing the malware to evade detection during installation. - Invalid Manifest Size: SoumniBot manipulates the size declaration of the AndroidManifest.xml entry, causing overlay within the unpacked manifest. This tactic enables the malware to bypass strict parsers without triggering errors. - Long Namespace Names: Utilizing excessively long namespace strings within the manifest, SoumniBot renders the file unreadable for both humans and programs. The Android OS parser disregards these lengthy namespaces, facilitating the malware's stealthy operation.
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Example of SoumniBot Long Namespace Names (Credits: Kaspersky) SoumniBot's Malicious Functionality Upon execution, SoumniBot requests configuration parameters from a hardcoded server, enabling it to function effectively. The malware then initiates a malicious service, conceals its icon to prevent removal, and begins uploading sensitive data from the victim's device to a designated server. Researchers have also highlighted SoumniBot's capability to search for and exfiltrate digital certificates used by Korean banks for online banking services. This feature allows threat actors to exploit banking credentials and conduct fraudulent transactions. Targeting Korean Banking Credentials SoumniBot locates relevant files containing digital certificates issued by Korean banks to their clients for authentication and authorization purposes. It copies the directory containing these digital certificates into a ZIP archive, which is then transmitted to the attacker-controlled server. Furthermore, SoumniBot subscribes to messages from a message queuing telemetry transport server (MQTT), an essential command-and-control infrastructure component. MQTT facilitates lightweight, efficient messaging between devices, helping the malware seamlessly receive commands from remote attackers. Some of SoumniBot's malicious commands include: - Sending information about the infected device, including phone number, carrier, and Trojan version - Transmitting the victim's SMS messages, contacts, accounts, photos, videos, and online banking digital certificates - Deleting contacts on the victim's device - Sending a list of installed apps - Adding new contacts on the device - Getting ringtone volume levels With its innovative obfuscation tactics and capability to target Korean banking credentials, SoumniBot poses a significant threat to South Korean Android users. Read the full article
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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North Korea would be converting an Il-76 into an AWACS platform
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/16/2023 - 16:08 in Military
This week's satellite images showed that North Korea would be converting an Il-76 aircraft into an early warning and control (AWACS) air system.
An analysis of the satellite images of the Planet Labs platform was made by Decker Eveleth, of the James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies, indicating the modification of the Ilyushin Il-76 Candid transport plane.
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The modification work would be taking place at Pyongyang International Airport, suggesting a possible conversion of the Il-76 to a version of early air alert and control system (AWACS) or early air alert aircraft (AEW), similar to the A-50 Mainstay model already used by Russia as a primary platform for AWACS and AEW functions.
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Russians also employ this platform for telemetry during missile tests, emphasizing its multifaceted usefulness.
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Russian platform A-50 Mainstay.
China also has an AEW platform based on Il-76, which received the designation KJ-2000 Mainring.
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AEW KJ2000 aircraft from China. (Photo: FYJS)
Despite these observations, there is currently no direct evidence to indicate that Russia has transferred this sophisticated technology to North Korea. Such a development, if confirmed, could signal a significant leap in North Korea's radar capabilities. Eveleth noted that, for North Korea, venturing into AWACS technology would be a substantial effort, given the current state of its radar technology.
What makes this situation particularly remarkable is that North Korea seems to be dedicating one of its few Il-76 aircraft to this potential transformation. The Il-76 plays a critical role in North Korea's limited transport fleet, indicating the importance and priority given to this modification.
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Air Koryo's Il-76 aircraft in Pyongyang.
However, the evaluation remains preliminary and, without further evidence, the conclusions about the real nature of the modifications and the intention of North Korea remain speculative.
Tags: Military AviationAWACSIl-76KPAAF - Korean People's Army Air Force/North Korea Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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govindhtech · 2 days
HP Workforce Experience Platform Boosts Workplace Efficiency
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HP Workforce Experience Platform
The HP Workforce Solutions division (HPWS) unveiled a number of noteworthy innovations at HP Imagine with the goal of empowering businesses to succeed by providing more individualized, satisfying experiences.
HP is providing IT managers with improved tools, data, and insights with the expansion of access to HP Workforce Experience Platform, enabling them to guarantee that their staff members are connected and productive. HP is introducing sophisticated monitoring tools and the worldwide availability of HP Managed Collaboration Services, which proactively resolve issues before they affect employees, for clients that wish HP to manage their IT infrastructure. Additionally, HP is introducing a new service that enables staff members to resume work promptly in the event that technology malfunctions. Additionally, HP is launching a new service to assist businesses in leveraging AI to increase worker productivity and increased refurbishing initiatives to romote a more circular economy.
Workforce Experience Platform
The HP Workforce Experience Platform Has New Features and Is Extending Beta Access
Over 270K devices have joined in the three-month-long private beta of HP Workforce Experience Platform, a platform that automatically anticipates and removes digital friction across every employee endpoint from a single dashboard.
With this expansion of access, HP is now offering new or renewing HP Proactive Insights clients in the US free access to the Workforce Experience Platform Beta.
Along with PCs, HP is releasing new tools as part of this version that let users monitor, secure, and manage printer performance at scale. Through preemptive anomaly identification and astute recommendations, new capabilities in AI-powered fleet management and employee attitude analysis can help lower IT support calls and employee downtime.
Additionally, HP Workforce Experience Platform allows IT to easily and securely leverage Workforce Experience Platform data within their current workflows by supporting integrations with Microsoft Power BI, Power Automate, and Tableau (available now), with plans to support Microsoft Intune and ServiceNow in a future release. As a result, IT can now see its fleet of devices more comprehensively, with improved data accuracy and more specialized IT activities that help save costs and increase return on investment.
New Worldwide Command Centers with Enhanced Monitoring Features
HP is announcing advanced Monitoring and Management capabilities, enabled by new global command centers, to help customers monitor and manage both HP and non-HP devices globally, including detecting and remediating incidents, as businesses look to shift their IT support from a reactive to a proactive approach.
The HP uses telemetry to keep an eye on hundreds of data points in PCs, printers, and conference room equipment. This makes it possible for HP Service Experts to find problems and take proactive, remote action to fix them before they affect employees. Customers of HP’s managed solutions can access these HP Managed Services worldwide and purchase them directly from HP.
First Out-of-Band Diagnostic and Remediation Capability in the Industry
Workers now anticipate receiving the same caliber of assistance from remote locations as they would from an office. When a computer breaks and won’t restart, for example, the issue may not always be solved using the current remote support tools.
With the most advanced remote remediation technology in the industry, HP is introducing a new HP out-of-band remediation service that will help reduce the time and frustration involved in restoring productivity for both hybrid employees and IT. With this service, more PC issues can be fixed remotely than ever before, even if the PC won’t boot. HP is the first PC maker to employ encrypted cloud connections and out-of-band technologies to safely connect to distant PCs running less than the operating system. With almost little help from the end user, this gives HP support agents complete keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) control to diagnose and resolve more complicated problems like boot failures, imaging problems, and BIOS issues.
With the purchase of any new Intel vPro equipped PC from HP or an authorized reseller, this industry-first remediation service is anticipated to become available later this year in North America and the EU as an add-on to an HP Essential, Premium, or Premium+ Support package. In the upcoming months, HP intends to extend the service feature availability to further commercial PCs.
Customers Can Now Fully Utilize Microsoft Copilot’s Potential with the Help of New AI Advisory Services
Additionally, HP is launching a new AI advisory service to assist users in realizing the full benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This new AI advising service will assess an organization’s existing state of affairs and level of preparedness for AI, provide interactive workshops to help businesses optimize the advantages of AI, and assist businesses in developing their rollout plans for new AI technologies. It is anticipated that in November 2024, the US, UK, France, Spain, Ireland, and Germany will have access to this new AI Advisory Service.
Developing Experiences for Collaborative Teams
Global Customers Can Now Avail Managed Collaboration Services
More workers than ever before are connected through video collaboration in today’s flexible work environment. HP is introducing HP Managed Collaboration Services, which will be available globally, to assist clients in maintaining and updating their conference rooms. Utilizing Poly and HP equipment, HP Managed Collaboration Services provides flexible, dependable managed room solutions that guarantee every space is video-enabled and prepared for use, all while delivering outstanding meeting experiences.
HP Certified Refurbished
Increased Selection of HP Approved Refurbished Hardware
For US Managed Print Solutions clients, HP is adding LaserJet Multi-Function Printers to its HP Certified Refurbished hardware line to meet customer demand for high-quality, reliable second-life devices.
Every HP Certified Refurbished product is put through extensive refurbishing and inspection procedures, uses only authorized HP parts, and is supported by HP Support to provide you additional peace of mind. The HP Certified Refurbished hardware portfolio now includes the LaserJet options, in addition to the HP EliteBook 800 G6 and G7 series notebooks that are available in France and the United States.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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constellisignals · 8 months
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tatatechnologies · 11 months
Journey through time: A comprehensive look at connected vehicles
This article is authored by Nitin Kamble, head CoE, digital technologies, Tata Technologies.
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The term “connected vehicles” refers to software, services, and technological developments that connect a vehicle to its surroundings. Now that connected vehicles have become the industry norm, we should expect them to keep getting better. To put it simply, a connected vehicle is one that has wireless networks on board that can communicate with nearby electronic devices. A connected vehicle is frequently described as a highly advanced Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
The technology of today is a marvelous feat of engineering. The concept of connected automobiles has seen tremendous transformation over the past few decades, particularly in recent years. The connected vehicle technology of the past was quite rudimentary in comparison to what we have now. It was first proposed to connect autos to external networks and systems in the 20th century. Early systems focused on basic telemetry and tracking, which were widely used for fleet management. These gadgets conveyed fundamental data via radio or cellular connectivity, such as position and speed.
A turning point in the development of connected car technology was reached when General Motors unveiled their connected vehicle technology platform, “OnStar”. In the early 2000s, telematics systems for cars started to evolve. Telematics combined telecommunications and informatics to enable two-way communication between auto and external systems. These systems offered remote diagnostics, GPS navigation, roadside assistance, and automobile tracking for stolen vehicles.
In-car networking and infotainment capabilities saw a significant change in the 2010s. Manufacturers began adding smartphones, advanced multimedia systems, and touchscreens. It became feasible to use programs while driving, make hands-free calls, and stream media. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) enables cars to communicate with one another and share information like position, speed, and direction to improve safety and traffic flow. V2I communication requires cars to interact with infrastructure, such as traffic lights and road sensors, in order to improve traffic management. In the second half of the 2010s, connected automobiles began to incorporate advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) such as adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and automatic emergency braking.
There have been numerous advancements in connected vehicle technology since then. Connected vehicles now include advanced ADAS technologies that go beyond standard alerts and warnings. Advanced collision avoidance systems, automatic parking, adaptive cruise control, and lane-keeping assistance are examples of such systems. Manufacturers’ related services include remote vehicle monitoring, diagnostics, and maintenance notifications. These services allow owners to monitor the status of their vehicles and receive alerts when repairs are required.
Today, several automakers use over-the-air (OTA) updates to remotely update vehicles with software upgrades and bug fixes. This capability reduces the number of times customers must visit dealerships for routine maintenance and allows automakers to constantly improve car features and performance.
Infotainment systems in modern cars smoothly interact with cellphones and other devices. Both drivers and passengers have access to a range of apps, music, navigation, and speech recognition services. The implementation of 5G networks will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of connected vehicles. With ultra-low latency and high data transfer rates, 5G will enable real-time communication between vehicles, infrastructure, and the cloud. By 2026, it’s estimated that 5G-enabled vehicles will account for 70% of total connected vehicles, according to Frost & Sullivan.
Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication allows vehicles to exchange real-time data with other vehicles and infrastructure components such as traffic signals and road sensors. This communication increases safety by providing information about potential hazards and driving conditions. Even though completely driverless vehicles are not yet common, connected vehicle technology is essential for making autonomous driving possible. In autonomous or semi-autonomous modes, vehicles communicate with one another and the local infrastructure to improve navigation and safety. The significance of cybersecurity has expanded with increased connectivity. To safeguard connected vehicles from hacking and illegal access, automakers are putting a lot of effort into putting strong cybersecurity safeguards in place.
According to a recent report by Draup, the global connected car market size was USD 73.16 Billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to USD 156.6 Billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 16.44% from 2022 to 2027. Communication from V2X will spread more widely. This includes communication between vehicles, including V2V, vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P), and other forms. By enabling vehicles to exchange real-time data with each other and their surroundings, V2X will improve safety and traffic management. To reduce latency and enhance real-time decision-making, vehicles will process and analyse data more and more locally (edge computing). For applications like autonomous driving and V2X communication that require safety, this is essential. Through real-time route, speed, and driving behavior optimisation, connected car technology will help make driving more energy-efficient. This may result in less fuel use and pollution.
The usage of completely driverless vehicles will probably increase as autonomous driving technology continues to progress. The autonomous vehicle market is projected to reach $556.67 billion by 2026. To securely navigate complex urban landscapes and highways, these vehicles will interact with one another and the supporting infrastructure. The connectivity between vehicles and the larger network will keep becoming better as 5G networks develop and go beyond. High-bandwidth applications like augmented reality navigation, in-car entertainment, and improved remote vehicle monitoring will be supported by this. Biometric sensors could be included in connected cars to track factors like driver distraction and weariness. Through their intervention when a driver’s attention begins to wander, these sensors may improve safety. Advanced predictive maintenance capabilities will be built into vehicles, using real-time data to identify and fix potential mechanical flaws before they become major difficulties. Passengers will enjoy immersive experiences thanks to reinvented interior design and infotainment systems. Displays for augmented reality, adaptable cabin settings, and entertainment choices all might become commonplace.
Subscription-based business models could overtake traditional car ownership as the preferred mode of transportation. Users had access to various vehicles based on their needs, all of which were connected to their individual accounts for a smooth experience. Smart city initiatives will be greatly aided by connected automobiles, which will provide data for dynamic traffic control, congestion reduction, and better urban design.
The protection of data privacy and cybersecurity will be of utmost importance as vehicles collect and transmit more data. To preserve personal information and stop cyberattacks, more stringent laws and improved security measures will certainly be put in place. By facilitating shared mobility services, enhancing traffic flow, and encouraging eco-friendly driving practices, connected car technology can help to lessen the environmental effect of transportation.
While these options reflect potential pathways for connected vehicle technology, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the precise course will rely on a number of variables, including technological advancements, governmental decisions, consumer preferences, and societal changes. These elements will likely combine to create a dynamic future for connected automobiles.
Original Source: https://www.tatatechnologies.com/media-center/journey-through-time-a-comprehensive-look-at-connected-vehicles/
Nitin Kamble, head CoE, digital technologies, Tata Technologies.
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eficens-discovercloud · 11 months
Unlocking the Potential of FinOps Services with DiscoverCloud
In today's dynamic business landscape, where digital transformation is the name of the game, staying ahead requires a strategic approach. It's no secret that cloud services are pivotal to this transformation. However, managing these services efficiently and optimizing costs can be a daunting challenge. This is where Eficens DiscoverCloud steps in as your trusted co-pilot for accelerated business outcomes and simplified cloud complexity.
DiscoverCloud's FinOps Services: Navigating the Financial Cloud Maze
Imagine having the capability to gain full visibility and control over your cloud expenses, effortlessly optimizing them while focusing on your core business objectives. DiscoverCloud's FinOps services make this a reality.
Unlocking the Power of Cloud Economics
Eficens DiscoverCloud's unique FinOps approach involves profiling, discovering, accelerating, and modernizing your cloud workloads. It's a three-pronged strategy that offers you unparalleled control over your cloud economics.
1. Cloud Control Plane: Precision in Profiling and Modernization
Starting with the Cloud Control Plane, DiscoverCloud's advanced application profiling and modernization accelerators meticulously analyze your setup. Powered by AI insights, this process empowers your cloud journey with tailor-made migration plans. DiscoverCloud's accelerators, like SAP Assist, are invaluable in simplifying complex SAP migrations to AWS Cloud, aligning with best practices and ensuring a seamless transition.
2. Cloud Operations Plane: End-to-End Cloud Mastery
Moving on to the Cloud Operations Plane, DiscoverCloud's robust toolchains and real-time telemetry provide you with comprehensive cloud operations. Whether you're in Cloud Managed Services, SecOps, or DevOps, their workload discovery and visualization tool, Traverse, offers in-depth insights and dynamic blueprints. It's your guiding light to understanding costs, optimizing spending, and swiftly locating critical elements.
3. Cloud Economic Plane: The Path to Efficiency
Finally, the Cloud Economic Plane is where Eficens DiscoverCloud truly shines. Their cloud cost optimizer, Trekora, scrutinizes every aspect of your cloud expenditure, offering cost-saving recommendations and transparent visibility. With Trekora, you'll master the art of cloud cost management, aligning commerce, deploying tech, and allocating resources smartly.
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In a world where technology reshapes business daily, DiscoverCloud acts as your strategic co-pilot. They help you navigate the complexities of cloud management while accelerating your innovation processes. This holistic approach de-risks financial, operational, and technological challenges, setting you on a path for accelerated business outcomes.
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DiscoverCloud isn't just a service provider; it's your partner on the journey to digital transformation. Whether you're an IT decision-maker, a tech startup, an SME, or a large enterprise, DiscoverCloud's holistic cloud services and SAP implementations, backed by the vast expertise of Eficens, are here to propel your success.
Invest in the power of FinOps services with Eficens DiscoverCloud. Contact them today to learn how they can transform your business and simplify your cloud complexity. Your journey to accelerated business outcomes begins here.
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rohitpalan · 11 months
Telemetry in Automotive and Transportation
In 2023, the global telemetry market reached a significant valuation of US$ 135,354.5 million, poised to surge to an impressive US$ 392,452.1 million by 2033, driven by an extraordinary Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.2% during the forecast period.
The market’s expansion and demand returning to pre-pandemic levels with profitable potential is linked to the sudden increase. The impact of COVID-19 on the world has been unprecedented and overwhelming, and despite the pandemic, demand has been low in every location.
Telemetry is the wireless transfer and automatic data measurement from remote terminals. In layman’s words, sensors at the source measure electrical or physical data like current or voltage or physical data like pressure or temperature. Later, this data is sent to the receiving sites for monitoring and analysis.
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The conversion of measurements to specific electrical voltages. A multiplexer combines these voltages with timing information to create a single data stream that is sent to a distant receiver. After being supplied, the data stream is divided into its basic components, and the data is displayed and handled in accordance with the user’s requirements. The rising need for telemetry is due to such advantageous elements.
The expansion of the network telemetry market has also been aided by the increasing strain on networking infrastructure brought on by work-from-home rules in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. For instance, with the implementation of worldwide quarantine measures in March 2020, Cloudflare recorded an increase in stress of over 25% on global fixed and wireless networks.
The rise of network telemetry applications is one significant development that has boosted expectations among rivals in the network telemetry market. To stay relevant and visible in the competition, this is why many businesses are eager to release new products.
As new applications materialize, it is projected that the network telemetry market will experience rising product demand. Businesses have spent money on recruiting personnel that will enable them to create high-quality, demand-specific products. The challenge is meeting demand in advance by manufacturing things earlier than planned.
If businesses reach the goal, they may maintain an advantage over their rivals. Businesses are continually searching for patterns that could help determine future consumer demand.
The need for a global network telemetry market is unnecessary if the use of digital devices is modest. Global network telemetry market items are increasingly likely to be used as the prevalence of digital devices increases. This significant trend has the potential to increase the market for network telemetry sales.
Key Takeaways:
In the component sector, the solution from the network telemetry market is anticipated to flourish at the quickest CAGR of 14.6% through 2032.
With a CAGR of 15%, service providers are predicted to grow significantly in the end-user sector of the network telemetry market.
The market size for the network telemetry market in the United States is expected to reach US$ 525.3 Million by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 15% during the forecast period.
United Kingdom is anticipated to reach a market size of US$ 70.9 Million in Network telemetry by 2032, with a CAGR of 14.3% during the forecast period.
China’s Network telemetry market is anticipated to be worth US$ 87 Million by 2032, with a CAGR of 14.7% over the forecast period.
Japan is expected to have a market size for Network telemetry of US$ 80.6 Million by 2032, with a CAGR of 14.2% during the forecast period.
By 2032, South Korea is expected to reach a market size of US$ 52.9 Million in network telemetry, with a CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period.
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Cisco Systems (US), Juniper Networks (US), Arista Networks (US), Mellanox Technologies (US), Pluribus Networks (US), Barefoot Networks (US), Solarflare Communications (US), and VOLANSYS Technologies are among the companies represented in the network telemetry market.
Cisco is one of the market leaders in the network telemetry market. Cisco’s Approach-Driven Telemetry in network telemetry allows data to stream constantly using a push model, allowing real-time access to operational analytics.
Model-Driven Telemetry may ensure that large amounts of data are genuinely accessible by modeling the data with YANG.
Arista Networks announced the introduction of CloudVision 2019, its management software, in September 2019. It allows for monitoring, automation, and management. Furthermore, it assists enterprises in lowering operating expenses, increasing network agility, and reducing hazards.
Juniper Networks teamed with Telefonica, UK, in October 2019 to construct the Fusion Network, a secure and automated cloud-enabled network architecture. According to the agreement, Juniper Networks is Telefonica’s network Internet Protocol (IP) strategic partner.
Mellanox Technologies teamed with VMware in August 2019 to deliver its Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) networking solutions to VMware for enabling its virtualized Machine Learning (ML) solutions to boost GPU efficiency and usage.
Pluribus Networks collaborated with Vapor IO in May 2019 to implement Netvisor ONE OS 5.0 and Adaptive Cloud Fabric at numerous Vapor IO Kinetic Edge locations in Chicago, US. According to the terms of the agreement, Vapor IO is expected to seamlessly connect its many edge data center sites with complete telemetry, sophisticated network services, and deep slicing across multiple data centers regardless of their geographic locations.
Tofino 2, the second iteration of Barefoot Networks’ P4-programmable Tofino Ethernet switch of the Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) family, was released in December 2018. Tofino 2 is compatible with Barefoot SPRINT and Barefoot Networks’ upgraded version of the industry-standard In-band Network Telemetry (INT), which provides fine-grained and intelligent real-time visibility of network traffic per packet.
Key segments
By Components:
By End Use:
Service Providers
By Organizational Size:
Small & Medium Sized Enterprise
Large Enterprise
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
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delvenservices · 1 year
Patient Monitoring Devices Market Industry Share & Growth Analysis
Patient Monitoring Devices Market by Product (EEG, MEG, TCD, Pulse Oximeter, Spirometer, Fetal Monitor, Temperature Monitoring, MCOT, ECG, ICP, ILRs, Blood Glucose Monitoring, Blood Pressure Monitor), End-User (Hospitals, ASCs), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
Market Overview
The Patient Monitoring Devices Market size is projected to reach a CAGR of 6.9% from 2022 to 2028.
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Patient monitoring systems are used to measure, record, distribute and display combinations of biometric values such as heart rate, blood oxygen saturation levels (SPO2), blood pressure, and temperature. They are used for monitoring patients regularly, which can help avoid serious problems.
Integration of monitoring technologies in smartphones and wireless devices is a key trend in patient care, resulting in the introduction of remote monitoring systems, mobile cardiac telemetry devices, mobile personal digital assistant (PDA) systems, ambulatory wireless EEG recorders, and ambulatory event monitors are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Patient Monitoring Devices Market.
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Regional Analysis
North America commanded the largest share of the patient monitoring devices market during the forecast period. The increasing R&D to develop novel sensor-based patient monitoring systems, rising prevalence of infectious diseases, safety concerns, and technological advancements in patient monitoring devices products are the key factors supporting market growth in North America.
Key Players
Medtronic, Inc.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
GE Healthcare Ltd
Masimo Corporation
Nihon Kohden Corporation
Johnson and Johnson
Omron Healthcare Co. Ltd.
Abbott Laboratories
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
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Recent Developments
In 2020, Medtronic received the US FDA approval for its LINQ II Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM). It is implantable devices for determining the irregular heart rythm.
In 2020, Medtronic and Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc underwent patent cross-license agreement, as per which both companies can cross-license each other’s patent portfolio for five years and jointly focus on innovating new products and services for diabetes management.
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
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Report Scope
Patient Monitoring Devices Market is segmented into product, end-user and region.
On the basis of Product
Blood Glucose Monitoring System
Cardiac Monitoring Devices
Respiratory Monitoring Devices
Temperature Monitoring Devices
Hemodynamic/Pressure Monitoring Devices
Fetal & Neonatal Monitoring Devices
Neuromonitoring Devices
Weight Monitoring Devices
Other Patient Monitoring Devices   
On the basis of End-User
Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Home Care Settings
Other End Users
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
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Delvens is a strategic advisory and consulting company headquartered in New Delhi, India. The company holds expertise in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports and consulting services. Delvens qualitative and quantitative data is highly utilized by each level from niche to major markets, serving more than 1K prominent companies by assuring to provide the information on country, regional and global business environment. We have a database for more than 45 industries in more than 115+ major countries globally.
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The Patient Monitoring Devices Market report answers a number of crucial questions, including:
Which companies dominate the Patient Monitoring Devices Market?
What current trends will influence the market over the next few years?
What are the market's opportunities, obstacles, and driving forces?
What predictions for the future can help with strategic decision-making?
What advantages does market research offer businesses?
Which particular market segments should industry players focus on in order to take advantage of the most recent technical advancements?
What is the anticipated growth rate for the market economy globally?
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digilogic-system · 1 month
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Digital Telemetry Receiver from Digilogic Systems
The Digilogic Systems telemetry receiver is the high-performance electronic hardware instrument required for data transmission and interpretation in SD and flight environments e.g. in satellite and ground station applications. Its task is to ensure data integrity and adaptability through the seamless functionality of the system and provide an integrated solution for data acquisition systems and analysis.
As core elements of telemetry receiver design, FPGA-based signal processing, and software-defined radio (SDR) technology are employed for digital telemetry reception, waveform processing, and signal analysis.
The indigenous and FPGA-based design assists in seamless configuration to incorporate new modulation schemes and remains compatible with the evolving telemetry standards and requirements. The telemetry receiver represents a high-level solution for real-time data acquisition, processing, and analysis in mission-critical tasks.
Contact us today to discuss your digital telemetry receiver requirements Website: https://www.digilogicsystems.com/ Phone: Hyderabad: (+91) 40 4547 4601 / 02 / 03 Bengaluru: (+91) 80 4975 6034 Email: [email protected] Locations: HEAD OFFICE
102, 1st Floor, DSL Abacus Tech Park Beside DSL Virtue Mall, Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana-500 039, India
216, 3rd floor, Zareen Heights, Varthur Road, Nagavarapalya, C. V. Raman Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka — 560093
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constelli1122 · 2 months
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g-nicerf · 1 year
Understanding the Dynamics of the 433MHz RF Transmitter and Receiver
The realm of wireless communication has been punctuated by several pivotal technologies, but among them, the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver system stands tall. These components are quintessential in bridging the gap between devices, ensuring that signals are sent and received with utmost precision. With a focus on the 433MHz spectrum, this article delves deep into the mechanics, applications, and the future of the RF transmitter and receiver systems.
In the world of radio frequencies, the 433MHz range, earmarked for the RF transmitter and receiver, is part of the UHF (Ultra High Frequency) band. What sets the 433MHz RF transmitter apart is its ability to transmit data over considerable distances without significant loss. This is aided by the receiver, which is precisely tuned to capture these signals, thereby maintaining the integrity of the transmitted data.
The beauty of the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver lies in their symbiotic relationship. The transmitter's primary role is to modulate an input signal and then radiate this signal as electromagnetic waves. On the flip side, the receiver’s job is to detect these waves, demodulate them, and reconstruct the original input signal. Together, this RF transmitter and receiver pair ensures a seamless and efficient communication process.
Beyond the basic mechanics, there are various modulation techniques that the RF transmitter and receiver can employ. Techniques like Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), and Phase Modulation (PM) are just the tip of the iceberg. Depending on the application and specific requirements, these techniques can be utilized to enhance signal clarity, reduce noise, and improve overall transmission efficiency.
In real-world applications, the relevance of the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver is undeniable. They're found in numerous systems, from home automation setups to industrial telemetry. Whether you're using a remote control to adjust your television settings or an industrial sensor is transmitting critical data across a plant, it's the RF transmitter and receiver that make these operations possible.
Furthermore, as technology evolves, so does the potential of these systems. With advancements in integrated circuits, digital signal processing, and antenna design, the performance of the RF transmitter and receiver is continuously improving. This translates to greater ranges, better signal clarity, and the capability to handle more complex data structures.
In conclusion, the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver stand as pillars in the wireless communication domain. Their symbiotic relationship, combined with advanced modulation techniques, positions them at the forefront of technological innovation. As industries grow and wireless communication demands expand, the role and potential of the RF transmitter and receiver will only become more pronounced, reinforcing their indispensable nature in our interconnected world.
For details, please click: https://www.nicerf.com/si4432/
                        Or click:https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/G-NiceRF-RF4432-433MHz-High-Sensitivity_62041368156.html?spm=a2747.manage.0.0.d62c71d2vgM1yY
For consultation, please contact NiceRF (Email: [email protected]).
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CCTV Remote Monitoring Services Help You In Surveillance Of Your Business
CCTV equipment can provide instant alerts when trouble occurs, ensuring that crime against people, theft and destruction are all significantly reduced. And when crime does occur, CCTV system incident recording can provide valuable proof, improving the probability of a conviction.
When choosing a CCTV system it is important to ensure that the solution will provide the protection required, or your investment could well be a precious diamond necklace.
Outsourcing CCTV Monitoring is a specialist organization whose mission is to provide comprehensive turnkey CCTV Monitoring solutions to government agencies and corporations. The services offered by us brings many years of experience in the CCTV Monitoring field, together with technology and operational procedures that conforms to international standards and proven in the field.
Surveillance is an important part of every business even a small lapse may cause dangerous situations. Video surveillance and remote monitoring can be considered as an enhanced management tool that can be effectively used by various departments of an organization. Our professionals are highly trained to assess and respond appropriately to any situation. We also provide Outsourcing CCTV Monitoring, CCTV remote monitoring, video recording services.
Our remote monitoring service is highly effective for sites with little out-of-hours activity. It is also useful where the value of maintaining a manned presence is limited.
CCTV remote monitoring services and video recording services are particularly relevant for sites with little out-of-hours activity, where the value of maintaining a manned presence is limited. Remote monitoring services facility ensures effective onsite presence and complete off-premises facilities control.
Whether CCTV is installed covertly or openly, modern digital communication technology enables SMS to monitor the situation anywhere in the world. Using telemetry, control can be maintained over cameras, lights, gates indeed any building management function.
CCTV in the public sector is governed by the data protection act and the human rights act, it is there to protect the interests of the public not to spy on them.
CCTV is also used to supplement intruder alarm systems to provide confirmation that there is someone on site and that the alarm received is not false. Outsourcing CCTV & Remote Monitoring is an international, market leading company specializing in the provision of integrated IP (Internet Protocol) based security, surveillance and access control solutions to some of the largest companies throughout the world.
We create innovative and effective security solutions for the protection of people, property, critical assets and mission critical processes, which deliver real cost and operational benefits to our clients, on an enterprise wide scale.
We use IP technology to enable companies to centralize the management and control of their security systems across the world, dramatically reducing the number of security and monitoring staff required on site, whilst at the same time improving the quality and quantity of security systems in place.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Raytheon receives $1 billion in foreign military sales for AMRAAM missiles
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/22/2023 - 09:30 in Armaments, Military
Raytheon received a $1.1 billion contract for Lot 37 of Advanced Medium-Range Air-Air Missile Production (AMRAAM).
The award, announced by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) on June 20, covers the production of AMRAAM missiles, AMRAAM Telemetry System, initial and field spares and other production engineering support activities.
Sales are to Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom, which accounts for approximately 39% of the contract value.
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The work will be carried out in Tucson, Arizona, and must be completed by January 31, 2027.
The AMRAAM air-to-air missile is the most sophisticated air-domain weapon in the world. With more than 25 years of design, upgrades, testing and production, the AIM-120 missile continues to meet all combative requirements. His capabilities have been fully demonstrated in more than 4,700 test shots and 10 victories in air-to-air combat.
Tags: AIM-120 AMRAAMarmamentsMilitary AviationRaytheon
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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