#dionysus deity
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khaire-traveler · 2 days ago
For those celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful time! For those who are unfamiliar with the festival, here are some informative posts and the like:
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On Antheaterion - @kallisto-aglaia
Anthesteria - @thegodsaremyhome
Anthesteria - @dionysusmybeloved
Ancient Greece's Biggest Festival: The Anthesteria - @margaretkart
Anthesteria - The First Day, Pithoigia - @aceofcupsbiggestfan
Anthesteria - The Second Day, Kheos - @aceofcupsbiggestfan
Anthesteria - The Third Day, Khytrai - @aceofcupsbiggestfan
Rethinking The Anthesteria - @thegrapeandthefig
Celebrating Anthesteria Without Alcohol - @thegrapeandthefig
Anthesteria - Hellenion.org (I do not personally endorse Hellenion, based on things I've heard about them, but they can still be a helpful resource)
Anthesteria - Britannica.org
The Anthesteria - World History Encyclopedia.org
Anthesteria Dionysus Invocation - @beatingdrumspouringwine
Protrygaios Hymn/Poem - @beatingdrumspouringwine
Orphic Hymn 46 to Dionysus - @dionysusmybeloved
Hermes Chthonios Hymn/Poem - @sanguinebutch
Anthesteria, Khytrai Lyre Melody - @princesmeadow
Anthesteria - @nyxshadowhawk (found on @dionysia-ta-astika )
Personal Dionysian Ritual, First Day - @beatingdrumspouringwine
Flower Poem For Bacchus/Poema-florido Pra Baco - @piristephes
Anthesteria Playlist - @nyxshadowhawk
Orphic Hymn 30 to Dionysus - @kallisto-aglaia
Celebration Ideas For Anthesteria - @khaire-traveler (me)
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Have a lovely Anthesteria, everyone, and remember to put up protections to prevent any wandering spirits from sticking around ~~~
Hail Dionysus!!! 💜💚
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dionysianivy · 1 day ago
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What is Anthesteria?
Anthesteria, celebrated from the 11th to the 13th of Anthesterion (February–March), was one of the biggest festivals dedicated to Dionysus. Known as the Festival of Flowers, it marked the arrival of spring, the opening of the new wine casks, and the renewal of life. But it wasn’t just about feasting and drinking, it was also a time of purification, fertility, and remembrance, when the boundary between the living and the dead grew thin.
At the heart of the festival was the ritual opening of the wine casks that had been fermenting since the last harvest. This wasn’t just practical; it was symbolic. The wine had been maturing underground, just like Dionysus himself had once been carried in Zeus' thigh before being "born again." Bringing the wine to the surface was more than just a tradition,it was a reflection of Dionysus’ own myth.
But Anthesteria wasn’t all joy and celebration. It was believed that during these days, spirits wandered freely, so while people enjoyed the festivities, they also took precautions to protect themselves. The festival was a strange mix of life and death, revelry and ritual, perfectly embodying the nature of Dionysus, a God of both wild celebration and deep mystery. During Anthesteria, it was also said that the maenads celebrated privately in the mountains and forests. In some legends, Dionysus' marriage to Ariadne was held during Anthesteria.
Days of Anthesteria
Day 1: Pithoigia (Jar-Opening) 🌸
The first day of Anthesteria, Pithoigia, was centered around the ritual opening of the pithoi, large clay jars that contained the previous year’s wine. These casks had spent months underground, and now, they were unearthed and brought to the sanctuary of Dionysus. A portion of the wine was poured out as an offering, and the rest was shared by all members of the household.
The day was filled with flowers, marking the beginning of the season. Everyone over the age of three was invited to participate in the first taste of the new wine, and the mood was communal and joyous.
Day 2: Choës (Pitchers) 🏺
The second day of the festival, Choës, was a time of popular merrymaking, characterized by wine-drinking contests in which even slaves and children participated. People dressed in their finest clothes, with some even embodying figures from myth connected to Dionysus. There were visits to friends and drinking contests, where participants had to drink an entire chous (about 3 liters) in complete silence. This day was open to everyone, even slaves, highlighting how Dionysus transcended the boundaries of class and status.
For children, Choës marked a special rite of passage. Boys reaching their second year were crowned with flowers and given small drinking vessels, symbolizing their gradual initiation into the community. Meanwhile, the devoted followers of Dionysus, his maenads and priestesses, took part in private, sacred rituals that marked the spiritual union between them and the god.
Day 3: Chytroi (Pots) 💀
The final day, Chytroi, was dedicated to the spirits of the dead. Pots filled with a sacred mix of seeds and grains, called panspermia, were offered to Hermes Chthonios and the wandering souls of the deceased. During this time, it was believed that the spirits of the underworld walked among the living. To protect against any malevolent spirits, people chewed on hawthorn leaves and smeared their doorways with tar. The festival came to a close with the dismissal of the spirits: "Away with you, Keres, it is no longer Anthesteria!"
With these words, the spirits were sent back to the underworld, and life in Athens returned to normal, marking the end of the brief but intense period when the living and the dead had shared the same space.
Activities To Do:
🍷 Drink wine, or any liquid that you like.
🍷 Place flowers on your altar.
🍷 Honor God Dionysus.
🍷 Go to pottery.
🍷 Make a special mask for Lord Dionysus.
🍷 Do a libation in nature.
🍷 Go to the theater.
🍷 Collect flowers from nature.
🍷 Read and recite the hymns to Dionysus.
🍷 Honor both life and death.
🍷 Take a walk in nature and/or in the mountains.
🍷 Draw Dionysus's symbol or carve His name in stones or wood.
🍷 Make art for Dionysus.
🍷 Make a flower crown.
🍷 Honor your deceased loved ones.
🍷 Leave offerings for spirits.
🍷 Light candles.
🍷 Plant seeds in your garden.
🍷 Plan a feast and celebrate with your loved ones.
🍷 Sing and dance while listening to your favorite songs.
🍷 Do creative activities like art or poetry.
🍷 Go wild and celebrate it as you wish, Kala Anthesteria!
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dionysusmybeloved · 2 days ago
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I summon to these prayers
Dionysos Liknites,
born at Nysa, blossoming,
beloved and kindly Bacchos,
nursling of the Nymphs
and of fair-wreathed Aphrodite.
The forests once felt your feet
quiver in the dance
as frenzy drove you and the graceful Nymphs
on and on.
The counsels of Zeus brought you
to noble Persephone,
who reared you to be loved
by the deathless gods.
Kindheartedly come, O blessed one,
accept the gift of this sacrifice.
(trans. by Apostolos Athanassakis)
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theatrondionysou · 2 days ago
Anthesteria begins tomorrow: here's how this account will celebrate
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Day one (Pithoigia): I will post some of the Orphic and Homeric Hymns to Dionysus, as well as physical (which will not be posted) and digital offerings to Dionysus. If any of you post digital offerings for this day too, feel free to tag me in them or put them in my asks!
Day two (Khoes): The rest of the Orphic and Homeric Hymns will be posted, as well as, potentially, a reading (tarot + Greek runes) from Dionysus (if he wishes it to be posted; if not, I'll discuss the spread I used and leave space for others to post their readings). Continue tagging me in/sending asks of offerings!
Day three (Khytrai): I'll be reblogging resources on ancestor veneration and communication. My own observation of this day will be done privately, as I see ancestor veneration as personal and private.
In general: I'll be posting pictures of flowers to adorn the digital temple for Dionysus Ανθιον (anthion, of the flowers). I encourage drinking fruit juice (wine if you're old enough, but please drink responsibly) and doing your own prayers and offerings to Dionysus for this festival as you wish; though, remember that you can celebrate in your own personal way different from me! Everyone's practice is different.
Rejoice for the coming of spring and the sprouting of the vines!
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Pinterest board, which is where I'll save all flower and other pics used for the festival.
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dirtwormpile · 1 day ago
rise of the bacchus! (Blessed Anthesteria!!)
When the chariot of the sun rises after ten reckless nights,
The Bacchus rises with his nymphs and satyrs and in his hand is a thyrsus,
Creatures of the world dance in joy as the music fills their ears,
And the mothers smile at their children’s cheers.
Maenads, satyrs, nymphs of all types,
And the women, the workers, and people of all kind,
Children wear their ivy wreaths and they sing for the Bacchus,
‘My neighbors and friends have you heard the news?
Today, today, the son of Smele and Zeus
He walks the earth with his goblet filled with wine
With leopards and panthers walking with the divine.’
A pinecone and ivy vines curled around it,
The glorious thyrsus stands tall,
A symbol of the vintage god,
It gives him highlights, I must admit.
He lurks around the actors while they play a dramatic skit,
Giving them skill that makes us bawl,
As the lovers twirl in their waltz,
Moonlit lights and stars what a lovely skit
My neighbors and friends have you heard the news?
Today, today, the son of Smele and Zeus
He walks the earth with his goblet filled with wine
With leopards and panthers walking with the divine
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sleepnowmychild · 5 months ago
If you’re ever having a breakdown, just remember the wise words of the lord himself
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the-purvashadha · 11 months ago
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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applefoam · 8 months ago
praise be lord dionysus androgynos, god of homosexuality and effeminacy, may he protect his queer children and adults alike! I am forever grateful, raise a glass to him and his wonder!
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fabledfoxglove · 6 months ago
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ꕥ ᴅɪᴏɴʏsᴜs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴡɪɴᴇ, ᴠᴇɢᴇᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ғᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ, ғᴇsᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ, ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴍᴀᴅɴᴇss, ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏᴜs ᴇᴄsᴛᴀsʏ, ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ꕥ
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satoshy12 · 6 months ago
Phantom Festival
Once a year, Amity Park is the scene of a massive ghostly festival, and Danny and the others enjoy it and have fun. Like if not Amity Park, all other places would be in hell or totally destroyed.
But the next day, the Blob-ghosts and others fix everything as they wake up. (Think of the party as What IF Thor's party).
And other people Danny meets during his time travel. From the wizard Mamaragan, Morrigan, Mordred, Vandal, Nabu, Hippolyta or Ra's. It's vacation week for them.
It was a huge party, and when the day and night were over, most of them left or went on holiday to Amity Park.
Toga-wearing Billy really wasn't sure how he felt about it. As he spent time with the other kids, he had many questions to ask his hero friends about the party they were having here when the wizard took him with him.
+ Dionysus is perfectly fine with people thinking he and Phantom are the same. The boy knows how to throw a good party and he has a whole new Cult Town.
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khaire-traveler · 14 days ago
May Dionysus Androgynous look after my trans brothers, sisters, and siblings who need it the most right now. May He bless you with the comfort of knowing you're not alone and the ability to remember how much strength you truly possess. May He grant you a glimpse into the memories of the millions of trans souls who came before us, as we have always existed, and remind you of how incredibly resilient our community has always been.
Hail Dionysus, the Great Liberator! May He break the chains that bind us all and ignite the spark of revolution within our hearts. 💜🍇🥂🏳️‍⚧️
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dionysianivy · 2 days ago
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Blessed Anthesteria everyone🍇🍷🌼🐆🌿
May Dionysus bless us all during these three sacred days ahead. May we celebrate freely, with joy and fire in our hearts. We honor God Dionysus and also is a sacred festival of flowers, death, sex, wine, and life. May everyone have a great time and celebrate in whatever way feels right to them.
Hail Lord Dionysus and Kala Anthesteria🌸🍷🕯
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dionysusmybeloved · 2 days ago
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The Anthesteria, also known as the Festival of Flowers was an ancient Athenian festival, dedicated to Lord Dionysus and held during the 11 to 13 of Anthesterion (which is from February 10 to 12 this year). The festival celebrates the start of spring, new wine, and honoring the dead.
The Festival of Flowers is split into three days. The first day, or Pithoigia (Opening of The Jars) is focused on opening new jars of wine, pouring libations, and drinking mixed wine (usually 3 parts water and 1 part wine). Children often received their own small pots of wine.
The second day, or Khoes (Day of Cups) was filled with drinking wine, eroticism, and sexual ecstasy. By the end of the night, there was a sacred marriage between Lord Dionysus and the queen which occurred in the Temple of Dionysus, and was kept secretive.
The last and third day, or Khytrai (Day of Pots) was devoted to the cult of the dead and the chthonic aspect of Lord Dionysus. Pots containing traditional foods for the dead, cooked grains, and seeds were left out for the spirits of ancestors. Although precautions were made for the dead coming too close.
At the end of the festival, citizens would shout: "Through the doors, Kares, it's no longer Anthesteria!"
• Wine-drinking or drinking any kind of fruity beverages
• Mixing sweet wine (3 parts water to 1 part wine)
• Popping open a wine bottle
• Pouring libations (could be non-alcoholic if you want to)
• Hosting feasts and or a potluck
• Decorating your home or altar with flowers (for Pithoigia)
• Visiting a flower garden (for Pithoigia)
• Creating masks and figurines (for Khoes)
• Reading erotic books (for Khoes)
• Offering food for the dead (Khytrai only)
• Creating pots filled with koliva (Khytrai only)
• Reciting and or creating hymns to Lord Dionysus
(Orphic Hymns #30, #45, #46, #53)
(Homeric Hymns #1, #7, #26)
sources: Hellenion (Check this out if you can :D)
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the-gangaridaean · 1 month ago
Absolutely be political in your worship.
Aphrodite isn't called Pandemos (of All People) so you can sit around and let the big names capitalise love and serve it only to those who can afford to pay past the persecution. Hermes isn't called Oeopolus (Shepherd) so you can sit around and let a bunch of power-hungry wolves lead a flock of influencable sheep. Apollo isn't called Paean (Healer) so you can sit around while wealthy corporations serve healthcare only to those who can afford not to die. Athena isn't called Ambulia (Counsellor) so you can sit around while the people are being fed propaganda against each other to divert them from the real enemy at the top. Dionysus isn't called Eleuthereus (the Liberator) so you can sit around while freedom is only granted to those whose skins have the acceptable colour while the others die in chains. Zeus isn't called Xenios (of the Foreigners) so you can sit around while the borders are closed to those who need it and only open to those who can give back the money.
The Gods stand with the oppressed, and so should you.
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undeadmagick · 4 months ago
shoutout to all the deities i want to include in my practice but cant because life is busy
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sleepnowmychild · 5 months ago
Shoutout to that era in the 90s when Dionysus temporality possessed home renovators and grape themed kitchens were a thing.
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My future kitchen tbh I had one like this as a kid living on a vineyard.
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