#dipshit poletti
clonerightsagenda · 3 months
I'm loathe to make this comparison because people throw out Discworld as a comp title way more often than warranted (and don't get me started on how every SF debut claims Murderbot as a readalike when it's not deserved) but if I could make the comparison once, I think Greater Boston is the closest I've seen to Discworld. It skins over the real world with a made up* metropolis and then uses that setting and its cast of interconnected characters to make a lot of observations about people and society that range from hilarious to profound and, frequently, both at the same time. One of the show's theses is first presented in a monologue about two Bigfoot hunters seeking the sublime and finding each other.
It posits ridiculous scenarios and then takes them seriously in the worldbuilding. It dredges up bizarre real world facts and spins them into something else until you're constantly looking up which bits of trivia are true. It's relentlessly optimistic about humanity and our capacity to care for each other while also being cleareyed about all the ways we as individuals and a society are currently failing. It's got a guy named Dipshit Poletti. I don't know what Terry Pratchett would have written about Brexit, but Greater Boston's take on the 2016 US election is the best I've seen. America's truest answer to Ankh Morpork right now is a city made out of trains.
I came to this realization while on my commute this afternoon but I now desperately want to see CMOT Dibbler in Red Line.
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greaterblogston · 2 years
in episode 36, gemma tells poletti that michael told her "all about" leon being in the crystal ball. firstly, kudos to michael for mustering up the courage to just do that at the drop of a hat, especially considering gemma's constant skepticism regarding the existance of leon's ghost that persisted up until that point. secondly, how much did he tell her, exactly? while she mentions that michael talked about "hearing voices," i assume that he didn't actually tell her everything that happened in crystal clear. taking all the stuff that happened into consideration. so, how much did he tell her?
I know this happened "off mic," but this was really just Michael recounting everything that happened to him while it was in the office. When it comes to the ball, he mostly told Gemma and everyone else to be careful of it because of how lost he felt holding it. It "took him over" to the point where Leon pushed him to put in the tubes, which is how Dipshit / Freed Friend got it. It had the same effect on Poletti, only much quicker, mostly because Michael's familiarity with Leon made his experience a little less overwhelming.
So that's it. He probably didn't get into the details. Honestly, he wouldn't think twice about whether Gemma (or anyone else) believed him or not. Michael's never been one to care about those kinds of details.
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hephaestuscrew · 3 years
Sending some more asks (mostly I just want to say this to one of the few people who’ll get it, lol): I recently caught up with s3 of Greater Boston and when discussing what I loved about Gemma and Poletti’s relationship development, I realized, Gemma Lindzor-Coolidge and Gerald Earthman Panda Bear Extinction Event Dipshit Freed Friend Poletti aren’t exactly Lovelace and Lambert, but they’re not /not/ Lovelace and Lambert.
(Also: imagine [Lambert voice] my 17 partners in our polyamorous commune based on free love and Marxist erotica)
Oh my goodness this is not a comparison I've ever made before but you're right! Its that dynamic of subordinate who has a very strict idea of how things should be done versus their boss who has a more relaxed approach. Clashing personalities thrown together by a mysterious employer. And the development of annoyance and loathing turning to begrudging respect and care through various trials and tribulations...
Also I cackled at imagining that line in a Lambert voice! Lambert is too introverted to be in a commune, he would hate it lol
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incorrectredline · 4 years
Michael: Dipshit gave me a get better soon card.
Tyrell: That’s sweet.
Michael: No, I’m not sick. He just thinks I can do better.
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morrithal · 7 years
Disaster strikes
Michael: Is anyone here a doctor?
Poletti: I'm a vegan
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oots-digitalmedia · 3 years
Queer Rep in Greater Boston
Title: Greater Boston
    Status: Ongoing
    Writers: Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason
    Cast: Alexander Danner, Jeff Van Dreason, Lydia Anderson, Johanna Bodnyk, James Capobianco, Mario Da Rosa Jr., Kristin Dimercurio, Chad Ellis, James Johnston, Jordan Higgs, Braden Lamb, Mike Linden, Kelly McCabe, Michael Melia, Tanja Milojevic, Sam Musher, James Oliva, Julia Propp, Arun Sannuti, Summer Unsinn, Jessica Washington
    Queer Creators: Unknown
    Accessibility: Content warnings in episode descriptions, transcripts available here.
Summary: Greater Boston is a bi-monthly full-cast audio drama set in the Boston metro area, blending the real and the unreal, the historical and the fantastical. It all begins with the death of Leon Stamatis, a man so enamored of predictability that the least hint of uncertainty makes life unbearable. But by leaving the world, he has irrevocably changed it.
A speculative fiction podcast about an alternate-reality version of Boston featuring collisions between fact and fiction, comedy and drama, and a subway system that’s been converted into its own city.
Tags: wlw characters, multiple gay characters, asexual woman, queer polyamorous character, bisexual character, aroace character
More details and/or spoilers under the break.
Check out our other queer podcast recommendations here.
ID tags: Gemma: lesbian, Charlotte: wlw, Tyrell: gay, Chuck Octagon, Melissa: asexual, Dipshit Poletti: queer and polyamorous, Mallory: bisexual, Melissa: aromantic and asexual
Details and/or Spoilers: Gemma and Charlotte are married, Chuck and Andy are dating
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theradioghost · 7 years
like why would you even say that???? dipshit explicitly already has an entire commune of significant others. “give dipshit a boyfriend” another one?????????? does he need another one???????
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specialagentartemis · 3 years
For the ask meme: Gerald Earthman Panda Bear Extinction Event Dipshit Freed Friend Poletti. (Yes I just wanted an excuse to type all his names.)
Pffffff I’d even forgotten about some of those.
First impression
Hilariously obnoxious, snotty, self-important Cantab. But like, much funnier than that Type is in real life.
Impression now
I cannot believe he’s a heroic character now, I’m cheering him on, I want him to be happy and safe from Legion, and his family is adorable and he’s cute with them. How did this happen.
Favorite moment
When he was sitting in prison and being threatened by Gemma threatening that if he didn’t talk she would eat a greasy four-meat monstrosity and make him watch… he was APPALLED, and Gemma was disgusted at even the thought, and that’s what caused him to break. Cruel? Maybe. Certainly unusual.
Idea for a story
The commune’s yearly pilgrimmage to the Boston Potato Shed Memorial to mourn the loss of all those poor, nutritious, vegan-ethical potatoes that burned and were lost in the potato warehouse fire in the 1960s.
(Or: Poletti gets a stern lecture from the ACTUAL ghost of Mary Wollstonecraft)
Unpopular opinion
Sometimes the jokes at Poletti’s expense, particularly about veganism and polyamory, can be a little mean-spirited.
Favorite relationship
He and Gemma have an AMAZING example of mlm/wlw hostility, that was excellent when they hated each other but developed shockingly endearingly into an actual, if still antagonistic, friendship. Deep, genuine, reluctant, antagonistic-for-old-times’-sake friendships are my JAM.
Favorite headcanon
I firmly believe he got accepted to Harvard for undergrad, attended for one semester, then dropped out, proclaiming loudly his disdain for the whole institution and also the concept of academia. (No one in his classes missed him.)
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pinkpuffballdude · 5 years
the quickest and easiest way to get to Dipshit Poletti: eat a tuna sandwich! he will cry!
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hearing “dipshit poletti” just evicerated me
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gemsofthegalaxy · 7 years
 Dipshit Poletti and Gemma Linzer-Coolidge are both, like, kind of assholes but ultimately not bad people. I appreciate them both, and like honestly, 
I would be REALLY interested to see what would happen if they overcame their competition and differences and actually forged a friendship, because i think they’d become an unstoppable force of douchebaggery, if given the chance, (and, like they could probably figure out a way to use their combined powers for good if they wanted to) 
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clonerightsagenda · 4 years
Edmund "Ned" Kelly Fuckin' Danger Discretion Aloysius Superstar Butterfly Nimbly Ninja Pacifist Black Diamond Friendly Trustworthy Pissed Off [Redacted] Vamoose Su-Sussudio Middle Name Chicane vs Freed Friend Poletti formerly known as Dipshit Poletti formerly known as Extinction Event Poletti formerly known as Panda Bear Poletti formerly known as Earthman Poletti formerly known as Gerald Poletti
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greaterblogston · 3 years
this podcast changed my life a lot for one with a character whose literal name is dipshit
This means a lot to us (assuming it changed your life for the better).
To be fair, it's just *one* of his literal names.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 7 years
Dipshit Poletti: My employer has photos of you at a restaurant with your fiance when you had billed that exact dinner to your work as an interview. Also, we have pictures of the two of you having a sexy pillow fight
Chuck Octagon: Okay, that first thing is blackmail, but that second thing is just weird
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raimijenner · 7 years
Dipshit poletti
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morrithal · 6 years
Never did I think I would be so emotional about Dipshit Poletti and his family and yet
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