#discussed around the water cooler at work the next day
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Have we talked about the almost empty water cooler they walk past on their way into the poker game?!!!
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i-mean-y-not · 1 month
Gojo Satoru x Reader
Office romances are overrated…right?
Feel free to note, reblog, or requests drabbles from the one shot. :)
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You know the saying another day, another dollar? Well in your case as of late, that age old saying has been another day, another asshole. Not literally an asshole, though. I mean… he does have a nice ass, like a juicy pea- scratch that. Satoru Gojo, the asshole aforementioned was a pleasure to be around at first. You remember the first time you’d met him.  
It was a Monday, and from the moment you woke up you knew that day was going to be the reason people abhorred Monday’s. You and your best friend, Jess were sitting in the break room discussing her less than appropriate taste in men.  
“You cannot keep harassing the new people, Jess,” you exasperated with a good a roll of your eyes, hint of a smile etched on your face.
“You’re going to end up being arrested, reported or pregnant at the rate you’re going. You know Choso is more than willing to take you up on your offer,” you say, beginning to pack up your lunch.  
“Pfft, Choso? As in Kamo Choso? The Choso that’s been working here for two years? Please, as if. I’m reserved for people who are here on a probationary 90-day period,” she says with a flick of her ginger colored hair.
With a shake of your head you waltz out of the break room, coffee in hand. Which turns out to be your nthmistake that day.
 “I mean as soon and Suguru lets his guard down and stops playing around he can get this-“. All of a sudden a force collides with your chest knocking you backwards and staining your white blouse with a horrible coffee stain.
“Oh shit,” three voices say in unison. As you struggle to get up, a hand you can only describe as ethereal sneaks out to grasp your waist to help you up. Now on one hand this day has been absolute shit. To start, you woke up late. Secondly, you barely had time to perfect your makeup routine. To top it off, you missed your daily cup of coffee which is currently making its way down your bra.
But whoever these pretty hands belonged to could definitely make the day that has been chaos better.
Your cringe must startle pretty hands into action because in the next second he’s crouching down. The hand he used to help you is now damn near groping you as he profusely apologizes and asks if you’re okay. Jess has long disappeared with a whisper of “Looks like you found your probationary ass” and a click of her tongue about 30 seconds ago.  
Once again you fail to think how this day can get any worse as you hopelessly gaze into the upside crescents that this gentleman has. The first thing that comes to your mind is a very subtle oh. Subtle in this context might be simply because my brain can’t fathom this creature. If beauty could be the essence of a human, it would be this one. He’s tall. Astoundingly so, well built, not lanky but not overly muscular. And is his hair white? Not white but the most striking hue you’ve ever seen. Almost as pure as freshly fallen snow. The eyelashes that reach the top of his eyelids fan out in surprise and if you thought his hair was something, his eyes are almost inhumane. The perfect combination of cerulean and light sky blue. It’s light lightning in the orb and thunder when he blinks. Your mouth flounders as soon as he opens his and any thoughts are interrupted by him saying, “ I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t see you there. I-I was just trying to find the bathroom, it’s my first d-“ he cuts himself off as he sees the way you look at him.  
With a small smile he extends his hand “Satoru Gojo, nice to meet you”.  
As introductions go, maybe that wasn’t the way you’d like to meet anyone. Both of you on the floor next to the water cooler and him offering you his caramel frappe to replace the coffee that was now a permanent part of your ensemble. You remember him offering to pay for dry cleaning too as an official sorry for adding another thing on the list of already shitty things your day wrought you.
However, that was the first and maybe only time Gojo had shown an ounce of kindness towards you. Now, almost two years later it’s all eye rolls and interrupting you while you give presentations and giving the occasional scoff at your “over the top ideas” as he puts it.
Currently, you’re thinking that his good looks have nothing to do with his annoying list of endless questions. In a meeting to discuss the latest developments on the brand our company is launching is where Gojo does his best façade. To him and to the select few that don’t know him, he’s asking fair and thought provoking questions. To you and everyone else, however he’s asking questions to equate to being your 13th reason.
His hands are steepled on the table in front of him as he levels you with a look that can only be described as condescending.
“So, you’re saying women are only valuable if they don’t wear makeup? I didn’t know we were makeup shaming now. Is that even a thing?” He takes a glance around the table then. “Isn’t that what we’re committed to not doing? My, my, (*) there’s no way our client is going to go for this.” He finishes his tirade by turning to your boss and mumbling, “Mr. Kento, if you’d kindly allow it, I’d like to take lead on this account since-”  
Your mind wanders as your hands clench into fists and your teeth grit in irritation. This isn’t the first time Gojo has done this. He constantly tries to poach your clients, belittle you at meetings, and make the occasional accusation that you’re incompetent. He actually has been successful as far as the poaching goes. It was just last year when he walked in on one of your meetings with your biggest client and gave an elevator pitch that astounded them.  
The next thing you knew you were giving him all of your preliminary research and being told to help your junior partner, Mark raise his clientele. It was cute at first. The little game you two had going. But before long his meddling came to interfere with your professional life and you began to wonder if you were as incompetent as Gojo made you out to be.
Working for one of the most notable skin and beauty companies and being the top salesman for the past three years had earned you the right to brag. That was until, Gojo found it necessary to intentionally, single handedly wreak havoc on your career.
Before you know it, an inhumane sound akin to a growl rips out of your throat and your hands slam on the glass conference table.  
“What I’m saying is, women have the choice to wear or not to wear makeup. With our new line of skin products, they can have the skin they’ve always wanted. However, they don’t have to sacrifice their beauty regimen,” you say pointedly ignoring the blue eyes glare fixed to the side of your face.
“My statistics show that women do feel beautiful with and without make up. I’m spit of that, with their skin free and clear of blemishes, they’re more likely to go out without wearing it. Isn’t that what we’re all about here? Making women feel comfortable and confident in their own skin?” Your eyes skim everyone around the table and notice a sense of approval sweep the room with some nods. A boxy smile from Yuji from accounting, and a slow clap from Toge from the linguistics team.  
This meeting has proven to be a success.
“Any questions?” you say, beginning to collect your documents.
 Knowing he’s already raised his hand and without you looking up you say, “Anyone besides him?” You hear a snicker and turn to wink at Jess and notice that your boss, Nanami also has a smirk on his face watching as Gojo dramatically lowers his hand with a huff.  
As Namjoon stands to congratulate you on a job well done and close out the meeting you sneak a glance at your rival. You almost immediately wish you hadn’t though, because if looks could fuck, you’d be splayed out on the table on your third orgasm.
There’s this thing with Gojo, you just can’t pinpoint it. There’s this continuous cat and mouse game you play. You’re honestly not sure if you want to get caught. From what you’ve seen he’s a bonafide playboy who just likes to get his dick wet. Usually from a different unsuspecting woman or as you like to call them victims every weekend.  
You refused to be another notch in his belt. Maybe that’s why he wanted you. It was the thrill of the chase. He didn’t want you, perse he wanted to be inside you and from what you heard about him in the bedroom, would that be so bad?  
You wish you were more like Jess sometimes. She has the ability to set her sights on a man and get him into bed within weeks, sometimes even days. You weren’t Jess, though and apparently; she hadn’t set her sights on the blue-eyed harlot anyway. After that fateful day at the water cooler she swore to never hit on him because Gojo was in her words, “Your pick.”
As you zone back into your boss’s closing comments, you feel Gojo’s gaze sharpen on you. Nanami concludes with, “Satoru and (*), I love your willingness to communicate. Maybe this next project we start on should be given to both of you? That way you’ll have plenty of time to work through your... creative differences.” He finishes with tilt of his head and a small smile. Which you return with a tight one, eyes pleading with him to not do this.
Nanami is very aware of the bad blood that runs between his top two marketing executives. Why?  
That question wrings through your head and you open your mouth to respond, but it snaps shut just as quickly. You hear a booming “We’d love to Mr. Kim,” from across the conference room table.  
“Come again? We’d love to what?” you say, hastily trying to make your way to the exit.  
Only to be stopped by your voice, “That wasn’t a request Y/N,” you nod your head as you slink to your office only to be met with a knock five minutes later.
When Jess pokes her head in the door with a smirk you pin her with a look that clearly says please no.  
However, she persists, “Can I just say one thing?” Before you can answer she barrels on with, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking? You guys can finally…resolve these feelings.
You’ll be spending a lot more time together with this new project, right? I mean you were in that meeting; did you see the looks he was giving you? When you basically told him to shut up, he clenched his jaw so hard I thought his teeth would shatter! You could cut the sexual tension in that meeting with not a knife, but a chainsaw. A freakin’ chainsaw. Please just have sex already.”
She concludes with a dramatic sigh and a plop into the chair opposite your desk. You glance at her as you state, “Really? I was honestly thinking about giving Toji a chance. He’s
cute and if anybody could scratch my itch it would be him. I mean did you see the body rolls he did at the last company retreat?”
Her mouth drops open in disbelief.
“Toji? The slab of meat on the fifth floor? He’d scratch something alright.” As you gaze forlornly into your fantasy, a throat clearing interrupts your conversation as you look up to find Gojo standing in your office doorway looking none too pleased.
“To what do I owe the displeasure?” you say as he looks at Jess in a way that has her immediately scrambling out of your chair and rushing past him to get to her own office.  
Once she’s clearly out of hearing range he takes her seat and pointedly mutters, “He has a girlfriend”. That statement leaves you with a hopelessly confused look on your face which causes him to clarify.” Toji, I mean. He’s in a relationship.”
Your mouth opens in a silent affirmation as you process this new and frankly unimportant information.  
“Yeah, I knew that. I was just trying to get Jess off my back. Once she gets an idea in her head, she’s the worst kind of pest.” He pins you with that screams skepticism but doesn’t press the issue.
Wincing you ask, “How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough,” he says and moves on swiftly. “So, about this project we’re working on? Did you want me to maybe eat you o-I mean take you out to dinner so we can discuss it further?”
“Kento hasn’t even given us the new project yet.”
He slowly looks from under his lashes to smirk at you. “If you weren’t in such a rush to make the great escape back to your office, you would’ve heard him say that he’s sending the documents over for the new campaign today.” He says this with a look that you feel deep in your core and has your thighs clenching together. He seems to notice this too, licking his lips and biting his bottom lip, as you stare at him and he at you.  
It’s then that you start to feel that chainsaw sexual tension. So,this is what Jess meant. A resounding ping from your computer breaks the moment as you spare a glance at your computer to see that, yes in fact, your boss has sent you an email attachment. The bold subject line says: new brush collection project.
“Yes, there it goes,” you murmur. He takes a step backwards, back ramrod straight and says, “So I’ll pick you up at six? Wear something cute or nothing at all. Up to you,” He winks as he takes the remaining steps out of your corner view office.
“As if, Gojo.” And it doesn’t sound convincing . Not even to you.
Six comes a lot sooner than you anticipate. The traffic home is what got you. The long red lights and four way stops seeming to last longer and longer. Before you left for the day Gojo asked for your number and address, which you reluctantly recited and headed out at four o clock thinking you’d have plenty of time before the rendezvous .
 It was currently a quarter till six and with a text from him letting you know he was on his way at 5:30 you figured traffic would keep him at bay at least until 6:30. You were not however expecting your doorbell to ring at six o clock exactly.  
“Shit. You sigh under your breath as you yell in the direction of your front door, “Who is it?” You slip into your other shoe, a subtle heel to pair with the modest dress you have on.
“C’mon now doll, who else would it be?” You march to the door and wrench it open. You want to snap, be catty, but your eyes widen at the sight before you. His Armani suit tailored to him perfectly. There isn’t a wrinkle in sight and his sleek black dress shoes shine vividly under the approaching sunset. Not to mention those signature round frames that adorned his face. He’s chosen clear frames for this particular outfit it seems, but the bright blue eyes behind them take your breath away.
“Take a picture it’ll last longer,” he lilts, making his way into your place.
 “So, I see you’ve chosen to go with the clothing option, I’m a little disappointed but...” He laughs when he sees your expression, eyebrows raised and mouth waiting to spit out an insult.  
He dials it back a notch saying, “Your place is just like you, cute,” You feel your body warm and you pointedly avoid his eyes.  
When he sees his compliment has the desired affect he nods toward the door. “Shall we?”
The drive to restaurant is eventful. You and Gojo realize that maybe if you didn’t hate each other so much, there’ would be a possibility you could be friends. You learn that he’s Japanese and is fluent in three languages: Japanese, English, and sex because even the way he changes gears is erotic.  
The veins in his arms are prominent and you have to look away to avoid moaning at the very sight of them. He learns that you speak three languages too: English, Korean, and Spanish. You discover that you actually graduated from the same college and that you had friends in the same circles. Who knew that you two actually had the potential to be pals?
When you get to the restaurant, you look up to find the name Infinity etched onto the front of the building. And when Gojo opens your car door and helps you out, then hands the keys to the valet you realize that he really is a man of absolute confidence. From the way he maintains direct eye contact with everyone to the way he pulls off his erected posture. You’re astonished. He smiles at everyone and almost seems to be friendly. Maybe he’s like that to everyone but you.
When you get to the hostess stand, a small but friendly woman looks up. “We missed you!”
 Gojo remains tight lipped although he smiles and says, “Hey, Claire, how have you been?” They chat for a bit and you zone out, taking in the beautiful surroundings. Soon you feel a hand around your waist guiding you past the main space of the restaurant and to a secluded room in the back. You hear a couple staccato and treble greetings to your companion in the short trek to the reserved room and it gives you pause. You turn to look at him but before you can say anything, Claire speaks, “Here you go, Yuta will be with you shortly.” Then she’s off with a smile and a wave.
“You must come here often and bring all of your flings. Is that how you’re constantly in someone’s pants? You wine and dine then the deal is sealed, huh?”  
He looks at you for a second and cracks a breathtaking smile. He rolls his neck and looks at you pointedly, “Everyone knows me because I’m the owner”.
You stare at him waiting for him to laugh but no, he doesn’t even bat an eyelash.
In response you gape at him. “No fucking way, you own this restaurant? That we’re sitting in right now?What was your commission off that pigmentation account last year?”
Before he can answer, Yuta, a brunette man comes into the door with a lanky stride and a smile and recites, “What can I get for you?”
“Apple martini, you request while Gojo says, “Warm sake”.  
Yuta tells you that the specials are beef medallions with a side of pickled vegetables or roasted duck with hollandaise sauce and a side of tartar. You both go for the duck. As soon as Yuta leaves Gojo’s eyes are back on you. “I opened Infinity last year.” You’re still gobsmacked, staring at him with a hum to yourself, “I never knew that.” He replies with, “Because you never asked”.
Yuta arrives with your drinks and food almost fifteen minutes after you guys start discussing your upcoming project. The strategy, the statistics and the current climate for your product are all rather simple. Delving into the duck, you moan at the flavor on your tongue. Gojo drops his fork, a whispered expletive coming out of his mouth. The hell is his problem? With a gentle place of your utensils on your napkin, you finally ask him what you’ve wanted to know these past two years.
“Gojo?” He hums to let you know he’s listening. “Why do you um-why do you hate me?” He almost chokes on what he was chewing and as he splutters you can see him rapidly shaking his head.  
When he gets some water, he blinks up at you in confusion. “Hate you? What are you talking about?”
You glance away from him. “I mean damn Satoru, can I call you Satoru? You’re always competing with me and we’re supposed to be on the same team.You pin me with glares every chance you get. And you even told Kento how much you despised me in the break room last week. You just seem to be fond of everyone but me.”
The surprise registers on his face and you feel his shock ripple across the table. “You heard what I said to Nanamin?” You nod and try to keep the tears at bay. I mean you’re a tough cookie, but you try to be nice to everyone. Even if they’re not so nice to you and it’s a little disheartening to know that someone hates you simply because you exist.  
 He looks at you with a look that says he’s annoyed more than anything. And with a roll of his eyes he declares, “If you weren’t forever the scared the little rabbit, we could’ve solved this problem last week. Would you like to know exactly what I said to Kento?” Without a response he straightens up in his chair.
“It isn’t at all what you think. I said something along the lines of: I can’t stand how she prances around this office like she does, in those tight dresses and skirts. How she acts like she owns everything. How she constantly gives me looks like she doesn’t know what she’s doing. You know what she’s doing ? She’s fucking teasing me!”  
When he finishes, he stares at the scandalized look on your face and continues. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel it. I saw you clench your legs under the table earlier.” You look away as you feel your caramel cheeks heat up.  
“You must have heard what you wanted to hear,” he says exasperated.  
“Why would you say something like to your boss? To our boss?”
He laughs, a beautiful melody and shrugs. “Hes my best friend. I tell him everything. Why do you think we’re working together on this project?”  
You allow yourself to slowly think about the past two years. Although he’s always been a pain in the ass, he has been a helpful pain in the ass at times. He’s helped you close some big accounts, stayed late at the office to help you with some last minute mock ups.
Even covered for you when you were fucked up at the last company retreat with your head attached to the inside of the toilet bowl. It all suddenly clicks into place. Your chest starts pounding and you feel sweat beginning to form and your hair line.
“Are you okay?” he questions.
Your head shakes and you breathlessly say, “And if I say I don’t feel it?”  
He raises his eyebrow and you clarify, “The chemistry. What if I say I don’t feel it?”  
He counters right back with, “I’d say you were a fucking liar.” With that you take the last sip of your martini and stand up wiping your mouth and you quirk an eyebrow at him.  
He tilts his head and you cock your head. “Are you gonna come?” That handsome smile slithers its way across his face as he stands and throws some cash on the table.
 He grabs your hand and in the sexiest voice you’ve ever heard says, “Oh, I plan to”.  
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adidastain · 9 months
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i’ll have what she’s having
90s trey parker (office!au) x fem!reader
warnings: none
notes: first person perspective (I, me, my, etc.)
word count: 3424
“When are you gonna let me take you out to dinner?” my coworker asked me, waiting for me to finish filling my water bottle at the cooler.
“When you get your sales up, Parker,” I said, tilting my head. I tapped the knot of his necktie as I turned around to face him. Trey looked down at me, smirking. “I can’t be seen in public with a poor salesman.” 
“Says the temp,” He retorted, hurriedly pouring water into a tiny paper cup as I started walking back to my desk. Trey followed me through the kitchen to my cubicle, which was on the opposite side of the office to his. 
“Not for much longer if you don’t get those numbers up,” I grinned sweetly, leaning against my desk. Trey stood in front of me, also leaning to the side. I batted my eyelashes at him. “Keep wasting time like this and we’ll end up switching seats.”
I sat down, tidying up a stack of papers. I reached for the handset, until Trey placed his hand on mine to stop me from picking up the phone. 
“And if I get my sales up?” he proposed. 
I laughed at him as if to say, “like that could ever happen.” I tsked, shaking my head. 
“You’ll let me take you out, right?” he continued. 
I looked up at him, staring into his bright, blue eyes. I had to admit, he was quite handsome. He was funny too; he’d always do the best impressions of our other coworkers with dumb voices. I usually brought in coffee for our boss, then Trey asked me to start bringing him some, and now he’s the one who brings me coffee. 
“If you can make 20 sales before 5 o’clock, you can take me out tonight, yes. That’s an hour,” I told him, rolling my eyes slightly. “Others might consider those rookie numbers, so hop to it.”
I patted his shoulder, watching him walk away with a smile on my face. I felt my cheeks turn red. I knew it would be a challenge for him, since he always got distracted. Part of me was really rooting for him, though. The only reason I ever said no to him was to see how far he was willing to go to get me to go out with him. It was slightly cruel, I’ll admit it. But he was very determined. 
I didn’t see him for the rest of the day, and for once I was able to get a little more work done than usual. I was in my boss’ office when 5 PM rolled around. She and I had been discussing an opportunity for a permanent position at the office, since I was just a temp. However, she seemed to think that I’d make a good fit, so I was excited to be able to finally secure a job that didn’t last less than a month. 
Once I got out of her office, it was 5:02, and Trey was still on the phone. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with concern and anticipation. I could see his leg bouncing underneath the desk. I leaned against the wood, examining all of the papers sprawled across his desk, all covered in his messy handwriting. 
“I- Okay. Yes. We’ll talk tomorrow. Definitely. Thanks. Bye-bye,” Trey said, before hanging up the phone. He leaned forward, exhaling heavily with his face in his hands. 
“Three minutes overtime,” I said, tapping my index finger on his desk. 
“I only made 17,” he huffed, leaning back. Trey looked at me with probably the saddest pair of defeated eyes I’d ever seen. I honestly felt kinda bad for him; I bet he’d worked harder in that last hour than he ever had before. 
“Aww,” I said, tilting my head. “Better luck next time, kiddo.”
I reached down to rub his shoulder. The fabric of his shirt had that nice, soft texture that you only got from real expensive dress shirts. My hand lingered there for a few seconds; longer than I intended to. 
“Wanna go get some drinks?” I asked, leaning down to meet his eye level. 
His head snapped up to look at me. His whole face lit up, eyes wide and all. “What?” he choked out. 
“You heard me,” I laughed, crossing my arms. I bit my lip, watching him grin from ear to ear. 
“I guess so,” he shrugged, sighing. I rolled my eyes, standing up to put my baggy black sweater on over my blouse. I started walking towards the exit, watching Trey scramble to get all of his stuff together and catch up to me. Soon we were in the parking lot, playfully arguing about where we were headed. 
“I could do with a nice shake, I think,” I stated, following Trey to his little beat-up car. 
“There’s a diner by the mall,” he said. Two minutes ago, he was insisting we go to a pub up the street. He was such a simple creature. He just wanted to please me. 
“That is a nasty drive from my place,” I grimaced. 
“Mine too,” he shrugged, leaning against the door of his car with his hands in his pockets. “Their shakes are worth it though, trust me.” 
“Hmm, I don’t know if I should trust you,” I said, squinting at him. “You couldn’t even make 20 sales for me today.” 
Trey rolled his eyes. “Yet you’re going out with me,” he shot back, raising his eyebrows. 
I tried to smother the grin on my face. I shrugged. 
“Consider yourself lucky, Parker,” I said innocently. “I’m not an easy catch.”
“Obviously,” he grumbled, smiling. He reached up to scratch his jaw, allowing me a brief moment to examine his hand. He had a short, wide palm with long, dainty fingers and rough cuticles. It looked like he picked at them. 
“I’ll follow you. See you in a few,” I said, smiling. I started walking towards my car, turning around for a moment to yell at him. “And don’t speed!”
“I can’t help it, Y/N! My feet are made of lead!,” he shouted, defending himself. 
I giggled, getting into my car. I turned the ignition, letting the car warm up for a moment while I checked myself in the mirror. My lips were chapped and my hair had gotten a little messy throughout the day. I was honestly too exhausted to give a shit, so I just let it down. 
The drive was long. It was the middle of rush hour, so Trey and I ended up getting stuck in a traffic jam. We ended up side by side a number of times, challenging each other in our own lanes which were going two different speeds. Eventually, after almost 40 minutes, we made it, parking right next to each other. I put some chapstick on and took my blouse off, leaving my sweater on so that I was more comfortable. Trey was still in his work clothes; light blue shirt with rolled up sleeves, black tie, navy blue pants, brown belt and dark brown shoes. He wasn’t very coordinated. 
“You drive like a senior citizen,” he said, grinning at me as I walked up to his side. 
“You drive like a wanted criminal,” I shot back, turning around so I was walking backwards and facing him as he held the door open for me. 
The dinner smelled like cake and coffee. It was slightly overwhelming, but not so much that I wouldn’t get used to it. The hostess led us to a small booth next to the window, giving us a quite lovely view of the highway outside. The sun had begun to set, so the sky was painted with the most gorgeous golden-orange you could get in Long Beach. 
“I think I actually greatly prefer this over a bar,” Trey hummed, his eyes skimming over the menu while his hands rested in his lap. 
I laughed softly, looking away from him. I took a sip from the iced water that the server brought to us not long after we sat down, the cold sending a shiver down my spine.
“Now that we’re finally here,” I huffed. “Why were you so desperate to take me out?”
Trey looked up, caught off guard. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he brought his hand up to scratch the back of his head. 
“I enjoy your company,” he said softly. “And I’m attracted to you.”
“‘Cause I’m the funniest, coolest, sexiest girl you’ve ever met?” I teased him. 
“Yup,” he grinned, biting his lip as the server came back over to our table. 
I ordered a plain vanilla milkshake with no cherry and extra whipped cream, and Trey ordered the exact same thing. He really was so simple. I made fun of him for it. 
“So what don’t I know about you?” Trey asked me, leaning over the table with his arms crossed. 
“Not much, I imagine. You spend 3 out of 8 hours hanging around by my desk, so I can only assume you know me inside and out,” I stated, furrowing my eyebrows. “But I guess… you probably don’t know that I play guitar.”
“I did… not know that,” he said, raising his eyebrows. Trey leaned back, a soft smile on his face as we both spoke. He looked suspiciously satisfied, as if this was all going according to some massive plan of his. I decided to challenge his gaze with my own, equally mischievous one. I then realized that he was probably just admiring me. 
“Come to think of it, what do you know about me?” I asked, resting my head in my palm. I snuck a glance at his neck, which had a healthy amount of stubble on it that spread up to his face as well. A day or two post-shave, maybe? Regardless, it looked good on him. He also had a lot of freckles and beauty marks all over his face and neck. Part of me wanted to spend time counting all of them. 
“I know that you like pickles, but only by themselves. Same for black olives. Oh, and you can’t seem to sit normally in any capacity. You challenge the ergonomic designs of modern chairs and refuse to conform to corporate standards,” he listed, mocking me in the last bit of his sentence. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You hate mussels but somehow love asparagus. Beavers are your favorite animal. Um… I also know that you always have your hair up, ‘cause I’m a little bit stunned right now by the fact that it’s down.”
He laughed sheepishly with those last few words. I blushed. I forgot I let my hair down. It was wavy and unruly; I usually hated having it down, but it was starting to make my headache worse throughout the day, so I just wanted to feel more comfortable. 
“It’s pretty,” he mumbled, swallowing. Trey seemed so nervous, delivering such a simple compliment. Simple, yet I too found myself made somewhat shy from his words. I guess I was just used to him being so unserious all the time. “You should wear it down more often.”
I laughed, rolling my eyes. The server came over with our shakes. The tall glasses were very elegant and very heavy. The straws were made of paper. I cringed, pulling mine out of the glass and opting for a spoon instead. 
Trey looked at me like he was watching an ape pick its nose. 
“I now know that you drink milkshakes with a spoon,” he teased me, his cheeks caving in as he attempted to suck his shake through the straw. 
“At least spoons don’t dissolve,” I said, mocking him. Trey just kept laughing at me. 
We spent a few moments in awkward silence, just enjoying our shakes. I tried to think of something to fill the quiet gap in the conversation, but I couldn’t come up with anything witty or funny, and it didn’t feel appropriate to give him a compliment. 
Eventually, Trey spoke up, bringing up the last topic I would have ever wanted to discuss on a date. Work. 
“Did Michelle clear you for a permanent position yet?” He asked me. 
I sighed slightly, trying not to let it show. 
“We’ve been talking about it. She’s just not sure where she’s gonna put me yet, but I still have like, two weeks, so… I’m not too worried,” I explained, avoiding his eyes. 
“Maybe we’ll be desk neighbors,” he said, grinning. 
“Ack,” I gagged, teasing him. To be completely honest, that didn’t sound too bad. Granted, he would probably get even less work done if he were always right next to me. He’d be too busy showing off, and I’d be so distracted that I wouldn’t get any work done either. 
“Hey, c’mon,” he laughed. “You know I’m your best friend in the office.”
“Yeah. My ‘friend,’” I repeated, doing air quotes with my fingers. 
“What, you don’t like me?” he pouted. 
“We’re on a date, Trey. Of course I don’t like you,” I said. I was being sarcastic, but I held no sarcastic tone in my words. He had to have realized that I was joking… right?
Trey’s eyes shot wide open, his lips curling into a smirk as his cheeks turned red. “So we’re dating?” he said, dragging out the last word as if he were a teenage girl. He grinned, taking another strangled sip of his milkshake. 
I shrugged, sticking the end of my spoon all the way in my mouth so I could lick it clean. 
Trey leaned back, a small smile on his face as he stared at his lap. I watched him pull himself together, biting my own lip. Seeing him happy and giddy made me feel happy and giddy too. 
After about an hour, we finished our shakes, and just sat in our little booth, talking. I learned that he had a cat named Jake and that he studied film in college, and even directed a few until he ran out of money and had to get a more permanent job. He explained that since he started working at the company, he didn’t have much time at all to do anything film related. I felt bad; I could see the way his eyes lit up when he was talking about working in film.
“You should show me what you’ve made sometime,” I said, playing with the little bit of ice cream left in the bottom of my glass. A majority of the other customers had left, leaving the diner much quieter than it had been just a few minutes ago. Now it was just me and Trey, some elderly women in the corner, and a group of teenagers on the other side of the restaurant
“Mmm. Maybe,” he hummed, cringing. 
“What, you don’t like it?” I asked.
“It’s just like, not great,” he laughed. “It’s as good as college films get, I guess. It could be better.”
“I’m sure it’s awesome, Trey. You’re a funny guy,” I said, reaching across the table to brush his fingers with mine. 
Never, since I first met him a month ago, had I ever called him by his first name. I never felt the need to, until now. I guess it just felt right. 
Trey looked absolutely stunned and speechless at the contact, his eyes staring straight into mine. I felt one of his fingers stroke the top of my hand. My stomach fluttered, his touch gentle and soothing. 
I let go of his hand as the server came back over with our check. Trey and I looked at each other, before my hand shot forward to grab the little booklet before he could even blink. 
“No,” he said, grabbing it. 
“Yes,” I grinned, yanking it away from him. He looked at me, pouting. 
“Let’s at least split it,” he pleaded. “Or let me pay you back.”
“Not necessary,” I said, shaking my head. I pulled my card out of my wallet, sticking it in the check and setting it on the edge of the table. “You can just pay for our next date.”
I smiled at him, watching his face turn from defeated to somewhat shocked. I suppose our date went a lot better than he thought it would. 
I really did like him. To be honest, I was completely flustered when he asked me out the first time. I just didn’t want to give in so easily. Plus I had only been working there for a week at the time, so I barely knew him, but after the first time he asked me, we started hanging out more, and he kept asking me out. I could tell he really liked me too. 
I sorted everything out, and once we went outside, we ended up lingering outside of our cars, still talking. The sounds of the highway nearby provided some pleasant atmospheric noise, making it infinitely less awkward than it was inside. 
“Are you free tomorrow?” I asked, my arms crossed over my chest. Trey still had his work clothes on, having taken his necktie off and unbuttoned one or two buttons on his dress shirt so he could breathe. He had a white V-neck T-shirt on underneath, and I was able to see his collarbone and some of his chest hair sticking out of the collar. 
Trey shook his head. “Lakers play tomorrow night. I’m having friends over, if you wanna come. I’m just not going out,” he laughed sheepishly. 
“Hmm… Maybe. Actually, yeah. That sounds cool,” I beamed. I wanted to meet his friends. He told me he met them all in college and from what I heard, they seemed like a lot of fun to be around. I also secretly wanted him to introduce me to his friends and brag about me when I wasn’t looking. 
“Cool,” he grinned. His eyes skimmed up and down my frame, before landing at his feet as he seemed to be at a loss for words. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” I said softly, brushing his hand with my fingers. He looked at me, swallowing harshly. His eyes darted all around my face, leaving an extra long glance at my lips. 
“The usual? Green tea?” he asked. His eyelids had dropped, making him look unusually sleepy. He had a dumb smirk on his face. 
“You got it,” I said, clicking my tongue and winking. 
“‘Kay,” he laughed. He turned his body to the side, beginning to walk away from me. “See you.”
“Wait a second,” I said, raising my voice slightly. My words echoed through the dark, empty parking lot, the sound bouncing back to me as my hand grabbed Trey’s forearm. 
He turned back to face me, looking at me patiently. I grabbed his other arm, pulling him closer before standing up on my tiptoes to peck him on the lips. 
Trey leaned into it, until I pulled away, keeping my face close to his. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, staring into his blue eyes as they searched my face for any sign of uncertainty or regret. After a moment, he kissed me again, tenderly to test the waters. His lips felt so soft and warm, laid gently between mine. It was the perfect kiss. 
By the time we pulled away naturally, one of his hands had found its way to the small of my back, laying flat against it and holding my body close to him until I dropped down from my tiptoes. I slid out of his grasp, taking steps backward towards my car, unable to control the grin on my face. 
“Night, Trey,” I said. 
Trey grinned, shaking his head slightly. “Night, Y/N,” he replied, watching as I got back into my car. 
Before closing the door, I leaned forward and yelled, “You better make at least 60 sales tomorrow!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he chuckled, unlocking his car. 
And with that, I went home, barely able to think about driving while my mind was so caught up on Trey and I’s kiss. I kept thinking that maybe I made a mistake, since it was only our first date, but it just felt right. Besides, it’s not like we don’t see each other eight hours a day, five days a week. 
Regardless, I was looking forward to going to work the next day for the first time in my entire life. 
I don’t think I’d ever been so excited to watch a basketball game, either.
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
I wanna love you til we’re food for the worms to eat- this one is summer fluff! Give me two activities/events you typically associate with summer, your character of choice and gender pref for the reader, and I’ll write 3000 words with that!
swimming and picnics withhhh nikolai <3
Sandwiches- N.L x gn! reader
Hi! Thank you for sending this in, it was a blast to write and I'm sorry it's taken me nearly a full two weeks. June has been a very busy month and I've only gotten my footing now that I'm in my last full week of school before exams and graduation, but still! Thank you for sending this in and thank you for your unending patience
As for requests generally, things will hopefully start coming out pretty steadily as of friday! I have a ton of wiggle room this week and even more over the next two and will be spending a lot of that time writing, which will hopefully help my productivity skyrocket lol.
I did go off the request a little (I involved genya, david, zoya, tolya, tamar, and nadia because otherwise I wouldn't've figured out how to move the fic forward) but I hope thats okay!
Fic type- this is just. this is pure fluff
Warnings- mentions of the darkling and what the darkling did to nikolai
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Summers in Ravka had always been blisteringly hot. It was annoying, almost, but the transition from late spring to early summer came at you faster than you could've expected. Summer always felt like it was pulled out from under a rug and was never something you quite anticipated, especially not the sheer warmth of the sun beaming at you from nearly all directions.
The transition from spring to summer became especially obvious when you noticed the dandelions popping up in the fields, some of which Zoya collected and gave you for the lime and dandelion iced tea you'd make in big batches when the weather was at it's hottest. You loved the process and often could be found by the lake with Nikolai, drinking a glass of iced dandelion tea that'd been spiked with lime liquor or the dandelion wine Nikolai had shipped in from Novyi Zem during early spring.
That day, it seemed, was no different.
Well, it was slightly different. You and Nikolai had packed a picnic basket with all of the best food from the kitchens--sweet rolls galore, Nikolais favorite food and your own, a couple of the sweets you both liked, and the picnic staple: sandwiches.--and had put on your swimming clothes to spend the day in the lake.
The temperature was at a high of 30 degrees Celsius and it was too hot to focus on anything other than how hot it was while cooped up indoors, and as such Nikolai had given Tolya, Tamar, Nadia, Zoya, Genya, and David the day off. You'd not seen them yet but you had no doubt that Genya and David would find you in the lake eventually, Tamar and Nadia at their heels, Tolya and Zoya probably not far off either.
But, for the moment, you chose to enjoy things as they were. The water was cold, the lime and dandelion tea spiked with dandelion wine kept cold in an ice filled cooler, the sun cascading across the lake in beautiful beams of light. You were determined to enjoy the day and not be deterred by work or the responsibilities that you would step back into the moment you woke the following morning.
Your determination had proved to do wonders by the afternoon, when you had not thought of work since Nikolais arms had found your waist as you idly looked through the librarys catalogue and he'd whispered of a day spent by the lake as you soaked up the sun.
You'd spent most of that day just talking to him. Not focusing on work or having work related discussions, just standing waist level in the water with his arms around your shoulders, talking about the absolute, the complete and the utterly mundane. Your lives had gotten so busy that it was nice to not have to focus on work, and it was incredible to just ask him how he was doing and hear all of the boring particulars of being a royal in turn.
You waded further into the water as Nikolai asked: "What of you, love? Outside of work and going to sleep next to you every night, I feel like I don't know anything of you lately."
You grinned. "I've been reading a lot," you said. "Brushing up on foreign policy, helping Zoya maintain her garden and missing you, if I might dare to be completely candor. I love you, Nik, but how busy we've both gotten is ridiculous."
Nikolai laughed, and you laughed, and then you were turning your head and pressing a kiss to the left side of his jaw and your heart was going still, the rapid thump of it dissipating from your eardrums as it calmed. Part of you was waiting for Nikolai to make a silly but flirtatious remark to get it going again, knew that because Nikolai was Nikolai, it was really only a matter of time.
"I know," Nikolai said. "I've been horrid at managing my time as of late. I've got a relatively relaxed next while, though. Had my advisors make sure of it."
You pressed another kiss to his jaw. "I love you,"
Nikolai laughed. "I love you too."
The two of you carried on like that until the sun was burning low and the sunset was near, between an hour and thirty minutes away at least. You carried on laughing, making jabs and growing flustered whenever the other gave a flirtatious remark or a glorious smile.
You'd missed Nikolai more than you had thought, and every time he would laugh your heart would swell, your body filling with so much contentedness that you could've evaporated within the depths of it. Everything about Nikolai was the picture of calmness, assuredness and composure, and his presence was usually a constant as you were a consort--soon to rule alongside him, if he would ever propose--and worked within the depths of his palaces, a member of his council and one of his guards on the night shift a few days a week, waiting for the demon of the Darklings creation to come out of hiding as it did whenever you were not there to put him in the handcuffs he wore while he slept in the Darklings old quarters.
You had missed him like nothing else, and there was not a moment of that day that you weren't cherishing. It was a glorious day in summer, your mind was not focused on work or the particulars of the palace, and you were determined to enjoy it and do nothing but enjoy it.
You swam for a little longer, engaging in a splash war--which, with great humility, you ended up winning--against Nikolai and laughing when Nikolai tried to get you back for it twenty minutes later, claiming another victory against him within a solid ten minutes.
You relaxed, floated about the lake and let yourself stop thinking for a while, sat on the docks for a break to breathe and look at the sky while Nikolai floated about the lake and remarked about how relaxing it was to do so. You closed your eyes, created waves in the water by idly kicking your feet to keep it from getting too cold.
You opened your eyes again and reapplied sunscreen despite the sunset drawing nearer because you didn't want to take any risks with the health implications of not applying sunscreen at all. Nikolai approached and wrapped his arms around your waist, humming as you began to run your hands through his hair and massage his scalp, a comforting silence settling between the two of you as he idly ran his thumb up and down your hip.
"'M sorry I've been working so much," Nikolai said, breaking the silence as the sunset really started to close in on the two of you, the sky setting off into hues of oranges, reds, purples, light and dark blues and even a couple of spots of a deep blueish green. "Seeing you when we go to sleep or when you're putting me in chains in anticipation of the monster has been good, but I miss seeing you during the day. I'm sorry I let work cloud everything over for a while."
"It's as much my fault as it is yours," you said, pulling a hand through your own hair as your gaze moved to the sky again. Nikolai joined you on the dock, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pulled you into his arms. The picnic food was to be eaten before the sun fully went down if all went according to plan, but you decided you'd let the two of you have your moment while you still could.
"I've been busy with things around the palaces. Helping Genya plan galas and palace events, helping David and Nadia with their experiments where possible, helping Zoya maintain her garden and looking after it when she got too busy to manage the upkeep, cleaning the kitchens in the afternoons and the early mornings for free sweet rolls and pastries from the cooks when they start baking just a bit after sunrise. We've been avoiding each other, I think, even if neither of us actually meant to do so. We both got really busy really randomly, but we've corrected our course, and everything is going to be okay. You don't need to apologize to me, Nik. I understand how life as a royal can get."
Nikolai smirked. "You'll be one soon enough, provided that I finally get my hands on a good enough ring."
You laughed. "I would be entirely willing to marry you with a ring made out of paper and twine, Mr. Lantsov. I do not need some fancy stone or excellently made ring to marry you. I've been willing to since we were nineteen years old," since you'd met him while he was Sturmhond, since you'd fallen in love with him while the two of you were at sea, and every day since. He was the love of your life, and, ring or no ring, that wasn't changing for anything.
Nikolai pressed a kiss to your lips--it was a quick peck, if anything--and it lingered, even as Nikolai opened the cooler and shot you a grin as he poured the iced lime and dandelion tea with the dandelion wine into two glasses.
You began to sort through the food from the picnic basket, passing out the first of a couple of different things between you and Nikolai when you heard the sound of an oh-so familiar scoff.
"They're not going to be out here," Zoya said as Tolya met your gaze, mouth splitting into a huge grin. "They've been MIA the entirety of today, but to spend the day by the lake? Nikolai is probably afraid that the lake water will ruin his oh-so effortless beauty."
"Or it's 30 degrees out today and effortless beauty be damned, Nikolai and Y/N decided to spend the day by the lake with dandelion tea and enough food to feed a small army," Tolya countered. Zoya met your gaze and just laughed.
"You convinced him, I'm guessing?" She asked. "You do love your swimming and picnics."
"It was entirely Niks idea," you responded. "I was going to spend my day in the library, but he quite literally whisked me away and now we're here. Tolya, there's an empty flask in the basket if you're wanting to pour iced tea into it. Fair warning, though, there's dandelion wine added to Niks taste."
Tolya gave you an appreciative nod as Zoya tossed you a towel from the bag you'd put them in near the edge of the docks closest to land. In thanks, you passed her your glass and let her take the first of the tea while you dried your hair and adjusted so that the towel acted as a barrier between you and the docks, thanking her when she filled the glass and passed it back.
"The AC is working better than we thought it would after the maintenance crews came in to fix the system a couple days back," Tolya said. "Though, true to it's roots, it's only working slightly in some places and doing overtime in others."
"The library in the Grand Palace feels like a bloody ice cube," Zoya said. "The corridors are well ventilated as it were, and they're cold enough to ease the sweating when you're walking around. The common rooms are well enough, too, but the meeting rooms and the dining rooms are less better off."
"Add an additional system," Nikolai said. "See what you can do to have an additional system installed, and make sure that the tea in the samovars is cold, at the minimum. The weather is going to hover between twenty-five and thirty degrees this week, so we need to do what we can to keep cool."
Tolya nodded as you took a sip of the tea, grinning at your beloved as he draped an arm over your shoulders and pulled you close.
"Enjoyed a day in the sun, then?" Tolya asked as Genya and David joined the four of you in relative silence, Nadia and Tamar also joining up not long after.
"We've been busy," Nikolai amended. "Took today to catch up, relax, and cool off while still getting enough vitamin D."
"You overbooked yourselves?" Tamar asked as you passed her a sandwich and grabbed your own. "At the same time, too? Saints, you're idiots. Idiots in love, but idiots even still." You glanced at Nikolai, who was barely managing to stifle a laugh.
"It's funny because it's true," David amended. You pressed your forehead against Nikolais shoulder to keep yourself from giggling, your shoulders shaking with silent laughter instead. You ate the first of your sandwiches and grabbed another, neither you or Nikolai saying anything and instead finding yourselves content to let your friends fill the silence instead.
You grabbed more tea for yourself and thanked the saints that the deserts you'd packed hadn't managed to ruin within the blazing heat of the summer sun once the deserts started getting passed about, idle chatter about up and coming events still swallowing the silence in random fits and starts.
You were content in the silence, though. Extremely content, so it seemed, and the bouts of silence were ones you didn't at all mind or feel bothered by.
How often did you get to have evenings like that one, anyway? Evenings where you, Nikolai, Zoya, Nadia, Tamar, Tolya, Genya, and David all crowded on the docks and ate all of the food you'd packed because some part of you had anticipated a few of them joining up anyway? How often did you get to get tipsy off of lime and dandelion tea with dandelion wine while you chatted with the people you loved like family and the man you were absolutely, completely and utterly certain you would marry?
The answer to that question was simpler than one might've thought. Nights like that were rare--so rare that you almost could not recall a night like it having occurred in the years since the civil war had ended. You were cherishing every moment, every bit of banter-y argument between Genya and Zoya, every quick kiss shared with Nikolai and every time your hand would find his where it rested on your shoulder and give it a squeeze.
It was summer nights exactly like that one that you loved the most. In the summer heat that Ravka typically dealt with, drinking tea with your closest friends.
At some point--likely close to eight--Tamar accidentally shoves Genya into the water. David goes to help her out and back up onto the dock, but she just grabs him by the hand and pulls him right in. Zoya jumps in before she can be pushed or shoved or experience an attempt at cajoling by Tamar or Nadia. Nadia dives in after her wife and Tolya does a cannonball that manages to have resounding water that falls gracefully in an arc over you and Nikolai onto the docks from a solid ten feet away.
You glance at Nikolai, grinning lightly as you catch the glinting mischief in his eyes.
"You've won against me in our water fights twice today," he said, smirk crossing his features. "What do you say I try to claim at least one victory before we head back into the palaces?"
You quirk an eyebrow. "Willing to make bets, Mr. Lantsov?"
"More than."
"If I win, we get the day off tomorrow. If you win, we can work a double for all I care."
"If I win, we ease up on our schedules in the evenings for the rest of the week, have picnic dinners out here, with more dandelion tea and wine than either of us will possibly be able to sanely consume."
You jumped into the lake at that, getting a safe distance away from him. You let him claim the victory and laugh as you realize your water fight has instigated another water fight where it's been split into teams of three, Tamar, Nadia, and Zoya against Genya, Tolya, and David.
You swam to join Zoya as she used her wind to make the splash of the water that much more powerful, where Nikolai joined David at his side.
"Easy week?" She asked as you sent a wave towards Nikolai.
"Easy evenings, lakeside picnic dinners."
"You picked good," Tamar said as she switched positions, Zoya on your right and Tamar on your left. "Not in the aspect of wave fights, but in terms of work."
You laughed. "I know I did," you said. "I have no doubted that I picked excellently for a moment since the very day I realized I had fallen in love with him."
"Contrary to your beliefs, I think Nikolai is the lucky one," Nadia amended as she sent a wind up and laughed as a large wave swathed her brother in law almost completely. "He's got the one and only person who makes decent dandelion tea in all of Ravka."
"I second that," Zoya said with a laugh. You sent a wave so big it got all of the opposing team at once, shouting your victory as Nikolai, Genya, David, and Tolya devolved into laughter.
Your heart was happy. You were so content in that moment that you never wanted it to come to an end.
Sometime later, after it had gone midnight and everyone else had gone to bed, you and Nikolai were drinking the last of the lime and dandelion tea and idly eating some of the unopened sandwiches that still remained. You were almost asleep, could feel Nikolais heartrate slowing beneath the palm that rested on his chest and indicating that he was just as tired as you were.
You were so overwhelmingly happy in that moment, the tea drank and the last of the food not having gone to waste in the end. You had a couple days more of sandwiches and dandelion tea to come, and you knew you'd appreciate each of them as much as you appreciated that day in and of itself.
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wordywarriorwrites · 1 year
Calendar Girl: August
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Series Masterlist: Calendar Girl Joel Miller Masterlist Author: @wordywarriorwrites​ Summary: The story of how Joel Miller falls in love again, told over a series of months. Series Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Language. Violence. Discussions of rape and consent. Alcohol consumption. Age-gap.
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“Sweetheart,” Joel groaned lowly as he craned his head into your touch.  
You laughed as you worked the soap into a lather, “Feel good?”  
He would have given you an emphatic, resounding yes, but you chose that moment to dig your thumbs into the overgrown hair behind his ears, and all that came out of his mouth was a series of hedonistic sounds that bounced off the kitchen sink basin.  
Summer in the Wyoming mountains meant days of clear skies and sunshine, and nights filled with stars and cool breezes. The climate was far gentler than the oppressive heat and humidity he had endured in Arlington and Boston, but still, Jackson had gotten hot enough for him to need a haircut. 
The shampoo and scalp massage had ended far too soon for his liking, but since you had other appointments to get to, Joel kept his disappointment to himself. Seated in a chair with a towel draped across his shoulders, he told you what he preferred when it came to his unruly mane, and with that settled, you picked up your comb and scissors and got to work.  
“Where’d you learn to do this?” he asked.  
You hummed thoughtfully, “Made friends with a girl in my third – no, fourth QZ? She traded haircuts for cards. Learned from her. Kept me from starving when I moved onto the next place.” 
He reached back and squeezed your leg, “Well, I’m grateful for it. Thank you, sweetheart.”  
A careful sectioning. A snip, snip, snip. The comb clicked against the scissors on occasion, and as you continued, his head felt lighter and cooler. You’d nearly wrangled his hair into some semblance of submission when Ellie strode in, copped a squat, and threw what could only be described as the curveball of the century.  
“You two ever think about moving in together?” she asked without preamble.  
Joel jerked his head up. You pushed it back down. The question hung in the air while you tidied up his neck with the clippers, and the longer you remained silent on the subject, the more he squirmed. Eventually, you asked Ellie if she wanted you and Joel to move in together, and that made him hold his breath.  
“It’s not up to me,” Ellie shrugged as she drummed her hands on the table. “But I suppose it would be better than doing the walk of shame at all hours of the day and night, right?” 
You snorted. Joel spluttered and demanded to know where she’d even heard the phrase, “walk of shame.” Ellie responded with a jut of her chin and a shit-eating grin, but remained mum. You also hadn’t answered the question, and he knew the kid wasn’t about to let the matter rest, but before he could even suggest a subject change, you spoke up. 
“It’s only a walk of shame if you have something to be ashamed of,” you supplied.  
“Yeah, that’s true,” Ellie agreed as she went to the sink, grabbed a glass from the drying rack, and filled it with water. “But you know, people have started to talk.”   
“What people?” Joel challenged.  
She ticked them off with a flick of her fingers, “My friends. Their parents. The guy who milks the cows on Thursdays. The woman who crochets blankets for everyone. You know, people.”  
Joel could sense she was holding something back, and when you guided his head up, his eyes confirmed what his ears had already told him. Someone had run their mouth, and he would’ve pushed for details, but Ellie cut him off, and asked if you had time to give her a haircut, too. 
“Just a trim,” she insisted. “Nothing crazy.”  
“Yeah, I have time before the next one,” you replied. “Go wash your hair for me?”  
Ellie nodded. Bounded away. You cleaned off the back of his neck and removed the towel from around his shoulders. After you emptied your hands, Joel snagged you around the waist, and pulled you down side-saddle onto his lap.  
You smiled and squeezed his chin between your thumb and forefinger, “Handsome devil.”  
Joel closed his eyes. Nuzzled his nose against yours. The kiss you pressed to his forehead was tender. The one you dropped on his mouth was softer still, and he blamed your kind, inviting eyes for the way he returned your affection. The back of your neck clasped in one hand and the other clamped around your outer thigh – he claimed your mouth with his own and would’ve gone on holding you tight and kissing you senseless had Ellie not been so damn fast to return. 
“Seriously,” she scoffed. “You guys are so gross.” 
He rolled his eyes and helped you off his lap. While you washed your comb and scissors, Joel swept the floor, and you were ready by the time he finished. Ellie sat down, and as the two of you went over the logistics of her preferred hair length, Joel rustled up lunch.  
As he gathered ingredients and set about the task of making sandwiches, Ellie peppered you with questions about where you were from and your experiences in and outside of the several QZs you’d lived in. The conversation remained focused on seemingly innocuous subjects until it suddenly veered into an unrelated topic.  
“How old are you?” she wondered as she picked at her fingernails.  
Joel froze. Glanced up from the bread he’d been slicing. You aimed a wink his way and answered the question without reservation.  
“I’m 28,” you supplied.  
Joel lined up three plates. Dropped a slice on each. Applied peanut butter to all of them and started to add the preserves to the other pieces when Ellie piped up again.  
“You’re 57, right, Joel?”  
“Yeah,” he acknowledged. 
“Do people ever say things to you guys?” she asked quietly. 
Joel licked the blade of the knife clean, “Like what?”
“Like, that you shouldn’t be together?”  
You placed a hand on her shoulder, “Is this about you and Charlotte? Because if anyone has said or done anything –” 
“No, no, no,” Ellie interjected quickly “It’s not – it’s not that.”  
“What’s it about, then?” he prompted.  
When Ellie didn’t readily supply an answer, he put his hands on his hips, and looked at her expectantly. Joel had never known the kid to hem-and-haw. In fact, her blunt mouth had gotten her into more scrapes than he could count on both hands, and he was curious to know what was so bad that she couldn’t just spit it out. 
“It’s okay,” you insisted gently. “You can tell us.” 
She swallowed hard and rubbed her hands on her jeans, “I was walking Charlotte home last night and heard someone say your names.”  
Joel motioned for her to continue, “And?”  
“Something about old men and young snatch?” she blurted, eyes squeezed shut and head turned to the side. “And women with daddy issues?”  
You exhaled loudly through your nose and refocused on Ellie’s hair. Joel paired blackberry and peanut butter and needlessly cut the sandwiches diagonally. After you declared you were finished, Ellie helped you clean up, and he put the plates on the table.  
A lot of slow, silent chewing, coupled with furtive glances and gulps of water. Joel didn’t know how to address the situation because he’d never dated someone so much younger than him before, but he also wasn’t some ignorant dumbass with his head in the sand. 
He expected people would have their opinions and supposed it had been foolish of him to hope they’d keep those opinions to themselves. Hell, once upon a time, he might’ve made the same, crude assumptions. A man with a woman half his age? It raised eyebrows and begged a lot of questions, but Joel had never given a damn about other people’s opinions.   
What gave him pause – what made him debate the right and wrong of it – was that you’d be 40 when he turned 70. Assuming you didn’t wise up and move on, you’d be saddled with an old man who probably wouldn’t be able to go on a walk with you, let alone make love to you, take care of you, or protect you as you deserved. 
“So, what should I do?” Ellie asked tentatively.  
He grunted, “Tell ‘em to fuck off.” 
You sighed and rested your elbows on the table, “Ellie, you don’t have to do or say anything. People are entitled to their opinions.” 
“Not if their opinions are stupid,” Joel bit out lowly.  
“It doesn’t matter if their opinions are stupid or not,” you argued. “We may not have any semblance of a constitution left, but I still believe in freedom of speech.” 
“Freedom of speech doesn’t include freedom from consequences.”  
“I agree with you, but it’s not Ellie’s job to defend us.” 
He rolled his jaw and crossed his arms over his chest, “So, you don’t care? You don’t mind being insulted and disrespected like that?”  
You got up, put your plate and glass in the sink, and snagged your bag from the table. 
“I am a grown woman. I don’t have to justify myself to anyone,” you retorted as you headed for the side door. “If you wanna pick a fight with a bunch of ignorant assholes – have at it.” 
Ellie scrambled from her seat, “Can I walk with you?”  
You nodded. The door opened. Slammed shut. Joel sat there and wondered what the hell had just happened. Then, the door opened again. You stomped back in, kissed him hard on the mouth, and asked him not to get into a fight with a bunch of ignorant assholes. 
“Please,” you implored as you kissed him again. “No fights. Promise me.”  
Joel conceded. Promised. Lied.  
Next Chapter: September
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solarpunknow · 5 months
A weekend in a solarpunk future
Today was quite the busy day- and it was spent almost entirely outdoors.
This morning was the monthly 'get to know the plants around you' meetup. The idea behind this group is that 3 people (This time it was me, A., and C.) who are very familiar with the native plants around here and their uses, as well as the invasive species around here and their uses, lead a group through one of the local parks, and we teach the new comers what we know. We get a lot of people who have just moved to town and aren't yet familiar with the local ecosystems, those who didn't grow up foraging or working with plants, and of course some retirees who are looking to connect with nature in a way that they couldn't during their working lives back in the 2010s and 2020s.
We started by going over plants that get confused by beginners a lot (western bleeding heart vs herb robert, mahonia vs holly, that sort of thing), then moved on to the most common and vigorous native plants, and how each of us uses them in our lives (stinging nettle for tea, pesto, soup, the fiber for cloth, etc). We finish out the meetup by identifying the most... shall we say, vigorous of the invasive plants, and how to safely remove them (I mean, some have sap that can hurt you, so it's good to point those ones out). Some make tasty food, but we discussed how to safely compost the rest of them.
Gotta be honest, turning a problem (invasive species) into a resource (fertilizer) fills me with a sense of satisfaction like no other. C. usually takes the ones that are good for making fertilizer (invasive buttercup, bindweed, Hyacinthoidess, etc); I'll take the English Ivy and Himalayan blackberries home because my pet goats love to eat them. They also love bindweed, but I can share.
Anyway, we show the new folks how to identify and remove them, and then we put their new skills to the test. It's really starting to make a noticeable effect in the areas we visit, and I have to hope that every one we teach keeps practicing on their own.
Of course, removing the invasive species is only one part of the solution, but that's a whole different post.
This afternoon was a work party at the community/foodbank garden, which is always a good time and opportunity to connect with others. Back in the day I would've been confused by what a "community/foodbank" garden was, but honestly, it works. People who can, come and work in the garden and take what they will use for the next week. People who aren't able to donate their physical skills come by the food bank and are able to get the food they'll use in a week. It used to be that people thought there would be too many "takers" and not enough "workers", but it turns out that working in large groups, in close connection with the land, knowing that you're helping not only yourself but others in your community is hugely motivating for a large segment of the population. It's also awesome because the people who run the garden are super passionate about sustainable gardening and figuring out how to make gardening accessible to everyone in the community who wants to, so people feel comfortable coming to learn and then taking the knowledge and skills back to their neighborhood hub/commons gardens. Really, in the past ten years, the number of people who have started incorporating native plants, started mulching, stopped pulling out plants that support native insects, built rainwater and grey water irrigation systems and so on has really blossomed. The city is so much greener (and cooler) than it used to be, both metaphorically and literally.
Speaking of greywater, that's tomorrow's project. This evening is for listening to the chorus frogs and relaxing on the back porch.
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miniteezez · 2 years
Jimin x fem reader
-not alone-
Genre: fluff, angst, childhood friends to lovers
Warning: sh, diets, bullying
Synopsis: reader is really struggling and jimin is really in love ❤️
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My arms wrapped tightly around myself as I stood in the line for baggage check-in. Seeing as it quater past three in the morning, it was absolutely freezing. Still, early flights were better, and I could always sleep on the plane. Security dragged on, but eventually, we made it to the lounge. My parents got themselves a coffee, sitting themselves down and starting to talk. With a sigh, I got up and headed over to the drinks station. I poured myself a glass of water before placing it down to the side of me. There was also a selection of complimentary pastries that looked amazing but, wad it worth it? I'd been on a diet the past month, and so far, it was really working. Suddenly, everything went dark. Hands covered my eyes, making me let out a noise of confusion. However, a short chuckle behind me told me exactly, which my attacker was.
"Guess who?"
"An annoying little gremlin, that's who." Gasping, I was let go and turned round to a very offended looking jimin.
"I am not little!" This was true, from my perspective anyway. I had to tilt my head to meet his gaze. All I did was shrug, leading him over to where our families were now together. They were busy discussing the itinerary for our trip. Every time swimming was brought up, I felt my chest tighten. Dread set in, knowing I had two weeks of hiding myself away from everyone and coming up with lame excuses.
"You okay?" Turning my head, I gave jimin a fake smile and nod.
"Just sleepy." He hummed, not entirely believing me but deciding to drop it for now.
The plane departed just as the sun was rising, a beautiful veiw as we left the ground. A yawn escaped my lips, eyes trying hard to fight back the sleep I so desperately craved. Pulling my tray table down, I folded my arms ready to rest my head and sleep. Jimin quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Taken by surprise, I hissed in pain and drew away. He blinked in concern, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry, didn't mean to grab you that tightly." Sounding really guilty, I shook my head fiercely.
"No its alright." He lifted up the arm rest between us before patting his chest sheepishly.
"We'll both be more comfortable if you sleep here." Turning red, I pressed my lips together and gazed at my lap.
"That's okay, I don't wanna hurt you." Scoffing a laugh, jimin looked amused at my statement.
"How are you gonna hurt me? What are you on about? Come here." Giving in, I inched closer and rested my head against his chest carefully. Immediately, his arms were around my form, a hand running up and down my arm. It was both warming and soothing. Placing his head on my own, I drifted off to sleep easily.
By the time we arrived at our villa, it was midday and the sun was blaring down. Apparently it was going to get hotter each day and that scared me. There was no way I could walk around sleeveless, not looking like this. Once unpacked, I changed into some shorts and a loose fitting shirt. This would ne somewhat cooler. I went downstairs, finding everyone sat together. My mother looked at me with a frown.
"Why are you wearing that?" Panicked, I sat next to her with a grin, a very loose grin.
"I'm not that hot. What's the plan anyway?" Across from me, Mr Park sat forward.
"We thought we could head to the beach? Then get some food afterwards?" Swallowing down my nerves, I nod and pretended to love the idea. Whilst everyone was getting ready, I could feel eyes on me and found jimin staring over with worry. But why would he be worried? I hadn't done anything to indicate I wasn't okay. As we set off, I walked at the back, trying my hardest to think of a reason I wouldn't go swimming. I had nothing. Time passes by quicker when you don't want something, I found myself sat on the sand far quicker than i wanted. The beach was fairly empty, my parents in the sea and the Parks not too far behind. Hugging my knees to my chest, I felt a presence next to me and didn't need to ask who it was.
"You wanna come swimming?" All I did was shake my head. Jimin sighed, looking at me with clear worry. Why did he care? Why was he sat beside me when he could be having fun?
Maybe, once, I'd of been happy the boy I liked was taking so much interest. Now it scared me, because if he found out, I'd loose everyone.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." My answer was too quick to be genuine and we both knew that.
"Why don't you wanna come swimming? You love it." My eyes wandered over to him, immediately noting that he was now only in swim shorts. Face heating up, I cleared my throat.
"I changed I guess."
"In a few months?" Taking a deep breath, I bobbed my head in affirmation. It went quiet between us. Clearly he was thinking, trying to understand why I was acting so weird. The sun was blazing, making me sweat like no tomorrow. It was getting harder to think straight.
"You should take that off." Again, I shook my head. He was right though, it would really help but I just couldn't.
"How about-" having enough of his constant questions, I stood up hastily.
"What? Stop tormenting me! I don't wanna do anything with you!" I yelled out, frustrated and overwhelmed. Brows furrowed, jimin stood also and seemed annoyed.
"Tormenting you? What? I'm trying to help you! You're acting weird!" My breathing became shaky, taking a step back to steady myself.
"Am not! Leave me alone, you don't even care about me!" Now I was just lashing out, using jimin as an outlet. Shocked at my outburst, his eyes widened.
"How can you say I don't care?" His voice was small, making me feel insanely bad. Though, at that moment, I couldn't hardly think straight.
"Because! I'm nothing to you now! You have a life and I'm not important in it. I'm not important to anyone. In fact, the world would be a better place without me!" Gaze softening, jimin reached out but I flinched away from the kind gesture.
"That's not true. You're so important to me."
The world around me began to blur abd I had trouble focusing my eyes.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better." I slurred, wobbling in my place. Suddenly, the heat was growing tenfold and my face felt extremely clammy.
"(Y/N). You're scaring me. You need to sit down." I tried to disagree but I couldn't speak. Instead, I felt my eyes roll back and myself fall against something solid. I knew there was someone talking but I couldn't make anything out. Feeling myself get hoisted up, I weakly clung on before fully slipping away.
Slowly, my eyes opened with great difficulty. Finding myself on my bed, I could hear the whirring of the AC and wondered how I ended up here. Now significantly cooler, my head was pounding and my stomach was swirling with acid.
"Feeling better?" My head shot up as jimin entered the room. In his hand, he held a small white box. Taking in my facial expression, he simpered and took his spot on the bed beside me.
"Of course you're not. Sorry." Carefully, he lifted his hand and stroked my cheek with the pad of his thumb softly.
"You really scared me, collapsing like that. When did you last eat?" Taken off guard, I blushed at the action before promptly shrugging.
"Uhm, I had breakfast yesterday?" I offered as my answer but he just frowned. He pulled away, popping the box open. It was a first aid kit, why did he have that? Turning around, he grabbed a bottle of water and held it out to me. I took it gratefully, finding the cap already open.
"Why do you have that? Are you hurt?" Jimin just looked at me sadly as I took a sip of the water. Confused, I was about to ask when I caught sight of what I was now wearing. His shirt. He must have changed me into something cooler. Realising my arms were now bare, I paled. Everything was on display, the mess I had created for myself. He saw it. My lip wobbled, both in fear and overwhelming sadness. Now everyone would find out. I'd be yelled at, I'd be laughed at. Everyone would ignore me. A tear rolled down my cheek and jimin was quick to act. I closed my eyes, preparing for the ridicule. To my surprise, I felt his hands hook under my arms and pull me onto his lap. His arms wrapped around my waist and my nose pressed into the crook of his neck. No matter how hard I tried, the tears wouldn't stop and I sobbed harshly. I tried to apologise, feeling bad for acting this way but all I could do was sputter pathetically. His hand rubbed my back affectionately, lips pressing to my head.
"Relax, I got you." His voice was so soft, I thought I was dreaming. There was no way he'd be so kind after seeing something so disgusting on my skin. Moving me back, jimin wiped my cheeks as I sniffled.
"I'm gonna clean these up. Is that okay?" Biting my lip, I nod but that didn't please him.
"Can you speak, angel?" Ignoring how the pet name made my heart flutter, I took in a breath.
"Why are you being so nice? I don't deserve it." He sighed, cupping my cheeks.
"Yes you do. You might think I've forgotten about you. Or that you mean nothing?" I nod at his words, agreeing that's exactly what i thought. As children, we were inseperable. But, as time went on, we had to grow up abd do out own things.
"You're wrong. I still need you (y/n)." He told me, sincerity laced in his tone. Giving me a smile, he gently took hold of my arm and observed the cuts. It was a mess to look at and I was aware of how deep they actually were. I was lucky to have not done anything serious. With great care, jimin wiped down the wounds and bandaged everything up. It almost made me tear up, how soft he was handling me.
"You gotta stop though, seriously. I need you around." Our eyes met, making me feel extra guilty. Holding onto both my hands, he took the left and kissed the back of it feverishly.
"Promise me, even if you can't stop right now, you'll call me. Even if it's the middle of the night, promise me?" Nodding, I gripped onto his hands weakly, hoping he wouldn't leave. Seemingly pleased with my response, jimin simpered.
"A little."
"How about ice cream?" He suggested, looking at his phone for the time. It was almost seven, sun set. Liking the idea, I bobbed my head again and allowed him to help me up. I tied my shoes and followed jimin out of the villa. Together, we walked down the sandy paths, as families were getting ready to head home from their day out. My hand was clasped in his, still wearing his shirt. To anyone else, we probably looked like a couple and the thought made me flustered. I did see a few looks of pity as people saw the bandages but I chose to ignore this. It was none of their concern after all. Spying a little cafe, jimin pulled me inside and over to the counter. He didn't even need to ask and immediately ordered me my favourite flavour in a cone. Along with his own mocha cone. I tried to pay but he thrust his card against the machine before I had the chance. Giving him a glare, he just laughed playfully then head outside with our ice creams. Finding a bench by thr beach, he took a seat and pat the spot beside him. I sat down, taking my cone gratefully then staring out at the sea. We ate in silence for a minute, I didn't really know what to say. I was still really embarrassed that he had to see that.
"Did you tell my mum?" I suddenly thought, asking him nervously. Turning to him, gave a closed smile.
"You know I had to."
"Was she mad?" Confused, he shook his head whilst licking at the melted treat.
"Not at all, just very worried. She made me promise I was going to look after you." That's why he was doing this then? If course, why would he actually want to spend time with me?
"That's why you helped me then? And why you brought me for ice cream?"
"What? No, (y/n). Why can't you understand that I really care about you. You mean the world to me. I'd be with you everyday if I could." His hand came up and rested on my shoulder. Looking at him with doubt, I bit into my cone. Smiling, jimin turned to face me fully. He stared at me for a minute as I swallowed my food. Giving him a questioning gaxe, he just chuckled and leant in. His lips pressed to mine softly, hand cupping my cheek. After the initial shock faded, I melted into the kiss and and rested my hands against his chest. Smiling, jimin tugged me in closer and deepend the kiss just enough to convey all his emotions. So many thoughts were dancing around my mind. Mainly I just couldn't believe this was actually happening. He pulled away, licking his lips.
"You had ice cream on your mouth." He said casually with a smirk. Gasping, I hit his chest gently. We both broke out into laughter. Jimin sighed happily, making sure I was tucked into his side securely.
"You're my girlfriend." He announced, fingers raking through my hair carefully. Giggling, I looked up at him.
" You're supposed to ask dummy."
"Nah, I already decided." This just prompted me to laugh more, laying my head on his chest. It was nice to forget everything whilst I was with him. It was nice to know I wouldn't have to hide myself this vacation anymore.
"Oh and you're staying with me in my room now. Another thing I've decided." Nodding at him, I couldn't help but to kiss his cheek.
"Thank you."
Well, the next few days were amazing. We went on boat trips and had several meals out in nice restaurants. Though, nothing can go as planned and on the fourth day, I started reciveing texts. It was currently one a.m and I was staring at my phone screen, looking over all the messages I had been sent. Why were girls so mean? Tears rolled down my cheeks, debating if I should leave the bathroom. Glancing down at the screen again, more texts came through and I felt myself loosing control. Without thinking, I grabbed jimins razor and took it to my thigh. It was like I blacked out because the next thing I knew, I was covered in blood. My breathing picked up and panic set in. Suddenly, the door opened and jimin stood there, shirtless and rubbing his eyes. In any other circumstances, I'd be a blushing mess. But not right now. As soon as he saw me, his eyes grew wide. Immediately I started sobbing, dropping the razor and hiding my face in my hands. Quickly, jimin picked me up and placed me in the tub very gently. He grabbed the wash cloth and pressed it against my thigh to stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry." I cried out, struggling to catch my breath. He stayed quiet until he knew the bleeding had stopped. Then, he put the plug in and carefully got in behind me whilst running the hot water. His arms slid around my waist, lips kissing my cheek repeatedly.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm here, I've got you now." He rocked us slowly as the tub filled. I didn't care that my pyjamas were now soaked, I just wanted him to stay by my side. Jimin was light in his movements as he washed away the dried blood. Every now and then I'd let out a hiccup, or a tear would fall. And each time, jimin would press a kiss to my lips reassuringly.
Afterwards, he got us dry and dressed me in another one of his shirts. Sitting on his bed, he wrapped more bandages around my thigh.
"How do you feel?" He asked, clearing everything away and coming next to me. Holding my waist, he pulled me between his legs and I rested my back against his chest.
"Shit." He nod, taking hold of my hand.
"What happened? Be honest please." Taking a deep breath, I showed him my phone and told him everything that had been going on at college. He listened intently, scrolling through the messages and shaking his head.
"Thank you for telling me. We'll get this sorted out, I promise you. For now, I'm gonna keep a close eye on you." He smiled, tossing my phone away after blocking the accounts.
"Thank you jimin. I'm sorry I didn't come to you. You make feel so safe, really you do. But I was so overwhelmed." I told him, curling into his chest, basking in his warmth. Tilting my chin up, jimin leant down and kissed me lovingly.
"I understand. Next time I'll be with you okay? I'm not leaving you now." Smiling, I nod and hugged onto him tightly. He returned the favour, pulling the thin sheets over us then laying down. Of course, he had flicked thr lamp off by this point.
"I hope you know you're never getting rid of me, (y/n). I love you too much to loose you like that." Speaking quietly, I gazed up at him through the dark and blushed. Thankfully, he couldn't tell.
"I wouldn't want to get rid of you. I love you just as much." Happy at my response, he drew me in closer, placing one final kiss to my temple. With my ear pressed to his chest, I managed to fall asleep, his arms never let me go through the night. It was reassuring to know I finally had someone there, someone I couldn't share everything with. And maybe I wouldn't have to use myself as an outlet now he was there. Maybe, I wasn't alone anymore.
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kochlandhomestead · 2 years
Wow did September really just fly by like that? Feels like just 2 weeks ago I was doing this for August but heres my self accountability post for the end of the 9th month of 2022
Lets start with the ol resale business. Historical Days was a big success. I got rid of a lot of my old stock from the shed and made a nice profit on the weekend. Really wish I could get to more festivals and markets. That was a goal for this year that I am failing at. eBay had gone cold since the first week of September but I had 3 sales this week. With 4th quarter starting now hopefully it will be getting even better. I learned a lot last week at eBay open, lets see if I can transform that into sales. I also am looking into a booth at a local flea market that is open on Fridays. Possibly going to open there in November. Its a risk and a big step but it just may be time.
Classes started Monday in my Ag science and organic growing classes. Its been a challenge this week but I feel im back in the flow. I even got my first week assignment done early, y'all know thats a big one for me.
Things around the Homestead are winding down into what I refer to as hibernation time. The garden is ready to be put to bed, hopefully I get to that nexg week. Pears and apples need picked. Gotta dig potatoes yet and see how that harvest is. Lots of little things but its about over.
I didn't have a single Wrestling show this month. We did do our company picnic last Saturday but besides that nothing. The quiet is killing me. October has a couple but November is really bare. Gotta do something about this.
My TV back log has gotten worse. Im weeks behind on Wrestling. Its really ridiculous lol. I haven't watched any of She-Hulk or House Of Dragons. Seems everyday I add on another episode or 5 of the network shows that I try to catch as much of as possible like FBI or Law & Order. I haven't even seen the new Thor yet. I am caught up on Andor of course and am still working through my rewatch of Fear the walking dead. For someone that completely cut the cord this list is nuts!
Speaking of cutting the cord lets discuss my "off grid" life as it is. So many projects and ideas I had for the summer went unstarted. I really had hoped to have a little wood stove set up but not even close. I did get a bucket washing machine built for hand washing and of course my water collection system grew nicely. But still im way behind even though im far better than I was last year at this time.
My health has been good and ive really been doing well at eating. Im near my calorie goal almost everyday. Cooler weather really helps as does less time spent working outside. Now to finally start regular workouts again.
With just a month to go its time to start really planning and working on the upcoming holiday season here and at the Santa House. All while trying to enjoy spooky season too. Its a juggling act sometimes.
The personal life thing is pretty much as wacky as always. Mom and Dad have both been doing good. Dad has a bum shoulder but he says it is feeling a little better. Tyler has been coming around a little bit more now that he has Whiskey to take out. She sure is a cutie and becoming a good pal of mine. I been thinking again about a new cat or dog. Maybe near Christmas? My special person and myself have had a difficult time of getting together. Always seems to be something come up. Its hard with busy lives and a bit of a distance between us. We have plans for next Saturday so hopefully.... It was great to hang out with the Wrestling family last week, tomorrow I get more of that plus the Town Meeting crew. Having a small social life is sad at times but it makes me enjoy it more when it happens. A goal for 2023 is more interaction with friends and family and less alone time!
I think thats enough for tonights book. If you made it through thanks for reading. These things are always kinda hard for me to do but I really feel that they along with you who do read help me keep myself in check.
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gregory20774 · 1 month
Advantages of Installing Your New Roof in Alexandria Virginia
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Your New Roof is a Worthy Investment
You’ve probably heard a lot about the allure of shiny objects, and for some people, a new roof fits the category.
But that’s often not the case! Your home’s roof is a different kind of investment altogether.
A new roof is a worthy investment, because of its aesthetics, energy savings, health benefits, increased home value, and eco-friendly advantages—whether you’re in Alexandria, Springfield, Arlington, or anywhere in Fairfax County.
View Our Roofing Services
Let's Talk Curb Appeal!
Your house is as attractive as its roof. It’s often the first thing people notice when they get around the block to your home. The roof plays a substantial role in the overall aesthetics of the home, combined with the style and landscaping.
The moment you decide to install a new roof is the time your house takes on a newer, fresher look.
Your neighbors will notice, and it may even enhance the overall neighborhood aesthetic in your Northern Virginia neighborhood.
Going home to a nice-looking home in a nice neighborhood is a source of comfort and pride.
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A New Roof Adds Beauty to Your Northern Virginia Home
Your house is as attractive as its roof. It’s often the first thing people notice when they get around the block to your home. The roof plays a substantial role in the overall aesthetics of the home, combined with the style and landscaping.
The moment you decide to install a new roof is the time your house takes on a newer, fresher look.
Your neighbors will notice, and it may even enhance the overall neighborhood aesthetic in your Northern Virginia neighborhood.
Going home to a nice-looking home in a nice neighborhood is a source of comfort and pride.
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A New Roof Adds Weatherproofing and Peace of Mind to your Home
A quality roof can serve you well for 20 years or more if properly installed.  Ultimately, the lifespan depends on the quality of installation, durability, and materials chosen.
If your roof is reaching the end of its lifespan, or if you become nervous at at the sight of gathering clouds, it’s time to consider your next steps.  We understand that not having confidence in y our home can make anyone uneasy, and we are here to help.
When a roof no longer functions properly, the home can suffer from water leaks, which are able to be repaired and mitigated if addressed in a timely manner, but which can present major problems if left untreated over time.
If your roof’s age or quality concerns you, we are here to assist.  Call EI Contractors, your Northern Virginia Roofing Specialists, to discuss your options!
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Your New Roof in Alexandria Saves Money and Enhances Energy Efficiency
Did you know that a new roof can actually help you save money?
Many manufacturers these days are jumping on the eco-friendly wagon as it’s good for business. That means most of the new roofs are made with special materials that keep your house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
Your air conditioner and heater won’t have to work as hard. And when they don’t work as hard, you pay less for electricity and gas. Less spending on utilities means more money in your pocket. Contact us to begin planning your new roof in Northern Virginia to begin saving money.
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Your New Roof in Fairfax County offers Peace of Mind
For many people with aging roofs, leak repair is a frequent task – but wet weather shouldn’t be a worry.
Temporary quick fixes are not effective, may allow water intrusion and damage, and provide ideal conditions for mold and mildew.
Mold can lead to allergies and a host of other illnesses, and can be very difficult to remove or remediate.
A new roof keeps water out and ensures a cleaner and healthier home environment for your family.
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Your New Roof Adds Value to Your Northern Virginia Home
When purchasing a new home, inspectors assess the home’s attributes, and consistently advise purchasers on remaining roof life. If selling your home in the future may be on the table, adding a new roof can provide a solid return on investment in addition to the several other benefits we’ve identified.
Homebuyers love seeing a new roof because it means they won’t have to replace it themselves for a long time. The enhanced curb appeal that a new roof brings is also apparent.
Some experts mention a 60% return on investment for a home with a new roof. 
When considering the peace of mind, return on investment, curb appeal, energy efficiency, and other benefits, the value of your new roof becomes increasingly clear.
Your New Roof in Alexandria Helps the Environment
Most of us agree that eco-friendly products are more appealing, especially in light of global warming. This means that modern roofs are often made with environmentally-friendly materials that align with consumer desires—your desires.
These materials might be recycled or recyclable, ensuring sustainability. Additionally, new roofs are designed to be more energy-efficient, helping you reduce energy usage and benefiting the planet. It’s helping the planet one roof at a time.
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This is Northern Virginia - Be Ready for Anything!
The Northern Virginia climate can be quite uncertain.  From dry heat spells to torrential rains and hail, to tropical storms and hurricanes or snow and ice – we must be prepared for anything.
A new roof that is strong and ready to protect your home from whatever Mother Nature throws at it provides just the protection you need for your Northern Virginia home.
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For anybody who’s been waiting on an update for this. Yes, I’m still writing it. The story’s there; it’s just taking a loooong time to write it out unfortunately. I hope to have the next chapter out by next weekend, but here’s another sneak peak to hold you
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New York, 1987
Mindless humans flood the streets of Manhattan with their wild hair and wide shoulders, all in a rush to be somewhere. A few teens listen to Springsteen on their boombox nearby: playing is a song about loss, about oppression, but his upbeat voice disguises it as an American dream, and so the kids dance carelessly on their stoop. Crowley passes them and switches it to Queen just for the fun of it. They stop and ponder at the change. His lip twitches in devilish joy.
He enters an old brick building a few blocks down from them. Much like the ones outside, these humans also embrace the big hair and large shoulder pads—only much duller to better blend in with the office space. It reminds him a lot of headquarters downstairs. Most of this lot lost the gleam in their eyes the moment they asked, “When can I start?”
But the worker on the third floor in the eighth desk to Crowley’s left lost that light shortly after becoming the third Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, circa 1768. He may look like an ordinary thirteen year old boy wearing a banal suit with a matching gray tie, but he is one of the greatest anomalies of all time. The demon finds a group standing beside the water cooler discussing the matter passionately:
“He just looks young for his age,” claims a woman. “He’s been here over thirty years.”
“He’s one of those, you know… small people,” another chimes in.
The woman beside him shakes her head in disagreement. “He’s a boy genius. Probably skipped a few dozen grades to get here.”
“Why would a boy genius choose to work here? As an accountant?”
“Maybe he was cursed by a demon or something,” says a young lad. His coworkers all ignore him and he sips his drink unbothered as Crowley pushes past them. Their paper cups dissolve and water spills out onto their clothing, except for the one who guessed it right.
This not quite boy but not quite man goes by many names: Eustace, in his youth. The Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne up until the war with the colonies brought him to America around 1775. Elzy Lay, briefly, in his rebellious years. These days he is simply known as Stacey Newcastle. But one still calls him something else entirely.
“Nuisance!” Crowley greets. His happy expression is met with a blank stare and soulless eyes. Stacey’s attention turns back to his work. The demon plops himself onto the desk. “I’m in town for a few days. Supposed to tempt some politician who’s been acting a little too saintly for the boys downstairs. Don’t understand the point, really. These blokes find their way back to corruption without the devil’s voice in their heads—how about lunch?”
“I’m busy,” he answers boredly.
The demon reaches for a manila folder and flips through it before Stacey promptly yanks it from his grasp. “What is it you actually do here? Looks like a lot of rinse and repeat to me.” Stacey does not answer. A phone rings in the distance. Somebody coughs. Crowley swings his feet in the air as he takes a good look around at the zombies all poisoned by capitalism, just moving through the motions without thought. His attention turns back to the boy, who behaves similarly. “This place is Hell, you know.”
“I know.”
Guilt briefly consumes him but he shakes it away as they both stand. Stacey takes his paper and starts toward the fax machine. Crowley follows as if he were the boy’s shadow. “I'll go… tempt that… erm, priest or whoever real quick, then we can meet up for an early dinner. How about it?”
“I said I’m busy,” he replies irritably. He pauses, seeming to regret his harshness. “Why are you even here?”
“I told you,” says the demon. Stacey inserts the paper into the machine and dials a number; the machine begins scanning. “To tempt that… erm, did I say politician or priest? I forget...”
“You said both.” The fax machine finishes and he goes back to his desk. Crowley follows. “You don’t need to check up on me anymore. I’m fine.”
Crowley removes his eyewear and looks at him with his true eyes, then gestures at the dullness around them. “Are you?”
Stacey turns away without answering and continues with his work. Humans are not meant to last forever; his soul, at this point, must be screaming to get out.
And Crowley finds himself back on the streets of Manhattan soon after—alone, watching humanity pass him without a second thought. When did they become so stiff, so robotic? He remembers, fondly, of the days when they were running in fields and embracing the rain. Now they hide from it in their brick boxes. Now they march in unison, giving meaning to things not meant to have meaning.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” He turns to see Aziraphale walking among them, a welcome light around sudden gloominess. “We could have carpooled.”
“Just here to cause some chaos, angel,” he says distantly, then turns to him curiously; rarely these days does he see Aziraphale outside of his bookshop in Soho, London. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, performing a few miracles here and there,” he says, unconvincingly. He gestures to Stacey’s office building. “I thought I’d treat Eustace to lunch.”
Something twists in his stomach as they both look up at the old building before them. “He’s busy.”
England, 10th Century, cont.
A group of children swing happily in a circle, singing a joyful tune about death—to cope with their many hardships. But Aziraphale claps along anyway. Humans create the most beautiful art when confronting the worst kinds of tragedies. The song finishes and they come tumbling to the ground in fits of giggles; the angel applauds their performance. And the children all scatter at the sudden intrusion of a man with his wagon. Aziraphale greets him kindly before stepping out of his way.
The angel follows the children, who settle again near the harbor to watch the fisherman set sail. They wave passionately at the stranger, then run off when he blends too much with the sea. Aziraphale remains. His eyes close, listening to the birds squawking and the sea swaying. This moment makes up for all the pain God inflicts into this world.
He feels a tap on his shoulder. “Erm, angel,” says Crowley nervously.
His eyes open as he turns to greet his old friend—but his smile falters when his eyes meet the demon’s very serious demeanor. “Crowley,” Aziraphale says quietly. When the demon says nothing, he takes the lead: “How are you?”
Crowley shifts uncomfortably. “Oh, fine… I’m fine,” he assures halfheartedly, and Aziraphale does not quite believe him. “You?”
“Well, I—”
“Great, great… Listen, we may have a slight problem.”
He wonders, briefly, if earth’s ineffable destruction moved up slightly. But surely the archangels would have informed him of such plans. A nervousness settles inside him. “What sort of problem?”
Crowley moves to reveal a boy: dark hair, brown eyes, an exact copy of a boy now surely an old man, of a man perhaps now dead. But still, he questions: “Eustace?”
“Yep,” growls Crowley.
“Oh, dear.”
New York, 1987, cont.
The metaphorical work whistle blows at five. Stacey exits the building briefcase in hand and joins the zombies in their stride. Demon and angel follow. They pass the now empty stoop with the opening of Another One Bites the Dust playing faintly out the window—the music stops, starts playing again, and then stops before repeating. The kids inside argue about the switching tape:
“What did you do to it, man?”
“I didn’t do nothing. It was your boombox that jacked it up.”
“My brother’s gonna kill me!”
Aziraphale turns to Crowley disapprovingly. “Oh, you didn’t?”
He laughs wickedly. “Oh, yes I did!”
The angel gestures toward the window and the music miraculously switches back to Springsteen. They continue on. Stacey disperses from the crowd and madly dashes into the road when he catches sight of a dumper truck dashes forward. Aziraphale gestures toward the road and the truck swerves to miss him. Stacey turns to them with an annoyed expression, and the angel steps back. “You must be more careful, Eustace,” he tells him softly.
Crowley hums, feeling that twist inside him again. The human soul is screaming to get out. But he moves on instead of facing the guilt. “Right, so how about dinner?”
Stacey takes them to his flat instead: a cramped rodent infested hellhole far below his price range. He lives in filth because he simply does not care anymore. Aziraphale wheezes as a family of cockroaches scurry across the room. Crowley, uncaring, crosses to the window and looks outside. The same kids from before now run in the streets cheerfully, blasting that blasted Springsteen song again. He groans, then snaps it back to Queen.
He plops down onto the worn green sofa bought in some 1955 furniture catalog. Aziraphale hesitantly joins him. Stacey presents them with a collection of take-out menus. “Choose your poison.” The angel eagerly begins looking through them while Crowley channel surfs.
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renaissanceman5073 · 1 year
How to lose your job.
Five Ways to Lose Your Job
Some jobs are meant to be lost, let's just be honest. If you're sitting behind your cubicle this morning drafting "TPS reports" or whatever, while some belt and suspenders jerk is stealing your stapler, perhaps getting fired is the least of your problems. Let's also be honest about this: If you hate your job, you will not do it well, nor will you do it with the right attitude. Then, before you know it, you will have put yourself on a new career track - that of a fired person.
I always tell every client, friend or family member that you should keep your head down and do your work until you find something else. Getting fired does nothing to help your career and, trust me on this, you will receive a big fat "F" stamped on your forehead that will hinder your ability to get a better job in the future.
That said, it never ceases to amaze me how many employees simply cannot help themselves. They are angry at their lives, spouses, bosses, God or whatever else. They see the workplace as the perfect opportunity to release their frustrations, predictably leading to the end of their employment. Then there are the normal folks who get fired for seemingly no reason. One day you're doing an adequate job, the next day your meeting with HR to discuss your "exit interview."
So, I thought I would share with you the top five ways that, in my experience, people get fired.
1.  Attendance Half of life is just showing up, said Woody Allen. "Attendance" means showing up and showing up on time. If you can't get to your job on time, how can you be trusted with anything more significant? If you inconvenience your boss or make co-workers cover for you because you needed a little extra time to nurse that hangover, you're just setting yourself up for failure. Be there and be on time. Punctual people are taken seriously.
2.  Creating Office Drama Every workplace has its resident drama queen or king. This employee can't help but to tell you what Joe did or did not do last week with his TPS reports. He or she hangs out by the water cooler eagerly waiting to tell you about the crush Larry has on Betty or how Johnny got hammered after work on Friday and went home with Susan.
Guess what, no one cares. Most people go to work with the sole purpose of simply surviving the day, getting home and having a good weekend. This includes your boss. If you are the employee who wastes everyone else's time with minutiae, then you will be viewed as a drag and, eventually, they will get rid of you.
3.  Showing up your Boss If you're the guy that can't wait to show your boss's boss how stupid your boss is, you won't be around for very long. I am always amazed when I hear about some young go-getter getting himself in trouble at work because he went over his boss's head. His excuse is always the same: "Well, I am just trying to get the right result." Well that's bullshit and everyone knows it. You're trying to get your boss's job and don't think for a second that your boss's boss doesn't also know that. Once you have a reputation as a back-biter, you're finished.
Instead, focus on making your boss look good and look for opportunities to be seen working closely with him or her in front of management. You'll get the credit eventually but, more importantly, your superiors will know that they can trust you to help them look good. That's the employee people keep around.
4.  Bringing Home to Work We've all heard the expression "bringing his work home." Typically the stereotypical power player can't leave work at the office. He has to bring it home and bother his family with it. Well, the opposite can also be true and be just as detrimental to your career. Leave your non-work problems at home. When you're at work, you need to be focused exclusively on work. If you burden your boss or co-workers with your divorce, then they will lose faith in your ability to perform at a high level and eventually look elsewhere for someone less distracted.
5.  Breaking the Mold Too Often A good friend of mine once wrote that no one wants to see you succeed too greatly or fail too badly. The theory, he says, is that people are comfortable with a certain level of conformity and sticking your head up too often will get you in trouble. I think he's right. It's great to think outside the box. It's great to break the mold and be unconventional, especially if you own your own business. But, if you are always swimming in the opposite direction of the other fish, they will eventually consume  you. Don't be the guy or gal in the meeting that always tells nine other people that the consensus is stupid. There is a time and place for that, but choose it wisely. You really can only shoot that arrow once.
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 2997
we came home today.
joel woke up and he woke me up and he crawled into bed with me for a moment, groaning in pain and breathing heavily, so obviously something was wrong. just as quickly as he crawled into bed with me, he ran to the bathroom and discarded the contents of his stomach into the toilet.
poor thing stayed there for a few minutes so i got up and got him some cold water, because everyone knows cold water when you yak is better than lukewarm water. he was miserable.
so i let him sleep some more as i showered and got dressed, putting the trash bin next to him by the bed.
eventually he got up and we packed our stuff up, i brought around the car and we shoved everything in there. we left after joel dropped the keys at the front desk. and we were off.
we were back at the house just before 11am, joel was feeling still crappy, but he was less emotionally drained because listening to music always helps him feel more alive. he did that on the way back, so that was helpful. when we got back, we picked separate beds and crashed for a few hours. i have never been so happy to sleep in our bed. i went so far as to even call it comfortable. joel was downstairs on the futon in the living room. he wanted to be in the cooler downstairs, so i let him be.
a few hours later, we were woken up to help unload the truck. it was me, ed, and brain mostly moving things because joel was still in so much pain from hefting and moving shit after walking 25+ miles in four days or something ridiculous like that. so we let him have a break, and if he moved something, it was light. thankfully a lot of the stuff that was heavier was already being moved, and i labeled everything that was heavy in my department, so i knew what was where and how heavy it would be. i think the other departments should do that too. we should have things on rolling carts with color-coded labels on all of them. that's my opinion.
after that was unloaded, we both came back inside and went back to sleep.
i woke up for class where we discussed some questions, and i found on the list that most of mine were still there! and i was able to get good answers and more direction for looking into stuff, so that was nice.
i'm not feeling terribly confident about that project, but i'm working on it. having the con consume my time for so long hasn't been helping either. i need to chat with my professors.
also i have PT in the morning. and work, fully scheduled all day. thank fuck we get paid thursday because i'm broke again. still. it's okay.
joel is cold, but i'm warm so he's cuddled against me and i just want to pass out, but comfortably, meaning not too hot. but joel is just the gentlest person i know and i love him so much. he's a softie and i love everything about him, from his gremlin outward nature to his relationship with his mom to his choice in hats. he's such a good person and i love him so much, and it's so much more than i thought i would find.
i'm a happy clam.
it's time for sleep.
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
One Piece Men needing a Blue Sky Holiday
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Here's some One Piece guys having a bad day and here's how you ruined it (͡• ͜໒ ͡• )
You just wanted a cool drink from the gas station but the door read ‘No shirt, no service’ and you had a lengthy discussion on what  classified as a shirt and him covering his nipples with his hands upon entry wouldn’t cut it
After explaining how he had such a long day of reluctantly doing paperwork and what not, he also  had to explain how he ate the Chilly-Chilly Fruit and not the Chili-Chili Fruit and you two had a very lengthy talk about his devil fruit being somewhat of a misnomer since he couldn’t spontaneously generate bowls of chili, and when he disagreed with you, you decided to file a complaint to Fleet Admiral Sengoku and now he has to read it over the next day he goes in to work and sign all 73 pages that outline your argument
You reasoned that if he ate the kinetic version of the Sand-Sand fruit, his powers would be a lot more cooler since sandcastles would be easier to build and he would be a lot more ASMR friendlier, which might help with his attitude problems
Waitress: “Hmm, Coke, no, but we do have Pepsi – is that okay?” Franky: "No-" You: "Yeah, that will be fine – pretty much the same thing, right?”
He saw you coming with your bullshit but wasn’t rude enough to turn you away. He is now forcing himself to consume end-of-the-shift Dunkin donuts and watered down Dunkin Refreshers that had its ice melt more than 45 minutes ago but at least your company makes up for it but you were still on that bullshit to get him old Dunkins lmao
You were goading him into thinking he couldn’t do this cool trick you discovered and while he was clouded over in anger and being super competitive, you managed to trick him into ‘drawing’ a dick on your new widescreen tablet with his magnetic devil fruit powers - which was actually the the 65” TV that belonged in the common area and now everyone is mad at the both of you
You discovered his Squishmallow collection that he swore up and down was Bepo’s until you threatened to punch them all. Bepo still cried that you would even think to do that, you monster
You asked him to smell this really cool but very dubious plant that was on clearance at Lowe’s that had no label besides a barely legible cat silhouette on it. Now he’s been rolling around all over the floor while making really weird screeching sounds and  clawing the shit out of anything to that dares to move for the past 3 hours.
You set up a bunch of those faux food soaps with the hopes that he would use it to bathe, but instead he proceeded to break into your edible looking wax melts that smelled deliciously like food since you kept them in close proximity in the bathroom and now he has  a very bad tummy ache
You accidentally broke the bottle of wine he intended to share with you in 5 minutes – not having enough time to look through his extensive wine cellar, you knew exactly where his red wine vinegar was and poured him a glass. He then started to choke exactly like this.
You warned him that the food was a little spicy as a joke and he still caught on fire
You told him that you knew a great bar to unwind at with plenty of exotic dancers that are topless the whole time but was not at all entertained when the Chippendales was on stage the entire night
You gifted him some really nice cigars while yall were at a party but he got really buzzed and he thought he was eating some ants on a log but didn’t realize that he was actually eating his cigars until he was already 4 sticks in
X Drake:
You keep preparing to tell him about the details of this really cool, super top secret mission that nobody can know about except him and if you so much get a whiff of him thinking about snitching you out, you will open the door and get on the floor so everybody walk the dinosaur. You never explain the details btw
You two were in the middle of arguing and he says something that really rubs you the wrong way; you turn to look behind you to see who the fuck he’s talking to and when you turn back to face him, he’s gone. Now he’s big mad since you put him on search to find who he was talking to and he can’t find his way back to you to give a proper answer
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sailoryooons · 2 years
Mixtape | Two | myg (m)
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☾ Pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
☾ Summary: You've had a crush on Yoongi for most of your life. On a holiday trip to the cabin, you’re reunited with Yoongi after not seeing him from two years and things go less than according to plan.
☾ Word Count: 14,748
☾ Genre: Childhood friends to lovers/brother’s bff, smut, angst
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Warnings: Talking about feelings, difficult conversations regarding potential relationships, fluff, explicit language, angst if you squint hard a y/n, some self-doubt, explicit language, recreational drinking, mentions of recreational drug use, mentions of smoking, mentions of past hookups/ less ideal sexual encounters, sexual tension, explicit sexual content including: spitting, throat fucking, oral (m. receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, not really degradation but y/n calls Yoongi a slut as a joke during sex, nipple play (Yoongi is a tit guy), protected sex, a lot of biting and licking they’re kinda feral, discussion of sex in public places, y/n is kind of a hypocrite about what she wants but not necessarily in a negative way, topics of friendship betrayals, lying to friends. Please tell me if I missed something.
☾ Published: April 16, 2022
☾ A/N: Chapter 2/4 is here! This entire last half was driven by absolutely insane That That Yoongi. I went a little feral in parts because wow wow wow. I really wanted to make Yoongi a Consensual King and constantly ask reader if they're okay and ensure they know they can stop at any time- so hopefully that comes across okay. This is the slowest chapter in terms of plot. 3 and 4 have a purpose, because we have a story to finish :)
☾ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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Sweat and sunscreen stick to your thighs as you shift on the vinyl seats of the boat, trying not to slide while Seokjin works on anchoring it to the bottom of the lake. Jimin is doing the same on another, identical boat while Taehyung and Jungkook work in tandem with Namjoon and Yoongi to tie the boats together, careful to place buoys between them so they don’t scratch the paint.
White-hot sun scalds the top of your head. You lean down, fishing for a hat before you find one and twist it low, almost covering your eyes completely from your friends and the overly bright world around you. Which is fine by you, since you’re struggling to interact with anyone normally, thoughts empty and a head full of Yoongi’s tongue lapping at your pussy.
You have no idea how you’re going to survive the day.
Knowing where you stand is impossible. Yoongi had gently led you out of his room last night with a grin and a sweeter-than-expected goodnight kiss. You’ve barely spoken this morning- which is normal, so you’re not panicked- but you still cannot shake the feeling of his hands on you and in you.
Everything is different. 
The plus side is that everyone knows you hate lake water and that you will spend the next few hours in the safety of the boat. There’s a Nintendo hiding in your dry bag and a pack of hard cider in the cooler that has your name written all over it. Literally. You scribbled your name on it this morning to keep Namjoon’s greedy hands off of it. 
Seokjin extends a green, floating lily pad into the water so that they can place drinks and food out without having to worry about it floating off. The smell of sunscreen is poignant as everyone begins stripping, chatting about the party last night.
“I definitely found her passed out in her bedroom at 2 AM,” Ren snickers, grinning at you while she sprays her lean leg. “We’re old, man.”
“Yeah,” you rasp, licking your dry lips. You sneak a glance at Yoongi, but he’s not looking at you. “I was pretty tired. Last night took a lot out of me.”
Yoongi does look at you then. You almost don’t catch it because he’s bent over with his hand in the cooler, a hat almost pulled as low as yours on his head. His lip twitches and he looks away from you as while smirking down into the cooler. You feel yourself fighting a smile as you look away, satisfied that he wasn’t ignoring you. 
Once almost everyone is off the boat and in the water, you manage to bring yourself to strip off the oversized shirt and grab your switch, laying toward the bow of the boat with your legs extended, absorbing the heat of the sun. Sweat collects behind your knees, sliding down your legs as you turn on your game. 
A cider appears in front of you, dripping water from the cooler onto the screen of your Switch. You make a sound and snatch it, looking up to find Yoongi with raised brows.
“Careful with the hardware, yeah?” You ask, cracking the top and scooting over to make room for him. Your heart is pounding but you swallow it down with a mouth full of hard cider. “It’s the new OLED version.”
“You weren’t worried about your hardware last night.”
You scoff and he seats down next to you, pressed against your side. His laugh is full-bellied and deep, making you bite your lower lip. You’re relieved when he stretches his limbs, still dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, tilting his head up with his eyes closed, the sun turning his skin gold.
For a moment, you stare at the open canvas of his neck. You have the urge to lean forward and bite into him, to suck marks all over his pretty, smooth skin.
Instead, you turn your attention to your game and settle into a comfortable silence with him, cider wedged between the two of you. He eventually lifts your drink, one eye squinted open and looking at you as if daring you to say something to him. You don’t, and he gives you a shit-eating grin as he takes a sip.
“Sweet,” he murmurs.
You nod. “It’s my favorite cider.”
“I wasn’t talking about the cider.”
Oh. Oh. His gaze is on you now. The world feels overly loud at the comment and you’re acutely aware that everyone is in the water conversing, leaving you and Yoongi alone in the boat. It’s normal for the two of you to watch them from afar. No one would think- does think- anything of it. Especially not Seokjin, who trusts Yoongi with his little sister above anything else.
Guilt clangs through you immediately and you switch from burning hot under his hooded gaze to confused and anxious. Yoongi notes the change and closes his eyes, settling back to his position with his hands behind his head. His biceps flex, making you divert your gaze. 
Instead of coming up with a riposte, you turn to your game, playing as though he’s not sitting next to you taking subtle sips of your cider. You can almost feel how smug he is that you let him, despite having told the group that they were yours alone to drink.
“Tell me about your game,” he hums.
“Umm,” you click through a voice menu. “It’s Pokémon.”
“Namjoon loves that.”
You smile. “He does. It’s an open-world version. Basically, it’s a lot like the older version where you kind of go around and battle openly, but there’s more specific tasks and missions and you can veer from the storyline as much as you want and come back to it.”
“What’s your favorite Pokémon?”
“Haunter and Flareon.” You click around as he listens, the music soothing. “I almost cried five minutes into the game because I ran into an Eevee and it got away. I wanted a Flareon so bad.”
He hums. “I like the sassy cat.”
You smirk. “Checks out.” You pause hold a hand out. He sighs and hands you your drink, letting you drain it. You move to get more but Yoongi waves you off, hauling himself up and walking over to the cooler. You watch as he pulls another one out, cracking it open and bringing it back to you. “Thanks. Do you plan on just sharing my drinks today?”
“Not in a mood to drink.”
“Too drunk last night?”
He looks at you and that thundering gaze is back, making you clench around nothing. You swear he makes you wet by just looking like that, and you try to cool yourself off with a couple of sips. You’re both in dangerous territory. He has to know this.
“Yes, but not from the alcohol.”
“You’re a lot more… forward than I expected.”
“Would you rather I pretend I didn’t eat you out last night? I think that would be worse.”
He’s absolutely right. Pretending that nothing happened would be infinitely worse.
“I guess I just worried about Seokjin.”
“He has no idea.”
He raises his brows. “So.”
“I hate when you make me say everything.”
“I love watching you squirm. You’re a big girl, you can say what’s on your mind.” He leans back with a wolfish smile. “I’m listening.”
“So where do we go now? I never really expected you to be into me sexually if we’re being honest. What with being best friends with my brother and all.”
Said brother laughs loudly, drawing both of your attention for a moment. His wet hair is slicked back, face tilted toward the sky, laughing at something Suri said. You can’t tell if her cheeks are tinged pink because of the flush from the sun or because of Seokjin.
Interesting. You smirk, filing away that piece of information, recalling that they had taken up residence next to one another on the couch the night before. Seokjin hasn’t dated much. It would be nice to see him pay attention to someone, even if it was for a weekend.
“I love your brother,” Yoongi says slowly. “He's incredibly important to me."
“But,” you prompt, sensing a but.
“But,” he agrees with a grin. “I’m not going to sit here and say I’m not attracted to you. Have been for a while, I don’t know. I haven’t seen you in a while so I guess when I finally did I just… lost control a little?”
Have been for a while, I don’t know.
How long is a while? Something stops you from asking the question because suddenly every entry you ever wrote in your diary about him is right in front of you. You feel dizzy. From the heat, from Yoongi’s heavy stare, from the words he is saying.
Years. You had spent years admiring him from afar. Swallowing whatever affection you had because it was unrequited. Stupid. 
And there he is, lounging as the boat bobs up and down gently, telling you that you are wrong. That every excuse you’ve ever given yourself was nothing more than that: an excuse, and a false one at that. 
“Your silence is killing me, kid.”
There it is, that nickname. He’d called you ‘kid’ most of your life, as if reminding you exactly what you are to him. It confuses you, and you feel your internal frustration mount, making you frown. “You’re… attracted to me?”
He raises his brows. “Is that really the question you want to ask?” You shake your head and he looks at you, eyes soft. “So ask what you really want.”
“What do you want? Did you make a move because you’re just looking to get off physically or was it something more?”
“It’s a complicated answer. The simple version is: I haven’t ever gotten to know you intimately. I’ve always been… curious. We have similar interests and I like the way your brain works. I’m into you.”
“I sense another but.”
“But,” he chuckles. “You’ve always been Jin’s little sister and I haven't gotten to know you as you. As you are now. And I would really like to. We're two consenting adults, I find it hard to believe your brother would be that upset."
“Seriously? Have you met Jin?”
“Yeah, I- “
Yoongi doesn’t get to finish his explanation. Seokjin all but falls into the boat, hollering at Yoongi that it’s time for them to start working on lunch. Yoongi groans and gives you a look that promises your heart isn’t racing for no reason- he intends to finish this conversation later. The thought makes you jittery, watching as he gets up, flicking your hat briefly.
You growl at him and he smiles before helping Seokjin pull out the propane grill.
Fuck. You smile down at your lap. Perhaps your stupid crush wasn’t so stupid after all.
Despite putting on sunscreen, your flesh warm and a little tender to the touch after your shower. You curse, hugging your towel close. Still dripping, you walk into the bedroom you’re sharing with Ren to find her passed out from all of the day drinking. You grin at her and pull her comforter over her, her wet hair soaking her pillow. She mumbled a soft thanks before falling back asleep.
The house is quiet when you walk down to the kitchen in search of snacks. Taehyung and Mako are playing video games in the gaming room, their voices carrying from the single subterranean part of the home.
It’s the calm before the storm. Everyone is taking their afternoon naps, drained from the sun. Seokjin made dinner reservations at The Lodge for 9 PM- a late time in any other situation, but you know to get the crew well-rested and dressed before going out to the multiple bars on Acorn, the late start is necessary.
Grabbing water from the fridge, you close the door and nearly jump out of your skin to see Yoongi leaning against the counter behind the opened door.
“Jesus,” you gasp at him.
“Wrong guy,” Yoongi jokes. “Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Needed water first- and Ren is snoring.”
He hums. “You were always a light sleeper.”
You recall countless nights of running into Yoongi in the hall when he slept over at your house while you snuck down to the kitchen for water or snacks. You always struggled to sleep, especially if he and Seokjin were carrying on down the way.
“It’s super cold in the theater room,” Yoongi says after a few long moments of silence. “And I won’t be snoring.” He grabs water from the fridge and walks toward the east wing of the house. “You know where to find me.”
You linger in the kitchen for a moment before smiling and trailing after Yoongi. The theater room is on the first level of the home, tucked in the back with no windows and three rows of six, plush recliners. An old-school popcorn machine sits in the back with a bar cart filled with toppings, flavors, candy, and bowls for popcorn.
Yoongi is stretched in the back row, wrapped in a soft, fleece blanket with the seat reclined all the way down. He has Naruto on, the volume set to low, and the lights all the way down. It’s freezing in the room, making you hurry over to him when he glances at you, light from the screen dancing on his face. He unravels the covers and gestures for you to sit on the seat next to him.
The leather is cold making you hiss. Yoongi laughs but throws the blanket over you. You curl into a ball and lean the seat back, finally level with his. For a moment, you’re tense, muscles coiled as you fixate on the screen in front of you, not sure if he invited you with other intentions or not.
“Relax, kid.” You breathe out, letting your muscles unwind. He hums. “Good girl. I only brought you in here to relax. Nothing else.”
You pause and bite your lip. “Thought you said you wanted to fuck me stupid.”
Yoongi turns his gaze to you. His blonde hair is still damp from his shower, almost blue in the light from the screen. Shadows dance across his face, coal eyes studying you while he purses his lips in thought. “Still do. But we’re both tired and I told Jungkook where I’d be after his shower if he wanted to join.”
“Poor planning on your part.”
The door behind you opens and you flinch. Jungkook comes in yawning and rubbing his eyes, hair dripping as he promptly drops into the seat next to you. If Jungkook notices anything off, he doesn’t say it or he doesn’t care. He leans his seat back and curls toward you immediately, making grabby hands.
“Get your own blanket,” you snarl at him, tugging the fleece away from him.
He whines. “Yoongi make her share.”
The older man laughs. “What makes you think she’ll listen to me?”
Jungkook cracks open an eye and gives you a look that says I’ll say it. You fold your mouth into a thin line. It doesn’t matter if Jungkook sells you out to Yoongi now. You’ve already crossed a line. You still give Jungkook a look back and he relents. “She always listens to you and Jin.”
Yoongi scoffs but he nudges you under the blanket. “Your roommate, your responsibility.”
There are times you want to strangle Jeon Jungkook. This moment is one of them, giving him some of the blanket that you planned to share with Yoongi. He nearly purrs, curling into a ball and leaning into you across the armrest, nuzzling your arm until he’s comfortable. His eyes fixate on the screen, blinking tiredly.
“I like this episode,” he mumbles, content with your arm as his pillow. “Good choice.”
“Predictable choice,” you mutter.
Yoongi’s hand brushes against your thigh momentarily under the blanket and you nearly scream. Your head snaps in his direction, expecting him not to notice. But he does, grinning at you with gums full on display and head tilted to the side. “I’m sorry- don’t you still watch Sailor Moon?”
His hand does it again and your thigh is on fire, thighs clenching as he squeezes your thigh and leaves it there. He turns to the screen and settles. “Those in glass houses…”
You huff, unable to focus on the screen as his hand rests on your thigh, thumb stroking back and forth delicately. Jungkook is completely unaware, eyes closed and mouth slightly agape as he falls asleep. You always envied that about him. “Hush,” you warn Yoongi. “The baby is sleeping.”
Lights line the dark street as your group files out of the two SUVs parked behind the trendy restaurant. You’ve eaten there before- it’s a modern-western dream with interior decorators that did a much better job than those who designed the inside of the Park home.
A black accent wall lines the back of the restaurant with a wooden bar in front of it, industrial lighting hanging from the ceiling. The bar stools are wrapped in fake cowhide with nail-head trimming. Long, wooden beams hold up the high ceiling, making it feel like a tavern as your group is led to a private room in the back of the establishment, hidden behind a heavy door.
The Lodge specializes in a variety of meats, cuts, and ridiculously large dishes. You look at the mouthwatering burger options while Jungkook fidgets next to you. You glance at him sidelong and whisper, “What is your problem?”
“My button broke,” he whispers back, gesturing to his crotch. 
You take a hair tie out of your purse and instruct him on how to fix the broken top of his jeans with it. He struggles, cursing as he looks in his lap while trying to loop the tie around the button. You sigh dramatically, dropping your menu to help him and he get’s even fussier. 
“Jungkook, what is my sister doing with her hands in your crotch?”
The entire table shifts their attention to you and Jungkook. He whines and swats at your hands, protesting that it looks weird. 
“Please,” you shoot back at your brother. “He’s my roommate. If I wanted to give him a handy, I’d do it in the privacy of our home. Jungkook is not a voyeur.” You pause and look up at him. “Wait, are you?”
“No!” he hisses. “Hurry up and get your hand off my dick, woman!”
Mako gives a hearty laugh, clapping Seokjin on the back. Your brother arches a single brow, the one indication that he is deadly serious about what’s going on at your end of the table. You roll your eyes, finishing fixing Jungkook’s pants.
“Relax, Jin. Wouldn’t it be nice if your sister dated one of these fine gentlemen anyways? They’re all upstanding guys,” Mako says, sipping his wine.
You don’t dare to look at Yoongi who is sitting right next to Seokjin. Instead, you pick up your menu and go back to trying to find something to eat, not letting your heart drop straight to your ass as Seokjin says, “No one here is good enough to date my sister, including you, Mako."”
Dinner is loud but you’re absolutely silent, drinking your wine with a white-knuckled grip and grimace. Taehyung on the other side of you murmurs something to Jimin before he leans toward you.
“You okay?” you look up, having sensed their conversation. You nod and give him a soft smile. He senses something is off but nods anyway. “Maybe we go to the wine bar before joining everyone else at Container?”
“I would like that,” you murmur.
Taehyung gives you a beatific smile and turns back to his food. You love the way your friends read you. You know you can’t tell them about Yoongi. They would guard that secret with their lives, but the last thing you want to do is have them complicit in your lies to Seokjin. 
Thankfully, you survive dinner and Jimin announces that you’re going to get wine before heading to the loud bar made of old shipping containers and loud music. You avoid looking at Yoongi as you slide into the cool interior of the SUV, Taehyung quickly behind you. 
At the wine bar, you’re content with the tweet wine that warms your mouth as you kick your feet up by the fire pit. Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and Ren all came with you. These are your friends first, and you feel the anxiety ease from your shoulders. 
Ren leans on you, sighing happily as she sips her white wine. “So why are we here?”
Jungkook gives her owlish eyes. “Like as in this bar, or existentially?”
“Only you could think I meant existentially.”
He frowns. “We’re drinking, philosophy comes up sometimes. What do you think they did at all those what’s it called? Where all the greasy Greek men drank it up and spouted knowledge?”
“Symposiums,” you offer.
“We’re here,” Jimin offers, “Because I think someone is Symposium-ing over Yoongi so hard.”
Jimin rolls his eyes and drops down into a chair next to Taehyung. He empties the sparkling wine from his glass and fills another to the brim before knocking it back in one go. You raise your brows at him and he catches your expression. “I think we’re going to need to be drunk for this conversation. Help yourself.”
A tiny trickle of fear slips into your shaking hand as you polish off your glass of wine and hold it out for Ren to refill. Do they know? Were they the ones on the balcony below as Yoongi made you cum from his skilled tongue and long, deft-
“You and Yoongi have been inseparable,” Jimin starts. You make a face. “This isn’t a deniable fact. You guys were drinking together in the kitchen all night together and then vanished to pass out when your social battery ran out.”
“Why is that so weird?” you defend. “I spent more time with Jungkook than I did with Yoongi.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t have like, this really cute and long-term crush on Jungkook.” Taehyung makes a face, eyes bouncing between the two of you. “Unless…?”
“No,” you and Jungkook agree at the same time. You continue, “And even so- I’ve known Yoongi literally most of my life. He and I are friends too, you know?”
“And you were in the boat all day together,” Jimin surmises.
“We both don’t like the water. Congratulations, Inch Eye Private Eye.”
“And you looked fucking destroyed at dinner with Seokjin went on his little ‘no friends date my sister’ speech.” You don’t have a rebuttal for that one, so you stare at Jimin from across the fire. His smile is soft and you can tell it’s not teasing or malicious. “You still sort of like Yoongi. It’s okay. Have you ever considered telling Jin?”
“So he could laugh in my face and lecture me on how weird it is to date one of his friends that he found first? No thanks.”
“It might be different. He knows how much Yoongi cares about you.”
You prickle a bit at Taehyung’s comment. Do you even really know how much Yoongi cares about you? It’s difficult to place where on the line he falls, even after your discussion with him on the boat. Attraction and feelings are two totally different things, and while you have established that he likes you in general and that there is an attraction on a physical level, you haven’t really had the Feelings conversation.
“Jin also knows that Yoongi just got out of a relationship that fucked him up,” Jungkook points out gently. “I hear he was pretty upset for a while.”
You squirm, thinking about how Yoongi had complained the night before about being asked about Wen. “Why are we having this discussion, again?” you ask. 
“Because it’s obvious that he’s into you.”
You look at Jungkook with a wild expression. “What? You just said-” 
“I said that Jin would be uncomfortable with it,” Jungkook asserts, emboldened by his wine. “I mean, we all thought maybe in college but you two were practically snuggling when I walked in this afternoon.”
“You… literally laid on my arm and then continued to cuddle on my bicep and you don’t see me ready to date you.”
“It’s different,” Jungkook clarifies. “It’s just- we think if you’re into him, you should talk to Jin. Sister-to-brother. It’s just... sort of silly to watch, honestly. We're all adults.”
“Okay. I hear what you’re saying, but can we please stop talking about Yoongi?”
It comes out defensive. You know it, they know it. Jungkook winces a little bit and you soften your gaze and hold your hand out to him, a peace offering. He takes it, stroking his thumb back and forth over the top of your hand. He looks genuine as he says, “We just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy,” you say.
And you are. Even without the Yoongi stuff. You’re happy to be in the mountains with your friends and see them sun-kissed and drunk. You’re happy to see your brother flirting with a girl for once. You’re happy that Ren is giving Jungkook a fond look again, and that you’re with Taehyung and Jimin who still at the end of the day just want what’s best for you.
So maybe you should drop whatever it is with Yoongi. Maybe it’s ruining the trip because they seem to be so focused on what’s going on with you and the way you and Yoongi rotate around one another like lost satellites.
Sighing, you stand and pull Jungkook up with you. “Thanks for the talk, everyone. How about we go drink real liquor?”
Heated, flushed skin presses against you as you move in between Taehyung and Jimin on the dance floor. The world is a kaleidoscope of lights. The base from the speakers is rattling your ribcage, making it hard to breathe. You feel alive and a little messy as you sway your hips between them, hands around Taehyung’s neck, Jimin’s hands on your waist.
To anyone else, it would look like you’re about to take two men home and have a very memorable threesome. But touching them in this way isn’t new to you, especially when Ren comes up behind Taehyung with her hands on his waist, twisting herself sensually to the rhythm of the music.
Jungkook is standing off to the side glancing nervously next to Namjoon and Lydia. You catch Lydia’s eye and point subtly at Jungkook and then to Ren, where she has Taehyung bent over like she’s fucking him from behind. Lydia grins, nodding as if to say message received.
You watch as she convinces Namjoon and Jungkook to follow her through the crowd. The shy girl from dinner the night before is gone and replaced by a confident bulldozer as she drags Jungkook in front of her, nudging him Ren’s general direction. Ren doesn’t hesitate, squealing in excitement now that Jungkook is there, grabbing his hands and pulling him into rhythm with her and Taehyung.
“Hey,” Jimin’s voice is low and breathy as you dance. “Can you wingman for me?”
“Cool. Bar?”
You let Jimin lead the way, the two of you both ordering drinks. Jimin starts a casual conversation with a cute girl next to him. She looks startled when she sees him and you understand why- silver hair, siren eyes, and a sultry smile are Jimin’s signatures whenever you’re at the bar. He turns and introduces you as his best friend. 
“You have a beautiful name,” she says. 
You flash a smile. “The feeling is mutual. I really like your shoes, by the way.”
You grin and order the three of you shots, sitting on the stool behind Jimin, spinning back and forth to the beat of the song rumbling from the dance floor. 
Aria relaxes and chats with Jimin longer. She sneaks glances at him when she thinks he’s not looking and you think it’s cute. Especially when Jimin excuses himself to go to the bathroom, leaving you in her care.
“He’s really nice,” Aria notes when Jimin is gone, turning to you. “You guys have known each other for a while?”
“Since elementary school. He and our other friend Taehyung are my favorite people in the world, honestly. And you?”
She sees the way you glance around and she winces. “Friends are kind of wasted over there,” she motions to a very rowdy group at a VIP lounge. “I sometimes do better away from that and just at the bar alone.”
“Ooof. I can relate- fuck is that Myers?”
Aria’s brows shoot up. “You know him?”
“Yes, please hide me!”
“What? Why?”
“I had a very embarrassing the last time I saw him.” Her eyes go wide and worried. “I kind of sort of fell asleep while he was going down on me.”
“Oh god,” she claps her hand over her mouth. “Was he that bad?”
“Awful- and I hate to say that because he’s so nice but oh my god.”
The confession brings you a little closer and you and Jimin convince Aria to join your group. Taehyung sucks you back to the dance floor where he presses you against his front, screaming the lyrics to a popular song you’re only vaguely familiar with.
It’s fun. Despite it being really loud and feeling sweaty, you almost forget what happened the night before with Yoongi. You’re enjoying your time with your friends and Seokjin squeezes you tight as he kisses you on the head, shouting to the world that you are his best baby sister and it’s not because you’re his only one.
You notice Yoongi on the edges of your vision. He nods to you once, a brief smile. You return it, but you avoid one another for the night, not daring to let him dance with you. 
By the time the night creeps into the hours of the morning, the club is emptying and you’re stumbling drunk, swinging back and forth between Ren and Jungkook. You could totally tease him that he has Ren’s lipstick on the corner of his mouth, but you don’t. You let them enjoy each other as everyone groups outside to go home with the two designated drivers in charge- Namjoon leading one car and Hoseok leading the other.
Jimin invites Aria and all of her friends back. You blanch when you see Myers step out into the streetlight and duck behind Jungkook, clutching his leather jacket. He follows your line of sight and whispers to Jimin, “Uh, dude? You invited Myers back.”
“Oops,” Jimin winces. He looks at you hiding behind Jungkook. “It’s a big house? Maybe he won’t see you?”
You know there’s little to no chance. So you slide into the car, already working out how you can just slip up to your room without anyone calling you out. You’re thinking of faking sick when the smell of sandalwood and alcohol hits you in the face.
Yoongi doesn’t tell you to move when he gets in the car. He simply shuffles in and lifts you, making you squeak as he slides under you and settles you on his lap while more people pile in.
“Yoongi, what-“
“We’re taking Jimin’s new friends with us,” Yoongi purrs in your ear. You lean forward, latching on the head rest of Namjoon’s seat. He looks at you in the rearview, sending you a questioning look. You smile apologetically. “There was no room in the other car.”
“Lucky for you.”
He leans forward, pressing his back to your chest as his lips ghost the shell of your ear. “I was thinking the same thing.”
Yoongi’s hands are slow and subtle as he leans further into the seat, pulling you flush with him. He pulls the seatbelt and takes care of wrapping it around you both, making sure it’s a snug fit. You can feel his heart beating erratically, almost in time with yours.
Carefully Yoongi settles his arms around your waist and gives you a teasing squeeze as the rest of the car fills up. Blessedly, Myers isn’t in your car. You haven’t figured out how to say hello to him yet. Hey, last time I saw you I was waking up while you put your clothes on because you tongued my pussy to sleep, didn’t seem appropriate.
Namjoon turns the car on the road, the interior filling with blasting AC to cool off the sweaty bodies packed in the car. Taehyung is blaring music over the speakers and the riders are either conversing loudly over the music or screaming along with him.
You and Yoongi are silent as you try and fail to breathe normally. His hand on the door-side of his seat begins rubbing lazy circles on your legs with his thumb, making your drunk haze thicken. Everything feels so much better with the buzz, and you nearly melt into him, nearly purring at the feeling.
Yoongi can tell. You hear him let out the softest chuckle into your ear as he whispers, “Yeah? You like it when I touch you like this?”
You dig your nails into the side of his thigh, making him hiss. “Careful, Min.”
“With you? Always.”
It’s a comment that is too sentimental for the moment. You tilt your head to the side, catching his eyes. They’re dark as ever and he flicks between looking at your eyes and your lips, dragging back and forth as he loses focus on which he wants to pay more attention to. Your lips twitch as you look away and settle into him, relaxing enough to let your head lay back on his shoulder just a little.
This is safe. You know it is. Taehyung doesn’t even have the mind to tease you for sitting on Yoongi’s lap, instead putting on your favorite song, turning in his seat to scream lyrics at you while you laugh in Yoongi’s arms. 
You hold your hand out to him, the invisible microphone at the ready and Taehyung grips your wrist, singing like his heart depends on it. You feel Yoongi laughing behind you with the rest of the car, and it’s nice.
You somehow manage to survive the ride back to the house, even with Yoongi sneaking squeezes of your ass and thighs in.
The first car is already unloaded and making chaos in the living room. You waver in the foyer, hesitant to enter the space where you know an awkward encounter is looming.
Taehyung notices you first and pats you on the back. “Maybe he doesn’t remember you falling asleep while he was face deep in your pussy.”
Yoongi overhears him and turns to you, frowning. “What?”
Taehyung realizes his mistake. “Wow I really need some tequila, goodbye!” 
You feel hot in the face. Not because it’s Yoongi and not because of the alcohol, but because you feel bad telling people. 
“Please don’t say anything,” you murmur to Yoongi as you walk toward the living room. “The last time we were all here, Myers and I were hooking up but I was really drunk and I wasn’t super into it and I fell asleep.”
Yoongi doesn’t laugh. His first move is to grab your wrist and stop you, pulling you back into the foyer as people pass you. His eyebrows are bunched together and you’d think his pout was adorable if he didn’t look so serious.
“He stopped when that happened, right?”
You’re bewildered. “Yeah,” you answer. “Pretty much right when he noticed. I woke up because he was making a lot of noise getting dressed. It was so awkward.”
“He didn’t do anything, right?”
“What? Yoongi, no. Myers was a gentleman, if not a little embarrassed. He didn’t do anything like that, I’m sorry. I realize how that sounded.”
He breathes out a sigh of relief and blinks slowly. “Sorry. Um. I got nervous.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate that. But Myers is a good guy- really. He’s just bad at oral.”
“Oh?” Yoongi leers at you then, taking a step forward so you’re looking up at him, blinking with your lips slightly parted as he lowers his voice even further. “Doesn’t know that you like that pretty little hole finger-fucked while you have your clit sucked?”
“Doesn’t know how tight your cunt get right before you’re about to cream?”
“Yoongi,” you warn again, dizzy-drunk on his filthy mouth. 
He steps back toward the stairs. He flicks his head at them. “You know where you’ll find me.”
It takes you an hour of fighting with yourself to decide what you want to do. You’re coming down from your buzz and the world is screaming loud at the edges. Seeing Myers was both just as awkward and not as terrible as you expect- he just offers a nod of the head and nothing more.
You’re on your sixth round of debating whether you should go spend time with Yoongi, knowing where it’s going to go. Knowing that you shouldn’t. 
But you’re a hypocrite. Your friends are both within and without- some have retired for the night and some are in different parts of the house. As your eyes search the room for Ren, nearly breaking to ask her what to do, Jungkook finds you and beckons you.
“I have a wingman question to ask,” he whispers. You lean into the shadowy alcove as he blocks the main group of people from you. “You know I’m sort of into Ren.”
“You’re wearing her lipstick, babe.”
His hand shoots to his mouth and begins to scrub, making you laugh. “Whatever. I don’t have a room by myself, I share it with Jimin and Taehyung.”
“And Jimin wants to fuck Aria.”
“Yeah, and this isn’t college anymore. I have no interest in hooking up in a shared room.”
“Okay, well I don’t want to sleep in there either.”
His doe eyes are burning. “I know- the only people who have single rooms are Jin, Namjoon and Lydia and…” You already know the answer before he says, “Yoongi.”
“How is this me helping you?”
Jungkook dances back and forth on his feet, nearly whining as he quickly spits out the words, “Jin is definitely going to bang Suri.” You make a face and he rushes to say, “Sorry bad visual. But he’s not going to let me use his room. Can you ask Yoongi to sleep in your room since there are two beds and I really need one?”
“You’re coming with me to ask him.”
Even though he protests, Jungkook does. You both wander to the third floor and knock on the door. When there’s no answer, you find Yoongi smoking on the balcony. He brightens when he sees you step outside, but you give a quick shake of your head and announce, “Jungkook has a favor to ask.”
Quickly, Jungkook gets through his narrative of how he wants to get laid- needs to get laid. He drops so many ‘please Yoongi’s’ and ‘I will do anything’ that Yoongi raises his brows. It’s not without a soft tease and making Jungkook swear to wash every sheet and towel in the morning.
“No favors needed,” Yoongi says, eyes sliding you. “You’ve done plenty.”
Every step toward your room is fueled by a pounding heart. Ren is in your room and Yoongi announces that there is a gift waiting for her on the third floor of the house, second door to the right. She is flame red and clearing her throat, struggling to figure out what to say.
“Relax,” Yoongi offers gently, giving her a disarming smile. “You’re both adults. If anyone makes it weird, you tell me. I’ll handle it.”
You can't help but wonder if he means that for you, too.
“Thank you,” Ren murmurs, ghosting past Yoongi and giving you a questioning look. You give her a shrug, playing it impassively. “Don’t snore, please. She struggles to sleep when people snore.”
Yoongi waits until Ren is out of the room with a soft click of the door before he says, “So. Are we sleeping?”
“Kid, I’m teasing you. Of course you can go to sleep. No obligations here.” He notices how tense you are and he softens further. “Fuck, I’m really sorry, I thought you would laugh and I was hoping to take the edge off. Look, I can sleep on the couch-”
“You’re sleeping in here.”
He raises his brows at the firmness you use in your voice. “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable-“
“I’m not uncomfortable. I am equal parts very nervous and very excited.”
You blush and shift a bit on your feet, unsure whether to sit, stand, take your clothes off- anything. “I… yes. Nervous because…”
“Because…” he prompts.
“I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”
He takes a few steps toward you as you look at your feet, hands wringing. Yoongi brushes his fingers across your face and tilts you to look at him. He’s so gentle that you want to fall into him and never stop falling. “You would never disappoint me if you’re not into it. That’s not- that’s not why I came in here.”
“It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“I just… I totally lied to my friends today and didn’t tell them about last night, and it feels really stupid to be hiding this as an adult, especially when they know I’ve been pining over you.”
“Pining over me?”
You take a deep breath and force yourself to look him in the eye. “Please don’t think I am a giant loser when I say this.”
He shakes his head. “I would never.”
“Don’t be so sure,” you mutter but straighten. “I was always just a kid sister to you- I know you said earlier on the boat that maybe… maybe there were times you saw me in a different light. That’s cool- like really cool- but to my friends, it was like this forever crush that I never let go.”
He arches a brow but you push forward. “And I like the way you’re looking at me right now,” you admit. “But I also don’t want to make something out of nothing.”
“Okay, then I have a proposition for you.”
“A proposition?”
“We obviously need to talk. You’re saying things without really saying them, and I think there are some things I need to very blatantly say to you, I’ll even start with one now: I’m into you. Not casually. But actually in a very interested way.”
He laughs at your question, but it’s not condescending. “Yeah. So here’s the deal: we can sit down and talk right now and you can tell me what’s really making you feel insecure about what I’m telling you.”
“I can fuck you into that mattress the way I’ve wanted to do since you showed up yesterday, and we can talk after.”
He takes a step closer and lowers his head, nose almost touching yours as he looks down at you. Your eyes zero in on his mouth and you become dizzy, remembering the feel of it.
An ache takes root deep inside you and you think about the words he muttered to you in the foyer. Doesn’t know that you like that pretty little hole finger-fucked while you have your clit sucked?
“Please,” you breathe.
You don’t need to tell him what you mean. You never have to tell Yoongi what you mean. He always knows.
 Kissing him changes the way you think about kissing. Before, it was something to initiate sexual encounters, or to express general fondness. But when he moves his mouth slowly against yours, taking his time to enjoy you and to smile into your mouth when he nips at you and you hum, you decide it’s more. It’s intimate, and it makes you feel closer to him. You tug at him, wanting him closer closer closer.
“Hold on,” he murmurs. “Locking the door.”
“Won’t that seem suspicious?” 
He walks to the door and flicks the lock. You sit on the edge of the bed, shivering. “No,” he murmurs, walking slowly toward you. You lean back on your palms, on display for him. “I’ll just say I didn’t want any drunk idiots wandering here and getting into your bed.”
“Oh? And you’re not a drunk idiot wandering into my bed?”
“Nope,” he grins. You open your legs and he slots himself between them, looking down at you while biting his lower lip. His blonde hair is styled back, a little loose from the sweat and his hands combing through it.  “I am sober and being invited.”
Without warning, Yoongi drops down his knees. It’s so similar to the position you were in the night before. You’re in a trance as he grins a gummy smile at you, lifting your foot and working at the laces on your boot, fingers nimble. You fixate on them as he pulls one shoe off before working on the other.
“You know,” he observes. “I always loved that your style hasn’t changed.”
You frown. “I like to think it’s much better than in college.”
“I’ll give you that. But you’ve always dressed in what you like- even at a club you’re in these,” he flicks your boots. “I like it.”
“What else do you like?”
"You,” he mutters as he stands up. You follow your instinct, bringing your hands to run up his thighs, nails scratching him through his jeans. He makes an appreciative sound as you trace the outline of his hardening cock. Yoongi tilts his head back slightly, eyes fluttering shut as you continue to trace him through his jeans, applying more pressure as you near his tip.
With careful fingers, you pull at his belt, undoing it and working the zipper open. Yoongi watches, eyes focused and pupils slightly blown as you don’t pull his pants all the way down. Instead, you pull them down just below his cock, chewing on your lip as you take him in your hand, heavy and hard. 
You look up through your eyelashes at him and you give him a squeeze, gliding your hand down his shaft in a slow pump. Yoongi sighs, heads tilted back you slow-stroke him from the base of his shaft to his tip, running your thumb over the precum there teasingly. Yoongi hums, hips jerking slightly when you squeeze a little at the base.
“Why are you being a tease?” He asks, voice low and breathy. You’ve never heard him this shaky before. You rub your thighs together, watching the way his neck becomes flushed and his eyes keep fluttering. “You rubbing those pretty thighs together for friction? Does touching my cock make you wet?”
You nod, dazed. Yoongi grabs you gently by the jaw, urging you to lift your gaze back up to meet his. “Come on,” he says softly, smirking. “Want a taste?”
Fuck. You do.
You lean forward, tongue darting out to circle the sticky-head lazily. He lets out a loud sound and you grin, suckling his tip gently. “Fuck, don’t tease me like that.” 
Pulling off him with a pop, you sigh. “Fine,” pants off. 
Yoongi doesn’t need to be told twice, helping you pull him out of his jeans, cock swaying heavily. You can’t help but shake your head when you grasp him again, boldly licking him from base to tip, laving messily with the thick vein throbbing there. 
“Fuck,” you swear. “No wonder you kept fucking in public places, did you just want everyone to see your dick?”
He smirks. “Nah, just thought it was cool and thrilling.”
“Yeah?” You bat your lashes at him as you bring your lips slowly to the tip, sticking out your tongue to give a soft, kitten lick. “You liked being a little slut?”
Something between you changes then. A fire is lit in his eyes sparks and he pulls your head, yanking you away from his dick so that you’re straining your neck to look like him. “Careful, I might just fuck that throat of yours since I’m such a slut.”
You leaned up further, whispering, “What if I want you to?”
“Fuck yeah, you want to?” You nod, eager. “Start slow, baby. I’ll fuck your throat when I think you’re ready.”
So you start slow, gathering spit in your mouth before letting it drip onto his tip, glob sliding down the shaft, mouth chasing it eagerly. You swallow him down, cheeks hollow, tongue hungry, sucking slowly as you relax your throat.
It’s messy. You let yourself drool as you begin to take Yoongi further and further into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks with a gentle suck as you go. You’re careful to guard your teeth, letting your tongue run on the underside of his shaft as you bob your head, hand working in tandem with steady pressure and a gentle twist as you please the parts of him you can’t reach.
Divine sounds fall from his mouth as you work yourself into a faster pace. The sounds are obscene, filled with wet gurgles and a soft choke when you go down too far too quickly. Yoongi’s hips are twitching but he’s not thrusting. Yoongi’s hands cradle your head, watching as you come up for air, letting drool and strings of precum connect your mouth to his cock.
“Fuck yeah,” Yoongi growls. “Make it fucking messy so I can fuck myself deeper.”
“Mmmm. Want it.”
“Yeah? Greedy for my cock?” When you nod, Yoongi lets out a vial string of curses, shuffling back. “Lay on your back with your head hanging off the bed, baby.”
The nickname sends a shiver through you. You want to hear Yoongi call you that forever. 
You lay back on the bed, the top of your head slightly off the bed so Yoongi has a decent angle to slide into your throat easily. You watch his pretty hands stroke his even prettier cock and you let out a moan for him, enchanted by the way he pleases himself.
“Never knew you were so dirty,” Yoongi smirks. As if to make a point, you open up for him and stick your tongue out invitingly, a glint in your eye. “Whose the slut now?”
You watch him as he grips the base of his cock, your mouth open wide as he slowly pushes the tip into the heat of your mouth. He groans as he sinks further, sliding against your tongue, careful to ease his way into it. 
“Fuuuuuuck,” Yoongi whispers, setting a slow, shallow pace. You are careful to keep your jaw slack. Yoongi’s hands move to cradle the sides of your face gently, pads of his fingers applying the slightest pressure as he holds you in place. “You love having my cock in your mouth, don’t you?”
You hum happily around him as he slowly picks up his pace. He’s careful not to plunge to the back of your throat, letting your spit pool in your mouth to lubricate him. “Tap my thigh if it’s too much, okay baby?” You give a tiny nod as Yoongi starts to fuck your mouth in earnest, you head tilted back to give him access to your throat. “Fuck, such a perfect mouth for me.”
Pleasure ripples through your spine. You feel like you can come from the sight of Yoongi losing himself in your mouth alone. You watch his thighs flex as he thrusts into your mouth, careful to breathe through your nose. His grip on you tightens but remains gentle as his cock kisses the back of your throat. You feel your throat constrict lightly, a soft gag sounding but nothing you can’t handle, your eyes smarting slightly.
Yoongi loses himself in your mouth, eyes closing as he throws his head back, letting out a deep moan. You love listening to him moan, the throaty pitch, and the humming.
As Yoongi pleases himself, you get lost in his movements, in the feel of the spit running down the spit of your face and the way his hands worship you, brushing away the spit and keeping you steady.
 Reaching over your head, you run your nails down Yoongi’s thighs. His muscles jump and he lets out that deep sound again.
Yoongi pulls out abruptly. You gasp for air, blinking at him. Tears track down your face as Yoongi massages your jaw briefly before bending down to steal a searing kiss from you, tongue tangled in the spit and precum in your mouth.
He parts from you, lips brushing lightly against your nose as he murmurs, “Wanna come in that messy pussy of yours.”
Yoongi rips his shirt up and over his head as you scramble to your knees, taking your shirt off. He grabs your hands as you reach for your bra, stopping you. You frown at him but he gets onto the bed, naked and beautiful, chest red from the blood flow running through him.
“C’mere,” he murmurs, pulling your face to his as he kisses you again.
Every time you kiss him it’s like doing it all over again for the first time. He explores the taste of you while his hands brush up your ribcage and to your back, pulling your bra off. Your heart flutters, realizing that he wants to undress you himself.
Yoongi’s movements are loving and methodical. His hands come back around as he deepens the kiss further, gently gripping your breasts and kneading softly, thumbs brushing over your pebbled nipples. You keen into his mouth, head tilting back slightly at the electric feel of him against your skin.
“Yeah?” he whispers, kissing down your exposed neck. He’s careful with his teeth, giving you more tongue and lips than bites. “Sensitive?”
You nod your head, looking down as Yoongi lowers himself, eyes looking up at you as he takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking gently. You clap a hand over your mouth as you let out a moan, eyes rolling back in your head as his laugh travels through you.
“These fucking tits are perfect,” he mutters, sticking out his tongue to flick teasingly over your bud before he draws a line with his tongue to your other peak, circling with his skilled tongue. “Honestly could suck these tits for hours,” he adds. As if to make his point, he wraps his mouth around your nipple and sucks hard. You’re shaking as he pulls away with a pop. “But I’m gonna bust if I don’t fuck you.”
“Please do,” you beg. You can’t remember ever begging for a man the way you are right now as Yoongi unbuttons your jeans. “Want your cock so fucking bad, Yoongi. Please.”
He helps you out of your jeans and kisses back up your stomach, between your breasts, and to your lips. “Mmm you ask so nicely, my sweet girl. Lay back for me.”
Later, you wonder if you’ll be embarrassed by how quickly you obey him, laying back on the bed. You watched him with a heated gaze as he leaves the bed for a moment, rooting around his jeans before you see the flash of the foil in his hands. He tosses it next to you and you frown.
“Relax,” he chuckles. “I’m gonna use it. Need to prep you, baby.”
“Want it now,” you whine.
“Hush,” he murmurs, leaning to steal a kiss while his hand brushes to stroke up your slit. You moan into his mouth as he circles your clit lazily, applying gentle pressure. “You’re so wet for me but I need to fuck you open a little. Okay?”
He gives you a peck that is far too sweet for the way he presses a finger into your pussy, making you swear and arch into him. It’s not nearly enough as he strokes slowly, finger brushing right against your g-spot on the first few strokes. Yoongi senses you want more as you claw at the back of his neck, sliding in another finger.
You sigh, letting your eyes close as he worships your chest with his mouth, sucking and licking and peppering sweet kisses everywhere he can reach. All the while he fucks you open with his skilled fingers, making your hips roll in time with his wrist.
Yoongi makes you lightheaded, hitting just the right spot that you’re already reeling and toppling toward a terrifyingly quick release. Yoongi can feel you fluttering around him and he laughs before nibbling your ear. “Can you take a third?” You nod, even though you’re not sure. He rewards you with a kiss on the cheek and a soft, “Sweet girl.”
Three fingers are a lot. You make a sound and tighten slightly, and he slows his pace, letting you adjust. The burn begins to fade and you wiggle your hips. His grin is gummy as his wrist moves again, working you until your legs are wide open for him, begging for him.
Your first orgasm lingers just beyond you. For a moment, you think he’ll stop before it. Instead, he sits on his knees, bringing his other hand into play to circle your clit, ripping your orgasm right through you.
You turn your head and shout into a pillow as his hands guide you through it, gasping at how fucking good he makes you feel. You’re still trembling and blinking in a daze when he pulls his fingers from you, staring at you as he brings his fingers to his mouth, sticking out his togue to lick your cum off his glistening digits.
“Mmm. My favorite.”
You could pass out.
Yoongi reaches for the condom then and rips it with his teeth, eyes never leaving you as he rolls it over his  leaking tip. Just as the anxiety is about to sneak up on you, Yoongi murmurs, “Do you still want to do this?” You nod. “I need to hear you say it. We can stop now if you want and just go to sleep. You are completely in control.”
“Please,” you murmur again. “I want you. Like really fucking bad, Yoongi.”
Yoongi smiles, and it’s different from the others. You don’t know why, you just know that it is. Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you realize you’re holding your breath as he carefully guides the his cock into you.
And fuck Yoongi is thick, his cock breaching you with tight pressure as he slowly slides in, eyes on you the entire time. He stops after he’s less than halfway in, murmuring, “Breathe for me.” So you do, taking a deep breath because it’s been a while, your walls stretching around him. “That’s it,” he nods. “Keep breathing.”
It’s hard to keep breathing. Not because it hurts, but because it’s Yoongi and his hands are on you and your hands are pulling him close as he bottoms out, moaning. He immediately cages you in, his closeness overwhelming and heady. 
Yoongi kisses you as he pulls all the way out before slamming back in, stealing your breath with how deep and targeted the stroke is. He does it again and again, fucking you into the mattress, each stroke slow but hard. 
“You feel like heaven,” he gasps, setting a pace. Your hands find purchase at the back of his neck, holding his mouth to your throat while you run your fingers through his hair. “Fuck that feels good.”
“You like your hair pulled, huh?” You gasp as he changes the angle, hands going under your ass to lift you. His cock hits deeper now, tip just kissing the edge of your cervix, and holy fuck. “Fuuuuck please keep fucking me like that.”
“Anything you ask,” he pants, doing exactly that.
You feel like he’s ripping you apart and making you back up as he fucks into you with purpose. It feels maddeningly good, and you can feel how fucking easily he’s bringing you to another orgasm.
Yoongi feels it too. “Mmm like that,” he breathes. You plant your feet on the bed, meeting him thrust for thrust. “You gonna come just like this?” You nod as your orgasm mounts. He laughs, the sound is breathy and dark. “Yeah, you fucking are.”
Words don’t exist when he fucks into you harder, chasing your second orgasm of the night. You start to squirm against him and you feel his cocky smile against your neck before he licks a strip up your throat, stopping just under your ear as he murmurs, “Play with your clit for me. Wanna feel you come so bad.”
You do as he says, dipping your hand between your sweaty bodies and circling your clit in tight, fast circles. You buck into him, the stimulation driving you toward what feels like madness. You’re gasping and you must nearly be screaming because Yoongi covers your mouth and whispers a string of words, begging you to come for him.
All at once, your orgasm hits. It’s stronger than the first and it lasts longer, and you’re babbling into Yoongi’s hands as your limbs lock and your feet dig into the bed. You’re panting as you come down from it, Yoongi’s hand leaving your mouth as you gasp for air.
Yoongi slows his pace, letting you catch your breath as he slowly fucks you, kissing your sweaty brow, your nose, your cheeks. Everything he does feels intimate.
“So pretty when you come,” he groans, catching your lips in a messy kiss. “Really want to see you ride me if you can. It’s okay if you’re tired-“
“Wanna,” you mumble. Your orgasm has left you a little dreamy and dazed, but your thighs aren’t trembling with exhaustion just yet.
Gently, Yoongi pulls out of you, condom shining with your cum. Your pussy is soaked and messy but you don’t care. Yoongi settles himself against the headboard, still panting lightly. He’s sweaty and sticky and you love the feel of him as you crawl into his lap, reaching behind you to grab his cock, slick and perfect for an easy glid.
Sinking down on him, you steady yourself with your hands on his shoulders, feeling the muscles twitch. His hands grip your hips, fingers digging in hard. You feel so much fuller with him under you and it’s divine.
Yoongi slaps your ass lightly, making you look down at him. He’s grinning as his hand soothes the stinging flesh. “Couldn’t help myself. I like your ass.”
“You like my tits too,” you observe, rolling your hips and letting yourself take on a natural motion.
The slide of his cock is leisurely and brilliant, earning appreciative sounds from Yoongi as his hands leave your ass to grip your tits. “Yeah,” he agrees, leaning forward to lavish a nipple with his tongue. “You’re absolutely right.”
Every nerve is lit up as he lavishes attention to your breasts as you roll your hips, grinding your cunt into his pubic bone. He gets distracted when you swivel your hips, lifting yourself lightly. You smile as he closes his eyes, letting you take control, lifting yourself up and down, pulling pretty sounds from his bitten lips and flushed throat.
Sweat beads on his chest, making your hands slip. He grabs your wrists, holding your hands against him as you press down on him for leverage to bounce. Yoongi is hissing and whispering your name, trembling.
“Just like that,” he gasps.
“Mm gonna come if you keep it up.”
“Good,” you huff. “Wanna see your face when you cum.”
“Kiss me,” he asks, voice deep.
So you do, pressing your chests together. He wraps his arms around you, locking you together as he plants his feet on the bed, fucking into you with abandon, mouths tangled. His brows are pinched and you’re momentarily fixated on his face. The button tip of his nose. The blush in his round cheeks. The soft curve of his eyes.
Min Yoongi is beautiful and your heart swells painfully.
“Fuck- gonna come.”
“Come on,” you whisper.
Yoongi thrusts into you and freezes, cocking twitching as he comes heavily. He hides his face in the juncture between your neck and shoulder. His moan vibrates against you. You clutch at him, equally shaky and exhausted as he comes down from his high.
For a moment, you’re locked in a sweaty embrace, skin sticking to one another. Yoongi shifts slightly and presses a kiss to your mouth, short and sweet. You smile and gently untangle yourself from him. He’s careful as he gets up, tying the condom and heading to the trash before re-routing to the toilet.
“Good thinking,” you grunt. You can’t leave evidence. “Maybe open the windows.”
Yoongi chuckles and does exactly that as you lay on the bed, thighs quaking. You watch him lift the windows open, cool air entering immediately. He’s beautiful in the moonlight, carved from marble.
“C’mon,” he mumbles tiredly. You furrow your brow as he pulls at your limbs. “Shower.”
Washed and sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, you watch as Yoongi towels off his hair, throwing the damp towel into the laundry basket. You feel warm all over, watching him stretch like a cat, a small strip of skin visible just above his sweatpants when he moves.
The shower was innocent enough. You let Yoongi wash you off and place wet, open-mouth kisses on your shoulder, returning the favor. Even though you were chastised for wandering hands. You can’t help it. He’s addictive, even standing in the middle of the room with a gentle grin, looking at you.
“You’re cute,” he hums.
You look down at yourself. A pillow is tucked between your arms and legs, holding it for comfort as your nerves begin to spike at the thought of having any sort of emotional talk with Yoongi. You don’t know what you want to say, exactly. 
“Can I sit next to you?” he asks. “Or is that too close?”
“We were pretty close a few minutes ago, so yeah.”
He smiles. “I like to make sure.”
Yoongi sits down, the bed dipping with his weight. You angle yourself to face him lightly, taking a deep breath. He’s still tinted pink from the shower and the sex. He looks tired, though, and a little shy as he gives you a soft smile, matching your position and folding his legs.
“I feel like you need to hear things in explicits,” Yoongi says, making your heart kick up. “I liked you in college. Never made a move because I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I think I realized it that night your freshman year you picked us up from Union and it was us in the front, Jungkook and Jin in the back.” He smiles fondly. Your heart pounds listening to his confession as he continues, “And before you ask why now, it’s because I haven’t seen you in two years, and the thought of going another two more without doing something about how I felt seemed… depressing.”
Yoongi says it so easily. You stare at him as he watches you with a soft expression, waiting for you patiently. It’s difficult to wrap your head around. He likes you. Has for a while. All of those years you spent wondering what if had lingered right there, completely unseen by you. 
But he still hasn’t said what he wants out of this, or what he expects, and you’re unsure of what your next steps are. Years of seeing people date unofficially and never leave the talking stage makes you nervous. Trying to think of what to tell your brother makes you nervous. 
You chew on your lip. Yoongi pokes your knee lightly. “Say whatever it is that’s bothering you.”
“I just… so do you want to date me?”
He nods. “If it’s something you’re interested in.”
You could pass out from happiness, but instead, you push forward. “What about my brother? Doesn’t it bother you at all?”
“Of course it bothers me. I’ve had conversation at length with Seokjin about how he just wants the best for you. I know your brother trusts me implicitly, but I don’t know if he would think I’m what’s best for you.”
“Why? He loves you.”
“Nothing will ever be good enough in his eyes - he might get over that with someone else, but he might feel resistant at first that his friend wants to date his sister. I'll convince him, though. If that's what you want.”
He grins down at his lap. “Yeah. He’s going to want to throttle me at first,” he shrugs. “But what good is a best friend if you can’t have hard conversations?”
“What if he said no?”
“I’d tell him too bad. I want to keep fucking that throat of yours.”
You make an unpleasant noise and peel yourself from the bed, making to move to the other one. Yoongi laughs after you. “Don’t do that,” Yoongi mumbles, catching your hand and pulling you toward his bed. “I said I liked you. I’m not trying to pull a fast one. I said what I meant. This isn’t some stupid immature ploy to string you along. I’m an adult, and so is your brother, quite frankly.”
His hand is warm as he sits. He won’t let go, squeezing your hand lightly and making you look at him. You try to steady your heart- to take what he’s saying at face value. “You’ve spent a lot of time thinking I’m too cool for you,” Yoongi murmurs. He hits the nail on the head and you stare at him, mouth slightly agape. “And I’m sorry if I ever did something to encourage that way of thinking.” 
“It’s nothing you did. I just…”
He pulls you so that you’re standing in between his legs. He lifts your hands and puts them on his shoulders, you chew the inside of his cheek, tentatively meeting his eyes. “You don’t have to explain the way you feel. I understand.” 
“Stop being so nice.”
“You want me to be mean, huh?” he teases, leaning to nip at your wrist. You pout at him and he chuckles, hands gripping the back of your thighs and squeezing. He looks happy when he looks up at you. Really happy. “Would that make it easier on you? If I was mean.”
“Yes. You are painfully understanding. What’s a girl to do?” 
“Like I said. If this is something you’d be interested in… I can talk to Jin. Explain that I’d like to get to know you in a romantic setting. We’re all adults here, it’s going to bother him but surely not forever.” 
“Okay. Not… not this weekend though. I don’t want to ruin the entire weekend. I do like you, by the way,” you add, realizing he’s done most of the confessing. “I just… you were sort of this like... untouchable entity, in my head. Something that I was allowed to dream about but not have. It might take a little adjusting for me to not feel… I guess the word is timid?”
He kisses a wrist. “Okay. Come on, I’m cold and tired.”
“What if Ren comes back in the morning?”
Yoongi is already making space for you in the bed, pulling back the blankets for you. You tentatively climb into the bed, seeking the warmth of his side and the smell of vanilla soap on his skin. “Door is locked,” he mumbles. “But set an alarm if you want, I don’t care. Just get the fuck over here, sweet girl.” 
With a soft smile, you get in bed next to him. He’s quick to wrap arms around you, pulling you into his chest. Your eyes close immediately at his nearness, a thrill going through you when he hums tiredly and kisses you on the head once.
Intimacy like this is new. You’re not used to sharing a space like this, least of all with Yoongi. It makes you laugh, to think that had either of you just spoken up, you could have had this a little bit sooner. 
“What’s so funny?” It comes out half coherent and you open your eyes to peek at him. His eyes are barely open, but he’s watching you, eyes swimming. 
“You’re more affectionate than I imagined.” 
He nods. “Just wan’ be close,” he mutters, eyes fluttering shut, breath fanning your forehead. “Tired.”
“Goodnight,” you murmur, getting brave and placing a quick kiss on his chin. He doesn’t open his eyes or reply, but his mouth twitches into a smile before his face smooths out, drifting. 
So you fall asleep. 
No one disturbs you in the morning. You forego the advice to set an alarm, trusting in the locked door to keep you safe. The entire house sleeps late into the morning, giving you time to be pulled from sleep slowly, blinking in confusion when you feel another person next to you before you remember it’s Yoongi snoring lightly behind you. 
Shifting slightly, you try to get out of bed. Yoongi makes a whiny noise, pulling you back to him. You giggle, turning to look at him over your shoulder. His face is puffy with sleep and his hair is sticking in different directions.
“I have to pee,” you complain. He shrugs and pulls you to him tighter, back pressed against his front. “Yoooongi.”
“You’re warm.”
“I’ll be gone for a second.”
He pouts, eyes still closed but he lets you go. You smile all the way to the bathroom. It’s lucky that you go to the bathroom. The moment you begin washing your face, the door starts rattling to the room. Yoongi hollers that he’s got it, dragging himself to let Ren into the room before tossing himself on the bed that Ren once occupied.
Ren looks suspicious as she enters the room, her eyes dragging from where Yoongi looks like he’s gone right back asleep to you bent over the sink in sweatpants and a baggy shirt, faucet running. For a second, you stare. She knows. She knows she knows she knows. 
“Ew, why is the window open? It’s freezing in here,” Ren huffs, diving into your bed and wrapping herself in your sheets. You fight the urge to tell her bad idea but you bite your tongue. “Please don’t tell me you like the room as freezing as she does?”
“Ren, I let you fuck in my room, the least you could do is let me sleep in.”
Ren rolls her eyes and her attention focuses back on you as you finish washing your face. “Does he snore?”
“He does, when he sleeps at all. He’s a night owl.” 
“Right, so let me sleep now,” he protests. 
Sunlight filters into the room as you and Ren talk in hushed tones. Yoongi goes back to sleep, which is incredibly… normal. 
In the bathroom, you and Ren follow a simple skincare routine. She glances at the nest of blankets that Yoongi has created in her bed before she murmurs, “Thank you for last night. I know it was probably weird sleeping in the same room as him.”
Guilt trickles in. You think about telling her. You so badly want to tell her everything, to spill it out and hear her opinion. You scrub extra hard with your exfoliant as if you can grind the guilt out of you. 
Sighing, you lean down and wash your face. “It was fine,” you manage. “Yoongi practically lived at my house in high school. He slept there all the time. We used to eat midnight snacks in the kitchen together.”
Except you never had sex when Yoongi spent the night growing up. Even in college when he’d spend holidays there. That was a huge difference and you felt a dark, dark pit form in your stomach as you smiled at her, shrugging. Played it cool. 
“Still,” Ren sighs. “Wish it was different for you.
You glance at Yoongi. After the weekend. This hiding would be over in a few days, and Yoongi would talk to Seokjin about his feelings.
Only two more days of being a liar.
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song drabbles
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Bath time 
kim seokjin x reader warnings; slice of life, smut; some type of bath sex (no penetration), mutual masturbation, handjob, orgasms words; 3,244
↪︎ read the series here / and drabbles here
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“Hey, handsome,” you greeted Seokjin as he walked through the bedroom door. 
“Hey,” he greeted back tiredly. He looked exhausted, shoulders slumped, face puffy, movements lethargic. He’d been working late every night this past week, and now, on a Saturday, he wasn’t getting home until 6pm. 
You walked over to him and he reached for you instinctively, wrapping his arms around your middle and leaning down to rest his chin on your shoulder. You slipped a hand under his suit jacket, rubbing his back over his shirt and hummed. You’d missed him and hadn’t seen him since Sunday. Phone calls just weren’t the same, especially when your boyfriend was half asleep on the other side. 
You pulled back, moving to loosen the tie around his neck. “Go get naked,” you motioned to the bathroom with your head, “I’ll be waiting for you.” 
He managed to snort softly at that, even though it seemed to take effort, and you turned, leaving him there to begin walking towards your destination. The bath was so large it took an eternity to fill, but because Seokjin was running late you’d managed to get it done before he arrived. The water was still steaming slightly, but testing it with your elbow, which funnily enough you were sure was done for babies, you found it was the perfect temperature. You’d called him two hours ago, giving him a heads up on how this evening would go. There was nothing better than a relaxing soak after a stressful day – in Seokjin’s case, week – and because he never bathed on his own, you had to get in with him. 
Stripping out of the sweats you’d been in all day, you quickly tied your hair into a top knot and climbed in, the warm water even soothing your bones despite being stretched out horizontal most of the day with Soojung on the couch. A few minutes later Seokjin appeared, butt naked and still moving quite sluggish. Actually, he was moving so slow you got to take your time and admire him in all his nude glory. It was a pity you didn’t have a view of his great ass, but you’d live. 
He climbed in stiffly, showing his age you’d tease if you didn’t feel so sorry for him. It was a good thing Arin was with Nana this weekend because he could just about keep his eyes open let alone deal with a hyper seven-year-old on a Saturday night. 
Submerged now, he let out a groan, eyes closing briefly as the water worked through his skin, muscles relaxing and hopefully doing a good job at lessening any stress you knew he was under. You’d piled the tub with bath soak, milk and honey, which apparently relaxed you and made your skin super soft in the process. It smelled really good if all else failed. 
He moved towards you, your back against the cream marble and under the large window. It had started getting dark early now, winter rapidly approaching, so the small but glitzy chandelier shone above you. 
“This is such a nice surprise,” he murmured, sounding a little more like himself. He kissed your shoulder lovingly. “There’s even champagne.” 
“Of course.” You looked across at the champagne bucket resting beside you on the bath’s upper platform. “Although, confession: I didn’t go get it myself. I found it in the cooler.” 
“I think it was a gift from someone to do with the company.” 
“Expensive gift.” 
“Mhm,” he agreed, lips pressing against the top of your arm. You looked across, finding his eyes closed. 
“You’re tired.” 
Opening his eyes, they took a moment to focus on you. “Try exhausted.” 
You reached for the fancy champagne, drying your hands on one of the towels folded next to it first. You poured two flutes, handing Seokjin his first which he gladly took. Able to read him, you understood tonight wasn’t about discussing what was going on at work right now. He just wanted to relax. To drink, eat eventually, and then sleep. He was done thinking for today. For tomorrow. That could come Monday. 
When you turned back with your own drink, Seokjin was chugging his back like it was a bottle of beer. You reached for the glass immediately, stopping him mid-flow. “You’re not supposed to down it,” you laughed. 
“It’s only small,” he complained, but listened to you regardless, pressing his back against the wall, his broad shoulders dotted with water, skin glistening almost. You resisted the urge to lean in and kiss his collarbone. 
He caught your gaze, smiling softly. “Thank you for this.” 
“I only filled the tub.” 
“Yeah, but—,” he stopped himself with a quick sigh, forehead pinching between his eyebrows. “I’m sorry we couldn’t spend today together.” 
“Seokjin, don’t worry about it.” 
Sometimes these things happened. He was a very busy man after all, and his job was way more important than spending a Saturday with you. You understood that. Yes, sometimes it sucked, but it was part of what loving him included. It was a mystery how he managed to juggle work and being a dad, let alone making time for you. He was exhausted most of the time, but especially this evening. 
“Here,” you said, placing your champagne on the side, “let me rub your shoulders.” 
He shook his head. “It’s fine, honey.” 
“No, I want to,” you insisted softly, placing a hand on him, trying to coax him to turn. “Let me?” 
He listened without a fuss, giving you a great view of his broad back as he sat between your legs. He really must have been tired today, not that you doubted him, but he wasn’t even making those silly noises he loved to tease you with. Although, he did let out a couple of soft groans here and there as you worked out some of the stiffness he’d been struggling with. 
Your fingers moved to his neck, and he pushed back into your motions, groaning once again. “That’s nice.” 
“Yeah?” you whispered, moving in closer, your boobs pressing against his back in the process. There was a beat of silence. 
“This is even nicer.” 
“Behave,” you warned through a grin. 
He chuckled, dropping his head as you moved to his shoulders again, then down his back, the water splashing gently underneath your elbows. 
“Should I do you too?” 
You ignored the obvious joke and kissed between his shoulder blades. “I’m not the one tired and stressed from work.” 
“Your job is hard too,” he insisted gently. “I could never teach and look after a group of children five days a week.”  
You stopped massaging him for a moment, smiling to yourself. “You do well with Arin.” 
“Because she’s one child.” 
Snorting quietly, you wrapped your arms around his middle and leaned the side of your face on his shoulder. “Do you want more champagne?” 
“Thanks,” he nodded, passing his glass to your awaiting hand.
You turned, making your way to the ice bucket to kneel. However, just as you went to pick the bottle of champagne up Seokjin was instantly behind you, water splashing with his sudden movements, his arms wrapping tightly around yours, trapping you effectively. 
“I missed you all week.” He had his lips on the back of your neck as he whined. “Be nice.” 
Smiling to yourself, you relaxed into his chest and a few seconds later he released your arms, kissing towards the side of your neck now, the feeling making you close your eyes. 
“Can’t forget these…” 
They snapped open once you felt him squeeze your boobs. 
The man was half asleep not five minutes ago. Now he was trying to feel you up? Maybe the bath soak did have magical healing powers. 
“Let me see you,” he murmured against your ear. 
You listened, turning around, and you stared into his eyes as he brushed some loose hair behind your ear. He leaned in, kissing you softly. The water rippled as his hands found your hips, his tongue warm as it met with yours. You got his hair a little wet when you weaved your fingers through it, but he didn’t notice, too busy pushing you back against the side of the bath with his body. Your knees would pay for this later on, but right now you couldn’t find it in you to care. 
The cool air on your chest was beginning to harden your nipples – or, it could be because of the way Seokjin was now kissing down your throat. You let out a small moan when his lips captured your nipple, a hand reaching for the other breast to massage it gently. But despite the pleasure rolling through your body, you felt the need to remind him of something. 
“This was supposed to be a relaxing bath…” 
You sounded a little out of breath. 
“This is relaxing.” 
You tried again. 
“If anything, I should be doing this to you.” 
Seokjin’s eyes met yours, looking up, his mouth still wrapped around your nipple, popping off to speak. “What, sucking my boobs?”
“Shut up,” you scoffed a laugh, pushing at his shoulder. He was an idiot. 
You took the opportunity to move, sitting down, back inside the water. Naughtily, Seokjin widened your thighs, kneeling in between them. He still looked tired, but his smile was mischievous. He leaned in a little, one hand pressing against the marbled granite behind you, and your eyes slid down his torso, the line of hair below his bellybutton collecting droplets of water before the rest of him was cut off by it altogether. You felt a pulse between your outstretched thighs and inwardly cursed him. 
“If this is about me, this is what I want to do,” he said lowly. His other hand reached to caress the side of your face. There was a slight whine to his voice when he continued. “I missed you. Being with you like this makes me feel better.” 
You cursed him some more. You pulsed some more. 
“What do you say?” He grinned wide. 
“Fine,” you grumbled. “But at some point we’re going to have to learn to take an innocent bath together.” 
Seokjin laughed. It sounded full and carefree, and you couldn’t help but join in. “It’s a work in progress.” 
“I’d say if you weren’t naked it would probably be easier.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully before you pushed your hands underwater and grabbed his behind. He yelped, amusing you greatly. “You might be on to something actually because I can never resist this naked ass of yours.” 
He laughed again, but it was slightly bashful, the tops of his ears flaming. It was always a turn on knowing you could have this effect on him. You let him go, and he dropped down to kiss you, your tongues brushing once before he kissed down your neck and towards your shoulder. 
“Nothing too crazy tonight, though,” he murmured against your wet skin. You stroked your fingers through the back of his hair before running them down his spine. He shivered, leaning into you slightly. “I am running on fumes.” 
You opened your mouth to tell him to forget about the whole thing, but then you felt his hand between your legs, tips of his fingers brushing along the patch of hair softly, and a small noise slipped past his lips. Two months ago, you’d missed your wax appointment, but you’d never bothered to rebook once Seokjin had told you he didn’t care what you looked like down there. In fact, he was quite a fan of the au naturel look, so you’d become quite confident in DIY maintenance these past few weeks. Soo was sad to lose her waxing buddy, but you couldn’t say you really missed getting your hair ripped out of the most sensitive parts of your body. 
Seokjin kissed towards your chest before cupping your heat, then his fingers started working your entrance, feeling your arousal before bringing it up to your clit and massaging it in. You made a shaky moan, knocking into him a little and let your head fall back once he wrapped his mouth around your nipple, wetting it with his tongue as he continued to circle your clit. The water splashed softly around his forearm as he moved, the noise acutely erotic and you knew immediately that you could come like this. Easily. 
Seokjin knew that too. Felt you lean on one palm so you could rise up a little, move into his touch, and as you did so he groaned, teeth grazing your nipple. The warmth of the water made each of his movements a caress, the feeling slowly soaking through your skin and into your bones, and you felt a lot more pliant than usual. As if you could melt into a puddle and join the very water you were soaking in. 
You kept your eyes open, but lidded, weighted down by the pressure slowly building up in the pit of your stomach, and with laboured breaths you concentrated on the expanse of Seokjin’s back, muscles visibly contracting. You started moaning, the breathy kind, your senses going into overdrive. The sound of the water lapping against your skin was loud in your ears and the feeling of Seokjin’s warm tongue flicking against your nipple made you shiver. But it was nothing compared to the overwhelming heat you felt down below, your boyfriend’s fingers working you up just right. 
Your orgasm seemed to flood over you, the warmth reaching head to toe. The quietest ones always seemed to hit the hardest and longest, and as Seokjin eased off you leaned forward, still breathing quite heavy, your body trembling. It took a moment for you to recover, laughing slightly as the feeling started to subside. You looked up at Seokjin to see him grinning. 
“Was that good?” he asked, moving in to kiss you. 
“Really good,” you smiled against his mouth. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, pressing into your thigh. You felt his erection immediately and his tongue curled against yours. “You made me hard.” 
“I didn’t do anything,” you teased with a short laugh, holding onto his shoulders. 
“You don’t have to,” he replied simply. 
“Sit back.” You pushed at his chest gently, the water splashing as he listened, pressing his back against one side of the tub, submerged up to his torso once again. 
You moved to the side of him, still a little shaky, and cupped his jaw to tilt him towards you, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. Then another, and another. Gliding a hand down his chest, you brushed your fingers through the hair below his bellybutton, knuckles grazing his bobbing cock. 
“When’s the last time you came?” you whispered, now kissing along his jawline. 
He lolled his head, humming softly, enjoying your touch. “Well, it wasn’t last Sunday, that’s for sure.” 
You snorted at the memory. Arin hopefully knocking Seokjin’s bedroom door just as things were getting steamy, wondering if you were both awake yet. 
“You haven’t at all this week?” 
You didn’t know why you were so surprised.
Seokjin shook his head. “Too busy. And when I wasn’t, too tired.” 
You moved again, between his legs, wrapping your hand around his length. He pushed into your hold and grunted. “Okay, so just sit back and enjoy,” you told him simply. 
He needed this. Coming always made you feel ten times lighter. Right now you felt as if you were floating. You wanted him to have the same feeling. 
“I can do that,” he murmured, jaw growing slack as you started to run up and down his length. Taking your time, water helping you glide freely. “Mind if I close my eyes?”
“Not at all.” 
His brow furrowed as he did so, expression scrunching up as you jerked him continuously. Somehow the ends of his hair had gotten wet, curling at the ends, and the strands that had been slicked back had fallen loose against his face. He kept complaining about how much he needed a haircut but didn’t have time. You on the other hand really liked his longer style. It made him look sexier. 
“Baby, a little faster,” he said, a slight whine to his voice. 
You immediately sped up, watching for his reactions. “Like that?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, directing you further. “Up a bit.” 
You listened, concentrating on the head of his cock, understanding he was after one thing and one thing only. Release. His face scrunched up further, pleasure intensifying. You couldn’t tell if he was purely concentrating on the feeling or if he was lost in his mind, fantasising about what he’d do to you (or what you’d do to him) if he wasn’t so exhausted. By the way he was occasionally bucking his hips you presumed it might be the latter. 
“Mhm, yeah,” he said quietly, words flowing into a slight moan. 
The water lapped against your arm, getting quicker and quicker with the growing speed of your actions. It had made a while since you’d jerked him off like this, to completion, so you had no other choice but to ignore the ache in your wrist. 
As luck would have it though, Seokjin had hit his limit. 
“Fuck,” he exhaled, eyes still closed as his head fell back. His cock was hot and rigid against your palm, and he pulsed as he spoke again. “I’m close.” 
You watched his mouth fall open, his lips plump and wet as his breathing became rougher, his words a mutter now, as if he was talking to himself. You could barely make them out against the splashing of the bath water. 
“Just like that. Like that… Like—,” he visibly tensed up, pushing up into your hand, skin practically throbbing, before the first spurt of cum shot out. 
He let out a noise, throaty but filled with relief, and his shoulders instantly sagged as his body relaxed, continuing to cum as you kept your movements. Your pace gradually slowed, expertly milking him for every drop. You wanted this orgasm to do the trick. You wanted him to sleep like a baby tonight. 
You stopped altogether once you felt him begin to soften, brushing your hand over his thigh instead. His eyes were still closed and his chest heaved, and you watched as he lifted a hand out of the water to run it through his hair, chuckling softly to himself. 
“You came a lot,” you remarked. It made him laugh hard. 
Slowly, as if the bright light would hurt his eyes, he peeked across at you. “I needed it.” He looked entirely blissed out. 
You leaned in, chest pressing against his and let him kiss you. With a slight smirk you said as you pulled back: “Handjobs are more effective than shoulder rubs. Okay, noted.” 
He guffawed, his arm reaching around your middle. “Technically they’re both a type of massage…” 
You rolled your eyes playfully and couldn’t help but steal a kiss. “Should we get out of here now?” The water was starting to grow cold, and — “We’re floating around with your cum.” 
Seokjin looked unbothered. “Wouldn’t be the first time,” he casually replied.
You whacked his shoulder (gently, of course) in means of telling him to behave. “Takeout tonight?” 
He nodded, hands stroking up and down your naked back. The smile he gave you was one you couldn’t help but return. “Then bed – and I don’t plan on waking up until midday!”
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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finelinevogue · 3 years
You should make like a part two or something where you Harry and your two children Oliver and Felix where all four of you guys go to a beach.
And Harry and Felix are in the water playing around, and Oliver is laying next to you cuddling beside you his hands on your bump. Him asking you what the baby names going to be, or him talking about his best friend or his crush??
omg this is the cutest!! i love this little family so much!! send in any concepts you want to see from them <33
The ocean must have some sort of calming power.
Laying on your beach towel - one with Harry’s face on because he was a narcissist asshole who didn’t know what else to buy you for Valentines day - you admired the sounds of the waves breaking in against the shore. The smell of salty air and soft sand brought peace to your senses. After a troublesome and long pregnancy it was just what you needed.
The wind carried the noises of Harry and Felix messing around on the beach, kicking around a football. They were both in swimming trunks, but Harry had made Felix wear a sunhat so he didn’t burn his head or his face quite as much.
You were thankful you lived so close to the beach that you could have days like these. It was so rare to have you all together, what with Harry’s busy scheduled life.
Oli was laying down next to you on his beach towel and soaking in the suns rays. He had just come back over from playing football, but claimed he was tired out now and needed a sit down. He looked just like a younger version of his dad sat beside you.
“You alright Ol?”
You twisted your head to the side, because sitting up wasn’t an option with your 8 month pregnant belly. You could see his mind was clearly working through something, and all you hoped for was that he knew you were here for him through anything.
“Just thinking about names for the baby.”
You smiled so bright. It warmed your heart to know Oli was invested into loving and thinking about his sister already.
“Oh right? And what have you thought about so far?” You were curious as to whether his names matched up to any of the ones you and Harry had discussed.
“Well, I was thinking a name that can be shortened you know? Like how mine goes from Oliver to Ol or Oli and Felix’s goes to Flix or Fix.”
He was already thinking the same way as you and Harry had.
“Mhm, and?”
“Maybe something like Annabel so it’s shortened to Anna, or Elizabeth to Beth, or maybe even Isabella to Bella or Belle?”
“Isabella? I like that. I like that a lot.” And so did your baby girl by the harsh kick she just gave you to your stomach, making you wince slightly. “Any others?”
“Just not Katie.” He responded quickly, making you furrow your eyebrows in wonder.
“And why’s that?”
“Well it’s just there’s a girl in school that I really like and she’s called Katie, and I think it’d be a bit weird hearing my baby sister be called Katie too, now.” He spoke really quickly, but luckily you were his mum so you understood everything he tried to rush over. His face blushed the same colour as Harry’s atrocious sunburn and he sheepishly smiled at you, meaning that he didn’t really want to talk about any of that stuff he’d just mentioned yet.
“That’s okay.” You responded, having a double meaning to your words.
You moved your head back so it was directly being lit up by the sun, the rays warming you skin and bronzing your colour. It felt divine.
Your head shot up as Felix called for you, you thinking the worst due to heightened maternal instincts. It turned out he was fine and just wanted to show off a new football trick his dad had just shown him to you.
“Well done Fix!” You shouted back, a hand covering your eyes to shade from the sun.
You kept an eye on him as he ran over to you, Harry following behind thinking he was in a scene from Baywatch or something. It was funny to watch, but you did have to admit how attractive he looked. His dad bod was absolutely lush and the hormones made you want to jump him like a mad woman.
“You all good?” You asked, Felix coming to kneel down in the sand in front of your towel. Oli sat up too, crossed legged as he rooted inside the ice-cooler bag for some water. He took a bottle out for himself and then another out for his brother, who thanked him kindly.
“Yeah dad taught me some really cool tricks, did you see?”
“I did, yeah. You were really good.” You leaned up onto your elbows with a huff and a puff to get a better view of your family around you.
“Alright love?” Harry asked you, coming to lay down next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek to signify he’d missed you.
“I’m perfect.” You smiled at him, because you were. You had nothing to complain about. You had a loving husband and best friend, two amazing sons and a beautiful baby girl on the way. Everyone was healthy and well loved. Nothing could be better than all these little moments.
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