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⚠️⚠️HEY NINJAGO FANDOM (and any others) I THINK WE ALL NEED TO HAVE A TALK. OK.⚠️⚠️ So for one dragons rising s2 part 1 comes out tomrrow for those in the United States and some other areas, but there’s also been some slight debates about Misako on tumblr (maybe not but I keep getting posts related to her).
and it’s a little annoying tbh. Well not annoying but difficult. Some posts are saying “Oh well misako wasn’t s good mom but the ninja weren’t better!” Which I am NOT trying to call anybody out or attack them. However yeah none of them were really ‘great’ at raising Lloyd however there’s also other factors that go into it as well.
I myself am more neutral about Misako. I don’t like her. But I’m willing to hear out genuine debates on her. However yes, I agree Misako is a complex character and while I and I’m sure many others who might dislike her or feel neutral about her understand that and understand that she had reasons for her actions- that does NOT mean we still cannot dislike a complex character. (Also you don’t always HAVE to have a reason on why you dislike or like something and sometimes you might not even know yourself why)
for example on tiktok there’ll be videos saying “We need more complex characters!” And usually the video will go to “you couldn’t even handle (insert character(s)).” And it’s one thing if they mischaracterize the character and don’t understand it. But if they still know the characters complex and understand the reasons that doesn’t mean they have to LIKE the character. They aren’t entitled to. And nobody is entitled to be upset at someone else for disliking or liking a character. You can debate civilly about a character if you want but don’t go throwing accusations like “OH YOU DONT LIKE (insert character) YOUR PROBABLY RACIST, MISOGYNISTIC, ETC.” And while I’m sure in a few cases that might play into it. But also- that’s not always the case. Like if I dislike a female character for reasons am I misogynistic? No. Not unless I hate her BECAUSE she’s a woman. Not because she might’ve done something I personally don’t agree with. And I think we all need to understand that,
EVERYONE can form opinions based on their own personal experiences and morals. You don’t have to LIKE someone else’s opinion but you don’t have to berate them for it either. And I’m sure someone might say “OH YOU JUST DONT LIKE MISAKO.” NO. I don’t like her- but I don’t hate her. I have mixed feeling about her. But it’s no different if someone else also disliked a complex character such as Garmadon or Wu. (Most of the time from what I’ve seen) It’s not because of a racial or sex issue with the character. It’s just because that character in that own individuals opinion isn’t their favorite.
so if you can relate or have anything to add onto or maybe speak with me about feel free to reply or reblog. THANK YOU, HAVE A NICE DAY.
Tagging some of my mutuals/pookies/ or just someone who could give a good opinion so they can help spread some awareness! @clovercreationscc @froggityboingerrr @hollowflight-propaganda @iamsonormalaboutninjago @nyaskitten(I want ur opinion on this lol)
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foolinlove99 · 1 year
Many people, including me,was/is very upset when they realised that we won't be getting Wenvier until, maximum Season 3. They did announce that Wednesday is going to have 4 seasons,afterall.
But come to think of it, it's actually great. In Season 1, we don't even have this much of scenes between them and the Wenvier fandom is already overloaded with edits and fics. Just imagine the Wave their S.2 closeness will bring to the fandom🤠
As soon as S2 comes out:
Artists Authors & Editors: cracks knuckles "our time has come"
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I really love Wednesday neflix I really do. But is it me or the writers was forcing this Tyler and Wednesday romance way too hard? Like I get this cringe feeling everytime they are together. What do yall think?
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lilacfuss · 1 year
tell me whats infinity? in science, for romanticist, for artists, for every varying individual.
lets discuss 🌙
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kokeethornton · 1 year
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Some artists and authors are afraid that A.I. ´s like Midjourney and ChatGPT could change their future to a badland full of joblessness instead of fairly paid illustration and writing jobs.
Some other artists think, these apps could be a good tool for using it to create art in an easier way, half the time.
I can understand both sides arguments. And I am not sure what to think about those A.I.´s. I am not afraid but this dystopian vision of the world of the future came to my mind while thinking about it. So i drew it. With my own hand and pencils. I just used a bit of digital colour to brighten the headlamps. And a Vintage Filter for the second version of it :)
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rivetgoth · 2 months
It's honestly crazy that discussion around testosterone HRT skews so much towards the beginning stages of it (to the point that you have dozens of guys thinking their transition is "failed" if they don't pass by like a year in lol) and what the initial changes of the first couple of months to years look like, like the classic laundry list of those early basic changes like bottom growth, voice drop, etc, when IMO literally none of that compares remotely to the depth and intensity of the long term total masculinization you start to experience like 3-5+ years in.
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apollos-boyfriend · 6 months
we have GOT to kill tiktok/twitter self-censorship i just witnessed a grown adult say the word “smex” out loud to our professor
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hamletthedane · 2 months
I was meeting a client at a famous museum’s lounge for lunch (fancy, I know) and had an hour to kill afterwards so I joined the first random docent tour I could find. The woman who took us around was a great-grandmother from the Bronx “back when that was nothing to brag about” and she was doing a talk on alternative mediums within art.
What I thought that meant: telling us about unique sculpture materials and paint mixtures.
What that actually meant: an 84yo woman gingerly holding a beautifully beaded and embroidered dress (apparently from Ukraine and at least 200 years old) and, with tears in her eyes, showing how each individual thread was spun by hand and weaved into place on a cottage floor loom, with bright blue silk embroidery thread and hand-blown beads intricately piercing the work of other labor for days upon days, as the labor of a dozen talented people came together to make something so beautiful for a village girl’s wedding day.
What it also meant: in 1948, a young girl lived in a cramped tenement-like third floor apartment in Manhattan, with a father who had just joined them after not having been allowed to escape through Poland with his pregnant wife nine years earlier. She sits in her father’s lap and watches with wide, quiet eyes as her mother’s deft hands fly across fabric with bright blue silk thread (echoing hands from over a century years earlier). Thread that her mother had salvaged from white embroidery scraps at the tailor’s shop where she worked and spent the last few days carefully dying in the kitchen sink and drying on the roof.
The dress is in the traditional Hungarian fashion and is folded across her mother’s lap: her mother doesn’t had a pattern, but she doesn’t need one to make her daughter’s dress for the fifth grade dance. The dress would end up differing significantly from the pure white, petticoated first communion dresses worn by her daughter’s majority-Catholic classmates, but the young girl would love it all the more for its uniqueness and bright blue thread.
And now, that same young girl (and maybe also the villager from 19th century Ukraine) stands in front of us, trying not to clutch the old fabric too hard as her voice shakes with the emotion of all the love and humanity that is poured into the labor of art. The village girl and the girl in the Bronx were very different people: different centuries, different religions, different ages, and different continents. But the love in the stitches and beads on their dresses was the same. And she tells us that when we look at the labor of art, we don’t just see the work to create that piece - we see the labor of our own creations and the creations of others for us, and the value in something so seemingly frivolous.
But, maybe more importantly, she says that we only admire this piece in a museum because it happened to survive the love of the wearer and those who owned it afterwards, but there have been quite literally billions of small, quiet works of art in billions of small, quiet homes all over the world, for millennia. That your grandmother’s quilt is used as a picnic blanket just as Van Gogh’s works hung in his poor friends’ hallways. That your father’s hand-painted model plane sets are displayed in your parents’ livingroom as Grecian vases are displayed in museums. That your older sister’s engineering drawings in a steady, fine-lined hand are akin to Da Vinci’s scribbles of flying machines.
I don’t think there’s any dramatic conclusions to be drawn from these thoughts - they’ve been echoed by thousands of other people across the centuries. However, if you ever feel bad for spending all of your time sewing, knitting, drawing, building lego sets, or whatever else - especially if you feel like you have to somehow monetize or show off your work online to justify your labor - please know that there’s an 84yo museum docent in the Bronx who would cry simply at the thought of you spending so much effort to quietly create something that’s beautiful to you.
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dogboymanbirddogman · 1 month
"ummm you know the writer only included that because they have a FETISH right?" is always so funny to me as a disparaging comment, because imagine if people spoke that way about nonsexual interests. "the lord of the rings? didnt the author only write that because he was interested in linguistics? thanks, i'll pass" "yeah, i used to love spongebob as a kid, but i can never see it the same after finding out stephen hillenburg is a marine biologist :/"
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cursedgamerchild · 5 months
"internet historian's alt-right anyways" "great day to have never liked james somerton" "never even heard of illuminaughtii before this lol"
that's great buddy but don't go around thinking you're immune to this. if you're not looking for plagiarism, you likely won't notice it unless its egregiously obvious. hell, you've probably consumed plagiarized content without even realizing it. even hbomb pointed out that these people disguised what they presented pretty well as long as you didn't try and dig deeper. don't come away just thinking of this as a callout piece, take this as an important lesson about vetting your sources. if googling scripts in quotes was enough to expose the original, we should all start doing that shit!!
edit: it got a little too doomer-y a little too fast so one quick addition
this is hbomb's curated playlist of queer creators, many of whom were victims of plagiarism
this is producer kat on reddit calling for any more plagiarism discoveries and for queer content creators to be uplifted
please take some time to uplift these creators and recommend any you know! if you can help uncover more of the original creators whose work was lifted that would be great too :)
UPDATE- From Hbomb's twitter: "We're in the process of cataloguing everyone James Somerton plagiarised and finding their contact information. Which is quite a task, so to help us out: If you see this and happen to be one of the people Somerton stole from, please email us at [email protected]"
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edit 2:
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foolinlove99 · 1 year
Some people prove how Enid respected Wednesday's boundaries better than xavier. I never really minded it. But lately I've given it some thought.
Did she tho?
Let's start with, on her very first day. Wednesday asked her to turn off the music. She quite purposely left it there.
Then when their fight happened...on that case, Wednesday was wrong ok, but give it some thought, not really...when they were about to enter, Wednesday told her "You can go back if you don't want to"
Enid followed with her own will right? And then she yelled at her even after she apologised, I feel like she never really considered her situation...
Now please don't take this wrong. I adore their friendship but I seriously think Xavier was the one who respected her boundaries better. He obviously loved her way more than Enid but never tried to touch, let alone hug her. He tried his best to keep in touch with her.
Designed her birthday cake for her. Now this may be may personal thought, but when Enid and Wednesday fought, in that period if you asked Enid to do the same she wouldn't.
And Enid didn't recognise her own words
Exactly. It says everything. Doesn't it. How she never had friends? Never experienced friendship before? How noone has tried to understand her?
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secattention · 2 months
Tucker calls out Schwab.
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danthinker · 2 months
Decir las verdades, ser auténtico y las groserías
Wenas noches (ejem, perdón, es mi forma de hablar cuando estoy de relajo, ejem). Buenos días, tardes o noches, a la hora que leas / lean esto, hoy de noche estuve con una meditación combinada con terapia de "hablarme a mi mismo todo lo que me tenía bien guaradado en mi interior". Y bueno, 2 horas en eso, y saqué tema para el blog, así qué, vamos con el tema.
Acerca de decir las verdades. Es un tanto complicado de tratar, y también de mencionar, ya que tiene que ver con la crianza dada en cada hogar, y el estima social atado a esto, a lo largo de las generaciones, el tener a la prudencia como pilar fundamental para la interacción social, ha sido y todavía es en varios casos, no solo el estándar, sino también un requerimiento para ser un integrante de la misma.
Díganme si me equivoco, pero pienso que desde épocas de nuestros bisabuelos y abuelos, y algunos padres de las generaciones Baby Boomers y X, han tenido como parte de su "biblia de crianza" el comentar la extrema importancia de saber cuando decir algo, cuando callar, cuales cosas nunca decir, que siempre hay que tener buenos modales con todos, y no usar un vocabulario obsceno. Me pasó y me pasa.
En generaciones pasadas, desde la Silenciosa hasta la X, hablando en términos de tiempo contemporáneo, lo común era aplicar el "respeta a tus mayores" como regla de vida, ya ni siquiera de convivencia en sociedad, esto se aplicaba desde que nacían hasta el día de su muerte, todo el día, todos los días, y que había que sentirse avergonzados de que se le "escapase" una grosería, por qué, pues hay varios motivos por los que ese "accidente" puede ocurrir.
Ser auténtico, transparente y cercano, incluso con gente desconocida, no es tan fácil si se está reprimiendo algunas partes de la esencia propia, el evitar que algunas reacciones del cuerpo y los sentidos hacia algo ocurra. Vuelvo con los ejemplos, aplicar tensión y no soltar, cosas como el volcán, la botella de refresco, el globo y el ano, seré gráfico, pero es para explicar mejor. En el caso del volcán, algún "ocurrente ingenioso" dijo alguna vez en redes sociales "tapemos loa volcanes con cemento para evitar erupciones", no fuí yo, de una vez aclaro eso, lo ví en algún post no sé si de Twitter/X o Facebook, pero el caso es, que en ese mismo post alguien le contesta "ponte un tapón en el culo a ver si dejas de cagar", adivinen que pasaría en el primer caso, pues el volcán podría provocar erupciones aledañas ya sea por tierra o por la superficie elevada del mismo volcán, o algo aún peor (que no estoy seguro de si pasaría o no), el volcán explotando como una bomba y desperdigando lava ardiente y escombros por todos lados. En el caso del ano, pueden suceder 2 cosas, o el tapón sale por la presión... o esa presión sale por otro lado (si saben a lo que me refiero). En el caso del globo es similar, por la presión acumulada en su interior puede explotar, o en casos más raros, desamarrar el nudo o quitar el tapón para dejar salir el aire. En el caso del refresco es algo más interesante y preciso. Se acuerdan de esas imágenes de una gran botella refresco, y que más cerca de la cámara hay una mano sosteniendo unas mentas? Pues aquí va lo que voy a decir, digamos que el refresco es la persona, y los mentos son situaciones difíciles, molestas y graves en la vida, y que al echar esas situaciones en la persona, si se trata de tapar y no dejar salir nada, es como si una persona aguantase las ganas de insultar a un pendejo, llorar cuando está herida, o pedir ayuda cuando está sola, es decir, aguantarse con fuerza el dejar expresar la reacción de su cuerpo a lo que le suceda, y actuar como si no pasara nada. Disimular, enmascarar, no ser tu auténtico tú actuando, solo una máscara de fuerza, tranquilidad y control, pero en algún punto, todo eso reprimido en tu interior saldrá a la luz, y ahí sí podrás descansar, o dejar descansar al cuerpo, ya que esa intervención consciente llega a ser antinatural, o nieguenme que los animales reaccionan a lo que el entorno les hace?
Somos animales, animales pensantes, pero hay cosas propias de los animales que no dejamos atrás o no dejamos de hacer, es parte de nuestra naturaleza, pero gracias al razonamiento, podemos encontrar otros métodos menos agresivos para reaccionar.
Las groserías son a menudo un tabú en muchos hogares, hasta que alguno de los 2 padres llega más enojado, que hincha de fútbol cuando su equipo pierde un partido, e insulta hasta la tierra sobre la cual está construida su casa, y luego, ya sea más tarde o al día siguiente, no quieren hablar del tema, teniendo una negativa algo agresiva, tomando el insultar al aire como un pecado. No digo que esté bien explotar sobre gente inocente o que no tenía nada que ver, pero remarco que para evitar eso mismo, hay que dejar de ver las groserías como cosas sacadas del infierno personal de Satanás, por algo existen, en todo el mundo, en todos los idiomas posibles, incluso sospecho que desde la época de los griegos, en el latín habían groserías; por algo se le dicen "palabras fuertes" no?
Díganme si no han querido decirle cosas como "imbéciles, tarado, malparido, puto" o siquiera "estúpido" a alguien que, sin ninguna duda, está cometiendo o cometió un error gigante, una estupidez, o algo sumamente peligroso para la integridad de una comunidad? Como subsidiar a delincuentes, apoyar dictaduras, promover el aborto, ser corruptos, ser asesinos, estafadores, secuestradores, criminales, ladrones, comunistas, sectarios, gente que adoctrina, pederastas, pedófilos, necrofílicos, y un largo etc que mejor paro aquí. O incluso no solo insultar, sino hasta matar por su nivel de peligro, más que todo a los que tienen influencia, gente detrás que les apoya, y poder (ya sea político, económico, social, o todos).
Muchos tienen ese deseo de justicia social, pero igual, como toda herramienta de poder y empoderamiento, es un arma de doble filo en la sociedad, ya que gente buena y/o gente mala tienen acceso a su uso, es inevitable, pero lo que no es inevitable, es hacer uso de razón para que la gente buena sea mayoría e impida el ejercimiento por parte de la gente mala el uso de esa herramienta. Qué pasó en Ecuador con Fernando Villavicencio? Lo mandaron a matar los corruptos de sus contrincantes, usando su poder económico para contratar sicarios, que luego matarían para evitar que fuesen interrogados. Qué pasa con los movimientos feminazis? Reclutan mujeres para llenarles la cabeza y el alma de odio hacia los hombres, a la familia, a ser madres y a los hijos. Qué tienen en común? Hacer uso de sus recursos para conseguir su objetivo, haciendo justicia según su criterio.
El tema de las feministas me toca hacer una investigación, pues recientemente he visto movimientos autoproclamados feministas, pero que tratan de limpiar la imagen dejada por las feminazis. Mantengo mis dudas, y por prevención, necesito más información. Los violadores existen? Si, me dan asco. Todos los hombres son violadores? Si todos fuésemos voladores, no habría hombres en la calle, ni en ningún sitio público, solo la cárcel, pero como no todos lo somos, entonces no todos los hombres somos violadores, otra cosa es que nos quieran meter en el mismo saco de "posibles violadores / violadores en potencia", eso es una aberración; yo empleo el término "feminazi" para esos movimientos de mujeres y "aliades" que apoyan el aborto, el LGBT+ en niños, el machete al macho, y el odio a quien no piense igual, por algo combinan "nazi" con feministas, pues su intención es ver a los hombres como una especie diferente a las mujeres (cosa más ridícula), y que esa "especie de los hombres" sea erradicada, como Hitler hizo con los judíos.
Volviendo al tema, si no se es libre de expresar las reacciones del cuerpo, te provocas a tí mismo más daño del que sentirías al pasar vergüenza por expresar tus emociones y sentimientos. Hablo de cosas como tensión y dolor muscular, nauseas, dolor de cabeza, migrañas, rabia, calambres, ganas de golpear/destruir, ira, esconderse, etc...
( hace varios meses que tenía planeado publicar esto, pero la ansiedad era un problema casi crónico, y también tenía mis dudas, por culpa de la ansiedad )
Que tengan buen día, tarde o noche, hasta la próxima.
( Si quieren hablar conmigo, revisen en mi post anclado en mi perfil )
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quillyfied · 1 year
One thing that Firefox can’t do is allow me to access my telehealth therapy appointments. Three different platforms now have rejected my use of Firefox. I use Safari instead bc that’s what works and at least it isn’t chrome, but for folks who rightfully use Firefox, be aware that many, if not all, telehealth platforms will not work on Firefox (something about the encryption/security not being up to their standard, I believe; if there are hacks that Firefox gurus know to bypass this, please share with the class?).
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samble-moved · 8 months
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post itself
false flags
trans/adjacent tags
accessibility features
tumblr live post (thanks for the link, @problemnyatic)
flashing / strobing / lights
unblockable flashing ad
buying ad free
staff @/macmanx guilt trip
list of staff + more issues
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xtremeservers · 3 months
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Email us at [email protected]... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/official-playstation-podcast-episode-474-dont-get-gravy-on-that/?feed_id=118085&_unique_id=65b2b91f8a68e&Official%20PlayStation%20Podcast%20Episode%20474%3A%20Don%E2%80%99t%20Get%20Gravy%20On%20That
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