#discussion of Empire Bay and everything
therobotmonster · 1 year
So many kid's toys these days just. Arn't fun. They're designed to be COLLECTED rather than PLAYED with. Everything is a fucking blindbag. Materials are flimsy and cheap and designs don't hold up to an actual child throwing them around. And it's all so EXPENSIVE, even accounting for inflation.
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To expand on my thoughts here, I'm unrolling a Twitter thread I made about this trend. (with some additions)
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The Big H's handling of mainline figs is... distressing, of late. Very little push for show mains, oversupport of already saturated legacy characters, and some frankly unsettling engineering and materials choices (esp in Cyberverse).
Increase in overall fragility, thinner parts, styrene-on-styrene joints that will go floppy in a few months of light play, very little "clicks" or locks solidly... the passion is clearly in the collector's end, and that's just bass ackwards.
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This repugnus would have been amazing triumph from Mego in 1970s. But for a mainline big H TF line in the 2020s? This is a backslide. And before anyone brings up that it's from the kids' line, that's the point. They're KIDS, they should get MORE care and effort in their merch.
Every toy you make might be a kid's only birthday gift or holiday present. Toys are /given/ to children, and if the work is subpar, you make a chump out of grandma. You won't be there to blame if it breaks or disappoints.
It seriously drives me nuts seeing how far the stuff-for-kids industries have fallen. There's no brands without the work, but as the poet DMX said: "these cats done forgot what work is."
All your blockbuster superhero empires start in the pulp gutters. Compared to the movies toys, games and comics will never be profitable ENOUGH to be worth it on a billion-dollar scale ledger.
"Give me mighty oaks! There's no profit in acorns!"
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If you want the stuff that makes the Michael Bay blockbuster, you have to start with the stupid goofy cartoon no one had seen before where anxiety over the oil crisis was acted out by robotic Punch and Judy puppets. How many studios would greenlight TMNT or TF sight unseen today?
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If you make toys and cartoons and video games, your job is to make kids happy. How is that not sacred? If anything is sacred it should be that.
Art is the act of evoking emotion, and fun is an emotion (what else could it be described as?) and it is SO IMPORTANT.
I fear that gets lost in the "what to do over next?" rush. Every artist at those companies has a dozen amazing ideas in their back pocket that won't get a chance to become the next Transformers because a studio is terrified they'll make Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors instead.
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Since the world is run by Captain Planet villains, I wouldn't bat an eye if we found out venture capital was a ploy by some disgruntled warlock who just hates the goddamn Care Bears.
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Just some dick at Bear Sterns singing "There's no room for joy on a spreadsheet" to a weaselly sidekick.
Cuz guys, we've got companies that make GAMES for CHILDREN hiring the Pinkertons. I repeat. Games. For. Children. That's not normal. That's not a normal thing. That is a very disturbing thing.
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And its hard to even discuss without sounding like a frickin' Care Bear myself. Because how do you sum up the creeping dread that the support beams are being mined thin, and everything fun for kids will go the way of Toys-R-Us, dragged down like Artax.
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I'm not advocating pure altruism here. There's plenty of money to be made giving kids an awesome experience. It's investing in future fandom. Real Brand loyalty. If you want the blockbuster 15 years from now, get them hooked on the fun cartoon now. The value-add always pays off.
For every Transformers or He-Man there's going to be several Robotix-es or Power Lords. That's a risk. A risk worth taking. New ideas should be easier and cheaper to bring to fruition now than ever. But the system won't let it happen.
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181 notes · View notes
westeroslive · 2 months
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𝘈𝘙𝘊  𝘐𝘐,  𝖶𝖠𝖱  𝖥𝖮𝖱  𝖳𝖧𝖤  𝖣𝖠𝖶𝖭  :  𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿  𝘁𝘄𝗼.
the  hour  of  the  wolf  has  passed,  darkest  shades  of  the  night  stain  paler  as  the  city  still  sleeps  peacefully  beneath  luminous  moon  —  only  servants  and  common  folk  have  halted  slumber  for  duty.  the  torches  in  the  tower  of  the  hand  flicker  ever  so  often,  never  dimming  as  the  small  council  members  appear  to  be  the  only  nobles  still  awake  in  the  red  keep  ⸻  obsequiously  serving  her  majesty.  hour  upon  hour  filled  with  discussion  -  to  elect  their  new  leader,  the  next  hand  of  the  queen  ...  but  who  is  worthy  of  such  prestigious  position  ⸺  there  is  no  unanimity,  midnight  exists  of  strained  colloquy  and  biting  emphasis  on  covert  self  -  interest  disguised  as  wishes  of  the  realm's  greater  good.  it's  a  tale  as  old  as  time,  from  the  day  aegon  conquered  the  kingdoms  until  the  end  of  the  targaryen  dynasty  -  one  only  has  own  interests  at  heart.  strong  currents  pick  up  across  blackwater  bay,  mighty  winds  roar  harshly  above  the  waters  as  it  nears  the  city  ⸺  a  storm  in  spring  brings  unrest,  a  bad  omen  for  the  rest  of  the  year.  if  only  the  council  members  could  pick  up  the  faint  sounds  growing  louder  with  each  passing  minute,  their  voices  drowning  out  the  tempest.
reunion  between  siblings  -  unexpected  yet  with  bare  bones  of  recent  events  carried  over,  message  shared  changes  the  course  of  diplomacy  between  two  kingdoms.  letter  by  raven  revealed  new  development,  crimson  -  hued  flames  grazed  city  -  states  of  the  empire  as  damage  was  done  by  breath  of  dragon,  not  a  final  kiss  of  death  but  wounded  by  fearsome  attacks.  all  politeness  and  rigidity  in  statecraft  gone  as  the  emperor  only  has  one  goal:  sail  back  to  essos  and  unite  his  lands  during  these  dire  times  of  war,  he  must  go  back  to  pentoshi  soil  and  lead  the  empire  from  his  seat  in  imperial  castle  -  to  be  a  united  front  against  the  enemy.  dagareon  royals  leave  the  quarters  as  servants  are  dispatched  to  gather  all  essosi  nobility,  they  must  set  sail  quickly.  freshly  -  lit  fire  warms  the  room  with  sullen  orange  glow  as  dawn  slowly  paints  the  outside  sky  in  lighter  tints  of  deep  blue,  the  emperor  stands  tall  in  the  midst  of  his  people  -  dragon  mosaic  in  black  and  red  underneath  his  feet.  they  will  overcome  the  challenge  of  the  three  -  headed  dragon,  victory  shall  taste  bitter  iron.  in  all  his  glory,  he  commands  the  essosi  to  leave  the  soil  of  king's  landing  in  exchange  for  the  lands  of  their  upbringing.  it  becomes  a  clandestine  mission,  operation  incomplete  as  not  all  enter  the  ship  on  time  -  some  will  forcefully  stay  behind  in  the  capital.  in  safety  according  to  the  emperor's  brother  -  danger  has  not  reached  the  shores  of  westeros  and  even  if  they  would,  they  are  weaponed  against  the  worst.  a  dance  of  dragons  will  protect  their  own  nobility  and  leave  the  targaryens  vulnerable,  creating  a  power  vacuum  ⸺  for  the  best,  for  the  greater  good  of  the  empire.  heartfelt  letters  written  by  quick  brushstrokes  explain  the  path  chosen  as  they  are  scattered  amongst  the  quarters  of  the  essosi,  their  kin  leaving  on  the  ship  cloaked  in  the  dark  as  dawn  begins  to  break  -  like  fugitives  they  leave  and  tear  apart  diplomatic  relations.  too  caught  up  in  everything  to  notice  the  faint  lights  on  blackwater  bay  as  they  go  deeper  into  the  narrow  sea  facing  the  heavy  gusts  of  wind  in  the  storm.  the  rumble  of  thunder  is  deafening  as  it  intertwines  with  dragon  roars  ⸻  their  loved  ones  safer  in  king's  landing  than  the  damaged  lands  of  essos,  to  be  brought  back  when  all  turmoil  has  been  eradicated.
gusting  winds  have  picked  up  above  the  waters,  thunderous  claps  of  dragon  wings  flying  low  near  the  waves  -  limbs  with  sharp  claws  touching  traitorous  sea  ⸻  it  starts  all  over  again,  at  the  mouth  of  the  blackwater  rush  with  three  dragons,  as  they  conquer.  magic  is  strongest  with  dragons  around,  long  fruitful  summers  with  short  winters  lightly  dusted  by  snow.  it  is  not  any  different  now,  something  in  the  air  shifts  -  thickly  coated  with  prophecies  and  the  fiery  iron  taste  of  fire  and  blood.  loud  roars  fill  the  empyrean  atmosphere  -  familiar  cries  of  dragons  that  do  not  wake  commonfolk,  but  to  the  trained  ear  it  is  foreign  ⸺  not  the  dragons  housed  in  the  pit.  finally,  the  three  dragons  in  shades  of  black,  silver  and  copper  fly  over  the  city  -  wings  large  enough  to  bring  entire  city  in  darkness  of  the  night  yet  again.  loud  uproar  shocks  the  castle  dragons  that  remain  unclaimed  ⸺  apprehension  of  the  unknown  causes  their  panic  as  limbs  push  them  away  from  the  dragonpit  toward  the  dome,  breaking  free  as  they  leave  their  home.  wings  carry  them  across  the  skies  toward  safety  -  castamere  and  dragonstone  within  their  reach  if  they're  fast  enough.  king's  landing  knights,  gold  cloaks  of  the  east  barracks,  watch  the  escape  of  dragons  with  mouths  wide  open  -  rare  phenomenon  before  they  are  brought  back  into  reality.  the  word  spreads  across  the  city  that  all  must  stay  inside  -  enough  warning  of  their  fellow  lowborn  as  they  run  toward  the  nearest  outpost  of  the  red  keep. 
                                                                                 ⸻  ring  the  bell.
the  bond  between  a  dragon  and  their  rider  strong,  together  against  the  world  even  when  all  odds  are  not  in  their  favor  ⸺  no  one  to  stand  in  between,  till  death  do  them  part.  the  dragonriders  wake  up  drenched  in  sweat  as  they  sense  the  fear  instilled  in  their  dragon  —  it  was  clear  that  something  was  wrong.  but  what  was  it  ?  heart  pounding  fast,  the  blood  rushes  to  the  head  as  everything  around  becomes  dark  and  fuzzy  ⸺  too  many  sensations  all  at  once,  connection  with  dragon  overwhelming  as  the  world  spins  out  of  control.
the  city  begins  to  wake  up  under  pale  orange  and  grapefruit  tinted  heavens,  the  soft  epilogue  that  all  deserve  -  dreamscapes  painting  homes.  the  terror  of  the  nightfall,  haunted  by  the  heat  of  dragons,  reappears  in  the  heavens  as  three  dragons  enter  the  battle  scene.  gruesome  near  reincarnations  of  balerion  the  black  dread,  vhagar  and  meraxes  as  they  curse  king's  landing  into  absolute  darkness.  together  they  set  the  capital  ablaze  with  dragonflames  escaping  mouths,  not  as  powerful  as  the  fires  from  trueborn  grown  dragons  but  still  a  devastating  blow  ⸺  alleys  and  houses  burned  to  the  ground,  charred  to  coal.  their  sights  now  turned  to  red  keep  after  the  city  parallels  the  field  of  fire,  a  relic  from  aegon's  war  of  conquest  -  only  the  targaryen  reign  has  fallen  victim  now.
heat  of  licking  flames  scorches  the  royal  gardens  into  a  wasteland  of  ashes,  now  a  palace  of  bruised  flowers  -  unable  to  grow  in  tarnished  ground.  while  castle  dragons  have  escaped  dragonpit  before  it  becomes  their  mausoleum,  bonded  dragons  arrive  on  torched  down  territory  at  the  foot  of  the  red  keep.  dragons  are  fire  made  flesh  ⸻  immunity  against  fire  as  the  royal  dragons  wait  on  their  riders  -  cannot  be  separated  as  their  roaring  cries  warn  the  queen's  children  of  the  imminent  danger  they  are  in.
the  raging  inferno  is  strong  -  waft  of  smoke  fills  every  corner  of  the    castle,  every  breath  taken  corrupts  lungs  with  sulfur,  the  smell  intense  that  nobles  of  court  rouse  ⸻  realization  dawns  upon  them,  trapped  in  the  keep.  visibility  at  all  -  time  low,  last  vision  is  dark  soot  as  flesh  is  burning  with  the  heat.  it  is  impossible  to  escape  -  screams  of  anguish  and  tears  of  despair  only  weaken  bodies  before  they  succumb  to  eternal  sleep.  the  royal  palace  now  their  grave  if  only  they  knew  they  are  the  lucky  ones.  heat  becomes  stronger,  melting  the  structure  of  the  last  resting  place  of  many  -  large  blocks  of  pale  red  stone  fall  as  it  burns  down  to  rubble.  some  casualties  of  the  morning  are  caught  under  the  weight  of  the  walls,  suffocation  as  it  becomes  harder  to  respirate  -  gasping  for  air  as  they  try  to  survive,  but  deep  down  they  know,  their  cries  for  help  will  not  be  heard  ⸺  death  welcomes  them  as  the  sweltering  heat  of  dragonflames  no  longer  burns  skin.
the  outcries  of  the  three  serpentine  dragons  is  loud,  it  nearly  engulfs  the  connection  between  dragonrider  and  dragon.  however,  it  is  the  prince  commander  who  feels  the  pull  strongest,  he  gathers  his  siblings  as  he  analyzes  the  situation  ⸺  the  spare  of  the  spare  knows  what  must  be  done.  with  quick  words  and  a  natural  commandeering  presence,  the  youngest  princess, little viserra,  is  tasked  with  seeking  out  nobles  and  fly  them  out  to  dragonstone  toward  safety  while  prince  daeron  secures  the  red  keep  before  doing  the  same.  three  other  targaryen  royals,  with  dragons  made  for  the  task,  are  entrusted  with  defeating  the  foreign  reptiles  ⸺  and  so  prince  aelyx,  princess  daenaera,  and  prince  calyx  climb  into  their  saddle  and  prepare  for  war.  they  must  be  defeated  at  all  costs,  even  death  of  their  own.
imposing  and  fearsome,  prince  commander  makes  the  first  move  as  he  scares  the  holy  trinity  of  dragons  away  from  the  red  keep  ⸺  with  great  speed  tyraxes  challenges  them  toward  the  mouth  of  blackwater  rush,  far  away  from  the  commoners  and  the  fleeing  court  that  refuse  to  be  entombed  for  eternity  in  the  ashen  debris.  as  the  oldest  dragon  of  the  royal  children  scares  the  trio  away,  it  allows  zeokas,  calaellis  and  balerion  to  follow  and  each  claim  their  own  adversary.  it  becomes  a  battle  of  serpentine  creatures  -  a  dance  of  dragons  above  blackwater  bay  ⸺  a  century  old  tragedy,  as  they  burn  across  the  sky  with  claws  intertwined  and  biting  jaws  filled  with  sharp  teeth.  it  draws  the  danger  further  away  from  the  city  while  the  few  volantene  ships  watch  on  -  scions  of  old  blood  have  signed  the  death  warrant  of  the  targaryens,  all  is  well.  the  acrid  smoky  air  envelops  the  city,  bright  fires  near  the  gates  and  markets  while  the  royal  castle  is  swallowed  alive  by  the  dragonfire  coming  from  purgatory.  the  distressed  screams  of  westerosi  aristocracy  and  queen  rhaena's  welcomed  guests  will  be  the  key  melody  in  the  ballads  immortalizing  the  victory  of  volantis  and  the  true  valyrian  descendants.  the  perfect  backdrop  as  the  dragons  fight  high  in  the  skies  -  the  sunrise  matching  the  bloodshed  in  the  capital,  the  sea  of  flames  as  times  of  peace  are  officially  over.  it  is  with  grotesque  surprise  that  the  essosi  delegation  realizes  what  fate  they  narrowly  escaped  -  the  images  engraved  into  psyche.  but  bombshell  only  builds  on  as  they  realize  some  of  their  loved  ones  are  still  in  the  city  -  sleeping  peacefully  in  their  quarters,  their  deaths  imminent.  inconsolable  grief  finds  roots  on  the  ship  but  there  is  no  turning  back  ... 
                          one  can  only  go  forward  and  pray  to  their  gods.
through  speed  and  endurance,  tyraxes  and  iridessa  bring  most  nobles  to  safety  ⸺  a  reconnaissance  mission  happens  to  find  the  missing  aristocrats  but  a  mournful  aura  paints  the  castle  of  dragonstone  in  even  more  somber  colors,  unremovable  mist  of  gloom.  the  entirety  of  the  small  council  gathered  at  the  highest  floor  of  the  stone  drum  with  eyes  on  the  carved  map  of  westeros  -  dreams  of  revenge  ...  and  for  once  the  queen  shall  agree  without  help  of  her  precious  hand,  there  is  no  more  liege  hand.  but  how  does  one  rage  war  against  an  invisible  enemy  ⸺  what  is  a  noble  to  a  dragon.  nothing.  the  queensguard  protects  her  majesty  as  she  overlooks  the  battle  happening  over  blackway  bay  ⸺  three  of  her  blood  risking  their  life  -  she  may  lose  another  one,  grief  that  nearly  killed  her  last  time.  is  this  another  punishment  from  the  gods  ?
the crown  prince  seeks  out  frantically  for  the  dagareon  royals  in  the  hallways  of  his  own  keep  -  impulsive  decision  made  as  he  flies  away  from  the  sanctuary  that  is  dragonstone  to  the  tomb  of  king's  landing.  his  duty  forsaken  to  find  more  survivors  but  the  palace  is  nothing  more  than  a  pile  of  ashes  and  melted  stones  -  harrenhal  was  nothing  compared  to  this  ravage  -  the  targaryen  ancestral  castle  no  longer  stands  tall,  brought  to  the  ruins  by  dragons  similar  to  their  ancestors.  dragons  do  not  burn,  but  he  weeps  at  the  fallen  nobles  in  the  midst  of  the  cinders  ⸻  too  many  faces  he  recognizes.  purple  gaze  is  drawn  to  the  body  of  a  sibling  of  the  ruling  lord  stark  -  figure  bloodied  and  bruised,  halo  of  crimson  surrounding  head  as  fire  still  licks  at  the  stones  around.  he  pulls  the  noble  away  from  the  slowly  -  dimming  flames  and  continues  the  quest.  near  the  gardens  the  ground  is  scorched  and  the  sulfur  scent  is  strong,  another  member  of  a  great  house  fallen,  this  time  a  young  rose  plucked  away  from  highgarden  too  soon  ⸺  young  with  a  future  ahead.  the  path  ahead  is  dark  -  howls  of  highborn  in  pain  are  everywhere  and  nowhere  at  once,  it  never  stops  like  they  are  in  the  walls  and  beneath  his  feet.  the  dragons  roar  on  -  rumbling  and  loud  enough  to  shake  king's  landing  to  the  core  with  ground  moving  and  stones  falling  all  around.  he  sees  the  first  sword  of  braavos  in  the  distance,  pushing  against  heavy  structure  to  save  the  lives  -  and  yet  another  loud  cry  from  the  reptiles  causes  rocks  to  topple  down  on  top  of  him.  hard,  painful  and  heavy  enough  to  break  through  the  ground  straight  into  the  secret  tunnels  ⸻  the  sword  joins  the  ones  he  tried  to  save  in  death.  finally,  eyes  meet  the  dead  stare  of  the  imperial  crown  prince,  nighttime  robes  kissed  by  dragon  fire  with  valyrian  steel  sword  melted  to  his  hand.  foolishly  brave  to  fight  the  dragons  on  his  own,  a  noble  mission  that  became  his  death  as  flames  scorched  his  flesh  -  swallowing  him  alive  in  heat,  but  it  is  the  fall  from  great  height  that  was  his  end.  perhaps  the  enemy  did  not  win  when  it  came  to  prince  kusa,  the  final  blow  not  serpentine  blazes  but  a  freefall  from  the  highest  tower  with  broken  neck  and  eyes  wide  open.
the  confrontation  between  dragons  rages  on  above  the  waves  of  the  bay,  dragonlords  holding  onto  tightly  to  their  reins  as  they  steer  toward  fatal  clashes.  with  careful  glances,  prince  calyx  notices  the  barely  -  there  lights  on  the  water  as  he  redirects  balerion  toward  the  volantene  ships  watching  the  burning  city  ⸻  oh  how  they  go  up  in  flames  with  practiced  ease,  what  a  tragedy.  calaellis  and  princess  daenaera  go  after  the  smallest  dragon  of  the  enemy,  brutally  strong  jaw  biting  into  other's  neck  until  their  limbs  no  longer  move  ⸺  after  a  long  battle  the  copper  dragon  is  no  more,  crashing  into  the  water  to  have  a  sealord's  funeral.  the  shyest  royal  of  them  all,  the  prince  of  summerhall,  with  zeokas  made  for  combat,  fights  the  two  largest  dragons  at  once.  narrowly  avoiding  death  until  the  claws  of  the  silver  dragon  and  his  own  copper  intertwine  into  a  tango  ⸻  allowing  the  black  dread  to  escape.  a  slight  turn  of  his  head  to  find  the  black  monster  again  -  easily  found,  but  then  he  watches  him  dive.  with  horror,  prince  aelyx  watches  the  balerion  -  reincarnate  bite  maegor  in  half  as  his  brother,  prince  rhaeys,  sits  on  top  of  the  crimson  reptile.  and  like  magic,  onyx  serpent  disappears  into  thin  air  ⸻  like  he  never  existed  before,  gone  with  the  wind.  nonetheless,  there  was  an  operation  to  be  fulfilled,  he  was  not  going  to  abandon  the  ship  and  together  with  calyx  and  his  beloved  balerion  -  the  two  siblings  defeat  the  silver  moonlight  beast.
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𝘈𝘙𝘊  𝘐𝘐,  𝖶𝖠𝖱  𝖥𝖮𝖱  𝖳𝖧𝖤  𝖣𝖠𝖶𝖭  :  𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿.
and  with  this  final  part  of  the  plot  drop  we  conclude  our  time  in  king's  landing  and  move  toward  a  new  location  as  constructions  are  underway  in  the  capital.  as  soon  as  the  three  dragons  were  defeated,  court  was  allowed  to  go  back  home  -  since  then  three  months  have  passed,  making  it  currently  mid  to  late  summer.
the  ruling  lord  tyrell  has  opened  the  doors  of  highgarden  and  welcomes  court  inside  his  home  ⸺  some  may  wonder  if  it  is  a  bid  to  push  his  heir  as  hand  of  the  queen  since  the  spot  is  yet  to  be  filled.  her  majesty  has  accepted  this  arrangement  to  push  forward  the  betrothal  proceedings  between  her  second  -  born  and  the  lady  tyrell.
there  is  no  immediate  celebration  upon  the  arrival  of  the  guests,  so  threads  may  be  written  in  and  around  the  grounds  since  is  the  first  time  court  meets  again  after  three  months  filled  with  raven  -  sent  letters  and  mourning  of  the  deceased.
after  the  events  in  king's  landing,  with  the  fresh  realization  that  a  strong  alliance  with  the  dragonlords  is  of  utmost  importance,  the  emperor  has  decided  to  send  a  small  delegation  of  essosi  nobles  to  westeros  as  ambassadors  -  official  envoys  of  the  essosi  empire.  therefore,  all  existing  essosi  muses  will  be  diplomats  for  the  kingdom  while  the  open  positions  are  back  in  their  respective  lands  unless  they  are  deceased.
if  our  current  members  wish  to  drop  any  muses  and  pick  up  new  ones,  you  are  welcomed  to  create  a  ticket  in  the  server  for  easy  back  -  and  -  forths.
we will be posting the full list of the deceased as soon as we have most of the character drops confirmed in the server.
moreover,  members  have  until the next activity check  to  post  at  least  once  in  -  character  on  all  their  muses.  there  is  an  exception  for  members  on  hiatus,  for  those,  we  kindly  request  to  confirm  if  you  wish  to  stay  with  us  within  48  hours  and  with  which  muses.
there  is  a  lot  of  information  in  the  plot  drop,  so  please  ask  us  any  questions  you  may  have  in  the  server  or  on  the  main  -  we  will  happily  clarify  the  situation.
14 notes · View notes
kalevalakryze · 8 months
Yhe'na Det Och'sa
Chapter Five: Det Baht
Summary: "You're too young to fight a war," Ahsoka had said, with little room for argument. But Shin knew they were ready, knew they were meant for more than that, knew they were worthy to fight at Ahsoka's side... If only they could find some way to prove themselves... Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3| 4 AO3 Link: Here! Notes: All amazing artwork posted in the fic done by @somewillwin
Tension had risen in the weeks since Shin had found their Kyber. The rebellion was beginning to make moves, moves that put them in the public eye, actions that could not be brushed away as separatist outlier activity. The Empire and all of its citizens were beginning to face the truth of the Rebellion that’s been brewing under their feet. 
Ahsoka was so busy lately, too. She was meant to be training Shin, but now, the Padawan was lucky to see their Master once in the mornings. “I want to come with you,” Shin declared that fateful morning over breakfast. They’d done their morning meditation alone, they’d helped Huyang attend to the ship alone, and now, as Ahsoka pulled her cloak over her shoulders with half of a burned piece of toast hanging past her lips, Shin knew they would be spending much more than breakfast alone. “You’re not ready yet, Shin,” Ahsoka sighed, not even looking at her. 
“Isn’t this what I’m training for?” The twelve-year-old demanded, hands flailing towards the door Ahsoka planned on walking out of. It was almost as if every time they had the displeasure of docking with a Rebel Cruiser, Ahsoka would be gone for days , something about a Ghost Crew . Shin couldn’t help the bristling feeling that came with every story of a Padawan boy and a Mandalorian girl that was shared in their brief times together… 
“No,” Ahsoka sounded definitive; Usually, that would be enough to quiet the brunette. Today, however, they found a burning in their heart, a restless anxiety that wanted her to beg not to go, a creeping feeling in the Force that made their skin crawl. “You’re training to be something else. You aren’t a soldier.”
“Well… Why not?” Their breakfast went forgotten as they stood from the table, scrawny arms crossed over their chest as they tried to put themselves between the door and the woman trying to go past it. “I have the weapon, the galaxy needs the help. Who’s going to watch your back out there?”
“Shin, you are twelve, you are not fighting a war.” The fire in Ahsoka’s eyes matched the stubborn might in Shin’s own, a brewing typoon that would destroy everything if they’d let it. Ahsoka never talked about it, and Shin had never known to ask, but the words hung in a haunting manner. Ahsoka would not raise another child soldier, but… would the galaxy truly give her that choice. 
“Isn’t it the will of the Force that I’m at your side?” 
“I’m just trying to keep you there in one piece,” Ahsoka acquiesced, bristling under the long-forgotten familiarity as she reached to place a hand on their shoulder to usher them out of her way. “I’ll be back later, we can discuss this attitude when I get back.” 
Her words were final, and with a deflated huff, Shin watched as Ahsoka swept down the ramp and into the bustling hangar bay to board the ship that would take her to the Ghost Crew. 
“You do not hate her,” Huyang pointed out as a simmering Padawan joined him in the cockpit of the T-6, watching as Ahsoka’s small starship shot out of the hangar bay and entered hyperspace a short ways away. “You hate how powerless the situation has made you feel.” He added unhelpfully.
“Thanks, Huyang,” The pre-teen grumbled as they dropped into the copilot's seat and pulled the seatbelts tight. “Can I drive?”
“No thank you, I value my life.”
“You’re twelve,” Shin mocked, in what was yet again, another pathetic rendition of the argument from that morning. “I’ll not allow you to do what it is that I’ve been training you for,” The young Padawan scoffed as she passed a small torch to Huyang. “How kriffing ridiculous,” 
Huyang was either endlessly patient or he’d tuned her out entirely. From an old radio in his voicebox, speakers played almost calming music, though it did nothing to quell the pre-teen’s frustrations. “Huyang, meht had to get up to something before, right? There’s no way she would have stayed behind.”
“You are a much better-behaved Padawan than she had been, that is correct,” He answered for the first time since they’d angrily barged into his quarters for something to do. “I need that spare emitter in box four cresh, please.”
“Right! I am a good Padawn. I’ve done everything right!” Shin continued, as if she hadn’t bothered to hear the droid, but still pushed off her stool to sort through the box and grab the burnt and ruined lightsaber emitter he’d asked for. “So why isn’t any of it good enough for her,” 
Digital yellow eyes clocked onto the brunette as they gathered materials for his next step. These were words he’d heard often, across several lineages of Padawans going back eons, however… This lineage, when they spoke in such a way… he’d learned to become cautious. 
“Perhaps you should find another subject to ponder, young Tano. Do not feed those thoughts,” 
Silver eyes narrowed at him; “I can control my mind just fine, if that’s what you’re afraid of, Huyang,” 
The two stared at each other, Huyang refused to be cowed by the way silver eyes crinkled towards him, the way the human’s nose crinkled as if they would get violent to prove their statement. “Whatever, I’m out of here. Let me know when Ahsoka wants me around,” They huffed, pre-pubescent rage fueling the way their feet stomped to their room. 
At least, in space, the comm towers were easier to connect to. The connection was good enough that, as Shin tossed themselves into their bunk and dialed Leia’s comm chain, the Princess was accepting the transmission before they’d even righted themselves in the bunk. 
“Shin!” Leia sounds relieved as her form strikes into the holo. Two-vee is parading around the Princess’s head, tutting something or other about taking calls without being proper. 
“Hey,” The pre-teen croaked, tucking her small tooka doll into her arms as a welcome companion as she placed the comm disc on a small shelf near the head of the bunk, full of various other trinkets. 
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” Even through the artificial life of the holoprojector, Shin could feel the warmth in dark brown eyes as they focused solely on her. Leia always was kind like that, even with everything she had going on, with her apprenticeship in the Senate and preparing for her Day of Demand, she was always ready to set it all aside for them. 
“My mom and I got into an argument,” They grumbled, burying their face into the crook of their elbow as embarrassment crept onto their cheeks. 
“You and Ashla? But you two never fight?” Leia squinted at the brunette suspiciously, finally succeeding in getting Two-Vee to back away from twisting her hair into braids, allowing both girls solitude. 
“It’s been happening a lot lately, and I just. . .” The pre-teen huffed out a frustrated exhale. There was so much she couldn’t say, things that she couldn’t tell Ahsoka, or Huyang, and things that she really couldn’t tell Leia, for her safety. “It feels like she doesn’t get it . If anyone would understand, you’d expect it to be her, from what Huyang said about her time as a…kid, but then she just acts like…” There was a shuffling noise from Shin’s end, the brunette resorted to animated hand movements that made no real sense but seemed to express what words could not. 
“I get it,” Leia admitted, tone touching a tad softer now as she folded her hands neatly over the desk. “Perhaps… she doesn’t want to see you make the same mistakes she had?” 
“Don’t be rational with me,” Shin groaned, the pillow they’d cradled into their stomach with their free arm being moved to rest over their head as silver-blue eyes peered past the gap pathetically at the older girl. 
Leia laughed at this, bubbly and warm, and enough to bring a smile to Shin’s lips as well. “Alright alright, no rationality from me, promise. Have you thought about dying all of her clothes pink?” 
“Oh my makers, you’re a genius. The next time we get to Alderaan, we need to get the dye,” 
“Oh, it’s so on. Where are you guys at anyways? When can I see you again?” 
Letting the pillow fall from their head, Shin peered to the star map settled on the nightstand, just out of frame. “We’re out in the outer rim, bringing some supplies to Jakku.” Leia’s eyes seemed to light up at the thought. 
“I wish I could be out there with you, helping people..” 
Shin’s eyes lowered. You and me both… “There’s important work to be done in the senate. My mother is still trying to push past the siege on Mandalore to be allowed to deliver supplies to the citizens who have been cut off by Imperial restrictions. Without people like your father and you, we may never succeed,” It was the same Bantha Fodder that Ahsoka always fed her, when they would ask about Leia joining them on the ship, or when Shin would question her about Leia’s knowledge of the Rebellion and when they would finally be able to be truthful to each other. 
Leia seemed to tire of this response as well, idly picking at the fresh paint on her nails as Shin spoke. “There is, but it doesn’t feel like it has as big an impact as actually helping a person, face-to-face.” 
“Every choice you make has an impact in some way…” Rubbing her eyes tiredly, Shin shifted in their bunk, reaching to unclip their saber from their belt and stuff it in its safe place, between the mattress and the durasteel wall. “What have you been up to, anyway?” 
As Leia went into the tirade of her recent exploits with her father in Coruscant and her plans for her Day of Demand,  Shin let herself sink into the familiar feeling of being around someone normal . 
It was nearly two standard hours later, as Leia discussed her plans to climb Appenza Peak, that the chill began to permeate everything around Shin. No matter how many blankets they burrowed themselves in, the cold persisted. 
“Shin, where are you? I think you’re breaking up-“ Leia’s voice crackled, pulling them from their inquisitive respite, idly reaching through the Force for the source of the cold. 
“Huh?” Blinking, the brunette pulled herself into a sitting position, blankets pooling around their waist as paranoia began to flood their veins. 
It felt like frost was permeating their very being as they rose from their bunk. Leia’s form was distorting as the comms wavered. With a willing tug of the force, Shin’s saber flew to their hand, easing the anxiety that ate away at their mind. “Huyang?” Shin called, foolishly hoping that the strange feeling had something to do with his work. 
The ship rocked with the energy of someone docking with the shuttle, she could hear Leia bark their name one final time before a jammer cut the signal entirely at last. 
As Shin slipped from their bunk room, fingers flexing around the bolt of their saber, they heard the telltale hiss of hydraulics as their airlock was being forced open. 
“Lady Tano, you need to-“ Shin didn’t give him time to finish as they sped across the cabin; his chassis was hard against their shoulder as they body-checked the ancient droid, sending him tumbling back into his workspace with a loud clang. 
His back caught on the sharp edge of a table, and with a wince, Shin noted the sound of wires being ripped from their sockets and the sight of the lights in his eyes powering down. With a quick flash of their saber through the control panel, the door slid shut and locked tight. They had to hope it was enough to keep him safe, at least. 
The airlock popped at last, flooding the cabin with a choking darkness that permeated their soul in its venom. Shin took a breath to steady themselves against the tidal waves in the force, thoughts straying briefly to Ahsoka, hoping that some sort of warning would reach her through the jammer. Hells, maybe she was on her way right now . 
As heavy footsteps thudded against the durasteel floors and their hands wrapped around their saber, raising their defenses, they sent out their last Hail Mary. Meht… please hurry. 
The Ghost crew moved like a well-oiled machine on most days. If that well-oiled machine was chock full of different parts that misfired constantly. But ever since Fulcrum told them who she was- to a degree- they’d found their footing and were making good on nearly all of their strikes against the Empire. 
Ever since the Inquisitors started showing up, Ahsoka had been so awfully busy, not only were they hunting Ezra and Kanan, but Ahsoka learned that they had information on other survivors, people Ahsoka had only hoped to find in her years since the purge. 
The halls of the light cruiser they’d found floating in open space were crowded with the stench of decay. Stormtrooper corpses mottled the ship in all places, with lightsaber scorch marks all across the plastoid and walls. 
“Eyuch,” Ezra complained as he stepped over a body, nose scrunching up slightly. “Can’t believe we found something that smells worse than Zeb ,” The teenager scoffed, actually putting himself closer to the Lasat like a moving air freshener. 
“Yeah yeah, kid,” Zeb grumbled, checking his shoulder into the boy as they rounded a corner, bumping him into one of the walls. 
“Will you two cut it out?” Sabine’s voice was distorted through her helmet’s vocoder, though her annoyance dripped through it as she pulled her blasters close, popping her arms back out once she was around and clear. 
Hera moved quietly between Ahsoka and Kanan, pinching the bridge of her nose as the bickering continued. “Chop, get the door to Hangar nine open, please,” She called over her comms, receiving a warble in reply as they moved. 
As the door opened, Ahsoka’s step faltered. Klaxons were blaring, and darkness was flooding a small ship, when she looked at the sabers in her hands, it was not the orange of her skin or the emerald green of her own sabers that met her eye, and it certainly wasn’t Greivious or Pirates piling past the airlock . 
“Ahsoka-“ Kanan’s hand was heavy on her shoulder, brows furrowed in concern at her stumble. When she focused back on the real world, it was the familiar and unwelcome comfort that came with the chaos of a battlefield. Ezra stood before the two Clone War survivors, blocking them from incoming lasers, Hera and Zeb each took up one side of the door, firing blind into the smog that filled the hangar bay, while Sabine’s gloved hands pressed into her biceps, steadying her where Kanan couldn’t, with his own saber raised in their defense. 
Shaking her head quickly, Ahsoka righted herself, brushing off the support readily as she ignited her sabers. “I’m alright, let’s focus-“ 
Another wave, a choking presence across the only Force bond she’d allowed herself.
Her blade faltered, and a bolt of plasma broke her defense and singed the collar of her tunic, though it didn’t do much in cutting through skin, not with the thick material of the Akul hide protecting her body. 
“Chopper! Get these doors closed, now!” Hera shouted; forever perceptive when it came to her Force Sensitive companions. 
As the doors slammed shut and the chaos was silenced, Ahsoka found that the ground was rushing towards her all too fast, knees hitting durasteel almost simultaneously as Kanan dropped, a hand to his head as the darkness pervaded his defenses, poison sinking into the three of them with fangs they could not hope to remove. 
“Ahsoka-“ Ezra’s face had paled, Zeb’s arms were wrapped tight around him, keeping him up as a cold fever rushed across his skin. “ What is this? ” 
“We need to go- I need to go-“ Fulcrum rushed out, once again brushing off the Mandalorian and Twi’lek’s hands from her arms as she forced herself to rise. It was no coincidence, and it was not just the Force trying to warn her, it was Shin, reaching across boundless space to call for help… and that darkness, it was an inquisitor. 
Everything she’d done to protect them would be in vain if she didn’t get there fast enough. “Where do you need to go?” Hera offered readily, heart bigger than was safe. 
“I need to go alone, it won’t be safe for your crew,” The pilot was going to argue, but Ahsoka didn’t have *time,* the moment she was on the Ghost, she was moving to the phantom. “I have to ask that you don’t track this, Hera. But I will return as soon as I can.” 
Uneasy with the situation, Hera found herself acquiescing with only a nod of her head and a brush of her hand against the Togruta’s bicep. “Be safe, Ahsoka,”
Ahsoka did not acknowledge the crew further as she climbed into the Phantom and flew through her flight checks, undocking and engaging the thrusters and hyperdrive the moment she was able. 
I’m coming, du tungama. 
Scrambling to a panel along the far wall, Shin cut the remaining power to the shuttle, leaving only life support and the dim emergency lights as a way to see. There was only one lifeform pushing past the hatch and that , Shin could handle.
Huyang had left a box of spare lightsaber hilts out, which Shin was quick to take advantage of, spilling them out onto the floor around the airlock before scrambling to find cover under a bench as the stranger passed through. 
Metal clanked and rolled as heavy footsteps found her surprise, though instead of something more startled , the stranger only laughed. Low, poisonous and foreboding. Through the dim lighting, Shin caught the lights reflecting off of black gloves, just barely catching sight of the stranger plucking a hilt from the floor. Tutting to themselves, the stranger allowed it to drop back down.
The noise reverberated through Shin’s skull, prompting them to huddle closer to the inside of the bench as the stranger began moving through the largest part of the cabin, looking for… something. When the door to their bunk hissed open, Shin took their move, scrambling on their hands and knees to crawl out from under the table. 
Heart hammering in their chest, silver-blue eyes tried to focus, to see past the literal and figurative darkness that clouded their vision, forcing their breathing to still despite the effort that came with each forced inhale. If they were too loud, then she’d be done for; she just had to buy Ahsoka enough time- 
This was the mantra they repeated to themselves as they scurried across a dark floor, hauling themselves into the cockpit and all but throwing themselves into the pilot's seat, fingers flying over the controls to see what could be done about forcing the ship to detach and getting comms back up. 
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” The woman sing-songed from the main cabin, footsteps heavy on the floor as she made her way around the outskirts. Shin focused on their presence in the Force, nearly recoiling from shock at the feeling that enveloped the stranger. How can a person be so… dark? A shiver ran up their spine, bile gathering in their throat as she heard the clatter of things being thrown around; the shattering of a datapad rang particularly harsh in their ears, though they did not have time to mourn the loss as the footsteps rounded closer; “I know you’re in here, Fulcrum,” The woman hissed sharply. 
The concentration it took to topple the plate on the table from their spot in the cockpit was immense, feeling through the force for the forgotten porcelain with stale toast sitting atop it. Just as the dark stranger passed the threshold, Shin found her grasp, sending the plate and food off the table behind them with a clatter.
A predator who’d just smelled blood, the woman turned away from the cockpit, steps loud as they retreated back to the table. The click hiss of a saber igniting was familiar, freezing Shin’s blood as they hauled themselves into the small hollowed space in the cockpit walls. 
The table split in half all too easily under the sweeping strike, if Shin hadn’t moved, they were certain that the swing of the blade would have gone clean through their head. Crimson light bled through the doors into the dark space, filling the air with burning ozone and the reek of crisped bread.
“Coward!” Their voice was distorted like they were speaking through a mask, though Shin could hear the raw anger in their scream as the saber sliced through what they had to assume was a bench. The smell of scorched fibers let Shin know that they’d neglected to move their poncho from the back of the bench like Ahsoka had asked them to at least five times before she’d left that morning .
Meht, please get here, I won’t argue about coming with you ever again, just… hurry, please . 
The walls didn’t extend very far, at least, not the hallowed portions that they could move through. The pipes were hot, and Shin could feel perspiration building at their temple as they moved to the gap in the ceiling that would give them some kind of vantage point. 
Through the first gap, Shin caught sight of the stranger, tall, draped in black cloth and adorned with shining armor, equally as black, with a mask that they weren’t sure anyone could truly see out of covering their face. The woman was nearing the door to Huyang’s room, obviously catching the still glowing embers of where Shin had punctured his control panel. 
There was a tug in her gut as she watched them approach. Ahsoka had told them about Huyang’s survival, of his importance to who the Jedi were, had been for so long; no one knew what it meant to be a Jedi more than him, and the Empire would soil that; She couldn’t let this… Imperial ruin that for the world. 
A discarded saber hilt flung through the air at Shin’s command, bouncing harmlessly off the armor, scraping against the polished paint job once it hit. As the woman’s head turned, Shin dropped down from the vent, boots smacking the ground with a bodily thump . 
The Inquisitor was quick to turn towards them, though they did not seem startled by the sudden appearance, in fact… were they shaking?
Her shoulders shook as dark laughter barked from her throat. 
Oh… being laughed at. This was the worst way to die… huh?
“ You? You expect me to believe Agent Fulcrum is a child? ” She could barely speak through her laughter as Shin lifted their chin. 
The child did not respond, simply squaring their feet like Huyang had taught them, cementing their place between the woman and the door. Ahsoka will be here soon.  
The snap hiss of their saber activating was grounding, something familiar they could use to anchor themselves as blue light ignited the cabin, allowing them to see the damage that had been caused at last. Everything had been torn from their places and scattered across the ground, broken and destroyed without a care in the world. Even the picture frames that held digital memories flickered and faded, screens cracked beyond repair from where they’d been stomped all over. 
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“Mmm, perhaps I did underestimate you,” She could not see the woman’s eyes, but she could feel them, how they raked over her form and analyzed the stance. “ Jedi? Clearly trained…” Shin was taken aback a moment as the woman rambled off notes to herself. “You’re in a form two stance, I haven’t had the pleasure of gutting many who’d favored such a form, would you like to be the first?” 
“Sounds like you’d rather be the first one to die here,” They ground out with as much courage as they could manage, though their voice wavered on the syllables. Shin had never taken a life, never imagined it as something they would have to do, but… if they had to do it to protect Huyang, then they would. “You can take this chance to walk away, though, it doesn’t have to go like this,” 
The woman across from her blanched at the words, and for a moment, Shin had the childish belief that she would listen, see the error of her ways, and go away . Luck, however, did not appear to be on the Padawan’s side as a crimson snap hiss seemed to suck the air from the room, and her lungs. Red, blue, and purple lit up the inside of the ship, suddenly, Shin’s saber felt heavier, everything felt like too much, and there was a flash of hopelessness that filled their senses. 
“The Jedi Code is a sickness,” The woman mocked. Silver eyes caught the way her fingers twitched, a hint that The Force was being turned on them to weigh them down with the malady of the Dark Side. “Do you know why your people failed so easily, young one?”
Shin did not answer, though they assumed the woman would have continued either way as their saber rotated smoothly around their wrist, as if it were some kind of plaything. Or maybe Shin was the plaything and had only tricked themselves into believing they were an equal .
“The one thing people in this galaxy love to see more than Jedi heroes is to watch them fall. This galaxy.. It’s sick . How the scum of the world turned on their heroes so fast, just to enjoy the fall. In spite of everything you do for them, they hate you, have from the start.” A pause as if she was considering her own words. “But… you’re young yet… your Master…” 
Shin’s breath hitched at the mention of Ahsoka, was the Inquisitor in their head? A tilt of the woman’s head across from her confirmed the theory that their shields had fallen. “Your Master thinks you aren’t ready, yet here you are, standing up to me…” They could practically feel the smile on her lips. “It isn’t too late for you, Padawan.” 
“I warned you,” It was all Shin could choke out before they found themselves lunging forward. Their blade moved along the side in a wide arc, clashing against red all too easily as rich laughter bounced off the walls. 
“Oh yes, how could I have forgotten,” The woman barked, seemingly enjoying herself as she countered the swift blows Shin threw at them in quick succession. Tutting occasionally, Shin found the woman calling out tips on their form, calling out their openings instead of moving in for the kill, and allowing them the time to cover the holes in their defenses. 
Calling upon the Force to lend them strength and energy, Shin found themselves dipping into Form Five, though they had nowhere near the same skill as Ahsoka in this form, they found that the Inquisitor quieted with the change, and even seemed to be exerting themselves to keep defending themselves. 
The smell of burning flesh met one of their strikes, startling enough to throw Shin off center as the Inquisitor hissed and jumped back from the blade that had sliced through their thigh. The woman cursed in a language Shin did not know, though when they bounced back, it was with renewed vigor. “Perhaps you aren’t as pathetic as I thought,” She growled, hand shoving out to command an invisible wall of the Force that sent Shin back into the wall. 
It took every ounce of training she’d ever had to keep hold of her saber as her back crashed into the mess on the counter from Ahsoka’s caff. Pinpricks itched at their back where glass had shattered, though it was forgotten as the pre-teen was quickly pushed on the defensive against an opponent much larger than themselves. Each hit came down with a staggering force, keeping the child pinned at the counter as they intercepted the crimson blade with their own. 
Bracing their hand against the counter to push back against the growing force against their saber, muscles tiring quickly as sweat ran in rivers down their face, Shin was helpless but to watch as a heavy boot was raised and kicked out against their hand, smashing it between the edge of the counter and the crisp tread of their sole. 
Their breath caught in their throat, swallowing the shout of pain that threatened to tear past, tears welled up in their eyes and their teeth grit together hard, even as the boot stayed against their hand, putting it there as more weight was pressed into it. 
The Inquisitor was getting joy from their bitten-back screams, finding delight in the way their brow wavered as sweat and silent tears made the white paint on their reddening face begin to run. 
Reaching past their sabers, two gloved hands reached out to grasp her jaw, earring another choked sound as their head was turned to face the white-hot light of their sabers clashing together. “You’re good stock, it would be a shame to waste your potential,” 
Words were not spoken to Shin, but about her, as if they had nothing to offer besides a pretty face, even as they managed to hold their… mild, defense against the older woman. 
Shin’s saber deactivated in a knee-jerk reaction; the sight of a red blade streaking towards their head felt a lot like free-falling through the air, though they were fast- fast enough to duck their head below the blade and shove back up, catching the hard material of the woman’s mask with their forehead. 
The Inquisitor stumbled with the force, releasing their hold on Shin’s foot as they took several steps back to steady themselves, a hand even disappeared under their mask for a moment. 
Shin noticed with glee, as their heart plummeted to the floor, and with it, their knees giving from under their frame, broken hand and still burning saber hitting the ground in a way that had them biting back a yelp, the Inquisitor’s glove was bloody when it came from under the mask. 
But Shin had no more fight in them, their arms shook from exertion, and the pain in their hand shot from their fingertips all the way along ignited nerves to their chest.  Every ounce of their weight supported on their left hand that found support through broken fingers threatened to break the dam, their control of the Force was slipping with each attempt they made to will it in helping her stand, and the Inquisitor was recovering fast.
“You are going to regret that!” The Inquisitor growled, voice slurred, as if she were speaking around a heavy tongue, a minor win in Shin’s book, until, at least, the same boot that cracked down on their hand began to lift again. 
Shin’s hand raised a vain effort, a silent plea for mercy as she drew near. Their head turned down, catching the bottom of the boot in the back of the head, squeezing their eyes shut tight just in time; they weren’t sure if they’d have been able to stomach just how fast their face had met the ground. The searing pain that exploded had been enough to put the child out, slumping bonelessly into the ground beneath the Inquisitor’s foot. 
Where was Ahsoka…?
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As the phantom pulled into the last coordinates of the T-6, Ahsoka immediately noticed the signs of forced entry. Airlock hatch pieces floating uselessly in the open space around it. As she began the approach, she scanned for a signal, of some type of life. “Huyang?” She called over the comms, grimacing at the static that flooded the line she was met with. 
As she advanced, she heard a quiet beep, hidden under the static, a beeping noise, the sound of a recording being rewound as the static cleared. “Imperial patrols are boarding the ship. I repeat; Imperial patrols are boarding the ship. I… I think it’s an Inquisitor, it’s dark… and so cold. Please hurry. There's not much time… I’ll try to hold them off, meht… I’m sorry…” Then, a loud flash of static and a robotic monotone. “This message will repeat.” With panic stirring in her heart, Ahsoka managed to use the phantom’s emergency gear to latch onto the side of the T-6 and jerry-rig a connector for the airlock, dropping into the dark abyss that met her the moment the door was open. 
The darkness that enveloped her the moment she crossed the threshold was overwhelming, though, after going yoke to yoke with Darth Vader, she’d found it easy to push past the veil and forge onwards. 
Lightsaber hilts cluttered all over the floor, spilled in what would have been a strategic way if someone hadn’t already trampled through them all. Burning metal, fabric, and the familiar tang of blood met her nose as she continued her investigation in the dark, blue eyes practically glowing as they adjusted to the barely there emergency lights.
There were scorch marks all over the ship; from a cut through the table and benches, so slicing through the door of Shin’s bunk room. As Ahsoka explored, material possessions cracked under her boots, unable to find a clear path that avoided the scenes of the battle. She could hear the recent echos in the force, and with each blink, she would watch as blue met red in a flurry of motion, as a towering black figure advanced on someone much smaller, though each time she tried to focus on the Force’s interpretation of the small figure, they would change. One moment, she would see Shin standing against the figure, then herself, from the Clone Wars, ending with a vision of herself in the present. It didn’t make sense, as only one of these days had come to pass in the worst way possible, though Ahsoka did not have time to focus on that. 
There was one marking that seemed strategic, the burns had long since gone cold, so it couldn’t have been from the fighting. Igniting her saber and bringing light to the scene in front of her, the Togruta was forced to take pause. Red ichor painted the countertop around shattered mugs and an old teapot she’d gotten from Rex before they’d parted ways. “Shin…” Her voice was that of a mournful rumble, the pain too great to handle. 
Falling into her old ways was easy, a second skin to the survivor who had no choice. The pain was pushed to the recesses of her mind as she focused on her next steps; Where was Huyang? Was Shin alive? How would she find them? Did she give up on her? Did Ahsoka fail her not only as Master but as mother as well?
Focusing on the task at hand, Ahsoka sunk her blade into the durasteel of Huyang’s door. The metal did not give easily, offering a hearty resistance as she sliced a hole through the shot panel. Once a hole big enough to step through was created, the woman pushed forward with her saber held high.
“Lady T-T-T” A malfunctioning voice rasped, though there was no light in the collapsed droid’s eyes. “Tano,” 
“Huyang,” Ahsoka breathed, finding a small relief in the professor’s survival. “Huyang, what happened, where is Shin?” She knelt before the droid, peering at the mess of limbs and wires that had been damaged in his fall. 
“Padawan Tano lo-lo-lo-locked me in here before they arrived-” His head snapped at a ninety-degree angle with a crack before slowly righting itself to face her. “I went into low power mode, they must have assumed I powered off,” 
Reaching into his chassis, Ahsoka managed to reconnect enough wire to get his eyes lit back up, and even get him movement over his own arms again. “She’s alive, the Inquisitor wanted her alive,” He managed to recall, using his renewed control of his arms to shift himself off the corner of his workbench, allowing Ahsoka to sit him on the table to lean his upper half back against the cabinets. 
“We need to get the ship back together and find her… fast.” 
“Agreed, although…” His eyes shifted to the carnage beyond his doorway. “We have our work cut out for us,”
“We won’t be able to land anywhere near the Rebellion, they’ll have eyes on this ship, and I need to get the phantom away from here as fast as possible… If they can track us, who’s to say they can’t track Her.” The Togruta worried her lip; Focusing on Leia was easier than focusing on the Shin’s pain that echoed through the force here. 
Putting herself to work on fixing Huyang was good, it was productive, and she didn’t have to think as she went about the methodical task of removing ruined parts, reattaching pieces that had only been tugged from their sockets, and moving around his workspace, tugging down drawers of spare materials, to his annoyance. 
By the time she’d finished, Huyang had most of his fine motor skills back, although she wasn't able to reconnect the pieces that went to the arms on his back with what she had, they’d need to find a real droid mechanic somewhere out here first. 
The rest of the ship… was a bigger problem. Oil, coolant, and fuel leaked out inside the ship, thanks to the deep gouges across floors and walls, the only reason the fumes didn’t get her was in part, thanks to the fact that life-support had stayed on, allowing the vents to increase their usage once the lower explosive limit alarms had been set off. “We won’t be able to start the ship,” Ahsoka complained as she popped open the face of an intact control panel. “Not until we get those leaks contained and find some way to refuel.”
Huyang had trailed after her out of his workshop and had paused at the carnage around their home, though Ahsoka did not hear anything from him, even as she got the lights to power back up. When she turned her head to look over her shoulder, her heart nearly froze. 
Shin’s lightsaber was cradled in both of his hands, blood smeared across the Alderaniaan hilt, scratches, chips, and scuff marks marring the materials where it had been thrown around. Ahsoka stood there, unable to move, breathe, or speak, as Huyang’s thumb swiped down the saber’s hilt mournfully, blinking at the sight before him.
Tearing her eyes from sight was one of the hardest things anyone could have expected her to do, and still, she managed to do so, focusing instead on darker droplets of blood just feet away from where Huyang had been standing. “Huyang, look,” With the lights on the stains around the cabin, it was clear that the ichor spilled was from two different beings, and the blood in front of her was clearly from someone dark and twisted, everything about them had been poisoned, so it only made sense even their blood would be tainted.
Huyang studied the droplets as well, rising to his feet after a moment as he tucked Shin’s saber safely at his hip for the time being, “Ahsoka,” He began, putting himself in her path, unallowing her from pushing past to the cockpit, “She is alive,” He spoke as if trying to offer comfort, though he did not see the way her lip quivered on her next breath.
That’s what I’m scared of . She was already facing the reality that Anakin very well could have Fallen, she couldn’t lose Shin, too. But she’d known the Fifth Brother and the Eighth Sister herself, had passed them in the Jedi temple all those years ago. They’d been younglings then, and Ahsoka understood that with the riht motivator, even the purest of people could be made to do the worst things. “We’re going to get her back,” Is all she could say, turning her head away from the droid  as she pushed past him, ignoring the stinging in her eyes as she began picking up around the cabin. It was all she could say to keep the air in her lungs steady, to be able to take that next step forward at all. Whoever this Inquisitor was, they would pay, somehow, someway, Ahsoka would be sure they received everything the Force had in store for them.
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autumnslance · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 30: Amity
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“You know, I’ve been thinking,” Aeryn said slowly in the Thavnairian tongue as they watched the Garleans discuss the trade agreement and the upcoming use of the Tower.
“About what?” Varshahn asked, slipping as easily into the familiar language.
“The previous agreements, between Thavnair and Garlemald.”
“What about them?” the Satrap asked, turning his crimson gaze to her now. She leaned on a supply crate in her fur-lined Alliance coat, that familiar thinking-line creasing the space between her brows.
“Just…When last we spoke to Emet-Selch—or rather, his spirit—he spoke of many wonders, secrets of the world yet to be discovered, adventures yet to be had. Some of them have already come true, such as finding your treasure vault under the Bounty.”
Varshahn frowned. “As an Ascian, it makes sense he would know of many ancient secrets.”
“Yes,” Aeryn agreed. “But I keep thinking back to how Azdaja was lost, to a voidgate at the Crystal Tower all those centuries ago—a tower created by another empire he had built.”
Varshahn peered at her, wondering where this line of thought led.
“Allag, an empire created for certain purposes by Ascians, was also responsible for the tragedies that befell your eldest siblings,” she continued. “Bahamut was slain. Tiamat was then convinced to summon him as a primal—before she and their children were imprisoned and tormented for millennia.
“And then there’s the Dragonsong War, and I have to wonder how distant the Ascians were. It seems my Ishgardian ancestors held the blame there, but in more recent years…I can’t shake the feeling Nidhogg decided to end his cruel game and attempt to destroy Ishgard in earnest, because he perhaps detected the Ascians’ involvement in the Archbishop’s schemes through his Eyes.”
Varshahn felt a chill climbing his spine that had nothing to do with Garlemald’s weather, given his golem’s immunity.
“Bahamut and Nidhogg were meant to be protectors of this star, with your father claimed by Hydaelyn and slumbering—until he was awoken. By Garlean incursion over his resting place.”
“What is your point, Aeryn?”
She looked over at the nearly jovial Garleans—they were not a people who often showed exuberance—and she smiled at their rekindled hope and confidence. “I think Emet-Selch always knew you were at the heart of Radz-at-Han,” she said. “I think he encouraged the original trade agreements, and encouraged Thavnair’s neutrality, to keep you at bay.”
Varshahn considered that, his greater self in Radz-at-Han rumbling a growl the longer he did.
“If Garlemald had ever attempted to conquer Thavnair, you would have flown to defend it,” she continued. “Your home, your people, mean everything to you. Garlemald had the means to try, and the island has precious few other defenses against such might. But so long as Thavnair remained neutral, a free port of trade, an ally instead of a province…”
“I had no reason to fight,” he finished quietly.
“You were content to remain in hiding and see only to your own,” she said. “That was all he had to do as Solus, to neutralize a potential First Brood threat—extend a hand of friendship, and promise to leave your children alone.”
“And you disapprove.”
She frowned now, thinking about it. “Somewhat,” she said honestly. “But I’ve learned a few things about dragons over the years, so I understand, I think. Besides,” she looked again at the pleased Garleans, and smiled. “It’s made this possible. He meant for this empire to be a tool of chaos, its people pawns in the schemes of ancient beings who cared naught for them. But now, thanks to that prior agreement, Thavnair’s perfectly positioned to help raise them from the ashes of those manipulations.” She turned back to him and smiled. “And you, Vrtra, have had your part in helping us protect this star, as Midgardsormr promised Her.”
The hide of his true self itched as he recalled his newly-grown scales. Any others that he shed were still carefully collected and taken to the alchemists.
He huffed out a laugh. “And full glad am I, that not all the dragons of Thavnair were content to remain upon our island—and will not be content, I think, until this entire star knows peace, and all its people are friends in truth.” He grinned at her, satisfied to see her blush and duck her head as she grasped his meaning.
“I’m no dragon,” she muttered.
“For better or worse, the blood of my sister and her daughter yet runs in your veins, child of Thavnair and Coerthas,” he said fondly. His tone became more teasing. “And your father may have let slip his nickname for you, when a temperamental child.” He chuckled as she groaned, but then he sobered.
“You are perhaps right, about the former Emperor and his schemes,” Varshahn said. “And certainly about mine own indolence, so long as our people were safe.” He shook his head at her attempted apologetic interjection. “But you are also right, that it led to this moment now. And this time, I pray, the amity between our nations is true, and shall bear fruit not only for this personal endeavor, but for generations to come.”
“So do I,” Aeryn said, pushing off the crate as Urianger called to her, though she looked to her Satrap before leaving.
Varshahn nodded for her to go, watching her stride forward to speak to her friend. “Little Storm Dragon” her stepfather had said, on account of her Coerthan side—having no idea back then how close to the truth her heritage fell—and her tempestuous nature as a child.
An apt nickname yet, Varshahn thought, though she had somewhat better control of herself as an adult. Yet storms of change came with her, and even an ancient wyrm such as he could be swept up in those currents.
Smiling in response to the hopeful grins of the Garleans turning his way as he rejoined them, he was thankful for those storms, and the peace following in their wake.
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paranatura-verse · 5 months
✨ Welcome to the Paranaturaverse! ✨
A universe where folklore, myths, urban legends and everything inbetween is reality. Across two timelines, two planets, multiple dimensions and outside the universe, many stories from throughout history are ready to be told.
Aliens, both hostile and harmless, make their way to Earth. Humans are genetically altered to grant them unnatural abilities, a gross mimicry of naturally-existing psychics. Fantastical beings and fae lurk in the forests, strange interdimensional beings flicker in and out of reality. A woman makes a choice that will split reality in two, and gods oversee all.
Notable races
Humans: The most common sapient race on Earth. Two subspecies include Psi-Humans, humans born with psychic abilities, and Phenomenals, humans whose already irregular genetic makeup has been scientifically enhanced.
Calcaniums: A empirical race of planet-conquering aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy. Originally from their home planet Calcania, their colonisation spreads throughout the galaxy, and they now have their sights set on the Milky Way.
Doggerlandians: Amphibious, finned humanoids who live in the North Sea. Typically asocial and wary of humans, they keep to themselves, although some sightings (and even attacks) have been reported. Often mistaken for mermaids in previous decades, recent theories hypothesise they were once humans that rapidly evolved to adapt in the now-sunken Doggerland.
Faefolk: An umbrella term for a wide variety of otherworldly creatures, such as elves, baobhan sith, changelings, irissids, and sprites. Although many reside in the human realm rather than Arcadia, they often keep out of sight from people. Some are benevolent, others malevolent.
Notable locations
Bronze Bay: A seaside town in California, USA, named for the copper deposits that give the beaches a rich, rusty colour. Founded in the 1800s and formerly a mining town for the aforementioned copper, the town records claim giant lizards once roamed the deserts on the town outskirts.
Tag: #bronze bay
Ravenswood: A rural town in Kent, England, famous for the many supernatural rumours surrounding it. Home to an ancient forest that, if entered, you'll never leave quite the same way.
Tag: #ravenswood
Calcania: The home planet of the warmongering Calcanium race, located in the Andromeda Galaxy. The seat of the Almighty Leaders, they oversee their expanding empire, and crush all that stand in their way.
Tags: #calcaniums #calcania
Arcadia: The realm of the faefolk. At least three kingdoms are located in this realm; Rhyneris, the Seelie Court, and Unseelie Court. The prince of the Sun Elves attempts to make peace with the Moon Elves, whilst the two queens of Rhyneris attempt to co-exist with the fragmented aspects of their former god.
Tags: #rhyneris #seelie court #unseelie court
Numen Wight Laboratories: The biggest and most advanced laboratory in America, named after its founder. It has branches covering genetic engineering, robotics and curiously, paranormal studies. Rumours surround the company regarding unethical experimentations, but the current owners and employees deny any such knowledge. And anyone who goes snooping in the greenhouse never comes back out.
Tag: #numen wight labs
A town in Colorado inhabited by crude copies of humans and the living dead, sealed off from the outside world. The Imitations rule the ruined town lawlessly, whilst Ghouls roam the streets seeking flesh to eat.
Tag: #dead town #holloway
There is no set posting schedule (at least currently), mainly as posts are made as the project is developed and much as I love this universe, I have both other hobbies and work to attend to as well.
Posts that are not related to stories, timelines, art or characters will be posted under the tag "behind the scenes", this includes posts discussing the inspiration behind a character. All posts related to canon will be posted with relevant tags.
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wolfgirl-valentine · 1 year
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Hob feels him before he hears him, just as he was relaxing with some of his friends, a weird feeling tickling in the back of his neck, something that has happened in the past and have saved his life more than one, he resisted the compulsion of turning back, so as to not alarm the others.
"Hob Gadling?" The voice, obviously using a modulator, makes the conversation halt.
"Uh? Yes that's me" finally turning around he can see the entity attached to the voice was covered from head to feet "can I help you?"
" I heard you can get anything or anyone to the Outer Rim…discreetly "
Hob frowned, before nodding " let's discuss this in private, see you later guys!" When they were at a safe distance he finally asked "you need to be more careful, that kind of question can attract the wrong kind of attention" 
"I will have it in consideration" they came to a stop in an empty alley
"Now, what do you need to be delivered?"
"I need to reach the Outer Rim, but I need to do it without the Empire knowledge "
This guy seriously don't seem to get what discreetly means.
"Ok, I can do that, it wouldn't be cheap tough, I also need to know if there are any bounties on you, I don't like surprises"
The stranger makes a sound that's probably of exasperation, is difficult to say with the mask and voice modulator, then he raises a hand, and the weird feeling at the back of Hobs head is back.
"You would take me to the Outer Rim, without asking questions" the audacity makes Hob snort
"Yeah…I don't work like that mate, I need to know what I'm getting into" the other tilt his head to the side, it remind Hob of a confused massiff 
"You can say I am being…politically persecuted…"
"Mmh…and do you have a name?"
"You may call me Dream"
"Right…and the destination? The Outer Rim is a very big place, or you just want to get out in general?"
"I will tell you when we are near to it "
Cryptic little shit.
"Look, if you came to me is because someone else send you to me, because I'm good at what I do, but  because I'm good, I need reassurance that I'm not helping a criminal get away, and honestly, you are anything but discreet, the voice modulator and the mask are basically screaming fugitive, and in this type of port everyone would know that" the other makes a little sound of distress at that " so don't treat me like an idiot, the only reason I can think for someone to want to go under the radar, is because the Empire is actively looking for you, so what are you? Someone that decided to try to fight back against them, or someone that committed a crime serious enough that they can't let it pass?" 
The stranger paused for a moment, and Hob can feel the intensity of his gaze through the mask lenses, before he sighed in defeat.
"I have underestimated you, and for that I offer an apology. You would call me Dream, for your safety more than mine. The Empire is searching for me, but not for nefarious reasons, I'm not lying when I said I'm being politically persecuted, but it is a little more complicated than that. I'm trying to get to someone in the Outer Rim, and for their safety I can't tell you much at the moment.
They stand in silence for a moment, looking at each other, Hob can't feel any deception now, just a lot of information missing, but he can work with that, he actually has worked with less.
"Alright, one more thing, are there active bounties on you?" 
"Kriff…look I don't…"
"I will pay you two hundred thousand credits, half upfront" 
Hob stares speechless, it's a ridiculously high amount of money, to had that sum he must really be a politician from the former senate, that would explain the way he talks and his inability to be inconspicuous.
"I don't really like trouble…"
"Two thirds pay upfront"
"Alright! Alright…just…I need some time to prepare everything, meet me at bay 15 in an hour"
"Very well, I will be waiting for you Hob Gadling "
"Just Hob it's fine, I'll see you later, 'Dream' "
Hob watches him move towards the end of the alley, to the principal street were he get lost in the crowd, sighing as he makes a quick mental list of what he need for a journey of indefinite time Hob walks in the opposite direction.
"What you just get yourself into Hob…?"
More from my Star Wars AU!!! Their meet cute! As I said this wouldn’t be a linear narrative, I’ll post the scenes as they come to me, sometimes with art, sometime without. Also how do people achieve consistency when drawing characters, every time i do it their face always is different, anyways.
Previous post Here and Here
I don't think a knowledge of Star Wars lore is necessary, but for more information I’m focusing just in the movies and tv series(I’m not really well versed in the expanded universe lore, now called Legends), this is like 10 years after the Order 66, Hob spend 4 years as a Imperial Officer, he has a very low sensitivity to the Force, he thinks is like a 6th sense, that’s how he feels Morpheus (he is actually decent at not being noticed), when Morpheus tell him about not asking questions he is trying to use a Jedi skill of persuasion, strong minds are immune to it. The quantity of money he offers is high, I'm planning to explain later why he has access to so much cash.
Photos taken with my phone, English is not my first language.
If you like this and have ideas or questions I love talking to people and my Asks are always open :)
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hulijingemperor2 · 6 months
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Meng shi: *walks in with a few maids*
Qin Su: *sitting comfortably on a cushioned seat* taihou.
Meng Shi: don't get up.
I brought some ginkgo tea for you.
*sits next to her*
Qin Su: aw. Thank you!
Meng shi: no problem.
Qin Su: *takes a sip*
Meng Shi: you're very beautiful. You and baby Meng. *smile* I got you a gift.
Qin Su: you didn't need to get me anything.
Meng shi: oh come on. I gave you gifts for your first pregnancy.
So it's a tradition.
Qin Su: omg. *blushing* I feel so pampered.
Meng Shi: as you must.
You make A-Yao happy, produced beautiful children and you're a very graceful Huanghou.
You'll be A-qing's role model.
Qin Su: I'm delighted that you're proud of me, taihou.
It's an honour to recieve your love.
Meng Shi: *kisses her forehead*
Qin Su: where's Huangdi?
Meng shi: A-Yao is in Moling. He has started a junior sect leader program. So all young sect heirs will he announced.
Qin Su: oh right. He's so brilliant. And he does everything for the betterment of the empire.
Meng Shi: every time he gets a child, he strengthens the empire even more.
Yao'er is really selfless.
Qin Su: i agree.
Huangdi focuses on thr future.
And our Song'er is going to be appointed as Qin Sect leader too.
Meng shi: yes! As he must. I'm so happy for him.
A-qing: *stops by the door.* Huanghou. Nainai taihou.
I'm a little shy.
Qin Su: why are you shy? You can come in.
A-qing: I came to check up on you. How are you going, Huanghou?
Qin Su: I'm good, dear.
Meng shi: aww so sweet. Checking up on your future mother-in-law.
That's good.
A-qing: *blushing* Nainai.
Qin Su: hmm I agree.
A-qing: do you need any help with anything?
Qin Su: not at all.
Meng Shi: A-Su, do you love the gifts?
Qin Su: oh yes, yuemu hou. I love them.
You're the best. *hugs*
Meng Shi: no prob, darling.
A-qing: you gave her gifts! That's so sweet.
Meng shi: yea, that's my little tradition to give A-Su gifts to congratulate her on her pregnancy.
A-qing: awww. Adorable.
I love that tradition.
Meng Shi: I hope A-Su carry on the tradition.
A-qing: *covers her blushing face* Nainai! Stop. You're making me blush.
Qin Su: *laughing* I'll give A-qing a lot of gifts.
But I'm not ready to be a grandma yet.
Meng shi: oh my.
Qin Su: A-qing. What if you surprise Song'er.
A-qing: surprise him?
Do you have any ideas??
Qin Su: wait for him in his residence, Pine Pavilion. Make some food, like dumplings, osmanthous cakes, fried tofu and some tea.
You know, Song'er is at a conference whole day. He must be exhausted.
I think it would be adorable.
A-qing: awww amazing. I really want to pamper him when he's returns.
Qin Su: great.
And pine Pavilion's mansion already have their chefs. You can just ask them to prepare the food.
A-qing: no. I want to try to cook for him with my own hands!
Qin Su: that sounds better.
Meng Shi: this is your time to practice being a housewife.
A-qing: yay.
Moling 📍
The grand sect conference is in session. Su Minshan is on his sect leader seat as chief cultivator whereas A-Yao sat on the left on a fancy seat of his own.
And of course there were xue yang and mo xuanyu sitting together and judging everyone.
Su she: welcome to the conference, cultivators.
With the help of my dearest Huangdi, I'll present the new sect leaders.
The sect leaders are advised to do some training to get familiar with their new roles.
Like lead night hunts, have meetings and discussions with fellow clan members and make minor decisions.
Soon you'll have your minor ceremonies on your own. Of course everything will be sponsored by Huangdi.
Everything here is approved by Huangdi. Ànd soon he'll elaborate on the structure of the program.
Su she: *clears throat* the new sect leader of the Reformed Qishan Wen sect and GusuLan sect will be Wen Yuan, also known as Lan Sizhui.
Ouyang Zizhen will be the new clan leader of Baiing ouyang.
Ouyang Zizhen: YES!!!
sect leader ouyang: behave yourself.
And you better not act so carefree. Running around.
Ouyang Zizhen: A-Die! aren't you going to congratulate me?! I'm part of Huangdi's young sect leader program.
Sect leader ouyang: congrats.
Speaking of congrats.
Congratulations Huangdi on your little package on the way.
Yao: thank you so much, Ouyang Zongzhu.
Ouyang Zizhen: ew A-Die. Why did you say it like that?
Sect leader ouyang: it's a figure of speech, child!
Su she: Jinling Rulan will be the Jin sect leader, as well as inherit the Meishan Yu sect. Where his grandmother belonged.
Jinling: *smiling*
Rusong: *clapping*
Jiang cheng: that's a lot of responsibility, A-ling. But I'm with you.
And as a gift I'll give you half of the Jiang sect.
Jinling: that's cool, Jiujiu!!!
Jiang cheng: you guys have it easy, thanks to Yao huangdi.
We were pushed into our roles without recovering from what we experienced a couple of weeks ago.
Jinling: you and Xiao shushu are the best.
Zixuan: congrats baby.
Yanli: I'm so proud of you.
Su she: congrats.
Rusong Dianxia will be the Qin Sect leader and subordinate to the Jin sect leader.
Jinling: *clapping*
Rusong: I'm honoured to be your subordinate, Ling gege.
Zixuan: such a perfect pair.
Yao: yes. There will be no corruption.
Jin guangshan was a disaster.
Zixuan: oh yes he was.
Ling'er and Song'er are absolutely precious and really close.
Yao: they'll make a perfect team.
Zixuan: indeed.
Su she: Huangdi wishes that Lan Jingyi a.k.a Meng Ruyi Dianxia gets the Jun title like Zewu Jun for example.
He'll be another Jade of Gusu, where he  continues to be in charge of Gusu and their districts as a lord, until Huangdi bestows something else.
Yao: Definitely. He's my beloved, and deserves the Jun title.
Lan qiren: but, but Huangdi. That boy is a troublemaker.
He breaks rules and misbehave all the time.
Yao: he's my son.
And his role models are the twin Jades of Gusu themselves.
Lan qiren: ah...well...as you wish.
I can't let xue yang torment me for disagreeing with you.
Yao: glad we can agree.
Lan qiren: yes. You never let the Jianghj down, actually. So.
Yao: mn.
Jingyi: thank you so much, A-Die.
Yao: it's your birthright, dear.
You know I don't mess with that. You'll get what's rightfully yours.
Jingyi: *smiling*
Su she: Huangdi. Please elaborate your plans. The stage is yours.
Yao: thank you.
Cultivators, I plan to get the Juniors into leadership, so that our empire will be forever strong and progressive.
As a chief cultivator showed everyone that the smallest individual can have an impact of the Jianghu. And now as Huangdi, I'm showing you the talent and potential in younger cultivators.
Xichen: that's so right! *claps*
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips. Huangdi is ours.
Yao: *laughs daintily* ah.
As I was saying. My dearest Rusong will be the representative of the junior cultivator party.
You all will report to him and he'll discuss with Minshan and I.
Su she: *blushing when hearing Minshan and I*
Yao: I also have to teach my son more about leadership, as he's the future emperor. A-Song is absolutely amazing.
Rusong: it would be a pleasure working with my fellow friends. *smiles*
Yao: elder cultivators, is everything OK?
Is Su xiandu doing a great job?
I know he is, but I want to hear from you.
Sect leader ouyang: yes! Definitely Huangdi!
Mingjue: yea.
Xichen: he learnt a lot from you.
Jiang cheng: the Jianghu is under great conditions. Thank you Yao Huangdi and Su xiandu.
Yao: delightful.
You're all strongholds in our Jianghu, so keep up the good work.
*smiling while showing his dimples. Then he took a sear*
Su she: well I think that's all. Huangdi, do you have anything else?
Yao: not at all. Everything was perfect.
Su she: mn. I'll dismiss the conference. Cultivators, feel free lounge around and relax. Grab some more snacks.
Rusong: hey. Su xiandu.
Do I have to do a thesis?
Su she: not at all, little Dianxia. You're my emperor's son. I know that you'll be great.
You and A-ling don't need to write a thesis.
Rusong: ok then. Thank you.
Su she: no prob, Song'er.
Jinling: congratulations A-Song.
Rusong: *smile* thank you, Ling gege. Same to you.
Jinling: *playfully grabs his arm* we'll rule the world.
Rusong: yup.
Let's go congratulate Ouyang Zizhen and the rest.
Jinling: mn. 
Jingyi: congrats Rusong! *hugs*
Rusong: *hugs* and congrats to you, A-Yi. Gusu's new Jade and lord of Gusu.
Jingyi: yea bro. Thank you. I feel elite. Right mistress Jin?
Jinling: *rolls eyes*
Jingyi: mistress Jin, I get to lead night hunts.
I think I'll treat my sect members to dinner afterwards! Maybe we can go party somewhere.
Jinling: (amused and a little impressed) do you take yourself seriously.
Do the the hulijings take you seriously
Jingyi: obviously mistress Jin. The hulijings love me!
They also respect my Lan customs.
Jinling: oh really?
Jingyi: they maintain my Lan robes and headband. Only married attendants can handle my headband because they know the rules.
Jinling: how fancy.
Rusong: yea Ling gege. A-Yi is living the life.
Sizhui: that's really cute.
Jinling: i guess.
Rusong: ouyang Zizhen.
Ouyang Zizhen: *blush* R....Rusong Huangdi.....I mean...Rusong Dianxia. Hey.
Rusong: congrats, Ouyang Zongzhu
Ouyang Zizhen: thanks, Qin Zongzhu.
So I must report to you?
Rusong: yes. All junior sect leaders do.
Ouyang Zizhen: if I send a little poem in the documents, would you like it?
Rusong: of course. Why wouldn't I. You're a talented poet.
Ouyang Zizhen: omg.
Jinling: stop harassing my cousin.
Ouyang Zizhen: Jinling! I'm not harassing your cousin!
I just wanted to write a poem about his dimples!
Rusong: *laughing* I'm flattered that Zongzhu is going to write about my dimple.
Jingyi:  Zizhen, you're not doing a good job in hiding your crush.
Sizhui: yea. We know you have a crush on Rusong.
Ouyang Zizhen: me???? Ahahaha...ha..ha..ha.
Jingyi: you got to fight with A-qing.
Jinling: A-Song is getting more and more like Xiao shushu.
Ouyang Zizhen: look, I have a beautiful face and she has a bamboo stick. So no thank you.
But I guess we can share Rusong. If Rusong is interested.
Rusong: I have no comment.
But you're very talented.
Jinling: Zizhen. Rusong is Rusong. You have to come better than that.
And he's the future emperor too.
Ouyang Zizhen: I'll do anything for him.
Sizhui: Rusong, other than this. What should we do as the Wen Sect?
Rusong: hmm. How about you have your first Wen watch tower here in Yunping.
I give you permission.
Sizhui: ohh, thank you very much.
Rusong: Ouyang Zongzhu.
Ouyang Zizhen: mn. Dianxia.
Rusong: continue using the river as a source of transportation and cultivation too.
Um. How are the fox spirits in your area?
Ouyang Zizhen: yes Dianxia. They're treated as immortals and equal to cultivators. As the clan leader I'll make sure they get high ranks!
Rusong: that's good to hear.
Some time I want to come to Bailing, just to meet the fox spirits..
Ouyang Zizhen: you?! In Bailing?! I live in Bailing!
Jinling: I think he knows that.
Ouyang Zizhen: I mean....Dianxia, I'll oganise transport for you.
Don't ask your staff!
Rusong: thanks dude.
Ouyang Zizhen: you can stay at my place if you wish. I...I think I need to clean the Bailing's Manor.
Rusong: relax. Everything is fine.
Thanks for the invite.
I'll tell you when I'm coming.
Ouyang Zizhen: I await that day.
Yao: *glaring*
Xue yang: looking at the new Ouyang Zongzhu and Songsong?
Yao: yea.
Zizhen is giving a body language akin to team dimple's.
Mo xuanyu: we have body language, Yao gege??
Yao: of course you simps do.
Su she: what you expect, Huangdi. When you are gorgeous.
Mo xuanyu: and now Song'er is.
Su she: Huangdi. I kind of see it.
But is this how I look?
Yao: 100%, Su Zongzhu.
You sent a whole parade for me when I visited Moling for the first time.
Su she: I must. You're a gift. And my rare treasure.
Yao: aww.
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amai-no-ura · 2 years
Qin Empire Series Netflix MBTI
Simply a masterpiece. Especially on ruling, reforms and transition of a country. Quite good, quite good.
Wei Yang (Shang Yang) - ENTJ 1w9 so/sp (Lion-Bird)
This man is so Te. All his decisions are fact-based with undertone of personal moral code. And his extremely high efficiency/energy level is also aided by his Te-dom and enneagram 1. He is more detached than Ying Quliang though, owing to both his Te-dominant and 9 wing.
Bai Xue - ENFJ 9w1 so/sp (Lion-Snake)
Ying Yu - ESFP 6w7 so/sx (Snake-Lion)
Ying Quliang (Duke of Qin) - ENFJ 1w2 sp/so (Badger-Bird)
Ideal ruler... Although his drive for perfection ultimately dooms him. He is marked with constant frustration (things should be better, he should be better, 'I don't work hard enough' - 1w2 + sp dominant) and his perchance for cooperation and persuasion rather than brute force (wing 2). His decisions are all people-based. Even his objection to the first mass executions came from a place of humanity ('harsh punishment will hurt people's feelings. What if people leave Qin for that?') He is also an excellent negotiator and mediator who is able to find a common ground with anyone. He always focuses on unity and consensus (New policy or Reform, both require change so let's discuss whether we want to change or not - Fe consensus seeking).
He always focuses on emotional wellbeing of people around him. Like, he saw Wei Yang overworking, he told him off because he 'cares' about his friend. He always focuses on people element of everything.
Ying Qian - ESFP 8w7 sp/so (Double Lion)
Duchess Dowager of Qin - ESTJ 1w2 so/sp (Lion-Badger)
Duke Xiao of Qin (Lao Qin) - ESTP 7w8 so/sp (Double Lion)
Lao Gan Long (the old cunt but smart af) - INFJ 9w1 sp/so (Badger-Snake)
His hallmark is the detachment from present reality and his attachment to a futuristic insight that everyone in his faction doesn't understand. He doesn't care if he has to wait decades to enact his plan, he knows he has to survive until then and focuses solely on that. A byproduct of his Ni-dom + 9w1 chillness (I'll wait until it's time, no need to rush). He often speaks in high abstraction that his more grounded apprentice (ISTJ 6w7 sp/so) and son find hard to understand.
He knew the timing wasn't right and waited patiently for 20 years before launching his masterplan to get rid of Wei Yang (even then being careful not to touch the reform, knowing the implication it'll bring to his cause and to his country as a whole). All of that speaks to Ni as his dominant function.
Ying Si
(First Season): ESFJ 6w7 (683) sp/so (Lion-Badger)
(Second Season): ENTP 6w5 (684) sp/so (Burnt Snake-Snake)
Gongzi Ang (yuck) - ESTP 3w4 sp/so (Glory hound Lion-Snake)
Wei Wang (Duke/King Hui of Wei) - ENTP 7w8 sp/sx (Double Snake)
Gongshu Cuo - INFJ 6w5 so/sp (Bird-Badger)
Pang Juan - ENTJ 6w5 sp/so (Double Lion)
Zhang Yi (second season)
ENTP 3w2 (379) sp/so (Lion-Snake)
Mi Yue (second season)
ESTP 3w2 (387) sp/so (Double Snake)
This version of Mi Yue is actually how I imagined her to be - a seductress with shrewd political instinct. Someone who can handle any and all situation gracefully (like how image type will be, generally) but also ruthless in her ambition and doesn't mind doing dirty things to get ahead. I love Sun Li version (which was ENTJ 1w2 sp/so Double Lion) but this version is just so iconic and bitchy.
I considered 8w7 at first, given how super aggressive and temperamental she could be, but her drive is still ambition. She is also more able to play the game, flattering people and doing image management (which are all 3. An 8 would just nail them to the ground instead of playing with them)
Wei Furen (second season)
ISFJ 9w1 sp/so
poor soul ...
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serenasufinjapan · 4 months
May 25: Osaka!
Today we went to Osaka go to the top of the Umeda Sky Building, which had a really cool open air deck to walk around that reminded me of the one on the Empire State Building. The view was really cool, you could even see the islands in the Osaka bay. Then, we went to go see the outside of Osaka-jō. Unfortunately on the way I fell pretty hard and scraped my hands and knees, which wasn’t very pleasant. Luckily my friends had first aid kits (they’re far more prepared than me) and we got everything cleaned up. After that, we took a train to the Shinsaibashi area, which has a ton of famous advertisements including the Glico man. Class was over at that point, so I went to a few shops and then to a cat cafe, which I absolutely loved as I was getting a little home sick and missed my cat.
The reading this week was about how urban Japan has been organized and developed. One thing that was unexpected for me was how Japan so readily destroys buildings to make new ones, which is almost never done in the US when it can be helped. Many historic homes in the US are actually protected by law and cannot be overly modified or torn down. In Japan, this is not the case except for very historically significant buildings and homes. Additionally, there is very little regulation on zoning, which is very different from America where zoning is so strict that it forces many cities to be heavily car dependent. This is something I’ve definitely noticed while I’ve been in Japan, I can walk to pretty much any amenity I need, something I’d never be able to do in Florida.
According to our discussion, most large corporations know their rights enough to get a good deal out of urban redesign in Japan. At the sky building, we got a peek of this by seeing the large corporate building that has a highway operating through several floors of it. The highway pays rent for these floors, which must be a very good source of income for the building. I don’t think I would have noticed this strange building without knowing that beforehand! Overall, it was super cool to see the strange urban organization (or perhaps lack thereof) in Osaka, which feels very similar to that of Tokyo.
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reign-factors · 11 months
As an update being civilized man, instead of tarnishing a record of Blair Slavazza. I believe it being fair to ask for a ride along from her sergeant. Small city don't plan on going that far. So I will use my past tax dollars and go to her sergeant and ask for a ride along. To level the playing field . I would love to hear about equal rights and how this day in the reservist free liberal bay we as a city must uphold the cycle of civilization make sure we as a community need to work together so we are equal with rights respected in each authority. Since on October first 2020 I just came from court . When I got off phone with dispatch I went to my lawyers number to call since order with what you arrested me for was modified to no Ham and since I called for a civil standby i stayed on recorded line till you came on scene . All I did was follow dispatches instructions . You threw down my phone putting me in hand cuffs when I was supposed to be there. I met all the judges requirements as well as you so called sister. The medicine you ripped the label off was saving my life from a suicide attempt. When I noticed your biased ways only then I requested for a male to search me since they were on seen including a sgt. You honored it you will not honor the same one when putting me in car. If I was not supposed to be there why did you leave my stuff there when you're supposed to log that in property. I had all my medicines paperwork on hand at my lawyer's number I was on a recording call when you pulled up to the scene and I was the one who called you guys. I was told from my wife I could come home but she lied to you guys but you the sergeant and her has some some words which I know were caught on your body Cam that had to be on right if they weren't on I'll gladly say online and everything but I was not that's why I kept sending social media accounts of your department on their disregard for the law. That's why I always hastagged it and I sent it to you. I help raise five brilliant children learning on my way and becoming better that's why in the beginning of 2020 none of the officers knew my name. I'm came a functioning man of society who has rehabilitated and corrected myself. Everything I told you guys was not a lie. Like me being a borderline diabetic or when my housing is stable I am able to control it with heathy eating habits and not medicine. Do you even lie to say our waiting for the cop to bring me the probation paper but when he brought it you had to lie it says everything I said to you proving that I was being honest. But I'm trying to be the bigger person consider humanity over being judge as a non-functioning member of society I've learned a lot of lessons in my life and I was on the right path but you jeopardize that yes not on your record for one reason is because I because I avoided the 6 months that I could write a complaint but for you to not acknowledge it or your captain not to acknowledge it and discuss it without disciplinary faults is way better than having this streets disrupted. Because it did happen October 1st 2020 on your body cam your sergeant barleycam all the officers on scene body cam you in the transportation even though you could have taken me in your car because that's what you searched me for I'm trying to be the solution not the problem . What are you trying to be the solution or the problem you is a officer need to get that off your chest because he has a taxpayer don't feel that if you can't answer that properly you shouldn't be a cop on another job there's other people that can have your position that can follow the rules especially the ones that the ACLU brought to trial and won. I would think you being a female in a mixed individual you could understand rights and rights taken away in a civil basis. This angers me so much I'm just going to take a couple minutes to reflect into bring down my cosmic vibrations all I can do now is just pray look out for part two.
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alienorstyx · 1 year
A Night in Paris
Precedent chapters: 5, 6
Chapter 7 : Fury
Canada was watching America walking in circle in his room, his brother woke him up in the middle of the night to come and talk about something important, it could be anything and everything with America. « I am sure she had slept with him. » Cried America , shaking in all directions before adding; « It's been several days since I've wondered who might want to sleep with her, I've even , blah, blah, blah ... »
And there he goes again in his usual paranoia, spying on everyone, trying to master other countries by his ideology. And saying that he criticizes dad on it, they are really similar on this method, thought Canada, but he knew what would cost him to say his thoughts aloud, his brother would find a way to avenge or humiliate him in the months to come. For these reasons, Canada preferred to remain silent, and to play the game of America as long as possible until the latter was satisfied.- Who are you talking about? Asked while baying Canada, who had not understood at all, what his brother had been mumbling for twenty minutes.
" But France and this bastard of communist!" America replied angrily, who couldn't stand for someone not to pay attention to what he was saying.
" USSR?"
"Yes, him, who I don't know why dad is trying to deny that's it him."
" Maybe it's not him then?"
" No! I am sure that France sleep with him, after all she has always been in good term with these reds , and then in her population this party is still popular . It disgusts me that she did not clean up or that she simply banned it ,instead, she lets them express themselves,and be in her government ."
"You still resent the fact that she kicked you out of her country or that she managed to get up to the table of the winners or else it is ..."
"Shut the fuck up! Of course, I didn't like it when once I came to rescue her from the third Reich, saving Europe for the second time, and there she ...immediately after she became hostile to my installation, by demanding and imposing the withdrawal of my troops." America cried out while making big movement with these arms, before Canada, which was visibly tired of all this nonsense.
"She immediately noticed that you tried to destroy her."Tried to justify Canada , he did not like when his brother criticized his mother , she was certainly for America more like his mother-in-law but it was still her and Spain who helped him during his war of independence. "Stupid , I never wanted to destroy her." Bitching America , who couldn't stand his younger brother's accusations, about his actions or attempt. "Yet it was indeed the project of your President Roosevelt and his plan for Europe, wasn't he?" Canada risked.
"Yes, there was that. However, that was not my goal."
"America", said Canada in a weary tone while watched him sweat nervously, he knew that his brother had discussed it with Roosevelt on the question of Europe, that he was happy to be able to show his power over the European countries, some of which had snubbed him and criticized him .
" Admit America, you are trying to weaken the old colonial empires to increase your own power."Murmured timidly Canada, who immediately regretted making this comment, seeing his big brother take off his iconic sunglasses and his dark blue eyes then flashed lightning.
"And so what!" The latter replied, visibly angry.
" You cannot criticize Mom's actions." Dared shyly Canada by hardly supporting America's insistent gaze.
"And if she chose the camp of this communist. You would follow her like a good big boy to his mommy, eh."
" And so you try to intimidate me, for what? And then mom is still a powerful country whether you like it or not!" He bits his tongue, insulting himself internally for saying that.
"No, I ... , she ...she is no longer a great power, period. And then she has already started to make treaties with this coco."
"What are you talking about, Mom wouldn't do something like that."Canada really didn't like how things were going, he was hopeless that everything would stop, and that this nightmare would end so that he could finally rest. "Oh yes, well look,and open big your eyes, my dear brother. She did not wait until the end of the war to form an alliance with the USSR, they signed on December 10, 1944 in Moscow."
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Canada remained speechless due to this revelation, how he could not have been made aware of it, it is perhaps a small treatise of nothing at all that will probably have no impact in the future, finally he hoped . However , what irritated him the most was not this treaty, but the air of complete satisfaction that America displayed. It was with an inordinate calm and in a frigid tone that Canada uttered his words that hurt America:
"You have changed far too much. You are no longer the brother I knew."
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weememories · 2 years
Best Places To Visit In India With Friends
In today’s post you will learn everything about the Best Places To Visit In India With Friends.
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India is a sizable nation with a complex tapestry of customs, cultures, and history. The fact that India is also home to some of the most stunning locations on earth is therefore not surprising.
There is likely to be a destination that appeals to you, whether you're seeking for a spot to unwind and recuperate or you want to experience India's colourful culture. And with your buddies at your side, what better way is there to enjoy India?
We'll discuss some of the top locations in India for group travel with you in this blog article. There is something on this list for everyone, from calm beaches to busy metropolis. So, get arranging for your trip right away!
Best Places To Visit In India With Friends
Malana is a hamlet in the Himachal Pradesh state of India. On the banks of the Malana River, in the Parvati Valley, is where the settlement is situated. There are about 200 households living in the village. The villagers are thought to be the offspring of warriors who served under Alexander the Great. The peasants' dialect and traditions are distinct from those of the rest of India.
From Jari, it is a 10-kilometer hike to the settlement. You pass through some of the Himalayas' most breathtaking landscapes on the walk. Along the trip, you'll pass across waterfalls, glaciers, and snow-covered mountains.
Goa is a state in India with a sizable coastline and a rich past. Goa is renowned for its beaches, churches, and temples. Goa is a well-liked vacation spot because to its vibrant nightlife and wild parties. Goa is the ideal destination if you're seeking for somewhere to travel to in India with your buddies.
Goa offers a variety of activities, whether you wish to explore the city or unwind on the beach. You may go to some of Goa's busiest beaches, such Baga Beach and Calangute Beach. Alternately, you might stroll around the city and stop by a few old sites, such Fort Aguada.
A tiny town in India's Karnataka region is called Gokarna. It is a well-liked travel destination because of its stunning beaches and temples.
Gokarna offers a variety of activities, including going to the Mahabaleshwar Temple, swimming in the revered waters of the Gokarna Beach, and climbing up to the Om Beach. You may also travel to the neighbouring Dattatreya Temple, which is where the Hindu deity Dattatreya is claimed to have been born.
One of the nicest spots in India to travel with friends is Hampi. It is well-known for its historical ruins, which originate from the Vijayanagara Empire. UNESCO designated the Hampi site as a World Heritage Site.
In Hampi, there are many things to see and do. The Vittala Temple, the Virupaksha Temple, and the Elephant Stables are a few of the most well-liked sights. Numerous hiking routes also lead to some of Hampi's most beautiful locations.
Southeast India is home to the city of Pondicherry, sometimes referred to as Puducherry. The history and architecture of the city are influenced by both French and Indian colonialism. Both Indians and foreigners like visiting the city as a tourism attraction.
The beaches, churches, temples, and museums of Pondicherry, which is situated on the Bay of Bengal, are among the city's top draws. The French Quarter of the city, which has colonial-style buildings and cobblestone walkways, is particularly well-liked by tourists.
This blog has explored the best places to visit in India with friends. We've spoken about the benefits of travelling with friends and highlighted a few of them.
Following that, we spoke about the top 5 places you and your friends should visit at least once in your lives. Every detail you should be aware of before visiting these destinations has been addressed.
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eddie-scarpa-lived · 2 years
Gary Stevens, enjoying his lonely mandatory glass of whiskey in the evening in a smoky bar after yet another difficult day at work, when another man sits down at the bar and orders a whiskey. The voice sounds familiar, and Gary cannot quite put his finger on it, but he surely must have heard that voice somewhere, The man notices him staring, and reacts a bit unpleasantly.  “I’m sorry, mister. Is there something on my face?” “Apologies, no. It’s just - “ Gary is not a man to start conversations with people he doesn’t know in bars - he’s spent the last ten years trying to avoid that, but he feels extremely lonely tonight. “You look familiar. Or, I should rather say, sound familiar.” The man smirks. “Really?” “Yes. Is it possible that I have heard you on the radio?” The man actually chuckled now, raising his glass. “You don’t look like a typical listener of the station.” “I’m sorry, which station?” And the man takes a sip of his drink, his lips curl into a smile, and he finally turns to Gary, extending his hand. “I’m Ricky Fox.” Gary’s first reaction is to yank his hand away. Ricky Fox. Even the stupid infantilizing nickname. Ricky. But led by his good manners and education, Gary accepted the hand and replied. “Gary Stevens.” Ricky’s smile fully bloomed on his face. “Well, look at us.” “Look at us,” Gary said, retreating his hand. “We might not be so different,” Ricky says, nodding to Gary’s drink. “It can get lonely in the studio, am I right?” “It’s a difficult job.” “I wouldn’t expect you to be sitting in a bar though.” Stevens’ eyebrows furrowed as he wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. “I thought you’d be,” Ricky continued, “having dinner with your wife and two kids, right after pledging to the American flag and praying at the table.” Gary actually chuckled at that. He’d be damned if he hadn’t thought that as well, some years ago.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
(Based on the prompt: What if Luke was captured on Hoth?)
The room was dark when Luke woke. That, in and of itself, was unusual. The medical bay in Echo Base was always painfully bright. Luke squinted through the thick bacta and tried to make out his surroundings. Why was the room so dark?
Luke thought he remembered warning sirens pulsing faintly through the tank. A sense of fear and urgency. Had they cut the power to hide from a probe? No...that didn't feel right. This place was too empty. Han and Leia and Chewie weren't here watching over him, as they had been since Han found him in the snow. They wouldn't have left him if-
...if everything was okay.
Despite the warmth of the bacta around him, Luke realized that he felt cold. Maybe he was still in the base. But then, where was everyone else? Had he been left behind?
They wouldn't leave him!
...would they?
The increase in his heartrate sounded an alarm on the outer controls of the tank. All at once, the bacta began to drain out, and the harness rose. Relief washed over Luke. Obviously someone had to still be here, or nobody would have noticed the heart monitor. It was probably 2-1B. He couldn't really sense droids, after all. The medical droid would know what was going on.
A wave of heat staggered him as soon as his bare feet touched the ground. At a control panel beside the tank, a jet black Artoo unit hooted at him in a suspiciously judgmental manner.
This was not Echo Base.
This isn't right...
Luke swallowed, grimaced, and spat out a bit of bacta that had gotten under the oxygen mask.
"Droid!" a harsh, modulated voice barked, "Why did you release the subject without authorization?"
Luke whirled to find a guard in crimson robes entering through a door behind the tank. His heart sank when he recognized the design of the uniform.
Oh no. No no please, Force no!
He had been captured.
But then, why would they let him heal? He had a pretty high price on his head! Usually Imps were scrambling to kill him, not heal his wounds.
"Put him back under. Now!" The guard approached slowly, brandishing a spear at Luke. "You. Hands where I can see them."
Luke backed away, on the verge of panic. Where was he? What had they done to his friends? Why was he unhurt?!
"What the kriff is going on?" he croaked.
Watch him, watch his movements. If that spear isn't electrified, maybe I can grab it...
"You aren't here to ask questions, Rebel, you're here to answer them. Get back in the tank before I give you a reason to need the bacta," the guard snapped.
He swung his spear closer, and Luke jumped back. His bare shoulders collided with a tank wall, and the Artoo shrieked at him in dismay. A swift glance behind him revealed that Luke had not backed into the same tank he'd come out of.
There was a second tank beside his, and it was still occupied.
Luke felt the cold again, as if the tank had been filled with ice water. Inside the cloudy liquid, a battered figure seemed to hang frozen. The figure's limbs ended abruptly in scarred amputations that looked old, but aggravated. Dark contusions spread across what little of the person's torso Luke saw before returning his attention to the guard. Was this someone else they'd been interrogating?
The guard advanced again and held the spear to Luke's throat. "That's enough, Rebel. By rights, you shouldn't even have been brought here! We're wasting perfectly good bacta on scum like you."
Fear and adrenaline swirled together into an indignant mixture not too far off from courage, and Luke spat out, "Yeah, because I'm so eager to walk forward with a karking spear at my throat. You been out in the suns too long? I'm not impaling myself on that!"
The tip of the spear pressed closer, and this time Luke felt a low humming from it that promised a nasty shock if it made contact with his skin. He could almost swear he felt faint amusement in the red guard.
"Well that's what the bacta's for, isn't it?"
A spark arced from the point of the spear, and Luke instinctively jerked his head backward. But the jolt never struck. Luke tried to look, but it was as if the air itself had turned to stone, locking them all in place where they stood. If he strained his eyes, he could just make out the spark, flickering pathetically in midair, never to land. He could breathe, at least, but it was labored and shallow. The guard seemed to be having more trouble than he was -- the only indication to Luke that this was not some kind of paralysis weapon.
"Touch him and your life is forfeit."
The voice was soft, barely audible through the transparisteel of the second bacta tank, but it seemed to ring in their ears all the same. Luke couldn't turn, or shift his eyes far enough to see the speaker, but he could guess who it might be. The other prisoner had awoken. How was he holding them in place? Was it-
Was he a Jedi?
The guard collapsed, and suddenly Luke was free to move again. He turned slowly to look into the tank, barely even noticing that the guard lay where he had fallen, unmoving. The bacta was still cloudy, pumped full of heavy antibacterial solutions. But now that the man's eyes were open, they were impossible to miss. The fiery golden eyes of a dragon pinned Luke in place; they weighed him down with their gaze as surely as if he had been manacled to the floor.
Whoever the other prisoner was, Luke understood instinctively that he was a very dangerous man.
"No harm will come to you while you sleep," the man vowed. He appeared to be making some attempt to soften his dragon's stare, while simultaneously sifting through Luke's very soul. It did not alleviate the young man's fears.
"Thank you...?" Luke managed after several failed attempts at speech. "I can...keep watch while you sleep, if you want." Not that I can help much without my-
The lightsaber.
His father's lightsaber was gone. Was it still in the Rebel base? Or had the Empire taken it? Luke gripped the side of the tank for support. No friends, no weapons, no connection to his father; he had nothing but the shorts he'd been wearing when 2-1B first put him in the bacta tank.
I'm sorry! First Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen, then Ben, now I've failed you too, Father. I'm so sorry!
"Have you failed? Or did Kenobi fail you?" The man in the tank interrupted his thoughts without warning. The cold grew sharper, and shadows crept from the corners of the room to curl around the tanks. Golden eyes burned in the darkness of the occupied tank.
"What?" Luke gasped, pulling away from the tank.
"Sleep, Luke. When you have recovered, there will be much to discuss."
As Luke felt the chill close in on him again, it struck him that the dangerous stranger knew his name. And he spoke it as though he were familiar with Luke.
Luke had questions. But he wasn't sure anymore that he wanted them answered.
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the-arctic-commune · 4 years
Philza’s SMPEarth Livestreams
[check #philza archives for other posts like this]
Because, even though Philza is good and kind to us and saves his livestreams, twitch’s archive system is still impossible to navigate.
I’m slowly adding and updating timestamps for these, but it’ll be patchy and inconsistent.
Day 1: Nov. 22, 2019
Joins the SMP: 1:59
Joins the Antarctic Empire: 3:26
Grinding & mob-spawning experiments: Nov. 25, 2019
Joins the SMP: 3:05
Taking over the world: Nov. 29, 2019
Antarctic Empire owns the world: 1:58
Leaves the San Molo Trials: 2:50
Not usually putting other people’s moments on here but here’s some incredible Technoblade lore: “When I was kid on faction servers I’d make chicken farms so big other people’s computers lagged out, so no one could raid me unless they had a better computer than I did.” 3:16
Messing with a redstone contraption found on the map: 3:30
Visits Fit: 3:52
Dec. 8, 2019
Making an iron farm: Dec. 11, 2019
Weapons experiments: 5:37
Philza dies to an air strike: 5:47
Destruction of the Villager Adoption Agency: 6:05
WAR: Dec. 18, 2019
Battle of the Pit: 0:11
One last airstrike before we stop cyberbullying Tommy: 0:54
Investigating a giant area of bedrock in the ocean: 4:24
Watching Pete xray: 5:12
Mining & Grinding: Dec. 30, 2019
Various people are hanging out in his chat / TTS for the early parts of this stream, particularly KaraCorvus, while he goes mining.
Why does he want so much sponge. He’s not draining anything. Why has he spent two hours gathering sponge.
Time to bully Tommy (The Raid of Bean York City): 1:57
Wispexe joins the Antarctic Empire, conflict winds down: 2:42
Joining Kara and CaptainSparklez in investigating the ARG: 4:17
Command block blows them up (Philza Death #2): 4:33
To the Moon: Jan. 5, 2020
Building the Port-aux-Francais interior: Jan. 6, 2020
Joined by Wisp and then Pete: 2:24
Goes to the moon with Wisp to gather supplies: 2:42
Finished with the moon and leaves voice call; goes to the spawn to see if something dropped through the end portal ends up there and gets trapped inside the spawn area: 4:15
Beginning of the Dragon Egg War: Jan. 8, 2020
Starts out working on the Port-aux-Francais interior.
Uses a glitch with villager trading to force a server restart: 3:34
Pete joins voice call (while server is down). Philza explains the exploit, and they start talking about possible locations of the map’s ocean monument, which hasn’t been found despite a concerted effort by several members: 3:44
The second level of Port-aux-Francais, and most of the future fanart gallery, are complete; leaves to go “yoink” beacons from spawn, then gets distracted looking for the ocean monument: 3:57
Wilbur starts occasionally sending TTS’s: 4:14
AllanahVA (AFitzy) joins the voice call: 4:25
“Wilbur didn’t even win a Minecraft Monday” [makes the funniest face I have ever seen]: 4:32
Wilbur joins the voice call (I think? They address him as if he’s been there but I can’t hear him before that): 5:00
Technoblade joins the voice call. Pete comes and goes, but there’s too many potential timestamps for this stream for me to put them all in: 5:57
Philza arrives in Newfoundland and starts threatening Wilbur for the Dragon Egg. Dragon Egg War kicks off in full force: 6:07
I won’t put in time stamps for everything interesting because it’d be way too much, but the SMPEarth wiki has a full description of events. If you’re look for Chaos Phil, know that you’ve come to the right place.
Wisp joins the voice call: 6:11
Krinios joins the voice call: 6:33
Phil leaves the voice call; zooming around in an ice boat while jamming out to gas gas gas is not an activity confined to the dream smp: 6:51
Checking the moon for the ocean monument: 7:09
The Casino Conflict: Jan. 10, 2020
Starts out the streaming chilling in Port-aux-Francais for a bit and then visits Business Bay. Discusses “rescuing” Pee Dog back from Kara (0:16). Finds TimeDeo hiding in a trapdoor box (0:19).
Visits NewHawaii and finds that the plug-in that stops you from opening other people’s chests doesn’t stop you from breaking them: 0:24
Heads out to go ARG-hunting: 0:42
Explains some of the ARG / ocean monument location clues and shows a graphic relating it to a song from Snow White: 0:54
Back to building (mostly working on the upper floor “war room,” which has a floor inlaid with the Antarctic Empire’s flag; I think it’s really cool looking, and it never made it into any highlights that I’m aware of, so it’s worth checking out): 1:14
Tommy invites Philza to his newly-built casino: 3:37
They arrive at the casino. Philza seems unaware of both how casinos work and how dispensers work. Tommy seems only vaguely aware of how casinos work. Icebomb is lurking in the background like a traumatized cryptid: 3:47
Hostilities begin to kick off and Deo joins the call. Icebomb fights, and Wisp and Pete are occasionally in vc. See the wiki for a full description: 4:02
Philza declares enmity, fights Deo, and kills Tommy: 4:18
Back to Port-aux-Francais. Thunder1408 (Jack Manifold), the first customer of the C ASS INO, joins the voice call briefly at this time to yell at Tommy: 4:31
Turns off his overlay to get cool screenshots of the build. Kara comes to get a tour: 5:41
Travels with Kara to admire her Eiffel Tower build: 5:56
Honorable mention: conclusion of the Dragon Egg War and (I think) Philza gains the moniker Angel of Death: Jan. 14, 2020. Streamed by Wilbur, Sophie.
The Northwestern Volcano: Jan. 15, 2020
Starts out putting up fanart in the gallery.
Recaps the events of the Dragon Egg War: 0:48
Joins voice call and heads to investigate the newly-formed Northwestern Volcano as part of the ARG. Pete, Deo, GrunksPromise, TanningOil, and Bitzel all join. I think I hear Fit occasionally as well: 2:53
Kara joins and they start heading into the volcano. See the wiki for a full description: 3:18
CaptainSparklez joins: 3:59
As their investigations begin to come to an end, they suddenly see lava pouring into the cave from above. Philza flies up, leaving the others behind, and sees that the volcano is “erupting:” 4:32
He tries to fly back down to join the others but is knocked off-course by an explosion, hits the ground too hard, and dies: 4:37
He tries to fly back to the volcano in a plane, but once he gets there he he can’t fly down the tunnel, glitches into the wall, and suffocates, after which he is teleported back to the volcano by an admin: 4:40
JoshA20 gives him a pickaxe with impossible enchantments to apologize for the item losses, then places a command block and tries to get Phil to ban him from the server; shenanigans continue for a bit, and Josh briefly gives him a stone button enchanted with Knockback 50: 5:05
The World Police: Jan. 22, 2020
A TTS points out that Philza’s name has been written out somewhere so that it appears on the map, derailing his plan to “make a few farms:” 0:09
He arrives at the mark, discovering that JoshA20 has set up a challenge; by completing a set of objectives, like getting items with certain enchantments and being nice to Tommy, he will become the first member of the World Police and receive a “Buttonator 3000:” 0:18
TommyInnit joins to chat while Phil builds a heart next to his base: 0:50
Literally the “I stopped a murder today” “how” “self-control” meme: 1:08
Phil is so good with his elytra how... he rockets upwards and swoops to land on top of a single fence post without breaking a sweat: 1:17
Almost done with the quest, but in true Philza fashion he decides that Josh is playing a trick on him and spends the next like twenty minutes trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist and do things the hard way: 1:38
Pulls up a list of the wealthiest people on the server in terms of the in-game currency, if you’re curious to see that; Philza’s on top with a whopping 1/5 of the total wealth of the entire server, but OGBeefStew is not far behind: 1:53
Talks about how Notch was recently in a video with this guy named Dream who’s been blowing up lately: 1:56
At long last he obtains the Buttonator 3000, which is enchanted with Knockback X: 2:14
Arrives at VoiceOverPete’s residence of Boomer Mansion; Pete joins the call, and they and Josh mess around with the button for a bit before Pete and Philza spend some time discussing farm designs and future builds: 2:19
Thunder1408 (Jack Manifold) suddenly joins the call to beg for shelter from TimeDeo, who is chasing him; TimeDeo quickly joins as well, and Philza decides that as world police :tm: he should help resolve the conflict: 2:58
(Tumblr tends to muck up list formatting on mobile platforms and sometimes even dashboard, sorry)
(If you have streams I missed, or timestamps / descriptions to add, would love to see them! I’ll be editing this to add those, but it’ll be a long time.)
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allzelemonz · 3 years
Don’t Go: Crosshair X Gender Neutral Reader Part 1
In honor of the return of Star Wars! I’m a little late... but Crosshair is in need of love. I want nothing bad to happen to him and I will likely be sad in the coming weeks.
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It all happened so suddenly. One minute you were working with the resident Jedi on Kamino, then a clone asked for you to follow him. Then you heard the blaster fire. When you tried to turn back the clone grabbed your arm and kept you there.
“It would be best if you stayed with me, Commander.”
You stared at the expressionless helmet in shock. From the tone of his voice to the words themselves, this clone was not acting right. Nevertheless, he had a blaster in his hands and you did not. He released his grip on your arm and you followed him away. Nothing seemed right.
He led you to the Prime Minister who was waiting in his usual weird egg chair. When the trooper was gone you gave the Kaminoan a curious look as he calmly poured a drink for you.
“I’m sorry if you witnessed any unpleasant things today, Commander.”
“Do you mind if I ask what’s going on, Prime Minister?”
You tried to keep you cool in the presence of the Kaminoan, knowing that manners and politeness was their favored character trait. You accepted the drink from him with a small thanks.
“All will be explained in due time, but I’m afraid I must inform you that your employment in training the clone troopers may be coming to an end.”
“What do you mean?”
“We have come under a sort of new management.” The Prime Minister took a small sip from his cup. “An announcement will be made later this evening, I just thought it would be best to let you know of the threat to your employment ahead of time.”
“Thank you for that, but I’m still a bit confused.”
“We will speak more tomorrow, after the announcements. Everything will make more sense then.”
You gave the Kaminoan a nod and promptly exited the room. You were met with hallways full of troopers going in every direction. You took a shaky breath at the sight of an occupied stretch being carried to the med bay, seemingly for analysis. You had a sinking feeling you knew exactly who was on it.
You made your way to your barracks, changing your mind halfway there, and instead turning down the hall leading to the barracks room of Clone Force 99. You waited there for an hour or so, trying to distract yourself with cleaning one of Crosshair’s old rifles.
The door slid open to reveal Tech and Wrecker first. Tech going immediately to his workstation.
“Ah! Good to be back.” Wrecker exclaimed as he put his helmet down.
“The smell’s getting worse.” Echo commented.
“You’re still new. You’ll get used to it.” Hunter assured.
“Speak for yourself.” Crosshair pushed passed his brothers, finally seeing you.
The other boys went about their usual coming home routine as Crosshair sat next to you and took his helmet off.
“How was the mission?” You asked, mostly to gauge if he’d be acting weird like all the clones you’d seen today.
“Mediocre.” He mumbled.
He leaned over to you and placed a quick kiss on your head. At least that hadn't changed. The rest of the Bad Batch seemed to be acting like themselves. There was something about Crosshair’s movements that seemed different. He hadn’t taken his helmet off until sitting with you. He didn’t say anything about you cleaning his rifle.
“Not every objective” Crosshair said.
You tuned into the conversation, having ignored it until now.
“Hunter let that Jedi kid escape.” He continued. “Or do you want to keep lying to us?”
You looked between Crosshair and Hunter. Let the Jedi escape? Were all of the Jedi being killed?
Hunter stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the waters below.
“I don’t like to think of executing our commanders as a mission objective.”
“An order is an order.” Crosshair argued.
He wasn’t wrong, but killing all of the Jedi was a questionable order at best. And the Padawans, children, there was no way to justify that order. When you were first brought on to aid the trooper training you couldn’t believe that pre-teens were holding a rank that you didn’t earn until you were twice that age. You couldn’t imagine killing them.
“Since when?” Hunter fired back.
Even from behind him, you could see Crosshair become annoyed. The end of his toothpick flicking around and his shoulders tensing up.
“None of this makes sense.” Echo chimed in. “Those clones served alongside General Billaba for years. How could they turn on her like that?” The former reg hit his fist against the table in frustration.
“Because of the reg’s programming.”
Everyone looked at Tech as if he was crazy.
“What programming?” Hunter asked.
You recalled being told that the clones were made to be more obedient than the average person, but you never thought of it as programming. Tech explained what he meant and Wrecker laughed.
“Ha! We sure don’t” The giant clone slung an arm around Crosshair, stuffed toy in hand.
You could see Crosshair’s annoyance at the action go beyond his default level of only moderate annoyance.
Tech explained why they didn’t adhere to the same standards as other clones, which you could have guessed. They’re different. Tech made it sound more complicated than that, but really the short answer was that they were simply built different.
Crosshair pushed Wrecker off him as Tech continued his explanation. Wrecker began to softly hit Crosshair with his stuffed toy in opposition. Crosshair got away from his large brother and replaced his toothpick in his mouth. You could still tell he was a bit off put by the current topic of conversation. The boys continued to discuss why they didn’t follow the order that had apparently been put out. You came to your own conclusion about the Jedi and troopers you’d been with earlier.
Crosshair leaned against the wall next to his bunk, you nudged him lightly and asked silently if he was feeling okay. He didn’t respond as he usually did.
An intercom message gave the order to report to the staging area, interrupting the conversation.
The Bad Batch walked to the staging area. You followed with them, Crosshair keeping pace with you in the back. It was his form of PDA like holding hands, just walking with you in step.
You split from the boys to take your position at the head of your group of clone cadets. All of them acting strange, not a single one out of place or trying to talk to one another. All of them stood at attention as if they were clankers. Even your subordinate sergeant didn’t give you any more comment than an acknowledgement of rank and a curt nod. He’d usually at least crack a smile or a wink if he was feeling confident.
You watched the announcement with a bad feeling about what was to come. You tried to catch sight of Crosshair or Hunter, anyone of the batch, but they were too far ahead and blocked by too many other clones. You couldn’t even see Wrecker towering above everyone else. The news that all Jedi were to be executed for treason explained a lot, but it didn’t change your mind about anything. The clones around you cheered at the announcement of a new Empire. The cadets behind you included. Men that just a few weeks ago had been talking about their disgust with the authoritarian Separatists. Maybe Tech had a point about the programming.
After the announcement you were caught up in the chaos that was clone cadets. Your fellow training commanders all worked to get the cadet back into their schedules and you couldn’t slip away no matter how much you wanted to. You escorted your troops back to their training area and got them back on track, leaving them to the bounty hunter trainers they were working with.
You made your way back to the batch’s barracks to find Crosshair looking over the old rifle you had been cleaning.
“Where is everyone?” You asked. It was a rare case the barracks were only occupied by one member of the batch.
“Out.” Crosshair stated plainly.
You took his meaning. Everyone was doing their own thing. You sat by the tall clone and watched him inspecting the weapon.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been accommodating recently.” Crosshair said, breaking the silence.
“Since when are you accommodating?”
The sniper chuckled and set the rifle to the side, turning to you. He took your hand in his and met your eyes.
“I try to be for you.”
He leaned in and kissed you. The usual crosshair kiss, short and to the point, but exactly what you needed.
“Have you been feeling okay?” You asked.
Crosshair raised an eyebrow at the question.
“You’ve been picking at Hunter a bit more than usual is all.”
“He made a bad call.”
You nodded, not wanting to provoke him. Maybe Crosshair wasn’t as immune as the others. He was acting off, but not nearly as badly as the regs.
“Do you want to go to the mess?” You rested you had on his cheek, tracing the point of his tattoo with your thumb slightly.
“Maybe later.” He answered, leaning into your touch.
He inched closer to you, pulling you close to him. He wrapped his arms around you in a rare hug. You relished in the action, pulling him closer as well. You ran your fingers against his short hair. Crosshair never hugged you for more than a few seconds, but you sat there for a while before the clone pulled away to kiss you again.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Cross?”
“Just missed you.” He spoke softly.
He hugged you close again. It made you wonder what was going through his head right now. The stoic man Crosshair usually appeared as was fading the longer he held onto you. Something wasn’t right.
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