#disney music emporium
disneytva · 2 years
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Lunella's Mixtape is REAL comes on Valentines Day 🌕✨
Lunella's Cassete Mixtape is now avalible on Disney Music Emporium via Walt Disney Records, the two sides include ALL the songs of the recent soundtrack.
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mileycyrusguatemala · 2 months
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En Disney Music Emporium están en pre-venta los nuevos vinilos de Miley Cyrus "Meet Miley Cyrus" y "Hannah Montana: The Movie". Adquiere el tuyo ya.
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maya-yaya · 2 years
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
Hello! I was wandering what would be my match up for the Hazbin hotel characters!
I go by She/her Pronouns and as for my sexuality, it’s kinda hard to say, I like males mostly but I also like females either by how pretty they are or how sweet they are. And also I get pretty shy at first but when I warm up I’m very bubbly and motherly towards anyone! But when it comes to my crush I get very awkward and shy, I do tend to bottle up my negative emotions a lot and having a hard time saying no to others if I’m being told to do something I don’t like but I’m slowly learning!
My personality trait is that I’m an ambivert, I’m both shy and outgoing, I’m sweet and kind and very gentle towards anyone, I’m very dense at times which means I don’t know when someone is interested in me so basically I’m a hopeless romantic😭😭
I don’t really prefer any characters who are toxic or messed up like valentino since I don’t like how he licked Charlie’s arms since I don’t like germs like that, also I don’t want to be matched with Charlie or vaggie since they are together and which I don’t wanna ruin that since their so perfect with each other!!
I got tested for ADHD and it came out positive, I do have hyperfixation since I get overly excited about something I like and which I would shake my hands out in excitement, I also have cute aggression in which I will find something cute like ducks or otters! But for some reason, sometimes I have an urge to like grab ahold of someone’s head and aggressively shake their head or even bite their cheeks or chin or even biceps
My fashion taste is kinda like a bimbo in a way, I like wearing crop tank tops that shows my curves and wearing grey sweatpants, almost like tojis outfit like black skintight shirt and baggy grey sweatpants, I also wear a zip up sweater too!
My hobbies are painting and drawing but mostly I love writing since I love creating new stories or anything and I love reading, I love talking about someone about my hobbies or anything in general!
How i show my affections is by either hugging or making them things I do, I have quality time and physical love, I’m very touch starved since I barely get any hugs by someone I deeply loved (not family members tho) I love either being big spoon or small spoon since I’m tall (I’m 5’10 or 5’11) I love being appreciated and loved by someone who can care for me!
I love classic music like Frank Sinatra or sometimes even listening to musical musics like willy wonka such as ‘pure imagination’ or any musical from Disney!
I love dark humor or sometimes cheesy jokes by someone I like (I sometimes act like a school girl who’s giggling and all that😭😭)
I feel like I would either be a puppet for my demon form, puppets do things to entertain the person for their happiness and which the puppets ignore their own happiness for others (I do that a lot for the people I care for😭😭) I do things for others but yet I don’t like doing them but it’s for them
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Your Match Up Is. . .
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You and Rosie met while she was supervising Cannibal Town. Everyone wore a smile except for a child who looked a bit saddened. You came to help.
She stopped you afterwards and thanked you, asked if you were new to Hell since she’d never seen you before and turns out you were.
She asked if you’d like to live in Cannibal Town or if she could set you up with a job since you didn’t have one. You nearly backed out, not a cannibal in life and you told her as much but she insisted everyone was welcome in her town.
She would check in on you periodically and would hear stories about the non-cannibal helping people out in town.
When you got yourself hurt helping someone who didn’t want to bother Rosie as she’s a very busy woman, she sewed you back up.
“You do need to be more careful, my dear. We don’t want your strings to be cut again so soon, now do we?”
That’s when she insisted you come join her to work in her emporium.
Eventually she invited you into her home for a candle lit homemade dinner. No, it’s not another demon, she promises.
You two have a lovely night together. She is an excellent cook when she’s not cooking other people (and she probably is when it comes to cooking other people as well but while she’ll ask you if you want to try it, she’ll never force you.)
Thus begins your relationship.
It’s a bit odd that she, a woman so clearly in the past, is dating someone dressed so modern but all is well and she does compliment you on how you look.
Even if those crop tops make her a bit flustered, they also let her make direct contact with your skin.
She hangs up any drawings you do in both her home and space work, proudly showing them off.
She is very proud of you and let’s the world know it.
Although, the world doesn’t need to be privy to all things.
Those things being what you do behind closed doors.
She’s not immune to trailing her hands up your stomach and under your shirt to cup your chest or down the your back and easily into the waistband of your pants to get a handful or two of your behind.
Her kisses in public are quick and chaste but alone she’s slow and passionate and she can be such a tease.
You best learn how to undo her clothing with the hooks and ties because she’s not going to teach you when she has such easy access to you.
If you bite her in private, she’ll expose more of her skin and tell you to bite harder, to taste her most vulnerable.
She knows you’re not a cannibal, but that doesn’t mean she can’t try to rope you in to the true vulnerability of knowing someone inside and out.
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soweirdondisney · 1 year
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Halloweentown's Original Soundtrack is being released on vinyl!
Disney Music Emporium is celebrating the DCOM's 25th anniversary with an orange vinyl and pre-order began this week.
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With 24 songs (15 tracks on Side 1 and 9 tracks on Side 2), the item's price is $24.98. Shipping and taxes will be calculated at checkout.
Side 1:
Halloweentown Theme
Aggie's Bus Flies In
Bag of Treats
Halloweentown Book Pt. 1
Halloweentown Book Pt. 2
Goodbye Grandma
Bus Ride
Benny's Cab
The Town Story
Marnie's First Flight
You're Grounded
Fighting Twins
Dark Theater
Side 2:
Ingredient Montage
Benny Attack
Girls Cast Spell
Calabar Reveal
Luke in Disguise
Shift in Power
Cromwell's Victory
Marnie and Luke
The shipping date is expected to be August 30.
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magnorious · 9 months
Review: We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
TL;DR: Where the heck was this writing and directing in the premier? It's fantastic.
I admit, I was harsh on the premier. I stand by my opinion that Disney, with its endless Disney Money, should have strived to make a show that's amazing from the opening scene, not just get along by brand recognition. I nitpicked the inconsistences and there's still plenty here. With the lack of real combat scenes so far (the Fury fight in the museum, the hellhound at the creek, even the bus explosion) I'm wondering if the producers were too afraid of scaring children (in adapting a children's book) to really go for it. The rush this time at least had a creative re-write. All that said, episode three feels like it was produced, written, and directed by a completely different team. The acting is better, the pacing is better, the strange editing choices are fewer in between. The music is more memorable, the castings for new faces fit better, the tone is darker where it needs to be, the characters (minus Annabeth) feel so much more like themselves.
Is it completely faithful to the book? No. But as I said for the premier, changing how the source material happened isn't bad if the changes improve upon the existing story, or get to the same point if in a slightly different way. The encounter with Medusa is, book-to-screen, line-by-line, very different. But the vibe is the same. She's still creepy and threatening and a hell of an interesting perspective for Percy and Annabeth to face, being who they are, and she drops major hints on the entire theme of the book series: The gods' neglect and how many problems it causes. Her costume is different but it works. Her dialogue is longer, but it works. The Fury being there at all forces them underground and remain within Medusa's reach. I still also stand by that I wish this show had been animated a la Arcane or Spiderverse, but episode three proved the world over that this team is dedicated to telling the story, even if it mucks up a few plot beats along the way. **Minor spoiler** Percy's indignant "I am impertient" was perfect. 10/10.
It doesn't feel like it did in the premier, where the team certainly read the book, but didn't understand why some details were important to get correct. This feels like they really did their homework this time and I sincerely hope the rest of the series keeps going up from here. Side note: Costume department! I see you. I see you there dressing Percy in shades of blue and green when he's not in his camp t-shirt. I noticed. I see the 40s vibe you went with for Medusa. It mostly makes up for the Oracle looking more underfed than mummified corpse, but, you know, you win some and you lose some.
Side side note: The post-credits preview music sounds uncannily like the Avengers theme.
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disneyboot · 9 months
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Neil Patrick Harris’ debut as The Toymaker delivered a chilling performance that elevated the third Doctor Who special in truly surprising ways.
“The Giggle,” now streaming on Disney+, quickly ditches the whimsy that characterized the previous two specials. Its opening minutes acquaint us with The Toymaker, who runs a toy emporium in Soho circa 1925. An assistant to the real-life inventor John Logie Baird purchases a ventriloquist’s dummy named Stooky Bill from the off-putting clerk (very clearly the Toymaker) and hurries off to help his boss run tests on a prototype for a live television system.
Baird pops off Stooky Bill’s head, fixes it to a crude-looking contraption, and starts the test. The experiment is a success and Stooky Bill becomes the world’s first televised image. Baird notes that to prove his invention works, he will next need to produce moving pictures. Gazing upon the now-melting dummy’s head in awe, Baird and his assistant hear distant maniacal laughing.
The focus returns to Donna and the Doctor in present-day London, where, if you recall, things have escalated dramatically. The people of London have suddenly and inexplicably turned on each other, brawling with strangers, stepping in front of careening cars, and setting fire to newsstands and storefronts. As the Doctor tries to talk down an especially unruly pedestrian, the Toymaker flits into view behind him. The enigmatic villain now sports a slick black suit, a top hat and liberally applied makeup, epitomizing fashionable evil.
UNIT soldiers arrive and whisk Donna, the Doctor and Wilf across the city to their headquarters.
Returning from “The Star Beast” is UNIT scientist Shirley Anne Bingham, who again proves to be a valuable ally to our heroes as they navigate this new threat. Shirley and UNIT Science Director Kate Stewart lead the Doctor and Donna to the control room, where former Companion Melanie “Mel” Bush greets them.
They wrap up the pleasantries and break down what’s happening: Every person on the planet suddenly believes they are right, and any attempt to convince them otherwise is met with violence. Everyone at UNIT wears a metal armband called a Zeedex to keep them from going mad, too. They don’t know exactly what’s going on, but they suspect a signal (triggered days prior to humanity’s collective snapping) is behind the chaos. They’ve identified a specific satellite as “a link in the chain,” but the Doctor suspects something deeper.
Eventually, the Doctor discovers that the signal setting the world on fire is actually a hidden recording of Stooky Bill’s crazed giggling. Shirley traces the recording back to October 2, 1925, prompting Donna and the Doctor to board the TARDIS and travel there. They quickly find the Toymaker at his shop, but finding him and beating him are two very different challenges.
The Doctor recognizes this old foe and tells Donna to return to the TARDIS. “You never ask me to do that!” Donna protests. She realizes that the Doctor is afraid of the Toymaker, but before they can do anything else, they find themselves trapped in a maze. Donna and the Doctor are separated, the former being forced to fight off a bunch of walking, talking dolls while the latter encounters Baird’s puppetized (not a word but we’re running with it) assistant. After overcoming their respective trials, Donna and the Doctor end up together again in a theater, where the Toymaker treats them to a puppet show recounting the Doctor’s adventures with various Companions.
The Doctor challenges the Toymaker to a card game and loses. Recognizing their very immediate predicament, Donna and the Doctor escape the Toymaker’s shop as it noisily converts to a tiny music box.
Back in the present, UNIT uses a galvanic beam to target and destroy the problematic satellite that’s boosting Stooky Bill’s malicious signal. The Doctor and Donna return to headquarters moments before the Toymaker appears, indulges in lively song and dance, kills a handful of soldiers, and abruptly flees.
The dastardly villain reappears and uses the galvanic beam to shoot this reincarnation of the Doctor, saying his next game must be played with a new Doctor. As this Doctor falls to his knees and starts dying, Donna and Mel rush to his side and promise to be with him until the end.
But the end doesn’t come. Instead, the Doctor, still David Tennant, makes a bizarre request: “Could you…pull?”
Donna and Mel tug on each of the Fourteenth Doctor’s arms, “pulling” the Fifteenth Doctor (played by franchise newcomer Ncuti Gatwa) from Tennant’s body. The Fifteenth Doctor explains that they can both exist at the same time because of “bi-generation,” which was previously thought to be a myth.
The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Doctor face off against the Toymaker in a final game: don’t drop the ball. The Doctors manage to beat the Toymaker and banish him from existence.
Donna and the Fifteenth Doctor convince Tennant’s Doctor to retire, and after using the Toymaker’s toy hammer to knock another TARDIS out of the TARDIS, the Fifteenth Doctor departs.
“The Giggle” concludes on a touching note: the Doctor, having “retired” from Time Lording, spends a quiet afternoon with Donna and her family. Is this the actual end of his story? Probably not, but it’s a much-needed change of pace for the guy….'
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
Fireheart’s BT theme song!
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disneytva · 8 months
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Chip ‘N Dale Rescue Rangers Gets Physical Vynil Album From Disney Music Emporium and Walt Disney Records
Some times, some crimes and soundtracks go slipping through the cracks.....
Disney Music Emporium and Walt Disney Records has revealed that a special vinyl edition of the official soundtrack to the Primetime Emmy Award winning film, Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers is now available.
Enjoy The Toons Records in partnership with Walt Disney Records, Disney Music Emporium and Enjoy The Ride Records, is proud to present the premiere vinyl release for Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers". A comeback 30 years in the making, Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers catches up with the former Disney Afternoon television stars in modern-day Los Angeles. In this hybrid live-action/CGI animated action-comedy film, Chip and Dale are living amongst cartoons and humans in modern-day Los Angeles, but their lives are quite different now. It has been decades since their successful television series was canceled, and Chip voiced of John Mulaney (Sony Pictures Animation "Spiderman Across The Spiderverse" franchise, Dreamworks Animation "Puss In Boots: The Last Wish") has succumbed to a life of suburban domesticity as an insurance salesman. Dale voiced by Andy Samberg (Sony Pictures Animation "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse"), meanwhile, has had CGI surgery and works the nostalgia convention circuit, desperate to relive his glory days. When a former castmate mysteriously disappears, Chip and Dale must repair their broken friendship and take on their Rescue Rangers detective personas once again to save their friend.
Featuring the fantastic score by Brian Tyler (Illumination "The Super Mario Bros Movie"), featuring "Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Theme" Performed by Post Malone , and "Disney Afternoon Theme / Whale Rap Performed" by Andy Samberg, John Mulaney & Nathaniel Motte. Notably, the album is available on Chip N' Dale Stripe colored vinyl.
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) is one the attempts from Disney to bring the beloved The Disney Afternoon characters and shows to a new generation of fans, other projects include DuckTales (2017) with 3 seasons now streaming, Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin with upcoming animated reboots by Point Grey Pictures and Disney Television Animation and a live action Gargoyles reboot from Atomic Monster and Blumhouse Television set for Disney+.
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parksaversnews · 4 months
Brand New Details for Tiana's Bayou Adventure Disney World
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As the summer of 2024 approaches, Walt Disney World is gearing up for the highly anticipated opening of Tiana's Bayou Adventure, a reimagined attraction replacing the iconic Splash Mountain. This all-new experience promises to transport guests into the vibrant world of "The Princess and the Frog," immersing them in the rich culture and traditions of New Orleans. With an opening date set for June 28, 2024, at Magic Kingdom, excitement is building for this magical journey through the bayou. Here's everything you need to know before embarking on this thrilling adventure.
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The Story Behind Tiana's Bayou Adventure
Tiana's Bayou Adventure ride picks up where the beloved Disney animated film "The Princess and the Frog" left off. After achieving her dream of opening the successful Tiana's Palace restaurant, Princess Tiana has ventured into a new culinary endeavor called "Tiana's Foods." This employee-owned co-op is nestled within an old salt mine, featuring a boutique farm, a working kitchen, and an educational area dedicated to teaching the art of cooking and gardening. As the story unfolds, it's Mardi Gras season, and Tiana is preparing to host a one-of-a-kind celebration for the people of New Orleans. However, she realizes she's missing a key ingredient for her special dish. Guests will join Tiana and her fun-loving friend Louis the Alligator on an adventure through the bayou to find the missing component, encountering familiar faces and making new friends along the way.
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Immersive Audio-Animatronics and Music
One of the most exciting aspects of Disney World Tiana's Bayou Adventure is the introduction of cutting-edge audio-animatronics figures. Disney Imagineers have created dozens of highly detailed and expressive characters, including Tiana, Mama Odie, Louis, and a host of new critter friends. These animatronics boast an incredible range of motion, facial expressions, and personality, bringing the bayou to life like never before. The attraction will also feature a captivating musical score, blending new original compositions with beloved tunes from "The Princess and the Frog." Grammy Award-winning New Orleans musicians PJ Morton and Terence Blanchard have contributed their talents, ensuring an authentic and immersive auditory experience.
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The Thrilling Ride Experience
While the overall ride experience will be reimagined, Tiana's Bayou Adventure will retain the iconic 50-foot drop that made Splash Mountain a fan favorite. As guests embark on their journey, they'll float through the bayou, encountering lively musical critters and their handcrafted instruments before plunging down the exhilarating drop, culminating in an indoor finale celebrating Tiana's Mardi Gras party.
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Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane Access
To manage the anticipated high demand, Tiana's Bayou Adventure will utilize a virtual queue system during its initial opening days. Guests can request to join the virtual queue via the My Disney Experience app at 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. While a standby queue will not be available initially, Disney expects to open one soon after the attraction's debut. Additionally, Tiana's Bayou Adventure will be included in the Disney Genie+ service, allowing guests to purchase Lightning Lane access and bypass the regular queue. Pricing and availability will be updated on the day of your visit through the My Disney Experience app.
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Commemorative Merchandise and Dining Offerings
No Disney experience would be complete without commemorative merchandise and themed dining offerings. Starting on June 28, guests can find Tiana's Bayou Adventure and "The Princess and the Frog"-inspired merchandise collections at the Emporium in Magic Kingdom. Shortly after the attraction's debut, these items will also be available at the Critter Co-Op in Frontierland. As for dining, guests can indulge in Tiana's Famous Beignets, light and fluffy treats drizzled with honey and powdered sugar, available for a limited time at Golden Oak Outpost and The Friar's Nook.
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PhotoPass Opportunities and Memory Maker
Disney's PhotoPass Service will capture magical moments throughout your journey on Tiana's Bayou Adventure. Guests can purchase the Memory Maker package to download all their Disney PhotoPass photos taken during their vacation, including the special attraction photo from this new experience.
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Final Thoughts
With its immersive storytelling, cutting-edge technology, and authentic New Orleans flair, Tiana's Bayou Adventure promises to be a standout addition to Walt Disney World's lineup of attractions. As the opening date of June 28, 2024, draws near, guests can look forward to embarking on an unforgettable adventure through the bayou, celebrating the rich culture and traditions that inspired "The Princess and the Frog." Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the world of Tiana, this attraction is sure to captivate and delight visitors of all ages. Get ready to "drop on in" and let the good times roll! Read the full article
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mahuhumaling · 5 months
what i liked and disliked about pjotv 🔱
now this feels like it's going to be a series, with the first part being my take on the rwrb movie. except, i need to let this out and be a little harsher than my rwrb post only because this adaptation is like a hundred million dollars more expensive than the rwrb adaptation and the entire process from pre to post-prod took longer, so it certainly raises audience expectations. it's marketed as this really objective peak television, with critics backing them up and everything, when still so many things that bug me about it.
omg i planned this to be such a long post but i lost interest some time while this was drafted so now i don't really know how to explain my frustrations. so this will feel incomplete.
what i like first
annabeth seeing the fates and not percy.
luke showing percy around the camp and not annabeth.
what i didn't like
sally jackson's character arc. at first i was a defender of her arc, saying "oh just because gabe isn't explicitly physically abusive, doesn't make him any less of an abuser," and tjat just because sally seems to not be a pushover, doesn't make her powerful when it comes to putting her foot down with gabe. but after how they completed his arc by the end, i'm letting that defense go. 😬 they didn't really achieve the parallel of percy standing his ground against the gods to sally standing her ground against gabe in this.
depiction of neurodivergence. the few instances we get of adhd and dyslexia is when annabeth get distracted by the first trap in Waterland, and the seatwork/activity that percy is reading on the clipboard. other than that... it felt like just an added detail instead of a pervasive part of the character. annabeth reading the sign in the garden emporium in 5 seconds flat? them not constantly moving and evading monster because it's a part of the failure of their journey?
the tone. one of my mutuals said (who is a big fan of the books) they're so sorry but they found it boring. and as much as it pains me to admit... me too. if you know me, i'm really one who doesn't hold fidelity to the source material as the highest regard when adapting. i'm not an idiot — one of the elective classes in my program is literally Adapting Across Genres and Platforms — i know some things simply won't translate 1:1. this isn't the case here because i don't even remember details of what happens in the books! i'm specifically talking about the quest itself: even if they were not as loyal to the books, if they just kept the spirit of them winging shit out with the puzzles and figuring out who the monsters are, then maybe the tone would've worked. i'm so surprised at how drier and darker the tone is for a Disney adaptation show of a Disney Hyperion book. i'm not saying they should start putting on Disney Channel ass laughtracks and goofy music, but aren't we supposed to make this fun and keep kids' attention engaged? like the way they're rubbing in the audiences' noses that the gods are terrible, even more so than usual that it feels like we're already at season 5 levels of jaded, or how many times the percabeth sacrificed themselves for each other that it just diffused tension because of its repetition and also the placement? this would be believable if it was in season 3 and the stakes are higher. we're still in the lightning thief, calm down? i think what makes things emotion is, ironically, if you give it emotional levity: it becomes sadder when a character tries too hard to be cheerful. dire circumstances become more noticeably dire when the characters act like it isn't and that it's normal. that's why TLT works as an introduction book in a pentalogy. for gods' sakes, please let these children improvise more too. the actors of the main trio have incredible humor and chemistry in the behind the scenes videos we see, the stilted memorized lines are really not reflecting well on them.
pacing. someone said they shot themselves in the foot by cramming percy's stay at camp before the quest only in one episode, and i agree. doesn't he stay there for a month before leaving? we could've had a breather in between exposition instead of it feeling like a dump, and at the same time feel overwhelming for percy but not the audience. we could've slowly done world building of the 12 cabins and percy going through each one. a full scene of preparation for capture the flag and annabeth actually strategizing instead of just luke telling us "annabeth is the best and the smartest." i agree when jorrel javier said that the story is community driven, so much like the musical, we could have seen more scenes of the kids back at camp with chiron and mr. d and the satyrs. additional scenes of other characters, instead of dragging out what is only a few pages in the book of the trio in their quest and by doing so, making unnecessary changes. in addition, when i say the pacing is terrible, i mean it's too fast for the camp scenes because they fit everything in one episode, so naturally the rest of the episodes are then dedicated to the entire quest, so then it becomes too slow! the little details of the celestial trio stopping to talk and plan is so???? 😵‍💫 or when annabeth in the casino was like "okay guys we have a few days before the summer solstice deadline we have to hurry" and then DIDN'T HURRY. they could've at least given the audience a sense of urgency: run for their lives and deliver their lines while out of breath. thinking fast and enacting their plan on the go, or The Greek Demigod Trademark of Winging It and relying on their ADHD battle instincts! the editing department also needs to get their shot together by splicing these things faster so it feels better even though it's not a full action scene. THAT is pacing, people. this was well-explained by someone else.
how annabeth chase is written. don't misconstrue this — i'm picking on the writing, not the acting. leah is incredible, but the script of making her only this "six steps ahead wise warrior" removes annabeth's other dimensions. in truth, annabeth gets whiny and awkward and loud, expresses annoyance and frustration in bigger manners. she's twelve years old, let her sometimes act like it! also, relating to the third bullet point: annabeth's scene with hephaestus struck me as particularly odd because since when was she not terrified of angering a god? yes she was standing up for herself, but even she knows better than to talk back? i think i could understand where they were going with that scene, of hephaestus being the most tolerable because he was a victim too, but it simply didn't stick the landing. i mean she literally implies a couple episodes prior to this scene that she doesn't want the gods to think they're impertinent.
Ares and Percy's beef is forced. kinda — there wasn't enough build up to it. maybe because Ares wasn't that similar to Gabe in a sense that Gabe was particularly abusive and of course Percy hated all kinds of bullies, the Ares-Percy duel wasn't as great as it was hyped up to be either, partly courtesy to the volume's sfx of making the beach look sullen and that there are no mortals nearby. (it was supposed to be tne Santa Monica beach, right? i'm not American, did i miss that and it's not actually the beach?) there's something so exciting and marvelous realist about a very bright beach and mortals seeing Ares and Percy probably playfighting or doing beach sports by the beach as a kind of father and son through the Mist. idk. the provoking really is not that much, yet it ticks Percy off to the point . even Ares' "beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware" at the end is not that great either.
telling not showing. now this criticism is overused for pjo, but everyone who uses this criticism doesn't actually know what the writing principle of "show, don't tell" means. i feel that they really made a mistake making percy know about the demigod world immediately instead of making him the fish out of water protagonist archetype because now he recognizes every other monster and it just kills the thrill and surprise and reveals. so now, they're just telling, instead of learning who the hell they're fighting im the heat of the moment — showing.
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maya-yaya · 2 years
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kujousgf · 1 year
Where did you get those???? I have to have them both!!
- 🍜
the disney music emporium !! they were both still in stock last time i checked !
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soweirdondisney · 1 year
Right on time for the 25th anniversary of the beloved DCOM, Halloweentown's soundtrack is available to stream.
Besides Spotify, it's on Amazon Music and Apple Music.
The vinyl is still available from the Disney Music Emporium and pre-order through Urban Outfitters.
Thanks for the tip, Emily!
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actionfigureinsider · 2 years
Disney Music Group and Obsess Team Up to Launch the Disney Music Emporium Virtual Experience
Disney Music Group and Obsess Team Up to Launch the Disney Music Emporium Virtual Experience
Immersive Web3 Experience Celebrates the Wonder of Disney Music   BURBANK, Calif. & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Disney Music Group and leading experiential e-commerce platform Obsess today announced the launch of the Disney Music Emporium virtual experience. The immersive online store celebrates the wonder of Disney music by giving fans a virtual way to discover, listen to, learn about and easily…
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