#distal (asks)
"D'ye 'ave a problem?"
It sounds as if he's attempting to square up, but upon even an ounce of inspection, it's clear that he's genuinely asking if you need any help.
Though his general disposition doesn't help to get that point across, stone-faced and almost sceptical, his limp not making him any less intimidating. Big brown eyes are the only remotely soft thing about him.
————————————————————————Name: Conrad Augustin Balfour
DoB: 17/04/1980
PoB: Falkirk, Scotland
Age: 44
Height: 6'1
Rules & Guidelines
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voidcat · 2 months
comparing hand-sizes to hold their hand against the other's and then just holding hands + Laios 😭😭😭💞💞💞💞
I can never write Laios like you king but hope you like this Oxy ilyy<33🫶🫶
wc: 703 ; gn!reader
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“Hey, so…” a voice interrupts the silence. “What if all those physical differences we displayed weren’t just an effect of changeling spores, more like revealed by them?” Laios asks, looking at his hand deep in thought.
Few groans and hums raise in their air, Chilchuck for one isn’t happy in the slightest for having his sleep interrupted. At least Marcille seems a little interested, or maybe just trying to end the conversation before Laios’ mind can spiral to depths no one wishes to know about.
“You mean the body shaping accordingly to your life style?”
“Yes! But not exactly.” some faces drop as his voice raises a tone higher, whatever remnants of exhaustion wiped off his body. “What if the occupations we would take and the lives we would live were already predetermined by the bodies we were going to inhabit?”
He sounds excited, the heart in the right place but probably not explaining what’s on his mind as he wished.
“You mean like ‘nature vs nurture’?” your voice rings in the air and immediately you can see Marcille’s face dropping. Probably an option she thought of as well, but chose not to voice for the moment.
Meanwhile Laios, more than happy to have someone else join in on his brainstorming, rushes to your side like a giddy puppy, hands up, palms facing you.
“Like Senshi–” “Hmm, he looked quite slender and fragile, even for elven standards when he was an elf himself…” “And and–”he counts every small detail he has noticed and saved into his memory without taking a breath. Happy and in his element, he looks fascinating.
“Despite all that, I’ve noticed hand sizes to not have gone through a drastic change.”
“Oh, really?” you ask, now a little curious. Has he really paid individual attention to each and everyone’s hands? “Yes! I even compared them with mine for good measure.” he says matter-of-factly, earning a snort from you.
“Well, then in this case,” you draw in, “your research is flawed I’m afraid.” Unfazed by your close proximity, he only looks confused at your claim. The ‘how so’ waits on his tongue but you beat him to it.
“I don’t think you ever compared with mine.” he seems relieved, as if letting out the breath he was holding. Taking your words as an invitation, Laios grabs your hands and brings them up, facing his palms against yours.
First thing he notes is how close they are to his in size. Sure, for a tall-man, he is not exactly the tallest but he was told he has big hands. Your fingertips passing his distal interphalangeals barely, his brows furrow without noticing. At his reaction, you stick your tongue out at him victoriously. Unfazed by your reaction he continues to inspect. Staring at your hands against his with fascination, he moves each finger, grazing against your skin as if to test some sort of parameter only he knows of.
What feels like forever passes.the two of you, enthralled in your own bubble now, everyone else busy with something, their attentions diverted.
Laios realizes then, that he has been staring for a while. With this first moment kicks back in his senses; the world suddenly isn’t drowned out, everything but you isn’t covered by a dark curtain– and how painfully warm, and so nice to the touch your hands are.
As if sensing him snapping back into reality, you let your fingers slide across the gaps between his, clasping his hands in a demeanor that mimicked his observant self a while ago.
“See?” you break the silence for the two of you. “Told ya you were missing out on data.” you say with a grin. Finding himself at ease with you, he brings his right hand to scratch his head reluctantly.
He couldn’t possibly be blushing now, could he?
Laios tries to return the smile and still feels his shyness taking over. A breath let out and he allows himself to sit down more properly, letting his muscles relax. Taking out his little notebook to read, he stays, and his left hand drops to the ground, between the two of you, hand still clasped to yours, not letting go until you do.
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lunarmoves · 6 months
fresh out of the shower, you're sitting in your living room idly scrolling on your phone when moon crawls towards you—gaze intently focused on your hands.
"what's up?" you murmur, the gentle glow of his eyes painting your clothes in ruby. the lights are out for the evening and the moonlight filtering through your open windows adorns the walls with an angelic touch.
he doesn't say anything, just tilts his head and reaches out to take hold of your free hand. you let him, curiosity at his actions taking root in your stomach as you watch him run a smooth, metal finger over your own. once, then twice, then thrice.
"wrinkly," he says, low, after a quiet moment of observation. you raise an eyebrow at him, then realize he's repetitively brushing over the same distal spot on each of your fingers.
"well, yes," you chortle and set your phone to the side so you can show him both your hands and their fingertips. "they're all pruned from my shower. see?"
he hums, leaning forward slightly so that his clothed chest comes into contact with your knee. in this manner, with him squatted on the floor before you and his back hunched in the shape of a question mark, he's a bit shorter than you. he uses it to his advantage, slouching further into your space. his forearm rests on your thigh.
"how long does it last?" he asks, his larger hand enveloping your own so his thumb can run up and down your index finger. he is, for all intents and purposes, utterly captivated. his gaze does not stray from his ministrations.
you make a contemplative sound. "eh, not sure. 's not too long, though. maybe a couple minutes. it has something to do with blood vessels constricting, i think." you shrug lightly. "my toes do the same thing."
you wiggle them as he leans back to peer down at your bare feet, then yelp and nudge him with your knee as he moves to pick one up with a cold hand. "hey! no touching!"
moon snickers and relents, slipping forward once more to lean across your lap. he plays with your fingers, then slips his between your own to hold your hands together. you breathe easy, marveling at the difference in size—metal and flesh, resting flush against one another. unnatural in a way that makes something in your stomach clench.
"ugly." he grins sharply up at you, squeezing your hand gently to let you know he's teasing. you stick your tongue out at him and let out a soft laugh.
"yeah, yeah, silly human with silly skin." you roll your eyes in good nature and squeeze his hand back.
and the two of you sit like that, hands interlocked as the stars rotate across the night sky—two puzzle pieces joined together for a moment of peace.
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ant1quarian · 4 months
what are all of the western bad sanses like on a lv high?
Teehee. Rubs my hands together evily
Killer's magic becomes erratic. His SOUL siphons off more, jolting magic that fills the air with an ambience of danger. A singular, red ring for an eyelight will form in his left socket. His body heat shoots up and he now has two moods:
You're gonna fucking die or I'm making a nest and putting you in it and you are not getting out.
When he's in his "You're gonna fucking die" state, it's never towards you- though the danger of existing near him during this is still a bit of a risk (collateral damage, bro is throwing shit).
"I'm making and nest and putting you in it and you are not getting out" is purely an instinctual reaction to danger. A deep, primal, incredibly powerful urge to keep you safe activates during the time where he is, most definitely, at his most dangerous and therefore: you have become the safest person on the planet for that moment.
Dust goes non-verbal and, quite simply, hides when he's not wanting to commit mass-genocide. He'll likely be shaking and fuzzy-headed, but he can recall one prominent thing: You. He wants you to stay with him- and if you don't, he's going to come and find you.
Anyone who stands in his way can and will be mercilessly slaughtered.
Horror during an LV high is... attentive, but lethal. Anyone who he doesn't know close enough that comes into your shared territory is going to have their head crushed in.
He's insanely strong, and I can guarantee you, from the moment he's got you bundled up in blankets with some warm soup, curled around you like a particularly affectionate dog, there is no one that can touch you without facing severe consequences.
( Save for the other boys )
Nightmare with an LV high is a slightly more dangerous, slightly less filtered, slightly more violent Nightmare. Never to you, of course, but he gets pretty jittery, too. Bouncing on his feet or rapidly tapping his distals against something.
Cross doesn't get LV highs anywhere near as frequently, but when he has them, they're always sudden and he acts more sick than anything else. This is a time where if anyone steps on the territory (that isn't someone he knows well enough) he is Fucking Them Up, but otherwise he's going to be all fuzzy-headed and bleary-eyed, reaching out to you like a little kitten.
Thank you for the ask! If you have any more questions, feel free to drop 'em in my inbox! :D
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four-loose-screws · 8 days
Hi! I’ve seen people people say that Dimitri speaks in an informal rude manner in Japanese so him being super polite in English is weird changes his character a lot, but I’ve also seen people say the localization is just fine. Could you clear up please? Thank you!
This ask has been in my inbox forever, and I know other ENG/JP bilingual FE fans have weighed in on this topic before. But exploring the nuances of Japanese formal vs. casual speech is always super fun, so I want to share my own thoughts too. There's always a chance there will be more to learn with each new person's input on the same topic. Plus, I discovered some things even I didn't expect! So, I'll still offer everything I have to say!
First, I'll explain the full background this ask is referring to. Japanese has 2 major distinct speaking styles - casual and formal. I was taught to call the formal style "distal" - because it is more about respecting distance in social standing than being formal specifically. But formal is the more common term, so I tend to stick with saying formal most of the time.
The distinction between casual and formal is made with pronoun choice, word choice, and other factors as well, but the fastest way to differentiate the two is to look/ listen for the use of desu and masu at the end of someone's sentences. Formal uses them. Casual drops them. This concept is entirely foreign to English speakers!
Dimitri drops desu and masu most of the time. His "I pronoun" is also ore, and his "you pronoun" is omae - both casual, blunt, and masculine choices. But does speaking casually to most of the cast make him rude?
Short answer is... no, not at all! There's 2 major reasons for this.
Reason #1 - the rules for casual vs. formal speech are a bit different in reality vs. fiction:
Partially, Dimitri speaks casually because he is showing his personality. He's got all those traits most standard FE protagonists share - he's strong, straightforward, and wants to connect directly on a personal level with everyone he meets. He tries to convince several characters that they can speak casually with him, because he sees people as people, and doesn't want social status putting distance between them.
Fictional characters generally speak more in-line with their personality more often, rather than following the socially acceptable speaking rules of the real world. (Though don't get me wrong - casual real Japanese people will speak casually in more circumstances than the average Japanese person.) This is simply the style that Japanese writers largely choose. And I think it is one of the great benefits of Japanese - anyone can start to pick up on a character's personality archetype almost instantly, thanks to their speaking style!
Reason #2 - Dimitri is a prince, making him of high social rank:
Here's the second nuance to this - it is absolutely standard for a superior to talk to their subordinates in casual style.
In modern times, this is shown in the workplace. Bosses and those in other leadership positions will frequently speak casually with the staff in a lower-ranking position than them. The president of the office I now work at is Japanese, and he speaks very casually with me - I have to be formal in response though, because he's at the top!!
But in the past, this would have been a distinction made between lord/ royalty, and those beneath them. Which is the case that is relevant in Fire Emblem's setting.
Dimitri can also speak casually without coming off as rude, because he is one of the highest ranking people across all of Fodlan.
Okay, so that's the answer in broad strokes - but let's get a bit more nuanced, go down Dimitri's support partner list, and confirm whether or not he always speaks casually!
Group #1 - Dimitri and the other citizens of Faerghus (8 other Blue Lions + Gilbert)
Dimitri has a multi-layered relationship with all of the other 8 Blue Lions. They are citizens of the country he is a prince of, therefore he is ranked very highly in social standing above them. But they are also his friends, classmates, and later, war allies; placing them on the same social level in that regard. So the way they speak to him comes down to a little bit of column A - personality, and a little bit of column B - which aspect of their relationship with Dimitri they feel is the "main" one.
Gilbert is also here in this category, as another person from Faerghus.
Dedue: Dimitri speaks casually, Dedue speaks formally, as they have a lord/ servant relationship. Dimitri wants Dedue to be a very close friend to him though, and wants Dedue to speak casually with him - this is a major source of tension in their supports. In the end, being able to mutually speak casually with each other and be friends, is a place they may reach one day. With other characters, Dedue speaks casually.
Felix: As royalty above Felix's noble house, Dimitri speaks casually. Felix is Felix, so he speaks casually too. I imagine he sees Dimitri quite literally as more of a wild boar than a human being, much less royalty.
Ashe: Dimitri speaks casually, Ashe speaks formally. However, pretty much the whole point of their supports is Dimitri attempting to get Ashe to speak casually with him.. Ashe tries in earnest to switch, but in the end sticks with speaking formally, otherwise he feels too uncomfortable. His view of Dimitri as his prince is too strong for him to let go and speak casually.
Sylvain: Dimitri speaks casually, and Sylvain speaks casually more often, but actually switches to desu and masu more than once. When a relationship is "in-between" higher/lower social standing and friendship, it's not uncommon for at least one person to switch back and forth between casual and polite speech, depending on which side of the relationship they are appealing to more at the moment. This happens in real life too as people shift from strangers, coworkers, etc. to friends.
Mercedes: They both speak casually. In Mercedes' case, I think she's speaks more in-line with her personality rather than paying attention to social status.
Annette: Both speak casually, but Annette is well aware that there's something a little wrong with that - her father would never let her get away with it if he knew!
Ingrid: Dimitri speaks casually, Ingrid speaks formally. But I think Ingrid speaks formally with everyone.
Gilbert: As you can probably guess based on my comments in Dimitri and Annette's analysis, her father most certainly speaks formally with Dimitri! He is very formal and takes social heirarchy very seriously. Dimitri, as the prince above him in social status, speaks casually.
Group #2 - The other characters at the monastary:
Since the remaining characters are not from Faerghus, Dimitri is not their prince. They'll be more likely to view him through the lens of a different relationship than royalty/ subject.
Catherine is originally from Faerghus yes, but she has cut her ties from her homeland completely to serve Rhea, so she fits into this group now.
Raphael: Both speak casually. I think Raphael treats everyone like a life-long friend!! He at least attaches san or sensei (teacher) to the names of his instructors, but that's about it for formal language for him.
Marianne: Dimitri speaks casually. Marianne speaks formally, as she does with everyone. I think she even attaches san to everyone's name, conveying how much she keeps her distance from people, trying not to form close relationships.
Flayn: Dimitri speaks casually. Flayn speaks formally, as I think she does with everyone.
Hapi: Both speak casually. I think Hapi speaks casually with everyone.
Alois: Now *here's* where things get interesting! At this point, I really thought I would discover that Dimitri speaks casually with everyone. But alas, he does NOT! Dimitri speaks formally with Alois, while Alois speaks casually to him. Why? Well, while Dimitri is a prince, he's also a student at Garreg Mach (in Part 1 of course). In this way, he is below all Garreg Mach staff and professors in social standing. So it makes perfect sense that he'd speak formally and Alois would be casual in this case.
Catherine: Same situation as Dimitri and Alois - as someone who serves as an instructor at Garreg Mach, all students like Dimitri are below her in status at the monastary. So Dimitri speaks formally, and she speaks casually.
Byleth: I left Byleth for last, because while Byleth is a professor at the monastary... Dimitri speaks casually with them. I imagine this has more to do with Byleth being the self insert than anything. Everyone bonds to Byleth on a deep level faster than magnets stick together.
And that's all I can think of to say for now! This is a super fun example of how nuanced Japanese's casual vs. formal language can get, and showcases one of the many reasons why Japanese has such a high barrier of entry for anyone learning it - including young native speakers! You don't get all this desu and masu stuff, until finally you just do.
Let me know if I missed anything, or if anyone has any follow up comments to make!
I apologize it took me so long to respond to this one! Thank you anon, and all readers, for waiting! I hope it helped explain even more of the trickier nuances of Japanese.
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xochosoxo · 10 months
the best patient ✮ | e.jaeger
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MDNI-> warnings: afab reader, nurse!y/n, erenbrokehiswrist, cheater!eren, stoner!eren, dealer!eren, (pretend hes also a metalhead bc i love metalheads. and toxic eren oh my god its unhealthy), mentions of weed, blowjobs, hairpulling, missionary, cowboy, multiple creampies, dirty talk, eyerolling, tit sucking, hickies, pussy eating, cum swapping/sharing/consuming, squirting (cuz it wouldnt be a dysaren fic without squirting!), erens gf visits.
a/n: sorry im so inactive im actually so busy like all the time :( (save me.) anyway, enjoy this quick fic i wrote instead of doing my assignments!! i am a sucker for toxic,cheater,stoner,dealer,metalhead,has piercings eren. based on a scenario that i created with a character.ai bot ( i am ashamed.. it was a xiao bot.)
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"hello. im nurse y/n and ill be taking care of you for the duration of your stay here." you say, walking into the ER patient room as you scan my clipboard for the details of the person staying here.
Name: Eren Yeager
DOB: March 30 XXXX
Height: 6'0 ft
"weight, ethnicity blah blah... reason of hospitlization: distal radius fracture..." you read to yourself, glancing up from the clipboard to meet eyes with the man in the hospital bed. his long brown hair was up in a messy bun, he had tattos running from his neck all the way down to his arms, and from what you can tell, he was built, rather... nicely. (he was buff asf.)
the man looked miserable. he had swollen undereyes, and his skin looked dry, but still, for some reason you found him incredibly attractive.
"hello nurse." he mutters, clearly tired.
"hello." you repeat again. "im just here just to check up on you." you explain to him, sauntering closer to his bed.
you flip the page on your clipboard to a new, blank sheet. "i will just be running some tests, checking your vital signs and see how you are healing."
eren nods compliantly.
you take that as a sign of consent and start writing some things down on paper. "he seems to be doing fine...even his arms are nice fuck." you get distracted, looking at his arms, the way the veins pop out. mentally youre drooling. his fingers are long and thick, and there are indentations of multiple rings on them which only gets you more excited.
you flip your page back to the information sheet from before, checking the notes: "frequent smoker and sexually active."
"so it says here you are a frequent smoker?" you ask him, just wanting some sort of confirmation from him.
eren nods again. "yes" he whispers. "some nicotine but mostly weed."
"oh i see." you say, writing that information down.
"i can get you some. once im out of here at least." he looks up at you.
"im sorry?" you mustive heard wrong...right?
"ive seen you around before." eren explains. "at parties...you know mostly smoking. like that last one...you were with jean and connie."
oh. you didnt hear wrong.
three days ago, on your day off, you had went to a party with your friends jean and connie. they said it would be a good idea since it would be a chance for you to finally relax from your stressful job, so you relunctantly went. that was your first time smoking weed. it was wonderful and you guess eren saw the whole thing.
"you must have it wrong... i dont typically smoke." you explain to the brown haired man.
"i know, jean and connie told me it was your first. looked like you had a good time though." he smiles tiredly up at you.
you were taken a back a bit. you didnt know that the two of them knew eren. do they know that he's in the hospital right now? are they the reason he broke his wrist? where were they?
"i see..." you ponder a bit. "are they here with you tonight? somewhere in the hospital i mean."
"yeah. theyre here with my girlfriend too since she's the only sober one who can drive at the moment... they just went back to my place to grab some things for me before you came in. they wont be back for a while." eren clarifies.
"goddamnit he has a girlfriend." you sob internally.
"thats good to know." you fake smile, looking back at your clipboard. "it says here youre also sexually active... are you taking any sort of pills perchance?" you continue with your questions, trying to get back to professionalism.
"nope its all just me." he giggles with a coy grin on his face. youd hate to admit that his laugh turned you on a bit.
you finish up your report of eren, rechecking his vitals once more to confirm things. "okay it seems as though youre on the right track... it can take up to 6-12 weeks for your wrist to comepletely heal. otherwise, you might want to lay off the weed consumption till then." you finish up.
before you can leave, he call out. "wait.."
you turn around. "what is it? are you alright?"
"i have a problem with something and i just cant seem to be able to do it myself." eren tries saying shyly, but the look in is eyes seemed to be more sinsiter than you thought. "after all... i did just break my wrist..."
he looks down at his jeans, putting the spotlight on the constrained buldge in his jeans.
youre flushed. "oh..." what were you supposed to do in this situation?? didnt he have a girlfriend?
right he had a girlfriend.
"im sure your girlfriend can help you out with that."
eren's eyebrows crease. he did have a girlfriend and she was amazing. she did basically everything for him. so why now was he so damn attracted to his nurse to want to take a risk and cheat on everything he had???
he presses his lips together before speaking, "i lied. i just didnt want to seem like a pussy to ya." sentences were forming right as he was speaking them. hopefully it was enough to fool you. "please. its so uncomfortable..."
his throbbing cock was being compressed by not only his boxers but also by his black rocker jeans. it was true. it was extremely uncomfortable so why not relieve it with the cute nurse who also happened to be the cute girl who had been sitting with his friends not too long ago, taking a drag from a joint he sold to jean and connie.
you were relunctant, but then again, you could feel your panties getting damper. you walk up to him slowly, keeping your eyes locked with his. you sit down on the bed beside him.
he feels your soft hands on his buldge and from that he lets out a restrained sigh. "fuck." he huffs.
god, there was no way this wasnt turning you on too. eren knew that. he saw the way you bit your lip as you started to unbutton his jeans.
"how long will they be gone?" you ask, hinting at the group of friends eren had mentioned previously. "for a while.. my place is pretty from from the hospital." he watches you slowly pull down his zipper. "fuck baby youre making me go crazy."
you smile, finally releasing his cock from his boxers. he was hung. youre eyes widened and he lauged.
"too much for you baby?" he questions.
"no..." you whisper, slowly kitten licking the tip, tasting his precum before fully sheathing his cock in your mouth.
eren moaned. loudly.
"holy shit!" he huffs. "oh my god..." he leans his head back, grabbing your neat ponytail to guide you while sucking him off.
"ugghhfff!" you choke on his length, tears coming to your eyes. but you like it. it felt too good. at this point, your panties were soaking wet at this point.
"fuck baby you gotta stop or else im gonna cum." eren gasps, pulling you off from his dick. "cmon take it all off... show me."
you look behind you to make sure that the door to the room was closed. you look back at him with a playful look, pulling off your uniform and undershirt to reveal your cleavage.
eren smirked, watching as your skin reacted from the cold air, goosebumps forming. he reaches behind you and releases the hooks of your bra.
he sighed at the sight of your tits. they were beautiful. you were beautiful. he kneads at your chest as you remove the rest of your garments, underwear included.
you were fully exposed to him. internally, eren was freaking out. externally, he was entranced by your body, drooling a bit.
"eren?" you ask, waving your hand infront of him. he snaps out of his trance. "are you ok?" you look at him with a worried look.
"im ok baby. sorry. lets keep going." he says, rubbing his tip on your clit. he can feel your wetness and he smirks once again,
"you are dripping baby..." he whispers in your ear. "i dont even need to prep you..." eren slowly shoves his cock into you.
you were in heaven. both of you were. to him, you felt so fucking tight. he doesnt even know if youre a virgin or not. how couldnt you be? "youre so tight..." he groans, restraining himself from prematurely giving you a creampie.
you have never felt so full in your life. in your life, you've only fucked one guy and the rest had been occupied by your plethora of sex toys. but eren... eren was different. you were filled to the brim. eren could see the buldge of his dick lightly poking through your pudgy tummy. that made him go feral.
he started thrusting into you faster, sucking on your sensitive nipples, licking around the skin as well. he left mulitple hickies in the places where only he could see them. you still were on your shift of course, he wanted to be courteous.
"mmm..." he heard you sigh, smiling as he kissed your body.
eren lifts you up so now youre straddling him. he keeps his pace constant but you wanted to take control. so you start bouncing on his cock. he watches as your tits move with you, again trying not to prematurely cum.
"mmmhf!!!!" you try to conceal your moans, but it was so hard. "fuck daddy please!! i need more!!" you were being greedy, but it felt too good.
"youre bossy baby." eren laughs. he thrusts up, faster than before. "fuck im gonna fucking cum." you watched him gasp, bringing your face closer to his, kissing him with so much passion. he kissed back.
sure he had a girlfriend, but maybe now he's finally gonna break it with her. just for you.
"ah ah..." you gasp, feeling his thrusts slow down. you whine.
"shush baby, let me cum inside before i fuck it back into you." he moans into your neck, creampie-ing your cunt. you try not to scream as you feel the heat in your stomach release as you cum as well.
your eyes roll back into your head and oh how he loves the sight. yeah hes all yours now.
eren picks up his pace once again, like he said, fucking his cum deeper into you.
you scream before he slaps a hand over your mouth. "shut it baby... dont want everyone hearing how much of a slut you are."
"mmfgf!" you groan in protest.
eren doesnt stop his pace until he's shooting his thick load into you once again.
he's catching his breath as he pulls out, plugging your pussy with his fingers so the essence wouldnt leak from your cute slit.
youre all fucked out by the way. he watches as your face contorts into pure pleasure, feeling the band in your stomach snap as you twitch on his fingers.
eren shoves his mouth onto your pussy, licking up the mess in between your legs, tasting both him and you. he licks up your slit to your clit, flicking it with his tongue. youre overstimulated and tired. your couldnt take it anymore. you gush once more on his face, the liquid dripping down his chin and onto the sheets of the hospital bed.
"aahh..." you breathe heavily, recovering from your third orgasm.
"that feel good baby?" he says, bring his head up to meet your eyes. he could see hearts in them.
"mm... i think we're going to have to change the sheets." you giggle.
"well it was worth it." he watches as you sit up, making sure youre not in any discomfort. he rubs your back and fixes your hair. "you look beautiful like this."
"do i?" you say, questioning his taste.
he nods before leaning in for a comforting kiss. "let me take you out." he whispers.
you nod-
you glance behind you to look at the door.
"eren! its mikasa!" you both hear from the other side of the door.
you look back at him in confusion. "mikasa?"
he rolls his eyes.
"my girlfriend."
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saey707 · 11 months
Hello I love your work and I saw you opened up requests for the Heartsteal boys so I was wondering if I could request a scenario/short with Kayn and a significant other with a self harm problem/tendencies, only if you're comfortable and not too busy of course. Anyway have a good day!
✿ Prompt: Kayn worries about you ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: self harm ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi there! I hope all is well on your end!! (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) Thank you for your request! My inbox is a bit flooded right now from all the Heartsteel requests, so being busy is unavoidable! ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა I hope I was able to convey Kayn's love clearly in this one. Hope you enjoy! ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊˚
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After Kayn discovered you had severe depression and anxiety, his attitude towards you changed. Sure, the witty remarks and the occasional teasing never went away, but Kayn eased up. The last thing he wants to do is make you feel bad if he accidentally says the wrong thing (which he has done on several occasions before finding out...). As a result, he began to speak to you in a gentler tone and would frequently ask you how you were feeling.
Kayn absolutely hates it whenever you're upset. If there is one thing he always wants to assure, it's that you're happy and well.
It can be difficult for him to understand how you're feeling, given he has a... different sort of mental illness. But when he has his rather infrequent outbursts as Rhaast, he understands how isolating mental illness can make a person feel. He doesn't want you to feel that way.
"You didn't... today, did you?" Kayn always beat around the bush with potential trigger words, but that wouldn't stop him from asking, all in an effort to assure you weren't hurting yourself.
"No." You respond quietly, Kayn breathing a sigh of relief. He dropped down on the couch beside you, shutting his eyes as he began to ease against you, leaning on your arm.
"You know I worry about you-" "You shouldn't."
Biting his tongue, Kayn turned to you, confusion written in his expression. In a way, he sometimes didn't understand why you shut him out. And that can be a bit frustrating.
But for you, he was willing to be a bit patient.
"You know you can talk to me, right? We've been together for years now." He pointedly spoke, watching as you hesitated and turned yourself away from him. Your back faced him, and he could do nothing more than stare.
Slowly, he reached forward, pressing his chest against your back, pulling you into his embrace. You looked up at him, watching him pepper your face with kisses. Lowering your head, you turned again, wrapping your arms delicately around him.
"I just want us to be honest with one another." He mumbled against the top of your head. You hum in response, pulling back ever so slightly.
"I did." He was confused with what you just said... Well, until it hit him. His wide eyes softened, watching as you pulled down your sleeve, revealing the freshly bandaged cuts that ran along your inner arm.
You hid these scars and cuts from him. You hid them from everyone. You put them in a place where nobody would be able to see them. Because to you, they became the most personal part of yourself. A piece of your vulnerability and weakness.
But Kayn didn't think it was a weakness. To him, it was a sign of your strength. It was the most personal parts of yourself, revealed to him out of your trust and faith in him.
For that, he couldn't help but love you more. He couldn't help but have a deeper desire to take care of you, and never let you go a day thinking he would betray your trust in him.
Kayn's fingers wrapped around your wrist, slowly lifting your arm to reveal the myriad of scars that littered your arm from the distal portion of your shoulder down to your forearm.
His lips pressed against each one of them, eyes occasionally lingering up to ensure he was permitted to do this. You let him.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, his cheek pressing gently against your forearm.
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that-gay-jedi · 9 months
Hey idk if this is the time for a PSA but I keep seeing this trope in sickfic which is fine but in real life please for the love of all that is good in this world
You could make them much sicker or possibly cause them to be sick for longer than they otherwise would.
Source: I went to massage school but didn't graduate because reasons*.
This goes double if the sick person (or your whumpee) has any kind of issues with their immune system (compromisation, immunosuppressant medical treatments, autoimmune illnesses, etc.)
If the aim is to comfort and soothe them, you can lightly rub or stroke someone's skin, but keep your hand movement to one single direction (NOT back and forth like left and right or up and down or lateral-medial or distal-proximal etc. Keep it to ONE. SINGLE. DIRECTION) and do not apply enough pressure that you can feel their skin move under your palm(s) even a little tiny bit. Ever.
Massage moves fluids that are involved in the immune system, such as blood and lymphatic fluid, around the body. This effect is responsible for some of the known health benefits of massage and can do many useful things for a healthy person.
During a viral or other systemic infection, lymph nodes all throughout the body become the gathering sites for white blood cells fscing off against the invading pathogen. The resultant swelling is what causes the all-over body aches you feel when you're sick.
By accelerating circulation in a sick person, you can move cells of whichever virus or bacterium the body is fighting around to replicate in loads of locations it hadn't reached, giving it a chance to explode in numbers and forcing the immune system to play catch-up. You've now multiplied how many fronts the battle must be fought on and with only the same forces the body had before.
The human body uses its own resources and has limits to how quickly it can replace lost immune system cells. A virus siezes the host cell's resources to replicate itself and therefore faces no such disadvantage.
* the reasons were transphobic staff, fucked up policies, and an unbelievably shitty response from the school when classmates who hadn't practiced on me yet were asking those who already had about my genitals. I had excellent grades.
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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tomuraeater · 3 months
— Stress-relief
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college au! geto suguru x fem reader
— finals are around the corner and you’re stuck in the pits of hell drowning in pysch worksheets, reviews, and paperwork! your boyfriend suguru insists to help you relieve some stress and help you out during this study session ;)
cw: smut, nsfw 18+, fingering, fem reader, pet names (baby + sweetheart)
You tapped your pen against your temple in frustration, your eyebrows knitted as your eyes strained to make sense of the plethora of review worksheets and unanswered questions in front of you.
“Fifteen problems down, thirty more to go,” you groaned, defeated, as you let your head slump onto the coffee table.
Suguru had tried countless times to pull you away from your work. “I made you coffee and fixed up a fruit salad for you. Come on, just rest, please?”
he whispered gently in your ear, massaging your shoulders and pleading with his eyes for you to put the pen down.
He hugged you from behind, planting sweet kisses on your neck and cheek, hoping to lure you away from your stress.
“Baby, you’ve been doing so well. You can always come back to this later,” he whined, hooking his chin on your shoulder and squeezing you tighter.
But despite his efforts, you apologetically refused, gently pushing his arms away and returning to your work.
“Suguru, you know I don’t have time right now. I can’t risk it with all the paperwork that has to be done,” you said sternly, turning around to cup his face and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
He scoffed, frustration evident. “Sweetheart, you’ve been overworking and overwhelming yourself. You need a break… like now,” he insisted once again, his desperate tone filling you with guilt.
He reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb on your palm. “Is there really anything else I can at least help you with?” he asked, tilting his head.
God his expression was like a puppy begging to be played with, you could practically see his tail wagging as his eyes glistened with plead.
You sigh, rubbing your neck with your hand, “well, I guess you can help me with some vocabulary review then,” you softly chuckle.
Maybe a little help from your boyfriend will do, it will relieve some stress, and also partially make up for the times you disregarded his pleads. Suguru has his ways with persuading you.
Suguru flashes a sweet smile and immediately exclaims, “I’m more than happy to! Anything to help ease your stress!” His voice flowed out like honey, yet carried a subtle hint of mischief.
He swiftly grabs your waist placing you onto his lap, peering over your shoulder, “hmm, let’s start with distal stimulus, can you explain what this is?”
His strong hands hold your waist in place as you feel him grin against your neck
Your caught off guard by his sly movements and softly giggle. You cannot deny the warm feeling rising from your stomach to your face.
His touch is undeniably the cure to illness, you find yourself relaxing in his arms, pressing your back against his chest, releasing the past tension you held.
“Easyyy, it’s a physical object or event in the external world that reflects light!” You confidently answer
“Mhm hmmm,” he hums against your neck followed by a kiss on your cheek. “Ok next one, what’s fovea?” he gently caresses your waist in an up and down motion
You softly giggle at the tickling sensation of his sweet touch
“ The fovea is a small, central pit in the retina of the eye where visual acuity is highest!” you quickly answer with no doubt
He peers at the answer sheet, “uhhh…correct!” He softly exclaims kissing you again on your other cheek. “Explain the definition of Narcolepsy”
You proudly answer “chronic sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness-“ your cut off by a sensitive neck kiss and hand traveling underneath your shirt rubbing your waist then to your breasts.
“Suguru!” you moan softly at the suddenness. “You’re distracting me, come on, not now…” you whine, tugging at his sleeves, but you can’t help breaking into a smile.
He kisses you passionately, whispering between kisses, “Wow, baby,” as he sucks on the sensitive spots on your neck. “You’re doing so good,” he murmurs, fondling your breasts. “On your third streak!” He chuckles, his warm breath tickling your skin.
His low, gentle voice and soft warmth always get you riled up immediately. It feels so good, but you know now is not the time.
“What, can’t I compliment my girl?” he teases, sucking on your neck and letting his hand travel down to your heat. “Can you explain the medulla for me?” he asks lowly against your ear.
“Shit,” you bite your lip, trying to focus on the next question. “It’s, um… where where your cardiovascular and respiratory systems link-“
But Suguru cuts you off again, his long fingers running across your already wet slick. “Keep going, you almost got it,” he says condescendingly as he sees your reaction.
Not now, you think, but your body is yearning for more. The pent-up stress and tension need release, and his touch makes you shiver.
He slowly circled your clit in soft motions touching your breast with his other hand, “you can do it, you already answered three correctly,” he encourages as you feel a cocky smile against your neck
You tried answering but the sensation felt so good, you slightly arch your back attempting to hold back your moans.
“It’s a United system that controls heart rate, breathing, and um blood pressure!” you blurt out quickly as your breath hitched
Suguru turns his head, glancing at you with a knowing smile as you close your eyes, biting your lip in a state of bliss.
“That’s my girl, you got it see?” He chuckles as he slowly inserts two fingers entering your dripping cunt begging to be played with.
It feels so achingly good as he teased your clit with his thumb, his long fingers curling against your spot perfectly.
“Suguru!” you gasp, squirming in his lap as he kissed you ever so softly leaving loving marks on your neck, humping his fingers shamelessly needing more.
"Focus, baby," he lightly taps the side of your thigh with his other hand, his warm breath tickling your neck. "Can you explain what this scenario is about?" He points to the sheet of paper, then grips your waist to hold you firmly.
"It's when, um...," you tug at his sleeve, whimpering. This study session took a turn, abandoning time and review as you craved his touch, needing more desperately.
He smiled amusingly at your reaction, he knew you couldn’t resist his touch. His sweet words always hooked you on leading you begging for more.
His soft groans as he thrusted his fingers in the perfect spots mixed with his “mhm hmm’s,” drove you closer.
You couldn’t focus; your attention was divided between the study material and Suguru pumping his fingers in and out. The sensation was overwhelmingly good, and you craved more of him.
“f-fuck, suguru!” You squeal, as his fingers quicken, brushing the sensitive spot against your walls, his thumb harshly rubbing your clit in circles
“f-fuck!” You grab his sleeves, rolling your hips cumming on his fingers. Your walls flutter around him as his thumb rubs against your clit, causing you to whimper as you ride out your high.
“Oh shit baby, you were close, well close to answering the question!” Suguru teases you, displaying a face of satisfaction.
“shut up, not funny,” you breathlessly reply, shaking your head as you slumped back on his chest.
Suguru gently turns you to face him, tenderly holding your chin as he leans in to kiss you. Though, you feel his erection growing.
"I guess studying can wait," you murmur sheepishly, peeking up at him through your lashes.
Suguru raises an eyebrow. “Did I ease your stress? What was that? Can't hear you?' he chuckles teasingly as you grab his arm and lead him to your bedroom.
I need this man carnally I hope u guys enjoyed this short one shot 🙊🙊idk if I should do a pt 2 I appreciate any interaction 🫶🫶 thank youu
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
anything with the eighth doctor and grace (for h/c. maybe have grace freak out over. well. All Of It. maybe she went with the doctor and got overwhelmed by the Everything)
:3 more eight/grace for you my friend <3
This was a mistake.
She knows that. She knew that. From the moment she met him, she was right, he's crazy. Telling the truth about every little thing, but crazy nonetheless in how he chases danger like he can't get enough. And then there's her, who got in a box with a man she barely knew and let him fly her halfway across the galaxy, shooting back and forth through time with the flick of a button. Her heart is pounding, and her mouth is dry, and she thinks she's going to fall over as she clutches onto one of the columns encircling the console and listen to the Doctor hum as he puts them back into flight.
"I'm sorry, Grace," he says. He moves like he belongs here, where she thinks she might always be out of place. "Someplace quieter next time, I promise." How is she supposed to feel safe here? Anywhere? When no matter where they go, there's always something in the shadows waiting to pounce, when there's aliens and cyborgs and creatures she doesn't dare put words to- "Grace?" He's stopped, voice soft. And she is shaking. She's back in med school, in the office of the one professor who bothered to know her name, trying not to cry even as he says the moment will pass, it happens to everyone, it happens to him, but all she can feel is the slow wash of humiliation at not being able to handle it.
The Doctor approaches slowly. He takes her hand from the column in both of his to lead her away.
Take me home. She knows she should ask it now, before this rush of clarity is gone and she thinks she's built for the stars again.
The Doctor brings her to the chair he keeps by the console and coaxes her down into it. She sinks into the comfortable cushion, the firm back, and swallows breaths down as soon as they will come. He doesn't let go of her hand as he settles down in front of her on his knees. He kisses each knuckle. In her head, she counts them, naming bones she hasn't had to memorize in years. Distal, middle, proximal. Distal, middle, proximal. The Doctor's lips on her skin and the little shushing sound he makes when he hears her try to choke down a deeper breath before she's ready. The TARDIS's air moving from some unknown source, alive and cool as it drifts over her skin.
The little voice begging her to go home gets quieter and quieter. The Doctor takes her other hand and begins a new journey of kisses without hesitation, like it isn't any trouble at all for him to sit with her.
If he is a mistake, then it's one she'll keep making.
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emeraldgreaves · 4 months
45 or 55 for moira red 👀👀? both seem sort of,,,thematically consistent with them LMAO
have 500 words of moirared to break the word curse.
55. tracing the lines on the other’s hand
They’re in the library cramming, as one always finds themselves doing during finals week; him for Planar Theory, her for Anatomy and Mending. And she knows she’s going to fail it, keeps dreaming that she opens the test booklet and discovers the whole thing is in Magid, or it’s the wrong unit, or the paper turns into a swarm of bats and flies right into her face.
And Red is a little bit of a flirt—this is well-established, mostly with people who find her an adequate shoulder to cry on after the fact, though she hasn’t joined their ranks quite yet—but even with how casual and unassuming he is about it, he’s never done so with her.
He asks what she’s studying, and she tells him it’s the parts of the hand, though at this point it’s reduced to flipping through her endless stacks of index cards and wishing for a proper diagram. And he says well, you could just show me, and holds out one of his hands.
She takes it, and it’s still unmarked, tan skin not yet scarred and callused from a decade’s worth of discovery, though someday it will be. She points to each segment in turn—distal, medial, and proximal phalanges, and anatomy doesn’t sound too far from an incantation as she lists them out, flipping over to his palm. And yet they’re not wholly blank. Here is the silvery-white slash of a scar across the spiderwebbed creases of his palm. Here is the mottled ghost of a burn from the time he snatched up a spell scroll and discovered the protection the hard way. Here is the stray freckled nestled in the curve of his wrist. Here are the formerly scraped knuckles and shadowed arteries running alongside taut tendon lines, the entire history of his exploration all in one place.
“If you want my opinion,” he says afterward, fingers still resting in hers, “I think you’re going to ace it.”
And she hadn’t expected him to pay attention—medical terminology is hard enough for Healers to memorize, let alone those studying an entirely different discipline that only happen to be in the same space —but seven years later they’re out for lunch again in the café. He’s through one and a half sandwiches, and she’s barely managed two sips of tea, but the conversation has always been the point of it, and she doesn't mind letting things settle. Somehow they’re on the topic of exams, the way they were half-killing themselves over knowledge but somehow in love with it all the same.
“I remember plenty,” he insists, the third variation on this particular theme.
“I’m not claiming you were completely oblivious,” she says. “Simply that you had plenty of your own projects to consider.”
And she always knows when something has caught his interest; a little light flares up in his eyes, and he leans forward, suddenly regarding you like you’re the most engaging thing in the world. “Really,” he says lightly. “Try me.”
He holds out a hand. After a moment she extends hers across the table. He takes it, turns it over carefully like she’s one of his precious artifacts, then bows his head and recites distal, medial, proximal--
“All right,” she says afterward, “maybe you do remember.” And he’d smiled at her over the rim of his teacup in a way that was familiar, and yet strangely not at all.
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witchysquirrel · 7 months
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Chapter Four
His eyes fluttered beneath the lids and then opened, meeting Ravenna’s once he adjusted to the light in the room.
“Hi,” she said gently, as he tracked her with his eyes. “It’s Ravenna.”
His eyes finally focused on her. “I know who you are,” he croaked, the corner of his lip twitching. “I was asleep not blind.”
She laughed a little. “How’s the pain right now?”
“It’s okay,” he said after a moment, adjusting to being awake and in the world once more. “Keep giving me whatever you’re giving me.”
“Of course.” She was glad to hear his voice again. “Now, let’s try and sit you up. I’ll help,” she said softly. He gave a small nod, eyelids still heavy. She waited a moment, knowing he still needed time to adjust. To remember what had happened.
“How bad is it?” he asked, quieter than before. “Before I move I want to know what to expect.”
Ravenna stopped organizing the supplies around them to make room for him to sit up, and came down to eye level again. “You have, or had, several large wounds on your wings. They were practically shredded when I got to you.” She cracked her knuckles, remembering how dead he had looked lying there. “We patched them up pretty well, but they are very fragile right now.”
“Like worse than the battle of Montesere?”
“Kind of, yeah,” she responded. “I only needed one other healer with me that time. This was Madja and I, and one more.”
He gulped, looking away from her. “So try not to touch them?”
“Try not to even use the muscles required to lift them,” she told him gently, giving him a sympathetic look. “If you can leave them limp, I can help.”
He flared his nostrils, beginning to come to terms with how bad off his wings were, and nodded once more. She mapped out the plan for getting him from laying on his belly to sitting at the edge of the bed without causing him immense pain.
“Do you think you can push up onto your knees?” she asked.
“I can try,” he replied weakly. Cassian moved his arms, slowly, until his palms were pressed to the bed below him. He clenched his teeth slightly, but took a deep breath and pushed through his hands until he was on his knees but still slightly crouched over so he didn’t disturb his wings.
“I’m going to touch your wings,” Ravenna said softly, “I’m sorry if it’s painful.” She held the distal edges of each wing like they were glass she couldn’t afford to shatter. He hissed, but pulled his legs out from under him to rest in a sitting position on the edge of the cot. She rested his wings forward so that they were balanced with his body weight, coming around to the front again. Cassian’s face looked pained, his eyes remaining shut.
Ravenna grabbed a goblet, filling it with the liquid morphine she’d been giving him. She placed her right hand on the back of his head, tilting his chin up slightly to drink. Cassian parted his lips to let the liquid pass, swallowing carefully. When he finished, she brought another goblet, this time filled with cold water, and let him drink until he was satisfied. His dark hair hung in his face, a glint of sweat across his forehead. He started to look more relaxed as he sat there, the tension making its way out of his body, brow unfurrowing. He straightened slowly, carefully stretching out his back. The muscles tensed and relaxed under his skin, and Ravenna tried her best not to wince at every movement, anticipating what could happen to those paper-thin wings if he moved too suddenly.
“I think I need to spend more time thinking about what would happen if I didn’t have you,” Cassian said, hands propping him up in a seated position. She flushed slightly, averting her eyes.
“Hey, I’d be out of work without you,” she joked, taking a seat across from where he sat at the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling now?”
“Sore,” Cassian said. “Feels like I flew for months on end… like my wings are…” he trailed off, staring at the floor. “Are they broken?” He looked up at her from where he sat, wings resting against his shoulders, limp.
“They were…” Ravenna looked up at a nonexistent horizon, trying not to let the image of his macerated wings enter her mind. She dug her nails into her palms to try to shut out the way she had felt when she’d seen him lying there, unconscious and bleeding. “Mangled,” she finished, shaking her head as if to clear the thoughts. “Are you hungry?”
“Starving,” he replied. “How long was I out?”
“Today was day five.”
“Wow, you guys must have really enjoyed the silence. I bet Celeste has been overjoyed.” Cassian joked. Ravenna had all but forgotten about Celeste, the latest object of Cassian’s interest.
“Your body needed time to heal,” Ravenna said simply. “But it was certainly a lot quieter.” They both laughed. “Do I have permission to tell them all you’re awake?” Ravenna asked, looking back at him.
“I guess so, sure,” he said, shifting his weight on the edge of the bed. She turned back to the goblet, refilling it with water, and took a moment to speak into Rhys’s mind, wherever he was.
Cassian is awake and sitting up. You guys are welcome to come eat lunch with him if you’d like.
Great. Finishing up a meeting, we’ll come in 30 minutes. She could feel the sigh of relief Rhys let out, knowing his brother was awake and alive.
“Rhys says they’ll be here in half an hour,” Ravenna repeated out loud, handing Cassian the goblet and leaning against the counter to watch him gulp down more water. Since he was now awake and drinking, she moved her chair closer to him and took his arm, disconnecting the fluids that had been infusing into his arm. Cassian let her take his arm, watching her carefully peel back the dressing to remove the catheter.
“So how are you doing?” Cassian asked as she worked, looking down at her intently.
Ravenna laughed out loud, a short trill in response to his question. “You just woke up, essentially from a five day coma, and you’re asking how I am?” She could feel him looking at her as she removed the catheter and pressed a wad of gauze to the site, choosing not to meet his eyes.
“Yes, Ravenna,” he said curtly, ignoring the wall she had attempted to throw up between them. “The last time I saw you, you were dodging cannon fire that had previously created a 50 meter crater in the ground.”
“And I clearly fared better than you did,” she replied quickly. “I’m fine. Nothing I can’t handle, Cass. I’m just glad you’re alive.” His eyes filled with something like skepticism, but she found that it was laced with understanding, too. She could almost feel him debating what he should say next.
“I know,” he said, finally. “I know, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.
Ravenna smiled at him, but did not respond. She wondered to herself whether or not Cassian could tell that there was a constant roaring in her head, or that when she closed her eyes she could see the faces of every life she could not save tattooed on the inside of her eyelids. She wondered if he, too, had nightmares, dreams that seemed so real, of everything he’d seen in battle, everything he was responsible for. Ravenna doubted it, when she looked at him again, as she held pressure to his arm. Even when he looked like Hell, she couldn’t imagine him balking in the face of death or crumbling under the weight of the lives he was responsible for.
When she met his eyes once more, she couldn’t place the emotion in them. It was almost like he was searching for something in her eyes, and she thought she saw his eyebrow start to furrow. Ravenna started to feel vulnerable as he watched her, and averted her eyes once more, sliding a piece of tape over the piece of gauze and turning back to her supplies.
As if right on cue, Rhys turned the corner and nearly tackled Cassian off of the bed. Ravenna whirled around swiftly. “Rhysand! Watch the wings,” she scolded, giving him a smack on the arm.
He took an exaggerated step back and bowed his head. “Sorry. I got excited.”
Moments later, Azriel and Celeste had joined them, each hauling trays of food that they set on a nearby counter. Azriel’s face lit up, shadows fleeing at the sight of Cassian sitting up and awake. Celeste looked like she might burst into tears, her bright blue eyes glassy as they fixed on him. His hazel eyes softened when he saw her, and she ran for him, wrapping her arms around him without touching his wings. She released him to hold his face in her hands, tears finally spilling.
Ravenna watched them, swallowing whatever longing she knew she felt for someone to look at her like that. “I’m gonna take my lunch then,” she said to no one, exiting the room silently. She left the four of them to eat together, and went for a walk around the grounds. She needed to clear her mind.
Ravenna grabbed an apple from the kitchen and bit into it as she walked, her other hand shoved in her pocket. She thought about Cassian, the fact that he was awake and alive. She had hated the four days of silence from her friend, had grown used to hearing his voice nearly every day, teasing her at every chance. It made her realize that she wasn’t sure what she would do if something happened to Cassian, either.
Epiphany Masterlist
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jackhkeynes · 3 months
I have a question about pluralization in your conlang! From what I understand, your nouns aren’t conjugated for number. Are there any words where the plural survived sound changes? I ask this because my accent of Spanish (Dominican accent) loses syllable final S, meaning that only some words have a plural while others can only be distinguished by number by the verb and article. I’ve also heard that French is similar in that regard but my knowledge of it is very limited.
Also this is unrelated to the first question, but I’d like to see some examples of Boral names. The etymologies of names are very interesting to me and im curious if some Celtic names still survive in your conlang!
Hi—these are great questions! :D
Final /-s/ is lost really early on in the development of Borlish; it's one of the very first sound changes that distinguishes it from the mainland Romance languages, occuring by around 500 AD. This, along with the loss of the genitive case (replaced with the ablative) makes the noun declension of typical nouns look like this:
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Notice that masculine nouns typically have only two forms, and feminine nouns only three. Once final vowels also get neutralised to schwa (and eventually lost entirely), the noun paradigm for regular nouns has completely collapsed.
A few nouns briefly retain an irregular paradigm of the following shape, with a separate nominative singular:
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However, by the late Old Borlish period these have all been levelled to (usually) the oblique form; sour "sister" is the only counterexample where instead the nominative singular survives.
Several strategies for marking noun number were innovated during the Old Borlish period, mostly involving demonstratives like ille, iste and ipse. However, the forms that survive to the present derive from the demonstrative hic "this". Specifically, we have:
oc "singular" < hoc, neuter singular ec "plural" < haec, neuter plural
In the late Old Borlish period we see the redevelopment of a proximate-distal contrast, with new distal demonstratives formed using the adverb i "there" (since lost; cf. Modern Borlish la < illāc):
oç < oc i "that" < hoc ibi eç < ec i "those" < haec ibi
Coda: Some Modern Borlish Names
There are a few Celtic names which survive in modern Borlish, for various reasons.
A very few names entered Borland Latin from the local Celtic during the Roman Empire. As a possible example, the male name Ivocq is thought to reflect Borland Celtic *iwok- "like a yew tree".
More Celtic names enter Borlish at various stages since the medieval period. One of the earliest is the female name Jonnovar, cognate with Guinevere and Jennifer, and which is also used as a common noun meaning "butterfly".
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ragsy · 4 months
Having no luck elsewhere, so might as well ask tumblr: anyone have a source or recommendation for where to buy ring splints for hypermobile finger joints? Like the kind meant for EDS.
Specifically, these joints are the troublemakers:
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I can find a few options for the distal/fingertip joints, but I'm having zero luck for the metacarpophalangeal joints. Do they just not make those?? Help...
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badscientist · 1 month
brief miscellaneous headstart writing. is it canon? idk. either way, enjoy.
This is stupid.
Quinlan cocked a brow and let out a chuckle.
"What makes you say that?" he asked.
Only the fact we're breaking into your boss's office to hunt through employee records. You could be fired for this.
"Quiet. Lockpick."
The sensation of an internal sigh. The skin and muscle surrounding the bone of his first two fingers peeled back, distal phalanxes crudely shaping into the necessary tools. Quinlan thrust them into the lock.
I probably could have pilfered the key for you a lot easier than whatever this is supposed to accomplish. Have you even picked a lock before?
Quinlan pursed his lips.
He hadn't, and indeed, he was having little success with this endeavor. Distant footsteps made Quinlan start, nearly losing the tips of his fingers in the lock, heart pounding.
A harried doctor passed down the adjacent hallway, none the wiser to his presence.
A laugh inside.
You're going to get caught red-haaaanded~
Quinlan's face warmed with telltale embarrassment.
"Quiet. You're flustering me."
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