#distal radius fracture
happydappybits · 1 year
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Hey all! It’s been sooooo long and quite a journey for me the past several months. I know I’ve been neglecting my Tumblr and basically all social media so I thought I’d pop in with an update for you!
In late Summer of last year I was helping my dad out at his house rushing around on a blazingly hot summer day and before I knew it, I was up in the air and then down on the ground head first into a free fall. I had tripped with nothing to break my fall, except the side of my wrist/hand. I had broken it. I asked the urgent care doc, “Oh, you mean a hairline fracture?”. Nope! A complete oblique break to my Distal Radius bone plus some sprains, and bruises on my nose, elbow, shoulder and knees.
So I’ve never broken a bone before, it sucks, really don’t recommend it lol. Lots of pain. Wearing a cast for 7 weeks, I was pretty depressed not being able to do lots of things and the incident itself was pretty traumatizing. I've been so lucky my hubs has helped me so much, especially during the first few months...you really don’t realize how much you need a body part until you can’t use it. We were literally making journals together, it was crazy!
I'm at a point now where I can do daily tasks with relative ease, though I am still working through ROM and strength training with tendonitis, and even with physical therapy it’s been a slow process.
I managed to keep my shop open the entire time without closing so I’m pretty proud of that. Before the injury I had just started learning how to screenprint, and I’m back at it! Will share more soon!
I hope you’re well, happy and healthy! Thanks so much for sticking with me, I really appreciate it. :) xo Jane
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health7777877 · 2 years
All About Distal Radius Fracture - Prof Dr Robert Hierner
Distal Radius Fracture is damage to the wrist bone due to some kind of sudden trauma or injury. Get to know more about it here.
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madekerlon · 2 years
Distal radius fracture
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The complication rates for initial management with pin fixation appear to mirror those related to any potential loss of reduction by not pinning, and no change to long-term outcome. Fractures falling outside of what is considered acceptable alignment should undergo an initial formal closed reduction. There is good evidence that minimally displaced fractures may even be treated with a simple splint similar to the buckle fractures mentioned above (Boutis, 2010). When casting fractures in this region, attentive reduction and molding allows the majority of these fractures to maintain excellent alignment in a short arm cast following the principles of the cast index (Chess, 1994). Fortunately, studies show significant remodeling potential in these injuries even with bayonet apposition and in patients age younger than 10 years, where no reduction has been attempted (Do, 2003 Crawford, 2012 Blount 1967). A debate exists as to whether these are more easily treated by completing the fracture, with benefits being greater freedom to proper align and potentially more exuberant callous formation but drawbacks being less fracture stability.įractures of the distal radial metaphysis can commonly also involve the ulna and may present with significant clinical and radiographic deformity. When at different levels, apex volar fractures are usually caused by hypersupination and are reduced in pronation, while apex dorsal fractures are caused by hyperpronation and are reduced in supination. When at the same level, a simple uniplanar reduction maneuver should suffice. When they result from a more pure bending force, the radius and ulna fracture appear at the same level. These fractures typically have a rotational component causing the fractures of the radius and ulna to appear at different levels. Greenstick fractures represent a combination of total cortical disruption and plastic deformation at the fracture site. Not only does simplified treatment perform just as well, patients seem to recover function and return to sports earlier (Plint, 2006 Bae, 2013). This can decrease health care costs and ease family burden. There is excellent evidence confirming the efficacy of simple treatment in the form of a prefabricated splint for 3 weeks, which can be removed at home at the end of treatment and obviate the need for a return visit to the clinic. Advanced imaging is rarely required, however, a CT scan may be helpful to characterize the rare pediatric intraarticular fracture of the distal radius.Ī Scandinavian study showed that falls on an outstretched hand are the most common mechanism, with the most common activity being soccer, and the highest activity specific rate related to snowboarding (Hedstrom, 2010).Ī buckle or torus fracture is inherently stable and recognized by a characteristic unicortical indent in the distal radius. In nonverbal children, sometimes the only sign of injury is decreased spontaneous movement of the extremity.ĪP and lateral radiographs of the wrist will identify subtle and displaced fractures. There is often pain with passive and active range of motion of the forearm, wrist, and hand. The physis is involved in one-third of pediatric distal radius fractures (Mann, 1990).įractures of the distal radius frequently present with pain, swelling, and tenderness localized to the wrist. Their peak incidence is 11-12 years in girls and 13-14 years in boys with the incidence being 1.5 times greater in males than females. Although rare, growth arrest is possible with fractures involving or near the physisįractures of the distal radius are common and represent 31% of fractures occurring in children (Randsborg, 2013).There is increasing evidence supporting use of prefabricated splints over casting for many pediatric distal radius fractures.Closed management is suitable for the vast majority of fractures secondary to the remodeling potential of the distal radial physis.These fractures are often accompanied by injury to the ulna, the ulnar styloid, distal radioulnar joint (Galeazzi) and increasingly recognized injuries to the TFCC.Fractures of the distal radius are common.Study Guide Distal Radius and Galeazzi Fractures Key Points:
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nyrafanboi · 3 months
Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre - Everything You Need to Know About Wrist Arthritis Treatment
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Wrist arthritis is a condition that affects the joints in the wrist, causing pain, stiffness, and difficulty in movement. The wrist joint includes several small bones, ligaments, and tendons that work together for smooth movement. When the cartilage that cushions the joints wears away, it can lead to inflammation, swelling, and pain. It can complicate everyday activities such as gripping, twisting, or lifting objects.
While the condition is incurable, several wrist pain treatment options are available to manage the pain and improve mobility. In Singapore, these treatments may include medication, physiotherapy, splinting, or in severe cases, surgery. We will go over each of them later on.
If you are experiencing wrist pain, you may want to seek medical attention as soon as possible to identify the cause and develop an appropriate wrist pain treatment plan. With proper care and management, most people with wrist arthritis can continue to carry out their daily activities with minimal pain and discomfort.
What are the Possible Risk Factors for Wrist Arthritis?
Wrist arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition that can severely impact a person's quality of life. While the exact cause of wrist arthritis is unknown, several risk factors increase a person's chances of developing the condition. Today, we will discuss some of the most common risk factors for wrist arthritis.
Previous injuries
One of the primary risk factors for wrist arthritis is a history of wrist injuries such as distal radius fractures or wrist fracture. These injuries can damage the cartilage and bones in the wrist, increasing the likelihood of developing arthritis.
Other risk factors for wrist arthritis include genetics, age, and gender. Women are more likely than men to develop wrist arthritis, and the risk increases with age. Genetics also play a role in the development of arthritis, as some people may be predisposed to the condition due to their family history.
Overworked Wrists
Certain occupations involving repetitive wrist movements, such as typing or using machinery, can also increase the risk of developing wrist arthritis. Additionally, conditions such as obesity and diabetes can increase the risk of developing arthritis in any joint, including the wrist.
Are you at risk of developing wrist arthritis? There's no need to fret. Several wrist arthritis treatment plans are proven to alleviate the pain. They will help you do your regular tasks while living with the condition.
What are the Possible Treatments or Pain Management Methods?
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Wrist arthritis can be a painful and debilitating condition that can impact a person's ability to carry out daily activities. Fortunately, several wrist arthritis treatment options are available to help manage the pain and improve mobility. We will discuss some of the most common treatments for wrist arthritis.
Wrist Pain Treatment
One of the first lines of treatment for wrist arthritis is medication. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. In more severe cases, prescription medications such as corticosteroids or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) may be necessary.
Physiotherapy can also be a wrist pain treatment in Singapore. A physical therapist can develop an exercise program to help improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the wrist. Additionally, using splints or braces can help provide support and alleviate pain.
In severe cases of wrist arthritis, surgery may be necessary. Surgical options may include joint replacement, joint fusion, or arthroscopy.
In Singapore, there are several treatment options available for wrist arthritis. If you are experiencing wrist pain, it is vital to seek medical attention to identify the cause and develop an appropriate wrist pain treatment plan. With proper care and management, most people with wrist arthritis can continue to carry out their daily activities with minimal pain and discomfort. Visit Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre today for treatments!
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xochosoxo · 10 months
the best patient ✮ | e.jaeger
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MDNI-> warnings: afab reader, nurse!y/n, erenbrokehiswrist, cheater!eren, stoner!eren, dealer!eren, (pretend hes also a metalhead bc i love metalheads. and toxic eren oh my god its unhealthy), mentions of weed, blowjobs, hairpulling, missionary, cowboy, multiple creampies, dirty talk, eyerolling, tit sucking, hickies, pussy eating, cum swapping/sharing/consuming, squirting (cuz it wouldnt be a dysaren fic without squirting!), erens gf visits.
a/n: sorry im so inactive im actually so busy like all the time :( (save me.) anyway, enjoy this quick fic i wrote instead of doing my assignments!! i am a sucker for toxic,cheater,stoner,dealer,metalhead,has piercings eren. based on a scenario that i created with a character.ai bot ( i am ashamed.. it was a xiao bot.)
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"hello. im nurse y/n and ill be taking care of you for the duration of your stay here." you say, walking into the ER patient room as you scan my clipboard for the details of the person staying here.
Name: Eren Yeager
DOB: March 30 XXXX
Height: 6'0 ft
"weight, ethnicity blah blah... reason of hospitlization: distal radius fracture..." you read to yourself, glancing up from the clipboard to meet eyes with the man in the hospital bed. his long brown hair was up in a messy bun, he had tattos running from his neck all the way down to his arms, and from what you can tell, he was built, rather... nicely. (he was buff asf.)
the man looked miserable. he had swollen undereyes, and his skin looked dry, but still, for some reason you found him incredibly attractive.
"hello nurse." he mutters, clearly tired.
"hello." you repeat again. "im just here just to check up on you." you explain to him, sauntering closer to his bed.
you flip the page on your clipboard to a new, blank sheet. "i will just be running some tests, checking your vital signs and see how you are healing."
eren nods compliantly.
you take that as a sign of consent and start writing some things down on paper. "he seems to be doing fine...even his arms are nice fuck." you get distracted, looking at his arms, the way the veins pop out. mentally youre drooling. his fingers are long and thick, and there are indentations of multiple rings on them which only gets you more excited.
you flip your page back to the information sheet from before, checking the notes: "frequent smoker and sexually active."
"so it says here you are a frequent smoker?" you ask him, just wanting some sort of confirmation from him.
eren nods again. "yes" he whispers. "some nicotine but mostly weed."
"oh i see." you say, writing that information down.
"i can get you some. once im out of here at least." he looks up at you.
"im sorry?" you mustive heard wrong...right?
"ive seen you around before." eren explains. "at parties...you know mostly smoking. like that last one...you were with jean and connie."
oh. you didnt hear wrong.
three days ago, on your day off, you had went to a party with your friends jean and connie. they said it would be a good idea since it would be a chance for you to finally relax from your stressful job, so you relunctantly went. that was your first time smoking weed. it was wonderful and you guess eren saw the whole thing.
"you must have it wrong... i dont typically smoke." you explain to the brown haired man.
"i know, jean and connie told me it was your first. looked like you had a good time though." he smiles tiredly up at you.
you were taken a back a bit. you didnt know that the two of them knew eren. do they know that he's in the hospital right now? are they the reason he broke his wrist? where were they?
"i see..." you ponder a bit. "are they here with you tonight? somewhere in the hospital i mean."
"yeah. theyre here with my girlfriend too since she's the only sober one who can drive at the moment... they just went back to my place to grab some things for me before you came in. they wont be back for a while." eren clarifies.
"goddamnit he has a girlfriend." you sob internally.
"thats good to know." you fake smile, looking back at your clipboard. "it says here youre also sexually active... are you taking any sort of pills perchance?" you continue with your questions, trying to get back to professionalism.
"nope its all just me." he giggles with a coy grin on his face. youd hate to admit that his laugh turned you on a bit.
you finish up your report of eren, rechecking his vitals once more to confirm things. "okay it seems as though youre on the right track... it can take up to 6-12 weeks for your wrist to comepletely heal. otherwise, you might want to lay off the weed consumption till then." you finish up.
before you can leave, he call out. "wait.."
you turn around. "what is it? are you alright?"
"i have a problem with something and i just cant seem to be able to do it myself." eren tries saying shyly, but the look in is eyes seemed to be more sinsiter than you thought. "after all... i did just break my wrist..."
he looks down at his jeans, putting the spotlight on the constrained buldge in his jeans.
youre flushed. "oh..." what were you supposed to do in this situation?? didnt he have a girlfriend?
right he had a girlfriend.
"im sure your girlfriend can help you out with that."
eren's eyebrows crease. he did have a girlfriend and she was amazing. she did basically everything for him. so why now was he so damn attracted to his nurse to want to take a risk and cheat on everything he had???
he presses his lips together before speaking, "i lied. i just didnt want to seem like a pussy to ya." sentences were forming right as he was speaking them. hopefully it was enough to fool you. "please. its so uncomfortable..."
his throbbing cock was being compressed by not only his boxers but also by his black rocker jeans. it was true. it was extremely uncomfortable so why not relieve it with the cute nurse who also happened to be the cute girl who had been sitting with his friends not too long ago, taking a drag from a joint he sold to jean and connie.
you were relunctant, but then again, you could feel your panties getting damper. you walk up to him slowly, keeping your eyes locked with his. you sit down on the bed beside him.
he feels your soft hands on his buldge and from that he lets out a restrained sigh. "fuck." he huffs.
god, there was no way this wasnt turning you on too. eren knew that. he saw the way you bit your lip as you started to unbutton his jeans.
"how long will they be gone?" you ask, hinting at the group of friends eren had mentioned previously. "for a while.. my place is pretty from from the hospital." he watches you slowly pull down his zipper. "fuck baby youre making me go crazy."
you smile, finally releasing his cock from his boxers. he was hung. youre eyes widened and he lauged.
"too much for you baby?" he questions.
"no..." you whisper, slowly kitten licking the tip, tasting his precum before fully sheathing his cock in your mouth.
eren moaned. loudly.
"holy shit!" he huffs. "oh my god..." he leans his head back, grabbing your neat ponytail to guide you while sucking him off.
"ugghhfff!" you choke on his length, tears coming to your eyes. but you like it. it felt too good. at this point, your panties were soaking wet at this point.
"fuck baby you gotta stop or else im gonna cum." eren gasps, pulling you off from his dick. "cmon take it all off... show me."
you look behind you to make sure that the door to the room was closed. you look back at him with a playful look, pulling off your uniform and undershirt to reveal your cleavage.
eren smirked, watching as your skin reacted from the cold air, goosebumps forming. he reaches behind you and releases the hooks of your bra.
he sighed at the sight of your tits. they were beautiful. you were beautiful. he kneads at your chest as you remove the rest of your garments, underwear included.
you were fully exposed to him. internally, eren was freaking out. externally, he was entranced by your body, drooling a bit.
"eren?" you ask, waving your hand infront of him. he snaps out of his trance. "are you ok?" you look at him with a worried look.
"im ok baby. sorry. lets keep going." he says, rubbing his tip on your clit. he can feel your wetness and he smirks once again,
"you are dripping baby..." he whispers in your ear. "i dont even need to prep you..." eren slowly shoves his cock into you.
you were in heaven. both of you were. to him, you felt so fucking tight. he doesnt even know if youre a virgin or not. how couldnt you be? "youre so tight..." he groans, restraining himself from prematurely giving you a creampie.
you have never felt so full in your life. in your life, you've only fucked one guy and the rest had been occupied by your plethora of sex toys. but eren... eren was different. you were filled to the brim. eren could see the buldge of his dick lightly poking through your pudgy tummy. that made him go feral.
he started thrusting into you faster, sucking on your sensitive nipples, licking around the skin as well. he left mulitple hickies in the places where only he could see them. you still were on your shift of course, he wanted to be courteous.
"mmm..." he heard you sigh, smiling as he kissed your body.
eren lifts you up so now youre straddling him. he keeps his pace constant but you wanted to take control. so you start bouncing on his cock. he watches as your tits move with you, again trying not to prematurely cum.
"mmmhf!!!!" you try to conceal your moans, but it was so hard. "fuck daddy please!! i need more!!" you were being greedy, but it felt too good.
"youre bossy baby." eren laughs. he thrusts up, faster than before. "fuck im gonna fucking cum." you watched him gasp, bringing your face closer to his, kissing him with so much passion. he kissed back.
sure he had a girlfriend, but maybe now he's finally gonna break it with her. just for you.
"ah ah..." you gasp, feeling his thrusts slow down. you whine.
"shush baby, let me cum inside before i fuck it back into you." he moans into your neck, creampie-ing your cunt. you try not to scream as you feel the heat in your stomach release as you cum as well.
your eyes roll back into your head and oh how he loves the sight. yeah hes all yours now.
eren picks up his pace once again, like he said, fucking his cum deeper into you.
you scream before he slaps a hand over your mouth. "shut it baby... dont want everyone hearing how much of a slut you are."
"mmfgf!" you groan in protest.
eren doesnt stop his pace until he's shooting his thick load into you once again.
he's catching his breath as he pulls out, plugging your pussy with his fingers so the essence wouldnt leak from your cute slit.
youre all fucked out by the way. he watches as your face contorts into pure pleasure, feeling the band in your stomach snap as you twitch on his fingers.
eren shoves his mouth onto your pussy, licking up the mess in between your legs, tasting both him and you. he licks up your slit to your clit, flicking it with his tongue. youre overstimulated and tired. your couldnt take it anymore. you gush once more on his face, the liquid dripping down his chin and onto the sheets of the hospital bed.
"aahh..." you breathe heavily, recovering from your third orgasm.
"that feel good baby?" he says, bring his head up to meet your eyes. he could see hearts in them.
"mm... i think we're going to have to change the sheets." you giggle.
"well it was worth it." he watches as you sit up, making sure youre not in any discomfort. he rubs your back and fixes your hair. "you look beautiful like this."
"do i?" you say, questioning his taste.
he nods before leaning in for a comforting kiss. "let me take you out." he whispers.
you nod-
you glance behind you to look at the door.
"eren! its mikasa!" you both hear from the other side of the door.
you look back at him in confusion. "mikasa?"
he rolls his eyes.
"my girlfriend."
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Lee: So you've got a partial fracture of the distal radius, which isn't too severe, but it is putting strain on the extensor pollicis longus, which- Luke: Name one state that borders Canada. Lee: ...Missouri?
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radiojamming · 3 months
How do we think John Hartnell got his injuries? They say he had a compressed vertebra, an injured ankle, a foot infection, and a shoulder injury. There doesn't seem to be any record of how these happened, and they didn't mention anything about it during his exhumation.
So there actually are some records of what happened from his forensic report from the '86 exhumation! Like a lot of things about him, it does take some guesswork until we build a time machine and study him like a bug the way I've always wanted.
Here are some selected parts of the autopsy report, which we can use to reconstruct what might have happened to him:
[About the cervical spine compression:] However, there does appear to be some compression of the superior end-plate of the body of C6, consistent with mild fracture, probably representing subacute injury. Cervical alignment is normal. There are no arthritic changes.
[About his upper shoulders and arms:] On some projections, the left acromion appears slightly tapered, possibly due to old trauma. A small spur off the posterior aspect of the left olecranon is also likely to be post-traumatic.
[About the wrists:] The wrists and hands are unremarkable, except for diffuse muscle wasting. There is mild bilateral negative ulnar variance (the distal ulna lies more proximal than the distal radius at the distal radioulnar articulation; if severe, this misalignment may predispose to avascular necrosis of the lunate). No evidence for fractures or arthritis was found.
[About the lower extremities:] The femurs appear normal. Hip and knee articulations are preserved. However, there is a slight widening of the medial aspect of the left ankle joint, raising the possibility of ligamentous injury. No fractures are noted. The talar dome and tibial plafond show no evidence for osteochondritis dissecans, an occasional sequel to subchondral injury. A few growth recovery lines (Harris lines) are noted in the lower tibial shafts. There is also some spurring off the anterior articular lip of the distal right tibia, and probably post-traumatic in origin. A more curious finding is a possible focus of cortical demineralization in the plantar aspect of the 4th metatarsal shaft of the left foot, best demonstrated on oblique projections. Actual disruption of the cortex may be present and could represent osteomyelitis. However, there were no overlying superficial ulcers or open wounds.
OKAY SO we have some key parts of these selections (parts I omitted included stuff like saying how Hartnell looked better than Braine; RIP buddy), and we also have to consider a few things in addition to these: Jartnell had already been exhumed twice before (1852 and briefly in 1984) and the earliest exhumation had done damage to his body, he had some obvious wasting from being stuck in the ice for 140+ years, and tuberculosis can damage far more than just the lungs.
What we can't be completely sure of is his family medical history, although the Inglefield & Sutherland exhumation attempt remarked that tuberculosis was "a malady to which it was further known that the deceased was prone." I haven't been able to find a clarification for this comment—I took it to either mean it was known that he'd died of TB, or it was known that he'd had TB in the past. (See: what I think his dad died from.) But we also can assume that the Harris lines in his legs show that he'd gone through some period of undernourishment at some early point in his life, which isn't too out of pocket for a Victorian working class person. Granted, he was nearly six foot tall and his brother was 5'8" (both taller than the average Victorian-era man), so his growth wasn't too arrested.
All to say that some of his forensic oddities may have come from an earlier time in his life, like an injury or a previous condition. The injury in his elbow, for instance, sounds like it came from earlier in his life. He had been a sailor on a multi-year voyage on the HMS Volage in the past, and went from a career of a shoemaker (which involved inhaling some gnarly chemicals like green vitriol/copperas, as well as repetitive motion injuries) to a full-time sailor without the benefit of training like his younger brother had. Some of those past injuries might have come from this time—workplace injuries, essentially.
The newer injuries, like the one in his neck, could have come from a wide range of sources. Consider that he did have a zinc deficiency, and some of the symptoms of this include night blindness, fatigue, and poor wound healing. He might have been more susceptible to falls, or had a delayed reaction time. The ankle injury, for instance, sounds like a bad sprain; there are a ton of different ways to screw up your ankle on a ship like that (swinging boom accident? fell off the rigging?? slipped on the ice???). The osteomyelitis in his foot might have had a correlation to this, or might have come from an older, poorly-healed injury.
However, he was healthy enough early in the voyage that he wasn't sent back to England during the check-up near Greenland. Either he hadn't presented all of these symptoms yet, or he was really good at hiding them.
This is all a long-winded, infodumpy way to say that our boy here had a medical history that would make you wince and give a sympathetic "oooooh". He was a working-class Victorian man with working-class Victorian injuries and maladies, and it's completely possible that his family history didn't help.
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theskeptileptic · 3 months
My life is crazy and writing is slow, but I hope to be done with this chapter by Friday. Have a very tiny crumb!
(From a pending-not-yet-completed Ch. 27 of Northern Attitude)
Patient presented to hospital with GSW to spleen resulting in rupture, mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury, ecchymosis of stomach, legs, contusions on neck, arms, abdomen, distal radius fracture and cardiac arrhythmia. He entered Gotham General ER accompanied by father and was promptly admitted for surgery.
Pt life-flighted to Gotham Children’s for acute care after concerns presented by GG medical team. GC admitted patient into PICU for critical illness. Immediate concerns include neutropenia, sepsis, and dyspnea—medical team elected for ventilator, broad spectrum IV antibiotics, among other interventions.
Pt is mostly unresponsive to RN, MD, and SW interactions, sleeping about 18 hours throughout the day, and demonstrating confusion when awake. Pt on feeding tube until able to self-feed. Visitors prohibited at this time, contact and droplet precautions required. Pt has strong support system, including father, three brothers, and a grandfather.
Pt’s youngest brother is currently admitted downstairs in PAC for bronchial pneumonia with pyrexia. Pt has extensive history of abuse from bio-mother and husband (both deceased). Bio-father has full custody.
Father demonstrates high levels of anxiety and concern for Pt and Pt’s brother resulting in conflict between doctors and family, intervention should include allowing father immediate, full-time access (with appropriate PPE) in Pt’s room, social services referral, and mental health referral.
Immediately moving Pt to youngest brother’s room when level of care eases is encouraged. Increased counseling with medical staff on complex grief, trauma, and family systems. When Pt is lucid, social service intervention includes active listening and age-appropriate counseling/explanation for upcoming internal fixation for wrist.
Pt’s prior history with social workers may be a challenge in earning trust. If this is the case, Social Services should find a trusted therapeutic contact to take over caseload as not to cause further anxiety. Referral to OT and PT pending. Possible animal, music therapy as Pt recovers, since youngest brother has also expressed interest.
This note is considered HIPAA protected information—as Pt’s family is high profile, it is important to document that any staff member leaking this to the press will be persecuted prosecuted by both the hospital and the Pt’s family. (Don’t even try it, assholes.) — Leslie Thompson, MD
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heyidkyay · 1 year
I guess I’ll take this pain, instead of your name |
Part Fourteen
A/n: Hello! This part honestly took me a while to work out so here's me hoping it came out alright:) Big thank you to @Youlookjustfinetome btw for finding me some more G pics, honestly lots of love to you, practically saved my life🥲 And I hope you all enjoy part fourteen!!
Summary: In life, things changed. The boys you'd once grown up with were men now, and famous ones at that. The type that toured the world and had millions of adoring fans.
The five of you shared a shit ton of history. But you also shared a lot of mixed emotions for one of them in particular, a certain drummer.
Warnings: There's some medical stuff here, lot of mixed feelings, bit of an angry rant but not much to warn you about tbh
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I'd found myself nodding away, head in another place when the doctor had come in to speak to me. 
Wishing I’d been on another plane. 
Or in a different fucking reality altogether, I really didn’t know. 
But I’d hardly paid her any attention, even when she’d rattled off the extensive list of the injuries they’d discovered since the paramedics had wheeled me in.
Severe blunt force trauma to the head. “There’s no need to fret, I know it can sound daunting but the induced coma you were put into on arrival was used to protect your brain from any further swelling after the initial hit. We’ve also done multiple scans since so we’re almost certain that there will be no longterm damage.”
“Hang on- almost? What’s that meant to mean?” Matty had piped up in retort, having held my hand through it the entire time. He hadn’t let go, not even for a second, once the shorthaired woman had arrived not long after Lee, my nurse, had slipped out.
“Only time will tell with these sorts of injuries.” She’d tried to appease us with a clinical sort of smile, but then had gone on to describe the hit to me…
I had to shake away the thoughts of it even now, long after she’d left. 
It sounded so violent. So harsh to what I could barely even recall.
“You were hit head-on. Meaning that your torso took the brunt force of the collision, which also resulted in you being thrown backwards nearly three feet. That in itself left a lot of room for damage when your body collided with the ground. The back of your head will have a rather large scar but we did our best to minimise it, and the hair should fall nicely over the top without any notice.”
I’d nodded at her once and had fought the urge to reach up and touch beneath the thick gauze they’d padded there. 
Another scar. 
I’d had to look away when Matty had tried to catch my eye. 
One perforated eardrum, left-side. “There was a severe rupture in one of your inner ear canals which was a cause for concern too. At this moment, we’re still left unsure on how long it could take for the damage to repair itself, or if it ever will as a result of the injury to your head. Currently, we’ve got you taking a high dosage of-”
She’d prattled on after that. Talks of antibiotics and surgery (if things really came down to it), and then the warning of me maybe having to deal a with a total loss of hearing incase of any infection in the future. 
I’d checked out rather quickly at that. But in truth, it had explained a lot. The ringing that wouldn’t stop. The earaches and the itching. As well as the feeling like I’m underwater, hearing everything through a tinny in-ear piece, or trying to talk over the sound of a very rowdy washing machine. 
Matty had asked the doctor a plethora of questions on my behalf at that. Or I only assumed, because the woman had replied telling him that she would be happy to pass on a couple of pamphlets for him to look over. I remembered that he’d been anxious in his agreeable nod, thanking her a few times under his breath. And that had been the last of it before she’d moved on again.
A distal radius fracture. Multiple breaks in the ribcage. “The distal radius is the larger one of the two bones in the forearm. You suffered two fractures there, one on the distal end and another a little further up. It’s a very common break though and you were able to avoid any surgery on the arm. Though, it will take between six to twelve weeks to heal. And after that, some patients still find that they need physiotherapy to get back full usage of the wrist.”
I’d looked down at my hand in that moment. Stared at the cast which started at the centre of my palm and worked its way up to the crook of my elbow. The small cut I'd received in the shop earlier that same week had nothing on this.
It was my right arm too. Which only fucked me further, and I’d had to laugh at that. As though I hadn’t suffered enough. Now I had to forgo the next few months trying to manoeuvre through life and work with my left. fucking. hand. 
I’d tried not to let that thought get to me in the moment. Focused on the fact that I could still move my fingers somewhat, even if they were swollen and a tad bit numb. It hadn’t helped then though and hardly reassured me now. 
The detailed description of my ribs current state had followed swiftly after. Which explained the trouble I had breathing, as well as the severe burning pain I felt whenever I even thought about moving.
“It was just the three fractures.” Just, I’d wanted to scoff at her. “All on one side, most likely due to the first impact made by the car. Most cases of broken ribs can be treated with rest, icing a couple times a day and pain relief.”
The doctor had then gone on to explain about the breathing and coughing exercises she was going to have me do whilst I was under-observation. Something about preventing pneumonia or the sorts. Which had just been another thing I had ended up not having the heart to hear. 
Although the fracture in one of my ribs had quickly waylaid her onto her next point. She’d actually had to pause when she’d come to it and really took the time to look me in the eye, her stoic and impersonal manner dropping. 
I mean, the woman had been nice enough, she’d smiled when necessary and took the time to explain things to me in thorough detail, but she was also evidently detached, that much was clear. She didn’t want to get overly involved in my case. Couldn’t. But then, something had ultimately shifted. Even Matty had appeared to notice it, he’d clued in to the way she’d propped herself forward in her seat, the slight glance she’d gifted her colleague before she’d cleared her throat, eyes trained back on me. 
She’d begun her account in a sincere but well-practiced tone, informing me of the injury that had been a result of my broken ribs. And as she had, I’d actually felt my entire world tilt on its head. And I only wished then to be floating again. 
Splenic rupture. That one had been the toughest pill to swallow.
“One of the ribs on your left side pierced the spleen on impact but it only tore the organ further during transport I'm afraid. It had been hard to determine at first, the three breaks had been one of our first concerns and because of your difficulty breathing our first thought had been a collapsed lung. By the time we realised how much damage had been caused, after we’d witnessed a CT scan result, there was a large amount of blood that had poured into the abdominal cavity.”
I’d just stared blankly back at her. 
“You were put under an anaesthetic rather quickly and rushed into theatre…”
“Surgery went well, although there was an altercation or two…”
“Tried to minimise scarring…”
“Risk of infection…”
“Future treatments..”
I had tuned it all out. 
Physically I’d still been there. In that room with her. And Matty of course. But mentally, my mind had been far away. Beyond even my own compression. It’d felt like I’d sort of drowned and the struggle to find air had suddenly stopped. Leaving me with just an empty head. No thoughts. No feelings. Nothing on the matter.
Just the fact that I had another scar.
And that, that made me feel like a walking voodoo doll.
My stay in the hospital was beginning to grate on my nerves. Slowly but surely I was starting to lose my mind. And I was so sure of it. 
It had taken two days for me to come to the first time around. Two days since the hit, I mean. But now, I’d been here almost a week. Sleeping mostly, but bored beyond belief or in mind-numbing pain for the rest of it. 
Ross had come to visit. He came daily, sometimes even twice. He brought food (sticking to what he knew best) and it often ranged from the chocolate pasties he knew I tended to drift towards in the Danish bakery up near his, to all of the sugar he could smuggle inside the lining of his coat. 
He liked to keep me company too; told me all about the football, who was top of the league and what players were currently injured; kept me updated on how things were going with his mates down at the pub (the very blokey bloke types he’d always seemed to get along with); and whispered to me about all the hot gossip that was making its way around the hospital that he often caught wind of on his way up to the ward, and during his frequent visits to the vending machine. 
Ross didn’t ask too many questions either and after his first frantic visit, I found myself wanting to ask him less and less too. He was also one of the fair few that still treated me like an actual person. The usual bullying and typical snarky responses were a very welcomed change of pace, as were those eye-rolls of his that he usually gifted me each time I had a coughing fit. 
“Here we go,” He’d say with a put-upon sigh, slumping in the chair he tended to drag up beside my bed whenever Matty gave him the chance. “Always the centre of attention! I mean, can’t we just talk about me for once?”
Which only proved to worsen things because then I’d been coughing, laughing and spluttering all sorts of obscenities at him, all at the same time.
Yeah, it was safe to say that my doctors weren’t too fond of Ross.
Adam though, they liked. He popped in too, and brought Carly along with him whenever she could make it. Those two were oftentimes too empathetic in their visits though, which was sometimes hard to bare. But they’d also brought me my favourite kind of teabags and the lactose-free milk I opted for. As well as my own little kettle that they’d gone and plugged into the wall beside my bed for me- but only after I’d nonstop complained about the hospital’s lack of fulfilling drinks. 
Their tea tasted like piss water was the shorter defence there. 
But Hann had also been the one to bring me over some of the things I’d been missing from home, like my pillow, laptop and my charger- seeing as my phone had been dead since it’d been handed back to me in a plastic baggy, alongside an array of other things I didn’t much want to look at. Mostly just the clothes I’d been wearing the night of the accident.
It was a heaven send though, to be able to distract myself with a shitty Netflix series or the odd scroll through social media. Although I did have to limit my usage. Stop myself from googling questions I knew I wouldn’t like the answers to. Still, it had been a nice gesture in all, made even better by the comfort of finally wearing my own clothes and actual underwear! Instead of the itchy gown they’d had me in. 
Though mentioning that, the one who knew me best, who I thought would be by my bedside, holding my hand, and making sure I stayed well-rested. Who soothed me during the moments of panic and disorientation. Who whispered quietly in my ear and held me close when the reminders became too much to bare, and when pain was all I could think about. 
He was nowhere to be found.
Because Matty had gone and stepped into that role for him. For me, I guess. Sweet, chaotic Matty who could barely even look after himself at the best of times, and who’d spent most of his adult life revelling in the fact that he had no strings to tie him down. He was there for me. A constant. 
Only ever leaving in a rush to shower and change so that he could make it back in time for when I had to take my medication. 
Charming Lee into letting him stay long past visiting hours and having the sweetheart swindle him a makeshift bed that he could use, instead of the clump of chairs he’d converted into a shitty lounger.
Talking the rest of the patients into doing a bit of karaoke and dancing by my bed to keep me entertained. He’d even had Ross bring him his guitar so that we could sing together before lights out. Him crooning like he did best, me all muffled and croaky. Though he still claimed that my voice was as angelic as the last time he’d heard it. 
Matty. My best mate Matty. 
I didn’t think I’d ever been more thankful to have another human being in my life. Nor would I ever be.
So after prodding him with multiple questions on where George could’ve possibly been. What was keeping him away. And only receiving vague responses in turn, or worse, being easily distracted. I finally decided to give up.
Well. Not give up, per say. Just allowed Matty some peace and quiet. I knew it wasn’t his fault that George had been a no-show. That he’d gone and left me when I needed him most. So the questions had become less and less frequent, until I’d decided to not ask them at all.
“You sure you’re alright?” Matty repeated for what felt like the fifteenth time since I’d accidentally woken him that morning. 
He was setting out my lunch for me, something I found infuriating but was also what kept his hands occupied and brain busy, he was eyeing me a bit strangely. Like he felt as though something was inherently off and he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I rolled my eyes, a fond smile limning my lips even as he pierced the straw through my smoothie’s carton for me. 
“I told you I could do that.” I scolded lightly. 
Matty merely hummed in reply, “Yeah, well you say that but you can hardly hike down your own knickers even after I’ve dragged you all the way to the loo, so…”
He snorted at my sudden glare, waving me off with a smirk as he handed me the drink and stole the sandwich the nurses had dropped off for me.
“What kind is it today?” I asked him, sipping at the smoothie that came with it whilst he plopped himself down on the other end of my bed, kicking his feet up near my uninjured wrist.
“Ham and cheese, I reckon. Maybe a bit of mayo but can’t be too sure. Stingy fucks these lot.” He retorted through a mouthful. I grinned and withheld a painful laugh.  
This had become a bit of a pastime for us. Him stealing the sandwiches that I refused to eat, because they always seemed to line the bread with a crap ton of butter, which even thinking about had my stomach rolling. And him then critiquing every flavour to me. 
Yesterday’s had been stuffing and egg, something that had had Matty grimacing even as he fought to finish the first few mouthfuls. He’d quickly given up on that one though and washed the foul taste out with one of the many cans of San Pellegrino he'd asked Hann to bring in for him. Prat. 
“Anyway, you never answered me.” Matty mentioned again, bringing me back to the present. I hummed at him with only a tilt of my head. He rolled his eyes and prodded my hip with his socked foot. “Come on, something’s up. Can sense it, can’t I?”
I snorted softly at him, quirking a brow. “What, you become a self-proclaimed empath in the time you went home to shower?”
He flashed me a toothy grin which wrinkled his brown eyes. “Summat like that, I reckon.”
I huffed, shaking my head albeit in a measure of amusement. “Nothing’s wrong, Wonder Woman. Dr Mann even said I was improving, did she not?”
I wasn’t met with a reply though, so I glanced away from my smoothie and back towards Matty. I found him to simply be staring back at me. A prominent line etched between his brows.
“What?” I asked him with pursed lips. 
It was his turn to shake his head then, looking away to gaze out the shuttered window. We were quite high up, 6th floor if what I can recall Ross saying is true. The sun was high in the sky, and there was not a drop of rain in sight. 
I looked away then and kicked at Matty’s elbow. “Come on, what is it? You’re bein’ a right weirdo.”
He shrugged, chewing away, eyes still cast outside. “Just, you haven’t mentioned it is all.”
I frowned at him, unsure of what he possibly could've meant. “Mentioned what?”
Matty’s gaze pivoted towards me for a brief moment, looking for something I was sure, probably a a tell only he could make out. Then he shrugged at me again.
“Don’t worry about it, yeah?”
“Matty…” I tried, but my tired groan was cut short by the prominent arrival of Ross. 
An angry looking Ross, actually.
I boggled a little at the sight, as did Matty who'd jumped around to see what had caught me by so much surprise.
“Matty. A word.” Ross demanded of the curly haired twat curled up by my feet, having stuck half his foot in the door and not had the common decency to even spare me a hello. What would his mother say? 
“Erm, morning to you too, MacDonald!” I scoffed as I made a face, but it'd been futile seeing as Ross was already back out the door and pacing up and down the hallway. Matty patted my shin in quiet comfort and gave me an apologetic smile before he gestured his head over towards the hall.
“Best go see what he wants.”
And all I could do was watch as Matty left, still chained to this hospital bed. Once the door had dragged close behind him, I found myself with literally fuck all else to do. So, like the adult I was, I threw myself back into my nest of pillows and groaned pathetically. Wishing I could do more than just lie here day in and day out.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him, Matty.” Were the first words Ross spoke to him as Matty slipped out of the room, catching him mostly off guard.
Ross was hardly ever the aggressor. In actual fact, he was one of the most tolerant guys Matty had ever known. It truly took a lot to get him to crack, or even tell you to piss off, let alone this riled up. He didn’t actually think he’d ever been witness to Ross’s ire, but reckoned he could easily check that off the list now though.
Matty blinked for a moment then cast a chance glance back through the glass and towards his best mate. The girl who was currently holed up in a hospital room with a frown as huffy as it was prominent. It was hard seeing her like that, so broken. When in actuality, she was the toughest fucking person he’d had the privilege of knowing.
Cut deep.
“Right,” He dipped his chin and took a much needed breath before he ushered Ross a little farther down the ward, away from the room's entrance. Not wanting her to hear or see the state Ross had seemingly worked himself into, although Matty could already guess what the cause would be. “What’re you playing at? You can’t storm in here like that, mate.”
Ross groaned into the palms of the hands he dragged harshly over his face, tugging on his temples for a second before he dropped them altogether. His shoulders were still tense though, practically touching the lobes of his ears. 
“Yeah, yeah ‘course, sorry.”
Matty jerked his nod back down the hall. “No need for that, ‘cause you, man, are gonna be the one dodging all her questions when she ultimately starts asking what that was all about.”
Ross almost came very close to pouting then. Matty was sure of it, if only it hadn’t been for that fiery wall of anger he was still shrouded in. “Really? Alright. Fine, yeah fair. Deserve that much, I ‘spose. Just- I’m beyond fucking livid, mate.”
Matty’s brow pinched. “Why, what's happened?”
“What didn’t, you mean.” Ross scoffed, back to pacing in his big boots. Matty just hoped that none of the morning staff came to see what was causing the sudden commotion. They already seemed to hate the pair of them enough.
“Alright, mate. Just, I don’t know. Start with what’s got you so…” Matty shrugged a hand aimlessly towards his bearded bassist.
Ross tugged another hand through his long hair, loosening the bun he had it in by a tad.
“I don’t know where to start, to be honest. Maybe with the fact that I’ve tried everything. Fucking everything! Phoning, texting. Even passed by his a couple times. He won’t open the poxy door. Won’t answer Jamie or Hann either. I went over again this morning- saw some shit on Twitter last night so I reckoned I might find him there. Stole that spare key from you too, like you said, and tried using it on the locks but the prick’s only got the chain on. Latch too. So I didn't make it far.”
Matty was already chewing at his lower lip. Something he’d found himself doing more and more often as of late. Ever since that sodding fucking phone call, the one he’d almost missed. He could still hear George’s muffled cries now. The sirens. The pleads. Then the apology. 
His hands shook even as he recalled it all. Fucking coward.
His attention was swiftly brought back to the present when Ross started up again, only getting more and more irritated the longer his story went on.
“So, like the twat I am. I sat outside his all morning. Just managed to catch him dragging himself home, though. Don’t know how the fucker had gone and locked himself out from the inside but, well, it’s G ain’t it?” He said through gritted teeth, “Looked a right state, too. Still halfway to pissed and smelt a bit. I mean, is he deluded? She’s in here. Whilst he’s off, doing fuck knows what, out there! It’s an utter piss take, mate. Everyday she asks after him, asks if he’s doing alright, if things are okay. And he, he could not give less of a shit.”
“Hasn’t today.” Matty found himself mumbling, dark eyes casted out towards the lifts as a familiar itch passed through his veins. Which was convenient because just as Ross went to question him on it, Hann stepped out through the sliding metal doors. 
The man paused, catching sight of them just as the lift closed behind him. “What’s going on?” He asked with a furrowed brow.
“George.” Ross muttered with venom.
Whilst Matty sighed “Nothing.” at the exact same time. He simply shook his head dismissing it all when Hann approached them. “Where’ve you been anyway?”
Hann’s sharp gaze darted between the pair of them before he answered, “Was on the phone to Jamie most of this morning, then popped by to talk to Y/n’s boss. Lovely woman, actually.”
A real grin stretched its way across Matty’s face at the mention of Delia. “Isn’t she just?” He fawned.
Hann gave him one of those famous smiles of his and then proceeded to hold up a bag. “She mentioned she’d be stopping by again soon, but wanted me to bring this over.”
Matty’s attention dropped down to the bright bag, a prominent ‘Get well soon!’ engraved in gold on its side. “Nice of her. Did you get the stuff I asked for too?”
Adam rolled his eyes and moved his right shoulder, showing off the other bag, this one a duffle. “Yes, all here. Don’t stress.”
He went to reach for it when Hann’s eyebrows did a weird sort of dance on his forehead. Matty pulled a face at it and glanced over at Ross, who was still acting a bit aggy with his arms all crossed and nostrils still flared. Though Matty couldn’t fault him. He was still rightfully pissed off too.
“Tell me what’s gone on and then you can have the bag.” Adam bargained, receiving a pair of narrowed eyes in return.
“Drive a hard bargain, you do.” Matty huffed, falling back against the wall as he gestured outwardly towards Ross. “Was gonna tell you anyway.”
Hann merely hummed at him, dropping the bags between his legs as his head rounded on Ross. “What’s G done now?”
Ross’s jaw ticked and he went on another ramble, rehashing things to Hann in a bit more detail before Matty had to stop him.
“Where’s he at now then?”
“Passed out back at mine.” Ross told them, though he didn’t appear too happy about that fact. “Fucker had me drag him back to my car, wouldn’t move from the curb otherwise.”
Matty tucked his tongue between his front teeth, mind whirling. He hadn’t been to George’s yet, hadn’t wanted to leave the hospital let alone the place where everything had happened. He could only imagine what torment George has been faced with having to look at it day in and day out.
From what Ross had told them, the road had been fully blocked off until late afternoon the very next day with police patrolling and removing the vehicle from the scene. Matty grimaced at the thought of it all and listened to the quiet tones of Hann’s voice trying to calm Ross down. He deemed the moment as the easy access he needed to grab hold of the duffle and head back down the ward, deciding not to think too much about it right then.
Adam’s tut echoed and followed after him. Matty threw him a smug smile from over his shoulder.
Now it was time to get to work.
Part fifteen>
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havvkinsqueen · 8 months
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Regarding the Curse;;
-- Chrissy was doomed from the beginning. Being cursed and hunted. That week was hell on Earth and only getting better. Chrissy wasn't sure if it was dying. She expected it to hurt more than it did, but when she got a glimpse into that red, hellish world, it vanished in a split second. She wasn't sure that she had even died or what happened- But the first gate had been opened. The next thing she was aware of, Chrissy was waking up in the hospital with her family there. Confused.
-- The hallucination wasn't broken right away that night in Eddie's trailer. Chrissy dropped to the floor when Uptown Girl plays on the knocked over radio, injuries apparent. She wakes up with a broken wrist, closed distal radius and ulna fracture, torn ligaments in her knee, wrist, ankle (Previous 4 requiring surgery), and a concussion. She's alive but with lifelong issues from everything that happened. The second Chrissy awakes, she spends her time trying to clear Eddie's name, insisting he saved her.
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narangmedical · 28 days
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The LC-DCP Safety Plate 3.5 is indicated for the fixation of fractures in the clavicle, scapula, olecranon, humerus, radius, ulna, pelvis, distal tibia, and fibula, particularly in osteopenic bone in adult patients ... https://www.orthopaedic-implants.com/small-fragment-locking/safety-locking-implants/plates/small-dynamic-compression-safety-locking-plate.php
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In the universe of the Locked Tomb, I would be in the Sixth House
Situation 1: I am at work, stripping stalls. (For the non-horse people among us, that's when you fully empty all of the bedding and feed out, sweeping and scooping up every last speck, so the stall is ready to powerwash or disinfect or sit empty for a while or whatever.) I'm scooping old hay scraps and dust out of a feeder, when I find bones! I take a picture for my friends to look at and then hide them in the truck until lunch, when I can look at them properly. We discuss possible animal options, not convinced of any of them. At lunch, I have a better look: two long bones, connected at a joint with some of the small bones and limited ligaments remaining. The small bones in the joint are clearly the bones of the knee (or the human wrist) and the length of the bones mean I am either holding the radius and ulna of some kind of predator or the radius and metacarpal of some kind of herbivore. After some more examination, I realize it's the radius and metacarpal, as the distal tip of the ulna is still attached to the radius, but the head has fractured off, so I likely have most of a deer leg.
No, the horse did not eat a deer leg. Sometimes deer die in hay fields (or died in the past and happen to be brought to the surface as the hay grows) and their bones get baled up. This also happens with cow bones, when a field that was once for cows becomes a hay field. Also, sometimes snakes, birds, mice, and other small critters can get baled up.
Situation 2: we live in rural Nevada. Our across-the-street neighbors, ah... majorly fucked up a lot in the last 3 years, culminating in getting evicted in November. The owners of the property have come to begin demo on the property, which the tenants took from "old, worn, but serviceable" to "absolute pile of trash, house unlivable" in a few years. The owners are lovely folks and had us over to see the damages and to let us know we could take anything we thought was useful, since they're planning to just take everything away and start over. The one owner, after showing us around, mentioned finding some bones in an area that we pointed out was originally where the tenants had kept goats. I, of course, went "BONES! I'd love to see them!" so away we went. In a 20ft radius, we found:
a damaged skull
half of a lower jaw
neck vertebrae
probably lumbar vertebrae
sacral vertibrae
one rib
a part of a pelvis
most of a hind leg (half of the femur through the metacarpal)
It's definitely a goat, and telling the owner this really eased some of her tension. She was afraid it was a dog or something worse; based on the state of the property, they wouldn't have been shocked to find a human body. But no, just a goat. We assume the rest of the bones got scattered by the dogs. (I will be taking the bones to add to my collection of Found Animal Bones.)
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greenfrog04 · 1 year
Bioarchaeological and paleogenomic profiling of the unusual Neolithic burial from Grotta di Pietra Sant’Angelo (Calabria, Italy)
Published 24th July 2023
Study of a Neolithic burial with unusual placement at a rather high altitude, far from inhabited areas, lack of funerary equipment and prone deposition of the body found located in Grotta di Pietra Sant’Angelo, Southern Italy.
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geographical location, excavation area and skeletal remains from the burial
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The individual is suspected to be an adult 30 years old male and 164cm tall.
Abnormal bone formation or destruction patterns were observed at the joints. Marginal osteophytes were discovered on the proximal epiphysis of the right ulna and distal epiphysis of the right and left radius as well as on the left acetabulum. Depressed surfaces with smooth edges were observed on the right distal surface of humeral trochlea, on posterior surface of the left and right tarsal navicular bones and on the first proximal phalanx of the right toe. These characteristics are typical of osteochondritis dissecans, a pathological condition.
Extreme wear patterns on the teeth were present represented in loss of crown height in the lower incisors, almost absent dental enamel from the occlusal surface and multiple fractures and chips in their teeth, causing a large reduction in tooth size. alveolar bone. Small amount of calculus on the teeth surfaces were also identified. CT-investigation of the jaw revealed a generalized bone absorption at the alveolar level, indicating a periodontal disease that could have led to the loss of the maxillary second premolar.
It is suggested this individual had a rather active lifestyle/occupation that remained consistent throughout their life.
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Mandible jaws, stereomicroscopic images of the occlusal surfaces of lower incisors and canines, and CT scan of mandible jaws
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Starch granules found in the dental calculus fleck
Microdebris analysis of the dental calculus revealed the presence of a variety poorly preserved microremains, most of which were consistent with plant tissues, starch granules and a trichome. These micro remains were not identifiable to a species or family level. It is hypothesized that these remains indicate the consumption of starchy food and leafy crops and presence of remains such as fibers, mineral grit may have contributed to the dental wear of the individual and could also be associated with occupational activity.
Further study into the dental material of this individual also revealed the presence of several host-associated bacteria, among which are different members of the genera Treponema, Prevotella, Streptococcus and Methanobrevibacter. .etagenomic analysis highlighted the persistence of Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia and Porphyromonas gingivalis, known to be strongly associated with periodontal ­disease and a higher risk of developing esophageal ­cancer, diabetes ­mellitus, and are proposed as a risk factor for other several ­syndromes. More present bacterias of interest include Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, and Eikenella corrodens that could be in rare cases associated with the development of infective ­endocarditis. The presence of dental pathologies and the detection of amylases are indicative of the consumption of a carbohydrate-rich, typically Neolithic, diet.
DNA was extracted from the molar to test for endogenous DNA persistence and provide a genetic profile of the individual.
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Principal Coordinates Analysis. Male individual (red) and 114 samples from Neanderthal (green), pre-agricultural (orange), Neolithic (yellow), pre-antibiotic period (blue) and modern-day humans (light blue).
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Phylogenetic reconstruction of ancient K-related mitochondrial lineages, PCA projection of individual into the variability of ancient Italian and Mediterranean Neolithics, the distribution of G2a-related Y-chromosome lineages in ancient Europe between 8000 and 2500 BCE and 2500 BCE—1500 CE, individual (blue dot) projected into the variability of modern Italians clusters
Thia genetic data shows that this individual falls into the variability of the Italian and Mediterranean Neolithic, near the Peloponnesian and Anatolian Neolithics.
The cause of the unusual burial of this individual is still undetermined but there are a few suggestions:
Similarities can be found with the infant burial of Grotta di San Michele in ­Saracena and in the funerary area of the Neolithic village of ­Favella, indication of relation to their burial tradition and possible place of origin. However, the social meanings that underlie the heterodox funerary behaviour expressed in Grotta di Pietra Sant’Angelo are not certainly known.
The position of the body could be caused due to extreme fraility of this individual, the possible presence of ropes that kept the limbs together, the arrangement of the body with stones could be associated with locking the body in the lying position or the body has been arranged in such a position during the burial (either at a moment close to death or within 24–36 hours of death)
Some of the evidence could suggest the persistence of a non-specific inflammatory state with potentially fatal consequences. The possibility that the individual may have died away from his community would explain the difficult to reach the location of the burial. Despite the lack of a clear funerary equipment, the burial itself could be defined as the expression of carefully planned social behaviour, especially considering the difficulties that arise in accessing the area.
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stab-the-son-of-a · 2 years
PHI (Protected Health Information)
Fracture | Dislocation | “Are you here to break me out?”
TW: implied child abuse, semi graphic description of a broken bone, bad caretaker, medical whump
Taglist: @teamwhump @pepperonyscience
There were many things to enjoy about family medicine, and many more perks that came from working exclusively with obscenely rich families. All in all, it was a fulfilling and lucrative career. 
As Dr. Pinkerton examined the x-ray of her current patient’s arm, she sighed because today (tonight) was simply not her day (or night). 
Behind her, her patient shifted uncomfortably, the motion accompanied by the sound of the sanitary paper crumpling and tearing. 
“Sorry, remind me,” Dr. Pinkerton said, “how’d he manage to do this to himself?”
The father chuckled slightly. “He fell off his bike,” he explained. 
Her gaze flicked to the timestamp on the x-ray. Radiology had performed them at 11:52. “So late at night?”
“Oh no, he just did his best to hide it, but he did it in the morning. He thought that he could just wrap it with a towel and be fine.”
“It must have been quite tender.” An understatement. Every person in the room was keenly aware of that. “Why didn’t you get help sooner?”
His gaze bore into her and she held off turning around for another minute by moving the focus of the x-ray again. The fracture in the radius curved along the bone, a classic spiral bifurcating the bone. A few inches closer to the wrist, the distal head of the radius bulged with bone callus. Another bulge on the proximal end of the ulna. She switched views once more, focusing again on the dark curl running through the bone instead of anything else. 
“That’s my son for you,” the father boasted. “He’d do just about anything to avoid going to a hospital.”
She finally turned around, arms crossed.
The father had a steadying hand on his son's shoulder, squeezing periodically to comfort him and to stave off pained tears. The son had his shoulders curled forward, if only slightly, and the muscle in his jaw bounced at each touch, but he kept his eyes locked on his x-ray. She still felt his gaze crawling on her.
“Well, do anything but act a fool,” the father added with another laugh. The son offered a tight smile on cue.
The silence dragged slightly. The son’s smile disappeared, and he turned his eyes to the side, exhaustion weighing his lids down.
“You need to be more careful on your bike,” Dr. Pinkerton said at last. “You’re very lucky it wasn’t another compound break.”
The boy said stiffly, “Yes ma’am.” He still didn’t look at her. The father kept his hand on his shoulder for another second then ruffled his hair with enough force to turn his head and bend his neck. 
Uncrossing her arms, Dr. Pinkerton sighed. “We’ll have to surgically stabilize the bone or else risk malunion.”
Her gaze dropped back to the boy and the ginger way he held his left arm to himself. Bone tented in the flesh. It was bruised and angry red in some places. 
“So that means it could heal wrong without it, I assume?” At her nod, he continued, “How long will the surgery take? A day? A few hours?”
“It’s good that it wasn’t his leg that broke, so he can be in and out in a day, yes.”
“And general anesthesia. Is that necessary for a procedure like this? He never reacts well to sedatives.”
“It would be recommended,” Dr. Pinkerton said carefully. “Though I trust you as his guardian will weigh the side effects of the medication against pain management. Many people prefer a local anesthetic in cases where general anesthesia is not tolerable.”
Without hesitation, the father just said, “Let’s go with that then.”
The son remained silent. 
“After surgery, NSAIDs are not recommended as they can inhibit healing. I’ll send a script over for acetaminophen with codeine. Same pharmacy?”
“As always. Thank you doc. You’ve been quite helpful. My son is a regular clutz. You’re worth your weight in gold.”
The father’s smile had her returning one of her own, an instinctual reaction from some long dormant animal behavior, and she turned to type the orders into her patient’s chart.
Her gaze skimmed through the medical history, scrolling past it too quickly to read, and she finalized the orders.
“Let’s get you all ready for surgery,” Dr. Pinkerton announced, and this time, the father didn’t answer for his son. 
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Total Elbow Replacement Surgery in Delhi | Dr. Anant Kumar Tiwari
Best Total Elbow Replacement Surgery in Delhi | Dr. Anant Tiwari
Get expert care for Total Elbow Replacement Surgery in Delhi with Dr. Anant Kumar Tiwari, a trusted orthopedic surgeon specializing in advanced joint replacement.
Elbow Replacement surgery
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Elbow Replacement surgery removes damaged areas of the elbow joint and replaces them with parts made of metal and plastic (implants). This surgery is also called Elbow Arthroplasty.                            
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Three bones meet in the elbow. The upper arm bone (humerus) connects like a loose hinge to the larger of the two forearm bones (ulna). The two forearm bones (radius and ulna) work together to provide rotation.
Why it’s done
Your elbow can be damaged by conditions ranging from arthritis to fractures and other injuries. In many cases, the damage from arthritis and fractures can be surgically repaired. However, if the damage is too severe, replacement is typically better.
Pain and loss of motion are the most common reasons people choose to have elbow replacement surgery. Conditions that can damage the joint include:
Many types of arthritis
Bone fractures
Bone tumors
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Patient Suffering from cancer of Left Arm
After distal arm and Elbow Replacement
Dr. Anant Kumar Tiwari is a leading specialist in Total Elbow Replacement Surgery in Delhi, providing advanced and effective orthopedic treatments. His dedication to using cutting-edge techniques ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care, resulting in improved mobility and quality of life.
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orthotv · 2 months
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