quasi-normalcy · 3 months
It seems kind of weird from the vantage point of the 2020s that an original movie could ever get the same degree of cultural penetration as 'Star Wars' or 'Jaws' or 'Alien'. What do you suppose was the last original movie that came out such that everyone was kind of familiar with it, its characters, its settings, it plot beats, even if they hadn't personally seen it? When will we ever see the like again?
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dailyperkele · 6 months
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Day 25 - Small
Smallest Per'kele I could draw, you're welcome. Also bonus first attempt being plagued by Rher.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 10 months
runs back into bromantic flight. eyo does that mean Lloyd has a saddle (not actually a saddle, but something that connects to both him and Kai that is) that Kai can use to move Lloyd's arm in dragon form while traveling around on him?
I made a doodle just for you, dear anon
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(lloyd is extra noodle-y now)
(also not tumblr eating the quality again god im so sorry)
Anyway what you're seeing here is that, yes, Kai has a saddle that he uses to connect the prosthetic to. The little glowing yellow things around Kai's leg? They're supposed to represent the straps that Kai fastens around his thigh to connect him to Lloyd's prosthetic (but i grew lazy and did not draw them in properly lmao)
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Kai's thigh would be strapped to the radioulnar portion of the prosthetic, and the "stirrup" Kai's foot rests in is bolted into this sliding piston in the carpal portion of the prosthetic (which i also did not draw (forgot to) so you'll have to imagine it).
The main idea behind the self-regulating pistons is actually based on a real-life phenomenon called the perching reflex, which is found in birds! A series of "flexor tendons" are attached from the bird's femur and stretch all the way down to the back of the leg and the underside of the toes. When the bird extends its legs, the toes extend as well because the tendons relax; and when the the bird flexes its legs, the toes curl up because now the tendon is stretched around the bones and prevent free movement. This is actually how birds can sit in trees and sleep all night without falling.
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(from Bird Vet Melbourne)
Similar thing is happening with the prosthetic, but instead of tendons it's pistons. When Kai flexes his leg, his thigh draws up the upper portion of the prosthetic and his flexing ankle (dorsiflexion) curls up the prosthetic's fingers, so to speak; and when Kai straightens his leg, his thigh pushes the upper portion downward, and his foot extension (plantarflexion) also extends the fingers.
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I know this sounds like an absolute workout for Kai, and it is, and you may think by the time he comes back after numerous test flights everyone is very aware of his bulging quads, but it's not that obvious; it's like riding bicycle, if you think about. a really long bicycle. with one leg. while flying in the air. It's pretty much the same thing.
TLDR: there is a saddle that connects to the prosthetic. Kai sits on the saddle and uses his leg to adjust Lloyd’s prosthetic
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chthonicthemeter · 2 months
Body horror summer! Because my body is scary!(my body is doing strange and scary things) (I got a blister underneath a callous) (I didn't know you could do that) (I think I have nerve damage in my finger) (maybe I'm a hypochondriac)
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n7punk · 2 months
if i could delete one post from the timeline it would be "my thrussy". my friend calls their cat having really deep clawbeds his clawussy. it has to stop. we must rise up against the tide
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myrfing · 9 months
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wtf these earrings are so cute. shit i never see on gourd because they get vortexed into his horns
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coockie8 · 3 months
"when he shoots what I imagine is his tibia out the top of his knee" look i know thats what it is but for the love of god word it differently that is so disgusting 🤮🤮🤮
That kekkei genkai's level of disgusting increases a lot more than you'd think when you start using the actual names of the bones he's forcing out of his body and using like weapons, huh? :)
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moonbeandragonfly · 4 months
locked tomb challenge count every appearance of the word ‘plex’
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decmultiverse · 1 month
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impistry · 1 year
Just some real talk for a moment regarding my upcoming shoulder surgery on the 15th
I know for the last year and 9 months I haven't been very active art-wise, and the shoulder surgery I'm going to have in less than 3 weeks is the main driver behind that. Kind of hard to do art when you are in constant pain with your dominant arm, and all of the non-surgical options we tried just didn't really seem to help (3 injections, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy for 4 months, Exercises since last March, etc). As of right now I'm looking at 4-6 months of healing after surgery, which also means I'm most likely going to be lacking in much content to share (this includes sewing as well as drawing). I'm hoping that it doesn't take half a year to recover, but so long as I can get full functionality back with my arm, then so be it. I know some folks talk about art-related injuries happening due to bad practices, but this isn't one of those cases. In my case I just ended up with a bum deal and it was just a combination of life stuff that led to this (final nail in the coffin though was helping to remove snow in early Jan 2022), and not how I was choosing to do art. I know I'm going to be HELLA rusty by the time I heal, so it's going to take a while of doing bad art before I can get good again. I do have plans of things I want to work on once I can (working on the comic script currently actually), but please bare with me for the next little while if I happen to drop off the face of the internet, cause I won't be gone forever, I'll just be quite for a while.
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flowerpower289 · 2 years
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hgirasol-blog · 1 year
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"D'ye 'ave a problem?"
It sounds as if he's attempting to square up, but upon even an ounce of inspection, it's clear that he's genuinely asking if you need any help.
Though his general disposition doesn't help to get that point across, stone-faced and almost sceptical, his limp not making him any less intimidating. Big brown eyes are the only remotely soft thing about him.
————————————————————————Name: Conrad Augustin Balfour
DoB: 17/04/1980
PoB: Falkirk, Scotland
Age: 44
Height: 6'1
Rules & Guidelines
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happydappybits · 1 year
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Hey all! It’s been sooooo long and quite a journey for me the past several months. I know I’ve been neglecting my Tumblr and basically all social media so I thought I’d pop in with an update for you!
In late Summer of last year I was helping my dad out at his house rushing around on a blazingly hot summer day and before I knew it, I was up in the air and then down on the ground head first into a free fall. I had tripped with nothing to break my fall, except the side of my wrist/hand. I had broken it. I asked the urgent care doc, “Oh, you mean a hairline fracture?”. Nope! A complete oblique break to my Distal Radius bone plus some sprains, and bruises on my nose, elbow, shoulder and knees.
So I’ve never broken a bone before, it sucks, really don’t recommend it lol. Lots of pain. Wearing a cast for 7 weeks, I was pretty depressed not being able to do lots of things and the incident itself was pretty traumatizing. I've been so lucky my hubs has helped me so much, especially during the first few months...you really don’t realize how much you need a body part until you can’t use it. We were literally making journals together, it was crazy!
I'm at a point now where I can do daily tasks with relative ease, though I am still working through ROM and strength training with tendonitis, and even with physical therapy it’s been a slow process.
I managed to keep my shop open the entire time without closing so I’m pretty proud of that. Before the injury I had just started learning how to screenprint, and I’m back at it! Will share more soon!
I hope you’re well, happy and healthy! Thanks so much for sticking with me, I really appreciate it. :) xo Jane
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hillhouses · 2 years
a few months ago I started playing with the idea of writing an article about le fanu’s carmilla and the dubious origins of the story (he found a stack of letters between a young woman and her doctor detailing explicitly sexual and romantic encounters with another woman) and why he needed to make them vampires in order to retell it. I’m definitely going to keep it in my back pocket but I also think I could mine something from tvc especially regarding the sense of “othering” that comes with vampires especially since eve sedgewick describes homosocial relationships in the same kind of way in between men
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charliefooks · 2 years
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Synapses > basal dendrite > soma (cell body) >  apical trunk > apical (or distal) dendrites (or ‘tuft’)
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