#diverse funding tiers
yikes-kachowski · 3 months
A piggy back off your last ask! Your AU has me all excited. I'm curious about Zuko and Katara's tenure as monarchs? How did the people receive her as their fire lady?
Also your art is amazing!! Can't wait to see more 🥰❤️
This au is very detailed lol, so if you have questions feel free to ask. Just understand that @shalheretical and I have named lots of places in the atla world.
We’re going to break this into three parts: one on notable events in Zuko’s tenure as Fire Lord; one on Katara’s accomplishments that relate specifically to duties she performed in relation to being the Fire Lady (she did other things outside of it); and a final note on the reception of an outside minority woman as the Fire Lady.
Immediately after the complete and unconditional surrender of the Fire Nation, all military personnel who are not directly involved in civil administration are recalled back to the Fire Nation—though they must find suitable local replacements and return as soon as possible. The Gaoling Agreement of 101 AG saw the repatriation of 1.3m Fire Nation occupiers from everywhere in the Earth Kingdom but the northwestern Gansai region. Because of this, and a late Azulon policy of Development First, Industry Now, which had 75% of all Fire Nation agriculture halted in favor of industrial development and had most food being imported by way of colonial extraction, the sudden population growth and the fact that they had to move factories and warehouses to start farming again, saw that 53 percent of the Fire Nation was experiencing starvation, and that 16 percent was experiencing acute starvation—5 percent experienced famine. This would be at its worst for the first four years of Zuko’s reign—known as the Rice-Rations Years—but it would only truly stabilize in 110 AG.
A near-complete shutdown of the archipelago’s ports until 103 AG exacerbated this problem. However, this was to prevent, as much as possible, the 3.5m individuals identified as war criminals/accomplices to war crimes from escaping to “safe havens” such as Jinyala, the Si Wong, or Whale Tale Island. No one was allowed to leave the ports without a written order by the Fire Lord. The nascent Earth Kingdom Navy helped patrol Fire Nation waters; these sailors, along with some Kyoshi Warriors, also helped inspect ships leaving Fire Nation docks for potential stowaways. The Earth Navy would stay until 104 AG.
The Boiling Rock was used to hold Tier 1 and 2 war criminals until the Omashu Trials began. After this, the Boiling Rock would be shut down. Non-political Fire Nation prisoners would be moved to more humane prisons; non Fire Nationals would be extradited back to their home nations. Captives—such as Hama, Tyro or the Boulder—were repatriated from the work camps they were imprisoned in.
Shrine consolidation was a Sozin policy of putting all shrines under direct monarchical control and turned over for use of the state religion—Agniyo, the religion of the ethnic majority (Shiboshi) Fire Nationals. Zuko begins a policy of Great Reversal, where these shrines are returned to their traditional stewards. The Intranational Sovereign Rights policies is the parent policy of the Great Reversal. The Fire Nation is home to 98 ethnic minority/indigenous groups (including the Sun Warriors and the Bhanti), with 106 recognized languages and dialects apart from Hokugo (the state language). These are all put under Special Status, where extra government protections and provisions are made to protect traditional Fire Nation diversity. Specifically, local councils are approved to use state funds to protect Status minority religions, languages, ecology/land, food, dance, and arts. The Sun Warriors in particular are given greater autonomy and sovereignty over their ancestral lands.
In 107 AG Zuko made an official declaration to renounce the millenia-old belief that the Liufeng dynasty is in any way divine, or descended from Agni. In apology for these centuries of disrespect towards Mother Agni, a new shrine in the capital of Kazanshi is announced; it is officially completed in 125 AG, and dedicated in 126.
Zaibatsu, vertically integrated business conglomerates, are dissolved; the businesses are put under monarchical control, and their assets are partially used for reparations paid towards the Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom. (Aang turned down reparations outside of help rebuilding Air Temples/shrines, and protections on sacred Air Nomad land, such as areas in Gansai and Whale Tale Island.) Land was seized from landlords and nobles, and sold to their serfs and tenets for extremely cheap prices. This is open to anyway once all serfs and tenant farmers have their share, which leads to some immigration from especially the southern Earth Kingdom.
Starting in 103, all war criminals are prosecuted under Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe officials at Omashu, which only ends in 119 AG, due to the thoroughness of the prosecution. Some critics from the Fire Nation claim that no Fire Nation representatives presented an unfair bias, and Why can’t it be held in the Royal High Courts? Zuko maintains that the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribe are a lot more merciful than he would be. Note: Iroh volunteered to be tried for the Siege of Ba Sing Se and his March on the Si Wong, even though King Kuei offered him immunity. He was given a postponed sentence of ten years; during this time, he would stay in his tea shop, and most of the money he made would go to helping Go Shi Wai, one of the worst-affected places of the war.
Gansai, later the United Republic, holds the largest number of Fire Nation settlers. This is due to an early Azulon resettlement policy, wherein ethnic minorities in the Fire Nation were resettled in Gansai and away from the imperial core, for Azulon’s All-Shiboshi Empire dream (the officials that ruled them were still Shiboshi, though). There are nearly 4m settlers living there; and since they’ve been outside of the Fire Nation for at least a generation, they are the least willing to move. Gansai was made independent in 115 AG through a referendum that went through every village, town, city, settlement in the region. Many Earth Kingdom citizens still consider this a humiliating capitulation to the Fire Nation, and resent King Kuei for allowing this.
Serfdom and slavery were abolished in the Fire Nation by 105 AG. Looted wealth is confiscated from the noble class, and repatriated to their home countries. The royal coffers do the same. Since the power of the noble class was severely weakened by these moves—and the removal of the zaibatsu system—many enraged nobles would attempt government takeovers—whether through the legals means of an Agni Kai, or through nine different assassination attempts from 105 AG to 127 AG. These, by the way, would only lead to legislation that weakened the noble class even more.
The Fire Nation educational system was technically reformed, though specifically. Zuko was looking to return the institution to its prewar systems, with some amendments. He took a lot of care for educational reforms, because he considered it ground zero for deradicalization policies. Teachers were screened and replaced when necessary; there was a national recall on textbooks, and Zuko commissioned a completely new curriculum. The military education of children from 11 to 16 stayed in place. The national examinations that gave people opportunities to work in government positions were opened up to the merchant and former self classes.
Protections and rights for same-sex couples are restored. Abortion is made legal. Funding goes back to the arts. Overall, Zuko’s policies mark a return to the cultural pursuits from before the war—especially in the arts, education and religion.
Once again: these are her activities that relate to her acting (somewhat) in capacity to traditional Fire Lady duties. However, a lot of her actions—even when acting as Fire Lady—are outside of traditional royal involvement, which is noteworthy. It should also be noted that she is not a part of the legislative body of the Fire Nation in any capacity, nor is she in any way given any sort of powers of making policies at an official capacity. To me, this doesn’t really matter, because I personally don’t think she’d be incredibly interested in dealing with Fire Nation legislative proceedings anyway, and it’s way more straight forward for her to just tell Zuko what she thinks would be a good idea since he can just enact it immediately. Not that she never influences policies through cooperation with Parliament, just that she normally chooses not to.
She specifically is known for her deep involvement with charity and patronages. She tends to focus on issues involving the homeless, youth, drug addictions, the elderly, environmental protections, illness and minority rights advocacy. It’s due to her nearly weekly visits to hospitals and health clinics across the Fire Nation (and sometimes abroad) that Katara gets very specifically interested in serious and terminal illnesses—the care of their patients, prevention and destigmatization. She’s especially famous for initiating physical contact towards patients with leprosy, to prove that leprosy could not be easily transmitted through casual touch—such as hugs and handholding.
She is president of the Taiyang-jie Childrens’ Clinic in the capital. She is a patroness of the Natural & Geologic Historical Society in Lopyang. She is president of the Royal Academies of Healthcare, Sociology & Philosophy, and Music & Theatre. She is president of the Gojiki Child Association, a charity to care for vulnerable tribal youth. She also works with the National Leprosy Trust, the Fire Nation Centre of Minority Dance and Theatre, and the Imperial Phoenix Hospital.
She was integral to the founding of Taqqittiavak, an international medical association, inspired by witnessing the calamity of war, and how there’s often not enough medics for the wounded, who are often left to suffer and die. She is a patron of the Three Nations’ Doctors League, a similar organization, though Taqqitiavak works in conflict zones, and 3ND in humanitarian crisis zones. She specifically works with them in an anti personnel landmine campaign. Her work directly leads to the signing of the Qiue Treaty to create an international ban on the use of landmines.
She makes regular lengthy visits to the Ruzuro-yeiji Hospital in Kemkami, where she specifically helps in the care and comfort for patients who are seriously or terminally ill—something royalty had never done before. She is a patronesses to the Imrani Cancer Fund, an international charity dedicated to cancer research.
She is the founder of Tunnganiq, an association dedicated to research and care for mental disabilities, especially those acquired in war or in accidents. She regularly supports efforts in the advancement of mental healthcare, institutional reform, and the stigmatization of all psychotic and neurotic disorders. She (and Toph) opened the Centre for Disability and the Arts in Republic City.
She is the patron of the Fire Nation branch of the Nutaraq Appeal, an international organization dedicated to helping pregnant women and new mothers in need around the world.
Katara (and Sokka) launch the International Child Bereavement charity, which seeks to support the children of: military families, children orphaned by war and conflict, children of suicide victims and children of the terminally ill. She and Sokka are also patrons of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center in Republic City.
She supports the Laiyi Fund, which is a parent fund to several smaller charity organizations that give accommodations and social assistance to the homeless, and campaigns to destigmatize homelessness worldwide. In general, Katara is very vocal and active in her support of homeless populations, and to end the conception of homelessness being a moral failing in the Fire Nation, especially by regularly working with the homeless directly, without any official means of protection. She supports the Just Homes Initiative in the United Republic, which seeks to “just house them” with no strings attached.
She was awarded the Freedom of Omashu Award, the highest honor in the Southern Earth Kingdom for her humanitarian efforts—as well as the Ba Sing Se Citizens’ Award and being awarded a gold medal in a healthcare conference in Piriyakheri.
To be honest, her marriage to Zuko really wasn’t a huge deal to most peasants in the Fire Nation—they were so far removed from royal life, that who the current Fire Lord is hardly mattered, let alone who the Fire Lady is. The middle class, especially in major cities like Kazanshi, Kenkami, Lopyang and Kimosaki, and the noble class (especially, much to her embarrassment, Mai’s family, the Keohsos—where the brides for the Fire Lord are traditionally found) were the most vocal in their disapproval of the idea of there being a foreign bride. What if the Fire Lord abandons them (a population that’s starving and struggling) for the South Pole? What if she roadblocks courtly promotions only to Water Tribe immigrants that will surely be used to replace the ethnic Fire Nation population? What if their heir is a waterbender, of all things? Most ire was reserved for Zuko, either way. The Fire Lady is hardly a consideration, at this point in time—the role is prestigious solely because she is the wife of the Fire Lord, who actually matters. Katara is who gives the position prestige and reverence beyond that, through her compassion, altruism and humanitarian efforts, which kind of gave the role of Fire Lady an entirely new role in greater Fire Nation society, outside of just running the household and being the head of the royal family, which doesn’t really affect regular citizens.
Besides, nobles who didn’t know better than to keep it to themselves were pretty readily dismissed from the court and removed from the Caldera—a hugely humiliating experience.
Their wedding is a big deal. Some agitators try to say that they’re wedding, in 106, is a flagrant extravagance when the whole nation is suffering—this is still more of an attack on Zuko, than Katara. The wedding, though a big royal wedding, is mostly used to help lighten the air for the population—it’s an excuse to be off of work for a week, to have fun celebrations, to be with family, to keep up with royal fashion, etc. It’s a reprivement.
Katara becomes somewhat of a fashion icon—not the biggest, by far, but especially her jewelry, accessories and hairstyles take the country by storm. It’s big enough that she’s able to auction off her old clothing and her own beadwork projects for thousands, which she would then donate to places she felt needed the most help. She alone is responsible for making smiling—especially smiling with your teeth—popular in the Fire Nation.
A lot of people really idealized her as a mother, with the way she was regularly seen walking her kids to and from school, and around the capital. She would participate in parent-student events in school, and was known to very rarely use nannies. Unlike other Fire Nation noblewomen, she never once used a nursemaid. She very regularly took her kids on holidays to the Southern Water Tribe. Non-racists in the Fire Nation really admire her dedication and loyalty to her origins and native land/practices. Racists thought she would teach her kids to look down on the Fire Nation and only care for the preservation of her homeland and culture.
A lot of people—especially older, more traditional folks—also thought she acted unbecomingly for a Fire Lady. She dresses casually in deels when not working in an official capacity, regularly goes off to do things without following royal protocol, smiles and waves to crowds and in photos. A lot of people criticize her speeches as being emotional and, occasionally, even hysterical. Her willingness to act outside of capacity and to do things that should be beneath her—in public—was especially condemned.
But overall, she’s been pretty popular from the beginning, and definitely went down as at least one of the most beloved Fire Ladies in history. If not the most.
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queerly-autistic · 8 months
I just submitted my feedback to Apple TV and Amazon Prime, and am happy for people to use what I wrote as framework for their own if it's helpful. I tried to hit a number of talking points, which might be useful if coming up with your own:
third season 'and beyond' (as David specifically said)
representation and diversity
the show's success by a number of metrics
large passionate fanbase (and examples of this)
personalising it for the streamer in question (why OFMD would fit well on that platform specifically)
international appeal (specifically highlighting that I'm from the UK)
Here's what I submitted:
Apple TV Support Form I'd like Apple TV to consider picking up Our Flag Means Death, which is currently looking for a new home for its third season and beyond. It's not only fabulously diverse, with important queer representation that any network would be proud of, but it's also critically acclaimed - twice GLAAD nominated -, was consistently the top show on HBO Max, and has a large passionate fanbase willing to follow wherever it goes (nearing 75,000 on a petition to renew the show; £10,000 raised in forty minutes to fund a billboard in Times Square). Apple's shows are given space to breathe and truly inhabit their unique identities, such as the wonderful Ted Lasso, and I think this heartfelt queer pirate romcom would fit in perfectly. As a UK customer, I would subscribe to Apple TV if you picked up this show.
(note: there is a character limit here, which my message only just managed to fit in) Amazon Prime Feedback Form: I'd like Amazon to consider picking up hit show Our Flag Means Death, which is currently looking for a new home for its third season and beyond. The show is not only fabulously diverse, with important queer representation that any network would be proud of, but it is also critically acclaimed - two times GLAAD nominated -, was consistently the top show on HBO Max's streaming service, and has a large passionate fanbase willing to follow wherever it goes (nearing 75,000 on a petition to renew the show; £10,000 raised in forty minutes to fund a billboard in Times Square). Amazon Prime has recently displayed a real commitment to queer representation, with beloved titles such as Good Omens and Red, White and Royal Blue not only having massive success but being given the space and support by Prime to develop their own unique creative voice, and I think this heartfelt queer pirate romcom would fit in perfectly amongst Prime's other titles. The show is also highly merchandisable, and many fans would jump at the chance to purchase any Our Flag Means Death related merchandise (as I have previously done with Good Omens). The show also has international appeal: as a customer in the UK, I would also absolutely invest in a higher tier of subscription to support Prime should you pick up Our Flag Means Death, and know many people across the US, Australia and Europe who would do the same. Thank you for your time, and I hope you will consider picking up this incredible show for its third season and beyond.
I hope that this is helpful! Let's all go get our damned men back!
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catboybiologist · 10 months
Unprompted fucking rant time!
I'm getting my PhD after getting my BS and my Master's. I've gone through three separate rounds of university applications. And while I'm openly a bisexual trasfemme now, I've done every round of those applications as a cishet white boy. I've been rejected by a shitton of universities, and accepted by a fraction of that. My current institution is an R1 for my field- basically meaning it's in the highest tier of research funding and therefore research prestige/output- but it's very far from a household name the way Harvard or Stanford is. My undergrad institution was the cheapest local four year college that I was guaranteed admission to because my high school grades were piss poor due to an array of mental health problems.
So from that perspective.... Race and ethnicity demographics should 100% be used as a factor in determining admissions to help increase diversity. There's many reasons to think this, but there's two that underline a lot of my thinking on the matter.
Number one is kind of obvious, but what isn't obvious is how blatant it is. The top tier of universities has blatantly favored white people for generations, oftentimes explicitly. And oftentimes, they still do! Having relatives working at a particular university, or being alumni from a university, is literally part of the application materials for many of these universities. During my Harvard grad school apps, they literally had a pop-up window that asked me to check off any wealthy families I was a part of from a list of donor and alumni last names. It was so fucking blatant that I bust out laughing. Spoiler alert, I didn't get in. You cannot look at me with a straight face and tell me that these universities should be allowed to openly and blatantly give admission priority to rich, white, dynastic American families, while not affording any concession for overcoming the shittiness of being born into a persecuted group.
Number two is the thing that most people realize, but I don't think has really sunk in on a societal level. A massive factor in admissions is blind, dumb luck, and I'm not joking. When admissions tells you they received more qualified applicants than they could admit, it's 100% true. Many applications end up in a stage where they just have to randomly reject people to keep numbers down- or even if it's not completely random, they have to grasp for straws into an enormous amount of intangible factors that have nothing to do with someone's actual qualifications. So if you're down to that level of grasping at straws.... Why not use it as an opportunity to increase diversity? Because as it stands, you're not getting rejected because you're white- you're getting rejected because your high school didn't have a fucking sailing team. Remember that Stanford admissions scandal a while back?
There's a number two and a half that is an observation I've had about life in general here: one of my deepest held beliefs after going through a good portion of my early career is that everyone is overqualified for the opportunities they've been given. If your education system is genuinely functional, you'll be able to take people from an amazing diversity of backgrounds, and y'know... Educate them. If these universities lowered their admissions standards a shitton, and randomly pulled from the new pool of "less qualified" people, and they put them in an environment with access to the same resources as before... They would succeed.
There's a whole other rant embedded here about how elite-tier university education actually sucks, and all they do is filter for people who already have massive educational resources of their own. University prestige is mostly a lie, except in terms of how much grant funding you can get. But if you gave that level of funding to a state college tomorrow? They'd still do great things with it. But that's a side thought.
There's ALSO the side rant about why marginalized groups are important in science overall for perspectives on how science interacts with society, but that's also a whole other rant.
There's one thing I will say against this: sometimes, it's too late. For grad school and a little bit for undergrad admissions, an enormous amount of unpaid labor and study is required to even be eligible for the application itself. Required undergrad research hours are often unpaid. My undergrad research advisor paid her student labor when she wasn't required to, and surprise surprise, she has one if the most diverse and successful labs on that campus. Beyond just undergrad research, this goes waaayyyy back to the schooling and tutoring opportunities that people from higher socioeconomic backgrounds have access to from day one... But that's also a larger side rant. Point is, race based admissions are valid and necessary now, but they're a temporary bandage on the bleeding wound that is education discrepancy.
This was kinda random, but this got kick-started by an IRL discussion with a couple of friends and I just needed to vent my whole perspective here. Idk if the community of voyeuristic transfemmes I've mostly accumulated here will care, but it's nice to just type these things sometimes lol
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rivensdefenseattorney · 8 months
Interplanetary Federation of Education (IFEd)
Mission Statement: IFEd is dedicated to fostering excellence in education, promoting collaboration among planets, and ensuring educational equity and community engagement.
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The IFEd is structured consists of a panel led by an experienced Chairperson and comprising representatives from participating planets, education experts, community leaders, and youth representatives. Policy advisors ensure alignment with interplanetary governance, while a dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Officer fosters equitable representation. The Secretary-General manages administrative tasks, committee chairs lead focused sub-committees on key aspects like charity assessment and resource allocation, and an advisory council, including seasoned educators, former members, and individuals with historical knowledge, provides valuable guidance.
Resource Allocation Committee
The Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) is tasked with overseeing the distribution of resources to schools based on their charitable contributions. This committee is responsible for evaluating and quantifying schools' public service, research contributions, and donations. It utilizes a weighted system, considering factors such as the size, quality, history, and prestige of each school to determine tiered contribution levels. The committee establishes a fair and dynamic framework, ensuring that schools with varying resources and capacities can actively engage in meaningful philanthropy. The RAC plays a crucial role in fostering equity, accountability, and continuous improvement within the interplanetary education system.
Quantifiable Metrics for Charitable Contributions:
Public Service
Volunteer Hours: The number of volunteer hours contributed by students and staff from elite schools to community service projects. This metric reflects the direct involvement of the school community in public service.
Community Impact Index: A standardized index that quantifies the tangible impact of community service projects initiated by schools.
Public Research
Research Publications: Research publications produced by schools that directly contribute to public knowledge, address societal challenges, or provide solutions to community issues.
Innovation Index: An innovation index that assesses the level of creativity and novelty in research projects undertaken by schools.
Public Charity
Monetary Donations: The total amount of monetary donations made by schools to charitable organizations, community projects, or public welfare initiatives. This provides a direct measure of financial support to the community.
Scholarship Funds: The establishment and contributions to scholarship funds that support underprivileged students or those with exceptional talent. This metric reflects a commitment to fostering educational opportunities within the broader community.
Material Contributions: The value and quantity of non-monetary donations made by schools. This includes items such as food, potions, elixirs, medicine, technology, and other tangible contributions that directly benefit the community.
Resource Impact Assessment: Evaluates the impact of non-monetary donations on the community. This assessment could consider the essential needs addressed, technological advancements shared, or improvements in the quality of life resulting from these donations.
Tiered Contribution Levels:
Tier 1 Contributors
Size: Large student body and extensive facilities.
Quality: Renowned staff, state-of-the-art facilities, and high-achieving students.
History/Prestige: Long-standing history and high prestige within the interplanetary education system.
Contribution Requirement:
High contribution requirement due to the school's extensive resources and capacity for significant impact.
Tier 2 Contributors
Size: Moderate to large student body with well-maintained facilities.
Quality: Competent staff, good facilities, and academically proficient students.
History/Prestige: Established history and a positive reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Moderate contribution requirement, reflecting the school's capacity to make a substantial impact.
Tier 3 Contributors
Size: Varied student body size with adequate facilities.
Quality: Capable staff, functional facilities, and engaged students.
History/Prestige: A decent history and a respectable reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Moderate to low contribution requirement, considering the school's balanced resources and potential impact.
Tier 4 Contributors
Size: Smaller student body with basic facilities.
Quality: Developing staff, basic facilities, and a growing student body.
History/Prestige: Limited history and reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Low contribution requirement, recognizing the school's developing status and potential for growth.
Tier 5 Contributors
Size: Small student body and limited facilities.
Quality: Novice staff, basic facilities, and entry-level students.
History/Prestige: Recently established with minimal reputation.
Contribution Requirement:
Minimal contribution requirement, acknowledging the school's entry-level status and the need for gradual growth.
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solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
The rise of Asian cuisine's plant based meats
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Green Rebel offers a diverse range of plant-based products including Asian-inspired dishes such as Beefless Rendang, Chick’n Karaage, Chick’n Satay, to Cheddar Cheeze, and Asia’s first whole-cut steak made from plants.
With a wide range of products, Green Rebel takes pride in using wholefoods ingredients, such as shiitake mushrooms in its beefless range, non-GMO soy in its chicken category, and cashew in its dairy-free cheese & sauces.
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✘ Your opinion on each regions ranger system
✖️ - no lies ask game
WOW that is a lot! I'm gonna be honest with you chief I will not be doing that. I have proper opinions on the union chapters I've worked directly with, but for the others I can really only give you what I've heard through the grapevine. I'll go in order of where I worked;
Almia: never actually worked here, but I did go to ranger school here, and ranger school involves a brief placement in a local base. Almia's chapter is... fine. They do a LOT of advocacy, a lot of research, test out a lot of new initiatives. Any time there's new tech upgrades Almia gets first crack. There's also no pokemon league here, and a LOT of rangers which means for the most part it is extremely peaceful. I find almia's chapter a bit performative tbh. Almia rangers are the first to tell you how they think things should go, even tho most of them have very little experience with all the problems competitive pokemon trainers bring. Also that's where head office and top rangers are. Yucky.
Fiore: My first REAL ranger job was in Fall City, so most of my experience is in that hub. Kinda similar to Almia, no real league, no competitive trainers, and a fuckton of rangers. They tend to be a lot more chill overall compared to Almia. Not in Fall City mind, Joel ran that place like a fuckin boot camp. I forgive him for it tho, he was finding his feet as a base leader. The union here is fine, but I will say there are a LOT of people-pleasers in Fiore that the citizens just kinda walk all over. Fiore citizens are so fuckin needy, they are most of the reason I don't wanna go back there.
Hoenn: my Homenn. I am extremely biased but this is top tier. Number one. Best of the best. Hoenn has the most knowledgeable rangers in the entire union simply for the fact that Hoenn's eco-systems are INSANELY diverse. Hoenn has every eco-system under the sun coupled with an insane weather system and has a team of dedicated rangers who collectively know all of it inside and out. I'm super proud to have spent most of my career in Hoenn. Rockstars, every one 🖤
Johto: trash region. Competitive trainers everywhere, breeding and releasing pokemon en masse into the wrong habitat. So much burnout among the rangers, especially the leadership. Union is grossly underfunded and disrespected by the rest of the region. There are some rangers out there trying their best to make a difference, but it's such an uphill battle that they end up burnt out in a week. That's just what my experience was tho.
Paldea: this place rules. Not as good as Hoenn, and largely funded by the league itself which is not unheard of but also isn't super common. This chapter is also decently new, Geeta was the one who pushed and negotiated getting us set up here. They fuckin did it right though, our chapter has enough freedom to run all the extra programs and workshops that make us actually able to make a genuine difference. Pretty heavy on the regulations, but most of them are rooted in sound logic so I'm not so bothered by this. The ranger school that's being run through N-U academy I think is gonna end up one of the best outside of Almia, they are killing it over there. Plus Joel is with me again 🖤 yay.
This got long. The only other regions I kinda know about are Kanto (similar to Johto), Galar (brand new and kinda suspicious), and Alola (fuckin top tier).
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tamberlanecomic · 1 year
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Tamberlane: Chapter 4 Kickstarter Is Now Live!
Come help fund the exciting continuation of the heartwarming comic series about a bat raising a human in a cozy, mysterious town full of adorable animal characters.
Choose between the hardcover Tamberlane Omnibus, which includes the entirety of Chapters 1-4, plus:
Matte hardcover finish with beautiful foil accents
300+ pages of story
50+ pages of exclusive bonus content, including annotations with never-before-seen content
You can also choose to get the Chapter 4 softcover, which will include:
A matte softcover finish
130+ pages of story
20+ pages of exclusive bonus content
Not collecting tangible books? Digital downloads are also available in this Kickstarter!
Summary of Chapter 4:
One and a half years after the events of the previous chapter, the kits prepare for a field trip to learn about their roots. Tensions rise as they begin to ask the grownups forbidden questions. Dark secrets from Treehollow’s past are unveiled as Oakewood deepens his search for answers about Tamberlane’s identity. As friendships are tested and cracks begin to form, one fateful, deadly night in Bally Bluffs will change everything, and shocking revelations will threaten the very fabric of Belfry’s world.
Special Rewards to Look Forward To
Signed Copies Available: Limited signed copies of either the 4-chapter Omnibus or the softcover standalone Chapter 4 comic are available at eligible tiers
Early-Bird Discounts: By pledging early, you can save on your favorite reward package!
Add-Ons: Choose from a selection of Tamberlane merchandise to include with your order
Hand-Drawn Sketches: I’ve included a tier that will include original art, but please note! Spots are limited!
Patrons Only: All Tamberlane patrons $25 and above when the campaign ends will receive a special map of the Treehollow region, complete with a fancy wax seal!
Pledge to Kickstarter today to grab early-bird discounts on a variety of pledge tiers and rewards, and support an independent comic created by a queer, disabled woman and our diverse team of creators to reach our funding goal!
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wandaluvstacos · 8 months
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Chapter 41 of Good Investment is now up on my Patreon!
Good Investment is available at the $5/month tier. People who pledge $5 a month have access to not only Good Investment but The Sponsors series (ongoing), Pretty Things (complete), May the Blood Run Pure (complete), and Kept Man (complete), along with the $1/month tier books, the Reflections trilogy (ongoing) and The Halfwife (ongoing).
Adri Schvaneveldt has always felt split between two worlds. In one world, they are the adopted child of a large and conservative Mormon family. In another, she is the CEO of a burgeoning fashion empire that pushes boundaries. But in order to be the latter, Adri first has to find the funding. After gaining a hefty following as a social media influencer/model, Adri has the potential customers– if they can get a reliable production model pounded out. And that means a bit of groveling at the feet of investors, most of who have never even heard the term “non-binary”.
But Adri lucks out with Gideon Snow, whose youth and open mind bring much needed funds to make Adri’s dream of diverse, accessible fashion a reality. Of course, lifting a newborn company to its feet is no small task, and late nights drive Adri to occasional stays at Gideon’s nearby house, where their relationship begins stretching beyond business. Adri knows they can’t put an entire business venture at risk for the turbulent whims of their heart. But reason doesn’t always win out.
“I’m not sure what we do about all of this,” Nandi said. “Do we just ride it out and hope Sofia learns to get a life? Calling the cops is out. So now what?”
“Don’t you have a restraining order?” Gideon asked Adri.
“Yeah, but enforcing it requires talking to the cops, which I don’t want to do.”
“What’s the point in having it then?”
“Because at the time I was desperate and I thought it would show Sofia I meant business. She did leave me alone for a few years after that.”
“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to, but I think in this instance, getting the cops involved might scare her off your trail for a while. I mean… she staked out my house, Adri. That’s pretty fucking deranged. I can handle most of the talking with the cops, since it’s my house. She did this to both of us.”
“He is a rich white man,” Nandi told Adri, then leaned back to let the waiter plunk her drink down in front of her. “Cops might actually listen to him.”
Adri looked between Adri and Gideon, unsure. Gideon didn’t want to pressure her into anything, but at the same time he wanted this Sofia bitch away from both of them. If she got a visit from the police, it might cool her off for a while, if nothing else.
“I can’t prove the photo online was one she took, or the DM. It’s only instinct from years of dealing with her.”
“The DM came from someone named Got You with Love and her damn initials. She’s not subtle.”
Adri took a drink to avoid a response. It may take a few more days of online abuse before Adri really caved on this, and Gideon was willing to wait, though the longer they waited, the more the police would question why they hadn’t done anything earlier. They tended to wave away any harassment unless they were literal death threats, and even then.
“There’s still the option of sending Jay out to beat her ass,” Nandi muttered as she sipped her drink.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
What’s interesting is that people always try use the Ackles homes as proof of their wealth, when really it’s the exact opposite. It’s just another example of the Ackles trying to pass themselves off as a higher tier than they are. When it comes to the lake house, they picked a few rooms to use as show rooms and left the rest empty. Back in the day when Danneel used to post a ton on her stories it would be clips of the kids in a room with blank white walls and empty except for like maybe a sofa. Nothing at all like the lake house we saw in the AD video. They barely did anything with the house in Austin after they downsized from the lake house. Or the Colorado home that Danneel was trying to pass off a house flipping project. I saw both of the listings- from when they bought the house and when they sold it. It came fully furnished, sold with that same furniture, and the kids’ room was all IKEA furniture. The Austin condo (as seen in the background a couple of videos) was very sparsely decorated and looked more like a hotel than the home base of a wealthy couple. And when it comes to their real estates holdings, they don’t have a diverse portfolio or a successful flipping business. They sell in order to buy the next home. They don’t have the funds to have multiple residencies at once, especially because of their tendency to buy absolutely hideous mansions.
I won't even pretend to understand Jensen's wealth strategy. He seems to be set on spending beyond his means and yes, his homes seem so depersonalized and cold they come off creepy. No personality or warmth, nothing that makes a home home. I always get shivers when I look at pictures of his "homes", they look staged. Something's definitely off about Jenneel, I just wish I could put my finger on it.
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By: Claire Lehmann
Published: Jul 7, 2023
In medieval times, it was common practice for the wealthy to buy indulgences from the church to atone for their sins. These payments, the church assured, meant the person paying would not remain in purgatory for too long and would later ascend into heaven.
A wealthy person could even buy indulgences for their family members or ancestors who were long dead. Today we think of ourselves as far more enlightened than our medieval forebears. We secular folk would never pay a class of clerics large sums of money to atone for our sins. Or would we?
In recent years, billions of dollars have flowed into investment funds that market themselves as providing “environmental, social and governance” impacts. In Australia, industry super funds lead this trend, with money pouring into funds that then invest in companies that promote green, social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion causes.
The basic idea behind ESG, which has been promoted by organisations such as the World Economic Forum, is that one can make a profit and “do good” at the same time. Investors argue they can contribute to a net-zero future while making solid returns, or contribute to social justice alongside their fiduciary duty.
Rating agencies and research firms issue ESG “scores” to companies that are then used by bodies who advise institutional and retail investors which organisations they should invest in. Because ESG has no standardised metrics or even standardised definitions, such scores can be massaged by those companies that have enough money to play the game.
An entire industry of consulting agencies and non-profits exists today to implement cosmetic changes within companies to boost their ESG scores. Such cosmetic changes may include sponsoring a float at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras or offering paid leave for staff who wish to change their gender.
As I commented in these pages last year, “gender affirmation leave” is offered by our two biggest supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, and contributes to these companies earning “gold- and platinum-tier” status by the Australian Workplace Equality Index – despite the fact both companies are simultaneously implicated in wage theft scandals.
Sometimes called “wokewashing”, the practice of buying virtue through ESG allows corporate entities to deflect attention away from their PR embarrassments, like Henry VIII’s Indulgences allowed him to go on indulging.
Such practices are called wokewashing because these changes usually do not go deep enough to really cause change within a large organisation. By sheer virtue of their size, our largest corporations often make mistakes that only a complete overhaul of management practices could possibly address.
Take BHP, for example. The biggest company in Australia, and largest mining company in the world, is now embroiled in one of the biggest wage theft scandals in history. Accused of underpaying 28,500 workers $430m in wages for deducting public holidays from leave entitlements, BHP is now supporting the Yes vote in the voice referendum and has pledged a $2m donation to the campaign. This pledge is likely to boost its ESG score, but whether it satisfies the workers who have been underpaid is yet to be seen.
It is not just the mining industry that seeks ESG redemption. The banking industry wants to buy its way into heaven as well. Following on the heels of the disastrous royal commission into the sector, the Big Four are all doubling down on ESG. NAB faced criminal charges in 2021 for failing to pay casual employees long-service leave entitlements, but this is offset by its sponsorship of Midsumma – Melbourne’s queer arts and cultural festival. Last year ANZ was fined $25m for misleading consumer practices, but it also announced it was offering its staff paid leave for a sex change.
Commonwealth Bank has been in hot water in recent years for breaching money-laundering laws and Westpac was required to pay a $1.3bn fine after 250 customers made transfers that were linked to child exploitation. Both organisations are atoning for these sins by campaigning for the Yes vote.
Almost every large corporation that has signed on to the Yes campaign for the voice referendum is embroiled in some kind of scandal that involves their core business. Whether Coles is underpaying its staff, or Rio Tinto is dealing with dozens of accusations of sexual harassment, each company has significant work to do internally.
And this is why ESG is so popular among our corporate class. Symbolic gestures that can be outsourced to consultants and NGOs are an easy box-ticking exercise. Systemic changes to management habits, or making sure business practices are fair, is much more costly and time-consuming than simply waving a rainbow flag.
In the medieval period, wealthy elites would pay indulgences in order to curry favour with the church because the institution was incredibly powerful.
It is not surprising then that our biggest corporations are pledging their support for ESG goals that are also supported by the government, unions, the majority of our media, academia and non-profit sectors.
While commitment to ESG is not necessarily a sign of true moral fibre, if it can assist in washing away the stain of sin, then every dollar pledged will be money well spent.
Whenever a large corporation pledges its commitment to some movement or ideology, especially those that are unrelated to their actual business, you should assume that it's hiding something.
The more controversial the movement or ideology, the bigger the scandal they're trying to distract attention from.
For reference, the "Voice to Parliament" is a referendum to embed in the Australian constitution a vaguely defined independent body with unknown powers, unclear authority and unidentified influence to be a whisper in the ear of the Australian political system, supposedly representing all indigenous (Aboriginal) Australians. In essence, it functions as a form of "reparations."
When it's rejected, as current polling indicates it massively will be, as with Affirmative Action, citizens will be scolded by the supporters for their "racism," and the country will be told it's irredeemably racist. Rather than recognizing the diverse objections to the initiative: the lack of transparency of what the body is or does; progressives who insist it doesn't go far enough (e.g. a desire to literally "hand back" the land); Aboriginal Australians themselves who are concerned about establishing a "separate but equal" system; importing Critical Race Theory ideas from the US to racially divide the nation; the rather racist notion itself that any single "voice" could represent all indigenous people, ignoring that their viewpoints are as diverse as everyone else's; and the very simple answer of "I don't like this particular solution."
But while all of that is going on, the companies will be looking for their next diversion.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Unraveling Nigeria's Ownership and its Complexities
In this article, we delve into the intricate web of Nigeria's ownership, shedding light on the various aspects and entities associated with the country. Nigeria, known as the "Giant of Africa," is a nation rich in culture, resources, and diversity. To understand the concept of ownership in Nigeria, we must explore its historical, political, and economic dimensions.
Historical Context: Nigeria's Journey to Independence
Nigeria's journey to independence was marked by a tumultuous past, shaped by colonial rule and subsequent efforts to establish a sovereign nation. The British Empire held sway over Nigeria until October 1, 1960, when the country gained independence. The ownership of Nigeria was then transferred to the Nigerian people, who became the collective custodians of the nation's destiny.
The Federal Republic of Nigeria
As an independent nation, Nigeria operates under a federal system of government. The power is distributed among three tiers: the federal government, state governments, and local governments. The President serves as the head of state and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, representing the federal government. However, it is essential to note that Nigeria's ownership is not vested solely in the President but in the Nigerian people as a whole.
Sovereign Wealth Fund and National Assets
Nigeria, being an oil-rich nation, possesses significant national assets and a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) to manage its resources. The SWF serves as a savings fund for future generations, investing surplus revenues from oil sales. The ownership of the SWF and national assets is held collectively by the Nigerian government on behalf of its citizens.
Private Ownership and Business Entities
Beyond the realm of government ownership, Nigeria is a fertile ground for private enterprises and business ventures. Individuals, corporations, and foreign investors actively participate in various sectors of the economy, such as oil and gas, telecommunications, banking, agriculture, and manufacturing. Private ownership in Nigeria is subject to regulations and laws established by the government to ensure fair competition and economic growth.
Traditional Institutions and Cultural Ownership
Nigeria is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, each with its distinct cultural heritage and traditional institutions. These institutions play a vital role in preserving cultural ownership within their respective communities. They serve as custodians of traditions, languages, customs, and historical artifacts, ensuring their continuity for future generations.
International Relations and Nigeria's Ownership
Nigeria's ownership extends beyond its borders through its participation in international organizations and treaties. As a member of the United Nations, African Union, and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Nigeria actively engages in shaping regional and global policies. These partnerships allow Nigeria to assert its ownership in various diplomatic, economic, and social spheres.
In conclusion, the concept of ownership in Nigeria is multifaceted and dynamic. While the Nigerian people collectively own the nation, the responsibilities of ownership are distributed across governmental, private, cultural, and international entities. Understanding the complexities of Nigeria's ownership requires an appreciation of its historical journey, political structures, economic systems, and cultural diversity.
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 13 hours
How to Secure Funding with the University of British Columbia International Scholars Program: A Step-by-Step Guide
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If you're a student from Nigeria or other African countries seeking financial aid for higher education, you're in the right place. The University of British Columbia (UBC) International Scholars Program is a prestigious opportunity that offers substantial financial support to outstanding students around the world. This program can be your gateway to pursuing an undergraduate degree in one of the top universities in Canada. In this guide, I will walk you through everything you need to know about the UBC International Scholars Program—from its scholarship coverage and eligibility criteria to the step-by-step application process. My goal is to help you understand the program and apply successfully so that you can achieve your educational dreams.
Overview of the University of British Columbia International Scholars Program
The UBC International Scholars Program is designed for high-achieving international students who demonstrate financial need and a commitment to their communities. UBC offers four different awards under this program, allowing the university to support a diverse range of students based on both merit and need. UBC's International Scholars Program provides international students with the following four prestigious awards: - Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award (ILOT): This award is for students who demonstrate outstanding leadership skills, involvement in student affairs, and a strong commitment to social justice. - Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award: Awarded to students from war-torn or economically disadvantaged regions who excel academically despite challenging circumstances. - Vantage One Excellence Award: For academically strong international students who need to improve their English language skills before beginning undergraduate studies. - International Major Entrance Scholarship (IMES): This merit-based award is for international students entering UBC for the first time and is not part of the need-based International Scholars Program. By offering both need- and merit-based awards, UBC ensures that deserving students have the opportunity to access top-tier education, regardless of their financial situation.
Scholarship Coverage
When you're awarded a scholarship through the UBC International Scholars Program, you can expect the following benefits: - Tuition Coverage: Depending on your financial need, the scholarship will cover your full tuition fees or a significant portion of them. - Living Stipend: The scholarship provides additional funds for living expenses, including accommodation, meals, and other essential costs. - Books and Supplies: The program also supports students by covering the costs of textbooks and study materials. - Health Insurance: Awardees receive health insurance coverage throughout their studies at UBC. - Other Expenses: Depending on the award, some scholars may receive funds for transportation costs or other miscellaneous expenses related to studying abroad. If you're concerned about affording international education, these scholarships can make the difference between struggling financially and being able to fully focus on your studies.
How much is the UBC International Scholars Program worth?
The value of the University of British Columbia (UBC) International Scholars Program varies depending on the financial need of the student and the specific award they receive. The program offers four prestigious awards that are both need- and merit-based: - Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award: This award provides financial support based on the student's demonstrated financial need. The amount covers the difference between the student's financial ability (tuition, living expenses, and other associated costs) and what they and their family can contribute. - Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award: This award is also based on financial need and is designed for students from war-torn or politically unstable regions, or from countries facing severe economic hardships. Similar to the McKellin award, it covers the difference between the student’s financial need and what they and their family can afford. - International Impact Award: This award recognizes exceptional students who have a history of making a significant positive impact in their communities. The value of the award is adjusted based on the student’s financial need. - Vantage One Excellence Award: This award is for academically strong students who are enrolled in the UBC Vantage One program. Like the other awards, the Vantage One Excellence Award also covers the financial shortfall between what the student can afford and the full cost of attending UBC. Since these awards are need-based, their total worth can cover full tuition, fees, and living expenses for the student’s degree program, making them potentially fully-funded scholarships depending on the individual’s financial situation.
Eligibility Criteria - Who is eligible for UBC International Scholars Program?
To apply for the University of British Columbia International Scholars Program, you need to meet specific eligibility requirements. Here’s a list of key criteria: - International Student: You must be an international student (not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident) who requires a Canadian study permit. - Academic Excellence: Applicants must have an exceptional academic record and meet the requirements for UBC’s undergraduate programs. - Financial Need: Candidates must demonstrate that their financial circumstances make it impossible to pursue a degree without this scholarship. - Leadership and Community Involvement: UBC looks for students who have made a significant impact in their communities through leadership roles, volunteer work, or social justice initiatives. - New Student: You must be applying to UBC for your first undergraduate degree. Transfer students are not eligible. If you meet these criteria, you’re a good candidate for the program. However, it's important to note that this is a highly competitive scholarship, and only a small number of students are selected each year.
What is the GPA for UBC International Student?
The University of British Columbia (UBC) does not have a fixed minimum GPA requirement for international students as the admissions process is holistic, meaning they consider a range of factors beyond just GPA. However, UBC generally expects competitive applicants to have strong academic records that place them among the top students in their class. For undergraduate programs, successful international applicants typically have a GPA equivalent to: - A average or higher for competitive programs. - A minimum of 80% or higher in most subjects, depending on the grading system used in your country. Additionally, for students applying to the UBC International Scholars Program, a high academic standing is essential, as this program is merit-based, in addition to considering financial need. Therefore, students applying for this prestigious scholarship are expected to have an outstanding GPA that reflects strong academic performance.
Required Documents
When applying for the UBC International Scholars Program, you will need to submit several key documents to support your application. Here’s what you’ll need: - Academic Transcripts: Provide your high school transcripts showing your academic performance. Make sure your grades are strong and meet UBC's admission standards. - Standardized Test Scores: Depending on your chosen program, you may need to submit SAT, ACT, or other test scores. Ensure your scores meet UBC’s requirements. - Financial Documents: Submit documentation that proves your financial need, such as bank statements, income reports, or affidavits of financial support. - Letters of Recommendation: You’ll need references from teachers or mentors who can speak to your leadership abilities and academic excellence. - Personal Statement or Essays: Prepare a compelling personal statement explaining why you deserve the scholarship, how you’ve impacted your community, and what your future aspirations are. Take time to gather these documents and ensure they are accurate and complete before submitting them.
Application Process - How to Apply for University of British Columbia (UBC) International Scholars Program
Ready to apply? Follow these steps to maximize your chances of securing the UBC International Scholars Program scholarship: 1. Apply to UBC First, you need to apply to the University of British Columbia. You can do this by visiting UBC’s official website and filling out an undergraduate application. Choose the academic program you wish to pursue and submit all required documents, including your high school transcripts and test scores. 2. Nomination from Your School Next, you must be nominated by your high school or previous educational institution for the International Scholars Program. UBC only accepts applications from students who have been nominated by their school, so ensure your school is aware of your intention to apply. 3. Complete the UBC Scholarship Application Once your nomination is confirmed, fill out the UBC International Scholars Program application. This form asks for detailed information about your financial situation, academic achievements, leadership experience, and community involvement. 4. Submit Supporting Documents Upload all the required documents mentioned above, including your transcripts, test scores, financial records, and recommendation letters. Make sure everything is submitted before the application deadline. 5. Await Results After submitting your application, all you can do is wait. UBC reviews applications based on academic merit, financial need, and the strength of your leadership and community contributions. If you’re selected, you’ll receive a notification with details of your scholarship award.
Application Deadlines
Deadlines are crucial, so make sure to submit your application on time. For the 2025 UBC International Scholars Program, the general timeline is as follows: - Nomination Deadline: Schools must nominate students by December 1, 2024. - Application Deadline: The deadline to submit your scholarship application is January 31, 2025. - Admission Application Deadline: Ensure your UBC undergraduate admission application is submitted by January 15, 2025. It’s essential to keep track of these dates and plan ahead. Missing the deadline will disqualify you from consideration.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I apply for more than one award under the UBC International Scholars Program?Yes, you can apply for multiple awards under the program. However, you will only receive one award, and UBC will decide which award is most appropriate based on your financial need and academic achievements.2. Do I need to repay the scholarship funds?No, the UBC International Scholars Program offers non-repayable scholarships. These funds are awarded to help cover your educational costs without the obligation of repayment.3. How competitive is the UBC International Scholars Program?This is a highly competitive program, as UBC attracts top international talent. The scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance and leadership qualities. However, don't let the competition discourage you—if you meet the eligibility criteria, it’s worth applying.4. Can I work while studying at UBC with this scholarship?Yes, international students are allowed to work part-time during their studies. However, the UBC International Scholars Program is designed to cover most of your financial needs, so you won’t be reliant on work income.
Conclusion: Take the First Step Toward a Bright Future
If you're an ambitious, high-achieving student from Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa, the University of British Columbia International Scholars Program could be your ticket to a world-class education. With four prestigious awards available and substantial financial support, this program can help you overcome the financial barriers that stand in the way of your academic dreams. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity! Start your UBC application today, and make sure your school nominates you for the International Scholars Program before the deadline. With proper preparation and determination, you could be one of the few lucky students awarded this prestigious scholarship. Take action now and begin your journey to studying at one of the world’s best universities! Apply Here Read the full article
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playinmatch78 · 22 hours
Playinmatch: Secure, Fun, and Profitable Online Real Money Gaming
The world of online gaming has evolved rapidly, and one of the most exciting innovations is the rise of real money gaming (RMG). Platforms that allow players to win actual cash while playing their favorite games have gained immense popularity. Among these, Playinmatch stands out as a top-tier platform that offers a seamless blend of security, entertainment, and profitability. Let’s dive into what makes Playinmatch the ultimate choice for gamers looking to earn real money while having fun.
A Perfect Balance of Security and Fun
When engaging in real money gaming, security is a top priority for most players. Playinmatch takes this concern seriously by offering a platform that ensures your financial and personal information is protected. Through state-of-the-art encryption and fraud prevention technology, Playinmatch guarantees that every transaction is secure. Players can confidently deposit and withdraw funds without worrying about hacking or unauthorized access.
Beyond security, Playinmatch focuses on providing a genuinely enjoyable experience. From the moment you log in, you're greeted by a clean and intuitive interface designed to make navigating the platform a breeze. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of real money gaming, Playinmatch offers an accessible and user-friendly experience.
Why Playinmatch is Fun
1. A Diverse Range of Games
Playinmatch offers a broad selection of games, catering to various tastes and skill levels. Whether you enjoy fast-paced action games, strategic card games, or skill-based sports simulations, Playinmatch has something for everyone. This variety ensures that players never get bored and always have new challenges to look forward to. With regularly updated games and special events, the platform keeps things fresh and exciting.
2. Multiplayer Fun
One of the key reasons gaming is so enjoyable is the social aspect. Playinmatch taps into this by allowing players to compete against each other in real-time. You can challenge your friends to a game or enter larger tournaments against strangers from around the world. This multiplayer element makes every victory sweeter as you get to prove your skills while earning real money.
3. Tournaments and Challenges
In addition to standard gameplay, Playinmatch hosts a variety of tournaments and challenges that cater to both casual gamers and competitive players. These events provide additional opportunities to win big, adding an extra layer of excitement and competitiveness. Whether you prefer low-stakes matches or high-stakes tournaments, there's always something happening on Playinmatch to keep you engaged.
Profitability: Play and Earn Real Money
Real money gaming has opened the door to turning a fun hobby into a profitable one. Playinmatch is a platform where skill pays off, allowing players to monetize their gaming expertise. Here’s how the platform turns play into profit:
1. Fair Play and Skill-Based Wins
One of the best aspects of Playinmatch is that it rewards skill, not luck. Unlike gambling platforms that are based on chance, Playinmatch games are designed to give skilled players the upper hand. The more you practice and improve, the more opportunities you have to win real cash. This is a key factor that makes the platform attractive to serious gamers.
2. Flexible Earning Potential
Playinmatch provides flexibility in how you earn. Whether you're interested in casual play or diving into more competitive modes, you can adjust your gaming style to suit your preferences. You can play lower-stakes games for consistent, small wins or participate in high-stakes tournaments where the potential rewards are much greater. This flexibility allows players to set their own pace and profit goals.
3. Fast and Secure Payouts
Earning money is one thing, but withdrawing it quickly and securely is just as important. Playinmatch offers a smooth and reliable payout system, allowing you to cash out your earnings without delay. Whether you want your winnings deposited directly into your bank account or prefer using digital payment methods, the process is fast, secure, and hassle-free.
The Security Backbone of Playinmatch
With real money at stake, security is a non-negotiable aspect of any legitimate gaming platform. Playinmatch ensures the highest standards of security through a combination of encryption technologies, secure payment gateways, and comprehensive fraud prevention systems.
Players can rest assured that their personal and financial data is safeguarded from any unauthorized access. Additionally, Playinmatch’s strict verification process ensures that only legitimate players participate on the platform, reducing the risk of cheating or fraudulent activity.
A Thriving Community
Beyond the games and profits, Playinmatch fosters a vibrant and welcoming gaming community. Players can interact with one another through chat features, forums, and social media integrations, making it easy to connect with fellow gamers. Whether you're seeking tips on how to improve your game or simply want to share your latest victory, the Playinmatch community offers a space for gamers to come together and engage.
The community aspect also extends to organized tournaments and leaderboards. Players can see where they rank globally and strive to improve their standing, creating a healthy competitive environment that motivates you to play better and win more.
Playinmatch represents a new era in online gaming—one where security, fun, and profitability converge. By offering a platform that prioritizes safety, offers an engaging variety of games, and provides real earning opportunities, Playinmatch is quickly becoming a go-to destination for gamers around the world. Whether you're looking to pass the time, enjoy some friendly competition, or turn your gaming skills into profit, Playinmatch offers a secure, fun, and rewarding experience.
Join the growing community of gamers who are turning play into profit—Playinmatch is your gateway to a thrilling, secure, and lucrative online gaming adventure!
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Best Forex Trading Platforms: Reviewed & Ranked for 2024
The Forex market continues to attract a large number of traders due to its dynamic nature and immense profit potential. With more brokers entering the field, finding the right platform can be daunting. For traders — whether beginners or seasoned pros — choosing the right broker can significantly impact your trading success. In this detailed guide, we review and rank the best Forex trading platforms for 2024. Our analysis focuses on aspects like user-friendliness, security, regulatory oversight, fees, and more.
What to Look for in a Forex Trading Platform
When evaluating Forex brokers, we consider several factors:
Regulation and Security: Ensure the broker is regulated by recognized authorities such as the FCA, CySEC, or ASIC.
Trading Costs: Spreads, commissions, and other trading fees can add up quickly. Choose a broker with transparent pricing.
Platform Usability: The interface should be intuitive and offer fast execution times.
Tools and Resources: Top platforms provide educational materials, advanced charting tools, and other valuable features to support trading decisions.
Top Forex Trading Platforms for 2024
1. Capitalix
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Capitalix has quickly emerged as one of the top contenders in the Forex trading world. Regulated by the FSA, Capitalix offers a secure and user-friendly platform, making it ideal for both new and experienced traders.
Key Features:
Low Spreads: Capitalix offers tight spreads starting at just 0.1 pips.
Leverage: Leverage up to 1:200, which suits both retail and professional traders.
Assets: Over 150 assets including Forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies.
User Experience: Capitalix offers a mobile app, allowing seamless trading on the go.
Capitalix stands out for its low trading costs and regulatory oversight, which assures traders of their funds’ safety.
2. SmartSTP
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SmartSTP is known for its cutting-edge technology and transparency. It’s one of the newer brokers, but it has rapidly gained a following due to its ECN execution and STP model.
Key Features:
ECN Model: No dealing desk, which eliminates conflicts of interest and offers competitive spreads.
Fast Execution: Known for lightning-fast order executions, reducing the likelihood of slippage.
No Hidden Fees: Transparent pricing structure without any hidden costs.
SmartSTP excels in providing institutional-grade technology for retail traders, giving access to deep liquidity and fast execution.
3. TradeEu
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TradeEu caters to both beginners and experienced traders. It is fully regulated by CySEC and has built a strong reputation for its education-oriented approach, making it one of the best brokers for novice traders.
Key Features:
Regulation: CySEC-regulated, ensuring top-tier security.
Educational Resources: Offers extensive webinars, eBooks, and a dedicated knowledge base.
Customer Support: 24/7 support via phone, email, and live chat.
TradeEu shines in its commitment to education, making it the perfect choice for those looking to learn Forex trading in a secure and regulated environment.
4. FX Road
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If you’re looking for a broker with global reach, FX Road is a top option. Regulated by multiple authorities, including ASIC, FCA, and CySEC, FX Road provides a comprehensive trading experience for its users.
Key Features:
Global Regulation: Licensed in multiple jurisdictions.
Advanced Trading Platforms: Offers both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 for flexible trading.
Low Minimum Deposits: Start trading with as little as $100.
Diverse Asset Classes: Trade Forex, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
FX Road is ideal for traders looking for a diversified portfolio and peace of mind that comes with strong regulatory backing.
5. Trade EU Global
Trade EU Global is a rising star in the European Forex market. Known for its ease of use and regulatory compliance, this broker has become popular among traders looking for a no-nonsense approach to Forex trading.
Key Features:
No Deposit Fees: Clients can fund their accounts without incurring extra costs.
WebTrader Platform: Easy-to-use platform with no need for software downloads.
Educational Tools: Trade EU Global provides tutorials and market analysis tools for new traders.
With a focus on simplicity and user satisfaction, Trade EU Global is an excellent option for beginner traders who want to get started with minimal barriers.
6. CapPlace
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Finally, CapPlace is another top-tier Forex broker that has garnered attention for its excellent customer service and innovative trading tools.
Key Features:
24/7 Customer Support: Available through multiple channels.
Proprietary Trading Platform: Provides advanced charting tools and real-time analytics.
Competitive Fees: Low trading costs make it attractive for active traders.
CapPlace offers one of the best proprietary platforms in the market, catering to traders who want advanced features for better decision-making.
How to Choose the Best Forex Trading Platform for You
When selecting a Forex trading platform, consider the following:
Regulation: Always choose a regulated broker to ensure your funds are safe.
Trading Tools: Ensure the platform has the features you need, like charting tools, market analysis, and risk management options.
Costs: Low spreads, minimal commissions, and no hidden fees should be top priorities.
Customer Support: A responsive and accessible support team can make or break your trading experience.
The Forex market offers endless opportunities, but selecting the right platform is key to your success. Capitalix, SmartSTP, TradeEu, FX Road, Trade EU Global, and CapPlace have emerged as some of the best Forex trading platforms for 2024. Each of these brokers excels in areas like regulation, fees, platform usability, and customer support, making them ideal for traders at all levels.
Whether you’re a beginner looking for educational resources or an experienced trader seeking low spreads and fast execution, our guide will help you make an informed decision. Happy trading in 2024!
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djinnewyorkcity · 2 days
Black-Owned Business New York City : Celebrating With DJ Zeke Entertainment
New York City has long been a cultural melting pot, brimming with diversity and creativity. Among its vibrant communities, Black-owned businesses have played a significant role in shaping the city’s identity, contributing to its rich history of entrepreneurship. One such standout is DJ Zeke, a well-known DJ whose talent, business acumen, and connection to his audience have made him a force in the New York entertainment scene.
Who is DJ Zeke?
DJ Zeke is a powerhouse of energy and charisma. A native New Yorker, Zeke’s musical prowess spans genres, bringing life to events ranging from corporate functions and weddings to nightclubs and private parties. His ability to engage audiences with his seamless mixes and intuitive song choices has earned him a reputation as one of New York’s most sought-after DJs.
DJ Zeke’s skills go beyond his ability to play great DJ music. He has a unique gift for reading the crowd, ensuring that each event he plays is tailor-made for the audience in attendance. Whether he’s spinning the latest hip-hop hits, grooving or setting the mood with house music, DJ Zeke knows how to keep people on the dance floor.
Building a Black-Owned Business in NYC
DJ Zeke isn’t just a DJ, he’s a businessman. Over the years, he has built a brand that not only focuses on delivering high-quality entertainment but also emphasizes professionalism and reliability. In a city like New York, where competition is fierce, DJ Zeke’s commitment to excellence has helped him stand out from the crowd.
His entrepreneurial journey represents the broader experience of Black-owned businesses in New York, which often face unique challenges, including access to funding and opportunities. Zeke’s success serves as an inspiration, highlighting the importance of perseverance, community support, and maintaining a commitment to quality in business.
A Commitment to Community
One of the aspects that set DJ Zeke apart from many others in the entertainment industry is his deep connection to his community. He is known for supporting local causes, attending community events, and using his platform to elevate other Black-owned businesses. His work is a testament to the idea that entrepreneurship is not just about personal success but about giving back and uplifting others.
By fostering a sense of unity and celebration, DJ Zeke’s influence goes beyond music. He represents a thriving Black business community that continues to expand and redefine what it means to be successful in New York.
Supporting Black-Owned Businesses
In a city like New York, where culture and diversity are at the heart of its identity, the success of Black-owned businesses like DJ Zeke’s enhances the city’s vibrancy, proving that diversity fuels creativity and progress.
Event Production Companies
DJ Zeke has also made a name for himself by collaborating with top-tier event production companies in New York. By working closely with event planners and production teams, he ensures a seamless experience that aligns with the vision of every event.
Taking Events Virtual
In recent years, especially during the pandemic, DJ Zeke has adapted to the changing landscape of the entertainment industry by incorporating virtual events into his services. Virtual events have become a new norm, allowing people to connect and celebrate while adhering to safety protocols. DJ Zeke has skillfully transitioned his electrifying performances to virtual platforms, bringing the party to people’s homes through live streaming and curated online experiences.
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wandaluvstacos · 6 months
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Chapter 44 of Good Investment is now up on my Patreon!
Good Investment is available at the $5/month tier. People who pledge $5 a month have access to not only Good Investment but The Sponsors series (ongoing), Pretty Things (complete), May the Blood Run Pure (complete), and Kept Man (complete), along with the $1/month tier books, the Reflections trilogy (ongoing) and The Halfwife (ongoing).
Adri Schvaneveldt has always felt split between two worlds. In one world, they are the adopted child of a large and conservative Mormon family. In another, she is the CEO of a burgeoning fashion empire that pushes boundaries. But in order to be the latter, Adri first has to find the funding. After gaining a hefty following as a social media influencer/model, Adri has the potential customers– if they can get a reliable production model pounded out. And that means a bit of groveling at the feet of investors, most of who have never even heard the term “non-binary”.
But Adri lucks out with Gideon Snow, whose youth and open mind bring much needed funds to make Adri’s dream of diverse, accessible fashion a reality. Of course, lifting a newborn company to its feet is no small task, and late nights drive Adri to occasional stays at Gideon’s nearby house, where their relationship begins stretching beyond business. Adri knows they can’t put an entire business venture at risk for the turbulent whims of their heart. But reason doesn’t always win out.
   “Well, she was very upset when she spoke to me—crying, even. She wanted me to call you and ‘talk sense to you’. Those were her words. I mentioned to her that I had met you and Adri at Solitude and then that got her all worked up again. She thinks I’m keeping secrets from her.”
            “Huh, wonder why you would do that,” Gideon muttered. “Do you think she’s told the rest of the family?”
            “She’s told Dad. When they were over for dinner and to see the kids, he was very grumpy and snippy with Mom. You know how he gets.”
            Gideon could imagine. God, he was so glad he didn’t live in Utah anymore. He had to give his sister credit for being willing to put up with it. She had kids, so it made sense she wanted their grandparents in the picture. Gideon often wondered if he was justified for avoiding them. They’d been decent parents to grow up with, and they’d supported him financially when he was abroad in Europe doing dumb shit. His father had loaned him money to start the business whose sale now gave Gideon his early retirement. He wouldn’t be here without them. And yet, the minute he’d graduated high school, he’d never looked back. Only after he’d partied his way through a few years abroad did he realize that hey, maybe he’d been a little fucked up by his upbringing. When he would rather be hungover and penniless on some Belgian pothead’s couch than in his parents’ big gorgeous house at the foot of the Wasatch Mountains, maybe his childhood wasn’t as idyllic as he liked to believe. It was hard to explain why there was such resentment in him. Only Adri and a few others seemed to get it.
            “What do you want me to tell Mom?” Ada asked when Gideon didn’t respond for a moment.
            “Tell her that I’m not speaking to anyone unless they are willing to respect me and my partner.”
            “What would that entail?”
            “It would mean not calling Adri a man, or using him pronouns. That’s probably the baseline. They can call me gay if they want; I really don’t care. It’s Adri I’m a stickler about.”
              “I don’t think Mom will do that.”  
            “Then we have nothing to discuss.”
            “Gideon…” Ada sighed again. “She’s our mom. You can’t just not talk to her.”
            “Sure I can. Watch me.”
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