#diversity win: this werewolf is bisexual
noisyghost · 4 months
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im doing my yearly redraw of all my OC ref sheets because i will never be satisfied. anyway. here's josie! she bites :)
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patchworkofravens · 2 years
Wait 'conversion therapy for werewolves..' I thought that meant something else n not yk but then she said ' I hope someday you'll accept me for who I am'......and she has blue and pink in her hair.......
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writingsofwerewolves · 5 months
Diversity win! The werewolf that kidnapped you to force you to become his mate is bisexual!
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gorgynei · 1 year
diversity win! the werewolf who mauled his boss for being exploitative and greedy is bisexual!
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revui · 1 year
foreverlands shitposting
i decided to pick out a random humorous picture for each of the 16 arcs
Arc 1 - Beast Hunter
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(the two major characters in this arc are just the saddest most sopping wet little meow meows ever)
Arc 2 - Flaming Burrow Festival
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(i mean it's called the flaming burrow festival for a reason)
Arc 3 - Opal Heiress
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(this entire arc is what happened when i thought "what if i made a team of magical girls and one of them just starts killing everyone they fight and sometimes the other girls on the team too")
Arc 4 - Ivory Ridge
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(quin loves his domestic terrorist girlfriend)
Arc 5 - Nine's Children
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(world's funniest fictional cult)
Arc 6 - School of Masters
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(this is yuri)
Arc 7 - Summer Stone
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(it DOES happen again)
Arc 8 - The Corruption
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(this arc comes free with 1 hot werewolf woman)
Arc 9 - Vermillion Garden
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(this one is significantly more entertaining to me when i don't say what it's referring to)
Arc 10 - Retrograde
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(thomas the thermonuclear bomb)
Arc 11 - Rose Petal
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(let lilith have hammers. just do it.)
Arc 12 - The Radiance
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(this one is because of the shirt. gayboy meets god. she's black. what more do i have to say.)
Arc 13 - Divine
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(he doesn't)
Arc 14 - Birdcage
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(the giant gap in both height and age between the antagonist and protagonist of this arc is so hilarious to me because it's a grown adult man beefing with someone who has not even hit puberty)
Arc 15 - Last Wish
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(this arc features the most deeply unserious woman i have ever written)
Arc 16 - Creed
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(diversity win the main villain of the series is bisexual)
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orange-catsidy · 2 years
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hamarhemmo · 2 years
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Here again.
Image description under cut:
ID 1: A tweet by @ AbbyHasIssues. The text reads: "I may not have any Olympic medals, but I do have a favorite stovetop burner, crippling anxiety and a plastic bag filled with 103 other plastic bags." Next to the tweet there's a picture of Jotaro Kujo wearing his outfit from part 4.
ID 2: A Tumblr post. User tryclops writes: "what would happen if a werewolf and a vampire bit a human at the same time." Next to this is a picture of Koichi Hirose. User toughboymacho answers: "turns them into a furby". Next to this is an image of Yukako Yamagishi. User isayoldbean answers: "takes a screenshot" Next to this is an image of Okuyasu Nijimura. User rosegardenofeden answers: "polycule". Next to this is an image of Josuke Higashikata.
ID 3: A Tumblr post by wizardcreature saying: "diversity win! im bisexual and im going to kill you!" Next to this is an image of Joseph Joestar.
ID 4: A Tumblr post by user vorematty. The post says: "its my god given bisexual right to be dramatic". Next to this is an image of DIO Brando.
ID 5: A conversation on Facebook comments. Usernames are censored. First comment says: "i farted on your dads balls". The comment has 5 hearts and a picture of Joseph Joestar next to it. Another user answers: "my dad is dead". The comment has 1 sad face and a picture of Caesar Zeppeli next to it. First user (Joseph Joestar again) answers: "yeah he died of ball fart". The comment has 8 hearts.
ID 6: A Tumblr post by user stigmataboys. Post reads: "i have feelings for u. not telling u which ones." Next to this is a picture of Caesar Zeppeli.
ID 7: A Tumblr post by frakus. Anonymous sent them an ask: "you seem to have a very nasty spirit" Next to this is an image of Joseph Joestar from part 3. frakus answers: "is there a way i can put this on my resume". Next to the answer is an image of Jotaro Kujo.
ID 8: A Tumblr post by user catboykafka. Post reads: "evil bisexual sex with my evil bisexual boyfriend". Next to this is a picture of Mariah. catboykafka answers: "evil bisexual sex with my evil bisexual girlfriend". Next to this is a picture of DIO Brando.
ID 9: A Tumblr post by user 7172626728388918928292991974. The post reads: "please lord im only 7". Next to this is a picture of Boingo.
ID 10: A Tumblr post by darkacademiasuggestions. The post says: "wear crisp, elegant shirts. throw yourself very dramatically over a chaise longue. be the hedonistic victorian teenager of your dreams." Next to this is an image of DIO Brando from part 1.
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reelbigchip · 3 years
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diversity win! the werewolf chasing you down the hallway is bisexual!
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading progress: 81 a Super Section cause i kept not making a post but still read a bunch! but oh well.
oh fuck the writer? airplane bro? (->reference to mxtx isekai)
"In order to understand someone, I think I should face that wall first"
diversity win, the tyrant king is bisexual
1st person pov works when they are thinking about each other <.<
does ur soilder man look sad? give him a task and a compliment (i can hear his tail wagging)
Min Jiwon! i know this name. video game apocalypse? start cosplaying
"this is why method acting is so scary"
UHOH! the fictional is becoming the real
Han Sooyoung, i also know this name
We have destroyed capitalism! we have replaced it with feudalism
[king counter going down] OMG my bb girl is here
YJH "Kim Dokja..." KDJ "You came..." smth lgbt is happening
Yoo Mia exclusive skill inventory.... OKAY
Yjh BOUNCED. SWK is carbonated
the blorbofication of kdj by his original potential sponsors
i rescind my words sometimes hes covered in blood in a hot way [coin farm carnage]
constellation who likes enemies to lovers...
wait being a werewolf was an option
rotating in my mind for this section is every time they contemplate the metaphysics of the world. souls exist, whats the difference between fictional people and real ones, what happens to the world after YJH regresses, constellations integrating with there incarnations, what happens to human relationships with attributes that read minds/stats/detect lies
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talesfromthecrypts · 3 years
Diversity win! The ghost who haunts the next door flat is in a co-dependent platonic relationship with a neurotic werewolf and a bisexual vampire
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wellthatschaotic · 3 years
diversity win! the werewolf attacking you is bisexual!
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caitlynlynch · 3 years
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This is the author’s full-length debut, and it’s a genuinely excellent read. I’m marking it as LGBT despite being M/F because Haley, the heroine, is explicitly bisexual. It’s thoroughly diverse in lots of ways, with the two side characters with the most page time being LGBT as well; Diego is a young gay Hispanic man and Michelle a trans woman.
The lore of werewolves is really interestingly explored here, with discrimination against those who are ‘made’ versus those who are ‘born’, a nearby clan of vampires a looming threat, and werewolf pack dynamics having evolved to the point where alphas are elected rather than winning their position through dominance (although I’m not quite sure where betas come in… especially with one ‘packless’ beta being sent to help Haley out - who elected her, or why is she a beta otherwise?)
The romance here is delightful, with new sheriff Leland rolling into town utterly clueless about even the existence of alphas and being massively attracted to Haley from the first moment. Neither Leland nor Haley are perfect physical specimens; Haley is described as rounded, with thick thighs, and Leland has a barrel chest and love handles, something rarely seen on romance heroes in particular, but I really liked it. Another thing handled beautifully here is consent, with both Haley and Leland regularly checking in with each other and seeking explicit consent for things which are often initiated without it, including touching and kissing.
This is a really good read, with the story arc nicely concluded, something of a role reversal in that it’s Haley who gets to do most of the heavy lifting in saving the day, and quite a few intriguing questions left open and lots of side characters who could all have a nice romance of their own going forward. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I’ll be looking for more in this series. Five stars.
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Edge of the Woods is available now.
Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this title from the author @juleskelleybooks
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JK Rowling, Please Shut Up
JK Rowling, I'm sorry it had to come to this. But please: shut the fuck up.
In the current climate of white people desperately trying to be "woke," JK Rowling has realized there is some problematic shit in her books and is trying to look like she was always this open-minded, progressive, "woke" white person that she never really was.
I commented on this here years before while I was in the dark, but now that I have all the pieces to the puzzle, I understand entirely what's going on here.
First, people have repeatedly called Rowling out for there being virtually no brown people at Hogwarts with a few tokens sprinkled here and there, so Rowling started claiming (falsely) that Hermione was always black (she wasn't).
I have nothing against a black actress playing Hermione in a play I'll never see, but Rowling pretending like Hermione wasn’t always white? That's ridiculous. She needs to just admit her books weren't as "progressive" as she's pretending and stop trying to pander to black people, because it's insulting.
It's not that deep. It's okay to admit Hermione is white. I would rather white writers just stick to writing about white people anyway, and let the us actual black people tell our own damn stories. Of course, telling our own stories would require the publishing industry stop being racist, but that's another subject for another post.
On top of this, there was that pretty awesome poem by Rachel Rostad blasting her for her racist portrayal of Cho Chang.
Second, people have called Rowling out for years after she queer-baited us with Tonks and Lupin. I remember being convinced that Lupin was banging Sirius and that being a werewolf was a metaphor for AIDS. Meanwhile, Tonks was so close to being a gay woman or maybe bisexual. Rowling's reaction to the hopeful interpretations of her non-straight fans? Put Tonks and Lupin together!
She had two obviously gay characters but couldn't commit for fear of pissing off the larger portion of her fanbase, so she pissed off us non-straights instead. Then later when she felt guilty, she shrugged and said Dumbledore was gay . . . Even though Dumbledore flirted with McGonagall (sigh/however the fuck that's spelled) in the books???
Later, after Johnny Depp abused his bisexual girlfriend because he was afraid she was cheating, Rowling defends the wifebeater and brings more hell upon herself. 
Now she’s got one count of racism against her (the Cho Chang controversy), one count homophobia, and one count internalized misogyny. 
Desperate to prove she's "A good person, really!" she then takes to trolling Trump on twitter in an attempt to win back hearts and minds. It backfires.
If Rowling was smart, she would shut the fuck up. Stop trying to prove you're a good person. Stop ruining the Harry Potter books for what loyal fans you have left.
White people seem more concerned with proving they are good people than actually trying to BE good people.
I don't need white writers to include me with "diversity" in their books. I need publishers and agents to top turning away talented writers because they write about characters that aren't straight white men. This is called discrimination.  
I honestly don't care if you're a good person or not, JK Rowling. I don't care whether or not your books have brown people in them and I never have. Honestly, when I was a child and I first noticed Lee Jordan, I thought, "Cool, someone at Hogwarts who looks like me!" and then I went on enjoying the book. 
Because I know attacking white writers on Twitter for not writing about brown people is not going to end discrimination in the publishing industry.
Let straight white writers be racist and homophobic. I just won't read their books or support them. Simple. (Fuck you, Orson Scott Card.) No need to attack them online or pressure them into being "progressive" as if it was up to them to change things.
It isn't. It's up to the publishing industry.
Nothing will end the lack of "diversity" except the end of white supremacy.
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