#divine musician enshrined in starlight; orpheus
ofglories · 1 year
I made a very dumb headcanon joke for Arthur, Bors, Emrys, and a few others so it's going under the cut-
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Not every muse listed is one available here but yeah...
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ofglories · 11 months
tagged by: @caemthe thank youuu tagging: @toadmiretoweepover , @grandordergirl , @heroicmenagerie , @voidfragments
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Name: Orpheus Name meaning: "Darkness of Night" Alias: God of Music, Son of Apollo Ethnicity: Greek
He never particularly cared for Dionysus as his divine patron, finding him to be more of a hassle than it was worth. Honestly had it been up to Orpheus he would have dedicated himself to Hestia or even Demeter. But sadly Dionysus called dibs the first time Orpheus made a public appearance with his music, much to Apollo's fury later though it did little in the eyes of Zeus who approved it.
Music is not the only divine gift Orpheus inherited from his father though it is the single-most powerful ability he has. Though he didn't inherit any talents in medicine or archery, he did unfortunately have a minor gift in prophecy. Much to his immense distress as a young child when dreams of the future would strike him and leave him sobbing in fear and confusion in his mother and father's arms.
Apollo did indeed help raise Orpheus personally, even bringing him to the Muses once his talent in music began to make itself known so they could help him refine it. However, Orpheus holds no illusions as to his father's true nature, no matter how much he may love him. And so he'll embrace his role as the favorite and youngest child to call Apollo out on his shenanigans whenever it's necessary.
Flower arranging, a habit picked up from his mother.
Writing poems and songs.
Surprisingly, he enjoys throwing the discus.
His mother, the daughter of the king of Thrace/Macedonia. (nameless because thanks greek mythology)
Asclepius (half-brother, the only one he knew)
Apollo (father)
Eurydice (best friend since childhood)
The rest of the Argonauts except Herakles
Failing to save Eurydice from the Underworld. She didn't deserve to die so young, she deserved so much better. And he blamed himself for her death because she was gathering flowers for him to give to his ailing mother. A gift she intended to make him smile again like how he hadn't since his return from the quest for the golden fleece. Discovering she'd been attacked, that she'd been murdered, was the straw that broke the camel's back when it came to Orpheus' grief and terror of losing his loved ones. That's why he went to Hades...but in the end Orpheus was too human despite being more divine than mortal. His heart was too full of love... and so he doubted and looked back and failed. And he's never forgiven himself for it.
How he froze in fear when the Boreads enraged Herakles by suggesting the Argo sail away and leave him to his fruitless search if he wouldn't stop. Orpheus knows that if he had reacted in time he could have diffused the situation since his music can manipulate emotions in all beings. But he was just a youth barely more than sixteen at the time of the quest, and so he froze because of his sheltered life in the palace.
Claustrophobia. There's no real reason for it, he's never been locked up that he can remember. But the idea of it terrifies him endlessly both in life and as a Servant. It doesn't help that his prophetic dreams made him feel trapped, unable to move or even scream when they would fall upon him in his sleep.
Thanatophobia, the fear of death. Specifically in Orpheus' case the death of those he loves. An unfortunate fear to have considering he watched so many people he cared for die either from illness, old age, or at the hands of others. When his own death came...he was only afraid of the madwomen who were tearing him apart. Death didn't frighten him, it was the events that led to his death that did.
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ofglories · 1 year
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Orpheus, divine musician and son of Apollo.
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ofglories · 1 year
Some quick faceclaims under the cut for my brain to remember in the morning for bio editing:
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the melanin is important after all-
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I don't have the time or patience to carefully take a million screenshots on my phone of Luka so despite not being identical in looks I'll be using Riku from i7 for him-
Naoise (updated):
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more variety in expressions than what I can get with his previous faceclaim, also very pretty as naoise should be.
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And finally a face for Taliesin
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ofglories · 2 years
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Further new tags this time for Fate OCs to be added:
as fair as the northerly winds; gareth beaumains
the heart of a fallen star; emrys pendragon
divine musician enshrined in starlight; orpheus
knight of sacred fire; bors the younger
They're all available for interactions even if i've yet to make their sections in the muse page, just like the other characters. And yes this Emrys is different from my WoL, E'mrys, despite being the OC that I originally derived him from. Please feel free to ask me questions about any and all of them if you want!
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ofglories · 2 years
“if only people could be more like flowers.” romeo fate to orpheus!
|| Fire Emblem starters ; accepting!
"Now, that sounds like something my father would say when waxing poetic about a past love of his." Caster smiled, plucking the strings of his lyre as he teased Saber. Not that he could fault the younger man. In a way it was good to know that hopeless romanticism had continued in the eras that followed Orpheus. Well, he could at least rest assured that the other man wouldn't go about turning people into flowers like Apollo did.
Or dolphins.
Or trees.
...Perhaps he needed to go squeeze a certain sheep until he squeaked again. Ah well. Shaking his head, the musician turned Servant tested a few strings before tightening them.
"I would say that people are often like flowers. There's a great many of them, all unique in their own ways and in the specifics of their care." There. Now his lyre sounded better. "And their lives are as frail and short as many beautiful blooms."
That was how he had won over the lord of the Underworld and his queen, was it not? Chuckling softly, Orpheus cast his eyes towards Romeo finally.
"People should also be treasured in the way that we treasure flowers, for theirs are brief and bright moments in the existences of Heroic Spirits such as we."
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ofglories · 13 days
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"I hate him forever but being one of Dionysus' favored mortals has it's perks. For example, I can fiddle with a Berserker's madness to make them even more deadly! Or as calm and gentle as a lamb!"
And then there's his natural gift to manipulate the emotions of deities on a whim with his music.
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ofglories · 2 months
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Opheus is back from an extended mission with the rest of the Argonauts! Which means he's got a totally not stolen frozen treat as a personal reward while flopping onto the nearest couch.
"You know, not having to listen to the constant bickering is a godssend."
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ofglories · 7 months
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"Hey, where's Paris? I haven't squeezed or thrown around my pocket-sized sheep form father in a while now and he's always around that kid."
Orpheus may be a Caster...but he was surprisingly athletic in life. And he's fueled by petty spite towards Apollo. Even if he was Apollo's favorite child.
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ofglories · 7 months
Hmm Orpheus type music.
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ofglories · 11 months
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"Oh, the tales I could tell you about the Argonauts. Those knights and paladins might be wild now, but we were the original group of dysfunctional idiots."
The biggest difference is Jason was just as involved in the shenanigans as Orpheus and the rest. And Orpheus will never let his former captain escape that fact.
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ofglories · 1 year
"They say that music is a language all of its own. Of course I'm not inclined to say anything to the contrary."
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Orpheus grined, continuing to play a light tune on his lyre. A tune intended to illicit feelings of both peace and nostalgia in whoever was listening. That it was one of his favorite songs he had composed was beside the point. Even if the memories of how it made the musician's divine father weep were more than a little amusing to think back to.
"What do you think?"
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ofglories · 1 year
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"People always want to reduce me to one trait. When will I be remembered as the greatest musician of all time again?"
Orpheus may be sulking a little after reading through a book mentioning him. Or sulking a lot.
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