weaimtomaim · 2 months
❗ name your friends outside the group. tell us one thing you like about each of them.
Force the truth out
Vortex: There's Blackguard (@heligooddeals). She's... good. And trustworthy. And says she cares and actually means it. Which was weird, but nice.
Onslaught: She has done a lot for us, and we're grateful for her past help.
Swindle: And Meredith (@athenafire) was one of the first humans we met. She's stuck with us for a long while. Dunno why, but it's appreciated.
Brawl: She's stubborn in a good way.
Blast Off: The Soothsayers (@divinethemeaning) aren't exactly friends, but they do insist that we're family of a sort. They possess a unique insight, and not just because they can predict the future. It can be refreshing to hear their take on certain matters.
Swindle: There've been others here and there. Pixie, Distort, Rumble, to name a few. Weirdly, we were friendly with an alternate of Jazz at one point. And some other humans, too. But we haven't heard from them all in quite a while now.
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divinethemeaning replied to your post “I know there’s such thing as an inactive black hole could it be one?”
Chariot: Where is this? How long has it been like that? Does it look like it's changing back to normal water at all?
Sides: “Uuuuuuuum.
“California? About eight hours? And noooooo?”
“Wanna come take a look at it? I’m open to ideas.”
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inq19625 · 5 years
[Location: Temple of the Primes, France]
[It’s midday when they arrive at the temple. The location had been easy enough to find; it was simply just handed to them. How very courteous.]
[The ship lands. Some mecha have come out of the nearby building, probably to greet them.]
“Get the containment cells ready.”
[A flurry of motion behind Inquisitor, but they don’t pay it mind. They look to the forms of their underlings still flanking them.]
“Move out.”
[A door opens. They step out of the ship.]
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dubious-signs · 5 years
It was hard to keep it together. Between the Soothsayers (people she considered family) getting taken, the strange illness that was mutating and tearing her apart, and having very few familiar faces around, it was a wonder Cass had lasted that long.
Sideswipe had called earlier to tell her stupid, funny stories to distract her from everything going on. She got a care package from Kay, and her parents and grandma had been allowed to visit. They had to stay outside the quarantine area, but it was something.
And then Dennis hit his breaking point. Once someone else passes that point, it’s all too easy to follow them over.
She doesn’t know where her other grandmas are, and the one she can see can’t be near. They can barely communicate with each other, often having to talk through one of Cass’ parents. And her parents... it hurts to see them hurt and worry. To know that they’ve gone through this before. Everyone else she knows can’t visit, she can’t cuddle with her cat, she can’t sleep in her own bed. Everything hurts. Even with pain meds, the hurt still comes through.
So she cries too.
The somehow her parents are there, and her grandma too, wearing suits that cover them up. But Cass still knows it’s them. They crowd around her bed and do their best to hug and hold each other. It doesn’t fix everything, but it helps.
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anotherhumanpet · 5 years
@divinethemeaning said: ¢ for a late night text [x]
[::Are you guys okay?] [::About the whole Unicron thing I mean]
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heligooddeals · 5 years
[Ping!] ::Hello Blackguard, it's Chariot. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time?::
«Chariot! Hello! Hi. How are you? I’m fine, by the way. Life has been hectic and crazy as usual, but I’m fine. What’s up?»
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smoking-gunformer · 5 years
send a symbol for a text!! 
ϟ for a drunk text
[text] Hey lieuutnt, bet I cn still ht tha bullseye drunk! Cme tell me if I ht it!
[text] gtta find a knife frst....
It may be a wrong number.
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warriorsgoddess · 5 years
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“Ssso. Friendly. Yes?” She wasn’t used to seeing neutrals. Mikaela often only saw Decepticons or Autobots. 
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venenataa-a-blog · 5 years
divinethemeaning replied to your post: give! cobra! mom friends!
(( how about grandma friends? ))
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princeofdarkmount · 5 years
divinethemeaning replied to your post: “| Arkaitimus lets out a heavy vent and flops onto his berth, spreading...”:
(( we believe in you Ark ))
wily-red-and-galeforce-gold replied to your post: “| Arkaitimus lets out a heavy vent and flops onto his berth, spreading...”:
((you've got this bud))
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The seed has been planted. Now we wait... and see if anything grows from it.
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weaimtomaim · 2 months
Bruticus is not sure what's happening. That's pretty par for the course when he's broken down into his components like this, though. He can still feel and be influenced by his brothers, but everything's... muffled. Even Onslaught, with whom he has the most direction connection with, feels more distant in this state.
But he's aware enough to be able to tell that something is wrong. Such strong emotions are coming off the others in waves. Negative emotions. Their parts of the gestalt bond are in turmoil, and are feeding into and off of each other. A perfect storm of fear and shame and guilt.
He can't get a clear idea of the source of these emotions. Are they being attacked? Have they been captured? But Onslaught isn't speaking directly to him or giving orders, so that can't be it. He doesn't know what to do in situations that can't be solved by fighting or violence.
It's something that their... "cousins" have insisted they work on. Or more specifically, that he works on. It's still odd to be personally addressed by others in such a way. Like he's his own being, and has thoughts and feelings and desires like anyone else. It used to be only his brothers that viewed him in such a way. Though it makes sense that this line of thinking came from another gestalt.
One thing they emphasized was practicing communicating through the bond even when he wasn't currently out or about to be. Bruticus didn't understand the point of it. What was there to talk about? Even now, he still doesn't know what to do or say. But maybe he could try.
"The first step of any journey is usually the hardest," Genesis had said once. Tch, stupid. ... Not wrong, but still stupid.
He's still unsure about what he's doing, but pushes through regardless. He reaches for his brothers through their bond and does his best to remind them that he's here. That they can lean on him if they wish to.
He hopes it helps.
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divinethemeaning replied to your post: “Huh.”
Chariot: I think you’re right. I wonder how long it will last?
Beats me! But I bet it’s fine.
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wardogxicarus · 5 years
Meme [x] | Emoji Questions | @divinethemeaning
💉 - Have Tattoos?
He has a large, singular, tattoo on his back between his shoulders. 
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
“Having idiots in power.”
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
“I yawn uncontrollably when bored.”
💃 - Can you dance?
“The closest I get to dancing is boxing.”
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dubious-signs · 5 years
Oh thank god they’re alright.
Cass breathes a sigh of relief at the sight of the Soothsayers going about their day, seemingly none the wiser to the chaos that had hit so many of the Cybertronians in the chat server. Maybe their being scarce in the chat had spared them being sent an EMP bomb. Others weren’t so lucky.
After checking in with them all, and filling them in on what happened (and to not open any packages they might receive out of the blue), Cass is off again. Skywarp requested her help with getting things back online in the ReVerse, and it’s the least she can do after he managed to get her here. 
But she’ll be back after that’s done. A weekend with the Soothsayers sounds nice after all this. 
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anotherhumanpet · 5 years
🍹 (with Cass 👀)
[ send me  🍹 for a short fanfic/headcanon of our muses ]
Nothing brings people together like bonding over Combiners! 
“Do you remember what it was like the first time you saw Defensor?”
A wide and eager grin spread across Dennis’ face, lighting up his features with unabashed joy as he enthusiastically answered, “It was freaking amazing! Like, it was kind of scary at first cause he was so huge. But then it was great after I got use to it. And he was great! He already knew who I was and was, like, the biggest bro I’ve ever had.”
Cass giggled, hiding her mouth behind a hand and smiled at Dennis once she stifled her laughter. “I felt like that when I met Genesis too. She’s more like a grandmother than an older sister to me though.”
“Well, yeah, but she and the others have been living here for how long?”
“A while.”
“Yeah, so. They’re old. Old as balls.”
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heligooddeals · 5 years
! (ditto for the grandmas lol)
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“I use to think I was ancient until I met you mecha. Now I realize I’m not quite as old as I thought I was. Still pretty old, but not as old.
“I kind of envy you mecha too because you’ve been on Earth for so long and have settled in so nicely with the local people. I wish I could do that too, but every time people see me they get scared and freak out. Maybe I’m in the wrong area? Or maybe it’s just how my universe is? Because Sideswipe’s universe-- the people there are just.. okay with Transformers. We can go to parks and be surrounded by people and nobody cares because he just exists there like it’s normal.
“Either way, I wish I could be more like you mecha. I know being out of the loop of everything is hard, but... You really didn’t miss anything worth knowing.”
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